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Rivaroxaban–an oral, direct Factor Xa inhibitor–lessons from a broad clinical study programme

European Journal of Haematology
  • Technical University of Munich

Abstract and Figures

Anticoagulants are recommended for the prevention and treatment of venous thromboembolism (VTE), prevention of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and secondary prevention in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). There is a clinical need for novel anticoagulants offering improvements over current standard of care, such as fixed oral dosing and no need for routine monitoring. Rivaroxaban, an oral, once-daily, direct Factor Xa inhibitor, has recently completed the RECORD phase III programme for the prevention of VTE in patients undergoing total hip or knee replacement (THR or TKR), an indication for which it is approved in Europe and Canada. It is being investigated in large-scale phase III studies for VTE treatment and prevention of stroke in patients with AF, and phase III studies will soon commence for secondary prevention in patients with ACS. Phase I studies demonstrated that no routine anticoagulation monitoring was required, while phase II studies suggested that fixed daily doses had a wide therapeutic window. The four RECORD studies consistently showed that rivaroxaban was significantly more effective than enoxaparin in the prevention of VTE after THR and TKR, with a similar safety profile. This review describes the development of this novel anticoagulant, from bench to bedside.
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Rivaroxaban an oral, direct Factor Xa inhibitor lessons
from a broad clinical study programme
Sylvia Haas
Institut fu
¨r Experimentelle Onkologie und Therapieforschung, Technische Universita
¨nchen, Mu
¨nchen, Germany
Anticoagulants are recommended for a broad spectrum
of indications, including the prevention and treatment of
venous thromboembolism (VTE; comprising deep vein
thrombosis [DVT] and pulmonary embolism [PE]) (1, 2),
the prevention of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation
(AF) (3) and secondary prevention in patients with acute
coronary syndrome (ACS) (4).
Without prophylaxis, DVT occurs in 10–40% of gen-
eral surgical or medical patients (1). Patients undergoing
major orthopedic surgery are at a higher risk; without
prophylaxis, 40–60% of these patients develop DVT (1).
Guidelines for VTE prevention recommend the routine
use of thromboprophylaxis with low molecular weight
heparins (LMWHs), fondaparinux or vitamin K antago-
nists (VKAs) for patients undergoing major orthopedic
surgery; however, the oral VKAs are rarely used for this
indication in Europe (1, 5). ACCP guidelines currently
recommend that thromboprophylaxis be continued for at
least 10 d, and up to 35 d after total knee replacement
(TKR) and total hip replacement (THR) (1). LMWHs
and fondaparinux are effective; however, their long-term
use is limited by their parenteral route of administration.
Atrial fibrillation is the most common significant car-
diac arrhythmia; it predisposes patients to the develop-
ment of atrial thrombi and is associated with a four to
fivefold increase in the risk of stroke as a result of car-
dioembolism (6–9). Anticoagulants are recommended in
patients with these conditions and, due to the nature of
these conditions, long-term therapy is required (9). ACS
comprises three cardiac diseases: unstable angina, non-
ST-elevated myocardial infarction, and ST-elevated myo-
cardial infarction. The underlying cause of ACS is pla-
que rupture followed by thrombosis in the coronary
arteries and, because many patients remain at high risk
of recurrent events, they therefore require secondary pre-
ventative therapy (10). Therefore, an oral anticoagulant
Anticoagulants are recommended for the prevention and treatment of venous thromboembolism (VTE),
prevention of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and secondary prevention in patients with acute
coronary syndrome (ACS). There is a clinical need for novel anticoagulants offering improvements over cur-
rent standard of care, such as fixed oral dosing and no need for routine monitoring. Rivaroxaban, an oral,
once-daily, direct Factor Xa inhibitor, has recently completed the RECORD phase III programme for the
prevention of VTE in patients undergoing total hip or knee replacement (THR or TKR), an indication for
which it is approved in Europe and Canada. It is being investigated in large-scale phase III studies for VTE
treatment and prevention of stroke in patients with AF, and phase III studies will soon commence for sec-
ondary prevention in patients with ACS. Phase I studies demonstrated that no routine anticoagulation mon-
itoring was required, while phase II studies suggested that fixed daily doses had a wide therapeutic
window. The four RECORD studies consistently showed that rivaroxaban was significantly more effective
than enoxaparin in the prevention of VTE after THR and TKR, with a similar safety profile. This review
describes the development of this novel anticoagulant, from bench to bedside.
Key words anticoagulation; atrial fibrillation; Factor Xa inhibitor; rivaroxaban; venous thromboembolism
Correspondence Sylvia Haas, Institut fu
¨r Experimentelle Onkologie und Therapieforschung, Technische Universita
Normannenstr. 34a, 81925 Munich, Germany. Tel: +49 89 917191; Fax: +49 89 917177; e-mail:
Accepted for publication 19 January 2009 doi:10.1111/j.1600-0609.2009.01230.x
Re-use of this article is permitted in accordance with the
Creative Commons Deed, Attribution 2.5, which does
not permit commercial exploitation.
European Journal of Haematology ISSN 0902-4441
ª2009 The Author
Journal compilation 82 (339–349) ª2009 Blackwell Munksgaard 339
would be advantageous in these indications. VKAs are the
only licensed oral anticoagulants and, although they are
effective, they have unpredictable pharmacokinetics (PK)
and pharmacodynamics (PD), which are affected by drug
and food interactions. As a result, VKAs require frequent
monitoring and dose adjustment to ensure that their anti-
coagulant effects remain within the therapeutic range.
Advances in the understanding of the coagulation
pathway have enabled the development of novel antico-
agulants targeting specific enzymes within the coagula-
tion cascade, including Factor Xa (FXa) and Factor IIa.
FXa has been identified as a particularly attractive target
for effective anticoagulation: by catalyzing the conver-
sion of prothrombin to thrombin through the prothrom-
binase complex, one molecule of FXa results in the
generation of more than 1000 thrombin molecules (11).
Therefore, inhibition of FXa activity may block the
amplification of thrombin generation, limiting thrombin-
mediated activation of coagulation and platelets, without
affecting existing thrombin levels.
Several FXa inhibitors, such as rivaroxaban, apixaban,
betrixaban and edoxaban, are currently at advanced
stages of development. Rivaroxaban (Bayer Healthcare
AG, Wuppertal, Germany) is a novel, oral, direct FXa
inhibitor in advanced development for the prevention
and treatment of thromboembolic disorders. Rivarox-
aban once-daily (od) has recently received approval in
the European Union and in Canada for the prevention
of VTE in patients undergoing elective total hip or knee
replacement (THR or TKR) surgery. This article will
review the results of the clinical studies performed to
date and summarize the lessons obtained from this broad
development programme.
Clinical pharmacology
Rivaroxaban exhibits predictable, dose-proportional PK,
with high oral bioavailability and a rapid onset of action
(maximum plasma concentrations are reached after 1.5–
2.0 h) (12). Elimination of rivaroxaban from plasma
occurs with terminal half-lives of 5–9 h in young individ-
uals, and with terminal half-lives of 12–13 h in subjects
aged >75 yrs (13–15). Pharmacodynamic activity corre-
lates closely with plasma concentrations (12).
Rivaroxaban is distributed heterogeneously to tissues
and organs, and exhibits only moderate tissue affinity;
importantly, it does not substantially penetrate the
blood–brain barrier (16). The drug has a dual mode of
elimination: two-thirds are metabolized by the liver
(mostly via CYP3A4 and CYP2J2), with no major or
active circulating metabolites identified, and one-third is
excreted unchanged by the kidneys (17–19).
Results of phase I studies showed that body weight,
age, and gender did not have a clinically relevant effect on
the PK and PD of rivaroxaban (14, 15, 20); therefore, it is
likely that fixed doses of rivaroxaban can be administered
to patients, irrespective of their weight, age, or gender.
This was supported by the phase II studies investigating
rivaroxaban for the prevention and treatment of VTE and
the PK and PD analyses of these studies (21–28). Further-
more, phase III studies are investigating fixed doses of riv-
aroxaban. Rivaroxaban demonstrated a low propensity
for drug–drug interactions; results of interaction studies
have shown no clinically relevant interaction between riv-
aroxaban and potential concomitant medications in
patients receiving anticoagulants for the prevention or
treatment of thromboembolic disorders, i.e. naproxen
(29), acetylsalicylic acid (30), clopidogrel (31), or digoxin
(32). Furthermore, there are no reported food–drug inter-
actions and dietary restrictions are not necessary in
patients receiving rivaroxaban (33). Because rivaroxaban
has predictable PK and PD and a low propensity for drug
interactions, it is unlikely to require monitoring.
As a result of inhibiting FXa, rivaroxaban inhibits
thrombin generation (34), thereby preventing clot forma-
tion (35). This mechanism of action results in the dose-
dependent prolongation of global clotting tests, such as
prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin
time, and HepTest, with rivaroxaban (12, 13). Further-
more, there was a linear correlation between rivaroxaban
plasma concentration and PT measured using Neopla-
(13, 36), suggesting that PT may be used to assess
rivaroxaban exposure, if this was necessary.
While there is no specific antidote to reverse the effects
of rivaroxaban, in vitro and in vivo studies suggest that
recombinant Factor VIIa (rFVIIa; NovoSeven
) and
activated prothrombin complex concentrate (FEIBA
may reverse the effects of high-dose rivaroxaban (37–39).
If strategies such as delaying the next dose of rivarox-
aban or discontinuation, mechanical compression, surgi-
cal intervention, fluid replacement and haemodynamic
support, blood product, or component transfusion fail to
control bleeding, administration of rFVIIa or FEIBA
may be considered. However, it is important to note that
there is currently no experience with the use of these
agents in patients receiving rivaroxaban, and re-dosing
of these procoagulants should be considered depending
on improvement of the patient’s bleeding status.
Prevention of VTE in patients undergoing elec-
tive THR and TKR surgery
Phase II studies
The efficacy and safety of rivaroxaban for the prevention
of VTE in patients undergoing elective THR and TKR
surgery were evaluated in four phase II studies involving
2907 patients (23–25, 28). Both od and twice-daily (bid)
Clinical progress of rivaroxaban Haas
ª2009 The Author
Journal compilation 82 (339–349) ª2009 Blackwell Munksgaard
dosing regimens were investigated in these studies. A
similar study design was utilized for each study, includ-
ing the same assessment parameters and endpoints,
enabling comparison of the findings across the different
studies. All events were assessed centrally by the same
blinded adjudication committees. All venograms were
evaluated by the Gothenburg Center, Sweden.
Mandatory, standardized, bilateral venography was car-
ried out 5–9 d after surgery in the open-label study and in
the studies investigating bid administration of rivaroxaban,
or 6–10 d after surgery in the od study, or earlier if symp-
tomatic. The primary efficacy endpoint in each study was
the composite of any DVT (proximal or distal), non-fatal,
objectively confirmed PE, and all-cause mortality. The sec-
ondary efficacy endpoints included major VTE (composite
of proximal DVT, non-fatal, symptomatic, objectively con-
firmed PE, and VTE-related death). The primary safety
endpoint was major bleeding, defined as fatal bleeding,
bleeding into a critical organ (retroperitoneal, intracranial,
intraocular, or intraspinal), bleeding leading to re-opera-
tion, bleeding warranting treatment cessation, clinically
overt bleeding leading to a 2gdL drop in hemoglobin,
or bleeding leading to a transfusion of 2 units of blood.
Open-label study THR
This proof-of-principle, open-label, dose-escalation study
was designed to investigate the efficacy and safety of riv-
aroxaban, relative to enoxaparin, for VTE prevention in
patients undergoing THR (25). A total of 641 patients
were randomized to receive oral rivaroxaban (2.5–30 mg
bid, or 30 mg od) or subcutaneous enoxaparin (40 mg
od); rivaroxaban was initiated 6–8 h after surgery and
then every 12 h (bid regimens) or 24 h (od regimen).
Enoxaparin was first administered the evening before
surgery and od thereafter, according to standard Euro-
pean practice. Administration of study drug was contin-
ued for 5–9 d after surgery.
The primary efficacy endpoint occurred with similar
frequency for rivaroxaban and enoxaparin. There was a
flat dose–response relationship between rivaroxaban and
the primary endpoint. For the secondary efficacy end-
point (major VTE), the dose–response relationship with
rivaroxaban was significant (P= 0.0108), with increas-
ing doses resulting in a reduced incidence of major VTE.
With respect to safety, major bleeding increased dose
dependently with rivaroxaban and the dose–response
relationship was significant (P= 0.0008).
The results from this study demonstrated proof of
principle for rivaroxaban for the prevention of VTE in
patients undergoing elective THR and TKR surgery,
supporting its continued assessment in double-blind stud-
ies. These findings also provided the first evidence of the
feasibility of od dosing with rivaroxaban.
Twice-daily dosing studies THR or TKR
Following the proof-of-principle study, two separate
double-blind, double-dummy, dose-ranging studies were
conducted to assess the efficacy and safety of bid admin-
istration of a 12-fold range of rivaroxaban doses (2.5, 5,
10, 20, or 30 mg bid) relative to enoxaparin (24, 28). A
total of 722 patients undergoing THR were randomized
into one study in Europe (24), and 621 patients undergo-
ing TKR were randomized into a separate study in
North America (28). Rivaroxaban was initiated 6–8 h
after surgery and continued for 5–9 d. Enoxaparin was
administered according to European or North American
prescribing information: in the European hip study,
patients received enoxaparin 40 mg od, with the first
dose given the evening before surgery; in the North
American knee study, enoxaparin 30 mg bid was admin-
istered every 12 h, with the first dose given the morning
after surgery.
There was a flat dose–response relationship for riva-
roxaban with respect to the primary efficacy endpoint in
the hip (P= 0.93) and knee studies (P= 0.29). In the
hip study, the incidence of the primary endpoint ranged
between 6.9% and 18.2% for rivaroxaban, which was
similar to that observed with enoxaparin (17%). The
incidence of the primary efficacy endpoint was also simi-
lar between rivaroxaban and enoxaparin in the knee
study (23.3–40.4% for rivaroxaban and 44.3% for enox-
aparin). Differences in the incidence of the primary end-
point between the hip and knee studies are in line with
previous studies showing a higher rate of venographically
detected DVT in TKR compared with THR (40). The
incidence of major VTE was similar for all rivaroxaban
doses and enoxaparin in both studies. For the primary
efficacy endpoint, a flat dose–response relationship was
observed between rivaroxaban and major VTE. The
safety profile of rivaroxaban was consistent across the
two studies. For rivaroxaban total daily doses 5–20 mg,
the incidence of major bleeding events was similar to
enoxaparin. As expected, a dose–response relationship
was observed for major bleeding events (P= 0.045 and
P= 0.0007 in the hip and knee studies, respectively).
The findings from these two studies suggested that riv-
aroxaban has a wide therapeutic window, which may
indicate a favorable risk–benefit profile. Balancing effi-
cacy and bleeding risk, it was concluded from these stud-
ies that the optimal dose range was a total daily dose of
5–20 mg.
Pooled analysis
The two double-blind studies were designed to allow the
results to be pooled and analyzed based on a larger pop-
ulation size, and to determine if any differences in the
Haas Clinical progress of rivaroxaban
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results existed between the efficacy and safety of rivarox-
aban in patients undergoing elective THR or TKR. The
results of this study demonstrated that there were no sig-
nificant differences between the dose–response relation-
ships with rivaroxaban after THR or TKR: there was no
significant dose trend for the primary efficacy endpoint
(P= 0.39), whereas there was a significant dose trend
for the primary safety endpoint (P< 0.001) (41). This
study also confirmed that, based on both efficacy and
safety, a total daily dose of 5–20 mg was the optimal
dose range.
Once-daily dosing study THR
Earlier studies showed that rivaroxaban inhibited FXa
activity for around 12 h after administration (13);
therefore, bid administration was investigated initially.
However, it was subsequently found that thrombin gen-
eration remained inhibited for 24 h after rivaroxaban
administration, suggesting that od administration would
be possible (34). This was supported by the efficacy
and safety of the 30 mg od dose in the open-label
study. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine
the efficacy and safety of od dosing of rivaroxaban
across an eightfold dose range (5–40 mg) (23). Rivarox-
aban was administered 6–8 h after surgery and then
every 24 h. Enoxaparin was first administered the even-
ing before surgery, and od thereafter. Administration
was continued for 5–9 d after surgery for rivaroxaban
and enoxaparin.
The incidence of the primary efficacy endpoint was
similar between rivaroxaban (across the eightfold dose
range) and enoxaparin. Although there was a tendency
towards a lower incidence of the primary efficacy end-
point with increasing doses of rivaroxaban, the trend
was not significant (P= 0.0852). These results were sim-
ilar to those obtained in the bid studies (24), indicating
similar efficacy with od dosing of rivaroxaban. The
observed incidence of major VTE was lower in all riva-
roxaban dose groups compared with enoxaparin, except
for the rivaroxaban 5 mg dose group. A dose–response
relationship was observed between rivaroxaban and
major VTE (P= 0.0072). For the primary safety end-
point, the two lower doses of rivaroxaban (5 and 10 mg)
showed a similarly low rate of major bleeding compared
with enoxaparin (2.3% and 0.7%, respectively, relative
to 1.9%). There was a significant trend in the dose–
response relationship between rivaroxaban and major
bleeding (P= 0.039). Safety endpoints were similar to
those observed in the bid studies (24).
When both efficacy and safety were considered, it was
concluded that the optimum dose of rivaroxaban for
VTE prevention was 10 mg od, a dose within the range
identified in the bid studies (Fig. 1) (23).
Adverse events and laboratory parameters
In all of the studies, the incidence of serious treatment-
emergent adverse events considered to be drug-related
was similar for rivaroxaban and enoxaparin, and no dose
arm was stopped because of safety concerns. There was
no evidence of compromised liver function attributable
to rivaroxaban in these studies, and the results of the
liver function tests were similar to those obtained with
enoxaparin. The incidence of liver enzyme elevations was
not dose-related for rivaroxaban, and any elevations
observed were transient (23–25, 28).
PK and PD analyses
Rivaroxaban demonstrated predictable PK and PD in
patients undergoing major orthopedic surgery (27). Age,
body weight, and renal function had a moderate effect
on rivaroxaban exposure; however, the effect was not
considered clinically relevant (27). Furthermore, a sub-
group analysis of the two bid studies and the dose-esca-
lation study showed that the dose–response relationships
with rivaroxaban for efficacy and safety were not
affected by age, gender or weight (42).
As a result, phase III studies investigating rivaroxaban
for the prevention of VTE in patients undergoing major
orthopedic surgery have enrolled patients with no upper
age limit and those with mild or moderate hepatic
impairment. Furthermore, fixed doses of rivaroxaban are
being investigated, irrespective of body weight, age or
The phase III RECORD program
Based on the results from the phase II studies, rivarox-
aban 10 mg od was selected to be investigated in the
Enoxaparin 40 20 10
0 30
Incidence – safety (%)
DVT, PE, and all-cause mortality
Major, postoperative bleeding
Incidence – efficacy (%)
Total daily dose (mg) of rivaroxaban
Figure 1 Dose–response relationships between rivaroxaban and the
primary efficacy endpoint and the primary safety endpoint in the od
study investigating rivaroxaban for the prevention of VTE after major
orthopedic surgery (23).
Clinical progress of rivaroxaban Haas
ª2009 The Author
Journal compilation 82 (339–349) ª2009 Blackwell Munksgaard
phase III RECORD programme, comprising four large
studies in more than 12 500 patients undergoing elective
In all of the studies, the primary efficacy endpoint was
the composite of DVT, non-fatal PE and all-cause mor-
tality, and the main secondary efficacy endpoint was
major VTE (the composite of proximal DVT, non-fatal
PE, and all-cause mortality). The primary safety end-
point was major bleeding (Table 1).
Current guidelines recommend extended prophylaxis
for patients undergoing THR; however, these recommen-
dations have not been implemented into clinical practice
in many countries. Therefore, RECORD2 investigated
the efficacy and safety of extended thromboprophylaxis
with rivaroxaban (5 wks) compared with short-term en-
oxaparin (10–14 d) in patients undergoing THR (43).
The results of this study demonstrated that extended pro-
phylaxis with rivaroxaban 10 mg od was superior to
short-term prophylaxis with enoxaparin 40 mg od for the
prevention of VTE, including symptomatic events, after
THR (Table 1) (43). Despite rivaroxaban being given for
3 wks longer than enoxaparin, the incidence of major
bleeding at 5 wks was 0.1% in both groups. This study
confirmed the benefits of extended prophylaxis over
short-term prophylaxis and the safety of its use.
The RECORD1 and 3 studies were designed to com-
pare rivaroxaban 10 mg od (starting 6–8 h after surgery)
with enoxaparin 40 mg od (starting the evening before
surgery) given for 31–39 d (extended prophylaxis) after
THR (RECORD1) (44) and 10–14 d (short-term prophy-
laxis) after TKR (RECORD3) (45). In both studies, riva-
roxaban was significantly more effective than enoxaparin
for the prevention of VTE (Table 1) (44, 45). RECORD3
also showed a significant reduction in symptomatic VTE,
and whereas RECORD1 showed a general trend for
reduction in symptomatic VTE, this was not significant.
RECORD4 compared the efficacy and safety of oral
rivaroxaban 10 mg od with the North American regimen
of enoxaparin 30 mg bid, given subcutaneously (10–14 d)
in patients undergoing TKR (46). Rivaroxaban was sig-
nificantly superior to enoxaparin for the primary efficacy
endpoint, with no significant difference in the rates of
major bleeding between the two groups (Table 1).
There was no evidence of compromised liver function
attributable to rivaroxaban in all four studies. The inci-
dence rates of predefined abnormal liver function tests
(alanine aminotransferase [ALT] levels elevated to three
times the upper limit of normal [ULN] and bilirubin
greater than twice the ULN) were similar in the rivarox-
aban and enoxaparin groups (43–46).
Rivaroxaban head-to-head comparison with enoxapa-
rin in these four studies showed the efficacy and safety
of rivaroxaban in the prevention of VTE in patients
undergoing major orthopedic surgery. The superiority of
Table 1 Incidence of venous thromboembolism and bleeding events across the four RECORD studies (43–46)
40 mg od
10 mg od
40 mg od
10 mg od
40 mg od
10 mg od
30 mg bid
10 mg od
5 wks 10–14 d 5 wks 10–14 d 10–14 d
Efficacy endpoints
Total VTE (primary endpoint)
%(n) 3.7 (581558) 1.1 (18 1595) 9.3 (81869) 2.0 17864) 18.9 (166878) 9.6 (79 824) 10.1 (97 959) 6.9 (67 965)
P-value <0.001 <0.0001 <0.001 0.012
Major VTE
%(n) 2.0 (331678) 0.2 (41686) 5.1 (49 962) 0.6 (6961) 2.6 (24925) 1.0 (9 908) 2.0 (221112) 1.2 (13 1122)
P-value <0.001 <0.0001 0.01 0.124
Symptomatic VTE
%(n) 0.5 (112206) 0.3 (62193) 1.2 (15 1207) 0.2 (31212) 2.0 (24 1217) 0.7 (8 1201) 1.2 (18 1508) 0.7 (11 1526)
P-value 0.22 0.0040 0.005 0.187
Bleeding endpoints, % (n)
Major bleeding 0.1 (22224) 0.3 (6 2209) <0.1 (1 1229) <0.1 (1 1228) 0.5 (6 1239) 0.6 (7 1220) 0.3 (4 1508) 0.7 (10 1526)
Clinically relevant non-major bleeding 2.4 (54 2224) 2.9 (65 2209) 2.7 (33 1229) 3.3 (40 1228) 2.3 (28 1239) 2.7 (33 1220) NA
All P-values for efficacy calculated from absolute risk reduction.
Correction added 16 March 2009 after online publication. Previous values have been replaced by ’NA’
od, once daily; RRR, relative risk reduction; THR, total hip replacement; TKR, total knee replacement; VTE, venous thromboembolism; NA, Not Applicable.
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rivaroxaban for the primary efficacy endpoint was dem-
onstrated in all four studies. Rivaroxaban also showed a
good safety profile, with low incidence of major bleeding
similar to that observed with enoxaparin, and no evi-
dence of drug-induced liver injury.
Prevention of VTE in medically ill patients
A phase III study has also been initiated to investigate
the efficacy and safety of prophylaxis with rivaroxaban
10 mg od (for up to 5 wks), compared with short-term
enoxaparin, in hospitalized, medically ill patients (http://; NCT00571649).
Treatment of VTE
Phase II studies
The efficacy and safety of rivaroxaban for the treatment
of VTE were assessed in two phase IIb studies: ODIXa-
DVT (21) and EINSTEIN-DVT (22) (Table 2). In both
studies, patients with acute, symptomatic, objectively
confirmed, proximal DVT without symptomatic PE
received double-blind rivaroxaban or open-label standard
therapy (LMWH heparin and a VKA) for 3 months.
In the ODIXa-DVT study, rivaroxaban 10, 20 or 30 mg
bid, or 40 mg od doses were assessed relative to stan-
dard therapy (i.e. enoxaparin 1 mg kg bid followed by
a VKA) (21). The primary efficacy endpoint was
reduced thrombus burden on day 21 (assessed by quan-
titative compression ultrasonography; 4-point improve-
ment in thrombus score) without recurrent VTE or
VTE-related death. The primary efficacy endpoint was
achieved in 43.8–59.2% of patients receiving rivarox-
aban and in 45.9% of patients receiving standard ther-
apy. The incidence of the primary safety endpoint
(major bleeding) was 1.7–3.3% in the rivaroxaban
groups; there were no events in the standard therapy
group. It was concluded that, over a wide range of
doses, the oral, direct FXa inhibitor demonstrated good
efficacy and safety for the treatment of acute symptom-
atic DVT. This was the first phase II trial to use quanti-
tative compression ultrasonography to demonstrate
reduced thrombosis burden after initial course of ther-
apy with a new anticoagulant.
In the EINSTEIN-DVT study, rivaroxaban 20, 30 or
40 mg od were assessed relative to standard therapy (22).
The primary efficacy endpoint was the composite of
symptomatic, recurrent VTE and deterioration of throm-
botic burden, as assessed by compression ultrasound and
perfusion lung scan, at 3 months.
The primary efficacy endpoint occurred in 5.4–6.6% of
patients receiving rivaroxaban vs. 9.9% in the standard
therapy group. The primary safety endpoint (any clini-
cally relevant bleeding) occurred in 2.9–7.5% of patients
receiving rivaroxaban vs. 8.8% in the standard therapy
group. Major bleeding occurred in 0–1.5% of patients
receiving rivaroxaban vs. 1.5% of patients receiving
standard therapy.
Overall, the results of this study demonstrated that
rivaroxaban 20–40 mg od had good efficacy and safety for
the treatment of acute symptomatic DVT. This study, in
which deterioration of thrombus burden was a component
Table 2 Efficacy and safety results of the ODIXa-DVT and EINSTEIN-DVT studies (21, 22)
ODIXa-DVT study
Enoxaparin + VKA
(n= 109)
10 mg bid
(n= 100)
20 mg bid
(n= 98)
30 mg bid
(n= 109)
40 mg od
(n= 112)
Improvement in thrombus burden
without recurrent VTE at 3 wks, %
53.0 59.2 56.9 43.8 45.9
Recurrent DVT, PE, and VTE-related
death at 3 months, n(%)
2 (1.9) 2 (2.0) 2 (1.8) 3 (2.6) 1 (0.9)
Major bleeding, n(%) 2 (1.7) 2 (1.7) 4 (3.3) 2 (1.7) 0 (0.0)
LMWH heparin + VKA
(n= 101)
20 mg od
(n= 115)
30 mg od
(n= 112)
40 mg od
(n= 121)
Recurrent VTE and thrombus
deterioration at 3 months, n(%)
7 (6.1) 6 (5.4) 8 (6.6) 10 (9.9)
Major bleeding, n(%) 1 (0.7) 2 (1.5) 0 (0.0) 2 (1.5)
bid, twice daily; DVT, deep vein thrombosis; LMWH, low molecular weight heparin; od, once daily; PE, pulmonary embolism; VKA, vitamin K
antagonist; VTE, venous thromboembolism.
Clinical progress of rivaroxaban Haas
ª2009 The Author
Journal compilation 82 (339–349) ª2009 Blackwell Munksgaard
of the primary endpoint assessment at 3 months, comple-
ments the findings of the ODIXa-DVT trial.
Adverse events
In both studies, there was no evidence of compromised
liver function attributable to rivaroxaban during the
3 months of treatment. Increases in liver enzyme levels
were not dose dependent for rivaroxaban, and any
increases were transient. In the ODIXa-DVT study, riva-
roxaban was stopped prematurely in three patients (21).
Two patients had early (on the day, or on the day after,
initiation of treatment) elevations of ALT and aspartate
aminotransferase levels, which returned to levels below
the ULN after treatment was stopped. In the third
patient, rivaroxaban was stopped after 23 d, when hepa-
titis B with seroconversion was diagnosed; the patient
died of acute liver failure, mostly due to fatal hepatitis B
infection, 48 d after starting treatment (21).
PK and PD analyses
Predictable PK and PD were demonstrated in patients
receiving rivaroxaban for the treatment of DVT (27).
Furthermore, the PK and PD were similar with od and
bid dosing, suggesting that od dosing would not increase
either the risk of bleeding or thrombus growth, com-
pared with bid dosing. Demographic factors such as age,
renal function and body weight had only moderate
effects on the PK and PD, suggesting that fixed doses of
rivaroxaban can be administered to patients. This was
consistent with findings in both healthy subjects and
patients undergoing major orthopedic surgery.
Phase III dose and regimen selection
In the ODIXa-DVT study, improvement in complete
compression ultrasound without recurrent VTE was
achieved in 43.8% of patients receiving rivaroxaban
40 mg od and 53.0–59.2% of those receiving the drug
bid. These results suggested that the bid regimen could
be more effective for thrombus regression at 3 wks (21).
At 3 months, the od and bid regimens performed simi-
larly. Therefore, an initial intensified bid regimen (riva-
roxaban 15 mg bid for 3 wks) followed by convenient,
long-term 20 mg od was selected for investigation in
phase III studies.
The phase III EINSTEIN studies
The efficacy and safety of rivaroxaban for the treatment
of VTE are being further assessed in three phase III
studies involving approximately 7500 patients EIN-
SION (; NCT00440193,
NCT00439777, and NCT00439725).
EINSTEIN-DVT and EINSTEIN-PE are multicenter,
randomized, open-label studies. Patients with confirmed
symptomatic DVT (for the DVT study) or PE (for the
PE study) are randomized to receive either standard ther-
apy (enoxaparin, followed by a VKA) or rivaroxaban.
Rivaroxaban is being administered at 15 mg bid for the
first 3 wks of treatment, after which patients will receive
a dose of 20 mg od for a predefined treatment period of
3, 6 or 12 months.
The EINSTEIN-EXTENSION study is recruiting
patients who have been treated for 6 or 12 months with
rivaroxaban or a VKA. These patients will be random-
ized to receive double-blind rivaroxaban 20 mg od or
placebo for a further 6 or 12 months.
Prevention of stroke in patients with AF
The phase II studies investigating the efficacy and safety
of rivaroxaban for the treatment of VTE were also used
to select 20 mg od for investigation in phase III studies
for the prevention of stroke in AF (Table 3).
Rivaroxaban 20 mg od is being compared with warfa-
rin for the prevention of stroke in approximately 14 000
patients with AF in the Rivaroxaban Once daily oral
direct FXa inhibition Compared with vitamin K antago-
nism for prevention of stroke and Embolism Trial in
Atrial Fibrillation (ROCKET AF) study. Patients with
moderate renal impairment (creatinine clearance 30–
49 mL min) will receive a fixed dose of 15 mg od (http://; NCT00403767).
A separate study, the J-ROCKET AF study, is also
being conducted in Japan, with rivaroxaban 15 mg od
(10 mg od for patients with moderate renal impairment)
being compared with warfarin (http://www.clinicaltri-; NCT00494871).
Secondary prevention in patients with ACS
A phase IIb study investigating the use of rivaroxaban in
patients with ACS has recently been completed. The
Anti-Xa Therapy to Lower cardiovascular events in
Addition to aspirin with without thienopyridine therapy
in Subjects with Acute Coronary Syndrome [ATLAS
ACS (TIMI 46)] study assessed safety and efficacy in
approximately 3500 patients with recent, non-ST-elevated
myocardial infarction, ST-elevated myocardial infarction,
or unstable angina. All patients received standard anti-
platelet therapy of low-dose ASA, and a thienopyridine
(such as clopidogrel) at the physician’s discretion.
Patients were then randomized to additionally receive
either rivaroxaban or a placebo for six months. Escalat-
Haas Clinical progress of rivaroxaban
ª2009 The Author
Journal compilation 82 (339–349) ª2009 Blackwell Munksgaard 345
ing total daily doses of rivaroxaban, ranging from 5 mg
up to 20 mg (eight dosing regimens in total), were
administered od or bid. Safety was evaluated by measur-
ing clinically significant bleeding, defined as a composite
of TIMI major bleeding, TIMI minor bleeding and any
reported bleeding event requiring medical attention. As
expected, patients in the rivaroxaban regimens had
higher rates of bleeding vs. placebo when administered in
combination with antiplatelet therapy. However, no
study arm was halted due to increased bleeding. No evi-
dence of drug-induced liver injury was seen. Although
the study was not powered to demonstrate significance in
the composite efficacy endpoint of death, myocardial
infarction, stroke or severe recurrent ischemia requiring
revascularization, a definite trend towards reduction in
cardiovascular events was also observed (47). Two doses
of rivaroxaban, 2.5 and 5 mg bid, have been identified
that will be investigated in a phase III study, ATLAS 2
TIMI 51. This study is expected to enroll up to 16 000
patients, commencing in December 2008 (Table 3).
Rivaroxaban is a novel, oral, direct FXa inhibitor in
advanced clinical development for the prevention and
treatment of thromboembolic disorders. The drug has
undergone extensive evaluation in phase II studies for
the prevention and treatment of VTE. These studies sug-
gested that rivaroxaban had a wide therapeutic window,
with similar efficacy and safety to standard therapy.
Rivaroxaban is currently being investigated in large-
scale phase III studies in two indications, treatment of
VTE and prevention of stroke in patients with AF, with
phase III studies to be started soon for another indication,
secondary prevention in patients with ACS. Results from
all four phase III studies investigating rivaroxaban once
daily for prevention of VTE after elective THR and TKR
surgery are now available. In RECORD1 and
RECORD3, the drug was significantly more effective than
enoxaparin for the prevention of VTE in patients under-
going THR and TKR, respectively. In RECORD2,
extended prophylaxis with rivaroxaban demonstrated
superior efficacy to short-term prophylaxis with enoxapa-
rin in patients undergoing THR. In RECORD4, rivarox-
aban was superior to the North American regimen of
enoxaparin for the primary efficacy endpoint. Impor-
tantly, safety was not compromised: rivaroxaban was not
associated with a statistically significant increased risk of
major bleeding in all four phase III studies. The
RECORD trial programme confirms that direct FXa inhi-
bition can significantly reduce the burden of VTE in high-
risk orthopedic patients, and oral administration has the
potential to increase the uptake of postdischarge prophy-
laxis in patients undergoing THR, thereby facilitating the
implementation of guidelines in clinical practice.
Although rFVIIa or FEIBA may reverse the effects of
high-dose rivaroxaban in case of over-anticoagulation or
in patients needing emergency surgery (37–39), there is
currently no experience with the use of these agents in
patients receiving rivaroxaban, which could constitute a
drawback to the use of this drug.
The terminal half-life of rivaroxaban is prolonged in
subjects over 75-yr old compared with younger subjects.
However, analyses of the pharmacokinetics of rivarox-
aban in patients participating in phase II studies demon-
strated that age influenced the pharmacokinetics of the
drug, but that the effects were minor and within expecta-
tions (26, 27).
Although two-thirds of rivaroxaban are metabolized
via the cytochrome P (CYP)450 (mostly CYP3A4 and
CYP2J2), (19) the risk of observing clinically relevant
drug–drug interactions with rivaroxaban through inhibi-
Table 3 The clinical development programme for rivaroxaban
Trial Indication Trial design Notes
Phase III RECORD VTE prevention in patients
undergoing major orthopedic
>11 000 patients
Hip replacement or knee
vs. standard therapy
Approved in EU and Canada; US
NDA filed in July 2008
Phase III MAGELLAN VTE prevention in the
medically ill
vs. standard therapy
Phase III ROCKET AF Prevention of stroke in
patients with atrial fibrillation
14 000 patients
Non-inferiority vs. standard
therapy (warfarin)
Regulatory filing expected in 2010
Phase III EINSTEIN VTE treatment 7500 patients
vs. standard therapy
Regulatory filing expected in 2010
Phase III ATLAS 2 TIMI 51 Secondary prevention of fatal
and non-fatal cardiovascular
events in patients with acute
coronary syndrome (ACS)
16 000 patients
In addition to standard therapy
Regulatory filing expected in 2012
Clinical progress of rivaroxaban Haas
ª2009 The Author
Journal compilation 82 (339–349) ª2009 Blackwell Munksgaard
tion or induction of CYP1A2, CYP3A4 and other CYP
isoforms is considered to be low,(Unpublished results)
and only strong CYP3A4 inhibitors, given at doses
resulting in high maximum plasma concentrations, have
an effect on the metabolism of rivaroxaban and might
lead to a decrease in renal clearance (19).
Other oral anticoagulants, both direct thrombin inhibi-
tors (DTIs) and direct FXa inhibitors, are currently at
advanced stages of development. Of these new agents,
the direct thrombin inhibitors dabigatran and AZD0837,
and the direct FXa inhibitors YM150, betrixaban, edoxa-
ban and apixaban are the most promising. Dabigatran
has also been approved in the EU and Canada for the
prevention of VTE in adult patients who have undergone
elective THR or TKR. Dabigatran is also undergoing
phase III studies for the treatment of VTE, and for
stroke prevention in AF. Among the FXa inhibitors,
apixaban is currently undergoing phase III studies for
the prevention and treatment of VTE, as well as for
stroke prevention in patients with AF.
As well as demonstrating efficacy and safety in the
prevention of VTE after elective hip and knee replace-
ment surgery, the drug is administered orally, once daily,
and does not require routine anticoagulation monitoring
because of its predictable PK PD profile. As a result, riv-
aroxaban has the potential to be an attractive alternative
to current anticoagulants, providing effective and well-
tolerated anticoagulation in a convenient manner, from
hospital to home.
The author would like to acknowledge Caroline Mas-
terman and Carole Mongin-Bulewski, who provided edito-
rial assistance with funding from Bayer HealthCare AG.
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... The introduction of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) represents a major medical breakthrough, of which rivaroxaban is an example [1]. As the first oral direct inhibitor of factor Xa (FXa), rivaroxaban is approved for the treatment and prophylaxis of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), as well as for the reduction of the risk of stroke and embolism in non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) [2,3]. Due to several good reasons, the last decade has witnessed a great increase in the clinical use of rivaroxaban in the field of anticoagulation care. ...
Full-text available
Background: Investigations into the rivaroxaban response from the perspective of genetic variation have been relatively recent and wide in scope, whereas there is no consensus on the necessity of genetic testing of rivaroxaban. Thus, this systematic review aims to thoroughly evaluate the relationship between genetic polymorphisms and rivaroxaban outcomes. Methods: The PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), and Chinese databases were searched to 23 October 2022. We included cohort studies reporting the pharmacogenetic correlation of rivaroxaban. Outcomes measured included efficacy (all-cause mortality, thromboembolic events and coagulation-related tests), safety (major bleeding, clinically relevant non-major bleeding [CRNMB] and any hemorrhage), and pharmacokinetic outcomes. A narrative synthesis was performed to summarize findings from individual studies according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses and the reporting guideline for Synthesis Without Meta-Analysis. Results: A total of 12 studies published between 2019 and 2022 involving 1364 patients were included. Ten, one, and six studies focused on the ABCB1, ABCG2, and CYP gene polymorphisms, respectively. Pharmacokinetic outcomes accounted for the majority of the outcomes reported (n = 11), followed by efficacy (n = 5) [including prothrombin time (PT) or international normalized ratio (n = 3), platelet inhibition rate (PIR) or platelet reactivity units (PRUs; n = 1), thromboembolic events (n = 1)], and safety (n = 5) [including major bleeding (n = 2), CRNMB (n = 2), any hemorrhage (n = 1)]. For ABCB1 gene polymorphism, the relationship between PT and ABCB1 rs1045642 was inconsistent across studies, however there was no pharmacogenetic relationship with other efficacy outcomes. Safety associations were found in ABCB1 rs4148738 and major bleeding, ABCB1 rs4148738 and CRNMB, ABCB1 rs1045642 and CRNMB, and ABCB1 rs2032582 and hemorrhage. Pharmacokinetic results were inconsistent among studies. For ABCG2 gene polymorphism, no correlation was observed between ABCG2 rs2231142 and dose-adjusted trough concentration (Cmin/D). For CYP gene polymorphisms, PIR or PRUs have a relationship with CYP2C19 rs12248560, however bleeding or pharmacokinetic effects did not show similar results. Conclusions: Currently available data are insufficient to confirm the relationship between clinical or pharmacokinetic outcomes of rivaroxaban and gene polymorphisms. Proactive strategies are advised as a priority in clinical practice rather than detection of SNP genotyping. Clinical trials registration: PROSPERO registration number CRD42022347907.
... 14,22,24e26 Rivaroxaban has a dual mode of excretion: one-third is excreted as an unchanged active drug by the kidneys, whilst two-thirds is metabolised by the liver with no major or active circulating metabolites identified. 18,27,28 Renal impairment leads to increased exposure and decreasing clearance. 29 ...
Full-text available
Demographic projections for hip fragility fractures indicate a rising annual incidence by virtue of an ageing population with more noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). NCDs are characterised by slow progression and long duration ranging from ischaemic cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease to various cancers. Management of this disease burden often involves commencing patients on oral anticoagulants to reduce the risk of thromboembolic events. The use of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) in clinical practice has increased due to its rapid onset of action, short half-life and predictable anticoagulant effects, without the need for routine monitoring. Safe and timely surgical intervention relies on reversal of anticoagulants. However, the lack of specific evidence-based guidelines for the perioperative management of patients on DOACs with hip fractures has proved challenging; in particular, the accessibility of DOAC-specific assays, justification of the cost-benefit ratio of targeted reversal agents and indications for neuraxial anaesthesia. This has led to potentially avoidable delays in surgical intervention. Following a literature review of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics of commonly used DOACs in our region including the role of surrogate markers, we propose a systematic, evidence-based guideline to the perioperative management of hip fractures DOACs. We believe this standardised protocol can be easily replicated between hospitals. We recommend that if patients are deemed suitable for a general anaesthesia, with satisfactory renal function, optimal surgical time should be 24 h following the last ingested dose of DOAC.
... For these reasons, research has focused on factor Xa inhibitors with good oral bioavailability and a predictable pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic profile (8). New drugs such as rivaroxaban (RXB), apixaban, and dabigatran have been developed for their use in the treatment of DVT and PE after hip and knee replacement surgery (9,10). Of these, RXB is a direct factor Xa inhibitor with high selectivity (11). ...
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Rivaroxaban (RXB) is a class II drug, according to the Biopharmaceutics Classification System. Since its bioavailability is low at high doses, dose proportionality is not achieved for pharmacokinetic parameters. However, when taken with food, its bioavailability increases at high doses. In this study, nanocrystal technology was used to increase the solubility and, hence, the bioavailability of RXB. Pluronic F127, pharmacoat 603, and PVP K-30 were used as stabilizers to prepare RXB nanosuspension, combining ball mill and high pressure homogenization methods. Particle sizes of RXB in nanosuspension (formulation A:348 nm; formulation B:403 nm) and nanocrystal formulations (formulation A:1167 nm; formulation B:606 nm) were significantly reduced (p < 0.05) compared to those of bulk RXB. In both formulations, 80% of the drug dissolved in 30 min. For dose proportionality evaluation, 3, 10, and 15 mg/kg of RXB nanosuspensions (formulation B) were administered to rabbits. The dose proportionality for AUC and Cmax of RXB nanocrystals was assessed by the power model, variance analysis of pharmacokinetic parameters, linear regression, and equivalence criterion methods. Dose proportionality for AUC was achieved at doses between 10–15 and 3–15 mg/kg. In conclusion, the preparation of a nanocrystal formulation of RXB improved its dissolution rate and pharmacokinetic profile.
... [4] Haas's study also showed that enoxaparin was significantly less effective than rivaroxaban in the prevention of VTE after total hip or knee replacement, with a similar safety profile. [5] However, some studies found that enoxaparin had a lower risk of bleeding than rivaroxaban. [6][7][8][9] Some studies also found no demonstrable differences between rivaroxaban and enoxaparin in rates of VTE, transfusion, reoperation, infection, or major bleeding after hip and knee arthroplasty. ...
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Objective: This article analyzed the clinical efficacy and tolerability of rivaroxaban and enoxaparin in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty (TKA) surgery. Methods: Five randomized, controlled clinical trials on rivaroxaban versus enoxaparin in patients who underwent TKA were identified and included in this meta-analysis. Results: The meta-analysis indicated that rivaroxaban prophylaxis was associated with lower rates of symptomatic venous thromboembolism (VTE) (relative risk[RR]:0.55; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.35-0.86; P = .009), symptomatic deep vein thrombosis (DVT) (RR 0.44, 95% CI 0.25-0.80, P = .007), asymptomatic DVT (RR: 0.57; 95% CI: 0.37-0.89; P = .01), distal DVT (RR: 0.62; 95% CI: 0.45-0.85; P = .003) and proximal DVT (RR: 0.42; 95% CI: 0.24-0.75; P = .004). Compared with the enoxaparin group, the incidence of symptomatic pulmonary embolism (PE) (RR: 0.48; 95% CI: 0.19-1.24; P = .13) in the rivaroxaban group was not significantly different. A nonsignificant trend towards all-cause death (RR: 0.38; 95% CI: 0.03-4.92; P = .46) or major bleeding (RR: 1.59; 95% CI: 0.77-3.27; P = .21) risk between rivaroxaban and enoxaparin prophylaxis was found. Conclusion: Compared with the enoxaparin group, the group using rivaroxaban after TKA had a significantly lower rate of symptomatic VTE, symptomatic DVT, asymptomatic DVT, distal DVT, and proximal DVT. Our study shows that rivaroxaban after TKA is more effective than enoxaparin and did not increase major bleeding or all-cause mortality.
... Recent studies have shown that DOACassociated ICH volumes are smaller, are less likely to expand, and are associated with better functional outcomes, when compared to warfarin-associated intracranial hemorrhage [111][112][113][114]. This might be due to the fact that DOACs interact less with other drugs and have a more predictable liver metabolism, lower suppression of thrombin generation, and reduced penetration of the bloodbrain barrier, in contrast to warfarin [24,115,116]. When applying a Markov state transition decision model using contemporary data of novel oral anticoagulant (DOAC) trials, anticoagulation with DOACs might be the preferred treatment in patients with an estimated annual stroke rate of 0.9% per year or higher [117]. ...
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Opinion statement: Anticoagulation is a vital therapy in a number of different disease processes, and is strongly recommended for the prevention of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation and/or with mechanical prosthetic heart valves. Studies involving patients on oral anticoagulants (OACs) have revealed that ICH can occur eight times more frequently in this population, with an annual estimated incidence of 0.25 to 1.1%. The decision of whether and when to resume anticoagulation following intracranial hemorrhage is challenging and requires an assessment of associated risks and benefits. Clinical data, imaging, and risk factors for both ischemic and hemorrhagic complications may aid in decision-making. Baseline functional status, life expectancy, compliance with therapy, and family support also impact decision analyses. Currently available data suggest that anticoagulation could be safely restarted in select groups of OAC-ICH patients within 4 weeks of intracranial hemorrhage; however, high-quality randomized, clinical trials are needed.
... [106][107][108][109] The pathophysiological mechanism is not fully understood, but lower affinity for tissue factor and lower permeability of the blood-brain barrier for NOACs are believed to play a role. 108,110 We systematically searched for studies that reported on the use of NOACs in patients with CVT. Because we expected a low yield, all study designs except case reports were eligible. ...
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The current proposal for cerebral venous thrombosis guideline followed the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation system, formulating relevant diagnostic and treatment questions, performing systematic reviews of all available evidence and writing recommendations and deciding on their strength on an explicit and transparent manner, based on the quality of available scientific evidence. The guideline addresses both diagnostic and therapeutic topics. We suggest using magnetic resonance or computed tomography angiography for confirming the diagnosis of cerebral venous thrombosis and not screening patients with cerebral venous thrombosis routinely for thrombophilia or cancer. We recommend parenteral anticoagulation in acute cerebral venous thrombosis and decompressive surgery to prevent death due to brain herniation. We suggest to use preferentially low-molecular weight heparin in the acute phase and not using direct oral anticoagulants. We suggest not using steroids and acetazolamide to reduce death or dependency. We suggest using antiepileptics in patients with an early seizure and supratentorial lesions to prevent further early seizures. We could not make recommendations due to very poor quality of evidence concerning duration of anticoagulation after the acute phase, thrombolysis and/or thrombectomy, therapeutic lumbar puncture, and prevention of remote seizures with antiepileptic drugs. We suggest that in women who suffered a previous cerebral venous thrombosis, contraceptives containing oestrogens should be avoided. We suggest that subsequent pregnancies are safe, but use of prophylactic low-molecular weight heparin should be considered throughout pregnancy and puerperium. Multicentre observational and experimental studies are needed to increase the level of evidence supporting recommendations on the diagnosis and management of cerebral venous thrombosis.
... Rivaroxaban is absorbed rapidly, with maximum plasma concentration occurring 2-4 hours after drug administration [9]. The elimination of rivaroxaban from plasma occurs within a 5-13 hours depending on patient age [32,33]. In our study, we have assessed rivaroxaban plasmatic concentration two hours before (trough) and two hours after (peak) drug administration, in patients receiving rivaroxaban in once daily regimen. ...
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Rivaroxaban is an oral direct factor Xa inhibitor, therapeutically indicated in the treatment of thromboembolic diseases. As other new oral anticoagulants, routine monitoring of rivaroxaban is not necessary, but important in some clinical circumstances. In our study a high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) method was validated to measure rivaroxaban plasmatic concentration. Our method used a simple sample preparation, protein precipitation, and a fast chromatographic run. It was developed a precise and accurate method, with a linear range from 2 to 500 ng/mL, and a lower limit of quantification of 4 pg on column. The new method was compared to a reference method (anti-factor Xa activity) and both presented a good correlation (r = 0.98, p < 0.001). In addition, we validated hemolytic, icteric or lipemic plasma samples for rivaroxaban measurement by HPLC-MS/MS without interferences. The chromogenic and HPLC-MS/MS methods were highly correlated and should be used as clinical tools for drug monitoring. The method was applied successfully in a group of 49 real-life patients, which allowed an accurate determination of rivaroxaban in peak and trough levels.
Investigations into the rivaroxaban response from the perspective of genetic variation have been relatively recent and wide in scope, whereas there is no consensus on the necessity of genetic testing of rivaroxaban. Thus, this systematic review aims to thoroughly evaluate the relationship between genetic polymorphisms and rivaroxaban outcomes. The PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), and Chinese databases were searched to 23 October 2022. We included cohort studies reporting the pharmacogenetic correlation of rivaroxaban. Outcomes measured included efficacy (all-cause mortality, thromboembolic events and coagulation-related tests), safety (major bleeding, clinically relevant non-major bleeding [CRNMB] and any hemorrhage), and pharmacokinetic outcomes. A narrative synthesis was performed to summarize findings from individual studies according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses and the reporting guideline for Synthesis Without Meta-Analysis. A total of 12 studies published between 2019 and 2022 involving 1364 patients were included. Ten, one, and six studies focused on the ABCB1, ABCG2, and CYP gene polymorphisms, respectively. Pharmacokinetic outcomes accounted for the majority of the outcomes reported (n = 11), followed by efficacy (n = 5) [including prothrombin time (PT) or international normalized ratio (n = 3), platelet inhibition rate (PIR) or platelet reactivity units (PRUs; n = 1), thromboembolic events (n = 1)], and safety (n = 5) [including major bleeding (n = 2), CRNMB (n = 2), any hemorrhage (n = 1)]. For ABCB1 gene polymorphism, the relationship between PT and ABCB1 rs1045642 was inconsistent across studies, however there was no pharmacogenetic relationship with other efficacy outcomes. Safety associations were found in ABCB1 rs4148738 and major bleeding, ABCB1 rs4148738 and CRNMB, ABCB1 rs1045642 and CRNMB, and ABCB1 rs2032582 and hemorrhage. Pharmacokinetic results were inconsistent among studies. For ABCG2 gene polymorphism, no correlation was observed between ABCG2 rs2231142 and dose-adjusted trough concentration (Cmin/D). For CYP gene polymorphisms, PIR or PRUs have a relationship with CYP2C19 rs12248560, however bleeding or pharmacokinetic effects did not show similar results. Currently available data are insufficient to confirm the relationship between clinical or pharmacokinetic outcomes of rivaroxaban and gene polymorphisms. Proactive strategies are advised as a priority in clinical practice rather than detection of SNP genotyping. PROSPERO registration number CRD42022347907.
Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a common complication after intracranial hemorrhage (ICH); the incidence has been reported to vary between 18% to 50% for deep vein thrombosis and between 0.5% to 5% for pulmonary embolism (PE). According to current clinical practice guidelines, patients with acute VTE should receive anticoagulant treatment for at least 3 months in the absence of contraindications. Anticoagulant treatment reduces mortality, prevents early recurrences and improves long-term outcome in patients with acute VTE. However, recent ICH is an absolute contraindication for anticoagulant treatment due to the potential increased risk of hematoma expansion or recurrent ICH. Hematoma expansion occurs in approximately a third of patients within 24 hours following the diagnosis of a spontaneous ICH. The risk for recurrent ICH depends on patients’ features as well as on the feature of index ICH. Limited evidence is available on the risks of therapeutic anticoagulation started shortly after ICH. Expert consensus around the introduction of therapeutic anticoagulation suggests delaying therapeutic anticoagulation for at least 2 weeks after spontaneous ICH, until the risk re-bleeding becomes acceptable. Vena cava filters should be inserted to reduce the risk for (non) fatal PE until therapeutic anticoagulation can be started; antithrombotic prophylaxis should be started as soon as possible to avoid recurrent VTE after vena cava filter insertion. For patients presenting PE with hemodynamic compromise, percutaneous embolectomy should be considered. Most patients will be able to receive anticoagulant treatment within 4 weeks following spontaneous ICH; direct oral anticoagulants are probably the treatment of choice for those ICH patients tolerating anticoagulant treatment.
Background: All evidence regarding benefits and harms of rivaroxaban for stroke prevention has not been appraised yet. Study question: What are the comparative effectiveness and safety of rivaroxaban in adults with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation? Data sources: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), meta-analyses, and observational studies were identified in several databases in October 2018. Study design: Rapid review with evidence appraisal using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation working group approach. Results: Two direct RCTs (23,021 patients) suggest that rivaroxaban is noninferior to warfarin in the prevention of stroke and systemic embolism (pooled relative risk [RR] 0.73, 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.43-1.24), reduces risk of hemorrhagic stroke (RR 0.59, 95% CI, 0.38-0.92), fatal bleeding (RR 0.49, 95% CI, 0.31-0.76), and cardiac arrest (RR 0.45, 95% CI, 0.25-0.82, 2 RCTs), but increases risk of major gastrointestinal bleeding (RR 1.46, 95% CI, 1.19-1.78). In observational studies, rivaroxaban is associated with lower risk of ischemic stroke (RR 0.87, 95% CI, 0.77-0.99, 222,750 patients), acute myocardial infarction (RR 0.61, 95% CI, 0.48-0.78, 73,739 patients), and intracranial hemorrhage (RR 0.64, 95% CI, 0.45-0.92, 197,506 patients) but higher risk of gastrointestinal bleeding (RR 1.30, 95% CI, 1.19-1.42, 188,968 patients) and higher risk of mortality when compared with warfarin in European studies (RR 1.19, 103,270 patients in the UK; RR 2.02, 22,358 patients in Denmark) but lower risk of mortality in Taiwan (RR 0.58, 40,000 patients). Network meta-analyses and observational studies suggest that rivaroxaban is associated with higher risk of bleeding when compared with apixaban (RR 2.14, 72,586 patients), dabigatran (RR 1.24, 67,102 patients), and edoxaban (RR 1.32, 71,683 patients). Conclusions: Research on the long-term comparative effectiveness, safety, and effects on quality of life between rivaroxaban and other novel oral anticoagulants is urgently needed.
Rivaroxaban is an oral, direct Factor Xa inhibitor that has been evaluated in the RECORD phase III clinical trial program for the prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in major orthopaedic surgery. RECORD3 (Lassen M, et al. N Engl J Med2008;358:2776–2786) showed that oral rivaroxaban 10 mg once daily (od) given post-operatively significantly reduced VTE after total knee replacement (TKR), compared with subcutaneous (s.c.) enoxaparin 40 mg od initiated pre-operatively, with similar rates of bleeding. RECORD4 was designed to determine the efficacy and safety of rivaroxaban compared with enoxaparin 30 mg administered twice daily after TKR. Patients (N=3,148) were randomized to receive either oral rivaroxaban 10 mg od (initiated 6–8 hours after surgery) or s.c. enoxaparin 30 mg every 12 hours (initiated 12 to 24 hours after surgery) for 10 to 14 days. Patients underwent mandatory, bilateral venography between day 11 and day 15. The primary efficacy endpoint was the composite of any deep vein thrombosis (DVT), non-fatal pulmonary embolism (PE), and all-cause mortality up to day 17. The primary efficacy analysis was a test for non-inferiority in the per-protocol population (n=1,702), followed by a test for superiority in the modified intention-to-treat population (n=1,924) (if non-inferiority was established in the per-protocol population). The main secondary efficacy endpoint was major VTE: the composite of proximal DVT, non-fatal PE, and VTE-related death. Treatment-emergent major bleeding observed no later than two days after the last intake of study was the main safety endpoint. The results are shown in the table. Rivaroxaban significantly reduced the incidence of the primary efficacy outcome compared with enoxaparin (6.9% vs 10.1%, respectively; p=0.012; relative risk reduction 31%). Rivaroxaban was non-inferior to enoxaparin for the prevention of major VTE in the per-protocol population (p<0.001). The observed incidences of major VTE and symptomatic VTE in those receiving rivaroxaban or enoxaparin were 1.2% vs 2.0% (p=0.124), and 0.7% vs 1.2% (p=0.187), respectively, and the rates of major bleeding were 0.7% vs 0.3% (p=0.110) respectively, and major and clinically relevant non-major bleeding 3.0% vs 2.3% (p=0.179) in the rivaroxaban and enoxaparin treated groups, respectively. The data demonstrate that rivaroxaban has superior efficacy to enoxaparin 30 mg administered every 12 hours for the prevention of VTE after TKR, without significantly increasing the risk of bleeding. Endpoint Rivaroxaban10 mg od % (n/N) Enoxaparin30 mg q12h % (n/N) p-value for differenced aModified intention-to-treat population bModified intention-to-treat population valid for major VTE analysis cSafety population dCalculated for the absolute risk difference DVT, non-fatal PE, and all-cause mortalitya 6.9% (67/965) 10.1% (97/959) 0.012 Major VTEb 1.2% (13/1,122) 2.0% (22/1,112) 0.124 Symptomatic VTEc 0.7% (11/1,526) 1.2% (18/1,508) 0.187 Major bleedingc 0.7% (10/1,526) 0.3% (4/1,508) 0.110 Any non-major bleedingc 10.2% (155/1,526) 9.2% (138/1,508) – Major and clinically relevant non-major bleedingc 3.0% (46/1526) 2.3% (34/1,508) 0.179
Rivaroxaban (BAY 59-7939) is a novel, oral, direct Factor Xa (FXa) inhibitor in advanced clinical development for the prevention and treatment of thromboembolic disorders. The antithrombotic activity of rivaroxaban has been demonstrated in several venous and arterial thrombosis models in rats, at doses that did not increase bleeding times. However, as with all anticoagulants, high doses of rivaroxaban cause prolongation of bleeding time. The aim of this study was to assess the ability of recombinant Factor VIIa (rFVIIa, NovoSeven®) to neutralize the anticoagulant effects of high-dose rivaroxaban. Animals were divided into four study groups receiving the following treatment and the appropriate placebo: rivaroxaban 2 mg/kg, rivaroxaban 2 mg/kg plus rFVIIa 100 or 400 μg/kg i.v, and rFVIIa 400 μg/kg i.v. Anesthetized rats were pretreated with rivaroxaban (or placebo); rFVIIa (or placebo) was then injected intravenously 1 minute after induction of bleeding. Mesenteric bleeding times were measured after cutting small branched arteries using microsurgery scissors, while the intestinal surface was superfused with 0.9% NaCl solution. Bleeding times were obtained from three control vessel incisions before treatment, and one after intravenous administration of rivaroxaban and/or rFVIIa (n=10). Prothrombin time (PT), thrombin generation (TG), and inhibition of FXa activity (activated by Russell’s viper venom) were measured in blood from animals that had received study medication (rivaroxaban 2 mg/kg and/or rFVIIa 400 μg/kg) or placebo, but had not been used for bleeding time determination (n=6). Administration of rFVIIa (400 μg/kg) reduced mesenteric bleeding time to 0.7-times baseline (Table). High-dose rivaroxaban increased bleeding time to 3.3-times baseline. The administration of rFVIIa to animals which had received rivaroxaban significantly reduced the bleeding times to 2.4- and 1.7-times baseline at doses of 100 μg/kg and 400 μg/kg, respectively. Administration of rFVIIa (400 μg/kg) reduced PT and the lag time of TG, but had no effect on endogenous thrombin potential (ETP: total amount of thrombin activity) in control animals. Rivaroxaban-induced prolongation of PT and lag time of TG were partially reversed by rFVIIa, as was the reduction in ETP. Rivaroxaban-induced inhibition of FXa activity was not affected by rFVIIa. These results demonstrate that rFVIIa partially reverses the anticoagulation effect (bleeding time, prolongation of PT, ETP, and lag time of TG) of rivaroxaban without affecting inhibition of FXa activity. Thus, these data indicate that rFVIIa has the potential to be used as an antidote to the oral, direct FXa inhibitor, rivaroxaban, if this was necessary. Group Change in bleeding time (x-fold) PT (sec) Thrombin generation (ETP) (nM x min) Thrombin generation lag time (min) Inhibition of FXa activity (%) ETP: endogenous thrombin potential Placebo 1 (baseline) 15±0.4 516±16 1.2 ±0.04 0±3 rFVIIa 400 μg/kg 0.7±0.1 7±0.2 507±19 0.7±0.01 1±4 Rivaroxaban 2 mg/kg 3.3±0.5 97±5.6 363±14 2.4±0.2 77±4 Rivaroxaban 2 mg/kg + rFVIIa 400 μg/kg 1.7±0.2 54±3.5 428±13 1.9±0.1 81±2
The risk of venous thromboembolism is high after total hip arthroplasty and could persist after hospital discharge. Our aim was to compare the use of rivaroxaban for extended thromboprophylaxis with short-term thromboprophylaxis with enoxaparin. METHODS: 2509 patients scheduled to undergo elective total hip arthroplasty were randomly assigned, stratified according to centre, with a computer-generated randomisation code, to receive oral rivaroxaban 10 mg once daily for 31-39 days (with placebo injection for 10-14 days; n=1252), or enoxaparin 40 mg once daily subcutaneously for 10-14 days (with placebo tablet for 31-39 days; n=1257). The primary efficacy outcome was the composite of deep-vein thrombosis (symptomatic or asymptomatic detected by mandatory, bilateral venography), non-fatal pulmonary embolism, and all-cause mortality up to day 30-42. Analyses were done in the modified intention-to-treat population, which consisted of all patients who had received at least one dose of study medication, had undergone planned surgery, and had adequate assessment of thromboembolism. This study is registered at, number NCT00332020. FINDINGS: The modified intention-to-treat population for the analysis of the primary efficacy outcome consisted of 864 patients in the rivaroxaban group and 869 in the enoxaparin group. The primary outcome occurred in 17 (2.0%) patients in the rivaroxaban group, compared with 81 (9.3%) in the enoxaparin group (absolute risk reduction 7.3%, 95% CI 5.2-9.4; p<0.0001). The incidence of any on-treatment bleeding was much the same in both groups (81 [6.6%] events in 1228 patients in the rivaroxaban safety population vs 68 [5.5%] of 1229 patients in the enoxaparin safety population; p=0.25). INTERPRETATION: Extended thromboprophylaxis with rivaroxaban was significantly more effective than short-term enoxaparin plus placebo for the prevention of venous thromboembolism, including symptomatic events, in patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty. Comment in Selective factor Xa inhibition for thromboprophylaxis.
Anticoagulants, such as warfarin, are indicated for a variety of medical conditions, some of which are strongly age dependent. In younger people, the prevalence of many cardiovascular diseases is typically higher in males; however, with increasing age, this difference often resolves. Rivaroxaban (BAY 59-7939) is a novel, oral, direct Factor Xa (FXa) inhibitor in advanced clinical development for the prevention and treatment of thromboembolic disorders. This randomized, single-blind study was performed to investigate the influences of age and gender on the pharmacokinetics (PK), pharmacodynamics (PD), and tolerability of rivaroxaban in healthy subjects. Four subject groups (young males or females, aged 18–45 years, and elderly males or females, aged >75 years) received a single dose of rivaroxaban 10 mg or placebo (N=34). Gender had no effect on the area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC), or maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) of rivaroxaban (Table); however, elderly subjects had higher AUC values than young subjects (least-squares mean ratio [LS-mean] 1.41, 90% confidence interval [CI] 1.20–1.66). The Cmax of rivaroxaban was unaffected by age (LS-mean 1.08, 90% CI 0.96–1.25). Total and renal clearance of rivaroxaban correlated positively with creatinine clearance (CrCL), and inversely with age. The patterns of inhibition of FXa activity by rivaroxaban for all groups were mirrored by those of prolongation of prothrombin time (PT); the maximum effect (Emax) of both consistently occurred 2–4 hours after administration and was unaffected by age or gender. In parallel with the PK results, the AUC of the PD effect, from administration of rivaroxaban to the final time point (AUC0-tn), was increased in elderly subjects (inhibition of FXa activity, LS-mean 1.58, 90% Cl 1.32–1.89; prolongation of PT, LS-mean 1.46, 90% Cl 1.29–1.66); however, all values returned to within 10% of baseline 24 hours after administration of rivaroxaban. The AUC0-tn values correlated inversely with CrCL. Rivaroxaban was well tolerated by all groups; the incidence and intensity of adverse events was similar to placebo. In conclusion, these results demonstrate that the observed effect of age on the PK and PD of this rivaroxaban dose - increased AUC in elderly subjects - was largely due to reduced renal function. Gender had virtually no effect on the PK and PD of rivaroxaban, and neither age nor gender affected tolerability. These findings suggest that rivaroxaban, at similar doses, may not require dose adjustment in elderly patients, or for gender. Phase II studies of rivaroxaban for the prevention of venous thromboembolism also suggested that dose adjustment may not be required for age or gender in this indication. However, this will require confirmation in large-scale phase III studies. PK and PD parameters in subjects receiving rivaroxaban 10 mg (n=6 in each group) Young males Young females Elderly males Elderly females Values are geometric means/geometric coefficients of variation (%) AUC (μg·h/L) 1477/29.97 1210/12.69 1839/28.24 1941/16.15 Cmax (μg/L) 227.57/18.25 209.73/23.95 228.80/23.79 245.01/18.23 Inhibition of FXa Emax (%) 50.86/16.84 53.99/12.44 56.30/6.39 60.16/9.01 AUC0-tn (%/h) 432.76/38.75 343.14/24.61 613.94/11.09 596.48/23.20 Prolongation of PT Emax (x-fold) 1.62/9.06 1.69/8.49 1.66/5.67 1.75/4.63 AUC0-tn (x-fold/h) 22.69/28.09 15.98/10.41 29.77/3.15 26.06/17.52