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A new species of tube-nosed fruit bat (Nyctimene) from the Bismarck Archipelago, Papua New Guinea

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ISSN 0149-175X
Texas Tech Press
Lubbock, Texas 79409
Tube-nosed fruit bats of the genus Nyctimene (Chiroptera,
Megachiroptera, Pteropodidae), and its sister-taxon Paranycti-
mene, are unique among the various taxa that comprise the fam-
ily Pteropodidae, being distinguished by their peculiar tubular
nostrils. The nine currently recognized species of Nyctimene
occur in Indo-Australia from Timor, through Sulawesi and the
Moluccas, New Guinea and tropical Australia, and the Bismarck
and Solomon Islands to Santa Cruz Island.
In the summer of 1979, the Taylor South Seas Expedition from
the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (LACM), led
by one of us (Smith), visited the Bismarck Islands of New Ireland
and New Britain for the purpose of surveying the bat fauna of
this poorly known region. Preliminary results of this expedition
were reported by Smith and Hood (1981). A more extensive report
of collections made, plus the results of a second expedition (1981)
to the Bismarcks (including Manus and Duke of York islands), is
in progress. In addition to the capture of many species new to the
fauna of the Bismarcks, we encountered an undescribed species of
Nyctimene, which is diagnosed and discussed below.
Nyctimene masalai, new species
Demonic Tube-nosed Fruit Bat
Holotype.—LACM 65798, adult male (preserved in alcohol,
skull removed) collected on 9 July 1979 by James Dale Smith
(original number 4522) at Ralum, 10 m.. New Ireland Island,
New Ireland Prov., Papua New Guinea (lat. 3° 33' S, long. 152°
Paratype.—'LACM 65799, young adult male (preserved in alco-
hol, skull removed) collected on 19 July 1979 by James Dale
Smith (original number 4878) at 2 km. NW Hilalon, sea level,
New Ireland Island, New Ireland Prov., Papua New Guinea (lat.
3° 51' S, long. 152° 39' E).
Distribution.—Bismarck Archipelago, Papua New Guinea,
known only from New Ireland Island.
Diagnosis.—Size moderately large (see measurements below).
Color mottled, dark reddish brown above; black, middorsal strip
(5 mm. wide) from back of crown to base of tail; grayish white
with yellowish brown wash below; spots on wings, ears, and nar-
ial tubes whitish. Cranium narrow and elongate (rectangular
rather than squarish); rostrum relatively long and narrow; frontal
sinuses inflated and parallel to each other (not converging in
supraorbital region); maxillary toothrows straight, converging
anteriorly; bony palate moderately domed (not flat), deepest ante-
rior to second upper premolars; postdental palate not markedly
pandurate; pterygoid wings low. Dentition with marked reduction
of coronal cusps; canines relatively short and broad-based, upper
pair lacking labial cusps; P3 and p3 unicuspid and nearly subcon-
Measurements.Selected cranial and external measurements (in
mm.) of holotype and paratype, respectively: condylobasal length,
30.7, 29.7; zygomatic breadth, 20.4, 20.9; mastoid breadth, 13.7,
13.5; interorbital breadth, 6.2, 5.7; breadth across canines, 5.6, 5.8;
length of maxillary toothrow, 10.9, 10.4; breadth across upper
molars (MI-MI), 8.3, 9.0; length of mandibular toothrow, 12.5,
12.1; length of mandible, 24.0, 23.4; height of coronoid process,
13.3, 13.7; length of head and body, 103, 94; length of tail, 22, 21;
length of hind foot, 14, 13; length of ear, 14, 14; length of fore-
arm, 67.5, 63.5; weight (grams), 52.3, 45.2.
Description.—Head long and narrow; face deep; ears broad,
bluntly pointed; narial tubes long, directed anteriorly; flight
membranes dark brown; wing attached to dorsal surface of foot at
base of third toe; large white blotches on dorsal surface of fore-
arm and all digits of wing (spots on membrane between fingers
pale yellowish brown); leading edge of ear pinna and narial tube
with white spots.
Pelage and Coloration.—Dorsal pelage long (8-9 mm.) and lax;
extending along pectoral limb to proximal third of forearm and
FIG. 1.—Dorsal and ventral views of skulls of Bismarck Nyctimene. A, /V. ulbi-
venter (LACM 65786); B, N. vizcaccia (LACM 65787); C, N. cyclotis (BBM-NG
28398); D, N. masalai (LACM 65798, holotype); E, N. major (LACM 65802). See
text for discussion.
IG. 3.—Upper (A) and lower (B) dentition of Nyctimene masalai (LACM 65798,
g. 3B); internal cusp absent (again, probably fused with main
ip); short labial and lingual ridges extending rearward from
itral cusp, then dropping abruptly to shelflike heel of tooth;
rd lower premolar (p4) slightly smaller than p3; anterior,
external cusp high; internal cusp not distinct; these two cusps
connected by a ridge that arcs around anterior margin of tooth;
posteriorly, internal and external ridges drop rather abruptly to
heel of tooth.
Molars. First and only upper molar (Ml) subequal in size to
P4; cusp positions and ridges similar to those of P4 but much
lower; tooth nearly flat as viewed in profile. First lower molar
(ml) similar to p4 in size and coronal morphology; anterior por-
tion of tooth only slightly higher than heel; second lower molar
(m2) slighly shorter than ml; no distinct cusps apparent, crown
soft palate covered with
palatal ridges, eight or nine of which are interdental; first ridge
short, extending straight across palate between first upper premo-
lars; second through fifth or sixth ridges similar in shape with a
lateral branch extending anteriorly from toothrow at about 45°
angle, then bending sharply to cross midline at perpendicular
angle; next few ridges with indentation medially, may connect at
midline; all aforementioned ridges rather thick, rounded, and
separated by deep grooves, their surface wrinkled. Posterior to
interdental ridges is a series of more widely spaced, delicate ridges
clothed by many sharply pointed, toothlike papillae, anteriormost
of which randomly and irregularly traverse soft palate; many do
not reach midline; last eight or nine postdental ridges more or
less regular in form, spacing, and nearly all extend, unbroken,
across soft palate.
Etymology.—The epithet for the new species, masalai, is taken
from the Tolai language and means forest demon or devil.
The most recent critical review of the tube-nosed fruit bats is
that by Andersen (1912fr:681-722, 828). He treated 13 species of
Nyctimene (papuanus, albiventer, minutus, varius, cyclotis,
cephalotes, geminus, major, scitulus, lullulae, aello, robinsoni,
and certans). The holotypes of these, except tor cephalotes (not
examined by Andersen and apparently lost), are housed in the
collection of the British Museum (Natural History). All except N.
cephalotes (Pallas, 1767), N. albiventer (Gray, 1862), N. major
(Dobson, 1877), N. aello (Thomas, 1900), N. robinsoni Thomas,
1904, N. major lullulae Thomas, 1904, and N. certans Andersen,
1912a were described by Andersen (1910). Since the review by
Andersen (19126), seven additional taxa of Nyctimene have been
described: N. vizcaccia Thomas, 1914, N. draconilla Thomas,
1922a, N. celaeno Thomas, 1922&, N. sanctacrucis Troughton,
1931, N. bougainville Troughton, 1936, N. malaitensis Phillips,
1968, and N. albiventer minor Phillips, 1968. Paranyctimene rap-
was described
(1942: 341-343) discussed some, but not all, of these taxa in his
account of pteropodids contained in the Archbold collections.
Likewise, Laurie and Hill (1954: 46-48) treated most, but not all,
of these bats. They assigned the various taxa of Nyctimene known
to occur in the geographic area covered by them to species and
subspecies, but did not discuss or otherwise justify these assign-
ments. More recently, several other workers (Phillips, 1968:817-
825; McKean, 1972:16-20; and Koopman, 1979:12) have remarked
on regionally limited taxa of Nyctimene. To date, however, the
genus remains unreviewed in its entirety.
Like many bats from the Indo-Australian region, most species
of Nyctimene are represented only by the holotype or extremely
small series (one or two in most cases) from scattered localities,
many of which are islands. In addition, much of the crucial cran-
ial material is damaged or has heavily worn dentition, thereby
limiting critical comparisons and analyses of characters. These
troublesome factors are further aggravated by a rather high degree
of individual variability that is apparently common among pte-
ropodid bats. In the past, species of Nyctimene have been based
mostly on coloration and overall size. In preparing the descrip-
tion on N. masalai, we have examined and directly compared it
with the 15 holotypes of Nyctimene in the British Museum (Nat-
ural History), holotypes of N. malaitensis and N. albiventer
minor (Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu), and representative
series of all other species of Nyctimene except N. sanctacrucis. In
addition, we have attempted to identify and use characteristics in
the diagnosis and description that seem applicable to all taxa of
Nyctimene masalai is easily distinguished from N. m. major,
with which it is sympatric, on the basis of large overall size of the
latter (Figs. IE and 2A). The cranium of major is flatter in pro-
file, much more massive, and the dentition is characteristically
more cuspidate than that of masalai (Fig. IE). Nyctimene masalai
approaches N. m. scitulus in overall size, but remains distinct
because of the qualitative characters mentioned above. This is
also the case with N. geminus, which currently is regarded as a
geographic race of major. Nyctimene lullulae (also regarded as a
subspecies of major) is slightly smaller than masalai, but again, is
distinguished by cranial and dental features typical of major.
Nyctimene robinsoni, N. aello, and N. celaeno (regarded as a race
of aello by Laurie and Hill, 1954) occupy geographic ranges that
are allopatric to that of N. masalai. Nyctimene robinsoni, an
apparently close relative of N. major, is distinguished from masa-
lai by the same general suite of characters that separates masalai
from major. Large size, highly cuspidate dentition, and a unique
broad middorsal stripe easily separate N. aello and N. celaeno
from N. masalai.
Nyctimene masalai is slightly larger in overall size compared to
N. cyclotis (Figs. 1C and 2C). It is conceivable that these two
occur sympatrically {cyclotis having been recently reported from
New Britain Island by Smith and Hood, 1981), but as yet they
remain allopatric. While similar in size, cyclotis is readily identi-
fied by its generally dark, extremely long and wooly pelage, as
well as uniquely cuspidate postcanine dentition (Fig. 1C). The
premolars and molars of cyclotis are round as opposed to rectan-
gular and the premolars have three strong cusps; the palate is
markedly arcuate. The cranium of cyclotis tends to be more
squarish than rectangular. The large round palatal fenestrations
shown in Fig. 1C are not wholly artifactual, but are frequently
encountered in specimens of cyclotis, and are often asymmetrical.
They do not occur in all specimens, but their form, position, and
incidence of occurrence seem consistent enough to consider them
a feature of the species.
The two remaining species that occur in sympatry with N.
masalai are N. albiventer and N. cephalotes. They are similar in
size, but both are smaller than masalai. The Bismarck Archipe-
lago (including the Admiralty Islands) is the only geographic
area in which albiventer and cephalotes are known to occur sym-
patrically. Nyctimene albiventer, in its current context, is a wide-
ranging species that occurs from the northern Moluccas through
New Guinea, the Bismarcks and the Admiralties, to the Solomon
Islands. Laurie and Hill (1954) placed N. papuanus, N. draco-
nilla, and N. bougainville as subspecies of N. albiventer. With
the exception of bougainville (see below), these associations seem
to be correct, although Koopman (1979:6) regarded draconilla as a
distinct species (the specimens referred to draconilla by Greig-
Smith, 1975, and mentioned by Koopman, 1979, as partial justifi-
cation of this arrangement, are Paranyctimene raptor). The name
cephalotes was first introduced into the Bismarck area when
Laurie and Hill (1954) relegated N. vizcaccia Thomas, 1914, to
subspedfic status under N. cephalotes. Formerly, cephalotes was
applied to bats that occurred generally west of New Guinea
(Timor, Peleng Island, off the east coast of Sulawesi, and the
Moluccas); one specimen from Numfoor Island, Geelvinck Bay,
Irian Jaya, was also assigned to cephalotes (Laurie and Hill,
1954; Koopman, 1979).
In the preparation of this description of masalai and the devel-
opment of comparative criteria for species of Nyctimene, we
stumbled inadvertently onto a problem concerning the identity of
albiventer and cephalotes. Neither albiventer nor cephalotes is
especially well defined in the literature and, as noted above, the
holotype of the latter appears to be lost. We arrived at our under-
standing of cephalotes by first defining the nature of albiventer.
For this, we used the holotypes of albiventer, papuanus, and dra-
conilla as well as considerable comparative material from the
mainland of New Guinea. We regard albiventer to be a moder-
ately small species with a narrow, brownish black middorsal strip.
The dorsal pelage is not mottled and the venter is generally uni-
formly whitish or yellowish white. The cranium is squarish with
an extremely short rostrum and globose braincase (Figs. 1A and
2E), and the palate and maxillary toothrow are broad and arcuate
rather than narrow, straight-sided, and convergent anteriorly. The
second upper premolar is bicuspidate with a strong external cusp
and a lower, usually prominent, internal cusp (Fig. 1A), but tooth
wear may obliterate the internal cusp. The second lower premolar
also is cuspidate with a strong external cusp, usually flanked by a
short anterior and posterior loph, and a prominent internal cusp.
There is some individual variation in the distinctness of the
internal cusp throughout the geographic range of the species and
wear quickly obliterates its appearance. However, this tooth and
its upper counterpart are always broad and round rather than
long and narrow. All of these features easily distinguish albiventer
from masalai. They do not, however, characterize tube-nosed fruit
bats from the Solomon Islands that have been previously assigned
to N. albiventer bougainville.
With albiventer so defined, we are left with one remaining spe-
cies in the Bismarcks—supposedly N. cephalotes. This bat agrees
in size and general external appearance with albiventer, but its
dorsal pelage is usually mottled and the venter is often darker. In
describing N. bougainville, Troughton (1936) made similar obser-
vations in his comparison with N. papuanus, and these appear to
have influenced Pohle's (1953) association of bougainville with
albiventer. Subsequent authors have followed this assignment.
More importantly, the cranium and dentition of the remaining
taxon differ considerably from those of the form that we regard as
albiventer. The cranium is rectangular with a relatively longer
rostrum than in albiventer, and the braincase is elongate, not glo-
bose (Fig. 1B). The second upper and lower premolars lack a dis-
tinct internal cusp. Often there is a marked, flangelike ridge
sweeping in a graceful and gentle curve from the posterior inter-
nal margin of the cingulum upward to the apex of the prominent
and narrow external cusp (Fig. 1B). This is especially apparent on
unworn teeth. The teeth are usually longer and somewhat nar-
rower than those of albiventer, although this tendency may be
obscured by wear and erosion. The preceding features characterize
specimens formerly referred to N. albiventer bougainville from the
Solomon Islands, the holotype of N. vizcaccia, and a larger series
of topotypes (Ruk, Rooke, or Umboi Island) in the Bernice P.
Bishop Museum.
Finally, we compared the Bismarck and Solomon specimens
with those referred to cephalotes from Peleng Island and the
Moluccas. The latter agree in external appearance and general
shape of the cranium. The crania of Bismarck and Solomon spec-
imens tend to be less rectangular than either those of cephalotes
or masalai. Specimens of cephalotes from Peleng Island and the
Moluccas are larger in overall size, and the upper and lower pre-
molars have a moderately prominent internal cusp. This is also
true of the specimen from Numfoor. On the lower premolar, this
cusp may be reduced to a promontory or shoulder on the internal
ridge that extends from the posterior cingulum to the apex of the
external cusp. Thus, given these differences, we regard Nyctimene
vizcaccia Thomas (1914) to be a valid species, separate and distinct
from cephalotes and masalai, and occupying a geographic range
in the Bismarck and Solomon Islands. All three taxa appear to be
allied and may ultimately be regarded as members of a
"cephalotes-group." Furthermore, we regard N. bougainville from
the Solomon Islands, heretofore assigned to N. albiventer, as a
junior synonym of N. vizcaccia and as a valid subspecies of that
species, Nyctimene vizcaccia bougainville, new combination.
There seems to be little evidence to warrant recognition of the
subspecies minor from Fauro, Choiseui, and Santa Ysabel islands.
Although slightly smaller in overall size, representative specimens
are not markedly removed from the range of variation in N. v.
bougamville, and we therefore regard N. albiventer minor as a
junior synonym of N. v. bougainville.
Nyctimene masalai differs from supposed cephalotes from
Peleng Island and the Moluccas by being larger in overall size,
having a somewhat broader, yet rectangular cranium, and a rela-
tively longer rostrum. The dentition of masalai is, perhaps, the
most reduced of any species of Nyctimene in terms of coronal
cuspidation (Fig. 3). Nyctimene malaitensis Phillips (1968) is
known only from the type specimen from Malaita Island,
Solomon Islands. It appears to be a species distinct from N. v.
bougainville which is smaller in all respects. Nyctimene malaiten-
sis does approach masalai in size, but the cranium is less rectan-
gular, the rostrum is shorter and broader, and the palate is flat,
not domed as in masalai. The dentition of the holotype of malai-
tensis is badly worn. The foundations of the teeth are broad and
rounded, and those of the upper and lower second premolars
appear to have supported internal cusps.
A new species, Nyctimene masalai, is described from New Ire-
land Island, Bismarck Archipelago, Papua New Guinea. The new
species is compared with all other species of Nyctimene except N.
sanctacrucis. In these comparisons, useful characteristics for iden-
tifying the species of Nyctimene are presented, and Nyctimene
albiventer and N. cephalotes are discussed in detail. As a result,
Nyctimene vizcaccia is raised to species rank. Nyctimene bougain-
ville, from the Solomon Islands (previously assigned to N. albi-
venter), is placed as a junior synonym of N. vizcaccia, and
Solomon representatives are assigned to Nyctimene vizcaccia bou-
gainville. Nyctimene albiventer minor, also from the Solomons, is
put into the synonymy oi N. vizcaccia bougainville.
We thank John E. Hill for reviewing the manuscript and making material in
his care available to us. John Wright, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles
County, and William Presch III, Dept. Biology, California State Univ., Fullerton,
also commented on the manuscript. We thank the curators of the following insti-
tutions for allowing us access to critical material: K. F. Koopman, American
Museum of Natural History, New York; B. Marlowe, Australian Museum, Sydney;
A, Ziegler, Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu; W. Z. Lidicker, Jr., Museum of
Vertebrate Zoology, Univ. California (Berkeley); H. Felten and D. Kock, Natur-
Museum Senckenberg, Frankfurt; D. E. Wilson, United States National Museum,
Washington; H. Hackethal, Museum fur Naturkunde, der Humboldt Universitat
zu Berlin, Berlin, DDR. Also, we would like to extend our thanks to M. Raga
(former First Assistant Director), N. Kwapena (current First Assistant Director), G.
Maynes, F. Kimbag, and C. Umkau, Division of Wildlife, Department of Lands
and Environment, Papua New Guinea, for granting permission to conduct field
research in the Bismarck Archipelago and for providing invaluable assistance and
companionship in the field. Lance Hill and J. Pernetta, Dept. Biology, Univ.
Papua New Guinea, provided institutional affiliation for our field project, and A.
Norrie graciously provided us with shelter and a base of operation during our stay
on New Britain in 1979 and 1981. Susan Smith prepared the illustrations for the
paper. Last, but not least, we wish to thank Mrs. Reese Taylor for her continued
financial and moral support without which none of this work would have been
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... A summary of different taxonomic arrangements of Nyctimene taxa by selected authors subsequent to Andersen. Andersen, 1912aAndersen, 1912aHeaney & Peterson, 1984Bergmans, 2001Bergmans, 2001 N. keasti Paranyctimene P. raptor P. tenax difficult when specimen numbers (e.g., Flannery, 1995a) or measurements are omitted (e.g., Smith & Hood, 1983) and when taxonomic rank is changed without formal justification, e.g., N. a. papuanus Andersen, 1910, N. bougainville and N. draconilla Thomas, 1922a, were all demoted to subspecies of N. albiventer by Laurie & Hill (1954). Intraspecific variation remains to be determined for some taxa that were based either on only the holotype (e.g., N. malaitensis Phillips, 1968; Paranyctimene tenax tenax Bergmans, 2001), or on a very limited number of specimens (e.g., N. masalai Smith & Hood, 1983) and for which additional material has not yet been determined. ...
... Andersen, 1912aAndersen, 1912aHeaney & Peterson, 1984Bergmans, 2001Bergmans, 2001 N. keasti Paranyctimene P. raptor P. tenax difficult when specimen numbers (e.g., Flannery, 1995a) or measurements are omitted (e.g., Smith & Hood, 1983) and when taxonomic rank is changed without formal justification, e.g., N. a. papuanus Andersen, 1910, N. bougainville and N. draconilla Thomas, 1922a, were all demoted to subspecies of N. albiventer by Laurie & Hill (1954). Intraspecific variation remains to be determined for some taxa that were based either on only the holotype (e.g., N. malaitensis Phillips, 1968; Paranyctimene tenax tenax Bergmans, 2001), or on a very limited number of specimens (e.g., N. masalai Smith & Hood, 1983) and for which additional material has not yet been determined. Sexual dimorphism in colour and size has been reported for some species of Nyctimene, for example, N. a. papuanus, N. major (Dobson, 1877) and N. cephalotes (Pallas, 1767) (Kitchener et al., 1993(Kitchener et al., , 1995Andersen, 1912a), but not for other taxa such as N. certans Andersen, 1912b, N. cyclotis Andersen, 1910(Peterson, 1991 and N. keasti Kitchener, in Kitchener et al. 1993(Kitchener et al., 1995. ...
... Sexual dimorphism in colour and size has been reported for some species of Nyctimene, for example, N. a. papuanus, N. major (Dobson, 1877) and N. cephalotes (Pallas, 1767) (Kitchener et al., 1993(Kitchener et al., , 1995Andersen, 1912a), but not for other taxa such as N. certans Andersen, 1912b, N. cyclotis Andersen, 1910(Peterson, 1991 and N. keasti Kitchener, in Kitchener et al. 1993(Kitchener et al., 1995. Additionally, many of the types are damaged, have worn dentition (Smith & Hood, 1983;Peterson, 1991) or have lost described diagnostic alpha characters (e.g., in the holotype of N. cyclotis, the right P 3 and P 4 have fallen out of the skull and are lost). High individual variation (Smith & Hood, 1983), variation in cranial and dental structures caused by aging (Heaney & Peterson, 1984) and diagnoses that rely on size and colour patterns (Smith & Hood, 1983;Bonaccorso, 1998) have made Nyctimeninae one of the most taxonomically confused taxa in Chiroptera. ...
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The tube-nosed fruit bat genus Nyctimene comprises 18 species found in the Philippines, Wallacea, Melanesia and the Solomon Islands but species taxonomy has remained problematic. A review of the cyclotis group, consisting of N. cyclotis and N. certans from New Guinea is presented, using morphological and genetic data. Historically, the taxonomy of the cyclotis group has been severely impeded by the lack of illustrations or photographs of the majority of the types. This led authors to differ in their treatment of these species, suggesting that the distinct taxa N. cyclotis and N. certans might be conspecific. Here, N. cyclotis and N. certans are recognized as full species and are re-diagnosed. I describe Nyctimene wrightae sp. nov., a widespread New Guinean species which is tentatively placed in the cyclotis group. These three species and the sympatric N. a. papuanus, of similar body-size, are morphologically distinguished using discriminant function analyses and non-metric characters. An identification key is provided. Species distribution and conservation status are evaluated. The IUCN threat status recommended for each species is: N. wrightae sp. nov. Least Concern; N. certans (known from < 200 specimens) with unknown population size and trends, Data Deficient; and N. cyclotis, known from only two male specimens, Vulnerable. Further research is required on the basic ecology of all of these species, which remains virtually unknown.
... Flannery (1995) referred the Manus Island population to N. albiventer papuanus (type locality: Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea), and thus grouped it with populations from the Bismarck Archipelago and New Guinea. Bonaccorso (1998: 181-184) and followed Smith and Hood (1983) in distinguishing N. vizcaccia (type locality: Umboi Island) from N. albiventer. Like Thomas (1914), Smith and Hood (1983) and Bonaccorso (1998: 181) emphasised the tri-coloured banding of the dorsal fur as one of the more obvious distinguishing features of N. vizcaccia, contrasting with the simpler two-coloured fur of N. albiventer papuanus. ...
... Bonaccorso (1998: 181-184) and followed Smith and Hood (1983) in distinguishing N. vizcaccia (type locality: Umboi Island) from N. albiventer. Like Thomas (1914), Smith and Hood (1983) and Bonaccorso (1998: 181) emphasised the tri-coloured banding of the dorsal fur as one of the more obvious distinguishing features of N. vizcaccia, contrasting with the simpler two-coloured fur of N. albiventer papuanus. ...
... Bonaccorso referred all of the smaller tube-nosed bats in the Bismarck and Admiralty Groups to N. vizcaccia. This assessment differs from that of Smith and Hood (1983) who illustrated examples of both N. vizcaccia and N. albiventer from the Bismarck Archipelago, and from the more recent experience of D. Byrne (in Anthony et al. 2001) and who also recorded two small-bodied Nyctimene spp. on New Britain. One possible reason for the ongoing confusion is that the dorsal fur on both species on New Britain is tri-coloured (Aplin and Opiang 2011: 94), contrary to the condition in the type specimens of typical N. albiventer (type locality: Morotai Island, Indonesia) and of N. albiventer papuanus (type locality: Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea). ...
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The relatively remote islands of Manus and Mussau, located in the northern portion of the Bismark sea have been long identified as key biodiversity areas in Papua New Guinea and within greater Melanesia. Manus Island has long been known for its endemism and relatively intact forest, while Mussau Island, although relatively unstudied, has been recognised as an Endemic Bird Area. This report documents the findings of a series of rapid biodiversity surveys focusing on terrestrial flora and fauna, funded by the Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund ,encompassing four sites across the islands of Manus and Mussau; undertaken by a WCS led team of national and international taxonomic specialists in October 2014. The objective of these surveys was to investigate the biodiversity values of these areas. In conjunction with participatory community work conducted prior to, and following the surveys the wider WCS project aims to identify options for natural resource management in the region which addresses both community and biodiversity needs.
... As a consequence of the reviews and statements of Laurie and Hill (1954) Greig-Smith (1975), Koopman (1979Koopman ( ,1982, Smith and Hood (1983), Petersen (1991), Hill (1991,1992) and Koopman in Wilson and Reeder (1993) the classification of these fonns is generally considered to be as follows: ...
... Nyetimene albiventer keasti is compared directly with N.a albiventer, N. a. papuanus and Nyetimene eephalotes (WAM specimens from Ambon and Seram). It is compared with N. minutus, N. eyclotis, N. masalai and N. vizeaecia through the excellent description of these forms in Andersen (1912), Smith and Hood (1983), and Heaney andPetersen (1984), and also utilising Corbet and Hill (1992). ...
... 1.5-3.5 v. 5; frontal sinuses converging in supraorbital region rather than parallel; maxillary toothrow slightly to moderately arched rather than straight; bony palate only slightly domed; no marked reduction ofcoronial cusps; labial cusps present on Cl rather than absent; generally smaller in overall size, for example: condylobasal length 27.36 (26.02-28.04) v. ) v. Ifdiffers from N. vizcaccia in having colour of dorsum generally uniform rather than mottled, cranium squarish rather than rectangular; braincase globose rather than elongate, rostrum shorter (Smith and Hood 1983: figures 1,2); P3 with distinct internal cusp teeth, usually shorter. ...
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Nyctimene is recorded for the first time from the Am and Banda island groups. The Nyctimene from Wokam, Am island group, is morphologically close to N. albivenler papuanus. That from Kai Besar, Kai Kedl and Banda islands is described as a new subspecies of N. albiventer. The biogeographic relevance of this taxonomic separation is briefly discussed in the context ofthe mammal biogeography of these islands.
Insular faunas of terrestrial mammals and bats are examined on a worldwide basis to test the adequacy of equilibrium and historical legacy models as explanations for species-area relationships. Species numbers of bats on islands conform to predictions from equilibrium theory, whereby recurrent immigrations and extinctions influence species richness. By contrast, species numbers of terrestrial mammals on islands result from a historical legacy of very low immigration rates on oceanic islands (the faunas are colonization-limited) and by the fragmentation of once contiguous continental faunas to form relictual populations, which subsequently undergo extinctions, on landbridge islands (the faunas are extinction-limited). This explanation is supported by several lines of evidence: (1) z values (slopes of species-area curves) are lower for non-volant mammals on oceanic islands than for those on landbridge islands, but are the opposite for bats; (2) z values for non-volant mammals are lower than those for bats on oceanic islands, but are higher than those for bats on landbridge islands; and (3) landbridge island faunas are attenuated mainland faunas, whereas those on oceanic islands are ecologically incomplete. No support is found for alternative hypotheses to explain low species-area slopes for terrestrial mammals on oceanic islands.
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Bilateral orchiectomy was performed as secondary endocrine treatment in 12 patients with prostatic cancer who were treated initially with a gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue. Compared to a control group of prostatic cancer patients undergoing orchiectomy as primary therapy, the testes in the hormonally treated group showed marked spermatogenic suppression, peritubular membrane thickening and decreased numbers of Leydig cells. The degree of fibrosis and the damage seen in these testes imply that the spermatogenic suppression seen after prolonged gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue administration may not be as reversible as previously suggested.
Provides notes, which include comments on distribution and habitat, on 35 species in 15 genera in 6 families. Biogeographical discussion includes emphasis on the high degree of endemism, and attempts to trace the origin and evolution of this bat fauna.-P.J.Jarvis
Description of a new fruit-bat from New Guinea
  • Thomas
THOMAS, 0. 1900. Description of a new fruit-bat from New Guinea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, 5:216-217.
List of land mammals of New Guinea, Celebes, and adjacent islands, 1758-1952
  • And J E Hill
LAURIE, E. M. 0, AND J. E. HILL. 1954. List of land mammals of New Guinea, Celebes, and adjacent islands, 1758-1952. British Mus. (NaL Hist.), iv+175 pp.
Systemalics of megachiropteran bats in the Solomon Islands
  • C J Phillips
PHILLIPS, C. J. 1968. Systemalics of megachiropteran bats in the Solomon Islands. Univ. Kansas PubL, Mus. Nat. Hist., 16:777-837.
Notes on a collection of bats and their ectoparasites from the Sepik District
  • P W Greig-Smith
GREIG-SMITH, P. W. 1975. Notes on a collection of bats and their ectoparasites from the Sepik District, Papua New Guinea. Sci. New Guinea, 3:117-122.
Also, we would like to extend our thanks to M. Raga (former First Assistant Director), N. Kwapena (current First Assistant Director
  • Berlin
  • Ddr Berlin
Berlin, Berlin, DDR. Also, we would like to extend our thanks to M. Raga (former First Assistant Director), N. Kwapena (current First Assistant Director), G.
Uber die Fledertiere von Bougainville
  • H Pohle
POHLE, H. 1953. Uber die Fledertiere von Bougainville. Z. Saugetierk., 17:127-137.