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Outcome measures for the assessment of balance and posture control in cerebellar ataxia


Abstract and Figures

Background: Discrepancies exist in the use of outcome measures for the assessment of balance and postural control among people with cerebellar ataxia. There is a need to explore the spectrum of tools used in order to determine their utility. Objectives: The aims of this narrative review were to identify, categorize, and discuss outcome measures used for the evaluation of balance and postural control in cerebellar assessment and intervention, and to identify outcome measures which might relate to the localization of cerebellar lesion. Major findings: Electronic search of the evaluation of cerebellar interventions and identification or illustration of clinical features of problems relating to balance and postural control identified 45 outcome measures. Using the international classification of functioning, the outcome measures were categorized as: health condition-specific (n57), body structure and function level (n513), activity level (n525), and none at a participatory level. Accessibility, time required to perform, and psychometric property testing determined the utility of outcome measures. Frequency and amplitude of postural sway, and measures obtained from force plate testing were used to localize the cerebellar lesion. Conclusion: A wide range of outcome measures were used to assess balance and postural control deficits; none of the clinical tools appeared to localize cerebellar lesion. Health condition-specific outcome measures were used for cerebellar intervention trials and psychometric properties of outcome measures at an activity level were not tested among pure cerebellar lesions. Further investigation is warranted to streamline the utility and selection of outcome measures for clinical practice.
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Narrative Review
Outcome measures for the assessment of
balance and posture control in cerebellar
Stanley John Winser
, Leigh Hale
, Leica S. Claydon
, Cath Smith
Centre for Physiotherapy Research, University of Otago, New Zealand,
Department of Allied Health and
Medicine, Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford, UK
Background: Discrepancies exist in the use of outcome measures for the assessment of balance and
postural control among people with cerebellar ataxia. There is a need to explore the spectrum of tools used
in order to determine their utility.
Objectives: The aims of this narrative review were to identify, categorize, and discuss outcome measures
used for the evaluation of balance and postural control in cerebellar assessment and intervention, and to
identify outcome measures which might relate to the localization of cerebellar lesion.
Major findings: Electronic search of the evaluation of cerebellar interventions and identification or illustration
of clinical features of problems relating to balance and postural control identified 45 outcome measures.
Using the international classification of functioning, the outcome measures were categorized as: health
condition-specific (n57), body structure and function level (n513), activity level (n525), and none at a
participatory level. Accessibility, time required to perform, and psychometric property testing determined
the utility of outcome measures. Frequency and amplitude of postural sway, and measures obtained from
force plate testing were used to localize the cerebellar lesion.
Conclusion: A wide range of outcome measures were used to assess balance and postural control deficits;
none of the clinical tools appeared to localize cerebellar lesion. Health condition-specific outcome
measures were used for cerebellar intervention trials and psychometric properties of outcome measures at
an activity level were not tested among pure cerebellar lesions. Further investigation is warranted to
streamline the utility and selection of outcome measures for clinical practice.
Keywords: Assessment, Balance, Cerebellar ataxia, Outcome measures, Postural control
Balance and postural control are two different yet
interconnected entities which work towards achieving
a state of equilibrium. In this context, we define
balance as an ability of an individual to maintain the
state of equilibrium during motion or dynamic
stability and postural control as an actively stabilized
orientation of the body and its segments in space and
in relation to each other to maintain static stability.
The cerebellum plays an important role in coordinat-
ing inputs from other neural systems to fine tune
postural control, balance, and locomotion.
to the cerebellum lead to cerebellar ataxia, a
heterogeneous group of conditions which include
genetic and non-genetic forms.
Ataxias are char-
acterized clinically by deficits in co-ordinated oculo-
motor, speech, limb, balance, and gait function.
Lesions to the cerebellum can negatively influence
balance and postural control,
exhibited as abnormal
postural sway, impaired postural responses,
anticipatory adjustments,
and ataxic gait
resulting in
poor balance and an increased incidence of falls.
These movement deficits are observable; however,
there are no guidelines to direct selection of outcome
measures for the quantification and grading of
problems relating to balance and postural control in
individuals with cerebellar ataxia.
It is unclear how well current outcome measures
perform in the evaluation of interventions for a
cerebellar ataxia population. Furthermore, a wide
range of outcome measures are used in the assessment
of balance and postural control regardless of the area
of cerebellum involved despite evidence that the
clinical presentation of balance and postural control
in people with cerebellar lesions may vary with the
location of insult to the cerebellum.
Therefore, the
aims of this narrative review were to identify,
categorize, and discuss outcome measures used in
Correspondence to: Stanley John Winser, Centre for Physiotherapy
Research, University of Otago, New Zealand. Email: stanley.winser@
ßW. S. Maney & Son Ltd 2013
DOI 10.1179/1743288X13Y.0000000065 Physical Therapy Reviews 2013 VOL.18 NO.2 117
the evaluation of balance and postural control in
cerebellar assessment and intervention, and to
identify outcome measures of balance and postural
control that might relate to localization of cerebellar
An electronic search of the following databases
identified pertinent literature: Google Scholar, Index
New Zealand, Ovid Medline, ProQuest Central,
ScienceDirect, Scopus, and Web of Knowledge. The
search terms used were ‘posture’ AND ‘cerebellar
ataxia’ AND ‘postural control’ AND ‘balance’ AND
‘imbalance’ AND ‘posturography’. Articles related to
evaluation of clinical interventions for cerebellar
signs, identification or illustration of clinical presenta-
tion of problems with balance and postural control
relating to cerebellar lesions, of any cause were selected
for review (see Fig. 1). Articles were excluded if: data
were inadequate (the abstract was only available for
electronic access), trials involved animals, studies on
cerebellar lesions did not involve postural control and
balance, or articles were published in languages other
than English. One author (SW) searched the database
and selected the articles.
The international classification of functioning,
disability and health
guided classification of the
outcomes reported in the selected articles into one of
the following four groups: health condition-specific
outcome measures, outcome measures of body
Figure 1 The flow of study and the number of outcome measures identified.
Winser et al. Balance and postural control outcome measures among cerebellar ataxia
118 Physical Therapy Reviews 2013 VOL.18 NO.2
structures and functions, outcome measures of activ-
ity, and outcome measures of participation. The
following information was extracted from each
identified outcome measure: (1) domain: subcompo-
nents of the tool included and components of balance
or postural control assessed by the tool; (2) scoring; (3)
reported psychometric properties including inter-rater
and/or intra-rater reliability, test–re-test reliability,
internal consistency, and validity; and (4) time taken to
complete the test.
The search identified 131 full text articles of which 76
articles met the inclusion criteria. Fifty-five articles
were excluded; the main reasons for exclusion were
inadequate data (n512), trials involving animals
(n516), studies on cerebellar lesions which do not
involve postural control and balance (n521), and
articles published in languages other than English
(n56). In the 76 articles reviewed, 45 different
outcome measures were identified, 7 were health
condition-specific, 13 were related to body structure
and function, 25 were related to activity, and no
outcome measures were identified at a participatory
level. Each category was tabulated separately and the
identified outcome measures were listed according to
the frequency of utility as shown in Tables 1–3.
Health condition-specific outcome measures
Seven health condition-specific outcome measures
were identified from nine studies as shown in Table 1.
The dimensions tested included balance, gait, limb
kinetic function, and speech; overall these dimensions
were used to grade the severity of ataxia. The
international cooperative ataxia rating scale
graded ataxia based on four domains:
posture and gait, kinetic function, speech, and
oculomotor disorder. The posture and gait subcom-
ponent used seven task-oriented tested items specific
to balance and gait. The coordination ability and
tremor system (CATSYS) 2000,
a portable device
assessing tremor, reaction time, hand coordination,
and postural sway used the force plate to study
postural control.
The ataxia functional composite
scale (AFCS),
a scale for grading ataxia used a
combination of visual acuity, hand dexterity, and
timed walk test. The timed 25-foot walk (T25W) test
was used for the assessment of balance and gait.
Maximum scores of the outcome measures ranged
from 30 to 100. The AFCS was calculated using the
sum of Z score of the three tests (low contrast visual
acuity, the 9-hole peg test, and the timed 25-foot
walk), Z score being an indication of the number of
standard deviations that an element is from the mean.
Inter-rater reliability, intra-rater reliability, and
internal consistency were studied for most outcome
measures. Time taken to complete the tests varied
from over 30 minutes for the ICARS or not
or less than 15 minutes for the scale for
the assessment and rating of ataxia (SARA),
ataxia grading scale having eight subcomponents.
The subcomponents gait, stance, and sitting of the
SARA appear to assess balance among the corre-
sponding activities.
Five of the seven outcome
measures at the health condition-specific level rated
severity of ataxia.
The Fregly–Graybiel
ataxia battery,
a scale used to quantify gait and
balance assessed using a combination of Sharpened
Romberg, walk in line, and stand on one foot tests.
The CATSYS 2000 quantified tremor, reaction time,
hand coordination, and postural sway using a
computer-based assessment among people with
movement disorders including cerebellar ataxia. The
outcome measures assessing the severity of ataxia
had subcomponents to assess balance and postural
The grading of balance differed from each scale, in
that the brief ataxia rating scale (BARS) and AFCS
graded balance based on the score obtained while
walking. The ICARS, SARA, and Friedreich’s ataxia
scale (FARS) had distinct balance-related compo-
nents which included sitting balance, standing bal-
ance, body sway, and walking capacity to grade
balance and posture. The ICARS had the most
comprehensive assessment for balance having seven
items specific to balance. The FARS grades ataxia
using the domains functional staging of ataxia,
activities of daily living, and neurological examina-
tion. The neurological examination is further classi-
fied to assess independent functions among which the
upright stability component has items relevant to
balance assessment. One of the items of the upright
stability component utilizes the T25W test to assess
the gait.
The ICARS is frequently used in pharmacological
and has 19 items in total to assess posture
and gait disturbances, kinetic function, speech
disorders, and oculomotor disorders.
This test
takes over 30 minutes to complete, and thus a shorter
version was developed, the BARS. The BARS has
five items (gait, knee-tibia test, finger-to-nose test,
dysarthria, and oculomotor abnormalities) resulting
in a maximum score of 30 and all the items are a part
of the modified international cooperative ataxia
rating scale.
One study in this review reported the
use of ICARC, FARS, SARA, and AFCS in
evaluating the progress of Fredrick’s ataxia.
Although, as this review reports, many tools have
been developed, identifying the most suitable measure
for evaluation of balance and postural control as well
as grading of ataxia remains inconclusive. Most of
the health condition-specific outcome measures were
used as tools for the assessment and grading of
Winser et al. Balance and postural control outcome measures among cerebellar ataxia
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Table 1 Health condition-specific outcome measures
Outcome measures Domain Scoring
Psychometric properties
Time taken
reliability Test–re-test reliability Internal consistency Validity
The international
cooperative ataxia
rating scale (ICARC)
Grading for ataxia.
Balance assessed
using posture and
gait (PG)
Total: 100 High inter-rater
reliability (ICC50.95)
High test–re-test
reliability (ICC50.97)
Adequate internal
(Cronbach’s a50.94)
Good internal
structural validity
Over 30 minutes
PG: 34
Min.: 0 Max.: 100
Scale for the
assessment and rating
of ataxia (SARA)
Grading for ataxia.
gait, stance, and
sitting assess balance
among the
Total: 40 High inter-rater
reliability (ICCs5
High test–re-test
reliability (ICCs5
High internal
(Cronbach’s a50.94)
Good internal
structural validity
Less than
15 minutesGait: 8
Stance: 6
Sit: 4
Min.: 0 Max.: 40
Coordination ability
and tremor system
(CATSYS 2000)
Quantifies tremor,
reaction time, hand
coordination, and
postural sway. A force
plate is used to assess
postural sways.
Not reported. Not reported Not reported Not reported Normative data
across different
age groups of
normal individual
15 minutes
The ataxia functional
composite scale
Functional performance
measure assessing
vision, upper limb
function, and gait.
The T25W test is used
to assess gait and
mobility function.
Calculated as a sum
of Z scores of each
subtest and total
divided by 3.
Not reported Good test–re-test
reliability established
(ICC not reported)
Not reported Strong correlation
with the ICARS
(Spearman’s rank
20.90 to 20.95)
20 minutes
Brief ataxia rating
scale (BARS)
Grading ataxia using
five subcomponents.
Gait subcomponent
assesses mobility
and reflects on
balance function.
Total: 30 High inter-rater
reliability (ICC5
Not reported High internal
(Cronbach’s a50.90)
Not reported Not reported
Walking capacity: 8
Min.: 0 Max.: 30
ataxia battery
Quantifies gait and
balance. Uses sharpened
Rhomberg’s, stand on
one foot and walk in
line to comment on balance.
Not reported. Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported
Friedreich’s ataxia
rating scale (FARS)
Ataxia rating scale with
functional stage of
ataxia, activities of
daily living, and
neurological examination.
Upright stability
component of the
neurological examination
assesses balance
Functional staging: 6.0 Excellent inter-
rater reliability
(ICC not reported)
among selective
items of the scale
Not reported Not reported Good correlation
of ICARS and
FARS scores
(r50.933; P,0.0001)
30 minutes
Activities of daily living: 36
examination: 129
Upright score: 28
Note: T25W: twenty-five-foot walk test; ICC: intraclass correlation coefficient; P: level of significance; r: correlation coefficient; Min.: minimum; Max.: maximum.
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Table 2 Outcome measures on body structure and function
measures Domain Scoring
Time taken
rater reliability
consistency Validity
Force platform Assess postural
control and
balance by
quantifying the
movement of
centre of
Expressed as hertz
(oscillations per
Not reported Not reported Not
Not reported Testing time is
processing are
Surface EMG Quantifies timing
of muscle
contraction in
relation to balance
and postural
The timing and
strength of muscular
contraction are
expressed as
milliseconds and
Not reported Not reported. Not
Not reported Testing time
are time-
test (SOT)
Measure of
postural control
sensory interaction
Postural sway
measured by force
platform and
time sustained in
each of the 6
Not reported Fair to good
reliability (ICCs
50.26 in
condition 3,
and 0.68 and
0.64 in
5 and 6).
validity among
mild stroke.
20 seconds
per level of
the test (six
Whole body
Posture control and
balance assessed
as movements
happening at
different body
segments that
is expressed in
Measure of total
body segments
displacement of
COM in different
Not reported Not reported Not
Not reported Testing time
are time-
Clinical test
for sensory
integrity and
Test of balance and
sensory integration
Time sustained in
each of the six
Excellent inter-
rater reliability
(r50.99) among
Not reported Discriminant
validity: significant
between n
ormal and people
with vestibular
20 minutes
Winser et al. Balance and postural control outcome measures among cerebellar ataxia
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measures Domain Scoring
Time taken
rater reliability
consistency Validity
Minimum time:
0 second
Maximum time:
30 second in
each condition
Potentiometer Assess ROM at
ankle joint during
static stability and
Measured as
degrees of
movement at
ankle, used
always along
with a force
Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Negligible.
are time-
Accelerometer Works in
conjunction with
a force platform
to assess
postural control,
trunk sway in
antero posterior
and lateral
Postural sway
in degrees.
Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Negligible.
processing are
The balance
systems test
Assess the cause
for balance
instability which
stability limits,
postural responses,
orientation, and
dynamic balance
The test has 27
items to be tested
Excellent test–re-test
reliability (ICC50.091)
among subjects with PD.
Not reported Moderate
validity with the
ABC scale
Tested among
people with
problems of
different causes.
20–30 minutes
instability: 15
Stability limits: 21
Anticipatory: 18
Reactive: 18
orientation: 15
Gait stability: 21
Min.: 0 Max.: 108
and light track
through static
photography. Static
pictures of posture
taken following a
1-minute hold.
Static pictures
of different
compared before
and after trial.
Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 1 minute for
every posture
Table 2 Continued
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122 Physical Therapy Reviews 2013 VOL.18 NO.2
measures Domain Scoring
Time taken
rater reliability
consistency Validity
The SwayStar
Measure of
postural control.
Postural sway
and tremors
measured using
fixed to the waist.
Postural sway
expressed in
Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Recording time
processing are
Anima plantar
system (ANIMA)
Measure of gait
Measures stride,
gait cycle,
step length, and
step width,
gait velocity and
The results of the
variable are
expressed as time,
distance, speed, or
cycles per second.
Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Negligible.
are time-
Rhomberg test
Static balance,
one’s ability to
stand with
eyes closed
Timed test, ability
to maintain stance
for 60 seconds is
Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 1 minute
Min.: 0 Max.: 60
The number
of falls, range
of COP excursion,
and COP path
Dynamic balance
with the number of
falls during
a series of balance
activities and
postural control
assessed using
a force plate
Recording number
of falls before and
after treatment
session and COP
similar to force
plate measurements.
Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 20 seconds
each activity
(12 activities)
Note: EMG: electro myography; ROM: range of motion; COP: centre of pressure; COM: centre of mass; ICC: intraclass correlation coefficient; r: correlation coefficient; P: level of significance; Min.: minimum;
Max.: maximum.
Table 2 Continued
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Table 3 Outcome measures on activity
measures Domain Scoring
Time taken
consistency Validity
Berg balance
scale (BBS)
Dynamic balance
assessed by
performing 14
commonly used
functional tasks.
Each task scored
between 0 and
4. Scores less
than 40 indicative
of high risk of fall.
Excellent inter-
rater (ICC50.99)
Excellent test–
re-test reliability
tested among
a variety of
disorders and
older adults
Not reported Excellent criterion
and construct
15–20 minutes
Min.: 0 Max.: 56
The timed up
and go test (TUG)
Measure of
balance, functional
mobility, and gait
Timed test.
Older adults
requiring more
than 13.5 seconds
to complete the
task are considered
at the risk of fall.
Excellent inter-
rater reliability
Excellent test–
re-test (ICC50.96)
Not reported Excellent
criterion and
validity tested
among stroke,
older adults,
SCI, and PD.
Less than
5 minutes
balance confidence
scale (ABC)
Measure of
balance and
functional mobility.
Self-perceived level
of confidence
during 16 activities.
The confidence of
performing each
activity is self-rated
from 0 to 100%
Not reported Excellent test–
re-test reliability
validity when
correlated with
the BBS. Tested
among stroke, PD,
and older adults.
10–20 minutes
Dizziness handicap
inventory (DHI)
Measure of
perceived level
of handicap due
to dizziness.
Total score 100.
Each question is
scored 0 for ‘No’,
2 for ‘Sometimes’,
and 4 for ‘Yes’.
Not reported Good test–re-
test reliability
Good internal
(0.91) and
among patient
with dizziness
of vestibular
validity among
Not reported
Min.: 0 Max.: 100
Dynamic gait
index (DGI)
Measure of
mobility and
dynamic balance.
Total: 24. Adequate to
excellent inter-
rater reliability
(ICC50.98) and
intra-rater reliability
Excellent test–
re-test reliability
among people
with stroke
Not reported Excellent
criterion and
validity among
stroke PD and
older adults.
Less than
10 minutes8 tasks related to
walking assessed.
Scores above 21
indicate minimal
or no risk of fall.
Min.: 0 Max.: 24
Winser et al. Balance and postural control outcome measures among cerebellar ataxia
124 Physical Therapy Reviews 2013 VOL.18 NO.2
measures Domain Scoring
Time taken
consistency Validity
Single-limb stance
time (SLST) of the
dominant leg
Measure of
postural control.
Timed test Moderate to
good intersession
reliability (ICC:
0.56–0.99) among
children with CP
Good test–re-
test reliability
in children in
assessing balance
Not reported Not reported Less than
1 minute
Limits of stability
Measure of
dynamic balance.
A feature of the
‘balance master’.
Measures movement
velocity, maximal
excursion, and
directional control
along eight
different directions.
Not reported Good test–re-
test reliability
tested among
older adults
Not reported Acceptable
validity among
older adults
5–10 minutes
Five times sit-to-
stand (FTSTS) test
Measure of
dynamic balance
and lower extremity
Timed test Not reported High degree of
reliability (r50.882).
Not reported Valid measure
of balance
and lower-
strength among
older adults
(statistics not
Less than
1 minute.
Standing balance
according to
Measure of
postural control
and balance.
Assess the ability
to maintain upright
standing with
increasing level
of challenge.
Total: 4 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Less than
5 minutes5 point ordinal
scale, scores
ranging between
0 (inability to stand)
to 4 (normal standing).
Min.: 0 Max.: 4
Mokkens functional
Measure of
Total: 15. Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 10 minutes
5 tasks assessed
using a 4 point
ordinal scale.
Higher the score
obtained, better
the balance.
Min.: 0 Max.: 15
Self-reported fall
Measure of
dynamic balance,
involves self-
reporting of falls.
Number of times
the participant fell
over a period of time.
Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Negligible
Table 3 Continued
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measures Domain Scoring
Time taken
consistency Validity
measure (FIM)
Measure of
Total518 items
Motor tasks513
Not reported Excellent test–
re-test reliability
Excellent internal
a50.93) among
older adults
validity tested
among stroke
30–45 minutes
Cognitive tasks55.
Each task scored
out of 7.
Min.: 18 Max.: 126
Time to complete
a balance task
Measure of
dynamic balance.
Timed test, requiring
the subject to touch
the top of a step
with each foot four
Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Less than
1 minute
Paediatric evaluation
of disability inventory
Measure of
and changes in
functional skills
Total5237 items. High inter and
(ICC: 0.95–0.99)
Not reported High internal
a: 0.90–0.99)
High concurrent
validity among
children with
disability aged
6 months to 7
45–60 minutes
Functional skills5
197 (scored between
0 and 1)
Caregiver assistance:
20 (scored between
0 and 5)
(scored as type
of modification).
Tinetti performance
oriented mobility
assessment (POMA)
Measure of gait
and balance.
Total 516 items Good inter-rater
reliability (ICC:
Good test–re-
test (ICC: 0.82–
Not reported Good concurrent
and discriminant
validity among
older adults
10–15 minutes
Gait57 items
Balance59 items
Most of the items
scored on a three
point ordinal scale.
Min.: 0 Max.: 28
Functional systems
scale (FSS) and the
expanded disability
status scale (EDSS)
Measure of
functional status
and disease
progression in MS.
FSS assesses eight
functional systems
and EDSS grades
the stage of illness
due to MS.
High inter- and
reliability (ICC
not reported)
Not reported Not reported Good face
validity as a
measure of
combined body
structure and
function, and
activity level
among MS.
Not reported
Min.: 0.0 Max.: 10.0
Table 3 Continued
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126 Physical Therapy Reviews 2013 VOL.18 NO.2
measures Domain Scoring
Time taken
consistency Validity
Functional reach (FR) Measure of
dynamic balance
and motor
Results obtained as
distance reached
in metres.
Scores ,6 inches
are indicative of
high risk for falls.
Excellent intra-
rater reliability
(ICC50.92) and
reliability (ICC5
Excellent test–
re-test (ICC5
Not reported Not reported 5 minutes
Clinical tests of
standing balance
Measure of
static balance
in standing and
postural control.
Timed test measuring
ability to sustain
each position up
to 30 seconds.
Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 5 minutes
assessment of
standing and gait
Assess standing
balance motor
and gait.
description of
gait parameters
and standing.
Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported
25-foot timed walk test Assess speed,
motor performance
during gait
and balance.
Timed test. Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Less than
5 minutes
Grading of
walking ability
among people
with MS.
Total: 10 stages. Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported. Not reported.
0 indicated
and 9 ‘bound
to wheelchair’.
Measure of
balance and
during standing.
Five point ordinal
scale ranging
between 0 (inability
to perform) and 4
(able to stand
unsupported for
2 minutes).
Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 2 minutes
scale for
Measure of
postural control,
a scale specific
to people with
Total512 items High inter-rater
and intra-rater
reliability (ICC
not reported)
Not reported High internal
validity and
good construct
validity in
postural control
among stroke
Not reported
Static55 items
Dynamic57 items.
Each item scored
from 0 to 3.
Min.: 0 Max.: 36
Table 3 Continued
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cerebellar lesion. None of these outcome measures
related to the localization of cerebellar lesion.
Outcome measures on body structure and
Thirteen outcome measures which assessed body
structure and function were identified from 32 articles
as shown in Table 2. The dimensions tested were
static and dynamic balance. The balance and postural
control assessment included quantification of centre
of pressure (COP), muscle contraction variables,
sensory interaction, joint range of motion, stability
limits, and gait variables. The scoring scheme,
execution, and interpretation varied between these
outcome measures; however, results of most of the
identified outcome measures of this category were
computer generated.
The psychometric properties of most of these
outcome measures were not reported. The sensory
organization test (SOT), a measure of dynamic
balance that assesses sensory interaction using force
plate and visual surround had fair to good test–re-test
reliability [intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC)
ranged between 0.26 in condition 3 to 0.68 and 0.64
in conditions 5 and 6].
Clinical test for sensory
integrity and balance (CTSIB)
and the balance
evaluation system test (BESTest)
had excellent
inter-rater reliability (r50.99 and ICC50.91 respec-
tively) . The CTSIB is a clinic-based assessment for
sensory interaction measuring one’s ability to effec-
tively use vision, vestibular, and somatosensory
inputs in maintaining balance. The BESTest
addresses the cause for balance instability at an
impairment level by assessing the following domains:
biomechanical, stability limits, postural responses,
sensory orientation, and dynamic balance.
laboratory-based assessments in this category took
minimal time to complete; however, the interpreta-
tion of the data requires careful preparation and
calibration and the results are time-consuming to
process and interpret. The BESTest was the most
time-consuming, taking 20–30 minutes to complete.
Outcome measures at the body structure and
function level were used to try and identify under-
lying impairments associated with imbalance and
poor postural control. Of the 13 outcome measures,
nine were performed in a laboratory. Twenty-one
articles used a force plate;
which is a
laboratory-based test comprising a plate on which
the individual stands that has four piezoelectric
transducers attached to four corners that measure
pressure and are operated via a computer. The
individual’s postural sway is a reflection of movement
of their COP on the force plate. The clinically based
tests (CTSIB,
and the sharpened
) had reasonable clinical utility as they
do not require sophisticated equipment, and are
Table 3 Continued
measures Domain Scoring
Time taken
consistency Validity
Measure of
dynamic balance
and Coordination.
Calculate number
of steps taken out
of 10 cm wide
base of support
during tandem walking.
Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Less than 1 minute
Note: SCI: spinal cord injury; MS: multiple sclerosis; CP: cerebral palsy; PD: Parkinson’s disease; ICC: intraclass correlation coefficient; r: correlation coefficient; P: level of significance; Min.: minimum; Max.:
Winser et al. Balance and postural control outcome measures among cerebellar ataxia
128 Physical Therapy Reviews 2013 VOL.18 NO.2
quick to execute and easy to perform. The sharpened
Romberg’s test assesses the static balance, requiring
the participant to perform tandem standing with eyes
closed and maintain the posture for 60 seconds.
The SOT was used in five studies,
three of
which were clinical intervention trials. Results of this
test interpret the contribution of vision, vestibular and
somatosensory inputs towards balance. However, like
the other laboratory tests, this outcome measure
requires sophisticated equipment.
One of the studies used photographic anthropo-
metry; however, this method of testing the progress of
balance over a period of time, has been criticized for
its subjectivity as it may not measure subtle changes
in balance over a period of time and for having no
psychometric properties tested.
Other measures used
to assess postural control at the body and structure
level were electromyography (EMG)
whole body kinematics.
involved recording variables such as latency, action
potential, duration, and symmetry of muscular con-
traction. Commonly, the EMG was coupled with the
force plate and the readings of the EMG were studied
in relation to the postural sway. Tibialis anterior,
gastrocnemius, soleus, quadriceps, hamstrings, para-
spinal, and abdominal muscles were commonly
measured with EMG when studying postural control.
Whole body kinematics normally involved three-
dimensional tracking system using infrared emitting
diodes. The diodes were placed symmetrically over
different body segments throughout the body.
Movements happening at these body segments were
captured using cameras during erect stance as well as
during perturbation in different directions. One study
combined EMG and whole body kinematics.
The force platform was used in conjunction with
the potentiometer,
and num-
ber of falls during a series of activities
to measure
the COP. The potentiometer measured the ankle
range of motion during quiet stance, accelerometer
measured truck sway along antero-posterior, and
lateral directions and the number of falls assessment
required the participant to stand over the force
platform and perform a series of activities during
which the postural sway was tracked using COP. The
Swaystar system assessed the postural sway similar to
the accelerometer; however, a force platform is not
required for this device. Sway measuring transducer
was fixed to the waist. Movement of the truck
was measured bi-directional, antero-posterior, and
The anima plantar pressure measur-
ing system appeared to be a gait assessment tool
measuring the variables stride, gait cycle, step length,
and step width, gait velocity, and cadence.
One article was identified that used the pattern and
amplitude of postural sway, measured using force
plate to localize the cerebellar lesion.
People with
isolated lesions of the cerebellar functional zones had
distinct pattern of postural sway, for example lesions
of spinocerebellum result in an increased sway in an
antero-posterior direction whereas those of vestibu-
locerebellum involves a multi-directional sway. None
of the other identified outcome measures were able to
identify the site of lesion. The equipment used in the
laboratory-based trials has poor clinical utility as
they are costly, require a trained individual to
perform the assessment, and require the study
participants to come to a laboratory for testing.
Outcome measures on activity
Thirty-five articles reported using 25 outcome mea-
sures at an activity level. The outcome measures of
this category tested dynamic balance and functional
mobility. The domains used to test balance included
functional tasks, walking ability, self-perceived level
of confidence, lower limb strength, and self-reporting
on falls. The scoring scheme varied from cumulative
score of multiple items as in the Berg balance scale
(BBS), timed scores,
subjective self-reporting,
comprehensive inventory,
and grading of disease,
as in the functional system scale (FSS) and the
expanded disability status scale (EDSS).
go (TUG) test was used in eight studies.
The BBS is a measure of dynamic balance assessing
14 commonly used functional tasks, and score
less than 40 is indicative of increased risk if fall.
However, the BBS needs to be used in conjunction
with other measures as a complete balance assess-
The TUG is a timed test for assessing
dynamic balance and functional mobility, and scores
above 13.5 seconds to complete the task are indicative
of increased risk of fall.
Both the BBS and TUG’s
psychometric properties have been extensively tested.
Both measures have established validity and reliability
in assessing balance among multiple groups of
populations, including those with cerebellar lesions.
single limb stance time (SLST) of the dominant lower
the five times sit-to-stand test,
time to
complete a balance task,
clinical tests of standing
25-foot timed walk test,
and timed unsup-
ported stance.
The timed tests required the participant
to perform one or more functional activities and the test
was interpreted as the time taken to complete the task.
The subjective observational assessment of standing and
gait reported standing balance as a subjective description
of walking and stance with differing level of challenges.
The psychometric properties of these tests have not yet
been determined.
Balance assessment requiring self-reporting included
activities-specific balance confidence scale,
Winser et al. Balance and postural control outcome measures among cerebellar ataxia
Physical Therapy Reviews 2013 VOL.18 NO.2 129
dizziness handicap inventory,
self-reported fall
and paediatric evaluation of disability
inventory (PEDI).
Measures of functional indepen-
dence used as an outcome of balance were functional
independence measure
and Mokkens functional
independence assessment.
Two outcome measures
were based on staging of balance and gait abilities, and
these were the EDSS
and Hauser ambulation
There were three outcome measures that were
condition-specific, the FSS, the EDSS,
a scale for
assessing disability and symptom severity in multiple
sclerosis, and postural assessment scale for stroke
patients, a measure for trunk stability among people
with stroke.
Some of the other outcome measures
that were used as a balance assessment tool included
the dynamic gait index,
mobility and dynamic balance scored on a four-point
ordinal scale, the standing balance assessment
according to Bohannon,
the Tinetti performance-
oriented mobility assessment,
and the functional
reach (FR).
The time required to administer the
activity level outcome measures identified varied;
some outcome measures like the standing balance
and equilibrium coordination test
less than 5 minutes whereas the PEDI
and BBS
were reported to take over 30 minutes. The time
required to complete the test is an important factor in
determining clinical utility.
No studies at the activity level used a health
condition-specific outcome measure specific to cere-
bellar ataxia and most of the studies categorized
under this group were clinical trials studying treat-
ment effects. Of the identified 35 articles, four were
related to cerebellar assessment and the remaining
to cerebellar intervention. None of these outcomes
measures were used to localize the cerebellar lesion.
This narrative review involved an electronic search of
articles related to balance and postural control in
people with cerebellar ataxia to identify, categorize,
and discuss the outcome measures used in cerebellar
assessment and intervention, and to identify the
outcome measures that relate to the localization of
cerebellar lesion.
In our review, we identified 45 outcome measures
that evaluated balance and postural control of
individuals with cerebellar lesions. Using the inter-
national classification of functioning, disability and
health, these outcome measures were categorized as
follows: 7 health condition-specific, 13 at a body
structure and function level, 25 at an activity level,
and none were identified at a participatory level.
Apart from the ICARS,
the health condition-
specific outcome measures were not commonly used
in clinical trials. None of these trials utilized these
tools for the localization of the cerebellar lesion site.
Most of the articles listed under this category were
studies which reported on scale development and
psychometric testing. Participants used in the psycho-
metric testing of the outcome measures identified had
spinocerebellar ataxia and Friedreich ataxia.
The ICARS has been widely used in the validation
of the other health condition-specific outcome
measures. Ilg et al. studied the influence of cerebellar
lesion on gait
establishing good correlation between
the gait parameters using kinematic analysis and limb
kinetic function using the ICARS, and the latter may
be considered the gold standard in determining
severity of ataxia. The ICARC is comprehensive,
especially in the assessment and grading of ataxia,
has excellent inter-rater reliabillty (ICC50.95) and
test–re-test reliability (ICC50.97), and excellent
internal consistency indicated by Cronbach’s aof
0.94, and has been used to differentiate between
patients with static and progressing ataxia.
There is
no cost to purchase the ICARS. However, the time
required to complete the ICARS (over 30 minutes)
and the need of physician or a trained technician
complete the assessment reduce the tool’s utility. The
a shorter version of the ICARC, which
includes only five items, and has excellent inter-rater
reliability (ICC50.93) and internal consistency
(ICC50.96) may have better clinical utility. The
other health condition-specific outcome measures
identified in this review have not had extensive
psychometric testing or they require sophisticated
equipment (for example the CATSYS)
which may
explain their limited use in clinical trials.
Most of the outcome measures assessing at the
body structure and function level were used to assess
cerebellar function and those at the activity level were
used for clinical intervention trials. However, some
measures, for example the SOT and the use of a force
plate and EMG have been utilized both in assessment
of cerebellar function and in clinical trials. Outcome
measures at body structure and function level are
used to objectively identify changes in sensory
interaction, motor behaviour, individual muscle
response, postural sway variables (amplitude, fre-
quency, and intersegment response), and biomecha-
nical causes for imbalance. However, to our
knowledge, in spite of their frequent use, their
psychometric properties, with the exception of the
SOT, have not been reported. These outcome
measures are frequently used in laboratory-based
studies but their sophistication and expense reduce
their clinical utility.
The clinic-based studies mostly used activity level
balance assessments, such as the BBS, the TUG, the
25-foot timed walk test, and the FR, all of which have
Winser et al. Balance and postural control outcome measures among cerebellar ataxia
130 Physical Therapy Reviews 2013 VOL.18 NO.2
moderately good psychometric properties and a high
degree of clinical utility. They are easy to administer,
require minimal time or special training to adminis-
ter, and do not require special equipment other than a
simple measuring scale, a stop watch, a chair, and
space to perform them in. However, it does not
appear that the outcome measures categorized under
the activity group have been tested for their psycho-
metric properties in people with pure cerebellar
lesions. Instead, they have been mostly tested with
multiple sclerosis and central vestibular dysfunctions,
conditions considered as having a mixed lesion
involving multiple regions of the brain including that
of the cerebellum. For the most part, these outcome
measures have been validated in people with stroke,
Parkinson’s disease, and older adults. Further
research is warranted to study the psychometric
properties of these scales for people with pure
cerebellar lesions. Some measurement tools, like
standing erect or walking,
self-reported falls,
timed unsupported stance,
and time to complete
balance tasks
assessing at the activity level identi-
fied in this review were not comprehensive in
assessing balance, in that the results obtained could
be inconsistent, not specific to balance and involved
self-reporting from the patient. These outcomes did
not have reported psychometric properties which
may reduce their utility for future research. Thus,
from a clinical utility perspective, we identified, time
required to perform the test, psychometric property
testing of the tool, and accessibility including cost,
ability to perform at bed side, and training required
to perform the test determines a measure’s utility.
No clinical outcome measure identified the locali-
zation of the cerebellar lesion. Pattern of sway could
be considered to differentiate localization of lesion;
however, this may require laboratory-based equip-
ment. Mauritz demonstrated that studying the
pattern of postural sway and sway amplitude using
a platform was able to distinguish lesions of different
functional zones of cerebellum.
Mauritz’s findings
suggested that people with spinocerebellar lesion may
have postural tremor in an antero-posterior direction
with a specific frequency of 3 Hz, lesions of
cerebrocerebellum show limited postural instability
without directional preference, and lesions of the
vestibulocerebellum may be exhibited as severely
affected multi-directional postural sways. The ampli-
tude of postural sway along different directions in
relation to the line of gravity ranged between 4 and
12 mm. However, assessment using a force platform
requires a sophisticated lab compromising its feasi-
bility in clinical practice. However, designing a
clinical assessment tool that is cerebellar site-specific
looks impractical, as it may be hard for clinical tools
to pick up subtle differences (ranging in a few
millimetres) using a force platform. At this stage, it
is accepted that identifying functional zones of
cerebellum would be a role of sophisticated diagnos-
tic imaging techniques.
This review was limited in that the search and
selection of articles were performed by one examiner.
However, the analysis and results interpretation
involved all authors. To the knowledge of the
authors, this is the first review of outcome measures
to assess balance and postural control among people
with cerebellar ataxia.
This narrative review identified 45 clinical and
laboratory-based outcome measures that have been
used to assess balance and postural control deficits
due to cerebellar dysfunction; only one study, using a
force plate, an outcome measure assessing at the body
structure and function level reported being able to
localize the cerebellar lesion. None of the clinic-based
tools were specific to the localization of the cerebellar
lesion. The health condition-specific and body
structure and function level outcome measures were
commonly used for cerebellar assessments. Outcome
measures at activity level were used to evaluate
cerebellar treatment effects. The ICARC or BARS
may be recommended as a health condition-specific
measure that is used to grade the severity of ataxia. A
force platform may be used to localize the lesion site
of ataxia with direction of postural sway being the
most important factor. Common activity-based
measures, although used frequently to evaluate
treatment effects and which are quick and easy to
perform (the TUG, BBS, FR, and 25-foot timed walk
test) do not appear to have had psychometric
property testing in a cerebellar population.
The findings of this review highlight the need for
testing the psychometric properties of balance and
postural control assessment tools and arriving at a
consensus on choosing an outcome measure for the
assessment of balance and postural control among
people with cerebellar ataxia.
Clinical implication
Currently there are a wide range of outcome
measures available for the assessment of balance
and postural control due to cerebellar deficits.
Careful consideration of factors such as psychometric
properties, time taken, accessibility, and specific
domain to be tested on balance needs to be
determined before making a decision on choosing
these outcome measures. It appears that the ICARS
and BARS may be considered as ataxia grading
scales. However, assessment of balance and postural
control using these ataxia grading scales and the
other identified outcome measures assessing at
Winser et al. Balance and postural control outcome measures among cerebellar ataxia
Physical Therapy Reviews 2013 VOL.18 NO.2 131
function level need further psychometric property
testing among people with cerebellar ataxia.
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Winser et al. Balance and postural control outcome measures among cerebellar ataxia
Physical Therapy Reviews 2013 VOL.18 NO.2 133
... The accurate estimation of balance function requires psychometrically strong and standardized assessment tools, and a wide spectrum of balance outcome measures is currently available. Previous reviews reporting on the currently available balance outcome measures 16 have highlighted the use of specific recommended outcome measures in patients with cerebellar ataxia based on psychometric property testing in this population. 17 Based on the findings of our previous systematic review 17 and a Delphi survey on choosing an appropriate outcome measure for testing balance conducted among physiotherapists and neurologists specializing in cerebellar ataxia, 18 we identified and tested the reliability and validity of the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) 19 and the balance sub-components of Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia (SARA-bal) among a population of people with cerebellar ataxia secondary to multiple sclerosis. ...
... Two laboratory-based assessments, the Sensory Organization Test (SOT) and the Limits of Stability (LOS) test, are accurate and objective measures of balance at the body, structure and function, and activity levels. 16 However, the psychometric validation of these two measures among people with cerebellar ataxia has not yet been established. Therefore, the current study aimed to test the validity (criterion, convergent and external validity) and responsiveness of four balance measures, including two clinic-based measures (BBS and SARA-bal) and two laboratory-based measures (SOT and LOS), among individuals with genetic and sporadic cerebellar ataxia. 1 Based on the findings of our previous work, we hypothesize a moderate to strong correlation between all four balance measures. ...
... Future studies testing or developing balance outcome measures for the assessment of balance at the body and structure and function levels for people with cerebellar ataxia remain warranted. Few outcome measures that assess balance at the participatory level are currently available, 16 and no evidence has been reported regarding the psychometric properties for participatory level measures of balance in cerebellar ataxia. Future research and tool development for disease-specific balance measures for participatory level assessments are recommended. ...
Introduction: Balance deficits are common in cerebellar ataxia. Determining which balance outcome measures are psychometrically strong for this population remains an unmet need. Objective: Evaluate the validity and responsiveness of two clinic-based balance measures [Berg Balance Scale (BBS) and balance sub-component of the Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia (SARA-bal)] and two laboratory-based balance measures [Sensory Organization Test (SOT) and Limits of Stability (LOS)] in cerebellar ataxia. Design: Prospective cohort study. Setting: Institutional study assessing 40 participants with cerebellar ataxia at baseline, 6, and 12 months. Main outcome measures: Balance was assessed using the BBS, SARA-bal, SOT, and LOS; disease severity was assessed using the SARA; and Patients' Global Impression of Change (PGIC) was used to estimate responsiveness to disease progress at 6 and 12 months. Results: BBS and SARA-bal (Spearman's correlation coefficient, ρS = -0.89, p < 0.01) demonstrated strong criterion validity. Convergent validity was moderate to high (ρS range:-0.75 to 0.92) and external validity was low (ρS range:-0.75 to 0.11). Composite SOT scores (SOT-COM; ρS=0.29, p<0.01) and maximal excursion (MXE-LOS) in the forward (F) and right (R) directions of the LOS (ρS = 0.18, p < 0.01) demonstrated moderate to low criterion and convergent validity. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUCROC ) and its effect size (standard response mean [SRM]) for categorizing 'stable' and 'worsened' patients at 6 and 12 months were satisfactory for the BBS (AUCROC :0.75; SRM-Stable:1.06; SRM-Worsened:1.16), SARA-bal (AUCROC :0.76; SRM-Stable:0.86; SRM-Worsened:0.85), and MXE-LOS(R) (AUCROC :0.29; SRM-Stable:0.41; SRM-Worsened:1.39). Conclusion: BBS and SARA-bal have moderate to strong criterion and convergent validity and adequate responsiveness to balance changes. Both laboratory-based measures (SOT and LOS) demonstrated a high floor effect. The SOT-COM and MXE-LOS(R) demonstrated moderate to low criterion validity, with only the MXE-LOS(R) displaying adequate responsiveness to balance changes after 6 and 12 months. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
... At present, several clinical balance tools that are able to evaluate the balance deficits can be used [23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30]. Currently, there is no recommended set of assessment tools and choosing an appropriate system of quantitative measurement of balance deficits in CA patients is challenging [31]. Reliable methods to quantitatively assess the balance deficits, resulting from cerebellar ataxia, are very important in clinical practice, but also to detect any improvements resulting from clinical trials or rehabilitative treatments. ...
... As hereditary ataxias are neurodegenerative disease, these movements deficits tend to get worse with time. Currently, there are a wide range of outcome measures available for the assessment of balance and postural controls due to cerebellar deficits, but there are no guidelines to direct selection of outcome measures for the quantification of balance deficits in individuals with cerebellar ataxia [31]. SARAbal, PG-ICARS, BBS, TE, FAS, and TCT are all semiquantitative scales that rely on subjective ratings by clinicians. ...
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Background Cerebellar ataxia is characterized by difficulty in the planning of movement and lack of anticipatory postural adjustments, which can result in deficits of balance. Being able to have quantitative measurements in clinical practice, to detect any improvements on balance resulting from new rehabilitation treatments or experimental drugs is very important. Aim The purpose of this study was to develop an application (APP) able to assess static and dynamic balance in patients with cerebellar ataxias (CA). The APP that works by a wearable device (smartphone) placed at the breastbone level and immobilized by an elastic band, measures the body sway by means of a triaxial accelerometer. Methods We investigated 40 CA patients and 80 healthy subjects. All patients were clinically evaluated using the “Berg Balance Scale” (BBS) and the “Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia” (SARA). Balance impairment was quantitatively assessed using a validated static balance evaluating systems, i.e., Techno-body Pro-Kin footboard. All participants underwent static and dynamic balance assessments using the new APP. Results We observed a strong correlation between the APP measurements and the score obtained with the BBS, SARA, and Pro-Kin footboard. The intra-rater reliability and the test–retest reliability of the APP measurements, estimated by intraclass correlation coefficient, were excellent. The standard error of measurement and the minimal detectable change were small. No learning effect was observed. Conclusions We can state that the APP is an easy, reliable, and valid evaluating system to quantify the trunk sway in a static position and during the gait.
... Assessment of balance in cerebellar ataxia is highly challenging since there is no recommended set of tools. Even so, numerous measures are currently used for interventions and the identification of clinical features associated with balance and postural control [4]. Current guidelines pay a special attention to the treatment strategies used for improving balance and gait in patients with cerebellar ataxia [5]. ...
Background and Objective Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, progressive, and autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS) characterized by inflammation, demyelination, and axonal injury. In patients with newly diagnosed MS (ndMS), ataxia can present either as mild or severe and can be difficult to diagnose in the absence of clinical disability. Such difficulties can be eliminated by using decision support systems supported by machine learning methods. The present study aimed to achieve early diagnosis of ataxia in ndMS patients by using machine learning methods with spatiotemporal parameters. Materials and Methods The prospective study included 32 ndMS patients with an Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) score of≤2.0 and 32 healthy volunteers. A total of 14 parameters were elicited by using a Win-Track platform. The ndMS patients were differentiated from healthy individuals using multiple classifiers including Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), the k-nearest neighbors (K-NN) algorithm, and Decision Tree Learning (DTL). To improve the performance of the classification, a Relief-based feature selection algorithm was applied to select the subset that best represented the whole dataset. Performance evaluation was achieved based on several criteria such as Accuracy (ACC), Sensitivity (SN), Specificity (SP), and Precision (PREC). Results ANN had a higher classification performance compared to other classifiers, whereby it provided an accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of 89, 87.8, 90.3% with the use of all parameters and provided the values of 93.7, 96.6%, and 91.1% with the use of parameters selected by the Relief algorithm, respectively. Significance To our knowledge, this is the first study of its kind in the literature to investigate the diagnosis of ataxia in ndMS patients by using machine learning methods with spatiotemporal parameters. The proposed method, i. e. Relief-based ANN method, successfully diagnosed ataxia by using a lower number of parameters compared to the numbers of parameters reported in clinical studies, thereby reducing the costs and increasing the performance of the diagnosis. The method also provided higher rates of accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity in the diagnosis of ataxia in ndMS patients compared to other methods. Taken together, these findings indicate that the proposed method could be helpful in the diagnosis of ataxia in minimally impaired ndMS patients and could be a pathfinder for future studies.
... Presently there are no standardized methods available for identifying the involvement of functional zones of the cerebellum. The pattern of postural sway could be considered to differentiate functional zones involved using force plate [17,27]. Mauritz et al. (1979), demonstrated that studying the pattern of postural sway and sway amplitude using force plate enabled identification of lesions of different functional zones of the cerebellum [28]. ...
Balance problems and frequent falls are common among clients with Cerebellar Ataxia (CA). CA is not a disease by itself but a collection of symptoms due to the involvement of cerebellum or its pathways. Presently the treatment for balance problems for CA is not standardized. Interventions available to improve balance are not specific to symptoms presentation. Functionally the cerebellum is divided into the spinocerebellum, vestibulocerebellum and corticocerebellum. Each functional zone has a distinct role in maintaining balance. Therefore, the presentation of symptoms will vary according to the functional zone involved. Pre-screening clients with CA for identifying the part of cerebellum involved will facilitate clinicians to provide tailor-made interventions for targeting specific symptoms for better outcomes. Prescreening clients with CA according to the part of cerebellum involved is not in practice and our study will introduce this concept. We hypothesize pre-screening participants with spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) for the involvement vestibulocerebellum followed by prescribing vestibulocerebellum targeted exercises will have better outcomes when compared to conventional balance training. We plan to conduct two related studies. In study 1 we will screen participants with CA for the involvement of vestibulocerebellum. In study 2, the effects of vestibulocerebellum targeted balance exercises on balance will be studied. We will assess the Subjective Visual Vertical (SVV) deviation and postural sway pattern to screen participants into people with and without vestibulocerebellar involvement. SVV deviation will be estimated using a computerized Subjective Visual Vertical (cSVV) device and postural sway pattern will be assessed using the limits of stability program of the Bertec© Balance system. The obtained SVV deviation scores will be used to derive at cut-off scores to discriminate clients with and without vestibulocerebellar involvement. The second study will test the treatment effects of conventional exercises plus vestibulocerebellum targeted exercises to improve balance by correcting SVV deviation in SCA with vestibulocerebellar involvement. The intervention is planned as 12 one to-one sessions over three months period. Participants will be reassessed after the intervention and 3 months post-intervention. The findings of this cutting-edge research are extremely important to the clinicians, researchers and clients with SCA.
... post-testing procedure. To assess the severity of cerebellar ataxia, the SARA was implemented (Kim et al., 2011;Schmitz-Hubsch et al., 2006;Weyer et al., 2007;Winser, Hale, Claydon, & Smith, 2013;Yabe, Matsushima, Soma, Basri, & Sasaki, 2008). It was taken during the initial visit as it was one of the selection criteria for pwMS. ...
... Cerebellar ataxia itself is not a disease but an 'umbrella' term that includes multiple diseases with lesions localized to the cerebellum. Choosing an appropriate measure for the assessment of balance in cerebellar ataxia is challenging as there is no recommended set of tools, yet a wide range of measures are currently used for interventions and identification or illustration of clinical features relating to balance and postural control [10]. Current guidelines focus on treatment strategies to improve balance and gait in people with cerebellar ataxia, and little emphasis has been placed on the optimal use of measures of balance [7, 11, 12]; only one international guideline [13] reports on best clinical practice for the intervention and assessment of balance in people with cerebellar ataxia and present a list of 13 measures of balance that are commonly used in clinical practice. ...
A core set of standardized balance measures are required for use in rehabilitation among people with multiple sclerosis (MS) and cerebellar ataxia. An earlier systematic review and Delphi survey identified the Berg Balance Scale (BBS), the Timed Up and Go test (TUG), Posture and Gait sub-component of the International Co-operative Ataxia Rating Scale (PG of ICARS) and the gait, sitting and stance sub-components of the Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia (SARA Bal) as suitable balance measures. This study aims to estimate the reliability, validity and interpretability of these measures. This study will recruit 60 participants with multiple sclerosis with secondary cerebellar involvement across four centres in New Zealand and the United States of America. Participants will be assessed and videotaped performing the BBS, TUG, SARA Bal and PG of ICARS by trained physiotherapists. Barthel Index, Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS), Disease duration, ICARS and SARA will also be assessed to determine validity. A second assessment to determine reliability will be conducted by assessors watching the video-recording. Data collection is in progress, 44 samples have been collected and the demographic data are presented. The findings of this study will recommend a core set of reliable, valid and interpretable measures that are suitable for clinical practice and research for the assessment of balance among adults with MS and cerebellar ataxia. Minimal Clinically Important Difference (MCID) and cut-off scores to predict the use of assistive walking device will be established.
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Choosing appropriate measures for balance assessment among people with cerebellar ataxia (CA) is challenging due to a lack of standardisation. Earlier work by this team found the Berg Balance Scale (BBS), Timed Up and Go test (TUG) and balance sub-components of the International Co-operative Ataxia Rating Scale (ICARS) and Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia (SARA) as appropriate measures of balance in people with CA. This paper reports on our preliminary findings on the psychometric properties of these identified measures for 10 people with multiple sclerosis with CA. In this methodological study participants were assessed and videotaped performing the BBS, TUG, balance sub components of SARA and ICARS. Barthel Index, Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS), full ICARS and SARA were assessed to establish constructs of validity. A second assessment was performed from the video-recording. The study was undertaken in three centres in NZ and one in the US. Inter-rater and intra-rater reliability were high for all four measures (ICC range 0.79-0.98). Internal consistency was good for BBS (α=0.89), moderate for ICARS (α=0.62) and SARA (α=0.65). Good correlation were found between balance sub components of ICARS (ץ= 0.80) and SARA (ץ= 0.81) against full scales. Moderate correlation was found between BBS (ץ=0.67) and TUG (ץ=-0.28) against EDSS score, and poor correlation between all four measures and Barthel Index. All four scales were found reliable and valid measures of balance, with BBS and TUG showing better psychometric properties. Testing among genetic cerebellar lesions is warranted to improve generalisability of results.
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The following databases were searched (from inception to April 2012) Articles focusing on psychometric property testing of clinical outcome measures for balance were included . Quality rating: assessed using the COnsensus based Standards for the selection of health status Measurement INstruments (COSMIN) checklist. Two reviewers were involved in data search and quality rating.
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Objective: To review systematically the psychometric properties of balance measures for use in people with cerebellar ataxia. Data sources: Medline, AMED, CINAHL, Web of Science and EMBASE were searched between 1946 and April 2014. Review methods: Two reviewers independently searched data sources. Cerebellar-specific and generic measures of balance were considered. Included studies tested psychometric properties of balance measures in people with cerebellar ataxia of any cause. Quality of reported studies was rated using the Consensus Based Standards for the selection of health status Measurement INstruments (COSMIN) checklist. Results: Twenty-one articles across which 16 measures had been tested were included for review. Using the COSMIN, quality of methodology in studies investigating psychometric properties of generic balance measures (n=10) was rated predominantly as 'poor'. Furthermore, responsiveness has not been tested for any generic measures in this population. The quality of studies investigating psychometric properties of balance sub-components of the cerebellar-specific measures (n=6) ranged from 'poor' to 'excellent'; however, Minimally Clinically Important Difference has not been determined for these cerebellar-specific measures. Conclusion: The Posture and Gait (PG) sub-component of the International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale (ICARS) demonstrates the most robust psychometric properties with acceptable clinical utility.
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Compromised postural balance is a common manifestation of multiple sclerosis (MS). Effective quantitative methods of assessing postural imbalance are needed to help clinicians evaluate progression of this impairment. The primary objective of this study was to compare postural balance in MS patients and healthy controls using a standard screening tool, the Berg Balance Scale (BBS), as well as a more technically sophisticated device, the NeuroCom SMART Balance Master (NeuroCom International, Inc, Clackamas, OR). The study participants consisted of 14 individuals diagnosed with MS and 10 healthy controls. Each participant was assessed with the BBS and also underwent six different balance tests using the NeuroCom, most comprising several subcomponent measures. Assessment with the BBS showed significantly more postural instability in the MS group than in the control group (P < .05). Testing with the NeuroCom showed significantly more postural instability in the MS group than in the control group on two of the six tests (four specific balance measures) (P < .05). Moderate-to-high correlations (0.50–0.80) were found between the postural assessments using the standard BBS and the NeuroCom balance tests for the MS group. These results indicate that the BBS is an effective screening instrument for balance problems in people with MS.
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We aimed to perform a comprehensive systematic review of the existing ataxia scales. We described the disorders for which the instruments have been validated and used, the time spent in its application, its validated psychometric properties, and their use in studies of natural history and clinical trials. A search from 1997 onwards was performed in the MEDLINE, LILACS, and Cochrane databases. The web sites and were also used to identify the endpoints used in ongoing randomized clinical trials. We identified and described the semiquantitative ataxia scales (ICARS, SARA, MICARS, BARS); semiquantitative ataxia and non-ataxia scales (UMSARS, FARS, NESSCA); a semiquantitative non-ataxia scale (INAS); quantitative ataxia scales (CATSYS 2000, AFCS, CCFS and CCFSw, and SCAFI); and the self-performed ataxia scale (FAIS). SARA and ICARS were the best studied and validated so far, and their reliability sustain their use. Ataxia and non-ataxia scores will probably provide a better view of the overall disability in long-term trials and studies of natural history. Up to now, no clear advantage has been disclosed for any of them; however, we recommend the use of specific measurements of gait since gait ataxia is the first significant manifestation in the majority of ataxia disorders and comment on the best scales to be used in specific ataxia forms. Quantitative ataxia scales will be needed to speed up evidence from phase II clinical trials, from trials focused on the early phase of diseases, and for secondary endpoints in phase III trials. Finally, it is worth remembering that estimation of the actual minimal clinically relevant difference is still lacking; this, together with changes in quality of life, will probably be the main endpoints to measure in future therapeutic studies. KeywordsAtaxia scales–ICARS–SARA–MICARS–BARS–UMSARS–FARS–NESSCA–INAS–CATSYS–ACFS–CCFS–SCAFI–FAIS–Hereditary ataxias
Posturography was performed in 41 patients with cerebellar diseases by means of a force measuring platform using an on-line computer program which calculated sway path, sway area, antero-posterior and lateral sway components and the amount of visual stabilization. Postural ataxia was quantitatively studied in 8 patients with spinal ataxia (Friedreich's), 6 patients with vestibulo-cerebellar lesions, 11 patients with anterior lobe atrophy, 7 patients with hemispheral cerebellar lesions, and 9 patients with a disease affecting all parts of the cerebellum. Patients with lesions of the cerebellar hemispheres could not be separated from normals by means of posturography. Lesions of the spino-cerebellar afferents (Friedreich's ataxia) caused an omnidirectional low frequency sway with preserved visual stabilization. Patients with anterior lobe atrophy showed a predominant antero-posterior sway, often with a spontaneous high frequency body tremor around 3 Hz. Vestibulo-cerebellar lesions exhibited omnidirectional low frequency sway poorly stabilized by vision. Quantitative posturography helps to localize cerebellar lesions and allows for quantitative follow-up studies of cerebellar diseases.
Individuals with severe physical and psychomotor modifications after a brain injury need measures of motor training beyond the usual physiotherapy. the effects of an intensive mobility training in the phase of late rehabilitation are reported in two case studies. The coordinative and conditional progresses were controlled by the methods of photographic anthropometry, light-track registration, and bicycle ergometry. Improvements were found in posture and dynamic endurance in correlation with the generally improving motor control. Tests of everyday relevant movements revealed qualitative progresses in the sense of increased motor precision and economy.
This study investigated the effects of a home balance training intervention on people with multiple sclerosis (MS). This quasi-experimental repeated-measures study involved 14 ambulatory community-dwelling individuals with MS. Subjects were assessed on three separate occasions: before and after a 6-week control period and after a 6-week home exercise program. After the intervention, subjects demonstrated significant improvement in measures of balance, including the Berg Balance Scale and specific components of the Sensory Organization and Limits of Stability Tests. In conclusion, a multidimensional home exercise program can improve certain measures of balance in individuals with MS who have mild to moderate disability. Whether these improvements lead to improved quality of life or a reduction in fall risk is yet to be determined.
Recent experiments in healthy subjects have demonstrated that automatic postural responses can be suppressed when subjects are instructed to step instead of maintain stance in response to the surface translation. The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of the cerebellum in coordinating this interaction between the central command to step and peripherally triggered automatic postural responses. Eight subjects with cerebellar degeneration and eight control subjects were instructed to either maintain stance or step forward in response to a backward translation. In order to determine whether prediction of perturbation amplitude assisted suppression of postural responses, three platform translations were presented in both a serial (predictable) and a random (unpredictable) order. Cerebellar subjects were able to suppress their initial postural responses to the same amount as control subjects when instructed to step forward in response to backward translations, despite their hypermetria and inability to scale responses to predictable perturbation amplitudes. Control, but not cerebellar, subjects scaled the size of their postural responses to predictable perturbation amplitudes. The perturbation amplitude, however, had no effect on the size of early automatic responses when they were suppressed by instruction to step. The size of the suppressed postural response was independent of predictability of perturbation amplitudes in both control and cerebellar subjects. The dynamic interaction between automatic postural responses to an external perturbation and anticipatory postural adjustments for step initiation seems independent of prediction of perturbation amplitude and the integrity of the cerebellum. Although cerebellar subjects show larger-than-normal magnitude and variability of postural responses and an inability to scale the size of responses to predictable perturbation amplitudes, the cerebellum does not seem to be critical for suppression of the early postural response with a centrally intended movement.
This study was designed to investigate the biomechanics of anticipatory postural responses. In particular the aim was to determine whether the centre of pressure of ground reaction forces moves in anticipation of an expected upper limb movement, and if so to determine the pattern (s) of centre of pressure change in normal subjects, and patients with cerebellar ataxia. Twenty-eight healthy, normal subjects (aged 30-64 years) and ten cerebellar ataxic patients (aged 30-80 years) each stood with feet parallel and 6 cm apart on a force platform. The subjects elevated their right arm to the horizontal as quickly as possible in response to a visual stimulus. The centre of pressure of ground reaction forces was recorded for 1 s: 600 ms before and 400 ms after initiation of arm movement. In 96% of normal subjects there were consistent patterns of change in the location of centre of pressure prior to the beginning of the rapid self-initiated arm movement. In 79% of subjects, there was a posterior shift of centre of pressure prior to arm movement. Ninety-six per cent of subjects exhibited a preparatory shift in centre of pressure in the lateral direction, most frequently to the left (75%). These patterns were repeatable both within and between subjects. There was a bimodal distribution in the onset time of the preparatory centre of pressure excursions, with initiation occurring at ⩽ 150 ms and ⩾ 300 ms prior to arm acceleration. Cerebellar ataxic subjects exhibited marked between-subject and within-subject variability in the patterns of centre of pressure excursion, including absence of preparatory excursions (in three subjects).
Despite the involvement of cerebellar ataxia in a large variety of conditions and its frequent association with other neurological symptoms, the quantification of the specific core of the cerebellar syndrome is possible and useful in Neurology. Recent studies have shown that cerebellar ataxia might be sensitive to various types of pharmacological agents, but the scales used for assessment were all different. With the long-term goal of double-blind controlled trials —multicentric and international — an ad hoc Committee of the World Federation of Neurology has worked to propose a one-hundred-point semi-quantitative International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale (ICARS). The scale proposed involves a compartimentalized quantification of postural and stance disorders, limb ataxia, dysarthria and oculomotor disorders, in order that a subscore concerning these symptoms may be separately studied. The weight of each symptomatologic compartment has been carefully designed. The members of the Committee agreed upon precise definitions of the tests, to minimize interobserver variations. The validation of this scale is in progress. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy intervention in reducing impairment and disability due to upper limb and trunk ataxia in chronic multiple sclerosis (MS). Design: The change in performance scores of two patient groups - an inpatient group who received two weeks' therapy intervention and an outpatient 'control' group awaiting a similar admission - were compared. Subjects: Thirty-seven (out of a total of 62) patients with clinically definite or laboratory-supported definite MS, with ataxia of the upper limbs and/or trunk, and who had stable or slowly progressive disease. Intervention: The (inpatient) treatment group (n = 28) received eight half-hour sessions each of occupational therapy and physiotherapy over eight consecutive working days. Treatment approaches used were aimed at improving dynamic posture and appropriate adaptation of the environment. The control group (n = 9) received no intervention. Assessments: Patients were assessed the day before therapy began and the day after it ended: the control group were assessed at the same (two-week) interval. Assessments used included the Jebsen Test of Hand Function (JTHF), the Kurtzke Functional Systems Scale (FSS) and Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS), the Northwick Park Index of activities of daily living (NPI), and patient and assessor visual analogue scales. Assessors were independent of patient treatment. Results: There were no significant differences between the two groups at entry to the study with respect to age, sex and scores on the FSS (exception bowel function). The NPI scores were not significantly different except for walking and feeding, whereas the control group was slightly better (Mann-Whitney U-test; p = 0.048; p = 0.037). No significant difference between the change scores of the two groups was found on the JTHF and FSS neurological scores. The treatment group showed significant improvement compared to controls in the NPI scores and on the self and assessor visual analogue scales. Conclusion: The findings support the clinical impression that therapy used to improve dynamic posture and methods of performing functional tasks can result in improvement of functional ability in patients with MS where spontaneous improvement would not otherwise be expected.