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An effective method for detection and elimination of avalanche effect problem

  • Yozgat Bozok University

Abstract and Figures

The Supervisory control theory (SCT) is a general framework for the synthesis of supervisors (controllers) for discrete events systems (DES). The SCT makes use of automata theory and formal languages. Given a plant automaton model and a specification for the controlled behavior, a RW (Ramagde-Wonham) supervisor is obtained as an automaton. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) are widely used in modern industrial systems to carry out control tasks. Although there are a lot of methods proposed for PLC based implementation of RW supervisors, there are still very few industrial applications. This is due to a number of important problems, one of which is called avalanche effect. In this paper, two contributions are provided to tackle with the avalanche effect problem. The first one is an algorithm proposed for the determination of the events that cause avalanche effect in a given supervisor. The second one is a very simple and effective avalanche effect elimination method (AEEM). The applicability of these two contributions is shown by examples.
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An Effective Method for Detection and Elimination of Avalanche Effect Problem 1988
Murat Uzam, Gokhan Gelen, Recep Dalci
A Workshop Rescheduling Algorithm to Solve Producing Anomaly 1994
Rong Dong, Weiping He, Yajie Li
A Hybrid DPSO-SA Approach to Assembly Sequence Planning 1998
Hongguang Lv, Cong Lu, Jun Zha
Comparison Between Experimental and Computer Modelling Results for a Pneumatic/Hydraulic
Hybrid Cylinder
Dyfyr Ll Davies, Yiqin Xue, John Watton, Graham A Williams
Optimal Collision Avoidance Maneuver for Formation Flying Satellites Using Relative Orbital
Min Hu, Guoqiang Zeng, Junling Song
Agent-Based Real-Time Assembly Line Management for Wireless Job Shop Environment 2013
Yingfeng Zhang, George Huang, Ting Qu, Jun Hong
Sa3-6: Production Scheduling and Control
Abstract The Supervisory control theory (SCT) is a general
framework for the synthesis of supervisors (controllers) for
discrete events systems (DES). The SCT makes use of automata
theory and formal languages. Given a plant automaton model
and a specification for the controlled behavior, a RW
(Ramagde-Wonham) supervisor is obtained as an automaton.
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) are widely used in
modern industrial systems to carry out control tasks. Although
there are a lot of methods proposed for PLC based
implementation of RW supervisors, there are still very few
industrial applications. This is due to a number of important
problems, one of which is called avalanche effect. In this paper,
two contributions are provided to tackle with the avalanche
effect problem. The first one is an algorithm proposed for the
determination of the events that cause avalanche effect in a
given supervisor. The second one is a very simple and effective
avalanche effect elimination method (AEEM). The applicability
of these two contributions is shown by examples.
HE Supervisory control theory (SCT), based on finite
state machines (FSM) and formal languages, is a general
theory to design controllers (supervisors) for discrete
event systems (DES) [1, 2]. In SCT, given an uncontrolled
model of the system and the desired system behavior
specifications, the objective is to synthesize a supervisor
(controller) such that the controlled behavior of the system
does not contradict the specifications given and does not
unnecessarily constrain the behavior of the system.
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) have been widely
used in modern industrial systems to carry out control tasks.
The PLC based implementation of supervisors (in automaton
form) has been studied by many researchers [3-14]. In [3-7],
the application of SCT to flexible manufacturing cells and
PLC based implementations are studied. In [8-9], local
modular supervisors and their PLC based implementations
are considered. Implementation of supervisors are proposed
in LLD (Ladder Logic Diagram) code [8] and sequential
function charts (SFC) [9]. The main feature of these works is
that the control system is used as an interface between the
real input-output signals and theoretical supervisors [8-10].
In [11, 12], the conversion of finite state machines
Manuscript received March 17, 2010. This work was supported by the
research grant of The Scientific and Technological Research Council of
Turkey (Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Aratrma Kurumu - TÜBTAK)
under the project number TÜBTAK-107E125.
All Authors are with Nide Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Mimarlk Fakültesi,
Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendislii Bölümü, Kampüs, Nide, TURKEY.
(M. Uzam is the corresponding author phone: +90 388-225-22-82; fax: +90
388-225-01-12; e-mail1:; e-mail2:;
(automaton) to LLD is proposed. The LLD implementation
of finite state machines is studied in [13]. In a recent work
[14], a new approach is proposed for the LLD
implementation of supervisors. The method of [14] deals
mainly with the assignment of actions (output signals) to the
related states of supervisors.
The problems and possible solutions for PLC
implementation for supervisors in automaton form are
discussed in [15]. An important problem, called avalanche
effect, makes the program skip over an arbitrary number of
states during the same PLC scan cycle. In [15], arranging
PLC code rungs in the reverse order is proposed as a simple
solution for this problem. But, this not a general solution
and may fail in some cases [16]. In order to solve the
avalanche effect problem, a general method based on
expressing automata in logical domain is proposed in [16].
The disadvantage of the method proposed in [16] is that it
requires two memory elements, i.e. Boolean variables, for
implementing each state of a supervisor. This is a big
problem especially when implementing a supervisor with a
huge number of states in a PLC with very limited memory
resources. In this paper, a new method is proposed for the
detection and elimination of avalanche effect problem. There
are two contributions of this paper. In the former, an
algorithm is proposed for the determination of the events
that cause avalanche effect in a given supervisor
(automaton). In the latter, a very simple and effective
avalanche effect elimination method (AEEM) is proposed.
The applicability of these two contributions is shown by
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 provides preliminary information about automata
and avalanche effect problem. In Section 3, an algorithm is
proposed for the detection of events that cause avalanche
effect in a given automaton. The implementation
methodology that eliminates avalanche effect problem is
proposed in Section 4. The applicability of the proposed
methodology is demonstrated by means of an illustrative
example in Section 5. Finally, conclusions are given in
Section 6.
The supervisory control theory (SCT) was introduced to
extend control theory concepts for continuous systems to the
discrete event environment [1, 2]. The SCT makes use of
automata theory and regular languages for modeling system
behavior. In SCT, plant and specifications that represent
controlled behavior of plant can be modeled as automata. A
Ramadge-Wonham (RW) supervisor is obtained as an
automaton which can affect the operation of plant in order to
An Effective Method for Detection and Elimination of
Avalanche Effect Problem
Murat UZAM, Gökhan GELEN, Student Member, IEEE, and Recep DALCI
978-1-4244-5141-8/10/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE 1988
Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE
International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation
August 4-7, 2010, Xi'an, China
avoid forbidden behaviors. Discrete event systems evolve on
spontaneously occurring events. Let ¦ be finite set of events.
The set of all finite concatenations of events in ¦ is denoted
by ¦*. An element of this set is called a string. The number of
events gives the length of the string. The string with no
element is denoted by ε and is called empty string. A subset
L ¦* is called a language over ¦. For a string s¦*, s
denotes the prefixes of s and is defined as s= {sp ¦* | t
¦* (spt=s)}. Extension of this definition to language prefix
closure of a language L is denoted by L. A language L
satisfying the condition L= L is said to be prefix closed. An
automaton, denoted by G, is a six-tuple G=(Q, ¦, f, , q0,
Qm) where, Q is the set of states, ¦ is the finite event set, f:
¦Q is the partial transition function. : q  2¦ is the
active event function. (q) is the set defined for every state of
G and represents the feasible events of q. q0 is the initial
state and Qm Q is the set of marked states representing the
completion of a given task or operation. A simple automaton
model with two states is shown in Fig. 1. This automaton has
two states labeled with q0 and q1. q0 with a double arrow is
the initial (and marked) state, while q1 with an exiting arrow
is the marked state of the automaton. A directed arrow
represents the transition functions of the automaton. Labels
of transitions (e1, e2) correspond to events.
q0 q1
Fig. 1. A simple automaton model.
In PLC implementation of a supervisor (automaton),
states are represented by Boolean variables and events can
be defined as rising or falling edges of the signals. For such
definition of events --|P|-- (positive transition sensing
contact) and --|N|-- (negative transition sensing contact) can
be used respectively. Some symbols of IEC 61131-3 LD
(Ladder Diagram) PLC programming language [18] used in
this paper are depicted in Table 1. The conversion of a
supervisor into LLD code for PLC implementation is a
straight forward process. From the literature one can find
some well-established methods. The following briefly
explains the method utilized in this paper [14]: a Boolean
variable (a memory bit) is assigned to each state of the
supervisor. Initially, the Boolean variable representing the
active (initial) state is SET and all other Boolean variables
representing the rest of the RW supervisor states are RESET.
Then, each transition between states of the supervisor is
implemented as a separate PLC ladder rung by using SET
and RESET commands. When associating events with rising
and falling edges of signals, care must be taken not to skip
over an arbitrary number of states during the same scan
cycle. This is called the avalanche effect and is a
consequence of the sequential evaluation of the Boolean
expressions [15]. For example consider the automaton
shown in Fig. 2. The automaton moves from state q0 to q1
on the occurrence of ‘a’. Then it is supposed to move from
q1 to q2 on the new occurrence of ‘a’. If a ‘b’ occurs before
another ‘a’ then it moves from q1 to q3. Thus this automaton
represents two strings ‘aa’ and ‘ab’ [15]. LLD
implementation of this automaton shown in Fig. 3.(a) does
not mimic this behavior. Rather, the avalanche effect
problem causes a direct transition from q0 to q2 on the same
rising edge of the signal ‘a’. One simple cure for this
problem is to arrange the rungs in the reverse order [15]. In
this particular example if the rungs 2 and 3 of the LLD code
shown in Fig. 3.(a) are arranged in the reverse order as
shown in Fig. 3.(b), then the problem is solved. However,
this methodology is highly dependent on the problem at
hand, and may fail in some cases. As an example, a simple
automaton is given in Fig. 4 [16]. Obviously, event ‘a’
causes the avalanche effect problem: when state q0 is active,
an occurrence of event ‘a’ causes a transition to q1 and then
back to q0 in the same PLC scan cycle. Therefore the above
mentioned simple method does not solve the avalanche
effect problem for this automaton [16].
Fig. 2. An example automaton represents two strings ‘aa’ and ‘ab’ [15].
[q0, a, q1]
[q1, a, q2]
[q1, b, q3]
a) b)
Fig. 3. LLD implementations of the automaton shown in Fig. 2: a) LLD
implementation represents only the occurrence of a single ‘a’. b) LLD
implementation represents the occurrence of both strings ‘aa’ and ‘ab’.
Fig. 4. An example automaton with avalanche effect problem [16].
Symbol Description
I Input location
Q Output location
M Memory location
Normally open contact
The state of the left link is copied to the right link if the
state of the associated Boolean variable (indicated by
***) is ON. Otherwise, the state of the right link is
Normally closed contact
The state of the left link is copied to the right link if the
state of the associated Boolean variable (indicated by
***) is OFF. Otherwise, the state of the right link is
Positive transition-sensing contact
The state of the right link is ON from one evaluation of
this element to the next when a transition of the
associated Boolean variable (indicated by ***) from
OFF to ON is sensed at the same time that the state of
the left link is ON. The state of the right link shall be
OFF at all other times.
Negative transition-sensing contact
The state of the right link is ON from one evaluation of
this element to the next when a transition of the
associated Boolean variable (indicated by ***) from
ON to OFF is sensed at the same time that the state of
the left link is ON. The state of the right link shall be
OFF at all other times.
( )
The state of the left link is copied to the associated
Boolean variable (indicated by ***) and to the right
SET (latch) coil
The associated Boolean variable (indicated by ***) is
set to the ON state when the left link is in the ON state,
and remains set until reset by a RESET coil.
RESET (unlatch) coil
The associated Boolean variable (indicated by ***) is
reset to the OFF state when the left link is in the ON
state, and remains reset until set by a SET coil.
There are a number of software tools to compute RW
supervisors. In this paper, it is assumed that a RW supervisor
is given in an automaton form generated by TCT [17]. In
TCT, an automaton is described in an “.ADS” file. The
integer numbers are used for state labels (0, …, 2000000)
and event labels (0, …, 999). ‘0’ is used for the initial state.
In TCT, the transitions of an automaton are entered as in
Exit_(Source)_State Transition_Label
Entrance_(Target)_State” format. For example 2 0 1 means
that, there is a transition labeled with event ‘0’ from state 2
to state 1. As a special example, 1 0 1 means that there is a
selfloop labeled with event ‘0’ on the state labeled with ‘1’.
All transitions are written as a list at the end of the file. This
transition list can be considered as a matrix. The number of
lines of this matrix is equal to the number of all transitions.
The row number of this matrix is equal to 3. The first row
consists of labels of source states, the second one contains
labels of events and the third one consists of labels of target
states. An example automaton is shown in Fig. 5, whose
TCT representation “TEST.ADS” is provided in Fig. 6 based
on the following event and state codings:
Event coding for example automaton:
automaton: a b c d e f
TCT: 1 2 3 4 5 6
State coding for example automaton:
automaton: q0 q1 q2 q3 q4
TCT: 0 1 2 3 4
Fig. 5. An example automaton with events ‘a’, ‘b’, and ‘c’ causing
avalanche effect.
Fig. 6. The format of an example .ADS file: “TEST.ADS”
The following search algorithm is proposed in this paper to
detect events that cause avalanche effect:
Algorithm Av_effect_detector: Detector for events that
cause avalanche effect.
Input: An automaton model, in .ADS file format. The
automaton defined in .ADS file transition by transition. The
transitions are entered as [Exit_(Source)_State
Transition_Label Entrance_(Target)_State]. A line of this
format named as transition. The transition structure can be
considered as [n_trans x 3] array.
1) [Define] Crr_event: temporary variable to represent
Current events value, Crr_s_sts: temporary variable
to represent Current source state of an event
represented by Crr_event. Crr_t_sts: temporary
variable to represent Current target state of an event
represented by Crr_event. All_Events: array of all
events, Av_effect_list: Array of events that cause
avalanche effect, n_trans: number of transitions in
input, num_ev: number of all events, S_state: array
of source state, T_state: array of target states.
Events: array of events between source and target
state in the same index.
2) [Initialize] Crr_event=0, i=0, j=0, k=0, index=0;
3) Crr_event=All_Events[i] take an event from all event
4) If (Crr_event==Events[j]) find the source and target
state of Crr_events
Then Crr_s_sts=S_state[j] and
5) (If there is a target state equal to current source state
or a source state equal to current target state and the
events of these states is equal to current event in
two cases, the current event causes avalanche
go to step 9
end if.
6) k=k+1;
7) if (k<n_trans) goto Step 5;
8) j=j+1 and if (j<n_trans) goto Step 4;
9) k=0, j=0, i=i+1, and if (i<num_ev) goto Step 3;
Output: Av_effect_list: The set of events that cause
avalanche effect.
end Algorithm Av_effect_detector.
The main feature of this algorithm is to find at least two
successive transitions whose events are the same. The above
algorithm was implemented in C code. Then the C code was
compiled and named as “Av_effect_detector.exe”. In the
code, the .ADS file is read and the transition list is converted
into a matrix. The self-looped transitions, whose source and
target states are the same, are ignored. Because, they do not
cause a state change, i.e. avalanche affect problem. If there
are events causing avalanche effect then these events are
reported on the screen and at the same time as they are
written in a log file called “logfile.txt”. When
“Av_effect_detector.exe” program was run and the above
mentioned automaton called TEST.ADS was given as input
to check whether there is avalanche effect problem in this
automaton, the screenshot of this program was provided by
the “Av_effect_detector.exe” as seen in Fig. 7. This means
that there is avalanche effect problem in the automaton,
shown in Fig. 5, represented by TEST.ADS, and events
labeled with “1, 2 and 3”, i.e. events ‘a’, ‘b’ and ‘c’, cause
avalanche effect.
Fig. 7. The screenshot of “Av_effect_detector.exe” program
for the input “TEST.ADS”.
The avalanche effect problem occurs when a program
skips over an arbitrary number of states during the same
PLC scan cycle. The occurrence of an event can be realized
in LLD code by means of rising or falling edge of a signal.
Rising edge of a signal is detected by comparing the signal
between two consecutive scan cycles; if the signal was low
in the previous scan cycle and is now high, then a rising
edge of the signal has been detected [15]. In this paper an
efficient method is proposed for the elimination of the
avalanche effect problem when implementing an automaton
as LLD. The method is applied only to events that cause the
avalanche effect problem. Other events are treated as usual.
The proposed avalanche effect elimination method (AEEM)
involves the following steps:
1. After the initialization LLD code, SET a Boolean variable
Mi with the occurrence of each event causing the
avalanche effect problem (i= 1, 2, …, n; n: the number of
events causing the avalanche effect problem).
2. RESET the Boolean variable Mi, on each LLD rung
implementing a transition which includes the event
causing the avalanche effect problem. (i= 1, 2, …, n)
3. RESET the Boolean variable Mi at the end of the LLD
code. (i= 1, 2, …, n)
By using this method an event (the rising or falling edge
of a signal) is assigned to a memory bit Mi each time it
occurs. When Mi is set it can only be used once by one of
the two or more transitions causing the avalanche effect
problem and then it is RESET by the very transition using
Mi. If Mi is not used by one of the transitions then it is
automatically RESET at the end of the LLD code. This is a
very simple and effective way of solving the avalanche
effect problem. As an example to show how this method is
applied consider the automata shown in Fig. 2. In this
automaton event ‘a’ is the cause of avalanche effect.
Therefore the AEEM is applied only to this event. The LLD
code for this automaton obtained using the AEEM proposed
is depicted in Fig. 8. In this code, the first rung initializes the
automaton by setting q0 and resetting other states q1, q2 and
q3. With the occurrence of ‘a’ M1 is set in rung 2. In rungs
3, 4, and 5 transitions [q0,a,q1], [q1,a,q2], and [q1,b,q3] are
implemented respectively. As stated before, in this
automaton transitions labeled with ‘a’ are the cause of
avalanche effect. So, M1 is reset at the end of rungs 3 and 4.
If M1 is still set, then the last rung clears the memory bit M1
for another detection of event ‘a’. As another example
consider the automaton shown in Fig. 4.(a). In this
automaton, event ‘a’ is the cause of avalanche effect. The
LLD code for this automaton obtained using the AEEM
proposed is depicted in Fig. 9. In this code, the first rung
initializes the automaton by setting q0 and by resetting q1.
With the occurrence of ‘a’ M1 is set in rung 2. In rungs 3
and 4, transitions [q0,a,q1] and [q1,a,q0] are implemented
respectively. As two transitions labeled with ‘a’ are the
cause of avalanche effect, M1 is reset at the end of rungs 3
and 4. Note that in this particular example there is no need to
reset M1 at the end of the LLD code, because M1 will be
reset either in rung 3 or in rung 4.
[q1, b, q3]
M1 R
recycle M1
[q1, a, q2]
[q0, a, q1]
M1= a
Fig. 8. An LLD code for the automaton shown in Fig. 2
obtained by using the AEEM.
In this section as an illustrative example, the automaton
model consisting of 5 states and 13 transitions shown in Fig.
5 is considered. There are six events, namely a, b, c, d, e,
and f. As indicated in Section 3, events labeled with a, b, and
c cause avalanche effect. Therefore in PLC LLD
implementation of this automaton the AEEM is applied only
these three events. The PLC LLD code implementation of
this automaton model can be seen from Fig. 10. The first
rung initializes the automaton by setting q0 and resetting
other states q1, q2, q3, and q4. With the occurrence of ‘a’
(respectively, ‘b’, ‘c’) M1 (respectively, M2, M3) is set in
rung 2 (respectively, rung 3, rung 4). In rungs 5, 6, …, 17,
all 13 transitions are implemented. As transition labeled with
‘a’ (respectively, ‘b’; ‘c’) is the cause of avalanche effect,
M1 (respectively, M2; M3) is reset at the end of rungs 5, 8,
12, and 15 (respectively, rungs 6, 7, and 17; rungs 9 and 11).
If M1 (respectively, M2; M3) is still set, then rung 18
(respectively, 19, 20) clears the memory bit M1
(respectively, M2; M3) for another detection of event
‘a’(respectively, ‘b’, ‘c’). All LLD codes shown in this paper
have been implemented by using a Siemens s7-300 PLC and
worked properly as expected.
M1= a
Fig. 9. LLD code for the automaton shown in Fig. 4
obtained by using the AEEM.
In order to deal with the avalanche effect problem two
contributions are proposed in this paper. Firstly, an
algorithm is proposed for the determination of the events
that cause avalanche effect in a given supervisor
(automaton). This algorithm takes a supervisor as input and
if there are events in this automaton that cause the avalanche
effect problem it provides as output a list of such events.
Secondly, a very simple and effective avalanche effect
elimination method (AEEM) is proposed. The effectiveness
of AEEM lies in the fact that the method is applied only to
events that cause the avalanche effect problem. Other events
are treated as usual. This process saves an important number
of memory elements compared with the method proposed in
[16]. The applicability of these two contributions is shown
by examples. This methodology has already been applied to
low-level real-time supervisory control of an experimental
manufacturing system, which will be the topic of a further
Fig. 10. LLD implementation of the automaton shown in Fig. 5.
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... The row number of this matrix is equal to 3. The 1st row consists of labels of source states, the 2nd contains labels of events, and the 3rd consists of labels of target states. An example automaton is shown inFigure 7, whose TCT representation " TEST.ADS " is provided inFigure 8, based on the following event and state codings:The search algorithm shown inFigure 9is proposed in[34]to detect events that cause the avalanche effect. The main feature of this algorithm is to find at least 2 successive transitions whose events are the same. ...
... The rising edge of a signal is detected by comparing the signal between 2 consecutive scan cycles; if the signal was low in the previous scan cycle and is now high, then a rising edge of the signal has been detected[24]. In[34], an efficient method was proposed for the elimination of the avalanche effect problemwhen implementing an automaton as LLD. The method is applied only to events that cause the avalanche effect problem. ...
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A successful application of a hybrid (mixed Petri net/automaton) approach for the real-time supervisory control of an experimental manufacturing system was reported recently. The hybrid approach includes a Ramadge-Wonham (RW) supervisor in the form of an automaton. The reduced RW supervisor offers fewer states for the programmable logic controller (PLC) implementation of the hybrid controller with less memory requirements, but due to a problem called the avalanche effect, the PLC implementation of the hybrid controller with the reduced RW supervisor was not possible. This paper proposes a method to both detect and eliminate the avalanche effect problem for a RW supervisor in the form of an automaton, which enables the PLC implementation of the hybrid controller with the reduced RW supervisor. In addition, this paper improves the recently proposed hybrid approach by including the reduced RW supervisor and the avalanche effect detection and elimination method. The applicability of the improved hybrid approach is demonstrated by the PLC-based real-time control of an experimental manufacturing system.
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A discrete event process is defined in algebraic terms and its behavior is given by an appropriate formal language. For a set of asynchronous processes we examine the problem of synthesizing a centralized supervisor to ensure a desired collective behavior. Our main result is that every supervisor which solves the centralized supervisor problem is the projection of a grammar for the coordinated behavior of the given processes.
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The paper studies the control of a class of discrete event processes, i.e., processes that are discrete, asynchronous and possibly nondeterministic. The controlled process is described as the generator of a formal language, while the controller, or supervisor, is constructed from a recognizer for a specified target language that incorporates the desired closed-loop system behavior. The existence problem for a supervisor is reduced to finding the largest controllable language contained in a given legal language. Two examples are provided. apparently no unifying theory for the control of discrete event processes. Nor is it entirely clear what such a theory ought to encompass. Numerous approaches to the modeling ofdiscrete event processes have appeared in the literature.A general sampling of these could include boolean models (Aveyard (1974)); Petri nets (Peterson (1981)); formal languages (Beauquier and Nivat (1980), Park (1981)); temporal logic (Pnueli (1979), Hailpern and Owicki (1983)); and port automata and flow networks (Milne and Milner 1979), Steenstrup, Arbib and Manes 1981)). All ofthis work is concerned, in one way or another, with the problem of how to achieve or verify the orderly flow of events; and to this end how to bring together ideas from logic, language and automaton theory. However, while control problems are implicit in much of the work just cited, control-theoretic ideas as such have found little application there. The variety of approaches reflects the diversity of areas in which discrete event processes play an important role. It also indicates that to date no dominant paradigm has emerged upon which a theory of control might be based. In this article we investigate a simple abstract model of a controlled discrete event process, our main objective being to determine qualitative structural features of the relevant basic control problems. Specifically we take the controlled process to be the generator of a formal language, and study how the recognizer of a specified (target) language may be employed as a controller. In this regard we found-suggestive the work of Shaw (1978) and Shields (1979) on flow expressions and path expressions
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The supervisory control theory is a general theory for automatic synthesis of controllers (supervisors) for discrete event systems, given a plant model and a specification for the controlled behavior. Though the theory has for over a decade received substantial attention in academics, still very few industrial applications exist. The main reason for this seems to be a discrepancy between the abstract supervisor and its physical implementation. This is specifically noticeable when the implementation is supposed to be based on programmable logic controllers (PLCs), as is the case with many manufacturing systems. The asynchronous event-driven nature of the supervisor is not straightforwardly implemented in the synchronous signal-based PLC. We point out the main problems of supervisor implementation on a PLC, and suggest procedures to alleviate the problems
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In this paper, a new approach is proposed for the ladder logic code implementation of Ramadge-Wonham (RW) supervisors. The proposed method deals mainly with the assignment of actions (output signals) to the related states of RW supervisors. To-date there is no general method to solve this problem. In this paper, this task is accomplished by means of a very effective and easy to use technique. Once a RW supervisor assigned with actions is obtained, the conversion of this supervisor into ladder logic code is straight forward for PLC implementation. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by means of a manufacturing system consisting of two machines and one buffer.
The anticipated use of autonomous flexible manufacturing workcells in the near future has encouraged recent research efforts on the development of automatic supervisory-control methodologies. However, despite intensive research on the theoretical aspects of the control of flexible manufacturing workcells, modeled as discrete event systems (DESs), relatively little research has been reported on procedures for the implementation of DES-based supervisory controllers. In this paper, a generalized implementation methodology, which utilizes recent theoretical advances in conjunction with programmable logic controller (PLC) technology, is presented. The two primary advantages of the proposed methodology are: (1) the utilization of control strategies, synthesized within a formal theoretical framework, that can be efficiently generated on-line and (2) the use of PLCs, which are currently the most suitable and widely employed industrial process control technology.
The potential of flexible-manufacturing workcells (FMCs) to produce a family of parts in many possible orders of operations and choices of different machines is advantageous. Despite intensive research on the theoretical control of discrete-event systems (DESs), however, current techniques can still only be used for the supervisory control of simple cells. In this paper, a novel modeling and control synthesis technique is presented for FMCs that allow part-routing flexibility. Our proposed methodology combines Extended Moore Automata (EMA) and Controlled-Automata theories to synthesize supervisors for such FMCs.
This paper presents a novel and generic PC/PLC-based software/hardware architecture for the control of flexible manufacturing workcells. The proposed implementation methodology is based on the utilization of any one of the available formal discrete-event-system control theories in conjunction with state-of-the-art industrial programmable-logic controllers (PLCs). The methodology has been illustrated to be a viable technique through its actual implementation in our laboratory using a robotic-workcell testbed. The specific control theory used is a combination of Extended Moore Automata and Ramadge-Wonham Automata that has been developed by our research group. The modular control software architecture has been developed for MS-Windows environments (running on one PC interfaced to the PLCs) and allows the use of different formal control theories as well as different commercial PLC hardware. The effective graphical user interface provides a transparent programming environment, where users are not expected to have a full knowledge of the formal control theory used.
In this study, a methodology for PLC implementation of Supervisory Control Theory is introduced and realized on a pneumatic manufacturing system. The implementation methodology resolves the problem of avalanche effect and enhances program readability. We use local modular approach, which exploits modular structure of the plant and of the specifications. Local modular approach, together with the implementation methodology presented in this study provides an effective way for synthesizing and realizing supervisors for Discrete Event Systems (DES) control problems. The resulting PLC program is also modular in structure, making it handable for modification and error detection.
One area where discrete event systems are currently used is the design of control systems based on programmable logic controllers (PLCs). As the PLC technology is evolving into a family of control functions of many types at many different levels of complexity, there is an increasing need for software tools providing the systematic development of real industrial applications including modeling and control of discrete event systems. This paper describes the use of a state-diagram method in the computer aided logical synthesis and design of automation circuits. It also presents the corresponding software package developed for control logic creation. The developed software generates control logic in the form of Ladder electric circuits since they present descriptive simplicity and are widely known in the PLCs' world. The developed software package is also suitable for both industrial practice and teaching purposes.