
Economic Interests and Institutions: The Conceptual Foundations of Public Policy

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... In the concept of policy, the relationship among the level of the policy is known as policy process as hierarchy concept as described by Bromley (1989). Moreover, the upgrading capability or codifiability of product is part of GVC concept as described by Gereffi, Humphrey and Sturgeon (2005); Staritz and Morris (2013); Gereffi (2012) and Kaplinsky and Morris (2000) [20]. ...
... The situation problematical of policies for supporting aircraft upgrade through the mastery of technology development capabilities in Indonesia with reference to the failure program aircraft N 250 is placed on the conceptual framework that combines policy process as hierarchy (Bromley, 1989) and the GVC with typology of Hierarchy (Gereffi, Humphrey and Sturgeon, 2005) and use to improve the situation problematical faced as well as lessons learned for program of upgrading technologies that are currently being or will be taken by the government and industries, such as program of N 219, CN 235 and R-80. ...
... How does the concept of the policy process as hierarchy (Bromley, 1989) to encourage technological upgrading through the mastery of technology development capabilities in the global value chain -PT DI with reffering to the failure of N 250 as lesson learnt for next similar program such program of N 219 or R-80? ...
... Policy formulation can not be separated from the management function inherent in the organization. Bromley (1989) captures theory that indicates the difference of content and policy context at each level within an organization. There are 3 (three) policy levels related to the hierarchy of policy making process, namely policy level, organizational level, and operational level. ...
... Policy formulation can not be separated from the management function inherent in the organization. Bromley (1989) captures this phenomenon by presenting a hierarchical policy theory that indicates the difference of content and policy context at each level within an organization. There are 3 (three) policy levels related to the hierarchy of policy making level, organizational level, and operational level. ...
... Applications of this theory can be adapted to the context of a policy and those with authority over the policy, whether at national, sectoral, or autonomous levels. Source: Bromley (1989) The World Bank (1992) defines governance as a way in which power in Moreover, Neo and Chen (2007) define governance as the relationship between government and society that allows public policies and programs to be formulated, implemented and evaluated. By Hufty (2011) governance is the interaction and decision processes among actors involved in collective issues that lead to, strengthen, or build social norms and institutions. ...
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Since the formation of the Social Security Agency (Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial/BPJS) for Healthcare has found the public spotlight rising with its management; including the regulatory body BPJS for Healthcare activities. BPJS for Healthcare external supervisors such as DJSN, OJK, BPK are entities established according to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia 24 Year 2011. However, there are views on neutrality, independence, and supervisor capability. By using Soft System Methodology, this research invites us to understand the problem situation and what efforts should be taken in managing the complexity. This paper will analyze the co-operation with collaborative governance perspective as a cooperative approach in overseeing BPJS for Healthcare. The focus of this paper is in the stage of identifying a series of factors that are crucial within the collaborative process itself, which includes shared understanding as stated by Ansel & Gash (2008) and Emerson & Nabatchi (2015).
... Suivant la définition des institutions d'une manière générale donnée par Commons (1968), Bromley (1989), North (1990a) et Ostrom (1990), les institutions de l'eau peuvent être définies dans cette thèse comme « les règles qui ensemble décrivent et limitent les actions, offrent des incitations et déterminent les résultats, aussi bien dans les décisions individuelles que collectives relatives à l'allocation, l'utilisation et la gestion des ressources hydriques » (Saleth et Dinar, 2004). L'état de la durabilité des ressources dépend alors, entre autres, de l'état et des performances de ces institutions. ...
... sur les institutions, parmi eux, la Décomposition et l'Analyse Institutionnelle (Institutional Decomposition and Analysis ou IDA) fournie par Saleth et Dinar (1999 Il existe aussi des approches plus systématiques à la décomposition institutionnelle. Par exemple, les institutions peuvent être décomposées en des termes plus généraux, fondées sur la distinction entre l'environnement institutionnel (ou cadre institutionnel) et la structure institutionnelle (ou structure de gouvernance) (Bromley 1989 ;North, 1990 a ;Williamson, 1994). Williamson (1985) fournit quelques avancées dans la NEI, basée sur l'interaction entre ces niveaux (coûts de transaction et organisation), soulignant l'importance de la décomposition des institutions. ...
... Institutional changes related to rural development often creates certain types of incentives and generates new social and economic circumstances (Bromley, 1989), which make local actors adjust their behaviors, change their decisions, and even modify the networks that link them together (Ito et al., 2016;Bromley, 1989). It will also exert a significant influence on the compiling of local rural development strategies and the configuration of crucial resources, including labor, land, capital, etc., which can evidently result in fundamentally spatial restructuring, economic restructuring, and social restructuring in the rural areas (Long et al., 2016;Long and Tu, 2018) (Fig. 1). ...
... Institutional changes related to rural development often creates certain types of incentives and generates new social and economic circumstances (Bromley, 1989), which make local actors adjust their behaviors, change their decisions, and even modify the networks that link them together (Ito et al., 2016;Bromley, 1989). It will also exert a significant influence on the compiling of local rural development strategies and the configuration of crucial resources, including labor, land, capital, etc., which can evidently result in fundamentally spatial restructuring, economic restructuring, and social restructuring in the rural areas (Long et al., 2016;Long and Tu, 2018) (Fig. 1). ...
Rural China has undergone dramatic socioeconomic and spatial restructuring as a result of rapid urbanization and the implementation of a series of top-down reforms. In this paper, based on the actor-network perspective, we examine the actor translation process associated with implementation of various governmental strategies in Haoqiao, a poor village located in the northern Jiangsu Province in China. We mainly focus on interactions among participating actors as well as their influences on the rural restructuring process. The findings proved the crucial role of township government in implementing restructuring at village-level. Motivated by acquisition of land-related finance, the performance evaluation system of local officials, and public accountability, the town government is keen to mobilize others in the action coalition promoting rural restructuring. However, it is noteworthy that many farming households are reluctant to comply with plan, because they have to cover large price gap between their old houses and residential land and new houses for resettlement. We also discuss the motivations for diverse human actors and the potentially negative impacts that domestic macroeconomic situation plays on the circulation of rural residential land consolidation which mainly underpin the rural restructuring.
... In research, institutional changes are defined as insti tutional transactions, representing the necessary actions aimed at the formation of a new institutional framework [4]. ...
... 3. Economic conditions that determine the possibili ties of transforming the institutional environment of the market of socialecological forest services to the state of institutional equilibrium are revealed. 4. Strategies for the behavior of the subjects of the ecological and economic system on the formation of eco nomic conditions for achieving the institutional equilibrium of the market for social and ecological forest services are proposed. ...
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Taking into account the peculiarities of the market of social and environmental services of forests as a new ecological and economic system of the forest sector of the Ukrainian economy, its institutional equilibrium should be understood as a state of the institutional environment in which there is no significant contradiction between informal and formal institutions. The degree of correspondence between formal and informal institutions determines the amount of expenditure to eliminate possible contradictions, that is, the possible dynamics of transaction costs, and, accordingly, determines both the effectiveness of institutional provision and the effectiveness of the economic system as a whole. The most typical situation of institutional disequilibrium in the market of social and ecological forest services is that when the introduction of new formal institutions, that is, the development of the state of the institutional environment in the position of institutional equilibrium is met with strong resistance from the informal. The economic conditions for development of such situation to the state of institutional equilibrium are such when the economic benefits of introducing new formal norms exceed institutional transactions. The strategy to achieve institutional equilibrium is the gradual evolutionary adaptation of informal institutions in existing informal constraints. Another situation of institutional disequilibrium can be generated by the fact that formal institutions do not change when informal institutions change. Economic conditions for development of such situation to the state of institutional equilibrium are those when the price of the risk of penalties for certain informal shadow rules for the exploitation of social and ecological resources of the forest exceeds the benefits. The strategy to achieve institutional balance is in introducing of effective coordination institutions in the institutional environment. A state of institutional disequilibrium is possible, when the acquisition of institutional equilibrium occurs through the adequate development of formal and informal institutions. The economic conditions for the implementation of such process are the conformity of the economic benefits that such transformation gives and the costs of providing informal formal status rules. The strategy for implementing such process should be to choose economically viable alternatives. More theoretically, a state is possible when a certain institutional equilibrium is established between formal and informal institutions, that is, for some time, formal and informal institutions do not change. The economic condition for such provision is that institutional transactions will require more expenses than those benefits that can receive economic agents from institutional development. This situation requires a stabilization strategy, which consists in mutual compromises in resolving issues when concluding and implementing contracts.
... Tujuannya adalah memberikan kesejahteraan bagi masyarakat luas. Kebijakan publik memiliki tiga tingkatan hirearki, yakni, policy level, organizational level dan operational level (Bromley, 1989 (Tacjhan, 2006). Tiga tahapan itu saling berjalin kelindan dan ...
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This article discusses one of the public policies implemented by the Surabaya Library and Archives Service. This policy takes the form of documentation-based archiving on social media which is carried out in the Gendis Sewu program. The social media platforms used are websites, YouTube, and an application called "Taman Kalimas". Gendis Sewu is the Storytelling and Writing Movement Sewu, a training that is held every week in “Taman Bacaan Masyarakat” (Community Reading Parks) spread across 31 sub-districts throughout Surabaya. This storytelling and writing training has a target of "sewu", sewu in Javanese means a thousand. The program's target is thousands of children and teenagers whose literacy skills continue to be developed. The theories used are public policy, technological determination, maqasid Sharia, also reinforced by the concept of Sustainable Development Goals. The method used is qualitative with a literature study approach. This study explains how the implementation of this policy in society is seen from an Islamic perspective. The results of this research: 1) Archiving policies based on social media documentation are in accordance with principle stages such as planning, implementation and evaluation; 2) This kind of digital archiving is in harmony with a number of Sustainable Development Goals points where it occurs more effectively, efficiently and environmentally friendly; 3) This innovation has the spirit of Islamic teachings, seen from the concept of maqasid sharia al-ammah, which has an excellent service orientation for citizens.
... Knight (1992), menganggap kelembagaan menjadi seperangkat aturan dari struktur interaksi sosial dengan cara-cara tertentu. Bromley (1989) juga menganggap konvensi dan hak sebagai kelembagaan. Oleh karenanya kelembagaan, dipahami sebagai aturan yang memberikan makna dan stabilitas kehidupan sosial (Scott 2008). ...
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Institutional community-based mangrove management as an alternative to sustainable management of mangrove forests. This study aims to analyze which factors from the institution most play a role in guiding the community in managing mangrove forest resources in relation to forest management units (FMU). Primary data were collected through interviews conducted semi-structured to 26 respondents selected by the purposive sampling method. The snowball method is used to capture information from key figures. Deepening is considered complete if information saturation has occurred which is marked by repetition of the same information. While secondary data, obtained from various libraries. Of the three models of mangrove management institutions, namely the community institution of Pusong Kapal Village (PKV), the community institution of Pusong Telaga Tujoh Village (PTTV), and the Community Forestry (CF-BM) Bina Mufakat institution where the analysis shows that the community institutions of Pusong Kapal Village (PKV) are more flexible as an alternative form of community-based mangrove management institutions, because this institution is able to adapt to the changing social and environmental conditions that continue to occur, the collaboration of management with the government, and the recognition of community rights in the use of mangrove forests. FMU as the management authority at the site level has guaranteed the upholding of the rights of the PKV community as the manager of mangrove forests so that the bundle of rights and incentives obtained in the management of mangrove resources by PKV communities becomes strong.
... In a comparable example, professional status or responsibility can also influence how the data are dealt with. Brown and Harris (1998) found that those resource managers associated with commodity production, such as timber harvesting or mineral extraction, tended to take a more traditional perspective on acceptable uses of the resources. Conversely, those professionals affiliated with the natural and social sciences tended to take a less utilitarian perspective. ...
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This book consists of three sections (4 chapters each). Section 1 presents an overview and history of natural resource management, from both the North American and international perspectives. Section 2 discusses the challenges facing Integrated Resource and Environmental Management (IREM) by examining issues such as conflict, property rights, the role of social science in natural resource management, the influence and formation of power in a decision making context, and the theoretical foundations of IREM. Section 3 addresses the definition and application of IREM from several different contexts, including real-world applications and planning frameworks. Individual case studies are integrated into the end of each chapter, which serve to illustrate various models associated with IREM that demonstrate the advantages and challenges of using an IREM approach. In addition, discussion questions are included at the end of each chapter to stimulate dialogue underlying many of the issues presented in the text. This book has been written for students, primarily at the advanced undergraduate level, in the many academic areas pertaining to natural resource management. It provides a useful resource for practitioners, researchers and managers currently involved in the field of natural resource management, as well as providing a comprehensive aid for natural resource decision making within the context of the real world.
... Meyer). 2 Within institutional economics there different schools and assumptions about individuals, behaviours, and the development of institutions differ. Our analyses are generally based on the economic institutionalist perspectives introduced by Vatn (2005Vatn ( , 2009 and Bromley (1989Bromley ( , 1990, who understand institutional change as instances of the social and political context rather than as results of utility maximizing, rational individuals. ...
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Meine Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit den institutionellen Aspekten staatlicher Zahlungen für Ökosystemleistungen (Payments for Ecosystem Services „PES“) in China. Marktbasierte Ansätze zur Steuerung von Ökosystemleistungen, insbesondere von PES, wurden in den letzten Jahrzehnten als neue und innovative Politikinstrumente angesehen. Entsprechend diesem internationalen Trend sind PES auch in China populär, werden jedoch meist mit dem inländischen Begriff der Ökokompensation beschrieben. Einen wirtschaftlichen Anreiz für Verhaltensänderungen zu schaffen, wenn das Ökokompensations-Programm nur ein Ausgleich für gesetzliche Einschränkungen ist, kann eine Herausforderung darstellen. Die Merkmale der Ökokompensation unterscheiden sich von anderen nationalen PES-Programmen, da sich das Governance-Modell, die Eigentumsrechte und die gesellschaftlichen Strukturen in China stark von anderen Staaten unterscheiden. Die Ökokompensation steht vor vielen institutionellen Herausforderungen, wenn es darum geht, ökonomische Anreize für Verhaltensänderungen zu schaffen. Zahlungen für Ökosystemleistungen, die Elemente sowohl eines freiwilligen, marktbasierten als auch eines hierarchischen Systems kombinieren, um mit den besonderen institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen umzugehen, wurden bisher noch nicht ausreichend untersucht. Eine Wissenslücke besteht insbesondere hinsichtlich der Anpassung des Designs von PES an die institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen in China. Die Mechanismen von Zahlungen für Ökosystemleistungen in China unterscheiden sich in wichtigen Punkten von den aus der westlichen Erfahrung bekannten Mechanismen. Die vorliegende Dissertation zielt darauf ab, die Diskrepanz zwischen der allgemein gültigen Rahmung von Zahlungen von Ökosystemleistungen und der Realität ihrer Praxis zu verringern, indem sie eine institutionelle Analyse des chinesischen staatlichen PES-Programms vornimmt. Das Sloping Land Conversion Program (SLCP) gilt als eines der weltweit größten PES-Programme und ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Ökokompensation. Das erste Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es, anhand des SLCP als empirische Fallstudie zu verstehen, wie das institutionelle Design des staatlichen PES in China verbessert werden kann. Das zweite Ziel ist in einem breiteren internationalen Kontext zu sehen und zielt darauf ab, einen methodischen Beitrag zur Analyse der Governance von Ökosystemleistungen zu leisten. Die Dissertation folgt einer kumulativen Struktur, die aus einem Rahmentext besteht, in den fünf, von Experten begutachtete, Artikel aus internationalen Fachzeitschriften integriert sind. Kapitel 1 ist eine Einführung, in der die Forschungslücken und die Forschungsziele im Hinblick auf staatliche PES beschrieben werden. Kapitel 2 liefert die theoretische Grundlage der institutionellen Ökonomie und zeigt die Bedeutung der Governance von Naturressourcen in China auf. Darauf aufbauend konkretisiert Kapitel 3 das Forschungsdesign, indem es die Forschungsziele in verschiedene Forschungsfragen untergliedert. Kapitel 4 beinhaltet den Ergebnisteil, der fünf Zeitschriftenartikel umfasst. Der erste Artikel liefert die konzeptionelle Grundlage für alle nachfolgenden Untersuchungen, die in dieser Dissertation vorgestellt werden, und gibt einen Überblick über die Wirksamkeit und die institutionellen Herausforderungen des chinesischen SLCP. Sowohl der zweite als auch der dritte Artikel sind empirische Untersuchungen. Der zweite Artikel untersucht, wie die sozioökonomischen und institutionellen Bedingungen Anreize für Haushalte in ländlichen Gebieten schaffen, um die primären Umweltziele des SLCP zu erreichen. Der dritte Artikel zeigt, wie lokale Dynamiken die Umsetzung des SLCP beeinflusst und geprägt haben. Der vierte Artikel veranschaulicht und diskutiert die im zweiten Artikel angewandte Methode im Vergleich zu einer weiteren Fallstudie in Deutschland. Der fünfte Artikel schließlich stellt die Stärken und Schwächen der im dritten Artikel angewandten Methode den Erfahrungen ähnlicher Studien in vier weiteren Ländern gegenüber. Zusammen liefern diese Artikel wichtige Beiträge für die beiden Ziele der Dissertation. Kapitel 5 beinhaltet die Synthese und Diskussion der Ergebnisse und Kapitel 6 schließt die Dissertation ab. Das wichtigste Ergebnis dieser Dissertation ist, dass die Wirksamkeit des staatlichen PES in China das Ergebnis der Interaktion der treibenden sozialen Kräfte ist, während institutionelle Rahmenbedingungen und lokale Dynamiken eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Ausgestaltung der Programmumsetzung spielen. Das SLCP hätte unter bestimmten institutionellen Bedingungen ein großes Potenzial für die Schaffung signifikanter Skaleneffekte und für die Verbesserung der Umwelteffektivität. Allerdings weicht die derzeitige Umsetzung des SLCP wegen der besonderen institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen erheblich von dem von der Politik geförderten Marktansatz ab. Zwar haben die institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen die breite Akzeptanz und schnelle Entwicklung des SLCP in der Anfangsphase nicht behindert, doch gibt es keine Möglichkeit, einen langfristigen Erfolg im Hinblick auf die Umwelteffektivität zu erreichen, wenn die wichtigsten PES-Elemente fehlen. Der überwiegend von oben nach unten gerichtete Ansatz des Programms und das Fehlen von echter Freiwilligkeit, Konditionalität und Eigentumsrechten werden zusammen als kritische Faktoren verstanden, die mögliche Misserfolge langfristig erklären. Ein weiterer Beitrag der Dissertation sind die methodischen Ansätze, die zum besseren Verständnis der Governance von Ökosystemleistungen beitragen. Diese Dissertation zeigt, dass Ansätze, die qualitative und quantitative Methoden kombinieren, wie z.B. Qualitative Vergleichende Analyse (Qualitative Comparative Analysis „QCA“) und Soziale Netzwerkanalyse (SNA), ein großes Potenzial für die institutionelle Analyse und partizipative Forschung von PES haben. Bei beiden Methoden wurde besonderes Augenmerk auf die detaillierte Beschreibung ihrer Anwendung sowie die damit verbundenen Vor- und Nachteile gelegt. My dissertation focuses on institutional aspects of governmental payments for ecosystem services (PES) in China. Market-based approaches for ecosystem service governance, particular the PES, have been considered new and innovative policy instruments over the past decades. Corresponding to this international trend, PES schemes in China are mostly described by the domestic term eco-compensation. However, the characteristics of eco-compensation are distinct from other national PES programs, as governance model, property rights and societal structures in China are different to the PES theory. Eco-compensation faces many institutional challenges in creating economic incentives for behavioral change. However, PES that combines elements of both a voluntary market and hierarchy-based system in dealing with incomplete institutional settings has not yet been sufficiently addressed. In particular, there is a knowledge gap regarding fitting the design of PES and institutional settings in China together. The mechanisms of PES in China differ in important ways from mechanisms familiar from the western experience. This dissertation aims to reduce the divergence between the common framing of PES and the reality of its practice by presenting the institutional analysis of China’s governmental PES program. As a major component of eco-compensation, the Sloping Land Conversion Program (SLCP) is considered one of the world’s largest PES programmes. By taking SLCP as an empirical case, the first objective of this dissertation is to understand how to improve the institutional design of governmental PES. The second lies in a broad international context, aiming at methodologically contributing to the analysis of ecosystem services governance. This dissertation follows a cumulative structure, integrating the framework text and five papers. Chapter 1 is an introduction, outlining the research gaps and objectives of governmental PES. Chapter 2 provides a theoretical foundation to the institutional economic schools, their respective theories and the relevance of nature resource governance in China. Based on this, Chapter 3 confirms the research design by deconstructing the research objectives into different research questions. Chapter 4 is the results section, which comprises five papers. The first paper provides the conceptual basis for all subsequent studies presented in this dissertation, as it is an overview of the effectiveness and institutional challenges of China’s Sloping Land Conversion Program (SLCP). Both the second and third papers are empirical works. The second paper explores how socioeconomic and institutional conditions encourage rural households to reach the primary environmental goals of SLCP. The third paper shows how local dynamics derived and shaped the SLCP’s implementation. The fourth paper illustrates and discusses the method used in paper 2, comparing it with another case study in Germany. Finally, the fifth paper present the strengths and weaknesses of the method used in paper 3 based on the experiences of four different countries. Together, these papers deliver important contributions to both objectives. Chapter 5 is the synthesis and discussion, and Chapter 6 concludes the dissertation. The key finding of this dissertation is that the effectiveness of governmental PES is a result of interacting driving forces, whereas institutional settings and local dynamics play key roles in shaping program implementation. The SLCP could achieve its potential in creating significant economies of scale and environmental effectiveness under certain institutional conditions. However, against incomplete institutional settings, the current implementation of SLCP has deviated substantially from the market approach promoted by policy makers. While the incomplete institutional settings did not prevent SLCP’s wide acceptance and fast development in its first phases, there is no by-pass to reach the long term success in terms of environmental effectiveness in the absence of key PES elements. The program’s predominantly top-down approach and lack of genuinely voluntary characteristics, conditionality and property rights are jointly understood to be critical factors that explain possible failures in the long-term. Another contribution which this dissertation makes is in methodological approaches of ecosystem service governance. This dissertation has shown that mixed approaches combining qualitative and quantitative methods, such as Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and social network analysis (SNA), could have great potential for institutional analysis and participatory research for PES. The two methods were given particular emphasis in the detailed description of application, as well as in the inherent merits and limitations.
... In this characterization, rights are 'more about the rights of individuals to impose restriction on the behavior of others than they are about the 'ownership' of the resource' (Crase and Dollery 2006, p. 452). Various approaches have been used in the literature to describe property rights 4 (Bromley 1989;Challen 2000;Agrawal and Ostrom 2001). ...
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Groundwater governance has become an intractable policy issue, which has many implications for the living standards and well-being of millions of rural poor in South Asia. Groundwater governance is complex as it is influenced by various hydrogeological, sociopolitical and socioeconomic factors. Unregulated groundwater extraction rates in South Asia have depleted the aquifers causing a raft of socioeconomic, environmental and human health problems. This paper analyzes de facto rights in groundwater markets and other emerging ‘groundwater-sharing institutional arrangements’ in India. Using a multi-dimensional property rights model, the paper decomposes de facto groundwater rights while drawing insights and broad policy lessons. The findings indicate that there is much scope for enhancing the ‘small group groundwater sharing’ governed by social regulatory measures. Moreover, distortionary subsidies for agriculture in general and groundwater development, in particular, have had an adverse impact of the resource use and merit further attention.
... A property right in economics relates to the power of an individual or group to control a resource. More specifically, property rights describe the relationship between the benefits that come from a resource and how they are appropriated [20] pp. 202-203). ...
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In this paper, we consider the process of transition from an equitable distribution of water to support semi-subsistence outcomes to market-oriented agriculture. We examine the stresses placed on water institutions as farmers adjust production to become more market-oriented and consider the relationship between farmers and irrigation officials under different scenarios. The paper is used to highlight some of the challenges pertaining to property rights but also considers the dangers of simply transposing solutions from full-market agriculture in developed economies to developing nations and countries in transition. In this context the role of Participatory Irrigation Management is scrutinized. We argue that this approach can potentially accommodate greater flexibility and market orientation in agriculture but ultimately the beneficiary-benefactor relationship between irrigation officials and farmers in parts of South Asia needs to be seriously challenged.
... Another term used for such specific action patterns is conventions. Conventions are defined as rules for interaction that solve coordination problems and which we adapt to because we generally find it to be in our collective interest (Bromley 1989;Vatn 2005). Even though conventions are not regulated by a formal third party, there could be social sanctions tied to breaches of conventions. ...
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The book is a result of a Research Project "Árbediehtu: Sámi Traditional Knoweldge" conducted by Sámi allaskuvla /Sámi University of Applied Sciences, local Sámi communities and partners from the Costal Sámi, Lule Sámi , Northern Sámi , and Southern Sámi areas in the period 2008 - 2011.
... Following a comprehensive research body in environmental economics (Arrow et al., 2000;Carraro and Fragnelli, 2004;Viladrich-Grau, 2007, 2011), game theory (Axelrod, 1984;Schelling, 1978;Smith, 1978), and institutional economics (Bromley, 1989;North, 1991;Schotter and Braunstein, 1981;Sugden, 1986), this study focuses on the role of barriers in adoption and development of green entrepreneurial farming in a developing country like Pakistan. There are numerous studies highlighting barriers in the adoption of green practices (Aghelie, 2017;Mathur and Tandon, 2016;van Eyssen and Lehner, 2017), but we did not find any study indicating the grouped barriers in the uptake of green entrepreneurial farming. ...
Like other developing countries, Pakistan is under severe economic pressure and striving to boost entrepreneurial orientation for achieving growth through minimal depletion of natural resources. In order to facilitate widespread and successful adoption of green entrepreneurial farming, it is crucial to address barriers inhibiting the uptake of green entrepreneurial activities in farming for the sustainability of natural resources as well as food provision. To this end, the present study aimed to investigate barriers in the adoption of green entrepreneurial farming in Pakistan. To fulfill the study objectives, after a comprehensive literature review and field visit, 34 barriers were identified. The results based on ranking analysis identified 20 out of 34 barriers as critical barriers to adoption of green entrepreneurial farming in the country. Furthermore, factor analysis was employed to group underlying 20 critical barriers into six major categories viz. 1) training and development-related barriers, 2) entrepreneurial orientation-related barriers, 3) market orientation-related barriers, 4) customer orientation-related barriers, 5) innovation orientation-related barriers, and 6) green supporting supplies-related barriers. Results showed that most dominant barrier among six groupings was training and development-related barriers and the marginal role of government in the provision of such endeavours. This implies that government needs to play a more active role in the adoption and promotion of green entrepreneurial farming in Punjab, Pakistan.
... Ribot and Peluso (2003) shifted focus from rights-based approaches to more nuanced views on how actors gain, maintain and control access. Ribot and Peluso (2003) define property, in line with MacPherson (1978) and Bromley (1989), as an enforceable (or rather legitimised) claim to some use or benefit; property is only property if socially legitimate institutions sanction it. ...
*** If you downloaded this paper before Feb 28, 2019 please download it again as the publisher has corrected an error made by a robot *** A Theory of Access (Ribot and Peluso 2003) was published 15 years ago. With almost 1600 publications citing it, the paper is instrumental in expanding scholarly thinking beyond property by exploring notions of power. We reviewed all available literature that cited A Theory of Access to understand its influence on academic literature. We first analyse literature in relation to other frameworks with similar concerns: (1) entitlements framework, (2) sustainable livelihoods approach, (3) powers of exclusion; and subsequently move to a review of how it has been engaged in broader theoretical and conceptual debates in the social sciences: (4) gender, (5) materiality, (6) property and authority, and (7) power. The analysis shows most of the literature interacts with A Theory of Access superficially. Substantial attempts to address A Theory of Access were varied and often used it to develop other social theory rather than to modify A Theory of Access.
... The relationship between two successful factors of the community forest as community and resources can be developed with well-defined property rights and local institutional settings 375 which local people's expectations of resources are addressed. (Bromley, 1989). (Pagdee et. ...
... Institutional analysis should be considered as a fact-finding procedure to examine different structures and social relationships (Corral, 2004), providing a more precise approximation to the prevailing social and institutional arrangements, assumed as a social context shaped by institutions that delimit citizens' rights and responsibilities (Bromley, 1989; Commons, 1961; Schmid, 1972). ...
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The California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has announced its intent to restructure the electricity industry in this state. The primary objective of this report is to investigate whether small customers will have a reasonable opportunity to benefit from industry restructuring. While it is not possible to predict whether small consumers will benefit from restructuring, the report investigates whether there are plausible scenarios under which small consumers are likely to benefit. In particular, it analyzes the extent to which the requirement of real-time pricing (RTP) to participate directly in wholesale markets is likely to limit individual small consumers from potentially enjoying benefits from a competitive market.
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Public lands including forests and community pastures are still crucial means of local livelihood, social security, and environmental conservation in many developing countries including Nepal. However, these resources are increasingly managed primarily to offset the greenhouse gas emissions of developed countries. The new management has exacerbated many local problems: livelihood con- striction, social crises, human casualties (deaths and serious injuries), biodiversity degradation, and water scarcity including cryosphere retreating. Drawing data from multiple sources, this study attempted to explain the international political objectives and processes that dispossessed developing societies of public land resources for the benefit of developed countries. It shows that representatives of the developed countries were proactively and strategically involved in agenda formation, solutions negotiations, and decision-making while developing international environmental policies, and succeeded to structure the policies for managing the resources of developing countries for the best benefit of their own countries. The developed countries provided funds and experts, as strategic tools, through international aid agencies to implement the policies of their interest in institutionally weak countries. In Nepal, the aid agencies influenced the thinking of the public and the decisions of the government and other stakeholders through a series of strategic measures. They propagandized false crises, worked with a coalition of powerful international agencies, offered free technical support, and changed national policies proactively to manage the land resources for achieving their missions. Active involvement in policy implementation also helped the agencies to monitor implementation hurdles and apply other tactics to resolve them. Lucrative flash incentives were provided to motivate and get the support of communities, powerful stakeholders, and politicians to implement the policies. Psychosocial pressures were also applied to persuade local communities and their leaders for getting local cooperation in making and practicing new legal institutions (government authority rules or orders, user group rules, and forest management plans) that bind and control local communities for forest protection. The institutions obliged local communities to contribute free labor or cash for developing, modifying, and protecting the forests. These two levels of interventions led to the further development of reinforcing institutions, resource conditions, and social-ecological systems that secured benefits for developed countries and deprived local communities of power to control, produce and access the public land resources in their own backyard for years. This study also showed that international environmental policies and aid agencies have respectively served as institutional weapons and vehicles for materially and institutionally ally powerful countries to colonize the land resources of weaker countries, without using of physical coercion or deployment of military forces.
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Water is a key resource needed for human life. Urban water supply has not met the target of fulfilling water rights in terms of quantity, quality, continuity, and affordability. Urban water management system still traditionally emphasizes the physical construction of infrastructure and are still managed fragmented. This research aims to develop the conceptual models of dynamic governance model in urban water governance. The research approach uses a qualitative method by using soft system methodology (SSM) to develop the conceptual model. Research results are the conceptual models of dynamic governance in urban water governance at the policy hierarchy process starting from policy, organizational and operational levels to achieve the goals of sustainable urban water management. The conceptual models are described through the pathways of activities based on the interaction between dynamic capabilities and organizational culture. The dynamic governance model is adapted in Bandung Metropolitan Area as an implementation strategy in the fast-growing urban area.
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Correcting resource misallocation that creates productivity and welfare losses is the key to correcting transboundary basin pollution. China has proposed a transverse eco-compensation mechanism (TECM) based on the traditional Coase scheme to solve the pollution of transboundary watersheds. But whether it can correct the misallocation of resources that cause productivity and welfare losses has been ignored in existing literature. This paper first conducts a theoretical analysis of the TECM’s resource allocation effect and operation mechanism. And on this basis, we use the cost–benefit analysis (CBA) method to show how TECM produced actions in relevant upstream regions towards correcting excessive pollution, and how TECM provided economic incentives for these regions to undertake these actions. The CBA analysis results are consistent with the theoretical analysis. The TECM project will benefit the upstream region with a discount rate of 3%, and the present value of the net income is 96.4 million yuan. The conclusion still holds in the case of different discount rates. The above results show that the TECM can correct the resource misallocation that creates productivity and welfare losses in cross-basin environmental governance, and provide economic incentives for upstream areas to correct environmental resource misallocation (excessive pollution). Finally, the TECM model has important policy implications for solving the problem of cross-basin pollution in other similar countries.
Wakaf memiliki kontribusi solutif untuk mengatasi persoalan sosial ekonomi masyarakat. Namun realitanya, potensi tanah wakaf di Kabupaten Jember yang mencapai 141, 06 hektar yang tersebar di 1.495 lokasi masih dikelola secara tradisional. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada implementasi kebijakan wakaf dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat, faktor-faktor penghambat, serta alternatif solusi untuk mengatasinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu tata kelola wakaf di Kabupaten Jember belum terlaksana dengan baik, yang disebabkan karena belum dibentuknya BWI; ego ahli waris dari wakif yang ingin menguasai tanah wakaf dan merasa tidak cocok dengan nâzhir; sistem kenâzhiran yang kurang professional; kurangnya sosialisasi kebijakan wakaf; dan diperparah dengan ketidak-patuhan sebagian masyarakat terhadap kebijakan wakaf. Oleh karena itu, setiap nâzhir perlu mewujudkan Good Waqf Governance dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance (GCG) berbasis Islam, karena GCG konvensional saja tidak cukup apabila tidak didukung dengan pelaku-pelaku yang jujur dan amanah. (Wakaf has a solute contribution to overcome the socio-economic problems of the community. However, the potential of waqf land in Jember which reaches 141.06 hectares spread over 1,495 locations is still managed traditionally. This research is focused on the implementation of wakaf policy in improving community welfare, inhibiting factors, and alternative solutions. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The result of this research is that the management of waqf in Jember is not well implemented, which is caused by the lack of establishment of BWI; the wishes of the heirs of the wakif who want to control the land of waqf and feel incompatible with nâzhir; less professional system of kenâzhiran; lack of socialization of wakaf policy; and the non-compliance of some people to the wakaf policy. Therefore, every nâzhir needs to realize Good Waqf Governance by applying the principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) based on Islam, because conventional GCG alone is not enough if it is not supported by honest and trustful actors)
Beim Institutionalismus handelt es sich um die wichtigste „alternative“ Schule amerikanischer Provenienz. Unter dem Begriff „Institutionalismus“ werden verschiedene Ansätze zusammengefasst, die sich zwar in einigen Punkten unterscheiden, aber wichtige Gemeinsamkeiten aufweisen: An erster Stelle ist die Ablehnung der Neoklassik als zu abstrakt und zu statisch zu nennen. Die Institutionalisten wollen durch die Bezugnahme auf andere Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften (insbesondere die Soziologie, die Rechtswissenschaft und die Psychologie) sowie durch die Betonung der empirischen Arbeit Abhilfe schaffen. In wirtschaftspolitischer Hinsicht lässt sich bei allen Institutionalisten eine große Sympathie für staatliche Interventionen feststellen. Nach einem Überblick über die Entwicklung des Institutionalismus sollen in diesem Kapitel die wichtigsten Vertreter der ersten und der zweiten Generation von Institutionalisten vorgestellt werden.
Recent interest in the alleged rationality and fatalism of Russian peasants illustrates persistent tendencies to objectify certain social actors—and to assign normative labels to their vexing behavior. Sometimes those labels are demeaning. I call attention to this unpleasant tendency, and ask why some social actors attract our analytical interest, while other social actors escape such scrutiny. This disparity is particularly interesting when the two social actors are engaged in a setting where extractive power is present yet unnoticed.
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Economic and ecological systems are closely interlinked at a global and a regional level, offering a broad variety of important research topics in environmental and resource economics. The successful identification of key challenges for current and future research supports development of novel theories, empirical applications, and appropriate policy designs. It allows establishing a future-oriented research agenda whose ultimate goal is an efficient, equitable, and sustainable use of natural resources. Based on a normative foundation, the paper aims to identify fundamental topics, current trends, and major research gaps to motivate further development of academic work in the field.
Conference Paper
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Jakarta as the national capital city of Indonesia, has many functions as a residential center and services. If in the past, the approach of almost all cities is racing to become the center of multi-sector services and shelter. Currently this approach has to be abandoned, by separating between the service function and the dwelling function. To qualify service power quality, efficiency and convenience of traffic, Jakarta should have begun to separate and provide adequate space for the benefit of the fulfillment of these two statuses and functions, supported by good urban transport. This separation will have an impact, among others, on the distribution of necessities or activities of any kind in everyday life can be well organized. Poor transportation services result in wasted energy that ultimately also affects other cost of living expenses, including clean water, drainage, waste, and waste management that can cause flooding, as a result of untreated drainage due to clogged garbage, in addition to low rainfall capability by the reduction of catchment areas in Jakarta itself and upstream. Residential needs for fast- growing Jakarta services community spends the area around Jakarta which should be a buffer zone for food suppliers (food and water). The policy of implementing reclamation in the Jakarta Bay area is an effort to solve landscape needs for development and the provision of other services and the effort is to address the root causes rather than to get support, but spawned polemics and resistance from many stakeholders. This paper is a literature review of the problems of the Jakarta Bay reclamation policy for the development of urban infrastructure that must be more attention to get the solution and find a way out together before deciding to increase the landscape and create a giant embankment. Keywords: Renouncement, Reclamation Policy, Infrastructure Development Policy, Jakarta Bay.
The demand for law on the part of the society (business, middle class, civil society) is not sufficient at the transformation stage — the reciprocal demand for law from the power elite is necessary. Modern theory states that in the contrary case the pressure on elites would require more open regime of participation. Strengthening the positions of the power elite in the long-run would require limiting endless redistribution of assets and introducing the common rule for all.
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This paper provides an example of reconstruction of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) as governance structure at the ministrial level, using a perspective of transaction costs (Ho et al., J Manag Eng, Ho et al. 2015). This reconstruction is required since the performance of PPP scheme and interest of private sector to participate in the infrastructure provision is still practically low. Soft Systems Methodology-based Action Research (Checkland and Scholes 1990; Checkland and Poulter 2006; Hardjosoekarto, Syst Pract Action Res 25:493–509, 2012, Human Resource Manag Res. 3 49-53, 2013; Hardjosoekarto et al. 2013) is used to explore the form of PPP governance in organizational level as a part of hierarchy of policy formulation (Bromley 1989). According to previous study conducted by Ho, Levitt, Hsu, and Tsui, three main sources of transaction costs are identified: principal-principal conflict, renegotiation and hold-up problem, and soft budget constraint. This paper, however, only focuses on renegotiation and hold-up problem as the main sources of transaction costs. It is suggested that in the implementation of PPP, the Ministry of Public Works and Housing required a PPP Unit that serves as champion on the top by establishing new Directorate General that specially handling infrastructure investment.
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The article proposes the way of mathematical formalization of institutions in the framework of game-theory approach. The rules are represented by transpositions of payoffs in payment matrix. Such the transitions call the change the structure of game equilibriums. This approach allows separation of coordination and distribution aspects of institutions, division institutions into classes and distinguishing aggregateс of institutions, which produce identical transformation. Through evolutionary game theory formalism it is shown that such parametric management influences the structure of steady states, what allows investigation of institutions’ influence on self-organization, in particular, through transformation of topology of phase portrait of the system. In accordance with the fact that dynamic with multiple steady states is typical for coordination problem as a whole, an approach suggested of the rules formalization appears to have rather broad application.
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Wakaf memiliki kontribusi solutif untuk mengatasi persoalan sosial ekonomi masyarakat. Namun realitanya, potensi tanah wakaf di Kabupaten Jember yang mencapai 141, 06 hektar yang tersebar di 1.495 lokasi masih dikelola secara tradisional. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada implementasi kebijakan wakaf dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat, faktor-faktor penghambat, serta alternatif solusi untuk mengatasinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu tata kelola wakaf di Kabupaten Jember belum terlaksana dengan baik, yang disebabkan karena belum dibentuknya BWI; ego ahli waris dari wakif yang ingin menguasai tanah wakaf dan merasa tidak cocok dengan nâzhir; sistem kenâzhiran yang kurang professional; kurangnya sosialisasi kebijakan wakaf; dan diperparah dengan ketidak-patuhan sebagian masyarakat terhadap kebijakan wakaf. Oleh karena itu, setiap nâzhir perlu mewujudkan Good Waqf Governance dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance (GCG) berbasis Islam, karena GCG konvensional saja tidak cukup apabila tidak didukung dengan pelaku-pelaku yang jujur dan amanah. (Wakaf has a solute contribution to overcome the socio-economic problems of the community. However, the potential of waqf land in Jember which reaches 141.06 hectares spread over 1,495 locations is still managed traditionally. This research is focused on the implementation of wakaf policy in improving community welfare, inhibiting factors, and alternative solutions. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The result of this research is that the management of waqf in Jember is not well implemented, which is caused by the lack of establishment of BWI; the wishes of the heirs of the wakif who want to control the land of waqf and feel incompatible with nâzhir; less professional system of kenâzhiran; lack of socialization of wakaf policy; and the non-compliance of some people to the wakaf policy. Therefore, every nâzhir needs to realize Good Waqf Governance by applying the principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) based on Islam, because conventional GCG alone is not enough if it is not supported by honest and trustful actors)
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The aim of this article is to contribute to a clearer depiction of public goods. The theoretical conundrums of the standard approach are highlighted before discussing a broader view of public goods that includes various types of merit good. It is suggested that there is no definite technical criterion to decide which type of good should be deemed public: a decision concerning societal priorities is needed. The article therefore discusses who is to decide, and how, these priorities and indicates that voting does not lead to a univocal decision unless appropriate decision criteria are depicted. Public goods should allow people to choose how to organize their society but, in so far as they are not provided, people may be unable to adequately choose the very public goods they need. Elucidation of this vicious circle may provide for a more rigorous classification of public goods and suggest a pragmatic way to bypass it.
In this chapter we examine how water governance and demand management arrangements can be linked to economic instruments, such as water markets, to address the broad range of water reallocation problems that exist in many global contexts. The utilization of economic instruments is context-specific throughout the world and can take many forms. This chapter therefore lists the pros and cons of some more common instruments. While successfully combining regulatory and economic instruments is far from straightforward, policy-makers can learn from growing evidence of successful partnerships between these two approaches. It may be costly both in terms of political support and transaction investments to strip away existing arrangements in favour of more flexible and better-suited institutions to manage scarce water resources. However, it would be expected that ignoring the problems, and hoping they will resolve themselves, would be more harmful to private and public welfare outcomes in the long run.
Social scientists have developed several theories for understanding or evaluating policy change over time. Since all costs or benefits are not internalized owing to positive transaction costs, policymaking is always implemented under cost underestimation conditions and, therefore, is imperfect. I call this trait policy failure in this article. Furthermore, I show that a new framework combining the social costs approach and the legal/economic approach in institutional economics is suitable and can be applied to evaluating how past policy failures affect present policy, providing as an example the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan. © 2018, Journal of Economic Issues / Association for Evolutionary Economics.
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Ce texte propose une revue de la littérature portant sur l'émergence et le fonctionnement des marchés fonciers ruraux en Afrique subsaharienne, avec un focus ouest-africain. Après quelques précisions conceptuelles, les conditions de la marchandisation de l'accès à la terre dans les contextes ouest-africains sont présentées, avec quelques mises en perspective avec d'autres situations d'Afrique sub-saharienne. Suit une description des types de transactions (achats-ventes, location, métayage, contrats de plantation), des acteurs des transactions et de leurs logiques. Les dimensions conflictuelles du développement des transactions marchandes sont ensuite abordées, ainsi que leurs incidences en termes d'efficience et d'équité. Une dernière section propose des essais de typologies permettant de caractériser les marchés fonciers et leurs incidences.
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p>The paper examines the impact of transaction costs on institutional development and agricultural productivity in Nepal and analyzes the factors influencing transaction costs. A field survey of in the Kathmandu and Palpa districts of Nepal, reveals that transaction costs amount to 3 %of the net farm return and 3.3 % of the total cost of production. It is rational for farmers to invest in ensuring reliable irrigation and better institutional management because farmers with reliable irrigation and better institution reported higher productivity. Economic Journal of Development Issues Vol. 19 & 20 No. 1-2 (2015) Combined Issue, page: 1-21</p
We develop a framework that quantifies the effect of social norms on the efficient functioning of institutions and thereby their impact on effectiveness of reforms for sustaining common pool water resources under conditions of scarcity. We derive theoretical results and use numerical simulations to provide evidence for performance of a group of farmers that use a common pool resource (reservoir or aquifer) with and without norms, with various marginal utility levels from norm adherence, and with various existing (Social Planner) institutional setting considered in the theoretical model. The theoretical results suggest that with no water trade and with norm adherence, water users will always use less water than the no norms scenario. With possible inter-group water trade, norm-adhering water users would replace excess extraction with increased trade rates. Simulation results for the no-trade case suggest that with higher marginal utility values from norm adherence, the resource is sustained for significantly longer periods.
Economic approaches to institutionalismInstitutions and transaction costs in the (early) new institutional economicsGovernance structures and property rights: building upon and refining Coase's workHow do transaction costs emerge? Transaction dimensions and economic behaviourRelationship between transaction costs and institutionsReferences
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The nomination policy of local parliament members in general election is regulated in various policies by the Central Parliament, the President and the Election Commission. In order to improve the election quality, policy evaluation is required. This study uses legal research/normative methods and library/documentary study of the policies content. It is found out that there are some different aspects in managing the nomination of local parliament members in Law No. 8 of 2012 and some Election Commission/KPUs regulations. Substantively, there are several provisions that are ambiguous, multi-interpretative, contradictious, and are not implementable. This problem causes local election commissions cannot optimally perform theirs tasks. Therefore, it is recommended to have policy revision in several aspects, such as education qualification, physical and spiritual health, authorized health agency, political liaison officers, resignation certificate or decree from certain positions at public agencies (such as civil servant, military, police, etc.) and other institutions to avoid conflict of interest, nomination forms, and several errors/ inconsistencies terms. Keywords: policy evaluation, local parliament nomination, general election. Pencalonan anggota DPRD dalam pemilu diatur dalam berbagai kebijakan yang ditetapkan DPR, Presiden dan KPU. Untuk penyelenggaraan yang makin berkualitas di masa yang akan datang, diperlukan evaluasi kebijakan. Dengan metode penelitian hukum/hukum normatif dan teknik studi kepustakaan/dokumenter terhadap isi/substansi kebijakan diketahui adanya berbagai aspek pengaturan pencalonan anggota DPRD, yang termuat dalam UU Nomor 8 Tahun 2012 dan beberapa produk kebijakan KPU yang pada dasarnya merupakan kebijakan publik. Secara substantif terdapat beberapa ketentuanyang bersifat tidak jelas, multiinterpretatif, kontradiktif dan tidak implementatif. Kondisi ini mengakibatkan para penyelenggara pemilu di daerah tidak dapat melaksanakan tugas pelayanan pencalonan secara lebih optimal. Untuk itu, direkomendasikan perlu adanya penyempurnaan terhadap substansi beberapa aspek pencalonan anggota DPRD, yang meliputi ijazah/STTB, surat keterangan sehat jasmani dan rohani, institusi pemberi surat keterangan sehat, petugas penghubung parpol dengan penyelenggara pemilu, surat keterangan atau surat keputusan pemberhentian dalam kedudukan/jabatan tertentu (PNS, TNI, Polri, dan sebagainya), surat pernyataan pengunduran diri, badan lain yang anggarannya dari keuangan negara, pekerjaan lain yang tidak menimbulkan konflik kepentingan, beberapa contoh formulir/model pencalonan dan beberapa kesalahan/ inkonsistensi peristilahan. Kata kunci: evaluasi kebijakan, pencalonan anggota DPRD, pemilihan umum.
Is the reform of agricultural policies an unresolvable issue? Although such an extreme view can hardly be justified in rational terms, many agricultural economists in West Europe may emotionally be inclined to agree. Numerous reforms were proposed but the politicians could not be persuaded to reorganise the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). This frustrating experience has been illustrated by Pelkmans (1985, p. 4) as follows: Nevertheless, it appeared as if analytical arguments and nonpartisan advice were not heard. It looked as if the CAP decision-making framework tried to make itself immune to criticism by insulating itself. A long lingering doubt emerged in certain circles of agricultural economists: would there be any utility in forwarding yet another reform proposal, that would not be picked up? Was there any point in repeating the analysis to politicians who would not listen? Some concluded that the CAP was reform-resistant and it would be futile to throw good economics after such bad politics. A few specialists, however, drew a different inference. They began to ask the question why the CAP was so resistant to reform, why it incorporated turns and twists time and again that were the worst choices from an economic point of view, why were the politics and economics so far apart?
For a long time environmental and natural resource issues were regarded as relatively unimportant in the debate about agricultural policy when compared with market related issues, changes in technology and structural adjustment. Today, the situation is different; an increasing number of citizens and important actors on the public scene look upon natural resources and sustainability as primary considerations in decisions about agricultural policy. A similar trend is found in other sectors of the economy.
A push to reverse unsustainable trends has come from environmental civil society, but its track record is somewhat inconsistent. Why are some environmental organizations able to enhance the environmental cause, while others fail to create a substantial impact in the move toward environmental sustainability? This paper considers related but disparate clusters of literature and identifies factors that have an impact on the effectiveness of civil society. It also addresses the ambiguity that is attached to civil society—a concept with considerable historical baggage and contextual differentiation. Given that each conceptualization of civil society has its own body of literature and that these do not necessarily speak to each other, we propose an analytical framework that integrates a variety of dimensions relevant to the analysis of environmental civil society organizations (CSOs): the degree of institutionalization, the mode of interaction with the state, sources of funding, the locus of mobilization, the choice of issue(s), and the degree of politicization. Using these organizational characteristics, our framework further integrates contextual factors, constructing a multidimensional space where there are opportunities and constraints for environmental CSOs. This framework allows us to examine diverse paths shaped by context-dependent strategic choices of environmental CSOs which may either limit or enhance their capacity to make an impact. These strategic choices are tracked by selecting entry points inspired by fieldwork conducted in Turkey—specifically, institutionalization, the choice of issue(s), and politicization.
Impotence and Intransigence: An Unavoidable Evolutionary Curse? - Volume 13 Issue 1 - David L. Weimer
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