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Image-Based Atmospheric Corrections - Revisited and Improved

  • Northern Arizona University (retired USGS)


A major benefit of multitemporal, remotely sensed images is their applicability to change detection over time.(...) However, to maximize the usefulness of data from multitemporal point of view, an easy-to-use, cost-efective, and accurate radiometric calibration and correction procedure is needed.
... The analysis utilized the Landsat 8 OLI dataset, incorporating seven bands, namely blue, green, red, near-infrared (NIR), short-wave infrared-1 (SWIR1), short-wave infrared-2 (SWIR2), and thermal infrared of band 10. Radiometric correction was carried out employing Chavez's full model correction method (Chavez 1996;Eastman, 2019), as illustrated in Figure 2, which outlines the research methodology. Subsequently, the terrain attribute maps were integrated into the optical image dataset (blue -SWIR plus thermal bands) to serve as input for the multisource classification. ...
... The correction used full atmospheric correction to derive new dataset with 0 − 1.0 range of at surface reflectance. The equation of full atmospheric correction was based on the work of Chavez (1996) as follows: ...
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Land-use maps containing crop rotational information are very important in land management and physical planning. Such maps are usually generated using multitemporal data. Although recent technology allows analysts to process multitemporal information effectively, the use of single date imagery for such purpose is more efficient. This study aimed to map detailed agricultural land-use with crop rotational information based on a single date Landsat 8 imagery and SRTM-derived terrain attributes. A landscape ecological approach assuming the influence of terrain characteristics on the existence of crop and land-use types was implemented in multisource classification using random decision forest (RDF) machine learning algorithm. The use of seven optical bands and five terrain attributes could provide a land-use map at 88.03% accuracy, compared to seven optical bands only that generate 82.45% accuracy. These results are also better than those of maximum likelihood. The most influential variables in the achieved accuracy are elevation and thermal band.
... While atmospheric transmittances and solar irradiance cancel each other in the ratio, the haze terms should be preliminarily estimated and removed. Path-radiance estimation may follow image-based approaches [30], [31] or rely on radiative transfer models of the atmosphere and its constituents [32], as well as knowledge of acquisition parameters, such as actual Sun-Earth distance, solar zenith angle, and satellite platform observation angle. The haze term is trivially zero for data in surface reflectance format, whenever they are available. ...
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The paper presents an original method for the spatial resolution enhancement of satellite hyperspectral (HS) data by means of the Sentinel-2 visible-near infrared (VNIR) and shortwave infrared (SWIR) bands at 10 and 20 m spatial resolution. Presently, HS data are available from PRISMA (Italian acronym for hyperspectral precursor of the application mission) and EnMAP (environmental mapping and analysis program): both map the spectral interval of the solar radiation onto 240 and 224 bands, respectively, with 10 nm and 6.5/10 nm widths. A 5 m×5 m panchromatic (PAN) band is also acquired by PRISMA. When the PAN band is unavailable, or better, the higher spatial-resolution sharpening band is not unique, advantage can be taken from the hyper-sharpening protocol. Firstly, the 20 m bands of Sentinel-2 are hypersharpened to 10 m by means of the four 10 m VNIR bands of the same instrument. Then, the 10 m hyper-sharpened bands of Sentinel-2 are used to sharpen the 30 m bands of PRISMA at 10 m as well, still according to the hyper-sharpening protocol. Eventually, the 10 m hyper-sharpened bands are pansharpened at 5 m by means of the PAN image, if available. Results show that for PRISMA the nested hyper-sharpening followed by pansharpening is better than plain HS pansharpening, both visually and according to full-scale indexes of spectral and spatial consistence. For EnMAP data, in which the PAN image is missing, the improvement of the fused data with respect to the original EnMAP and Sentinel-2 data has been quantified by means of two novel statistical indexes capable of measuring the spatial and intersensor consistencies between sharpened and sharpening data.
... After preprocessed with georeference, and clipping via boundary in Erdas 9.2, it was performed in ENVI to calculate the radiometric calibration value for each band (Chander and Markham, 2003;Xu, 2015). Then, a COST model was used for atmospheric correction to the image (Chavez, 1996;Xu, 2015). ...
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Exploring how water bodies work on the thermal environment in a real and complex urban context is of great significance to develop urban blue infrastructure (BI) system for climate adaption. Previous studies mainly focused on the water cool island (WCI) effect in the microenvironment, which cannot provide enough evidence for systematic application. This study explored the cooling effect of water bodies on the urban environment in Wuhan, China based on three scenarios in which water bodies was regarded as individual samples, water network system and one landscape category of urban ecosystem, respectively. Results indicate that all detected water bodies expressed WCI effect with the mean WCI intensity of 5.5°C and the range of 1.1°C to 13.3°C. The main factors influencing the cooling effect of urban water body system were Percent of landscape (PLAND_W), Landscape shape index (LSI_W) and Contrast-weighted edge density (CWED_W) of water bodies, which could explain 69.0% of urban LST variation. An urban water body system with relatively larger water area, more regular boundary and simpler surroundings might be more efficient in cooling the urban environment. Nevertheless, when considering the interaction of water bodies with other land covers on thermal environment, the contribution of water bodies to the cooling benefit was depressed. The main factors were Similarity index_mean of Construction land (SIMI_MN_C), Class area of Construction land (CA_C), Total edge contrast index of Water body (TECI_W), Landscape shape index of Water body (LSI_W) and Percent of landscape of Vegetated area (PLAND_V). They combined to explain 71.9% of LST variation in urban areas. Developing an urban BI system by connecting the dispersed water bodies and fragmenting the contiguous construction land in rapidly urbanized areas can be more realistic for mitigating UHI effect and adapting to climate change.
... Atmospheric correction was conducted to obtain the surface reflectance values. The method for removing path radiance in images is the dark object subtraction (DOS) technique developed by Chavez (1996), which is applied to the TOA reflectance of the WorldView-3 image (Equation 1). ...
Seagrass meadow is one of the blue-carbon ecosystems capable of absorbing and storing carbon more effectively in the bodies and sediments than terrestrial ecosystems. However, nationwide data on its carbon stock remains elusive due to limitations and challenges in data collection and mapping. Seagrass percent cover and biomass, which were closely related with above-ground carbon stock, can be effectively mapped and monitored using remote sensing techniques. Therefore, this study aimed to compare the accuracy of 4 scenarios as well as assess the performance of random forest and stepwise regression methods, for mapping seagrass percent cover and biomass in Nusa Lembongan, Bali, Indonesia. The scenarios were experimented using only atmospherically corrected images, sunglint, water, as well as sunglint and water column corrected images. Furthermore, WorldView-3 images and in-situ seagrass data were used, with the image corrected by applying the scenarios. Random forest and stepwise regression methods were adopted for mapping and modelling. The optimum mapping scenario and method were chosen based on R ² , RMSE, and seagrass spatial distribution. The results show that the atmospherically corrected image produced the best seagrass percent cover and biomass map. Range of R ² using random forest and stepwise regression model was 0.49–0.64 and 0.50–0.58, with RMSE ranging from 18.50% to 21.41% and 19.36% to 20.72%, respectively. Based on R ² , RMSE, and seagrass spatial distribution, it was concluded that the random forest model produced better mapping results, specifically for areas with high seagrass percent cover.
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Erosion and deposition are critical issues in coastal zone management. Suspended sediment is one of the significant factors related to the cause of erosion and deposition in the coastal zone. Therefore, monitoring and understanding suspended sediment dynamics are crucial for managing coastal areas. This study focused on estimating suspended sediment concentration and analyzing its dispersion characteristics in Bangladesh's marine and coastal space. The study followed three major experimental steps. First, in-situ water samples were collected from two study areas and analyzed in the laboratory to calculate suspended sediment concentration. Second, in-situ data was calibrated with atmospherically corrected Landsat imagery to estimate spatial distribution of suspended sediment concentration over the entire study area. Third, bathymetric charts were used to calculate deposition-induced bottom topography change in the area over 27 years (1982-2007). The maximum concentration (1.9 gm/l) of suspended sediment was found in the Meghna estuary whereas the minimum (0.24 mg/l) was observed in the Swatch of No Ground area.
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Уџбеник је конципиран на иновативан начин, у коме теоријску и методолошку елаборацију прате практични примјери који помажу да се оне разумију на ефикасан и једноставан начин. Уџбеник с једне стране прати наставни програм предмета на који се односи, а с друге стране сублимира сва савремена достигнућа из области ГИС анализа. Као такав може бити погодан за усвајање нових теоријских и практичних знања, не само студентима који изучавају предмет ГИС анализе већ и свим осталим експертима који се баве просторним подацима и геоинформационим технологијама. Уџбеник се састоји из седам поглавља. У првом поглављу разматрају се основне теоријско-методолошке поставке концепта ГИС анализа као научне поддисциплине географске информационе науке. Даје се осврт на сва досадашња достигнућа из ове области кроз преглед литературе. На крају се износи иновативан теоријско-методолошки концепт усклађен са савременим достигнућима и силабусом предмета ГИС анализе. У другом поглављу разматрају се модели ГИС података, који су предуслов и почетни корак у сваком аналитичком поступку. На детаљан начин се разматрају растерски и векторски модели података. Треће поглавље се бави векторским анализама. Поред теоријских и методолошких елаборација сви сегменти су представљени и практичним примјерима. Четврто поглавље се односи на растерске анализе. Истим приступом, теорија-методологија-примјери, расвјетљује се улога растерских анализа у просторном моделовању. Значај анализе сателитских и осталих снимака истакнут је у петом поглављу уважавајући концепт теорија-методологија-примјери. У шестом поглављу се на исти начин разматрају комплексне ГИС анализе у виду геостатистичких анализа. Посљедње, седмо поглавље, даје преглед аналитичког моделовања и аутоматизације аналитичких поступака ГИС-а.
An array of Eutric Retisols (Loamic, Cutanic, Ochric)) was studied under a fallow aged 20–25 years, which is in the stage of overgrowth of meadow vegetation, pine and birch. The site is confined to one element of the relief, has no morphological signs of the development of erosive processes and is characterized by a homogeneous granulometric composition. To assess the influence of fallow vegetation type on the formation of soil organic matter (SOM) reserves, vegetation cover was zoned according to vegetation indices calculated on the basis of remote sensing (RS) data. The “k-means” algorithms and the “random forest” method were used for zoning. It was shown that there were statistically significant differences between the types of land cover in terms of reserves of SOM in the upper layer of the old-arable horizon with the allocation of 3 and 4 clusters. It is shown that the most expedient is the allocation of 3 classes of fallow vegetation using the “k-means” algorithm: coniferous woody vegetation, deciduous woody vegetation and herbaceous vegetation. The correctness of the allocation of these classes was confirmed by a field geobotanical survey of the territory. The results of a pairwise comparison of sites occupied by various types of fallow vegetation show the presence of significant differences in the reserves of the SOM only in the uppermost layer (0–5 cm) of the old arable horizon and only when compared with the array occupied by woody coniferous vegetation and herbaceous vegetation. Differences in accumulated humus reserves in the upper layer of 0–10 cm are statistically significant in soils under deciduous and coniferous woody vegetation, as well as between herbaceous and coniferous vegetation. There was no significant difference in this indicator between the areas occupied by woody deciduous vegetation and herbaceous vegetation.
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Since the implementation of the sunset law in 2020, concerns have been raised over the reckless development of long-term non-executed urban parks. In this study, the FSDAF method and CASA-NPP model were used to evaluate the annual average NPP of long-term non-executed urban parks in Seoul. Based on this, the carbon loss and economic value were assessed under five development scenarios. The total NPP value of long-term non-executed urban parks, except for the greenbelt area in Seoul, was 4,892.18 t C. In the first scenario, the NPP and cost were 4,892.18 t C of vegetation carbon and 1.18 billion won, 2,548.55 t C of vegetation carbon and 615 million won in the second scenario, 238.94 t C of vegetation carbon and 58 million won in the third scenario, 848.38 t C of vegetation carbon and 205 million won in the fourth scenario, and 1,596.00 t C of vegetation carbon and 385 million won in the fifth scenario. These results are meaningful for evaluating vegetation carbon and economic value loss according to five different development scenarios. The results of this study are expected to be useful for the preparation of measures to minimize the impact of the development of long-term non-executed urban parks.
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Se implementa el algoritmo Gap Fill Fase II por un equipo cubano para la corrección de los datos inválidos en las imágenes de Landsat ETM+ SLC-off.
The atmospheric aerosol particle size distribution was examined using measured spectral scattering coefficients in the wavelength region 0.40-2.27 µ. It was found that the aerosol on a particular day can be represented by a two-component composite, the main component having a Junge distribution of the form dN/d logr=Cr-n and the other having either a distribution of larger particles similar to that of aerosols found in maritime air or a relatively monodisperse distribution contained in a narrow radius interval. This study shows that estimates of aerosol size distribution may be in error if based only on attenuation measurements in the visible region.
Conference Paper
A method is proposed for using clear lakes as dark backgrounds against which the atmospheric path radiance can be determined from satellite observations. If the path radiance can be determined to sufficient accuracy, the atmospheric extinction can be inferred with suitable radiative transfer models. An extensive program of observation was made to determine the magnitude and variability of the various contributors to the total radiance observed by a satellite. It is shown that the volume and surface reflectance contributions (in the absence of sunglint) are small, constant, and can be modeled accurately enough to make these an insignificant source of error. The sunglint radiance observed in this investigation may be a significant source of error. It is shown that atmospheric extinction can be inferred from the path radiance observation after systematic differences between the model and observations are removed.
Discussion of the effects of atmospheric scattering and/or absorption on discrimination between target and background materials in environmental or natural science remote sensing applications. The spectral region considered lies between 0.4 and 3 microns. The results are presented parametrically and include an interesting effect that neighboring materials have on the spectral character of a target as a result of aerosol scattering by atmospheric haze.