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Identification of areas sensitive to desertification in Sicily Region


Abstract and Figures

The aim of this study is the identification of areas sensitive to desertification in the region of Sicily, one of the Italian regions most threatened by desertification due to climate and land use change. The model used was developed in the framework of MEDALUS (MEditerranean Desertification And Land USe) European project, which identifies the desertification prone areas on the basis of the ESA (Environmentally Sensitive Areas) index. The parameters used have been suitably integrated and processed by GIS obtaining four indexes on Climate, Soil, Vegetation and Management Systems, which represent the basis for the ESA assessment. The results obtained indicate that 6.9 % of Sicilian territory is highly sensitive to desertificati on, 46.5 % has moderate sensitivity, 32.5% has low sensitivity and only 7.2% is non-sensitive. In particular the most sensitive are the inland districts of the provinces of Caltanissetta, Enna and Catania. However the availability of data and the spatial scale used have not enabled us to take into account the soil and groundwater salinization in coastal areas induced by irrigated agriculture.
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Identification of areas sensitive to desertification in
Sicily Region
L. Giordano*, F.Giordano*, S. Grauso*, M. Iannetta*, M. Sciortino*, L. Rossi*,
G. Bonati**
* ENEA (Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie, l’Energia e l’Ambiente), Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Via
Anguillarese 301, 00060 Roma, Italy.
** INEA (Istituto Nazionale di Economia Agraria), via Barberini n. 36, 00187 Roma Italy.
The aim of this study is the identification of areas sensitive to desertification in the region
of Sicily, one of the Italian regions most threatened by desertification due to climate and
land use change. The model used was developed in the framework of MEDALUS
(MEditerranean Desertification And Land USe) European project, which identifies the
desertification prone areas on the basis of the ESA (Environmentally Sensitive Areas)
index. The parameters used have been suitably integrated and processed by GIS obtaining
four indexes on Climate, Soil, Vegetation and Management Systems, which represent the
basis for the ESA assessment. The results obtained indicate that 6.9 % of Sicilian territory
is highly sensitive to desertification, 46.5 % has moderate sensitivity, 32.5% has low
sensitivity and only 7.2% is non-sensitive. In particular the most sensitive are the inland
districts of the provinces of Caltanissetta, Enna and Catania. However the availability of
data and the spatial scale used have not enabled us to take into account the soil and
groundwater salinization in coastal areas induced by irrigated agriculture.
1. Introduction
Desertification is a phenomenon affecting very large areas where the land has lost
productive capacity due both to human activities and natural causes. In order to
understand this, we must identify the physical and manmade processes and their
interrelations (Sciortino M. et al., 2000).
In order to implement the UNCCD (United Nations Convention to Combat
Desertification, 1996) and the Italian National Action Programme (N.A.P.), set forth in
Inter-Ministerial Committee for the Economic Planning (CIPE) Resolution n. 299 of
21.12.1999, the Regional and Basin authorities are called upon to define specific plans for
intervention, with the identification of the most sensitive areas to the risk of
The CIPE Resolution also stated that the National Committee to Combat Drought and
Desertification, set up under Prime Minister’s Decree of 26.09.97 (Official Gazette n. 43
of 21.02.98), should promote and co-ordinate, with the contribution of technical and
scientific institutions and bodies, the adoption of the standards and methodologies most
suited to prevent and mitigate desertification.
The aim of this work is to identify the areas sensitive to desertification in the region of
Sicily by using and testing the MEDALUS (Mediterranean Desertification And Land USe
European Commission, 1999) methodology.
The choice of Sicily as a pilot area is based on the geological and geo-morphological
layout, the climatic features and the socio-economic context, which make this one of the
Italian regions most vulnerable to desertification.
The MEDALUS methodology (Basso F. et al., 2000) aims at assessing sensitivity to
desertification by applying the so-called ESA Index (Environmentally Sensitive Areas).
Environmental sensitivity can be defined, in this context, as the degree of reactivity of the
ecosystem, in particular of the soil, to strains produced by external disturbing agents
(Sequi & Vianello, 1998) both of anthropogenic and natural origin (biological,
geodynamic or climatic agents). The conceptual approach of the MEDALUS model is
shared by other models used to identify the areas sensitive to desertification, whether on
the national level as in Greece and Portugal or on the regional level as in Sardinia, Puglia,
Basilicata and Sicily.
2. The Medalus methodology
The areas sensitive to desertification are identified by the combination of 4 quality
indexes about:
- Soil
- Climate
- Vegetation
- Land management
The first three quality indexes provide a picture of the environmental conditions while the
last one expresses an assessment of the pressure resulting from anthropogenic activities.
The methodology is based on the classification of each quality index obtained as the
geometric mean of the available environmental and anthropogenic parameters. The
available parameters are quantified in relation to their influence on the desertification
processes assigning a score to each. We tried, as far as possible, to use the classifications
adopted by the MEDALUS methodology. However MEDALUS does not prescribe the
number and type of classes, leaving the necessary flexibility to adapt to the data
The scores assigned to the different parameters range between 1 (best value) and 2 (worst
The quality indexes were estimated utilizing the following parameters and formulae:
SQI (Soil Quality Index) = (Parent material *Texture * Soil Depth * Slope)1/4
CQI (Climate Quality Index) = Aridity
VQI (Vegetation Quality Index) = (Fire risk * Erosion protection * Drought resistance *
Plant Cover)1/4
MQI (Management Quality Index) = (Intensity of land use * Protection policies)1/2
The geometrical average of the parameters, referring to each of the four indexes
mentioned above, has been classified according to regular intervals (i.e. same range)
shown in Table 1, representing quality classes on a downwards scale.
Table 1 - Quality classes
Class Range
High 1 – 1.33
Medium 1.34 – 1.66
Low 1.67 – 2
The final overall ESA index is obtained as a geometrical average of the quality indexes.
ESA = (SQI * CQI * VQI * MQI)1\4
The integration, management and processing of data were performed by means of
ArcView Geographical Information System and its Spatial Analyst extension.
3. Sensitivity of the MEDALUS model
The hypotheses used by the MEDALUS model for the identification of the sensitive areas
derive from research and field experiments activities. The model applies a geometrical
average of the four quality indexes, in order to provide a sensitivity diagnosis.
The model implicitly assumes that each of the four indexes taken individually has only a
limited capacity to influence the final value of the ESA index and that only when several
parameters have a high score, an area can be assigned to a high sensitivity class. This
hypothesis is in agreement with what is currently known and implies that no
environmental condition on its own can exclude or determine the possibility of the risk of
desertification. With regard to climate, for example, even if there is an arid climate, which
in the model is classified in the highest risk category, this is not a condition of sensitivity
to desertification if the conditions of the land, vegetation and management of farming
activities are good. On the other hand, a humid climate, classified in the model in the
excellent category, cannot exclude a priori a risk of land degradation due to manmade
activities. Current knowledge about desertification confirm this assumption. The
MEDALUS model allows for a change in the number of parameters to be used to assess
the quality indexes. We used four parameters for the soil, four for vegetation, one for the
climate and two for management quality on the basis of the available data for the entire
Sicily region. As a consequence the model has different sensitivity to the parameters used
to assess the four quality indexes. Sensitivity to the change in soil and vegetation
parameters will, in fact, be proportional to the fourth root of the value of the parameter
while sensitivity to change in management parameters will be proportional to the square
root; the climate is directly proportional. The sensitivity of the model to changes in the
numerical value of the parameters is thus lower as the number of parameters used to
assess the quality index increases. This differing sensitivity to parameters does not reflect
real physical phenomena and this empirical approach can only be considered therefore a
first approximation.
The model does not introduce variables taking into account trends due to the climatic
variations and land use changes, although the dynamic component of the phenomenon of
desertification is essential. Also the occurrence of meteorological and hydrological
drought, that severely affected Sicily in recent years, are not explicitly addressed in the
To overcome the limitations of the MEDALUS model herein identified it would be
necessary further research and the application of the model to different environmental and
socio economic context to validate and verify the applicability and usefulness of its
4. Soil quality
The soils of Sicily are characterised by a large variety, going from less to more developed
pedologic types (Fierotti et al., 1988). This is due to the different geolithological
formations (sedimentary to volcanic to metamorphic) and to the climatic conditions
varying from summer aridity with hot temperatures to winter rainy weather with mild
temperatures. In addition, natural soil characteristics are likely influenced by intense
cultivation made by populations which since millenniums inhabited the island.
The most widespread soil associations, covering on the whole about 21 % of land surface,
are represented by the eutric regosols eutric/vertic cambisols with eutric fluvisols
typically developed on the clayey hills largely occupying the inner Sicilian landscape,
mainly in the Agrigento and Caltanissetta provinces.
Secondly, the associations given by lithosols and eutric cambisols orthic luvisols
eutric regosols/lithosols, mainly developed on mountain morphology, covers about 17 %
of land surface. These are represented on main relieves such as the Madonie, Nebrodi,
Erei and Sicani ridges but also on some hilly locations like that comprised between
Sciacca and Ribera (Agrigento Province). The bedrock is mainly constituted by flysch
sequences (sandstone and clays) and limestone.
About 14 % is represented by soil associations developed on M.nt Etna flanks, comprising
rock outcrops, lithosols, eutric regosols, eutric cambisols of volcanic origin.
The associations eutric cambisols calcic cambisols lithosols and eutric cambisols
vertic cambisolschromic/pellic vertisols, developed on the flat or low-hills
morphologies with limestone and dolomitic substratum characterising the south-eastern
Sicily (provinces of Ragusa and Siracusa), cover altogether about 12 % of land surface.
The last largest association, covering on the whole about 10 % of land surface, is that
given by the soils of the main alluvial plains of the island, such as the Catania, Milazzo,
Gela and Licata plains, and of the major valley-floors.
The other soil associations which have been recognised in Sicily (lithosols, eutric and
calcaric regosols, eutric cambisols, luvisols etc.), covering the remaining almost 26 % of
land surface, are scattered on fragmented combinations of different lithologies and
In order to set up the Soil Quality Index (SQI) the following parameters were used,
correlated with the water retention capacity and resistance to erosion: parent material,
texture, soil depth and slope.
4.1 Parent material
Information on parent material was derived from the Lithological Map of the Sicily
Regional Countryside Plan in digital format, scale 1:250.000. Here, the various
formations constituting the geological bedrock are grouped in 9 lithological complexes:
clayey sandstone complex, clayey c., carbonate c., unconsolidated clastic c. of continental
origin (alluvial, lacustrine, foot-slope deposits), conglomeratic sandstone c., evaporite c.,
slaty and metamorphic c., sandy-calcarenitic c. and volcanic c. Among these, the clayey
complex is by far the lithology which characterises the most part of Sicilian landscape.
Clayey formations are widespread in the central part of the island covering the foot of
inner rocky relieves and constituting a hilly belt extending from the inland to the southern
coast. The carbonate and sandy-calcarenitic complexes are following for extension, being
mostly present in western and south-eastern corners of the island. The clayey sandstone
and the metamorphic complexes are more limited and outcropping at the north-eastern
edge (Peloritani-Madonie mountains). The volcanic complex is represented by the mount
Etna structure and secondly by some older outcrops southward of Catania plain. Evaporite
complex forms some rocky ridges in central Sicily, surrounded by the clays complex.
Continental unconsolidated deposits are widespread throughout the territory and are
mainly represented by alluvial valley-floors. The last complex, conglomeratic sandstones,
is the less extended, being limited to few outcrops along the northern belt of the island.
On the basis of the consideration that different geological substrata, in relation to their
petrology and mineralogy, favour the development of different types of soil with different
behaviour regarding phenomena of erosion and desertification, the following 3 classes
have been identified (see Table 2)
Table 2 parent material classes
Class Description Score
Unconsolidated clastic; Slaty
metamorphic; Volcanic; Conglomeratic-
good 1
Carbonate; Sandy calcarenitic;
Evaporite; Clayey sandstone medium 1.5
Clayey poor 2
4.2 Soil depth
The soil depth is closely related to the possibility of establishing or maintaining various
types of vegetation which play a fundamental role in preventing erosion. The soil depth
parameter was derived from the pedological map of the Sicilian region (Fierotti et al.
1988), available in digital format, scale 1:250.000. A remark is necessary in this regard.
Due to the coarse spatial resolution , the subdivision into homogeneous areas, associated
with the different information shown in the map legend, were made in relation to soil
associations identified in the numerous pedological studies conducted in Sicily after the
publication of the previous soil map by G.P. Ballatore and G. Fierotti (1968). This means
that with regard to soil depth but also to texture, various differing features can coexist in
the same mapping unit. This fact is reflected in the classification of the parameter shown
in Table 3. The extreme classes are described in a more definite way including the
categories "very thick" and "thin" or "very thin". The intermediate categories, on the other
hand, are broader and therefore less well defined. For some zones (approximately 10%) in
particular the information contained in the pedological map is ambiguous since depth can
have values "from thin to very thick".
Table 3 - Classes of soil depth
Class Description Score
Very thick very good 1
From medium to thick
From thin to very thick
From medium to thin
good 1.33
From medium to very
From thin to medium
From very thin to
poor 1.66
From very thin to thin
Very thin very poor 2
4.3 Texture
The pedological map mentioned above was also used for soil texture. The difficulty we
encountered here was in trying to express a sound correspondence between the texture
classes adopted in the Medalus model and the texture categories represented in the quoted
map. First of all, it must be recalled that the categories Fine, Medium and Coarse, referred
to the FAO system, correspond respectively to clayey, loamy and sandy textures of the
USDA classification. Then, the soil texture characteristics are expressed as composite
classes where the order of appearance reflects a quantitative criterion in the sense that the
prevailing type comes first and then the others. The medium texture guarantees the best
conditions for water retention capacity and drainage. The coarse texture does not enable
the soil to retain water sufficiently. On the other hand, the fine texture makes drainage
difficult and insufficient.
Table 4 Texture classes
Class Description Score
good 1
Fine-Medium medium 1.33
Fine poor 1.66
Coarse very poor 2
4.4 The slope
The slope indicator was derived from a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) grids of 250 m,
provided by the National Geological Service. The slope is a crucial factor in the processes
of soil erosion. In order to trigger an erosion process a certain critical angle is required; as
this increases, so does the extent of the erosion. Table 5 shows the slope classes adopted.
Table 5 Slope classes
(%) Description Score
< 6 very gentle 1
6 - 18 gentle 1.33
19 - 35 steep 1.66
> 35 very steep 2
4.5 Soil quality index
Soil quality is a highly important factor, especially in relation to the capacity to sustain the
growth and maintenance of vegetation. The parameters utilised in the present assessment,
Parent material, Depth, Texture, Slope, are available in existing soil maps and reports.
They are all significantly linked to this capacity and contribute altogether to create more
or less favourable conditions.
The soil quality was estimated using the Soil Quality Index (SQI) as the geometrical
average of the described parameters:
SQI = (Parent material* Texture * Depth *Slope)1/4
The values obtained were classified according to regular intervals (i.e. same range) as
shown in Table 1, representing generic quality classes on a downwards scale.
Figure 1 shows that in Sicily there is a prevalence (approximately 72%) of medium
quality soils. The high quality class is mainly represented in the central and southern part
of the province of Catania, in the North-western part of the province of Ragusa and
throughout the province of Trapani. In addition, all the coastal plains (Gela, Licata,
Milazzo, Partinico-Alcamo and the south-eastern part of the province of Siracusa) also
show high quality. The poor quality soils have a more fragmented distribution and are
mainly located in the province of Palermo.
These results suggest that the soil quality index is mainly influenced by the slope
parameter, in fact the areas marked by high soil quality index correspond with the major
alluvial plains and valley-floors and with morphologic-structural plateaus; while, in the
same way, the areas marked by the worst quality index correspond with the steepest
slopes of mountainous areas. This is not surprising if we consider that, under the same
texture conditions, a soil can achieve an optimal depth and, consequently, a high quality
score, on a flat to gentle sloping morphology.
Figure 1 - Soil quality
5. Climate quality
The aim of the Climate Quality Index (CQI) in the MEDALUS model is to assess the
water availability to vegetation and for this purpose the three parameters aridity, yearly
rainfall and slope aspect are used. For the present application to the Sicilian Region, it
was decided not to take into account the rainfall and slope aspect parameters. Rainfall and
aridity are strongly correlated and for our purposes the use of both parameter would only
produce a duplication of data. Slope aspect was neglected because in the present
application the spatial scale is much larger than in the original applications to the Agri
Basin, Lesvos Island and Mertola municipality (European Commission (1999)). The slope
aspect is an important parameter at local scales but at regional or larger scale does not
improve the assessment of sensitivity.
The climatic data of the Sicilian Region used for this work have been extracted from the
“Atlante Climatologico della Sicilia” (Regione Siciliana, 2000)
The assessment of climate in Sicily is based on the availability of a network of 55
thermopluviometric and 127 pluviometric stations with continuous and reliable records
for the period of reference 1965 – 1994.
The Thornthwaite-Mater method was used for the evaluation of the hydrological balance
of the soil. The method requires the calculation of the potential evapotranspiration (PET)
on a monthly basis. The aridity is calculated according to the following:
I = [(P - PET) / PET] * 100
P = average annual precipitation (mm)
PET = average annual potential evapotranspiration (mm), deriving from the sum of the 12
values of average monthly PET.
Positive I values indicate humid climates, and negative values indicate dry to sub-humid,
semi-arid and arid climates. The latter, being characterised by water deficit, i.e. by PET
values much higher than precipitation, lead to an especially fragile balance between
human activities and the environment, exposing the land to a greater risk of
The Thornthwaite climatic classes were associated to Quality Class as shown in Table 6.
Table 6 Thornthwaite overall humidity index, I
Climate I Score Class
Very humid, Humid,
Sub-humid - humid > 0 1 High
Dry-subhumid 0 ÷ -33 1,5 Medium
Semi-arid - 33 ÷ - 67 2 Low
In the territory of the Sicily Region the Thornthwaite index identifies climatic conditions
ranging from "semi-arid", in particular in the south-central area, to "sub-humid, humid
and very humid" mostly occurring in the North-Eastern (Nebrodi and Peloritani
Mountains) and in the Mount Etna area.
The semi-arid areas cover about 1.1 million hectares, i.e. 45% of the regional territory,
covering most of the provinces of Trapani, Agrigento, Caltanissetta, Ragusa, Syracuse,
Catania, Enna and a small part of the province of Palermo.
The areas ranging from dry to sub-humid cover about 998,000 hectares (39%) of the
regional territory and characterise part of the provinces of Trapani, Agrigento, Ragusa,
Syracuse, Enna, Messina and Palermo.
In the provinces of Palermo, Messina and Catania we find sub-humid to humid areas
covering about 198,000 hectares (7.8%), humid areas of about 195,700 hectares (7.7%)
and very humid areas (0.6%).
Figure 2 Climate quality
Figure 2 shows that most of the territory is characterised by poor (approximately 45%) or
medium quality (approximately 39%). Only 15% of the region has good climate quality,
mainly associated with the mountains and other morphological features of the provinces
of Messina, Catania and Palermo.
The territory of the province of Messina is, in fact, mainly mountainous, half being in the
area of the Nebrodi Mountains while the rest is in the Peloritani Mountains. The latter,
with precipitation ranging from 770 mm on the Tyrrhenian side to 880 mm on the Ionian
side, is the most rainy area in Sicily, together with some areas on the eastern side of
Mount Etna. The province of Palermo is also characterised by hilly and mountainous
areas (the Madonie and Sicani). In particular, areas around Palermo show rates of about
850 mm (the most rainy part of the province) and the Madonie mountains, where annual
rates are around 710 mm.
The areas with poor climate quality are mainly in the coastal areas of Trapani, Agrigento,
Ragusa, Syracuse, the entire province of Caltanissetta, the inland hilly areas of Catania
and partly in the province of Enna. In particular, the coastal plain area (Gela) and the
southernmost hills of Caltanissetta are the most arid zone of Sicily, with about 415 mm of
annual average precipitation (compared to the regional average of 630 mm). The province
itself, like the province of Enna, shows an annual average rainfall of 480 mm, about 25%
less than the regional average.
6. Vegetation quality
The Vegetation Quality Index (VQI) was assessed using the following parameters: fire
risk, erosion protection, resistance to drought, plant cover.
The information on vegetation was derived from the updated land cover map (scale
1:100.000), provided by the Istituto Nazionale di Economia Agraria (INEA, 2001).
The territory of Sicily is mainly characterised by anthropogenic vegetation and natural
vegetation is confined to the less accessible zones. Agricultural areas cover 57% of the
island , whose 35% are arable lands and 22% permanent crops. Woodlands and semi-
natural areas which includes forests, shrublands, and open areas with sparse or absent
vegetation cover 32%. Within this broad class the map of vegetation (Regione Siciliana,
1996) estimated that forested surfaces are about 8%, natural grasslands 13% and macchia
4% of the regional territory.
The information provided by the INEA specifically accounts for the predominance of the
anthropogenic vegetation in Sicily. The legend uses the standard adopted within the
CORINE European Union project, except for the class “agricultural areas” fatherly
subdivided into four sub-levels. The “woodlands and semi-natural areas” class gives a
broad description of the non agricultural vegetation. The assessment of the agricultural
vegetation land cover is therefore more detailed than the “woodlands and semi-natural
6.1 Fire risk
Fires are one of the main causes of soil degradation and desertification in Mediterranean
environments. Their increased frequency in recent decades is causing serious
consequences on erosion rate, biodiversity, and physical-chemical properties of the soil
such as availability of nutrients and permeability.
Mediterranean vegetation is highly inflammable due to the presence of species with a high
content of resins and essential oils, but also has a good recovery capacity, occurring
gradually over a few years.
In relation to fire risk, the land use classes on the land cover map were grouped into 3
classes, with scores assigned to each as shown in Table 7.
Table 7 - Fire risk Class Description Score
Annual crops associated with permanent crops, irrigated
and non irrigated vineyards, irrigated and non irrigated fruit
trees, irrigated and non olive groves, greenhouses, open
field herbaceous with spring-summer cycle, horticulture
with summer/autumn/spring cycle, horticulture with
spring/summer cycle.
Complex cultivation patterns, land principally occupied by
agriculture with significant areas of natural vegetation,
permanent grassland, non irrigated arable land
Woodlands and semi-natural areas
6.2 Erosion protection
Vegetation plays a fundamental role in protection against soil erosion, thanks to its
capacity to reduce the kinetic energy due to the impact of the rain drops on the soil, and
thus surface runoff. Furthermore, the plants root system increases the stability of the soil.
In relation to the capacity of protection against erosion, 4 classes were defined on the land
cover map with scores assigned as shown in Table 8.
Table 8 - Erosion protection Class Description Score
Woodlands and semi-natural areas Very high 1
Permanent grassland High 1,33
Annual crops associated with permanent crops, irrigated
and non irrigated vineyards, irrigated and non irrigated
fruit trees, irrigated and non olive groves, complex
cultivation patterns, land principally occupied by
agriculture with significant areas of natural vegetation
open field herbaceous with spring-summer cycle,
horticultures with spring-summer-autumn cycle,
greenhouses, non irrigated arable land
6.3 Resistance to drought
Mediterranean vegetation is well adapted to irregular water supply and to long periods of
drought. The main strategy adopted for this purpose is the reduction of the leaf surface
which, while allowing for resistance to water shortage, also involves a reduction of the
vegetation and thus greater exposure to erosion processes.
On the basis of the resistance to drought, 5 classes were identified, shown in Table 9 with
the corresponding scores.
Table 9 - Resistance to drought Class Description Score
Woodlands and semi-natural areas Very high 1
Irrigated and not irrigated olive groves High 1,25
Annual crops associated with permanen
t crops, irrigated and
non irrigated vineyards, irrigated and non irrigated fruit trees,
complex cultivation patterns, land principally occupied by
agriculture with significant areas of natural vegetation
Permanent grass land
Low 1,75
Open field herbaceous with spring-summer cycle,
horticultures with spring-summer-autumn cycle,
greenhouses, non irrigated arable land greenhouses, non
irrigated arable land
Very low
6.4 Plant cover
The continuity and wealth of plant species are essential elements for the capacity of
protection of the soil. Numerous studies have shown that generally, good vegetation
reduces and controls runoff and loss of sediment and consequently protects from erosion
When especially strong precipitation hits areas with little vegetation, the water is only
slightly blocked by the plants and it often causes violent runoff that may remove the
topsoil, rich in organic material and thus indispensable for the growth of vegetation. All
this involves a reduction of the reproductive capacity of the land.
The presence of vegetation is likewise important since it continuously provides fragments
of biological material that are absorbed and converted into organic substances, thus
endowing the soil with greater capacity to absorb water.
In relation to plant cover, the 4 classes shown in Table 10 were identified.
Table 10 Plant cover Class Description Point
Woodlands, semi-natural areas and permanent
grasslands Very high 1
Annual crops associated with permanent crops, ,
horticultures with spring-summer-autumn cycle,
Open field herbaceous with spring-summer cycle,
horticultures with spring-
summer cycle, irrigated and
non irrigated vineyards, irrigated and non irrigated fruit
trees, irrigated and non olive groves, complex
cultivation patterns, land principally occupied by
agriculture with significant areas of natural vegetation
Non irrigated arable land Low 2
6.5 Vegetation quality index
The quality of vegetation was estimated by the Vegetation Quality Index (VQI) as the
geometrical average of the thematic levels composing it:
VQI = (Fire risk * Erosion protection * Resistance to drought * Vegetation)1/4
The values obtained were assigned to quality classes as shown in Table 1.
Figure 3 - Quality of vegetation
The map of vegetation quality highlights that Sicily is subdivided into about equal areas
of high (30.3%), medium (31.7%) and low quality (30.7%). The best conditions are those
in the province of Messina. This zone has the largest wooded areas of the region, and
despite the high fire risk, they protect the land from desertification, mainly thanks to the
amount of vegetation, good resistance to drought and high protection from erosion.
The provinces most characterised by poor vegetation quality are Caltanissetta, Enna, and
partly Palermo and Agrigento, with mainly non irrigated arable land grown in inland hilly
areas with greater slopes and inappropriate agronomic techniques.
7. Management quality
The Management Quality Index takes into account the stress produced by the human
factor. The indicators used are the land use intensity and the land protection policy,
considering their significant impact on natural resources (soil, water, vegetation etc.) in
the concerned area.
7.1 Intensity of land use
In order to assess the intensity of land use, we have used the land cover map produced by
INEA. The various classes of the legend have been suitably grouped into just 3 classes, as
homogeneous as possible with regard to the intensity of land use and its consequences on
soil degradation and associated desertification processes (see Table 11).
Table 11 - Intensity of land use
Class Description Point
Woodlands, semi-natural areas and natural grasslands Low 1
Irrigated and non irrigated vineyards, irrigated and non
irrigated fruit trees, irrigated and non irrigated olive
groves, annual crops associated with permanent crops,
complex cultivation patterns, land principally occupied by
agriculture with significant areas of natural vegetation,
non irrigated arable land
Open field herbaceous with spring-summer cycle,
horticultures with spring-summer cycle, horticultures with
spring-summer-autumn cycle, greenhouses
7.2 Protection policies
Regional and national laws provide rules for the land management that regulate the
exploitation of land and water resources. This rules are often in conflict with local interest
and are perceived as a constraint to local development. For this reason their
implementation is often insufficient to preserve the environment. The Protection policies
indicator should be improved including information on the effective implementation of
The identification of the protected zones was based on the map produced within the
Regional Countryside Plan (Regione Siciliana, 1996). Three classes were considered:
reserves, parks and archaeological areas were taken separately, considering their greater
protection rate compared to woodlands, semi-natural and coastal areas. Finally, there were
the areas not subject to restrictions (v. Table 12).
Table 12 Protection policies
Class Description Point
Reserves, parks and archaeological areas High 1
Woodlands, semi-natural and coastal areas Medium 1.5
Areas not subject to restrictions Low 2
7.3 Management Quality Index
The Management Quality Index (MQI) has been calculated as the geometrical average of
the land use and protection policy indicators:
MQI = (Intensity of land use * Protection policies)1/2
The values obtained were assigned to quality as shown in Table 1.
Figure 4 Management quality
About half of the region (56%) falls into the worst class. The greatest rate of land use
intensity, with the connected problems of soil degradation is found in irrigated areas, i.e.
crops requiring artificial irrigation, permanent or periodical. In these areas there is a
strong competition for the use of water among the various economic sectors.
It should be recalled that in many irrigated areas in Sicily, especially in coastal areas,
groundwater used for irrigation has a high saline content because of salt intrusion due to
excessive and extended exploitation. In various areas this has led to serious problems of
increasing salinity and degradation of the soil, further aggravated by the presence of clay
soils and the increasing scarcity of atmospheric precipitation.
In inland hilly areas, there is a serious risk of erosion, linked in particular to autumn-
spring cereal crops, which ensure a partial soil cover only for a period of the year. The
land is practically bare and exposed to erosion by rainfall in the period of maximum
8. The ESA index
The final ESA index on desertification was calculated as the geometrical average of the 4
quality indexes composing it:
ESA = (SQI * CQI * VQI * MQI)1/4
The values thus obtained were assigned to 4 classes of sensitivity as shown in Table 13.
Table 13 - Classes of sensitivity to desertification
Class Range
High 1.75  ESA  2
Medium 1.50  ESA < 1.75
Low 1.25  ESA < 1.50
Not affected 1  ESA < 1.25
As shown in Figure 5, the unaffected areas ( 7.2%) are mostly in the province of Messina
and, to a lesser extent, in the provinces of Palermo and Catania. The reasons for this result
are basically due to the climatic, vegetation and management factors which, in these areas,
have good quality characteristics, i.e. humid and very humid climates in extensive
wooded areas mostly protected in parks and reserves.
Most of Sicily nevertheless has medium (46.5%) or low (32.5%) sensitivity. It should be
recalled that in areas with medium sensitivity, the equilibrium between the various natural
factors and/or human activities might be especially delicate. Careful land management is
thus required to avoid triggering phenomena of desertification.
Finally, the areas with high sensitivity (6.9%) are concentrated in the inland districts of
the provinces of Caltanissetta, Enna and Catania and on the coastal strip in the province of
Agrigento. This result reflects the particular geo-morphological characteristics of the
inland areas of the region of Sicily (rather unstable clay hills), the intense human activity
with the consequent excessive exploitation of natural resources and the low amount of
vegetation. The excluded areas ( 6.9% ) include inland water surfaces, urban areas and the
slopes of the Etna volcano with bare rock (lava flows).
Figure 5 - The map of the areas sensitive to desertification
9. Conclusions
The results obtained by applying the Medalus methodology highlight the extension and
the intensity of the threat of desertification in the Sicily region. Field surveys and other
local assessments made by Sicilian academic institutions and regional authorities
(Carnemolla et Al., 2001) have confirmed the results presented in this paper.
It should nevertheless be pointed out that the Medalus methodology requires an expert
judgment for assigning the scores to the various classes. In most cases, in fact, the data
available are not in a form enabling immediate use. We should therefore assess the
available information to classify it in a suitable way. The choice of the intervals to
associate with the ESA classes likewise introduces a major subjective element that
conditions the final result of the assessments. The model, based on a simple calculation of
the geometrical average of the input data, cannot work without the contribution of experts
who have an in-depth knowledge of the land and the phenomena to be assessed. The
methodology can also be applied when some information is missing or with the addition
of new information. This characteristic makes it exportable and applicable to other
geographical areas. This allows comparative studies to be conducted on different areas,
though suitable changes related to specific local features and the characteristics of the data
available are sometimes required.
The processing of information layers using a Geographical Information System (GIS),
allows for the handling of considerable amounts of data rapidly and effectively, and for an
integration with new information that may derive from the processing of satellite images
and from further surveys or research.
Ballatore G.P., Fierotti G. (1967), Carta dei suoli della Sicilia. Ist. Agron. Gen.,
Università di Palermo.
Basso F., Bove E., Dumontet S., Ferrara A., Pisante M., Quaranta G., Taberner M. (2000).
Evaluating environmental sensitivity at the basin scale through the use of geographic
information systems and remotely sensed data: an example covering the Agri basin
(Southern Italy). Catena 40, p. 19-35.
Carnemolla S., Drago A., Perciabosco M., Spinnato F. (2001). Metodologia per la
redazione di una carta in scala 1:250.000 sulle aree vulnerabili al rischio di
desertificazione in Sicilia.
Fierotti G., Dazzi C., Raimondi S.(1988), Carta dei suoli della Sicilia. Regione Siciliana,
Univ. Palermo
European Commission (1999). The MEDALUS project Mediterranean desertification and
land use. Project report. Kosmas C., Kirkby M., Geeson N. (eds.), EUR 18882, V.
INEA (2001) Stato dell’irrigazione in Sicilia, Programma Operativo Multiregionale,
“Ampliamento e adeguamento della disponibilità dei sistemi di adduzione e distribuzione
delle risorse idriche nelle regioni Obiettivo 1. QCS 1994/99.
Regione Siciliana (1996). Linee guida del piano territoriale paesistico regionale.
Assessorato regionale Beni culturali e ambientali e della pubblica istruzione.
Regione Siciliana,2000, Atlante Climatologico della Sicilia. Asessorato Agricoltura e
Foreste, Servizi alla Sviluppo, Unità Operativa di Agrometeorologia. Palermo.
Sciortino M., Colonna N., Ferrara V., Grauso S., Iannetta M., Svalduz A. La lotta alla
desertificazione in Italia e nel bacino del Mediterraneo (2000). Energia, Ambiente e
Innovazione 2 , p. 29-40.
Sequi P. Vianello (eds.), (1998). Sensibilità e vulnerabilità del suolo. F. Angeli Editore,
... The Italian territory is at high risk of desertification, with the most affected territories located in the regions of Basilicata, Calabria, Puglia, Sardinia, and Sicily [5]. Sicily represents the hotspot region of desertification [6]; it is the Italian Region with the greatest risk of desertification [7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14]. ...
... The Environmental Sensitive Areas Index (ESAI) is a popular indicator-based methodology that identifies environmentally sensitive areas (ESAs) prone to desertification [15][16][17][18][19][20][21]. In Italy, numerous study groups have analyzed desertification processes on a national and regional scale [8,11,[22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29], producing desertification maps based on only thirty years of climatic data, from 1961 to 1990. These studies did not analyze the situation before and after this period. ...
Desertification is defined as land degradation in arid, semi-arid, and dry sub-humid areas resulting from various factors, including climatic variations and human activities. The desertification process in the world affects around 200 countries and 2 billion people. It has become a growing threat in the EU due to prolonged drought periods and increasing aridity. The Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use (MEDALUS) method, identify the environmentally sensitive areas (ESAs) through the application of biophysical and socio – economic indicators and relative index (ESAI). The MEDALUS has some limitations, namely the impossibility of reconducting the ESAI results to a single and comparable value, and the need to recalibrate the indices when moving from a regional scale to a local scale. The Environmentally Sensitive Index Patch (ESPI) has been developed to overcome the aforementioned barriers. The ESPI index assigns numerical values to ESAI results on a scale of 0−100. In the present paper, we discuss an experimental application of the MEDALUS method on a local scale and the outcome of the experimentation of the ESPI calculated at different territorial scales. The study was carried out in the Sicily Region. Preliminary results indicate that the ESPI index can be used at all scales on the ESAI and its four constituent qualities. Also, the authors started a critical review of the thematic layers to be adopted for the basin scales.KeywordsApplied mathematicsIndex Sensitive DesertificationMEDALUSESAEcologyGeological problemsG.I.S.Spatial analyses
... The model implicitly assumes that each of the four indices taken individually has only limited capacity to affect the fi nal value of the ESA index and only when several parameters have a high score, can an area be assigned to a high sensitivity class. This hypothesis is in agreement with what is currently known and implies that no environmental condition on its own can exclude or determine the possibility of the risk of desertifi cation (Giordano et al. 2007). ...
... The given results illustrate that monitoring of degradation/ desertifi cation in the area of Deliblato sand is feasible, since that it is simple and fl exible in the application of relevant cheap variables which are widely used beyond the specifi ed area. However, in the assessment of available information, critical analysis is needed in order to apply the suitable system of classifi cation, as the choice of intervals that would be assigned to classes of sensitivity mean the introduction of a signifi cant level of subjective element that affects the fi nal result of the assessment (Giordano et al. 2007). This method can also be applied when some information is missing or when some need to be added. ...
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This paper studies the assessment of sensitivity to land degradation of Deliblato sands (the northern part of Serbia), as a special nature reserve. Sandy soils of Deliblato sands are highly sensitive to degradation (given their fragility), while the system of land use is regulated according to the law, consisting of three zones under protection. Based on the MEDALUS approach and the characteristics of the study area, four main factors were considered for evaluation: soil, climate, vegetation and management. Several indicators affecting the quality of each factor were identified. Each indicator was quantified according to its quality and given a weighting of between 1.0 and 2.0. ArcGIS 9 was utilized to analyze and prepare the layers of quality maps, using the geometric mean to integrate the individual indicator map. In turn, the geometric mean of all four quality indices was used to generate sensitivity of land degradation status map. Results showed that 56.26% of the area is classified as critical; 43.18% as fragile; 0.55% as potentially affected and 0.01% as not affected by degradation. The values of vegetation quality index, expressed as coverage, diversity of vegetation functions and management policy during the protection regime are clearly represented through correlation coefficient (0.87 and 0.47).
... In this study vegetation cover is the dominant criterion that is consistent with the results of Sepehr et al. (2007). Giordano et al. (2003) with MEDALUS model illustrated that climate is the most important indicator in desertification of Cicily region of Italy. According to obtained results, weighted average was achieved 1.40 for current state of desertification intensity based on studied criteria that by comparing this amount to the ESAs table, desertification hazard class is calculated critical (C1). ...
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Land degradation and desertification caused by land use change is mainly due to human activities in arid and semi-arid and affect on the sustainable use of lands. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of land use changes on the desertification hazard in Maraveh Tappeh region. In this research, land use maps of 1986, 2000 and 2014 is provided using images of MSS, ETM and OLI sensors of Landsat satellite and land use map of 2024 is predicted using Markov chain model. According to the results, dense forest area is decreased during study period and with passing time, the area of agricultural land has increased. The results for the time interval of 2014-2028, showed it is possible that will be decreased semi-dense forest and dense rangelands and will be increased other land-use areas according to results of model predictions. In the study years, desertification maps were prepared using ESAs method and with the assumption of fixed all factors other than land use factor. The results showed that there was a lack of desertification as a class in 1986, but this class has been removed in other study years and has been added the area of this class into other classes. The compare of desertification hazard classes and theirs percentage of area in studied time periods showed that critical (C3) and fragile (F3) classes had increasing trend, clearly. The difference between classes since 1986 to 2000 is clearer and more specific and destruction seem clearer.
... The MEDALUS was applied in many countries. For instance, Giordano et al. (2003Giordano et al. ( , 2002 assessed the desertification of the Italian Sicilian region by the MEDALUS method in which four indicators of soil, climate, vegetation and land management were considered the key parameters of desertification, showing that more than 50% of the region is subjected to severe to moderate intensity of desertification. In addition, Zehtabian et al. (2010) evaluated the desertification severity using the MEDALUS model in the Hable Roud region. ...
There are many hazards putting human life in danger; they are also influenced by human activities. Desertification in the natural environment and agricultural lands is one of the most critical threats for human life in drylands. In this research, the Desertification Indicator System for Mediterranean Europe (DIS4ME) was applied to evaluate the current status of desertification in the Miandoab plain, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran. In this model, there are four main indicators of climate, vegetation, soil, and land management; each of them was divided into measurable parameters used to calculate the severity of desertification. The study findings show that the desertification severity is due to vegetation and land management quality, whose low-quality levels cover 96.7%, and 76.6.4% of the study area, respectively. Desertification status also indicates that 97% of the study area has a severe critical class. Considering the anthropological induced hazard of desertification, it is necessary to apply proper land management.
... The parameters and indicators, one at each excel sheet were comparatively evaluated by four experts taking into account the impacts on land degradation for the study area (Table 5). Similar to our reasoning for integrating the expert opinion using AHP, Giordano et al. (2003) have also stated that expert judgment who have in-depth knowledge of the land and desertification improves the reliability of results obtained by applying MEDALUS methodology. In order to create indicator maps of ESA, the layers of soil parameters were superimposed according to their respective weights. ...
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Poor management, low vegetation cover, and severe erosion are undermining the stability and sustainability of lands. In this study, modified Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use (MEDALUS) method was used to identify environmentally sensitive areas (ESA) to desertification in Tigris Basin, Turkey. Soil samplings (0–20 cm) and field observations were conducted within 3.752 km2 land. Biophysical and anthropogenic parameters of sampling locations have been integrated and processed by geographic information systems obtaining soil, climate, vegetation, and management quality indexes. Additional six parameters for soil quality and one for management quality were used to adopt MEDALUS to the context of Tigris Basin. The weights for parameters and indicators were calculated using analytical hierarchy process (AHP). Tigris Basin was classified into one fragile and two critical areas using original method, whereas one fragile and three critical classes were defined with the modified method. In the original method, fragile areas represented 5.65% and low-degree critical areas 24.49% and moderate critical areas 69.86% of the study area, which are needed to be monitored for severe land degradation. Modifying MEDALUS allowed to define highly critical areas (51.41%) which have not been detected in the original method. The critical areas are primarily used for field crops with extensive tillage, medium degree of plant cover, low drought resistance, and erosion along with low management quality due to the lack of required environmental protection. The results revealed that adaptation of new parameters and weighting in MEDALUS improved the ability of classifying ESAs for a regional scale to desertification.
... The suggestion includes the integration of actual human activity, officially expressed via policies and depicted through statistical data. To our knowledge, no such an explicit analysis for the Management aspect, based on actual local or national policies and statistical data, is performed so far (Coscarelli et al., 2005;Ferrara et al., 2012;Giordano et al., 2002;Salvati and Bajocco, 2011;Wijitkosum, 2016). Moreover, the study presents for the first time a spatio-temporal analysis of land desertification risk in Greece. ...
Land desertification is recognized as a major threat to soil resources in arid, semi-arid Mediterranean areas. The use of widely applicable methodologies can facilitate the identification of land desertification risk spatio-temporal trends, which allows transnational comparison and support the development of soil management practices and policies, protecting the valuable soil resources. The aim of this study is to improve and use the Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs) MEDALUS methodology, in order to provide a qualitative assessment for desertification risk trends in Greece, within the last 45 years. The Management, Vegetation, Soil and Climate quality indices (MQI, VQI, SQI, CQI) and the sub-sequent Environmental Sensitive Areas Index (ESAI) have been modeled for three periods in the entire Greek territory. The four quality indices are divided in two main categories, based on data availability and inherent characteristics, such as the pace of change during the studied period. Particular emphasis is given to the assessment of MQI, by integrating criteria which derived from national policies and the elaboration of national statistical data. The results show about 9% increase of the areas characterized as Critical to land desertification risk, while Fragile, Potentially affected and Non-affected areas decrease by 3.7%, 3.6%, 2.5% respectively. The applied approach for MQI can reveal areas where particular attention to management practices is required and improves the performance of the overall desertification risk index.
... The Environmental Sensitivity Index is assessed by computing the Soil Quality Index, Climate Quality Index, Vegetation Quality Index, and Management Quality Index in the MEDALUS methodology (Kosmas, Ferrara, Briasouli, & Imeson, 1999). Though the model has its own weakness of equal weight for all the indices (Salvati, Zitti, Ceccarelli, & Perini, 2009), it is a useful index particularly in Mediterranean climates due to its simplicity in model building and flexibility in selection of indicators (Trott, Menegoni, Manfredi Frattarelli, & Iannetta, 2015), and the model requires an expert judgment for assigning the scores to the different classes (Giordano et al., 2003). Salvati and Zitti (2008) proposed an index based on both biophysical and socioeconomical factors and obtained the results that are comparable with the MEDALUS results. ...
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There is a need for the up-to-date assessment of desertification/land degradation maps which are dynamic in nature at different scales for comprehensive planning and preparation of action plan. The present paper aims to develop the desertification vulnerability index (DVI) and predict the different desertification processes operating in Anantapur District, India based on machine language techniques. Climate, land use, soil and socio-economic parameters were used to prepare DVI by a multivariate index model. The computed DVI along with climate, terrain and soil properties was used as explanatory variable to predict the desertification processes by using a Random Forest Model. About 14.2 % of area was created as a training dataset in 9 different places for modeling and remaining area was tested for prediction of desertification processes. We used desertification status map of Anantapur District prepared under Desertification status mapping of India – 2nd cycle (DSM -2nd cycle) as a reference dataset for calculation of accuracy indices. Kappa and classification accuracy index were calculated for training and validation data sets. We recorded overall accuracy rate and kappa index of 85.5 % and 75.8 % for training datasets and 71.0 % and 51.8% for testing datasets. The results of variable importance analysis of Random Forest model showed that DVI was the most important predictor followed by potential evapo-transpiration and NDVI for prediction of desertification processes. The results from the present work give new thought of using the existing knowledge on prediction of the desertification at unvisited areas and also quick update of DSM maps.
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The GIS-based Desertification Vulnerability Index (DVI) model has been used for mapping and assessment of potential vulnerability to desertification and land degradation in the two sites prevailing under different climatic conditions, namely Kasargod district in Kerala (humid tropics) and Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu (sub-tropics). The DVI model has executed multivariate statistical indices, namely Climate Index (CI), Soil Index (SI), Vegetation Index (VI), Land Use Index (LUI), and Socio-Economic Index (SEI). These multivariate indices are estimated using multiple geo-environmental and demographical parameters like land use/land cover (LULC), rainfall, soil properties, topography (slope), geomorphic landforms, geological settings, and climatic factors. The Desertification Vulnerability Index (DVI) is calculated using the equation expressed as DVI = (CI * VI * SI * LUI * SEI)1/5. The result shows that the Kasargod district in Kerala is not identified with a higher category of desertification vulnerability, and 8.3% of the total area has no significant exposure. The area extend of 91.4% has been found under lower vulnerability conditions, and 0.23% of the area under moderate susceptibility to land degradation in the site-specific areas include Kodakkad, Timiri, Kilalode, Pullur, Panayal, Pallikere, and Bare due to human-induced activities like deforestation and LULC changes. The sub-tropical area of Virudhunagar district in Tamil Nadu shows that 1.4% of the total area has not fallen under land degradation; however, 65.4% of the area falls under low vulnerability and 33.2% under the moderately vulnerable zone. The spatially estimated area of 1428 km2 (33.2%) is found with moderate vulnerability to desertification. Land degradation in various parts of the district includes Vembakottai, Panaikudi, Narikudi, Sivakasi, Virudhunagar urban proximity, and Aruppukottai, due to severe soil erosion and soil salinization. The 65.42% of the area is noticed as low vulnerability to land degradation; however, the land resources of the various sites are gradually undergoing degradation status due to both natural and anthropogenic activities that become causing adverse impacts on environmental ecosystems. Integrated remote sensing and GIS techniques provide an effective platform for sustainable land resources management on a long-term scale.
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After twenty years from its launch, the Mediterranean desertification and land use model (MEDALUS) is intensively used in both practical applications and fundamental studies. It is applied operationally in the field of climate change in general and desertification sensitivity checking in specific and it is considered a universal environmental sensitivity index. This overview is to cover the interval 1999-2018, it focuses on the main publications in international journals and reports. The project MEDALUS is a unique model that can hold the ability to be very modifiable according to the deferent environment conditions that can be used in and it contain every affected element in the desertification process starting with the climate, soil and vegetation ending with the mankind pressure. This review concluded that this model was widely used across the globe and the deferent environment being the target. On the other hand, we observed that the modification that the authors make to change the MEDALUS to become more suitable for their environmental circumstances. Eventually, this model proves its important role all over the world and we hope in the coming days the authors start to use it in the deferent fields such as determining the transitional zone (the ecotone) which is depending on the same element that MEDALUS have.
Background and Objectives: Desertification relates to the both the process and end state of drylands degradation. This process, with an impact range in more than 100 countries has affected about one billion people in the world and is the result of complex interactions among various factors, such as climate change and human activities. The objective of this study is to forecast effects of climatic and management scenarios on the desertification phenomena in the Jazmourian catchment, located in the Kerman and Sistan and Baluchistan provinces, using system dynamic modeling approach. Materials and Methods: Required information and basic data were collected and desertification factors were identified based on previous research and field observations. In the next step, reference diagrams were created to present the causal relationships and feedback based on which the conceptual model for the desertification of the Jazmourian catchment has been developed. The conceptual model was then converted into a model of stocks and flows and run in the Vensim software environment. Verification of the Model was carried out through behavior reproduction tests. Different scenarios of vegetation management and climate were simulated and the outputs of each scenario were compared to the outputs of existing condition. Results: Based on the results, soil criteria, with a score of 1.73, is the most effective factor for land sensitivity to desertification in the Jazmourian catchment. Desertification Sensitivity Index was in critical class with a score of 1.37. The results of scenario analyses for a 30-year period showed that, change in policy and management (1), management of land cover (1.18 and 1.25) and climate change (1.25) are the preferred scenarios for decreasing the Desertification Sensitivity Index. Conclusion: Based on the evaluations and studies, the average weight of the desertification intensity for the current state of desertification based on four factors was 1.37. By comparing this value with the ESAs, desertification intensity class for the entire area is estimated between the fragile and critical (a). Examining the results of implementing the cover management scenarios is observed that if 10 and 20 percent change in vegetation cover and protection against erosion occurs, the sensitivity index after 30 years will reach about 1.25 and 1.18, respectively, which shows the importance of managing coverage to combat desertification, especially in the watershed Jazmourian. Also, management actions in the study area can stop the desertification process and improve the current situation. The research indicates that the system dynamic approach, as one of the integrating approaches for the assessment of desertification sensitivity in the Jazmourian catchment, is a useful and efficient approach which helps stakeholders enhance their understanding of the causal relationships and feedback in the system.
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The aim of this study is to develop a methodological reference framework, for use at the basin scale, from which environmental sensitivity can be evaluated. In this paper the results of a 3-year investigation into the degradation processes related to desertification in the Agri basin environment (Southern Italy) are presented. Different degradation stages or desertification risks are also evaluated at the plot scale. These data, and the derived results, are integrated into a Geographic Information System (GIS) along with regional scale information layers related to selected environmental and socio-economic factors. The techniques developed at the plot scale are used both to prime and to assess the regional scale measures as they are developed. All data are managed in a GIS which facilitates access to the information and enables it to be updated in a timely fashion. The GIS also enhances data analysis, increasing the interpretability of the data, by enabling cross analysis procedures and various classifications to be performed. As a result, the current landscape genesis can be identified, and appropriate intervention stimulated rapidly. The main aims of the present research are, firstly, to set up an efficient and simple computational structure to evaluate the response of selected thematic layers to degradation phenomena at the basin scale and, secondly, to apply the resulting strategy to a specific situation in the Mediterranean Environment.
RIASSUNTO La Sicilia, come altre aree mediterranee, risulta interessata da potenziali fenomeni di desertificazione, che conducono alla perdita di suolo fertile. Nel presente lavoro è presentata una proposta di metodologia per la realizzazione di una carta alla scala 1:250000, sulle aree a rischio di desertificazione in Sicilia. L'indice finale di rischio deriva della combinazione di due indici climatici (aridità e siccità) e di un indice di perdita di suolo (legato ai fenomeni erosivi). Tale metodologia costituisce un primo passo conoscitivo, cui dovrebbe seguire un'analisi più dettagliata che consideri ulteriori fenomeni, determinanti nei processi di desertificazione: salinizzazione, pressione di pascolamento, perdita di sostanza organica, ecc.
Carta dei suoli della Sicilia
  • G P Ballatore
  • G Fierotti
Ballatore G.P., Fierotti G. (1967), Carta dei suoli della Sicilia. Ist. Agron. Gen., Università di Palermo.
Atlante Climatologico della Sicilia. Asessorato Agricoltura e Foreste, Servizi alla Sviluppo
  • Regione Siciliana
Regione Siciliana,2000, Atlante Climatologico della Sicilia. Asessorato Agricoltura e Foreste, Servizi alla Sviluppo, Unità Operativa di Agrometeorologia. Palermo.
Ampliamento e adeguamento della disponibilità dei sistemi di adduzione e distribuzione delle risorse idriche nelle regioni Obiettivo 1
INEA (2001) Stato dell'irrigazione in Sicilia, Programma Operativo Multiregionale, "Ampliamento e adeguamento della disponibilità dei sistemi di adduzione e distribuzione delle risorse idriche nelle regioni Obiettivo 1. QCS 1994/99.
Carta dei suoli della Sicilia Regione Siciliana, Univ The MEDALUS project Mediterranean desertification and land use
  • G Fierotti
  • C Dazzi
  • S Raimondi
Fierotti G., Dazzi C., Raimondi S.(1988), Carta dei suoli della Sicilia. Regione Siciliana, Univ. Palermo European Commission (1999). The MEDALUS project Mediterranean desertification and land use. Project report. Kosmas C., Kirkby M., Geeson N. (eds.), EUR 18882, V.
Linee guida del piano territoriale paesistico regionale
  • Regione Siciliana
Regione Siciliana (1996). Linee guida del piano territoriale paesistico regionale. Assessorato regionale Beni culturali e ambientali e della pubblica istruzione.
The MEDALUS project Mediterranean desertification and land use
  • G Fierotti
  • C Dazzi
  • S Raimondi
Fierotti G., Dazzi C., Raimondi S.(1988), Carta dei suoli della Sicilia. Regione Siciliana, Univ. Palermo European Commission (1999). The MEDALUS project Mediterranean desertification and land use. Project report. Kosmas C., Kirkby M., Geeson N. (eds.), EUR 18882, V.
Asessorato Agricoltura e Foreste, Servizi alla Sviluppo, Unità Operativa di Agrometeorologia
  • Regione Siciliana
Regione Siciliana,2000, Atlante Climatologico della Sicilia. Asessorato Agricoltura e Foreste, Servizi alla Sviluppo, Unità Operativa di Agrometeorologia. Palermo.