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Applications and potential uses of fish gill cell lines: Examples with RTgill-W1


Abstract and Figures

Gills are unique structures involved in respiration and osmoregulation in piscinids as well as in many aquatic invertebrates. The availability of the trout-derived gill cell line, RTgill-W1, is beginning to make impacts in fish health and toxicology. These cells are available from the American Type Culture Collection as ATCC CRL 2523. The cells have an epithelioid morphology and form tight monolayer sheets that can be used for testing epithelial resistance. The cells can be grown in regular tissue culture surfaces or in transwell membranes in direct contact with water on their apical surfaces. The ability of RTgill-W1 to withstand hypo- and hyper-osmotic conditions and their optimal growth capacity at room temperature, make these cells ideal sentinel models for in vitro aquatic toxicology as well as model systems to study fish gill function and gill diseases. RTgill-W1 support growth of paramyxoviruses and orthomyxoviruses like salmon anemia virus. RTgill-W1 also support growth of Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis, the causative agent of amoebic gill disease. The cells have been used to understand mechanisms of toxicity, ranking the potencies of toxicants, and evaluating the toxicity of environmental samples. These cells are also valuable for high throughput toxicogenomic and toxicoproteomic studies which are easier to achieve with cell lines than with whole organisms. RTgill-W1 cell line could become a valuable complement to whole animal studies and in some cases as gill replacements in aquatic toxicology.
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Applications and potential uses of fish gill cell lines:
examples with RTgill-W1
L. E. J. Lee &V. R. Dayeh &K. Schirmer &N. C. Bols
Received: 15 September 2008 / Accepted: 22 December 2008 / Editor: J. Denry Sato
#The Society for In Vitro Biology 2009
Abstract Gills are unique structures involved in respiration
and osmoregulation in piscinids as well as in many aquatic
invertebrates. The availability of the trout-derived gill cell
line, RTgill-W1, is beginning to make impacts in fish health
and toxicology. These cells are available from the American
Type Culture Collection as ATCC CRL 2523. The cells
have an epithelioid morphology and form tight monolayer
sheets that can be used for testing epithelial resistance. The
cells can be grown in regular tissue culture surfaces or in
transwell membranes in direct contact with water on their
apical surfaces. The ability of RTgill-W1 to withstand hypo-
and hyper-osmotic conditions and their optimal growth
capacity at room temperature, make these cells ideal sentinel
models for in vitro aquatic toxicology as well as model
systems to study fish gill function and gill diseases. RTgill-
W1 support growth of paramyxoviruses and orthomyxovi-
ruses like salmon anemia virus. RTgill-W1 also support
growth of Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis, the causative
agent of amoebic gill disease. The cells have been used to
understand mechanisms of toxicity, ranking the potencies of
toxicants, and evaluating the toxicity of environmental
samples. These cells are also valuable for high throughput
toxicogenomic and toxicoproteomic studies which are
easier to achieve with cell lines than with whole organisms.
RTgill-W1 cell line could become a valuable complement
to whole animal studies and in some cases as gill replace-
ments in aquatic toxicology.
Keywords Aquatic ecotoxicology .Cytotoxicity .
Fish cell culture .Gill cell line .Rainbow trout .RTgill-W1
In vitro models have been invaluable in many areas of life
sciences. These experimental systems allow direct access
and evaluation of specific functions with higher control of
the conditions of assays, reducing variability of responses
due to unavoidable stress responses. Ready access to
functional cells without the constraints of non-target tissues,
provides the possibility for easy studies of cellular
mechanisms. However, special considerations must be
addressed to establish stable in vitro function. Primary
cultures are usually short-lived and require specific culture
conditions. Microbial contamination is more common and
difficulties in obtaining adequate tissue amounts, have
prompted interest in developing permanent cell lines which
can provide a much more convenient source of cells.
Nevertheless, depending on the question being asked, primary
cultures (cells freshly derived from organ of interest) or cell
lines (cells that have been passaged many times in vitro)
have been used in various aspects of scientific research.
The gills of aquatic organisms are unique organs
involved in gas exchange, osmoregulation, and other
critical functions (Evans et al. 2005) essential for survival
of piscinid and invertebrate species. Thus, damage to gills
may reflect in impaired functioning of the organism and
eventual death. Studies of gill function have traditionally
In Vitro Cell.Dev.Biol.Animal
DOI 10.1007/s11626-008-9173-2
L. E. J. Lee (*)
Department of Biology, Wilfrid Laurier University,
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3C5
V. R. Dayeh :N. C. Bols
Department of Biology, University of Waterloo,
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2J 3G1
K. Schirmer
EawagSwiss Federal Institute of Aquatic
Science and Technology,
Dübendorf, Switzerland
been performed in vivo in experimental animals. However,
recent advancements in gill cell culture provide an alternate
model system to study the gill (Fernandes et al. 1995;
Wood and Part 1997; Sandbacka et al. 1999; Fletcher et al.
2000; Wood et al. 2002; Leguen et al. 2007). In these
systems, branchial cells are grown on solid or permeable
insert supports. Within permeable inserts, gill membranes
can be established where experimental manipulations of the
apical and basolateral sides can be made once confluent cell
layers are formed. This approach allows the activities of
ions to be experimentally set on both sides of an epithelium
and electrophysiological parameters such as transepithelial
resistance and transepithelial potential to be monitored.
Reconstructed branchial epithelia withstand prolonged
apical exposure to freshwater and show many physiological
and morphological characteristics similar to those of the
gill epithelium in vivo (Fletcher et al. 2000; Wood et al.
2002; Leguen et al. 2007). However, inherent drawbacks of
primary cultures: labor intensive, short life span, and not
always easy to obtain in a reproducible and quantitative
manner have limited their usage.
The availability of fish cell lines, since the 1960s, has
begun to make impacts in scientific research, but at a much
slower rate than with mammalian cell lines. Early work
with fish cell lines was initiated with RTG-2, a gonadal cell
line derived from rainbow trout (Wolf and Quimby 1962),
mainly for virological studies. In the almost 50 yr since
then, fish cell lines have grown in number covering a wide
variety of species and tissues of origin and an array of
applications. Fish immunology (Clem et al. 1996; Bols
et al. 2001), toxicology (Babich and Borenfreund 1991;
Segner 1998), ecotoxicology (Fent 2001; Castano et al.
2003; Schirmer 2006), endocrinology (Bols and Lee 1991),
virology (Wolf 1988), biomedical research (Hightower and
Renfrow 1988), disease control (Villena 2003), biotechnol-
ogy and aquaculture (Bols 1991), and radiation biology
(Ryan et al. 2008) are some of the areas in which fish cell
lines have made significant contributions.
Many fish cell lines have been derived from dissociated
adult or embryonic tissues (Fryer and Lannan 1994) but
few have been characterized for tissue of origin with
appropriate markers (Bols and Lee 1994). Inasmuch as fish
comprise more than half of all vertebrate species together, it
is surprising that so few cell lines have been established
from piscinid species in comparison to mammals. To date,
of the more than 3,400 cell lines deposited at the American
Type Culture Collection (ATCC), only 31 cell lines could
be found that are of fish origin (see Table 1). Astounding
as well, is the fact that although greater than 70% of the
earth mass is covered with water and that aquatic
organisms prevail with a distinct organ such as the gills,
very few cell lines have been initiated from such a unique
organ, although a lot of research has been done at the
organismal level. Research with cells derived from the
gills of fish, a conspicuous organ involved in gas exchange
and ionoregulation, have been steady, yet, most of the work
involves use of primary cultures despite the reported
difficulties for their isolation, maintenance, and reproduc-
ibility (Wood et al. 2002; Leguen et al. 2007). The
reluctance to use cell lines stems from researchers
misconception that cell lines are mostly derived from
transformed cells and that differentiated characteristics of
the tissues of origin are not maintained (Sato 2008). This
may be the case for many mammalian cell lines, but most
cell lines derived from fish tissues have been from normal
tissues with a few exceptions, most notably EPC and
RTH-149 cells which were derived respectively from an
epithelioma and a hepatoma. Fryer and Lannan (1994)
noted that 14 out of 159 fish cell lines reported up to 1994
were initiated from tumorigenic tissues, which is less than
10%. Furthermore, from the 31 fish cell lines listed at
ATCC, only three were derived from tumorigenic tissues.
This contrasts with mammalian cell lines where over
50% of listed cell lines at the ATCC were derived from
cancerous tissues or transformed cells.
Of the 12 gill cell lines reported to date (Table 2), none
have been described that were initiated from neoplastic or
cancerous tissues and only the FG-9307 gill cell line has
been reported to undergo spontaneous neoplastic transfor-
mation in vitro (Guo et al. 2003). Nevertheless, literature on
the use of fish gill cell lines have been scarce and most
work performed to date involved two gill cell lines: RTgill-
W1 derived from gill explants of adult rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss) (Bols et al. 1994), is representative
of gills from freshwater species; whereas, FG-9307, derived
from flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) (Tong et al. 1997),
is representative of gills from marine fish. In this review,
we provide examples of applications and potential uses
mainly for the rainbow trout gill cell line RTgill-W1, since
RTgill-W1 is readily available from the American Type
Culture Collection as ATCC number CRL 2523, unlike FG-
9307, which is only available from Dr. Zhang, QingDao,
RTgill-W1: Origins, Cell Culture Conditions, and Growth
RTgill-W1 is an epithelial cell line derived from the gill
explants of normal adult rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus
mykiss) (Bols et al. 1994). These cells have been authen-
ticated as derived from rainbow trout by microsatellite
analysis (Perry et al. 2001). The cells are routinely cultured
at room temperature in 75 cm
tissue culture flasks with
10 ml of Leibovitz-15 media (L15) with added fetal bovine
serum at 10% (v/v), 100 U/ml penicillin and 100 µg/ml
streptomycin. Conditions for their routine growth, mainte-
nance, and use in toxicity assays was reported by Dayeh et
al. (2005a). The cells exhibit epithelial morphology (Fig. 1)
and are believed to have derived from undifferentiated
precursor gill stem cells. Given appropriate conditions,
mucus-secreting goblet-like cells and cells with abundant
mitochondria could be selected (Fig. 2). Additionally, these
cells form tight epithelia and withstand exposure to fresh-
Table 2. Fish gill cell lines reported in the literature up to September 2008
Cell line ATCC no. Morphology Species of origin Reference
G1B CRL-2536 Pleomorphic Walking catfish Clarias batrachus Noga and Hartmann 1981
G1 NA Epithelial Common carp Ciprinus carpio Chen and Kou 1988
BG/G NA Fibroblastic Bluegill sunfish Lepomis macrochirus Borenfreund et al. 1989
CCG NA Epithelioid Color carp Ciprinus carpio Ku and Chen 1992
ZG NA ND Zebrafish Danio rerio Collodi et al. 1992
RTgill-W1 CRL-2523 Epithelial Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mikiss Bols et al. 1994
MG-3 NA Fibroblastic Mrigal Cirrhinus mrigala Sathe et al. 1995
RG-1 NA Fibroblastic Rohu Labeo rohita Sathe et al. 1997
FG-9307 NA Epithelioid Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus Tong et al. 1997
RGE-2 NA Epithelial Atlantic salmon Salmo salar Butler and Nowak 2004
RGF NA Fibroblastic Atlantic salmon Salmo salar Butler and Nowak 2004
CF-4 NA ND Zebrafish Danio rerio Hogstrand et al. 2007
NA not available, ND not described.
Table 1. Fish cell lines deposited at the American type culture collection as of September 2008
Fish species Designation ATCC no. Cell type/morphology Tissue source
Carassius auratus goldfish CAR CCL-71 Fibroblast Normal fin
Clarias batrachus walking catfish G1B CRL-2536 Pleomorphic Gill
Clupea pallasi Pacific herring PHL CRL-2750 Epithelial Larvae
Cyprinus carpio carp EPC CRL-2872 Epithelial Epithelioma papullosum
Danio rerio zebrafish ZF4 CRL-2050 Fibroblast Embryo fibroblasts
Danio rerio ZEM2S CRL-2147 Fibroblast Embryo fibroblasts
Danio rerio SJD.1 CRL-2296 Fibroblast Caudal fin
Danio rerio AB.9 CRL-2298 Fibroblast Caudal fin
Danio rerio ZFL CRL-2643 Parenchymal Normal liver
Fugu rubripes Tora fugu Fugu eye CRL-2641 Epithelial Eye
Fugu niphobles Kusa fugu Fugu fry CRL-2642 Fibroblast Fry
Haemulon sciurus blue striped grunt GF CCL-58
Fibroblast Fin
Ictalurus nebulosus brown bullhead BB CCL-59 Fibroblast CT and muscle
Ictalurus punctatus channel catfish 1G8 CRL-2756 Lymphoblast Blood cells
Ictalurus punctatus 3B11 CRL-2757 Lymphoblast Blood cells
Ictalurus punctatus 28S.3 CRL-2758 T lymphoblast Blood cells
Ictalurus punctatus 42TA CRL-2759 Macrophages Blood cells
Ictalurus punctatus G14D CRL-2760 T lymphocytes Blood cells
Ictalurus punctatus CCO CRL-2772 Fibroblast Ovary
Lepomis macrochirus bluegill BF-2 CCL-91 Fibroblast Caudal trunk
Morone chrysops white bass WBE CRL-2773 Epithelial Embryo
Oncorhynchus keta chum salmon CHH-1 CRL-1680 Fibroblast Heart
Oncorhynchus mykiss rainbow trout RTH-149 CRL-1710 Epithelial Hepatoma
Oncorhynchus mykiss RTG-2 CCL-55 Fibroblast Fry testis and ovary
Oncorhynchus mykiss RTG-P1 CRL-2829 Fibroblast Gonad
Oncorhynchus mykiss SOB-15 CRL-2301 Epithelial Liver
Oncorhynchus mykiss RTgill-W1 CRL-2523 Epithelial Gill
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha chinook salmon CHSE-214 CRL-1681 Mixed Embryo
Pimephales promelas fathead minnow FHM CCL-42 Epithelial CT and muscle
Poeciliopsis lucida topminnow PLHC-1 CRL-2406 Hepatocyte Hepatocellular cacinoma
Salmo salar Atlantic salmon ASK CRL-2747 Epithelial Kidney
This cell line is no longer available from ATCC.
or saltwater when grown in transwell membrane chambers
(Fig. 3). Sandbichler and Pelster (2005) noted that RTgill-
W1, like primary trout gill epithelial cells, expressed proteins
involved in osmotic stress response when these cells were
grown in transwells and were exposed to freshwater on the
apical chambers. RTgill-W1 cells are quite tolerant of hypo-
and hyper-osmotic conditions and could be grown for
prolonged periods in direct exposure with media of varying
salinities (Fig. 4). RTgill-W1 are also quite sensitive to cor-
tisol exposure which inhibits cell proliferation and changes
cellular morphology (Fig. 5) (Lee, unpublished data).
Gill cell lines in basic research. Most physiological work
performed to date involved the use of either perfused gills,
primary gill cultures, or whole organisms. Little use of the gill
cell lines for basic research have been performed to date.
However, Ebner et al. (2007) recently reported using RTgill-
W1 to study activation pattern and subcellular distribution of
ERK, a mitogen-activated protein kinase; and Krumschnabel
et al. (2007) evaluated RTgill-W1 cells for their apoptotic
mechanisms, evaluating activation of effector caspases,
nuclear condensation, mitochondrial membrane potential,
and overall apoptotic volume decrease (cell shrinkage). These
authors reported that the RTgill-W1 cells behaved similarly to
mammalian cells albeit some differences were noted.
Gill cell lines in fish health research. Fish gill membranes
provide a thin entry route to pathogens. Mechanisms of
pathogen entry into gill epithelia is poorly understood and
although cell lines have been commonly used with mamma-
lian pathogens for mechanisms of hostpathogen relation-
ships, comparatively little usage of gill cell lines have been
made for the study of pathogens, except for viruses.
Figure 1. Morphology of RTgill-W1. Phase contrast micrograph of
RTgill-W1 monolayer at passage 86. Arrow indicates mitotic figure.
Bar= 100 µm.
Figure 2. Gill cell types.
(A) TEM of rainbow trout gill
lamella with common cells
found at base of lamella:
cchloride cell, pv pavement
cells, ggoblet cell, uundifferen-
tiated cell, ppillar cell, rbc red
blood cell. (B) TEM of RTgill-
W1 monolayer with proliferating
cell shown in telophase. (C)
TEM of RTgill-W1 monolayer
with goblet-like cell with coa-
lescing vesicles. (D) Fluores-
cence micrograph of RTgill-W1
monolayer stained with Rhoda-
mine 123 depicting mitochondria
rich cells. (E) Light micrograph
of RTgill-W1 monolayer stained
with periodic acid Schiff (PAS)
to demonstrate mucopolisacchar-
ide accumulation (arrows) in
goblet-like cells.
Several diseases have been reported to affect the gills of
fish, among these, viruses have been quite problematic.
Viruses, as the ultimate intracellular pathogens, require host
cells, and cell lines have been essential in mammalian
virology. RTgill-W1 has been shown to support the growth
of a novel paramyxovirus isolated from the gills of disease
seawater-reared Atlantic salmon (Kvellestad et al. 2003).
The complete genome sequence of the virus, dubbed
Atlantic salmon paramyxovirus or ASPV, was recently
made possible by RTgill-W1s ability to support their
growth (Nylund et al. 2008). Characterization of infectious
salmon anemia virus or ISAV, an orthomyxo-like virus
Figure 4. Morphology of RTgill-W1 under varying osmotic conditions. Phase contrast micrographs at ×40. Bar =100 µm.
Figure 3. Morphology of
RTgill-W1 grown in cell culture
inserts for 4 wk with weekly
changes of upper and lower
chambers. A,CFreshwater in
upper chamber. B,DSeawater in
apical chamber. Lower chambers
contained normal L-15 culture
media. Mag=×40 for A,Band
×100 for C,D.
(Falk et al. 1997), was also made possible by their ability to
grow inside RTgill-W1 cells.
While viruses are the ultimate parasites using host cells
mechanisms for reproduction, the study of obligate intra-
cellular bacterial and/or protozoan parasites could also be
facilitated with the aid of cell lines. For instance, RTgill-
W1 cell line could be useful for studies of gill infecting
microsporidia such as Loma salmonae (Kent and Speare
2005), the causative agent for microsporidial gill disease of
salmonids which is among the most significant infectious
diseases affecting aquaculture-raised chinook salmon in
Canada (Speare et al. 2007). The usefulness of fish cell
lines to study microsporidia is addressed in a separate
manuscript by Monaghan et al. (this issue).
The study of ectopic parasites infecting gills could also be
investigated using gill cell lines. Noga (1987) used the G1B
cell line to study Amyloodinium ocellatum, a dinoflagellate
commonly found in fish gills and evaluated the effectiveness
of an antiprotozoal drug in vitro. The RGE-2 cell line from
Atlantic salmon gills (Butler and Nowak 2004), was devel-
oped to facilitate study of amoebic gill disease caused by
Neoparamoeba species. Lee et al. (2006) demonstrated rapid
growth and high yield of a lab strain of Neoparamoeba
pemaquidensis using RTgill-W1 and also demonstrated the
specificity of the amoeba for a gill cell line over nine other
fish cell lines derived from other tissues. Thus, gill cell lines
could be very useful for studying organ-specific pathogens.
Gill cell lines in toxicology research. The gills of aquatic
organisms are the primary target and uptake sites of water
contaminants (Evans 1987). As such, gills are exquisite
organs for the study of aquatic toxicant effects. However,
gills in vivo are difficult to evaluate or manipulate, thus, gill
cells in vitro could represent ideal systems for the study of
aquatic contaminants. While primary gill cultures have
been used for the evaluation of aquatic toxicants (Lilius et
al. 1995; Pärt 1995; Sandbacka et al. 1999; Wood et al.
2002), the difficulty of their isolation, maintenance, and
reproducibility makes them cumbersome to use. Permanent
cell lines, on the other hand, are easy to maintain and
manipulate and produce highly reproducible results. Thus,
the use of fish cell lines in toxicology and ecotoxicology
has been relatively broad and several reviews have been
published on the topic: Segner (1998); Fent (2001); Castano
et al. (2003); Bols et al. (2005); and Schirmer (2006).
Gill cell lines provide an opportunity to study both
cytotoxicity and biotransformation of chemicals at the
branchial level in much more detail than is possible in
vivo. Both, FG-9307 and RTgill-W1 have been used in
toxicity testing of various chemicals. For instance, the
toxicity of organophosphorous pesticides were evaluated
with FG-9307 cells (Li and Zhang 2001;2002), while
RTgill-W1 have been used to evaluate the toxicity of
industrial effluents (Dayeh et al. 2002), including petroleum
refinery effluents (Schirmer et al. 2001), and have also been
used to evaluate the toxicity of polycyclic aromatic hydro-
carbons (Schirmer et al. 1998a,b,1999) and metals (Dayeh
et al. 2005b) including Cu, Cd, Zn, Fe, and Ni. Most
recently, Bopp et al. (2008) used RTgill-W1 cells to further
evaluate toxicity of copper and hypothesized that copper-
induced loss in viability and genotoxicity in trout gills may
partially be triggered by the generation of reactive oxygen
species. Similarly, the toxicity of polibrominated diphenyl
ethers (PBDEs) when tested with RTgill-W1 (Shao et al.
2008) as well as with the trout liver cell line RTL-W1,
suggest that these compounds mediate cell injury through a
mechanism that may involve oxidative stress.
The biggest advantage of using RTgill-W1 though, is
that environmental samples can be directly evaluated on
these cells. Whole water samples can be evaluated on
RTgill-W1 by direct exposure without extraction or concen-
tration steps. The environmental water samples could be
added to gill cells for whole effluent testing (Lee et al. 2008).
For instance, industrial effluents (Dayeh et al. 2002) or oil-
sands process affected waters (Lee et al. 2008), were mixed
with L-15 media components and the toxicity of these
samples were evaluated using RTgill-W1 cells. The
evaluations were done in blind studies without knowledge
of sample content, yet the toxicity of the samples correlated
with their in vivo toxicity to whole fish (Dayeh et al. 2002)
Figure 5. Phase contrast micro-
graphs of RTgill-W1 grown for
21 d in the absence (A) or
presence of cortisol at 100 ng/ml
(B). Mag= ×40. Bar = 100 µm.
or to potentially toxic chemical content such as naphthenic
acid and salinity content (Lee et al. 2008).
Studies with cultured cells permit the determination of
molecular and cellular mechanisms through which patho-
gens cause disease or pollutants lead to toxic effects in
organisms at sublethal and chronic levels. Gill cell lines are
proving useful for evaluating the effects of aquatic samples,
pathogens, drugs, and toxicants on cellular functions. The
availability of the permanent cell line RTgill-W1 is
therefore beginning to make major impacts in fish research.
Acknowledgements This study was funded by a Long Range
Initiative grant from CEFIC (European Chemical Industry Council)
and DEFRA-UK (project: CEllSens-Eco8). Continuing funding from
the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
(NSERC) and from the Canadian Water Network to LEJL and NCB
are gratefully acknowledged. LEJL also thanks CEMA, the Cumulative
Environmental Management Association (Canada) for recent funding
on the use of fish cell lines to evaluate oil-sands process affected waters
and Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory (MDIBL) for a New
Investigator Award allowing further work with RTgill-W1 and amoeba
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... Importantly, RTgill-W1 cells lack the characteristics of pavement cells and ionocytes, for they are apparently derived from undifferentiated gill precursor stem cells (Bols et al. 1994;Lee et al. 2009). The ion regulation of this cell line must thereby differ, at least to a certain degree, from the physiological functions described for rainbow trout gill cells. ...
... Specifically, because Na + and Cl − regulation is often strongly interspersed (Hwang et al. 2011;Marshall 2002). Seeing how gills are vital organs for osmoregulation, the effect PRMs have on the ionoregulation is either a result of PRM toxicity or integral to the toxic mode of action or PRMs (Hwang et al. 2011;Lee et al. 2009). Further studies are needed to better understand this correlation. ...
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Harmful algal blooms kill fish populations worldwide, as exemplified by the haptophyte microalga Prymnesium parvum. The suspected causative agents are prymnesins, categorized as A-, B-, and C-types based on backbone carbon atoms. Impacts of P. parvum extracts and purified prymnesins were tested on the epithelial rainbow trout fish gill cell line RTgill-W1 and on the human colon epithelial cells HCEC-1CT. Cytotoxic potencies ranked A > C > B-type with concentrations spanning from low (A- and C-type) to middle (B-type) nM ranges. Although RTgill-W1 cells were about twofold more sensitive than HCEC-1CT, the cytotoxicity of prymnesins is not limited to fish gills. Both cell lines responded rapidly to prymnesins; with EC50 values for B-types in RTgill-W1 cells of 110 ± 11 nM and 41.5 ± 0.6 nM after incubations times of 3 and 24 h. Results of fluorescence imaging and measured lytic effects suggest plasma membrane interactions. Postulating an osmotic imbalance as mechanisms of toxicity, incubations with prymnesins in media lacking either Cl⁻, Na⁺, or Ca²⁺ were performed. Cl⁻ removal reduced morphometric rearrangements observed in RTgill-W1 and cytotoxicity in HCEC-1CT cells. Ca²⁺-free medium in RTgill-W1 cells exacerbated effects on the cell nuclei. Prymnesin composition of different P. parvum strains showed that analog composition within one type scarcely influenced the cytotoxic potential, while analog type potentially dictate potency. Overall, A-type prymnesins were the most potent ones in both cell lines followed by the C-types, and lastly B-types. Disturbance of Ca²⁺ and Cl⁻ ionoregulation may be integral to prymnesin toxicity.
... Fish cell lines have been widely used for the study of biology and disease in salmon [20]. One of the most useful cell lines used in salmon for immunological studies is SHK-1, which has contributed to the study of viruses [21], bacteria [22], parasites [23], and iron metabolism [24], among others. ...
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In this study, we investigated the function of a gene associated with iron metabolism using CRISPR-Cas9 and RNA sequencing in SHK-1 salmon cells. Our objective was to understand how different guide RNA (gRNA) sequences against the transferrin gene tf could influence gene expression and cellular processes related to iron uptake. RNA-Seq analysis was performed to evaluate the transcriptomic effects of two distinct gRNA targets with high knock-out (KO) efficiencies for the targeted tf gene in the SHK-1 genome. Our results showed no significant differential expression in transferrin-related transcripts between wild-type and CRISPR-edited cells; however, there were major differences between their transcriptomes, indicating complex transcriptional regulation changes. Enrichment analysis highlighted specific processes and molecular functions, including those related to the nucleus, cytoplasm, and protein binding. Notably, different sgRNAs targeting tf might result in different mutations at DNA levels in SHK-1 salmon cells.
... Fish gill epithelial cells are an appropriate in vitro alternative for toxicity testing since the gill is the first organ to be exposed and absorb toxicants [9]. This in vitro model serves as a replacement to whole animals in toxicity testing of pollutants in water [25]. ...
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Lates calcarifer (Bloch) is a potential candidate fish species for culture in marine and brackishwater. A continuous gill cell line was derived from L. calcarifer by the explant culture method and has been passaged for 132 times, in Leibovitz’s L-15 medium containing 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) at 28 °C. The cells showed a rate of recovery between 90 and 95% after being successfully cryopreserved at various passage levels and formed monolayer in 2–3 days without any morphological changes. Immunophenotypic analysis of the SBG cell line revealed that they are of epithelial origin. Polymerase chain reaction assay using mitochondrial 12S rRNA primer specific to L. calcarifer was used to confirm the authenticity of the established gill cell line origin from seabass. The transfection efficiency was evaluated in Seabass Gill (SBG) cell line using pEGFP-N1 and Lipofectamine™ 3000. Transfection efficiency was found to be between 13 and 16%. The cytotoxicity of three different metal detecting probes was evaluated by MTT and Alamar blue assays to determine safe concentration. The result revealed that SBG cell line can be applied for recognition of metals using probes. The current study established, for the first time, a gill-derived cell line (SBG) from Lates calcarifer and its application for the detection of intracellular indium, mercury, and lutetium ions by specific fluorescent probes.
The development and characterization of two novel humpback grouper (Cromileptes altivelis) fin cell lines are described in this study. The CA1F3Ex and CA1F4Tr cell lines were developed by explant and trypsinization methods, respectively, in Leibovitz's L15 (L-15) medium supplemented with 20% FBS (fetal bovine serum) and subcultured over 150 times. Cell lines exhibited high stability, as evidenced by the high revival rate (85-95%) and good attachment while seeding after one year of cryostorage. They displayed good seeding (91%) and plating efficiencies (15-25%). The optimum temperature for growth was recorded at 28˚C. Serum requirement decreased with increased passage and lowered to 2% FBS beyond 30-35 passages. However, higher serum concentration (2-20%) caused a concurrent increase in cell growth. Both the cell lines were fibroblast-type, and immunotyping results showed strong reactivity towards the fibroblast marker. Chromosome analysis of these cell lines revealed aneuploidy, and the authenticity was confirmed by mitochondrial Cytochrome C Oxidase Subunit I (COI) genotyping analysis. Cell cycle studies were performed utilizing the flow cytometric technique. CA1F3Ex and CA1F4Tr cell lines showed high transfection efficiency with pEGFP-N1 plasmid using Lipofectamine and cytotoxicity towards heavy metals (Hg and Cd) was also studied. Hence, these continuous cell lines could be employed as in vitro models for aquatic toxicological and genetic manipulation studies.
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The development and application of functional feed ingredients represents a great opportunity to advance fish growth and health, boost the immune system, and induce physiological benefits beyond those provided by traditional feeds. In the present study, we looked at the feasibility of in vitro methods for screening the qualities of functional feed ingredients using the fish cell line RTgill-W1, which has never been used in fish nutrition, and the culture of Paramoeba perurans. Five functional feed ingredients (arginine, β-glucan, vitamin C, and two phytogenic feed additives) were selected to investigate their effects on cell viability and reactive oxygen species production. Three of the selected ingredients (arginine and two phytogenic feed additives) were additionally tested to assess their potential amoebicidal activity. As these functional ingredients are the core of a commercially available feed (Protec Gill, Skretting AS), their beneficial effects were further assessed in a field trial in fish affected by complex gill disease. Here, the analyzed parameters included the evaluation of macroscopic and histopathological gill conditions, pathogen detections, and analyses of plasma parameters. RTgill-W1 cell line assays were a good tool for screening functional ingredients and provided information about the optimal ingredient concentration ranges, which can be helpful for adjusting the concentrations in future feed diets. Through the culture of P. perurans, the tested ingredients showed a clear amoebicidal activity, suggesting that their inclusions in dietary supplements could be a viable way to prevent microbial infections. A three-week period of feeding Protec Gill slowed the disease progression, by reducing the pathogen load and significantly improving gill tissue conditions, as revealed by histological evaluation. The use of diets containing selected functional ingredients may be a feasible strategy for preventing or mitigating the increasingly common gill diseases, particularly in cases of complex gill disease, as documented in this study.
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To probe the mechanisms of gill remodeling in blunt snout bream under hypoxic conditions, we selected gill tissue for primary cell culture to establish and characterize the first blunt snout bream gill cell line, named MAG. The gill cells were efficiently passaged in M199 medium supplemented with 8% antibiotics and 15% fetal bovine serum at 28 °C, exhibiting primarily an epithelial-fibroblast mixed type. Additionally, the MAG cells (17th generation) were subjected to four experimental conditions—normoxia, hypoxia 12 h, hypoxia 24 h, and reoxygenation 24 h (R24h)—to evaluate the effects of hypoxia and reoxygenation on MAG cells during gill remodeling. We found that the MAG cell morphology underwent shrinkage and mitochondrial potential gradually lost, even leading to gradual apoptosis with increasing hypoxia duration and increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) activity. Upon reoxygenation, MAG cells gradually regain cellular homeostasis, accompanied by a decrease in ROS activity. Analysis of superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione (GSH), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), catalase (CAT), anti-superoxide anion, and other enzyme activities revealed enhanced antioxidant enzyme activity in MAG cells during hypoxia, aiding in adapting to hypoxic stress and preserving cell morphology. After reoxygenation, the cells gradually returned to normoxic levels. Our findings underscore the MAG cells can be used to study hypoxic cell apoptosis during gill remodeling. Therefore, the MAG cell line will serve as a vital in vitro model for exploring gill remodeling in blunt snout bream under hypoxia.
Amyloodinium ocellatum is among the most devastating protozoan parasites, causing huge economic losses in the mariculture industry. However, the pathogenesis of amyloodiniosis remains unknown, hindering the development of targeted anti‐parasitic drugs. The A. ocellatum in vitro model is an indispensable tool for investigating the pathogenic mechanism of amyloodiniosis at the cellular and molecular levels. The present work developed a new cell line, ALG, from the gill of yellowfin seabream ( Acanthopagrus latus ). The cell line was routinely cultured at 28°C in Dulbecco's modified Eagle medium (DMEM) supplemented with 15% fetal bovine serum (FBS). ALG cells were adherent and exhibited an epithelioid morphology; the cells were stably passed over 30 generations and successfully cryopreserved. The cell line derived from A. latus was identified based on partial sequence amplification and sequencing of cytochrome B ( Cyt b ). The ALG was seeded onto transwell inserts and found to be a platform for in vitro infection of A. ocellatum , with a 37.23 ± 5.75% infection rate. Furthermore, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed that A. ocellatum parasitizes cell monolayers via rhizoids. A. ocellatum infection increased the expression of apoptosis and inflammation‐related genes, including caspase 3 ( Casp 3 ), interleukin 1 ( IL‐1 ), interleukin 10 ( IL‐10 ), tumour necrosis factor‐alpha ( TNF‐α ), in vivo or in vitro. These results demonstrated that the in vitro gill cell monolayer successfully recapitulated in vivo A. latus host responses to A. ocellatum infection. The ALG cell line holds great promise as a valuable tool for investigating parasite–host interactions in vitro.
Cell lines are important in vitro models to answer biological mechanisms with less genetic variations. The present study was attempted to develop a cell line from rainbow trout, where we obtained a cell line from the heart, named “ RBT‐H .” The cell line was authenticated using karyotyping and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene sequencing. The karyotype demonstrated diploid chromosome number (2n) as 62 and the sequence of partial COI gene was 99.84% similar to rainbow trout COI data set, both suggesting the origin of RBT‐H from the rainbow trout. The heart cell line was mycoplasma‐free and found to be refractory to infection with the Tilapia lake virus. The RBT‐H cell line is deposited in the National Repository of Fish Cell Line (NRFC) at ICAR‐NBFGR, Lucknow, India, with Accession no. NRFC0075 for maintenance and distribution to researchers on request for R&D.
The influence of ultraviolet (UV) irradiation on creosote toxicity was investigated with the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) gill cell line, RTgill-W1, and two indicator dyes, alamar Blue(TM) and 5-carboxyfluorescein diacetate acetoxymethyl ester. These monitor redox potential and membrane integrity, respectively. After solubilization and chemical analysis, creosote was presented to cells in the dark to measure cytotoxicity or concurrently with UV irradiation to evaluate photocytotoxicity. Additionally, creosote was photomodified by 2 h of UV irradiation before presentation to cells in the dark or together with UV. Cytotoxicity was detected only at high nominal creosote concentrations, but photocytoxicity occurred at creosote concentrations 35-fold lower. All the aromatic hydrocarbons in creosote appeared to contribute to cytotoxicity, but photocytotoxicity was due only to the fluoranthene, pyrene, anthracene, and benzo[a]anthracene in the mixture. Photomodified creosote was much more cytotoxic than intact creosote and this difference was most pronounced in the alamar Blue assay. Likely, this was due to photomodification products that impaired the mitochondrial electron transport chain. Photomodified creosote was slightly less photocytotoxic than intact creosote. Overall these results indicate that UV irradiation potentially enhances the toxicity of creosote to fish in several different but significant ways.
A formerly undescribed virus has been isolated from the gills of farmed Atlantic salmon post-smolts in Norway suffering from gill disease. Cytopathic effects appeared in RTgill-W1 cells 9 weeks post-inoculation with gill tissue material. Virus production continued for an extended period thereafter. Light and electron microscopic examination revealed inclusions and replication in the cytoplasm. The viral nucleocapsid consisted of approximately 17 nm thick filaments in a herringbone pattern. Certain areas of the plasma membrane were thickened by the alignment of nucleocapsids on the internal surface and projections of 10 nm long viral glycoprotein spikes on the external surface. Virus assembly and release was achieved by budding through the modified plasma membrane. Negatively stained virions were spherical and partly pleomorphic with a diameter of 150-300 nm as seen by electron microscopy. The virus was sensitive to chloroform, heat and low and high pH, and replication was not inhibited by Br-dU or IdU indicating an RNA genome. Both haemagglutination and receptor-destroying enzyme activity were associated with the virions and the formation of syncytia in infected cultures indicated fusion activity. The receptor-destroying enzyme was identified as neuraminidase. The virus contained five major structural polypeptides with estimated molecular masses of 70, 62, 60, 48 and 37 kDa. Its buoyant density was 1.18-1.19 g ml - 1 in CsCl gradients. From the observed properties we conclude that this new virus belongs to the Paramyxoviridae and suggest the name Atlantic salmon paramyxovirus (ASPV). Furthermore, replication occurred at 6-21 °C, suggesting a host range confined to cold-blooded animals.
This chapter reviews the uses of one type, cell lines, in fish environmental toxicology and describes the nature of animal cell cultures. From the perspective of ecotoxicants, fish are especially important. Ecotoxicants are often released first into aquatic environments by a variety of routes. As many biological systems have been preserved throughout evolution, effects on the fish can serve as a warning of possible impacts on human health and fish can serve as laboratory models for studying ecotoxicants of concern to human health. Understanding the impact of ecotoxicants on the fish is of economic importance. Toxicology studies the effects of toxicants on individual organisms and ecotoxicology studies the impact of ecotoxicants on ecosystems. Both toxicology and ecotoxicology try to integrate toxicological information through the various hierarchical levels of biological organization, striving ultimately to explain the impact of toxicants on individuals and ecosystems. The chapter explains the advantages of animal cell cultures and toxicology applications and ecotoxicology applications of fish cell lines. The chapter evaluates common cellular responses with the help of cytotoxicit, cell growth, genotoxicity, and xenobiotic metabolism.