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Multiplex PCR-RFLP diagnostics of the Africanized honey bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae)


Abstract and Figures

Molecular identification of Africanized honey bees, Apis melliferascutellata (AHB) in the United States often involves the use of polymerase chain reaction - restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) on a portion of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome b gene. One problem with this technique is that the restriction enzyme site is only found in European honey bee subspecies (EHB) and not AHB. To enhance this technique, we developed a multiplex PCR-RFLP assay that can discriminate Africanized bees from European honey bees. A 485 bp region mtDNA cytochrome b gene was subjected to DNA sequencing from honey bees collected from Arkansas and Oklahoma. Identity of honey bee subspecies was confirmed using maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences. Based on DNA sequence variation, a PCR primer specific for AHB was designed. This marker was screened on 96 honeybee samples from Arkansas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico and results were congruent with those obtained by PCR-RLFP. Multiplex PCR-RFLP provides a more robust identification of maternally Africanized bees than PCR-RFLP alone.
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Multiplex PCR-RFLP Diagnostics of the Africanized Honey Bee
(Hymenoptera: Apidae)
Allen L. Szalanski1* & Jackie A. McKern1
Molecular identication of Africanized honey bees, Apis mellifera scutellata
(AHB) in the United States oen involves the use of polymerase chain reac-
tion – restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) on a portion
of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome b gene. One problem with
this technique is that the restriction enzyme site is only found in European
honey bee subspecies (EHB) and not AHB. To enhance this technique, we
developed a multiplex PCR-RFLP assay that can discriminate Africanized bees
from European honey bees. A 485 bp region mtDNA cytochrome b gene was
subjected to DNA sequencing from honey bees collected from Arkansas and
Oklahoma. Identity of honey bee subspecies was conrmed using maximum
likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences. Based on
DNA sequence variation, a PCR primer specic for AHB was designed. is
marker was screened on 96 honey bee samples from Arkansas, Oklahoma, and
New Mexico and results were congruent with those obtained by PCR-RLFP.
Multiplex PCR-RFLP provides a more robust identication of maternally
Africanized bees than PCR-RFLP alone.
Keywords: Africanized honey bee, Apiculture, Molecular diagnostics
e Africanized Honey Bee (AHB) in North America is a hybrid of one
of the several European Honey Bee subspecies (EHB), (Apis mellifera lin-
gustica Spinola, A. m. carnica Pollmann, A. m. caucasica Pollman, and A. m.
mellifer L.) and the African Honey Bee (Apis mellifera scutellata Lepeletier).
Africanized honey bees were rst detected in Texas in 1990 (Sugden & Wil-
liams 1990), and by 2006 had spread to another 8 states. e hybrid is virtu-
1Department of Entomology, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA 72701.
*Corresponding author. email:
940 Sociobiology Vol. 50, No. 3, 2007
ally indistinguishable in the eld from the common honey bee. Traditional
morphological diagnostics involving the Fast Africanized Bee Identication
System (FABIS) requires multiple bees from single collection locations that
must be in good morphological condition. Molecular diagnostics is ideal for
samples that are in poor morphological condition, and for samples which
consist of fewer than ve bees. Use of molecular genetic diagnostics is well
established for distinguishing AHB from EHB, and Pinto et al. (2003)
developed a polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymor-
phism (PCR-RFLP) technique that distinguishes maternal lineages using the
mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome b gene. One problem with this
PCR-RFLP diagnostic is that the restriction enzyme site is only found in
EHB and not AHB. us, if there was a problem with the restriction digest
it may be possible for an EHB sample to appear as AHB. Another method,
involving PCR with species-specic primers (multiplex PCR) (Szalanski et al.
2004) can detect nucleotide variation at the PCR primer sites and provides a
diagnostic marker independent of RFLP. In this study, DNA sequence varia-
tion between EHB and AHB collected from Arkansas, Oklahoma, and New
Mexico was used to design an AHB specic PCR primer, and to develop a
multiplex PCR-RFLP assay that can discriminate AHB from EHB.
Ninety-six honey bee samples were collected from 11 counties in Arkansas,
31 counties in Oklahoma, and 5 counties in New Mexico by the Arkansas
Plant Board, Oklahoma State University, and county extension personnel
from various locations in Arkansas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico. Voucher
specimens, preserved in 70-100% ethanol, are deposited at the Arthropod
Museum, Department of Entomology, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville,
DNA was extracted from individual thoraces using the Puregene DNA
isolation kit D-5000A (Gentra, Minneapolis, MN). Extracted DNA was
resuspended in 50 µl of Tris:EDTA and stored at –20ºC. Samples were
subjected to PCR using the primers 5’-TATGTACTACCATGAGGA-
CAAATATC-3’ (Crosier et al. 1991) (designated as Apis-F) and 5’-ATTA-
CACCTCCTAATTTATTAGGAAT-3’ (Crosier et al. 1991) (designated
as Apis-R) (Crosier et al. 1991). ese two primers amplify a 485 bp region
Szalanski, A.L. & J.A. McKern — PCR-RFLP Diagnostics of Africanized Bees
of the mtDNA cytochrome b gene. PCR reactions were conducted using 4
µl of the extracted DNA per Szalanski et al. (2000), with a prole consist-
ing of 94ºC for 3 min followed by 35 cycles of 94ºC for 45 s, 50ºC for 45 s
and 72ºC for 45 s. Five µl of the PCR product were then digested with the
restriction enzyme Bgl II to identify them as EHB or AHB per Pinto et al.
(2003). Digests were run on a 2% agarose gel and visualized using a BioDocit
system (UVP Inc).
Twenty-six A. mellifera (12 EHB, and 14 AHB) samples from Arkansas
and Oklahoma identied as AHB or EHB using either FABIS (USDA-
ARS Tuscon, AZ) and / or PCR-RFLP (Pinto et al. 2003) were subjected
to DNA sequencing. PCR products were puried and concentrated using
Microcon-PCR Filter Units (Millipore, Bedford, MA). Samples were sent to
the University of Arkansas Medical School DNA Sequencing Facility (Little
Rock, AR) for direct sequencing in both directions using an ABI Prism 377
DNA sequencer (Foster City, CA). A total of three EHB haplotypes and
three AHB haplotypes were observed and the GenBank accession numbers
for these haplotypes are EF016643 to EF016648.
For phylogenetic analysis, DNA sequences from the six haplotypes from
this study were compared with other A. mellifera subspecies sequences
(Koulianos & Crosier 1991, Pinto et al. 2007) downloaded from GenBank.
e sequences were aligned using Clustal W (ompson et al. 1994), and
Apis cerana (GenBank EF180094) was used as the outgroup taxon. e best-
tting nucleotide substitution model was chosen according to the general time
reversible + gamma (GTR+G) model among 64 dierent models using the
ModelTest v 3.7 (Posada & Crandall 1998) and PAUP* 4.0b10 (Swoord 2001)
programs. Phylogenetic analysis was conducted using maximum parsimony
(MP) analysis with the best-tting evolutionary model as implemented in
PAUP*. Bootstrapping was performed using neighbor joining or MP (1000
replicates) to determine the reliability of the obtained topologies. Phyloge-
netic trees were also obtained using Bayesian inference with the GTR+G
model applying Bayesian Evolutionary Analysis Sampling Trees (BEAST)
soware v1.4.2 (Drummond & Rambaut 2003). For Bayesian inference, four
Markov chains run for 106 generations with a burn-in of 2x104 were used to
reconstruct the consensus tree.
942 Sociobiology Vol. 50, No. 3, 2007
Fig. 1. Phylogenetic relationship of six EHB and AHB haplotypes relative to other Apis cytochrome
b mtDNA sequences. GenBank accession numbers are provided for each taxon. Numbers at the tree
nodes indicate Bayesian posterior probabilities, and values above branches indicate bootstrap values
obtained from 1000 replicates using MP analysis.
Szalanski, A.L. & J.A. McKern — PCR-RFLP Diagnostics of Africanized Bees
A total of three EHB haplotypes and three AHB haplotypes were observed
from the Arkansas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico samples (Fig. 1). Phyloge-
netic analysis using both MP and Bayesian analysis conrmed that the three
AHB haplotypes were A.m. scutellata, EHB haplotype 1 was A.m. lingustica,
and EHB haplotypes 2 and 3 were A. m. carnica (Fig. 1). For the design of an
AHB specic PCR primer, DNA sequences from the six haplotypes, along
with sequences of the other A. mellifera used for the phylogenetic analysis
(Fig. 1), were aligned using BioEdit (Hall 1999), and examined for nucle-
otide variation between EHB and AHB. e 110 to 132 bp region of the
DNA sequence had two nucleotide sites that were unique to AHB and this
genetic variation was used to design a forward PCR primer that was specic
primer combined with the Apis-R reverse primer results in a 385 bp PCR
amplicon (Fig. 2).
Multiplex PCR with the AHB specic primer (AHB-F) and the two A.
mellifera primers (Apis-F, Apis-R) was tested for optimal annealing perfor-
mance in a 47-59°C temperature gradient with 2°C intervals. e optimal
PCR prole for the multiplex PCR reaction was 40 cycles of 94°C for 45 s,
55°C for 45 s, and 72°C for 60 s. Multiplex PCR combined with PCR-RFLP
per Pinto et al. (2003) was then conducted on 96 honey bee samples (40
AHB and 56 EHB) from Arkansas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico (Fig. 2).
All of the multiplex PCR-RFLP results matched those previously obtained
using PCR-RFLP.
Fig. 2. Two percent agarose gel of AHB multipex amplicons (485 and 385 bp), and EHB Bgl II digest
fragments (291 and 194 bp).
944 Sociobiology Vol. 50, No. 3, 2007
Multiplex PCR combined with RFLP provides a more robust method
to identify Africanized honey bee samples than just PCR-RFLP, by adding
a molecular marker that is specic for AHB. One problem with using only
PCR-RFLP is that the restriction enzyme site is only found in EHB and
not AHB. us, if there was a problem with the restriction digest it may be
possible for an EHB sample to appear as AHB resulting in a false positive
test for AHB. Multiplex PCR-RFLP is a more robust method for molecular
identication of AHB maternal lineages for regulatory purposes.
We thank Ed Levi of the Arkansas Plant Board, and Richard A. Grantham
from Oklahoma State University for providing samples. We thank J.W. Aus-
tin, Texas A & M University for his review and critical comments. Research
was supported in part by the University of Arkansas, Arkansas Agricultural
Experiment Station.
Crosier, Y.C., S. Koulianos & R.H. Crozier 1991. An improved test for Africanized honey
bee mitochondrial DNA. Experientia 47: 968-969.
Drummond, A.J. & A. Rambaut. 2003. BEAST v1.0, Available from
Hall, T.A. 1999. BioEdit: a user-friendly biological sequence alignment editor and analysis
program for Windows 95/98/NT. Nucl. Acids. Symp. Ser. 41:95-98.
Koulianos, S. & R.H. Crozier 1997. Mitochondrial sequence characterization of Australian
commercial and feral honeybee strains, Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae), in the
context of the species worldwide. Austral. J. Entomol. 36: 359-364.
Pinto, M.A., J.S. Johnson, W.L. Rubink, R.N. Coulson, J.C. Patton & W.S. Sheppard 2003.
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Validation of a rapid polymerase chain reaction-based assay. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer.
96: 679-684.
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Kandemir, and J.C. Patton 2007. Honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) of African
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Swoord, D.L. 2001. PAUP*: Phylogenetic analysis using parsimony (*and other methods),
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ompson, J.D., D.G. Higgins & T.J. Gibson 1994. CLUSTAL W: improving the sensitivity of
progressive multiple sequence alignments through sequence weighting, position-specic
gap penalties and weight matrix choice. Nucleic Acids Res. 22: 4673-4680.
... To determine the lineages of honey bees, DNA extractions of workers were subjected to a diagnostic multiplex PCR test based on cytochrome-b that differentiates between African and European matrilines (Szalanski and McKern 2007). Briefly, DNA was extracted from a single midleg of each specimen using a salting-out protocol with reagents made in-house (Sambrook and Russell 2001). ...
... Briefly, DNA was extracted from a single midleg of each specimen using a salting-out protocol with reagents made in-house (Sambrook and Russell 2001). One microliter of this template DNA was used in a multiplex reaction with the PCR primers Apis-R (5 0 -ATTACACCTCC-TAATTTATTAGGAAT-3 0 ) and AHB-F (5 0 -CAT-TACTCTGAGGTGGGTTC-3 0 ), which produce a 385 bp amplicon for honey bees of African descent, plus Apis-F (5 0 -TATGTACTACCATGAGGA-CAAATATC-3 0 ), which produces a 485 bp product in all honey bees when combined with Apis-R (Szalanski and McKern 2007). Each reaction contained 0.8 lM of each primer, 1.39 buffer, 2.0 mM MgCl 2 , 0.2 nM each dNTP, 1 unit of Taq polymerase (Apex BioResearch Products, Research Triangle Park, NC), and molecular-grade water to reach a volume of 25 lL. ...
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Twenty-five years ago, Arctomecon humilis, a pollinator-dependent, endangered poppy globally restricted to the extreme northeastern Mojave Desert in southwestern Utah, was pollinated by native bee species and the European honey bee. Follow-up studies beginning in 2012 failed to find the two most important native bee pollinator species, one of which, Perdita meconis, is a strict poppy specialist. We had four objectives: (1) confirm the status of formerly important native bee pollinators; (2) determine the role of the Africanized honey bee which reportedly invaded southern Utah in 2008; (3) examine the effect of the ostensible change in pollinator fauna on fruit set in four populations; (4) describe the pollination proficiency of species that presently visit poppy flowers. For the fourth consecutive survey, P. meconis was absent; its local extinction in Utah now seems certain. Another previously important native pollinator, Eucera quadricincta, was very rare. Also uncommon was the European honey bee, having been largely replaced by Africanized honey bees which have become, in most populations, the prevalent pollinator. Africanized bees forage early in the day and quickly strip flowers of their copious pollen leaving little for native bees. We argue that the invasion of southern Utah by Africanized bees is the most likely cause of the severe disruption of the A. humilis pollination system. The ascension of the Africanized bee is also associated with reduced fruit set in all poppy populations, especially those where plants are sparse. Arctomecon humilis now appears to depend mostly on an invasive species for pollination.
... Honey bee specimens were collected from Arkansas , Mississippi, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas, and Utah as part of other studies on genetic variation of feral EHB and AHB populations (Szalanski & McKern 2007; Szalanski & Magnus 2010) and for this study (Table 1,Fig. 1). ...
... DNA was extracted separately from individual worker honey bee thoraces (AHB/EHB testing) and abdomens (Nosema testing) using a salting-out procedure with in-house reagents (Sambrook & Russell 2001 ). Molecular diagnostics using multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) of a mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b marker (Szalanski & McKern 2007) was used to determine if the sample was AHB or EHB. Two individuals were tested from each sample. ...
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A Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) molecular diagnostic survey for the honey bee pathogens Nosema apis Zander and N. ceranae Fries was conducted on feral Africanized honey bee (AHB) and European honey bee (EHB), Apis mellifera L., populations sampled from Mississippi, Arkansas, Texas, Utah, Oklahoma, and New Mexico. Polymerase Chain Reaction – Restriction Fragment Length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis of a 220 bp small subunit (SSU) marker was conducted on 517 samples, consisting of 245 AHB and 272 EHB individuals. A total of 43 samples (8.3%) were positive for Nosema; of these, 82.1% were N. ceranae, and the remainder were N. apis. No mixed samples were observed. For the AHB samples, Nosema was detected in 9.0% of the samples with 89.5% of the Nosema identified as N. ceranae, and 10.5% as N. apis. With the EHB samples, 7.7% had Nosema; 75.0% of these with N. ceranae, and 25.0% with N. apis. No significant difference was observed between AHB and EHB feral samples for occurrence of each Nosema species and prevalence of Nosema infection. Among the AHB samples, Nosema was more common in Utah and Texas than in New Mexico and Oklahoma. Nosema infection rates for feral honey bees was considerably lower than levels observed with managed honey bees in studies from New York, South Dakota, and Virginia.
... Furthermore, morphometric analysis is unsuitable for inferring phylogenetic relationships . Molecular techniques are sensitive and reliable tools for identification purposes, i.e., distinguishing between Africanized and European or identifying genetic haplotypes Szalanski & McKern, 2007;. Molecular techniques, specifically DNA sequencing, also allow for phylogenetic analysis to better understand the dispersion of subspecies and their genetic relationships Ilyasov et al., 2021). ...
... The fitness of honey bee colonies is being enhanced by high genetic diversity (Mattila et al., 2008). The honeybee (Apis mellifera) has been extensively studied from different perspectives such as ecological, morphometric and genetic studies (Ruttner et al., 2000;Whitfield et al., 2006;Szalanski & McKern, 2007;Tunca & Kence, 2011). Yogesh and Khan (2014) investigated the genetic Awodiran et al. (2021), studied the genetic characterization of Apis mellifera populations from the rain forest and derived savannah zones of Nigeria using morphological and microsatellite markers. ...
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The genetic structure and diversity of Apis mellifera from eight populations across two vegetational zones of Nigeria was investigated in order to provide base line information that will enhance its conservation, genetic improvement and sustainable yield. Genomic DNA was extracted from 40 specimens randomly selected from eight colonies in derived savannah and tropical rainforest regions of Nigeria. The specimens were amplified using five Random Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers and the amplicons generated were assessed using appropriate statistical indices. Results generated revealed significant genetic polymorphisms among the eight populations of A. mellifera ranging from 38.89 to 68.52% with a total of 281 bands amplified from 54 loci in all samples. The derived savannah population (Offa) had a greater amount of genetic diversity than the rest seven (7) populations as revealed by the percentage of polymorphic loci, expected heterozygosity and Shannon information index (I). The genetic structure as revealed by the Neighbour-Joining dendrogram showed that the eight populations studied represent two major genotypic groups with intra-group relationships. Eleyoka and Offa populations were the genetically closest in the first group while Ayetoro-Gbede and Ayegunle-Gbede populations were the genetically closest in the second group. The study suggests that the two major genotypic groups represent two distinct genetic stocks and can thus be managed accordingly.
... On the one hand, a region of the mitochondrial gene of cytochrome b (cyt b) was amplified using the Apis-F (5′-TAT GTA CTA CCA TGA GGA -CAA ATA TC-3′) and Apis-R (5′-ATTA-CAC CTC CTA ATT TAT TAG GAAT-3′) primers (Crozier et al. 1991), which generate a control amplicon of 485 bp (Melting temperature Tm = 80 ± 0.2° C) for European and African bees. In a second amplification reaction, the combination of primer Apis-R with a new primer AHB-F (5′-CAT TAC TCT GAG GTG GGT TC-3′) (Szalanski and McKern 2007) was used to generate an amplicon of 385 bp (Tm: 79 ± 0.2° C) unique to the African mitotype. This second amplification allowed sequence specificity analysis of amples using the High-Resolution Melting technique (High Resolution Melting, HRM). ...
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Analysis of the mtDNA variation in Apis mellifera L. has allowed distinguishing subspecies and evolutionary lineages by means of different molecular methods; from RFLP, to PCR-RFLP and direct sequencing. Likewise, geometric morphometrics (GM) has been used to distinguish Africanized honey bees with a high degree of consistency with studies using molecular information. High-resolution fusion analysis (HRM) allows one to quickly identify sequence polymorphisms by comparing DNA melting curves in short amplicons generated by real-time PCR (qPCR). The objective of this work was to implement the HRM technique in the diagnosis of Africanization of colonies of A. mellifera from Argentina, using GM as a validation method. DNA was extracted from 60 A. mellifera colonies for mitotype identification. Samples were initially analyzed by HRM, through qPCRs of two regions (485 bp/385 bp) of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (cytb). This technique was then optimizing to amplify a smaller PCR product (207 bp) for the HRM diagnosis for the Africanization of colonies. Of the 60 colony samples analyzed, 41 were classified as colonies of European origin whereas 19 revealed African origin. All the samples classified by HRM were correctly validated by GM, demonstrating that this technique could be implemented for a rapid identification of African mitotypes in Apis mellifera samples.
... This Cytb /Bgl II assay has subsequently been used as part of haplotype analyses to identify bees of the A-lineage, often in conjunction with other genes/enzymes: LS rRNA/Eco RI, COI-COII /Xba I, COI /Hinc II (Smith et al. 1997;Palmer et al. 2000;Pinto et al. 2004;Zamora et al. 2008; and see Ferreira, 2009). The Cytb /Bgl II assay has also been combined with multiplexed PCR to improve identification of African-derived bees from Arkansas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico (Szalanski and McKern 2007). Most recently, the Cytb /Bgl II assay has been used to investigate the distribution of African-derived bees in California (Kono and Kohn 2015;Lin et al. 2018). ...
A real-time qPCR assay was designed to detect African-derived subspecies of western honey bees (Apis mellifera L.). The probes targeted the same region of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene used in previous restriction enzyme assays. Using samples from 16 A. mellifera subspecies representing four lineages, we evaluated the efficacy of this assay to identify African- (or A-lineage) and non-A-lineage honey bees. The qPCR assay successfully differentiated A-lineage honey bees, including A. m. scutellata and A. m. capensis, from M-, C-, and O-lineage A. mellifera subspecies. In conclusion, the assay we developed is useful for rapid detection of A-lineage honey bees in areas where they are introduced, although it cannot be used to identify the specific A. mellifera subspecies within the A-lineage.
... In brief, a single mid-leg was removed from each specimen and DNA was extracted with a salting-out method (Sambrook & Russell, 2001). These extracts were then subjected to a cytochromeb-based, multiplex PCR test (Szalanski & McKern, 2007). Each sample exhibiting amplicons at both 385 and 485 bp was classified as Africanized (AHB), while those with a single amplicon at 385 bp were classified as European (EHB). ...
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The introduction of exotic species can have profound impacts on mutualisms between native species in invaded areas. However, determining whether a new invader has impacted native species depends on accurately reconstructing the invasion timing. The arrival of Africanized honey bees (AHB) in southern Utah at some point between 1994 and 2011 has recently been implicated in the local extinction of Perdita meconis , a native specialist pollinator of an endangered poppy, Arctomecon humilis . Although AHBs were purportedly first detected in southern Utah in 2008, their presence in nearby Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico by 1998–2001 suggests that they may have been present in Utah much earlier. We refined the arrival date of AHBs in southern Utah by using a molecular marker to determine maternal ancestry of museum specimens collected between 2000 and 2008. We found that AHBs were present in southern Utah from 2000 onwards, advancing the arrival date of this invader by at least 8 years. This lends credence to the hypothesis that AHBs played a critical role in the local extinction of P. meconis in Utah. This work also highlights the importance of vouchering even common species such as honey bees in museum collections to serve future research needs.
... We mitotyped collected honey bee specimens to ascertain whether they were Africanised or European. DNA was extracted from each worker midleg and tested for maternal ancestry with a diagnostic multiplex PCR test based on cytochrome-b (Szalanski & McKern, 2007; for additional details see Portman et al., 2018). In addition to contemporary samples, we characterised historical samples (1995)(1996)(1997)(1998)(1999)(2000)(2001)(2002)(2003)(2004)(2005) from southern Nevada that were available in the BBSL collection for comparison (Appendix S1). ...
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• The Mojave Desert of the southwestern U.S. is home to two protected species of poppy in the genus Arctomecon Torr. & Frém. (Papaveraceae). A pollinator of these species is the specialist bee Perdita meconis Griswold (Andrenidae) a specialist on poppy pollen. • Recently, the easternmost population of P. meconis, which was associated with A. humilis Coville in Utah, has become locally extinct, and other historically associated bee pollinators have become scarce. Implicated in the disruption of this pollination system is invasion by the Africanised honey bee. • Here we report on the status of P. meconis in historic populations associated with congener A. californica Torr. & Frém., 100 km west in Clark Co., Nevada where the Africanised honey bee is also adventive. • We surveyed flower visitors at eight A. californica populations in 2017, six of which had been surveyed in 1995. In general, we found no disruptions of the historic pollination system of A. californica despite the presence of abundant Africanised honey bees, which largely foraged at other flower species. • The most likely cause of the disparate effects of the Africanised honey bee in Utah and Nevada is livestock grazing. Grazing in Utah has been continuous for over three decades and while cattle do not graze A. humilis, they graze its floral competitors, forcing honey bees to forage on poppy flowers. In Nevada, protections afforded to the desert tortoise halted grazing approximately when the Africanised honey bee invaded, making diverse floral forage available for honey bees.
The honeybee and its venom are unique among other flying Hymenoptera. The honeybee has entomologic and venom characteristics that make it both more docile and yet in ways more life-threatening than other Hymenoptera. These venom characteristics and composition make diagnosis and treatment for honeybee venom allergy more complicated, and honeybee is often involved in double positivity. Ultimately, diagnosis and perhaps treatment may improve as the role of venom component resolution is clarified. Honeybees are associated with a myriad of unusual reactions, both to the venom and to their various associated substances found in and around their habitat. Beekeepers represent a special population that are a high-risk group due to their inherent risk for stings and their propensity to be less likely to decrease risk. Finally, Africanized honeybees, the more aggressive relative, are a threat in the United States both to other hives and to humans, due to their aggressive nature. Mass envenomation requires specialized treatment and careful clinical consideration.
Conference Paper
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We have conducted a study on genetic diversity of honey bees from Arkansas and Oklahoma using DNA sequencing of the mtDNA cytochrome b gene, focusing primarily on feral populations. From the bees analyzed, a total of 9 haplotypes were observed which belonged to the lingustica, mellifera, scutellata (Africanized honey bee, AHB), and syrica lineages . The finding of bees belonging to the syrica lineage is of interest, since this is the first observation of bees from middle eastern decent in the United States. Also of interest is the observation of a number of Apis mellifera mellifera genotypes in Arkansas. This subspecies of European decent has not been maintained by beekeepers for a number of years and our preliminary data gives support that feral bee populations are being maintained in Arkansas and may act as a resource for maintaining genetic diversity of the species.
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The program MODELTEST uses log likelihood scores to establish the model of DNA evolution that best fits the data. AVAILABILITY: The MODELTEST package, including the source code and some documentation is available at http://bioag.byu. edu/zoology/crandall_lab/modeltest.html.
— We studied sequence variation in 16S rDNA in 204 individuals from 37 populations of the land snail Candidula unifasciata (Poiret 1801) across the core species range in France, Switzerland, and Germany. Phylogeographic, nested clade, and coalescence analyses were used to elucidate the species evolutionary history. The study revealed the presence of two major evolutionary lineages that evolved in separate refuges in southeast France as result of previous fragmentation during the Pleistocene. Applying a recent extension of the nested clade analysis (Templeton 2001), we inferred that range expansions along river valleys in independent corridors to the north led eventually to a secondary contact zone of the major clades around the Geneva Basin. There is evidence supporting the idea that the formation of the secondary contact zone and the colonization of Germany might be postglacial events. The phylogeographic history inferred for C. unifasciata differs from general biogeographic patterns of postglacial colonization previously identified for other taxa, and it might represent a common model for species with restricted dispersal.
The history of honeybee (Apis mellifera) importations and management in Australia is largely anecdotal and therefore a survey and characterisation of this agriculturally important insect is of value. We give information on the genetic composition of 42 feral and commercial strains by sequencing sections of the ATPase 6, cytochrome oxidase III, cytochrome b and ND2 mitochondrial genes to determine the relationship of the strains to each other. Our phylogenetic analysis shows novel associations between A. m. mellifera, A. m. scutellata, A. m. ligustica and A. m. caucasica.
Mitochondrial DNA derived from Apis mellifera scutellata, the ancestor of the Africanized bees of the New World, lacks a BglII restriction site found in other types of honeybee. We present primers allowing amplification of a 485-bp section of the cytochrome b gene containing this site, using the polymerase chain reaction. Digestion of the amplified product with BglII yields contrasting patterns between Africanized and other honeybees.
The sensitivity of the commonly used progressive multiple sequence alignment method has been greatly improved for the alignment of divergent protein sequences. Firstly, individual weights are assigned to each sequence in a partial alignment in order to downweight near-duplicate sequences and up-weight the most divergent ones. Secondly, amino acid substitution matrices are varied at different alignment stages according to the divergence of the sequences to be aligned. Thirdly, residue-specific gap penalties and locally reduced gap penalties in hydrophilic regions encourage new gaps in potential loop regions rather than regular secondary structure. Fourthly, positions in early alignments where gaps have been opened receive locally reduced gap penalties to encourage the opening up of new gaps at these positions. These modifications are incorporated into a new program, CLUSTAL W which is freely available.
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BEAST v1.0, Available from http
  • A J A Drummond
  • Rambaut
Drummond, A.J. & A. Rambaut. 2003. BEAST v1.0, Available from
October 15: the day the bee arrived
  • D A K R Sugden
  • Williams
Sugden, D.A. & K.R. Williams 1990. October 15: the day the bee arrived. Glean. Bee Cult. 119: 18-21.