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Phytosociological Studies on the HalophyticCommunities of Central Anatolia


Abstract and Figures

Central Anatolia belongs to the Irano-Turanian region in terms of phytogeography. Salt marshes occupy a significant place in this province. Halophytic vegetation which develops around the salt lakes is floristically very rich and includes many endemic taxa. In this study, five different phytosociological researches, carried out on the salt marsh communities of Central Anatolia were taken as a whole. In all these researches, the vegetation analyses were carried out according to the traditional Braun-Blanquet approach. The nomenclature and classification of syntaxa follow the "International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature". Plant associations misevaluated and/or not considered as validly published were renamed and reclassified. The salt marsh communities which are dealt with in this study belong to the Halostachyetalia and Juncetalia maritimi orders of the Salicornietea classis. These orders are represented by the alliances of Lepidio caespitosi-Limonion iconici and Inulo aucheranae-Elymion salsi in the salt marshes of Central Anatolia.
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1Bozok University, Faculty of Science and Arts, Department of Biology, 66200,
2Erciyes University, Faculty of Science and Arts, Department of Biology, 38039,
*Corresponding author:
Phytosociological Studies on the Halophytic
Communities of Central Anatolia
Central Anatolia belongs to the Irano-Turanian region in terms of phytogeography. Salt marshes occupy a
significant place in this province. Halophytic vegetation which develops around the salt lakes is floristically
very rich and includes many endemic taxa. In this study, five different phytosociological researches, carried
out on the salt marsh communities of Central Anatolia were taken as a whole. In all these researches, the
vegetation analyses were carried out according to the traditional Braun-Blanquet approach. The
nomenclature and classification of syntaxa follow the "International Code of Phytosociological
Nomenclature". Plant associations misevaluated and/or not considered as validly published were renamed
and reclassified. The salt marsh communities which are dealt with in this study belong to the
Halostachyetalia and Juncetalia maritimi orders of the Salicornietea classis. These orders are represented by
the alliances of Lepidio caespitosi-Limonion iconici and Inulo aucheranae-Elymion salsi in the salt marshes
of Central Anatolia.
Key words: Central Anatolia, Salicornietea, salt marshes, Turkey.
Orta Anadolu Halofitik Topluluklarý Üzerine Fitososyolojik Çalýþmalar
Orta Anadolu fitocoðrafik olarak Irano-Turanian bölgeye dâhildir. Tuzlu bataklýklar bu alanda önemli bir yer
iþgal ederler. Tuzlu bataklýklarýn çevresinde, floristik bakýmdan çok sayýda endemik takson içeren halofitik
topluluklar geliþir. Bu çalýþmada, Orta Anadolu tuzlu bataklýklarýnda gerçekleþtirilmiþ beþ farklý
fitososyolojik araþtýrma bir bütün olarak deðerlendirildi. Bu araþtýrmalarýn tamamýnda, vejetasyon analizi
geleneksel Braun-Blanquet metodu ile gerçekleþtirilmiþtir. Adlandýrýlmýþ ve sýnýflandýrýlmýþ sintaksonlarýn
"Uluslar arasý Bitkisosyolojisi Adlandýrma Kodu" ile uyumu gerçekleþtirildi. Yanlýþ yorumlanmýþ veya
geçerli olarak yayýnlanmamýþ birlikler yeniden adlandýrýldý ve sýnýflandýrýldý. Bu çalýþmanýn kapsamýna giren
tuzlu bataklýk topluluklarý Salicornietea sýnýfýna ait Halostachyetalia ve Juncetalia maritimi ordolarýna
baðlanýrlar. Bu ordolar Orta Anadolu tuzlu bataklýklarýnda Lepidio caespitosi-Limonion iconici ve Inulo
aucheranae-Elymion salsi alyanslarý ile temsil edilirler.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Orta Anadolu, Salicornietea, tuzlu bataklýklar, Türkiye.
Hamzaoðlu E, Aksoy A (2009) Phytosociological Studies on the Halophytic Communities of Central
Anatolia. Ekoloji 18, 71, 1-14.
No: 71, 2009 1
The vegetation of Central Anatolia has a relevant
phytogeographic importance, due to its climatic,
edaphic, geological, anthropogenic effects, plant
migrations, floristic region sliding, relict areas,
endemic centres and geographical characteristics.
Central Anatolia has been included into Irano-
Turanian phytogeographical region by Zohary
(1973) and Takhtajan (1986) and named as "Central
Anatolian" phytogeographical province. It
encompasses all part of Central Anatolian basins and
it is completely encircled by mountains. This
situation provides certain isolation to the province,
which is certainly responsible for a relatively high
endemism. Infact, it includes few endemic genera
such as Kalidiopsis Aellen (K.wagenitzii Aellen) and
Cyathobasis Aellen (C. fruticulosa (Bunge) Aellen) and
many infrageneric endemic taxa (Davis 1965-1985,
Davis et al. 1988, Güner et al. 2000).
The predominant vegetation of this province is
steppes. Pure steppe communities in Central
Anatolian province are surrounded by woody
steppes (anthropogenic steppe) and forest
formations. There are inland salt marshes in the
Ekoloji 18, 71, 1-14 (2009)
Geliþ: 01.06.2007 / Kabul: 26.03.2009
Hamzaoðlu and Aksoy
basins of Central Anatolian province with a poor
Barrenness can be defined briefly as follows:
basins become unavailable for agricultural
production due to the soils carrying extreme levels
of salt, or due to the increase in salinity for various
reasons. Barrenness appears to be a significant
problem in the arid and the semi-arid regions. In
Anatolia, there are more than one million hectares
of barren basins; the size of this area is increasing
because many parts of Turkey are in the semi-arid
zone, and there is an improper use of irrigation
(Oakes 1958). The plant cover of barren basins is
the most typical indicator of soil and the climatic
condition. The halophytic plants which grow in
these kinds of basins are not related taxonomically,
but they form a socio-ecological group as they have
some common specific living features for the
peculiar conditions in these areas.
Central Anatolian province is the last part of the
Irano-Turanian region towards Europe. Because of
its different formation types, it has been researched
by many native and foreigner botanists since 1910's.
(Louis 1939, Krause 1940, Birand 1961 and 1970,
Walter 1956, Çetik 1985, Akman et al. 1985,
Ketenoðlu et al. 1983 and 2000, Hamzaoðlu et al.
This study was carried out to define the
syntaxonomy of the salt marsh communities in
Central Anatolia, in Turkey. The first
phytosociological studies were realized in the area
by Birand (1961), Yurdakulol (1974) and Yurdakulol
and Ercoþkun (1990). As a result of recent studies,
there are major syntaxa determined in which the salt
marsh communities of Central Anatolia are
connected with (Aydoðdu et al. 2002).
The most important salt marshes in Central
Anatolia are in Konya Basin, like Tuz, Seyfe and Yay
Lakes (Sultansazlýðý). Tuz Lake (905 m) is located
between Ankara, Konya and Aksaray provinces and
it is the second largest lake of Turkey. Seyfe Lake
(1100 m) is in Kýrþehir province and Yay Lake (1072
m) is in Kayseri province (Fig. 1).
The soil of the barren area in the region belongs
to the salt hydromorphic alluvial soil type in the
young alluvial soil group. It is formed, along with
other alluvial soils, in river valleys, deltas, and basins
throughout Turkey. It has usually been formed as a
result of misdrainage and misirrigation. The salt
marshes in Central Anatolia are mostly formed near
the salt lakes. These lakes, which take place in the
middle elevations around and seem almost like
earthenware, have no flow to outside. The most
important edaphic factors of soil salinization are Ca,
Mg, Na, K cations and CO3, HCO3, Cl and SO4
anions. pH generally varies between 7.5-8.5 in such
soils. The salt lakes are nourished by few spring
waters around and the rising base water in the rainy
seasons (winter and spring). These soils which
shape the marshy vegetation in Central Anatolia are
generally named as "white alkali" or "solonchak"
(Black 1970).
In the region where the most important inland
salt marshes of Turkey are located, semi-arid, lower-
very cold Mediterranean climate is dominated
(Table 1). These salt marshes occupy the basins
where the drainage is spoilt in the region. Annual
average temperature changes between 10 and 12°C.
The temperature is over 20°C during the summer
season. The highest temperatures are seen in July
and August in when the rain is minimum at the
same time. In most part of the region, the annual
precipitation is under 400 mm. More than half of
this precipitation falls during the winter and spring
season. Water deficiency effectively occurs during
the summer period. The arid season that begins in
the end of June continues for 4-5 months
(Emberger 1955, Akman and Daget 1971, Akman
1990, Anonymous 1984).
Although the rehabilitation studies carried out
particularly in Seyfe (Kýrþehir) and Yay (Kayseri-
Sultansazlýðý) Lakes aim to convert the barren area
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Fig 1. The most important salt marshes of Central Anatolia;
Tuz Lake, Konya Basin, Seyfe Lake and Yay Lake
Phytosociological Studies on the Halophytic Communities... Ekoloji
to agricultural fields, they adversely affected the
present ecosystem of the salt marshes which are
regarded as important aquatic areas of Turkey and
caused the destruction of the natural vegetation
there. Among these lakes, which have a rather rich
flora and fauna, Tuz Lake and Yay Lake
(Sultansazlýðý) are declared as Special Environment
Protection Area and it was Seyfe Lake is declared as
a Nature Protection Area and taken under
The material of this study was constituted of
four phytosociological studies carried out on the salt
marshes of Central Anatolia. The names of the taxa
and their authors were checked and corrected
(Davis 1965-1985, Davis et al. 1988, Güner et al.
2000, Brummitt and Powell 1992). The
determination of the chorology of the taxa in the
synoptic table was carried out according to Davis
(1965-1985), Davis et al. (1988), Güner et al. (2000),
Zohary (1973), Donner (1990) and Akhani (2002)
and the life forms were determined according to
Raunkiaer (1934) and Ellenberg and Mueller-
Dombois (1967). The vegetation analysis in this
study and in other studies were evaluated and
performed according to the traditional Braun-
Blanquet approach (Braun-Blanquet, 1964). The
constancy classes were determined by using the
studies of Barkman et al. (1964). A new association
was named in accordance to "International Code of
Phytosociological Nomenclature". The
nomenclature and classification of the previously
defined syntaxa were checked (Weber et al. 2000). In
this association, which is validly defined for the first
time, characteristic and diagnostic species are
determined again. The abbreviations which are used
under the topics of "study name", "chorotypes" and
"life forms" in the synoptic table are described under
the related table.
Class: Salicornietea Braun-Blanq. 1931
In Central Anatolia, the syntaxanomical groups
belonging to this class have a distribution range in
more or less moist flooded coastal and inland salt
regions. The soil in inland salt marshes gives a very
basic reaction. Salicornietalia Braun-Blang. 1931,
Juncetalia maritimi Braun-Blanq. 1931 and
Halostachyetalia (Grossh.) Topa 1938 orders
belonging to these groups reflect the salt areas of
North Africa, Europe or Turkey (Topa 1939, Braun-
Blanquet 1951). The arid or semi arid regions in
North America and Argentina with excessive
No: 71, 2009 3
Table 1. The climatic data obtained from the meteorological station located near the salt marshes of Central Anatolia.
evaporation and inland salt marshes of Irano-
Turanian and Saharo-Arabian phytogeographical
regions are also related to this class.
Order: Halostachyetalia (Grossh.) Topa 1938
This order covers the halophytic associations of
Southeast Europe, Turkey and Central Asia. The
Irano-Turanian species in the order are not present
in most parts of Europe and Mediterranean. The
characteristic species belonging to this order have a
typical phytogeography and sociability. Although
this order probably shows a wide spread coverage in
Russian steppes and Central Asia in larger and
homogeny communities, it is spread in a very
narrow region in Europe (Northern Romania) and
1. Halocnemetum strobilacei (B.Keller) Topa
This association is defined by Keller (1928) in
Turkistan for the first time. Later, Topa determined
the same association in Romania (1939) and
Wendelberger determined it around the Neusiedler
Lake (1950). This association was directly connected
to the Halostachyetalia order by Topa (1939).
The association shows distribution near the lakes
and debris areas where the salt density in the salt
marshes of Central Anatolia is maximum. Konya
Plain, Tuz Lake, Seyfe Lake and Yay Lake
(Sultansazlýðý) are the main areas where the
association is widespread and homogeny.
Species such as Camphorosma monspeliaca L.
subsp. monspeliaca, Petrosimonia brachiata (Pall.)
Bunge and Frankenia hirsuta L. are also seen in the
community which is determined in Romania by
Topa. Halocnemum strobilaceum (Pall.) M.Bieb. is
dominant in the physiognomy.
Alliance: Lepidio caespitosi-Limonion iconici
Aydoðdu, Hamzaoðlu and Kurt 2002
Holotype: in Aydoðdu, Hamzaoðlu and Kurt
2002, table 2, Lepidio caespitosi-Limonioetum iconici;
characteristic species: Lepidium caespitosum Desv.,
Salsola inermis Forssk., Taraxacum farinosum Hauskkn.
and Bornm., Thesium compressum Boiss. and Heldr.;
differential species: Limonium iconicum (Boiss. and
Heldr.) Kuntze, Limonium lilacinum (Boiss. and
Balansa) Wagenitz, Petrosimonia nigdeensis Aellen,
Salsola stenoptera Wagenitz.
This alliance has a distribution on salt
hydromorphic soils around Tuz Lake, Konya Basin,
Seyfe Lake, and Yay Lake (Sultansazlýðý), which are
inundated in winter and completely dried in
summer. The alliance prefers the regions between
the salt steppes dominated by Artemisia santonicum L.
and salt marshes dominated by Juncus sp.. The
alliance is found at 950-980 m in Tuz Lake, 1100 m
in Seyfe Lake, and 1073-1076 m in Yay Lake.
Generally, the physiognomy is dominated by
Halocnemum strobilaceum, Limonium iconicum,
Frankenia hirsuta, Camphorosma monspeliaca subsp.
monspeliaca from the order of Halostachyetalia.
Of the characteristic and differential species of
Lepidio caespitosi-Limonion iconici, all are endemic
except Salsola inermis and Thesium compressum. While
Salsola inermis spreads in the Irano-Turanian and
Mediterranean regions of Anatolia, Philistine, Syria
and north of Africa, Thesium compressum spreads
only in Irano-Turanian region in Anatolia and
northwest of Iran. Lepidium caespitosum is an
endemic species which grows up at the salt marshes
in Central and Northeast of Anatolia (only one
record from Ýspir (Erzurum), it is probably a
misidentification). All of the other species of the
alliance are endemic for the salt marshes of Central
Anatolian province.
2. Lepidio caespitosi-Limonietum iconici
Aydoðdu, Hamzaoðlu and Kurt 2002
[Syn. Salsola inermis (Syn. Salsola platytheca)
community Birand 1961, Frankenia hirsuta-Limonium
iconicum (Syn. Frankenia hirsuta subsp. hispida, Statice
iconia) community Birand 1961 (nomenclatural
synonym according to ICPN: Articles 5 and 19)].
Holotype: in Aydoðdu, Hamzaoðlu and Kurt
2002, table 2, relevé 10; locality: Ankara,
Þereflikoçhisar, from Mezgit Town to Tuz Lake, 980
m, 23.viii.1997.
It is the type and central association of the
alliance. Its characteristic and differential species are
the same with the alliance. The association is
determined at 1110 meter in Seyfe Lake and
between 1075-1080 meters in Yay Lake
(Sultansazlýðý). The general cover ranges between
70-100 %. Of the alliance characteristic species,
Limonium iconicum and Lepidium caespitosum, of the
order characteristic species, Halocnemum strobilaceum
and Frankenia hirsuta and of the class characteristic
species, Puccinellia convolata are dominant in the
3. Limonio tamaricoidis-Puccinellietum
convolutae Aydoðdu, Hamzaoðlu and Kurt 2002
Holotype: in Aydoðdu, Hamzaoðlu and Kurt
2002, table 2, relevé 3; locality: Ankara,
Hamzaoðlu and Aksoy
No: 71, 20094
Phytosociological Studies on the Halophytic Communities... Ekoloji
No: 71, 2009 5
Table 2. Synoptic table of the halophytic communities of Central Anatolia - Turkey.
Hamzaoðlu and Aksoy
No: 71, 20096
Table 2. Continue.
Phytosociological Studies on the Halophytic Communities... Ekoloji
No: 71, 2009 7
Þereflikoçhisar, Altunkaya, Üçaðýl Place, 960 m, 12.
vii. 1997; characteristic species: Limonium
tamaricoides Bokhari, Puccinellia convoluta (Hornem.)
P.Fourr.; differential species: Sphaerophysa kotschyana
The characteristic species of the association,
Puccinellia convolata is also the characteristic of
Salicornietea class. Limonium tamaricoides and
Sphaerophysa kotschyana are endemic for the Central
Anatolian province.
Until now, the association has only been
determined in Tuz Lake. The association occurs in
the salt hydromorphic soils with rich underground
water. It resembles the Inulo aucheranae-Elymion
salsi alliance as regards habitat. It prefers the
altitudes of 950-960 m. The general coverage ranges
between 70 and 100 %. The physiognomy of the
association is dominated by Puccinellia convolata.
4. Sphenopodo divaricati-Halocnemetum
strobilacei Aydoðdu, Hamzaoðlu and Kurt 2002
[Syn. Puccinellia distans-Limonium gmelinii (Syn.
Atropis distans var. convoluta, Statice gmelini)
community Birand 1961 (nomenclatural synonym
according to ICPN: Articles 5 and 19)].
Holotype: in Aydoðdu, Hamzaoðlu and Kurt
2002, table 2, relevé 8; locality: Ankara,
Þereflikoçhisar, Kaldýrým Saltpan, 970 m,
22.viii.1997; characteristic species: Halocnemum
strobilaceum (Pall.) M.Bieb., Microcnemum coralloides
(Loscos and Pardo) Font Quer.; differential species:
Minuartia urumiensis (Bornm.) Bornm., Sphenopus
divaricatus (Gouan) Rchb..
This association spreads in the depression areas
of Tuz Lake where the salt density is highest.
Microcnemum coralloides is especially
characteristic of these types of habitats. The
association prefers the altitudes of 960-970 m. The
genera coverage ranges between 80 and 100%. The
physiognomy is dominated by Halocnemum
strobilaceum, a characteristic species of the
Halostachyetalia order.
5. Suaedo anatolicae-Salsoletum nitrariae
Aydoðdu, Hamzaoðlu and Kurt 2002
[Syn. Halanthium kulpianum (Syn. Petrosimonia
birandii) community Birand 1961 (nomenclatural
synonym according to ICPN: Articles 5 and 19)].
Holotype: in Aydoðdu, Hamzaoðlu and Kurt
2002, table 2, relevé 15; locality: Konya, near
Cihanbeyli Saltpan, 980 m, 29.viii.1997;
characteristic species: Salsola nitraria Pall.;
differential species: Astragalus ovalis Boiss. and
Balansa, Minuartia sclerantha (Fisch. and C.A.Mey.)
Thell., Suaeda prostrata Pall. subsp. anatolica Aellen.
The differential species of the association;
Astragalus ovalis and Suaeda prostrata subsp. anatolica
are endemic to the salt marshes of Central Anatolian
province. It spreads on the salt hydromorphic soils
around Tuz Lake. This association, closest to the salt
steppes, is dominated by Artemisia santonicum. In this
association, the level of salt of the hydromorphic
alluvial soil where the association grows is much
lower than that of the salt level of other associations.
The general coverage of the association changes
between 60% and 100%, and it prefers the altitudes
of 970-980 m. Terophytes, such as Salsola nitraria,
Suaeda prostrata subsp. anatolica and Petrosimonia
brachiata are dominant to the physiognomy in the
6. Bupleuro gracili-Limonietum gmelinii
Yurdakulol ex Hamzaoðlu ass. nov.
[Syn. Limonium gmelinii-Bupleurum gracile (Syn.
Statice gmelini) community Yurdakulol 1974,
Frankenia hirsuta-Limonium iconicum (Syn. Frankenia
hirsuta subsp. hispida, Statice iconia) community
Yurdakulol 1974, Halocnemum strobilaceum-Salsola
stenoptera (Syn. Suaeda birandii) community
Yurdakulol 1974 (nomenclatural synonym
according to ICPN: Articles 5 and 19)].
Lectotype (here designated): in Yurdakulol 1974,
table 3, relevé 28; locality: Konya Basin;
characteristic species: Limonium gmelinii (Willd.)
Kuntze, Puccinellia distans (Jacq.) Parl.; differential
species: Bupleurum gracile d'Urv., Crypsis aculeate
(L.) Aiton.
The association flourishes in marsh areas which
remain permanently more or less moist. It grows in
solanchak soil with high salt density in Konya Basin
and Yay Lake (Sultansazlýðý). The physiognomy of
the association where the coverage changes between
75% and 95% is dominated by Limonium gmelinii
and Halocnemum strobilaceum.
Order: Juncetalia maritimi Braun-Blanq.
This order covers all the halophyte groups
named as "salt grassland". The physiognomy of the
order is dominated by the taxa belonging to Poaceae,
Juncaceae and Cyperaceae families. This floristic
composition sometimes includes taxa belonging to
Fabaceae and Asteraceae families. The soil in these
lands known as salt grasslands is moist, less salty and
Hamzaoðlu and Aksoy
No: 71, 20098
rich in carbonate. These lands subjected to floods in
rainy seasons remain moist in most of the summer.
This order flourishes from Mediterranean region to
Black sea region and alongside the Atlantic and
Scandinavia. It sometimes shows a distribution
range extending into the inner regions such as
Spain, Island, Ukraine, Balkans and Turkey.
Alliance: Inulo aucheranae-Elymion salsi
Aydoðdu, Hamzaoðlu and Kurt 2002
Holotype: in Aydoðdu, Hamzaoðlu and Kurt
2002, table 3, Inulo aucheranae-Elymetum salsi;
characteristic species: Elymus elongatus (Host)
Runemark subsp. salsus Melderis, Inula aucherana
DC., Onosma halophilum Boiss. and Heldr.,
Scorzonera hieraciifolia Hayek, Verbascum pyroliforme
(Boiss. and Heldr.) Kuntze; differential species:
Allium sieheanum [Hausskn. ex] Kollmann, Gladiolus
halophilus Boiss. and Heldr., Gypsophila
oblanceolata Barkman, Hypericum salsugineum
Robson and Hub.-Mor., Salvia halophila Hedge.
The alliance occurs in the salt marshes such or
Tuz Lake, Konya Basin and Yay Lake (Sultansazlýðý).
The salt hydromorphic soils, present in this area and
in the areas covered with water most of the year
(they only get dry enough to walk on between
August and October). The underground water
diffuses through the soil and stays there throughout
the year, sometimes forming small ponds. Most of
the many big and small freshwater sources dry out
before they reach the lake due to insufficient slope
and heavy evaporation. Organic acids are formed in
these soils due to decomposition of the organic
compounds in anaerobic media. The salinity of the
soil where this alliance grows is relatively low due to
the level of the underground water and the presence
of freshwater sources. The alliance prefers an
altitude between 930-940 m in Tuz Lake,
approximately 1000 meter in Konya Basin and 1080-
1085 m in Yay Lake. The physiognomy is dominated
by Elymus elongatus subsp. salsus, a characteristic
species of the alliance, and Juncus heldreichianus M.
Marrsson ex Parl. subsp. orientalis Snogerup and
Juncus maritimus Lam.
7. Inulo aucheranae-Elymetum salsi
Aydoðdu, Hamzaoðlu and Kurt 2002
[Syn. Juncetum heldreichiani Yurdakulol and
Ercoþkun 1990, Cirsieto-Juncetum maritimi
Yurdakulol and Ercoþkun 1990, Juncus maritimus-
Limonium globuliferum (Syn. Statice globulifera)
community Birand 1961 (nomenclatural synonym
according to ICPN: Articles 5 and 19)].
Holotype: in Aydoðdu, Hamzaoðlu and Kurt
2002, table 3, relevé 7; locality: Aksaray, between
Eskil and Sultanhaný, 10. km, Ýkizce Altý Place, 940
m, 25.viii.1997.
This is the type and central association of the
alliance, and its characteristic and differential species
are similar to those of the alliance. This association
is very dominant in the area distributes in the
regions where freshwater sources are not present.
The general coverage ranges between 75% and 95%.
The physiognomy is dominated by Elymus elongatus
subsp. salsus, Inula aucherana, Juncus maritimus and
Juncus heldreichianus subsp. orientalis.
8. Eragrostio collinae-Puccinellietum
anatolicae Aydoðdu, Hamzaoðlu and Kurt 2002
Holotype: in Aydoðdu, Hamzaoðlu and Kurt
2002, table 3, relevé 15; locality: Aksaray, Eskil,
Kelektömeði-Karatepe crossroads, 935 m,; characteristic species: Asparagus lycaonicus
P. H. Davis, Centaurea pterocaula Trautv., Linum
seljukorum P.H.Davis; differential species: Eragrostis
collina Trin, Molinia caerulea (L.) Moench., Puccinellia
koeieana Melderis subsp. anatolica Kit Tan, Silene
salsuginea Hub.-Mor.
It is determined in the salt marshes between
Eskil-Gölyazý-Sultanhaný in the south part of Tuz
Lake. The association spreads around small channels
and ponds formed by the freshwater sources. These
channels have very irregular routes towards the lake
and they dry out before they reach the lake due to
the dense evaporation. The heavy plantation of
Puccinellia koeieana subsp. anatolica, Molina caerulea
and Eragrostis collina populations around the lake can
be seen from far away.
The general coverage and the altitudinal range of
the association are 80-90% and 930-935 m,
respectively. Of the differential species, Puccinellia
koeieana ssp. anatolica and Silene salsuginea are
endemic to the Central Anatolian province.
9. Tamaricetum parviflorae-tetrandrae
Hamzaoðlu and Aksoy 2006
Holotype: in Hamzaoðlu and Aksoy 2006, table
3, relevé 370; locality: Kayseri, Yeþilhisar, around
Ufaktepe drainage channel, 1076 m, 24.vii.2004:
characteristic species: Tamarix tetrandra Pallas ex
M.Bieb., Tamarix parviflora DC.
It is determined in the salt marshes around
Ufaktepe drainage channel (Yeþilhisar) in the west
part of Yay Lake (in Sultansazlýðý marsh). The
Phytosociological Studies on the Halophytic Communities... Ekoloji
No: 71, 2009 9
association spreads around drainage channels and
ponds formed by the freshwater sources. The
general coverage and the altitudinal range of the
association are 95-100% and 1075-1076 m,
This study is the first syntaxonomic synopsis
applied on the phytosociology of salt marsh
communities in Central Anatolia. As a result of the
synoptical evaluation of the phytosociological
studies carried out on salt marshes of Central
Anatolia there were two alliances and 8 associations
determined which were connected to
Halostachyetalia and Juncetalia maritimi orders
(Table 2).
Synopsis of classification of syntaxa;
Class: Salicornietea Braun-Blanq. 1931
Order: Halostachyetalia (Grossh.) Topa 1938
Alliance: Lepidio caespitosi-Limonion iconici
Aydoðdu, Hamzaoðlu and Kurt 2002
Order: Juncetalia maritimi Braun-Blanq. 1931
Alliance: Inulo aucheranae -Elymion salsi
Aydoðdu, Hamzaoðlu and Kurt 2002
Halostachyetalia order is represented by 6
associations in Central Anatolia. Among these
associations Halocnemetum strobilacei is directly
connected to the order. This association has a wide
distribution around the salt lakes of Central
Anatolia. Other associations are connected to
Lepidio caespitosi-Limonion iconici alliance
belonging to the order. Juncetalia maritimi order is
represented by one alliance and 3 associations in
Central Anatolia. This alliance, Inulo aucheranae-
Elymion salsi, spread in Konya Basin, Tuz (Ankara-
Konya-Aksaray), Seyfe (Kýrþehir) and Yay Lakes
The associations belonging to Inulo aucheranae-
Elymion salsi alliances which spread in Lepidio
caespitosi-Limonion iconici approach to each other
in the salt marshes of Central Anatolia. Because of
this reason these associations are merged into each
other in the salt marshes of Central Anatolia and
give a mosaic like picture. If this situation is not
considered when selecting a sample area, it is
inevitable that the characteristic species belonging to
both of these alliances enter floristic composition.
All of the halophytic communities, determined
in the salt marshes of Central Anatolia are
connected to Lepidio caespitose-Limonion iconici
and Inulo aucheranae-Elymion salsi alliances except
Halocnemetum strobilacei association. Although in
general, it is possible to see almost all characteristic
and differential species belonging to these alliances
in all associations, in the study, carried out by Birand
around Tuz Lake in 1961, very few of these species
are seen in the vegetation tables (Birand 1961). In
the associations which are connected to the Lepidio
caespitose-Limonion iconici alliance, Limonium
iconicum, Salsola inermis or sometimes only
Petrosimonia nigdeensis (it is identified as Petrosimonia
triandra (Pall.) Sint. by a mistake), and in the
associations which are connected to Inulo
aucheranae-Elymion salsi alliance, only Elymus
elongatus subsp. salsus (in the original paper, it is used
as Agropyron elongatum (Host) P.Beauv.) is seen.
Actually, this situation doesn't reflect the reality. In
all the studies, carried out in the salt marshes of
Central Anatolia, especially in Tuz Lake after Birand,
it is determined that the characteristic species which
belong to both alliances are rather common. This
disharmony which is seen in the study of Birand has
two basic reasons. First of all, especially dominant
species are attracted importance and the biodiversity
of the species was not taken into consideration. The
most clear proof of this situation is that species
which are very common in the salt marshes of
Central Anatolia and published before 1961 such as
Lepidium caespitosum, Thesium compressum, Inula
aucherana, Verbascum pyroliforme, Gladiolus halophilus
and Scorzonera hieraciifolia were not given in the
tables. The second reason is that the Flora of Turkey
was not published at those years yet. Some species
which are chosen as alliance characteristic today
were not published or published a little in those
years. For example, Allium sieheanum was published
in 1983, Hypericum salsugineum was published in
1967, Gypsophila oblanceolata was published in 1962,
Salvia halophila and Salsola stenoptera was published in
1959 (Davis 1965-1985).
It is reported that Halimionetum verruciferae
(B.Keller) Topa 1938 association exists in the
vicinity of Tuz Lake (Yurdakulol and Ercoþkun
1990); but when the vegetation table of the
connected study is examined, it is easily seen that
this community actually belongs to the type
association of Lepidio caespitose-Limonion iconici
alliance. In the community, Limonium iconicum,
Petrosimonia nigdeensis and Salsola inermis which
belong to the alliance are frequently seen. Halimione
verrucifera (M.Bieb.) Aellen which is found in the salt
Hamzaoðlu and Aksoy
No: 71, 200910
marshes of Central Anatolia must be evaluated as a
characteristic species of the Halostachyetalia order
within the Lepidio caespitose-Limonion iconici alliance.
It is not true to evaluate the existence of the species
as a Halimionetum verruciferae association. Besides,
Halimione verrucifera was wrongly identified as
Halimione portulacoides (L.) Aellen in some studies
(Yurdakulol 1974). Halimione verrucifera grows up
inland salt marshes, but Halimione portulacoides has a
coastal distribution.
Sphenopodo divaricati-Halocnemetum strobilacei
association spreads in the depression areas of Tuz
Lake where the salt density is the highest.
Microcnemum coralloides is especially characteristic of
these types of habitats. Microcnemum coralloides
specimens which are collected from Tuz Lake and
Konya Basin in Central Anatolia are defined as
subsp. anatolicum by Wagenitz because of the
variations in the seed indumentums and plant
colour. The other subspecies, subsp. coralloides is
only known from Spain. According to this
systematic separation, Microcnemum coralloides subsp.
anatolicum is endemic to the salt marshes of Central
Anatolian province. Therefore, this separation is not
taken into consideration in the Flora of Turkey, the
taxon is evaluated in the level of species and Irano-
Turanian and Mediterranean regions are known to
be the distribution range of this species (Davis
In the areas that the Juncus maritimus-Juncus
gerardi community shows distribution which is
determined in Konya plain by Yurdakulol, the table
water is very close to the surface and it is under
about 60-100 cm depth. After the rainfall seen in
winter and spring, the table water raises more.
Therefore in the beginning of the vegetation period
(between April-June), the salt density in the soil is
not high. Depending on this variation in the depth
of table water and salt density, the floristic
composition of the association acquires a
heterogenic aspect. In the association, both of the
species belonging to Lepidio caespitosi-Limonion
iconici and Inulo aucheranae-Elymion salsi alliances
are frequently seen. Although the similar situation is
seen in few associations, none of them are so
heterogenic in terms of floristic composition.
Besides these studies which are carried out about
the salt marshes of Central Anatolia,
phytosociological studies were performed about the
terrestrial salt marshes in Burdur Lake and Acýgöl
(West Anatolia-Burdur and Denizli), and Iðdýr Basin
(East Anatolia-Iðdýr) (Tatli and Ýstanbulluoðlu 1987,
Yurdakulol et al. 1996). But it is too early to take all
these studies as a whole and evaluate as "Terrestrial
salt marshes of Turkey". Besides, there are many
problems about identifying the species and defining
the associations in these studies.
For example; Tatli and Ýstanbulluoðlu defined an
alliance representing the salt region in Iðdýr Basin as
Alhagio-Suaedion microphyllae Tatlý and
Ýstanbulluoðlu 1987. Arthrocnemum glaucum (Del.)
Ung.-Sternb. species which take dominant or co-
dominant role in Arthrocnemetum glaucum Chapman
1959 (1960), Halimiono-Arthrocnemetum glaucum Tatlý
and Ýstanbulluoðlu 1987 and Halocnemo-Salsolaetum
macerae Tatlý and Ýstanbulluoðlu 1987 associations
connected to this alliance, was a misidentification.
This species shows a coastal coverage and is not
observed in inland salt marsh. The observations
made in Iðdýr Basin showed that Halocnemum
strobilaceum (Pall.) M.Bieb. which has a high level
similarity with that species was abundantly present.
Therefore the taxon given as Arthrocnemum glaucum
in the mentioned associations above is
Halocnemum strobilaceum in reality. Again
Kochio-Schismetum arabicus Tatlý and Ýstanbulluoðlu
1987 and Panderino-Tamaricetum parviflorae Tatlý and
Ýstanbulluoðlu 1987 connected to this alliance were
defined in relatively narrow and heterogeneous
regions which form ecotone between salt areas and
steppe formations. That is why there are so many
taxa belonging to Astragalo microcephali-Brometea
tomentelli Quézel 1973 in the floristic composition
of these two associations. It is very difficult to say
that these two associations represent the halophytic
vegetation in the area. Suaeda microphylla Pall. which
has been taken as the dominant characteristic species
is not present in the floristic composition of three of
these five associations connected to this alliance. In
this alliance defined for Iðdýr, there were no
typification study carried out in neither the alliance
nor the associations connected to it. Apart from that
the natural vegetation in Iðdýr Basin was highly
degenerated as a result of rehabilitation activities.
The communities which were reported to be
present in the area by Tatlý and Ýstanbulluoðlu in
1987 either disappeared or were destroyed. That is
why we think that the inclusion of this alliance in
salt marsh areas of Turkey will be inappropriate.
The chorotype of the taxa in the table 2 were
Phytosociological Studies on the Halophytic Communities... Ekoloji
No: 71, 2009 11
determined according to Donner (1990), Zohary
(1973) and Akhani (2002). Salt marshes evaluated in
this paper are phytogeographically located in
Central Anatolian province of Irano-Turanian
region. Tuz Lake is the richest one among the salt
marshes of Central Anatolia in floristic point of
view. Both its endemic and phytogeographical
situations are reflected in vegetation tables. Nearly
23-28% of the taxa which is provided in the table 2
are endemic connected to the salt marshes of
Central Anatolia. Besides, the majority of those are
spread only in the province of Central Anatolia.
However, in the association of Halocnemetum
strobilacei which adapted to the high salt
concentration, both of the species diversity is rather
few and there are no endemic taxa. In general,
triregional species are found in this association. In
the alliances of Lepidio caespitose-Limonion iconici
(nearly 23%) and Inulo aucheranae-Elymion salsi
(nearly 28%), the endemism ratios are more or less
harmonious with the general situation (Table 2 and
The life forms of the taxa were determined
according to Raunkiaer (1934) and Ellenberg and
Mueller-Dombois (1967). The floristic
compositions of the salt marshes of Central Anatolia
are dominated by the taxa having hemicryptophyte
and therophyte life forms. The chamaephytes are
not very rich as regards to diversity of species but
they are dominant in coverage. These species
occupy a significant place especially in the floristic
composition of Halocnemetum strobilacei
association. The important ones among these are
Halocnemum strobilaceum, Halimione verrucifera,
Frankenia hirsuta and Camphorosma monspeliaca subsp.
monspeliaca. Of the taxa which are provided in the
table 2, nearly 50% of them are hemicryptophyte
and nearly 25% of them are therophyte. In the
alliances of Lepidio caespitose-Limonion iconici and
Inulo aucheranae-Elymion salsi, a reverse relation is
observed in the ratios of hemicryptophytes and
therophytes. Geophytes and nanophanerophytes are
poor in both diversity and coverage. (Table 2 and 4).
While the hemicryptophytes are more dominant in
the alliance of Inulo aucheranae-Elymion salsi
(hemicryptophytes nearly 60%, therophytes nearly
9%), the ratios of hemicryptophytes (nearly 45%)
and therophytes (nearly 37%) are closer to each
other in Lepidio caespitose-Limonion iconici.
In the salt marshes, vegetation is formed by
mixed zones. The most important factor on forming
these zones is the soil salinity and impact-reaction
relationship between the tolerance limits of species.
It means that detection of the species in any zone is
not a coincidence. Therefore, floristic composition
of any zone provides us very important formations
about the edaphic properties of that zone.
In the inner zone where the salt density is
maximum in Tuz, Seyfe and Yay Lakes, there is the
first zone that Salicornia europaea L. and Halocnemum
strobilaceum are dominant (Fig. 2). General cover in
the zone changes between percent10-80 depending
on salt density. Width shows differences according
to slope and depending on this salt concentration.
The zone is rather narrow in the regions with high
slope, but it can extend kilometers away in the
regions with very small slope. Besides, this zone is
observed in more hollow and therefore more salt
areas in the other zones. Because of high salt
concentration, it is quite poor in terms of floristic
composition. Number of species usually changes
between 1 and 10 and it doesn't have any endemic
species. Halocnemum strobilaceum can sometimes be
present in the second zone where the salt
concentration decreases a little. The association of
Halocnemetum strobilacei is generally found in this
zone or sometimes in the depressed areas of the
second zone. (Birand 1961, Yurdakulol 1974,
Yurdakulol and Ercoþkun 1990, Aydoðdu et al.
Depending on the gradually decreasing salinity
in the second zone, instantaneous increase in the
number of species is observed. In the salt lakes of
Central Anatolia, this zone is seen with two
different mixed physiognomies (Fig. 2). The first
physiognomy is dominant in the areas where the
water sources are not available. In this physiognomy,
that succulent chamaephytes, therophytes and
hemicryptophytes are dominant. In the areas where
the water sources which feed the marsh are
available, the other physiognomy that tall
hemicryptophytes shape is dominant. The alliance
of Lepidio caespitosi-Limonion iconici characterizes
the first physiognomy and the alliance of Inulo
aucheranae-Elymion salsi characterizes the second
physiognomy. In the first physiognomy
Chenopodiaceae and Plumbaginaceae, in the others
Poaceae and Juncaceae are dominant (Birand 1961,
Yurdakulol 1974, Yurdakulol and Ercoþkun 1990,
Aydoðdu et al. 2002, Hamzaoðlu and Aksoy 2006).
Hamzaoðlu and Aksoy
No: 71, 200912
In the salt lakes of Central Anatolia, the most
outer zone is characterized by Artemisia santonicum
(Fig. 4). This zone named as "salt steppe" form a
border with the non-halophytic communities
around. The other common species of the zone are
Peganum harmala L., Alhagi pseudalhagi (M.Bieb.)
Desv., Achillea wilhelmsii K.Koch, Noaea mucronata
(Forssk.) Aschers. and Schweinf. subsp. mucronata
and Apera intermedia Hackel. This zone is
characterized by the alliance of Achilleo wilhelmsii-
Artemision santonici Aydoðdu, Kurt, Hamzaoðlu,
Ketenoðlu and Cansaran 2004. This alliance is
connected to the order of Onobrychido armenae-
Thymetalia leucostomi Akman, Ketenoðlu and
Quézel 1985 of the Astragalo microcephali-
Brometea tomentelli Quezel 1973 class (Birand
1961 and 1970, Quézel 1973, Yurdakulol 1974,
Akman et al. 1985, Aydoðdu et al. 2004).
In the first and second vegetation zones, usually
Table 4. Distribution of life forms within the salt marsh communities of Central Anatolia.
* Life forms: Ch: Chamaephyte; Chs: Succulent chamaephytes; H: Hemicryptophyte; Cry: Cryptophyte; Th: Therophyte; Ths:
Succulent therophyte; G: Geophyte; Np: Nanophanerophyte.
Table 3. Chorotypes spectra of the salt marsh communities of Central Anatolia.
* Chorotypes: ECA: Endemic for Central Anatolian province; End: Endemic for Turkey; IT: Irano-Turanian region; Med: Mediterranean
region; BR: Biregional (only two of the regions Euro-Siberian, Irano-Turanian or Mediterranean); TR: Triregional (all of the regions
Euro-Siberian, Irano-Turanian and Mediterranean); Hol: Holarctic regnum; Cos: Cosmopolitan.
Fig 2. Vegetation zones depending on salinity in salty lakes
of Central Anatolia.
Phytosociological Studies on the Halophytic Communities... Ekoloji
No: 71, 2009 13
true halophytes which adapted high salt
concentrations develop. Vegetation period begins
rather late because these parts of the marsh are
under water during a long period in a year. The
upper surface starts to dry through the end of July
and it gets hard enough to be stepped on. In the salt
steppes, vegetation period begins almost at the same
time with the non-halophytic communities around.
In this community which is never under water in
any period of the year, there are usually no true
halophytes. Non-halophytic species with a wide
tolerance to salt and miohalophytes that can survive
in little salt environments are common in the zone.
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... Tuz Lake, Konya Basin and Seyfe Lake (modified from Hamzaoğlu and Aksoy, 2009) The climatic data was obtained from meteorological stations of Cihanbeyli, Konya, Kırşehir and Aksaray located near the salt marshes of Central Anatolia. These salt marshes occupy the basins where the drainage is spoilt in the region. ...
... These salt marshes occupy the basins where the drainage is spoilt in the region. In the region, semi-arid, lower-very cold Mediterranean climate is dominant (Hamzaoğlu and Aksoy, 2009). Annual average temperature changes between 10 and 12°C. ...
... In most part of the region, the annual precipitation is under 400 mm. The arid season that begins in the end of June continues for 4-5 months (Hamzaoğlu and Aksoy, 2009). The salt lakes are nourished by few spring waters around and the rising base water in the winter and spring. ...
Full-text available
In this study, the usability of some herbaceous halophytes grown naturally in salt marshes that dry most of the year in Central Anatolia Region were investigated in landscape design. Within the scope of the research, in the years of 2016 and 2017, seasonal field studies were carried out in saline habitats in the vicinity of Konya, Ankara, Aksaray and Nevşehir, and taken photographs and herbarium samples of halophytic plant species. The general botanical and ecological characteristics of the selected species are given and the values used in landscape design have been determined considering the aesthetic and functional properties. As a result of the field studies carried out during the vegetation periods, 59 halophytic plant species, belonging to 38 genera and 19 families that could be used in landscape design were identified. The most representative family was the Asteraceae with 11 species, followed by Plumbaginaceae (9 species) and Chenopodiaceae (8 species). The genus Limonium from Plumbaginaceae family is well represented with 8 species for landscape use. The endemism rate of halophytes used in landscape design is 42% (25 species) in the research area. The most common uses in landscape design are determined in roof gardens by 49 species, followed in ground conservation and erosion prevention by 31 species. Since these halophytic species, which are mostly succulent and endemic, are well adapted into both wet and dry areas. Their use in landscape design is of great importance for restoration of arid and barren land, which may increase as a result of global climate change, conservation of biodiversity as well as sustainable agricultural practices.
... A possible explanation is a phenotypic plasticity of the species reflecting varying ecological situation. For example, while L. caespitosum (implied L. descemetii for Inner Anatolia) is reported to occur on salty marshes (Hamzaoğlu & Aksoy 2009, Bona 2014, L. pumilum is characterized by growing on salty damp places (Bona 2014). This could mean a correlation of leaf shape with a degree of soil saltiness and/or bogginess, though this suggestion requires factual support. ...
Taxonomy of some predominantly SW to Central Asian and, to a lesser degree, SE European members of Lepidium is updated. Lepidium crassifolium Pall. (non Waldst. & Kit.) is typified and synonymized with L. cartilagineum subsp. cartilagineum. Lepidium crassifolium var. ramosissimum is assigned to synonymy of L. cartilagineum subsp. crenatifolium. The neglected Lepidium descemetii is found to be a prior name for L. pumilum and L. tuzgoeluense and the need of limitation of its priority in favour of L. pumilum is highlighted. Occurrence of the species in Iran is not confirmed as well as the wide distribution of L. caespitosum in Turkey that is restricted to north-eastern Anatolia. Finally, Lepidium pabotii is found conspecific with L. fenestratum, comb. nov. and L. gobicum is relegated to synonymy of L. apetalum.
The global energy demand is increasing dramatically and an increase of 50% over the present time (2020) is expected by 2050 (U.S. Energy Information Administration, EIA). In the past few decades, a major fraction of energy demand (81.4%) is met with fossil-based fuels (petroleum, natural gas, and coal). If this trend continues, the world’s overall fossil fuel stores will be depleted in less than 45 years. Unlike fossil fuels, biofuels are sustainable because they are generated by carbon in the atmosphere and renewable in nature. Traditionally, biofuels (bioethanol, biodiesel, biojet oil, etc.) have been obtained using food crops/glycophytic crops (sugarcane, corn, wheat, sweet potato, sugar beet, etc.). However, these food crops/glycophytic crops are the primary source of human food in many regions of the world. Besides, these crops cannot be grown in challenging geographical conditions such as arid and salty soils. Halophytes have great potential in restoration of degraded saline locations as well as coastal stabilization. In addition, several halophytes are sources of nonconventional cash-crop and production of cheap lignocellulosic biomass for biofuel production. In this chapter, a vision using halophyte plants as a potential source of lignocellulosic biomass for alternative biofuel production has been summarized. The economic and environmental aspects that are related to biofuel production from different halophytic plants with focus on the biomass composition and the technology employed have been emphasized.
Global energy demand is expected to increase by 48% in the next 20 years owing to the precipitous increase in the global population. Currently, 80% of the energy demand is met by fossil fuels. However, rapidly depleting fossil fuel reserves coupled with the negative environmental impacts from its combustion has prompted significant interest in sustainable biofuels. This will aid in the transition toward a carbon-neutral bio-economy. Several feedstocks have been identified as possible substrates for biofuel production. Agricultural residues have shown significant potential since they are environmentally benign, abundant, and low cost. Nevertheless due to its structural complexity, an appropriate pretreatment is required to enhance enzymatic and microbial conversion. Currently, first-generation biofuels such as bioethanol do not require intensive pretreatments; however, the major drawback is the utilization of food crops, thus contributing to the food versus fuel debate. Additionally, greenhouse gas emissions associated with first-generation biofuels are another obstacle. Second-generation biofuels such as bioethanol, biohydrogen, and biomethane appear to be most promising owing to its bioconversion from waste material. A major bottleneck in this process is the requirement of costly pretreatments and subsequent effluent treatment. Third-generation biofuels such as bioethanol from microalgae also show potential since process optimization could significantly enhance yields. Fourth-generation biofuels aim to utilize genetically optimized feedstocks that are designed to enhance capture of carbon dioxide; however, carbon capture and sequestration technology has limited the commercialization of this process. Integrated biorefineries have the potential to produce several generations of biofuels in one process, thereby completing valorizing the feedstock and enhancing the life cycle and techno-economic assessment of the bioprocess.
Recent advancements in the technology, sustainability, and applications of biodiesel from advanced and sustainable sources have been revolutionized. New and innovative thrusts of research priorities and approach in biodiesel development especially from wastes and nonedible feedstocks have given rise to the new concept of advanced and sustainable biodiesel fuels. These sources and alternatives to the conventional crop-based sources have to be friendly to the environment and generated essentially from waste materials by way of either recycling or reprocessing of feedstock viciously as energy. Advanced biodiesel fuels have become useful in bridging the alternative energy sources gap as they are from different feedstocks with variations such as from waste plastics, waste cooking oils, from microalgae, waste residue of oil processing, glycerol after transesterification, alcohols and including biomass materials. An important research thrust is the hybridization of biodiesel feedstocks to produce new products with new properties. This chapter reviews biodiesel feedstocks, development of first-, second-, and third-generation biodiesel, the new concept of advanced and sustainable biodiesel fuels, and feedstock hybridization. Additionally, case studies, biodiesel production technologies and processes, and novel bioprocessing technologies employing metabolic engineering and biotechnology are explored. Further expose was presented in research and development needs on properties, novel approaches, production processes, and relevant outcomes, while also addressing future development and prospects in the new and gray untapped areas.
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Turkey's steppe ecosystems are globally significant and unique environments having very rich flora and fauna composition; and they are extremely vulnerable ecosystems. Although there are some preliminary studies about the steppe region, there was not sufficiently detailed map showing the actual delineation of Anatolian steppe region and the different steppe types. Anatolian Steppe map was produced mainly based on the Earth Observation data interpretation and was produced by analyzing satellite imagery with the help of GIS technologies based on existing data (Forest stand map, surface temperature, aridity/drought index, soil information, elevation, Geological formations, vegetation indices (NDVI, EVI)) and interpretation of other sources. The mapping activity based on convergence of the evidences approach which provided by the cost-effective, scientifically sound and robust mapping techniques with the help of remote sensing technologies and GIS. The signatures of the steppe region were analyzed and the final border of Anatolian steppe region was predicted. The map both reveals the delineated border, including information about the different dynamics of the homogeneous clusters, and also ecosystem types. Moreover, the impacts of land cover changes between 2006 and 2012 and hot-spot analysis that considers several different aspects of the threats and vulnerable areas of region were also analyzed and discussed in this study. Therefore this study should be considered very important key output for the policy makers to build the specific agricultural planning strategies for each of the regions by pointing out the exact locations and to secure integrated management of natural resources in Anatolian steppe.
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Sphaerophysa kotschyana, an endemic plant belonging to Fabaceae, is distributed around the Tuz Lake in the Konya region. In this study, methanolic extract of S. kotschyana was evaluated for antioxidant capacity. According to obtained data; free radical scavenging capacity (DPPH •) and reducing power activity were observed to be lower than standard antioxidants, cation radical scavenging activity (ABTS •+) was similar to the standard antioxidants. Total phenolic compound was found in leaf-stem and fruit 0.357 mg GAE/kg DW and 0.006 mg GAE/kg DW, respectively. D-pinitol and sucrose were isolated and identified by chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques.
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Sphaerophysa kotschyana, which is endemic to Central Anatolia, is included in the list of plants that must be absolute protected by the Bern Convention. S. kotschyana is important in terms of functional compounds because of being resistant to salty soil conditions. In this study, fatty acid components, vitamin A and vitamin E content were analysed in leaf and fruit of S. kotschyana. Vitamin A content was found to be 16.8 mg/kg DW herba and 15.85 mg/kg DW fruit. Vitamin E content in the herba was observed to be 84.1 mg/kg DW and in the fruit 70.6 mg/kg DW. The main component fatty acids were determined as linoleic acid (72.41%) and palmitic acid (18.20%) in fruit and; oleic acid (59.12%) and stearic acid (13.42%) in the herba. ÖZET İç Anadolu'ya özgü olan Sphaerophysa kotschyana, Bern Sözleşmesi ile mutlak korunması gereken bitkiler listesine dahil edilmiştir. S. kotschyana tuzlu toprak şartlarına dayanıklı olmasından dolayı fonksiyonel bileşikler açısından önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada, S. kotschyana bitkisinden elde edilen ekstrelerden yağ asidi bileşenleri, A vitamini ve E vitamini içeriği değerlendirildi. A vitamini içeriği yaprak-gövde de 16.8 mg / kg kuru bitki ve meyvede 15.85 mg / kg kuru bitki olarak bulunmuştur. Yaprak-gövdede ki E vitamini içeriğinin 84.1 mg / kg kuru bitki ve meyvede 70.6 mg / kg kuru bitki olduğu gözlendi. Ana bileşen yağ asitleri meyvede linoleik asit (% 72.41) ve palmitik asit (% 18.20); yaprak-gövdede ise oleik asit (% 59.12) ve stearik asit (% 13.42) olarak belirlenmiştir.
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Floristic, ecological and genetic diversity is extremely important in terms of the Anatolian steppe (Turkey) that is located in the western border of Irano-Turanian floristic region. Syntaxonomy of Anatolian steppe have been studied over 40 years but there were many invalid published names and a disorder among syntaxonomical units. In this paper it was aimed to overview the phytosociological studies and the sum of syntaxa of steppe vegetation of Turkey. In the study, all syntaxa described so far from steppe vegetation of Turkey were gathered together to clear their ranks and last status. Steppe vegetation in Turkey is evaluated in 7 class, 13 order, 6 suborder, 52 alliance and 5 suballiance. Özet: İran-Turan floristik bölgesinin batı sınırında yer alan Anadolu stebi (Türkiye), floristik, ekolojik ve genetik çeşitlilik açısından son derece önemlidir. Anadolu stebinin sintaksonomisi 40 yıldır çalışılmaktadır ancak sintaksonomik birimler arasında bir düzensizlik ve birçok geçersiz yayınlanmış isim bulunmaktadır. Bu makalede, Türkiye'nin step vejetasyonuna ait sintaksonlar özetlenmeye ve bu konudaki fitososyolojik çalışmaların kısaca gözden geçirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada bugüne kadar tanımlanan Türkiye'nin step vejetasyonuna ait bütün sintaksonlar kademeleri ve son statülerini saptamak üzere biraraya toplanmıştır. Türkiye'deki step vejetasyonu 7 sınıf, 13 ordo, 6 alt ordo, 52 alyans ve 5 alt alyans ile temsil edilmektedir. Anahtar sözcükler: step vejetasyonu, sintaksonomi, Türkiye.
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p class="Abstract">Frankenia hirsuta is widely located in Turkey, but the antimicrobial potential and biochemical composition analysis of it weren’t determined yet. By using the disk diffusion method, the susceptibility of 17 bacteria and 1 fungi were analyzed, which included Bacillus, Candida, Enterobacter, Enterococcus, Esche-richia, Klebsiella, Listeria, Pseudomonas, Salmonella and Staphylococcus genera. 0.8, 1.5 and 3.1 mg of samples were prepared by using absolute ethanol. The bioactive composition of the plant extract was determined by gas chromato-graphy-mass spectroscopy, and National Institute of Standards and Techno-logy library was used for the mass spectra analysis. The results showed that F. hirsuta had antimicrobial activity against all of the studied micro-organisms except E. aerogenes and E. coli. Several active metabolites were identified, but some composition of this sample didn’t match with the library. These results are the first report for the antimicrobial potential and biochemical composition of F. hirsuta. Video Clip of Methodology : 3 min 35 sec: Full Screen Alternate</p
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In this study, the results of a phytosociological research carried out in the halophytic communities of the Sultansazligi marsh are given (Inner Anatolia-Kayseri). The halophytic vegetation, which is under the influence of a semi-arid, very cold Mediterranean climate, was analyzed according to the Braun-Blanquet's approach. The communities which are defined for the first time are named according to the rules of "International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature". Associations and their higher units are as follows: Class: Salicornietea Order: Halostachyetalia 1. Association: Halocnemetum strobilacei Alliance: Lepidio caespitosi-Limonion iconici 2. Association: Lepidio caespitosi-Limonietum iconici Order: Juncetalia maritimi Alliance: Inulo aucheranae-Elymion salsi 3. Association: Inulo aucheranae-Elymetum salsi 4. Association: Tamaricetum parviflorae-tetrandrae ass. nov.
A new order Onobrycho armeni - Thymetalia leucostomi formed by steppe communities In the northern half of the Central Anatolia Peninsula has been created by the authors. The order was included in the class Astragalo-Brometea Quezel 1973 of the superclass Daphno-Festucetales Quezel 1972 which mainly comprises the natural grasslands of the Balkan Peninsula.
The following associations attached to Salicornion fructicose and Juncion maritimi in inland saltmarsh alliances were recognized: Juncetum heldreichiani; Cirsieto-Juncetum maritimi; Halimionetum verruciferae; and Halocnemetum strobilacei. -from English summary
The authors described new syntaxa on the gypsaceous soils in the Central Anatolia. The alliance astragalo karamasici -gypsopilion eriocalycis and its two suballiances artemisenion santonici and asperulenion bornmuellerii were attached to the order onobrycho armeni - thymetalia leucostomi Akman, Ketenoglu and Quezel (in press) of the class astragalo - brometea Quezel 1973.