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Farm and Forestry Production and Marketing Profile for Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis)

  • Breadfruit Institute National Tropical Botanical Garden
Farm and Forestry
Production and Marketing Prole for
(Artocarpus altilis)
By Diane Ragone
Specialty Crops for Pacic Island Agroforestry (
Farm and Forestry Production and Marketing Prole for Breadfruit by Diane Ragone 2
Breadfruit produces abundant, nutritious fruit (i.e., high
in carbohydrates and a good source of ber, vitamins, and
minerals) that is typically cooked and consumed as a starchy
staple when rm and mature. Ripe fruit can be eaten raw
or cooked, processed into chips and other snacks, dried
into our or starch, and minimally processed or frozen.
Breadfruit our can be partially substituted for wheat our
in many bread, pastry, and snack products. Seeds, cooked
in the fruit and eaten throughout the Pacic islands—but
rarely in Polynesia—are high in protein, relatively low in fat
and a good source of vitamins and minerals. Breadnut seeds
tend to be larger and sweeter than breadfruit seeds and
can be roasted or boiled. In Ghana, breadfruit and bread-
nut seeds have been made into nutritious baby food. In the
Philippines, immature fruit is sliced, cooked, and eaten as a
Breadfruit is a cultural icon in the Pacic. All parts are used
medicinally, especially the latex, leaf tips, and inner bark.
e wood is lightweight, exible, and may resist termites. It
is used for buildings and small canoes. e attractive wood
is easily carved into statues, bowls, and other objects. Older,
less productive trees are utilized as rewood throughout
the region. e inner bark is used to make bark cloth (tapa,
siapo), but this formerly widespread custom is now only
practiced in the Marquesas. Large, exible leaves are used to
wrap foods for cooking in earth ovens. e sticky white latex
is used as a chewing gum and adhesive and was formerly
widely used to caulk canoes and as birdlime (to catch birds).
Dried male owers can be burned to repel mosquitoes and
other ying insects.
Breadfruit is adaptable to many ecological conditions. e
latitudinal limits are approximately 17°N and 17°S, but mar-
itime climates extend that range to the Tropics of Cancer
and Capricorn.
Breadfruit prefers deep, fertile, well drained soils, although
some varieties are adapted to the shallow sandy soils of coral
atolls. It prefers light and medium, freely draining soils with
pH 6.1–7.4 and tolerates saline and coralline atoll soils.
Preferred scientic name
Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg
Moraceae (mulberry family)
Many village roads in Samoa are lined with breadfruit trees growing in home gardens.
© Craig Elevitch
Specialty Crops for Pacic Island Agroforestry ( 3
Common names
Pacic islands
beta (Vanuatu)
bia, bulo, nimbalu (Solomon Islands)
breadfruit (English)
kapiak (Papua New Guinea)
kuru (Cook Islands)
meduu (Palau)
mei, mai (Federated States of Micronesia [FSM], Kiribati,
Marshalls, Marquesas, Tonga, Tuvalu)
mos (Kosrae)
ulu (Hawai‘i, Samoa, Rotuma, Tuvalu)
uru (Society Islands)
uto, buco (Fiji)
Other regions
árbol a pan (Spanish)
brotfruchtbaum (German)
fruta pão (Portuguese)
khanun-sampalor, sa-ke (ai)
khnaôr sâmloo, sakéé (Khmer)
kulur, kuror, sukun (Indonesia)
l’arbre à pan (French)
laba pen, vèritab (Haiti, Creole)
mshelisheli (Swahili)
rata del (Sri Lanka)
rimas (Philippines)
sake (Vietnamese)
Breadfruit is an attractive evergreen tree, typically 12–15 m
(40–50) tall with a 0.3–1 m (1–3.2) diameter trunk, of-
ten with buttress roots. Milky white latex is present in all
parts of the tree. Male and female owers occur on the same
tree. Male inorescence is an elongated club-shape, up to
5 cm (2 in) in diameter and 45 cm (18 in) long, comprised
of thousands of tiny owers attached to a central spongy
core. e tree is deciduous. Female inorescence is more
rounded and consists of 1,500–2,000 reduced owers at-
tached to a spongy core. Flowers fuse together and develop
into the skin and eshy, edible portion of the fruit. Large
glossy dark-green leaves are alternate, ranging from almost
entire to deeply dissected, with up to six pairs of lobes and
a large apical tip. Fruit are usually round, oval, or oblong,
weighing 0.25–5 kg (0.5–11 lb). Skin is greenish-yellow, pat-
terned with hexagonal markings, and has a smooth, bumpy,
spiny, or spiky surface. Flesh is creamy white or pale yellow
and contains none to many seeds, depending on the variety.
Seeds are brown, typically shiny, rounded or obovoid, irreg-
ularly compressed, 0.5–2 cm (0.2–0.8 in) thick, and embed-
ded in the pulp. Seeds germinate immediately and cannot be
dried or stored.
Elevation, rainfall, and temperature
Elevation range 0–1,500 m (0–5,100); best be-
low 600–650 m (2,000–2,160).
Mean annual rainfall
1,500–3,000 mm (60–120 in), but
trees can yield regularly on Pacic
atolls that receive 1,000 mm (40
Rainfall pattern It prefers climates with bimodal
Dry season duration (consecutive
months with <40 mm [1.6 in]
3–6 months (specic months vary
depending on variety).
Mean annual temperature 15–40°C (59–104°F); best at
21–32°C (70–90°F).
Mean maximum temperature of
hottest month 32–38°C (90–100°F).
Mean minimum temperature of
coldest month 16–18°C (61–64°F).
Minimum temperature tolerated
5–10°C (41–50°F). At low tem-
peratures, it may drop leaves and
shoots, not yield fruit, and die
Female (horizontal) and male (vertical) inorescences.
Breadfruit comes in many shapes, sizes, colors, and textures.
Farm and Forestry Production and Marketing Prole for Breadfruit by Diane Ragone 4
e wild, seeded, ancestor of breadfruit, Artocarpus camansi
Blanco, or breadnut, is native to New Guinea, and possibly
the Moluccas (Indonesia) and the Philippines. Breadfruit,
both seeded and seedless forms, does not naturally occur in
the Pacic islands. is species was rst domesticated in the
western Pacic and spread by humans throughout the region
beginning 3,000 years ago. Breadfruit is found throughout
the tropics and cultivated on most Pacic islands. In the late
1700s, several seedless Polynesian breadfruit varieties and
breadnut from New Guinea were introduced to the Carib-
bean. ese were subsequently distributed throughout the
Caribbean to Central and South America, Africa, India,
Southeast Asia, Madagascar, the Maldives, the Seychelles,
Indonesia, Sri Lanka, northern Australia, and south Flori-
da. In recent years, some breadnut trees have been planted
in French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Palau, Pohnpei, and
Hawai‘i, mainly by Philippine immigrants.
Breadfruit is fast growing in favorable conditions, growing
in height 0.5–1.5 m (1.7–4.8) per year and trunk diameter
of 0.5–1 m (1.7–3.3) in the rst 10–12 years. Small branch-
es oen die back at the tip aer fruiting, but new shoots and
branches continue to develop throughout the life of the tree.
Breadfruit bears seasonally, with most varieties producing
one or two crops per year. e main crop typically occurs
during the hot, rainy, summer months, followed by a smaller
crop 3–4 months later. Vegetatively propagated trees start
fruiting in 3–6 years. Graed trees can begin bearing in 2–3
years. Trees grown from seed begin to ower and produce
fruit in 6–10 years, or sooner.
Breadfruit is clonally propagated using root shoots or root
cuttings. Vegetative propagation is required for seedless va-
rieties and preferred for seeded varieties. Seeds are rarely
used because seedlings are not true-to-type. New branches
and shoots can be air-layered (marcotting). Seedless variet-
ies can be graed onto seeded rootstock using various tech-
niques such as approach graing or cle graing. Under
good conditions, graed trees can begin bearing in 2 years.
Breadnut is always grown from seed.
Steps for root shoots and root cuttings
• Place root shoots and cuttings in a propagating bed,
ats, or individual pots.
• Space 10–15 cm (4–6 in) in a row and 15–20 cm (6–8
in) between rows in beds or ats.
• Use well drained potting media or clean, washed silica
sand with coir dust or sawdust (2:1 ratio). Do not use
beach sand because it is too saline. Coral and shell sand
are too alkaline.
• Place cuttings either horizontally (lightly covered with
media) or at a 45° angle with the upper ¼ exposed.
• Keep cuttings protected from wind and shaded (up to
60% shade). Mist or water as needed depending on am-
bient humidity. It is critical to keep the media moist, so
the cuttings do not dry out. However, the cuttings can
rot if the media is too wet.
• e expected rate of successful rooting is 30–85%.
• Shoots begin to develop from adventitious buds aer
3–4 weeks.
• When shoots are 20–25 cm (8–10 in) tall with roots—
usually in 4–6 months—carefully transplant the cut-
tings into 4–8 liter (1–2 gallon) pots, using a well
drained media. Fertilize sparingly.
• Keep plants in partial shade and weed free.
• Grow to a size of 0.6–1.6 m (2–5 ) in 6–9 months and
then eld plant.
Outplanting techniques
• When plants are to be eld planted in full sun, gradual-
ly move to full sun conditions in the nursery for about
2 months to harden them to site growing conditions.
• Keep plants moist and do not expose to strong wind.
• Reduce the size of the lower leaves by ½–⅔ to reduce
transpiration. Do not remove or damage the growing
point where new leaves develop.
• Protect from wind and excessive heat during transport.
• Dig a hole the same depth and twice as wide as the con-
tainer. Add a small amount of mulch or slow-release
balanced N-P-K fertilizer to the bottom of the hole and
cover with soil.
• Carefully remove the tree from the container to pre-
vent damage to the root system; place the tree in the
hole; add soil no higher than the level of the plant in
the pot; mulch and water well.
• Success rates close to 100% can be expected.
Plant at the onset of the rainy season; if the weather is dry,
irrigate for the rst 1–3 months of establishment. It is im-
portant to practice deep irrigation to encourage a deep root
system. Mulching young plants is benecial to keep soil
moist, supply nutrients, and control weeds around the root
system. Do not use herbicides around the base of the tree
since they can damage the surface roots or young trunk.
Protect young trees from pigs, cattle, goats, and horses that
may eat the bark and tender shoots.
Specialty Crops for Pacic Island Agroforestry ( 5
Breadfruit is genetically diverse, especially the seeded forms
in the western Pacic and hybrids (with Artocarpus marian-
nensis) in Micronesia. Numerous Polynesian triploid vari-
eties are genetically identical but morphologically distinct
and tend not to thrive under atoll conditions, while both
seeded and seedless hybrid varieties are better adapted to
atoll conditions.
Breadfruit is traditionally grown in integrated mixed agro-
forestry systems. It is best to keep trees mulched and to use
a non-climbing leguminous ground cover in orchards. Use
compost or provide a complete fertilizer at the beginning
and end of the fruiting season to maintain the health and
vigor of trees, especially those that are 10 or more years old.
Remove dead or damaged branches aer the fruiting season.
In Fiji, commercial orchards of 10–20 trees are considered
ideal for small farmers (NWC 2005). Trees benet from
good composting and mulch, although no systematic work
has been done on fertilizer application. Large mature trees
are oen topped in the Pacic and elsewhere to induce new
shoot growth, but this can oen be detrimental to the tree
as wounds do not heal well. Limit pruning on mature trees
to the removal of dead, damaged, or dangerous branches.
Young trees, especially those grown for commercial produc-
tion, can be carefully pruned every year or so to encourage
a good structure and branching habit. Keeping them low
makes it easier to reach and harvest fruit.
Growing breadfruit as an integral part of a polyculture and
has numerous advantages: total productivity, maximizing
the use of available land, plant interactions, sustainability,
etc. e main disadvantage is pest and disease control in
orchards used for commercial production of fresh fruit for
export markets (see following sections).
Known varieties
Numerous named varieties in the Pacic islands are per-
petuated by vegetative propagation. Some varieties, such as
‘Maafala, ‘Maopo, ‘Puou’, and ‘Meinpadahk’, are widely dis-
tributed. Others are localized to specic islands.
‘Maafala’ is widespread in the Pacic and is also found in
Australia, southern Florida, and possibly the Caribbean re-
gion. e small leaves are moderately dissected with 3–5
pairs of lobes. e tree reaches up to 10 m (33) tall with a
spreading canopy.
‘Maopo’ in Samoa and Tonga (known as ‘Hamoa’ in the So-
ciety Islands, ‘Mei aukape’ in the Marquesas, ‘Uto lolo’ in
Fiji, ‘Morava’ in the Cook Islands, and ‘Sra fon’ in Kosrae) is
widespread in the Pacic and was introduced to the Carib-
bean by Captain Bligh. Leaves are almost entire with shallow
lobes at the tip. Vigorous rootstock is good for graing. It
reaches heights of 15 m (50) or taller.
‘Puou’, a common and popular variety throughout the Pa-
cic region, is also found in Australia, southern Florida and
possibly the Caribbean. e large leaves are dull and shal-
lowly dissected with 4–6 pairs of lobes. Fruit is round, oval,
or heart-shaped with a long, stout stalk up to 10 cm (4 in)
and a distinctive raised “neck.” Tree is generally smaller (up
to 10 m [33] tall) with a dense, spreading canopy and pro-
duces many root suckers.
‘Meinpadahk’ (also known as ‘Butatak’ or ‘Betaaktak’) a seed-
less hybrid variety, is important throughout the FSM, Mar-
shall Islands, and Kiribati, and well adapted to atoll condi-
tions. Trees are tall, reaching heights of 12–15 m (40–48),
with a dense spreading canopy. e small, shiny, moderately
dissected leaves have 3–5 pairs of lobes, some with only 1–2
Breadfruit propagated by root cuttings and root suckers in nurs-
er y.
Fruit characteristics of some widely distributed
Variety Shape and esh Fruit size Fruit
‘Ma‘a fala’
Small oval fruit
with white esh,
seedless, occasion-
ally with 1–2 seeds
12–16 cm×
10–13 cm
(4.7–6.3 in×
3.9–5.1 in)
0.6–1.1 kg
(1.3–2.4 lb),
average 0.8
kg (1.8 lb)
‘Mao p o’
Oval to broad ovoid
fruit with pale white
or creamy esh,
16–22 cm×
16–18 cm
(6.3–8.7 in×
6.3–7.1 in)
2–3.1 kg
(4.4–6.8 lb),
average 2.5
kg (5.5 lb)
Creamy-pale yellow
esh, seedless, oc-
casionally with 1–2
15–22 cm×
14–19 cm
(5.9–8.7 in×
5.5–7.5 in)
1.2–2.5 kg
(2.6–5.5 lb),
average 1.9
kg (4.2 lb)
Fruit is oval to
asymmetrical, light
yellow-green, and
12–16 cm×
12–15 cm
(4.8–6.3 in×
4.7–5.9 in)
0.8–1.3 kg
(1.8–2.9 lb),
average 1.1
kg (2.4 lb)
Farm and Forestry Production and Marketing Prole for Breadfruit by Diane Ragone 6
‘Ma‘a fala’
© Jim Wiseman
© Jim Wiseman
Specialty Crops for Pacic Island Agroforestry ( 7
Breadfruit is a hardy tree and relatively free of diseases
and pests. Mealybugs can be a serious problem and Kiri-
bati experienced fruit loss and tree decline as a result. In
Australia, fruit spotting bugs (Amblypelta spp.) have caused
some commercial fruit to be downgraded through shape
distortion and hard spots. e glassy-winged sharpshooter
(Homalodisca coagulata), a destructive leaopper, reached
Tahiti and other islands in French Polynesia in 1999, be-
coming a serious agricultural pest. It has been controlled by
the introduction of a parasitic wasp in 2005. is leaop-
per reached Hawai‘i in 2004 and the Cook Islands in 2007.
Cercospora leaf spot is seen on many trees. Phellinus noxius,
a root rot, and fruit rots caused by Phytophthora, Rhizopus,
and Colletotrichum (anthracnose) can cause substantial fruit
loss. If aected fruit are not removed, the rot can spread up
the stalk and into the stem, killing the branch tip. Fruit ies
infest ripe fruit on the tree and ground. Tree decline and
dieback is problematic throughout the Pacic and Caribbe-
an Islands, especially on atolls. Since no pathological cause
has been identied, they are considered to be the result of
storm damage, drought, aging of the trees, or salinity.
Proper care (e.g., removing diseased fruit, removing dead
and dying branches, and mulching) is essential to maintain-
ing the health and vigor of trees. Incidence of fruit rot and
fruit ies can be reduced by not allowing fruit to ripen on
the tree or fall to the ground, and by picking infected fruit
(which should be composted away from the trees or fed to
animals such as pigs). Good sanitation, especially fruit y
control, is essential to maintaining the level of fruit quality
required by export markets. Natures Way Cooperative Fiji
(NWC 2005) details pests and diseases and their control for
export. is involves bait spraying, which is a mandatory
requirement to export fresh fruit to New Zealand. Since it
involves the careful application of malathion, fruit cannot
be marketed as organic. For local use and processing, other
methods to reduce fruit rot and fruit y problems should
be used.
e main drawbacks of breadfruit as a crop are:
• Fruit are perishable with limited shelf life.
• Seasonal production, especially if only a few varieties
are grown.
• Challenging harvest and postharvest handling.
• Limited availability of planting material for good qual-
ity varieties.
• Limited research and extension on agronomy, yields,
pruning, and orchard management.
• Limited support for research and development and
marketing of products.
• Lack of awareness about breadfruit.
Breadfruit has no potential for invasiveness. Most varieties
are seedless and can only be propagated vegetatively, requir-
ing humans to distribute and spread them. Clonal ospring
spread a limited distance from the original tree via root
shoots. Seeded varieties are not readily spread since seeds
are relatively large and lose viability quickly.
Breadfruit trees provide shade, mulch, and a benecial mi-
croclimate. ey are generally included in home gardens or
mixed agroforestry systems with other useful plants. Widely
spaced trees (12 m× 12 m [40 × 40 ] is recommended for
commercial production) in an orchard can be interplanted
with small fruit trees and a leguminous cover crop. Short-
term fruit crops (e.g., pineapple, banana, and papaya) or
eld and vegetable crops (e.g., taro, tomato, and eggplant)
can also be grown between young breadfruit trees. A legu-
minous cover crop should replace these intercrops when
they begin to interfere with orchard operations. Some inter-
planting systems include:
• In the Federated States of Micronesia (Pohnpei), bread-
fruit is typically grown with yam (Dioscorea spp.). Yam
vines climb trellises of beach hibiscus (Hibiscus tilia-
ceus) or bamboo and grow into the canopy of the tree
during its non-fruiting period and are dormant while
the breadfruit is harvested. is allows breadfruit to be
picked without damaging the yam vines.
• In American Samoa, breadfruit is grown with taro, cas-
sava, bananas, citrus, and cacao.
• In Palau, breadfruit is grown with betel nut, cassava,
taro, citrus, and ornamentals.
Breadfruit is oen grown on steep hillsides, especially on
the high islands of Micronesia, where it is the canopy spe-
cies in traditional agroforestry systems. It can be interplant-
ed with a wide range of crops and plants (e.g., yam, banana,
medicinal plants, aroids, gingers, noni, kava, coee, cacao,
black pepper, etc.).
Breadfruit trees grow well on hillsides, protecting water-
sheds, providing erosion control, and windbreaks. e can-
opy provides benecial shade for plants and people and the
large leaves create mulch. It is used as a trellis tree for yam.
e fruit is an important food source for ying foxes, na-
tive doves, and other birds in the Pacic islands. Honeybees
Farm and Forestry Production and Marketing Prole for Breadfruit by Diane Ragone 8
benet by collecting pollen from the male inorescence and
droplets of latex that ooze from the fruit surface.
Breadfruit is generally picked and consumed when mature
but not yet ripe. Careful harvest and postharvest handling is
essential for maintaining fruit quality. Fruit that fall to the
ground tend to bruise and soen sooner than those which
are picked from the tree and gently handled. Common tools
for harvesting fruit are a long picking pole with a forked end
to clasp the stem or a woven or mesh bag to catch the fruit.
Tripod orchard ladders are very practical, as the tripod de-
sign allows them to be safely used on uneven or rough ter-
rain.. Made of aluminum they are lightweight, sturdy, and
durable. Commercial ladders range in height from 1.5m to
4.9 m (5–16), depending on the manufacturer.
Postharvest handling and processing
Fruit quickly ripens in just 1–3 days aer harvest.
Shelf life can be extended by careful harvesting
and pre-cooling fruit with chipped ice in the eld
and during transport. Covering fruit with water
can also delay ripening for a few days.
Natures Way Cooperative Fiji (NWC 2005) has
produced a detailed manual for growing and mar-
keting fresh breadfruit for export. New Zealand
requires that imported fruit go through a high
temperature forced air quarantine treatment to kill
fruit y eggs and larvae. e fruit is then inspected,
packed, and held at 15°C (40°F) for shipment; at
which temperature fruit can remain rm for 10
days (Stice et al. 2007).
Value-added processing
Breadfruit’s seasonal nature makes protable pro-
cessing dicult. Food processing operations must
operate extremely eciently because competition
keeps prot margins low. Idle time during process-
Le: Coee orchard interplanted with breadfruit, coconut, and other food plants in Hōlualoa, Hawai‘i. Center: Yam (Dioscorea spp.)
trained up bamboo poles into a breadfruit tree canopy in Pohnpei. Right: Harvesting breadfruit in American Samoa with a long pick-
ing pole made of beach hibiscus.
© Craig Elevitch
Le: Harvested breadfruit ready for postharvest storage prior to export
from Samoa. Right: In regions where people are less familiar with bread-
fruit, labeling that educates consumers about taste and preparation is a
good sales tool.
Specialty Crops for Pacic Island Agroforestry ( 9
ing is highly unprotable because xed costs accrue and
production of nished products for sale diminish. is is
the driving force for mass production (Beyer 2007). Sea-
sonal supply diculties can be mitigated by: 1) bulk pres-
ervation (i.e., drying/freezing raw material at the height of
the season); 2) dovetailing breadfruit processing with other
products with dierent seasonal glut; and, 3) planting vari-
eties with sequential seasons.
Development of products for local use to replace imported
foodstus or products that are shipped via sea freight is the
most cost eective and benecial to local economies. e
simplest, most cost- and energy-ecient means of process-
ing breadfruit is to slice or shred raw fruit, dry the pieces
using a solar dryer/dehydrator (electric dryers are more en-
ergy intensive), and grind into a rough meal or our. A tra-
ditional method of drying involves roasting whole fruit in a
re, cutting it into small pieces, and drying over a hot re.
ese pieces (called namba in the Solomon Islands) have a
pleasant, smoky avor. Breadfruit our can be used as a par-
tial substitute for imported wheat our in breads, cakes, and
pastries, and is suitable for export. Ground meal can be used
as a component of animal feed.
e traditional Pacic breadfruit preservation method of
fermenting fruit in a leaf-lined pit, or more recently, in plas-
tic or metal containers, deserves attention. Ripe fruit can be
dried in thin sheets as a delicious “fruit leather” or mixed
with other locally grown products to create fruit bars. Chips
and other snack foods fried in coconut or other oil, can be
sold locally. For export, these snacks require greater invest-
ment in energy, equipment, packaging materials, and pre-
servatives to maintain freshness and quality.
Minimally processed pulp has the appearance, texture, and
taste of fresh breadfruit. Minimal processing involves plac-
ing slices or cubes of fruit in plastic bags, vacuum sealing,
then immersing in boiling water so the heat penetrates
through the bags and the surface of the pulp reaches at least
Le: Organic breadfruit chips produced in Samoa. Top right: Breadfruit chips have a unique appearance and good taste and texture.
Bottom right: Breadfruit dried in a solar dehydrator: thin slices (larger pieces) and shredded pieces, ready to be ground into our or
Farm and Forestry Production and Marketing Prole for Breadfruit by Diane Ragone 10
80°C (176°F) for 15 seconds (Beyer 2005). e pouches are
immediately cooled using cold water to prevent overcook-
ing. is is repeated 24 hours later and again on the third
day. is technique results in pack sterility.
Where refrigeration/freezer facilities are economically fea-
sible, and enough product is available to process, peeled ma-
ture and ripe fruit can be frozen. Frozen fruit can be thawed,
cooked, and mixed into dough that makes excellent extrud-
ed products. Frozen breadfruit “French fries” could replace
imported fries made from potatoes.
Recommended labeling
Useful information includes country of origin, locality,
breadfruit variety (if known), list of ingredients, net weight,
nutritional composition (if known), and producer’s name
and contact information. An attractive label and packag-
ing draws the consumer’s attention to the product and helps
with marketing. If certied organic by an independent, in-
ternationally recognized organization, the certifying organi-
zation’s name and logo should appear on the label. Export-
ers should research and comply with the requirements of
the importing country.
Breadfruit is an important staple crop in the Pacic region
and makes substantive contributions to local food security.
Traditional Pacic diets were mainly based on starchy staple
crops and marine resources. Numerous health problems are
associated with replacing the island diet of local foods with
imported white rice and our, rened foods, sweets, and
fried foods. Breadfruit is an excellent dietary staple and com-
pares favorably with taro, plantain, cassava, and sweetpotato,
all commonly eaten in the Pacic. Breadfruit is a nutritious,
high-energy food with moderate glycemic index, rich in -
ber, and a good source of vitamins B1, B2, and C, potassium,
magnesium, and calcium, with small amounts of thiamin,
riboavin, niacin, and iron. Some cultivars contain small
amounts of folic acid. Ripe fruit, especially yellow-eshed
varieties, can be a good source of provitamin-A carotenoids.
When possible, plant more than one variety to extend avail-
ability of fruit over a longer period. Keep trees low for easier
harvesting. Since full fruiting potential from new trees takes
3–4 years, intercrop with pineapples, papaya, banana or oth-
er faster yielding crops to achieve quicker returns, while the
breadfruit reaches a productive age.
In rural areas, and where subsistence agriculture is still a
way of life, breadfruit is prepared and eaten regularly during
the season. In Pohnpei, Kosrae, the Marshall Islands, and
the Marquesas, some families still preserve fruit by fermen-
tation. Excess or ripe fruit, peels, and cores are fed to pigs
in many areas. Unfortunately, breadfruit production has
declined in many areas over the past 10–20 years with in-
creased reliance on imported staples such as rice.
Breadnut and breadfruit seeds are a good source of protein,
potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and niacin, similar in a-
vor and texture to chestnuts. Seeds can be boiled, roasted,
or ground into meal or our. Breadnut seeds are generally
sweeter and tastier than breadfruit seeds.
Growing breadfruit on a family farm or homestead allows
the grower access to a readily available, nutritious source
of carbohydrates. Breadfruit can supplement or replace
imported crops such as rice or potatoes. Dried and ground
into our, it can partially replace imported wheat our in
many baked products and snack foods. Dried, ground meal
can also partially substitute for imported poultry and pig
feed. Breadfruit cultivation does not depend on expensive
petroleum-based fertilizers.
Yields vary depending upon variety, age, tree health, and
growing conditions, ranging from less than 100 to more
Breadfruit fermentation pit in Chuuk, FSM. 1987.
Specialty Crops for Pacic Island Agroforestry ( 11
Nutrient composition of breadfruit (per 100 g [approx. ½ cup])
Nutrient Mature, raw1Mature, raw2Mature,
baked2Ripe, raw4Ripe, boiled4
Energy (kcal) 107 68–112 107–138 75 112–115 - -
Protein (g) 1.5 0.8–1.4 0.6–1.3 1.3 0.6–1.3 - -
Carbohydrate (g) 23.6 17.5–29.2 25–33 14.4 29.9–30.2 - -
Fat (g) 0.4 0.3 0.1–0.2 0.9 0.2 - -
Fiber (g) 2.5 0.8–0.9 2.1–7.4 2.5 0.9 - -
Water (g) 72 67.6–79.4 65–73 81 66.5–67.2 - -
Calcium (mg) 25 19.8–36 10–30 13 23.2–26.4 - -
Iron (mg) 1 0.33–0.46 0.4–1.1 0.2 0.36–0.52 - -
Magnesium (mg) 24 26.4–41.1 20–30 23 23.1–46.2 - -
Phosphorus (mg) - 26–29.7 18–41 - 26.4–32.1 - -
Potassium (mg) 480 224–354 283–437 350 283–339 - -
Sodium (mg) 1 4.2–10.4 13–70 1 4.9–6.6 - -
Zinc (mg) 0.1 0.07–0.1 0.07–0.13 0.1 0.07–0.17 - -
Copper (mg) - 0.06–0.1 0.04–0.15 - 0.04–0.10 - -
Manganese (mg) - 0.04–0.07 0.04–0.08 - 0.03–0.07 - -
Boron (mg) - 0.50–0.54 0.09–0.19 - 0.51–0.72 - -
Vitamin C (mg) 20 18.2–23.3 2–12 22 14.1–15.4 - -
B1 iamin (mg) 0.1 0.25–0.31 0.09–0.15 0.08 0.19–0.22 - -
B2 Riboavin (mg) 0.06 0.09–0.11 0.02–0.05 0.05 0.07–0.10 - -
B3 Niacin (mg) 1.2 1.6–1.8 0.75–1.4 0.7 1.6–1.9 - -
Folic acid (µg) - - 0.67–1.0 - - - -
ß-carotene (µg) 24 - 8–20 30 - 48–140 1–868
alpha-carotene (µg) - - - - - <10–14 <5–142
ß-cryptoxanthin (µg) - - 8–11 - - 1 <10
lycopene (µg) - - 13–26 - - - -
lutein (µg) - - 41–120 - - 204–590 35–750
zeanthin (µg) - - - - - 60 <10–70
Sources: 1. Dignan et al. 2004 (no data on varieties); 2. Meilleur et al. 2004 (1 variety, 2 locations); 3. Ragone and Cavaletto 2006 (20
varieties); 4. Englberger et al. 2007 (14 varieties boiled, 2 raw)
Le: Breadnut seeds (bottom row) tend to be larger and a lighter brown color than breadfruit seeds. Ruler scale is in centimeters.
Right: Breadfruit poi (breadfruit specially pounded with a small amount of water) is a traditional processed product of Hawai‘i.
Farm and Forestry Production and Marketing Prole for Breadfruit by Diane Ragone 12
than 600 fruit per tree with average yields of 150–250 fruit
or 160–500 kg (350–1100 lb) per year. Approximately 5.5
MT/ha (2.4 T/ac) were produced in a traditional mixed
agroforestry system on Pohnpei. Farmers in Tanzania re-
ported yields of up to 900 fruit/tree, with an average of 400
fruit/tree (Maerere and Mgembe 2007). Approximately 75%
of the fruit is edible (pulp). e skin is also edible and nu-
tritious, although considered less palatable, and, along with
the pulp, can be ground into our, especially for animal feed.
When growing breadfruit for fresh fruit export markets,
trees should be planted about 12 m (40 ) apart (NWC
2005) to help with orchard management and to reduce pest
and disease problems. Closer spacing is possible in an or-
chard if trees are regularly pruned and shaped to maintain
a low prole.
Breadfruit is mainly produced for local use and commercial
production gures are dicult to obtain for most countries.
Agricultural censuses conducted by the U.S. Department
of Agriculture ( provide detailed
information on the number of farms that grow breadfruit,
number of trees, amount harvested, age of farmers, and val-
ue of the breadfruit crop for American Samoa, Guam, Com-
monwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), and
the U.S. Virgin Islands. Production gures are not available
for Hawai‘i or Puerto Rico.
American Samoa was the largest producer by far, with more
than 5,000 farms growing breadfruit, mostly for family con-
sumption. In 2003 the age of breadfruit farmers was: 34
years or younger (472 farmers), 35–54 years (2,869 farmers),
55–64 years (1,382 farmers), and 65 years or older (1,090
American Samoa production 1990–2003
2003 1999 1990
Number of farms 5,813 5,900 827
Number of trees 150,778 142,245 83,409
Quantity harvested for sale
(lbs) 703,375 761,786 101,418
Quantity harvested for con-
sumption (lbs) 4,102,985 6,007,567 890,317
Value of sales ($) 388,725 331,063 27,222
Value of consumption ($) 2,267,543 2,643,330 (NA)
Source: USDA 2003 and 1999 Agricultural Census (www.agcen-
In the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, ten
of the farms were on Saipan and four were on Rota. e
age of farmers ranged from younger than 44 years (2 farm-
ers), 45–54 years (8 farmers), 55–65 years (2 farmers) and 65
years or older (2 farmers).
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
2002 1998 1990
Number of farms 14 9 33
Number of non-bearing trees 96 33 NA
Number of bearing trees 169 37 NA
Quantity harvested (lbs) 3,690 2,584 15,010
Source: USDA 2002 and 1998 Agricultural Census (www.agcen-
In 2002, two of the farmers growing breadfruit on Guam
were 55–64 years, and three were 65 or older. e value of
the crop was not reported.
Guam production
2002 1998 1993
Number of farms 5 26 12
Number of non-bearing trees 33 9 58
Number of bearing trees 107 81 109
Quantity harvested (lbs) 2,430 3,890 3,720
Source: USDA 2002 and 1998 Agricultural Census (www.agcen-
e U.S. Virgin islands saw almost a 50% decline in the
number of farms growing breadfruit from 1997 to 2002. In
2002, the age of breadfruit farmers was 44 years or younger
Nutrient composition of breadfruit/breadnut seeds
(100 g, 10–12 seeds)
Nutrient Raw1Boiled1Boiled2Roasted1Roasted2
Water (g) 56.3 59.3 59 49.7 50
Energy (kcal) 191 168 155 207 191
Protein (g) 7.4 5.3 5.3 6.2 6.2
Carbohydrate (g) 29.2 32 27.3 40.1 34.1
Fat (g) 5.6 2.3 2.3 2.7 2.7
Fiber (g) 5.2 4.8 3 6 3.7
Calcium (mg) 36 61 69 86 86
Iron (mg) 3.7 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.9
Magnesium (mg) 54 50 50 62 62
Phosphorus (mg) 175 124 - 175 -
Potassium (mg) 941 875 875 1082 1080
Sodium (mg) 25 23 23 28 28
Zinc (mg) 0.9 0.83 0.8 1.03 1.0
Copper (mg) 1.15 1.07 - 1.32 -
Manganese (mg) 0.14 0.13 - 0.16 -
Vitamin C (mg) 6.6 6.1 6.1 7.6 7.6
B1 iamin (mg) 0.48 0.29 0.34 0.41 0.41
B2 Riboavin (mg) 0.30 0.17 0.19 0.24 0.24
B3 Niacin (mg) 0.44 5.3 6 7.4 7.4
Sources: 1. USDA 2007; 2. Dignan et al. 2004
Specialty Crops for Pacic Island Agroforestry ( 13
(4 farmers), 45–54 years (8 farmers), 55–64 years (11 farm-
ers), and 65 years or older (14 farmers).
U.S. Virgin Islands production
2002 1997–
1998 1993
Number of farms 37 70 44
Number of non-bearing
trees 106 171 148
Number of bearing trees 144 540 201
Quantity harvested (lbs) 5,875 18,299 5,535
Source: USDA 2002 and 1998 Agricultural Census (www.agcen-
e agriculture census for the U.S. Virgin Islands provides
production data for the islands of Saint Croix, and Saint
John and Saint omas combined.
Saint Croix and Saint John & Saint Thomas production
Saint Croix Saint John &
Saint omas
2002 1997 2002 1997
Number of farms 28 54 9 16
Number of non-bearing trees 76 134 30 37
Number of bearing trees 75 97 69 443
Quantity harvested (lbs) 3,505 3,759 2,370 14,540
Source: USDA 2002 and 1998 Agricultural Census (www.agcen-
Number of farms and annual income from breadfruit sales
in 2002 for American Samoa, Commonwealth of the North-
ern Mariana Islands (CNMI), and U.S. Virgin islands ranged
from less than $100 to more than $10,000 per year.
Sales in American Samoa, CNMI, and U.S. Virgin islands
U.S. Virgin
<$100 3,896 - -
$100–499 337 - -
$500–1,199 410 - 11
$1,200–2,499 315 3 13
$2,500–4,999 253 3 4
$5,000–7,499 169 2 3
$7,500–9,999 74 - 2
≥$10,000 359 6 4
Source: USDA 2003 (American Samoa) and 2002 (CNMI and
U.S. Virgin Islands) Agricultural Census (www.agcensus.usda.
For Hawai‘i, fruit are generally available July–December
(Hawai‘i Dept. of Agriculture, no date). e U.S. Depart-
ment of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Ser-
vice Hawai‘i Field Oce (USDA NASS, no date) reported
that island growers sold an estimated 2.3 million pounds of
tropical specialty fruit in 2007 (Associated Press, August 14,
2008). Some of the tropical specialty fruits included in the
survey were lychee, mango, starfruit, and breadfruit. How-
ever, specic production gures for breadfruit were not
documented as production is not high enough to warrant
this treatment.
e latest comprehensive agricultural census for Fiji in 1991
reported there were 183,000 bearing trees in the country
(NWC 2005). at gure is probably much lower today due
to hurricane damage and other tree losses. e 1999 agri-
cultural census for Samoa estimated 89,000 trees in 13,009
holdings (McGregor 2002). e 2005 agricultural census
for Samoa showed that 34 holdings grew breadfruit for ex-
port, 469 for sale and consumption, and 14,680 for home
consumption (Tuivavalagi and Samuelu 2007). In Kiribati,
7,588 households had at least one breadfruit tree. A survey
of 65 farms showed that 52,000 fruit were produced, rang-
ing from 271–1,071 fruit per farm. Tarawa, where the de-
mand was highest, had the lowest production, with average
yeilds of 150 fruit (Kairo 2007).
Australian farmers, mainly in coastal north Queensland
and around Darwin, produce 20 MT (22 T) year valued at
AU$60,000 for the Australian fresh market (Goebel 2007).
ere are three commercial orchards with 60, 100, and 150
trees each, and about 30 smaller plantings totaling 100 trees.
In 2004, 571,340 fruit were produced and 166,826 kg traded
in the Maldives, where breadfruit is an important subsis-
tence crop. On the main market of Malé Atoll, 76,453 kg
(168,200 lb) valued at Rf959,965 at Rf12.56/kg (approx.
US$1.00/kg) were sold. During the year, 8,659 trees were
planted (MFAMR 2004). Many breadfruit trees were de-
stroyed in the December 2004 tsunami.
e Caribbean region is also a major producer of breadfruit.
ere were estimated to be more than 2 million trees in Ja-
maica in the 1950s. By the 1980s, about 46,000 remained
and Hurricane Gilbert in 1988 may have killed or damaged
50% of those (Webster 2006). Due to the growing demand
for breadfruit as fresh fruit or for processing, there have
been national eorts to plant more breadfruit trees. As of
April 2001, the Rural Agricultural Development Authority
helped plant 18 ha of breadfruit, exceeding their target of 15
ha (37 ac) (RADA 2001). e Jamaican Ministry of Agricul-
tures Agriculture Development Strategy 2005–2008 (2005)
targeted planting 70 ha (172 ac) of breadfruit trees in Year
1, 50 ha (124 ac) in Year 2, and 30 ha (74 ac) in Year 3. To-
tal planting gures are unavailable, however, approximately
209 small plots totaling 2.6 ha (6.4 ac) have been planted of
the ‘Macca’ or ‘Prickly’ variety (Webster 2006).
Farm and Forestry Production and Marketing Prole for Breadfruit by Diane Ragone 14
Area in cultivation for example Pacic islands
Country Ye a r No.
Tre es
ings Area (ha)
Cook Islands 2000 2,223 3
Guam 1987 1,006 156 -
Niue 1989 3,656 -
Northern Mariana Islands 1990 475 33 -
Palau 1989 192 - -
Samoa 1989 - - 1,062
Samoa 1999 - 13,009 -
Source: FAO Statistics Division World Census of Agriculture
Area in cultivation for example Caribbean islands
Country Ye a r No. Trees Holdings
Barbados 1989 1,713 -
St. Lucia 1986 - 6,438
St. Lucia 1996 70,010 -
Trinidad & Tobago 2004 27,694 -
Source: FAO Statistics Division World Census of Agriculture
Market data are hard to come by for most countries in the
Pacic region. Fresh, cooked, and prepared fruit are gener-
ally available through markets, roadside stands, and other
small vendors. Processed products, mainly chips, are sold
at the same venues and by retailers. Breadfruit-based dishes
are occasionally available at restaurants serving local foods.
Samoa sells 100–300 MT (110–330 T) of fresh fruit annually,
with 60–130 MT (66–143 T) sold in the Fugalei Market in
Apia (McGregor 2002).
e current main export market is fresh fruit shipped by
air freight. On a very small scale, traditional products are
shipped internally, such as namba (from the Temotu Prov-
ince to Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands) and a preserved
fruit paste (from Kapingamarangi to Pohnpei Island, FSM).
Whole roasted fruit are occasionally air freighted from Ta-
hiti and Hawai‘i to Pacic islands, New Zealand, and the
mainland United States. Commercial exports of fresh fruit
in the Pacic region commenced in 2001 with shipments
from Samoa and Fiji to New Zealand. New Zealand cur-
rently imports fresh fruit of ‘Maopo, ‘Ma‘afala, and ‘Puou
from Samoa and ‘Uto dina’ and ‘Balekana’ from Fiji. If sup-
ply and fruit quality constraints can be met, it is estimated
that New Zealand markets could readily consume 4 MT (4.4
T) per week of fresh breadfruit with a market potential of
500–1,500 MT (550–1,650 T) per year (Stice et al. 2007).
Samoa exported 74 MT (81 T) in 2004–2006 (Tuivavalagi
and Samuelu 2007). Annual exports from Fiji were 2 MT
(2.2 T) in 2001, increasing to 12 MT (13 T) in 2005 (Stice
et al. 2007). Up to 9 MT (10 T) per month of frozen bread-
fruit pieces were exported from Fiji (Beyer 2007). In 2007,
1–2 MT (1.1–2.2 T) per day were needed by a commercial
processor to ll the demand for canned breadfruit shipped
to Australia, New Zealand, and Canada (Fiji Times 2007).
Fresh and cooked breadfruit imports to Australia from the
Pacic are currently prohibited, although commercially pro-
duced peeled, seeded, and frozen pulp is permitted (Goebel
2007). e U.S. Department of Agriculture (Federal Register
2008) allowed the shipment of irradiated breadfruit to the
U.S. mainland, opening the door for fresh fruit exports from
In Hawai‘i, fresh breadfruit is generally available in ethnic
grocery stores and at local farmers markets. A few restau-
rants and individuals are processing breadfruit and/or pre-
paring and serving breadfruit on a small scale. For example,
one local entrepreneur on the Hawai‘i Island makes bread-
fruit chips as well as a manju-type confection and pies using
ripe breadfruit. A few island chefs feature or use breadfruit
at their restaurants.
ere is an increasing demand for fresh breadfruit in Hawai‘i
by Hawaiians and others interested in a traditional island
diet for health reasons. Breadfruit can serve as a replace-
ment for wheat-based food products, which are associated
with food allergies. A large potential market for fresh bread-
fruit and breadfruit products also exists in the communi-
ties of Pacic islanders who reside in Hawai‘i and on the
U.S. mainland. In addition, markets can be created in the
food service industry where new cuisines have developed
in recent years, incorporating Asian/Pacic inuences into
themes such as Hawai‘i regional cuisine.
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacic Islander
Populations (NHPI) for the United States and the
State of Hawai‘i in 2000
Total U.S.1Hawaii2
Baskets of breadfruit for sale at Fugalei Market, Apia, Samoa,
where fruit are available year-round.
Specialty Crops for Pacic Island Agroforestry ( 15
Total Population 281,421,906 1,211,537
NHPI alone
or in combi-
Native Hawaiians 145,809 80,137 239,655
Samoan 96,756 16,166 28,184
Tong a n 29,940 3,993 5,988
Other Polynesian 6,314 588 3,019
Micronesian 77,422 9,818 16,843
Melanesian 10,287 240 503
Other Pacic islander,
not specied 41,867 872 5,059
Sources: 1. e Native Hawaiian and Other Pacic islander
Population: 2000. U.S. Department of Commerce. U.S. Census
Bureau. December 2001. 2. e State of Hawai‘i Data Book 2000.
Hawai‘i Department of Business, Economic Development and
Tourism. 3. Respondents who reported their race as one or more
of the six detailed groups, but no other race. 4. Respondents who
reported they were a Pacic islander and another race, e.g., Cau-
casian, Asian.
Several Caribbean countries (Jamaica, St. Lucia, Dominica,
St. Vincent, and the Dominican Republic) ship fresh fruit to
the U.S., Canada, and Europe. Exports declined from 2,023
MT (2225 T) in 1998 to 1,203 MT (1,320 T) in 2005, even
though demand remained high (Roberts-Nkrumah 2007).
Jamaica is the largest exporter in the region, exporting 3,437
MT (3,780 T) during 2000–2004 (517–776 MT [570–850 T]
per year) with a total value of approximately US$3 million
(RADA 2003–2006). Mauritius exports breadfruit to Europe
on a small scale of 0.4 MT (0.44 T) in 1996, 20 MT (22 T) in
1997 and 1.9 MT (2.1 T) in 2000 (MAFTNR 2003).
Specialty markets
ere are several promising specialty markets, including
• organic and natural foods
• bird, bee, and ying fox friendly (conservation twist)
• watershed protection
• sustainable agriculture, and
• potential carbon credits.
e historical importance of breadfruit and name recogni-
tion in many countries (based on its connection to Mutiny
on the Bounty) could play a key factor in marketing. Spe-
cialty varieties identied by region could also be helpful in
catering to expatriate markets.
A nancial model for a breadfruit orchard of 20 trees was
developed for Fiji (NWC 2005). It assumes that a household,
using entirely its own labor, operates the orchard. e trees
are planted at 12 m× 12 m (40  × 40 ) spacing, requir-
ing an area of approximately 0.3 ha (0.75 ac). Wide spacing
minimizes fungal disease problems and allows for crops to
be grown between the trees. Some production is realized in
the second year, with full production achieved in 4 years.
Yield estimates are regarded as conservative and no fertil-
izer is applied, although subsequent research may show that
applying fertilizer is economically worthwhile. A farm gate
price of FJ$0.50/fruit (FJ$0.45/kg) is assumed. is is the
price currently paid for breadfruit picked from scattered
trees. e quality of fruit from the orchard can be expected
to be superior with a lower rate of rejection at the exporter’s
pack house than for fruit collected in unmanaged agrofor-
Yields and returns for a breadfruit orchard of 20
trees in Fiji
Ye a r 2 3 4–16
Marketable yield
Number of fruit/tree 15 75 150
kg of fruit 16.5 82.5 165
Total marketable production (kg) 330 1,650 3,300
Sales @FJ$0.45/kg FJ$148 FJ$742 FJ$1,485
Source: NWC 2005
Over a 16-year period, the average annual labor input of the
household is 37 days. Estimated average annual gross mar-
gin from the 20 trees is FJ$1,200 (or FJ$60/tree). Estimated
return to household labor is about FJ$33/person per day. In
2007, the per capita income in Fiji was US$3,300 (World
Bank 2009), equivalent to US$12.69/day based on a 5 day
work week. Additional income from interplanting other
crops during the rst 3 years can be expected.
Prots are high because of the relatively low labor require-
ment for breadfruit production. Estimated nancial returns
are sensitive to yield. If marketable yield could be increased
50% by using better varieties and/or improved management,
average gross margins would increase to FJ$1,671/farm,
FJ$84/tree, and FJ$38/person per day.
In Jamaica, production costs and revenue projections for es-
tablishing a 1 ha (2.5 ac) orchard (Webster 2006) were based
on 125 trees/ha (50 trees/ac), with rst economic bearing 3
years aer planting, two bearing seasons per year, and mar-
ketable yield at 60% total annual yield: 5,000 fruit at Year 3
and 16,625 fruit at peak production (7 years). Average base
price per fruit was JM$15.00 (US$0.25) with annual ina-
tion rate of 10%.
Estimated returns for 1-ha breadfruit orchard in
Ye a r Annual return
Annual return
0 (establishment) -52,500 -875
1 -21,800 -363
2 -23,980 -400
Farm and Forestry Production and Marketing Prole for Breadfruit by Diane Ragone 16
3 18,622 310
7 331,829 5,530
10 541,992 9,033
Expected income per tree
e average price for fresh breadfruit at the Fugalei Mar-
ket, the main produce market in Samoa, was ST$0.97/kg in
2005 and ST$0.99/kg in 2006, ranging from ST$0.55–1.76/
kg (Tuivavalagi and Samuelu 2007). Data from the Cen-
tral Bank of Samoa Fugalei Market Survey Report report-
ed prices of ST$0.55–3.96/kg during 2007. Higher prices
were obtained when supplies were low. In Fiji, producers
received FJ$0.45–1.00/kg. In Kiribati, individual fruit sold
for US$1.50–2.30 in 2005–2006 (Kairo 2007). In American
Samoa in 2003 the market value of breadfruit was US$3.98/
kg (USDA 2003)
No gures are available for processed or value-added prod-
ucts. However, Beyer (2005) provides a formula for estimat-
ing production cost during the early stages of development
of processed/value-added products: to estimate the cost of
raw materials, labor and services, add the cost of raw ma-
terials, multiply by 3 and add 10%. is estimated cost of
production can then be used in the following formula to
calculate an approximate wholesale price that must be com-
petitive with similar products in order to be protable.
cost of production + cost of distribution (transport) +
prot = minimum wholesale price needed for prot-
If the price the market is willing to pay is too small, there
will be a loss on the part of the producer, and the product is
not economically feasible.
Some examples of this formula applied to the economic fea-
sibility of possible local products in Pohnpei (Beyer 2005)
Frozen breadfruit pieces
Expenses US$
breadfruit 0.30/lb
plastic pouch 0.03 per unit sold
Total raw materials 0.33/lb
Processing (×3 + 10%) 1.10/lb
Assuming a 20% mark-up by retailers, the minimum retail
amount that would need to be charged at retail (in addi-
tion to transportation and the producer’s prot margin) is
It is estimated that this product will be consumed as the
carbohydrate portion of a main meal. Even at this price, a
frozen breadfruit product is unlikely to compete with rice
or ramen noodles. However, this product might compete fa-
vorably with other carbohydrate products such as imported
potatoes, frozen French fries (US$6.45 per 500 g bag), and
pizza crusts.
Extruded breadfruit snacks
Expenses US$
breadfruit 0.30/lb
oil (est.) 0.01 per 4 oz packet
salt 0.01 per 4 oz packet
Total cost of ingredients 0.32/lb
Per 4 oz package costs US$
raw materials 0.08
plastic pouch 0.03
Total cost of raw materials 0.11
Total production cost (x 3 + 10%) 0.36
Assuming a 20% mark-up by retailers, the minimum retail
amount that would need to be charged for extruded bread-
fruit snacks at retail (in addition to transportation and the
producer’s prot margin) is US$0.44/4-oz packet.
Breadfruit snacks are likely consumed at barbeques and
other social events. e major competition is likely to be
commercial extruded crispy snacks processed from vari-
ous starches, with a retail price of around US$1.65/4-oz
pack. Based on the estimated price of US$0.44/4-oz pack
plus transportation cost and prot, it is expected extruded
breadfruit snacks will compete favorably against similar im-
ported snacks based on corn and rice.
Participants at the “First International Symposium on
Breadfruit Research & Development” (Taylor and Ragone
2007) made the following recommendations for breadfruit
production, product development, and marketing:
• Develop a variety of convenient products with extend-
ed shelf life to replace imported less-healthy staple and
snack foods, targeting all age groups.
• Choose innovative approaches for improving market-
ing—health, cultural, food security, environmental,
and fair trade.
• Consider traditional methodology, such as fermenta-
tion, for product development, rather than concentrat-
ing all eorts on modern methodology.
• Develop good production practices specic to each
geographic area and dierent varieties of breadfruit;
incorporate planting of dierent varieties to increase
production and year-round availability.
• Embark on commercial production by planting bread-
fruit orchards and experimenting with production
techniques (e.g., pruning, harvesting, etc.).
Specialty Crops for Pacic Island Agroforestry ( 17
• Identify desired products and production
practices designed specically to meet the de-
mand for “a product.” Develop guidelines for
production practices for specic products to
be disseminated in a suitable form.
• Produce a comprehensive production manual
for export as well as simple leaets for grow-
ing breadfruit in a homegarden.
e National Tropical Botanical Garden (NTBG)
in Hana, Hawai‘i, maintains an extensive germ-
plasm collection with 200 accessions and 120 va-
rieties. e Breadfruit Institute at NTBG, Hawai‘i
( has partnered with a horticultural
company to propagate selected breadfruit varieties
on a large scale. Methods are now in place to grow
and ship healthy, vigorous young breadfruit plants
that will mature quickly and easily into productive
e USDA Clonal Germplasm Repository in Waiakea,
Hawai‘i, maintains 30 breadfruit accessions.
Agribusiness Online. No date. Breadfruit: Postharvest
postbrdf.asp [accessed October 30, 2009]
Beyer, R. 2005. Food Processing in Pohnpei: a Programme
to Encourage Greater Use of Food Resources in Pohnpei
on a Sustainable Basis. Technical Mission Report, FAO
Sub-Regional Oce for the Pacic Islands. http://www. [accessed Sep-
tember 3, 2009]
Beyer, R. 2007. Breadfruit as a candidate for processing.
Acta Horticulturae 757:209–214.
Coronel, R.E. 1986. Promising Fruits of the Philippines.
University of the Philippines at Los Baños College of Ag-
riculture, Laguna, Philippines.
Dignan, C., B. Burlingame, S. Kumar and W. Aalbersberg.
2004. e Pacic Islands Food Composition Tables. 2nd
Edition. Food and Agriculture Organization of the Unit-
ed Nations. Rome.
Englberger, L., J. Alfred, A. Lorens and T. Iuta. 2007. Screen-
ing of selected breadfruit cultivars for carotenoids and
related health benets in Micronesia. Acta Horticulturae
Federal Register, 2008. Interstate Movement of Fruit from
Hawaii. Federal Register 73 (May 6, 2008): 24851–24856.
Fiji Times, 2007. Breadfruit in high demand locally and
overseas. February 23, 2007. e Fiji Times Online.
http://www. [accessed
September 3, 2009]
Fownes, J.H. and W.C. Raynor. 1993. Seasonality and yield
of breadfruit cultivars in the indigenous agroforestry sys-
tem of Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. Tropical
Agriculture 70:103–109.
Goebel, R. 2007. Breadfruit—the Australian scene. Acta
Horticulturae 757:141–148.
Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture. No date. “Island Fresh
Agriculture Product Availability” table. http://hawaii.
gov/hdoa/add/recipes-for-hawaii/availability-chart/ [ac-
cessed September 3, 2009]
Kairo, K.T. 2007. Commodity Chain Study in Kiribati; out-
comes from the investigations implemented to assess the
breadfruit chain. Technical Mission Report. FAO Sub-
Regional Oce for the Pacic Islands.
Maerere, A.P. and E.R. Mgembe. 2007. Breadfruit produc-
tion in Tanzania: current status and potential. Acta Hor-
ticulturae 757:129–134.
MAFTNR. 2003. A Non-Sugar Sector Strategic Plan 2003–
2007. Ministry of Agriculture, Food Technology & Nat-
ural Resources. Mauritius.
sites/moasite/download/nsssplan.pdf [accessed Septem-
ber 3, 2009]
McGregor, A.M. 2002. Growing and Marketing Breadfruit
as a Commercial Crop. Fruit Tree Development Project.
Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Meteorology. Samoa.
Meilleur, B.A., R.R. Jones, C.A. Titchenal and A.S. Huang.
2004. Hawaiian Breadfruit: Ethnobotany, Nutrition and
Breadfruit collection at National Tropical Botanical Garden, Hana, Maui,
Farm and Forestry Production and Marketing Prole for Breadfruit by Diane Ragone 18
Human Ecology. CTAHR, University of Hawai‘i. Hono-
Ministry of Fisheries, Agriculture and Marine Resources.
(MFAMR). 2004. Agriculture Statistics 2004. Economic
Research and Statistics Services. Maldies. http://shagri.
org/?a=pub&t=2&page=1 [accessed October 30, 2009]
Ministry of Agriculture and Lands. 2005. Agriculture De-
velopment Strategy 2005–2008. Jamaica. http://www.
Plan [accessed October 30, 2009]
Morton, J. 1987. Fruits of Warm Climates. Julia Morton. Mi-
ami, Florida.
NWC, 2005. A Manual for the Growing and Marketing of
Breadfruit for Export. Natures Way Cooperative (Fiji)
Ltd. Nadi, Fiji.
RADA. 2008. Postharvest handling of breadfruit. http:// [accessed Sep-
tember 3, 2009]
Ragone, D. 1997. Breadfruit. Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson)
Fosberg. Promoting the conservation and use of under-
utilized and neglected crops. International Plant Genetic
Resources Institute. Rome, Italy.
Ragone, D. and C.G. Cavaletto, 2006. Sensory evaluation
of fruit quality and nutritional composition of 20 bread-
fruit (Artocarpus, Moraceae) cultivars. Economic Botany
Raynor, W.C. and J.H. Fownes. 1991. Indigenous agroforest-
ry of Pohnpei. 1. Plant species and cultivars. Agroforestry
Systems 16:139–157.
Roberts-Nkrumah, L.B. 2007. An overview of breadfruit
(Artocarpus altilis) in the Caribbean. Acta Horticulturae
Stice, K.N., A.M. McGregor, and S.N. Kumar. 2007. A re-
view of fresh breadfruit exports from Fiji. Acta Horticul-
turae 757:243–249.
Taylor, M.B., and D. Ragone (eds.). 2007a. Proceedings of
the First International Symposium on Breadfruit Re-
search and Development. Acta Horticulturae 757. Inter-
national Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS). Leu-
ven, Belgium.
Taylor, M.B., and D. Ragone. 2007b. Symposium Report.
First International Symposium on Breadfruit Research
and Development. Breadfruit Institute, Lawai, Hawaii. [ac-
cessed October 30, 2009]
Tuivavalagi, P. and L. Samuelu. 2007. Breadfruit in Samoa:
the past, some recent studies, current activities and fu-
ture potential. Acta Horticulturae 757:233–238.
U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Sta-
tistics Service (USDA NASS). No date. Hawai‘i Field Of-
waii/index.asp [accessed September 3, 2009]
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Ser-
vice. 2007. USDA National Nutrient Database for Stan-
dard Reference, Release 20. Nutrient Data Laboratory
Home Page. [ac-
cessed September 3, 2009]
U.S. Department of Agriculture. National Agriculture Sta-
tistics Service. 1999 and 2003. American Samoa Agricul-
tural Census. [accessed
September 3, 2009]
U.S. Department of Agriculture. National Agriculture Sta-
tistics Service. 1998 and 2002. Commonwealth of the
Northern Mariana Islands Agricultural Census. http:// [accessed September 3, 2009]
U.S. Department of Agriculture. National Agriculture Sta-
tistics Service. 1998 and 2002. Guam Agricultural Cen-
sus. [accessed September
3, 2009]
U.S. Department of Agriculture. National Agriculture Statis-
tics Service. 1998 and 2002. U.S. Virgin Islands Agricul-
tural Census. [accessed
September 3, 2009]
Webster, S.A. 2006. e Breadfruit in Jamaica: a Commer-
cial and Horticultural Perspective. Seymour Webster.
Port Antonio, Jamaica.
World Bank. 2009. “Gross national income per capita 2008.
World Development Indicators database. http://sitere-
GNIPC.pdf [accessed September 3, 2009]
Specialty Crops for Pacic Island Agroforestry ( 19
Specialty Crops for Pacic Island Agroforestry (
Farm and Forestry
Production and Marketing prole for
Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis)
Author: Dr. Diane Ragone, PhD, e Breadfruit Institute, National Tropical Botanical Garden, 3530 Papalina Road, Kalaheo, Hawai‘i
96741 USA; Web:,
Recommended citation: Ragone, D. 2011 (revised). Farm and Forestry Production and Marketing Prole for Breadfruit (Artocarpus
altilis). In: Elevitch, C.R. (ed.). Specialty Crops for Pacic Island Agroforestry. Permanent Agriculture Resources (PAR), Holualoa,
Version history: November 2009, February 2011
Series editor: Craig R. Elevitch
Publisher: Permanent Agriculture Resources (PAR), PO Box 428, Hōlualoa, Hawai‘i 96725, USA; Tel: 808-324-4427; Fax: 808-324-4129;
Email:; Web: is institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Acknowledgments: e author and editor thank Roger Goebel, Heidi Johansen, and Francis Zee for their input. Photo contributions by
Jim Wiseman are greatly appreciated.
Reproduction: Copies of this publication can be downloaded from Except for electronic archiving with
public access (such as web sites, library databases, etc.), reproduction and dissemination of this publication in its entire, unaltered form
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the copyright holder. Use of photographs or reproduction of material in this publication for resale or other commercial purposes is
permitted only with written permission of the publisher. © 2009–11 Permanent Agriculture Resources. All rights reserved.
Sponsor: Publication was made possible by generous support of the United States Department of Agriculture Western Region Sustainable
Agriculture Research and Education (USDA-WSARE) Program. is material is based upon work supported by the Cooperative
State Research, Education, and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Agricultural Experiment Station, Utah State
University, under Cooperative Agreement 2007-47001-03798.
... Depending on the variety, fruits may or may not have seeds (Ragone, 2011). ...
... Breadnut seeds contain high quantities of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron and niacin compared to other tree nuts. Minerals found in breadfruit include: copper, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, cobalt, iron, and manganese, but amounts are highly variable associated to growth location and cultivar (Huang et al., 2000;Jones et al., 2013b;Jones et al., 2011;Morton 1987;Ragone 1997Ragone , 2011Ragone and Cavaletto 2006). ...
... They can be kept in cold storage for an extra 9 days at 12 to 13 degrees Celsius to extend its shelf life and firmness (Maharaj and Sankat 1989;Worrell et al., 2002). During the hot and humid harvesting season, many sites where breadnut are traditionally grown lack the requisite contemporary refrigeration equipment and utilities to keep significant volumes of fruit (Ragone 2011;Ragone and Raynor 2009). ...
The fatty acid composition of Artocarpus altilis seed oil as a potential feed source was investigated in this study. Breadnut seeds were collected, dried and pulverized and the oil was extracted using Soxhlet apparatus with petroleum spirit of boiling point between 40-600C for 8 hours.The extracted oil was analysed using gas chromatography. The seed oil was found to contain both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The saturated fatty acids included palmitic acid, lignoceric acid, stearic acid, behenic acid, arachidic acid, pentadecylic acid and magaric acid with values 27.60%, 5.75%, 2.11%, 1.91%, 0.93%, 0.30%, 0.29%, respectively. The unsaturated fatty acids composition were linoleic acid, oleic acid, gongodonic acid, linolenic acid, arachidonic acid, palmitoleic acid and pentadecanoic acid with values 43.86%, 1.00%, 0.97%, 0.36%, 0.28%, 0.25%, respectively. The saturated and unsaturated fatty acids were present in 38.89% and 61.11%, respectively. The high level of unsaturated fatty acid makes breadnut oil a suitable replacement for conventional oils in animal feed. Keywords: Breadnut, Fatty acid, Nutrient composition, Gas chromatography, Essential fatty acids.
... In recent years there is a trend in finding a new plant-origininsecticide which should also be eco-friendly. Although for many years it has been known that dried male flowers of Artocarpus altilis can be burned to repel mosquitoes and other flying insects [2], very little is known about the mosquito repellent activity compounds of this flower until recently [3]. It was reported that the fatty acids of male inflorescence were significantly more active than N,N-Diethyl-meta-tuloamide (DEET) [3]. ...
... It is seen form Fig. 1 that the the inner part of the male inflorescence contains more liquid (as indicated by white sap in the inset) as compared to that of the outer part. This is also verified from the figures that the outer part is drier part and comprised of thousands of tiny flowers attached to a central spongy core [2]. Titin. ...
... Nur Isaneni (1) and Doty. Risanti (2) M 2nd International Conference on Advances in Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Sciences (ICABPS'2012) June 30-July 1, 2012 Bali for 24 hours or mixed in water-glycerol mixture prior to the isothermal TG tests set at temperature of 110 °C for 10 minutes. Temperature of 110 °C refers to the heater temperature of commercial vaporizer [6]. ...
Conference Paper
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Male inflorescence of Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg, is potential for being used as mosquito repellent. Apart form being burned, it can be used in the form of vaporizing mat by adding water as compound carrier. The kinetics and possibility of vaporizing mat fabrication were studied by means of thermogravimetry. It was found that the inner part of the inflorescence contains more liquid and dominating the evaporation process. However, for being used as vaporizing mat the inflorescence needs to be mixed with other materials to decrease the heat transfer from heater to the mat. Addition of glycerol on dried inflorescence indicates the slowest rate among other inflorescence samples.
... Os frutos da variedade seminífera apresentam porte mais elevado e vigoroso, com frutos de casca inicialmente áspera, com superfície espinhosa ou pontiaguda. Possui um número variado de sementes que podem ser consumidas tanto cozidas, quanto assadas, e que germinam rapidamente, não tolerando ser secas ou armazenadas (Manica, 2002;Ragone, 2011) As sementes são constituídas de paredes finas, são subglobosas ou ovoides e o seu tegumento externo é castanho-escuro brilhante (Figura 2) e o tegumento interior, castanho claro, com pouco ou nenhum endosperma (Ragone, 1997). A germinação é hipógea e inicia 21 dias após a semeadura (Calzavara, 1987). ...
... De acordo com Ragone (2011), uma das possíveis desvantagens do consórcio da fruteirapão com policulturas é justamente o controle de pragas e doenças em pomares utilizados para produção comercial de frutas frescas para mercados de exportação. ...
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Artocarpus altilis é uma planta pertencente à família Moraceae, de clima tropical e originário da Ásia, sendo bem adaptada ao clima brasileiro, com distribuição em todas as regiões tropicais e subtropicais do mundo. Existem duas variedades bastante conhecidas na espécie, a apyrena, também chamada de “fruta-pão de massa”, que não possui sementes e a seminífera ou “fruta-pão de caroço”, com sementes. É uma planta frutífera de alto valor nutritivo, rica em proteínas, carboidratos e minerais. No Brasil, a fruteira-pão tem sido pouco explorada e há poucas informações sobre seu desenvolvimento, manejo e formas de utilização. Considerando a importância da fruteira na alimentação e visando conhecer a potencialidade da cultura nas condições do Recôncavo Baiano, a espécie tem sido objeto de estudos na Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB). Diante disso, esse estudo teve por objetivo, conhecer a espécie e seu estado da arte no âmbito da UFRB a partir do referencial teórico, de forma a reunir as informações geradas, realizar análise crítica das metodologias aplicadas e orientar futuros estudos com a cultura. A partir do levantamento de informações geradas em trabalhos desenvolvidos na UFRB, com busca em artigos, dissertações, teses, livros, relatórios de pesquisas e outras formas de divulgação das atividades. Pesquisas nas áreas de propagação, caracterização da diversidade e uso da fruteira são relatados e indicam a potencialidade da cultura na região de Cruz das Almas, Bahia, bem como a necessidade de novos estudos que contemplem áreas de interesse para o cultivo e aproveitamento da espécie.
... The mature fruit is round or ovoid, 15-20 cm in diameter, and weighs 2-10 kg on average. The fruit is produced mainly in Malaysia, the South Pacific Island, the Caribbean, and West Africa (Ragone, 2009). Total yearly production in Nigerian is about 10 million metric tons with potential to exceed 100 million metric tons with improved agricultural practice (Adewusi et al., 1995; Amusa et al., 2002). ...
... Total yearly production in Nigerian is about 10 million metric tons with potential to exceed 100 million metric tons with improved agricultural practice (Adewusi et al., 1995; Amusa et al., 2002). The economic utilization of Breadfruit has been limited by its poor storage properties which are about 1-3 days after harvest (Ragone, 2009). Conversion of breadfruit to the flour would provide a more stable storage form and also enhance its versatility (Morton, 1987;Oladunjoye et al., 2010). ...
Full-text available
This study aimed to develop biscuits with improved nutritional contents using edible fish meal from catfish as the source of macro‐ and micronutrient enrichment while trying to reduce the input of wheat flour in biscuit‐making process. The biscuit was produced using edible fish meal (EFM: 0%–40%) from catfish, improved quality breadfruit (IQBF: 0%–60%), and wheat flours (WF: 0%–40%). Macro (crude protein, fat, fiber, ash, and carbohydrate)‐ and micro (calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, and iron)‐nutrient contents of the biscuit were determined. The color (lightness—L*, redness—a*, and yellowness—b*), texture (hardness, springiness, and adhesiveness), and sensory (taste, texture, and overall acceptability) attributes of the biscuits were assessed using standard methods. Model characteristics of the responses were profiled, and numerical optimization technique was used to predict combination/blends that produce biscuits with desired nutritional contents. Moisture, crude protein, fat, fiber, and ash values were in the range of 3.50%–5.57%, 3.06%–15.52%, 13.62%–26.00%, 0.31%–1.40%, and 1.98%–5.32%, respectively. The iron, calcium, and phosphorus contents of the biscuit ranged from 103.85 to 201.30 mg/100 g, 100 to 754 mg/100 g, and 8 mg/100 g to 304 mg/100 g, respectively. Interaction between the models for WF and EFM was significant and this significantly affected the L* (36.37–51.90) and adhesiveness (0.01–0.29) values for color and texture, respectively. Similar observations were also noticed for most of the nutrients. The quadratic models selected for the nutrients were all significant (p < .05) and the adjusted R² ranged from 0.61 to 0.84 and 0.59 to 0.97 for the macro‐ and micronutrients, respectively. In conclusion, a biscuit from IQBF, WF, and EFM of 61.33, 0.07, and 38.60 with protein, fat, ash, iron, and calcium contents of 10.41%, 17.59%, 2.05%, 120.52 mg/100 g, and 500.00 mg/100 g, respectively, was produced.
... Breadfruit flour was extracted using a method described by [15] with some modification in fermentation time. ...
... Generally, it is cultivated by the community in their yard or mixed garden [5]. Whereas in several countries of the Pacific region, breadfruit has become to be an important staple food for the community and has chosen as one of the mainstay export commodities [6,7]. ...
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Breadfruit is one of the tree species with a wide distribution in the Indonesian archipelago and shows variations in growth morphology, leave, and fruits. Therefore, the breadfruit clonal test plantation was carried out from several origin distributions at vertisol land in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, with a spacing of 5 x 5 m. This study aimed to identify the variation in growth and fruit production of 12 breadfruit cultivars at 10 years old. They were collected from Gunungkidul, Kediri, Banyuwangi, Sukabumi, Banten, Bali, Mataram, Lampung, Bone, Malino, Sorong, and Manokwari. The study was conducted by selecting 4 trees from each cultivar that have average growth and replicated five times. The growth characters of breadfruit trees were observed, namely height, stem diameter at breast height, canopy width, and a number of fruits. The observation results showed that there is a significant influence of origin distribution of breadfruit on growth and fruiting performance. The average tree height was 6.1-9.7 m, stem diameter 14.2-22.0 cm, canopy width 3.2-6.1 m, and the number of ripe fruit 3-21 fruit/tree. Breadfruit clones from South Sulawesi (Bone, Malino) and Papua (Sorong, Manokwari) were relatively stable, showing the best performance in all the characters observed. It is indicated that cultivars from South Sulawesi and Papua were adaptable in vertic soil.
... Conversely, when Cyclone Evan struck Samoa in 1990, it caused massive destruction to the breadfruit crop of the country (Government of Samoa 2013). In 1979 Cyclone Meli damaged the entire breadfruit crop in the island of Cicia in Fiji's Lau group (Downing et al. 2002), and over the years there has been a reduction in the number of fruiting trees due to frequent incidences of tropical cyclones (Ragone, 2011). Iese et al., 2015 reported that in Bellona atoll, Solomon Islands while increased rainfall damaged the flowers of breadfruit, a reduction in fruit size was attributed to cyclones. ...
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Pacific Island Countries (PICs) are the center of origin and diversity for several root, fruit and nut crops, which are indispensable for food security, rural livelihoods, and cultural identity of local communities. However, declining genetic diversity of traditional food crops and high vulnerability to climate change are major impediments for maintaining agricultural productivity. Limited initiatives to achieve food self-sufficiency and utilization of Plant Genetic Resources (PGR) for enhancing resilience of agro-ecosystems are other serious constraints. This review focuses on the visible and anticipated impacts of climate ge, on major food and tree crops in agriculture and agroforestry systems in the PICs. We argue that crop improvement through plant breeding is a viable strategy to enhance food security and climatic resilience in the region. The exploitation of adaptive traits: abiotic and biotic stress tolerance, yield and nutritional efficiency, is imperative in a world threatened by climatic extremes. However, the insular constraints of Fiji and other small PICs are major limitations for the utilization of PGR through high throughput techniques which are also cost prohibitive. Crop Improvement programs should instead focus on the identification, conservation, documentation and dissemination of information on unique landraces, community seed banks, introduction of new resistant genotypes, and sustaining and enhancing allelic diversity.
... The breadfruit tree is fast-growing and produces an abundance of nutritious starchy fruit [10][11][12]. These trees are reported to produce 6 t-ha −1 of fruit that is rich in carbohydrates, amino acids, [31]. ...
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Breadfruit is a high yielding tree crop with a long history in the Pacific Islands, with the potential to improve food security under climate change. Traditionally, it has been grown and used extensively as a food source in Hawaii, but in the past decades, it has been neglected, underutilized, and supplanted by imported staple foods. Revitalization of breadfruit is central for reducing dependency on food imports and increasing food resiliency and self-sufficiency in Hawaii. Such a process could potentially be strengthened by the development of novel value-added products. This empirical study investigates consumer acceptance and willingness to pay in two scenarios: with and without detailed product information about breadfruit and its cultural significance, nutritional benefits and potential contribution to increase local food security. A total of 440 consumers participated in the study. Participants receiving descriptive information had a higher level of acceptance and were willing to pay a higher price compared with participants who were not informed that the product was made from breadfruit: 1.33 ± 0.15 acceptance on the hedonic scale and 1.26 ± 0.23 USD (both p < 0.0001). In conclusion, repeated exposure and building a positive narrative around breadfruit products may increase consumer acceptability.
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Breadfruit is an underutilized but highly nutritive crop containing complex carbohydrates while being low in fat. It is also a good source of essential amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine). With a better understanding of breadfruit’s morphology, its potential as a global solution to food security has been gaining popularity. Breadfruit has been forecasted to have a larger amount of suitable cultivable land area compared to major crops such as rice and wheat, making its cultivation more desirable. Due to its highly perishable nature, good post-harvesting and post-processing practices are essential to extend the shelf life of breadfruit for global transportation and consumption. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review on various processing methods of flour and starch, nutritional significance and new food applications of this novel food staple. In this review, the effects of the different processing and post-processing methods of breadfruit flour and starch have been described, and the nutritional composition and application of breadfruit flour as an ingredient replacer in various food applications have been discussed. It is vital to understand the processing and post-processing methods of breadfruit flour to enhance its shelf-life, physicochemical and functional properties. Furthermore, a compilation of novel food applications has been done to promote its use in the food industry. In conclusion, breadfruit flour and starch are highly versatile for use in numerous food products with added health benefits.
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In Brazil, there are two species of Artocarpus that were introduced: Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg, known as fruta-pão, and Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam., known as jaca. Both are used as food and medicine. The objective of this work was to conduct a comparative anatomical and histochemical study between A. altilis and A. heterophyllus. Techniques of optical, polarized and scanning electron coupled to energy dispersive spectroscopy. The anatomical characterization showed the characters of general occurrence in the family Moraceae and of those that allow the differentiation of A. altilis and A. heterophyllus. The histochemistry revealed the sites of synthesis and/or storage of the metabolites. The chemical microanalyses brought new information about the chemical composition of crystals. The study provides pharmacobotanical data for the quality control of the species.
Cover Page
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Chapter-1, of this book gives a brief historical background of the extant breadfruit cultivars in Jamaica. Chapter-2 provides description of the extant cultivars, complemented with good quality pictures. More specifically, chapters-3 and -4 delve into the different propagation techniques, nursery management, orchard establishment and maintenance, respectively. Information, relating to: seasonality, yields, and postharvest handling is covered in chapters-5 and -6. Chapter-7 comprises a wide range of value-added products and recipes. For example: breadfruit flour, and its many uses; breadfruit salad, breadfruit punch, breadfruit drink, and a host of other value-added products and recipes.
Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) was introduced to the Caribbean in 1793 to enhance the food supply. This paper presents a brief account of the introduction and discusses the changing status of the crop as a carbohydrate food source in terms of consumption levels, major methods of utilisation, production systems and markets. The constraints to commercialisation of the crop, and past and present research activities undertaken to address these limitations, are also discussed. Research activities include germplasm collection, conservation, description and evaluation, macro- and micro-propagation, crop phenology, pruning, disease control, post-harvest physiology and technology, product development, nutritional composition, and medicinal and insecticidal properties. Research on breadnut (A. camansi), a close relative, is outlined. Breadfruit has significant potential to contribute to food needs in the region. Development of the agricultural sector and breadfruit conservation and commercialization are linked. Closer collaboration among producers, processors, marketers, the rural population, government agencies and research and training institutions is a necessary framework for achieving these objectives.
Breadfruit is particularly well suited as a base for a range of consumer products because of its pale colour and bland taste. The starch content ranges from about 53-76% depending on cultivar, climate and soil type. This feature alone suggests that the enormous range of corn, rice and potato products can be duplicated using breadfruit. The major constraint is the high seasonality but this can be overcome by bulk partial-processing at season glut. This paper calls for a more continuous supply, either by dovetailing cultivars or by research into techniques, such as controlled-atmosphere storage, so that processing can continue year-round.
This study focused on the screening of 15 breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) cultivars and one preserved breadfruit product from Micronesia for their content of carotenoids. These substances have been found to have important health benefits, protecting against cancer, heart disease, diabetes and protection against vitamin A deficiency. Participatory ethnographic methods were used to select cultivars for analyses using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Ripe fresh seeded breadfruit (A. mariannensis) and dried seeded breadfruit paste contained high levels of β-carotene (up to 868 μg/100 g) and other carotenoids. Other cultivars contained significant levels of lutein (up to 750 μg/100 g) and total carotenoids (up to 1260 μg/100 g). These nutrient-rich breadfruit cultivars and breadfruit products should be promoted for their health benefits.