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Confirming the structure of a ten-item Expagg scale using confirmatory factor analysis



The short Expagg scale is a psychometric measure of social representations of expressive and instrumental aggression developed by Campbell, Muncer, McManus and Woodhouse (1999). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to compare the 16-item and 10-item versions of the scales on their goodness of fit to a proposed two-dimensional model. On a sample of 1,000 respondents, the 5-item version showed superior fit measures and exceeded three criteria of fit adequacy (CFI = .93, GFI = .97, RMSEA =.06). We conclude that the ten-item Expagg is not only more convenient to use than the longer version but that it provides a better fit to the underlying two-dimensional conceptual structure than the longer version.
Volume 10, Number 15
Submitted: May 25, 2005
First Revision: July 7, 2005
Accepted: July 15, 2005
Published: July 15, 2005
Helen Driscoll
University of Durham
Anne Campbell
University of Durham
Steven Muncer
University of Durham
The short Expagg scale is a psychometric measure of social representations of expressive and
instrumental aggression developed by Campbell, Muncer, McManus and Woodhouse (1999).
Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to compare the 16-item and 10-item versions of the
scales on their goodness of fit to a proposed two-dimensional model. On a sample of 1,000
respondents, the 5-item version showed superior fit measures and exceeded three criteria of fit
adequacy (CFI = .93, GFI = .97, RMSEA =.06). We conclude that the ten-item Expagg is not
only more convenient to use than the longer version but that it provides a better fit to the
underlying two-dimensional conceptual structure than the longer version.
Current Research in Social Psychology (Vol. 10, No. 15) (Driscoll, Campbell, & Muncer)
In an initial qualitative study, Campbell and Muncer (1987) found that men and women held
different social representations of aggression. Men tended to describe their aggressive
experiences in instrumental terms, viewing it as a socially functional means of exerting control
over others' misbehaviour. Women spoke of their experiences in expressive terms, viewing it as
a personal and regrettable loss of self-control. In order to examine sex differences in a larger
sample, Campbell, Muncer and Coyle (1992) developed the Expagg scale. It consisted of twenty
statements each followed by two possible endings (one instrumental and one expressive) from
which the participant chose the one which best described their experience of aggression. (For
example, following the introductory statement "I believe that my aggression comes from…",
respondents chose between "losing my self control" and "being pushed too far by obnoxious
people".) Endorsement of an expressive ending was scored as 1 and instrumental as 0, so that
the individual's overall score (between 0 and 20) reflected their relative preference for an
expressive representation of aggression. Effectively, an individual's social representation of
aggression was conceptualised as being located on a one dimensional continuum from
instrumental to expressive and a single factor was thought to underlie Expagg.
Archer and Haigh (1997a) suggested that instrumentality and expressivity might be two
independent dimensions rather than opposite ends of a continuum (i.e. a two factor structure),
and that it might be possible for an individual to endorse both representations. Based on this
conceptualisation, Archer and Haigh developed the Revised Expagg scale, in which the original
twenty items were expanded into forty items on five point Likert scales. If there is no substantial
loss of psychometric quality, shorter inventories are preferable to longer ones in terms of
administration time and demands on research participants. Hence their revised two-dimensional
version of Expagg was reduced to a sixteen item scale (revised short Expagg, see below),
consisting of eight instrumental items and eight expressive items (Campbell et al. 1999). These
two dimensional versions allowed independent measurement of expressive and instrumental
representations, although the original Expagg score can be obtained by subtracting the
instrumental from the expressive score.
The original, revised and revised short Expagg have been widely used and have revealed sex
differences in a number of cultures including the United States (e.g. Campbell, Muncer and
Gorman 1993), England (e.g. Archer and Haigh,1997a; Archer and Latham 2003), Slovak
republic (Baumgartner 1995), the Philippines (Puyat 2001), Spain (Gomez, Andreu, Rogers and
Lasprilla 2003), France (Richardson and Huguet 2001) and Japan (Ramirez, Andreu and Fujihara
2001). The unbiased mean effect size across 1,674 participants is d = 0.84 (Campbell 1999).
This sex difference has been found among children as well as adults (Archer and Parker 1994;
Tapper and Boulton 2000). Instrumental and expressive representations are independent of the
general positivity or negativity with which aggression is regarded (Archer 2004). Instrumental
views of aggression are positively correlated with self-reported and psychometrically assessed
aggression (Archer 2004; Archer and Haigh 1997a,b; Campbell, Muncer and Odber 1997;
Campbell, Sapochnik and Muncer 1997).
Current Research in Social Psychology (Vol. 10, No. 15) (Driscoll, Campbell, & Muncer)
Given its wide use in aggression research, measurement issues are clearly important.
Exploratory analyses have used principal components analysis, factor analysis and Microfact (a
program explicitly designed for dichotomous data) to examine the underlying structure of the
questionnaire. The original Expagg was found to be unidimensional (Campbell, Muncer,
McManus and Woodhouse 1999) and the Revised Expagg has two dimensions corresponding to
instrumental and expressive representations (Archer and Haigh 1997a; Campbell et al. 1999).
The revised short (16 item) Expagg was constructed on the basis of principal components
analysis and showed good internal consistency and the expected sex differences (Campbell et al.
While exploratory factor analysis is useful in revealing the empirical structure of questionnaire
items, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is a statistical technique which provides a means of
assessing how well a proposed theoretical model explains or "fits" a set of data by examining
patterns of covariance in the data. The proposed model specifies the way in which individual
items load onto underlying factors, and the relationship between these factors. CFA is
appropriate in situations where the researcher has some a priori theory about the latent factors
that might underlie a set of data and the relationships between them.
CFA programs can provide up to thirty-one measures that indicate how well the data fit the
proposed model. We briefly summarise the most widely accepted indices below. The GFI
(goodness of fit) and CFI (comparative fit index) both indicate how much better the model fits
the data than a null model which specifies there are no common factors, and that sampling error
alone explains the item covariances. Their values can range between 0 and 1 with higher values
indicating a better fit; Bentler and Bonett (1980) among others have suggested that values above
.9 represents a reasonable fit. The RMSEA (root mean square error of approximation) is better
conceived of as an index of badness of fit. Steiger (1989), who first proposed the RMSEA,
argued that values below .1 were good, while others have been more stringent in suggesting that
"a value of about .08 or less for the RMSEA would indicate a reasonable error of approximation"
(Browne and Cudeck 1993). The chi square statistic tests whether there is a significant
difference between the model and the data and hence, ideally, should be non-significant.
However problems with this index have been noted before (Joreskog and Sorbom 1993; Rayko
1998). The main difficulty is that chi square is very sensitive to sample size; with large samples
it is very sensitive to relatively trivial discrepancies between the data and the expected data and
with small samples it can be non-significant even with fairly large discrepancies.
Forrest et al. (2002) used CFA to examine the structure of Expagg. Their model which specified
a two factor solution to the short revised (16 item) Expagg produced a GFI of .89 (where
anything above .9 is considered adequate) and an RMSEA of .082 (where anything between 0.05
and 0.08 is considered adequate). It seems likely that with a few of the assumptions (e.g. equal
error variance or correlated error variance) that are typically made by CFA users, an even better
fit could be achieved. Although over-reliance on the chi square statistic led them to reject the
model, Muncer and Campbell (2004) showed that the results that Forrest et al. obtained for the
16-item Expagg scale were superior to those obtained for other widely used measures such as the
Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (Eysenck and Eysenck 1991), the Belief in a Just World
Scale (Lambert, Burroughs and Nguyen 1999) and the Right Wing Attitudes Scale (Altmeyer
Current Research in Social Psychology (Vol. 10, No. 15) (Driscoll, Campbell, & Muncer)
Muncer and Campbell (2004) also found superior fit indices for a reduced 10-item version of
Expagg (GFI=.94, CFI=.90, RMSEA=.08). The Cronbach's alphas were .75 (instrumental scale)
and .73 (expressive scale) and both scales showed significant sex differences in the expected
direction. Correlations between the 5-item and 8-item versions were high (instrumental scale
r=.94, expressive scale r =.92) leading them to conclude that the 5- and 8-item scales would
perform similarly when used in research, since they are highly correlated, have similar
Cronbach's alphas and show similar sex differences.
In this study, we aim to confirm the superior psychometric status of this short 10-item, two-factor
version of Expagg using CFA. We expect that the 10-item version will again show better fit as a
two-factor model than the 16-item version. Previous studies have typically obtained sample sizes
of less than 400 from undergraduate populations (Muncer and Campbell 2004; Forrest et al.
2002). The data used in this analysis were obtained through a web site hosted by a UK television
company. Respondents were self-selected but more likely to be representative of the general
population than respondents in previous studies.
Data was collected with the assistance of Channel 4 Television (UK). The Expagg questionnaire
was placed on their website ( between October and December 2002, as part
of another study on aggressive behaviour (Campbell and Muncer, in press). In the present study,
we analyse Expagg data from the first 1000 respondents. This sample was composed of 569
males (56.9 per cent) and 431 females (43.1 per cent). As noted by Muncer and Campbell
(2004), an approximate gender balance is important for CFA studies of scales on which a strong
sex difference is anticipated. The age range was from under 17 to over 60.
All participants completed the revised Expagg short scale, composed of eight items measuring
instrumentality and eight items measuring expressivity (Campbell et al 1999), along with a
number of other measures not relevant to this study. The study was introduced to participants as
follows: "What goes on in the minds of men and women? Here is your chance to try out the
experiment that aims to find out just that". Participants were informed that there were no right or
wrong answers, that they should give honest answers, that their responses were anonymous, and
that some of the questions were about aggressive behaviour. Participants responded to items by
checking one of the boxes next to each item on the Expagg questionnaire which indicated their
degree of agreement (between 1 and 5) with each statement.
Current Research in Social Psychology (Vol. 10, No. 15) (Driscoll, Campbell, & Muncer)
We tested both the sixteen item two factor model and the ten item two factor model using EQS 6.
The models specified that, for the sixteen item version, the eight instrumental items load onto the
'instrumental' factor and the eight expressive items load onto the 'expressive' factor and these
factors are assumed to be correlated. For the ten item version, the model specified that the five
instrumental items suggested by Muncer and Campbell load onto the instrumental factor and the
five expressive items onto the expressive factor, and the factors are assumed to be correlated.
16-Item Scale
The sixteen item model gave an chi square value of 790.68 (p< .001), an RMSEA of .082, a GFI
of .899 and a CFI of .824 None of these values quite meet the definitions of good fit described
in the introduction. Cronbach's alphas were .83 for the instrumental scale, and .70 for the
expressive scale. Again these values are consistent with previous findings, with the reliability
coefficient for the expressive scale usually being lower than that for the instrumental scale. The
two scales were correlated at r=0.38 (p<.001).
With regard to sex differences, males scored significantly higher (t=7.655, df = 998, p< .001)
than females on the instrumental scale (male mean = 23.53, SD = 6.52; female mean = 20.39, SD
= 6.30) consistent with previous findings. The sex difference on the expressive scale did not
reach significance (male mean = 26.56, SD = 5.16; female mean = 27.03, SD = 5.57). Although
females consistently score higher on the expressive scale, it is not unusual for the difference to
fall slightly short of significance on the 16 item scale.
10-Item Scale
The ten-item model gave a chi square value of 157.91 (p < .001). Again, this was significant, but
all other indices suggest that the model provides a good fit to the data, with an RMSEA of .060, a
GFI of .969, and a CFI of .933. The RMSEA has a 90 per cent confidence interval of 0.051 to
0.07. These values all suggest a better fit to the data than the sixteen item model, and meet the
definitions of good fit values given above.
There are a number of available measures of goodness of fit which allow comparison between
models. Those commonly used include the AIC (Akaike Information Criterion) and ECVI
(Expected cross-validation index). In each case, the model with the lower value provides the
better fit to the data. The ten-item model gives an AIC of 89.911, compared to 584.678 for the
sixteen-item model. The ECVI value is .2 for the ten-item model, and .858 for the sixteen item
model. These values again suggest that the model based on the ten item version provides a better
fit to the data. It should be noted that both of these models were compared as stated and without
any extra assumptions such as equal or correlated error variances.
Current Research in Social Psychology (Vol. 10, No. 15) (Driscoll, Campbell, & Muncer)
The correlation between the between the 5-item and 8-item scales were r = .95 (p< .001) for the
instrumental scales, and r = .89 (p < .001) for expressive scales. These values are comparable to
those reported by Muncer and Campbell (2004) of .94 and .92 respectively. Analysis of the three
items omitted from each scale provides further evidence of the superiority of the ten item scale. The
remnants of the 8 item instrumental scale show a significant positive correlation with the 5 item
instrumental scale (r = .65, p < .001) and with the 8-item instrumental scale (r = .85, p < .001). The
remnants from the 8 item expressive scale show a significant positive correlation with the 5 item
expressive scale (r = .40, p < .001) and with the 8 item expressive scale (r = .78, p < .001).
Cronbach's alphas were .78 for the instrumental scale and .63 for the expressive scale. Muncer
and Campbell (2004) found a similar alpha for the five item instrumental scale (.75), but a
considerably higher alpha of .73 for the five item expressive scale. Values are slightly lower
than for the 16 item version, in line with the reduced number of items. There is also a significant
but modest positive correlation between the five-item instrumental scale and expressive scales, r
= 0.065 (p =.05), indicating only 0.4 per cent of common variance.
With regard to sex differences, males again scored significantly higher (t = 7.472, df = 998, p <
.001) on the instrumental scale (male mean = 14.34, SD = 4.40; female mean = 12.23, SD =
4.46). The expressive scale again showed a higher value for women (male mean = 17.04, SD =
3.66; females mean = 17.39, SD = 3.68) but the effect was not significant.
We confirm the findings of Muncer and Campbell (2004) in showing that a two factor model
with only 5 items on each scale provides a better fit to the data than the 8 item version. In this
case, CFI, GFI and RMSEA values easily meet the criteria for good fit. The values are obtained
from this sample all suggest a better fit than the values obtained by Muncer and Campbell from
their sample of 379 participants (GFI of .939, CFI of .900 and RMSEA of .083). This is likely a
consequence of the larger sample size used in the present analysis. We suggest, in line with
Muncer and Campbell, that a two factor ten item version of Expagg is psychometrically sound.
Given the high correlations between the five and eight item versions, both are useful for research
purposes although the shorter version obviously offers advantages in terms of speed of
administration and scoring.
The instrumental and expressive scales can be used independently. For example, partner violence
seems to be best predicted by raised instrumental scores which are also associated with non-
physical controlling behaviours such as economic and emotional coercion (Archer and Graham-
Kevan 2003). A measure of relative preference, similar to that obtained from the original
Expagg, can also be computed by subtracting the instrumental from the expressive score. This
measure may be especially useful for some research purposes. For example, Archer and Haigh
(1997b) reported that violent offenders scored lower than non-violent offenders on the expressive
scale while Smith and Waterman (2004) found significantly higher scores on the instrumental
scale among violent compared to non-violent offenders. Using the combined relative measure
may help to clarify and simplify patterns of findings. This relative score accepts that aggression
may have experiential elements of both loss of self-control and assertion of other-control, as we
discuss below.
Current Research in Social Psychology (Vol. 10, No. 15) (Driscoll, Campbell, & Muncer)
Our use of an Internet sample is not novel; they have been used in psychological research since
the 1990s. Initial reservations concerned the possibility of multiple submissions by the same
individual. While steps can be taken to address this, some may remove participant anonymity
(asking for identifiers such as e-mail addresses) and others (eliminating participants responding
from the same IP address) have the effect of excluding legitimate participants who use a common
computer in a lab or library. Birnbaum (2004) detected only one repeat submission in a total of
1,000 data records and suggests that "Web researchers are of the consensus that this issue has not
been a real problem" (Birnbaum 2004, p.816). The Internet provides considerably larger data
sets, with consequently greater statistical power, than are found in most traditional samples and
is particularly valuable for personality research (Birnbaum 2004). Internet samples are more
diverse and more representative with respect to gender, socioeconomic status, geographical
location and age compared to samples reported in the prestigious Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology (Gosling, Vazire, Srivastava and Oliver 2004). Reliabilities and factor
structures for personality inventories and constructs are similar to the paper-and-pencil versions
(Buchanan and Smith 1999; John and Srivastava 1999) and gender differences found in
traditionally administered tests are replicated on Internet samples (Srivastava, John, Gosling and
Potter 2003).
In the present study, we find significant differences on the instrumental but not the expressive
scale. Of 13 published studies that have examined sex differences on the instrumental and
expressive scale separately, 12 have found significantly greater instrumentality among men and
significantly lower expressivity among women. The present results may be due to the lower
internal consistency of the expressive scale relative to the instrumental scale. Items tapping loss
of control appear to be less cohesive and unitary than those which assess the use of aggression to
control others. While greater scale reliability reduces random error and so increases the power to
detect relationships with other variables, gender differences have been found even where the
reliability values for E have been less than .75 (e.g. Archer and Latham 2004; Muncer and
Campbell 2004).
Nonetheless the effect sizes found for the expressive scale are somewhat smaller than the
instrumental scale. Over 13 studies where it was possible to compute effect sizes, the unweighted
averages were d = -.65 and d = .80 respectively, corresponding to medium and strong effect sizes
(Cohen 1977). The weaker sex differences suggest a second possibility: The expressive scale
may be picking up a more general experience of 'upset' feelings that are associated with the high
arousal and negative tone of interpersonal conflict, and these shows greater overlap between men
and women. Scores for both sexes in this study, as in others, are higher for the expressive than
for the instrumental scale. The sex difference for expressive as compared to instrumental scores
also shows greater consistency across type of aggression and opponent (Archer and Haigh 1999).
We have also found invariance over age for the expressive but not the instrumental scale
(Campbell and Muncer, under review). An expressive experience may characterize conflictive
encounters more generally, while instrumentality may be an interpretation that is superimposed
on this aversive arousal by those who use aggression to control others. This reasoning would be
consonant with the finding that the instrumental scale is more predictive than the expressive
scale of physical and verbal aggression (Archer 2004; Archer and Graham-Kevan 2003; Archer
and Haigh 1997) and violent offending (Smith and Waterman 2004).
Current Research in Social Psychology (Vol. 10, No. 15) (Driscoll, Campbell, & Muncer)
A final word on conceptual issues regarding the Expagg scale. Archer and Haigh (1997, p. 84)
employed the term 'belief' rather than 'representation' to describe the construct underlying the
Expagg scale on the grounds that the latter implied a shared interpretation while the
questionnaire responses are obtained from individual participants. Although Moscovici
emphasizes the social nature of representations (in that they are developed and transmitted
through social interaction, broadly defined) he equally attends to their impact on individual
psychology; "…social representations become capable of influencing the behaviour of the
individual participant in a collectivity. This is how they are created inwardly, for it is in this form
that the collective process itself penetrates, as the determining factor, into individual thought"
(Moscovici 1984, p.12). Much research in this tradition continues to collect data from
individual representatives of different social groups (see the Papers on Social Representations at Unlike Archer, we see no contradiction between data collection from
individuals and the concept of a shared social representation.
Rather, in the development of Expagg, we were conscious of Moscovici's definition of
representations as "cognitive matrices co-ordinating ideas, words, images and perceptions that
are all interlinked. They are common-sense "theories" about key aspects of society" (Moscovici
and Hewstone 1983). Our initial qualitative study suggested that the discourse of men and
women corresponded to what academics would refer to as instrumental and expressive theories
of aggression respectively. In developing the 20 item Expagg, our aim was to systematically
capture differences between these two theoretical schools with respect to eight domains of
aggression (Campbell, Muncer and Coyle 1992). Is the aim still fulfilled in the current version of
the questionnaire containing only 5 items per representation?
The five expressive items are drawn from following three domains; proximate cause (I believe
that my aggression comes from losing my self-control), cognition (In a heated argument I am
most afraid of saying something terrible that I can never take back; During a physical fight I feel
out of control) and emotion (When I get to the point of physical aggression the thing I am most
aware of is how upset and shaky I feel; After a physical fight I feel drained and guilty). The
instrumental items have a broader coverage of five domains; social value (I feel that physical
aggression is necessary to get through to some people), form (In an argument I would feel more
annoyed with myself if I cried than if I hit the other person), aim (The best thing about physical
aggression is that it makes the other person get in line), reputation (If someone challenged me to
a fight in public I'd feel cowardly if I backed away) and emotion (If I hit someone and hurt them,
I feel as if they were asking for it). The only domain which remains untapped is situational
factors (the likelihood of aggression occurring in private versus public) which does not reliably
differentiate the two representations. It is noteworthy that the instrumental and expressive scales
are distinctive in the differing domains on which they draw. (Indeed the one instrumental item
drawn from the overlapping domain of emotion might be considered to be functioning as a social
value item.) Broadly, expressive items pick up differences in intra-individual experiences of
aggression (specifically feelings of inability to control one's own behaviour and attendant guilt)
while instrumental items are more clearly oriented to inter-personal functions (specifically
impression management and perception of unjustified provocation). A similar distinction has
been noted by Archer and Haigh (1997,a).
Current Research in Social Psychology (Vol. 10, No. 15) (Driscoll, Campbell, & Muncer)
Are we then dealing with social representations or beliefs? A belief is defined as "a cognition or
piece of knowledge believed to be true or false regarding an attitude object" (Fraser and Burchill
2001, p. 418). We argue that Expagg captures much more than this. In addition to cognition, it
taps personal experience in the wider sense of attributions of aim, value, cause, emotion and
personal and interpersonal effects. Rather than assessing beliefs about the truth or falsity of a
proposition, Expagg taps alternative, coherently organized models of aggression.
However, social transmission is a key component of Moscovici's conception and we initially
presumed that gendered representations were passed "in the course of inter-individual
communications" (Moscovici 1981, p. 181). Our recent work has challenged this assumption by
investigating whether different representations of aggression might arise as a consequence of
genuine differences in phenomenology. Two studies (Alexander, Allen, Brooks, Cole and
Campbell 2004; Driscoll, Zinkivskay, Evans and Campbell, in press) now suggest greater
inhibitory control by women so that they express overt behavioural aggression at higher levels of
provocation and anger than do men, resulting in more strongly expressive experiences. If these
findings are replicated, the adjective 'social' would need to be questioned. However we do not
wish to be unduly pedantic about semantics; more important are empirical results that address the
substance of proposals about gender and experiences of aggression.
Alexander, F., Allen, C., Brooks, J., Cole, C. and Campbell, A. (2004). "Reason to believe:
Representations of aggression as phenomenological read-out." Sex Roles, 51, 647-660
Altmeyer, B. (1981). Right-wing authoritarianism. Winnipeg:University of Manitoba Press.
Archer, J. and Graham–Kevan, N. (2003). "Do beliefs about aggression predict physical
aggression to partners?" Aggressive Behavior, 29, 41-54.
Archer, J. and Haigh, A. (1997b). "Beliefs about aggression among male and female prisoners."
Aggressive Behavior, 23, 405-415.
Archer, J. and Haigh, A. M. (1997a). "Do beliefs about aggressive feelings and actions predict
reported levels of aggression?" British Journal of Social Psychology, 36, 83-105.
Archer, J. and Latham, M. (2004). "Variation in beliefs about aggression as a function of
relationship to the opponent." Personality and Individual Differences, 37, 33-41.
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of Psychology, 55, 803-832.
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Browne, M. W. and Cudeck, R. (1993). "Alternative ways of assessing model fit." In K. A.
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Aggressive Behaviour, 28, 11-21.
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Current Research in Social Psychology (Vol. 10, No. 15) (Driscoll, Campbell, & Muncer)
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Expressive Items
1. During a physical fight I feel out of control.
2. I am most likely to get physically aggressive when I've been under a lot of stress and some
little thing pushes me over the edge.
3. After a physical fight I feel drained and guilty.
4. After I lash out physically at another person, I would like them to acknowledge how upset
they made me and how unhappy I was.
5. I believe that my aggression comes from losing my self-control.
6. I am more likely to lash out physically when I am alone with the person who is annoying me.
7. When I get to the point of physical aggression the thing I am most aware of is how upset
and shaky I feel.
8. In a heated argument I am most afraid of saying something terrible that I can never
take back.
Current Research in Social Psychology (Vol. 10, No. 15) (Driscoll, Campbell, & Muncer)
Instrumental Items
1. I feel that physical aggression is necessary to get through to some people.
2. If I hit someone and hurt them, I feel as if they were asking for it.
3. In an argument I would feel more annoyed with myself if I cried than if I hit the other
4. The best thing about physical aggression is that it makes the other person get in line.
5. If someone challenged me to a fight in public I'd feel cowardly if I backed away.
6. After I lash out physically at another person I would like to make sure they never annoy me
7. I am more likely to lash out physically when another person shows me up in public.
8. I am most likely to get physically aggressive when I feel another person is trying to make me
look like a jerk.
Helen Driscoll is a PhD student in the Department of Psychology, University of Durham. She is
studying possible sex differences in aggression.
Anne Campbell is a Professor in the Department of Psychology, University of Durham. Her
research interests are focussed on aggression and gender differences.
Steven Muncer is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Applied Psychology, University of
Durham. His research interests include aggression, psychometrics and lay understanding of
social phenomena.
... The EXPAGG is designed to measure social representations of aggression as either instrumental or expressive (Campbell et al., 1999;Driscoll et al., 2005). Subscale reliabilities were α = .70 ...
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A systematic review examined the effectiveness of violence reduction therapy in detained forensic populations, capturing 23 papers. This demonstrated several themes and a failure to consider individual change alongside group effects. Consequently, the review was followed by evaluation of an aggression therapy program (Life Minus Violence-Enhanced: LMV-E) among adult male forensic patients (n = 26), which considered group and individual treatment change. Collectively, the research demonstrated a positive effect on emotional regulation (anger), with the ability to control and experience this particularly evidenced following therapy. The paper highlights the importance of accounting for individual change and developing theory informed evaluations.
... The Short Expagg questionnaire (Campbell, Muncer, McManus, & Woodhouse, 1999) measures a person's view of his or her own aggression. Aggressive experiences can either be expressed in instrumental terms, viewing it as a socially functional means of exerting control over others' misbehavior, or in expressive terms, viewing it as a personal and regrettable loss of self-control (Driscoll, Campbell, & Muncer, 2005). Both types of aggression are measured using five questions each rated on a 5-point Likert scale. ...
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Aims/objectives A lack of empathy is associated with callous-unemotional behaviour, violence, aggression, criminality, and problems in social interaction. Empathy is, though, inconsistently defined and inadequately measured. We therefore set out to produce a new and rigorously developed empathy questionnaire that would have clinical and public-health relevance. Methods Sixty-five questions, themed around cognitive empathy (the ability to construct a working model of the emotional states of others) and affective empathy (the ability to be sensitive to and vicariously experience the feelings of others), were administered to two independent samples of healthy volunteers (N1=640, N2=383), which were used to explore and validate the factor structure. Results Principal components analysis revealed five factors from thirty-seven items. Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed this structure. The hypothesised two-factor structure (cognitive and affective empathy) was tested by adding two second order factors, indicated by the five first-order factors, and provided the best and most parsimonious fit to the data (CFI=0.961, RMSEA=0.048). Cognitive Empathy encompassed Perspective Taking and Online Simulation; Affective Empathy encompassed Emotional Responsivity, Peripheral Responsivity and Emotional Contagion. Females scored significantly higher than males on Affective Empathy but not on Cognitive Empathy. The factors correlated significantly with measures of empathic anger, impulsivity, aggression, psychopathy, Machiavellianism and empathy as measured by the Basic Empathy Scale. Conclusions The QCAE measures the distinct and specific components that make up cognitive and affective empathy. The factor structure was confirmed in independent samples and represents a valid tool for assessing cognitive and affective empathy and its subcomponents.
... As indicated inTable II, a total of four best models have been compared against standard fitness measures. Appropriate fitness ranges for the indices are based on those suggested in previous literatures (Green et al., 2006; Zeynep and Berry, 1996; Cheung and Rensvold, 2002; Driscoll et al., 2005). As can be seen from the comparative analysis, Model 4 accounts for the best fit on all of the fitness indices. ...
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to further investigate the linkages between business process management (BPM) and customer satisfaction. Also, to challenge the dominance of the customer contact perspectives on service processes and to propose a more systemic focus on the totality of service design. Design/methodology/approach The research builds on the existing work of Maddern et al. through the use of structured equation modelling (SEM) tool. The multiple SEM models described here provide a more robust statistical approach for confirming/refuting the constructs found in the earlier research. Findings This paper presents the results of an empirical analysis, based on longitudinal data from a large UK bank on drivers of customer satisfaction. The results confirm that process management is a critical driver of technical service quality. This suggests that companies with reliability/dependability issues should not emphasise customer satisfaction programmes based on SERVQUAL intangibles until substantial improvements in process design have been achieved. Research limitations/implications The research is limited to a single case study of a UK bank over a five year period. The generalisibility of these findings is therefore limited. Further work in other sectors and over longer periods would establish the reliability of the findings. The paper also highlights some limitations in the service operations literature, particularly the emphasis on customer presence within the service process. Originality/value The paper uses time series data to identify the importance of BPM in achieving higher levels of customer satisfaction. The authors provide a platform for further research based on the design of service delivery systems and their impact on customer satisfaction.
The current study assessed a wide range of offense supportive cognitions in relation to the perpetration of physical intimate partner violence (IPV). This research used both implicit and explicit measures in a U.K. sample of 19 male IPV perpetrators recruited from a community-based IPV intervention program and 20 men from the community with no history of IPV. The study also explored the ability of the implicit measures to differentiate between the two groups. The cognitions assessed included gender-role stereotype, attitudes condoning violence against a partner, attitudes condoning violence in general, hostile attitudes toward women, sense of entitlement in the relationship and over the intimate partner (control and dominance), and general sense of entitlement. Participants completed a number of established self-report measures and a series of computer-based reaction time tasks including two implicit association tests, one go/no-go association task, and four sentence judgment tasks. Significant group differences emerged across all measures both at the explicit and at the implicit level. Most implicit measures had very good discriminatory power, and the combination of all implicit measures showed excellent discriminatory power, equal to that of the explicit measures combined. These findings suggest that some IPV perpetrators hold offense supportive cognitions that may have become fairly well established and have started to operate at an automatic level. Implicit measures could be useful tools for risk assessment purposes and identification of treatment needs alongside already established measures.
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We present the Dispositional Self-Control (DSC) Scale, which reflects individuals' tendency to override 2 types of temptations, termed doing wrong and not doing right. We report a series of 5 studies designed to test the reliability and validity of the scale. As hypothesized, high DSC predicts distant future orientation and low DSC predicts deviant behaviors such as aggression, alcohol misuse, and aberrant driving. DSC also predicts task performance among resource-depleted participants. Taken together, these findings suggest that the DSC Scale could be a useful tool toward further understanding the role of personality in overcoming self-control challenges.
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Virtue products (such as sunscreen lotion and dental floss) promise future benefits and, at the same time, carry immediate and ongoing usage costs. Although consumers acknowledge the benefits of virtue products, they find it difficult to consume them on a daily basis. This research focuses on a key problem in the consumption of virtue products —ongoing use— and identifies ways to help consumers maintain ongoing consumption. We propose and show that products’ attributes (in terms of future versus present benefits) and consumers’ dispositional self-control interact to shape the consumption of virtue products. In two field experiments that use different product categories—dental floss and sunscreen lotion—we show that low self-control participants consume a virtue product whose product description highlights a present benefit more than they consume a virtue product whose description highlights a future benefit. Among high self-control participants the reverse effect was observed. In a third study we show the same pattern of results when willingness to pay is measured.
This study examines the role of sex, gender role orientation, social representations of indirect aggression, and indicators of psychosocial adjustment in indirect aggression and victimization in an emerging adult sample. A total of 42 participants (19 men, 23 women) recruited are required to complete the questionnaires, along with 18 participants out of the total study sample also completing daily journals. No sex differences are found for either indirect aggression or victimization. Indirect victimization is found to be the most significant predictor of indirect aggression. When controlling for indirect aggression, mania is the most significant predictor of indirect victimization. An inductive thematic analysis of the journals is conducted. The results are interpreted in relation to previous research and theory. Limitations, implications, and directions for future research are discussed.
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This paper presents a theoretical model of self-control as a dynamic process. In situations demanding self-control, the indi- vidual experiences one of two types of temptations: Impulsiveness or procrastination, followed by an inner struggle between yielding to and overcoming the temptation. When the individual activates personal resources to overcome temptations, the process of self- control takes place. Individuals vary in their abilities to overcome temptations; some overcome them immediately, while others need to call upon what we define as intrinsic and extrinsic control mechanisms. We suggest that intrinsic control mechanisms are self- actions and thoughts that individuals employ when they need to exert control, whereas extrinsic control mechanisms are actions that address others and seek their help in overcoming the temptation. We present and test the theory with a context-free self-control measure in four studies.
Acts of intimate partner violence (IPV) and abuse of nonhuman animals are common, harmful, and co-occurring phenomena. Th e aim of the present study was to identify perpetrator subtypes based on variable paths hypothesized to infl uence physical violence toward both partners and nonhuman animals: (a) callousness and instrumental representations of aggression and (b) rejection-sensitivity and expressive representations of aggression. Strong associations emerged between callousness and instrumental representations and between rejection-sensitivity and expressive representations. For males, callousness directly predicted both IPV and animal abuse. For females, rejection-sensitivity predicted IPV. Instrumental representations mediated the relationship between callousness and animal abuse for females but not for males. Results suggest that IPV and animal abuse functionally interconnect, that perpetration of animal abuse may diff er in function across gender, and that identifying distinct pathways to violence may facilitate violence prediction and prevention.
In Study 1, a 40-item questionnaire measuring instrumental and expressive beliefs about aggression, along a five-point scale, was developed. It was based on a 20-item questionnaire (Campbell, Muncer & Coyle, 1992) where the two alternatives were forced choices for each item. In the present study the two sets of beliefs were only moderately correlated (-.35), and their separation into 20-item scales showed a clearer factor structure than combining all 40 items. Men showed higher instrumental scores whereas women showed higher expressive scores: factor analysis revealed one major factor in each case on which items showing the highest sex differences were concentrated. In Study 2 the questionnaire was used on another sample to assess the association between these beliefs and self-reported physical and verbal aggression, and anger. Instrumental beliefs were found to be highly correlated with physical aggression, and to a lesser extent verbal aggression. In this study, sex differences were similar to Study 1, but were complicated by the finding of stronger instrumental beliefs at younger ages for both sexes. In both studies, when filling out the questionnaire, women were equally likely to think of an aggressive episode with a same-sex opponent as with an opposite-sex partner whereas men nearly always thought of an aggressive episode with a same-sex opponent. However, neither instrumental nor expressive scores were affected by whether female respondents were thinking of a partner or same-sex other.
Moscovici, S. (1984). The phenomenon of social representations. In R. Farr & S. Moscovici (Eds.), Social representations (pp. 3-69). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
On the basis of evolutionary principles involving the balance of cooperation and competition, it was predicted that aggressive exchanges between close kin would be viewed in more expressive (E) and less instrumental (I) terms, and those between strangers in more I and less E terms. Aggressive exchanges between friends would be intermediate. These predictions were confirmed in a sample of 102 British undergraduates who answered versions of the short Expagg questionnaire, modified for the three different opponents. As in other studies, men showed more I and less E beliefs about their aggression, and these differences were maintained across all three categories of relationship. Women’s beliefs about aggression were similar (high E and low I) for both close kin and friends, a finding which can be related to the greater importance of emotional closeness in women’s friendships. The findings demonstrate the context-dependent nature of beliefs about aggression, and are consistent with predictions from evolutionary principles.
Although perceptions of risk have been studied extensively by both social and cognitive psychologists, relatively little work has focused on individual differences in these perceptions. Across two studies, the authors examined the relationship of perceived risk to just world beliefs (BJW) and right-wing authoritarianism (RWA). Both studies showed that these two variables have interactive effects on perceived risk across a wide variety of different types of threats (e.g., getting hijacked, contracting AIDS). Among high authoritarians, participants felt much less at risk if they believed in a just world than if they did not. Among low authoritarians, however, BJW and perceived risk were unrelated. Results are conceptualized in terms of a buffering hypothesis, which suggests that the extent to which self-protective variables (such as BJW) mediate risk are most pronounced among persons who view the world in threatening terms (i.e., high authoritarians). Implication of these findings for previous models of risk and personality development are discussed.
The Expagg questionnaire was developed to measure a subject's view of their own aggression as a relatively instrumental or relatively expressive act. Two issues have been raised pertaining to the dimensional structure of the questionnaire: the use of principal components analysis on dichotomous responses and the possibility that instrumental and expressive representations might be independent dimensions rather than opposite ends of a single continuum. In study 1, dichotomous Expagg data from 405 subjects were subjected to microfact, principal components, and factor analysis. Each produced a first general factor, and the correlations between the item loadings were in excess of r = .99. In study 2, a 40-item Likert scale version of Expagg was given to 295 subjects. Principal components analysis, paired item correlations, and subscale correlations suggested partial independence of instrumental and expressive items. Two new 8-item scales measuring instrumental and expressive representations were constructed that maximise their independence. Potential uses of these revised scales are discussed. Aggr. Behav. 25:435–444, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Academic theories of aggression can be dichotomized as expressive (in which aggression results from a failure of self control) or instrumental (in which aggression represents the exercise of control over others). We propose that the two sexes hold a parallel distinction in their social representations of aggression; women subscribe to an expressive model, men to an instrumental model. A 20-item questionnaire was generated by systematic comparison of the two theories with respect to their differential predictions concerning perceived social value, proximate causes, relevant emotions and congnitions, form, aim, social facilitators, and reputational aspects of aggression. Factor analysis indicated a first factor of expressive-instrumental aggression on which all items had significant loadings. A significant correlation (.46) was found between gender and questionnaire score confirming the hypothesis. The notion of gender-specific social representations is discussed in terms of its ability to coherently interpret patterns of differences in aggression found in experimental and observational studies.
It has been suggested that confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) can be used to investigate the construct validity of psychometric scales and Forrest et al. [2000] specifically query the factor structure of Expagg using this technique. In this paper we report unsuccessful attempts to confirm the factor structure of three widely used scales using CFA criteria. In the fourth study, a two-factor model of Expagg, which has been derived from previous studies, is tested for fit on new data. The results suggest that from a CFA point of view, Expagg is best considered as two scales measuring expressivity and instrumentality with five items on each scale. This model satisfies four of the five fit criteria (CFI = 90, GFI = .94, RMSEA = .08, ECVI = .44), failing only on the chi square test, a benchmark that has attracted criticism from statisticians. Other concerns are raised about the meaning of CFA results and their importance. Aggr. Behav. 30:146–157, 2004. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.