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Variation Of Stinga Evans, 1955, With Description Of A New Species From Mexico (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae: Hesperiinae: Hesperiini)



Stinga Evans, 1955, has been considered monotypic since its description despite geographical variation that has not been elucidated. The variation of Stinga morrisoni (W. H. Edwards, 1878) described and figured here includes a range of superficial phenotypes segregated by a combination of geography and elevation, but united by a common genital morphology of both sexes. In addition, a second species of the genus occurring in southern Mexico (Tlaxcala, Puebla and Oaxaca), with different genitalia and superficial traits outside the range of variation seen in S. morrisoni, is described and named as a new species.
Accepted by M. Toliver: 11 Jul. 2009; published: 13 Aug. 2009
ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
1175-5334 (online edition)
Copyright © 2009 · Magnolia Press
Zootaxa 2197: 119 (2009)
Variation of Stinga Evans, 1955, with description of a new species from Mexico
(Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae: Hesperiinae: Hesperiini)
McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, P.O. Box 112710,
Gainesville, Florida 32611
Museo de Zoología “Alfonso L. Herrera”, Departamento de Biología Evolutiva, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional
Autónoma de México, Apdo.
Postal 70-399, México 04510 D.F., México
Stinga Evans, 1955, has been considered monotypic since its description despite geographical variation that has not been
elucidated. The variation of Stinga morrisoni (W. H. Edwards, 1878) described and figured here includes a range of
superficial phenotypes segregated by a combination of geography and elevation, but united by a common genital
morphology of both sexes. In addition, a second species of the genus occurring in southern Mexico (Tlaxcala, Puebla and
Oaxaca), with different genitalia and superficial traits outside the range of variation seen in S. morrisoni, is described and
named as a new species.
Key words: butterfly, genitalia, Nearctic, Poaceae, skipper
Stinga Evans, 1955 (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae: Hesperiinae: Hesperiini), was proposed as a monotypic genus
for Pamphila morrisoni W. H. Edwards, 1878. That species, described from Colorado, occurs as apparently
localized disjunct populations (Brown et al. 1957, Brown and Miller 1977, Stanford 1981, Bailowitz and
Brock 1991, Toliver et al. 1994) in central and southern Colorado, eastern Arizona, much of New Mexico, and
extreme western Texas, United States, and southward into Mexico (e.g., Stanford and Opler 1993, Brock &
Kaufman 2003). The occurrence of S. morrisoni in Mexico has not been well documented. Stanford and Opler
(1993) indicated records for S. morrisoni from the northern Mexican states of Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila
and Nuevo León, and the species was reported from high elevations in the Eje Neovolcánico (Ajusco, Distrito
Federal) by Beutelspacher (1980). Recent fieldwork has extended its known distribution in Mexico north
through the central Mexican Plateau in Guanajuato and Durango, and south to the higher elevations of the
Sierra Madre del Sur of Guerrero and the Cuicatlan-Teotihuacan region in Oaxaca (this study).
Although no taxa of Stinga have been named beyond the type species, considerable heretofore
unenumerated geographical variation exists within populations ascribed to S. morrisoni. Some of the variation
has been thought to represent species-level differentiation (Warren 2000, Luis-Martínez et al. 2003). This
phenotypic richness is elaborated below, including the description of a new species from southern Mexico.
This study was initiated by the senior author in March 1998, while visiting the home and private
collection of the late Roy O. Kendall, in San Antonio, Texas. Kendall had accumulated a long series of Stinga
from western Texas, as well as a few specimens from Mexico, including three males from Nuevo León and
one male from Tlaxcala. The male from Tlaxcala (collected in March 1977), placed apart from the rest of the
series, differed from S. morrisoni in many ways, and generated the following note in Kendall’s lab notebook:
“appears to be an aberrant specimen, if not then a new species.” Based on this individual, an expedition to the
south-central Mexican states of Tlaxcala and México (in collaboration with the Museo de Zoología, Facultad
WARREN & AUSTIN2 · Zootaxa 2197 © 2009 Magnolia Press
de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) was conducted in March of 2000, primarily to
search for populations of Stinga.
Before these events, Roberto G. de la Maza Elvira (of Mexico City) collected a series of five males and
two females of an unusual Stinga in the state of Puebla (also in March, 1977); one male from this series was
forwarded to the late Stephen R. Steinhauser, then at the Allyn Museum of Entomology in Sarasota, Florida.
Steinhauser subsequently received a second, somewhat similar, specimen from southern Oaxaca from the late
Hugh Avery Freeman (Garland, Texas). Study of these two specimens led Steinhauser to believe that two
undescribed species were likely represented.
After a successful expedition to south-central Mexico for Stinga in March 2000, the senior author
contacted Steinhauser, and discussed the situation (elaborated below) with him. At that time, it was concluded
that the two specimens Steinhauser examined at the Allyn Museum (now at the McGuire Center for
Lepidoptera and Biodiversity, Gainesville, Florida) represented but a single undescribed species, and at that
time Steinhauser expressed his interest in having them included as paratypes of the new species described
below. To that end, 798 examples of Stinga were examined to determine its geographic variability. These are
deposited in collections abbreviated as follows: private collection of Andrew D. Warren, Castle Rock,
Colorado, USA (ADW); Gillette Museum of Arthropod Diversity, Department of Bioagricultural Sciences
and Pest Management, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA (CSU); Instituto de Biología,
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico (IBUNAM); private collection of the de la
Maza family, Mexico City, Mexico (MAZA); McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity, Florida
Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA (MGCL); Museo de Historia
Natural y Cultura Ambiental de la Ciudad de México, Mexico City, Mexico (MHNCM); Museo de Zoologia
“Alfonso L. Herrera,” Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City,
Mexico (MZFC); San Diego Natural History Museum, San Diego, California, USA (SDNHM); and Texas
A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA (TAMU). Forewing length is from base to furthest extent of
the apex. Names for structures of genitalia generally follow those used for other hesperiines by Burns (1992).
Stinga morrisoni (W. H. Edwards, 1878)
Type locality: “Southern Colorado”, restricted to Hardscrabble Canyon, Custer County, Colorado, by Brown
and Miller (1977); lectotype male designated and illustrated by Brown and Miller (1977; see also illustration
in Holland 1931, plate 16, fig. 26) in Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
(Figs. 1a–l, 2a–l, 3a–l, 5a–c, 6a–c)
Description. Male (Figs. 1g–j)—mean forewing length = 13.2 mm (12.5–14.0 mm, n=20, from
Colorado); forewing apex pointed, termen slightly convex; hindwing termen convex, then slightly concave
before weakly developed tornal lobe; forewing with dark gray stigma in CuA
, extending from along
posterior vein of discal cell proximad from origin of CuA
, curving caudad to vein CuA
at about 1/8 distance
to termen from its origin and in CuA
-2A from vein CuA
about 1/8 distance from its origin to termen
extending nearly straight almost to vein 2A just proximad of its middle; dorsum orange marked with black;
orange on forewing most intense proximad of stigma extending cephalad through discal cell nearly to costa;
costa thinly black, this broadening distad; apex and outer margin black to tornus; pale yellow-orange
subquadrate subapical macules in R
, R
, and R
; yellow-orange quadrate submarginal macules in
and M
, offset distad from subapical and postmedial macules, proximal edge of macule in M
more or less aligned with distal edge of macule in Rs-M
and M
, yellow-orange postmedial macules
(distad of stigma), in M
, CuA
, and CuA
-2A, variable in shape, usually with distal edges
concave, that in CuA
usually largest, that in CuA
-2A subquadrate with ragged distal margin; scattered
black scales within orange proximad (especially along the anterior vein of the discal cell, proximad of stigma
in CuA
-2A, and in almost all of anal cell); black scaling on both sides of stigma and may extend into
Zootaxa 2197 © 2009 Magnolia Press · 3
posterior portion of discal cell; fringe gray, but tipped with white near tornus. Hindwing orange broadly in
postmedian from Rs to 2A, orange extending along vein 2A to termen and proximad to 1/2 distance to its
origin, marginal area black; remainder of wing heavily overscaled with black, sparsest in discal cell; distal
edge of darkened basal area irregular, produced furthest distad in M
; fringe gray, tipped with white except
largely pale orange caudad of vein CuA
FIGURE 1. Adults of Stinga morrisoni from Colorado and northern Arizona: a), b), female from USA: COLORADO:
El Paso Co.: Rock Creek Canyon, 3-V-1992, Andrew D. Warren; c), d), female from USA: COLORADO: Teller Co.:
hill, 0.5 mi SW Crystola, 26-V-1993, Andrew D. Warren; e), f), female from USA: ARIZONA: Apache Co.: Forest Road
117, 4.5 mi. S of Hwy. 60, 18-V-1990, P. Savage; g), h), i), j), males from USA: COLORADO: Douglas Co.: Hwy. 67 at
Sugar Creek, 6900-7200’, ca. 2 air miles E South Platte River, 11-V-2008, Andrew D. Warren; k), l), male from USA:
ARIZONA: Apache Co.: Hwy. 260, 7 mi. W of Egar, 21-V-1988, P. Savage.
Ventral forewing orange, yellow-orange ventrad of dorsal macules in M
, and CuA
2A; subapical and submarginal macules repeated from dorsum, pale ochreous to nearly white; costa thinly
brown expanding distad to brown subapical patch enclosing subapical and submarginal macules and
WARREN & AUSTIN4 · Zootaxa 2197 © 2009 Magnolia Press
continued along outer margin to vein CuA
; apical brown area overscaled with pale orange, this appearing
olive; base of wing largely black extending furthest distad in CuA
-2A; variable black scaling ventrad of
stigma. Ventral hindwing largely brown cephalad of middle of CuA
-2A, overscaled with pale orange giving
an olive aspect, least dense adjacent to postmedial series of shining white connected macules extending from
or Rs to mid-cell CuA
-2A; macule in Sc+R
-Rs subquadrate (may be reduced to small dot or absent)
with distal edge concave and proximal edge convex, proximal edge at about mid-cell, partially overlapping
proximal portion of quadrate macule near base of Rs-M
, macule connected with or disjunct from proximal
corner of macule in M
, that macule in distal 1/3 of cell irregularly-shaped and may be slightly produced
distad in its middle, connected with distal edge of macule in mid-cell M
, this forming curved series
with macules of decreasing width in CuA
and anterior portion of CuA
-2A, latter extended as a few
white scales distad from its caudal edge; anterior 1/2 of discal cell white nearly to base of wing, white
extending caudad along vein M
, may be whitish smudge at distal end of discal cell caudad; posterior 1/2
of CuA
-2A, and entire 2A-3A and anal cell orange, proximal 1/3 of CuA
-2A and 2A-3A and entire anal cell
overscaled heavily with black.
Dorsal head gray, white dot dorsad of eye; palpi mixture of gray and black scales on dorsum, white with a
few black scales laterad, white on venter; antenna black on dorsum with variable white at base of club, sides
white with black at segments, venter white with black at segments proximad, venter of club pale yellow-
orange, nudum pale red-brown, distal segment dark brown, 10 (n=12), or 11 (n=1) segments; thorax and
abdomen gray-brown with greenish tinge on dorsum, ventral thorax gray, pectus whitish, legs gray proximad,
yellow-orange distad; ventral abdomen gray, whitish at segments.
Genitalia (Fig. 5a) - uncus thin in lateral view, narrowing to slightly hooked caudal end, broad in dorsal
view, narrowing and dividing caudad into thin parallel and closely spaced arms; gnathos broad cephalad in
lateral view, narrowing caudad where slightly curved upward and approximating caudal end of uncus, about
width of uncus in ventral view, divided with thin arms converging caudad; tegumen narrow in lateral view,
sides parallel in dorsal view, cephalic end notched centrally and flaring to its ventral arms that twist and
combine with dorsal arm of saccus, the combined structure curved (lateral view) and bowing outward (in
cephalic view); anterior arm of saccus short, slightly curved upward (lateral view), moderately broad in
ventral view and narrowing to blunt cephalic end; valva moderately broad, broadest cephalad, harpe blunt
with rounded dorsal lobe, costa-ampulla variably undulate on dorsal edge, ampulla lobed caudad slightly
overlapping outer edge of dorsal lobe of harpe, lobe of ampulla exceeding height of harpe, sacculus broad;
aedeagus stout, slightly (1.2–1.3 times) longer than valva, ventral edge of caudal end exceeding dorsal edge,
tapering to blunt point, right side with scroll-like titillator extending laterad and caudad, with sharply toothed
dorsal edge caudad, titillator on left side, bar-like expanding slightly and toothed, bent cephalad into aedeagus
when not extruded, extending caudad when extruded; vesica with two thorn-like cornuti and elongate densely
spinate scouring pad-like cornutus; juxta more or less triangular in caudal view.
Female (Figs. 1a–d) - mean forewing length = 14.1 mm (12.9–15.2 mm, n=9, from Colorado); forewing
apex pointed, termen convex; hindwing termen convex, then slightly concave before weakly developed tornal
lobe; dorsum orange marked with black; orange on forewing most intense proximad of mid-wing extending
cephalad through discal cell nearly to costa; costa thinly black, this broadening distad; apex and outer margin
black to tornus; pale yellow-orange subquadrate subapical macules in R
, R
, and R
; yellow-orange
bar-like submarginal macules M
and M
, offset distad with proximal edge under distal portion of or
separated by less than their width from subapical macules, contiguous with or slightly overlapping yellow-
orange postmedial macules, that in M
quadrate near base of cell, in CuA
with distal edge
concave and proximal edge convex, and in CuA
-2A irregular in shape, all three with cephalic and caudal
edges extending slightly along veins into dark margin; scattered black scales within orange basad (especially
along anterior vein of discal cell, in CuA
-2A, and in entire anal cell); black macules dividing base of wing
from postmedial macules (in position of males stigma) variable but as broad as or broader than postmedial
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macules; fringe entirely gray-brown. Hindwing orange broadly in postmedian from Rs to 2A (usually small
macule also in Sc+R
-Rs), orange extending proximad along vein 2A 1/2 to 2/3 distance to its origin and
distad to termen, marginal area black, more or less as lunules in each cell with little or no orange extending
distad from postmedian along veins; remainder of wing heavily overscaled with black, distal edge of darkened
basal area irregular, extended furthest distad in M
; fringe gray-brown proximad, whitish distad except
pale orange caudad of vein CuA
FIGURE 2. Adults of Stinga morrisoni from western Texas, southern Arizona, USA, and Guanajuato State, Mexico: a),
b), c), d), females from USA: TEXAS: Jeff Davis Co.: Hwy. 118, vic. McDonald Observatory, 24-III-1998, Andrew D.
Warren; e), f), male from USA: ARIZONA: Santa Cruz Co.: Canelo Pass, 1-IV-1988, P. Savage; g), h), i), j), males from
USA: TEXAS: Jeff Davis Co.: Hwy. 118, vic. McDonald Observatory, 24-III-1998, Andrew D. Warren; k), l), male from
MEXICO: GUANAJUATO: Mpio. León / San Felipe: top of mesa, N side of Hwy. 87 (camino León-San Felipe), ca 8
km NE El Zauco (28 km NE León), 2600m, 29-III-2001, Andrew D. Warren.
Ventral forewing orange, yellow-orange ventrad of dorsal macules in M
, and CuA
2A; subapical and submarginal macules repeated from dorsum, pale ochreous; costa thinly brown expanding
distad to brown subapical patch enclosing subapical and submarginal macules and continued along outer
WARREN & AUSTIN6 · Zootaxa 2197 © 2009 Magnolia Press
margin to vein CuA
; apical brown area overscaled with pale orange, this appearing olive; base of wing
largely black extending furthest distad in CuA
-2A. Ventral hindwing largely brown cephalad of middle of
-2A, overscaled heavily with pale orange giving olive aspect, least dense adjacent to postmedial series of
shining white connected macules extending from Sc+R
(or Rs) to mid-cell CuA
-2A; macule in Sc+R
subquadrate (may be reduced to small dot or absent), sometimes with distal edge concave and proximal edge
convex, proximal edge at about mid-cell, partially overlapping macule near base of Rs-M
, macule connected
with or disjunct from proximal corner of macule in M
, that macule irregularly-shaped, connected with
distal edge of macule in mid-cell M
, this forming curved series with macules of similar or decreasing
width in CuA
and anterior portion of CuA
-2A, latter extended distad as a few scales from its caudal
edge; anterior 1/2 of discal cell white nearly to base of wing, white extending caudad along vein M
posterior 1/2 of CuA
-2A, and entire 2A-3A and anal cell orange, proximal 1/3 of CuA
-2A and 2A-3A and
often entire anal cell overscaled heavily with black.
Dorsal head gray, white dot dorsad of eye; palpi mixture of gray and black scales on dorsum, white
ventrad and laterad; antenna black on dorsum with variable white at base of club, sides white with black at
segments, venter white with black at segments proximad, venter of club whitish with variable black and/or
red-brown scaling, nudum pale red-brown, distal segment dark red-brown or brown, 10 (n=4) segments;
thorax and abdomen gray-brown with greenish tinge on dorsum, ventral thorax gray, pectus whitish, legs gray
proximad, yellow-orange distad; ventral abdomen gray, whitish at segments.
Genitalia (Fig. 6a) - lamella postvaginalis largely membranous laterad, caudal edge with heavily
sclerotized and somewhat lunate central area (caudal margin shallowly excavate) possessing dense elongate
setae, variably sclerotized and prominently arched cephalad of this towards ostium bursae; eighth tergite with
sharply pointed anterior apophysis branched to prominent lobe curving ventrad on either side of caudal
portion of antrum; antrum broad, membranous, weakly folded longitudinally, with variably developed ventro-
cephalic ‘dewlap’, remainder of ductus bursae becoming broader and curving dorsad and cephalad,
moderately sclerotized with prominent longitudinal and transverse grooves; ductus bursae conjoined ventro-
caudally with membranous and globular corpus bursae, about as long as wide, weakly developed longitudinal
Variation. Since its description, Pamphila morrisoni has been recognized as a distinctive species of
unknown affinities among others of the tribe Hesperiini. Such uncertainty led to its placement within several
genera (see synonymy in Mielke 2005). With the description of Stinga by Evans (1955), the species has
experienced generic stability within that monotypic genus for over fifty years.
Although Stinga morrisoni has a broad geographical, elevational, and ecological distribution from
Colorado to southern Mexico, no mention has been made of phenotypic variation in adults or lack thereof.
Since none has been elaborated, evidenced by the absence of any infraspecific taxa, it has evidently been
assumed that the species is invariable. Examination of series of specimens assembled from many localities,
however, indicates the presence of considerable variation in superficial phenotype across the range of the
species. The foregoing description, based upon material from Colorado, provides a point of reference for the
following discussion of this variability.
Both sexes of S. morrisoni vary in their forewing length (Table 1), which is apparently related to
elevation. The smallest individuals occur in montane areas of the greater Rocky Mountains in Colorado,
northern Arizona and northern New Mexico and at higher elevations in Mexico (e.g., states of México,
Tlaxcala). Size is greatest among populations occurring at lower elevations in southern Arizona, western
Texas, and in parts of central Mexico (e.g., Guanajuato). The length of the forewing of females exceeds that of
males by an average of about 1mm throughout the species’ distribution (Table 1).
Individuals from northern Arizona and New Mexico (Figs. 1e–f, k–l) not only average the same size as
those in Colorado, but are similar in color and pattern on the dorsum and venter. Material from southern
Arizona and New Mexico (Figs. 2e–f) differs with a tendency towards less black associated with the stigma
on males. On both sexes, the subapical macules on the forewing are more frequently contiguous with or
Zootaxa 2197 © 2009 Magnolia Press · 7
slightly overlapping the submarginal macules (usually not overlapping in Colorado) and a macule in cell
-Rs on the ventral hindwing is more persistent. Specimens from western Texas (Figs. 2a–d, g–j) have
subapical macules resembling those in southern Arizona, but the dorsum is paler orange than seen in other
populations of S. morrisoni, have more orange overscaling basad on the dorsal hindwing (making the
postmedial orange band less distinctly defined), the dark areas on the venter have relatively prominent gray
overscaling at the apex of the forewing and along the costal and outer margins of the hindwing, a white
macule in Sc+R
-Rs is nearly invariably present, the antennae have the most extensive white at the base of the
club on the dorsum of any population of the species, and males have less black (occasionally none) associated
with the stigma. Individuals from Guanajuato (Figs. 2k–l) and Durango resemble those from Colorado, but are
larger (Table 1), have more extensive orange overscaling proximad on the dorsal hindwing, and are darker
‘olive’ at the apex of the ventral forewing and on the ventral hindwing. Finally, in the states of México,
Tlaxcala, Guerrero and Oaxaca, the phenotype (as illustrated by Beutelspacher 1980) is not only small (about
the same size as in Colorado), but very dark (Figs. 3a–l). The orange of these is deeper in color than on
specimens from other populations of the species, there is little marginal overscaling, the subapical and
submarginal macules on the forewing are much smaller, the subapical macules are usually slightly offset
proximad from those in the submargin, the postmedial series of macules on the dorsal hindwing is narrow and
well defined, the ground color at the apex of the ventral forewing and on the hindwing is very dark (even more
so than on specimens from Guanajuato), the postmedial macules are very narrow, and a white macule is
usually present in Sc+R
-Rs, but is often minute and disjunct proximad from the macule in Rs-M
. All
populations have the prominent white streak, distinctive of S. morrisoni, in the discal cell of the ventral
TABLE 1. Geographical variation of forewing lengths of Stinga as mean in mm (range, n).
taxon/location male female
Stinga morrisoni
Colorado 13.2 (12.5–14.0, n = 20) 14.1 (12.9–15.2, n = 9)
northern Arizona 12.9 (11.9–14.1, n = 15) 13.9 (13.3–14.5, n = 7)
northern New Mexico 12.9 (11.9–13.9, n = 10) -
southern Arizona 13.9 (12.3–15.3, n = 15) 15.2 (14.6–15.6, n = 8)
southern New Mexico 13.9 (12.8, 15.0, n = 2) 13.6 (13.6, 13.6, n = 2)
western Texas 14.4 (12.9–15.0, n = 14) 15.0 (14.2–16.3, n = 15)
MX: Nuevo León 13.8 (12.9–14.1, n = 3) -
MX: Guanajuato 14.3 (14.0–15.2, n = 7) -
MX: Durango 14.0 (n = 1) 14.9 (n = 1)
MX: México 13.0 (11.9–13.2, n = 11) 13.7 (13.0–14.9, n = 10)
MX: Tlaxcala 13.3 (13.0–13.9, n = 3) -
Stinga kendamulaza
MEXICO 13.7 (13.0–14.8, n = 17) 14.0 (13.4–15.1, n = 6)
Despite the considerable superficial variation seen across populations (the western Texan populations
appearing considerably different from those at the higher elevations southward in Mexico), both male and
female genitalia of S. morrisoni, although exhibiting some individual variation, are constant from Colorado
through Mexico (Figs. 5a–c, 6a–c). In addition, throughout its known distribution, S. morrisoni is vernal (but
see below).
Phenology. Stinga morrisoni flies in early spring (largely in March and April, but as early as late January
and February in southern Mexico) in much of its distribution. Northern populations (Colorado, northern New
Mexico and Arizona), however, occur later in spring, mostly in May and June. Scott (1986) reported the
species in September in western Texas (also see Opler 1999); we have examined no specimens to corroborate
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this. Regardless, S. morrisoni appears to be strictly univoltine throughout essentially all of its known range,
and its early-spring flight makes it one of the earliest-flying hesperiines in most of the habitats it occupies
(ADW, pers. obs.). Adult flight times are frequently centered during local dry periods with long sunny days,
especially in Mexico, southern Arizona and western Texas (usually March).
FIGURE 3. Adults of Stinga morrisoni from southern Mexico: a), b), c), d), females from MEXICO: MEXICO STATE:
Mpio. Amecameca: S slope Iztaccíhuatl: grassy slopes above Paso de Cortés, 3400-3900m, 18-III-2000, Andrew D.
Warren; e), f), male from MEXICO: TLAXCALA: Mpio. Tlaxco: 5-8 km N Tlaxco (Hwy. 119, km. 30), forest and
hilltop, ca. 2800-3100’, 19-III-2000, Andrew D. Warren; g), h), i), j), k), l), males from MEXICO: MEXICO STATE:
Mpio. Amecameca: S slope Iztaccíhuatl: grassy slopes above Paso de Cortés, 3400-3900m, 18-III-2000, Andrew D.
Behavior and ecology. Adult males of all populations studied by the authors (see below) vigorously
defend perches on hilltops, as well as perches along roadsides (western Texas) and in gullies (as well as on
hilltops) above 3600m on the grassy lower slopes of Volcán Iztaccíhuatl in the state of México. Populations of
S. morrisoni are associated with a range of grasses (Poaceae) from Colorado to Oaxaca, and are documented
to use seven species as larval foodplants in Colorado (Scott 1992, 2006). Most populations of S. morrisoni
Zootaxa 2197 © 2009 Magnolia Press · 9
occur in forested (usually Quercus and/or Pinus) habitats with numerous sunny, grassy clearings, although an
apparently very extensive population occurs above (and below, in lower density) tree-line on the grassy slopes
of several of southern Mexico’s volcanic peaks, including Volcán Iztaccíhuatl, Volcán Popocatépetl, and
Volcán Ajusco, to at least 3900m (but apparently absent from Volcán Toluca), making it one of the few
resident butterflies of these specialized grassland habitats (Luna-Reyes 2007; ADW, pers. obs.). Freshly
eclosed males are very strongly attracted to damp ground under dry seasonal conditions (ADW, pers. obs.).
Specimens examined. MEXICO: CHIHUAHUA: 13.0 mi NE Rch. Gavilan, 10.7 mi SW Rch. Agua
Salada, 30°11’N 108°24’W, 6400’, 13-IV-1978, R. W. Holland (1 male: CSU); CHIHUAHUA-SONORA:
Mex. Hwy. 2 at state line, San Luis Microwave relay, 6500’, 2-IV-1985, R. W. Holland (1 male: CSU);
DISTRITO FEDERAL: Ajusco, 6-III-1971, Hector González Almada (2 males: IBUNAM); Del. Magdalena
Contreras: San Nicolás Totolapan, Magdalena Patlatlalco, 3000–3500m, 27-28-II-2009, Claudia Hernández-
Mejía (8 males, 4 females: MZFC); same locality and dates, Marysol Trujano Ortega (14 males, 4 females:
MZFC); San Nicolás Totolapan, Valle del Tezontle, 3500m, 1-III-2009, Claudia Hernández-Mejía (10 males:
MZFC); same locality and dates, Marysol Trujano Ortega (22 males, 11 females: MZFC); Del. Milpa Alta:
Bienes Comunales de Milpa Alta, Tzompoli, 3162–3358m, 13-15-II-2009, Claudia Hernández-Mejía (30
males, 5 females: MZFC); same locality and dates, Marysol Trujano Ortega (27 males, 6 females: MZFC);
DURANGO: La Michilia: Piedra Herrada, 21-III-1984, Ma. E. Díaz Batres (1 female: MGCL); same locality
and collector, 18-IV-1984 (1 male: MHNCM); La Michilia: Potrero, 23-III-1984, Ma. E. Díaz Batres (1 male:
MGCL; 5 males, 1 female: MHNCM); same locality and collector, 3-III-1988 (1 female: MHNCM);
GUANAJUATO: Mpio. Dolores Hidalgo: hilltop, ca. 5 km NE Santa Rosa on Hwy. 110, 2600m, 28-III-2001,
Andrew D. Warren (1 male: ADW); Mpio. Dolores Hidalgo / Guanajuato: hilltop with watch tower, ca. 3 km
NE Santa Rosa on N side of Hwy. 110, ca. 2700m, 28-III-2001, Andrew D. Warren (1 male: ADW): same
locality and date, Tom W. Ortenburger (2 males: ADW); Mpio. Guanajuato: 3 hilltops, ca. 6 km SW Santa
Rosa on Hwy. 110, ca. 2400m, 28-III-2001, Tom W. Ortenburger (1 male: ADW); Mpio. León / San Felipe:
top of mesa, N side of Hwy. 87 (camino León-San Felipe), ca 8 km NE El Zauco (28 km NE León), 2600m,
29-III-2001, Andrew D. Warren (5 males: ADW); GUERRERO: Mpio. General Heliodoro Castillo: Cerro
Teotepec, 3100m, 20-III-2009, Jean Cristian Blancas Hernández (1 male: MZFC); MÉXICO: Mpio.
Amecameca: Popo[catépetl], 27-I-1952, Workman (1 male: IBUNAM); Mpio. Amecameca: S slope
Iztaccíhuatl: grassy slopes above Paso de Cortés, 3400
3900m, 18-III-2000, Andrew D. Warren with MZFC
crew (38 males, 18 females: ADW); NUEVO LEÓN: Hwy. 61, ca. 16 km SSE Jct. Hwy. 60, 2460m, 20-III-
1977, R. O. & C. A. Kendall (3 males: TAMU); OAXACA: Mpio. Concepción Pápalo: camino a Cueva
Cheve, N 17°51’, W 68°48’, 9000
9400’, 19-III-2006, J. Kemner (8 males, 1 female: MZFC); same locality
and collector, 5-IV-2006 (5 males, 3 females: MZFC); same locality and collector, 19-IV-2006 (3 males, 1
female: MZFC); TLAXCALA: Mpio. Tlaxco: 5
8 km N Tlaxco (Hwy. 119, km. 30), forest and hilltop, ca.
3100’, 19-III-2000, Andrew D. Warren (3 males: ADW); USA: ARIZONA: White Mts., 17-VI-1936,
unkown collector (1 female: MGCL); White Mts., 9 mi S Alpine, 8100’, 14-VI-1963, W. A. Hedges (2 males:
SDNHM); Apache Co.: AZ 264 at Jct. to Sawmill, 7800’, 11-V-1978, R. W. Holland (4 males: CSU); Forest
Rd. 117, 3 mi S Hwy. 60, 21-V-1988, Pat Savage (4 males, 1 female: MGCL); Forest Rd. 117, 4 mi S Hwy. 60,
21-V-1988, Pat Savage (4 males, 2 females: MGCL); Forest Rd. 117, 4.5 mi S Hwy. 60, 18-V-1990, Pat
Savage (2 females: MGCL); Hwy. 260, 7 mi W of Eagar, 21-V-1988, Pat Savage (1 male: MGCL); Roof
Butte, 9700’, Chuska Mts., 14-VI-1971, R. W. Holland (1 male: CSU); Springerville, FR 117, 1-VI-2000, Ray
Thomas (1 female: MGCL); Cochise Co.: Huachuca Mts., Garden Canyon, 18-IV-1987, Doug Mullins (1
female: MGCL); same locality, 18-III-1999, Bruce A. O’Hara (2 males: MGCL); Greenlee Co.: 8 mi S
Alpine, 7-VII-1964, W. A. Hedges (1 female, SDNHM); Santa Cruz Co.: Canelo Pass, 31-III-1988, Pat
Savage (1 male, 1 female: MGCL); same locality and collector, 1-IV-1988 (3 males: MGCL); COLORADO:
Custer Co.: Wet Mtn.
Valley, nr. Rosita, 9000–9700’, 24-VI-1973, Ray E. Stanford (1 male: ADW); Douglas
Co.: Deckers, 23-V-1970, Ray E. Stanford (6 males: ADW; 4 males, 2 females: MGCL); nr. Deckers, 25-V-
1965, Bart B. Brinkman (1 male: ADW); same locality, 18-V-1969, Ray E. Stanford (1 female: ADW; 7
males, 2 females: CSU); same locality and collector, 22-V-1969 (3 females: CSU; 9 males, 1 female: MGCL);
WARREN & AUSTIN10 · Zootaxa 2197 © 2009 Magnolia Press
same locality and collector, 26-V-1975 (1 male: CSU); Hwy. 67 at Sugar Creek, 6900–7200’, ca. 2 air miles E
South Platte River, 11-V-2008, Andrew D. Warren (7 males: ADW); same locality and collector, 18-VI-2007
(1 male: ADW); hilltop N of Hwy. 67, ca 2 rd. mi. SSW Sprucewood, 7600’, 18-VI-2007, Andrew D. Warren
(2 males: ADW); El Paso Co.: Blodgett Peak Open Space, off Woodmen Rd., Colorado Springs, 7080’, 12-
VI-2009, Andrew D. Warren (1 male: ADW); Cheyenne Mtn., 19-V-1969, Ray E. Stanford (1 male: CSU);
same locality and collector, 24-V-1969 (1 female: MGCL); Rock Creek, 8200’, 12-VI-1932, unknown
collector (1 female: MGCL); same locality, 20-VI-1933, unknown collector (1 female: MGCL); Rock Creek
Canyon, 3-V-1992, Andrew D. Warren (1 male, 1 female: ADW); Telephone Line Rd., US Air Force Base,
22-V-1964, J. Justice (1 female: MGCL); USAFA, N tributary W Monument Lake, 7050’, 5-VI-1995,
unknown collector (1 male: CSU); US Air Force Academy, Pine Dr. at International Dr., 27-VI-1995, S.
Simonsen & P. Pineda (3 males: CSU); US Air Force Academy, S of filtration plant, 28-VI-1995, S. Simonsen
& P. Pineda (1 male, 1 female: CSU); Fremont Co.: hilltops 1.5 mi S of mouth of Bear Cr., 15-VI-1969, J.
Scott (1 male: MGCL); wooded hilltop, 1 mi NE Swissvale, 20-VI-1966, J. Scott (1 male: MGCL); 1 mi up
Bear Ck., 9-VI-1970, J. Scott (3 males, SDNHM); same locality, 19-VI-1970, J. Scott (2 females: MGCL);
Gilpin Co.: N Clear Ck., 7000–7500’, 18-VI-1978, Ray E. Stanford (1 female: ADW); Jefferson Co.: Golden
Gate State Park, 22-V-1982, C. P. Slater (1 male: CSU); Mt. Lindo, ca. 1 air mi E Tinytown, 29-V-1989 (1
male: ADW); same locality and collector, 4-VI-1997 (1 male: ADW); Mt. Lindo nr. Tinytown, 5-V-1997, B.
B. Brinkman (1 male, ADW); Pine Valley Ranch, ponderosa woodland, S facing slope, 17-V-1994, S.
Simonsen (1 female: CSU); Ralston Creek, 8200–8400’, 24-V-1975, Ray E. Stanford (1 female: CSU);
Ralston Creek, 8000’, 4-VI-1988, C. P. Slater (1 male: CSU); 0.5 mi. E of Tinytown, 27-V-1991, Andrew D.
Warren (1 male: ADW); Larimer Co.: Buckhorn Cyn., 20-VI-1997, Paul A. Opler (1 female: CSU);
Horsetooth Mt. Park, 14-VI-1988, Paul A. Opler (2 males: CSU); Moody Hill Rd., Roosevelt NF, 13-VI-1995,
Paul A. Opler (1 male: CSU); Park Co.: Bailey, 17-VI-1962, Charles P. Slater (1 male: MGCL); same
locality, 27-VI-1968, Ray E. Stanford (1 male: CSU); Teller Co.: Crystola Creek, 8000–9000’, 9-VI-1973,
Ray E. Stanford (2 males: CSU); hill, 0.5 mi SW Crystola, 26-V-1993, Andrew D. Warren (15 males, 1
female: ADW); 1 mi NW Crystola, 8700’, 9-VI-1973, Ray E. Stanford (2 males: MGCL); NEW MEXICO:
Catron Co.: cattle tank W of Coyote Peak, 7500’, Sec 34 T75 R14W, 28-V-1994, R. W. Holland (1 male:
CSU); Gallo Mts., Fox Mt. Lookout, 9200’, 29-V-1994, R. W. Holland (1 male: CSU); Gallo Mts., 1 mi SW
Fox Mt. Lookout, 8500’, 27-VI-1994, R. W. Holland (1 female: CSU); Gallo/ Mangas Mts., Escondido Mt.,
SE slope, Cyn. de Lolo, 8500’, 22-V-1974, R. W. Holland (1 male: CSU); Gallo/ Mangas Mts., N slope, mesa
E of Cyn. de Lolo, 8500’, 24-VI-1995, R. W. Holland (1 male: CSU); SW end of USFS 106, N of Big Pine
Cyn., 5000’, Sec17, T12S R21W, 1-IV-1995, R. W. Holland (1 male: CSU); Chaves Co.: Guadalupe Mts.
Rim Rd., 1 mi N Otero Co. line, 7000’, 4-V-1987, R. W. Holland (2 males: CSU); Sacramento Mts., SE Slope,
Mule Cyn., 2 mi S US 82, 6500’, Sec30, T16S R17E, 17-IV-1994, R. W. Holland (3 males, 1 female: CSU);
Cibola Co.: Mt. Taylor, Coalmine Cyn. CG, 7400’, 7-V-1967, R. W. Holland (1 male, 1 female: CSU); Mt.
Taylor, El Dado Cyn., 8100’, 22-V-1966, R. W. Holland (1 female: CSU); Mt. Taylor, Elk Tank, 8800’, 7-V-
1966, R. W. Holland (7 males: CSU); same locality and collector, 14-V-1966 (13 males: CSU); same locality
and collector, 15-V-1966 (4 males: CSU); same locality and collector, 14-VI-1966 (1 female: CSU); Mt.
Taylor, San Mateo Lake, 7300’, 13-V-1967, R. W. Holland (2 females: CSU); Mt. Taylor, Twin Spring, 9300’,
15-V-1966, R. W. Holland (2 males: CSU); same locality and collector, 14-VI-1966 (1 female: CSU); Zuni
Mts., Mt. Sedgewick, 9200’, 14-V-1976, R. W. Holland (1 male: CSU); same locality and collector, 21-V-
1976 (2 males: CSU); Zuni Mts., NE slope, Pole Cyn., 8000’, 14-V-1976, R. W. Holland (3 males: CSU);
same locality and collector, 21-V-1994 (1 male: CSU); Zuni Mts., NE slope, Pole Cyn., quarry, 7000’, 14-V-
1976, R. W. Holland (1 male: CSU); Zuni Mts., Zuni Cyn., 2 mi inside NF, 7000’, 5-V-1977, R. W. Holland (1
male: CSU); Zuni Mts., Zuni Cyn., Cerro Colorado, 8200’, 1-V-1976, R. W. Holland (1 male: CSU); Zuni
Mts., Zuni Cyn., logging chute at 7300’, 15-V-1977, R. W. Holland (1 male: CSU); Eddy Co.: Pickett Hill,
6441’, Rd. 523, 1 mi NW Rd. 137, Lincoln NF, 24-III-1986, Ray E. Stanford (1 male: ADW); W slope
Guadalupe Mts., Devils Den Spr., 27-III-1986, R. W. Holland (1 male: CSU); Grant Co.: NM 90, 11 mi E of
61, Devil’s Backbone 6800’, 15-IV-1966, R. W. Holland (1 male: CSU); W slope Black Range, 9 mi up FS
Zootaxa 2197 © 2009 Magnolia Press · 11
152 (McKnight Rd.), 9-IV-1989, R. W. Holland (1 male: CSU); Lincoln Co.: Capitan Mts., Capitan Gap,
7800’, 12-IV-1981, R. W. Holland (1 male: CSU); Capitan Mts., Capitan Mt., Peppin Cyn., 7000’, 11-IV-
1981, R. W. Holland (1 male: CSU); crest of Capitan Mts., W of gap, 1 mi W of Sawmill Tank, 8600’, 22-VI-
1997, R. W. Holland (1 male: CSU); Sacramento Mts., Nogal Cyn., 7500’, 5-V-1974, R. W. Holland (1 male,
1 female: CSU); Sierra Blanca, 11,000’, 15-VI-1975, R. W. Holland (1 male: CSU); McKinley Co.: Chuska
Mts., Chuska Peak, 8700’, 18-VI-1978, R. W. Holland (2 males: CSU); Chuska Mts., Tohatchi Pk., 8300’, 22-
V-1978, R. W. Holland (1 male: CSU); same locality and collector, 4-VI-1978, R. W. Holland (1 male: CSU);
Chuska Mts., 1 mi. below Tohatchi Pk., 18-VI-1978, R. W. Holland (1 female: CSU); Otero Co.: Glencoe,
5600’, 10-V-1974, R. W. Holland (2 females: CSU); Guadalupe Mts., Rim Rd. (FS 67), 5 mi N Panama,
6000’, 2-V-1987, R. W. Holland (1 male: CSU); Guadalupe Mts., 6 mi WNW of Powers Tank, Wildhorse Hill
6000’, 24-III-1986, R. W. Holland (1 female: CSU); Sacramento Mts., 6800’, Jct. NM 130 & 24, 22-IV-1973,
R. W. Holland (1 male: CSU); Sacramento Mts., Sacramento Cyn., 5400’, 22-IV-1973, R. W. Holland (2
males: CSU); Sacramento Mts., Sacramento Cyn., Fleming Ranch, 5200’, 19-IV-1975, R. W. Holland (2
males, 1 female: CSU); Rio Arriba Co.: NE slope Jemez Mts., Polvadera Cr., Sec 17, 8000’, 26-V-1984, R.
W. Holland (1 male: CSU); N slope Jemez Mts., Cerro Pelon, 10,000’, 19-VI-1983, R. W. Holland (1 male:
CSU); Sandoval Co.: Jemez Mts., Jemez Spgs., 25-VI-1914, J. Woodgate (1 male, 1 female: MGCL); SW
corner Jemez Mts., Pajarito Peak, 9000’, 19-V-1984, R. W. Holland (1 male: CSU); same locality and
collector, 4-VI-1983 (2 males: CSU); same locality and collector, 26-VI-1983 (1 male: CSU); San Juan Co.:
Chuska Mts., summit N of Washington Pass, 8200’, 17-VI-1978, R. W. Holland (6 males: CSU); San Miguel
Co.: Gallinas Ck., 7000’, 9-V-1973, Ray E. Stanford (1 male: ADW); Sierra Co.: crest of Black Range,
7500’, 1 mi NW Monument Park Cabin, 30-IV-1988, R. W. Holland (1 female: CSU); NW slope Black
Range, 1.5 mi W Continental Divide, FS 226, Seventyfour Draw, 12-VI-1988, R. W. Holland (1 male: CSU);
Socorro Co.: Magdalena Mts., 7500’, 6-IV-1969, R. W. Holland (2 males: CSU); Magdalena Mts., Cyn. W of
Pound Ranch, 7000’, 3-V-1970, R. W. Holland (5 females: CSU); Magdalena Mts., Jordan Cyn., 7400’, 9-V-
1970, R. W. Holland (1 male: CSU); Magdalena Mts., North Baldy, 9600’, 13-VI-1970, R. W. Holland (1
male: CSU); Magdalena Mts., North Cyn., 7500’, 2-V-1970, R. W. Holland (3 males, 3 females: CSU);
Magdalena Mts., Ryan Mill Cyn., 6000’, 10-V-1970, R. W. Holland (5 males, 1 female: CSU); Magdalena
Mts., Water Cyn. CG, 7100’, 9-V-1970, R. W. Holland (7 males, 2 females: CSU); San Mateo Mts., Beartrap
CG, 8000’, 4-V-1974, R. W. Holland (2 females: CSU); San Mateo Mts., Big Pidgeon Cyn., 8000’, 10-VI-
1972, R. W. Holland (1 male: CSU); San Mateo Mts., Monica Cyn., 6500’, 2-V-1971, R. W. Holland (1 male,
1 female: CSU); same locality and collector, 4-V-1974, R. W. Holland (1 male, 3 females: CSU); same
locality and collector, 20-V-1973 (1 female: CSU); same locality and collector, 4-VI-1973 (1 male: CSU); San
Mateo Mts., Nogal Cyn., 6000’, 28-III-1971, R. W. Holland (4 males: CSU); San Mateo Mts., Nogal Cyn.,
Weir Tank, 6500’, 5-IV-1971, R. W. Holland (1 female: CSU); same locality and collector, 10-IV-1971 (1
female: CSU); San Mateo Mts., Rock Spr. Cyn., 7000’, 20-III-1971, R. W. Holland (1 male, 1 female: CSU);
same locality and collector, 28-III-1971 (2 males, 4 females: CSU): same locality and collector, 5-IV-1971 (4
males, 4 females: CSU); San Mateo Mts., 12 mi E Dusty, 7500’, 11-IV-1971, R. W. Holland (1 male: CSU);
TEXAS: Culberson Co.: Guadalupe Mts. NP, Guadalupe Mts., Bowl, 8000’, 26-III-1986, R. W. Holland (2
males, 1 female: CSU); Guadalupe Mts. NP, Guadalupe Mts., Bush Mt., 8000’, 11-IV-1987, R. W. Holland (1
male: CSU); Jeff Davis Co.: Davis Mts., Hwy 166, 9.3 mi SW Hwy 118, 7-IV-1982, unknown collector (1
male, 2 females, SDMNH); Fort Davis State Park, 3-IV-1988, Paul A. Opler (1 male: CSU); Hwy. 118, vic.
McDonald Observatory, 31-III-1971, R. O. & C. A. Kendall (10 males, 26 females: TAMU; 2 females:
ADW); same locality, on roadside Astragalus flowers, 24-III-1998, Andrew D. Warren (38 males, 45 females:
ADW); L. E. Wood Picnic Area, 5800’, 15-IV-2005, June & Floyd Preston (1 female: MGCL); McDonald
Observatory, 6800’, 15-IV-1994, R. W. Holland (7 males, 2 females: CSU); Mt. Locke, 26-IV-1981 (1 male:
MGCL); 4.5 mi NW McDonald Observatory, Davis Mts., 5000’, 19-III-1995, R. W. Holland (1 male: CSU);
24.7 mi S of Kent, along TX 118, 6200’, 24-IV-2003, June and Floyd Preston (1 female: MGCL).
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Stinga kendamulaza A. Warren & Austin, new species
(Figs. 4a–l, 5d, 6d)
Description. Male (Figs. 4e–l) - mean forewing length = 13.7 mm (13.0–14.8 mm, n=15, from type series);
forewing apex pointed, termen slightly convex; hindwing termen convex, then slightly concave before weakly
developed tornal lobe; forewing with gray stigma narrowly outlined with black in CuA
, extending from
along posterior vein of discal cell proximad of origin of CuA
, extending nearly to vein CuA
at about 1/4
distance to termen from its origin and in CuA
-2A from vein CuA
about 1/4 distance from its origin to termen
extending slightly curved (excavate proximad) almost to vein 2A just proximad of its middle; dorsum tawny-
orange marked with black; forewing tawny most intense proximad of stigma extending cephalad through
discal cell nearly to costa; costa thinly black, this broadening distad; apex and outer margin black to tornus;
pale yellow-tawny subquadrate subapical macules in R
, R
, and R
, narrowly outlined with dark
tawny-orange; tawny bar-like submarginal macules outlined with dark tawny-orange in M
and M
offset distad from subapical macules by about twice their width and by about their width from tawny-orange
postmedial macules (distad of stigma), that in M
triangular in base of cell, in CuA
more or less
trapezoidal, and in CuA
-2A subquadrate with ragged distal margin, all three with cephalic and caudal edges
extending along veins into dark margin; scattered black scales within tawny on basal 1/8 of wing and in entire
anal cell; black scaling associated with stigma variable from that restricted to along the vein of the discal cell
to more extensive, especially distad; fringe gray. Hindwing tawny-orange broadly in postmedian from M
2A, orange extending proximad along vein 2A 1/2 distance to its origin, marginal area black, more or less as
chevrons in each cell with orange extending from postmedian along veins distad but not reaching termen;
remainder of wing heavily overscaled with black, sparsest in discal cell and in postmedian of Rs-M
sometimes Sc+R
-Rs vaguely extending the postmedial band cephalad; distal edge of darkened basal area
conspicuously squared; fringe gray except mixed pale orange and gray caudad of vein CuA
Ventral forewing largely deep tawny-orange, paler ventrad of dorsal macules in M
and CuA
-2A; subapical and submarginal macules repeated from dorsum, ochreous; costa thinly brown
expanding distad to brown subapical patch enclosing subapical and submarginal macules and continued along
outer margin almost to vein CuA
; distal portion of apical brown area overscaled with pale ochreous giving an
olive aspect, densest proximad of black terminal line; base of wing largely black extending furthest distad in
-2A; a few black scales ventrad of stigma. Ventral hindwing largely brown cephalad of middle of CuA
2A, overscaled heavily with pale ochreous appearing olive or olivaceous orange, this densest in marginal area,
least dense adjacent to postmedial series of shining white connected macules extending from Sc+R
to mid-
cell CuA
-2A; macule in Sc+R
-Rs subquadrate with distal edge concave and proximal edge convex, proximal
edge at about mid-cell, completely overlapping macule near base of Rs-M
, junction extended both distad and
proximad as white on vein Rs, macule somewhat comma-shaped, decreasing in width to almost a point at vein
, connected with proximal corner of macule in mid-cell M
, that macule irregularly-shaped, produced
distad in its middle, connected with distal edge of macule in mid-cell M
, this aligned with macules of
similar width in CuA
and anterior portion of CuA
-2A, latter extended as thin line distad and proximad
from its caudal edge; small and irregular whitish macule at base of discal cell; posterior portion of CuA
and entire 2A-3A and anal cell ochreous, latter overscaled heavily with black in proximal half.
Dorsal head red-brown, white dot dorsad of eye; palpi mixture of red-brown, gray, and black scales on
dorsum, white with a few black scales laterad, white ventrad; antenna black on dorsum, rarely with a few
white scales at base of club, sides whitish, vaguely darker at segments, venter white with vague red-brown at
segments, venter of club yellow-orange, nudum pale red-brown, distal segment dark red-brown or brown, 10
(n=9) or 11 (n=2) segments; thorax red-brown and abdomen dark gray-brown with ochreous setiform scales
cephalad on dorsum, ventral thorax whitish with red-brown tinge, pectus whitish, legs ochreous; ventral
abdomen whitish mixed with pale red-brown scales.
Zootaxa 2197 © 2009 Magnolia Press · 13
FIGURE 4. Adults of Stinga kendamulaza from southern Mexico: a), b), allotype female; c), d), paratype female; e), f),
holotype male; g), h), i), j), k), l), paratype males from MEXICO: TLAXCALA: Mpio. Tlaxco: hilltop, ca. 2800m,
WSW of Tecomalucan, W of Atotonilco, 20-III-2000, Andrew D. Warren.
Genitalia (Fig. 5d) - uncus thin in lateral view, narrowing to slightly hooked caudal end, broad in dorsal
view, narrowing and dividing into thin parallel and closely spaced arms; gnathos broad cephalad in lateral
view, narrowing caudad where slightly curved upward and approximating caudal end of uncus, about width of
uncus in ventral view, divided with thin arms converging caudad; tegumen narrow in lateral view, sides
parallel in dorsal view, cephalic end notched centrally and flaring to its ventral arms that twist and combine
with dorsal arm of saccus, the combined structure prominently curved (lateral view) and bowing outward (in
cephalic view); anterior arm of saccus short, slightly curved upward (lateral view), moderately broad in
ventral view and narrowing to blunt cephalic end; valva moderately broad, broadest cephalad, harpe blunt
with rounded dorsal lobe, costa-ampulla variably undulate on dorsal edge, ampulla lobed caudad slightly
overlapping outer edge of dorsal lobe of harpe, these lobes of about same height, sacculus broad; aedeagus
stout, slightly (1.2–1.3 times) longer than valva, ventral edge of caudal end exceeding dorsal edge, tapering to
point, right side with lobate titillator extending laterad and caudad, titillator on left side bar-like, expanding
WARREN & AUSTIN14 · Zootaxa 2197 © 2009 Magnolia Press
slightly and toothed caudad, bent cephalad into aedeagus when not extruded, extending caudad when
extruded; vesica with two thorn-like cornuti and elongate densely spinate scouring pad-like cornutus; juxta
more or less triangular in caudal view.
Female (Figs. 4a–d) - mean forewing length = 14.0 mm (13.4–15.1, n=6, from type series); forewing apex
pointed, termen convex; hindwing termen convex, then slightly concave before weakly developed tornal lobe;
dorsum tawny-orange marked with black; forewing tawny most intense proximad of mid-wing extending
cephalad through discal cell nearly to costa; costa thinly black, this broadening distad; apex and outer margin
black to tornus; pale yellow-tawny subquadrate subapical macules in R
, R
, and R
, narrowly
outlined with dark tawny-orange; tawny bar-like submarginal macules outlined with dark tawny-orange in
and M
, offset distad from subapical macules by about twice their width and by about their width
from tawny-orange postmedial macules, that in M
quadrate near base of cell, in CuA
with distal
edge concave and proximal edge convex, and in CuA
-2A subquadrate, all three with cephalic and caudal
edges extending along veins into dark margin; scattered black scales within tawny on basal 1/8 to 1/4 of wing
and in entire anal cell; black macules dividing base of wing from postmedial macules (in position of male’s
stigma) variable but as broad as or broader than postmedial macules; fringe entirely gray except caudad of
where pale gray distad. Hindwing tawny-orange broadly in postmedian from Rs to 2A, orange
extending proximad along vein 2A 1/3 to 1/2 distance to its origin, marginal area black, more or less as
chevrons in each cell with orange extending from postmedian along veins distad but not reaching termen;
remainder of wing heavily overscaled with black, sparsest in discal cell and in postmedian of Rs-M
sometimes Sc+R
-Rs vaguely extending the postmedial band cephalad; distal edge of darkened basal area
conspicuously squared; fringe gray proximad, pale gray distad except pale orange caudad of vein CuA
Ventral forewing largely deep tawny-orange, paler ventrad of dorsal macules in M
and CuA
-2A; subapical and submarginal macules repeated from dorsum, pale ochreous; costa thinly brown
expanding distad to brown subapical patch enclosing subapical and submarginal macules and continued along
outer margin almost to vein CuA
; distal portion of apical brown area overscaled with pale ochreous giving an
olive aspect, densest proximad of black terminal line; base of wing largely black extending furthest distad in
-2A. Ventral hindwing largely brown cephalad of middle of CuA
-2A, overscaled heavily with pale
ochreous appearing olive or olivaceous orange, this densest in marginal area, least dense adjacent to
postmedial series of shining white connected macules extending from Sc+R
to mid-cell CuA
-2A; macule in
-Rs subquadrate, sometimes with distal edge concave and proximal edge convex, proximal edge at
about mid-cell, completely overlapping macule near base of Rs-M
, junction extended both distad and
proximad as white on vein Rs, macule narrowing caudad on occasion and somewhat comma-shaped,
decreasing in width to almost a point at vein M
, connected with proximal corner of macule in mid-cell M
, that macule irregularly-shaped, produced distad in its middle, connected with distal edge of macule in
mid-cell M
, this aligned or forming slightly curved series with macules of similar width in CuA
and anterior portion of CuA
-2A, latter extended as thin line distad and proximad from its caudal edge; small
and irregular whitish macule at base of discal cell; posterior portion of CuA
-2A and entire 2A-3A, and anal
cell tawny-orange, latter often overscaled heavily with black in proximal half.
Dorsal head red-brown, white dot dorsad of eye; palpi mixture of red-brown, gray, and black scales on
dorsum, white with a few black scales laterad, white ventrad; antenna black on dorsum, rarely with a few
white scales at base of club, sides whitish, vaguely darker at segments, venter white with vague red-brown at
segments, venter of club yellow-orange, nudum pale red-brown, distal segment dark red-brown or brown, 10
(n=2) segments; thorax red-brown and abdomen dark gray-brown with ochreous setiform scales cephalad on
dorsum, ventral thorax whitish with red-brown tinge, pectus whitish, legs ochreous; ventral abdomen whitish.
Genitalia (Fig. 6d) - lamella postvaginalis largely membranous laterad, caudal edge with broad heavily
sclerotized and somewhat lunate central area (caudal margin shallowly excavate) possessing dense elongate
setae, variably sclerotized and prominently arched cephalad of this towards ostium bursae; eighth tergite with
Zootaxa 2197 © 2009 Magnolia Press · 15
sharply pointed anterior apophysis branched to prominent lobe curving ventrad on either side of caudal
portion of antrum; antrum broad, membranous, weakly folded longitudinally, with variably developed ventro-
cephalic ‘dewlap’, remainder of ductus bursae becoming broader and curving dorsad and cephalad,
moderately sclerotized with prominent longitudinal and transverse grooves; ductus bursae conjoined ventro-
caudally with membranous and globular corpus bursae, about as long as wide.
FIGURE 5. Male genitalia of Stinga species, showing the uncus, gnathos and tegumen in dorsal view, uncus and gnathos
in ventral view, ventral view of the saccus, left lateral view of uncus, gnathos, tegumen and saccus, left lateral view of
right valva, left lateral view of aedeagus, and ventral view of aedeagus (also including right lateral view of aedeagus in
a). a), Stinga morrisoni, with vesica partly everted, from USA: COLORADO: Jefferson Co.: 0.5 mi. E of Tinytown, 27-
V-1991, Andrew D. Warren, ADW genitalia vial #00-112; b), Stinga morrisoni, with vesica fully everted, from USA:
TEXAS: Jeff Davis Co.: Mt. Locke, 26-IV-1981 ADW #08-30; c), Stinga morrisoni, without vesica everted, from
MEXICO: MEXICO STATE: Mpio. Amecameca: S slope Iztaccíhuatl: grassy slopes above Paso de Cortés, 3400–
3900m, 18-III-2000, Andrew D. Warren; d), Stinga kendamulaza, paratype with vesica fully everted, from MEXICO:
TLAXCALA: Mpio. Tlaxco: hilltop, ca. 2800m, WSW of Tecomalucan, W of Atotonilco, 20-III-2000, Andrew D.
WARREN & AUSTIN16 · Zootaxa 2197 © 2009 Magnolia Press
FIGURE 6. Female genitalia of Stinga species, showing the eighth abdominal tergite, lamella postvaginalis, antrum,
ductus bursae and corpus bursae in ventral and left lateral views. a), Stinga morrisoni, from USA: COLORADO: El Paso
Co.: Rock Creek, 8200’, 20-VI-1933, SRS #3205; b), Stinga morrisoni, from USA: TEXAS: Jeff Davis Co.: Hwy. 118,
vic. McDonald Observatory, 24-III-1998, Andrew D. Warren, GTA vial #14073; c), Stinga morrisoni, from MEXICO:
MEXICO STATE: Mpio. Amecameca: S slope Iztaccíhuatl: grassy slopes above Paso de Cortés, 3400–3900m, 18-III-
2000, Andrew D. Warren; d), Stinga kendamulaza paratype from MEXICO: TLAXCALA: Mpio. Tlaxco: hilltop, ca.
2800m, WSW of Tecomalucan, W of Atotonilco, 20-III-2000, Andrew D. Warren.
Types. Holotype male - MEXICO: TLAXCALA: Mpio. Tlaxco: hilltop, ca. 2800m, WSW of
Tecomalucan, W of Atotonilco, 20-III-2000, Andrew D. Warren, to which is attached a red, printed label - /
HOLOTYPE / Stinga kendamulaza / A. Warren & Austin /. Allotype female - same locality, date, and
collector as holotype. Paratypes: same locality and date as holotype, collected by Andrew D. Warren, Jose
Luis Salinas-Gutierrez, Olivia Yañez Ordoñez, Marysol Trujano Ortega and Ismael Alejandro Inojosa-Díaz
(46 males, 6 females); MEXICO: TLAXCALA: Mpio. Tlaxco: Hwy. 119, ca. 5 km N Tlaxco, near state line,
31-III-1977, R. O. & C. A. Kendall (1 male); MEXICO: TLAXCALA: Mpio. Tlaxco: 5-8 km N Tlaxco
(Hwy. 119, km. 30), forest and hilltop, ca. 3100’, 19-III-2000, A. D. Warren (1 male); MEXICO:
TLAXCALA: Mpio. Tlaxco: hill SE side Xalostoc, 2800m, 20-II-2009, Andrew D. Warren (15 males, 1
female); same locality, 1-III-2009, Andrew D. Warren (17 males, 3 females); MEXICO: PUEBLA:
Zootaxa 2197 © 2009 Magnolia Press · 17
Xalapazco [Xalapaxco], 9-III-1977, Roberto G. de la Maza Elvira (5 males, 2 females); MEXICO:
OAXACA: Sierra Madre del Sur: Rte. 175, Zapotitlán, 2800m, 26-III-1986, Doug Mullins (1 male). The
holotype, allotype, and various paratypes are deposited in the Museo de Zoología “Alfonso L. Herrera”,
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City. Additional paratypes are
distributed among the MAZA, MGCL, TAMU, and other collections.
Type locality. MEXICO: TLAXCALA: Mpio. Tlaxco: hilltop, ca. 2800m, WSW of Tecomalucan, W of
Atotonilco. The hill where much of the type series was collected is located just WSW of Tecomalucan and W
of Atotonilco, and is surrounded by agricultural fields (mostly corn), which extended only onto the lower
slopes of the hill in 2000. Native vegetation remained only on the top third of this hill in 2000, at about
2800m, including various Quercus (Fagaceae) and several species of grasses. By 2009, the corn fields had
expanded to occupy most of the top of the hill, further reducing areas of native vegetation. While S.
kendamulaza was not found at the type locality in 2009, it was found on a similar hill at the southeast side of
the town of Xalostoc, just a few kilometers to the west, indicating that the species is probably widespread in
the Municipality of Tlaxco.
Etymology. The name for this species is a combination of the names of Roy Kendall, Doug Mullins, and
Roberto G. de la Maza Elvira, who independently discovered this species and made their specimens available
for study.
Distribution and phenology. Stinga kendamulaza appears to be endemic to seasonally dry regions of
southern Mexico, at least from northern Tlaxcala and western Puebla, to the south end of the Oaxaca Valley,
where it meets the Sierra Madre del Sur. Much of the region between northern Tlaxcala-western Puebla, and
the Valley of Oaxaca comprises the Cuicatlan-Teotihuacan Biosphere Preserve, and remains poorly surveyed
for spring-flying butterflies. Thus, the actual range of S. kendamulaza in southern Mexico remains to be
elucidated. As with Stinga morrisoni, S. kendamulaza appears to be univoltine in spring; the entire type series
was collected between February 20 and March 31. All known localities for S. kendamulaza are situated
between about 2800 and 3100m elevation, in partly forested (Quercus-Juniperus or Quercus-Pinus) habitats
with numerous grassy openings.
Stinga kendamulaza and S. morrisoni occur in exact sympatry and synchrony at least in northern Tlaxcala.
On 19 March 2000, the senior author found one male of S. kendamulaza flying on a hilltop at 3100m (ca. 5-8
km N Tlaxco, W of Hwy. 119, km. 30), where three males of S. morrisoni were also encountered; in flight the
two species were not separable. In this region, S. morrisoni can be abundant at higher elevations (e.g.,
Iztaccihuatl, 3400–3900m, México State, Del. Milpa Alta, Distrito Federal), but was not found at 2800m,
below the local pine forests, at the type locality of S. kendamulaza.
Behavior and ecology. Males of S. kendamulaza vigorously defend perches on hilltops, which may
include tips of vegetation or bare ground (including rocks) on these hilltops, at least from 10:30 to 15:30 hrs.
Males also guard grassy openings on hillsides and ridgelines, below hilltops. Adults of both sexes were
observed to visit flowers of a pink Salvia L. (Lamiaceae) at the type locality in 2000, and females were
encountered only at those flowers. Adults of S. kendamulaza at the type locality were flying with other
hesperiines, including Paratrytone pilza Evans, 1955, which were about twice as abundant as Stinga, and the
scarcer Atalopedes campestris huron (W. H. Edwards, 1863). One or more of the several grasses (Poaceae)
present at sites with S. kendamulaza are the suspected larval foodplants, but no oviposition events have yet
been witnessed and immature stages remain unknown.
Diagnosis. Stinga kendamulaza is immediately distinguished from S. morrisoni by its ventral hindwing
where the pale markings consist of a narrow white line strongly produced distad in its middle. These markings
on S. morrisoni appear as a more curvate series of offset macules. Additionally, the white in the discal cell of
the ventral hindwing is represented by an indistinct whitish macule proximad in strong contrast with the broad
and prominent white bar extending the full length of the discal cell on all S. morrisoni. Stinga kendamulaza
also notably differs from S. morrisoni by having the distal margin of the basal black area on dorsal hindwing
wedge-shaped (irregularly shaped on S. morrisoni), having the subapical macules of the forewing broadly
offset proximad from the submarginal macules (conjoined or at most narrowly separated on S. morrisoni), and
WARREN & AUSTIN18 · Zootaxa 2197 © 2009 Magnolia Press
the orange of the postmedian on the hindwing blends into the marginal area (more sharply defined on S.
Male genitalia of S. kendamulaza differ from those of S. morrisoni by the dorsal lobes of the ampulla and
harpe extending about the same distance dorsad (lobe of harpe shorter on S. morrisoni) and the expanding
lobate form of the right titillator (scroll-like on S. morrisoni). Female genitalia differ most prominently in the
breadth of the caudal sclerotized and heavily setose portion of the lamella postvaginalis; this area is broad on
S. kendamulaza (about 3/4 width of caudal edge on S. kendamulaza vs. 2/3 or less on S. morrisoni).
It is of interest that the phenotype of S. morrisoni sympatric with S. kendamulaza is the darkest and among
the smallest of the species. Stinga morrisoni from lower elevations in Mexico and those from the United
States are more broadly orange and in this regard more similar to S. kendamulaza. Further, S. morrisoni from
its lowest known elevational range in western Texas has little black associated with the stigma resembling this
trait on S. kendamulaza.
Since its description, Stinga has been considered monotypic and its geographical variation has not been
recognized or described. The discovery of a phenotype occurring in southern Mexico that is strikingly
different from that traditionally associated with S. morrisoni prompted examination of examples of the genus
from across its distribution. This investigation revealed considerable superficial (including size), but not
genital, variation within S. morrisoni apparently related largely to geography and elevation. However, at this
time, our knowledge of patterns of geographical variation in S. morrisoni remains preliminary, as there are
vast parts of northern and central Mexico from which records of Stinga are lacking.
The distinctive southern Mexican phenotype, S. kendamulaza, differs not only superficially, but also in its
genital morphology, from S. morrisoni. With the discovery of S. kendamulaza, Stinga becomes yet another
hesperiid genus, joining such genera as Cephise Evans, 1952, and Venada Evans, 1952, that has abandoned its
monotypic status as faunas and their component species become better known (Burns 1996, Austin and
Mielke 2000, Burns and Janzen 2005).
The senior author thanks Armando Luis- and Jorge Llorente-Bousquets (MZFC) for collecting
permits and access to specimens in the MZFC under their care; Isabel Vargas-
for countless favors,
Jose Luis Salinas-Gutierrez, Olivia Yañez Ordoñez, Marysol Trujano Ortega, Ismael Alejandro Inojosa-Díaz,
John Kemner (in collaboration with MZFC), Ray Stanford, Tom W. Ortenburger, Kimiaki Todaka Loeza,
Omar Romero Guzman, Eliseo Reyes Bautista, Jean Cristian Blancas Hernández and Sally J. Warren for their
help in the field on expeditions when Stinga were collected. Thanks to Claudia Hernández-Mejía, Marysol
Trujano Ortega, the “Inventario y Monitoreo de los Ecosistemas Forestales en el suelo de Conservación del
Distrito Federal” and the “Asociación Estatal de Silvicultores del Distrito Federal, A.C.” for sharing
information on Stinga morrisoni in Distrito Federal. We thank María Eugenia Díaz Batres (MHNCM), Hugh
Avery Freeman (deceased), Adolfo Ibarra (IBUNAM), Roy Kendall (deceased), Roberto and Javier de la
Maza (MAZA), Tom Emmel and Jackie Miller (MGCL), Paul Opler (CSU), Ed Riley (TAMU), Richard S.
Peigler (San Antonio, TX), Ray Stanford (Medford, OR), Stephen R. Steinhauser (deceased), and Michael
Wall (SDNHM) for information, access to specimens and/or the loan of material under their care. Thanks also
to Bart Brinkmann (Northglenn, CO) for donating specimens of S. morrisoni to the senior author. We thank
Thomas C. Emmel and Jacqueline Y. Miller for providing an atmosphere that promotes and facilitates
research at the McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity. Special thanks to Mike Stangeland and Kim
Davis for expert photography and for assembling plates of adults. We thank Mike Toliver and three
Zootaxa 2197 © 2009 Magnolia Press · 19
anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on this paper. Support to ADW was provided by DGAPA-UNAM
(Mexico City) during the final stages of this study.
Literature cited
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Society, 50, 173–216.
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species occur on one volcano in the Area de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Journal of the Lepidopterists’
Society, 59, 19–34.
Evans, W.H. (1955) A Catalogue of the American Hesperiidae in the British Museum. Part IV. Hesperiinae and
Megathyminae. British Museum (Natural History), London, 499 pp.
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Garden City, NY, 424 pp.
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Luna-Reyes, M. (2007) Distribución y estacionalidad de las mariposas de la Sierra Nevada, México (Lepidoptera:
In: Luna, I., J. J. Morrone & D. Espinosa (Eds.). Biodiversidad de la Faja Volcánica Transmexicana.
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, pp. 371–405.
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Scott, J.A. (1986) The Butterflies of North America, a Natural History and Field Guide. Stanford University Press,
Stanford, CA, 583 pp.
Scott, J.A. (1992) Hostplant records for butterflies and skippers (mostly from Colorado) 1959–1991, with new life
histories and notes on oviposition, immatures, and ecology. Papilio (new series), 6, 1–171.
Scott, J.A. (2006) Butterfly hostplant records, 1992–2005, with a treatise on the evolution of Erynnis, and a note on new
terminology for mate-locating behavior. Papilio (new series), 14, 1–74.
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Volumen II.
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Full-text available
We list and illustrate Papilionoidea (s. l.) type specimens deposited in the Museo de Zoología “Alfonso L. Herrera” of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. The 36 type specimens belong to 29 genera, 14 subfamilies, and five families. We note locality data for each type, and illustrate 23 holotypes, 8 allotypes and 13 paratypes. The names were published between 1984 and 2013.
Full-text available
Between 1995 and 2004, as part of an ongoing macrolepidopteran inventory of the Area de Conservación Guanacaste (ACG), Costa Rica, 327 adults of the hesperiid genus Venada were reared from 636 wild-caught caterpillars and pupae. Although Venada was thought to be monotypic over its wide range (Mexico to Bolivia), there are four new species on Volcán Cacao in the ACG: Venada nevada, V. daneva, V. cacao, and V. naranja - all described by Burns, using characters of adult facies, male and female genitalia, caterpillar color pattern, and ecologic distribution. These skippers inhabit both rain and cloud forest, but not dry forest. The caterpillars feed on mature leaves of saplings in five genera of Lauraceae: Beilschmiedia, Licaria, Nectandra, Ocotea, and Persea. Caterpillars of Ridens also eat plants in the family Lauraceae, and Ridens and Venada may be closely related.
Full-text available
We present a brief history of the scientific study of butterflies in Mexico, which began in the 18th century, and provide an overview of the holdings of Mexican butterfly specimens in institutional collections worldwide. The current status of a massive database on Mexican butterflies, at present containing over 450,000 distributional records, is detailed. Around 1800 species of butterflies have been reported from Mexico, which equals roughly 10% of the world butterfly fauna, placing Mexico among the ten most butterfly-rich countries in the world. About 14.8% of Mexico's butterfly species are endemic, and six genera appear to be endemic to Mexico. For the first time, we present a list of all endemic Mexican butterfly taxa: 88 species and 150 additional subspecies of Papilionoidea, and 171 species and 14 additional subspecies of Hesperiidae. Patterns of species richness and endemism are not alike; the richest areas are in the southeastern part of Mexico, mostly in the tropical evergreen forests, whereas endemism is greater in the arid north, and the humid montane forest in the central and southern parts of the country. The twenty richest sites for butterfly diversity in Mexico are identified, and comparisons are made between these sites and regions.
Full-text available
The species of Cephise Evans, 1953 are divided in two groups: "cephise" group (hind wing without long tails) and "procerus" group (hind wing with long tails). In the "cephise" group the following species are included: Cephise cephise (Herrich-Schäffer, 1869) with his synonyms Thymele hydarnes Mabille, syn.n., Eudamus zopyrus Plötz, 1881, Telennades injuncta Plötz, 1882, nom. nud., Eudamus maneros Mabille, 1883, syn.n., Nascus orima Schaus, 1902, syn.n., Nascus orita Schaus, 1902; Cephise impunctus sp.n. from Rondônia, Brazil; Cephise glarus (Mabille, 1888), sp. reval.; Cephise nuspesez Burns, 1996; Cephise malesedis sp.n. from Rondônia, Brazil; Cephise maculatus sp.n. from Rondônia, Brazil; Cephise burnsi sp.n. from Espírito Santo, Brazil; Cephise mexicanus sp.n. from Oaxaca and San Luis Potosi, Mexico. In the "procerus" group are included: Cephise procerus (Plötz, 1880); Cephise aelius (Plötz, 1880) sp. reval.. comb.n.. with its synonyms Eudamus auginulus Godman & Salvin, 1893, syn.n. and Eudamus callicina Schaus, 1902, syn.n.; Cephise callias (Mabille, 1888); and Cephise guatemalaensis (Freeman, 1977). Lectotypes are designated for Eudamus cephise Herrich-Schäffer, 1869, Thymele hydarnes Mabille, 1877, Telegonus glarus Mabille, 1988, Eudamus callias Mabille, 1888, Goniurus procerus Plötz, 1888, and Goniurus aelius Plötz, 1880. Neotypes are designated for Eudamus zopyrus Plötz, 1881, and Thymele maneros Mabille, 1883. A pseudotype of Thymele hydarnes is identified, this is actually a female of Cephise impunctus sp.n. Six species of Cephise occur sympatrically in Rondônia, Brazil.
Many features of genitalic morphology show that Evans's monotypic, neotropical genus Cephise contains not only additional tailless species but also several species with long hindwing tails currently misplaced in the unrelated genus Polythrix: Cephise auginulus (Godman & Salvin), new combination, Cephise callias (Mabille), new combination, and Cephise guatemalaensis (Freeman), new combination. (Even with their removal, Polythrix is still polyphyletic.) There are major problems with the names of various tailed and tailless species of Cephise. All species of Cephise express a remarkable charac ter state of the palpus (males more fully than females) in which scales at the distal end of the first segment turn sharply outward across the ventral edge of the eye. In Guanacaste, Costa Rica, larvae of both a tailless species (Cephise nuspesez, new species) and a tailed species (C. auginulus) eat the same plants: 4 species in the Malpighiaceae and 1 in the Combretaceae. Both tailed and tailless species are widespread, collectively ranging from San Luis Potosí, Mexico, to Bolivia, Paraguay, northern Argentina, and Brazil. Again, features of genitalic morphology serve in extracting species from disparate genera (Thorybes, Cogia) (and from synonymy) and uniting them with Codatractus cyda (Godman) in a compact species group. Like cyda, the added species - Codatractus mysie (Dyar), new combination, and Codatractus uvydixa (Dyar), new combination - are tailless; but some species of Codatractus are prominently tailed. The three species of the cyda group closely replace one another geographically, from southeastern Arizona to northwestern Honduras; their distribution strongly reflects allopatric speciation and reinforces their taxonomic union. In superficial appearance, the geographically intermediate (strictly Mexican) species, uvydixa, resembles the southeastern cyda in Chiapas, Puebla, and Guerrero, but the northwestern mysie in Colima, Jalisco, and Sinaloa. Although all three species are genitalically extremely close, they differ markedly in size (mysie, smallest; uvydixa, largest); and mysie differs completely from uvydixa and cyda in the number ot segments in the nudum of the antenna - an unusual evolutionary development for closely related species. Removed from Codatractus on morphologic (and also behavioral) grounds, hyster (Dyar) is temporarily a species incertae sedis.
Hostplant records for butterflies and skippers (mostly from Colorado) 1959-1991, with new life histories and notes on oviposition, immatures, and ecology. Papilio (new series
  • J A Scott
Scott, J.A. (1992) Hostplant records for butterflies and skippers (mostly from Colorado) 1959-1991, with new life histories and notes on oviposition, immatures, and ecology. Papilio (new series), 6, 1-171.
Butterflies of North America
  • J P Brock
  • K Kaufman
Brock, J.P. & Kaufman, K. (2003) Butterflies of North America. Houghton Mifflin, New York, 384 pp.
Cyn., 7000', 20-III-1971 male, 1 female: CSU)
  • San Mateo Mts
  • Rock Spr
San Mateo Mts., Rock Spr. Cyn., 7000', 20-III-1971, R. W. Holland (1 male, 1 female: CSU);
males, 1 female: CSU)
  • Magdalena Mts
Magdalena Mts., Ryan Mill Cyn., 6000', 10-V-1970, R. W. Holland (5 males, 1 female: CSU);