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A second extinct big cat from the Late Quaternary of Sri Lanka


Abstract and Figures

A second extinct big cat, tentatively considered to be a tiger (Panthera tigris), is recorded from Sri Lanka for the first time from a fossil left lower carnassial found in alluvium near Ratnapura in 1962 and a sub-fossil right middle phalanx 14 C dated to ~ 16,500 ybp, discovered in 1982 in a prehistoric midden at Batadomba Cave, near Kuruwita. The species is diagnosed from the only other big cats known from Sri Lanka, Panthera pardus and the extinct P. leo sinhaleyus Deraniyagala, 1938. This record significantly advances the timing of dispersal of tigers into the Indian peninsula. Tigers appear to have arrived in Sri Lanka during a pluvial period during which sea levels were depressed, evidently prior to the last glacial maximum ca. 20,000 years ago. The lion appears to have become extinct in Sri Lanka prior to the arrival of culturally modern humans, ca. 37,000 ybp.
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THE RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY 2005 Supplement No. 12: 423–434
© National University of Singapore
Kelum Manamendra-Arachchi
Wildlife Heritage Trust of Sri Lanka, 95 Cotta Road, Colombo 8, Sri Lanka
Rohan Pethiyagoda
Wildlife Heritage Trust of Sri Lanka, 95 Cotta Road, Colombo 8, Sri Lanka (author for correspondence)
Rajith Dissanayake
23 Ranmoor Gardens, Harrow HA1 1UQ, United Kingdom
Madhava Meegaskumbura
Wildlife Heritage Trust, 95 Cotta Road, Colombo 8, Sri Lanka
Department of Biology, Boston University, 5 Cummington Street, Boston, MA, 02215, USA
ABSTRACT. A second extinct big cat, tentatively considered to be a tiger (Panthera tigris), is recorded from
Sri Lanka for the first time from a fossil left lower carnassial found in alluvium near Ratnapura in 1962 and a
sub-fossil right middle phalanx 14C dated to ~ 16,500 ybp, discovered in 1982 in a prehistoric midden at
Batadomba Cave, near Kuruwita. The species is diagnosed from the only other big cats known from Sri Lanka,
Panthera pardus and the extinct P. leo sinhaleyus Deraniyagala, 1938. This record significantly advances the
timing of dispersal of tigers into the Indian peninsula. Tigers appear to have arrived in Sri Lanka during a pluvial
period during which sea levels were depressed, evidently prior to the last glacial maximum ca. 20,000 years ago.
The lion appears to have become extinct in Sri Lanka prior to the arrival of culturally modern humans, ca.
37,000 ybp.
KEY WORDS. – Sri Lanka, Pleistocene, tiger, lion, palaeontology, Panthera tigris.
Apart from the leopard, which still persists in all natural
habitats across Sri Lanka, the only big cat recognised from
the island is an extinct lion, known only from two teeth found
in alluvial deposits at Kuruwita (06°47’N, 80°22’E) (Fig. 1).
Based on these, P. [E. P.] Deraniyagala (1939) erected a new
subspecies of lion, Panthera leo sinhaleyus, designating a
left lower carnassial (M1) as holotype (the other, a fragment
of a right lower canine, in too poor condition to facilitate
diagnosis, was lodged as a ‘metatype’ in NMSL: P. Deraniya-
gala, 1947).
The lion has been one of the most widespread of all non-
commensal mammals, having enjoyed a Pleistocene range that
included Africa, Eurasia, North America and tropical South
America (Nowak, 1999: 834). While the fossil record confirms
that the species’ range in the Indian subcontinent did extend
south to the 21st parallel and east to 87º E (Pilgrim, 1931;
Dutta, 1976)—approximately a line joining Gujurat to Bengal—
there is no evidence of the existence of the lion in Asia east of
Bengal or anywhere in peninsular India and Sri Lanka, except
for P. leo sinhaleyus.
The Holocene range of the tiger, however, extends to the
southernmost tip of peninsular India and to all of tropical
continental Asia (Hooijer, 1947; Aziz & de Vos, 1999). The
apparent absence of evidence of tigers in Sri Lanka and
Pleistocene peninsular India has led to the conclusion that
tigers arrived in south India “too late to get into Ceylon”
Manamendra-Arachchi et al.: A second extinct big cat from Sri Lanka
(Pocock, 1930) as a result of the India-Sri Lanka land bridge
having been submerged since the Late Pleistocene. On the
basis of the few known Indian tiger fossils dating to the
Holocene (Lydekker, 1886a,b; Sankhala, 1978; Herrington,
1987; Turner & Antón, 1997; ) the recent literature too, dates
the arrival of tigers in the Indian peninsula only to the end of
the last glacial maximum, ca. 12,000 ybp (Hemmer, 1987;
Kitchener, 1999; Kitchener & Dugmore, 2000).
Recognizing that “Distinguishing apart the teeth of a tiger
from those of a lion is difficult”, P. Deraniyagala (1939)
distinguished the holotype M1 of Panthera leo sinhaleyus
from those of P. tigris entirely by its larger size, concluding
that “The Ceylon fossil, although narrower and more elongate,
agreed in general size with the lions’ teeth”.
In 1962, second a complete M1 was discovered in alluvium
in the course of excavating a gem pit near Ratnapura.
Tentatively identified as having come from a lion, it was
lodged in the National Museum’s Ratnapura branch. In
1982, a complete felid right-limb middle phalanx
(45.3×20.7×18.5 mm l×w×h) 14C dated to 13,500 ybp and
identified tentatively as belonging to a “large lion” (S. [U.]
Deraniyagala, 1992; subsequently revised to 16,500 ybp:
see S. Deraniyagala, 2001), together with undiagnosable
fragments of two other big-cat phalanges and an upper
premolar were found in a late Pleistocene midden in
Batadomba Cave (Fig. 2), at Kuruwita, a prehistoric human
habitation (11,500–37,000 ypb: S. Deraniyagala, 2004). This
phalanx clearly does not belong to a leopard.
Here we show that the 1962 Ratnapura M1 belongs to a tiger,
significantly advancing the timing of the dispersal of this
species into peninsular India. We also show that the
“Batadomba phalanx” belonged to a big cat more closely
related to the tiger than to the lion; and confirm from an
examination of its holotype M1 and a large series of recent
tiger and lion teeth that Panthera leo sinhaleyus was indeed
a lion, and that its demise appears to have preceded that of
the tiger in Sri Lanka.
Materials referred to in this study are deposited in the National
Museum of Sri Lanka (Ratnapura) (NMSL); Department of
Archaeology, Colombo (DASL); the Field Museum of Natural
History, Chicago (FMNH); and The Natural History Museum,
London (BMNH).
Osteological terminology follows Turner & Antón (1997);
dental terminology follows de Muizon & Cifelli (2000). M1 =
lower carnassial (only those of the left dentary were used).
Measurements. – Metric measurements were made point-to-
point, using dial vernier callipers, to an accuracy of ±0.05 mm.
Angles were measured using a protractor, to the nearest 5°.
Carnassials—the following measurements were made: total
length (maximum anterior-posterior length of crown, Fig. 3a);
inter-apex length (distance between protoconid and hypoconid
Fig. 1. Map of Sri Lanka, showing location of Batadomba Cave,
Kuruwita (star), indicating also the climatic zones: DZ, dry zone;
IZ, intermediate zone; WZ, wet zone; the principal mountain ranges:
C, Central hills; K, Knuckles hills; and R, Rakwana hills; and the
500 m and 1,000 m contours. Scale bar: 50 km.
Fig. 2. (A), external and (B), internal views of Batadomba Cave,
Kuruwita, Sri Lanka, the source of the tiger phalanx DASL 1982.01.
apices, Fig. 3b); protoconid length (length along superior
edge (blade) of protoconid, Fig. 3c); hypoconid length (length
along superior edge (blade) of hypoconid, Fig. 3d); protoconid
height (vertical distance from enamel margin to protoconid
apex, Fig. 3e); hypoconid height (vertical distance from enamel
margin to hypoconid apex, Fig. 3f); crown width (maximum
labial-lingual width of crown, Fig. 3g); crown depth (vertical
distance from enamel margin to posterior angle of hypoconid,
Fig. 3h); notch depth (vertical distance from base of median
notch to enamel base, Fig. 3i); carnassial angle (angle between
superior edges (blades) of protoconid and hypoconid).
Phalanges—the following measurements were made (see Fig.
3): distal width (maximum width of distal articulation, Fig.
3A); proximal width (maximum width of proximal articulation,
Fig. 3B); dorsal length (maximum dorsal length, Fig.
3C); ventral length (maximum ventral length, Fig.
3D); minimum width (minimum width of neck of phalanx, Fig.
3E); maximum height (maximum height of proximal articulation,
Fig. 3F); minimum height (minimum height of proximal
articulation, Fig. 3G).
SYSTAT for Windows XP, Version 11.00.01 was used for the
statistical analysis of dental and phalangeal measurements.
Principal components analysis (PCA) of the character
correlation matrix was used to reduce dimensionality of the
morphological variables and to identify those variables that
best discriminate between species. Various axis rotations were
tested and one selected for optimal interpretability of variation
among the characters. Discriminant function analysis (DFA)
was used to confirm the results that were obtained from the
PCA and to highlight the variables that best discriminate
between groups (lower carnassials and phalanges of recent
tigers, recent lions and the fossil examples). Both direct and
stepwise methods of discriminant analysis were employed.
Panthera leo
(Fig. 4; Table 1)
Panthera leo sinhaleyus P. Deraniyagala, 1939.
Material examined. – Holotype, lower left M1, BMNH Pal. Dept.
M 51883, 30.3 mm dorsal length; “Found immediately above gem
sand that was 19 ft below the surface in a Pit at Pan Vila, Edandé
Vala, Kuruwita, near milestone 51 on the Kuruwita to Ratnapura
Road, Sri Lanka” (06°43’ N, 80°23’ E, alt. ~ 30 m above sea level),
Identification. – (See Fig. 4A, B, D). The lower carnassial of
P. leo is distinguished from that of P. tigris most easily by
having only a single horizontal notch on the lower half of its
distal surface, see Fig. 4A, B, D (vs. two in P. tigris: see Fig.
4I). The carnassials of P. leo may also be distinguished from
those of P. tigris by having the talonid as a fairly well-
developed cusplet (vs. talonid elongate, swollen, in P. tigris);
the aboral protoconid slope convex in appearance (vs. the
smooth longitudinal ridge on aboral protoconid gives the
slope a flat or concave appearance in P. tigris); the saddle of
the talonid trough relatively short and shallow (relatively long
and deep in P. tigris); and the inferior enamel margin curved
Fig. 3. (Left), measurements of M1 (buccal aspect; see Materials and Methods): a, total length; b, inter-apex length; c, protoconid length; d,
hypoconid length; e, protoconid height; f, hypoconid height; g, crown width; h, crown depth; i, notch depth; and (right) middle phalanx (see
Materials and Methods): A, distal width; B, proximal width; C, dorsal length; D, ventral length; E, minimum width; F, maximum height; G,
minimum height.
Manamendra-Arachchi et al.: A second extinct big cat from Sri Lanka
10 mm
10 mm
Fig. 4. Left lower M1: A, lingual aspect, Panthera leo sinhaleyus, holotype, BMNH Pal. Dept. M 51883; B, buccal aspect, P. l. sinhaleyus,
holotype, BMNH Pal. Dept. M 51883; C, buccal aspect, P. pardus, NMSL uncat., Sri Lanka; D, buccal aspect, P. l. persica, female, BMNH, Gir Forest, India; E, lingual aspect, P. tigris, NMSL (Ratnapura), F559; F, buccal aspect, P. tigris, NMSL (Ratnapura), F559; G,
buccal aspect, P. tigris, NMSL (Ratnapura), F559; H, lingual aspect, P. tigris, NMSL (Ratnapura), F559; I, buccal aspect, P. t. tigris, BMNH, India. Arrows indicate notches on distal surface.
downwards (vs. inferior enamel margin relatively straight in
P. tigris).
Measurements of holotype M1, BMNH M 51883 (in mm). Total
length, 30.3; inter-apex length, 19.9; protoconid length, 9.3;
hypoconid length, 14.2; protoconid height, 17.2; hypoconid
height, 15.0; crown width, 15.3; crown depth, 14.2; notch depth,
9.7; carnassial angle, 105º.
Note. – The Sri Lankan lion was allocated to a distinct subspecies
P. leo sinhaleyus by P. Deraniyagala (1939), but there is insufficient
information to determine how it might differ from other subspecies
of Panthera leo; for the purposes of the present paper therefore,
we consider this taxon as P. leo.
Panthera tigris
(Figs. 4, 5; Table 1)
Material examined. – Lower left M1, NMSL (Ratnapura) F559,
length 25.7 mm, Lindagava Kumbura, Muvagama, Ratnapura
(06°40’30” N, 80°24’12” E, alt. ~ 30 m above sea level), Sri Lanka,
20 May.1962. Complete sub-fossilised middle phalanx,
DASL1982.01, 45.3×20.7×18.5 mm (l×w×h) from Stratum 5; two
fragments of phalanges (DASL1982.02–03) from Stratum 4; and
one fragment of an upper premolar (DASL.1982.04) from Stratum
4, excavated from a midden in Batadomba Cave (see Fig. 2), Kuruwita
(06°47’ N, 80°23’E, alt. 460 m), Sri Lanka, 1982.
Identification. – (See Figs. 4, 5).The lower carnassial of P.
tigris is distinguished from that of P. leo most easily by having
two horizontal notches on the lower half of its distal surface
(vs. a single notch in P. leo). The carnassials of P. tigris may
also be distinguished from those of P. leo by having the talonid
elongate and swollen (vs. talonid a fairly well-developed
cusplet, in P. leo); the aboral protoconid flat or concave in
appearance as a result of the smooth, longitudinal ridge on
its buccal side (vs. aboral protoconid slope convex in
appearance in P. leo); the saddle of the talonid trough relatively
long and deep (vs. saddle of talonid trough relatively short
and shallow in P. leo); and inferior enamel margin relatively
straight (vs. inferior enamel margin curved downwards in P.
Principal components analysis (Fig. 6) with unrotated axes
on the correlation matrix of morphometric characters from
the phalanges of recent tigers, recent lions and the
Kuruwita right middle phalanx (DASL 1982.01) shows that
the fossilized example does not overlap with the recent
Fig. 5. A–C, dorsal, lateral and ventral aspects respectively, of right middle phalanx of Panthera pardus, NMSL uncat., Sri Lanka; D–F,
dorsal, lateral and ventral aspects respectively, of right middle phalanx of Panthera tigris, DASL 1982.01, Batadomba Cave, Kuruwita, Sri
Lanka. Scale bars = 10 mm.
Manamendra-Arachchi et al.: A second extinct big cat from Sri Lanka
-2-3 -1 0 1 2 3
PC 1
PC 2
Fig. 6. Plot of principal components 1 and 2 of seven metric variables of the Kuruwita right middle phalanx, DASL1982.01 (black triangle),
and available middle phalanges of pes and manus of two recent specimens of P. tigris (open magenta circles) and four recent specimens of
African and Asian P. leo (solid cyan circles) (for specimen details see Comparative Material).
Table 1. Proportional measurements of lower left carnassials of Panthera tigris (Ratnapura M1, NMSL-R F559); ten recent P. tigris;
holotype of M1 Panthera leo sinhaleyus (BMNH M 51883); and 27 recent P. leo (details of recent specimens listed in Comparative Material).
tiger lion
NMSL-R F559 min. max. s.d. BMNH M 51883 min. max. s.d.
M1holotype M1
inter-apex length (% of crown length) 75.5 60.2 75.5 4.4 65.7 64.1 84.0 4.2
protoconid length (% of crown length) 40.9 30.7 40.9 3.0 30.7 30.2 40.4 2.8
hypoconid length (% of crown length) 54.9 44.0 54.9 3.3 46.9 41.5 58.3 4.2
protoconid height (% of crown length) 54.1 50.7 61.4 3.7 56.8 48.6 61.7 3.4
hypoconid height (% of crown length) 51.8 43.2 55.0 3.6 49.5 47.2 59.4 3.0
crown width (% of crown length) 51.0 47.7 59.4 3.0 50.5 47.7 55.6 1.9
crown depth (% of crown length) 47.5 41.3 53.8 14.1 46.9 38.3 51.7 3.7
notch depth (% of crown length) 31.9 28.3 38.2 2.5 32.0 23.4 34.9 2.6
inter-cusp angle (degrees) 105 90 115 8 105 100 120 5
protoconid length : hyperconid length (%) 74.5 64.2 74.8 3.6 65.5 63.4 80.0 4.0
crown depth : protoconid height (%) 87.8 76.7 96.4 6.0 82.6 72.4 99.3 7.1
crown depth : hypoconid height (%) 91.7 84.7 112.5 8.7 94.7 72.1 108.8 9.7
notch depth : crown depth (%) 67.2 60.0 73.8 4.2 68.3 57.3 76.2 5.9
-4 -1 25
factor (1)
factor (2)
Fig. 7. Canonical variables plot of discriminant function analysis of
available middle phalanges of pes and manus of two recent specimens
of P. tigris (magenta open circles), four recent specimens of African
and Asian P. leo (cyan open circles) and right middle phalanx from
Batadomba Cave, Kuruwita (solid black circle); 95% confidence
ellipses are centered on the centroid of each group. For specimen
details see Comparative Material.
lions on the PC 1 axis. The PC 1 axis, which explains about
65% of the total variation, represents maximum height
(factor score 0.955), proximal width (factor score 0.948) and
distal width (factor score 0.936). These dimensions were
larger in the Sri Lankan fossil big cat than in recent lions.
The PC 2 axis, which explains about 17% of the total
variation, represents minimum width (factor score 0.722)
and dorsal length (factor score -0.520). The fossil overlaps
with—and cannot be distinguished from—recent lions on
the PC 2 axis.
Stepwise backward DFA (Fig. 7) shows that the fossilized
phalanx is distinct from but closer to recent tigers than
recent lions. This analysis correctly classified 100% of the
fossil example, together with 93% of recent lions and 91%
of recent tigers (Wilks’ lambda 0.2009; p = 0.000). The first
canonical variable best discriminates the groups and
accounts for 88% of total dispersion of the groups
(eigenvalue 2.542). The second canonical variable accounts
for 10% of the dispersion (eigenvalue 0.35). In the canonical
variables plot, the centroid for the fossil phalanx is (-3.727,
4.345), and those for recent lions (1.193, 0.063) and recent
tigers (-1.913, -0.299). The first canonical variable represents
mostly proximal width (standardized canonical discriminant
function (SCDF) -1.573) and minimum height (SCDF - 1.055).
The second canonical variable represents mostly maximum
height (SCDF -2.213) and minimum width (SCDF 2.164).
There is a slight overlap on the first canonical variable
between recent tigers and the fossil example, but no
overlap between this and recent tigers or lions on the
second canonical variable. Thus, according to the DFA,
some of the variables of the second canonical variable could
be used to distinguish the fossilized tiger from recent tigers
and recent lions: indeed, a review of the measurements
shows that the distal width of the fossil example does not
overlap with those of either recent lions or tigers. While
assigning this phalanx tentatively to a tiger, we consider it
possible that this may represent an as yet unknown species
of big cat.
Measurements of M1, NMSL (Ratnapura) F559 (in mm). Total
length, 25.7; inter-apex length, 19.4; protoconid length, 10.5;
hypoconid length, 14.1; protoconid height, 13.9; hypoconid
height, 13.3; crown width, 13.1; crown depth, 12.2; notch depth,
8.2; carnassial angle, 105º.
Measurements of right middle phalanx, DASL 1982.01 (in mm),
width of distal articulation, 20.1; width of proximal articulation,
20.7; dorsal length, 45.3; ventral length, 42.4; minimum
horizontal width, 11.3; outer height of proximal articulation,
18.5; inner height of proximal articulation, 12.5.
Panthera tigris, phalanges: BMNH 1884.1.22.6, female, “Deccan”,
N=16; BMNH 114.K.K., male, “Mizapore, Decca[n]”, N=7; FMNH
31153, sex undetermined, “Allapalli, India”, N=15. Left lower
carnassials: BMNH, male, “Bengal”; BMNH,
female, “south-west India”; BMNH, sex undetermined,
“North Canara, Bombay” [sic]; BMNH, sex
undetermined, “North China”; BMNH, male,
“Afghanistan”; BMNH 13.5.11, sex undetermined, “West China”;
BMNH 1849.7.27.4, sex undetermined, “India”; BMNH, sex undetermined, “India”; BMNH 1938.8.12.3, male,
“India”; BMNH 1884.10.30.3, sex undetermined, “India”.
Panthera leo, phalanges: BMNH 68.657, female, Zambia, N=9;
BMNH 1932.6.6.4, male, “Tanganyeka”, N=8; BMNH
1952.11.13.1, female, “India”, N= 8; BMNH 1952.11.13.1, male,
“India”, N= 9; BMNH 1932.6.6.4, male, “Tanganyeka”, N=7;
FNMH 15530, sex undetermined, “Africa”, N=4; FMNH 73.175,
female, “Africa”, N=8. Left lower carnassials: BMNH,
female, “Bechuanaland”; BMNH, female, “Natal”;
BMNH, male, “Northwest Rhodesia”; BMNH,
male, “Bechuanaland”; BMNH, sex undetermined, “NE
Transvaal”; BMNH, male, “E. Transvaal”; BMNH
45.136, female, “India”; BMNH, male, “E. Transvaal”;
BMNH, sex undetermined, “NE Transvaal”; BMNH, sex undetermined, “NE Transvaal”; BMNH,
sex undetermined, “NE Transvaal”; BMNH, female,
“India”; BMNH, male, “India”; BMNH, male,
“India”; BMNH, male, “India”; BMNH, female,
“India”; BMNH 1642 a, sex undetermined, “Moshonaland”; BMNH
1893.5.20.1, male, Zimbabwe; BMNH, male, “Northwest
Rhodesia”; BMNH, female, “E. Transvaal”; BMNH, female, “Bechuanaland”; BMNH, sex
undetermined, “Bechuanaland”; BMNH 1893.5.201, sex
undetermined, “Zimbabwe”; BMNH, sex undetermined,
“S. Rhodesia”; BMNH, male, “south of Victoria Falls”;
BMNH, sex undetermined, “NE Transvaal”; BMNH
1992.167, male, Transvaal.
Panthera pardus, NMSL uncat., manus right 4th-digit middle
phalanx and left lower M1, sex undetermined, Sri Lanka.
Manamendra-Arachchi et al.: A second extinct big cat from Sri Lanka
P. Deraniyagala (1939) did not explain explicitly how he
diagnosed the holotype M1 of Panthera leo sinhaleyus as
belonging to a lion, though he justified its allocation to a
distinct subspecies of lion by its being “narrower and more
elongate” than those of recent lions in the BMNH collection.
It appears that he based his species-identification essentially
on Brongersma (1935), confirming this through the
examination also of two recent tiger carnassials in the BMNH
collection. His conclusion that the BMNH M 51883 M1 belongs
to a lion and not a tiger was supported by Hemmer (1966b)
and also by our own examination.
We exclude the possibility of the Kuruwita-Ratnapura M1
and phalanx belonging to the only other Sri Lankan big cat,
the leopard (P. pardus), as the carnassials and phalanges of
leopards are immediately distinguishable from those of lions
and tigers in both morphology and size (Figs. 4, 5). The length
of the lower carnassial of the largest leopard we examined
was 18.4 mm, significantly short of even the smallest lion
(23.5 mm) and tiger (25.0 mm) measured. The largest middle
phalanx in the leopard, in the 3rd or 4th-digit of the pes, at
22.7 mm dorsal length, is significantly smaller than even the
smallest tiger (31.2 mm) and lion (22.9 mm) measured. Fossil
leopards are known from an archaeological context (see
below), and are not different in size from recent ones. We
note, however, that old museum collections of big cats may
be biased towards larger animals, which may have been
preferred by the sport hunters who acquired these specimens.
The phalanges of tigers and lions lack non-overlapping
proportional measurements, although they separate well in
multivariate space (see Fig. 6). At 45.3 mm dorsal length, the
Batadomba phalanx is significantly (9.3%) longer than the
longest recent P. leo phalanx measured in the BMNH
collection; these average 32.8 mm (s.d. = 4.4, range 22.9–41.1
mm, N=40) in dorsal length. The dorsal lengths of the
measured tiger phalanges averaged 37.4 mm (s.d. = 6.5, range
14.3–46.1, N=23). Unfortunately, we could find no way of
discriminating between the middle phalanges of the digits of
pes and manus, or determining the digit to which the
Batadomba phalanx belongs, though based on its large size,
we suspect it belongs to digit 3 or 4.
Given their close relationship (O’Brien et al., 1987), the
diagnosis of lions from tigers based on bone fragments alone
is challenging (see also Turner & Antón, 1997). While lion
and tiger carnassials do not separate clearly in mensural
statistics, Herrington (1987: fig. 4a) showed them to be distinct
in shape in occlusal view. We were, however, unable
unambiguously to distinguish lion and tiger carnassials using
principal components analysis and discriminant function
analysis based on the seven measurements made (see Fig.
3ag, and Comparative Material for details of measured
examples). The left lower carnassials of recent lions, tigers
and the fossil examples used in this analysis cannot be
distinguished from each other with confidence by either PCA
or DFA. Principal components analysis served to demonstrate
that M1 F599, the holotype carnassial of P. l. sinhaleyus, and
those of recent lions and tigers show considerable overlap
on both PC axes. Recent lion and tiger carnassials could not
be unambiguously discriminated from each other in DFA,
which correctly classified only 81% of the recent lions and
80% of the recent tigers (Wilks’ lambda = 0.5093; p = 0.0293).
Inclusion of the fossil teeth together with the recent lion and
tiger carnassials gave a similar result. DFA correctly classified
100% of the holotype of P. l. sinhalayus and 100% of F599,
70% for recent tigers and 41% for the recent lions
(Wilks’lambda = 0.3046; p = 0.20). Here the standardized
canonical discriminant functions were greatest for inter-apex
length (0.953) and crown depth (-0.719). Owing to their
inconclusive outcomes, the dental PC and DFA plots are not
Hemmer (1966a: 23: trans. Colin Groves, in litt.) showed that
lion and tiger molars could be differentiated on the basis of
several subtle morphological character states, as follows.
Lion—The talonid is a fairly well-developed cusplet, and
the aboral protoconid-slope usually appears convex; the
trough is narrow, the saddle of the notch is usually low and
the inferior enamel margin on the buccal side is curved
downwards.” Tiger—The talonid is an elongated swelling
and the diminutive hypoconid is bordered by a notch, so that
the aboral edge of the protoconid appears mostly concave;
the protoconid is narrow, the trough is wide and the saddle of
the notch is usually high; the inferior enamel margin on the
buccal side is fairly straight.” We found these character states
to be consistent across all 27 lion and 10 tiger left lower
carnassials examined, but note that they are difficult to translate
into mensural data of statistical value using the measurement
techniques employed here.
The most reliable binary character state for distinguishing the
lower carnassials of tigers from lions is the horizontal notch on
the lower half of the posterior face of the tooth. Lions have one
such notch (see Fig. 4C), whereas tigers have two (see Fig. 4G):
see also Hemmer (1966a: pl. 7). The Ratnapura M1, however, has
the lower of these notches more prominent (Fig. 4H) than those
on the recent tiger teeth examined (see Fig. 4G), a character that
may have taxonomic significance. It is possible also that dental
characters have undergone change in these cats during the past
16 millennia (see Szuma, 2003, for evidence of dental variation in
the Red fox in the decadal time frame).
We cannot be certain that the Batadomba phalanx (DASL
1982.01) and the Ratnapura M1 (NMSL F559) belong to the
same species. While we are confident that the Ratnapura M1
belongs to a tiger, the Batadomba phalanx, while separating
distinctly from the lion, is clearly distinct also from the tiger.
At 45.3 mm dorsal length, this phalanx is less than 2% shorter
than the longest of the 23 BMNH tiger phalanges (46.1 mm,
from a female, BMNH 1884.1.22.6, from the “Deccan”
[peninsular India]), which suggests that this cat was
comparable in size to the tiger. Pending the availability of
further evidence, we choose to assign both the M1 and the
phalanx to a single species, tentatively the tiger. While
conceding that the large size of the Batadomba phalanx could
be the result of taphonomic bias, the size of the Sri Lankan cat
appears to have been remarkable given that insular P. tigris
populations (e.g. in the Sunda Islands) have generally been
noted to be smaller than their mainland counterparts (Luo et
al., 2004).
The assignment of the Batadomba phalanx to P. tigris adds
confidence to our diagnosis of this species from Sri Lanka,
especially since trade in tiger teeth has been implicated in
prehistoric records of the tiger in islands such as Borneo,
where there is no other evidence of their presence and no
apparent reason for their extirpation (Wilkinson & O’Reagan,
2003). Indeed, the presence of sharks’ teeth in the Batadomba
Cave middens (pers. obs.), more than 50 km from the sea,
indicates that teeth may have played a role in commerce even
in prehistoric Sri Lanka. However, the discovery of the
Ratnapura tiger M1 in alluvium, together with hippopotamus
and rhinoceros fossils, demonstrates that tigers did indeed
occur in the island.
Based on present-day submarine topography, a functional
land bridge between Sri Lanka and India requires a sea-level
lowering of only ~ 10 m. Sea levels were ~ 120 m below
present-day levels at the last glacial maximum ca. 20,000 ybp
(Siddall et al., 2003), thus facilitating a more than 80 km-wide
terrestrial connection. It appears likely that sea levels were
sufficiently depressed during the final ~ 200,000 years of the
Pleistocene to have supported a land connection between Sri
Lanka and India for all or most of that time (Bossuyt et al.,
2004), and probably until 5,000–10,000 ybp (S. Deraniyagala,
1992; Anderson, 1998; Yokoyama et al., 2000).
While the present data push back the date of arrival of tigers
in peninsular India, they do not facilitate a conclusion as to
when these big cats first arrived in the peninsula. Tigers are
known from Java around two million ybp (Hemmer, 1987), and
may have reached India and Sri Lanka at any time during the
Pleistocene or Late Pliocene, though the lack of fossil
evidence does not permit a conclusive resolution of this
question. Indeed, there is no known barrier to the dispersion
of tigers into the Indian peninsula during the Pleistocene,
though Kitchener & Dugmore (2000) speculated that the
widespread presence of short grasslands may have resulted
in the tiger being altogether absent, or present only in very
small numbers, during this period, surviving successive glacial
maxima in refugia such as the moist forests of the south-
western Western Ghats mountains. The wet zone of Sri Lanka
may have provided another such refugium.
It appears however, that despite the existence of a land bridge,
an ecological impediment to the dispersion of moist-forest
faunas between the mainland and Sri Lanka did exist for much
of the past 500,000 years (Bossuyt et al., 2004), though the
nature of this barrier is not known. Although the climatic
history of South Asia is not well documented, there is evidence
that the climates of peninsular India and Sri Lanka experienced
protracted desiccation during Pleistocene glacial maxima (S.
Deraniyagala, 1992; Pant & Rupa Kumar, 1997), possibly
resulting in desertification of the land bridge between India
and Sri Lanka for much of that time. Even during the present
relatively pluvial period, southern India and northern Sri Lanka
are remarkably dry, precipitation being seasonal and rarely
exceeding 1,500 mm yr-1, with a vegetation of tropical dry
shrub-land, a habitat not associated with tigers. In view of
tigers having appeared in Sri Lanka, established a population
sufficient to have justified hunting, and then become extinct
at the end of the last glacial maximum, we suspect that their
entry to Sri Lanka (and therefore peninsular India) may have
coincided with a pluvial phase during or prior to the previous
interglacial, ca. 70,000–2000,000 ybp, their apparent absence
from Pleistocene India during this period being a sampling
There is no fossil evidence in Sri Lanka that facilitates dating
of the appearance on the island of leopards, which arrived in
Asia 170,000–300,000 ybp (Uphyrkina et al., 2001; Meijaard,
2004). The leopard is known, however, from cave middens,
including those at Batadomba Cave, 14C dated to 31,000 ybp
(S. Deraniyagala, 1992), suggesting that it co-existed with the
tiger in Sri Lanka for several thousand years before the latter
disappeared. Leopards are also known from the Pleistocene
of India, from Billa Surgam cave in Karnul (Andhra Pradesh
State) and alluvial deposits at Susunia (West Bengal State)
(Saha et al., 1984). The case in Sri Lanka appears to have
been the reverse of the model proposed by Wilkinson &
O’Reagan (2003), which suggests that tigers were respons-
ible for the extirpation of leopards on Bali, if indeed leopards
did reach that island.
Despite the existence of a Pleistocene land bridge, there are no
records from Sri Lanka, either fossil or recent, of several present-
day south Indian large mammals, such as the wolf (Canis lupus),
nilgai (Boselaphus tragocamelus), four-horned antelope
(Tetracerus quadricornis) and blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra).
There is fossil evidence however, of the late Pleistocene presence
in the island of the dhole (Cuon javanicus) (P. Deraniyagala,
1958), which has since been extirpated. The gaur (Bos gaurus),
also known from middens at Batadomba Cave (S. Deraniyagala,
1992), appears to have persisted longer, becoming extinct only
in historical times (Knox, 1681: 78). In India and Southeast Asia,
the range of the tiger completely overlaps that of the gaur (Corbet
& Hill, 1992), the latter serving as a prey species for the former
(Lekagul & McNeely, 1988).
While tigers occur in a diversity of ‘closed’ habitats ranging
from tropical rainforests through mangrove swamps to tall
grasslands, lions are associated mainly with ‘open’ habitats
such as savannah, grassy plains and scrub (Nowak, 1999:
825, 832). The other fauna recorded from the same midden as
the Batadomba phalanx include the land snails Acavus and
Paludomus, the carp Tor khudree, the jungle fowl Gallus
lafayettii, gaur, and a variety of smaller mammals such as
monkeys and porcupines (S. Deraniyagala, 1992: 314; pers.
obs.). While many of these species occur in all Sri Lankan
forest types, members of the endemic Sri Lankan mollusc
genus Acavus are restricted to closed-canopy monsoon or
‘rain’ forest (Hausdorf & Perera, 2000). The late Pleistocene
fauna of the Ratnapura area also included a now-extinct
hippopotamus, Hexaprotodon sinhaleyus and rhinoceroses,
Rhinoceros sinhaleyus and R. kagavena (see P. Deraniyagala,
1963; S. Deraniyagala, 1992). Teeth of R. sinhaleyus (= R.
sondaicus: see Laurie et al., 1983), from Adavatta, Lunugala
Manamendra-Arachchi et al.: A second extinct big cat from Sri Lanka
(Sri Lanka) have been thermoluminescence dated to 80,000 ±
20,000 ybp (S. Deraniyagala, 2004). Indeed, R. sondaicus, the
Javan rhinoceros, is a rainforest species (whereas the Indian
rhinoceros, R. unicornis, is typical of the floodplains
ecosystem of the terai). These data suggest that the late
Pleistocene habitat of Kuruwita comprised swampland and
moist, closed-canopy rain forest that seems to have persisted
until large-scale clearing commenced ca. 150 ybp: elsewhere
in the range of these species, such habitats are associated
closely with tigers, but not with lions.
Further, rhinoceros, hippopotamus and lion remains are not
represented in Sri Lankan cave middens: they seem to have
disappeared before the occupation of these caves by early
modern humans. (The records of lion remains in the Batadomba
Cave middens—see S. Deraniyagala, 1992—are erroneous:
the Batadomba phalanx, here attributed to a tiger, is the only
specimen in sufficiently intact condition as to facilitate
definitive identification). The lions therefore appear to have
been victims of the advancing rainforests and dense monsoon
forests that accompanied the pluvial phase that saw the
advent of the tiger in Sri Lanka. While the Kuruwita and
Ratnapura fossils show that lions and tigers were sympatric
in this area, however, there is no evidence to suggest they
were syntopic.
The Late Pleistocene is also significant because it was during
this time that the initial dispersion of modern humans occurred.
Although stone tools probably dating back to the Mid-
Pleistocene have been found (S. Deraniyagala, 1992), the
earliest direct evidence of modern humans in Sri Lanka dates
to ca. 37,000 ybp (S. Deraniyagala, 2004). Whether hunting
pressure was sufficient to extirpate tigers from the island,
however, is open to question: there is no direct evidence to
support or refute the idea that modern humans impacted
negatively on the fauna, resulting in ‘prehistoric overkill’ sensu
Martin (1984).
Extinctions on islands have generally been associated more
with predation and prolonged attrition (“sitzkrieg”) than with
environmental change (Barnosky et al., 2004; Guthrie, 2004).
While hunting may have impacted on the population of tigers
in Sri Lanka, habitat loss too, might have been an important
determinant. Premathilake & Risberg (2003) show from a study
of pollen that at Horton Plains, a present-day tropical montane
rainforest (2,100 m a.s.l., ~ 40 km distant from Kuruwita), that
a significantly cooler climate dominated 24,000 ybp, giving
way to grasslands 18,000 ybp, semi-deciduous seasonal forest
establishing itself about 14,000 ybp, with the final transform-
ation into rainforest taking place only about 9,000 years ago.
Ungulate prey of 5.3–63.8 animals km-2 are required to support
typical tiger densities of 3.2–16.8 100 km-2 (Karanth et al.,
2004; Karanth & Stith, 1999). Both reduced prey density and
shrinkage of dense forest (resulting from desiccation during
the last glacial maximum) may significantly have reduced the
range and population of the tiger in Sri Lanka, with human
predation accelerating its demise. Opposing phases of climate-
driven habitat flux appear to explain the disappearance of
both the lion and the tiger from Sri Lanka, leaving this territory
to the only truly generalist Asian big cat, the leopard. Even
today, leopards are ubiquitous in Sri Lanka, persisting in all
natural habitats and many anthropogenic ones, from sea level
to montane cloud forest at up to 2,400 m a.s.l.
P. Deraniyagala (1939) supported his assignment of the
Kuruwita M1 to a lion rather than a tiger in part because of the
“almost complete lack of a reference to the tiger in Ceylon’s
art, legend and folk lore when compared with the frequent
appearance of the lion in these fields…” (P. Deraniyagala,
1958: 87). The appearance of the lion in Sri Lanka’s art, legend
and folklore, however, cannot serve as evidence of the
presence of lions in the island during historical times. The
majority ethnic group of Sri Lanka, the Sinhalese, derive their
name from ‘sinha’, the Sanskrit for lion; the name of the island
being a corruption of “si[n]hala-dweepa”, which translates
as “island of the lion race”. This association with lions appears
to have originated from Indo-Aryan colonisers of the island
in the sixth century BCE. “The original home of the first Indo-
Aryan immigrants to Sri Lanka was probably north-west India
and the Indus region” (de Silva, 1981: 3). As it happens, north-
west India remains the only part of the subcontinent in which
lions have been reported during historical times. As P.
Deraniyagala (1958) himself points out, the lions in Sri Lankan
art are heavily stylised and were evidently the work of
sculptors who had not seen the living animal (see Fig. 8).
The frequency with which the ‘sinha’ root appears in Sri
Lankan place names cannot be used as evidence for the former
occurrence of lions there. Singapore, which derives from the
Sanskrit ‘sinha’ (= lion) and ‘pura’ (= city), and Singaraja (=
Fig. 8. The lion in Sri Lankan art. Stylized lions such as this one at
Anuradhapura (6th century, AD) are common in Sri Lanka—evidently
the work of sculptors who had not seen the living animal.
lion king) in Bali are two prominent instances where the lion
has infiltrated the etymology of places in which its has never
existed, thanks to the spread of Indo-Aryan culture. That such
place names should be commonplace in Sri Lanka while being
almost entirely absent in peninsular India (where, too, they ought
then to have been present) is also evidence of an origin based
on culture and not the physical presence of lions.
We thank Colin Groves (Australian National University,
Canberra) and David Polly (Queen Mary, University of
London) for critical review that served significantly to improve
the manuscript; and are further grateful to the former for
helpful discussion and for translating the portion of Hemmer
(1966a) quoted in the text. Richard Sabin, Norman McLeod,
David Gower, J. J. Hooker, Daphne Hills and Andy Currant (all
of BMNH); and Bill Stanley and Robert F. Inger (FMNH)
provided access to material, hospitality and guidance during
visits to their institutions. We are grateful also to Siran U.
Deraniyagala, former Director General of Archaeology, Sri
Lanka, for inviting K. M.-A. to work on the identification of
fossil animals in the Department’s collection, for the loan of
specimens, and for helpful discussion.
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... Although now been extinct, mammalian mega fauna in the Sri Lankan paleobiodiversity together with the "Balangoda" man (Homo sapiens) have dispersed to Sri Lanka during the Pleistocene Epoch through the broad land-bridge connecting the island with the Indian mainland (Deraniyagala, 1958;Manamendra-Arachchi et al., 2005;Rodrigo and Manamendra-Arachchi, 2020). However, molecular studies on less mobile animal groups by Bossuyt et al. (2004) revealed unexpectedly high local endemism within Sri Lanka, with very limited genetic interchange although the island had at least intermittently been connected to India until ~11,000 years ago (Vaz, 2000). ...
... These beds yield a variety of large mammals that are termed "Ratnapura Fauna", inclusive of various extinct and extant species (Table 6) (Chauhan, 2008;Deraniyagala, 1992). Unfortunately, no chrono-stratigraphic information is available for these faunae, except for the two separate dates available for rhinoceros bones dated to 47 ka (Chauhan, 2008) and another to 80 ka (Manamendra-Arachchi et al., 2005). Although the remains of an archaic form of Homo sapiens have been found within these deposits, associating the human fossils with fauna is difficult due to the unreliable chrono-stratigraphy of the deposits. ...
The objective of this paper is to evaluate existing evidence and literature in order to provide a comprehensive analysis of information concerning shifts in prehistoric human dietary patterns in Sri Lanka from the Late Pleistocene to the Late Holocene. It also intends to investigate how ancient human diets in Sri Lanka transformed over time in response to environmental conditions during this time period. Regional and local paleoclimatic records indicate that Sri Lanka experienced significant climate fluctuations, particularly during the transition from the Pleistocene to the Holocene. Archaeological evidence suggests that these major climatic shifts revolutionized the subsistence patterns of ancient populations, as they were compelled to adopt adaptive measures. However, it is possible that certain groups displayed resilience and persisted with their original subsistence strategies into the Late Holocene.
... This includes fossil buffalo teeth and skeletal remains in gem pits at depths of 6-30 feet below the surface, dating back to 17,000-13,000 years BP (Deraniyagala 1953(Deraniyagala , 1958, and buffalo teeth found in caves at Balangoda and Kuruwita dating back to 38,000-8000 years BP (Deraniyagala 1992;Perera 2010). Domesticated buffaloes have been used for paddy cultivation in Sri Lanka since the seventh century BC (Deraniyagala 1992;Manamendra-Arachchi et al. 2005). Skeletal remains, dating back to the third century BC, considered to be those of the domestic water buffalo, have been found in excavation sites in the Anuradhapura District in the interior dry zone of Sri Lanka (Coningham 1999;Young et al. 2006). ...
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Several different views have been expressed regarding the origin and taxonomic status of the wild buffalo (Bubalus sp.) in Sri Lanka. Our study aimed at resolving this issue by using craniometric analysis supported by genetic characterization. The study used buffalo specimens from Sri Lanka stored in museums and private collections, and those recently collected by us from two wildlife protected areas. The craniometric analysis was based on cranial and horn measurements of wild buffaloes (n = 26). Domestic water buffalo specimens (n = 5) were also included for comparison. The molecular analysis was conducted using fragments from 11 of the wild buffalo specimens. The results of the craniometric analysis and genetic analysis using the Cyt b gene showed good congruence, and revealed for the first time, that wild buffaloes in Sri Lanka comprised three species, namely Bubalus arnee (the Asian wild buffalo), B. bubalis (the domestic water buffalo), and B. carabanensis (the swamp buffalo). Thus, the study confirms the presence of B. arnee in Sri Lanka, which was previously uncertain, and indicates the presence of B. carabanensis which was not previously recorded in the country. Importantly, B. arnee in Sri Lanka, referred to as B. a. migona, differs both craniometrically and genetically from the three already known subspecies from the Asian mainland. The recently collected specimens from two protected areas were not of B. arnee. Hence, a wider coverage is needed to identify locations that may now harbour populations of B. a. migona, which is endemic to Sri Lanka. This would serve to strengthen its protection within the country.
... prey-rich, often well-protected landscapes in Sri Lanka, India, Java, Indonesia, South Africa and also some fenced landscapes in the African continent (Table S2). In comparison with these populations, the Sri Lankan population is unique, since the leopard has been the only big cat and apex predator on the island for at least 10,000 years (Manamendra-Arachchi et al., 2005). Moreover, presently, almost 50% of the Sri Lankan leopard's range falls within protected areas that are largely free from direct human persecution and poaching of Fig. 3. Bayesian pixel-specific leopard density expressed in units of individual leopard activity centres per state space pixel (0.3364 km 2 ) across the 30 km state space based on Model 2. Hotspots are found on the central and western sides of the National Park. ...
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The decline and extirpation of large carnivore populations can lead to cascading effects in natural ecosystems. An understanding of large carnivore population densities, distribution and dynamics is therefore critical for developing effective conservation strategies across landscapes. This is particularly important in island environments where species face increased extinction risk due to genetic isolation coupled with local losses of finite habitat. The Sri Lankan leopard Panthera pardus kotiya is one of two remaining island-living leopards on Earth and the only apex predator in Sri Lanka. Despite its iconic status in Sri Lanka, robust research on the species has been limited to only a handful of scientific studies, limiting meaningful scientific recommendations for the species’ conservation and management. In this study, we conducted a single season camera trap survey in Sri Lanka’s largest protected area, Wilpattu National Park (1,317 km²), located in the country’s northwest. Our objective was to estimate key ecological state variables of interest (density, abundance, sex-specific movement and spatial distribution) of this leopard subspecies. Our results indicate that Wilpattu National Park supports a density of 18 individuals/100 km² (posterior SD=1.5; 95% HPD interval=16–21) with a mean abundance of 144 (posterior SD=15) individual leopards and a healthy sex ratio (f:m=2.03:1). The estimated activity range for male leopards >2 years old was 49.53 km² (Posterior SD=3.43; HPD interval=43.09–56.41) and for female leopards >2 years old was 22.04 km² (Posterior SD=1.82; HPD interval=18.34–25.65). This density falls at the higher end of published estimates for the species anywhere in its global range, based on similar methods. Given Sri Lanka’s limited size, this national park system should be considered as a critical stronghold that maintains a source population of leopards, contributing to the long-term population viability of leopards in the larger landscape.
... In Sri Lanka, the endemic Sri Lankan leopard Panthera pardus kotiya is the island's only large felid and its apex predator, unique amongst leopard sub-species' in that it has evolved without intra guild competition for ~10 000 years (Yokoyama et al., 2000;Manamendra-Arachchi et al., 2005). Recently re-classified as Vulnerable on the IUCN's global Red List, the Sri Lankan leopard population is estimated to consist of < 1000 mature individuals (Kittle and Watson 2020) which has lost ~37% of its historic range (Jacobsen et al., 2016). ...
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Many coastal lagoons suffer multiple pressures from human activities that threaten their biological and ecological functionality. More specifically, heavy metal (HM) pollution has become one of the top threats that reduces sediment and water quality of coastal lagoons. Over the past decades, many scientific approaches have been made to reduce the impacts of HMs. This study was, therefore, aimed to investigate the heavy metal uptake (As, Cd, Cr, Hg and Pb) of Salvinia molesta D.S. Mitchell and Eichhornia crassipes Mart. Solms. which are common in desalinated coastal lagoons and the Kalametiya Lagoon on the southern coast of Sri Lanka was subjected for the investigation. Salinity profile of the lagoon was constructed by using Arc GIS 10.3 software. Eighteen (18) plant samples from each species i.e. 36 plant samples in total, were sampled randomly covering the three major regions, near inlet, middle region and near outlet. The oven-dried plant samples were acid digested for HM analysis and ICP-MS was used for HM quantification. Spatial distribution of lagoon salinity shows a great disparity; average salinity was 0 psu at the lagoon inlet and was 5±3 psu near to the lagoon outlet during the study period. The salinity of the lagoon ranges from 0 – 8 psu and the studied floating plants are dispersed in every part of the lagoon. Among the studied heavy metals, Cr (0.962±0.089 ppb) and Pb (0.106±0.017 ppb) were comparatively higher in both S. molesta and E. crassipes and the rest, As, Cd and Hg were below 0.050 ppb. Among these two floating plants, E. crassipes was good at up taking the major heavy metals. However, the HM contents in the studied aquatic plants were less than the Threshold Effective Level (TEL). These results reflect the potential of these aquatic plants to be used in phytoremediation process which is useful to a greater extent in wetland management. However, periodic removal of these species is highly emphasized even if those are used in phytoremediation.
... The recent history of tigers in the Indian subcontinent is consistent with the lack of tiger fossils from India prior to the late Pleistocene and the absence of tigers from Sri Lanka, which was separated from the subcontinent by rising sea levels in the early Holocene. However, a recent study of two independent fossil finds from Sri Lanka, one dated to approximately 16,500 years ago, tentatively classifies them as being a tiger (Manamendra-Arachchi et al., 2005). However, the discovery of the Ratnapura tiger in alluvium, together with hippopotamus and rhinoceros fossils, demonstrates that tigers did indeed occur on the island. ...
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The fossils are preserved remains of body parts or traces of ancient organisms. Sri Lanka is a continental island that evolved via unique geological formations, including fossil remains. This island represents many fossils belonging to three different geological periods, for instance: the Jurassic period, Miocene period, and Pleistocene epoch. Most of the Pleistocene fossils were found in terrestrial deposits (alluvial) from the Sabaragamuwa basin called Ratnapura fauna. Thus, our investigations focused on documenting samples of fossils gathered, under the project called “The Paleo World of Sabaragamuwa Basin - Sri Lanka” conducted by Eco Astronomy Inc (Sri Lanka). Considering the geological time scale, we are looking for reporting samples that approximately belong to the Quaternary period. As we know, the Quaternary period of the Earth’s geographic history includes two geologic epochs viz., which are: the Pleistocene (2.58 Myr to 0.0012 Myr), and the Holocene (0.0012 Myr to Present). Both epochs have changed and divided the fauna’s equilibrium and human’s cultural phases based on climate and sea�level fluctuations that took place during these periods. Some of the sections in those epochs has occurred during the last glacial maximum (LGM) and represent the mean sea level was much lower compared with the present records. Therefore, the quaternary period shows the open accessibility to migration of mammalian mega faunal species, that lived during the transition from the Pleistocene to the Holocene epoch. Most probably, the terrestrial climate change has impacted them and caused the extinction of those megafaunas. The gathered data details were synchronized via the technical aspect of sampling photography, toy photography, and virtual reality for analyses and reconstruction purposes.
... The soil surface roughness is a most commonly used indicator to describe the configuration of soil surface microrelief (García Moreno et al., 2011) which is known to influence many processes occurring on the soil surface, including runoff, soil loss and deposition (Jester and Klik, 2005;Darby et al., 2010;Rai et al., 2010;Vermang et al., 2013). Therefore, the alluvial deposits in the Kalu ganga basin are associated with quaternary alluvial fan (Deraniyagala, 1956;Gunatilaka and Almond, 2001;Manamendra-Arachchi, 2005) can also be traced through it. ...
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Several alluvial deposits in the Kalu Ganga basin are the most prominent secondary gem deposits in Sri Lanka. The quantitative morphometric analysis of watersheds is necessary to understand the hydrological setup of an area and the spatial distribution of alluvial formations. Since the processes involved in weathering, erosion, and sediment transport are directly imprinted on the land surface, an attempt was made to study drainage morphometry and morphology of the Upper Kalu Ganga basin to understand hydrologic processes that influenced the formation of secondary gem deposits. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with GIS application and field observations were applied for the present study. Calculated linear, areal, and relief morphometric parameters of the basin indicate surface runoff, potential energy, susceptibility for soil erosion, denudation rate, sediment yield, and discharge rate are likely to be much higher in Kalu Ganga Head-watershed, Rath Ganga, and Hangamu Ganga while sediment deposition is higher in Kuru Ganga and Katugas Ella. The surface roughness studies enable to identify the localities of alluvial deposits that may carry gem-bearing sediments. Among the several methodologies used, multivariate analyses of morphometric parameters are the most viable and cost-effective for evaluating possible gem-bearing alluvial deposits on a regional scale, despite their limitations.
... The recent history of tigers in the Indian subcontinent is consistent with the lack of tiger fossils from India prior to the late Pleistocene and the absence of tigers from Sri Lanka, which was separated from the subcontinent by rising sea levels in the early Holocene. However, a recent study of two independent fossil finds from Sri Lanka, one dated to approximately 16,500 years ago, tentatively classifies them as being a tiger (Manamendra-Arachchi et al., 2005). ...
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The fossils are preserved remains of body parts or traces of ancient organisms. Sri Lanka is a continental island that evolved via unique geological formations, including fossil remains. This island represents many fossils belonging to three different geological periods, for instance: the Jurassic period, Miocene period, and Pleistocene epoch. Most of the Pleistocene fossils were found in terrestrial deposits (alluvial) from the Sabaragamuwa basin called Ratnapura fauna. Thus, our investigations focused on documenting samples of fossils gathered, under the project called "The Paleo World of Sabaragamuwa Basin-Sri Lanka" conducted by Eco Astronomy Inc (Sri Lanka). Considering the geological time scale, we are looking for reporting samples that approximately belong to the Quaternary period. As we know, the Quaternary period of the Earth's geographic history includes two geologic epochs viz., which are: the Pleistocene (2.58 Myr to 0.0012 Myr), and the Holocene (0.0012 Myr to Present). Both epochs have changed and divided the fauna's equilibrium and human's cultural phases based on climate and sea-level fluctuations that took place during these periods. Some of the sections in those epochs has occurred during the last glacial maximum (LGM) and represent the mean sea level was much lower compared with the present records. Therefore, the quaternary period shows the open accessibility to migration of mammalian mega faunal species, that lived during the transition from the Pleistocene to the Holocene epoch. Most probably, the terrestrial climate change has impacted them and caused the extinction of those megafaunas. The gathered data details were synchronized via the technical aspect of sampling photography, toy photography, and virtual reality for analyses and reconstruction purposes.
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Islands have long been recognized as distinctive evolutionary arenas leading to morphologically divergent species, such as dwarfs and giants. We assessed how body size evolution in island mammals may have exacerbated their vulnerability, as well as how human arrival has contributed to their past and ongoing extinctions, by integrating data on 1231 extant and 350 extinct species from islands and paleo islands worldwide spanning the past 23 million years. We found that the likelihood of extinction and of endangerment are highest in the most extreme island dwarfs and giants. Extinction risk of insular mammals was compounded by the arrival of modern humans, which accelerated extinction rates more than 10-fold, resulting in an almost complete demise of these iconic marvels of island evolution.
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[Objectives] The evolutionary relationship of Felidae has been controversial. As a result, there are highly divergent views on classification of cats at the generic level. The emerging phylogeny using gene or genomic data provides a new viewpoint to understand the evolution of cats. [Methods] This paper reviews the molecular phylogeny of Felidae over recent years, and we deduce the evolutionary history of Felidae in combination twith fossil records. The phylogenies by Johnson et al. (2006) and Li et al. (2016) are used as the core, corroborated by specific fossil records. [Results] Recent molecular phylogenies propose living cats radiated in the Late Miocene and diverged into eight branches. Though the divergent age of these branches largely coincides with fossil evidence, the inferred origination area of some branches is not supported by fossil records. Combing the evidence from these fossil records, we propose that the most living cat lineages are likely originated in Asia except for the Caracal lineage and Leopardus lineage, and living cats experienced at least 30 intercontinental migrations in the process of evolution, far more than those inferred from only molecular phylogeny. [Conclusion] Based on the study of volutionary history and morphology, we suggest that all the living cats should be classified into Felinae, and subdivided into 15 genera and 40 species
The number of tiger subspecies is a major conservation issue that is difficult to resolve owing to small fragmented extant populations and limited historical samples in museums, which compromise the rigour of both molecular and morphological taxonomic studies. Rather than considering a static taxonomic approach to geographical variation in the tiger, we consider the changing biogeographical range of the tiger through the last glacial-interglacial cycle, based on habitat associations of modern tiger specimen records, and environmental reconstructions from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; approximately 20000 years before present (B.P.)). We regard this cycle as representative of the numerous glacial cycles that span the evolutionary history of the tiger since its appearance in the fossil record about two million years ago, thereby giving a deep-time perspective. The key issue is to determine the extent to which ancestral populations of the tiger were geographically isolated. If no geographical isolation is likely, and gene flow between tiger populations could be maintained until modern times, then diagnosably distinct populations could not have evolved. Our reconstructions show that only two tiger populations were likely to have experienced significant geographical isolation from the main species distribution; these were to the west of Tibet (during the LGM) and on Japan (throughout the glacial cycle). In addition, the LGM is likely to have seen the partial separation of peninsular Malayan and Sunda Islands tigers from mainland populations. From a biogeographical perspective it seems probable that only three contemporary populations were sufficiently separated for the evolution of distinct populations, which can be regarded as subspecies or evolutionary significant units. Therefore, most variation in modern tiger populations is probably clinal, which has important implications for future conservation strategies both in the wild and in captivity.
This is a study of the South Asian climate, with a description and interpretation of the complex atmospheric dynamics and explanation of the intricacies of monsoon meteorology. The climatic end products of the monsoonal system, especially the rainfall, affect hundreds of millions of the earth's population in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal. The book is organised into two aprts: The first provides meterological background to understanding the Asian climate. Placing the regional circulation in perspective of the tropical general circulation and describing the specific features dominating the climate. The second part focuses upon the climatological characteristics of South Asia; the mean climate is described, followed by specific features of individual countries.