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Species, live status, and diameter are important tree features for diversity and abundance of tree microhabitats in subnatural montane beech–fir forests1


Abstract and Figures

Because quantitative data on the distribution of whole microhabitat sets are still lacking to indirectly assess taxonomic biodiversity in forests, we studied the distribution of seven key microhabitat types in 10 montane European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) – silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) forests (Pyrénées, France) that had not been harvested for several decades. We examined 2105 live trees and 526 snags. Frequencies of cavities and dendrothelms were significantly higher on live beech than on fir. Sap runs were strictly found on live fir. Frequencies of cracks and saproxylic fungi were significantly higher on snags than on live trees. Seventy percent of live beeches but only 18% of firs carried one or more microhabitats. For both beech and fir and for each microhabitat type, we found, using the recursive partitioning method, one to three diameter thresholds that each corresponded to a significant change in the probability of microhabitat presence. When considering the whole microhabitat set, the most significant diameter thresholds were 42, 60, 73, and 89 cm for beech and 99 cm for fir. We suggest that forest managers conserve (i) mixed stands and (ii) beech with a diameter at breast height >90 cm and fir >100 cm. These rules should be adapted for each forest ecosystem.
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Species, live status, and diameter are important
tree features for diversity and abundance of tree
microhabitats in subnatural montane beechfir
Laurent Larrieu and Alain Cabanettes
Abstract: Because quantitative data on the distribution of whole microhabitat sets are still lacking to indirectly assess taxo-
nomic biodiversity in forests, we studied the distribution of seven key microhabitat types in 10 montane European beech
(Fagus sylvatica L.) silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) forests (Pyrénées, France) that had not been harvested for several decades.
We examined 2105 live trees and 526 snags. Frequencies of cavities and dendrothelms were significantly higher on live
beech than on fir. Sap runs were strictly found on live fir. Frequencies of cracks and saproxylic fungi were significantly
higher on snags than on live trees. Seventy percent of live beeches but only 18% of firs carried one or more microhabitats.
For both beech and fir and for each microhabitat type, we found, using the recursive partitioning method, one to three diam-
eter thresholds that each corresponded to a significant change in the probability of microhabitat presence. When considering
the whole microhabitat set, the most significant diameter thresholds were 42, 60, 73, and 89 cm for beech and 99 cm for
fir. We suggest that forest managers conserve (i) mixed stands and (ii) beech with a diameter at breast height >90 cm and
fir >100 cm. These rules should be adapted for each forest ecosystem.
Résumé : Étant donné quil ny a pas encore de données quantitatives sur la distribution densembles complets de microha-
bitats qui permettraient dobtenir une évaluation indirecte de la biodiversité dans les forêts, nous avons étudié la distribution
de sept types clés de microhabitats dans 10 forêts montagnardes (Pyrénées, France) de hêtre (Fagus sylvatica L.) et de sapin
(Abies alba Mill.) qui nont pas été récoltées depuis plusieurs décennies. Nous avons examiné 2105 arbres vivants et 526
chicots. La fréquence des cavités et des dendrotelmes était significativement plus élevée sur les tiges vivantes de hêtre que
sur le sapin. Des écoulements de sève ont été observés uniquement sur les tiges vivantes de sapin. La fréquence des fentes
et des champignons saproxyliques était significativement plus élevée sur les chicots que sur les arbres vivants. Il y avait au
moins un microhabitat sur 70% des hêtres mais sur seulement 18% des sapins. Tant sur le hêtre que sur le sapin et pour
chaque type de microhabitat, nous avons trouvé, à laide dune méthode de partitionnement récursif, entre un et trois diamè-
tres seuils. Chaque diamètre seuil correspondait à un changement significatif dans la probabilité de la présence dun micro-
habitat. Lorsquon tient compte de lensemble complet des microhabitats, les diamètres seuils les plus importants sont 42,
60, 73 et 89 cm chez le hêtre et 99 cm chez le sapin. Nous suggérons que les gestionnaires forestiers conservent (i) des peu-
plements mixtes ainsi que (ii) les hêtres et les sapins dont le diamètre à hauteur de poitrine est respectivement plus grand
que 90 et 100 cm. Ces règles devraient être adaptées pour chaque écosystème forestier.
[Traduit par la Rédaction]
Using only a few species to assess taxonomic biodiversity
in forest ecosystems is not satisfactory and it is rather pref-
erable to use whole taxonomic groups (Lindenmayer and
Franklin 2002). Further, direct bioindicator records are very
expensive and require taxonomic specialists (Puumalainen et
al. 2003). Most importantly, the relationships between indica-
tor taxa and total biodiversity are not yet well established
(Lindenmayer et al. 2000; McElhinny et al. 2005). Therefore,
forest managers need alternative approaches to assess biodi-
versity in forests. Lindenmayer et al. (2000) suggested using
structure-based variables as indirect biodiversity indicators.
Indicators based on key structural factors have been shown
to be a practical and efficient way to ensure that taxonomic
biodiversity is taken into account in current forest manage-
ment (Larsson 2001). Similarly, Tews et al. (2004) proposed
using crucial keystone structures, such as dead wood, for
biodiversity management. Lindenmayer et al. (2006) pub-
Received 8 September 2011. Accepted 4 May 2012. Published at on xx July 2012.
L. Larrieu. INRA, INPT/ENSAT/EIPURPAN, UMR 1201 Dynafor, F-31326 Castanet-Tolosan, France; Centre Régional de la Propriété
Forestière de Midi-Pyrénées, 7 chemin de la Lacade, F-31320 Auzeville Tolosane, France.
A. Cabanettes. INRA, INPT/ENSAT/EIPURPAN, UMR 1201 Dynafor, F-31326 Castanet-Tolosan, France.
Corresponding author: Alain Cabanettes (e-mail:
1This article is one of a selection of papers from the International Symposium on Dynamics and Ecological Services of Deadwood in
Forest Ecosystems.
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lished a checklist of strategies to guide forest biodiversity
conservation that encompasses the maintenance of key ele-
ments of stand structural complexity.
Tree microhabitats (such as cavities or cracks) are key
components of forest stands (Michel and Winter 2009) be-
cause they host a wide taxonomic biodiversity (Speight
1989). So, they are relevant and practical proxies to assess
taxonomic biodiversity at the stand scale (Winter and Möller
2008). Several authors have demonstrated the important role
of very large trees (Ranius and Jansson 2000; Grove 2002;
Branquart et al. 2005; Bauhus et al. 2009), tree species (Gos-
selin and Larroussinie 2004), and snags (Jonsell and Weslien
2003) on taxonomic biodiversity. However, in most types of
forest, few data are available regarding the distribution of tree
microhabitats in natural stands and the links between tree
species, diameter, status (live tree or snag), and microhabitat
To improve our knowledge of the distribution of tree mi-
crohabitats in natural forests, and particularly to better under-
stand the role of tree species and tree diameter on
microhabitat occurrence, we observed tree microhabitats in
montane European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) silver fir
(Abies alba Mill.) forests that had not been logged for at least
60 years. Beechfir forest is a common forest community,
present in most of the European mountain ranges, and has a
great economic and ecological importance. It is also a mixed
forest where biocenoses partially differ between broadleaved
trees and conifers (Nascimbene et al. 2009).
We chose a set of seven microhabitat types that seem to be
very important for taxonomic diversity in forests because the
associated taxonomic groups are numerous and varied or
very specific: empty cavities, cavities with mould, sporo-
phores of saproxylic fungi, dendrothelms (water-filled holes
in the wood), sap runs, missing bark, and cracks. Empty cav-
ities are used for protection against bad weather conditions or
predators by more than 25% of vertebrate species in north-
eastern North American forests (DeGraaf and Shigo 1985).
Moreover, in France, 41% of forest birds are cavity-dwelling
species (Blondel 2005). Cavities with mould are inhabited by
arthropods (Ranius 2002) and create favorable conditions for
epiphyte species of conservation concern (Fritz and Heil-
mann-Clausen 2010). Sporophores of saproxylic fungi sup-
port a varied insect fauna (Dajoz 2007), especially when
they are tough (polypores s.l.) or pulpy (e.g., oyster fungi).
Some parasitic fungi also use saproxylic fungi as a resource
(Lisiewska 1992). Dendrothelm-dwelling species are not nu-
merous (Dajoz 2007) but very specialized (Kitching 1971).
Sap runs host syrphid larvae (Speight et al. 2010) and are
used by the adults of several Coleoptera species (Alexander
2002). Cracks are important microhabitats for spiders (Stan-
ska et al. 2010), birds (Cramp 1980), flat bugs (Heiss and
Pericart 2007), and bats (Pénicaud 2000). Cavities, cracks,
and missing bark are indicators of natural forests (Michel
and Winter 2009; Remm and Lõhmus 2011).
This paper aims at (i) evaluating the role in terms of sup-
ply of microhabitats of the tree species that compose beech
fir forests independently of their relative abundance and (ii)
identifying critical diameter thresholds for both microhabitat
abundance and diversity. Then, in the context of sustainable
management practices, we suggest some practical recommen-
dations and a management strategy to conserve microhabi-
Materials and methods
Studied forests and sampling design
The 10 studied forests (Table 1) are situated in the central
Pyrénées mountain range (Fig. 1) and have not been logged
for more than 60100 years. They are natural habitats of
beechfir forest (Bardat et al. 2004). However, stands host a
very variable proportion of fir, which is directly linked to his-
toric human intervention that favored beech at the expense of
fir (Métailié 2001). For the analysis, we pooled all of the
studied forests because local conditions of fertility were not
markedly different and we did not sample forests growing in
extreme conditions of infertility (e.g., site with PODZOSOL).
Observations were carried out in 2008 and 2009 on a sample
of 62 plots, 2105 live trees, and 526 snags (Table 1).
Although the leaf canopy may hinder observations, all of the
plots were set up in summer because these sites are covered
by snow for a large part of the year. Because of the presence
of leaves, we expected an underestimation of the number of
microhabitats on beech and on the other broadleaved species.
For the evergreen species such as fir or common yew (Taxus
baccata L.), data taken in the vegetation period or in winter
are more easily comparable.
Measurements and observation of microhabitats
Plots were circular and of variable sizes set up using the
No. 1 strip (return angle of 1/50) of a Bitterlich relascope
(Pardé and Bouchon 1988). This device uses a constant an-
gle. The measurement errors due to terrain slope are auto-
matically corrected by the relascope, which is very practical
in the mountains. The use of a relascope allows a high sam-
pling rate of large trees that are richer in microhabitats (Win-
ter and Möller 2008; Larrieu et al. 2011). Plot locations were
positioned approximately on a map before the field phase in
relation to accessibility. Then, the precise locations of plots
were established in relation to topographical constraints
(such as cliffs) and plot centres were always a minimum of
100 m apart. Trees were observed individually. We noted the
status (live tree or snag), identified the tree to species level,
and measured the diameter on the outside of the bark at
breast height (dbh) to the nearest centimetre when the diame-
ter exceeded 5 cm. We carefully examined the trunk from the
ground to the top of the tree to note microhabitats hosted on
the visible part of the trunk both beneath and within the tree
crown. We recorded a set of seven microhabitats types as fol-
lows. (i)Emptycavities with an entrance above 3 cm in
width. We did not use a device such as a camera mounted
on a telescopic pole to ensure the cavity volume. Therefore,
we pooled in this category all woodpecker breeding holes,
holes made by woodpeckers when feeding and deep enough
to host a vertebrate, deep cavities formed between roots, and
also natural cavities low enough on the tree to enable verifi-
cation that they were empty and that they were not at a stage
where mould could develop. (ii) Cavities with mould. We
pooled in this category the other natural cavities and cavities
with mould with an entrance above 3 cm in width and also
missing bark patches with an area above 100 cm2with wood
in a decay stage of more than 3 (in reference to a scale with
1434 Can. J. For. Res. Vol. 42, 2012
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Table 1. Main characteristics of the studied European beech (Fagus sylvatica)silver fir (Abies alba) forests and sampling design.
Diameter at breast height (cm)
Forest Vegetation level Dominant tree
species History Studied area
per forest (ha) No. of
No. of
No. of
snags Live
beeches Beech
snags Live
firs Fir
Plagnech de ton Lower montane Beech and fir Not logged since 1900 23 10 332 93 15.9 11.1 8.0 22.3
62.9 53.4 44.4 70.4
127.3 95.5 124.1 109.8
Reouère Lower montane Beech Old pasture woodland not
logged for more than
110 years
43 8 295 40 11.1 8.0
67.0 53.1
152.8 162.3
Auribareille Lower montane Fir Never logged 12 2 61 14 15.9 63.7 22.3 19.1
50.9 63.7 70.6 64.0
78.0 63.7 130.5 89.1
Genie loungue Lower montane Beech Not logged since 1900 16 5 122 14 21.6 11.8 47.4
54.4 25.6 47.4
114.6 33.1 47.4
Bugatet Upper montane/
subalpine Fir Not logged since 1908 18 5 185 36 7.0 22.9
49.2 68.0
111.4 140.1
Barrada Upper montane Fir Only logged once (1953)
by selective logging 13 5 221 63 11.1 11.1 19.1
20.3 58.6 61.2
25.5 171.9 125.7
Bosc nou Upper montane/
subalpine Beech and fir Never logged 13 5 178 55 29.0 9.5 21.6
36.1 57.5 59.7
42.7 114.6 101.9
Es tucoulets Upper montane Beech and fir Not logged since 1900 34 9 265 82 24.8 19.1 9.5 15.9
31.8 19.1 53.7 60.9
38.8 19.1 130.5 154.4
Es piches Upper montane Beech and fir Not logged since 1900 17 5 153 20 15.9 31.8 11.1 12.7
56.2 35.0 56.8 62.5
95.5 38.2 135.3 124.1
Ouderou Upper montane Fir Old pasture woodland not
logged for more than
100 years
25 8 293 109 14.3 12.7 10.2 13.0
36.0 28.2 65.9 65.4
78.0 60.5 135.9 133.7
Note: For diameters at breast height, the three values are successively the minimum, mean, and maximum.
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five steps: see Table S12(describes in detail wood decay
stages)). (iii) Sporophores of saproxylic fungi without taxo-
nomic identification. We noted only tough fungi (polypores
s.l.) or pulpy fungi (e.g., Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) P.
Kumm. 1871). (iv) Dendrothelms, when the entrance was
more than 3 cm in width. In the dry period, observation of
traces of water flow on the trunk allowed the diagnostic of
inaccessible dendrothelms. (v) Sap runs with a minimal
length of 10 cm. (vi) Missing bark (i.e., wood patches with
bark loss) of at least 100 cm2, with wood in a decay stage of
less than 2. (vii) Cracks in the tree trunk with a width of 1
5 cm and situated over 1 m above the ground or bark in the
process of peeling and that formed a shelter. Their impor-
tance for several species of bats (Meschede and Heller 2003)
was the justification for pooling these two microhabitats and
using these thresholds.
On each tree, we counted every microhabitat type as often
as it appeared, except in the case of fungi, which were only
noted as presenceabsence.
Beech (658 live trees observed) and fir (1310 live trees ob-
served) were the main tree species but we also observed 137
live trees of more than 10 secondary species (European
mountain-ash (Sorbus aucuparia L.), European white birch
(Betula pendula Roth), downy birch (Betula pubescens
Ehrh.), European ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.), sweet cherry
(Prunus avium (L.) L.), field maple (Acer campestre L.),
Norway ample (Acer platanoides L.), common yew, largeleaf
linden (Tilia platyphyllos Scop.), and Salix spp.). Secondary
species were pooled in the analysis because of their low
number. Stand maturity allowed us to explore a large diame-
ter gradient: 6172 cm for fir, 11153 cm for beech, and 5
95 cm for other species.
Calculations and statistical procedures
The theoretical tree frequency per hectare was calculated
by allocating the coefficient N, related to its diameter (D), to
every tree observed in the relascope sampling (Pardé and
Bouchon 1988):
ND ¼p108½arctanð1=50Þ=pD2
where arctanis the trigonometrical arctangentfunction.
All statistical calculations were done using R software (R
development Core Team 2007).
Basic data were measured and analyzed at the level of the
individual tree: tree species, tree diameter, type, and number
of microhabitats. However, the effect of tree species was
tested using the average data per plot and per species. The
role of the tree species in the supply of microhabitats was
evaluated independently of their relative abundance.
Comparisons of frequencies, per species, of the trees that
bear microhabitats and of frequencies of microhabitat co-oc-
currences per species were carried out using the c2test (Sne-
decor and Cochran 1971).
The hypothesis of independence between the three species
categories (i.e., beech, fir, and the third that pooled all secon-
Fig. 1. The 10 studied forests are situated on the northern slopes of the Pyrénées mountain range (the southwest of France).
2Supplementary data are available with this article through the journal Web site at
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dary species) and the response variable (frequency of one or
all microhabitats or frequency of microhabitat type) was as-
sessed using multiple testing of resampled data (Hothorn et
al. 2006). The response variable was analyzed as a rank vari-
able. The pvalue obtained by this procedure was adjusted for
multiple comparisons using a step-down max-T approach. In
addition, for each response variable, a post hoc test (Tukey
all-pair comparisons) was applied to assess the differences
between each pair of categories. The corresponding pvalues
were adjusted for all comparisons performed here. This anal-
ysis procedure is based on implementation of the above pro-
cedures in the add-on package coin(Hothorn and Hornik
The relation between microhabitat frequency and tree di-
ameter was analyzed using tree-based regression and classifi-
cation models. We tested the hypothesis that there is a
threshold-based relation between the number of microhabitats
and dbh because we found this kind of relation in a previous
analysis of comparable data (Larrieu et al. 2011). These
threshold values were calculated by recursive partitioning
(Hothorn and Zeileis 2008). This approach allows simultane-
ous identification of a threshold and assessment of its signifi-
cance by means of a statistical test procedure. The thresholds
are derived from estimates of break points by means of max-
imally selected two-sample statistics. Their validity is judged
by multiple test procedures. Once the data set is divided into
Table 2. Tree species (European beech (Fagus sylvatica), silver fir (Abies alba), and
others) effect on microhabitat frequency: results for the comparison tests on live trees and
snags (significant results in bold).
Microhabitat Tree status All-categories
comparison (p)Pairwise
comparison p
Cavities with mould Live trees <0.001 Beech/others <0.001
fir/others 0.841
Fir/beech <0.001
Empty cavities Live trees 0.005 Beech/others 0.005
Fir/others 0.503
Fir/beech 0.161
Saproxylic fungi Live trees 0.424 Beech/others 0.424
Fir/others 0.779
Fir/beech 0.871
Dendrothelms Live trees <0.001 Beech/others <0.001
Fir/others 0.978
Fir/beech <0.001
Missing bark Live trees 0.988 Beech/others 0.976
Fir/others 0.999
Fir/beech 0.999
Cracks Live trees 0.212 Beech/others 0.211
Fir/others 0.688
Fir/beech 0.733
Sap runs Live trees <0.001 Beech/others 0.711
Fir/others 0.002
Fir/beech <0.001
Total Live trees <0.001 Beech/others 0.366
Fir/others 0.011
Fir/beech <0.001
Empty cavities Snags 0.005 Beech/others 0.512
Fir/others 0.001
Fir/beech 0.005
Saproxylic fungi Snags 0.48 Beech/others 0.569
Fir/others 0.483
Fir/beech 0.902
Dendrothelms Snags 0.21 Beech/others 0.153
Fir/others 0.633
Fir/beech 1.000
Cracks Snags 0.007 Beech/others 0.42
Fir/others 0.007
Fir/beech 0.04
Total Snags 0.022 Beech/others 0.593
Fir/others 0.064
Fir/beech 0.022
Note: We distinguished three categories of tree species: beech alone, fir alone, and other tree spe-
cies pooled. Values are pvalues from a c2test.
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two subsets by the threshold with the highest explanatory
power, each subset is evaluated for additional thresholds.
This method provides a decision tree with pvalues for one
or more critical thresholds. Based on 10 000 bootstrap sam-
ples, a confidence interval (at 80%) was calculated for all
thresholds. The calculations were performed on presence
absencedata using the add-on package party(Hothorn
and Hornik 2006).
Furthermore, to make an explicit link with forest manage-
ment practices, we also discuss our results by using man-
agement diameter thresholdsthat separate diameter
categories used by all managers in French forestry to de-
scribe and manage stands. These management diameter
thresholds are 20 cm small tree 25 cm, medium tree
50 cm, large tree 70 cm, and very large tree >70 cm
(Bastien and Gauberville 2011).
Tree species effect (live trees and snags)
Tree species affects the occurrence of different microhabitat
types and the total number of microhabitats per tree,
independently of the relative densities of the different tree
The species of the live trees significantly affected the fre-
quency of empty cavities, cavities with mould, dendrothelms,
and sap runs (Table 2; Fig. 2). The first three microhabitats
were mostly associated with beech, whereas sap runs were
exclusively associated with fir. Secondary species played an
intermediary role. The frequencies of saproxylic fungi, miss-
ing bark, and cracks were not related to tree species. On
snags, in contrast, fir carried a higher quantity of empty cav-
Fig. 2. Microhabitat frequency distributions split by species for live trees (European beech (Fagus sylvatica), silver fir (Abies alba), and
others) (2.1) and snags (2.2) represented as boxplots. Each bar corresponds to the two interquartiles Q1 and Q3 of the distribution. The hor-
izontal central line is the median. The length of the whiskers (broken lines) is 1.5 × (Q3 Q1). Outlying points are not represented. Different
letters indicate significant differences between species. The deviations in the boxplots are based on average plot data.
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ities and cracks than beech. The frequencies of dendrothelms
and saproxylic fungi were not influenced by snag tree spe-
cies. Fir carried all microhabitat types (seven) whereas beech
carried only a maximum of six.
In total, beech carried significantly more microhabitats
than fir on live trees (Table 2; Fig. 2). Secondary species did
not differ from beech and also carried significantly more mi-
crohabitats than fir. For snags, only fir differed from beech.
Beech and secondary species carried more than five times
more microhabitats on live trees than on snags whereas fir
carried twice as many microhabitats on snags than on live
trees (Fig. 3).
Tree species affects the density of microhabitat-bearing live
Seventy percent of the beech trees carried one or more mi-
crohabitats whereas we observed microhabitats on only 18%
of firs. Others species carried as many microhabitats as beech
Live tree species affects the conditional probability of
occurrence of microhabitat types
The following microhabitat associations on a given tree
were significantly more probable than random for both beech
and fir (Table 3): (i) cavities with mould and missing bark
and (ii) empty cavities, dendrothelms, and cracks. Concern-
ing beech only, the following associations were found: (i)
cavities with mould, empty cavities. and saproxylic fungi
and (ii) saproxylic fungi and dendrothelms. On fir only, the
following associations were significant: (i) empty cavities
and saproxylic fungi, (ii) dendrothelms and missing bark,
(iii) missing bark and cracks, and (iv) sap runs on the one
hand and dendrothelms, missing bark, and cracks on the
other hand.
Tree diameter effects on microhabitat richness
Tree diameter affects the presence of each microhabitat type
We found one to three significant diameter thresholds for
each microhabitat type where the probability of its presence
varied significantly (Table 4). Thresholds were less numerous
in the fir data than in the beech data. Multiple thresholds cor-
respond to microhabitats likely to occur more than once per
tree (this was only the case for cavities, dendrothelms. and
missing bark).
Tree diameter affects the total number of microhabitats and
the number of microhabitat types
For beech (Fig. 4 and Fig. 5), the four first diameter
thresholds, which correspond to a gradual increase in the me-
dian of total numbers of microhabitats from zero to four,
were significant and spaced at regular intervals (of roughly
15 cm). There was no significant threshold beyond four mi-
crohabitats per tree (between four and 16). For fir (Fig. 4
and Fig. 5), only the higher diameter threshold (99 cm) cor-
responded to a significant increase of the median number of
microhabitats from zero to one. Beyond one microhabitat
(between one and seven), we did not detect any significant
threshold. For beech and fir, the first microhabitat occurred,
respectively, at 41 and 60 cm dbh (median values).
Concerning the total number of microhabitat types per tree
(Table 4): (i) for beech, only the two first thresholds (42 and
60 cm, similar to the thresholds for the total number of mi-
crohabitats per tree) significantly increased the median of the
number of microhabitat types per tree from zero to one and
then from one to two and (ii) for fir, the same threshold as
for the total number of microhabitats per tree (99 cm) signifi-
cantly increased the median from zero to one.
The proportion of microhabitat-bearing trees increased
markedly with increasing diameter as specified for the man-
agement categories (Table 5). However, the shape of this re-
lationship differed between tree species.
As dbh increased, the first microhabitat types that occurred
on beech were cavities with mould and missing bark on small
trees, then empty cavities, dendrothelms, and saproxylic fungi
on medium trees, and finally cracks on large trees and very
large trees. For fir, cavities and missing bark occurred on
small trees, sap runs and cracks appeared on medium trees,
and finally dendrothelms and saproxylic fungi on large trees
and very large trees.
On average, when all the diameter categories were repre-
sented, a beechfir stand carried 71 microhabitats/ha and a
total of the seven microhabitat types. Large and very large
trees carried 48% of the microhabitats.
Only a few papers describe the role of tree species and tree
diameter for distribution patterns of a set of microhabitats. In-
deed, in most cases, authors focused on only one microhabitat
type. The most documented microhabitats are cavities (e.g.,
McClelland and Frissel 1975; Cline et al. 1980; Mannan et al.
1980; Fan et al. 2003b, 2005; Drapeau et al. 2005; Remm and
Lõhmus 2011) and dendrothelms (Kitching 1971; Vaillant
1978; Schmidl et al. 2008). Due to this lack of available results,
our work provides new insights on microhabitat key factors.
Fig. 3. Total microhabitat distributions split by tree status and spe-
cies (European beech (Fagus sylvatica), silver fir (Abies alba), and
others). Each bar corresponds to the two interquartiles Q1 and Q3 of
the distribution. The horizontal central line is the median. The
length of the whiskers (broken lines) is 1.5 × (Q3 Q1). Outlying
points are not represented. Letters indicate if differences between
species are statistically significant or not.
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Role of the tree species on microhabitat distribution
Live beech and secondary species trees carried
microhabitats more often than live fir and certain
microhabitat types were associated with beech or fir,
sometimes exclusively
Tree species influences the number of different microhabi-
tat types per tree as well as the occurrence of each microha-
bitat, and beech carries microhabitats more often than fir
(Vuidot et al. 2011). In keeping with this, we showed that, at
a given diameter, the proportion of microhabitat-bearing trees
was mostly higher in beech and the other broadleaves species
than in fir. However, we found that fir carried more microha-
bitat types than beech.
Beyond these general trends, each microhabitat shows par-
ticular variations.
The probability that a tree carries a cavity varies with tree
species (Fan et al. 2003b). Remm and Lõhmus (2011)
showed that cavity density is higher in deciduous forests
than in mixed forests. McClelland and Frissel (1975), Cline
et al. (1980), Mannan et al. (1980), as well as Drapeau et al.
(2005) pointed out that cavities are rare in live conifers.
However, Bull et al. (1997) revealed the important role of
grand fir (Abies grandis (Douglas ex D. Don) Lindl.), west-
ern redcedar (Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don), and western
larch (Larix occidentalis Nutt.) in the supply of cavities for
wildlife in forests dominated by conifers of the Columbia
River basin (United States). On live trees, we found that cav-
ities were mostly linked to beech. Trunk cavities result from
woodpecker excavations or fungi colonization. Empty cavities
are sometimes shaped by tree roots, more frequently when
the slope is steep. Woodpeckers prefer broadleaved species
Table 3. Independence tests between microhabitat frequencies (microhabitat type co-occurrences).
with mould Empty
cavities Saproxylic
fungi Dendrothelms Missing bark Cracks Sap runs
Cavities with
<0.000 0.010 0.09 0.007 0.56
Empty cavities 0.44 0.75 0.01 0.2 0.011
Saproxylic fungi 0.156 0.0015 0.017 0.58 0.96
Dendrothelms 1 0.007 0.05 0.98 0.35
Missing bark <0.000 0.71 0.61 0.034 0.75
Cracks 0.147 0.0005 11 <0.000
Sap runs 0.23 0.71 1 0.011 0.0001 0.002
Note: Values are pvalues from a c2test for European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and silver fir (Abies alba). Values above the diagonal concern beech
and those below the diagonal concern fir. Results in bold indicate significant positivedependence between the two microhabitat types.
Table 4. Diameter thresholds and confidence intervals per tree species (European beech
(Fagus sylvatica) and silver fir (Abies alba)), on live trees, for the presence of each
microhabitat and their total or type frequencies.
Beech Fir
Microhabitat Threshold Confidence
interval Threshold Confidence
Cavities with mould 41 3351 65 4781
63 5378 87 81113
79 7588
Empty cavities 41 4049 57 5476
65 4888 94 6499
126 86126
Saproxylic fungi 100 100121 61 6194
Dendrothelms 43 4273 99 81103
86 6093
Missing bark 110 72110 47 3175
98 6099
Cracks 72 7281 100 86102
Sap runs 76 74102
Total microhabitat fre-
quency 42 4160 47 4757
60 4460 81 6781
73 6079 99 8199
89 80107
Microhabitat type fre-
quency 42 4043 50 4757
60 5967 81 8099
86 64116 99 94103
Note: The division level of the dichotomous branching is indicated as follows: bold, first level
division in the set; regular, second level division of the two subsets; italic, third level division. All
thresholds were statistically significant at p< 0.05.
1440 Can. J. For. Res. Vol. 42, 2012
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to construct their nest cavities because of resin runs in coni-
fers (Cramp 1980). In deciduous riverine forests of Estonia,
cavity occurrence is determined by tree species, with a strong
preference for European aspen (Populus tremula L.) for
woodpecker-excavated cavities and black alder (Alnus gluti-
nosa (L.) Gaertn.) for cavities created by fungi (Remm et al.
We found that dendrothelms were mainly linked to beech
and that fir rarely carries dendrothelms, in agreement with
Vaillant (1978). Silver fir very exceptionally provides favor-
able conditions to create dendrothelms, probably because of
a centripetal deterioration (the external layers rot quite
quickly and fall off, while the heart resists much longer).
Vaillant (1978) indicated in addition that beech and linden
(Tilia spp.) carry dendrothelms more often than European
white birch. Kitching (1971) indicated that dendrothelms oc-
cur most abundantly in European beech, but also occur in
European ash, sycamore, birch, linden, and silver fir in the
British Isles. Dendrothelms have been observed in other tree
species: yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.), horse
chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.), European chestnut
(Castanea sativa Mill.), European hornbeam (Carpinus betu-
lus L.), durmast oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.), elms
(Ulmus spp.), London plane (Platanus ×hybrida Brot.),
northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.), and black alder (Vail-
lant 1978; Schmidl et al. 2008).
Although they are indicated on many genera present in
montane beechfir forests such as Acer,Betula,Fagus,Frax-
inus,Populus,Quercus,Tilia,Ulmus, and Salix (Speight et
al. 2010), sap runs were strictly linked to fir trees in our
studied forests. We personally observed sap runs on beech in
the Vosges Mountains (the northeast of France), but very
In spite of its thin bark, beech did not bear more missing
bark than the other tree species, contrary to what we ob-
served in managed beechfir stands (Larrieu et al. 2011). In
subnatural stands, missing bark forms mainly as fall scars of
dying trees or stones on steep slopes. Missing bark that we
observed on common yew mainly resulted from elk (Cervus
elaphus Linnaeus, 1758) bark peeling occurring in winters
Fig. 4. Recursive partitioning tree for European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and silver fir (Abies alba) diameter at breast height (dbh) (cm) from
total microhabitat frequency data. The pvalues indicate the level of statistical significance of each node and nindicates the numbers of trees
per group. Only live trees. The difference between the two first box plots is linked to the number of outlying points that are merged.
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with exceptionally great snowfalls (personal observation), in
spite of the strong toxicity of the yew bark for animals (Cor-
nevin 1887). We did not observe any significant association
between missing bark and saproxylic fungi, although these
bark injuries facilitate parasitic fungi colonization (Giro-
mpaire and Ballon 1992). This is all the more surprising for
beech because its wood has a low resistance to fungi attacks
(Keller 1986).
The association between empty cavities and saproxylic
fungi was not significant in our beech data, probably because
the main woodpecker species living in the study forests,
black woodpecker (Dryocopus martius Linnaeus, 1758), dig
holes in trees colonized by fungi but that are apparently
healthy (Zahner et al. 2012), contrary to the other wood-
pecker species that dig their cavity nest in wood showing
clear signs of decay (Cramp 1980).
The secondary species were rich in microhabitats but they
did not play an important role because of their low abun-
dance in the stands, except for certain taxa that are strictly
associated with a given tree species.
Beech and fir are complementary in their supply of micro-
habitats: beech provides quantity and fir may provide more
diversity. Furthermore, the communities associated with a
given microhabitat differ depending on whether the tree is a
conifer or a broadleaved tree (Cramp 1980; Meschede and
Heller 2003; Dajoz 2007; Speight et al. 2010).
Snags and live trees were complementary in the supply of
microhabitats (Fig. 2)
Vuidot et al. (2011) showed the important role that snags
play in the supply of tree microhabitats by finding that snags
carry almost twice as many microhabitats as live trees. How-
ever, Fan et al. (2003b) showed, on the contrary, that cavity
abundance in the old-growth hardwood forests of the east-
central United States is about twice the percentage for live
trees than for snags. In fact, even though snags concentrate
Table 5. Proportion of microhabitat-bearing trees (European beech (Fagus syl-
vatica) and silver fir (Abies alba)) per management diameter category.
% of microhabitat-bearing trees
Management diameter category Beech Fir
Small trees (20 dbh < 25 cm) 35 6
Medium trees (25 dbh < 50 cm) 43 9
Large trees (50 dbh < 70 cm) 78 21
Very large trees
dbh 70 cm 92 32
dbh 89 cm 99
dbh 99 cm 70
Note: dbh, diameter at breast height.
Fig. 5. Distribution for European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and silver fir (Abies alba) of the diameter at breast height (dbh) per number of
microhabitats. The vertical lines correspond to the dbh thresholds that are statistically significant and correspond to an increase of a minimum
of one unit in the median value for microhabitat number.
1442 Can. J. For. Res. Vol. 42, 2012
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certain microhabitats, particularly for fir in our data, their rel-
atively low density could explain their low contribution in
most stands.
In our data, cracks were linked to snags rather than to live
trees. The cracks that we observed on fir snags were mostly
in the form of bark in the process of peeling. One or 2 years
after the death of a fir, bark fragments and peels off slightly.
Before falling on the ground, this space under the bark lasts
several years, offering shelter for medium-sized animals such
as bats. Beech bark is very adhesive and peels off several
years after the death of the tree, only in small fragments of-
fering very little shelters to crack-dwelling mammals. How-
ever, this shelter can be used by other taxa, such as arboreal
spiders (Chai and Liu 1998), flat bugs (Heiss and Pericart
2007), or beetles (Alexander 2002).
We also observed that snags carried sporophores of sap-
roxylic fungi much more often than live trees. That said, a
high hygrometry in dead wood is necessary for saprophyte
fungi to develop carpophores, while lignicolous saprophyte
fungi parasitizing weak trees are less dependent on atmos-
pheric conditions.
Role of tree diameter in microhabitat distribution
Winter and Möller (2008) found a strong link between the
number of microhabitats and the diameter of the host tree.
Vuidot et al. (2011) revealed that diameter is the main factor
influencing the number and probability of occurrence of cav-
ities, cracks, and missing bark. In Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga
menziesii var. menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) stands, the abun-
dance of many bark microhabitats increased with tree diame-
ter and several bark microhabitats were not observed in the
smaller diameter classes (Michel et al. 2011). In a review,
Fan et al. (2003a) concluded that cavity occurrence is
strongly related to tree diameter. So, large trees are more fa-
vorable than smaller trees to cavity creation (DeGraaf and
Shigo 1985). Dufour (2003) also showed a positive correla-
tion between tree diameter and cavity occurrence. From
Kitching (1971), dendrothelm density increases in beech trees
with diameter above 50 cm.
Our results showed that the number of microhabitats per
tree, and also the number of microhabitat types per tree,
markedly increased with tree diameter. We found statistically
significant diameter thresholds that could be used by forest
managers. Most of these thresholds are situated above dbh =
50 cm (73% for beech and 90% for fir), which is used by for-
est managers, in most of the managed stands in the Pyrénées
Mountains, as the diameter at which it is economically opti-
mal to cut trees (ONF 2006). The harvest of the trees with
dbh 50 cm significantly reduces the number of microhabi-
tats per hectare by 48% and leads to the total elimination of
one microhabitat out of six for beech and two microhabitats
out of seven for fir.
Practical recommendations to improve sustainable forestry
Beech and fir play complementary roles in the supply of
microhabitat diversity. Secondary species (Tilia spp., Acer
spp., Betula spp., etc.) are often scarce but often bear micro-
habitats. Furthermore, the broadleavedconifer mixture (i)is
the natural stand composition in most montane forests, (ii)fa-
cilitates management of a complex vertical structure that is
favorable to several taxa (e.g., birds, Orthoptera), and (iii)is
a means to stabilize income for the small forest estates be-
cause the markets fluctuate and are sometimes favorable to
broadleaved trees and sometimes favorable to conifers. In
theory, we could also manage monospecific stands within a
single landscape to achieve a high level of taxonomic biodi-
versity at the landscape scale. However, this approach is
likely to provoke problems for species that are strictly associ-
ated with either broadleaved trees or conifers and that have a
low dispersal capacity, as they may be unable to disperse
across such a fragmented landscape. Thus, we suggest con-
serving mixed stands.
Very large trees play a significant role because they host
all microhabitat types and the proportion of microhabitat-
bearing trees is very high. We consider that current manage-
ment diameter thresholds at 50 cm (lower limit of the large
tree category) and 70 cm (lower limit of the very large tree
category) are relevant with respect to microhabitats. Indeed,
by taking into account the confidence intervals (CI) at 80%,
we consider them equivalent to the significant thresholds
that we found: respectively, 42 cm (CI 4160 cm), 60 cm
(CI 4460 cm), and 73 cm (CI 6079 cm) for beech and
47 cm (CI 4757 cm) and 81 cm (CI 6781 cm) for fir. We
observed other diameter thresholds at 89 cm for beech (CI
80107 cm) and 99 cm for fir (CI 8199 cm) that are signifi-
cant with respect to the number of microhabitats per tree and
also to the number of microhabitat types per tree. Therefore,
for forest management, we suggest creating a supplementary
diameter category (largest trees) with a lower limit at
dbh = 90 cm for beech and at dbh = 100 cm for fir to better
take into account the ecological role of these trees.
To promote the idea of largest treescategory and thus to
conserve microhabitat-bearing trees, we recommend develop-
ing silvicultural practices that allow, at the stand scale, a pro-
portion of the trees to finish their complete natural cycle. The
modeling of the microhabitat distribution at the stand level
and the analysis of the abundant bibliography focusing on
green retention trees will help us to work towards a consen-
sual management strategy for mixed montane forests by fix-
ing a proportion of trees to be conserved according to the
stand characteristics.
The largest living trees seem to play a key role in all forest
ecosystems. For example, they are key features from tropical
(Grove 2002) to boreal (Martikainen et al. 2000) domains for
the invertebrate assemblages. According to our results, con-
serving large trees and the diversity of tree species should
help to manage taxonomic biodiversity in all forest ecosys-
tems at the condition of defining the diameter thresholds and
the role of each tree species in each ecosystem type.
This study was financed with the help of European funds
(FEDER) and French grants (State and Conseil régional de
Midi-Pyrénées). We wish to thank the members of the
Groupe dÉtude des Vieilles Forêts des Pyrénées team and
particularly Mathilde Harel for her help in the field. We
thank also Marc Deconchat, Christophe Bouget, and the three
anonymous reviewers of the manuscript for their constructive
criticisms and their suggestions for the improvement of the
manuscript. Thanks also to Mark Hewison for checking the
Larrieu and Cabanettes 1443
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... Tree-related microhabitats (TreMs) are heterogeneous substrates located on living or dead trees that are suitable for specialized species to develop and breed [13][14][15]. They promote heterogeneity of the forest stands and can be used as indicators since they may capture a large proportion of stand biodiversity [13,16] for a broad spectrum of taxonomic groups [13]. ...
... The number and types of TreMs are affected by the management history of the stands [14]. Overall, managed forests have a lower abundance of TreMs [16,18], while the highest TreM richness and diversity are associated with old-growth [19] and unmanaged forests [14]. ...
... The number and types of TreMs are affected by the management history of the stands [14]. Overall, managed forests have a lower abundance of TreMs [16,18], while the highest TreM richness and diversity are associated with old-growth [19] and unmanaged forests [14]. In intensively managed forests, a lower occurrence of TreMs is associated with the simpler stand structure and targeted felling of defected trees [20,21]. ...
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This study examines microhabitat abundance and composition on retention trees in 20 young stands in Latvia that were clear-cut between 2002 and 2004. Retention trees play a vital role in sustaining biological diversity after clear-cutting, but their mortality rate is often high due to post-harvest environmental changes. This study compares tree-related microhabitat (TreM) abundance and composition on retention trees of different dimensions, species, and vitality. The tree height and diameter were measured, and the living status and position of each tree were determined. The research questions of the study were to assess the relationships between TreMs, tree dimensions, and species, as well as to compare the occurrence of TreMs on living and dead wood. The comprehensive analysis revealed that larger tree diameters and specific tree species (Populus tremula, Fraxinus excelsior, and Salix caprea) lead to a higher abundance of TreMs. The results also highlighted the importance of preserving deadwood within forest stands as it enhances the observed abundance of TreMs. This study provides the missing information on TreMs in Latvia, thus providing data for comparison in a wider region.
... The TreM profiles (i.e., density and diversity) of deadwood are influenced by forest management (e.g. Winter and Möller, 2008;Larrieu and Cabanettes, 2012). ...
... This study is one of the first to examine the detailed TreM profiles of A. glutinosa, Q. pyrenaica and P. pinaster and include lying dead trees in the TreM assessment. At tree scale, the diameter, tree species and tree status (i.e., living or dead) were found to be strongly correlated with TreM diversity as has been previously found in many studies (Asbeck et al., 2019;Larrieu and Cabanettes, 2012;Larrieu et al., 2014;Michel and Winter, 2009;Paillet et al., 2018;Vuidot et al., 2011;Winter and Möller, 2008). ...
... spe = number of species, BA = basal area, SDT = standing dead trees, LDT = lying dead trees). P. pinaster was found to host lower TreM diversity than the deciduous species, which is in line with previous studies showing that TreM diversity was on average higher in broadleaved trees than in conifers (Großmann et al., 2018;Regnery et al., 2013;Paillet et al., 2019;Larrieu and Cabanettes, 2012). The differences we found between the plots in terms of probability of occurrence of the different TreM forms on the living P. pinaster trees were mainly due to differences in diameter range. ...
Riparian forests are considered as complex and biologically rich habitats. They play a crucial role for biodiversity conservation, in particular in landscapes under strong management pressure. Tree-related microhabitats (TreMs) support a wide array of biodiversity and some authors have suggested using them as indirect biodiversity indicators in forest ecosystems. This study investigates TreM profiles of a temperate riparian forest as last natural forest ecosystem in a context of intensively managed landscape along the Ciron river and of surrounding pine plantations of the Landes de Gascogne forest (France) and explores their drivers at tree and plot scales. A total of 28 transects perpendicular to the river, representing 84 0.1 ha-plots, were selected along the Ciron river and three of its tributaries. At tree scale, diameter at breast height (dbh), tree species and tree status (living, standing or lying dead) were significant predictors of TreM diversity. At plot scale, Alnus glutinosa was found to significantly contribute to riparian forest TreM profiles by hosting specific TreMs. The same role was highlighted for broadleaved species in pine plantations. At plot scale, the drivers of TreM diversity varied depending on plot location in the transect (riparian forest, plantation forest, intermediate area). We found that the presence of lying dead trees is an important driver of TreM diversity at plot scale, particularly in plantation stand and we thus suggest lying dead trees be included in future studies focusing on TreMs. The rich TreM profile of riparian forests highlights their crucial role in biodiversity conservation.
... The mangrove trees of Inhaca Island present a variety of tree-related microhabitats (hereafter TreM) that accommodate a wide range of species. The abundance and diversity of microhabitats are positively correlated with tree diameter and bark thickness and, concurrently, with tree age (Bütler & Lachat, 2009;Larrieu & Cabanettes, 2012;Vuidot et al., 2011). Cavities are probably the most well-documented and studied type of tree microhabitat. ...
... This frequency can be considered low compared to the results in Romania, yet these stands were older [44]. On the other hand, frost cracks are important microhabitats for spiders, birds, and bats [46]. The probability of trees having cracks previously has been positively linked to forking [12], yet such a relationship was not evident ( Figure 2B). ...
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The expansion of European beech to northeastern regions due to climate change is anticipated , especially if assisted migration techniques are employed. Marginal populations of European beech are exposed to unfavorable growing conditions that are challenging for their survival and multifunctionality. Under such conditions, the structural complexity of stands is a critical factor that supports the sustainability of these populations. In this study, five stands of European beech in Latvia, which are currently the most northeastern stands in Europe, were investigated. In each of the stands, two sample plots (area 500 m 2) were randomly established. The dimensions of trees, stem quality features, and spatial structure of the stands were assessed. The stands varied in density but were found to be productive as indicated by comparable tree dimensions to those in core populations. The studied beech stands displayed low species mingling and tended towards monospecies composition, with some structural diversification likely due to small-scale disturbances and varying stand densities, suggesting that spatial diversity was influenced by species composition and competition among trees. The analyzed European beech stands were in the maturing phase, but displayed diverse diameter and height structures, indicating that natural ecological processes were occurring, akin to those found in non-marginal regions. The stem quality of the trees was intermediate, with frequent occurrences of ramicorn, epicormic branches, and forking (41.8%, 53.5%, and 26.3%, respectively), while stem cracks were rare (4.6%). However, these features can provide crucial microhabitats for biodiversity. Therefore, European beech has the potential for diversification in forestry and ensuring sustainability at the edge of its range expansion. The main implications of this study highlight the diverse structural characteristics of the European beech stands, indicating the influence of species competition and small-scale disturbances, providing valuable insights for forest management and conservation strategies. Although, this study has a few potential limitations that should be considered, including the relatively small sample size and the absence of long-term data.
... Seuls 2,5 % de la forêt dite de production sont constitués de peuplements qualifiés d'« âgés », c'est-à-dire composés d'arbres de plus de 200 ans environ (variable selon les essences) (IGN, 2020) ou, en d'autres termes, d'arbres ayant dépassés l'âge d'exploitabilité auquel le forestier récolte le produit de la sylviculture mise en place. C'est aussi l'âge où les arbres commencent normalement à atteindre leur gros diamètre et à développer de manière significative les dendro-microhabitats qui permettront l'accueil de la biodiversité (Larrieu et Cabanettes, 2012 ;Lutz et al., 2018). La raréfaction de ces « vieux » arbres a conduit à la disparition de centaines voire de milliers d'espèces de la plupart des forêts françaises. ...
... Another study in France reported a median frequency per living tree of between~0.2 and 0.6 microhabitat features (Larrieu & Cabanettes, 2012), and in general, old growth forests have many more T A B L E 2 Presence/absence of microhabitat features in a case study assessment of 10 forest interior paintings completed between ca. 1855 and 1870 (paintings listed in Appendix S1). ...
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As we contemplate the future of forest landscapes under changing climate conditions and land‐use demands, there is increasing value in studying historic forest conditions and how these landscapes have changed following past disturbances. Historic landscape paintings are a potential source of data on preindustrial forests with highly detailed, full‐color depictions of overstory and understory environments. They display key details about forest community composition, microhabitat features, and structural complexity from a time well before the advent of color photography. Despite these paintings' potential, their scientific applications have been impeded by questions of validity. How truly accurate are the images portrayed in these paintings? How much of an image is an artist's manipulation of a scene to best illustrate an allegory or romanticized view of nature? Following an established assessment model from historical ecology for evaluating resource validity, we demonstrate how scholarship on art history can be integrated with ecological understanding of forest landscapes to follow this model and address these questions of image veracity in 19th century American art. Further, to illustrate the potential use of these historic images in ecological studies, we present in a case study assessing microhabitat features of 10 different paintings. While this paper explores 19th century landscape art broadly, we focus our art historical review in particular on Asher Durand, a prolific and influential artist associated with the so‐called “Hudson River School” in the mid‐1800s. Durand left clear records about his perspectives on accurately depicting nature, and from a review of images and writings of Durand, we find support for the potential use of many of his paintings and sketches in historic forest ecology research. However, we also identify important caveats regarding potential ecological interpretations from these images. More broadly, because 19th century landscape paintings are not always directly transcriptive, and because regional art cultures differed in the 1800s, we cannot within this paper speak about landscape image veracity across all 19th century landscape art. However, in following established methods in historical ecology and integrating tools from art history research, we show that one can identify accurate historic landscape paintings for application in scientific studies.
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Tree-related microhabitats (TreMs) have been promoted as indicators of forest biodiversity and to guide conservation practices. Ensuring the provision of diverse TreMs in the long term is crucial for the survival of many forest-dwelling species. Yet, this task is challenging in the absence of information regarding TreM dynamics. We analysed the temporal development of TreMs on 11,569 living trees in temperate European forests. To identify drivers of change in TreM abundance and richness over a period of 3–12 years, we estimated the rates of TreM persistence and loss events at the tree-level using survival analysis methods: persistence was characterised by consistency and increment events (when TreM numbers were maintained or increased) and loss was defined as a reduction in TreM numbers or their disappearance. Stratified Cox proportional hazards models were fitted for different TreM groups. Our study revealed a highly dynamic TreM development on living habitat trees, particularly on large trees. While specific TreMs are prone to disappearing, irrespective of tree species or TreM groups, total TreM richness persists over a 12-year period. TreMs such as crown deadwood, epiphytes or woodpecker cavities are prone to decrease in the long term. However, large trees were more likely to maintain a certain degree of TreM richness. Increasing diameters resulted in high persistence rates in seven TreM groups and concomitantly low loss rates in four of them (exposed sap- and heartwood, concavities). Selecting habitat trees based on TreMs should consider the likelihood of TreMs being lost over time, to ensure the long-term provision of microhabitats for associated species. Graphical Abstract
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Baummikrohabitate (BMH) sind biodiversitätsfördernde Strukturelemente an Einzelbäumen und haben eine wichtige Funktion für den Artenschutz. Zu den BMH zählen bspw. Specht-und Faulhöhlen, Kronentotholz und epiphytischer Bewuchs. Durch technisierte und ertragsorientierte Waldbewirtschaftungsformen liegen Quantität und Qualität von BMH in Wäldern in der Regel deutlich unter dem natürlichen Potenzial. Die natürliche Entstehung und Entwicklung von BMH dauert oft Jahrzehnte und unterliegt zufälligen Einwirkungen. Um dennoch BMH in größerer Anzahl und unabhängig von natürlichen Wirkungsgefügen und Zeiträumen bereitzustellen, können BMH künstlich erzeugt oder ihre Entwicklung kann durch technische Maßnahmen beschleunigt werden. Die häufigsten und bekanntesten künstlichen BMH sind Nistkästen für diverse Vogelarten sowie Fledermausquartiere. Weit weniger gängig sind die künstliche Schaffung von Kronentotholz und Stammhöhlungen oder das Bereitstellen komplexer Habitatimitate für totholznutzende Gliederfüßer (Arthropoden). Seltenere Zielarten künstlicher BMH sind auch andere Säugetiere wie Bilche (Gliridae), verschiedene Pilzarten und Flechten. Inwiefern künstlich geschaffene BMH ihre natürlichen Vorbilder erfolgreich imitieren können, ist bislang nicht abschließend bekannt, auch wenn die Zielarten der für diesen Beitrag untersuchten Literatur überproportional häufig gefährdete bzw. seltene Arten umfassen. Der teilweise geringe Kenntnisstand zu den künstlichen BMH ist ein beschränkender Faktor bei deren Anlage und Standortwahl. Insbesondere fehlen präzise Anleitungen für deren Schaffung oder Initiierung. Die vorliegende Literaturstudie trägt die vorhandenen wissenschaftlichen Kenntnisse zur Anlage und Wirksamkeit künstlicher und künstlich initiierter BMH im Wald zusammen.
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Tree-related Microhabitats (TreMs) are essential for sustaining forest biodiversity. Although TreMs represent ephemeral resources that are spread across the landscape, their spatial distribution within temperate forests remains poorly understood. To address this knowledge gap, we conducted a study on 90 sample plots (0.05 ha each) located in a primeval mountain European beech Fagus sylvatica -dominated forest (Bieszczady Mountains, Carpathians). We explored the TreM profile with its link to habitat characteristics and described the spatial distribution of TreM indices. We identified 61 TreM types, with a mean richness of 19.7 ±4.9 SD TreM types per plot, a mean density of 740.7 ±292.5 SD TreM-bearing trees ha ⁻¹ and a mean TreM diversity of 1.2 ±0.1 SD. The diameter and living status of trees (living vs dead standing tree) were correlated with TreM richness on an individual tree. The stand structure, i.e. density and/or basal area of living and/or dead standing trees, and topographic conditions, i.e. slope exposure, were correlated with the TreM richness, density and diversity recorded on a study plot. We found no relationship between TreM richness, density and diversity and the presence of canopy gaps, which indicates that the influence of small-scale disturbances on the TreM profile is limited. However, our analysis revealed a clustered spatial pattern of TreM indices, with TreM-rich habitat patches (hot-spots) covering ∼20% of the forest. A moderate TreM richness, density and diversity dominated ∼60% of the forest, while TreM-poor habitat patches (cold-spots) covered ∼20%. Based on our findings, we advise the transfer of knowledge on the spatial distribution of TreMs from primeval to managed forests and advocate the ‘2:6:2’ triad rule: to allocate 20% of forests as strictly protected areas, to dedicate 60% to low-intensity forest management with the retention of large living trees and all dead standing trees, and to use the remaining 20% for intensive timber production. To ensure the continuance of the majority of TreM types, ≥ 55 living trees ha ⁻¹ > 60 cm in diameter should be retained. Such an approach will maintain a rich and diverse TreM assemblage across a broad spatial scale, which in turn will support biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration in secondary or managed forests. Highlights Primeval mountain beech forest hosts rich and abundant TreM assemblage Stand structure, slope exposure, but not canopy gaps mould TreM profiles Habitat patches with high/low TreM indices are spatially clustered Hot- and cold-spots each make up 20% of TreM richness, density and diversity 2:6:2 - the protected: managed forest ratio for maintaining the TreM assemblage
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Tree-related microhabitats (TreMs) describe the microhabitats that a tree can provide for a multitude of other taxonomic groups and have been proposed as an important indicator for forest biodiversity (Asbeck et al., 2021). So far, the focus of TreM studies has been on temperate forests, although many trees in the tropics harbour exceptionally high numbers of TreMs. In this study, TreMs in the lowland tropical forests of the Choco (Ecuador) and in the mountain tropical forests of Mount Kilimanjaro (Tanzania) were surveyed. Our results extend the existing typology of TreMs of Larrieu et al. (2018) to include tropical forests and enabled a comparison of the relative recordings and diversity of TreMs between tropical and temperate forests. A new TreM form, Root formations, and three new TreM groups, concavities build by fruits or leaves, dendrotelms, and root formations, were established. In total, 15 new TreM types in five different TreM groups were specified. The relative recordings of most TreMs were similar between tropical and temperate forests. However, ivy and lianas, and ferns were more common in the lowland rainforest than in temperate forests, and bark microsoil , limb breakage, and foliose and fruticose lichens in tropical montane forest than in lowland rainforest. Mountain tropical forests hosted the highest diversity for common and dominant TreM types, and lowland tropical forest the highest diversity for rare TreMs. Our extended typology of tree-related microhabitats can support studies of forest-dwelling biodiversity in tropical forests. Specifically, given the ongoing threat to tropical forests, TreMs can serve as an additional tool allowing rapid assessments of biodiversity in these hyperdiverse ecosystems.
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Collection Patrimoines Naturels
Qu`est ce que la biodiversité ? Comment la quantifie-t-on ? Quid de la biodiversité en forêt ? La première partie de cet ouvrage développe une réflexion synthétique sur ces questions. C`est l`occasion de recadrer le débat et de fournir les outils nécessaires pour aborder la question centrale : que connaît-on de l`impact de la gestion de la forêt sur la biodiversité, ou plutôt les biodiversités ? Le rôle de la gestion forestière sur la biodiversité est ensuite abordé à travers huit fiches thématiques qui insistent plus particulièrement sur la biodiversité interspécifique et analysent les résultats connus pour l'entomofaune, l'avifaune et la flore. Des recommandations sont formulées, à la fois pour proposer des idées de gestion, faire réfléchir sur nos pratiques de chercheurs et de gestionnaires et cerner les questions méritant davantage d`efforts de recherche. Cet ouvrage s'adresse à un public de gestionnaires forestiers, d'enseignants, de chercheurs, d'étudiants et de responsables chargés d`environnement et d`aménagement du territoire.
This publication provides qualitative and quantitative information on five distinct structures: living trees with decayed parts, trees with hollow chambers, trees with brooms, dead trees, and logs. Information is provided on the value of these structures to wildlife, the decay or infection processes involved in the formation of these structures, and the principles to consider for selecting the best structures to retain.