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GIS, Spatial Analysis and Spatial Statistics

Progress in Human Geography 20,4
spatial analysis and spatial
Department of Geography, Birkbeck College, University of London, 7-l
Gresse Street, London
Spatial analysis will be applied to an ever increasing number of application areas.
data manipulation tools
will become ever more sophisticated and easier to use. They are already today being included in office software
packages such as spreadsheets. We are rapidly approaching the time when every desktop PC will be able to
perform spatial analysis.
The above quotation comes from a draft of
towards a European
mation infrastructure,
published during the past year by DG XIII of the European Com-
mission (EGII, 1995), which attempts to lay the foundations of a European infrastruc-
ture for spatial information. Its content may well be a surprise to readers whose
knowledge of spatial analysis ended with a practical class on the nearest neighbour
statistic taken, probably unwillingly, as part of their degree studies and who thought
that it had disappeared into history. Largely as a result of the growth of GIS, spatial
analysis is back on the research agenda and in this years review I will attempt to give
a flavour of current work in the field.
At the outset, it is best to be clear what we mean by the term. In the GIS literature,
and especially in system manuals and brochures, the view seems to be that spatial
analysis is simply the general ability to manipulate spatial data using a familiar set of
largely deterministic functions which includes basic spatial queries, buffering, overlay
using simple map algebra and the calculation of derivatives on surfaces such as slope
and aspect. This type of work can be called
spatial data manipulation
and, since it is
precisely this ability to handle spatial data
that differentiates a GIS from any
other database management system, it is essential to any information system claiming
to be geographical. It is also what differentiates a true GIS from computer-aided design
or mapping packages. In
spatial statistical analysis
knowledge of a process is used to
predict the spatial patterns that might result, and the likelihood of any observed pattern
Arnold 1996
Unwin 541
being a result of this process is then established by an analysis of one or more of its
realizations. In contrast, exploratory
spatial data analysis
examines an observed distri-
bution and attempts to infer the process that produced it. The objective is usually to find
patterns in data that are meaningful in relation to the investigatorsexisting domain
knowledge. Both are different from
in which the objective is to produce
realistic mathematical models of the type used in, for example, retailing (Birkin et al.,
1996) and the environmental sciences (Goodchild, Parks et
1993; Goodchild, Steyaert
et al., 1996) that deterministically predict spatial pattern. In this years review, I will
be concerned mostly with exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) where there has
been a major renaissance brought about by widespread access to very powerful com-
puter workstations and, equally critically, to often very large, structured data of the
type which are common in any GIS. This renaissance of spatial analysis has been driven
by several academic changes.
First, as we saw in last years review (Unwin, 1995), users of geographical infor-
mation systems have begun to ask questions about the reliability of the results obtained
from simple spatial manipulations of geographic data, such as interpolation and map
overlay, and have begun to realize the importance of a statistical approach. As a result,
there has been a series of discussions of the role of spatial analysis in GIS and the
relationships between the two (see Goodchild, 1987; Anselin, 1989; Fotheringham, 1992;
Goodchild et
1992; Anselin et al., 1993; Fotheringham and Rogerson, 1993; 1994;
Bailey and Gatrell, 1995; Fischer et al.,1996). The greater part of this debate has
addressed technical questions about how to couple GIS with the required statistical
functionality. With the notable exception of Anselin et al. (1993), rather less attention
has been directed to what should be coupled and why.
Secondly, work by statisticians has developed a substantial body of statistical theory
about spatial data to which GIS users can turn but which did not exist in geographys
so-called quantitative revolution(see, for example, Diggle, 1983; Ripley, 1981; 1988;
Upton and Fingleton, 1985; 1989; Haining, 1990; Cressie, 1991; Walden and Guttorp,
1992). The statistical view is characterized by the notion that spatially distributed infor-
mation can be regarded as the outcome of some stochastic process operating in the
plane. If we can postulate the nature of the process in mathematical terms, we can
deduce its spatial outcomes and examine whether or not an observed pattern is a plaus-
ible realization of it. As Harvey forcefully pointed out many years ago (Harvey, 1966),
a much more difficult alternative is to identify the process and model it appropriately
from the evidence of a single mapped realization, yet this is frequently what is required.
Very few of these new methods of analysis are as yet implemented in existing GIS but
specialized software is now readily available (Anselin, 1990; Rowlingson and Diggle,
1991; Diggle and Rowlingson, 1993). Recently INFOMAP (Bailey, 1990) has become
available at very low cost and includes analysis methods such as density estimation,
kriging and K-function computation, all of which were developed during the 1980s
specifically to handle spatial data (Bailey and Gatrell, 1995).
Thirdly, now that spatial data are easily obtained at extremely high spatial resolution,
and computing and mapping the results are unproblematic, there has been developed
a series of strategies for exploratory spatial data analysis often using visualization
(Unwin, D.J., 1994). This is a data and cartography driven approach to spatial analysis,
concerned with the recognition and description of spatial patterns and their represen-
tation on maps. The methods employed vary from allegedly simple statistics dating
from the 1950s (notably the spatial autocorrelation tests of Cliff and Ord, 1973), through
542 GIS,
spatial analysis and spatial statistics
the direct use of visualization (Hasslett, Wills
et al.,
1990; Haslett, Bradley
et al.,
Hearnshaw and Unwin, 1994) to automatic machines (Openshaw, 1994) and artificial
life forms for pattern detection (Openshaw, 1995).
In the remainder of this review I will examine some of the recent approaches to
exploratory spatial data analysis. First, I will look at the meaning of the central idea
in a data-rich GIS environment. This leads naturally to a discussion of a class
that are rapidly gaining acceptance, and in turn leads to a consideration
that is central to geography, the definition of what is, and what is not, in the locality
of some place. Much of the review is concerned with the influence of developments in
statistical analysis on GIS, but the review concludes by an examination of the influence
of GIS on the development of spatial statistics,in particular the notion of
of analysis.
II Spatial pattern, projection and process
Pattern is that characteristic of the spatial arrangement of objects given by their spacing
in relation to each other. It should not be confused with the idea of dispersion, which
is relative to some defining area, or with density, which is the average number of
objects in a given area. Patterns might consist of clusters of points, a more-regular-
than-random arrangement, trends across real and statistical surfaces and so on. Given
Toblers first law of geography, that near places are more likely to be related than
distant ones, it is hardly surprising that most geographical patterns of interest involve
groupings of similar values in clusters.
In almost all the work by statisticians, and in most of quantitative geography, the
approach taken has been to map objects of interest using their location on the planets
surface as measured by plane Cartesian co-ordinates based on a map projection. This
is, of course, a reasonable assumption for small areas of interest and it allows the use
of simple geometry to find distances and areas. If large areas are studied, then referenc-
ing can be a latitude/longitude pair and in a GIS environment calculations of the real
distances and areas are only slightly more difficult. There is a danger that standard
functions in proprietary GIS used, for example, in interpolation or the estimation of
distance functions do not recognize the need to compute the great circle distances.
What is often not realized in the modelling and search for spatial pattern is that the
concept must also contain some
component. Patterns come and go according
to how we project the data. A simple example is the view we get of the hemispherical
night sky on which we see a projection of objects distributed in at least three dimen-
sions. Provide an extra dimension of time/space and the well-known nonrandom pat-
terns studied by astrologers, such as The Plough, disappear. Opposite operations are
also well known, perhaps the simplest being the often-cited correlation between the
number of storks and births in India. Project these same data with a third axis which
locates them in time and the reason for the pattern becomes obvious.
The search for the correctnumber of dimensions in data is (was?) the subject of
methods of factoranalysis and its more modern, computer-based alternative, called
projection pursuit. Within appropriate software it is a relatively easy matter for non-
standard projections to be calculated and these can provide much more useful frame-
works in which to display data and look for pattern. For example, Dorling (1992; 1994)
has used the projection given by an area cartogram based on small area population
Unwin 543
totals to show detailed variations in the social geography of Britain. Similarly, patterns
revealed in plots of data on to empirical projections defined using multidimensional
scaling have been exploited in a number of studies by Gatrell (1979; 1983; 1991).
The second component of a pattern is that given by the process which generated it.
Such a process could be totally deterministic, with a single unique outcome at each
location. The temptation to think that this inevitably results in patterns which always
appear simple should be resisted. There is now a substantial literature using cellular
automata models to show how simple rules of spatial behaviour, combined with a
discrete dynamical systems approach, can generate extremely complex patterns (see
Von Neumann, 1966; Toffoli and Margolus, 1987). The approach was introduced into
geography by Couclelis (1985) and has been developed in a GIS content by Camara
and Castro (1996) and Sanders (1996). By their very nature, these models are readily
implemented in the framework of a raster GIS, and there is a strong link between them
and the world of fractals, nonlinear dynamics and chaostheory.
It is, however, more usual to think of spatial processes as being stochastic, in which
the outcome at each location or area represents a probabilistic (random) selection from
some underlying generating distribution. The patterning in the spatial phenomena that
results usually arises as a result of two types of variation, called first and second-order
effects. First-order effects relate to variations in the mean value, or intensity, of the
process over space. The process is spatially stationary if this intensity is constant over
the study area.Second-order effects involve relationships between objects in the
study area.
Detecting spatial pattern
Clearly, this statistical notion of pattern depends upon our having some standard
against which to judge the spatial arrangement of data and the usually adopted one
is that of complete spatial randomness (CSR
Diggle, 1983). In this approach pattern
is equated with spatial homogeneity and inhomogeneity resulting from departures
from CSR. In the first case, the underlying distribution function of the postulated pro-
cess remains unchanged over space. In the second it changes in some way from place
to place. Although most work has been done using point processes, the same notion
of CSR can be applied to data describing line, area and surface objects
A number of methods have been developed to enable patterns in spatial data to be
1 Global statistics
Global statistics attempt to characterize the patterning across an entire region. In ecol-
ogy, geography and geology, a popular example is the Clark and Evans nearest neigh-
bour index, calculated as the ratio of the observed mean distance from each point object
to its nearest neighbour to the value expected from a CSR process with the same inten-
sity. In effect this collapses the pattern on to a single dimension given by the X-value.
A similar projection on to two axes is given by more recently developed methods, such
as those which use the G,
functions to test for CSR in a point pattern (see
Bailey and Gatrell, 1995). The G function assembles the complete cumulative probability
544 GIS,
spatial analysis and spatial statistics
distribution of point event to point event nearest neighbour distances as a function of
G(d) =
In which # means the number ofand w are the nearest neighbour distances. Similarly,
the F function does the same thing for distances between a randomly selected point in
the region and the point events:
= #
in which
equals the number of point samples. These functions can be estimated from
an observed point pattern and the general strategy is to compare the shape of the actual
curve with that given by a CSR process with the same average intensity. Both are useful
for examining small scales of pattern and both are a definite advance on the uncritical
use of the simple nearest neighbour value. To examine pattern over a wide range of
scales use is made of the
function, defined as:
. K
= E
events within distance d of an arbitrary event)
in which
is the average intensity. For a recent, accessible overview of these statistics
and their usefulness in the analysis of point patterns in a GIS environment, see Gatrell
et al.
(1996). For area enumerated data a number of approaches have been adopted,
ranging from simple spatial moving averages and smoothing by median polish to the
computation of correlograms to show the spatial autocorrelation at differing adjacency
and distance lags (Cliff and Ord, 1973). For visualizing such data the problem of low
observed numbers, particularly in spatial epidemiology, has been addressed by the
careful use of Poisson probability mapping (Langford,
and the equally difficult
problem of correction for variations in the weight of evidencethat arises naturally
from the use of differently sized spatial units has been solved by the application of
Bayestheorem to derive appropriately weighted estimates (Marshall, 1991). Finally,
for spatially continuous data, methods from geostatistics, notably use of the correlog-
ram and
have become virtually standard (see Isaaks and Srivastava,
1989; Cressie, 1991). A particularly useful display is the semi-variogram cloud devised
by Haslett and others (Haslett
Global statistics have severe limitations for work in spatial data analysis. First, the
assumption is usually that the pattern
and hence the process
is stable, or
over space. As GIS systems have enabled researchers to use either larger study regions
or, equivalently, data sets at much finer spatial resolution, so this assumption seems
more and more unrealistic. Basic geographical theory shows that such spatial homogen-
eity over large areas of the earths surface or at fine resolution is extremely unlikely
(Fotheringham et al., 1996). What may well happen is that large areas of uninteresting
spatial variation swamp those of real interest. Secondly, almost all these global meas-
ures are subject to potentially severe edge effects in their calculation and, thirdly, the
expectations are frequently subject to the so-called modifiable area unit (MAU) problem
(see, for example, Fotheringham and Wong, 1991; Fotheringham
et al.,
1995). Taking
the Clark and Evans X-index as example, its value depends to a large extent on the
area chosen over which to study and hence the assumed mean
of the process.
David I. Unwin 545
Many years ago, in an attempt to show that within drumlin fields the distribution of
these landforms is spatially random, I misguidedly computed the Clark and Evans
nearest neighbour statistic (my collaborator is blameless, see Smalley and Unwin, 1968).
It should be abundantly clear that, simply by redefining the study area, I could have
produced almost any R-index. As it was by total
I seemed to hit on the
scale of analysis that produced values close to the magical random expectation.
Similar, much more subtle dependencies occur in virtually all the work that we do.
In the example given, the use of a measure of pattern based on an inter-event distance is
reasonable (although there will be edge effect problems) and the technical fault would
nowadays easily be solved by randomization, but the same MAU problem is present
in most of the tests for spatial autocorrelation where it appears first in the zonal aggre-
gate values used and, secondly, in their conversion into standard scores based on some
arbitrary global mean, but this problem is seldom mentioned by practitioners. Finally,
and as a consequence of the considerations outlined above, where formal statistical
tests are employed, the assumptions employed are almost invariably broken.
2 Visualization
In response to these problems, much exploratory spatial data analysis has turned to
visualization as a means of pattern detection, the notion being that the eye/ brain sys-
tem, when given sufficient help, is capable of a high degree of sophisticated pattern
recognition. This is the philosophy of SPIDER/REGARD (Haslett et
1990), cdv
(Dykes, 1995) and a system based on
(Brunsdon and Charlton, 1995). The
philosophy is that we use data display as a means of analysis in its own right and the
problem becomes one of designing appropriate and useful types of display.
As outlined in my 1994 report (Unwin, D.J., 1994), pure visualization has its adher-
ents and critics. First, it is well known in the literature on cartographic communication
that apparently quite minor changes to a map can greatly change how it is viewed, a
good example being the choice of class intervals in choropleth mapping. More subtle,
but none the less important examples occur in any contour mapping and in almost all
the use of colour coding. Very few visualization practitioners, at least in the Anglo-
Saxon world, would agree with Bertins notion of the monosemic (single sign) map,
preferring instead to think of maps as polysemic (capable of many interpretations)
products of frequently fallible cartographers. Secondly, it is also well known that the
eye /brain frequently synthesizes a pattern where, strictly, the data are random. Similar
effects have been seen where test groups produce different maps of the same numbers
according to the information they are given about the phenomenon being mapped.
3 Local statistics
A third strategy is to harness the power of simple statistical summary of the type
employed when global statistics are used to define pattern with the less formal, but
equally less demanding, process of visualization by mapping what have been termed
statistics. Typically, in using local statistics we attempt to learn more about each
individual datum relating to a point, line or area object in the data set by comparing
it in some way to the values for its neighbouring objects. Several local statistics have
been suggested and their use illustrated.
Getis and Ord (1992) define a G-function (which is not the same as the function of
Unwin 547
within a GIS to apply to irregular grids of polygonal areas or
elements). Similarly, once we have the computer power, almost any of the classical
statistics can be calculated as a local value (for example, the mean, standard deviation
and correlation). This idea has recently been exploited by Fotheringham
al. (1996)
who compute maps of how the estimated parameters of a regression model vary spati-
ally over a fine raster of grid cells. Maps of these estimates provide additional infor-
mation about the spatial stationarity of the model of the process which is complimen-
tary to more conventional maps of residuals over a global regression.
IV Defining localities
No matter what the statistic, a key question that must be addressed in these operations
is the definition of what is meant by local. Depending on the definition adopted every
location in the database will generate different statistics, and, as can be seen from the
formal definitions of the local forms of
G and C, use is made of a weights matrix
W(d) representing all possible 0.5
1) interobject pairs. If each element,
is given
the value 0 or 1 this forms an adjacency matrix which contains all the information
needed to define the concept of local by adjacency. It is easily shown that successive
powers of this matrix (with zeros down the diagonal, see Garner and Street, 1978)
give the objects that are adjacent but two steps away, and so on, permitting an easy
generalization of the notion of local. An early article describing the use of these
extended neighbourhoods is Lebart (1969). For an example of the information content
of powers of this adjacency matrix, see Unwin (1981: 87-93). In addition to the simple
fact of adjacency (O/l
the same matrix can be used to record the strength of the
adjacency by modification of the
to record, for example, the length of common
Alternatively, metric distances can be used to define local in any one of several ways
to provide a
around the location of interest (see Bailey and Gatrell, 1995: 261-
62; Moore, 1996). The simplest option is to set the relevant
equal to 0 or 1 according
to whether or not the zone centroids are within some distance,
of each other. Alterna-
tively, use can be made of inverse distance weighting according to some function as in
statistical density estimation (Silverman, 1986) or spatial interpolation using algorithms
based on the old SYMAP scheme in what Fotheringham et al. (1996) call spatial
regression. Although one could use all objects in the database in such a weighting, in
practice attention is usually confined to a restricted kernel width but it may be that
this restriction is unnecessary in these days of very high-performance machines. A third
alternative is to use an adaptive kernel which is responsive to the local data density
or to optimize the distance used in some way. An obvious approach is to use the range,
as deduced from estimation of the semi-variogram, as the kernel width, but there is
scope here for experimentation with other criteria based, for example, on kernel widths
which maximize or minimize the local variation (i.e., the local geography). In the long
run, it may well be that the most valuable information is contained in the behaviour
of these local statistics as the kernel width is expanded. Preliminary work by Wood
(1996) using local regression results to provide multiscale characterizations of landform
from digital elevation matrices suggests that this scale dependence contains useful geo-
graphical information.
548 GIS,
spatial analysis and spatial statistics
Conclusion: putting spatial statistics into GIS
It should be clear that, influenced by GIS, the availability of very large, high spatial
resolution data, and access to extremely powerful computer power, spatial data analy-
sis has already changed greatly and will continue to change as methods which recog-
nize the existence of todays data and computer-rich environment are developed.
A concept that has been developed by Openshaw and his colleagues (see Openshaw
and Clarke, 1996) is that of
statistics (see Table 1). By this they mean analytical
and other approaches that are suited to a world in which computer power, very large
data sets and the availability of GIS should be taken for granted. The concept is a useful
one, since, as they point out, it helps define a research agenda for developing new
methods and draws attention to the fundamentally unsatisfactory, even unsound, nat-
ure of the traditional methods of statistical analysis when applied to spatial data. For
example, almost all the spatial statistical methods I included in Introductory
sis (Unwin, 1981) should have very little place in our current research environment.
Almost without exception they can be replaced by more recent techniques or, as is
Openshaws predilection, by a variety of compute intensive procedures.
Already, there is a long list of possible GISable statistical functions that might be
added to improve the functionality for spatial statistical analysis of existing GIS. We
all have our special favourites but, on the basis of the methods I generally find myself
persuading MSc and PhD students to adopt, my own list would include the following:
All the methods for the analysis of point events developed by statisticians in the 40
years since that dreadful nearest neighbourstatistic was first proposed.
The spatial form of density estimation in the manner of Silverman (1986) and as
demonstrated by Gatrell (1994).
Generalized linear modelling tools, in the manner of GLIM (Aitkin et al., 19891, to
be used for calibrating various forms of favourability functions in map overlay
(Bonham-Carter, 1991).
A series of local statistical indicators of spatial association and inhomogeneity of the
type outlined above.
The ability easily to change and visualize W(d).
Ten rules for developing
statistical analysis
Rule 2
Rule 3
Rule 4
Rule 5
Rule 6
Rule 7
Rule 8
Rule 9
methods should be useful in an applied sense
A GlSable spatial analysis method should be able to handle large and very large N values
Useful GlSable analysis and modelling tools are study region independent
relevant methods need to be sensitive to the special nature of spatial information
The results should be mappable
GlSable spatial analysis is generic
GlSable spatial analysis methods should be useful and valuable
Interfacing issues are initially irrelevant and subsequently a problem for others to solve
Ease of use and understandability are very important
analysis should be safe technology
Source: Adapted from Openshaw and Clarke (1996).
Unwin 549
Good exploratory visualization tools of the type proposed by Densham (1994) and
offered by REGARD (Unwin, A.R., 1994) and cdv (Dykes, 1996).
There may well be others, but the general nature of my list should be clear. It attempts
to update what most geographers think of as spatial statistical analysis and thus correct
the evident inability of many to take advantage of almost all the developments in stat-
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... Although GIS is a powerful tool for managing, analyzing and displaying geospatial data, it supports vector and raster data, allowing users to process large amounts of spatial information and perform terrain analysis, line of sight analysis, etc. (Devillers et al. 2005;De Smith et al. 2007;Alesheikh et al. 2002;Huang et al. 2001). GIS is very effective in processing large-scale geographical data, performing spatial analysis, and performing geographical statistics and is especially suitable for urban planning and geographical research (Yeh 1999;Unwin 1996;Pullar and Mcdonald 1999;Selamat et al. 2012). However, GIS may have limitations when handling complex three-dimensional building models and conducting detailed visual simulation analyses (Malinverni and Tassetti 2013;Khayyal et al. 2022). ...
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Geospatial technology has been extensively researched and applied in the urban spatial planning field. However, mountainous urban planning needs to consider not only the complex terrain but also the accessibility of the landscape to landmark buildings. Therefore, geospatial techniques and landscape sight analysis play important roles in formulating effective urban building height control measures. This article uses the Nanshan Temple and Nanping Academy of Classical Learning and its surrounding architectural planning as the research objects, constructs a digital elevation model through geospatial technology combined with Grasshopper parameterization, and calculates the visible area when viewed from different positions. To maintain the accessibility of the landscape to the landmark buildings, the layout, building height and location of the planning area are determined. The research shows that (1) through geospatial technology, landscape sightline analysis, linear projection and collision detection methods can be used to accurately calculate landscape sightline interruption points and occlusion areas around historical and cultural buildings. We concluded that the optimal viewshed protection range is a radius of 2000 m. (2) Compared with a design based on a surrounding height of 60 m, the method in this study increased the number of visible viewpoints by approximately 123.84%, while the number of invisible viewpoints decreased by approximately 21.03%. (3) Based on the sightline protection scope, the heights of the blocks in the protection zone are further calculated. Within a radius of 1000 m, a 52.78 m height limit of planned plots is recommended. Within a radius of 1500 m, a 40.87 m height limit of the planned plot is recommended. Within a radius of 2000 m, the height of the planned plot should be controlled at 24.79 m. Based on this, the specific building space arrangement can be reasonably formulated. (4) After optimizing the existing visual corridors in the reserve, the area of the viewsheds expanded from 13.0% to 19.1%. (5) Finally, this study also considered plant factors. The recommended height for plant landscapes is as follows. Woodland on hillsides should be reduced from the original 10–12 to 4.74–8.51 m. Garden land in flat areas should be reduced from the original 9 to 6.38–3.36 m. This study uses the geospatial technology landscape sight analysis method to reveal the impact of landscape sight on the spatial distribution of mountainous cities with cultural landmarks and, at the same time, provides a new method and strategy for the spatial planning of mountainous cities.
... This approach, which can be applied to any digital image, regardless of imaging modality, uses distance transformations to efficiently measure the nearest-neighbor distances for segmented immunosignals for a given biomolecule in relation to subcellular landmarks (e.g., nuclei, cell periphery) or a second, colabeled biomolecule. By comparing the distribution of observed nearest-neighbor distances with that predicted under complete spatial randomness [an approach similar to statistical F and G functions (Unwin, 1996;Ying, 2013)], quantitative measurements are obtained for the strength of nonrandom attraction/repulsion between colabeled molecules/structures. Importantly, nearest-neighbor distance distributions for a target biomolecule in relation to fiducial biomolecule allow the spatial distribution of the target biomolecule to be placed in the context of ultrastructural properties at such locations (morphometric measurements at sites specified in relation to fiducial structures in electron micrographs obtained from separate samples). ...
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Correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) methods are powerful methods that combine molecular organization (from light microscopy) with ultrastructure (from electron microscopy). However, CLEM methods pose high cost/difficulty barriers to entry and have very low experimental throughput. Therefore, we have developed an indirect correlative light and electron microscopy (iCLEM) pipeline to sidestep the rate-limiting steps of CLEM (i.e., preparing and imaging the same samples on multiple microscopes) and correlate multiscale structural data gleaned from separate samples imaged using different modalities by exploiting biological structures identifiable by both light and electron microscopy as intrinsic fiducials. We demonstrate here an application of iCLEM, where we utilized gap junctions and mechanical junctions between muscle cells in the heart as intrinsic fiducials to correlate ultrastructural measurements from transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) with molecular organization from confocal microscopy and single molecule localization microscopy (SMLM). We further demonstrate how iCLEM can be integrated with computational modeling to discover structure–function relationships. Thus, we present iCLEM as a novel approach that complements existing CLEM methods and provides a generalizable framework that can be applied to any set of imaging modalities, provided suitable intrinsic fiducials can be identified.
... Accordingly, GIS utilization can serve as a valuable tool for advising and formulating plans in the development of tourism destinations across various regions (Rifki, The impact of GIS, the abundance of large-scale, highly detailed data, and the accessibility of powerful computing resources have significantly transformed spatial data analysis. This trend is expected to persist as new methodologies are developed to accommodate the current data and computing landscape (Unwin, 1996;Goodchild and Longley, 1999). ...
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The research presents some of the possibilities of applying GIS tools and methods in quantitative spatial analysis, on the example of identification and tourist valorization of tourist motives. The object of the analysis are the cultural tourism motives, specifically the national cultural-historical monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina within the municipality of Foča. The identification of tourist motives is based on an analysis of available literature, field research, and GIS methods, utilizing thematic and topographic maps and remote sensing images. The tourist assessment of cultural tourist motives was carried out using a specifically created methodological approach, which included the creation of a set of indicators that determine the tourist value of motives, such as accessibility, amenities, ancillary services, and attractions. In the process of tourism valorization, categories of quantitative indicators were created that primarily relate to the distance of tourist motives from the analyzed indicators. The final step of the analysis implied the ranking of motives based on their potential for tourist valorization. The results of the analysis are divided into three groups: low, medium, and high potential for tourist valorization. These groups are determined based on a weight coefficient, with thresholds defined using the natural breaks method. The analysis showed that most cultural tourist motives within the municipality of Foča exhibit a high potential for tourist valorization, while nearly a third of the analyzed motives fall to the lowest end of this scale. In the process of identifying, categorizing, and valorizing tourist motives, GIS has proven to be a highly efficient tool with significant potential for optimizing the tourist planning process. The achieved results can serve as a foundation for further complex analyses of tourist motives for the purposes of tourist valorization. These studies should involve the application of qualitative methods in the analysis of additional indicators. Key words: GIS, tourism planning, spatial analyses, tourist valorization, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Foča
... When the interest is in analysing spatial data, a relevant issue is the Modifiable Area Unit Problem (MAUP), which has been discussed in the spatial analysis literature since the 1930s (Unwin [45] ). The MAUP is a possible source of bias that can drastically affect the results of statistical analyses. ...
The small area estimation (SAE) theory is widely used when local or domain-specific reliable estimates based on survey data are needed. Small area model-based estimates use a model that links the response variable to some auxiliary information borrowing strength from the related areas. When geographical information on the areas of interest is available, the specification of a spatial area level model can increase the estimates’ efficiency, depending on available auxiliary data. In this article, we first review the most popular area level spatial models, and we then compare their performance under two alternative scenarios of auxiliary information availability to estimate the average equivalized household income in Italian Local Labour Market Areas (LLMAs) using the EU-SILC (European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions) survey data. Our findings suggest that the spatial information can “fill the gap” when the covariates do not have a high predictive power, a crucial result when there is lack of auxiliary data. AMS Subject Classification: 62D05, 62G05, 62H11
... , 复杂系统服从幂律, 或者局 部 尺 度 服 从 幂 律 (Buchanan, 2000;Barabasi et al, 2003; 陈彦光, 2008b), 局部幂律意味着存在一个标 度区(scaling range)。城市位序-规模分布的 Zipf 定律就是复杂性的一个标志 (Bak, 1996) (Philo et al, 1998)。 科学研究的基本范式是数学理论和受控实验 (Einstein, 1953;Waldrop, 1992;Bak, 1996;Henry, 2002)。数学描述是科学研究的开端, 但单纯的描 述是不够的。计量革命的结果之一是将地理学由 单纯描述性的学科变成了空间分布的科学。然而, 空间分布理论建模的基本问题却一直没有得到解 决。数学被称为研究 "数" 与 "形" 的学科。数、 形及 其关系可以用于地理学的数字与形态、 过程与格局 以及空间与地方的分析。科学研究的高等数学方 法包括所谓 "老三高" (微积分、 线性代数、 概率论与 统计学)和 "新三高" (拓扑、 泛函分析、 抽象代数)。 经验分析主要利用 "老三高" , 理论建设可能涉及 "新三高" 。无论运用何种数学工具, 关键在于找到 特征尺度, 或者与特征尺度有关的参数 (郝柏林, 1986;Takayasu, 1990;艾南山等, 1999 (Openshaw, 1983;Cressie, 1996;Unwin, 1996;Kwan, 2012) [J]. 地理科 学 进 展, 28 (2): 312-320. ...
Because of quantitative revolution, geography evolved from a discipline of spatial descriptions into a science of distributions. Accordingly, the qualitative methods were replaced by the integrated methods of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis. One of important approaches to spatial analysis is to characterize geographical distributions. Geographical distributions fall into spatial distributions and size distributions, both of which can be divided into simple distributions and complex distributions. A simple distribution has a characteristic scale (represented by a characteristic length), while a complex distribution has no characteristic scale but bears a property of scaling invariance (represented by a scaling exponent). The key step of studying a simple distribution is to find its characteristic scale, while the basic way of research a complex distribution is to make a scaling analysis. For the simple distributions, traditional methods based on higher/advanced mathematics are effective, but for the complex distributions, the old-fashioned mathematical tools are ineffective. However, due to lack of concepts of characteristic scale and scaling, geographers did not know how to distinguish between simple distributions and complex distributions. As a result, many complex systems such as cities as systems and systems of cities were mistaken for simple systems. Consequently, geography failed to succeed in theorization (1960s-1970s) after its quantification (1950s-1960s). In fact, geographical distributions can be mathematically abstracted as probability distributions. Facing a simple distribution, we can search its characteristic scale. A typical characteristic scale is a mean (average value). Based on means, we can compute a variance and a covariance. Thus we have a clear probability structure comprising means, variances and covariances, and then we can explain the pattern of the geographical system and predict its process of evolution. If we meet with a complex distribution, we cannot find an effective mean, and thus we know little about its probability structure. In this instance, the characteristic scale analysis should be substituted with scaling analysis. Today, the quantitative methods of scaling analysis have emerged from interdisciplinary study. A new integrated theory based on the ideas from fractals, allometry, and complex network has been developing for geographical modeling and analysis. [Chen YG. Simplicty, complexity, and mathematical modeling of geographical distributions. Progress in Geography, 2015, 34(3): 321-329]
... The spatial statistical analysis methodology was selected from the literature review. In the studied literature, crime hotspot analysis was done using the abduction method (Hiedanpää 2005), statistical modelling (Chakraborty and Chaudhuri 2015), spatial distribution (Wing andTynon 2006, Dede et al. 2017), content analysis (Derkyi andDietz 2014, Azizan et al. 2017), analytical discussions, key informant surveys (Ahmed et al. 2008), socioeconomic surveys (Jashimuddin andInoue 2012, Mukul et al. 2014) and spatial statistics (Unwin 1996, Getis 1999, Chen et al. 2005, Anselin et al. 2006, Wing and Tynon 2008, Gaetan and Guyon 2010, Gelfand et al. 2010, Kumar and Chandrasekar 2011, Gaile and Willmott 2013, Levine 2013, Dede et al. 2017, Pimpler 2017, Cressie and Moores 2021, Lisowska-Kierepka 2021. The most accepted and scientific way was applying spatial statistics to fulfill the research goal. ...
... The spatial statistical analysis methodology was selected from the literature review. In the studied literature, crime hotspot analysis was done using the abduction method (Hiedanpää 2005), statistical modelling (Chakraborty and Chaudhuri 2015), spatial distribution (Wing andTynon 2006, Dede et al. 2017), content analysis (Derkyi andDietz 2014, Azizan et al. 2017), analytical discussions, key informant surveys (Ahmed et al. 2008), socioeconomic surveys (Jashimuddin andInoue 2012, Mukul et al. 2014) and spatial statistics (Unwin 1996, Getis 1999, Chen et al. 2005, Anselin et al. 2006, Wing and Tynon 2008, Gaetan and Guyon 2010, Gelfand et al. 2010, Kumar and Chandrasekar 2011, Gaile and Willmott 2013, Levine 2013, Dede et al. 2017, Pimpler 2017, Cressie and Moores 2021, Lisowska-Kierepka 2021. The most accepted and scientific way was applying spatial statistics to fulfill the research goal. ...
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Both developed and developing countries carry a large burden of pediatric intussusception. Sentinel site surveillance-based studies have highlighted the difference in the regional incidence of intussusception. The objectives of this manuscript were to geospatially map the locations of hospital-confirmed childhood intussusception cases reported from sentinel hospitals, identify clustering and dispersion, and reveal the potential causes of the underlying pattern. Geospatial analysis revealed positive clustering patterns, i.e., a Moran’s I of 0.071 at a statistically significant ( p value < 0.0010) Z score of 16.14 for the intussusception cases across India (cases mapped n = 2221), with 14 hotspots in two states (Kerala = 6 and Tamil Nadu = 8) at the 95% CI. Granular analysis indicated that 67% of the reported cases resided < 50 km from the sentinel hospitals, and the average travel distance to the sentinel hospital from the patient residence was calculated as 47 km (CI 95% min 1 km–max 378 km). Easy access and facility referral preferences were identified as the main causes of the existing clustering pattern of the disease. We recommend designing community-based surveillance studies to improve the understanding of the prevalence and regional epidemiological burden of the disease.
The quantitative description of biological structures is a valuable yet difficult task in the life sciences. This is commonly accomplished by imaging samples using fluorescence microscopy and analyzing resulting images using Pearson's correlation or Manders’ co-occurrence intensity-based colocalization paradigms. Though conceptually and computationally simple, these approaches are critically flawed due to their reliance on signal overlap, sensitivity to cursory signal qualities, and inability to differentiate true and incidental colocalization. Point pattern analysis provides a framework for quantitative characterization of spatial relationships between spatial patterns using the distances between observations rather than their overlap, thus overcoming these issues. Here we introduce an image analysis tool called Spatial Pattern Analysis using Closest Events (SPACE) that leverages nearest neighbor-based point pattern analysis to characterize the spatial relationship of fluorescence microscopy signals from image data. The utility of SPACE is demonstrated by assessing the spatial association between mRNA and cell nuclei from confocal images of cardiac myocytes. Additionally, we use synthetic and empirical images to characterize the sensitivity of SPACE to image segmentation parameters and cursory image qualities such as signal abundance and image resolution. Ultimately, SPACE delivers performance superior to traditional colocalization methods and offers a valuable addition to the microscopist's toolbox.
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Since the mid-1970s, the Polish Archaeological Record has been a national program in Poland with the primary objective of cataloguing archaeological sites, providing detailed descriptions and exact geographical locations. It is in operation to this day. So far, approximately 90% of the area of Poland has been prospected and almost 470,000 archaeological sites catalogued. Currently, work is underway to digitise the entire database. This paper presents our attempts to use the digitised data from this database to study the intensity of settlement processes in the past as well as how to visualise these data on a map. For the purpose of this research, archaeological data from an area in the northeast of Poland were digitised in a GIS environment. Examples of similar spatial analyses were taken from Scottish and Czech research and adapted to this case. The results, a series of maps showing the intensity of traces of human habitation in different time periods, demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses of such visualisations.
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If glacial till contains more than a certain minimum boulder content, it is dilatant and requires a much larger stress to initiate shear deformation than to sustain it. If the stress level at the glacier–terrain interface drops below a certain critical level, or the till reaches its critical boulder-content density, then the till beneath the glacier packs into stable obstructions. These are shaped into streamlined forms by the glacier and are found distributed at random in drumlin fields. Due to drumlin coalescence there is a normal distribution of drumlin axes about the direction of ice movement.
In much the same way as a spreadsheet is more appropriate to some needs than a fully relational DBMS, many users interested in analysis of spatially referenced data have fairly unsophisticated requirements for extensive data storage or complex retrieval functions, and limited needs for topographic detail, cartographic accuracy or advanced map editing; however, they do require access to a wide range of statistical functions for data transformation, reduction and smoothing, multivariate analysis, and the modelling of spatial relationships. This paper argues that the needs of such users are poorly met by the ‘mainstream’ model for GIS that is often presented in the literature. A PC-based system, equivalent in GIS terms to the spreadsheet, is described. It integrates simple data structures, limited map creation and editing, a powerful range of standard and spatially orientated statistical functions, and the ability to interactively present results through chloropleth, contour, proportionate symbol, or proximally shaded maps. It is par-ticularly designed to be easily accessible and to encourage visual interactive analysis. For some users such a system has acted as an adequate solution in its own right and for others it has provided a useful educational transition to more extensive and powerful systems.
Regarding geographic data. - In: Computational statistics / Peter Dirsche ... (Hrsg.). - Heidelberg : Physica-Verl., 1994. - S. 315-326. - (Contributions to statistics)
By using geographic information systems to take over the data management role for hydrologic models, spatial phenomena can be handled in a significantly improved fashion. Recent applications of such technology have demonstrated the power, efficiency, and value of this approach. The concept of a geo-based modeling system, combining a geographic information system with directly interfaced hydrologic models, provides the modeler with a more consistent and powerful system than is provided by the traditional model centered approach. Successful application of this methodology requires a geographic information system which can provide the required information in a format which will not limit the effectiveness of the models. This paper discusses the general nature of geographic information systems, their role in the field of hydrology, and presents an example of the use of one specific technology, the ADAPT (Areal Design and Planning Tool) system, in a study of the Kentucky River Basin.
Introduced in this paper is a family of statistics, G, that can be used as a measure of spatial association in a number of circumstances. The basic statistic is derived, its properties are identified, and its advantages explained. Several of the G statistics make it possible to evaluate the spatial association of a variable within a specified distance of a single point. A comparison is made between a general G statistic andMoran’s I for similar hypothetical and empirical conditions. The empiricalwork includes studies of sudden infant death syndrome by county in North Carolina and dwelling unit prices in metropolitan San Diego by zip-code districts. Results indicate that G statistics should be used in conjunction with I in order to identify characteristics of patterns not revealed by the I statistic alone and, specifically, the Gi and G∗ i statistics enable us to detect local “pockets” of dependence that may not show up when using global statistics.
A spatial data set is one in which each observation is referenced to a site or area. This book describes current methods available for the analysis of spatial data in the social and environmental sciences, including data description, map interpolation, exploratory and explanatory analyses. The book also examines how spatial referencing raises a distinctive set of issues for the data analyst, recognising the need to test underlying statistical assumptions, and discusses methods for detecting problems, assessing their seriousness, and taking appropriate action. There are four major parts to the publication: an introduction to issues in the analysis of spatially referenced data; parametric models for spatial variation; spatial data collection and preliminary analysis; and modelling spatial data. -after Author
This paper is an introduction to novel ways of rendering spatial-temporal systems to gain insight into and a holistic view of the more complex aspects of their distributions. Colour images can depict multivariate distributions for more than 100000 spatial units from a census. The changes between two or three censuses can also be displayed at this resolution. Other techniques can be employed to explore flows of people, for example, to work or to new homes or from other countries. Three-dimensional and animated displays can be used to portray the integrated geography of space and time. Examples including the distributions of employment, voting, and movement are given and can be combined. All illustrations are of national distributions using the finest resolutions of spatially and temporally defined data that are currently available.