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Fungal fruiting bodies in the Cullen Formation (Miocene) in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina


Abstract and Figures

Abstract. An abundant and diverse fungal assemblage was recovered from the Cullen Formation suggesting humid paleoenvironmental conditions. Thirty one different forms of fungal fruiting bodies, mostly belonging to the Microthyriales (Ascomycota), were recognized. Nineteen were assigned to fossil genera, including 6 known species. The others are presented as twelve different Types, and possibly represent new morphogenera. The genera/species Plochmopeltinites cooksonia Ramanujan and Rao, Microthyriella diporata Rao and Ramanujan, Microthyrites, Phragmothyrites eocaenicus Edwards, P. kiandrensis Selkirk and Perisporiacites are recorded for the first time in Argentina, enlarging their palaeogeographical distribution. A Miocene age is proposed for this formation in coincidence with that suggested for the fungal spore content and other palynological data.
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Fruiting bodies, particularly the Microthyriales,
are some of the best known fungal remains through-
out the geological record (Dilcher, 1965; Elsik, 1968).
Assignment to extant genera and species has been
based on morphological features, and the fact that
many have been found “in situ” associated with leaf
surfaces, stems and flowers of higher plants (Elsik,
In spite of the preliminary nature of the palaeo-
mycological studies carried out in Argentina, some
papers describing fruiting bodies of Microthyriales
suggest their potential as palaeoenviromental mark-
ers (Martínez, 1968; Durango de Cabrera and
Rodríguez de Sarmiento, 1995; Romero and Castro,
1986). In the Cullen Formation, spores and other
fungal remains, together with fruiting bodies, have
been noted in the literature, but these generally lack
morphological descriptions and/or illustrations
(Vergel and Durango de Cabrera, 1988; Durango de
Cabrera and Vergel, 1989; Zamaloa, 1999, 2000; Zet-
ter et al., 1999; García–Massini et al., 1999). Recently,
more detailed information about the Cullen For-
mation mycoflora has been provided by
García–Massini (2001).
In this paper, we report the presence of abundant
and diverse fruiting bodies recovered from the
Cullen Formation. Most of them conform to Micro-
thyriales (Ascomycetes) and others are of unknown
The Cullen Formation is part of the Austral Basin
and crops out along the Atlantic coast in the north-
east of Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego in southern
Argentina (Codignotto and Malumián, 1981). The
outcrops extend from near Punta Catalina to 2 km
south of the Tapera Sur Dell (figure 1).
AMEGHINIANA (Rev. Asoc. Paleontol. Argent.) - 41 (1): 83-90. Buenos Aires, 30-03-2004 ISSN 0002-7014
©Asociación Paleontológica Argentina AMGHB2-0002-7014/04$00.00+.50
1Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, The
University of Kansas, Haworth Hall, 6022, Lawrence, Kansas
66045-2106 EE.UU.
2Departamento de Ecología, Genética y Evolución, Universidad
de Buenos Aires, Intendente Güiraldes 2620, 1428 Buenos Aires,
3Departamento de Ecología, Genética y Evolución, Universidad
de Buenos Aires, Intendente Güiraldes 2620, 1428 Buenos Aires,
Argentina. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales B. Rivadavia,
A. Gallardo 470, 1405 Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Fungal fruiting bodies in the Cullen Formation (Miocene)
in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
Juan L. GARCÍA-MASSINI1, María del C. ZAMALOA2and Edgardo J. ROMERO3
Key words. Fungal fruiting bodies. Microthyriales. Miocene. Tierra del Fuego. Argentina.
Palabras clave. Cuerpos fructíferos fúngicos. Microthyriales. Mioceno. Tierra del Fuego. Argentina.
Abstract. An abundant and diverse fungal assemblage was recovered from the Cullen Formation sug-
gesting humid paleoenvironmental conditions. Thirty one different forms of fungal fruiting bodies, most-
ly belonging to the Microthyriales (Ascomycota), were recognized. Nineteen were assigned to fossil gen-
era, including 6 known species. The others are presented as twelve different Types, and possibly repre-
sent new morphogenera. The genera/species Plochmopeltinites cooksonia Ramanujan and Rao,
Microthyrielladiporata Rao and Ramanujan, Microthyrites, Phragmothyriteseocaenicus Edwards, P. kiandren-
sisSelkirk and Perisporiacites are recorded for the first time in Argentina, enlarging their palaeogeograph-
ical distribution. A Miocene age is proposed for this formation in coincidence with that suggested for the
fungal spore content and other palynological data.
ARGENTINA.Se estudia una abundante y diversa micoflora de la Formación Cullen que sugiere condiciones
paleoambientales de elevada humedad. Se reconocieron 31 diferentes cuerpos de fructificación, la mayoría
perteneciente a los Microthyriales (Ascomycota). Diecinueve de ellos fueron asignados a géneros fósiles
incluyendo 6 especies conocidas. Los restantes se describen como Tipos, y posiblemente representen
nuevos morfogéneros. Los géneros/especies PlochmopeltinitescooksoniaRamanujan y Rao, Microthyriella di-
porata Rao y Ramanujan, Microthyrites, Phragmothyrites eocaenicus Edwards, P. kiandrensis Selkirk y
Perisporiacites se registran por primera vez en Argentina, ampliando su distribución paleogeográfica. Se
propone una edad miocena para esta formación en coincidencia con la sugerida por el contenido de es-
poras fúngicas y por la evidencia de otros datos palinológicos.
J.L. García-Massini, M.del C. Zamaloa and E.J. Romero84
Materials and methods
Three palynological sections taken from the
Cullen Formation by Zamaloa (1999) have been ex-
amined for the presence of fungal fruiting bodies.
Standard palynological techniques were used to
process the samples (Traverse, 1988). Slides exam-
ined are housed in the Laboratorio de Paleobotánica,
Departamento de Ecología, Genética y Evolución,
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, as BAFCB
p.m. The coordinates given are those from the micro-
scope Dialux 20 N° 967412 in that department.
For the classification and identification of the fun-
gal material, we have followed Elsik (1992) and
Kalgutkar and Jansonius (2001). Primary diagnostic
characters used include: 1) Presence or absence of ra-
diate symmetry, 2) Presence or absence of an ostiole,
3) Nature of the margin of the ascoma, 4) Character
of the cells composing the ascoma, 5) Other special
features such as porate cells. Descriptions were based
on the terminology of Elsik et al. (1983).
Of the three studied sections from the Cullen
Formation, 23 stratigraphic levels yielded fungal re-
mains. More than 500 different forms were recog-
nized. Those samples that contain the best preserved
and abundant spores also contain a large number of
fruiting bodies. The forms described and/or illus-
trated in this contribution were selected because of
their excellent preservation and/or similarity to mo-
dern fungi. None of the fruiting bodies were found in
association with mycelia, spores, or attached to the
leaf cuticles of any recognizable plant. Some form
genera and species could be assigned to modern taxa
based on information provided in the current litera-
ture (Dilcher, 1965; Romero and Castro, 1986;
Durango de Cabrera and Rodriguez de Sarmiento,
1995; among others). Nineteen different forms of
fruiting bodies could be accommodated within 9
known form genera, including 6 known form species,
12 forms could not be unequivocally assigned to any
known taxa and are described as Types.
Systematic paleontology
Selected fruiting bodies identified in the present
study are listed in Table 1. In addition, for the Types
we have assigned a number only reflecting a sequen-
tial ordering, and these are presented below quali-
fied by a brief description.
Type I (aff. Arnaudiella andina” Butin and
Peredo 1986)
Figure 3.G
Description. Circular fruiting body formed of a single
layer of elongate–lobulate cells; more than one layer in
its central portion. Cells radially arranged. Circular os-
tiole present in a raised central position, surrounded
by a ring of thick–walled cells. The margin is lobulate.
Overall size is 119 µm, ostiole 9.1 µm in diameter.
Comments. This specimen has most of the morpho-
logical features found in the extant Arnaudiella andi-
na” (Ascomycota, Microthyriaceae), a common para-
sitic fungus of the Podocarpaceae of the Chilean
Andean region (Butin and Peredo, 1986).
Studied material. BAFCB p.m. 240, 48.8/111.6.
Type II (aff. Arnaudiella andina
Butin and Peredo 1986)
Figure 3.H
Description. Polygonal fruiting body, formed by one
layer of elongated cells. Two layers appear to deve-
lop toward the central part of the body. The body has
2 approximately circular slightly raised ostioles.
Around each ostiole the cell wall is markedly thicker
forming circular rings. The cells are approximately
AMEGHINIANA 41 (1), 2004
Figure 1. Location map. B) Austral Basin distribution, C) Cullen
Formation outcrop, Northeast of Tierra del Fuego / Mapa de ubi-
cación. B) Ubicación de la Cuenca Austral, C) Afloramientos de
Formación Cullen, Noreste de Tierra del Fuego.
Fungal fruiting bodies from the Miocene of Argentina 85
radially arranged. The margin is slightly lobulate to
fimbriate. Size 110.5 x 100.5 µm, ostioles 11 and 14
Comments. The shape and spatial arrangement of
cells in this specimen resembles Type I, only differ-
ing in the number of ostioles.
Studied material. BAFCB p.m. 213, 38.7/104.5.
Type III
Figures 3.I, J
Description. Fruiting body with an irregular to quad-
rangular shape, and formed of one to two layers of
large lobulate, thin-walled, radially arranged cells. The
body shows a large pseudo–ostiole of irregular to near
circular outline. The margin is lobulate. Size 67 x 59
µm, 35 x 29 µm, pseudo–ostiole 14 to 16 µm, 5 to 9 µm.
Comments. The main feature of this type is that the
cells, considered individually, resemble those desig-
nated as “germlings of Microthyriaceae” by Dilcher
Studied material. BAFCB p.m. 240, 43.8/101.3,
Type IV (“Parabrefeldiellites” Elsik 1992)
Figure 3.K
Description. Flattened fruiting body of polygonal
outline with 7 sides. Body formed of one layer of
cells, aparently two layers occur in the central part of
the body. Cells rectangular to quadrangular, with
thick walls, and arranged in parallel rows that deve-
lop in four directions. Margin smooth and entire.
Astomate body. Size 85 x 59 µm.
Comments.This specimen is closely similar to the in-
formal genus Parabrefeldiellites” Elsik 1992, previ-
ously reported from sediments of Miocene to Recent
age (Elsik, 1992).
Studied material. BAFCB p.m. 193, 40.8/100.
Type V
Figure 3.L
Description. This specimen is represented by ap-
proximately half of a spherical body, and formed by
thin–walled, rectangular to circular cells. Extending
from the convex part of the body are septate process-
es, 3 to 5 cells long. These processes have a slightly
pyramidal shape and blunt apex. Diameter of the
body 40 µm; length of processes 25 to 30 µm cell wall
thickness 1 to 2 µm.
Comments. According to its shape and cell arrange-
ment, this fruiting body looks similar to Appen-
dicisporonites Saxena and Khare 1992, but differs in
the presence of septa in the processes that arise from
the central body. The named genus was originally
described as dispersed spores from the Tertiary of
India (Saxena and Khare, 1992) but later suggested as
a fruiting body either of Microthyriaceae or
Coelomycetes (Kalgutkar and Jansonius, 2001).
Studied material. BAFCB p.m. 240, 30.6/99.
Type VI
Figure 3.M
Description. Circular fruiting body of, at least, two
layers of cells of irregular shape, arranged in approx-
imately radial pattern. Four zones are distinguish-
able constituting triangular sectors of a circle; cells
inside are heavily pigmented. A pseudo–ostiole of ir-
regular shape is in the center of the body. The margin
is lobulate to irregular. Diameter of the body 58.5 µm,
pseudo–ostiole 9 µm.
Studied material. BAFCB p.m. 240, 44/98.
Type VII
Figure 3.N
Description. Circular fruiting body constructed of
one to two (centrally located) layers of cells, of a
roughly polygonal shape. Cell walls located in the
periphery of the body are less thick compared to
those of the more centrally located cells. Astomate
body. The cells are radially arranged. Margin is not
continuous but formed by the wall projections of the
peripheral cells. Diameter of the body 87 µm; thick-
ness of the cell walls 1 to 2 µm.
Studied material. BAFCB p.m. 249, 32.8/112.8.
Figure 3.O
AMEGHINIANA 41 (1), 2004
* Plochmopeltinites cooksonia Ramanujam & Rao 1973 Figure 2.A
Plochmopeltinites masonii Cookson 1947 Figure 2.B-E
* Plochmopeltinites sp. 1 Figure 2.F
* Plochmopeltinites sp. 2 Figure 2.G
* Plochmopeltinites sp. 3 Figure 2.H
* Plochmopeltinites sp. 4 Figure 2.I
Asterothyrites (Cookson) Kalgutkar &
Jansonius 2001 Figure 2.J
Callimothallus persutus Dilcher 1965 Figure . 2. K
* Callimothallus sp. Figure 2.L
* Microthyriella diporataRao & Ramanujam 1976 Figure 2.M
* Microthyrites sp. Figure 2.N
* Phragmothyrites eocaenicus Edwards 1922 Figure 2.O-Q
* Phragmothyrites kiandrensis Selkirk 1975 Figure 3.A
* Phragmothyrites sp. Figure 3.B
* Perisporiacites sp. Figure 3.C
Trichopeltinites sp. Figure 3.F
* Trichothyrites sp. 1 Figure 3. D
* Trichothyrites sp. 2 Figure 3.E
Incertae sedis
* Types I to XII Figure 3.G-S
Table 1. List of taxa of fungal fruiting bodies recognized in the
Cullen Formation. Those marked with * are recorded for the first
time in Argentina / Lista de taxones de cuerpos fructíferos reconocidos
en la Formación Cullen. Los indicados con * son citados por primera vez
en Argentina.
J.L. García-Massini, M.del C. Zamaloa and E.J. Romero86
Description. Circular to elongate fruiting body con-
structed of a layer of elongate and lobulate cells; this
feature is evident at the periphery. The cells are radi-
ally arranged and a large ostiole of irregular contour
is distinguished. The margin is lobulate. Diameter of
the body 115 µm, ostiole 20 µm.
Studied material. BAFCB p.m. 240, 26.5/98.8.
Type IX
Figure 3.P
Description. Circular fruiting body, constructed of
semicircular to ovoid cells, arranged in a radial pat-
tern. The cell walls are thin and no ostiole is distin-
guished. The margin appears irregular because the
cells in the periphery are not intact. Diameter of the
body 59 µm.
Studied material. BAFCB p.m. 249, 39.9/102.2.
Type X
Figure 3.Q
Description. Large circular fruiting body having sev-
eral layers of heavily pigmented cells. Cells appear to
be elongated, thick–walled and radially arranged.
There is a slightly raised circular central ostiole. The
margin is irregularly sinuate. Diameter 303.5 µm; os-
tiole 24 µm.
Studied material. BAFCB p.m. 235, 37.3/96.9.
Type XI
Figure 3.R
Description. Fruiting body of irregular to polygonal
shape. Body formed of large lobulate cells radially
arranged with respect to one or two central cells.
Astomate body. From most cells elongate ap-
pendages emerge perpendicularly showing a rather
circular swollen head, which is curved. In some cas-
es, more than one appendix protrudes from the same
cell. The margin of the body is slightly lobulate. Size
35 µm.
Studied material. BAFCB p.m. 240, 38.8/110.6.
Type XII
Figure 3.S
Description. Fruiting body of quadrangular shape,
formed of four central cells and eleven lobulate pe-
ripheral cells. Astomate body, lobulate margin.
Central cells with differentially thickened walls of up
to 2 µm in thickness. Size 33 x 30 µm.
Studied material. BAFCB p.m. 240, 46.6/101.9.
It has been suggested that with the origin of the
angiosperms a major diversification within the
Ascomycetes occurred giving rise to epiphytic and
saprophytic groups such as the Microthyriales
(Kalgutkar and Jansonius, 2001). Elsik (1978, 1992)
hypothesized that from the Early Cretaceous on
Microthyriales and Angiosperms coexisted in the
same habitats promoting a continuous enrichment of
the community and creating additional microhabi-
tats occupied by other fungi. As a consequence, it is
not unusual to find a high diversity of fossil fungi as-
sociated to the presence of angiosperms in sediments
spanning the Cretaceous, Paleogene and Neogene.
The Cullen Formation is a representative example of
such situation.
The sediments studied here contain numerous
morphologically diverse fungal fruiting bodies. Based
on the affinities with known extant and fossil forms,
some ideas may be presented regarding previously
suggested palaeoenvironmental conditions at the time
of deposition (Zamaloa, 1999, 2000). Other specimens
found in this formation could not be assigned to ex-
tant taxa or known fossil forms; however, some of
these display characteristic morphological features,
which facilitate their identification and may be useful
as palaeoenvironmental and/or perhaps stratigraphic
markers in future works. Particularly, the specimens
designated as Types I and II result similar to extant
Arnaudiella andina” (Ascomycota, Microthyriaceae), a
common parasitic fungus of the Chilean Andean re-
gion (Butin and Peredo, 1986).
During the time of deposition of the sediments
comprising the Cullen Formation, it is postulated
that a temperate humid forest, mostly composed of
angiosperms of the Nothofagaceae and gym-
nosperms of the Podocarpaceae and Araucariaceae,
formed the environment where an abundant my-
coflora developed. Among angiosperms, representa-
tives of about 30 different families were recorded.
These include Apiaceae, Asteraceae, Chenopodia-
ceae, Cunoniaceae, Cyperaceae, Gunneraceae, Mal-
vaceae, Menyanthaceae, Myrtaceae, Onagraceae,
Poaceae, Proteaceae, Rosaceae, Rubiaceae, Sapinda-
ceae, Sparganiaceae/Typhaceae and Winteraceae. A
AMEGHINIANA 41 (1), 2004
Figure 2. Fossil fungal fruiting bodies from the Cullen Formation. Graphic scale = 20 µm /Cuerpos fructíferos fúngicos de la Formación
Cullen. Escala gráfica = 20 µm. A, Plochmopeltinites cooksonia Ramanujan & Rao BAFCB p.m. 240: 39.7/103.4; B-E, Plochmopeltinites
masonii Cookson, B, BAFCB p.m. 210: 43.5/109.4; C, BAFCB p.m. 240: 46.7/108.1; D, BAFCB p.m. 240: 37.3/95; E, BAFCB p.m. 252:
31.6/97.2; F, Plochmopeltinites sp. 1 BAFCB p.m. 235: 31.7/93.2; G, Plochmopeltinites sp. 2 BAFCB p.m. 240: 38//103; H,
Plochmopetinites sp. 3 BAFCB p.m. 240: 46.3/103.2; I, Plochmopetinites sp. 4 BAFCB p.m. 210: 29.6/91.7; J, Asterothyrites sp. BAFCB
p.m. 210: 42.6/92.6; K, Callimothallus persutusDilcher BAFCB p.m. 242: 47.1/102.4; L, Callimothallus sp. BAFCB p.m. 240: 48.7/110.7;
M, Microthyriella diporata Rao & Ramanujan BAFCB p.m. 193: 39.5/105.7; N, Microthyritessp. BAFCB p.m. 240: 27/98; O-Q,
Phragmothyrites eocaenicus Edwards, O, BAFCB p.m. 240: 32.4/98.5; P,BAFCB p.m. 240: 35.3/99; Q, BAFCB p.m. 227: 50.5/95.1.
Fungal fruiting bodies from the Miocene of Argentina 87
AMEGHINIANA 41 (1), 2004
J.L. García-Massini, M.del C. Zamaloa and E.J. Romero88
diverse flora of bryophytes and pteridophytes was
also documented (Zamaloa, 2000). It is suggested
that these bioclimatic conditions promoted the large
fungal diversity found in this formation.
Additionally, taphonomic conditions, particularly
the high rate of sedimentation, in part, as a conse-
quence of the periodic overflow of the meandriform
rivers, created an anoxygenic microenvironment that
enabled the excellent preservation of many of the
fungal remains.
Most of the recovered fruiting bodies are mem-
bers of the Ascomycota representing the families
Micropeltaceae (Plochmopeltinites cooksonia, P. maso-
nii, Plochmopeltinites sp. 1, Plochmopeltinites sp. 2,
Plochmopeltinites sp. 3, Plochmopeltinites sp. 4), Micro-
thyriaceae (Asterothyrites sp., Callimothallus persutus,
Callimothallus sp., Microthyriella diporata, Microthyrites
sp., Phragmotyrites eocaenicus, P. kiandrensis, Phrag-
mothyrites sp.), Trichopeltaceae (Trichopeltinites sp.),
Trichothyriaceae (Trichothyrites sp. 1, Trichothyrites
sp. 2), and Perisporiaceae (Perisporiacites sp.), the first
four families belonging to the Microthyriales and the
Perisporiaceae belonging to the Dothidiales (Tiffney
and Barghoorn, 1974; Kalgutkar and Jansonius,
Dilcher (1965) described fruiting bodies of Calli-
mothallus and Microthyriella from the Eocene of
Tennessee epiphytically associated to cuticles of
Sapindaceae and Rosaceae. These latter angiosperm
families were also part of the flora of the Cullen
Formation and pollen grains with these affinities
were found in stratigraphic levels coincident with
those where fruiting bodies of Callimothallus and
Microthyriella were found, further establishing a pos-
itive correlation between both observations.
Several authors have pointed out the value of
Microthyriaceous fungi as indicators of moist and
humid climates and/or subtropical temperatures
(Dilcher, 1965; Lange, 1976; Kalgutkar and Jansonius,
2001). Cookson (1947) suggested that the
Microthyriaceae are more abundant in regions of
warm temperate climates characterised by a high rel-
ative ambient moisture. Moreover, Elsik (1992) noted
that the single most important external factor re-
sponsible for their distribution was not temperature,
but rather the mean rainfall, and that this feature pro-
vided a positive correlation between their presence
and rainfall values higher than 1000 mm/year. As an
example, Trichothyrites was found in humid zones of
high temperature (Cookson, 1947) and in temperate,
non–tropical and high precipitation regions
(Rosendahl, 1943), showing once more that their
presence was more dependent on the availability of
humid conditions rather than on the temperature.
Finally, the presence of these fungi in conjunction
with spores and pollen belonging to water demand-
ing taxa (Zamaloa, 2000) reinforces the hypothesis of
prevailing humid climate conditions at the time of
deposition of the sediments of the Cullen Formation.
Many of the fruiting bodies described and illus-
trated here (i.e. Plochmopeltinites cooksonia, P. masonii,
Callimothallus persutus, Microthyriella diporata, Phrag-
mothyrites eocenicus, P. kiandrensis, Parabrefeldiel-
lites”, Appendicisporonites) are similar to those found
in other basins (Cookson, 1947; Dilcher, 1965;
Edwards, 1922; Elsik, 1992; Ramanujam and Rao,
1973; Rao and Ramanujam, 1976; Saxena and Khare,
1992; Selkirk, 1975). Some of these forms are cited for
the first time for Argentina (Table 1) thus enlarging
their palaeogeographical and/or stratigraphic distri-
The presence of some selected taxa allows us to
hypothesize on the age of the Cullen Formation.
Phragmothyrites kiandrensis (Early Miocene), Plochmo-
peltinites masonii (Oligocene to Miocene), Plochmo-
peltinites cooksonia (Miocene), Microthyriella diporata
(Miocene) (age ranges taken from Kalgutkar and
Jansonius, 2001) and “Parabrefeldiellites” (Miocene to
Recent) (Elsik, 1992) indicate a Miocene age.
Additionally, the presence of fungal spores referred
to Dyadosporites bhardwaji (Varma and Rawat) Kal-
gutkar and Jansonius 2001 (Eocene to Miocene), D.
cannanorensis Ramanujan and Rao 1978 (Miocene),
Pucciniasporites arcotensis Ramanujan and Ramachar
1980 (Miocene) and Frasnacritetrus siwalikus Saxena,
Singh and Rao 1987 (Miocene to Pliocene) (age
ranges taken from Kalgutkar and Jansonius, 2001) in
the Cullen Formation assemblage supports a
Miocene age. This age is coincident with that ob-
tained by analyzing the overall pollen/spore con-
tents (Zamaloa, 2000). According to these results, this
is the first record of Perisporiacites, Callimothallus per-
sutus and Phragmothyrites eocaenicus in sediments
younger than Eocene.
AMEGHINIANA 41 (1), 2004
Figure 3. Fossil fungal fruiting bodies from the Cullen Formation. Graphic scale = 20 µm / Cuerpos fructíferos fúngicos de la Formación
Cullen. Escal gráfica = 20 µm. A, Phragmothyrites kiandrensis Selkirk BAFCB p.m. 240: 37.9/99.1; B, Phragmothyrites sp. BAFCB p.m.
240: 38.1/110.1; C, Perisporiacites sp. BAFCB p.m. 240: 31.2/104.8; D, Trichothyrites sp. 1 BAFCB p.m. 187: 32.1/92.2; E, Trichothyrites
sp. 2 BAFCB p.m. 240: 47.6/101; F, Trichopeltinites sp. BAFCB p.m. 235: 36.7/100.5; G, Type I (aff. Arnaudiella andina” Butin & Peredo)
BAFCB p.m. 240: 48.8/111.6; H, Type II (aff. Arnaudiella andina” Butin & Peredo) BAFCB p.m. 213: 38.7/104.5; I-J, Type III, I BAFCB
p.m. 240: 43.8/101.3; J, BAFCB p.m. 240: 44.1/102; K, Type IV (“Parabrefeldiellites” Elsik) BAFCB p.m. 193: 40.8/100; L, Type V BAFCB
p.m. 240: 30.6/99; M, Type VI BAFCB p.m. 240: 44/98; N,Type VII BAFCB p.m. 249: 32.8/112.8; O, Type VIII BAFCB p.m. 240: 26.5/98.8;
P, Type IX BAFCB p.m. 249: 39.8/102.2; Q, Type X BAFCB p.m. 235: 37.3/96.9; R, Type XI BAFCB p.m. 240: 38.8/110.6; S, Type XII
BAFCB p.m. 240: 46.6/101.9.
Fungal fruiting bodies from the Miocene of Argentina 89
AMEGHINIANA 41 (1), 2004
J.L. García-Massini, M.del C. Zamaloa and E.J. Romero90
The Cullen Formation sediments have yielded a
great diversity of fungal fruiting bodies, which are
abundant in several samples. Of the hundreds of
specimens observed, 31 different forms are presented
in this contribution. Of these, 19 were assigned to
known fossil genera, including 6 known fossil
species. The others correspond to 12 different Types
and possibly represent new morphogenera.
The genera and/or species Plochmopeltinites cookso-
nia, Microthyriella diporata, Microthyrites, Phragmothy-
rites eocaenicus, P. kiandrensis and Perisporiacites are
recorded for the first time in Argentina, thus enlar-
ging their palaeogeographical distribution. The gen-
era and/or species Perisporiacites, Callimothallus persu-
tusand Phragmothyrites eocaenicus are recorded for the
first time in sediments younger than Eocene. A posi-
tive correlation appears to exist between the diversity
of fungal fruiting bodies and the diversity of spores
and pollen, especially to that of angiosperm source.
The fungal palaeoflora flourished under rather
humid climate conditions. A Miocene age is pro-
posed for this formation coinciding with that sug-
gested for the fungal spore content, as well as other
palynological data.
The authors thank Professor T. N. Taylor for critically reading
the manuscript. One of the authors (JLGM) wishes to acknowledge
the permanent scientific and personal support provided by J.E.
Wright, Universidad de Buenos Aires, and hereby dedicates him
this manuscript as a token of his thankfulness.
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Recibido: 15 de abril de 2002.
Aceptado: 21 de agosto de 2003.
AMEGHINIANA 41 (1), 2004
... In contrast, the microflora of Cullen Formation has been studied in detail: Algae are represented by the families Botryocacacceae, Hydrodictyaceae and Zygnemataceae, whereas bryophytes are identified with representatives of Anthocerataceae, Bartramiaceae, Ricciaceae and Sphagnaceae. Nine families of ferns were recognized (Vergel & Durango de Cabrera, 1988;Zamaloa & Romero, 1990;Zamaloa, 1996;Zetter et al., 2000;Zamaloa 2004); Araucariaceae, Podocarpaceae and Cupressaceae among the conifers (Vergel & Durango de Cabrera, 1988;Zamaloa & Romero, 1990; angiosperm pollen grains allow the identification of 30 families (Vergel & Durango de Cabrera, 1988;Zamaloa & Romero, 1990;Zamaloa, 1999Zamaloa, , 2000; and finally, six families of fungi have been recognized (García-Massini et al., 2004). The microfloral association is summarized in Table 2. Fiori (1931Fiori ( , 1939Fiori ( , 1940, Romero & Arguijo (1981), Caviglia & Zamaloa (2014 Vergel & Durango de Cabrera (1988), Durango de Cabrera &Vergel (1989), Zamaloa & Romero (1990, 1996, Zamaloa (1999Zamaloa ( , 2000Zamaloa ( , 2004, Zetter et al. (2000), García-Massini et al. (2004) The main objective of this work is to expand the knowledge of the Cullen Formation megaflora on the basis of the new records obtained in three fossiliferous localities: Cabo Espíritu Santo, Arroyo de los Mineros and Cañadón Beta, and to analyze their composition. ...
... Nine families of ferns were recognized (Vergel & Durango de Cabrera, 1988;Zamaloa & Romero, 1990;Zamaloa, 1996;Zetter et al., 2000;Zamaloa 2004); Araucariaceae, Podocarpaceae and Cupressaceae among the conifers (Vergel & Durango de Cabrera, 1988;Zamaloa & Romero, 1990; angiosperm pollen grains allow the identification of 30 families (Vergel & Durango de Cabrera, 1988;Zamaloa & Romero, 1990;Zamaloa, 1999Zamaloa, , 2000; and finally, six families of fungi have been recognized (García-Massini et al., 2004). The microfloral association is summarized in Table 2. Fiori (1931Fiori ( , 1939Fiori ( , 1940, Romero & Arguijo (1981), Caviglia & Zamaloa (2014 Vergel & Durango de Cabrera (1988), Durango de Cabrera &Vergel (1989), Zamaloa & Romero (1990, 1996, Zamaloa (1999Zamaloa ( , 2000Zamaloa ( , 2004, Zetter et al. (2000), García-Massini et al. (2004) The main objective of this work is to expand the knowledge of the Cullen Formation megaflora on the basis of the new records obtained in three fossiliferous localities: Cabo Espíritu Santo, Arroyo de los Mineros and Cañadón Beta, and to analyze their composition. ...
... According to the described microflora association, Vergel & Durango de Cabrera (1988) assigned an upper Eocene-Oligocene age to this unit. However, more recent palynological studies proposed an Oligocene-Miocene limit age (Zamaloa 1999(Zamaloa , 2000Zamaloa & Romero, 2004), or Miocene (García-Massini et al., 2004. Finally, K/Ar dating was carried out in the tuffaceous layers of the unit, with result of 19.3±0.7 Ma, and placed the Cullen Formation in the middle Miocene (Caviglia, 2014). ...
... Dispersed thyriothecia of Cal. pertusus were found in palynological assemblages from the Paleocene Calumbi Formation of the Sergipe Basin, Brazil (Ferreira et al., 2005), Eocene deposits of Golden Grove, South Australia (Lange, 1978), Eocene Youganwo and Huangniuling formations of the Maoming Basin, South China (Aleksandrova et al., 2015), the Miocene Cullen Formation in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina (García-Massini et al., 2004), Miocene deposits of Bełchatów Lignite Mine, central Poland (Worobiec & Worobiec, 2017), the Eocene Tura Formation of Garo Hills, Assam, India (Kar et al., 1972), the Paleogene Iceberg Bay Formation, Axel Heiberg Island, Canada (Kalgutkar, 1997), and Cenozoic deposits of Gorgan's area, Iran (Velayati, 2013). ...
... Not all of the descriptions of Stomiopeltites, Callimothallus, and Trichothyrites species include data on their host plants. These descriptions mostly deal with findings of fungal fruiting bodies in palynomorph assemblages (Kar et al., 1972;Lange, 1978;Kalgutkar, 1997;García-Massini et al., 2004;Jha & Aggarwal, 2011;Garsía-Massini et al., 2012;Worobiec & Worobiec, 2017). Occurrences of micromycetes on the leaf surface of fossil plants allow a more reliable identification due to the possible observation of different stages of fungal development and the type of connection to the substrate. ...
The unique co‐occurrence of thyriothecia belonging to three fossil genera of epiphyllous fungi, Stomiopeltites Alvin & Muir (Micropeltidaceae), Callimothallus Dilcher, and Trichothyrites Rosendahl (Microthyriaceae), are reported on the leaves of the same host plant, Cunninghamia shangcunica Kodrul, Gordenko & Sokolova from the Oligocene Shangcun Formation of the Maoming Basin, South China. In China, Stomiopeltites is identified for the first time, Callimothallus is known from the Oligocene and Miocene of Guangxi and Zhejiang provinces, and Trichothyrites previously has been found only in the Eocene palynological assemblages of the Maoming Basin. The presence of abundant and diverse epiphyllous micromycetes, together with the taxonomic composition of the Shangcun megaflora and pollen assemblage, as well as quantitative climatic estimates obtained using Climate Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program (CLAMP), confirm the existence of a warm and humid climate in this region during the late early Oligocene. The geographic and stratigraphic distributions, comparisons with extant analogues, as well as ecological and paleoclimatic implications of the fossil fungi are discussed. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
... The determination of the generic position of epiphyllous fungi in many cases has led to serious mistakes (e.g. García-Massini et al., 2004 see section "Ecology and climatic inferences of callimothalloid fungi"). Fossil fungi, however, could be useful as a palaeoecological proxy (Dilcher, 1965;Lange, 1976;Elsik, 1978;Bera and Mandal, 2014;Conran et al., 2016;Worobiec and Worobiec, 2017;Worobiec et al., 2018) and recently fossil fungi have also been applied for the calibration of phylogenetic trees obtained using molecular clock methods (Beimforde et al., 2014;Hongsanan et al., 2016;Liu et al., 2017) assuming that they are exactly dated, well preserved allowing identification, and can be assigned to modern taxonomic groups. ...
... From the Neogene, N. pertusus is missing from colder areas at high geographical latitudes including circumpolar areas. García-Massini et al. (2004) reported N. pertusus from Miocene deposits of the Cullen Formation, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. However, the "pores" in the cells of these remains (see García-Massiniet al. 2004, fig. ...
This paper presents the reinterpretation of the taxonomic position of fossil epiphyllous callimothalloid fungi belonging to the fossil-genera Callimothallus (hitherto classified to the family Microthyriaceae) and Cribrites (?Microthyriales). These fungi thrived from the Late Cretaceous up to the Holocene. Investigation are based on collected material from the Oligocene of Hungary and the Miocene of Poland and on published data. For the common callimothalloid fungus Callimothallus pertusus, a new combination Neomycoleptodiscus pertusus is proposed. Callimothallus quilonensis is assigned to a new fossil-genus Muyocopromyces as a new combination Muyocopromyces quilonensis. We reconsider the fossil-species Ratnagiriathyrites hexagonalis as a younger synonym of the fossil-genus Cribrites. The geographical range of fossil callimothalloid fungi and their recent counterparts are discussed. Fossil Neomycoleptodiscus Hern.-Restr., J.D.P. Bezerra & Crous, Muyocopromyces, and Cribrites are proposed as reliable climate proxy of warm climate conditions in the past.
... Microthyriaceae reproductive bodies are mostly found in the forest, though they are also present in the steppe communities, suggesting locally humid environments. Microthyriaceae are epiphyllous fungi and their occurrence is dependent on the availability of humid conditions (García Massini et al., 2004). Spores of Dictyosporium sp. are also recorded in the forest and in the three steppe types (S1, S2, and S3) (Fig. 3). ...
In the present study, we carried out palynological (pollen, spores, fungal remains, and freshwater algae) and pedological analyses from three paleosols (Ps6, Ps7, and Ps8) that developed in the upper part of the Arturo perched dune deposits, in the periphery of the homonymous lake, and compared the results with modern palynological assemblages from the Fuegian steppe in southern Argentina. These proxies offer an exceptional opportunity to enhance our knowledge of environmental conditions during the Holocene in the southern high latitudes. Pollen spectra from the paleosols Ps6 (middle Holocene), Ps7 and Ps8 (late Holocene) were dominated by Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undifferentiated, which suggests that herbaceous and/or shrub vegetation probably developed locally on the dune. The existence of herbivorous grazers is indicated by the record of ascospores of several coprophilous fungi (Coniochaeta cf. lignaria, cf. Delitschia pachylospora, cf. Schizothecium sp., Sordaria-type, Sporormiella-type). Most other fungal remains (Glomus, cf. Cryptendoxyla hypophloia, Microthyriaceae, Alternaria sp., Dictyosporium sp.) are likely associated with the presence of steppe vegetation communities. In general, the paleosols displayed a low degree of pedological development and in one of them (Ps7) there is evidence of the re-activation of eolian processes. Taken together, our palynological and pedological results, as well as sedimentological and geomorphological data, indicate that Ps6 developed under less humid conditions than the overlying paleosols, Ps7 and Ps8. The variations in moisture availability during soil forming intervals could be related to shifts in the latitudinal position and/or strength of westerlies throughout the middle to late Holocene.
... The developed fruiting bodies of some micromycetes are confidently identified among other palynomorphs. First of all, this concerns representatives of Ascomycota from the order Microthyriales (Kar et al., 1972;Eriksson, 1978;Lange, 1978;Prasad, 1986;Saxena and Misra, 1990;Kalgutkar, 1997;Erdei andLesiak, 1999-2000;García-Massini et al., 2004;Ferreira et al., 2005;Limaye et al., 2007;Kalgutkar and Braman, 2008;Singh and Chauhan, 2008;Jha and Aggarwal, 2011;El Atfy et al., 2013;Velayati, 2013;Worobiec, 2013, 2017;Alexandrova et al., 2015), in which fruiting bodies have a characteristic structure. Such characters of the structure of thyriothecia, as the mode of organizing the wall cells of the fruiting body, the size of cells and the features of cell walls, the presence/absence of pores on the anticlinal walls of cells, the type of the edge of the fruiting body, as well as the way of releasing spores (absence/presence and way of organizing ostiole or the form of the excretory holes in ostiole lacking thyriothecia), make it possible to fairly accurately establish the systematic affiliation of such structures. ...
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A study of the history of consortial relationships between plants and fungi facilitates our understanding of the patterns and processes associated with evolutionary history of the members of these two kingdoms , their ecosystem function, and the formation of existing biodiversity. This paper is a review of recent paleomycological research focusing on the analysis of its main directions, objectives and prospects. Here we consider the main preservation types of fossil micromycetes and their study using modern research techniques. The significance of paleomycological research for paleoecological interpretations and paleoclimatic reconstructions is discussed. We also focus on further improvements of the classification systems to damage types on plant fossils by different agents, particularly fungi.
... Fungal elements and especially the presence of Microthyriaceous fruiting bodies (Fig. 3W) in section V6 indicates a humid and temperate climate characterized by high relative ambient moisture (e.g., García Massini et al. 2004) for the vegetation that developed during the deposition of sample BAFC-Pl1486. Moist conditions probably prevailed in this part of the James Ross Island Basin and the moisture could have fostered the growth of fungi for example, within the woody debris that covered the forest floor during the Maastrichtian (Poole and Cantrill 2006 . ...
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Nothofagaceae fossil leaves and an associated palynoflora from Late Cretaceous sediments of Vega Island, eastern Antarctic Peninsula, are presented. The leaves are described as Nothofagus sp. 1 and Morphotype LDB 1, and come from the Snow Hill Island (late Campanian-early Maastrichtian) and the López de Bertodano (late Maastrichtian) formations, respectively. The palynoflora obtained from levels immediately above and below the Nothofagus sp. 1 and in the same horizon as the Morphotype LDB 1, included terrestrial and marine elements. In the palynoflora associated with Nothofagus sp. 1, conifers are dominant and pollen grains with Nothofagus affinity are represented by four species: Nothofagidites kaitangataensis (Te Punga) Romero 1973 and Nothofagidites senectus Dettmann and Playford 1968, which belong to the ancestral pollen type, as well as Nothofagidites dorotensis Romero 1973 and Nothofagidites sp. of the brassii-type. Cryptogamic spores, marine dinoflagellate cysts and algae, among others, are part of the assemblage. The palynoflora associated with the Morphotype LDB 1 also contains abundant conifer and angiosperm pollen grains with N. dorotensis as the only Nothofagus species recorded. Marine dinoflagellate cysts are scarce while fungi and phytodebris are common elements. The joint presence of marine and non-marine palynomorphs supports a probable nearshore environment at time of deposition for both units. Pollen and spore evidence suggests a mixed conifer and angiosperm forest, with Podocarpaceae and Nothofagus as the main components, and ferns, lycopods, and mosses in the understory. This forest developed under temperate and moist conditions during the middle Campanian-Maastrichtian.
... Fossilized remains of microthyriaceous fungi (e.g. Phragmothyrites eocaenicus, Plochmopeltinites cooksoniae, P. masonii, Asterothyrites menonii, Trichothyrites amorphus, Parmathyrites ramanujamii) are relatively common in Cenozoic deposits of the Southern Hemisphere (Cookson, 1947;Selkirk, 1975;García-Massini et al., 2004), USA (Dilcher, 1965), Canada (Norris, 1986;Parsons and Norris, 1999) and broadly documented in Indian layers (Jain and Gupta, 1970;Ramanujam and Rao, 1973;Kar and Saxena, 1976;Singh et al., 1986;Saxena and Tripathi, 2011). In Brazilian basins, the records are relatively rare, and the few specimens identified were of the genus Phragmothyrites, recorded by Arai et al. (1988) in the Miocene of the Bragança-Viseu Basin and by Lima and Amador (1985) in the Eocene sediments of the Resende Basin. ...
Most of the palynological information from pre-Quaternary deposits of the Pelotas Basin, Southmost Brazil, refers to sporomorphs and dinoflag-ellate cysts. Fungal microfossil records are poorly detailed, and underutilized as biostratigraphic indexes or paleoenvironmental indicators. Thiswork is derived from an extensive palynological analysis of 28 samples of cores from two wells (BP-01 and CBM001-ST-RS), corresponding tothe Imbé and Cidreira formations, Miocene of this basin. Assemblages with fossilized remains of fungi, both as spores and fruiting bodies, havebeen recovered, totalizing 89 taxa, including 21 assigned to Amerosporae, 13 to Didymosporae, 28 to Phragmosporae, seven to Dictyosporae, twoto Staurosporae and 18 related to Microthyriales. Majority of the species identified is recorded for the first time in Brazil, and compared to the fungiassemblages recorded in Cenozoic deposits from Argentina, USA, Canada, China and India, widening, therefore, their paleogeographic distribution.The occurrence of Phragmothyrites eocaenicus, Plochmopeltinites cooksoniae, P. masonii, Asterothyrites menonii, Trichothyrites amorphus andParmathyrites ramanujamii, associated to data from other microfossil groups have indicated a Miocene age for the studied sections. A marinesetting during the deposition is substantiated by the expressive amount of both dinoflagellate cysts and microforaminiferal linings. The presence ofmicrothyriaceous fungi associated to pteridophytic spores and remarkable occurrence of Podocarpidites spp., reinforce the hypothesis of continentalorigin in a humid non-tropical climate.
... A few reports of direct and indirect presence of fungi are known from Argentina, although, based on the abundance of wood-bearing sedimentary deposits, the potential of information they carry has been little investigated (Herbst & Lutz 2001, García Massini et al. 2004, 2012a, 2012b, 2016. The aim of this paper is to describe and illustrate the patterns of fungal degradation of woods of Nothofagoxylon scalariforme Gothan, 1908 in early Miocene deposits of Patagonia. ...
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Carlos Daniel Greppi, Juan L. García Massini, Roberto R. Pujana and Sergio A. Marenssi, May 2018. Fungal wood-decay strategies in Nothofagaceae woods from Miocene deposits in southern Patagonia, Argentina. Alcheringa xxx, xxx -xxx. Decayed woods from the Miocene, Rio Leona Formation, Santa Cruz, Argentina having simultaneous decay patterns consistent with soft- and white rot characteristics are described. Samples were previously identified as Nothofagoxylon scalariforme. At low magnification, the permineralized woods appear mottled, with discoloured, degraded areas, scattered in apparently robust tissue, consistent with white-rot decay. At greater magnification, the woods reveal several micromorphological features, including differential decay of cellulose-rich cellular components that match soft-rot decay by extant ascomycetes and some basidiomycetes. In addition, decayed woods either appear differentially delignified or show simultaneous decay of all cellular components (lignin- and cellulose-rich), which are by-products of white-rot fungal decay. Additional anatomical characteristics of the decayed woods are consistent with a host response to the fungal attack. Co-occurrence of these two decay patterns suggests soft-rot decay and white-rot fungal decay. In addition, co-occurrence of all the decay features observed also suggests facultative soft rot by white-rot fungi, such as in some extant species that switch between these two types of decay strategies as a means to circumvent plant defences. These data indicate that fungi with soft-rot capacity for wood decay can be traced back to the early Miocene (ca 19 Ma). In addition, this report adds to the distribution and diversity of fungi in the geological record and underscores the ecological importance of wood as a preferred substrate for the association and interactions between fungi with different saprotrophic abilities, which have been fundamental for nutrient recycling in terrestrial ecosystems during the Cenozoic. Carlos Daniel Greppi [] Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales-CONICET, Av. Ángel Gallardo 470, (1405) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina; Juan L. García Massini [] Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia Tecnológica de La Rioja (CRILAR), Provincia de La Rioja, UNLaR, SEGEMAR, UNCa, CONICET, Entre Ríos y Mendoza s/n (5301) Anillaco, La Rioja, Argentina; Roberto R. Pujana [] Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales-CONICET, Av. Ángel Gallardo 470, (1405) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina; Sergio A. Marenssi [] IGEBA-CONICET, Departamento de Geología, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Intendente Guiraldes 2620, (1428) Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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Fossil pollen believed to be related to extant Hagenia abyssinica were discovered in the early Miocene (21.73 Ma) Mush Valley paleoflora, Ethiopia, Africa. Both the fossil and extant pollen grains of H. abyssinica were examined with combined light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy to compare the pollen and establish their relationships. Based on this, the fossil pollen grains were attributed to Hagenia. The presence of Hagenia in the fossil assemblage raises the questions if its habitat has changed over time, and if the plants are/were wind pollinated. To shed light on these questions, the morphology of extant anthers was also studied, revealing specialized hairs inside the anthers, believed to aid in insect pollination. Pollen and anther morphology are discussed in relation to the age and origin of the genus within a molecular dated phylogenetic framework, the establishment of complex topography in East Africa, other evidence regarding pollination modes, and the palynological record. The evidence presented herein, and compiled from the literature, suggests that Hagenia was an insect-pollinated lowland rainforest element during the early Miocene of the Mush Valley. The current Afromontane habitat and ambophilous (insect and wind) pollination must have evolved in post-mid-Miocene times.