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High-resolution ??13C stratigraphy through the early Aptian ``Livello Selli'' of the Alpine Tethys


Abstract and Figures

Very similar high-resolution delta13Ccarb and delta13Corg curves are reported for the early Aptian ``Livello Selli'' (LS, oceanic anoxic subevent 1a) at two pelagic successions of the Alpine Tethys: ``Roter Sattel'' (Swiss Préalpes), deposited along the northwest margin, and ``Cismon'' (southern Alps of northern Italy), deposited along the southeast margin. The delta13Ccarb and delta13Corg curves are both divided into eight segments, six of which occur within the early Aptian Globigerinelloides blowi foraminiferal zone, indicating significant subzonal resolution. Most of the LS coincides with a chemostratigraphically defined ``Selli event'': a period of constant isotopic values (mean values of delta13Ccarb and delta13Corg ~+2.60/00 and -250/00 respectively) lasting 500 kyr to 1 Myr, rather than of positive excursion as previously supposed. This uniformity may reflect an equilibrium between Corg burial and increased recycling rates of 12C and nutrient-rich intermediate water resulting from the intensification of oceanic thermohaline circulation.
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High-resolution 13C stratigraphy through the early Aptian
"Livello Selli" of the Alpine Tethys
Alessio P. Menegatti and Helmut Weissea
Department of Earth Sciences, EidgenOssische Technische Hochschule, Z0rich, Switzerland
Robert S. Brown, 1 Richard V. Tyson and Paul Farrimond
Newcastle Research Group, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Newcastle, England, United Kingdom
Andr6 Strasser and Michele Caron
Institut de G6ologie, Fribourg, Switzerland
Abstract. Very similar high-resolution fi13Ccarb and fi13Corg curves are reported for the early Aptian "Livello Selli" (LS,
oceanic anoxic subevent 1 a) at two pelagic successions of the Alpine Tethys: "Roter Sattel" (Swiss Pr6alpes), deposited
along the northwest margin, and "Cismon" (southern Alps of northern Italy), deposited along the southeast margin. The
fi13Ccarb and fi13Corg curves are both divided into eight segments, six of which occur within the early Aptian
Globigerinelloides blowi foraminiferal zone, indicating significant subzonal resolution. Most of the LS coincides with a
chemostratigraphically defined "Selli event": a period of constant isotopic values (mean values of fi13Ccarb and fi13Corg
=+2.6%o and -25%o respectively) lasting 500 kyr to 1 Myr, rather than of positive excursion as previously supposed. This
uniformity may reflect an equilibrium between Corg burial and increased recycling rates of 12C and nutrient-rich interme-
diate water resulting from the intensification of oceanic thermohaline circulation.
1. Introduction
During the last 20 years, carbon isotope geochemistry has
been applied as an increasingly valuable tool in the stratigraphy
of pelagic successions [e.g., Scholle and Arthur, 1980; Renard,
1986; Schtanger et at., 1987; Lini et at., 1992] as well as, more
recently, their shallow-water equivalents [e.g., denkyns, 1995;
Vahrenkamp, 1996; Ferreri et at., 1997]. The long-term varia-
tions in isotopic composition of carbonate and organic carbon
(1513Ccarb and/513Corg) revealed by these studies have been inter-
preted as evidence of perturbations of the global carbon cycle
[e.g., Arthur et at., 1985; Weisseft et at., 1985; Shackleton, 1987;
Schidtowski, 1987; Lini et at., 1992]. Long-term (>100 kyr) shifts
of the/513C signal with amplitudes >+1.5%o are believed to re-
flect global fluctuations in Ccarb and C org burial [e.g., Berger and
Vincent, 1986; Schidtowski, 1987; Weisseft, 1989; Kump, 1991;
Weisseft and Mohr, 1996; Weisseft et at., 1998]. Positive excur-
sions in the marine carbonate 1513C record tend to coincide with
widespread to quasi-global episodes of "black shale" deposition,
the resulting organic carbon burial accelerating the transfer of the
light 12C isotope from the oceans to the sedimentary carbon
reservoir [Weisseft et al., 1979; Schotle and Arthur, 1980;
Schidtowki, 1987; Schlanger et at., 1987; Arthur and Sageman,
1994; Bratower et at., 1994].
1Now at Robertson Research International, Tyn-y-coed Site, Llanrhos,
Llandudno, North Wales, United Kingdom.
Copyright 1998 by the American Geophysical Union.
Paper number 9SPA01793.
0883-8305/98/98PA-01793 $12.00
One of the best described global carbon isotope events occurs
in the lower Aptian (Lower Cretaceous, = 123 Ma). The associ-
ated episode of organic-rich sediment deposition corresponds to
part of the Barremian-Albian "oceanic anoxic event 1" (OAE 1)
of Schtanger and Jenkyns [1976] and Jenkyns [1980] and, more
specifically, to the "oceanic anoxic subevent la" (OAE la) of
Arthur et el. [1990]. Black shales of early Aptian age are
widespread in the marine shelf and continental margin succes-
sions of Europe [e.g., Tyson end Funnell, 1987]; the correspond-
ing horizon in the Umbro-Marchean Apennines of central Italy
has been named the "Livello Selli" (LS) [Wezel, 1985; Coccioni
et el., 1987, 1989]. The stratigraphic equivalent in other areas of
Italy has also been termed the "Livello Selli equivalente"
[Coccioni et el., 1987; Bersezio, 1994]. In the southern Alps of
northern Italy the LS is associated with a large positive shift in
the •13Ccarb curve of up to +39/oo [Weissert et al., 1985; Lini,
1994]. Similar positive carbon isotope excursions have also been
identified in other correlative Tethyan sections: the Vocontian
Trough [ Weissert end Brdhdret, 1991; R. Brown, unpublished
data, 1997], the Umbro-Marchean Basin [Hedji, 1991; Erbecher
et el., 1996], the Abruzzi-Campania Platform of southern Italy
[Ferreri et el., 1997], the Helvetic Alps [FOllmi et el., 1994;], the
Swiss and French Pr6alpes [Dupesquier et el., 1989; Heble,
1997], and the western Carpathians [Lintnerov3 et el., 1997].
Furthermore, an apparently synchronous carbon isotope event oc-
curs in the North Atlantic [Arthur et el., 1979; Ldtolle et el.,
1979; Cleuser et el., 1988], in the Mexican Sierra Madre
Oriental [Scholle end Arthur, 1980], the Crimean Basin [Fouke
end Schleger, 1996], northwest Greece [GrOtsch et el., 1996], the
Middle East [Vehrenkemp, 1996], and the Pacific Ocean
[Jenkyns, 1995].
Early Apttan Alpine Tethys
-•25 øN ½•: i::•i ...... --.œ" ..:/•' .---•...-,,?: '•Søuthern Alps
.:• PU L IA ":'•:':'•'•'•'•';•':•:•:•:•'•" '"':" ;• A
-•.•.•.Z..••.• • ...........
(• Cismon
.......... Helvetic• (• Roter Sattel
200 Km
Oceanic crust Continental crust
,,.5øE .,./Hypothetical submarine
fault scarps
17o E I 12OE• -
•6ON (•
Figure 1. Schematic paleoceanographic reconstruction of the early Apttan western Tethys and palcolocation of the Cismon and
Roter Sattel sections (modified after Weissert and Bernoulli [1985] and Stampfit, 1993; paleolatitude from Hauck [1997]). The
map coordinates of the Roter Sattel section are: 585'88-159'44/585'98-159'30 (topographic map of Switzerland 1:25'000, foil
1226: "Boltigen"). The location of the Cismon section is 17 km of the main road "Strada Statale 50 del Monte Grappa" in the
valley of the Cismon River (coordinates: 46ø03•N, 11 ø45'E, "Carta Geologica d' Italia" 1:100'000, foil "Feltre").
In this study we present high-resolution •513C curves through
the LS interval in two Tethyan sections: one located on the for-
mer eastern margin (Cismon section, southern Alps of northern
Italy) and the other on the former western margin of the Alpine
Tethys Ocean (Roter Sattel section, Pr6alpes M6dianes
Romandes of western Switzerland). Our data from these sections
show that positive shifts in the •13Ccarb and •513Corg records oc-
curred at the onset and at the end, but not during, most of the de-
position of the LS. Hence a revision of the hitherto proposed in-
terpretation of positive carbon isotope excursions [e.g., Scholle
and Arthur, 1980; Berger and Vincent, 1986] is required to ex-
plain these observations.
2. Geological Setting
The Roter Sattel section is located in the Swiss Pr6alpes
Medianes Romandes (Figure 1). It was deposited on the western
continental margin of the Tethys Ocean [Python-Dupasquier,
1990; Borel, 1995] in a marginal basin located on the
Brian9onnais Swell [Stampfii and Marthalet, 1990; Stampfii,
1993]. The section has been described in detail by Page [1969]
and Python-Dupasquier [ 1990] and dated by means of planktonic
foraminifera [Python-Dupasquier, 1990; M. Caron et al., unpub-
lished data, 1997]. The Cismon section is located in the Venetian
Alps (northern Italy), 15 km west of Feltre, in the Valley of the
Cismon River. It was deposited in part of the Belluno Basin,
which was situated on the eastern continental margin of the
Tethys Ocean (Figure 1) [ Charmell et al., 1979]. The section has
been described by Charmell et al. [1979], Weisseft et al. [1985],
and Erba [1994] and has been dated using planktonic
foraminifera [Erba, 1994], calcareous nannofossils [Bralower,
1987; Bralower et al., 1994; Erba, 1994, 1996], and magne-
tostratigraphy [ Channell et al., 1979]. Some carbon isotope data
have been published previously by Weissert et al. [1985],
Weissert [ 1989], and Weisseft and Lini [1991 ].
During most of the Early Cretaceous, white to grey pelagic
limestone (carbonate content up to 95 wt% and total organic car-
bon (TOC) content <_0.3 wt%) consisting mostly of calcareous
nannofossils was deposited in alternation with --1-2 cm thin
marly horizons in both study areas; this sequence is known
locally as the "Calcaires Plaquett6s" formation at Roter Sattel
[Python-Dupasquier, 1990] and the "Calcare di Soccher" or
"Maiolica" formation at Cismon [Channell et al., 1979]. These
limestones are overlain by an Aptian-Albian marly hemipelagic
facies referred to as the "Intyamon" Formation in the west
[Python-Dupasquier, 1990] and the "Scaglia Variegata" forma-
tion in the east [Erba, 1994]. This hemipelagic facies is com-
posed of alternating marlstone or marly limestone (carbonate
content 10-85 wt% and TOC content 0.2-1.0 wt%), consisting
mostly of planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils,
and marly or siliceous limestone of green-grey, light grey, red, or
black color, enriched in radiolarians. Analogous marlstones and
limestones have been described from the Apennines, where they
are known as Scisti a Fucoidi [e.g., Cresta et al., 1989]. The
green-grey hemipelagic facies shows strong bioturbation, identi-
fied in the "Scisti a Fucoidi" as Chondrites, Planolites, and
Zoophycos [Erba et al. , 1989].
The base of the hemipelagic facies is characterized by a 2-5 m
thick, darkly colored interval of relatively organic-rich sediments
referred to as the Livello Selli [Coccioni et al., 1987; Erba, 1988]
(Figures 4 and 5). The LS consists of a cyclic alternation of black
bioturbated marlstone or marly limestone (carbonate content of
10-40 wt% and a TOC content of 1-8 wt%) with black, laminated
siliceous and marly limestone or green-grey marly limestone
(carbonate content --60 wt% and a TOC content 0.2-1 wt%). The
noncarbonate mineralogy consists mainly of biogenic quartz
(from radiolarians). The mineralogy of the nonbiogenic fraction
consists of quartz, clay minerals (chlorite, illite, and il-
lite/smectite mixed layers), pyrite, a small amount of feldspars,
and, in the Roter Sattel section, --1% by volume phosphoritic
grains (Figures 4 and 5).
The LS occurs within the middle to upper part of the
Globigerinelloides blowi planktonic foraminifer zone [ Channell
et al. , 1979; Python-Dupasquier, 1990; Erba, 1994] of Deshayesi
ammonite zone age. Cyclostratigraphical studies in different sec-
tions of the southern Alps and Apennines allow the duration of
the LS at Cismon to be estimated as between 500 kyr and 1 Myr
[Herbert, 1992; Erba, 1996]; this is in reasonable agreement with
estimates of the duration of the equivalent OAE la strata in other
areas [e.g., Sliter, 1989; Brdhdret, 1994; Bralower et al., 1994].
The onset of the LS is estimated to occur =300 kyr after the end
of the reverse magnetostratigraphic Subchron M0 [Channell et
al., 1979; Erba, 1994, 1996].
In the Roter Sattel section the sediments indicate a higher
thermal overprint than at Cismon due to the more intense burial
diagenesis [Borel, 1995] and the buildup of the nappe pile during
the Alpine orogenesis [Starnpfii and Marthalet, 1990]. This is
indicated by (1) a stronger tectonically induced cleavage of the
marly facies, (2) the presence of numerous calcitic veins indicat-
ing dissolution and reprecipitation of CaCO3 [e.g., Matter et al.,
1975], (3) the higher thermal maturity of the organic matter sug-
gested by a mean Tmax of 440øC that is up to 17øC higher than at
Cismon despite a similar range in hydrogen index [Brown et al.,
1996; Brown et al., also manuscript in preparation, 1998], and (4)
the presence of highly ordered diagenetic illite-smectite mixed
layer minerals (IS-ISII) in contrast to randomly ordered illite-
smectite in the Cismon section [ Menegatti and Niiesch, 1997].
carbon and oxygen isotopes was performed on the bulk CaCO3
fraction. Carbonate powder was extracted with a dental drill in
order to avoid any contamination by diagenetic calcite veins. X
ray diffraction (XRD) was used to establish that dolomite was
not present. We did not ash the samples at 375øC in order to
remove organic matter (e.g., as used by denkyns and Clayton
[1986] and Lini et al. [ 1992]); however, a comparison between
ashed and nonashed samples with a TOC content <8 wt%
revealed no significant difference in the isotopic values, and a
comparison of the isotopic composition of dark burrow fills and
lighter colored matrices did not show any differences in •513Ccarb
(although the •i18Ocarb of the burrow fill material is --0.3%o more
negative). The powder samples were reacted with 100% H3PO 4
at 90øC [McCrea, 1950], and the carbon and oxygen isotope
composition of the liberated CO2 gas was measured with a
Fisons Isocarb device coupled with a prism dual inlet mass
spectrometer (EidgenOssische Technische Hochschule (ETH))
calibrated against the international standard National Bureau of
Standards (NBS) 19. The isotopic compositions of carbon and
oxygen are expressed in the standard d notation in per mill
relative to the Vienna Peedee belemnite (VPDB) international
isotope standard [Coplen, 1994], the working standard was MS-2
(Carrara Marble, •i 13Ccarb = +2.109/oo and 15180 = - 1.82%o). The
reproducibility of the apparatus was of _+0.05%o for carbon and
+0.10%o for oxygen isotope ratios. For organic carbon isotope
analysis, --5 g of powdered sample was treated with 1 M HC1
acid (heated to 70øC) for 24-36 hours to remove any carbonate
minerals. The samples were filtered through precombusted glass
fibre filters (Whatmann GF/C) and washed with three volumes of
Milli-Q TM deionized distilled water. The 1513Corg values were
obtained from CO2 on combustion [ Craig, 1953] within a Europa
Scientific automated nitrogen carbon mass spectrometer
(Newcastle; reproducibility: +0.36%o) and calibrated against an
internal laboratory standard (•513Corg = -25.34%o VPDB) or
within a Carlo Erba NCS2500 CE Instruments elemental
analyzer (ETH; reproducibility: +0.25%o; see Figures 2 to 5)
calibrating against the laboratory standard Atropina (•513Corg =
-28.74%o VPDB). Repeated measurements of the same sample
with the two different organic carbon isotope analyzers gave
identical results.
3. Sampling and Methods
The two sections were sampled for isotope investigations at a
high resolution. Within the LS, samples were taken at intervals
equivalent to = 15-20 kyr, according to the time scale established
by Herbert [ 1992].
For the determination of the amount of carbonate (wt%), total
organic carbon (wt%), and •513Corg the procedure was as follows:
(1) the rock samples were cleaned of any surface contamination
and then broken into fragments of--5-10 mm. (2) The fragments
were rinsed in methanol, dried, and then crushed to a fine
powder with a Tema rotary disc mill. (3) For total carbon
analysis, --50-80 mg of powder were analyzed using a Leco CS-
244 carbon-sulfur analyzer (precision: _+0.03 C%). (4) The TOC
values were obtained using --100 mg of powder after dissolution
of carbonate minerals with 2 M HC1. (5) The difference between
total carbon and organic carbon values was used to calculate the
carbonate content of the samples.
Because it was not possible to separate single macro, micro-
fossils, or nannofossils from the carbonate matrix, the analysis of
4. Results
The carbonate carbon isotope curves can be split into eight
segments (C1-C8; Figures 2 and 3). In both sections the mean
•513Ccarb values in the upper Barremian limestones (+2.0-2.89/oo,
C1) progressively fall to +1.6-2.0%o in the more marly lower
Aptian hemipelagic facies (C2), reaching a minimum (the lowest
values measured in this study) of +1.2-1.4%o in a thin (<2 m)
relatively organic-rich interval immediately underlying the LS
(C3). The •513Ccarb values then show an abrupt step-like positive
shift (C4) at the lower boundary of the LS. Subsequently, the
•513Ccarb values remain unvaried within the range +2.6-+2.89/oo
for much of the rest of the LS (C5); however, toward the top of
the LS interval, there is another abrupt step-like increase to
+3.6%o (C6). This event precedes the maximum of the early
Aptian positive 1513Ccarb excursion (the "Cismon Event" in the
sense of Weisseft and Lini, [1991] and Weisseft et al., [1998]),
during which •513Ccarb values of +4.59/oo characterize the entire
Leupoldina cabri zone (C7). The subsequent drop in 1513Ccarb
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values (C8) differs between the two sections: in the Roter Sattel
section the values fall progressively to --+2.6%o in the upper
Aptian Globigerinelloides algerianus zone, whereas at Cismon
they abruptly fall to +2.3%o by the base of the Globigerinelloides
J•rreolensis zone (but note this is based on only one sample). The
presence of a late Aptjan-early Albian disconformity in both
sections [Weisseft et al., 1985; Python-Dupasquier, 1990; Hable,
1997] eliminates the record of a second major latest AptJan posi-
tive isotope excursion documented in some Tethyan sections of
the southern Alps [Lini, 1994], the Apennines [Erbacher, 1994],
the Vocontian Trough [Weisseft and Brdhdret, 1991], the
Helvetic Realm [FOllmi et al., 1994], and the Pacific Ocean
[denkyns, 1995] in Greece [ GrOtsch et al., 1996] and the Middle
East [ Vahrenkarnp, 1996].
The structure of the •513Ccarb and •513Corg curves (Figures 4
and 5) is generally very similar, but there are some differences.
In the upper part of segment C3 the •13Ccarb values exhibit a
minor 0.2-0.4%o increase, whereas the •513Corg values are still
generally falling; this divergence is expressed as a peak in the
A•S13C value (Figures 4 and 5), which is the relative isotopic
difference between carbonate and organic matter [e.g., Hayes et
al., 1989]. A similar "lag" in the •13Corg has been previously
observed in the Valanginian [Cotilion and Rio, 1984; Lini et al.,
1992]. However, the •513Corg signal in segment C2 is rather noisy
at Cismon, and the progressive increase in A•513C seen over the
same interval (C2-C3) at Roter Sattel is mainly due to the steeper
gradient of change in •13Corg compared to •13Ccarb Indeed,
because •513Ccarb is SO uniform through segments C3, C5, and
C7, the A•S13C curve generally mirrors that for •513Corg
Although the isotopic values are rather uniform through most of
the LS (C5), in the thicker section at Cismon it is clear that the
•5•3Corg values do not stabilize as quickly as those for •13Ccarb,
showing a progressive enrichment rather than a discrete step
(Figure 5). Also, at Cismon the A•5•3C curve shows a clear (1%o)
change in the upper (more frequently organic-rich) third of
segment C5 due to a slight increase in •513Ccarb and a slight
decrease in •13Corg which precedes the larger change in segment
C6; this feature also appears to be present in the upper half of C5
at Roter Sattel. It is evident that C6 is much more strongly
expressed in the •513Corg curve, especially at Cismon, and the
•13Ccarb curve is almost a straight line from the upper part of C5
through to lower half of C7; furthermore, at Roter Sattel the C6
change in •13Corg seems to clearly precede that in •13Ccarb
(Figure 4).
The results of bulk and biomarker organic geochemistry and
kerogen microscopy studies of these and other Tethyan LS
sections (R. Brown et al., manuscript in preparation, 1998) will
be presented elsewhere and are only briefly summarized below.
These studies were undertaken to evaluate the extent to which the
•13Corg curves may be influenced by changing marine/terrestrial
ratios. This is made difficult by the very low TOC values outside
the LS (means of 0.4 wt% or less) which make most methods of
organic matter analysis impracticable or unreliable. However, it
is possible to evaluate the influence of organic matter type within
the LS, especially its most organic matter-rich upper part (the
"black member") which shows the largest •13Corg range
(<4.5%o). For the hydrogen index (HI) range 0-300 (over 90% of
the data), there is a positive correlation with TOC (r 2 = 0.8) and a
negative correlation with •13Corg values (r 2 = 0.4-0.6), but none
of these parameters shows a significant correlation with the ma-
rine amorphous organic matter (AOM) to the terrestrial phyto-
clast ratio determined from transmitted light microscopy or with
biomarker data (R. Brown et al., manuscript in preparation,
1998). It is also noteworthy that the individual samples with peak
TOC values within segment C5 do not exhibit different •5•3Corg
values such as might be expected if these contained significantly
different terrestrial/marine ratios [Dean et al., 1986; Tyson,
We believe the above trends indicate that much of the varia-
tion in HI is dependent on the preservation of marine AOM
[Tyson, 1995], which dominates the LS palynofacies
assemblages (>75%), and that any variation in the
marine/terrestrial ratio is not a significant control on this part of
the •13Corg curve. The strong correlation with the • 13Ccarb curve
(r 2 = 0.9) and its uniformity in all the studied Tethyan LS
sections also suggest that the •13Corg curve is not controlled by
marine/terrestrial mixing in this interval. Because of the distal
hemipelagic nature of the sections, terrestrial inputs are likely to
be at low and relatively constant background levels and strongly
diluted wherever dysoxic-anoxic conditions permit preservation
of marine AOM; however, one would expect the more refractory
terrestrial material to become selectively concentrated under the
oxic conditions within the white pelagic limestones below and
above the LS. An overall difference between the dysoxic-anoxic
LS and the adjacent oxic beds might therefore reflect partly
marine/terrestrial ratios (the stratigraphic interval that
incorporates TOC values > 1 wt% has •513Corg values all <-24%o),
but it is very unlikely that they can explain the fine structure of
the •13Corg curve. It should also be noted that other studies have
shown that OAE or similar isotopic signals can be preserved
even within more oxic organic-poor intervals dominated by
terrestrial organic matter [e.g., Holser et al., 1986; Magaritz et
al., 1992; Hasegawa, 1997].
A comparison between the •13Ccarb and •5 •80 curves (Figures
2, 3, and 6) indicates no significant covariance between these pa-
rameters. In contrast to the •513C values, the oxygen isotope val-
ues show a more scattered evolution through both sections.
Nevertheless, the •5180 values reveal similar relative trends in the
G. blowi and lower L. cabri zones of both sections (below and
above the LS), although at Roter Sattel the absolute values are
generally 2-3%o more negative (Figure 6). The •5180 values mea-
sured below the LS vary between -4.4%o and -2.6%o at Roter
Sattel and -2.6%o and -0.7%o at Cismon, becoming increasingly
negative up-section (trend O 1 on Figures 2 and 3), which may re-
flect a warming trend. The LS is characterized by a lower ampli-
tude of variation and divergent trends: at Roter Sattel the •5180
values continue to fall, whereas at Cismon they show a gradual
shift toward positive values. The end of the LS coincides with a
short-term drop to more negative values in both sections
followed by a general long-term trend to more positive •5180
values (trend 02 on Figures 2 and 3) through the positive •5•3C
excursion (C4-C7). The O1 and 02 trends are also apparent in
the pre- and post-Livello Selli strata in the Umbro-Marchean data
of Marconi et al. [ 1994].
5. Discussion
$.1. Isotopic Signatures and Diagenesis
Numerous authors have demonstrated that •513C variations,
such as those described here, do not represent diagenetic artefacts
but preserve original oceanographic and environmental signals
o Ci•mon .....
0 - ß Roter Sattel ¸ ¸ ¸
,• ¸¸
ø o oo,o %
0 0 ¸ 0o • 0
o 8 o oo
o .o• o
i i i i i i
1 1 5 2 25 3 35 4 4,5
Ccaco (
[i•re 6. The 8•Cc•SO plot of the b•lk c•bo•te m•ix. Note
ß e 8•Cc•-si•l,
[e.g., Scholle and Arthur, 1980; Weisseft and Lini, 1991; Lini et
al., 1992; Cotfield et al., 1991; denkyns et al., 1994; denkyns,
1995, 1996; Ferreri et al., 1997]. Several observations support
the hypothesis that the 1513C "plateau" (C5) in the LS is not a dia-
genetic artefact: (1) there is no covariance between 1513Ccarb and
1518Ocarb (Figures 2, 3, and 6), as has been attributed to overprint-
ing during early [e.g., denkyns, 1974] or burial diagenesis [e.g.,
denkyns and Clayton, 1986; denkyns, 1996]; (2) the uniform •13C
values in segment (25 occur in both the carbonate and organic
matter records (Figures 3 and 4); (3) the relatively high carbon-
ate/TOC ratio (>7:1) in the LS [Scholle and Arthur, 1980] and
the lack of an inverse relationship between TOC and •13Ccarb
[denkyns and Clayton, 1986] argue against a diagenetic effect
[Irwin et al., 1977; Raiswell and Berner, 1987]; (4) The LS is too
thick for postdepositional homogenization by bioturbation, and
levels of mixing are likely to have been minimal in the black
shale facies; (5) local early or burial diagenetic influences can be
excluded because the structure of the •5 •3C curves is the same in
both sections despite different depositional environments
[Python-Dupasquier, 1990; Weissert and Lini, 1991 ], different
burial histories [Bosellini, 1973; Borel, 1995], and different sedi-
mentation rates.
While diagenesis did not apparently influence the structure of
the •513C curve, contrasting burial diagenetic conditions did result
in different •5180 values because in the water-calcite system the
fractionation of oxygen [Bottinga, 1968; Erarich et al., 1970] is
more temperature sensitive than the fractionation of carbon
[Erarich et al., 1970; Hudson, 1977]. The sediments at Roter
Sattel show •5 •80 values that are clearly more negative than at
Cismon (Figures 2, 3, and 6), suggesting a greater overprinting
by burial diagenesis [e.g., McKenzie et al., 1978; Marshall, 1981;
Weissert, 1989], as indicated by further mineralogical and geo-
chemical evidence. This may also have caused the overall 0.5%o-
1.0%o difference in •513C values between the two sections.
5.2. Palaeoceanography of the Live!!o Se!!i
While some authors have attributed the origin of deep water
Aptian-Albian black shales to a combination of low productivity
and enhanced preservation under stagnant dysoxic-anoxic condi-
tions [e.g., Bralower and Thierstein, 1987; Pratt and King, 1986;
Premoli Silva et al., 1989], others have proposed that OAE 1
primarily reflects an episode of increased primary productivity
and increased upwelling rates [e.g., Weissert et al., 1985; Leckie,
1989; Weissert, 1989; Erbacher et al., 1996]. The best (but still
inferential) evidence for enhanced productivity during OAE l a
comes from the marked changes in oceanic nannofloral assem-
blages [ Coccioni et al., 1992; Bralower et al., 1993, 1994; Erba,
1994], which begin before the black shales, and also radiolarian
assemblages [Erbacher, 1994; Lambert and De Wever, 1996;
Erbacher et al., 1996; Erbacher and Thurow, 1997].
There are a number of possible factors that could contribute to
enhanced nutrient supply and increased palaeoproductivity. It is
widely accepted that the volcanically and tectonically induced
increase in atmospheric CO2 levels [e.g., Larson, 1991a, b;
Tarduno et al., 1991] resulted in global warming during early
Aptian time [e.g., Barron and Washington, 1985; Barron and
Peterson, 1990; Caldeira and Rampino, 1991; Herman and
Spicer, 1996]. Computer models suggest that this would have
favored an intensification of the oceanic thermohaline circulation
mainly due to increased salinity contrasts in the Early Cretaceous
ocean [Hay, 1995; Hay and Wold, 1997; see also Manabe and
Bryan, 1985; Sarmiento et al., 1988; Gdrard and Dols, 1990;
Herbert and Sarmiento , 1991; Rind and Chandler, 1991; Huber
et al., 1995; Schmidt and Mysak, 1996]. Such a change would, in
turn, have promoted intensified nutrient recycling from the deep
and intermediate water column and thus enhanced productivity
[e.g., Parrish and Curtis, 1982]. In addition, the intensified
"greenhouse" conditions may have accelerated the hydrological
cycle [e.g., Schmidt and Mysak, 1996] resulting in increased rain-
fall and continental weathering and hence in altered nutrient and
sediment fluxes from the continents to oceans [e.g., Berner et al.,
1983; Manabe and Bryan, 1985; Weissert, 1990; Fdillmi et al.,
1994; FOllmi, 1995]. In the studied sections, enhanced (CO2)atm
levels may be reflected in the low values of 1513Ccarb and •13Corg
(C1-C3, Figures 2-5) and in the corresp.onding increase of A•513C
preceding the onset of the LS (D 1, Figures 4 and 5) [e.g., popp et
al., 1989; Rau et al., 1989]. Furthermore, an indication of warm-
ing of the surface ocean in the late Barremian to early Aptian is
given by the general trend of •5180 toward more negative values
(O1, Figures 2 and 3) [e.g., Savin, 1977]. Any increase in pro-
ductivity will have favored radiolarians and organic-walled phy-
toplankton taxa [e.g., Leckie, 1989; Bralower et al., 1994; Erba,
1994; Erbacher et al., 1996]; coupled with the high (CO2)a q lev-
els and the periodic shallowing of the calcite compensation depth
[Thierstein, 1979]; this shift resulted in lower sediment carbonate
contents and thus decreased burial of Ccarb. The higher TOC
contents of oceanic OAE l a sediments thus probably reflect a
combination of higher organic matter fluxes, lower carbonate
autodilution, low siliciclastic sediment dilution, and enhanced
preservation under dysoxic-anoxic conditions [cf. Tyson, 1995,
see also Arthur et al., 1984, 1990; Sarmiento et al., 1988;
Pedersen and Calvert, 1990].
The high-productivity model contrasts with model calculations
showing that at the low-sedimentation (dilution) rates observed
and with the carbon preservation factors apparently associated
with laminated sediments [Bralower and Thierstein, 1987],
primary productivity would not need to be particularly high in
order to explain the observed range of TOC values observed in
the black shales [Tyson, 1995]. The productivity may have been
higher but not high.
5.3. Livello Se!li in the Context of the •13C Excursion
In previous studies the coincidence of the Livello Selli and its
equivalents with the onset of the positive Aptian 1513C excursion
was taken as evidence of a direct link with episodes of increased
organic carbon burial and black shale formation [e.g., Berger and
Vincent, 1986; Weisseft, 1989; Weisseft and Lini, 1991]. Our
new high-resolution carbon isotope records through the LS indi-
cate that positive shifts in the carbon isotope curve occur at the
onset of (C4), near the end of (C6), and after the end of (C7),
rather than during, deposition of most of the LS. Bralower et al.
[1994, p. 357] previously realized that the fact that the main
Aptian positive isotopic shift (C7) occurs after the LS poses a
challenge to the earlier interpretations; our observation of the
uniformity of the 1513Ccarb signal at values of--2.6%o (for several
100 kyr) emphasizes further the incompatibility with any
mechanism that assumes 15 •3C is driven simply by increased
carbon burial during widespread anoxia and black shale deposi-
tion. Indeed, from the carbon isotope data it appears that the LS
may reflect a peculiar paleoceanographic mode marked by a
stable marine carbon isotope budget. We believe there are several
possible scenarios which may explain the isotopic uniformity
seen during segment C5 of our curves.
5.3.1. Scenario 1. Assuming enhanced primary productivity
during deposition of the LS, the extraction of •2C into the sedi-
mentary carbon sink would have to have been balanced by an
accelerated flux of isotopically light carbon into the surface
water reservoir [Bralower et al., 1994]. The duration of the LS
interval implies that mass and isotopic steady state conditions
were established during the LS episode [Kurnp, 1991 ]. Several
different sources of •2C probably coexisted:
1. The first source is intensified recycling and upwelling of
intermediate water enriched in •2C-rich carbon. This hypothesis
would be in agreement with the circulation models cited previ-
ously. The constant •513C values due to enhanced recycling rates
of intermediate deep water would result in the reduction of the
bathymetric 15•3C gradient, but isotopic data from deep dwelling
organisms from lower Aptian sections are not available to test
this implication. However, late Paleocene [Corfield, 1994] and
Miocene carbon isotope records [Jacobs et al., 1996] show a--1
Myr period of convergence in the 15•3C of planktonic and benthic
foraminifera during the interval of constant 1513C values preced-
ing positive excursions. In the Miocene example the stabilization
and homogenization of the isotopic gradient coincides with the
deposition of phosphoritic sediments, suggesting increased up-
welling rates. According to Kump [1991], a decrease in the
bathymetric •513C gradient can be related to either a decreased
flux of organic matter which is oxidized in the water column
and/or an increased flux of carbonate to the deep ocean or by
changing the proportion between downward and upward flux of
13C depleted carbon. The high organic carbon and low carbonate
contents in the LS suggest the latter scenario as the most likely.
The described scenario may have acted over a longer time span
of 500 kyr to 1 Myr assuming a constant elevated input of nutri-
ents from the continent and may be coupled with the enhanced
river ine flux of isotopically light carbon.
2. The second source is the enhanced riverine flux of isotopi-
cally light carbon from continents to oceans at times of intensi-
fied "reenhouse weathering of carbonate rocks and organic
matter [e.g., Berner et al., 1983; Weisseft, 1990, FOllmi et al.,
1994; Hay, 1995]. According to Kurnp [1991], changes of
riverine flux affect the carbon isotope signal for periods longer
than the residence time of carbon in the oceans.
3. The third source is the build-up of isotopically light dis-
solved carbonate [e.g., Mackenzie, 1975] due to the decreased
fixation of carbon in C carb during the LS [e.g., Opdyke, 1997]
caused by unfavorable ecological conditions affecting calcareous
organisms in pelagic, shelf, and platform environments [Erba,
1994; Bralower et al., 1994; Fdillmi et al., 1994; Weisseft et al.,
1998] or a combination of increased (CO2)atm levels and trans-
gression leading to the periodic shallowing of the carbonate com-
pensation depth (CCD). It is likely that perturbed partitioning
between organic and carbonate carbon burial has acted over
several 100 kyr [ Weisseft et al., 1998].
4. The fourth source is an increased flux of isotopically light
CO 2 into the marine carbon reservoir at times of persistently high
volcanic and tectonic activity [e.g., Barron and Washington,
1985; Barron and Peterson, 1990]. However, although the rapid
changes of the carbon isotope pattern could be attributed to en-
hanced volcanic activity, higher atmospheric CO2 concentrations
should lead to more negative •13Corg values [e.g., Mizutani and
Wada, 1982; Dean et al., 1986; Rau et al., 1989; Bralower et al.,
5. The fifth source is the upwelling of •2C-rich HCO 3- derived
from bacterial sulfate reduction [Kernpe and Kazrnierczak, 1994]
would act during the deposition of the LS under anoxic condi-
tions, but its quantification is difficult unless accurate sediment
accumulation rates can be estimated.
5.3.2. Scenario 2. Assuming enhanced primary productivity,
isotopic balancing of enhanced •2C extraction from surface water
by temporarily increased oxidation of older terrestrial organic
matter buried on land cannot be excluded. This reaction, favored
by increased weathering and precipitation rates [e.g., Berner et
al., 1983] and increasing 02 levels in the atmosphere [e.g.,
Karhu and Holland, 1996], would result in higher levels of 12C
in the atmosphere and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) of ocean
and river water [e.g., Arthur, 1982; Kurnp, 1991]. Beveridge and
Shackleton [ 1994] demonstrated that the anthropogenic oxidation
of fossil fuels and the consequent increase of •2C in atmospheric
CO2 have resulted in a measurable decrease of 15•3C in plank-
tonic foraminifera. However, this has occurred at a very much
faster rate than that which would be associated with natural
weathering processes.
5.3.3. Scenario 3. A decrease of primary production and a
decelerated "biological carbon pump" resulted in the deposition
of the LS. It is likely, on the basis of the variations in TOC
(Figures 4-5), that changes in the flux of organic carbon and in
the efficiency of the biological carbon pump [Berger and
Vincent, 1986] occurred during deposition of the LS. The corre-
lation between the darker more laminated horizons and high
TOC contents with better preserved marine organic matter are
perhaps suggestive that oxygen levels and preservation were a
more important control on carbon burial than was productivity;
however, productivity (carbon flux) determines the oxygen
demand and is thus a major control on dissolved oxygen levels.
Summarizing, the carbon isotope data throughout the LS do
not provide conclusive evidence of either higher or lower
primary production modes but show that whatever
paleoceanographic mode was dominant, it had no impact on the
marine carbon isotope budget. The scenarios describing
enhanced recycling of 12C due to the intensification of the
thermohaline circulation in intermediate watermasses (scenario
la), coupled with changed riverine flux (scenario ld), appear as
the most likely. They are in best agreement with the
paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic patterns described for the
LS and for the Early Cretaceous. The constant 1513C values
through the LS appear to document a stable high-temperature
oceanic circulation mode which would have been characteristic
for Early Cretaceous greenhouse episodes, resulting in the
equilibrium between the export of 12C-rich carbon from the
oceanic photic zone into the sedimentary reservoir and the import
of •2C-rich carbon into the surface ocean by intensified recycling
of intermediate water. In this context the black shales of the
Livello Selli would represent the sedimentary expression of en-
hanced nutrient recycling and episodically enhanced TOC preser-
vation factors caused by a peculiar Livello Selli circulation
5.4. Comparisons With Mesozoic/ and Tertiary •13C
Our study has documented two additional characteristic fea-
tures of the early Aptian 1513C curve: (1) the trend to more nega-
tive 1513C values prior to the positive excursion at the onset of the
LS (C3) and (2) the step-like character of the 1513C curve result-
ing from the stabilization of the values during the Selli event
(C5). Our survey of the literature confirms that negative trends
prior to positive excursions are rather common (Table l a). In
Cretaceous and Cenozoic sediments the systematic record of the
trend to more negative values preceding positive carbon isotope
excursions may confirm the hypothesis of intensified volcanic
activity and enhanced CO 2 emissions as the principal trigger of
global perturbations of the carbon cycle [e.g., Arthur, 1982; Lini,
1994]. Finally, temporary stabilizations or significant kinks in the
1513C gradient during other major positive excursions also appear
to be common (Table 1 b), regardless of whether or not they are
associated with black shale episodes.
5.5. Stratigraphic Significance
The LS is a lithostratigraphic unit recognized on the basis of
lithological criteria, primarily the lower carbonate content and
the darker, more radiolarian- and organic-rich character of the
sediments [ Coccioni et al., 1987]. However, our data show that it
is now possible to make a more objective definition of a Selli
event based upon the stable carbon isotope curves. As the i513C
signal is not primarily driven by local oceanography, a
chemostratigraphically defined Selli event should be a more
definitive tool for high-resolution correlations than lithology-
based units whose expression is known to vary geographically
depending upon palaeobathymetry and the extent of redeposition,
etc. [Coccioni et al., 1987, 1989; Bersezio, 1994]. We therefore
propose that a Selli event be chemostratigraphically defined as
the interval including the first and second major positive 1513C
shifts (segments C4 and C6) and a main central segment (C5)
corresponding to the period of temporary uniformity of 1513C
(•13Ccarb +2.6-2.8%o) that precedes the maximum early Aptian
positive excursion (the Cismon event, segment C7). Such a
definition makes the Selli event almost synonymous with the LS
at Cismon, but it corresponds to only half of the LS at Roter
Sattel. No organic carbon-rich beds (> 1% TOC) occur above the
top of this Selli event, but a few organic-rich beds, and the
carbonate minimum (<40 wt%), occur below it (within segments
C2 and C3). However, there are no suitably distinct isotopic
features which can be used to define the event in such a way that
these beds are included. If it is assumed that these isotopically
defined boundaries are time parallel, then the sedimentation rate
of this Selli event (C5) was =2.7 times faster at Cismon than at
Roter Sattel (about 4 m versus 1.5 m), perhaps partly explaining
their different organic contents.
As the stratigraphic gradients in 15•3C are determined against
sediment thickness rather than time, intervals of apparent uni-
formity potentially reflect periods of more rapid sedimentation
rates; however, we view this as unlikely because of the similarity
of the •13C curves from other regions. Similar 1513C curves are
seen in the bulk carbonate [Erbacher et al., 1996; also Marconi
et al., 1994] and organic matter [Erbacher, 1994] data from the
Mame a Fucoidi of the Umbro-Marchean region, as well as in the
carbonates of the Abruzzo-Campania Platform where black
shales are not developed [Ferreri et al., 1997]. Furthermore,
similar curves are also observed in the North Atlantic [Arthur et
al., 1979] and in shallow water sequences from northwest
Greece, the Arabian Shelf [Vahrenkamp, 1996], and the Pacific
guyot [ Jenkyns, 1995].
6. Summary and Conclusions
The structure of the high-resolution •13Ccarb and •13Corg
curves through the early Aptian Livello Selli (LS; equivalent to
OAE la) is essentially identical at two different sections (Roter
Sattel and Cismon) from the western and eastern margins of the
Alpine Tethys. This rules out diagenetic artifacts or local facies
The •13Ccarb and 1513Corg curves can both be divided into
eight segments at each locality; six of these segments are from
the lower Aptian G. blowi zone, indicating significant subzonal
resolution (>15-20 kyr). Some of these segments can be identi-
fied in previously published early Aptian 15 •3C records from
other areas.
The •13Ccarb and 1513Corg curves can be used to define a
chemostratigraphic Selli event as the stable interval (segment C5)
that occurs between the first and second abrupt step-like positive
shifts that precede the main early Aptian positive excursion
(Cismon event). Thus defined this interval includes the main part
of the lithostratigraphically defined LS at the study localities.
The cyclic organic-rich and organic-poor sediments of the LS
were thus largely deposited during a period (500 kyr to 1 Myr) of
unchanging carbon-isotope values, rather than during an interval
of positive excursion (as was previously inferred from earlier
low-resolution studies).
The isotopic uniformity during this chemostratigraphically
defined Selli event probably reflects an equilibrium between Corg
burial, increased recycling rates of 12C-rich intermediate water,
and intensified flux of isotopically light weathering-derived
riverinc DIC. The equilibrium represents the consequence of an
extreme but stable mode of intensified deep and intermediate
water circulation of early Aptian low to intermediate latitude
oceans. The new mode of circulation was triggered by global
warming at the time of elevated atmospheric CO 2 levels, which
favored warm temperatures and extreme salinity contrasts in the
Aptian ocean at a time of accelerated hydrological cycling. The
low •5180 values measured in the LS could confirm warmer
ocean temperatures. The black shale circulation mode expressed
in the Livello Selli did not contribute to major changes in the
marine carbon isotope budget. The steep positive shift observed
in the •513C curve above the LS indicates a major destabilization
of carbon partitioning in the Aptian ocean not linked with the
deposition of the LS.
We have identified that initial negative •5 13C shifts and
periods of stabilization during the greatest •5•3C gradient are a
common feature of Mesozoic and Cenozoic positive •513C
excursions regardless of whether or not they are associated with
black shale deposition. This observation suggests the hypothesis
of a peculiar response of the oceanic circulation mode to a
volcanically induced perturbation of climate and provides further
constraints in modeling the origin of •5 •3C variations.
Acknowledgments. We thank Stefano Bernasconi and Uli Wortmann
(ETH-Ztlrich) for stimulating discussion, as well as Hilary Paul (Stable
Isotope Laboratory, ETH-Ztlrich)and Clive Heatherington (Biomedical unil•
University of Newcastle) for technical support on carbonate carbon isotope
and organic carbon isotope analyses, respectively. Constructive reviews by
M. Arthur, T. Herbert and M. Leckie helped to improve the manuscript.
Financial support from ETH-Grant No. 0-20-863-94 (A.M.) is gratefully
acknowledged. R.S.B., P.F. and R.V.T. thank the State of Guernsey for a
studentship (for R.S.B.).
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... However, modern high-resolution geochemical studies concentrated mainly on European outcrop sections. In the Tethyan area, many authors have focused their work on the Early Aptian event OAE1a (Arthur & Schlanger, 1979;Föllmi, 2012;Heldt et al., 2008;Li et al., 2008;Menegatti et al., 1998 ...
... The δ 13 C curve of the Jebel Ammar section shows excursions that are closely correlated with those described elsewhere (Menegatti et al., 1998;Moullade et al., 1998). Three isotopic excursions are clearly expressed (one negative anomaly and two are positive), correlated with the isotopic events observed at La Bédoule (SE France) (Moullade et al., 1998). ...
... On the other hand, the high-resolution interpretation of the δ 13 C curve reveals six intervals (Fig. 4). resist dysoxia Magniez-Jannin, 1998;Menegatti et al., 1998). Comparing the characteristics of anoxic event OAE1a in Tunisia with the data reported at the Tethys scale shows the appearance of L. cabri within the level «Livello Selli» (Bralower et al., 1994;Coccioni et al., 2007;Rückheim & Mutterlose, 2002). ...
Book Subtitle Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG-3) Editors Federico Lucci, Domenico M. Doronzo, Jasper Knight, Anna Travé, Stefan Grab, Amjad Kallel, Sandeep Panda, Helder I. Chaminé, Jesús Rodrigo-Comino, Sami Khomsi, Santanu Banerjee, Broder Merkel, Haroun Chenchouni
We present a high-resolution record of carbonate depositional facies, biostratigraphy, stable-isotope and elemental geochemistry of the Kharaib and Shu'aiba formations exposed in Ras Al Khaimah, northern UAE. This is the first comprehensive study of these deposits in the northeastern Arabian Peninsula, which have previously been studied extensively in Abu Dhabi, Oman, NE Saudi Arabia, and southwestern Iran, and represents the most detailed biostratigraphic and chemostratigraphic record currently available from a continuous outcrop section of the Arabian Plate. The BarremianeAptian boundary was approximated based on orbitolinid biostratigraphy, while a subdivision of the Barremain was not possible. There is no biostratigraphic evidence that the Shu'aiba Formation in the section studied ranges into the upper Aptian. Previously well-established depositional sequences of the Barremianelower Aptian of the Arabian Plate are discussed in the context of carbonate textures, siliciclastic influx, and biotic assemblages. There is a general trend of decreasing siliciclastic components during the Barremian and earliest Aptian, and peaks in siliciclastic influx indicate episodes of maximum accommodation. Palaeogeographic implications of our data for the distribution of intrashelf basins and their connection to Neotethys are discussed. The negative carbon-isotope excursion that globally marks the onset of OAE1a is not evident in our dataset, while the positive excursion at the end of OAE1a is present in the late early Aptian. A comparison of carbon-isotope records across the early Aptian of the Arabian Plate highlights issues of correlations that are predominantly based on chemostratography in diagenetically altered platform carbonates.
Mudstone properties vary widely, but systematically, both vertically and laterally at millimeter-to-kilometer scales. This variability can be detected by applying a range of physical, petrophysical, chemical, and paleontological methods to characterize the rocks at different scales and interpreting the resulting data using the sequence-stratigraphic approach. This chapter concentrates on introducing the tools and techniques that provide data about texture, bedding, composition, and grain origin, which enable the characterization of mudstone strata at millimeter-to-kilometer scales. Specifically, it addresses the application of such tools and techniques to decipher depositional conditions and construct sequence-stratigraphic frameworks. This chapter provides key references for the tools and techniques commonly used to generate the texture, bedding, composition, and grain-origin data for further consideration. It then outlines our approach toward making detailed and systematic observations of the key attributes of mudstones in outcrops, cores, and thin sections. It concludes with an overview of the key sequence-stratigraphic concepts that we find useful for studying mudstones and a summary of the methods we use to construct and test a sequence-stratigraphic framework for mudstones. This approach is elaborated and illustrated in the following chapters.
Organic-rich petroleum source rocks are widespread in Early Cretaceous strata, but the related paleoclimatic conditions are still uncertain. Aptian-Albian lacustrine sediments from the Liwaxia and Madongshan formations in the Liupanshan Basin of northwestern China provide vital material to reveal correlations between the Early Cretaceous paleoclimate and the formation of organic-rich lacustrine shales. Outcrop samples were analyzed for total organic carbon (TOC), C/N ratio, CaCO3 content, lipid biomarkers, and compound-specific n-alkane carbon isotopes. Results show that organic matter (OM) of the Liwaxia Formation was mainly sourced from lacustrine plankton and deposited in a weakly stratified and suboxic water column under a hot and arid climate. Organic matter in the lower part of the Madongshan Formation was derived from a mixture of aquatic organisms and higher plants under a warm and humid climate; plant carbon sources were widely available, and the water column was strongly saline, stratified, and anoxic. Elevated temperatures and a less humid climate accompanied the deposition of the upper part of the Madongshan Formation. Higher plants were the primary OM source, and the carbon source became limited. The water column was hypersaline and stratified, and the bottom water was less anoxic. Abrupt changes in the OM inputs and depositional environments documented in the Madongshan Formation were ascribed to global climatic variations. A warm and humid climate during the Aptian-Albian transition enhances continental nutrient inputs and promotes the formation of reduced water conditions, which directly controls the formation of the coeval organic-rich shales in lacustrine basins in China.
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The Cretaceous Period was marked by the formation of numerous Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs), several of which were associated with geologically rapid climate, environmental, and biosphere perturbations, including the early Aptian and latest Cenomanian Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAEs 1a and 2, respectively). In most cases, magmatic CO 2 emissions are thought to have been the major driver of climate and biosphere degradation. This work summarises the relationships between Cretaceous LIPs and environmental perturbations, focussing on how volcanism caused climate warming during OAE 1a using osmium-isotope and mercury concentration data. The new results support magmatic CO 2 output from submarine LIP activity as the primary trigger of climate warming and biosphere stress before/during OAE 1a. This submarine volcanic trigger of OAE 1a (and OAE 2), two of the most climatically/biotically severe Cretaceous events, highlights the capacity of oceanic LIPs to impact Earth's environment as profoundly as many continental provinces. Cretaceous magmatism (and likely output of CO 2 and trace-metal micronutrients) was apparently most intense during those OAEs; further studies are needed to better constrain eruption histories of those oceanic plateaus. Another open question is why the Cretaceous Period overall featured a higher rate of magmatic activity and LIP formation compared to before and afterwards. Supplementary material at
Conference Paper
In northeastern Tunisia, the anoxic event OAE1a of the early Aptian strongly affected the distribution of foraminifers. This study used temporal analysis of all foraminifers to assess oxygen deficiency and adaptive strategies during this event. A multidisciplinary approach was applied in this study using lithological data, microfacies analyses, micropaleontology data and organic matter content. Predating the OAE1a event, the Barremian sequence reveals alternating marly limestones with interbedded carbonates. These marls yield planktonic foraminifers with globular chambers represented mainly by Praehedbergella sigali, P. primare, Gorbachikella depressa, G. kugleiri, G. anteroapertura, Blowiella duboisi and Microhedbergella spp. In addition, the appearance of foraminifers with elongated chambers belonging to the genus Praehedbergella was noted. During the OAE1a event, the upper part of the Lower Aptian is characterized by marls, interbedded marl-limestones and grey-black flaky limestones with low organic matter contents (average TOC 1–3 wt%). Planktonic foraminifers with elongated chambers become abundant and comprise more than 80% of the planktonic population belonging to the genera Leupoldina and Praehedbergella. The microfacies show organic matter, oxidation traces, radiolarian sections of various shapes, and planktonic foraminifera sections with elongated chambers belonging to the genus Leupoldina. Postdating the OAE1a event, the upper Aptian is characterized by marly sedimentation, in association with rare limestone beds, which yield planktonic foraminifera with globular chambers of the genus Globigerinelloides. Within the same samples, abundant larger sized benthonic (Epistomina, Lenticulina) and agglutinated foraminifera were also noted. The planktonic foraminifers with elongated chambers disappeared and gave way to those forms with globular chambers which increased in diversity and abundance, inferring a return to an oxygenated environment on a regional scale. The benthonic foraminifers of the genera Lenticulina, Dentalina, Nodosaria and Epistomina increased in size. In the upper Aptian, the presence of the keeled form Planomalina cheniourensis accompanied by Epistomina spp. and agglutinated foraminifers confirm a return to normal oxygenated marine environments. This study highlights the impact of the OAE1a event on the distribution of planktonic foraminifers and their adaptive strategy to oxygen deficiency. The results are correlated with others in the same stratigraphic interval in Tunisia and other Tethyan realms.
The break-up of Gondwana in the latest Jurassic and earliest Cretaceous and the subsequent opening and evolution of the South Atlantic Ocean as a new widening seaway linking northern and southern high latitudes, was the single most significant palaeoceanographic event during the Cretaceous with global consequences for the climate and the biotic evolution, both on land and at sea. Its main evolutionary stages are now becoming well known but, despite that, their global impact has been widely underestimated. Aiming to shed light on some of these unanswered questions, this work presents an overview of research carried out during the past decades in the Sergipe Basin in northeastern Brazil, integrating foraminiferal and ammonite biostratigraphic data, coupled with an assessment of their biogeographic patterns. Three main topics are discussed, the key findings presented and set against their possible global impact: the opening of the Equatorial Atlantic Gateway in the late early to mid-Aptian ( c. 118–119 Ma), the mid-Cretaceous dysoxic-anoxic events recorded in the northern South Atlantic (maxima in the late Aptian-earliest Albian, early Cenomanian, and at the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary), and the timing of the North Atlantic-South Atlantic oceanic connection in the late Coniacian to early Santonian ( c. 85–87 Ma). Supplementary material at
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The relation between sea-level changes, plankton productivity, and evolution, as well as the occurrence of anoxic sediments, provides an interesting avenue of paleooceanographic research. In this context, we examined mid-Cretaceous radiolarian faunas, carbonate isotopic and organic matter type data of Deep Sea Drilling Project and Ocean Drilling Program cores from the North Atlantic, and samples from outcrops of the western Tethys from central and northern Italy. Former studies indicate that an expansion of the oxygen minimum zone caused plankton extinctions at the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary. An expanded oxygen minimum zone would destroy deeper habitats of planktic foraminifera, causing the extinction of deeper dwelling forms. Although this model is well established for the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary, not much is known about the causes of extinctions and radiations during the entire mid-Cretaceous (Aptian-Turonian). We demonstrate that the dimension of the oxygen minimum zone, which depends on the relative sea level and the corresponding nutrient supply, causes the complex pattern of evolution and radiation of planktic protozoa and the sedimentation of black shales in the mid-Cretaceous. This new depositional model allows correlation of micropaleontologic data and different types of black shales in the pelagic realm within a sequence stratigraphic framework.
Isotope analyses have been performed on planktonic and benthic foraminifers from levels widely spaced in time (2 to 4 my) at Hole 400A and Site 401. In addition, isotope analyses of bulk carbonates from 250 levels from Holes 400A, 402A, and Sites 401, 403 and 406 are interpreted in terms of paleoceanographic changes. Their evolution is compared with the thermal evolution that can be deduced from foraminiferal analyses. -Authors
Whole-rock δ¹⁸O analyses of the Paleogene and Upper Cretaceous succession at Ocean Drilling Program Hole 807C suggest the presence of hiatuses between 876.95 and 894.47 mbsf and between 1138.82 and 1149.94 mbsf. The δ¹³C data show a pronounced positive excursion between 1130 and 1180 kbsf that corresponds to the positive δ¹³C values characteristic of the Paleocene. Despite the stratigraphic breaks in the section, the δ¹⁸O data show a systematic increase between 1360 mbsf and the hiatus between 876.95 and 894.47 mbsf, which is consistent with previous suggestions of long-term climatic cooling through the Paleogene. The Cretaceous/Tertiary transition is apparently complete in this section and is of remarkable thickness. The expanded nature of this portion of the succession is probably the result of secondary depositional processes. High-resolution sampling across this boundary may reveal detailed structure of the δ¹³C decline associated with the extinctions that mark the termination of the Cretaceous. -Authors
During the Barremian-Aptian interval, black shales were deposited in all kinds of palaeoenvironments and depths. In Tethys ocean and in the case study they were deposited in a basinal setting. A positive carbon isotope variation has been detected in sedimentary carbonates in different locations for the same time-interval. The deposition of black shales and the peculiar 13C evolution may reflect widespread anoxic conditions combined with high global surface productivity and the burial of large amounts of organic matter. -from Authors