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On-Farm Composting Handbook

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... Curiously, some German cities, such as Sankt Ingbert, even employ professional "compost inspectors" who will check your personal heap and either approve it or force you to take part in the city's centralized "green bin" collection system (44)(45)(46). Indeed, different composting methods for organic waste are amenable, such as aerated static pile composting, in-vessel composting and mound bed composting (the famous Germanic "Hügelkultur") (47)(48)(49)(50). Figure 1 briefly illustrates the composting process (44)(45)(46). ...
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Bioconversion of organic waste requires the development and application of rather simple, yet robust technologies capable of transferring biomass into energy and sustainable materials for the future. Food waste plays a significant role in this process as its valorisation reduces waste and at the same time avoids additional exploitation of primary resources. Nonetheless, to literally become “litterate”. extensive research into such robust large-scale methods is required. Here, we highlight some promising avenues and materials which fulfill these “waste to value” requirements, from various types of food waste as sustainable sources for biogas, bioethanol and biodiesel to fertilizers and antioxidants from grape pomace, from old-fashioned fermentation to the magic of anaerobic digestion.
... Hasil pengukuran pH kompos pada proses pengomposan dengan terowongan segitiga dapat dilihat pada tabel di bawah ini: Berdasarkan Tabel 9., perubahan pH pada variasi panjang terowongan segitiga 40 cm, 45 cm, dan 50 cm, dapat diketahui bahwa perubahan pH selama proses pengomposan terjadi pada seluruh kelompok perlakuan. Pada awal proses pengomposan, pH dari setiap perlakuan mengalami kenaikan yang disebabkan produksi senyawa amonia di dalam bahan kompos dan sebagai hasil dari degradasi protein 11 . pH kompos yang sudah matang biasanya mendekati netral. ...
Sampah tidak terlepas dari kehidupan manusia. Peningkatan jumlah dan aktivitas penduduk akan meningkatkan jumlah timbulan sampah. PT. X menghasilkan sampah sebagai bentuk adanya aktivitas manusia dengan rata-rata timbulan sampah organik yang dihasilkan adalah 25,6 liter/hari. Untuk mengurangi timbulan sampah dilakukan proses pengomposan metode aerob dengan pemberian aerasi secara pasif melalui terowongan segitiga. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan variasi panjang terowongan segitiga terhadap nilai C/N rasio. Panjang terowongan segitiga yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah 40 cm, 45 cm, dan 50 cm. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan desain penelitian post-test with control design. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh sampah organik yang dihasilkan oleh PT. X dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah sampah organik berupa sampah daun dan sampah sayur. Hasil penelitian rata-rata nilai C/N rasio untuk terowongan segitiga 40 cm 20,27; 45 cm 22,34; 50 cm 22,55. Hasil tersebut sesuai dengan PERMENTAN 70/2011, dimana hasil akhir C/N rasio adalah 15-25. Uji statistik One-Way Anova menunjukkan ada perbedaan panjang terowongan segitiga terhadap nilai C/N rasio karena P value (0,013) ≤ α (0,05). Untuk penelitian selanjutnya memerhatikan kadar air pada akhir proses pengomposan agar penyusutan volume sampah dapat mencapai 60%.
... El compost es el producto obtenido a través del compostaje, que se define como el proceso de tipo microbiológico para el tratamiento de componentes orgánicos basado en procesos de mineralización y transformación de materia orgánica a través de condiciones aeróbicas y termófilas, con una duración promedio de 6 semanas, el resultado de este proceso genera compost, dióxido de carbono y agua (Norma Chilena Oficial 2004). Rynk (1992), menciona que, es un proceso biológico termofílico en donde la materia orgánica se logra descomponer por una gran cantidad de participación de microorganismos, entre ellos hongos, protozoos, ácaros, miriápodos, en que las moléculas orgánicas complejas se descompondrán a moléculas orgánicas simples, donde ocurre la oxidación de la materia orgánica en condiciones controladas de humedad, temperatura y aireación. ...
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La investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar la aplicación del biocarbón-compost en la fitorremediación del As y Pb usando Zea mays en suelos contaminados con relaves mineros. La investigación es de tipo aplicada, nivel explicativo, con diseño experimental, de enfoque cuantitativo. La metodología consistió en usar pino del distrito de Cutervo-Cajarmarca para producir biocarbón a dos temperaturas (BP300, BP500) en un horno de pirólísis lenta (20°C/min), también se produjo compost a partir de residuos orgánicos municipales. Tanto el biocarbón y el compost se caracterizaron de manera elemental (C,H,O,N) y fisicoquímico (pH, Conductividad Eléctrica, Capacidad de Intercambio Catiónico). El relave minero fue de Quiulacocha-Cerro de Pasco. Se preparó el suelo contaminado con relave a 30% y 60% w/w, los factores estudiados fueron: (F1) Temperatura del biocarbón (300°C y 500°C) y (F2) Dosificación de biocarbón-compost (0.16 y 0.08 kg biocarbón-compost/kg relave), aplicando un diseño ANOVA factorial (una vía). Los resultados indicaron que, todos los tratamientos mostraron distribución normal a excepción del control (CR30) para el Factor de Bioconcentración Radicular (FBR) del As y CR30 para FBR del Pb. En cuanto a los efectos principales (factor de temperatura de biocarbón y factor de dosificación del bicabón-compost), solo hubo efecto significativo con la dosificación biocarbón-compost (p<0.05). Se concluyó que la capacidad fitorremediadora del Zea mays se ve influenciada solo por la dosificación del biocarbón-compost para todos los tratamientos y se espera que la presente investigación ayude a dilucidar mejor el comportamiento de la sinergia entre el biocarbón-compost como enmienda al suelo y su influencia en la fitorremediación del As y Pb usando Zea mays.
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In several regions of the United States, waste and “tag” wool are readily available, inexpensive, and considered low-quality because of weed seed contamination and stains from defecation. Because of an overabundance of waste and tag wool, some are landfilled. Previous research has indicated that wool or hair incorporated in potted plants can improve the water-holding capacity of the soil and act as a slow-release fertilizer. Furthermore, compost trials have demonstrated that wool produces a high-quality compost product. This study aimed to evaluate the market potential of wool-based compost to determine its commercial viability. To address this, we conducted in-depth interviews with lead user gardeners ( n = 10) who used 1 yard of wool-based compost in their gardens over the course of 10 weeks and distributed a quantitative survey instrument to both lead users and general gardeners recruited from garden centers, nurseries, and horticulture classes ( n = 256). Lead users responded positively to the wool-based compost and reported they would be willing to pay $6 to $7 per ft ³ . General gardeners who were less familiar with the product reported they were willing to pay at least a similar amount as that for typical market composts, but they suggested that they would pay more if characteristics such as “increases drought tolerance” were used in advertising. Our analysis indicated that the target audience for the wool-based compost is male gardeners older than 25 years who are concerned about the environment.
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Aminopyralid (2-pyridine carboxylic acid, 4-amino-3, 6-dichloro-2-pyridine carboxylic acid) is an auxin herbicide that has been used widely to control broadleaf weeds in pasture and hay fields. With no post-application withdrawal time, aminopyralid absorbed into forage material can contaminate compost feed stocks such as hay, grass bedding material, and manure. Composts derived from such feed stocks raises concerns about after-effect injuries to sensitive crops by residual aminopyralids. Biochar (BC) additive may affect the composting process and immobilizes organic pollutants. This study examined the effect of composting dairy manure/sawdust 1:1 mixture containing 10 ppb (wet) of aminopyralid with 0%, 2%, 4%, and 10% (w/w) BC levels on chemical and biological characteristics of compost, residual aminopyralid concentration, and intensity of plant injury to tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) plants after composting in 140 L plastic rotary drum reactors for two 6-month cycles. Biochar addition decreased organic matter degradation and intensified reduction in residual aminopyralid levels in a dose-dependent manner. Composting with BC concentrated more N, P, and K, caused mild plant injuries, and increased the above ground biomass compared to the no BC incorporation. Addition of BC for composting aminopyralid-contaminated dairy manure can increase the phyto safety level of compost while enhancing the key fertilizer values.
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PRAN, situated in Natore, Bangladesh, operates a sizable fruit processing facility. This facility processes approximately two hundred seasonal foods and fruit varieties, generating substantial organic waste. The overarching goal is to establish an organic food chain for both the national and international markets, thereby contributing to the mitigation of Bangladesh's emerging energy and fertilizer crisis. The vermicomposting method was employed, and the experiment was conducted on a miniature scale over 90 days. A dedicated setup was constructed to yield three metric tons of monthly fertilizer. Upon completion of the experiment, the output fertilizer underwent rigorous testing in the laboratory. The results indicated that the component ratios were well-suited for application in agricultural lands. This research marks a significant step towards sustainable waste management and the development of a valuable resource for the agricultural sector in the region.
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In Bangladesh, vermicomposting has been a popular environmentally friendly composting technique, primarily at small-scale levels. However, few studies have explored the feasibility of medium to large-scale operations. This study establishes a medium-scale vermicompost fertilizer plant in Kushtia, Bangladesh, processing 30 tons of waste monthly to produce 10 tons of fertilizer. Utilizing cow dung from nearby dairy farms and 0.1 million red worms (Eisenia foetida), the experiment runs for three cycles of 120 days each without indoor environmental controls. Over a year, the worm population quadruples to over 0.4 million. Lab tests confirm the fertilizer's pH level (7.69) and nutrient ratios (e.g., 1.792% nitrogen, 0.5217% phosphorus, and 1.514% potassium). The paper includes a cost-benefit analysis, suggesting the viability of such medium-scale setups for green farming in rural Bangladesh.
Materials play a key role in the transition of our society which is often discarded at the end of life. Globally about 19% is recovered through recycling/composting. High-income nations recycle/compost 36% of the waste generated with Germany recycling 66.1% in 2015 claiming the number one spot followed by Wales (63.8%) and Singapore (61%). Reduce, recycle, reuse, and recover(4Rs) are the most important components of solid waste management (SWM). In 2022, an average of 82% of municipal solid waste worldwide was collected and 55% was managed in controlled facilities. Municipalities in sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania have a collection rate of below 60%. In Asia and in Latin America and the Caribbean, cities have higher collection rates—70 to 85%. In Central and Southern Asia, the gap between the collection and controlled management rate is more than in other regions, implying that many cities still rely on open dumping. The earth’s resources are not infinite, approaching certain fundamental limits. This has made access to materials an issue of national security in several countries. The past linear economy is no longer sustainable as natural resources are fast depleting and most of the non-renewable natural resources used for material manufacturing are already embedded in material manufactured and used. In the absence of recovery and recycling, it is difficult to develop active business now. The concept of circular economy based on strategies, practices, policies, and technologies to achieve reuse, recycle, redesign, repurpose, remanufacture, refurbish, and recover waste materials provides the necessary conditions to encourage the economic and social actors to adopt strategies towards sustainability represents one of the most mentioned frameworks trying to combine economic activity as well as environmental wellbeing in a sustainable way. Keeping these in mind, this chapter deals with the key principles and practices of material recovery and recycling as well as their recent trends including advanced recycling.
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High intensity odors from a poultry manure composting building were controlled by discharging them with a fan-blower through perforated pipe beneath 20-25 cm (8-10 in.) of sand and pea gravel in a 0.23 ha (0.57 ac) soil filter field. Ammonia concentrations were reduced by 97-99%. Odor intensity measured with a butanol olfactometer decreased by 30-80% as compared to composting building odors.
Yard waste composting facilities are proliferating across the USA, largely due to rapidly escalating costs of traditional disposal options. However, in the absence of data confirming the environmental benefits of composting, government regulators have proposed a wide range of constraints, and therefore this paper aims to provide some of the missing information to enable such facilities to achieve environmentally sound and economically efficient operations. The study entailed a monitoring programme at the Croton Point (NY) plant, which evaluated the impact of municipal leaf composting on soil, water, and compost quality. -after Authors
Different technologies used for the solids separation of dairy manure are discussed. A manure separation process is developed by Ag Environmental Solutions (AES) to achieve higher solids recovery and nutrient reduction in effluent. Different types of solids separation equipment are used in the municipal wastewater treatment industry for digested biosolids. Pilot testing is conducted at Tinedale Farms for an extended period of time with a number of different systems.
Against a background of the increasing numbers of communities and private companies initiating composting projects, outlines some of the marketing strategies needed to encourage farmers and land developers to use compost. The article highlights the environmental benefits of composting, including the diversion of materials from the waste stream, reduction of erosion and pollution, plant disease suppression, and improved aeration on land where compost is applied. The authors then detail the advantages of compost for agricultural and land developmental usages, and consider national funding sources for compost application programmes. -P.Hardiman
This paper describes in outline the work done in a joint university-industry project aimed at mitigating the problems arising from farm effluent disposal. The project has involved the use of straw, itself a material attended by waste disposal problems in the UK. Following major developmental difficulties, a reliable mechanism for blending slurries and straw on a large scale has evolved, namely the Armix Processor. Straw has some unique properties which can be employed in tackling environmental problems. These are also discussed in the article.
Scientists in Agriculture Canada attempted composting fish wastes with a brown peat and blond peats. Other future experiments were aimed at determining whether wastes from various other fish wastes can be similarly composted in machine-made small heaps without seaweeds. The results presented here indicate that it is feasible to compost most types of finfish and shellfish wastes with peat in passively-aerated static windrows at both small and large scales. The larger than 3 m long windrows need more ventilation pipes and take longer to mature. The quality of the product is good in both cases, but the nutrient content varies due to diversity in the types and amounts of materials used.
To avoid expense of additional dewatering facilities, Denver evaluated potential amendment materials and their sources. The District's comprehensive sludge management plan for disposal of solids envision two methods of sludge utilization: land application of liquid digested sludge and distribution of composted digested sludge. The amendments investigated were grouped into three general categories: manure products, wood products, and agricultural products.
Direct landspreading of leaves and grass on cropland, without composting, has become recognized as both a good method for diverting yard waste from landfills and for adding organic matter to soil. This article outlines landspreading projects in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and New York. An examination is given of application rates, effects of leaves on crops and soil, programme costs in relation to composting, and land application regulations. -N.Davey