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  • Wyoming Dinosaur Center

Abstract and Figures

The predominance of juveniles from one taxon is rarely found in faunal studies. However, the presence of seven juveniles in a sample of ten cryptocleidoid plesiosaurs from the Redwater Shale Member of the Sundance Formation of Natrona County, Wyoming may be such a paleocommunity. Juvenile characters are recognized by the lack of facets and ossification on the distal ends of the propodials and by cross-sections of the limbs. Juveniles have dense pachyosteosclerotic bone structures whereas adults have more spongy, osteoprotic bone. The dense bone of the juveniles suggests a difference in environmental preference between juvenile and adult plesiosaurs.
Illustration of adult and juvenile plesiosaur propodials. Lower diagram of each pair is the adult; upper diagram is the juvenile. A, Propodials. Note facets present for epipodials on adult. B, Cross-section through radius. C, Polished photomicrograph of cross-section of radius. Figure modified from Wiffen, et al., 1995. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ridge definitions on the proximal end of the propodials. Cross-sections show dense pachyosteosclerotic bone and a demarcation between the core and the outer bone (Figure 3). I consider specimens UW 24217, 24219, 24236, 24239, 24240, 24243 and 24244 to be juveniles (Figure 4; Table 1). In addition to what is in the photograph, UW 24219 also includes several isolated neural arches found with the limb. The limb elements of the seven specimens could not be determined to be femora or humeri as the ridges are rounded off and would have been supported by a cartilage sheath in juveniles. Adult plesiosaurs from this location are cryptocleidoid plesiosaurs (O'Keefe and Wahl, 2003a, b), so it is assumed that the juveniles are also. The specific taxon cannot be determined. Although not from this locality, the holotype of Pantosaurus striatus (YPM 543), a partial skeleton that includes articulated vertebrae, ribs, pectoral girdle, and limb fragments, is also a juvenile (O'Keefe and Wahl, 2003a). There is no evidence of juvenile plesiosaurs from the Sundance Formation other than those of the Redwater Shale.
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Paludicola 5(4):255-261 June 2006
by the Rochester Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology
William R. Wahl
Wyoming Dinosaur Center, Big Horn Basin Foundation, 110 Carter Ranch Road, Thermopolis, WY. 82443
The predominance of juveniles from one taxon is rarely found in faunal studies. However, the presence of seven juveniles in
a sample of ten cryptocleidoid plesiosaurs from the Redwater Shale Member of the Sundance Formation of Natrona County,
Wyoming may be such a paleocommunity. Juvenile characters are recognized by the lack of facets and ossification on the distal
ends of the propodials and by cross-sections of the limbs. Juveniles have dense pachyosteosclerotic bone structures whereas
adults have more spongy, osteoprotic bone. The dense bone of the juveniles suggests a difference in environmental preference
between juvenile and adult plesiosaurs.
The Sundance Formation (Bajocian-Oxfordian)
was the last and most extensive transgressive sequence
of the Jurassic in North America (Kvale et al., 2001).
The majority of the vertebrate fossils have been
collected from the Redwater Shale Member. The
presence of the small cardiocerid ammonite,
Quenstedtoceras colleri, establishes the lower
Redwater Shale as latest Callovian. This Callovian age
was further confirmed by the identification of the
coleoid belemnite, Pachyteuthis densa, and the
pelecypods Camptenectes bellestrius and Ostrea
strigilecula (Kvale et al., 2001).
The upper Redwater Shale Member is Oxfordian
in age (Kvale et al., 2001). It represents a shallow,
open shelf environment dominated by silty to shaley
mudstone, occasional bioturbated shale, and ripple-
dominated, glauconitic fine-grained calcareous
sandstone (Figure 1; Andersson, 1979; Specht and
Brenner, 1979; Kvale et al., 2001). It has been
compared to the Callovian lower Oxford Clay of
England (Wahl, 1997, 1999). The Sundance Seaway
was affected by the Arctic or Boreal Seaway that
connected to the Tethys Seaway of Europe, of which
the Oxford Clay was included (Doyle, 1987; Martill,
1991). This connection is indicated by the
identification of the coleiod family Cylindroteuthidae
(belemnites), notably the species Pachyteuthis densa,
which exhibited provincialism with notable migrations
southwards related to sea-level change or possible
seasonal migration (Doyle, 1987, 1995). The presence
of belemnites in various sizes may indicate seasonality
during deposition of the Redwater Shale (Imlay, 1980,
Kvale et al., 2001; Wahl 1998).
The water depth during the Redwater Shale
sequence was estimated to be 40 m (Specht and
Brenner, 1979). The relatively shallow depth made
storm action on paleocommunities very destructive
(Tang and Bottjer, 1996). The presence of glauconitic
grains and siltstone rip-up clasts is evidence of a high-
energy environment (Specht and Brenner, 1979). The
presence of storm damaged bioherms consisting of bits
of fragmented Camptonectes and Gryphaea and
winnowed sandstones are further evidence of a rough
depositional environment in the Redwater Shale
(Specht and Brenner, 1979).
Remains of fish are extremely rare in the
Sundance paleoenvironment (Schaeffer and Patterson,
1981). The marine reptile fauna is dominated by
ichthyosaurs. Specimens collected in recent years
suggest a fauna comprised of 80 % ichthyosaurs, 18 %
plesiosaurs and only 2 % pliosaurs. Currently, a single
species of ichthyosaur, Opthalmosaurus natans is
recognized from the Sundance (McGowan and
Montani, 2003). A single specimen of the giant
pliosaur (13m), Megalneusaurus rex as well as two
genera of cryptocleidoid plesiosaurs, Pantosaurus
striatus and Tatenecktes laramiensis have also been
reported (O’Keefe and Wahl 2003a, b). This is the first
report of a plesiosaur fauna from one locality in the
Sundance Formation where a majority of the specimens
are juveniles.
Institutional Abbreviations—LEIUG, Leicester
University, Department of Geology, Leicester,
England; UW, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY;
WDC, Wyoming Dinosaur Center, Big Horn Basin
PALUDICOLA, VOL. 5, NO. 4, 2006
Foundation, Thermopolis, WY; YPM, Yale Peabody
Museum, New Haven, CT.
FIGURE 1. Sea level changes during Redwater Shale deposition,
with generalized lithostratigraphy. Modified from Specht and
Brenner, 1979.
Juvenile plesiosaurs in large numbers are found in
Cretaceous marine formations in Antarctica, New
Zealand, and Australia as well as elsewhere in the
United States (Martin et al., 1994; Wiffen et al, 1995).
Diagnostic characteristics of juvenile plesiosaurs have
been debated by several authors (Brown, 1981; Wiffen
et al., 1995; O’Keefe and Wahl 2003b). Smaller sizes
of particular elements are not always a good parameter
in recognition of juveniles. Evidence of delayed
ossification such as differential fusion in the vertebral
column, is a better indicator in plesiosaurs. The
vertebral column may also show some bone
remodeling with a lack of fusion of the centrum to the
neural arch, another good indicator of a juvenile
specimen (Wiffen et al, 1995).
Poorly ossified and faceted epipodials are also a
common occurrence in juveniles. Features such as
lack of ossification in cartilage contact and incomplete
articulation on several portions of the distal surface of
propodials are thought to be another indicator of the
juvenile stage of plesiosaurs (Figure 2A; Andrews,
1910; Wiffen et al, 1995). Adult plesiosaurs are
identified based on the rigidly faceted distal portions of
the limbs and the neural arches fused with the vertebral
centra. In adults, these facets were most likely used to
rigidly support the epipodials to make a stiff flipper for
swimming (Brown, 1981).
However, as Wiffen et al. (1995) noted, juvenile
plesiosaur material can also be identified by general
aspects of bone cross-sections, with thick dense cortex
bone structures in juveniles and open cancellous bone
structures in adults (Figure 2B). In contrast to the
spongy, woven cancellous bone in an adult propodial,
the juvenile propodial will have up to 65% compact
bone in the radius with a gap region of highly
compacted bone structures (Figure 2B; Wiffen et al.,
1995). The end of the propodials in juveniles contains
periosteal cortices that are generally compact bone with
only moderate vascularization (Figure 2C). The
pachyosteosclerotic condition of the juveniles,
compared to the osteoprotic-like condition of the
adults, had an effect on the mass of the limb bones
(Wiffen et al., 1995). The rapid periosteal accretion
visible on the limbs of plesiosaurs from the New
Zealand Cretaceous suggests a high, sustained growth
rate in the juveniles. Adult plesiosaurs, however, are
described as having skeletons with cancellous bone
displaying abundant, intense remodeling by repeated
cycles of reabsorption and accretion (Wiffen et al,
Between 1992 and 2003 articulated specimens
and isolated limb elements of plesiosaurs were
collected from surface finds in both lower and upper
Redwater Shale member, Sundance Formation,
Natrona County, WY. (UW locality V-95010).
Specimens from the same locality, although not
necessarily from the same stratigraphic horizon, were
examined for this study. The majority of the material
was found disarticulated and mostly in the form of
isolated propodials and vertebral centra. The few
articulated specimens were found in fine-grained
limestone and limey mudstone layers. The Redwater
Shale plesiosaur specimens do not appear to have been
buried quickly as there is some shell encrustation on
the surface of several limb elements.
From this collection 7 out of 10 individual
specimens were identified as juveniles based on the
lack of defined facets on the distal edges of the
propodials. Several limb bones also lack any deltaic
FIGURE 2. Illustration of adult and juvenile plesiosaur propodials. Lower diagram of each pair is the adult; upper diagram is the juvenile. A,
Propodials. Note facets present for epipodials on adult. B, Cross-section through radius. C, Polished photomicrograph of cross-section of radius.
Figure modified from Wiffen, et al., 1995.
ridge definitions on the proximal end of the propodials.
Cross-sections show dense pachyosteosclerotic bone
and a demarcation between the core and the outer bone
(Figure 3). I consider specimens UW 24217, 24219,
24236, 24239, 24240, 24243 and 24244 to be juveniles
(Figure 4; Table 1). In addition to what is in the
photograph, UW 24219 also includes several isolated
neural arches found with the limb. The limb elements
of the seven specimens could not be determined to be
femora or humeri as the ridges are rounded off and
would have been supported by a cartilage sheath in
juveniles. Adult plesiosaurs from this location are
cryptocleidoid plesiosaurs (O’Keefe and Wahl, 2003a,
b), so it is assumed that the juveniles are also. The
specific taxon cannot be determined. Although not
from this locality, the holotype of Pantosaurus striatus
(YPM 543), a partial skeleton that includes articulated
vertebrae, ribs, pectoral girdle, and limb fragments, is
also a juvenile (O’Keefe and Wahl, 2003a). There is
no evidence of juvenile plesiosaurs from the Sundance
Formation other than those of the Redwater Shale.
Why is there a high proportion of juveniles
relative to adults at this location? A reliable food
source for juveniles in the form of coleoid cephalopods
would be one possibility. The Arctic Boreal and
Atlantic Callovian-Oxfordian realm had achieved a
maximum diversity and areas such as shelf seas and
provincial interior seaways preserve mass
accumulations of belemnite rostra indicating they were
relatively common (Imlay, 1980; Kvale et al., 2001).
Predation on coleoids by marine reptiles has been well
documented (Pollard, 1968; Ulrichs et al, 1994). A
seasonal migration of belemnites might be an important
food source for both plesiosaurs juveniles and adults in
a lagoonal, provincial seaway such as that of the
Redwater Shale. Coleiod hooklets have been found as
gastric contents in several adult plesiosaurs (Martill,
1992; Wahl, 1998) including some from the Sundance
Formation: Pantosaurus striatus (UW 24215),
Tatenecktes laramiensis (UW 24801) and in a juvenile
(WDC SS01; Figure 5). Coleiod hooklets were also
found in a Sundance ichthyosaur (UW 34653; Massare
and Young, 2005). Thus belemnites were a significant
source of food for the marine reptiles in the Redwater
Juveniles co-occurring, but in larger proportions
to adult specimens, may identify a Jurassic nursery
paleoenvironment. The survival rate of juveniles may
have been greatly increased by association with adults
as some juveniles are found with evidence of predation.
UW 24219 has numerous bite marks in the bone
surface at the distal end of the propodial (Figure 6A).
A plesiosaur propodial from the Oxford Clay has also
been found with similar bite marks (Figure 6B; Martill
et al, 1994). Although cannibalism could have been a
danger, no gastric evidence has been found to support
this hypothesis. Social structure and group association
for protection and perhaps coordinated feeding occur in
some extant groups of marine mammals, specifically
PALUDICOLA, VOL. 5, NO. 4, 2006
FIGURE 3. Cross-sections of Sundance plesiosaur limb material. A, Dense juvenile bone (UW 24239) showing delineation of core from outer bone;
B, Spongy adult bone with no delineation (UW 24801). Scale bar equals 3 cm.
FIGURE 4. Juvenile plesiosaur limb material A, UW 24217. Note rounded unfaceted ends of metapodials. B, UW 24244. C, Linear cross-section of
juvenile limb UW 24240, D, UW 24243. E, UW 24236. F,UW 24239. G, UW 24219. Scale bar in cm.
seals and sea lions (Young, 1972; Clarke and
Trillmich, 1980; Nilssen et al, 2002; Craig and Ragen,
1999). Such behavior could have occurred in
Martin (1994) suggested that extremely small
juvenile plesiosaurs may indicate evidence of live
birth. However, the material found in the Sundance
Formation is not embryonic, nor small enough to
suggest that the Jurassic environment was a plesiosaur
breeding ground. Extremely small juveniles have been
reported from the Cretaceous Pierre Shale. These may
indicate some aspect of parental care because the
chances of survival of such a small animal so far from
shore would have been increased by the presence of
associated adults (Martin, 1994). However, although
the juvenile material in the Sundance Formation is
found associated with adults, this does not provide any
evidence of parental care.
FIGURE 5. Juvenile plesiosaur gastric contents including coleiod hooklets, WDC SS-01. Scale bar equals 1 cm.
FIGURE 6. A, Bite marks on distal end of Redwater Shale plesiosaur propodial UW 24219. Scale bar in cm. B, plesiosaur propodial from Oxford
Clay, LEIUG 114205 from Martill et al, (1994). Scale bar equals 10cm.
Another possibility was that the differences in the
bone mass density between juveniles and adults, as
previously mentioned, might have had consequences
on their swimming abilities and respective
paleobiology. Wiffen et al. (1995) suggested that
juveniles and adults lived in separate environments.
Taphonomic processes can produce size or shape
biases, but rarely ontogenetic systematic biases (Wiffen
et al, 1995). Discoveries of juveniles from non-marine
deposits thought to be estuaries suggest a shallow
water habitat separation for juveniles or perhaps a
nursery site for plesiosaurs (Sato et al.,2005). The
shallow water of the Sundance Formation may have
been such a habitat.
PALUDICOLA, VOL. 5, NO. 4, 2006
Table 1. Plesiosaur specimens identified as juveniles.
Measurements in cm.
Material Preserved Width (cm)
UW 24217
vertebra, neural arch
pieces, epipodials and
UW 24219
distal end of propodial
UW 24236
distal end of propodial
UW 24239
distal end of propodial
UW 24240
broken propodial
UW 24243
proximal and distal
ends of propodial
4.0 (proximal)
10.0 (distal)
UW 24244
proximal and distal
ends of propodial
5.0 (proximal)
9.7 (distal)
The presence of a large number of juvenile
plesiosaurs is unusual especially as adult plesiosaurs
are not as common as the juveniles in the study area.
Unfortunately, known material is not sufficiently
complete to identify which taxa are represented.
Chances of survival of juveniles may have been
improved by association with adults as there are
several juveniles found to every adult. Alternately, the
predominance of juvenile plesiosaurs in the provincial
seaway could be explained by environmental controls
such as a food source in the form of belemnite
migrations into transitional lagoonal areas.
Another possibility is that juvenile plesiosaurs
may have been limited to lagoonal or shoreline shelf
areas whereas the adults would have been more
adapted to the open sea. The dense bone of juveniles
made the skeleton displace more mass, limiting
swimming speed and capabilities of rapid maneuvers
for small dense bodies (Wiffen et al, 1995).
Depositional evidence of rough, shallow water in the
Redwater Shale Member of the Sundance Formation,
may have made the bone mass difference useful for
stabilization in the wave-agitated water.
I would like to thank the people of the Bureau of
Land Management and the University of Wyoming, for
their cooperation and patience in the collection and
preparation of these specimens. I had useful
discussions with D. Martill (Portsmouth University,
Portsmouth, England). Thanks also to M. Ross for the
field work, B. Schumacher for a review, and J. Massare
(SUNY Brockport) for review and advice.
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... Both species are endemic to the Sundance Sea. Juvenile plesiosaur material has also been collected, although the material is insufficient for taxonomic identification (Wahl, 2006). It is likely, however, that at least one species of plesiosaur was breeding in the Sundance Sea. ...
... It could have easily consumed juveniles and subadults of the other reptiles. Bite marks are known on a small plesiosaur propodial (UW 24219, Fig. 7; Wahl, 2006), although neither the species of the victim nor the predator can be determined. Stomach contents have been recovered for the type specimen (UW4602) of Megalneusaurus, and these consist of coleoid hooklets, as occurs with the other reptiles, along with a few rare fish bone fragments (Wahl, Ross & Massare, 2007). ...
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The Redwater Shale Member (Oxfordian) of the Sundance Formation was deposited in the foreland basin of the Cordillera during the last and largest marine transgression of the Jurassic in North America. One ichthyosaur (Ophthalmosaurus natans), two cryptocleidoid plesiosaurs (Tatenectes laramiensis, Pantosaurus striatus) and one pliosauromorph (Megalneusaurus rex) are known from the Redwater Shale Member. Ichthyosaurs are much more abundant than plesiosaurs, making up almost 60% of the fauna. No actinopterygian fish have been found, although four species have been identified from the lower Sundance Formation. At least one hybodont shark and one neoselachian are known from rare isolated teeth. The main food source for the marine reptiles was belemnoids, as indicated by preserved gut contents for all four species. In comparison, the better known and slightly older Peterborough Member of the Oxford Clay Formation of England, has a much higher taxonomic and ecological diversity, especially in the plesiosaurs, marine crocodiles, and fish. The lower diversity in the Redwater Shale Member probably reflects a much lower primary productivity in the Sundance Sea, as well as restricted migration from the open ocean to the north.
... Compact and well-defined cortex surrounding the medulla has been recorded in juvenile individuals. The cortex has a cancellous structure in adults, so the boundary between medulla and cortex is diffuse (Wiffen et al., 1995;Wahl, 2006). The material described herein displays the typical structure observed in juveniles. ...
... MML Pv 5 and MPM-PV 1870-1 from Estancia La Blanca share the robustness of the humerus and femur, the lack of differentiation between capitulum and tuberosity or trochanter, and the absence of articular facets at the distal end. All these characters have been associated with juvenile stages (Brown, 1981;Wahl, 2006); therefore, their taxonomic value is doubtful. However, a propodium with similar features found in Río Negro indicates that larger individuals (and therefore, probably older) retain part of the mentioned features . ...
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Plesiosaurs are recorded for the first time from the lower section of Mata Amarilla Formation, Santa Cruz Province, Patagonia, Argentina. The stratigraphic succession consists of mudstones and siltstones interbedded with medium to fine-grained sandstone, deposited in a littoral environment during the Cenomanian-Santonian; therefore the material is the oldest record of plesiosaurs from the lower Late Cretaceous rocks of Argentina. The remains include teeth, some vertebrae, and one propodium assigned to Elasmosauridae indet. and Plesiosauria indet. The status of Polyptychodon patagonicus Ameghino, 1893, as well as its stratigraphic position are discussed, leading to the conclusion that the material described by Ameghino is probably from the Mata Amarilla Formation and can only be referred to Plesiosauria indet. Analysis of sedimentologic features suggests that the material described here was deposited in an estuarine environment, strongly influenced by tides. The characters of the inferred environment are consistent with the type of preservation of the materials.
... Differentiation between juvenile and adult individuals in fossil vertebrates is not always easy. However, some progress has been achieved for plesiosaurs on the basis of morphological studies (Brown 1981, Carpenter 1999) and palaeohistology (Wiffen et al. 1995, Gasparini & Salgado 2000, Wahl 2006, Salgado et al. 2007. The ability to differentiate ontogenetic stages allows the investigation of palaeobiological differences between juveniles and adults; and this has been done for some Elasmosauridae (Wiffen & Moisley 1986, Wiffen et al. 1995. ...
... The ability to differentiate ontogenetic stages allows the investigation of palaeobiological differences between juveniles and adults; and this has been done for some Elasmosauridae (Wiffen & Moisley 1986, Wiffen et al. 1995. In this context, some authors have proposed the partition of foraging niches, in which juvenile elasmosaurs were restricted to more protected habitats, near the coast, whereas adults were more wide-ranging (Wiffen et al. 1995, Wahl 2006. ...
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José P. O'Gorman, Eduardo Olivero & Daniel A. Cabrera. iFirst article. Gastroliths associated with a juvenile elasmosaur (Plesiosauria, Elasmosauridae) from the Snow Hill Island Formation (upper Campanian–lower Maastrichtian), Vega Island, Antarctica. Alcheringa, 1–12. ISSN 0311-5518.One of the unresolved problems concerning the palaeobiology of plesiosaurs is the function of gastroliths. A new juvenile specimen referred to Elasmosauridae indet., collected from the Cape Lamb Member of the Snow Hill Island Formation (upper Campanian–lower Maastrichtian) from Cape Lamb, Vega Island, Antarctic Peninsula with gastroliths, provides the opportunity to add information about this issue. The specimen consists of approximately 20% of a partially articulated skeleton including 333 gastroliths. Taphonomic evidence indicates rapid burial and possibly different taphonomic pathways for the dorsal (articulated) and caudal (disarticulated) regions. Analysis of the 333 gastroliths determined the mean major axis to be 14.32 mm, the mean maximum projection sphericity to be 0.7 and the standard deviation to be 1.1. Following Krumbein classification, most of the gastroliths are disk-shaped (35.4%), spheroid (34%) and cylindrical (21.3%). According to Powers's categories, most of the gastroliths are rounded (71.2%). Petrographically, the gastroliths that are larger than 15 mm (major axis) are mostly volcanic rhyolites (78.3%) and fine-grained quartz aggregates (11.6%); together with minor granitic rocks (3.1%), mudstones (3.1%) and aphanitic volcanics (3.9%); similar percentages were present among the smaller clasts. The acidic volcanic clasts likely derive from the volcanic Antarctic Peninsula Group (GPVA; Middle–Upper Jurassic). The mean values for sphericity and oblate-prolate index (OP index) indicate a fluvial origin for the gastroliths. The method of estimation of the maximum prey-size using gastroliths is discussed. The available data provides evidence against the hydrostatic function of the gastroliths because the total weight of the gastroliths is insufficient to modify the hydrostatic balance of the juvenile plesiosaur.
... It should be noted that the specimen under consideration in this study, USNM 536076, is a fully mature adult. All known Tatenectes specimens, including the relatively common juvenile specimens, exhibit pachyostosis of the gastralia (Wahl, 1999(Wahl, , 2006. ...
... We propose that Tatenectes laramiensis would have lived in very shallow marine environments, and may not have been a particularly agile swimmer. The Sundance Sea at the time of deposition was quite shallow, less than 50 m in depth, and was a high-energy environment with large areas above storm wave base (Wahl, 2006). The sediments in which USNM 536974 was found, a lens of coarse-grained sand within a silt matrix, support this shallow-marine hypothesis. ...
... Some of these taxa (Plesiosaurus, Seeleyosaurus, Hydrorion) include juvenile referred specimens. This new discovery is thus of notable interest as it adds to our knowledge of the plesiosaur earliest ontogenetical growth stages and permits interesting comparisons between immature plesiosaur specimens, which remain very scarce worldwide (see Cruickshank, 1994;Storrs, 1995;Wahl, 2006 for a review). ...
... Between the new limb and the old excavation pit is an area from which we have recovered numerous chunks of concretion containing cephalopod hooklets, including some very densely packed pieces. We interpret these pieces as stomach contents of Megalneusaurus rex (Wahl, et al., 2007), as the preservation is similar to what has been reported for an ichthyosaur and other plesiosaurs from the Redwater Shale (Massare and Young, 2005;Wahl, 2006). The relative positions of the excavation pits and presumed stomach contents would suggest that the rear of the animal was towards the 1895 excavation pit. ...
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In 2008, an articulated distal forelimb of the type specimen of the large pliosauromorph Megalneusaurus rex (UW 4602) was discovered adjacent to the original excavation pit from which two hindlimbs had been collected in 1895. The new material includes six complete or partial carpals, four metacarpals, and nearly all of the phalanges. Although the new bones were damaged by weathering and gypsum crystal growth, the articulated arrangement of the bones is preserved. Important features include (1) broadly flared metacarpals that articulate proximally and distally with the adjacent metacarpals; (2) curved facets on phalanges that are concave proximally and convex distally; (3) laterally interlocking phalanges between digits I and II and between digits IV and V for the entire length of the outer digits; and (4) tightly articulated, interlocking phalanges among all digits distal to the 3 th phalanx. Examination of the material collected in 1895 indicates that a similar structure occurred on the hindlimb as well. The results of this arrangement are rigid, reinforced leading and trailing edges of the flipper, as well as a stiff distal end. During swimming, the limb moved as a rigid unit, with no flexibility at any articulation distal to the head of the propodial. The stiff flipper generated thrust by pushing backward and downward against the water during power stroke; and generated lift when the limb was rotated and moved forward and upward during the recovery stroke.
... being the most common. The Sundance Upper Member is the depositional record of the final transgressiveregressive cycle of the Sundance Seaway (Wahl, 2006;O'Keefe and Street, 2009), and is firmly dated as Oxfordian using ammonite biostratigraphy (Kvale et al., 2001). Initial discovery of an articulated, large partial skeleton occurred in 2004; the fossil was collected and subsequently prepared (by J.P.C.) in 2005. ...
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Herein we report the discovery of an ichthyosaur embryo from the Upper Member of the Sundance Formation (Oxfordian) of the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. The specimen is the first known ichthyosaur embryo from the Upper Jurassic, and is the first Jurassic ichthyosaur embryo from North America. The embryo was discovered in close association with the abdomen of an articulated partial plesiosaur skeleton, and several lines of evidence support the interpretation of the embryo as plesiosaur stomach contents. The small size and extremely poor ossification of the embryo indicate that the animal was probably not a neonate. Although the taxonomic affinities of the fossil are unknown, the large ichthyosaurian (sensu stricto) Opthalmosaurus natans is the only known ichthyosaur from the Sundance Formation, and the embryo may belong to that taxon. The ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs of the Sundance Formation of Wyoming (Oxfordian) have been known for over 100 years, having been first mentioned by Marsh (1891, 1893, 1895). The single currently recognized ichthyosaur taxon from the formation, Ophthalmosaurus natans, was described in a monograph by Gilmore (1906), but subsequently received little attention until recently (Massare and Young, 2004; Massare et al., 2006). Plesiosaurs are also known from the formation, comprising the large pliosaur taxon Megalneusaurus rex (Knight, 1898; Wahl et al., 2007) and the cryptocleidoid taxa Pantosaurus striatus (O’Keefe and Wahl, 2003a) and Tatenectes laramiensis (O’Keefe and Wahl 2003b; Mehl, 1912). These plesiosaur taxa have also received little attention in the scientific literature, despite their phylogenetic and biogeographic relevance to Jurassic plesiosaur evolution, and the context they may provide for the diverse and well-known plesiosaur fauna of the nearly coeval Oxford Clay of the United Kingdom (Andrews, 1910, 1913). In an effort to increase knowledge of this important fauna, the Sundance Plesiosaur Project has performed extensive fieldwork in the Upper Member of the Sundance Formation. Here we report on one discovery from this field program, a partial skeleton referable to Pantosaurus striatus. The skeleton is remarkable in preserving a gastric mass containing the partially digested remains of an embryonic ichthyosaur, and is the first evidence of the consumption of ichthyosaurs by plesiosaurs. Institutional Abbreviation—USNM, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. USA.
... Conversely, the propodials of elasmosaurids and aristonectids are much more stoutly built with markedly dorso-ventrally expanded distal extremities (Brown 1981; Murray 1987; Cruickshank & Fordyce 2002). Three features present in LO 10602 t suggest that the individual was probably at an early ontogenetic stage at the time of death: (1) its relatively small size (but see also Wahl 2006); (2) the presence of large nutrient foramina on the posterior edge of the shaft (Williston 1903; Moodie 1908 Moodie , 1911 ); and (3) the pachyosteosclerotic condition of the perichondral bone (believed to facilitate buoyancy regulation in juvenile plesiosaurs; Wiffen et al. 1995). ...
Although plesiosaurs and mosasaurs co-existed for about 35 million years at the end of the Cretaceous, the fossil record documenting interactions between these two groups of marine reptiles is meagre. The discovery of deeply incised scars on a limb bone of an immature polycotylid plesiosaur from the latest early Campanian (in the European two-fold division of the Campanian Stage) of the Kristianstad Basin, southern Sweden, is thus significant because it represents a rare example of predation or scavenging on an immature polycotylid plesiosaur by a large mosasaur.
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The first isolated and well-preserved phalanx (autopodial element) of a generically and specifically indeterminate (probably xenopsarian) plesiosaur from the Maastrichtian type area (south-east Netherlands) is described and illustrated. Morphological features of this bone, such as the articular subchondral surfaces, allow it to be distinguished from phalanges of co-occurring mosasaurs (Mosasauridae, Squamata) and could imply rapid growth in plesiosaurs, similar to that observed in extant leatherback turtles. The large size of the phalanx indicates that it originates either from a large juvenile or from a paedomorphic individual. The paucity of plesiosaur remains in biocalcarenites of late Maastrichtian age in the Maastrichtian type area could be explained by the shallow settings, in which these strata were deposited, which may not have offered suitable ecological resources conducive to abundant plesiosaur inhabitation. Presumably, the lack of steep continental slopes in the type Maastrichtian, at which oceanic upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich water supported a higher prey density for pelagic predators such as plesiosaurs, may have inhibited plesiosaur occupation. Rather, decomposing floating carcasses may have been the source of dissociated elements of plesiosaurs in this area, such as isolated teeth, vertebrae and the autopodial element described here.
Fossil oral ejecta that exclusively contain bivalved calcitic lower jaws of ammonites (=aptychi) from Late Jurassic Solnhofen-type deposits of southern Germany are described. Based on the symphysis length of aptychi the ammonite shell diameters were reconstructed, ranging from 5 to 170 mm. To identify the potential ammonite predator published reports on stomach contents, coprolites and ammonite-palaeopathology were critically assessed. Implementation of the actualistic approach, together with some functional considerations, includes the identification of modern cephalopod predators with a focus on the modern Nautilus , and the distribution of vomiting behaviour among them. Stomach fluid pH is also important because species with an alkaline stomach pH are unable to dissolve calcareous hardparts and have to orally eject such material. Herein, we regard coleoids with an opportunistic diet as the most likely producers of the aptychi-bearing regurgitalites. This is based on finds of aptychi in the stomachs of the two coleoids Plesioteuthis and Trachyteuthis. They were likely fast, highly manoeuvrable swimmers. Both share a strong, triangular-shaped jaw apparatus that could possibly crush ammonite shells as well as arms equipped with suckers to hold their prey. Circumstantial evidence for coleoids as the producers comes from the alkaline pH of the stomach fluids of modern coleoids. Supplementary material: Data for lamellaptychi are available at
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An ichthyosaur specimen, presumably of Ophthalmosaurus natans, was discovered with gastric material preserved between the ribs of the skeleton. The specimen is from the Redwater Shale Member of the Sundance Formation, Natrona County, Wyoming. The specimen is comprised of numerous vertebrae and ribs, a partially articulated forelimb, and other unidentified bones within a calcite concretion. A portion of the gastric mass is visible between the ribs within one concretion block. The friable, low density mass appears to be located in the central or posterior torso, with a smaller amount of material more anteriorly located. The gastric material consists of badly fragmented coleoid cephalopod hooklets, loosely cemented by calcite crystals. The stomach contents are comparable to those reported from ichthyosaurs from the Lower Jurassic of England and Germany, although the mode of preservation is not.
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The Peterborough Member of the Oxford Clay Formation is organic-rich and contains an abundance of well-preserved vertebrate and invertebrate fossils. A high nutrient input supported a diverse biota. Phytoplankton was exceptionally abundant in the surface water, and formed the basis for an intricate food web in both surface and bottom waters. Top predators include some of the largest known Mesozoic marine reptiles. A giant teleost fish was analogous to modern filter feeding whales and sharks. Benthic faunas depended on organic matter sinking from surface waters, and two parallel food webs may have existed. Trophic partitioning allowed the higher level predators to become diverse, especially the plesiosaurs. Productivity was high in the surface waters, probably high in the mid-water column, and high on the sea floor at times, although benthic diversity may have been reduced due to substrate consistency and/or dysoxia. Bacterial activity within the sediment was also intense. The contribution of organic material to the sea floor was high, but heterotrophic reworking probably reduced the abundance considerably during early diagenesis. A decrease in organic carbon content in the Upper Callovian and Lower Oxfordian parts of the Oxford Clay Formation parallels a decreasing abundance of vertebrate fossils.
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Two previously unknown rare Middle Jurassic dinosaur megatracksites are reported from the Bighorn Basin. of northern Wyoming in. the Western Interior of the United States. These trace fossils occur in. carbonate units once thought to be totally marine in origin, and constitute the two most extensive Middle Jurassic dinosaur tracksites currently known. in North America. The youngest of these occurs primarily along a single horizon at or near the top of the "basal member" of the "lower" Sundance Formation, is mid-Bathonian in age, and dates to similar to 167 ma. This discovery necessitates a major change in the paleogeographic reconstructions for Wyoming for this period. The older tracksites occur at multiple horizons within a I m interval in the middle part of the Gypsum Spring Formation. This interval is uppermost Bajocian in age and dates to similar to 170 ma. Terrestrial tracks found, to date, have been all bipedal tridactyl dinosaur prints. At least some of these prints can be attributed to theropods. Possible swim tracks of bipedal dinosaurs are also present in the Gypsum Spring Formation. Digitigrade prints dominate the Sundance trackways, with both plantigrade and digitigrade prints being preserved in the Gypsum Spring trackways. The Sundance track-bearing surface locally covers 7.5 square kilometers in the vicinity of Shell, Wyoming. Other tracks occur apparently on the same horizon approximately 25 kilometers to the west, north of the town of Greybull. The Gypsum Spring megatracksite is locally preserved across the same 25 kilometer east-west expanse, with the Gypsum Spring megatracksite more extensive in a north-south direction with tracks occurring locally across a 100 kilometer extent. Conservative estimates far the trackway density based on regional mapping in the Sundance tracksite discovery area near Shell suggests that over 150,000 in situ tracks may be preserved per square kilometer in the Sundance Formation in, this area. Comparable estimates have not been made for other areas. Similarities between, the two megatracksites include their formation, and preservation in, upper intertidal to supratidal sediments deposited under at least seasonally arid conditions. Microbial mat growth on the ancient tidal flats apparently initiated the preservation of these prints.
A new specimen of pliosaur from the Lower Oxford Clay of Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, contains stomach contents, including cephalopod hooklets and gastroliths. The specimen is associated with organic matter thought to be derived from the decomposing carcase, and shows some indication of soft tissue preservation in the region of the thorax. This is the first pliosaur from the farmed reptile beds of Peterborough to be scientifically excavated. -Author
It is proposed that a variety of carbonate fabrics result from wave-caused winnowing effects, which vary with water depth and wave magnitude. Such fabrics are present in thin bioclastic carbonate units of the Redwater Shale Member of the Sundance Formation, and it is suggested that their origin is due to storm-wave winnowing of a slightly irregular muddy sea bottom. This mechanism and the depositional textures it produces are significant in the distinction between diastemic skeletal grain accumulations and wave-winnowed grainstones. -from AuthorsUniversity of Iowa, Dept. of Geology, Iowa City, Iowa 52242.
Although intervals of faunal stasis have been identified in the Paleozoic and Cenozoic, here we report the first quantitative documentation of long-term faunal stasis in the Mesozoic, a time of great biological and ecological change. On the basis of an analysis of previously published and newly collected data on Jurassic benthic marine invertebrates from the U.S. Western Interior, we find that significant proportions of bivalve species and associations persisted through major sea-level and environmental changes. In the six Jurassic marine depositional units studied, each spanning 2 6 m.y., 32% to 100% (averaging 56%) of bivalve species were holdovers from the preceding unit, while the proportion of carryover species that persisted into the next unit ranges from 16% to 81% (averaging 46%). Bivalve associations also commonly persisted through depositional units and stratigraphic breaks. The ecological stability documented here does not suggest any coordination of origination or turnover among taxa. We conclude that the pattern of faunal stability is due to stasis within individual species and not to community-level processes. Environmental conditions of the Jurassic Western Interior seaway may have selected for generalist taxa capable of withstanding environmental disturbances and persisting for long intervals of time.