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Generalized Static-State Estimation



State Estimation is the foundation of any management of electric power networks and thus forms a vital part of any Smart Grid reflecting the operational limitations of the primary infrastructure. Traditional Static-State Estimation algorithms are not suitable for under-determined networks, even is the under-determination is only partly. This is addressed by pre-analysis of the networks topology and measurement distribution. In this paper the authors present the approach and key features of a novel Static-State Estimation technique which is inherently able to cope with mixed levels of determination the supervised network.
Generalized Static-State Estimation
Approach and key features
Olav Krause
School of Information Technology
The University of Queensland
Brisbane, Australia
Sebastian Lehnhoff
Institute for Information Technology (OFFIS)
University of Oldenburg
Oldenburg, Germany
Abstract—State Estimation is the foundation of any management
of electric power networks and thus forms a vital part of any
Smart Grid reflecting the operational limitations of the primary
infrastructure. Traditional Static-State Estimation algorithms
are not suitable for under-determined networks, even is the
under-determination is only partly. This is addressed by pre-
analysis of the networks topology and measurement distribution.
In this paper the authors present the approach and key features
of a novel Static-State Estimation technique which is inherently
able to cope with mixed levels of determination the supervised
Static-State Estimation, Newton-Raphson, Obersavability
A vital component of future Smart Grids are the actively
interacting distribution networks, which are enabled by
Information and Communication Technology to actively
supervise and monitor the operational state of their primary
energy delivery infrastructure. Main aim is to enable the
distribution networks to actively manage their existing transfer
capabilities. On transmission system level, this has been done
for decades now, technologically based on Static-State
Estimation developed in the late 1960s and published early
1970s [1-8]. This technique is used in control centers to
interpret a vast amount of measurement data from the network,
to identify false and erroneous measurement data and to
estimate the actual, not directly observable internal state of the
transmission system. Based on this estimated internal state a
couple of high-level functions are performed, like e.g. short
circuit calculations, reliability analysis and - among the most
important – contingency analysis and mitigation. Although the
extent to which contingency analysis is performed in real-time
by computer based analysis varies, it still is the primary
function of the network operation personnel to prevent network
overstrains, which effectively is personnel-based contingency
analysis and mitigation.
Extending these high-level functionalities into lower
voltage level networks is obviously challenged by the vast
number of networks existing in those network layers. This sets
the frame for Autonomous Grid Supervision and Management
schemes, since the personnel-intensity of existing techniques
limits their usability to rather low numbers of networks.
Despite challenges of available communication channels,
economic considerations and mathematical issues related to the
determination of the actual transfer capabilities, the availability
and distribution of measurement devices is one of the most
crucial ones for Autonomous Grid Supervision and
Management. In current transmission systems measurement
devices were and are purposefully installed with respect to the
Static-State Estimation’s need, which – in its current form –
requires the network to be fully observable. There exist a
number of pre-analysis techniques, estimating the observable
part of a network, in case it is not fully observable [10, 11],
[13-15]. Traditional State Estimation is then deployed on a part
of the network model, for which complete determination can be
assumed [11]. This not only requires additional functionality to
be implemented, it also removes useful information about not
fully observable system state variables and - due to its
importance to assure full observability of the identified sub-
network - tends to be more conservative than actually
In this paper the authors demonstrate the general approach
and key figures of a generalized Newton-Raphson Power Flow
Analysis and show that it integrates the fields of over-
determined) Static-State Estimation with exactly-determined
Power Flow Analysis and extends it into the field of under-
determined cases. Simulation results presented in this paper
demonstrate the novel approach’s ability to solve over-, under-
and exactly determined cases, as well as mixtures of them. It
does not require network model simplifications, like in [14].
Instead the novel Static-State Estimation technique naturally
accepts under-determined regions within the monitored
network and thus makes pre-analysis for exclusion of
unobservable state variables obsolete. Furthermore, it also
assures that all observable system state variables are identified
and their state estimated, since it removes the need for a
conservative limitation to sub-networks identified by a pre-
analysis. Furthermore it will be demonstrated, that the
presented technique is capable of solving multiple observable
network regions at the same time on a single complete network
model and identifying and establishing observability for
regions only lacking phase reference.
In the following three sections the authors will elaborate the
essence and key differences between traditional Static-State
Estimation, Newton-Raphson Power Flow Analysis and the
novel Generalized Newton-Raphson technique.
Since the introduction of Static-State Estimation into Power
System Analysis, it was perceived as being closely related to
Power Flow Analysis, which is solving for the internal state of
an electric power network in an exactly determined case.
Although the principle problem is the same – deriving the
(most probable) internal state from a set of measurements,
indirectly observing the internal state – two different
mathematical approaches and solving strategies are used in
Static-State Estimation and Power Flow Analysis.
In both cases the internal state of the power system has to
be determined from input data, whch can be represented is a set
of real or pseudo measurements 󰇝󰇞, or collated
into the input vector , like in (1)
Assumptions underlying both, Static-State Estimation and
Power Flow Analysis are mono-frequent operation at nominal
frequency and all transients ceased. Under these assumptions
the internal state of a power system can be uniquely described
by the vector of its nodes’ complex valued voltages (see (2)).
󰇠󰇛󰇜 (2)
Key to all analysis techniques is the known functional
relationship between the internal state vector and the
theoretical values 󰇛󰇜, corresponding to the available input
data . Since for many of the used input parameters and their
corresponding functional relationship with to the internal state
vector there exists no analytic inverse function, all of the
Static-State Estimation and Power Flow Analysis techniques
are iterative techniques, trying to readjust the assumed internal
state to match the input data with the corresponding
theoretical values 󰇛󰇜.
󰇛󰇜 (3)
As such, Static-State Estimation (SSE), Newton-Raphson
Power Flow Analysis (NR) and Generalized Newton-Raphson
(G-NR) share common concepts and mathematical constructs.
Although many of them are directly corresponding, different
nomenclatures evolved for SSE and NR. Since the authors see
the G-NR mathematically closer to NR rather than to SSE, the
nomenclature for G-NR is derived from NR (see Table I for
key correspondences).
state vector
input vector
theoretical values 󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜
jacobian of theoretical values 󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜
Standard variance n/a
mean square error
󰇛󰇜 n/a n/a
Traditional Static-State Estimation bases on the direct
minimization of an objective function with a gradient
approach. Key to traditional Static-State Estimation is the
explicit formulation of the estimation error, as being the error
between theoretical values 󰇛󰇜 and their corresponding input
date for an assumed internal state (see (4)),
The individual deviation, or error, 󰇛󰇜 of the theoretical
value 󰇛󰇜 from its corresponding input date can be
calculated as in (5).
󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜 (5)
Instead of minimizing the absolute errors, error is usually
minimized relative to their standard deviation .
Based on the error, relative to the assumed standard
deviation of the date’s error, the objective function 󰇛󰇜 is
defined as (7).
 (7)
With being a diagonal matrix containing the assumed
standard deviations of the data sources in its main diagonal
(see (8)) (7) can be restated as (9).
 (9)
To find the minimum of 󰇛󰇜, a tangential approach is used,
whit the optimality criterion of the gradient 󰇛󰇜 of 󰇛󰇜 being
to be equal to in the minimum. From (9) 󰇛󰇜 can be derived
as in (10).
 (10)
With the partial derivatives of the theoretical values 󰇛󰇜
assembled into the matrix 󰇛󰇜, like stated in (11), (10) can be
restated as (12), or more compact as (13).
󰇛󰇜 (13)
The iterative cycle of the traditional Static-State Estimation
then tries to find the system state vector for which 󰇛󰇜
(see (14)) holds. Again, in traditional Static-State Estimation
a gradient approach is deployed to asymptotically approach .
󰇛󰇜 (14)
To create an iterative Newton cycle – Gauss-Newton in this
case – the partial derivatives of 󰇛󰇜 are needed, which can be
calculated with 󰇛󰇜. This results in first and second-order
terms, where the second order terms are omitted to allow the
formulation of a shortened Taylor-Series (see (15)), where
indicates the iteration number:
󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜 (15)
Omitting the residual 󰇛󰇜 of the Taylor series (16) can be
derived from (14) and (15).
The reduced order 󰇛󰇜 used in (16) can be derived from
(13) as (17).
󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜 (17)
The key issue of the traditional Static-State Estimation
iterative cycle as in (16) is the possible non-existence of
󰇛󰇜. 󰇛󰇜 exists only if 󰇛󰇜 is full-ranked, non-
singular, which is only true if 󰇛󰇜 has a rank of , being
the number of complex state variables of the network model.
This is only the case if the system is at least exactly
determined, leaving traditional Static-State Estimation to fail in
case of the system being even only partially unobservable due
to a lack of input data for certain parts of the system.
To ensure 󰇛󰇜 is of rank  usually a pre-processing of
the system and its data coverage is deployed and system state
variables assumed to be undeterminable due to assumed
insufficiency of data coverage are removed from the model
[11]. Another approach is to – in case of a partially
unobservable system – to deploy system model reduction to the
point that the reduced system model becomes fully observable
[14]. The first approach comes at the risk of being to
conservative, removing state variables which were observable
and to lose information about unobservable state variables
which still have some kind of functional relationship to the
input data. The second approach distorts the power system
model and makes it hard to interpret results with respect to the
original, non-reduced network model.
Traditional Power Flow Analysis is exclusively for exactly
determined cases and thus does not consider any possible
errors in the input data, since there is no redundancy in the
input data that could allow detection of errors.
Since the underlying assumption of the traditional Power
Flow Analysis is that the mismatch between input data and
corresponding theoretical values, derived from the assumed
system state, can be asymptotically reduced to zero, the
gradient approach is deployed directly to the equation,
corresponding to (5) of the traditional Static-State Estimation.
Unlike in Static-State Estimation the allowed input data is
rather restricted to assure exact determination of all state
variables. Aside from one “reference bus” always required to
be represented by a fixed voltage magnitude and argument,
input data has to be provided for all other nodes, corresponding
to the state variables, providing either active power and voltage
magnitude – so model generators with voltage regulators – or
active and reactive power. This scheme ensures exact
determination of all state variables, but not solvability. The
following equations refer to a case in which all nodes except
the reference node are represented by active and reactive
power. With the internal state vector being denominated as ,
the input data as and the theoretical values as 󰇛󰇜
󰇛󰇜 (18)
To find with the Newton-Raphson technique again a
gradient approach is used for which the first the Jacobian
matrix 󰇛󰇜 of 󰇛󰇜 is needed (see (19) and (20)).
󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜 (19)
Assuming, that (18) can be solved, the iterative cycle is
defined as in (21).
 󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜
󰇜 (21)
The main issue with (21) is the existence of: 󰇛󰇜, which
may only exists when the system is exactly determined and
thus requires rigid limitations to the allowable input data.
Furthermore it is not able to detect or compensate for any
errors due to the lack of redundancy in the input data and
requires all state variables to be exactly determined by the
input data. As will be shown in the following section all these
limitations can be overcome by a modification of (21).
Since the Generalized Static-State Estimation does not pose
any limitations or restrictions to what kind of data is used as
input data and how they are distributed across the power
system model, the authors chose a more general nomenclature
and refer to input data as measurements and corresponding
theoretical values 󰇛󰇜 (see ). Since the Generalized Static-
State Estimation technique is closer to the Newton-Raphson
technique than to the traditional Static-State Estimation, the
authors adopted the Newton-Raphson nomenclature where
possible and thus refer to the internal state vector as .
󰇛󰇜 (23)
Like the traditional Static-State Estimation, the Generalized
State Estimation aims at minimizing the input data side
estimation error 󰇛󰇜 (22) to it Least Mean Square Error.
󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜 (24)
Unlike the traditional Static-State Estimation, the
Generalized Static-State Estimation does not require explicit
statement of an objective function, but converges into the Least
Mean Square Error solution naturally. This is done with a
gradient approach, requiring the Jacobian matrix 󰇛󰇜
󰇛󰇜 as in (25).
Although it is not assumed that the measurement side
estimation error 󰇛󰇜 can be eliminated, the Generalize Static-
State Estimation still uses the principle formulation of the
Newton-Raphson technique to define its iterative cycle.
The key difference between the Newton-Raphson technique
and the Generalized Static-State Estimation is the replacement
of the inverse 󰇛󰇜 with the pseudo-inverse 󰇛󰇜 of the
Jacobian matrix and the convergence criterion being the non-
improvability of the result, thus . The pseudo-inverse
can be stated for any matrix, independent of its rank, rank
deficiencies and its dimensions and always exists. This
removes all limitations to the input data and to the
observability of state variables. Analyzing the pseudo-inverse
󰇛󰇜 in the convergence point reveals why (26) converges into
the Least Mean Square Error solutions
Based on the Singular Value Decomposition of 󰇛󰇜 the
pseudo-inverse 󰇛󰇜 can be stated as in (27), where 󰇛󰇜 is the
rank of matrix 󰇛󰇜 (see [15]).
The Singular Value Decomposition identifies left and right
range and null-space of 󰇛󰇜 and consequently also of 󰇛󰇜.
Left and right range are spanned by the first 󰇛󰇜 left and right
singular vectors –  and  respectively - , which are
functionally related by the corresponding singular values .
These ranged identify the parts of measurement and state space
that are functionally linked by the input data. Thus they
identify the observable state variables, since a state variable
that is completely determined by the right range and does not
have a right null-space component is through 󰇛󰇜 fully
determined by the input data.
With 󰇛󰇜 having only non-zero components in the left
null-space in the point of convergence, it is perpendicular to the
left range of 󰇛󰇜 in the point of convergence and thus the
minimum distance between and the left range of 󰇛󰇜,
assuming the left range of 󰇛󰇜 is convex in the vicinity of
(see [15]).
Since Euclidean norm and Mean Square Error share the
same definition, 󰇛󰇜 in the point of convergence is the lowest
possible Mean Square Error.
The overage of state variables by the input data can then be
calculated as the angle between the state variables’ state space
vector an the right range of 󰇛󰇜. An angle of  means full
coverage, while higher values indicate insufficient coverage.
The variables and 󰆒 respectively indicate the angle of state
variable ’s magnitude and phase angle.
To demonstrate the validity of the presented approach a
series of experiments were performed on a five nodes, four
wires network. Table II shows the input data corresponding to
the internal state, the Estimator was supposed to determined.
    
    
    
The first test case is a replication of a typical Newton-
Raphson setup, in which node one represents the reference
node and all others are represented by active and reactive
power balances. As can be seen in Table III, the Generalized
Static-State Estimator correctly determines the internal state
and correctly indicates that all state variables are fully covered
by the input data.
1 
   X X - - -
- - X X -
- - X X -
- - X X -
- - X X -
2 
  
3 
  
4 
  
5 
  
In the second case all possible input data from Table II are
provided into the Generalized Static State Estimator to create
an over-determined case. Again all state variables are
determined correctly and identified as being fully covered by
the input data.
1 
   XXXXX
2 
  
3 
  
4 
  
5 
  
In third test case full information is provided only for the
first three nodes with no information about the last two ones.
The state variables corresponding to the first four nodes are
determined correctly and identified as being fully covered by
the input data. The state variable of node 5 could not be
determined but was correctly indentified to not being covered
by the input data.
1 
   X X X X X
- - - - -
- - - - -
2 
  
3 
  
4 
  
5 
  
For the fourth test case a situation with two separate regions
is created in which the second zone lacks a reference angle.
The first zone is solved correctly, while for the second zone,
consisting of node 4 and 5, voltage magnitudes and phase angle
difference where correctly determined. The Generalized Static-
State Estimator correctly identifies insufficient model coverage
of the voltage phase angles at node 4 and 5.
1 
   X X X X X
- - - - -
- - - - -
X - X X X
2 
  
3 
  
4 
  
5 
  
To demonstrate the algorithm’s ability to solve
unconnected observable regions on a single network model
simultaneously, a pseudo-measurement (P) is added to node 4
to provide a reference phase angle. With this additional input
data, the algorithm correctly identifies all state variables as
being fully covered by the modified input data. Due to page
limitation the process of identifying such unconnected yet
observable regions cannot be discussed here.
1 
   X X X X X
- - - - -
- P - - -
X - X X X
2 
  
3 
  
4 
  
5 
  
In this paper the principle technique of the novel
Generalized Static-State Estimation is demonstrated and
compared to the two main related techniques, the traditional
Static-State Estimation and the Newton-Raphson Power Flow
analysis. The validity of the novel approach was demonstrated
through a series of examples, covering all mayor deployment
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Distribution Grids”, Transactions of the IEEE PES General Meeting
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[15] Adi Ben-Israel, Thomas N.E. Greville, “Generalized Inverses – Theory
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Olav Krause (M’05) is lecturer at The University of Queensland, Australia.
He received his doctorate and diploma degree in Electrical Engineering at the
TU Dortmund University, Germany, in 2009 and 2005 respectively.
Sebastian Lehnhoff (M’05) is an Assistant Professor of Energy Information
Systems at the University of Oldenburg and a Director of the Energy R&D
Division of the OFFIS – Institute for Information Technology, Germany. He
received his Ph.D. and diploma degree in Computer Science at the TU
Dortmund University, Germany, in 2009 and 2005, respectively.
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Despite the world’s relentless efforts to achieve the United Nations’ sustainable energy target by 2030, the current pace of progress is insufficient to reach the objective. Continuous support and development across various domains of the energy sector are required to achieve sustainability targets. This article focuses on the potential of dynamic operating limits to drive the world’s sustainability efforts, specifically in addressing critical challenges of distribution networks of the power system by progressively setting the nodal limits on the active and reactive power injection into the distribution network based on data-driven computer simulation. While the importance of dynamic operating limits has recently been recognized, its crucial role in the residential energy sustainability sector, which requires a significant push to provide universal energy access by 2030, has not been adequately investigated. This perspective explains the fundamental concepts and benefits of dynamic operating limits in encouraging the adoption of distributed renewable energy resources in the residential sector to support the United Nation’s sustainable energy objective. Additionally, we discuss the limitations of computing this limit and applying it to the electricity network and some motivational models that can encourage electricity customers to come forward to address the challenges. Finally, we explore new research and implementation prospects for designing comprehensive, dependable, accountable, and complementary dynamic operating limit programs to accelerate the attainment of sustainable energy targets.
A Dynamic Operating Envelope (DOE) specifies the available capacity to import/export power for Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) or connection points of a distribution network in a time interval without violating its physical and operational constraints. This paper proposes a two-stage, top-down approach to allocate DOEs in MV-LV (medium voltage-low voltage) integrated distribution networks. In the first stage, Distribution System State Estimation (DSSE) and Capacity Constrained State Optimisation (CCSO) techniques are employed to allocate DOEs at transformer connection points. Using network data from available metering infrastructure, DSSE estimates the current operational state of the network, whereas CCSO facilitates the DOE allocations at transformer connection points considering technical, soft-equitable and equitable perspectives. In the second stage, the allocated DOEs, containing available aggregate export/import power, are distributed among DERs of LV networks ensuring network integrity. Real-world data of an Australian MV-LV network is employed to demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed approach. Test results show that technical perspective can offer maximum allocated export/import power, whereas, minimum disparity of allocated power among different connection-points is attained for equitable perspective. Further, insightful performance studies of DOE and existing fixed export policies are conducted considering the condition of present as well as future power systems expecting substantial proliferations of renewables.
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Reliable real time system "visibility" depends on a reliable and accurate state estimator. Present experience with state estimators indicates that its reliability is below expectations (an average of 5% non-convergent cases). The causes of this poor performance have been identified in earlier work by the authors and alternative robust state estimators have been proposed. For any state estimator, it is important to develop techniques for monitoring the performance of the state estimator and identification of potential problems such as bad sensors, consistent errors, modeling errors, etc. The paper presents visualization and animation methods that assist this process. It is demonstrated that bad data many times can be detected via visualization methods. The methodologies are demonstrated with a hybrid three-phase state estimator which addresses the issue of systematic errors from modeling and imbalance errors. This estimator is enhanced by visualization and animation methods that provide valuable information to users and system operators "at a glance". The procedure and the visualization techniques are demonstrated on TVA's 500 kV transmission system.
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Up-to-date nodal load information is required to accurately represent customers in electric power distribution systems. In addition, many operating, control and planning studies in power distribution systems directly depend on nodal load information. Thus, considering the load driven nature of power systems and the interdependence of loads and system states (voltage magnitudes and phase angles), this thesis defines and studies nodal load estimation in power distribution systems with limited synchronized measurements. This thesis presents a constrained, nonlinear optimization problem formulation that (i) treats loads as varying parameters, (ii) incorporates real-time measurements and (iii) includes practical guidelines issued by operating and loading constraints. Locally convergent algorithms are designed for power distribution networks of different structure. For radial networks, sensitivity-based network decomposition methods are presented. For general structure networks, two weighted least squares (WLS) approaches are designed. Extensive simulation results on a 20-bus unbalanced, radial test system and an actual 394-bus unbalanced distribution network with radial or meshed structures are obtained. Finally, the meter placement problem in power distribution systems is investigated for enhanced load estimation. A heuristic incremental method is presented with promising results.
Worldwide concern about the environmental problems and a possible energy crisis has led to increasing interest in clean and renewable energy generation. Among various renewable energy sources, wind power is the most rapidly growing one. Therefore, how to provide efficient, reliable, and high-performance wind power generation and distribution has become an important and practical issue in the power industry. In addition, because of the new constraints placed by the environmental and economical factors, the trend of power system planning and operation is toward maximum utilization of the existing infrastructure with tight system operating and stability margins. This trend, together with the increased penetration of renewable energy sources, will bring new challenges to power system operation, control, stability and reliability which require innovative solutions. Flexible ac transmission system (FACTS) devices, through their fast, flexible, and effective control capability, provide one possible solution to these challenges. To fully utilize the capability of individual power system components, e.g., wind turbine generators (WTGs) and FACTS devices, their control systems must be suitably designed with high reliability. Moreover, in order to optimize local as well as system-wide performance and stability of the power system, real-time local and wide-area coordinated control is becoming an important issue. Power systems containing conventional synchronous generators, WTGs, and FACTS devices are large-scale, nonlinear, nonstationary, stochastic and complex systems distributed over large geographic areas. Traditional mathematical tools and system control techniques have limitations to control such complex systems to achieve an optimal performance. Intelligent and bio-inspired techniques, such as swarm intelligence, neural networks, and adaptive critic designs, are emerging as promising alternative technologies for power system control and performance optimization. This work focuses on the development of advanced optimization and intelligent control algorithms to improve the stability, reliability and dynamic performance of WTGs, FACTS devices, and the associated power networks. The proposed optimization and control algorithms are validated by simulation studies in PSCAD/EMTDC, experimental studies, or real-time implementations using Real Time Digital Simulation (RTDS) and TMS320C6701 Digital Signal Processor (DSP) Platform. Results show that they significantly improve electrical energy security, reliability and sustainability. Ph.D. Committee Chair: Ronald G. Harley; Committee Member: David G. Taylor; Committee Member: Deepakraj M. Divan; Committee Member: Ganesh Kumar Venayagamoorthy; Committee Member: Thomas G. Habetler
Orientadora : Elizete Maria Lourenço Inclui bibliografia e anexos Área de concentraçăo: Sistemas de energia
This thesis will investigate the impact of the use of the Phasor Measurement Units (PMU) on the state estimation problem. First, incorporation of the PMU measurements in a conventional state estimation program will be discussed. Then, the effect of adding PMU measurements on the state estimation solution accuracy will be studied. Bad data processing in the presence of PMU measurements will also be presented. Finally, a multiarea state estimation method will be developed. This method involves a two level estimation scheme, where the first level estimation is carried out by each area independently. The second level estimation is required in order to coordinate the solutions obtained by each area and also to detect and identify errors in the boundary measurements. The first objective of this thesis is to formulate the full weighted least square state estimation method using PMUs. The second objective is to derive the linear formulation of the state estimation problem when using only PMUs. The final objective is to formulate a two level multi-area state estimation scheme and illlustrate its performance via simulation examples.
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The topological observability of a Power System State Estimation (PSSE) problem is considered. The PSSE observability is decoupled into two separate problems using the well-known P-¿/Q-V decouple characteristic of power systems. Using a linear decoupled model for the measurements, the proposed method tries to find an observable spanning tree of the P-¿measurement graph (and subsequently for the Q-V measurement graph) using an algorithm for the search of matroid intersections. The method is first applied to six well- known examples of the technical literature, and then is used to study six different cases of a realistic system comprising 121 buses.
A computer program that calculates the steady-state voltages, phase angles, and shaft phases from measured power flows has been written. The weighted difference between measured power flows and computed power flows was a scalar error that was minimized using a modified Newton's method and a second-order method. The admittance matrix was revised following a system change, and the changes in shaft phases were calculated for control purposes. In the event that the power flows were not balanced or the system was unstable, optimum spinning reserve allocation and load shedding was calculated. New algorithms for fast ac load flows were developed.
Preface INTRODUCTION Operating States of a Power System Power System Security Analysis State Estimation Summary WEIGHTED LEAST SQUARES STATE ESTIMATION Introduction Component Modeling and Assumptions Building the Network Model Maximum Likelihood Estimation Measurement Model and Assumptions WLS State Estimation Algorithm Decoupled Formulation of the WLS State Estimation DC State Estimation Model Problems References ALTERNATIVE FORMULATIONS OF THE WLS STATE ESTIMATION Weaknesses of the Normal Equations Formulation Orthogonal Factorization Hybrid Method Method of Peters and Wilkinson Equality-Constrained WLS State Estimation Augmented Matrix Approach Blocked Formulation Comparison of Techniques Problems References NETWORK OBSERVABILITY ANALYSIS Networks and Graphs NetworkMatrices LoopEquations Methods of Observability Analysis Numerical Method Based on the Branch Variable Formulation Numerical Method Based on the Nodal Variable Formulation Topological Observability Analysis Method Determination of Critical Measurements Measurement Design Summary Problems References BAD DATA DETECTION AND IDENTIFICATION Properties of Measurement Residuals Classification of Measurements Bad Data Detection and IdentiRability Bad Data Detection Properties of Normalized Residuals Bad Data Identification Largest Normalized Residual Test Hypothesis Testing Identification (HTI) Summary Problems References ROBUST STATE ESTIMATION Introduction Robustness and Breakdown Points Outliers and Leverage Points M-Estimators Least Absolute Value (LAV) Estimation Discussion Problems References NETWORK PARAMETER ESTIMATION Introduction Influence of Parameter Errors on State Estimation Results Identification of Suspicious Parameters Classification of Parameter Estimation Methods Parameter Estimation Based on Residua! Sensitivity Analysis Parameter Estimation Based on State Vector Augmentation Parameter Estimation Based on Historical Series of Data Transformer Tap Estimation Observability of Network Parameters Discussion Problems References TOPOLOGY ERROR PROCESSING Introduction Types of Topology Errors Detection of Topology Errors Classification of Methods for Topology Error Analysis Preliminary Topology Validation Branch Status Errors Substation Configuration Errors Substation Graph and Reduced Model Implicit Substation Model: State and Status Estimation Observability Analysis Revisited Problems References STATE ESTIMATION USING AMPERE MEASUREMENTS Introduction Modeling of Ampere Measurements Difficulties in Using Ampere Measurements Inequality-Constrained State Estimation Heuristic Determination of F-# Solution Uniqueness Algorithmic Determination of Solution Uniqueness Identification of Nonuniquely Observable Branches Measurement Classification and Bad Data Identification Problems References Appendix A Review of Basic Statistics Appendix B Review of Sparse Linear Equation Solution References Index
Conference Paper
Against the background of the increasing amount of DG sources and the intention of local utilities to offer system services like voltage control and demand management at the distribution level which is not entirely observed, knowledge of the grid state becomes more and more important. In this paper an entirely new approach on grid state identification is introduced. This new method uses already measured nodal and terminal values as input variables and extensively exploits typical properties of distribution grid topology. In doing so, it is able to more accurately estimate the grid state even without installation of new measurement facilities which is a further advantage. To estimate nodal voltages, the grid is reduced to the observed central busbars and a minimum of auxiliary nodes on remaining tie-lines. Thereby the equation system size is reduced as well and the resulting equation system gets solvable. After the reduced grid state is calculated a recursive algorithm is applied to back-reference to the original grid by re-adding a small number of nodes in each recursion step until the original grid is reconstructed again. The obtained results are more accurate than the ones obtained by previous methods. Furthermore, the grid reduction approach does not need a linearized model and thus approximation errors are independent of the deviation from an arbitrary chosen operation point.
A complete theory of network observability is presented. Starting from a fundamental notion of the observability of a network, a number of basic facts relating to network observability, unobservable states, unobservable branches, observable islands, relevancy of measurements, etc. are derived. Simple and efficient algorithms can be developed based on these basic facts to (i) test network observability, (ii) identify observable islands and (iii) place measurements for observability. A brief discussion of the paper is appended.
A power system is observable if the measurements made on it allow determination of bus voltage magnitude and angle at every bus of the network. This paper outlines the theoretical basis for an algorithm for determining observability. Based on this theory, an algorithm for networks containing both bus injection and line flow measurements is presented.
This paper presents a new steady-state estimator based on the Cartesian coordinate formulation of nodal and line flow equations and minimization of weighted least squares (WLS) of the residuals. The fact that the rectangular coordinate version of network Performance equations is completely expressible in a Taylor series and contains terms up to the second order derivatives only, results in a fast exact second order state (FESOS) estimator. In this estimator, the Jacobian and information matrices are constant, and hence need to be computed once only. The size of the mathematical model for the new estimator is the same as that of the widely used fast decoupled state (FDS) estimator, and hence characterized by comparable computational requirements (storage and time per iteration). Digital simulation results are presented on several sample power systems (well-conditioned/ill-conditioned) under normal as well as unusual operating modes to illustrate the range of application of the method vis-a-vis the FDS estimator. It is found that the exactness of the FESOS algorithm provides an accurate solution during all modes of system operation, and assures convergence to the right solution in spite of network ill-conditioning. In particular, the convergence behaviour and accuracy of solution of the FESOS estimator approach those of the FDS estimator for lightly loaded and well- conditioned power systems during normal modes of operation, but are vastly superior during unusual modes of system operation or in relation to ill-conditioned networks.
Measurement system failures may make it impossible for the power system state estimator to estimate bus voltage angles and magnitudes at all buses in the power system. When confronted with such a measurement deficiency, the state estimator can estimate bus voltages over only a portion of the entire network. This paper presents an algorithm that determines the largest region where bus voltages may be estimated-the maximum observable subnetwork. The theoretical basis of the algorithm is developed, and the underlying concepts are illustrated on an example network.
State estimation is a digital processing scheme which provides a real-time data base for many of the central control and dispatch functions in a power system. The estimator processes the imperfect information available and produces the best possible estimate of the true state of the system. The basic theory and computational requirements of static state estimation are presented, and their impact on the evolution of the data-acquisition, data- processing, and control subsystems are discussed. The feasibility of this technique is demonstrated on network examples.