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O groapă cu oseminte umane aparţinând culturii Babadag descoperită în nivelul precolonial de la Orgame (com. Jurilovca, jud. Tulcea)



Includes a summary in English. Keywords: Orgame, cultura Babadag, analiză antropologică</p
... 3 Sîrbu 1994; Sîrbu 1997. 4 Jugănaru, Topoleanu 1994;Topoleanu, Jugănaru 1995;Sîrbu, Pandrea 1994;Ailincăi, Miriţoiu, Soficaru 2003;Ailincăi, Miriţoiu, Soficaru 2006;Ailincăi, Constantinescu 2008;Ailincăi et alii 2007;Ailincăi 2008a;Sîrbu, Ailincăi, Simion 2008. 5 Ailincăi 2008a. ...
... 2). 27 Ailincăi, Miriţoiu, Soficaru 2003;Ailincăi, Miriţoiu, Soficaru 2006. 28 Trebuie să precizăm că nu am identificat resturile faunistice din aceste structuri, printre care se pot afla şi oase umane. ...
... 17 Preoteasa et al. 2018Preoteasa et al. (2019.18 Ailincăi, Miriţoiu, Soficaru 2003. ...
... Probabil în perioada timpurie a epocii bronzului, pe fondul unei stabilizări a nivelului Mării Negre şi a începutului sedimentării rapide, spre sud, a aluviunilor lobului Sfântu Gheorghe (Preoteasa et al. 2018) începe închiderea treptată a golfului. Acest proces era în desfăşurare la începutul mileniului I a. Chr., din acest motiv putem considera că aşezările de la Babadag, Enisala, Sarichioi dar şi cele contemporane de la Capul Dolojman (Orgame-Argamum) (Ailincăi, Miriţoiu, Soficaru 2003) sau Istros erau situate pe malul unei lagune deschise la Marea Neagră. ...
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The human habitations from the beginning of the first millennium BC in the area of the Babadag Lake In the beginning of the first millennium BC the territory between Danube and the Black Sea witnesses a new period of intensive human inhabitation, coming in Dobroudja after a sparsely presence of archaeological remains belonging to the end of the Bronze Age. The new settlements were assigned to the Babadag culture, cultural manifestation corresponding to the beginning of the Early Iron Age in South-Eastern Romania. These communities had a marked preference for settling close to important rivers, such as the Danube and its tributaries, but also on the lakeshores in the vicinity of the Black Sea. The area around the Babadag Lake undoubtedly offered a favourable environment to the human communities from the beginning of the first millennium BC. On a surface of approximately 200 km2 were identified no less than nine settlements characterised by Babadag type pottery. From the chronological point of view these sites cover the 10th – 9th centuries BC. The only site with an existence covering this entire period is the settlement from Babadag – Cetăţuie. Here there was identified a complex stratigraphy, with over 2m of archaeological depositions, as well as the only ample fortification works. Such investments necessitated without doubt coordination as well as an important mobilization of the entire community. The unique character of the site from Babadag proves its importance in the studied area, situation indicating the probability of its functioning as a centre around which the other settlements were founded and to which the exploitation of this territory can be connected to during approximately two centuries.
Les systèmes deltaïques sont des milieux très dynamiques et fragiles et, à la fois, très attractives pour les sociétés humaines. Généralement très peuplées, ces régions ont été fortement anthropisés et leurs fonctionnement a été profondément altéré par des interventions pluriséculaires voire plurimillénaires. Contrairement à la plupart des deltas du monde, le delta du Danube, situé à l’aval d’un bassin versant qui draine une partie importante de l’Europe, reste jusqu’à nos jours un espace très peu habité à cause de son histoire mouvementée. Cette thèse propose une reconstitution des trajectoires d'évolution de la partie amont du delta, considérée comme la partie fluviale, plus ancienne et plus complexe, qui a été jusqu’à présent moins étudiée que sa partie fluviomarine. Les objectifs de ce travail sont de reconstituer le fonctionnement hydro-sédimentaire du delta du Danube avant les aménagements à l’aide des carottages, et de définir la périodisation des transformations anthropiques dans le delta par l’analyse des cartes et la recherche des sources documentaires inédites. L’étude se fonde sur une approche géohistorique et une approche de terrain, à trois échelles spatiales : à l’échelle du site, par les carottages ; à l’échelle des régions, à travers les projets d’aménagements trouvés dans les archives ; à l’échelle de la totalité de notre terrain d’étude, à l’aide des cartes. Le travail mené sur les archives du sol, qui a permis d’avoir un aperçu de la formation et de l’évolution de plusieurs régions du delta fluvial pour des intervalles de temps allant jusqu’à 10 000 ans dans certains cas, montre que la construction des paysages dans cette région est assez récente. L’analyse des sources d’archives atteste que le rôle de l’homme dans cette construction avant la seconde moitié du XIXème siècle est d’une moindre importance. C’est surtout après 1856, avec la création de la Commission Européenne du Danube, et plus encore après la seconde guerre mondiale, durant la période communiste, que les interventions anthropiques se sont multipliées et ont modifié, parfois de manière irréversible, la morphologie de cette vaste zone humide.
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A new archaeological site was discovered in 2012 in Romania in the river Mureș Valley, at Tărtăria (Alba County). Researchers have been able to date it during the first period of the Iron Age (middle Hallstatt, Basarabi culture). Excavation has revealed a collective burial containing the remains of seven individuals (six of which were articulated and a seventh only partially represented). Due to the very poor preservation and extreme degree of fragmentation of the material, anthropological analysis could only determine age at death for some of the individuals. This article discusses this common burial together with other individual funerary features have also been discovered in one of the trenches bordering the site. The skeletal assemblage from Tărtăria has analogies in other contemporary assemblages recovered from Hungary and Serbia and remains particularly important for our understanding of funerary rites during the early Iron Age in the Carpathian basin.
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The study brings to attention a discovery made in 2009 during excavations at Sântana “Cetatea Veche”. From a chronological view point, the finding in question belongs to the Baden settlement. It consisted of a pit which contained the osteological remains of a ten-eleven years old child, bonesthat were not placed in anatomical connection. The anthropological analysis revealed that the surface of the skull beared traces of violence. In addition to the human bone fragments, some pottery sherds, animal bones as well as coal and adobe were placed inside the pit. Similar discoveries were recorded and, in fact, the great number of contexts containing disarticulated human bones suggests a common practice through the end of the Copper Age. Part of a plain burial or of a sacrifice, either way the deposition of human skeletons inside settlements or in more peculiar places, such as caves, can be seen as a manifestation of the transcendent.
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Burials in settlements are a particular funerary phenomenon, documented worldwide, in different ages and contexts. Archaeologically speaking, burials consist of skeletons or parts of human skeletons, in or not in anatomical position, deposited in disused habitat structures (pits, dwellings). In this article we have catalogued the finds in the area between the Balkans, Dnestr and Tisza Rivers from 53 EIA sites (broadly 12th-8th c. BC) with 226 contexts for human bones from at least 512 individuals. All this data reveals the existence of common funerary conduct(s) whose final result was deposition of the dead in settlements. Such conduct exhibits some similarities and even somewhat the intersects with the standard ritual of burials in actual cemeteries. According to the same data, the selection of these individuals does not seem to have relied on malformations, diseases, age or sex.
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