
Taxonomy of Buying Decision Approaches

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The author reports the development of a classification scheme of buying patterns and situations. Unlike previous conceptual schemes, it consists of six prototypical "buying decision approaches" identified through an empirically based taxonomy development procedure. A mix of underlying buying activities distinguishes the categories: search for information, use of analysis techniques, focus on proactive issues, and reliance on control mechanisms. The use of a particular buying decision approach depends on four situational characteristics: purchase importance, task uncertainty, extensiveness of choice, and perceived buyer power. The findings reveal some patterns that are similar to previous classification schemes, but new variations allow for a conceptual extension of the literature. The resulting framework is useful to marketing managers, who can view their customer segments in terms of the categories in the taxonomy. Further, it provides a tool by which sales representatives can develop adaptive selling approaches based on a small set of buying situations and corresponding buying decision approaches.

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... This model identifies buying situations based on eight phases of buying and three buying classes-the new task, modified rebuy, and straight rebuy-that notably affect the nature of the buying process. Further, studies have shown that purchase tasks range from routine and low priority to strategic and complex, where the customers' buying approach depends on situational characteristics, such as purchase importance, task uncertainty, extensiveness of choice, and perceived buyer power (Bunn, 1993;Robinson et al., 1967). Overall, this research indicates that the nature of B2B customer journey will vary according to the complexity of the purchasing situation, for example, in terms of the prevalence and duration of journey steps and the composition of the buying center, and that a new journey can sometimes be a direct continuum from an earlier customer journey (c.f., Bunn, 1993;Robinson et al., 1967). ...
... Further, studies have shown that purchase tasks range from routine and low priority to strategic and complex, where the customers' buying approach depends on situational characteristics, such as purchase importance, task uncertainty, extensiveness of choice, and perceived buyer power (Bunn, 1993;Robinson et al., 1967). Overall, this research indicates that the nature of B2B customer journey will vary according to the complexity of the purchasing situation, for example, in terms of the prevalence and duration of journey steps and the composition of the buying center, and that a new journey can sometimes be a direct continuum from an earlier customer journey (c.f., Bunn, 1993;Robinson et al., 1967). ...
... The purchase tasks may range from routine and low priority to strategic and complex. These situational factors are likely to affect both the presence of specific -steps and their thoroughness, as well as the complexity and dynamics of the buying center (Bunn, 1993;Robinson et al., 1967). ...
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Marketing practitioners and consultants have widely adopted the concept of customer journeys for use in analyzing contemporary B2B customer behavior, but despite this concept's potential, research on B2B customer journeys remains in its infancy. This study conceptualizes the B2B customer journey by synthesizing research on customer journeys, B2B purchase processes and buying centers, and business relationships. The study contributes to the extant research by explicating the conceptual underpinnings and core elements of the B2B customer journey, as well as by providing a novel, customer-centric definition of the concept. The developed conceptual framework for B2B customer journeys connects the concept with goal-oriented buying and usage center members , placing equal importance on the purchase and usage stages of the journey and acknowledging its iterative nature and embeddedness in relationships. Thus, the conceptualization offers a comprehensive, up-to-date perspective on B2B customer behavior that is applicable in diverse areas of B2B marketing, such as customer experience management, digital marketing, sales, service management, and service design.
... Aynı zamanda, satın almaya yönelik öne sürülen aşamalarda hangi faaliyetlerin gerçekleştirileceğinin açıkça ortaya konmadığı görülmektedir. Bunn (1993) tarafından bu durum karar süreci modellerinde yer alan aşamaların oldukça kavramsal kaldığı ve ampirik olarak yeterince desteklenmediği şeklinde ifade edilmektedir. Bu doğrultuda, Bunn (1994) alıcıların satın alma faaliyetlerini yöntem kontrolü, geleceğe odaklanma, bilgi araştırma ve analiz tekniklerini kullanma olmak üzere dört boyutlu bir yapı çerçevesinde kavramsallaştırmış ve bu dört boyuttan oluşan bir örgütsel satın alma davranışı ölçeği geliştirmiştir. ...
... Buradaki amaç, alıcıların satın alma karar sürecinde gerçekte ne yaptıklarını ortaya koymaktır. Yöntem kontrolü, satın alma kararının değerlendirilmesinde örgütte belirlenen politikalar, prosedürler veya işlem emsallerinin ne ölçüde kullanıldığını belirtmektedir (Bunn, 1993). Geleceğe odaklanma, firmanın satın alma hedeflerini sahip olduğu kurumsal hedeflere göre belirlemesi olarak ifade edilmektedir (Bunn, 1994). ...
... Bu sürecin, örgüt üyelerinin satın alma durumunu tanımladıkları, alternatif marka ve tedarikçileri belirledikleri, değerlendirdikleri ve seçtikleri tüm faaliyetleri içerdiği belirtilmektedir (Webster ve Wind, 1972). Örgütsel satın alma yöntem kontrolü (procedural control), geleceğe odaklanma (proactive focus), analiz tekniklerini kullanma (use of analysis techniques) ve bilgi araştırma (search for information) faaliyetleriyle kavramsallaştırılmaktadır (Bunn, 1993;1994;Hunter ve diğerleri, 2006). Bu faaliyetlere yönelik bilgiler aşağıda detaylı bir şekilde ele alınmaktadır. ...
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Bu araştırmanın amacı, Bunn (1994) tarafından geliştirilen örgütsel satın alma davranışı ölçeğinin Türkçe'ye uyarlanarak geçerliğinin ve güvenirliğinin ortaya konmasıdır. Ölçeğin Türkçe'ye çevrilmesinde ileri çeviri tekniği kulla-nılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini imalat sektöründe faaliyet gösteren firma yöneticileri oluşturmaktadır. 358 firma yöneticisinden elde edilen ve-riler keşfedici faktör analizi ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Analizler neticesinde ölçeğin dört faktörlü (yöntem kontrolü, geleceğe odak-lanma, bilgi araştırma, analiz tekniklerini kullanma) yapısının model uyum değerlerinin iyi düzeyde olduğu ve bu yapının doğrulandığı tespit edilmiştir. Ölçeğin iç tutarlılık katsayısı Cronbach alfa 0,89 olarak bulunmuştur. Bu bul-gular ışığında, uyarlanan örgütsel satın alma davranışı ölçeğinin geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçüm aracı olduğu ortaya konmuştur. Abstract The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the validity and reliability of Bunn's (1994) organizational buying behavior scale by adapting it to Turkish. Advanced translation technique was used in the translation of the scale into Turkish. The sample of the study consists of firm managers from manufacturing sector. Data obtained from 358 firm managers were subjected to exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Results revealed that the model fit indices were satisfactory and four factor (procedural control, proac-tive focus, search for information, use of analysis techniques) construct was confirmed. The internal consistency coefficient Cronbach Alpha was calculated as 0,89. In that sense, it can be stated that the adapted organizational buying behavior scale is a valid and reliable measurement tool.
... While specific research on B2B customer learning during the sales process has been scant, tangential research implies customers learn during the sales process . For example, literature in the B2B domain explores tangential constructs to pre-purchase customer learning, such as information gathering (e.g., Bunn, 1993;Webster & Wind, 1996), customer expertise , and customer education (Hibbert et al., 2012). Despite research that implies customers learn, no known research specifically investigates learning as an outcome of salesperson efforts during the sales presentation or how it affects sales profits. ...
... Overall, it is clear that customer learning is a goal of sales efforts, a notion implied, rather than investigated at the granular level in prior literature. For instance, prior research investigates information gathering/processing in purchasing, which assumes customers learn from pre-purchase information (Bunn, 1993;Cannon & Perreault Jr, 1999;Sheth, 1973;Singh, Marinova, & Singh, 2020), yet specifics of what type of learning, or how different types affect purchases is not studied. ...
... While past research has explored customer information seeking and processing that happens prior to a purchase (Bunn, 1993;Cannon & Perreault Jr, 1999;Sheth, 1973), customer education is often selfdirected and unidirectional (e.g., customer identifies information). However, it is clear that salespeople, as knowledge brokers, must be rich sources of information and education. ...
The modern sales role has been described as that of a knowledge broker who shares salient information, beyond what the customer already knows, to influence sales outcomes. However, the literature is mostly silent on actual customer learning (i.e., if customers learn from a salesperson's knowledge brokerage attempts). This research explores customer learning within the lens of the ADDIE instructional process, which we adapt from a classroom setting to the more dynamic world of B2B sales. As educators, we propose that salespeople utilize a variety of influence tactics to transfer knowledge that drives customer learning. We investigate how different influence tactics play a role in the development of both basic and advanced customer learning outcomes. Specifically, using both dyadic survey data and objective sales outcomes, we find that influence tactics have diverging effects on both customer learning types and ultimately profitability. We identify that in the absence of formal tests or assignments used in the classroom to assess learning, salesperson perceptions of customer learning can be misaligned with customer assessments of learning. Our research highlights the importance of basic and reflective customer learning as drivers of sales performance outcomes.
... There is only one study (Järvi and Munnukka, 2009) to test the success of organisational buying process with information sources and the others are not stipulating more accurate model of the information sources influencing the customer satisfaction. Secondly, although significant past research exists on information search behaviour (Moriarty and Spekman, 1984;Bunn, 1993;Brossard, 1998;Järvi and Munnukka, 2009;Alejandro et al., 2011;Makhita, 2014), they are somewhat one dimensional because they focus primarily on goods. A small, but growing, body of literature (Bienstock and Royne, 2007) involves B2B services. ...
... Patti (1979) discovered that buyers in the capital equipment industry consider advertising to be as important an information source as salespeople for obtaining product and service information. Bunn (1993) revised the taxonomy dimensions by adding internal memos and internal commercial sources in the wide range of industries belonging to the National Association of Purchasing Management (NAPM). While different researchers investigated information sources, the classification needs to be revised due to accelerating technological changes, whereby information sources have become much more versatile and the internet is now the most important information source. ...
... Upon the review of previous literature, a list of information sources has constructed based on the studies (Moriarty and Spekman, 1984;Bunn, 1993;Bienstock and Royne, 2007;Järvi and Munnukka, 2009;Makhita, 2013). Then, interviews have been conducted with 15 practitioners in Turkey to evaluate the appropriateness and list of information sources as well as the questionnaire design. ...
... In order to be successful in business to business the sellers or the industrial distribution organizations needs to understand the Industrial organizational buying behaviour (Bunn, 1993;Johnston and Lewin, 1996), as the understanding of the behaviour impacts the overall performance of both buyer and seller. ...
... While this understanding is important, this is also true that arriving at such understanding is a difficult task and that"s predominantly because of the dynamic and complex nature of process (Bunn, 1993) and the ever changing external factors like Price disruption, competition, political & social environment, technology changes make it even more complex (Kraljic, 1983; Lindgreen at al., 2013) ...
... Being such a dynamic field, it attracted lots of interest in study of organizational buying behaviour and past research work identified range of variable which affect or influence these decisions in a variety of industries (Bunn, 1993;Johnston and Lewin, 1996;Moon and Tikoo, 2002), however every research is focused on certain aspects of cause and effect relationship and produces contradictory or mixed results (Bunn 1994, Lewin andDonthu, 2005) and because of this there is no universal tropology available or been agreed upon. Most of the research work has happened in matured economies like USA and hence there is lack of study in emerging markets like India (Bunn, 1993(Bunn, , 1994Brashear et al., 2011) Theoretically the buying behaviour is grounded in following three models: 1) BUYGRID framework developed by Robinson mentions that there are different buying situations which affect buyers" behaviour, such as new purchases or task, changed or altered repeat purchase and no change ...
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Industrial consumable products are the products which are generally consumed by an industrial organization but they are not used as raw material for final product. Thoughbeing named as consumables the characteristics of these products are not same as commodities and moreover the marketing strategies are more linked towards core industrial products than a general consumable product.Since the subject is vast hence, we will analyse in context to only one consumable product i.e. switchgear as it will reflect the behaviour of whole category & will be a relevant sample as its used widely & irrespective of the final finished product of that particular industry. The purpose of this paper is to analyse and understand the nature of the product & the applied marketing strategies for the same. The paper will also draw a limited comparison of these approaches in contrast to a typical consumer product marketing approach.
... There is only one study (Järvi and Munnukka, 2009) to test the success of organisational buying process with information sources and the others are not stipulating more accurate model of the information sources influencing the customer satisfaction. Secondly, although significant past research exists on information search behaviour (Moriarty and Spekman, 1984;Bunn, 1993;Brossard, 1998;Järvi and Munnukka, 2009;Alejandro et al., 2011;Makhita, 2014), they are somewhat one dimensional because they focus primarily on goods. A small, but growing, body of literature (Bienstock and Royne, 2007) involves B2B services. ...
... Patti (1979) discovered that buyers in the capital equipment industry consider advertising to be as important an information source as salespeople for obtaining product and service information. Bunn (1993) revised the taxonomy dimensions by adding internal memos and internal commercial sources in the wide range of industries belonging to the National Association of Purchasing Management (NAPM). While different researchers investigated information sources, the classification needs to be revised due to accelerating technological changes, whereby information sources have become much more versatile and the internet is now the most important information source. ...
... Upon the review of previous literature, a list of information sources has constructed based on the studies (Moriarty and Spekman, 1984;Bunn, 1993;Bienstock and Royne, 2007;Järvi and Munnukka, 2009;Makhita, 2013). Then, interviews have been conducted with 15 practitioners in Turkey to evaluate the appropriateness and list of information sources as well as the questionnaire design. ...
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This study aims to identify the information search behaviour of charterers in selecting shipowners within a business-to-business framework. It focuses on charterers’ information sources and how different factors (individual, organizational, and purchase-related) affect the information search since this construct is a major component of comprehensive theories of organizational buying behaviour. Understanding the buying behaviour of charterers also helps marketers to increase customer satisfaction. The analysis is based on questionnaire responses from 141 firms that have recently chartered vessels. From a principal components analysis, the study identified eight sets of information sources, of which impersonal, emails and reference-based information were the most important. The results show that the business-to-business information sources used by ship charterers vary significantly according to organization size, centralization, type of purchase, purchase complexity and experience. Further analyses revealed a significant relationship between these factors and business-to-business information sources, specifically between the importance of the purchase, perceived risk, formalization, standardization, personal stake, specialization, and use of information resources. Finally, the study revealed a significant relationship between business-to-business information sources and customer satisfaction.
... One result of this taxonomy is to help link the two areas together more closely. As Bunn (1993) states, the development of a taxonomy is an important step toward developing comprehensive theory. Developing a comprehensive theory of strategic communication can occur through linking individual components of the subject, one of which is the topic of mission statements and that linking begins through taxonomy development. ...
... The genesis of creating and utilizing taxonomies was in the life sciences (Duarte & Sarkar, 2011); however, many disciplines have found the usefulness of taxonomies. Uses in organizational management theory to reduce complexity include management education (Autry, et al., 2008), creating and advancing comprehensive theory (Bunn, 1993;Rich, 1992) and as a way of measuring constructs (Marks, Mathieu & Zaccaro, 2001). ...
... Other business topics have explored taxonomies. Marketing research uses taxonomies for television advertising (Laskey, Day & Crask, 1989), consumer buying decision models (Bunn, 1993), market segmentation (Lessig & Tollefson, 1971) and marketing strategies (Hawes & Crittenden, 1984;El-Ansary, 2006). Management topics using taxonomies include organizational knowledge (Chua, 2002;Dinur, 2011;Huang, Luther & Tayles, 2007;Ramirez & Nembhard, 2004), team processes (Marks et al, 2001), organizational justice (Greenberg, 1987) and strategic groups (McGee & Howard, 1986). ...
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This paper creates natural language taxonomy for mission statements using text analytics rather than predefined researcher classes. The uniqueness of the paper is present in the fact there has not been taxonomy of mission statements created until now and the taxonomy is based on the actual wording of the statements. Furthermore, this study links mission statements, a topic of strategic management, to the new and growing field of strategic communication. The sample used for this paper was 798 firms that had mission statements written in English. The firms chosen vary widely in size, mission and industry so a broader taxonomy could be developed. The result is a three-class taxonomy that complements existing theory and is useful for theory development.
... Some of the research pre-specified categories of tourists using conceptually relevant variables and sought to determine the influence strategies employed by the different categories of tourists (i.e., the deductive approach, a.k.a., "logical partitioning"). Bunn (1993) pointed out some of the weaknesses that are typical to the conceptual approach to classification; (1) they often provide little basis for specifying functional relationships between variables, (2) attributes of the classes are often confused with the determinants of the classes, and (3) the classes are often not supported by empirical scrutiny. ...
... Mahalanobis Distance Between Clusters (minimum) 9.6 and (maximum) 85.92. This is a common approach to cluster analysis in marketing applications (e.g., Bunn, 1993;Cannon & Perreault, 1999). The following section discusses the total sample average information source preferences and the cluster analysis results. ...
... That is, every sales situation is unique and must be evaluated based on its own merit and required resources. This notion differs from past research (e.g., Bunn, 1993) that attempts to categorize an inclusive set of different buying types and therefore define salesperson tasks to fit each buying type. As one manager stated: ...
... This sales situation could also arise when customers are buying non-critical items from the salesperson, which results in less willingness to engage in value discussions with the salesperson. The functional situation can also be extended to interactions where customers engage in straight rebuys (Bunn, 1993). In this situation, salespeople are not likely to experience complexity as their main activity, rather they are more likely to experience "order taking." ...
Purpose The increasingly complex business-to-business (B2B) sales process necessitates that sales managers strike the right balance between appropriate resource allocation, while also maintaining the profitability of the organization. While previous research has mainly focused on how changes in the business environment pose distinct challenges to salespeople, very little research has focused on how sales managers should react to these complex situations. Drawing upon the extant sales research, this paper aims to point to a gap in the literature of how sales managers deal with the complexity associated with the sales process and deal with the same. Design/methodology/approach Methods from the grounded theory research approach were used to conduct 18 in-depth interviews with B2B sales managers. Purposive sampling was used to identify the participants. Findings A taxonomy of sales situations that reflects the changing complexity of the sales function and how sales managers need to orchestrate their resource allocation decisions to ensure appropriate value capture from B2B relationships emerged within the themes. This paper highlights four fundamental tenets of sales situations that account for both the complexity of the sales process and the value appropriation challenge that sales managers face. Practical implications The taxonomy will help sales managers have a better understanding of the changing complexity in the B2B sales process and help them with decisions making. Sales managers can orchestrate their resource allocation to achieve value appropriation. Originality/value This paper develops a new taxonomy of the sales situation. It unravels the changing complexity of the B2B sales process and discusses how value appropriation can be achieved by sales managers.
... Purchase importance refers to a buyer's assessment of the purchase's strategic significance to the buying organization (Cannon and Perrault, 1999). The importance of a specific purchase to the buyer can range from a strategic new task purchase where the wrong choice will diminish the firm's ability to compete to inconsequential routine purchases (Bunn, 1993). Routine lowrisk purchases tend to have lower purchase importance for buyers compared with purchases associated with complex modified rebuys. ...
... Routine lowrisk purchases tend to have lower purchase importance for buyers compared with purchases associated with complex modified rebuys. With increasing levels of risk and purchase importance, buyers tend to engage in more information processing (Bunn, 1993), resulting in the increased salience of relational engagement. We expect, therefore, that as purchase importance increases in strategic significance, so will the effect of relational engagement on relationship effectiveness. ...
Purpose-Relational engagement is offered as a framework to describe how buyers and sellers conduct exchange. Relational engagement is conceptualized as a higher-order construct comprising three dimensions: legal bonds, knowledge exchange and co-production. This paper aims to examine the efficacy of the construct by testing its influence on buyer-perceived seller brand equity. Design/methodology/approach-An online survey of 401 US-based industrial buyers was conducted. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Findings-Empirical analysis supports the proposed conceptualization of relational engagement, as well as its influence on seller brand equity through influencing buyer-perceived relationship effectiveness. Practical implications-Relational engagement offers a template to sellers for engaging organizational buyers. A relational engagement strategy has favorable implications for seller brand equity. Originality/value-Relational engagement offers a comprehensive strategic perspective on inter-organizational exchange, moving beyond tactical approaches. The framework reflects the continuum of exchange, incorporating transactional-dominant and relationship-dominant forms of inter-organizational marketing practices.
... Such markets represent particular challenges both for buyers and, in tum, for existing and potential vendors. References, such as "mass confusion" (Wall Street Journal 1994), "vendor choice can be tricky" (Computerworld 1994), and "customer bewilderment" (Business Week 1991, 1993, made by industry observers suggest that high-technology markets involve considerable problems for market participants. ...
... Because such rules exist, they provide buyers with a set of decision precedents that constrain information acquisition and utilization. Thus, buying process formalization creates a disincentive to expend effort during the buying process (Bunn 1993;Vyas and Woodside 1984). Here, this will manifest itself in the form of a tendency to employ a closed consideration set and rely on existing vendors rather than switching to new ones. ...
High-technology markets represent unique problems for organizational buyers and, in turn, for their existing and potential vendors. These problems are due to high levels of uncertainty and the presence of switching costs tied to existing technologies or vendors. The authors focus on two aspects of buyer decision making in such markets: (1) whether buyers include new vendors at the consideration stage of the process and (2) whether they switch to new vendors at the choice stage. Using survey data from organizational buyers’ purchases of computer workstation equipment, the authors present a joint test of the antecedent conditions that influence the two processes. Based on a sequential logit model, they show that individual antecedents have different effects on consideration and switching behavior. The authors then discuss the implications of their study for the literatures on high-technology markets and organizational buyer behavior.
... The decision-making process runs through a five-stage process and determines the patient's behavior [2,3,4]. The stages of the decision-making process are problem recognition, pre-purchase information search, and evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision, post-purchase outcome, and reactions. ...
This study aimed to assess the patient decision-making process regarding dental visits and evaluate patient perceptions in selecting dental services/clinics. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 624 patients attending the Dental Outpatient Department from February 2023 to March 2023. A questionnaire consisting of 15 questions covering various aspects of patient perception was administered to willing participants. Questions were framed in both English and vernacular languages, focusing on patient perspectives, expectations, decision-making, anxiety reduction, and suggestions for future dental practices. The study revealed key insights into patient behavior: 87% sought opinions from others regarding dental treatment, 50% visited the dentist only when a problem arose, and 51.5% relied on friends and peers for treatment information. Factors influencing clinic choice included proximity (41%), procedure quality (43.5%), and popularity (38%). Brand image (35.5%) and pricing (29%) were significant in purchasing dental products. Patient anxiety was reduced when procedures were explained thoroughly (57.5%) and restorations lasted long (34%). Recommendations for dental clinics were based on treatment quality (62%) and dentist honesty (45%).Understanding patient decision-making processes are vital for dental practitioners. Clear communication, quality care, and honesty are crucial in building patient trust and satisfaction. Dentists should address patient concerns honestly and provide assurances regarding treatment outcomes to meet patient expectations effectively.
... As consumers get into a process of purchasing a product or service, they go through several stages, one of which is identification and observation of the product information sources (Engel et al. 1968). Consumers browse the internal and external environment to identify information sources and choose an information set to observe (Bunn 1993). Therefore, the final purchase decision can be influenced heavily by the observed, positive or negative information, especially from other customers, and by the level of motivation to refuse or accept the information (Kotler et al. 2009;Nielsen 2016;Wang and Cole 2016). ...
... OBB models the procurement decision in an organization as a process, in which the demand is specified and alternative suppliers/offers on the market are identified, evaluated, and chosen [69]. OBB is strongly connected to a specific situation [70], but specific situations are considered in the structured and formalized process [68]. Notable situationspecific factors are the different objectives, value conceptions, and expectation attitudes of the involved participants [67]. ...
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Following the triple-bottom-line approach, sustainability comprises not only an ecologic and a social dimension but also an economic one. In that sense, economic sustainability (ES) tries to achieve a state in which present economic activities do not place a disproportionate burden on future economic activities. The time-related dimension of ES is of interest for this research, because procurement management makes use of life cycle cost (LCC), which is an instrument to measure long-term economic effects. LCC information could help to consider ES, but practice struggles to consider the information. This research addresses this issue and merges organizational information processing with organizational buying behavior theory. Empirically, it reports original insights into eight cases in the public sector. Decisions in the cases are usually made by councils (buying centers); as such, a group of people with different backgrounds must be informed with ES LCC information. The findings show ES LCC information requirements, capabilities, and fit, as well as information distribution and perception in buying centers. As such, the cases provide indications as to which decisions in the project are influenced by ES LCC information. Overall, the analysis integrates two theoretical perspectives and provides strong indications that LCC is a promising instrument to link decision making with a sustainability rational.
... This study uses a systematic review of an extensive body of literature to answer the research question. In a systematic review, primary research is synthesized to provide a comprehensive overview of all the studies in a specific research area by using a systematic search strategy, categorization, and content analysis (Bunn, 1993;Lock, 2019). Although it results in many articles for initial screening, a systematic review allows the researcher to narrow the relevant studies down to an appropriate minimum. ...
Social media (SM) has become a key operating channel in public relations (PR) and triggered PR scholars to learn more about the value of SM. Using a systematic review, this study was designed to investigate the authorship, topics, methodologies, and theoretical frameworks featured in SM-related PR research in the period of 2010–2020. A total of 575 articles from nine PR-focused peer-reviewed journals were selected and content-analyzed. The findings provide a better understanding of SM research in the field of PR and suggest future directions for SM research, including diverse SM platforms, big data, ethical challenges, and SM usage during COVID-19.
... This clearly indicates that the key lies in understanding the purchase decision. Bunn, M. D. (1993) classified the buying decision approaches in the context of business to business consumers Some studies suggest that involvemtn shapes the buying approach. Gilles & Kapferer, (1986) argues that consumers' involvement in products moderates their reactions to marketing and advertising stimuli in significant manner. ...
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In the corporate world they say that for profitable growth there is one fundamental task and i.e. know thy customer. But what we can know? The starting point of consumer research is demographic analysis and it slowly moves into realm of psychographic analysis such as impact of attitude on buying decision or impact of involvement on buying decision etc. Buying approach of the customer is one among the prominent area of study and always been area of interests for marketing managers. How she is going to take the final call is still part of black box; but can we understand and classify her buying approach? Her buying approach may be emotional, rational or casual depending upon numerous reasons, but it is for sure that the buying approach is going to play the significant role in understanding the consumer behavior in total.
... Within literature, the decision process comprises five different stages (Blackwell et al., 2006;Engel et al., 1968): first, the consumer identifies a need occurring when the consumer's current state does not meet his or her desired state, which is triggered by certain stimuli (Bruner and Pomazal, 1988). After this recognition stage, the consumer conducts an internal and external search, which generates an evoked set of appropriate product alternatives (Bunn, 1993;Howard and Sheth, 1969). During the third stage, the consumer assesses the product alternatives and forms different purchase criteria or attribute cut-offs for the alternatives (Huber and Klein, 1991;Klein, 1983). ...
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In order to explore the compensatory effects between sustainability aspects and willingness to pay (WTP), the vast majority of studies applies Choice-Based Conjoint analysis (CBC). However, this method suffers from multiple restrictions (e.g., limited number of factors includable) resulting in biased WTP estimations. In contrast, the advanced and more realistic Adaptive Choice-Based Conjoint analysis (ACBC) allows – inter alia – incorporating all facets of sustainability and capturing the nowadays increasingly complex purchase decision process holistically. No other study has measured WTP with ACBC in the context of sustainable clothing yet. Based on expert interviews, we conduct an ACBC utilizing the ‘summed price’ approach and incorporating the insights gained from the Calibration section. While the latter one allows to refine the purchase likelihood and thus, enables more accurate WTP estimations, it has yet been largely neglected by previous sustainability literature. Our findings indicate significant differences in WTP and surcharges for each feature contingent on gender and the ecological orientation of consumers. While very green consumers rather emphasize the impact of sustainability-related features (e.g., materials (18.43%), labels (12.90%), country-of-origin (13.14%)), price represents by far the most influential driver for less green consumers (42.37%), followed by design (12.54%).
... Marine wildlife is of great importance to human life, and this study seeks to address the lack of research in crime against marine species by developing a preliminary classification of threats to marine life. According to Bunn (1993), developing classifications is important to (1) research, because they contribute to "midrange" theories, which then contribute to "comprehensive theory" and (2) practice, because these classifications can then be used for segmentation and targeting purposes. Using expert interviews supplemented by a literature review, we develop a typology of crimes. ...
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Much effort has been dedicated to fighting wildlife crime with modest results. This paper focuses on marine wildlife crime, which suffers from a certain level of neglect due to terrestrial bias (a predominant focus on land animals). Despite legislative and enforcement efforts, there has been little integration of marketing techniques to curtail marine wildlife crime. For these reasons, we set out to study current issues surrounding marine wildlife crime by conducting interviews with three experts in areas of marine education, research, and legislation. The interviews provide an overview of the threats to marine wildlife, aid in the development of a classification of marine wildlife crime, and provide strategies as to what marketing actions may be useful to reduce it. K E Y W O R D S crime prevention and control, depth interviews, marine wildlife, social marketing
... Dichter (1962, p. 116) was the first to discuss the country of origin's probable impact on support and achievement of products. Bunn (1993) stated that consumers face complicated issues, and they struggle to make decision or buying decision. The buying decision is the thought process that guides a consumer from classifying a need, generating options, and choosing a specific product and brand. ...
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Smartphone usage nowadays is become more active, and the challenges for smartphone companies are to analyze potential customer's buying decisions to ensure sales growth and become competitive. Therefore, the key objective of this study is to investigate the factors affecting consumer buying decision towards choosing a smartphone. The conceptual framework was adopted from (Adoyele, Adetola & Ifeanyichukwu, 2016) and (Jun, 2018). Statistical Package SPSS software was conducted to analyze the data collected from 100 respondents administered to a convenience sample of young adults in Cyber 11, Cyberjaya. The results show that social groups and product features are significantly contributes buying decision; however, price and brand name does not have significant impact on buying decision. The social group is among the strongest predictor to predict buying decisions in the future. This current study was able to provide both academics and practitioners a significant contribution.
... Although these schemes have contributed to our understanding of the organizational buying behavior, they have produced inconclusive results in part because of the methodological limitations of these schemes (Bunn 1993;McQuiston 1988). Such schemes are inherently incapable of handling the multipersonal nature of the organizational buying decisions. ...
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The authors explore the structure of the buying center for warehouse automation systems with optimal scaling methodology. Optimal scaling results are compared across product class: conventional automation systems and robotic systems. The results show stark contrast in the pattern of decision making interactions for both product categories. Implications for research and strategy formulation are discussed.
... This may be because professional services were not included in the empirical base from which the taxonomy was derived. Since Bunn (1993) herself notes that types 3 and 5 correspond to a modified rebuy ...
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Despite the importance of professional services to organisations, relatively little is known about the way they are purchased. This study details the risks perceived and risk-reducing strategies employed by purchasers in local government and examines how these vary with buying-phase and buy-class. Risk varied little, but some of the 36 risk-reducing strategies identified varied across the buying phases and were more useful in the modified-rebuy situation. The results are discussed in the context of risk measurement and implications for purchasers and providers of professional services.
... These early publications gave rise to the organizational buying behaviour (OBB) literature, which seeks to understand and explain the behaviour of (groups of) individuals in terms of their purchasing activities, in relation to environmental, organizational and individual contingencies and the characteristics of the purchased item (c.f. Bunn, 1993;Johnston and Lewin, 1996;Sheth, 1967 and1996). Other literature streams that can be placed within MA, and which at least partly deal with PSM topics, include the marketing channels literature (Heide and John, 1988), the Industrial Network Approach (Araujo, Dubois and Gadde, 2003;Gadde and Håkansson, 1993;Gadde and Wynstra, 2017), Relational Exchange Theory (Dwyer, Schurr and Oh, 1987), and Relationship Marketing (McKenna, 1991). ...
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Since the 1960s, research on Purchasing and Supply Management (PSM) has grown substantially, but in recent times various scholars have challenged the actual progress and coherence of the field. In delivering such critiques, the underlying, dominant view of PSM research is that it constitutes an academic discipline. In contrast, we offer an alternative perspective that views PSM as a multi-disciplinary field of research, drawing from Operations Management, Marketing and Strategy & Organization as reference disciplines. Adopting this perspective, we conduct a review of 2522 purchasing and supply management publications in a multi-disciplinary set of 18 high-impact management journals, published in the period 1995–2014. We analyse how PSM research has developed over time; quantitatively and content-wise, in terms of the topics and theories being addressed. We find that across the three reference disciplines and the specialist PSM journals, there is diversity, with distinct features of each journal group in terms of the one or two most popular topics or theories. Still, considering the full base of PSM publications in each journal group, there is considerable overlap. Supplier Relationship Management is a popular topic throughout, and the top-5 of topics for each of the journal groups demonstrates a high degree of overlap, in any given lustrum period. With one exception, TCE is the most popular for all journal groups for all periods and of the 17 different theories identified, only four have been applied by just one journal group. Thus, we conclude that PSM research is characterised by ‘unity in diversity’: “E Pluribus Unum”, and offer recommendations how this multi-disciplinary composition of the field can be leveraged in future research.
... Bu satın almanın benzersizliği, işletmenin çok sayıda potansiyel tedarikçiyi göz önüne almaya yönlendirebilir. İlk defa satın alma durumu yargısal ve stratejik satın alma yaklaşımı olarak kendi içinde ikiye ayrılır (Bunn, 1993). ...
... For buying situations, Bunn (1993) suggested different sales approaches based on four situational traits: purchase importance, task uncertainty, extensiveness of choice, and perceived buyer power. Paesbrugghe et al. (2017) also collected some primary data and used the Reck and Long (1988) framework, finding that when the purchasing function is in the passive stage (price-and service-level focus), buyers preferred product, geography-based, or relationship selling strategies. ...
The business-to-business selling function has changed over the years, with more informed and demanding buyers, prompting firms to move toward a more consultative, solution-selling approach. While these changes have been the focus of extensive research in the personal selling and sales management domain, the customer side of the interaction dyad requires more examination. Even within the context of the customer side, insufficient attention has been paid to the purchasing function in business-to-business (B2B) selling research. Given the increased importance in customer organizations of the purchasing function, this article presents a literature review that highlights the purchasing function's personal selling and sales management needs and argues that, as the purchasing function becomes more important and its needs evolve, personal selling and sales strategies also need to evolve. The article highlights areas for future research in this domain.
... They were asked to score the potential suppliers on quality, delivery and technical assistance with the assumption that the same vendor on the price and other factors. According to Michele D. Bunn (1993), a mixture of purchase activity underlying the consumer purchase process are: information retrieval, the use of analytical techniques, focusing on issues proactively, and dependence on control mechanisms. The use of a particular approach to the purchase decision depends on the four situational characteristics: an essential purchase, task uncertainty, diversity of choice, and the power purchasers perceived. ...
Conference Paper
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This paper presents the comparative delivery of promotion through the media currently in well known and its increasing every year like media youtube, twitter and facebook. There is many company should thinking hardly because of they should choosing the right media to delivered their information about promotion, so that the customer who seen that's advertising on the media will automatically choosing and buying our product. This research object is PT Samsung who actively create ads in the three media and respondents we used is customers who have seen an advertising Samsung in the three media. This research method is descriptive quantitative. Total respondents 100 people and spread all over the city of Bandung. The analysis technique used is regression and confirmatory factor analysis with software lisrel. The Result we find that variable youtube and facebook has significant influence, but twitter didn't significant influence for purchasing decision decisions. As simultaneously, independent variables have an influence of 25.3% on purchasing decisions
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This study employed a quantitative approach to investigate the influence of visual merchandising practices on customer engagement and purchase behavior in retail stores in Claver, Surigao del Norte. By utilizing a descriptive survey design with 385 customer respondents, the findings revealed that retailers inconsistently observed visual merchandising practices. Despite this, the study identified a significant and high positive influence of these practices on customer engagement and purchase behavior. Notably, through multiple regression analysis, it was found that only window displays significantly predicted both customer engagement and purchase behavior, although the collective influence of visual merchandising practices remained substantial. In essence, the research emphasized the integral role of visual merchandising in encouraging customer engagement and guiding their purchase behavior, highlighting the specific relevance of window displays in this retail context.
Nach der Lektüre dieses Kapitels verfügt der Leser über ein Verständnis über die grundlegenden Ziele und Methoden der Analyse der Mikroumwelt. Er weiß, welche Aspekte bei der strategischen Marktanalyse von Relevanz sind und kann dementsprechend strategisch relevante Märkte abgrenzen, quantitative Marktprofile erstellen und mithilfe passender Methoden eine Marktprognose erstellen. Ergänzend kann er den Markt entlang seines Marktlebenszyklus einschätzen. Er wird in der Lage versetzt, die Industriewertkette zu erstellen und zu analysieren. Außerdem erfährt er, welche Aspekte im Rahmen der Analyse von B2B-Kunden von Relevanz sind und ist dementsprechend in der Lage, das Beschaffungsverhalten der B2B-Kunden mithilfe der passenden Instrumente bzw. Methoden zu analysieren. Darüber hinaus lernt er, B2B-Kunden zu segmentieren sowie die Attraktivität und Zufriedenheit der Kunden zu analysieren. Es wird erklärt, welche Aspekte im Rahmen der Analyse von Wettbewerbern bzw. des eigenen Unternehmens auf B2B-Märkten von Relevanz sind, sodass Wettbewerber auf unterschiedlichen Wettbewerbsebenen bzw. die Stärken und Schwächen des eigenen Unternehmens analysiert werden können.
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Adanya perbedaan secara spesifik target penjualan pribadi membuat strategi penjualan pribadi dari tim penjualan mengambil langkah yang “tersembunyi” untuk memenuhinya (Sheth, 1973; Macdonald et al., 2016). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi transedental (Moustakas, 1994) dan berfokus pada interaksi penjualan pribadi dalam melakukan penjualan pribadi dan alasan mereka melakukan strategi tersebut karena area ini memiliki belum cukup dibahas dalam literatur. Dalam memeriksa interaksi strategi penjualan pribadi dan fungsi pembelian, sebagai dua bidang minat teoritis. The Orther side of Personal Selling Strategy bahwa ada beberapa dimensi antara lain pentingnya tenaga pemasar memiliki (1) product knowledge : Harga Produk; Spesifikasi Produk; Keunggulan Produk, selain itu juga diharapkan pembawaan tenaga pemasar melakukan (2) Service Product yaitu Good looking; Ideal; Pakaian rapi dan sensual, melakukan (3) Personal Confrontation : Pendekatan terselubung caned approach; Preprouch; Negatif Personal touch, (4) Persuasif Communication Style, Pemilihan Bahasa yang lembut, kata-kata yang menggoda, (5) Dark Cultivation : Bertemu di luar Jam Kerja; Tempat café Remang2; Cek in Hotel, (6) Dark Response : Dark Communication Style; Dark Body Language; Kontak Mata dengan Konsumen
Strategic Decision-Making is always challenging because it is inherently uncertain, ambiguous, risky, and complex. By contrast to tactical and operational decisions, strategic decisions are decisive, pivotal, and often irreversible, which may result in long-term and significant consequences. A strategic decision-making process usually involves many aspects of inquiry, including sensory perception, deliberative thinking, inquiry-based analysis, meta-learning, and constant interaction with the external world. Many unknowns, unpredictabilities, and environmental constraints will shape every aspect of a strategic decision. Traditionally, this task often relies on intuition, reflective thinking, visionary insights, approximate estimates, and practical wisdom. With recent advances in artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) technologies, we can leverage AI/ML to support strategic decision-making. However, there is still a substantial gap from an AI perspective due to inadequate models, despite the tremendous progress made. We argue that creating a comprehensive taxonomy of decision frames as a representation space is essential for AI because it could offer surprising insights beyond anyone's imaginary boundary today. Strategic decision-making is the art of possibility. This study develops a systematic taxonomy of decision-making frames that consists of 6 bases, 18 categorical, and 54 elementary frames. We formulate the model using the inquiry method based on Bloom's taxonomy approach. We aim to lay out the computational foundation that is possible to capture a comprehensive landscape view of a strategic problem. Compared with many traditional models, this novel taxonomy covers irrational, non-rational and rational frames capable of dealing with certainty, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity, chaos, and ignorance.
The COVID-19 pandemic’s disruption and ultimate lasting impact on the business world is unprecedented. While there has been much discussion about the specific impact that COVID-19 has had on salespeople and sales organizations as a whole, very little academic investigation has been focused on the impact of the pandemic in terms of the ‘other side’ of the buyer-salesperson dyad–namely, B2B buyers. This research aims to fill this void by providing initial insights into the changes that have emerged post COVID-19 in B2B buyer decision-making. Using qualitative interviews and an exploratory survey (with the goal of generalizing the initial findings across industries and contexts), our findings suggest that significant changes have emerged in the areas of (1) the organizational buying process, (2) how buyers source information, and (3) how buyers and salespeople interact. We expand on these core themes via a list of more detailed subthemes. The results serve as a catalyst for new and relevant avenues for sales related research regarding B2B in the new normal. Consequently, extensive future research directions are proposed.
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Strategic Decision-Making is always challenging because it is inherently uncertain, ambiguous, risky, and complex. It is the art of possibility. We develop a systematic taxonomy of decision-making frames that consists of 6 bases, 18 categorical, and 54 frames. We aim to lay out the computational foundation that is possible to capture a comprehensive landscape view of a strategic problem. Compared with traditional models, it covers irrational, non-rational and rational frames c dealing with certainty, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity, chaos, and ignorance.
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Wholesalers are subject to a wide variety of edicts at the federal, state, andlocal levels. This paper sets forth the results of an inquiry into the degree ofknowledge held by a sample of wholesalers with regard to various major federallaws. A mail survey requested respondents to indicate their degrees of belief inthe legality of a number of commercial practices. An analysis of the results, intotal and by size of firm, resulted in various conclusions on perceptions of legalityin this sector.
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Zusammenfassung Die Forschung zu individuellen Konsumentenentscheidungen zeigt, dass diese oftmals nicht nur auf einer Beurteilung konkreter Attribute des Angebots beruhen, sondern ebenso durch entscheidungsvereinfachende Heuristiken beeinflusst werden. Überraschenderweise liegen diesbezüglich bislang kaum Erkenntnisse zu organisationalen Einkaufsentscheidungen im B2B-Kontext vor. Dieser Beitrag möchte hierzu Forschung initiieren. Zu diesem Zweck führen wir eine Bestandsaufnahme von Marketingstudien durch, die durch eine (zumindest implizite) Berücksichtigung von über die Kernleistung hinausgehenden Aspekten erste Erkenntnisse zu möglichen entscheidungsvereinfachenden Heuristiken im B2B-Kontext liefern können. Wir kategorisieren die identifizierten 102 Artikel in sechs Literaturfelder basierend auf Untersuchungseinheit (Individuum, Gruppe, Unternehmen) und zeitlicher Dimension (relational, transaktional). Wir beschreiben dann die zentralen Erkenntnisse in den Literaturfeldern sowie die verwendeten Methoden und Konstrukte. Basierend auf unserer Literaturbestandaufnahme schlagen wir fünf heuristische Attribute vor, von denen wir einen Einfluss auf organisationale Einkaufsentscheidungen erwarten: (1) Vertrauen, (2) Bestandslieferantenstatus, (3) Sympathie, (4) Marke und (5) Wertübereinstimmung.
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Management is that field where managers plan, organize, staff, direct, and control human and financial resources in an organized group effort in order to achieve desired individual and group objectives with efficiency and effectiveness. In the past, management was not considered as an important part of development. With 17th and 18th century industrial revolution, several economists put forward many concepts and functions of management. But it was only in the 19th century that management became a separate field of study, as various management problems started getting identified, and need for solutions arose. The business environment is witnessing a lot of radical change mainly due to rapid development in transportation and communication network, innovation of new knowledge, globalization of business, a combination of multicultured professionals and so on, bringing forward new challenges for the managers. This eBook is intended to discuss issues and challenges like Globalization, Ethics, and Social Responsibility, Empowerment of Employees, Workforce Diversity, etc. in order to create a forum for new ideas, concepts, and discussions on the challenges of the business management.
Der Leser versteht, inwiefern sich das organisationale Kaufverhalten vom Kaufverhalten der Konsumenten unterscheidet.
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This paper exhibits the results of the experiment that took place at Panteion University of Athens. For the operationalization purposes of the experiment, a web site was constructed that hosted 12 songs from unknown artists, while 196 students participated. The main research question is related to how we decide to consume or decline a cultural product, after getting information about the decisions of the previous participants. Namely, to what extent each successive actor complies with the group behavior after observing their preceding choices and possibly abandons his own private selection. In order to estimate whether this imitation tendency can cause mass consumption phenomena, we used the cross-sectional absolute deviation (Chang et al., 2000) which measures the existence of herding. The decisions of the previous participants in the first experimental group were presented as the impersonal choice of users and in the second as the preferences of the opinion leaders in a network of participants. According to the outcomes of the research the influence of the impersonal mass choice is stronger compared to that of the opinion leaders who failed to cause a phenomenon of high statistical value.
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The digital age is a game-changer for the communication between organizations and stakeholders. Relationships are pivotal to public relations. However, their conceptualizations, measures, and normative assumptions have neither been analyzed systematically and across disciplines, nor have they been studied in light of the changing digital communication landscape. This article re-examines the relationship paradigm in public relations and marketing in an online environment. By means of a systematic review, it seeks to explicate communicative relationships between organizations and their diverse stakeholders, to review how they are operationalized and measured, and to illuminate their normative evaluations. This conceptual specification is guided by systematic sampling and content analysis of all primary research on organizationstakeholder relationships in the broader social sciences. Results of a comprehensive analysis of 74 articles suggest that studies overemphasize the business contexts, follow an instrumental orientation based on transactions rather than communication, and lack analyses of digital data. To explicate a PR understanding of digital communicative organization-stakeholder relationships, a definition is provided and a research agenda is offered on theory, measures, and blind spots.
Organizational buyers are increasingly employing competitive tenders with objective buying criteria to mitigate the influence of personal relationships with suppliers and reduce the overall cost of buying. This paper investigates the role of salespeople’s relationships with buyers (i.e., purchasing managers) and how they affect supplier selection in such contexts. Drawing on data from 428 tenders across different buying organizations, this study shows that the quality of the salesperson’s relationship with the buyer influences the buyer’s evaluation of the tender proposal, which, in turn, affects supplier selection. Thus, the results support an indirect effect of salesperson relationship on supplier selection even in a tender context. In addition, the results indicate that the effect of a salesperson’s relationship on buyer’s proposal evaluation is contingent on the comprehensibility of suppliers’ proposals and buyer’s product knowledge. These results have significant theoretical and managerial implications for both buyers and suppliers in business-to-business (B2B) tender contexts.
The financial services industry accounts for almost half of the country’s nonfarm, commercial profit, making the industry a major driver of the economy. Prior to this study, limited information was available to evaluate financial services sales activities, and a taxonomy of sales activities for individuals in the financial services industry had not previously been conducted. Prior empirically developed sales taxonomies did not include service firms and specifically financial services, while focusing on manufacturing and other product sales. Given that taxonomies are a critical step in scientific inquiry, this is a major limitation in the literature hindering the development of a better understanding of this important industry. Using an established methodology and a seminal sales taxonomy, a financial services sales taxonomy was conducted. Results reflect that financial services sales positions differ from those in other industries. Six sets of sales activities (factors) along with six job positions (clusters) were identified. © 2019
During the past decade, marketing managers and scholars have focused increased attention on buyer–seller relationships in business markets. This article contributes to the emerging body of knowledge in this important arena. Building from theories of relationships and empirical research across several disciplines, the authors specify six key underlying dimensions (connectors) that characterize the manner in which buyers and sellers relate and conduct relationships. Measures for these relationship connectors (information exchange, operational linkages, legal bonds, cooperation, and relationship-specific adaptations by buyers and sellers) are developed in a series of pretests. Then, on the basis of relationship profiles for more than 400 buyer–seller relationships sampled from a wide array of industries and market situations, the authors apply numerical taxonomy to develop an empirically based classification of different types of business relationships. Contrary to approaches used in much of the extant literature, taxonomic methods do not rely on an assumption that the connectors are highly intercorrelated or that they combine in some linear fashion to form a single underlying dimension. Furthermore, the research specifies antecedent market and purchase situations and shows that they affect when specific types of relationships are used. The research also shows how customer satisfaction and evaluations of supplier performance vary across different types of relationships. The results provide new insights about the nature of relationships in business markets.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the underlying knowledge structure and evolution of industrial-buying research published between 1965 and 2015. Design/methodology/approach Bibliometric analysis is performed on 357 relevant papers (using principal component analysis and natural language processing, using VantagePoint® tools, used to generate bubble maps, auto-correlation maps and Aduna cluster maps), demonstrating how various factors involved in industrial buying have evolved, their degree of correlation with each other and the interrelationships of multiple factors concerning their co-occurrences. Findings The systematic mapping of industrial-buying research would illustrate the development of the significant factors in industrial-buying research. This paper provides both a global perspective on the leading countries and journals in the field and a robust roadmap for further investigation in this field. Research limitations/implications This paper is limited to the data considered for analysis and may, therefore, overlook or underestimate some work that has not been captured while filtering databases related to industrial buying. Practical implications This paper facilitates near-future projection and trend analysis in industrial-buying research. Originality/value The methodology used is unique to the field of business-to-business marketing.
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Osią merytoryczną książki jest wypływające z istoty marketingu relacji założenie o potrzebie rozpoznawania potrzeb klienta i dostosowania się do nich. Na etapie przygotowywania koncepcji niniejszej książki założenie to dało intrygujące pytanie o możliwość i zakres dopasowania w obszarze komunikacji. Konsekwencją takiego założenia było zwrócenie szczególnej uwagi na kupujących – ich zachowania komunikacyjne i potrzeby informacyjne w różnych sytuacjach zakupowych. Cel książki wykracza jednak poza analizowanie samej komunikacji. Głównym wyzwaniem była próba określenia, w jaki sposób komunikacja może wpływać na relacje między kupującym i sprzedającym. Kwestia ta jest bowiem nader często traktowana ogólnie – komunikację pokazuje się jako płaszczyznę relacji bez wgłębienia się w jej funkcję i oddziaływanie. Zrealizowanie prac przy tak postawionym celu wymagało szerokich studiów literatury z zakresu komunikacji, marketingu, sprzedaży i zachowań organizacyjnych. Efektem tego wysiłku jest umocowanie rozważań na bogato udokumentowanym dorobku światowej wiedzy. Dało to solidne podstawy do przygotowania własnych badań, które były realizowane w latach 2007–2008 i objęły ponad 630 profesjonalistów pracujących w polskich firmach funkcjonujących na rynku business-to-business (w tym 419 kupców, 74 menedżerów marketingu i sprzedaży oraz 141 sprzedawców). Badania te są bogatym źródłem wiedzy na temat komunikacji business-to-business.
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Decision systems analysis, participant observation, and document analysis were used to collect data on the activities, decisions, and interactions of persons involved in 18 plant purchasing agreements (PPAs) in six industrial firms. PPAs are statements of intention to buy (and sell) a quantity of a specified production or nonproduction material within a given time period, usually a year or more. A descriptive, composite model of activities, decisions, and interactions is presented. Differences and similarities across the 18 PPAs investigated in the study are reviewed. Implications for theory development and for marketing management are offered.
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In a comprehensive study of the behaviors and correlates of information seeking by Australian new car buyers, the authors examine three dimensions of information seeking-a sources of information dimension, a brand dimension, and a time dimension. Cluster analysis is used to develop consumer taxonomies of search behavior based on measurements of each of the dimensions. The resulting taxonomies are a high search group, a low search group, and three clusters collectively styled selective information seekers. Examination of the correlates of the individual search dimensions suggests that only certain predictors of search behavior are related to the different search dimensions.
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To successfully market their products, industrial vendors must determine who participates in an organizational purchase decision and what their influence is. Previous research has shown that participation and influence can vary across products and purchase situations. Though industrial marketing researchers would agree that there are different types of purchase situations, they would disagree on a taxonomy for describing them. The author uses past research as a point of departure and proposes a structural equations model that suggests the purchase situation attributes of novelty, complexity, and importance are causal determinants of participation and influence in an industrial purchase decision. The results indicate that these constructs, especially novelty and importance, provide a plausible typology for describing participation and influence in industrial purchase situations.
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The authors report findings bearing on the reliability of measures used in industrial marketing research surveys to identify the structure of buying groups. Results obtained in a pilot study of the purchase of lithographic plates by small printing firms reveal a lack of consensus about purchase influence between pairs of informants from the same organizations. Further, the ratings appear to differentiate among roles but not stages in the decision process.
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This study evaluates the influence strategies used by husbands and wives in resolving disagreements concerning purchase decisions. It also identifies those characteristics of the individuals and of the situation that affect the spouse's use of influence. The results suggest that there are several socioeconomic and life-cycle variables that discriminate among groups of individuals who vary not only in the intensity of influence used, but also in the particular combination or mixes of influence strategies used. The results also indicate that most partners' perceptions of each other's influence attempts do not agree.
This research presents both a conceptual and a methodological framework for examining organizational buying behavior from a multiperson level of analysis. Focusing on those organizational members who participate in the procurement decision making process, this research investigates the buying group's adaptive structural configuration in response to varying levels of environmental uncertainty.
Though the concept of a multiperson decision making unit (DMU) has been widely accepted in principle, very few empirical studies have surveyed all members of the DMU. In those few studies which have surveyed multiple decision participants, data were collected via "snowball" personal interviews. In a single-stage snowball a known member of the DMU is asked to provide a list of other persons involved in the decision making process. That list is used for a subsequent study. Multiple-stage snowballing involves asking all of the respondents in the first stage who else was in the DMU, then those in the second stage, and so on. Exhaustive snowballing involves continuing the process until no new DMU members are generated. As snowball personal interveiws are an extremely expensive method of collecting data, large-scale DMU research has been financially impractical for most empirical studies. A study of 319 DMUs was designed to assess the feasibility of snowballing by telephone and to ascertain the impact of exhaustive versus single-stage snowballing on the nature of the resultant DMU.
Industrial purchasing decisions typically are influenced by several organizational members referred to as the buying center. Although there has been some research into the center's composition and its relative influence, little is known of how the relative influence of participants changes across purchases of different products, buy classes, and procurement decisions. Findings from this study indicate that the relative influence of buying center members is constant across different buy classes, but changes across product types and decision types.
This article reports a first step toward developing some quantifiable dimensions of the industrial buying task group, called the buying center. Group composition and interaction processes were examined for purchases of capital equipment and industrial services in 31 firms. Data were analyzed to test the soundness of a communications network perspective on the buying center and the managerial implications of such a perspective. Equipment and service purchase measures differed reliably across several indices suggested by our theoretical orientation. Organizational structure and purchase situation attributes correlated in generally expected directions with the dimensions of the buying group.
It is important for industrial marketers to gain a high degree of synergy among the various elements of their promotional mix. To that end, the authors investigate the sources of information sought by decision participants during the industrial buying process. They also examine those factors that help determine why certain information sources are used during the procurement decision-making process. The results suggest that industrial marketers should consider seriously the use of communications vehicles to supplement the traditional reliance on the industrial salesperson.
This article identifies product types on the basis of the problems involved in their adoption by industrial buyers. The importance of various attributes to purchasing agents is then compared across these types of products in the United States and the United Kingdom. The results suggest some interesting strategies for industrial suppliers seeking increased adoption of their products.
A multistage model of the process by which an industrial salesperson influences a customer's preferences is introduced. The relationship between a salesperson's abilities during the two initial stages-impression formation and strategy formulation-and relative sales performance was examined. Industrial salespeople's perceptions of their customers' brand attribute perceptions were matched against the customers' actual perceptions, and a normative change strategy model was matched against the salespeople's reported change strategies. Variations in these abilities accounted for 20% of the variance in actual field sales performance.
This article applies cognitive script theory to the analysis of the industrial purchase behaviors involved in a computer terminal purchase. Industrial buyers' scripts for the overall new buy purchase process, an initial sales call, a follow-up negotiation meeting, and a modified rebuy situation are established and validated. Implications for industrial marketing research and practice are suggested.
Applications of cluster analysis to marketing problems are reviewed. Alternative methods of cluster analysis are presented and evaluated in terms of recent empirical work on their performance characteristics. A two-stage cluster analysis methodology is recommended: preliminary identification of clusters via Ward's minimum variance method or simple average linkage, followed by cluster refinement by an iterative partitioning procedure. Issues and problems related to the use and validation of cluster analytic methods are discussed.
The author investigates factors that affect an individual's influence in a buying center. A field investigation of 251 organizational purchase decisions suggests that expert power is the most important influence determinant, followed by reinforcement power. Interestingly, the effectiveness of individual power bases is found to vary with buying center size, viscidity, time pressure, and the strength of accompanying influence attempts. New measures of different types of power and influence in group settings are developed, validated, and offered for use in future research.
A critical element in the evolution of a fundamental body of knowledge in marketing, as well as for improved marketing practice, is the development of better measures of the variables with which marketers work. In this article an approach is outlined by which this goal can be achieved and portions of the approach are illustrated in terms of a job satisfaction measure.
A procedure for forming hierarchical groups of mutually exclusive subsets, each of which has members that are maximally similar with respect to specified characteristics, is suggested for use in large-scale (n > 100) studies when a precise optimal solution for a specified number of groups is not practical. Given n sets, this procedure permits their reduction to n − 1 mutually exclusive sets by considering the union of all possible n(n − 1)/2 pairs and selecting a union having a maximal value for the functional relation, or objective function, that reflects the criterion chosen by the investigator. By repeating this process until only one group remains, the complete hierarchical structure and a quantitative estimate of the loss associated with each stage in the grouping can be obtained. A general flowchart helpful in computer programming and a numerical example are included.
This review article develops an integrated overview of the present status of the theory of power and conflict in marketing channels. It includes a presentation of the conceptual foundation provided by behavioral science and a report on empirical contributions of the marketing literature. Since there appear to be many problems with the empirical work done in the area, both methodological and conceptual, the article also presents some proposals for clarification and theoretical development.
Three hypotheses are discussed: that the power of a channel leader is a result of his control over some power sources, and of dependency of other channel members upon him, and that such power can be offset by the countervailing power available to the channel members. Results of an empirical study which tested and confirmed these hypotheses in a conventional channel framework are presented. Several implications are derived which pertain to channel management decisions and proper selection of channel control mix.
The measurement of power is a prerequisite for the analysis of the distribution channel as a behavioral system. This article presents a model for power measurement and the results of a first attempt to empirically measure power relationships within a specific channel of distribution.
Compares product quality and value, then details procedure for VA, emphasizing function.
Research in behavioral decision theory suggests that people use reference points as the basis for judging/comparing the value of decision alternatives, but there has been little research addressing how decision reference points are formed. This paper posits and empirically demonstrates a conceptual framework of the reference point formation process for buying decisions. The basic concepts in the framework are supported, and the resulting reference points are shown to influence choice in a manner consistent with prospect theory.
Cluster analysis of questionnaire data was used to identify six distinctive external information search patterns among purchasers of new automobiles. Two of the shopper clusters had not been clearly specified in prior research—namely, an advisor-assisted shopper group and a highly self-reliant shopper group. An effort to cross-validate the typology using data obtained from automobile sales personnel was partially successful. It is hypothesized that these strategies are reflections of heuristic decision processes which reflect both individual difference characteristics and the purchase situation.
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