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Population Genetics of the Narrow Endemic Hladnikia Pastinacifolia RCHB. (Apiaceae) Indicates Survival in Situ During the Pleistocene


Abstract and Figures

Hladnikia pastinacifolia Rchb., a narrow endemic, has an extremely restricted distribution in Trnovski gozd (Slovenia), despite the presence of many sites with suitable habitats. We compared the morphological traits of plants from different populations and habitats. The overall pattern showed that the smallest plants, with low fruit number, are found on Caven (locus classicus or type locality); the largest individuals, with high fruit number, grow in the Golobnica gorge. As judged by plant size and seed set, the optimal habitats are screes. We used RAPD markers to estimate genetic variation between and within populations, as well as between and within the northern and the southern parts of the distribution area. Hladnikia showed only a low level of RAPD variability. AMOVA partitioned the majority of genetic diversity within selected populations. The low genetic differentiation between populations and their genetic depauperation indicates survival in situ, since the Trnovski gozd plateau most likely was a nunatak region in the southern Prealps during Pleistocene glaciations. Later range expansion of extant populations was limited by poor seed dispersal. We also analyzed the cpDNA trnL-F intergenic spacer to check whether the sequence is useful for studying the phylogenetic relationships of Hladnikia within the family Apiaceae (Umbelliferae). Our results support the assertion that H. pastinacifolia is an old taxon.
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1University of Maribor, Biology Department, Faculty of Natural Sciences and
Mathematics, Koroška c. 160, SI – 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
2Agricultural Institute of Slovenia, Field Crop and Seed Production Department,
Hacquetova 17, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Received July 15, 2011; revision accepted April 6, 2012
Hladnikia pastinacifolia Rchb., a narrow endemic, has an extremely restricted distribution in Trnovski gozd
(Slovenia), despite the presence of many sites with suitable habitats. We compared the morphological traits of
plants from different populations and habitats. The overall pattern showed that the smallest plants, with low fruit
number, are found on Èaven (locus classicus or type locality); the largest individuals, with high fruit number, grow
in the Golobnica gorge. As judged by plant size and seed set, the optimal habitats are screes. We used RAPD mark-
ers to estimate genetic variation between and within populations, as well as between and within the northern and
the southern parts of the distribution area. Hladnikia showed only a low level of RAPD variability. AMOVA parti-
tioned the majority of genetic diversity within selected populations. The low genetic differentiation between popu-
lations and their genetic depauperation indicates survival in situ, since the Trnovski gozd plateau most likely was
a nunatak region in the southern Prealps during Pleistocene glaciations. Later range expansion of extant popula-
tions was limited by poor seed dispersal. We also analyzed the cpDNA trnL-F intergenic spacer to check whether
the sequence is useful for studying the phylogenetic relationships of Hladnikia within the family Apiaceae
(Umbelliferae). Our results support the assertion that H. pastinacifolia is an old taxon.
KKeeyy wwoorrddss::Apioideae, Pleistocene, RAPD, cpDNA, nunatak, plant genetics, Hladnikia pastinacifo-
lia, relict species, endemites.
ACTA BIOLOGICA CRACOVIENSIA Series Botanica 54/1: 1–13, 2012
DOI: 10.2478/v10182-012-0009-8
PL ISSN 0001-5296 © Polish Academy of Sciences and Jagiellonian University, Cracow 2012
Rare species are characterized by low abundance,
restricted distribution area and/or small geographi-
cal range (Gaston, 1997). The Trnovski gozd karst
plateau in western Slovenia belongs to the southern
Prealps and is one of the places where rare species,
many of them endemic, are common. Another rea-
son for its overall high species diversity is its bio-
geographical position as a meeting zone between
Submediterranean, Dinaric and Alpine biomes.
One of the most remarkable species among the
Pleistocene survivors found there is Hladnikia
pastinacifolia Rchb., the only representative of this
endemic genus, with an extremely narrow distribu-
tion in a 4 km2area. The species is not a habitat
specialist, however: it can be found growing in stony
grassland, rock crevices and screes. Hladnikia is
regarded as an ancient paleoendemic genus contain-
ing a single Tertiary relict species (Mayer, 1960;
Pawlowski, 1970), since paleoendemics are rem-
nants of previously widespread taxa and their cur-
rent distribution is sometimes reduced to small
refugia (Kruckenberg and Rabinowitz, 1985).
Rare narrow endemic species occurring in a few
small populations have to cope with random genetic
drift, inbreeding, a stronger founder effect, and a
greater potential for demographic bottlenecks that
result in low genetic variability (Kunin and Gaston,
1997). Genetic diversity analyses of narrow
endemics have generated considerable interest,
especially because depauperated genetic variability
is an important factor for conservation planning
(Oiki et al., 2001; Jimenez et al., 2002; Cole, 2003;
Torres et al., 2003; Gaudeul et al., 2004;
Vilatersana et al., 2007; Mameli et al., 2008).
Studies of rare species often involve comparisons
with common congeners (Ayres and Ryan, 1999;
Gitzendanner and Soltis, 2000; Kim and Chang,
2005). Various genetic markers have been used for
these analyses, most often allozymes, RAPDs, AFLPs
and microsatellites (SSRs).
The numerous synonyms of Hladnikia show
that has been variously considered to belong to the
genera Falcaria Fabr., Carum L., Oenanthe L. or
Prionitis Adans. (Sušnik, 1964; Hegi, 1975).
Reichenbach (1831) recognized it as the distinct
genus Hladnikia with one species H. pastinacifolia.
The botanist W.D.J. Koch disagreed with the place-
ment of this species in the genus Hladnikia. He
included another monotypic endemic species from
Trnovski gozd, Athamanta golaka Hacq. instead,
and changed its name to Hladnikia golaka (now
Grafia golaka (Hacq.) Rchb.) (Wraber, 1990). Despite
the disagreement, Reichenbach's name was retained.
Recently the taxonomic status of Hladnikia was stud-
ied using nrDNA ITS sequence data (Ajani et al.,
2008). Those results placed H. pastinacifolia within
the tribe Careae, as more closely related to the
Falcaria group than to the Carum group, genera to
which Hladnikia were thought to belong based on its
morphology and fruit anatomy.
Hladnikia pastinacifolia was discovered in
1819 (Fleischmann, 1844), but no population stud-
ies of it have been made. In this work our first task
was to compare plants from different populations
and habitats morphologically. Our second was to
determine the levels of genetic diversity within and
between populations by RAPD analysis. The third
was to analyze the cpDNA trnL-F intergenic spacer
in order to use the data to elucidate the phylogenet-
ic relationships of Hladnikia within the family
Apiaceae (Umbelliferae).
Hladnikia pastinacifolia is a monocarpic herba-
ceous perennial that develops into a flowering plant
during several vegetation periods. In the early life
stages it forms rosettes. The leaf area gradually
increases with age, and the leaf shape develops
from simple to lobate. What triggers flowering is yet
unknown. The flowers are insect-pollinated. Seeds
form from the end of August through September.
We still lack information about the breeding sys-
tem. The existence of numerous and varied pollina-
tors, as well as protandry, support the idea that
outcrossing operates. The pollen:ovule ratios for
flowers have been calculated at ~4000:2 (Šajna N,
unpublished data), suggesting low-efficiency polli-
nators which might also be palynophagous
(Cruden, 1976). The fruit is a schizocarp, bearing
two 4 mm mericarps with an underdeveloped
embryo. The seeds have no specialized dispersal
Hladnikia pastinacifolia is an extremely rare
and strictly protected species; this limited our
research. We followed the strict restrictions on sam-
pling quantities issued by the Republic of Slovenia's
Institute for Nature Conservation, which often
allowed only small samples. We employed mainly
non-destructive research methods.
Trnovski gozd is a large limestone plateau in a
mountainous area up to 1500 m a.s.l. Together with
the South Julian Alps it forms an orographic barri-
er between the Mediterranean and moderate conti-
nental climatic regions. This area receives one of the
highest amounts of precipitation (above 3000 mm
on more than 120 precipitation days) in Slovenia
(Melik, 1960). Most of the area is covered with nat-
ural forest stands. Traditional farmland is distrib-
uted sparsely. The geographic range of H. pastinaci-
folia is limited to the southern slopes of the
Trnovski gozd plateau and two isolated locations
9 km away on the northern slopes. The entire dis-
tribution area is included in the Natura 2000
Network as a Site of Community Interest. We chose
Šajna et al.
TABLE 1. Field name, location (coordinates), elevation, habitat types (1 – rock crevices; 2 – stony pasture; 3 – scree),
and estimated size of five studied populations of Hladnikia pastinacifolia
five populations for the study: three at the southern
edge, and both known locations from the northern
edge (Fig. 1). The location at Predmeja is a small
stony pasture with a man-made stone wall. The
habitat is threatened by encroaching woody vegeta-
tion (Šajna et al., 2011). Location 2 was previously
described as only a secondary occurrence at the
road verge (Èušin, 2004) near the Golobnica gorge.
When we made a detailed search in the field, howev-
er, we observed that plants were also present in rub-
ble and rock crevices of the eastern rocky walls with-
in the gorge (Šajna et al., 2009), which should there-
fore be classified as a primary habitat location.
Location 3 is the type locality (locus classicus): stony
grassland with co-occurring smaller screes. On the
northern edge is a larger population stand on a small
shelf overgrown with vegetation belonging to the
association Primulo carniolicae-Caricetum firmae
Dakskobler 2006 on the peak of Mt. Poldanovec
(Dakskobler, 2006). The second northern location is
a small rock formation within a beech forest where
H. pastinacifolia is found on steep walls; the top of
the rock is covered by a Pinus mugo stand.
In 2006, flowering plants from populations 1–4 (Fig.
1, Tab. 1) were randomly chosen for morphometric
analysis. Population 5 was excluded because very
few plants flowered that season. All measurement
and scoring of selected plant traits were done non-
destructively. The following ten plant traits were
measured from a total of 103 specimens: plant
height, leaf length, leaf width, rosette diameter, cen-
tral umbel diameter, peduncle height, number of
umbellets of central umbel, number of fruit in cen-
tral umbel, number of umbels per plant, and tap
root diameter.
We compared plants from different populations
or habitats using ANOVA followed by the Tukey
HSD. The morphological results were log-trans-
formed (10log) when necessary to obtain homogene-
ity of variance (Levene's test) and to achieve a nor-
mal distribution (Shapiro-Wilk's test). To a signifi-
cant degree the plants of the various populations
were characterized by heterogeneity of variance of
leaf width, number of umbellets of central umbel,
and number of umbels per plant, so these were not
included in ANOVA.
For the same reason we did not use the follow-
ing traits for comparison of plants growing in the
three types of habitats: rosette diameter, number of
umbellets of central umbel, number of fruit in cen-
tral umbel, and tap root diameter. Additionally, we
performed discriminant analysis to maximize
between-habitat variation in relation to within-habi-
tat variation.
For genetic analyses, leaf samples of 20 individual
plants from each of five populations representing
the entire distribution area were collected (Fig. 1).
Total genomic DNA was extracted following a modi-
Population genetics of endemic Hladnikia pastinacifolia Rchb.
FFiigg.. 11.. (aa) Map of Slovenia with location of Trnovski gozd karst plateau (arrow), (bb) Trnovski gozd (A) between Julian
Alps (D) and Dinaric Mts. (B – Hrušica, C – Nanos). Square indicates distribution area of Hladnikia pastinacifolia,
(cc) Detailed geomorphology and locations of the 5 studied populations: 1–3 in southern part, 4 and 5 in northern part
of distribution area (locality numbers correspond to numbers in Table 1).
fied CTAB protocol (Šuštar-VozliÈand Javornik,
RAPD-PCR amplifications were performed in a
25 μl volume with a GeneAmp PCR System 9700
thermocycler (Perkin Elmer, U.S.A.). Each reaction
contained 1x·PCR buffer, 200 μM dNTPs, 1.2 pmol
of each primer (Tab. 3), 2.5 mM MgCl2, 0.7 U Taq
DNA polymerase (Promega, U.S.A.) and 20 ng tem-
plate DNA. The PCR profile consisted of initial
denaturation at 94°C for 5 min, followed by 41
cycles of strand denaturation at 94°C for 1 min,
primer annealing at 37.5°C for 1 min 40 s, DNA
extension at 72°C for 2 min, and final extension at
72°C for 10 min. PCR products were separated elec-
trophoretically in ethidium bromide-stained 1.4%
agarose-TBE gels. A negative control without DNA
was included to check for contamination.
Reproducible RAPD bands were scored as binary
presence/absence data. Statistical analysis was done
with GENALEX 6 (Peakall and Smouse, 2006).
Because of the high frequency of ghost bands in
the RAPD profiles of some samples, we omitted
those samples from the final analysis. We believe
that the presence of these bands was a consequence
of a fungus infection, and had we included those
results the genetic diversity would have been falsely
increased. Consequently, 64 individuals were
included in AMOVA.
A fragment of chloroplast DNA (trnL-F) was ampli-
fied using universal primers "c" and "f" from Taberlet
et al. (1991). PCR amplification was performed in a
20 μl reaction mixture with a GeneAmp PCR System
9700 thermocycler (Perkin Elmer, U.S.A.). Each
reaction contained 1x·PCR buffer, 200 μM dNTPs,
10 pmol of each primer, 2.5 mM MgCl2, 0.5 U DNA
polymerase (Biotools, Spain) and 50 ng template
DNA. The PCR profile consisted of initial denatura-
tion at 80°C for 5 min, followed by 35 cycles of
strand denaturation at 94°C for 1 min, primer
annealing at 50°C for 1 min, DNA extension at 72°C
for 2 min, and final extension at 72°C for 10 min.
Purified PCR fragments were sequenced using the
ABI Prism BigDye Terminator Cycle Sequencing
Ready Reaction Kit (PE Applied Biosystems) on the
ABI PRISM 310 DNA Sequencer (PE Applied
A search for similar sequences in the NCBI
nucleotide collection (nr/nt) was performed with
BLASTN programs (Altschul et al., 1997). Selected
sequences were retrieved from GenBank and
aligned with the sequence of H. pastinacifolia with
ClustalX (Thompson et al., 1997) and refined man-
ually. Phylogenetic analyses using the neighbor-join-
ing (NJ), maximum parsimony (MP) and maximum
likelihood (ML) methods were conducted using
MEGA ver. 3.1 (Kumar et al., 2004) or the Phylip
package (Felsenstein, 2004). Genetic distances were
calculated using the Kimura two-parameter method
(Kimura, 1980), where the transversion/transition
ratio was 2:1. Gaps were either excluded or includ-
ed in the dataset. When they were included, scoring
of gaps was the same as for transitions (one base
indel) or transversions (more than two base indels).
The investigated plants differed significantly
between populations. There was a general difference
between plants from Golobnica and those from the
other populations. The plants from Golobnica dif-
fered significantly in vegetative traits (plant height,
leaf length, rosette diameter) and in reproductive
structures (peduncle height, umbel diameter), which
were bigger (Tab. 2). However, the traits associated
Šajna et al.
TABLE 2. Values (mean ±SD) for each studied trait of four Hladnikia pastinacifolia populations. [Values with differ-
ent letters differ significantly from each other (Tukey HSD test at P<0.05)]
*Trait was 10log-transformed for ANOVA. **P <0.01
with reproductive success (number of fruit on main
umbel) did not differ from the other populations
except in those from the type locality, Èaven, where
the smallest individuals were found, with only two-
thirds the number of fruit.
The plants differed significantly between habi-
tats (AMOVA) in plant height, leaf length, diameter of
central umbel, and peduncle height. Plants from
stony grassland differed most, with the smallest
inflorescences as well as smallest overall size. The
plants found growing in screes were biggest. The big-
ger the plant, the higher the probability that the
plant would form more prostrate branching of the
stem, resulting in more inflorescences of the second
or even third degree, which we observed only on
plants growing in screes. The plants from rock
crevices were morphologically similar to plants
from the other habitat types; the biggest differences
were between plants from screes and those from
stony pastures (Fig. 2; discriminant analysis:
F16,176=8.1507, P< 0.05).
First, 44 10-mer primers (Operon Technologies
Ltd., Alameda, U.S.A.) were screened for RAPD pro-
files with three H. pastinacifolia samples in order to
find the effective primers for RAPD analysis. Then
the ten primers giving reproducible bands were
selected for further analysis (Tab. 3). The average
number of bands was 3.9 per primer, and fragment
size ranged from 250 bp to 1000 bp (Fig. 3). Sixty-
four individuals were included in the statistical
analyses to estimate variation within and between
populations (11–15 for each population).
Population genetics of endemic Hladnikia pastinacifolia Rchb.
FFiigg.. 22..Discriminant analysis of morphometric data
grouped by habitat types where Hladnikia pastinacifolia
is found. Function 1 discriminates mostly between plants
from screes and those from stony pastures.
FFiigg.. 33.. Example of amplified RAPD fragments (primer OPU 19). Lanes are marked with numbers corresponding to pop-
ulations: 1–21 – Èaven; 22–34 – Zeleni rob; 35–54 – Poldanovec; 55–76 – Predmeja; 77–97 – Golobnica. Nc – negative
control; M – molecular weight scale (1 kb DNA ladder).
TABLE 3: RAPD primers used in this study, and number
of amplified and scored bands
Differences between individuals were not pro-
nounced, since many individuals from different pop-
ulations shared the same RAPD profile. The data
confirmed low levels of differentiation between pop-
ulations. AMOVA indicated that the majority of the
variation pertained to differences within populations
(90%), and only 10% was attributable to variation
between populations. When we grouped populations
into two regions (northern or southern location of
the population), AMOVA did not show any differ-
ences between regions.
Principal component analysis of RAPD data did
not show genetic differentiation of populations (Fig.
4). The first three factors accounted for 66% of the
total variation in the data set (32%, 19% and 15% by
the first, second and third factors respectively).
cpDNA trnL-F
Ten individuals (two from each of five populations)
were sequenced. All samples generated an identical
840 bp sequence, which included part of the tRNA-
Leu (trnL) gene and the trnL-F intergenic spacer. No
length variation or differences in the proportion of
nucleotide were found. The sequence has been
deposited in GenBank under Acc. No. EU514464
and used for a BLAST search against the NCBI nr
database. Sequences of the first 100 BLAST hits were
used for construction of the NJ tree (Appendix 1).
Further analyses were limited to the dataset of 21
sequences from the group of the closest relatives of
H. pastinacifolia. We randomly chose one sequence
of each genus, and the sequence of Apiopetalum
velutinum Baill. was selected as out-group.
Phylograms were constructed by various methods
(NJ, MP, ML), with gaps included or excluded. In
some cases H. pastinacifolia clustered within the
Selineae; in other cases the relationship between
Apium graveolens L., H. pastinacifolia and Selineae
remained unresolved. However, the majority of trees
had the topology presented in Figure 5, which is,
according to the bootstrap values, moderately sup-
ported. Bootstrap values ranged from 50% to 95%
(average 71%), and only 10 clades were resolved
having values 50%. The genus Hladnikia formed a
single clade and was clustered in the group com-
posed of the Selineae (e.g., Angelica L., Cymopterus
Raf., Zizia W.D.J. Koch, Aletes Coult. & Rose,
Lomatium Raf.), Apiaceae incertae sedis (e.g.,
Tilingia Regel & Tiling) and Apium clade. These all
belong to the apioid superclade (Plunkett and
Downie, 1999). Hladnikia is also closely related to
Scandiceae (e.g., Daucus L., Myrrhis P. Mill.,
Osmorhiza Raf.) (Fig. 5).
The plants of all the studied populations exhibited
low genetic diversity but pronounced morphological
differences, indicating high phenotypic plasticity of
vegetative traits as well as traits of reproductive
structures. The smallest plants, with low fruit num-
ber, were those from Èaven (locus classicus); the
largest plants, with high fruit number, grew in the
Golobnica gorge. This can be explained by the habi-
tats of these two locations. At Èaven the plants grew
in stony pastures; those plants were significantly
smaller (shorter plants and peduncles, smaller
leaves). Judged by plant size and seed set, the screes
in the Golobnica gorge seem to be the optimal habitat.
Although it has no special habitat type prefer-
ence except for preferring some degree of distur-
bance, and despite its high phenotypic plasticity, H.
pastinacifolia has a very limited distribution. We
suggest that it is restricted by traits related to dis-
persal and persistence in disturbed habitats. For
example, the monocarpic life cycle of H. pastinaci-
folia is characteristic for species with transient
occurrence. Also, scree slopes and similar disturbed
habitats such as river banks are more or less per-
manent features of the landscape but they are not
common and are often widely separated; dispersal
within such habitats is strongly linked to the direc-
tion of gravel movement. Rock crevices represent a
secondary habitat; this chasmophytic habitat seems
to have become a local refuge for H. pastinacifolia
as it presented stabler microclimatic conditions.
Many chasmophytic species are believed to originate
Šajna et al.
FFiigg.. 44.. Ordination of the investigated populations based on
RAPDs along the first three axes extracted by principal
component analysis.
from before the Pleistocene (Davis, 1950; Rune-
mark, 1969).
The analysis of genetic diversity (RAPD) included
plants from the entire distribution area of the species.
We expected to find at least some genetic divergence
between the southern and the northern populations,
since they are divided by a continuous dense forest
stand. West Dinaric fir-beech forest prevails. The
stands form the geographical variant Omphalodo-
Fagetum var. geogr. Saxifraga cuneifolia, further
divided into two geographical subvariants: western –
subvar. geogr. Anemone trifolia, and central-eastern
– subvar. geogr. Omphalodes verna (Surina, 2002).
Especially in the northeastern part of the Trnovski
gozd plateau, where locations 4 and 5 (Fig. 1) are sit-
uated, natural black pine stands can be found in less
favorable habitats such as steep rocky slopes
(Dakskobler, 1999). Spruce forests are restricted to
freezing ravines and cold, moist, shaded sites (Surina
and Vreš, 2009). It is believed that this area has been
at least partly forested since the end of the Pleistocene
glaciations. The forest was not intensively exploited
before the 16th century, and since then it has been
managed in several ways including selective cutting
(16th–18th cent.) and clearcutting in some parts in
the north (Surina, 2001).
Against expectations, RAPD analysis showed
that all populations express a high level of
monomorphic bands and that many individuals
from different populations share the same RAPD
profile. Recently some authors have challenged the
value of RAPD markers, citing low reproducibility of
markers and suggesting that AFLP markers are
preferable. Even though RAPDs show different
genetic similarity ranges, as do AFLPs, they often
show similar overall results (Ćwiklińska et al.,
The majority of the genetic variation in H. pasti-
nacifolia was partitioned within populations, and
did not differentiate the southern or northern parts
of the distribution area. Higher genetic diversity
within than between populations has been described
as a characteristic of perennial and outcrossing
species (Despres et al., 2002).
The lack of differences between the northern
and the southern populations can be explained in
two ways: as the result of continual gene flow among
populations (via pollen or seed dispersal), or as the
consequence of the relatively recent establishment of
extant populations from a common, genetically
depauperated founder.
In regard to the possibility of gene flow between
populations, we observed that H. pastinacifolia
inflorescences frequently were visited by various
insects (mainly Hymenoptera, Coleoptera and
Population genetics of endemic Hladnikia pastinacifolia Rchb.
FFiigg.. 55.. Neighbor-joining tree representing the relationships between Hladnikia pastinacifolia and its closest relatives
from the Apiaceae family. Bootstrap values higher than 50 are given at the nodes.
Diptera), suggesting cross-pollination. Some pollina-
tors can fly distances from 2.6 km up to even 9.9
km, but mostly within 1 km (Walther-Hellwig and
Frankl, 2000; Kraus et al., 2009). Even with the pos-
sibility of selfing, mating would occur only between
a small proportion of flowering individuals each sea-
son, thereby creating "temporal subpopulations" and
delaying or reducing inbreeding depression (Lopez-
Pujol et al., 2002). On the other hand, seed disper-
sal is limited because the seeds lack adaptations for
specialized dispersal. We did not observe myrmeco-
chory or epizoochory. There is only a small potential
for endozoochory, since the seeds have a strong,
unpleasant odor and taste (this is probably why we
seldom observed damaged seeding umbels). Among
the dispersal vectors we cannot neglect the human
presence. All localities of the investigated popula-
tions experience very frequent visits as trekking or
climbing destinations or as hunting spots. Wind dis-
persal seems the most promising vector. Most seeds
remain near the maternal plant in rainy autumns,
but we observed the breaking off of the entire umbel
when dry conditions prevailed (personal observa-
tions in 2004–2009). A similar dispersal strategy
was noted for the thermophilous Peucedanum are-
narium subsp. arenarium (Šera et al., 2005).
However, dry autumn conditions are rather the
exception in this region; poor seed dispersal may be
the reason for the clustered distribution of seedlings
we observed on the microscale (Šajna N., unpub-
lished data). The type of pollination and limited seed
dispersal would indicate that gene flow, if any, is
very limited. However, limited gene flow would sug-
gest stronger genetic differentiation between the
northern and southern populations, which we did
not find using RAPDs.
Besides the lack of genetic differentiation
between the southern and the northern parts of the
distribution area, the mostly identical RAPD profiles
of specimens from all populations suggest that these
genetically homogeneous populations are the result
of severe bottlenecks which dramatically reduced or
eliminated some populations, whatever the time of
colonization (before or after glaciations). Recent
establishment of the extant H. pastinacifolia popu-
lations founded by seeds from a few nearby popula-
tions could explain the low interpopulation differen-
tiation. Its phylogeny indicates the isolated position
of H. pastinacifolia (Ajani et al., 2008) and does not
reveal any closely related species that could result
from allopatric speciation following the end of the
Pleistocene glaciations. Sušnik (1964) determined
the chromosome number in H. pastinacifolia
(x=11, the most frequent number in Apiaceae) and
diploid ploidy level, which are both consistent with
paleoendemics (Kruckenberg and Rabinowitz,
1985). We can therefore still assume that H. pasti-
nacifolia is an old taxon which lost its genetic vari-
ability at some point in the past. We lean toward the
idea that the loss of genetic variation occurred dur-
ing the Quaternary glaciations when the species
became restricted to safe sites where it survived in
situ. In the Quaternary a smaller local glacier exist-
ed in Trnovski gozd; the highest exposed peaks in
the northern part were not covered by the glacier
and were nunataks (Fig. 6; Perko 2001). The influ-
ence of the Adriatic Sea was reduced because the sea
level was 120 m lower and the northern shoreline
was at least 200 km south of the present line
(Correggiari et al., 1996). The recent distribution of
H. pastinacifolia represents only a slightly
increased range in the southern part and two frag-
mented locations in the northern part of that distri-
bution, separated by forest and restricted to steep
overhangs (Fig. 6). As many narrow endemics found
south of the Alps did not spread after the end of the
glaciations and remained within refugia (Vogel et al.,
1999), this seems to be the case for H. pastinacifo-
lia as well. It can be additionally explained by poor
seed dispersal. Paleoendemics frequently do not
have the genetic variability that would allow them to
increase their distribution area following a contrac-
Šajna et al.
FFiigg.. 66.. Map showing the Trnovski gozd high karst plateau
during the Quaternary (adapted after Perko, 2001). White
dots indicate recent distribution of Hladnikia pastinacifo-
lia (numbers of localities correspond to numbers in Table
1; white dots without numbers all belong to continuous
population 3). White crosshatched area represents the
nunatak region, light grey area is surface shaped by
Pleistocene glaciers, and hatched areas indicate valleys,
basins and karst depressions filled with periglacial debris
and gravel.
tion of the distribution. Erinus alpinus
(Scrophulariaceae) is an interesting case of post-
glacial range expansion. Erinus is a monotypic
genus common in subalpine habitats of
Southwestern and Central Europe, which survived
the Pleistocene glaciations in southern refugia
peripheral to the Alps, as well as in situ on nunataks
in the northern Prealps (Stehlik et al., 2002). When
Stehlik et al. (2002) studied genetic diversity at
cpDNA level in 12 populations throughout the dis-
tribution area ranging from southern France to the
Swiss-Austrian border, including nunataks like
Mount Rigi, they found no variation. They identified
three phylogeographic groups with AFLPs. One
group was represented by a single central Swiss
population on Mount Rigi. Individuals from Rigi had
a significantly low number of AFLP fragments, sup-
porting in situ survival in a nunatak region.
Compared to the spatial scale of that study, our
study describes a small-scale local situation. The
populations we studied were close enough to each
other to be regarded as one population. From this
point of view the lack of cpDNA diversity is not sur-
prising, especially when we consider the existence of
a local glacier with a local nunatak where H. pasti-
nacifolia might have survived in situ. In theory the
cost of survival in nunataks is isolation, causing
lower genetic diversity through inbreeding, as well
as population shrinking accompanied by random
genetic drift or recurrent bottlenecks also contribut-
ing to genetic depauperation. We can suggest that
these processes of survival in situ or a combination
of them are the cause of the loss of most genetic
diversity as indicated by RAPD markers in H. pasti-
nacifolia. The extant populations were founded by a
single lineage starting from a nunatak population. In
populations that have been rare for a very long peri-
od, natural selection can reduce deleterious alleles
and increase species fitness (Falconer and Mackay,
1996). If populations were experiencing different
selection pressures, this would result in higher
genetic variability between populations, but in the
habitats of H. pastinacifolia the ecological charac-
teristics are similar, exerting similar selection pres-
sure. This could help maintain low genetic differen-
tiation among the populations.
Modern modeling studies support the existence
of refugia in the southeastern Prealps (Tribsch and
Schönswetter, 2003) without reference to the exis-
tence of local nunataks. Phylogenetic data indicate
that potential locations of refugia may have been cli-
matically stable for long periods of time, some even
since the Tertiary (Medail and Diadema, 2009). As
mentioned, Trnovski gozd has an important geo-
graphic position. The high level of endemism in this
region is associated with the persistence of flora
since the Tertiary, as Trnovski gozd is regarded as a
sanctuary for species common before and at the
time of the Pleistocene glaciations (Wraber, 1990).
Trnovski gozd also seems to be a stable region of
atypical climate, since even today it is a sanctuary
for many alpine and arctic plant and animal species,
despite its southern location. However, it has never
before been considered a sanctuary in the sense of a
small nunatak region (peripheral nunatak as
defined by Schönswetter et al., 2004).
Among the many molecular phylogeographic
studies, seldom has nunatak survival been used to
explain observed genetic patterns in temperate
mountain ranges (Schneeweiss and Schönswetter,
2011); a rare exception is a study by Stehlik et al.
(2002). We believe there are many similarities
between the E. alpinus population they studied on
Mount Rigi and the H. pastinacifolia populations in
Trnovski gozd. The species most likely to retain a
molecular signature of survival in situ on nunataks
are those lacking the potential for rapid range
expansion and recolonization, which can be identi-
fied by the current distribution pattern and/or by
species ecology (Westergaard et al. 2011; Lohse et
al., 2011). The dispersal characteristics of H. pasti-
nacifolia, its distribution and its germination char-
acteristics (Šajna N., unpublished data) match the
description of a nunatak survivor well.
Hladnikia pastinacifolia occupies an isolated posi-
tion within the Apiaceae family. It seems to have
shared a common ancestor with other species from
the apioid superclade, although statistical confi-
dence for such topology is not high and other expla-
nations cannot be ruled out. The topology of the NJ
tree shows that H. pastinacifolia forms a single
clade which is sister to a clade comprising species
from the genera of western and eastern North
America, and from East Asia. Within this clade the
North American species and Asian species are sister
clades. Dystaenia is monophyletic and unites with
Cnidium as a clade of the East Asian endemics
D. ibukiensis, endemic to Japan, and D. takesimana,
endemic to Ullung Island (Pfosser et al., 2006). The
North American species are defined as herbaceous
perennial apioid genera endemic to North America
(north of Mexico; Sun and Downie, 2004). Some are
polyphyletic (Cymopterus, Lomatium, Pteryxia;
Sun and Downie, 2004), some are monophyletic
(Polytaenia, Thaspium, Zizia; Sun et al., 2004), and
some are monotypic (Neoparrya, Shoshonea,
Harbouria). Hladnikia and closely related endemics
to some extent represent a typical disjunction pat-
tern for Northern Hemisphere Tertiary relicts: east-
ern North America, western North America, East
Asia, and Southeastern Europe. As said above, the
statistical certainty of these conclusions is low. We
must also bear in mind the sparseness of the data in
Population genetics of endemic Hladnikia pastinacifolia Rchb.
GenBank, among which members of the tribes
Scandiceae and Selinae are over-represented. At this
point the usefulness of the information obtained
from the cpDNA sequence for phylogeny is open to
A single sequence was obtained from all ana-
lyzed samples of H. pastinacifolia. The level of vari-
ation within the species was generally very low or
zero at the cpDNA trnL-F locus. H. pastinacifolia is
an endemic and has an extremely narrow geograph-
ic distribution; there was also almost no variation
detected at the nuclear level between the RAPD pro-
files of samples from different populations.
We thank Elizabeta Komatar for laboratory assis-
tance, the Republic of Slovenia Institute of Nature
Conservation for issuing the sampling permit, and
the anonymous reviewers for their very helpful com-
ments and suggestions. Nina Šajna gratefully
acknowledges funding provided by the Society for
the Advancement of Plant Sciences in Vienna
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Šajna et al.
Population genetics of endemic Hladnikia pastinacifolia Rchb.
... Hladnikia is a monotypic genus, which has a distinct taxonomic position within the Apiaceae Lindl. (Umbelliferae Juss.) family (ŠAJNA et al. 2012). Furthermore, H. pastinacifolia is found only on the Trnovski gozd karst plateau in western Slovenia where it has a very narrow distribution area of 4 km 2 . ...
... The entire distribution area is included in the Natura 2000 network as a Site of Community Interest (ČUŠIN 2004). Molecular analyses showed that H. pastinacifolia is a Pleistocene survivor in situ and has widened its distribution little since the end of glaciation (ŠAJNA et al. 2012). However, the species is not a habitat specialist and can be found growing in various habitats such as stony grasslands, rock crevices and screes. ...
... Later research concerning H. pastinacifolia was mainly focused on syntaxonomy (MARTINČIČ 1958, MARTINČIČ 1961, POLDINI 1978, KALIGARIČ 1997, KALIGARIČ and POLDINI 1997, DAKSKOBLER 1998, DAKSKOBLER 2006. Recently, research into the species' ecology was undertaken (ŠAJNA et al. 2009, ŠAJNA et al. 2011, ŠAJNA et al. 2012, as well as population genetics and phylogeny (ŠAJNA et al. 2012). SUŠNIK (1964) did not perform anatomical studies on H. pastinacifolia, and accordingly we have endeavoured to complete the anatomical investigation with the use of contemporary techniques. ...
Full-text available
We studied the anatomy of a rare narrow endemic species belonging to the Slovenian flora – Hladnikia pastinacifolia Rchb. Hladnikia is a monotypic genus with distinct taxonomic position within the Apiaceae family. The anatomical characteristics revealed by light and fluorescence microscopy provided new insights regarding the pollen, leaf and root characteristics of H. pastinacifolia, improving the understanding of its biology and ecology. Pollination, drought tolerance, life cycle and unattractiveness to herbivores explain the species’ persistence in time. Autofluorescence localized bioactive substances within secretory ducts and oil ducts.
... Some distinguished characteristics of ISSR primers are having longer primers, more polymorphic fragments and no need to have information about genome sequence for primer construction [28,33]. There are several researches about genetic diversity of Apiaceae plants using ISSR markers [12,30,31,34]. ...
... This is confirmed by Melito et al. [21]. The reasons for low genetic diversity among populations can be close genesis time, the same geographical origins, genetic proximities, probable relationships and the same ancestor [12,21,30]. According to the fact that there are only two habitats of bitter asafetida in Yazd province (center of Iran) and the seeds which utilizers have to disperse after utilization (to propagate them) are only collected from these two regions, so it may be a reason for more similarity between bitter populations. ...
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Bitter (Ferula pseudalliacea) and sweet (Ferula assa-foetida) asafetida (Apiaceae family) are well-known economic and medicinal herbs owing to their gum. This study investigates genetic differentiation of F. pseudalliacea and F. assa-foetida using ISSR markers, to determine the effective primer and to assess the possibility of separating sweet and bitter plant populations from each other. Results showed that among 22 primers, eight markers reproduced obvious DNA patterns and revealed 234 scorable DNA bands. ISSR-16 and ISSR-55 primers had better performance than other primers according to the number of bands, PIC and Marker Index. Bitter population showed polymorphic loci (224), percentage of polymorphic loci (95.73%) and observed number of alleles (1.96 ± 0.2), while sweet populations showed the amount of these parameters as 218, 93.16% and 1.93 ± 0.25, respectively. Estimated Gst of sweet population was 0.09 and Gst of bitter population was 0.06. Comparing gene flow in bitter and sweet populations showed a lower level of gene flow between sweet populations (Nm = 4.93) compared to bitter ones (Nm = 7.89). Within group genetic similarity of sweet asafetida population was higher than between group variation of bitter and sweet populations. The highest similarity was observed between bitter populations (0.95). The highest genetic dissimilarity was also estimated between bitter and sweet populations (0.08). Cluster analysis grouped four studied populations into 13 clusters using Jaccardʼs similarity coefficient and UPGMA method. Principal coordinate analysis showed that 61.02% of total variance was explained using three components and it could completely separate populations as well as cluster analysis. These grouping correspond nearly with geographical distribution. Analysis of molecular variance showed that genetic variation within populations (87%) was more than among populations (13%). The results indicated that ISSR marker is suitable to investigate genetic diversity of asafetida populations and could separate populations of the same genera with similar germplasm.
... Its rarity and its limited habitats make this species vulnerable and protected by legislation (Čušin 2004). To insure its long-term conservation, both in situ and ex situ strategies for nature conservation have been established: in situ protection of natural habitats and ex situ protection of seeds and whole plants at the Botanical Garden, University of Ljubljana (Šajna et al. 2012;Ambrožič-Dolinšek et al. 2016). Both methods are traditional and represent the most efficient form of conservation for a majority of plant species (Pence 2013(Pence , 2014. ...
... Genetic similarities were calculated using the Jaccard similarity coefficient. The resultant matrix was subjected to cluster analysis by the unweighted pair-group method analysis (UPGMA), and a dendrogram was constructed from the clustering of the results with the help of the TREE program, using the software package NTSYS-PC version 1.8 (Rohlf 1992). ...
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The objective of the present study was the cryopreservation of monotypic endemic Hladnikia pastinacifolia Rchb. shoot tips from an in vitro culture, via encapsulation-dehydration (ED) or encapsulation-vitrification (EV). For all tested genotypes, the highest rates of shoot regrowth and multiplication were obtained after overnight preculture in 0.4 M sucrose, encapsulation in Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium with 0.4 M sucrose and 1 M glycerol, followed by polymerization in 3% (w/v) Na-alginate in MS with 0.4 M sucrose. Optimal osmoprotection was achieved for ED with 0.4 M sucrose plus 1 M glycerol and for EV with 0.4 M sucrose plus 2 M glycerol. The best dehydration time for ED was 150 min in a desiccation chamber with silica gel, and the best vitrification time for EV was 85 min in plant vitrification solution 2 (PVS2). For ED, dehydration for 150 min resulted in explant water content of 22%. When the encapsulation method was combined with ED, 53% regrowth was achieved, and when it was combined with EV, 64% regrowth was achieved. Both methods could become applicable for the long-term cryopreservation of H. pastinacifolia germplasm, although EV was faster and resulted in better final regrowth success. Genetic stability analysis of cryopreserved plant samples was carried out for two genotypes, using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers to compare the two different cryopreservation protocols. Significant genetic differences between the genotypes were detected and a low level of genomic variation was observed.
... As for the species mentioned in this review, a few were assessed for the genetic diversity of their wild populations: C. humilis [118], A. microphyllum [119], Oxytropis chankaensis Jurtz. [120], H. pastinacifolia [121], T. major [122], P. mileense [123], P. algarbiensis [116,124], Pitcairnia encholirioides L.B.Sm. [65], N. nimmoniana [125] and Encholirium spectabile Martius ex Schultes f. [126]. ...
Full-text available
Endemic plant species are usually more vulnerable to anthropogenic threats and natural changes and, therefore, hold a higher extinction risk. The preservation of these species is a major concern on a worldwide context and in situ protection alone will not guarantee their conservation. Ex situ conservation measures must be undertaken to support the conservation of these species, and seed banking is the more efficient and cost-effective method. However, when seed banking is not an option, alternative approaches should be considered. Biotechnological tools provide new and complementary options for plant conservation including short-, medium-, and long-term strategies, and their application for plant species conservation has increased considerably in the last years. This review provides information about the status of the use biotechnology-based techniques for the conservation of endemic plant species. Particular attention is given to cryopreservation, since is the only long-term ex situ conservation strategy that can complement and support the other conservation measures. The cryopreservation of plant genetic resources is, however, more focused on crop or economically important species and few studies are available for endemic plant species. The plant material used, the cryopreservation methods employed, and the assessment of cryogenic effects are reviewed. The reasons to explain the difficulties in cryopreserving these species are discussed and new strategies are proposed to facilitate and increase the interest on this matter. We expect that further studies on the conservation of endemic plant species will increase in a near future, thus contributing to maintain these valuable genetic resources.
... The recent separation and/or the maintenance of gene flow between populations (Casazza et al., 2013) may counteract incipient differentiation processes, thereby avoiding bottlenecks, genetic drift and loss of genetic diversity. 3. A dramatic reduction in genetic diversity due to extinctions and bottlenecks (del Hoyo et al., 2012;Sajna et al., 2012), including founder effects as a result of recent colonization (L opez-Pujol et al., 2013), leads to a strong loss of genetic diversity and no clear genetic structure can be inferred. ...
Aim The evolutionary history of narrow endemic species has received little attention compared with that of more widely distributed species. Small effective population sizes and long‐term isolation of many narrow endemic species make research on their genetic make‐up important for their future conservation. In this study we investigated the genetic variation and historical distribution of an isolated plant, the monospecific genus Pseudomisopates , as an example of the phylogeographical history of narrow endemics. Location Central Range, Iberian Peninsula, Mediterranean Europe. Methods We used amplified fragment length polymorphisms ( AFLP s), nuclear and plastid DNA sequences and species distribution modelling. Sequence data were analysed using statistical parsimony, molecular dating, and a coalescent‐based Bayesian model of isolation with migration. Genetic diversity and differentiation analyses based on AFLP data were performed. We compared the detection of clones using AFLP s with the results of a previous study that used simple sequence repeats ( SSRs ). Results AFLP analysis revealed that SSR s underestimate clone number. The coalescent‐based Bayesian model of isolation with migration suggested a late Pleistocene divergence between the populations of Pseudomisopates on two mountain massifs (Gredos and La Serrota), despite the presence of a large area suitable for population admixture. Moderate to high levels of genetic diversity and high effective population sizes were inferred. Main conclusions Our results imply that the levels of genetic diversity within narrow endemic species from Mediterranean mountains could primarily be driven by extrinsic historical factors, rather than by intrinsic species‐specific factors depending on their own biological characteristics. Narrow endemics are widely believed to harbour low genetic diversity because of small effective population sizes. However, this study and others on narrow endemic angiosperms demonstrate that narrow endemism does not necessarily result in low genetic diversity.
Narrow endemism is the core of plant diversity in flora of the Mediterranean Basin, which is among the world’s 36 biodiversity hotspots. The Mediterranean genus Kundmannia (Careae, Apioideae) comprises just three species, K. sicula, K. anatolica, and K. syriaca. Notably, K. sicula has a wide distribution from the western Mediterranean to Greece, while K. anatolica and K. syriaca occur only in Turkey’s Taurus Mountains, which is a phylogeographical hotspot. Initially, the aim herein was to determine the phylogenetic placement of the genus Kundmannia based on DNA sequences, but it later developed to describing a new genus, Antalia gen. nov., and revealing historical events that acted as drivers in the genetic divergence between Kundmannia and Antalia. Both ribosomal and combined chloroplast multilocus sequences were used to unravel the phylogenetic topology. Toward this aim, morphological characteristics were examined. Based on this, Antalia differs from Kundmannia by its shorter bracteoles and petals, the colour of the petals, and smaller fruits. The phylogenetic results revealed that the genus Kundmannia is nested within the tribe Careae and is not monophyletic. Antalia, which is genetically separate from Kundmannia, is described as a new genus. Detailed morphological descriptions and identification keys are provided. Causes of the genetic disjunction between Antalia and Kundmannia were carefully considered in a time-calibrated phylogenetic framework. The Mediterranean Sea has acted as a relatively effective barrier between these genera since the Messinian salinity crisis. The unwinged mericarps seem to have facilitated the work of the barrier. Historical events during and after the Pliocene and allopatric vicariance seem to have been the most important drivers of evolution between Kundmannia and Antalia and within Antalia.
Hemp seed is a nutritionally valuable product that is increasingly used in the food and dietary supplement industries, among others. It is obtained from industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.), a multipurpose plant that is being cultivated again in Croatia after several decades thanks to the adaptation of the legal framework. The aim of this work was to investigate the possibilities of organic cultivation of industrial hemp in Continental Croatia using the example of the municipality of Križ. When comparing the agro-ecological conditions in the municipality and the requirements of industrial hemp in terms of soil, climate and water, it was found that there are no obstacles to cultivation in this respect. The existing farms are mainly engaged in field crop production, i.e. they have the basic equipment for soil cultivation and plant care. The results of the survey (N=145) show that most people have heard of hemp seed products (65 %), mostly of oil. In addition, respondents from the Križ municipality area indicated in 54 % of cases that they are interested in the idea of ecological production of industrial hemp for seeds. Results of the financial analysis indicates that growing of hemp for seed is highly acceptable (Revenues-Over-Costs=1.9). In order to introduce industrial hemp into the sowing pattern and expand this production, it is necessary to work on the promotion of this crop among farmers and on the potential market. Interested producers should be assisted in organizing, acquiring the necessary equipment and inputs, and adopting modern production techniques for organic cultivation of industrial hemp. Organizational and advisory support may be more important than financial support. One of the solutions is networking with existing organizations, institutions and companies dealing with industrial hemp in Croatia and on European Union.
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The present-day diversity of European flora in temperate mountain ranges was mainly formed by the negative effects of Pleistocene glaciation, which caused extinctions, restricted survival in situ , and subsequent re-colonization. Only rarely can we find species that have retained the molecular information of in situ survival. One such example is the extremely rare H. pastinacifolia Rchb., a monotypic genus and a narrow endemic of a mountain plateau south-east of the Julian Alps (Slovenia). We investigated the germination behavior and dispersal indications, which are often closely related to rarity and persistence and thus valuable for species conservation. Additionally, results about H. pastinacifolia help us to understand better what kind of species survived glaciations in Europe in situ . Our results show that these seeds have an underdeveloped embryo and require an ecologically relevant moist chilling period of about 100 days. The temperature sequence of the colder period that H. pastinacifolia seeds received in nature was 20/15 °C (52 days), 10/5 °C (40 days), 5/0 °C (65 days), 10/0 °C (45 days), 15/5 °C (21 days). The germination rate was high, significantly increased by scarification, and therefore prevented long-term seed bank establishment. We found cryptic seed differences expressed by two types of dormancy, each related to the order of the umbel: simple and complex morphophysiological dormancy for the lateral and the main umbel, respectively. Seed dispersal was very much influenced by precipitation in autumn. The germination and dispersal characteristics could explain the rarity and at the same time the persistence of H. pastinacifolia .
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The monotypic Hladnikia pastinacifolia Rchb. is a narrow endemic species, with an extremely small distribution area in Slovenia, prone to any kind of threat that could lead to species extinction. Tissue culture techniques are proposed as a conservation measure for rapid propagation and ex-situ conservation. Tissue culture was initiated from seeds and juvenile plants obtained from natural sites on a solid Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium, with and without growth regulators. We tested various combinations and concentrations of growth regulators, and the best proliferation of axillary shoots, on average 14, was obtained on MS medium with 5 μM BAP and 3 μM IBA and 3% sucrose. Rooting was achieved after transferral of the shoots to an MS medium with 2 μM IBA and 3% sucrose. The rooted plants were acclimatized on a mixture of limestone sand, potting soil and vermiculite in a ratio of 10 : 2 : 2, with pH in the range of 7.5-8.0. In vitro propagation methods provide an important opportunity for the propagation and preservation of H. pastinacifolia by rapidly increasing the number of plants, without disturbing the wild population.
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Campanula tommasiniana is a typical chasmophyte occupying calcareous rock crevices and cracks along a wide range of ecological gradients, demonstrating a high degree of ecological plasticity and stress tolerance with regards to abiotic factors. Generally, three ecologically and floristically distinct groups of stands were recognized and typified according to a sigmatistic approach: (a) Seslerio juncifoliae-Campanuletum tommasinianae ass. nov., with stands occupying higher elevated sites fully exposed to sun and strong winds; (b) Seslerio autumnalis-Campanuletum tommasinianae ass. nov., representing stands predominantly developed within thermophytic beech stands, semi- to fully-shaded by the tree canopy; (c) Cystopteri fragilis-Campanuletum tommasinianae, sciophytic, stands adapted tomoisture and coldwith high frequency and coverage of bryophytes. Results of DCA analyses using a unimodal model suggest that Campanula tommasiniana is primarily a plant of open and exposed sites of higher elevation despite being most frequently found in rock crevices within thermophytic and altimontane beech forests.
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Comparative sequencing of the two internal transcribed spacer regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA was carried out to examine evolutionary relationships among representatives of Old World Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) subfamily Apioideae. Emphasis was placed on delimiting groups within the previously designated apioid superclade and clarifying relationships within and among the peucedanoid genera Angelica, Ferula, Heracleum, and Peucedanum. These spacer data, and those obtained from the chloroplast rps16 intron for a subset of the taxa, also enabled hypotheses on the phylogenetic placement of several narrowly distributed endemic species. The monophyly of Drude's tribe Echinophoreae is confirmed and it is sister to the Socotran endemic genera Nirarathamnos and Rughidia; the Balearic Islands endemic genus Naufraga allies with Apium graveolens; tribes Careae and Pyramidoptereae are recognized formally to be the previously designated clades 'Aegopodium' and 'Crithmum'; and tribes Oenantheae and Scandiceae are each expanded to include two species of Apium, previously attributable to Helosciadium, and four species of Ferula, respectively. Within the apioid superclade, five major lineages are recognized that are consistent with an available molecular evidence: tribe Echinophoreae, the clades 'Pimpinella' and 'Heracleum,' and the more narrowly circumscribed clades 'Angelica' and 'Apium.' Angelica and Ferula each comprise at least two lineages; Heracleum is polyphyletic if Heracleum candicans is retained in the genus; and Peucedanum is distributed in three well-separated clades with some species allied with those species of Angelica referred to Xanthogalum.
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Considerable controversy exists with regard to the proper delimitation of Cymopterus (Apiaceae subfamily Apioideae) and its relationship to the other perennial endemic umbellifers of western North America. Previous molecular systematic studies using nuclear (rDNA ITS) and, for subsets of taxa, plastid (rps16 intron and trnf-trnL-trnT) DNA sequences have revealed that the genus Cymopterus is polyphyletic, with its species inextricably linked with those of Aletes, Lomatium, Musineon, Oreoxis, Pseudocymopterus, Pteryxia, Tauschia, and several other genera of the region. Herein, in an effort to increase resolution of relationships, we procured rps16 intron sequence data from 74 accessions of Cymopterus and its allies so that ITS and intron matrices are available for the same set of 129 taxa. These data matrices were analysed, separately and in combination, using maximum parsimony and (or) maximum likelihood methods. For those trees exhibiting the greatest resolution, the results revealed that the perennial, endemic apioid genera of North America (north of Mexico) comprise a weakly supported monophyletic group, with Angelica constituting its sister lineage. Cymopterus is confirmed as highly polyphyletic. The rps16 intron yielded substantially fewer parsimony informative characters than those of the ITS region and when analysed, separately or in combination, with ITS data, resulted in trees of poor resolution. Only one previously identified species group of Cymopterus is supported as monophyletic; this group coincides with section Phellopterus, and is recognised by its showy, basally connate bractlets. Many other genera endemic to western North America appear to be highly artificial assemblages of species that will likely be abandoned in any revised system of umbellifer classification.
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The species Peucedanum arenarium WALDST. et KIT. has a single contemporary occurrence in the Czech and Slovak Republics at present, on several microlocalities on the south-western and southern slopes of Sandberg hill (National Nature Reserve Devinska Kobyla) near Bratislava - municipal part Devinska Nova Ves. The vegetation with this species belongs to the class Festuco-Brometea, a closer phytosociological classification of the community is problematic. The species is a monocarpic perennial with a sterile life span of about three years. The plant comes to flower in the fourth year, produces ca 8,500 mericarps, and dies. Individual years of its development can be differentiated according to the number and diameter of leaves in the rosette at the soil level. The viable mericarps develop mainly on the circumference of the terminal inflorescences (compound umbels) of the minor branches. In laboratory conditions they germinate poorly (scarification is probably necessary). A relatively large number of various insects was found on the plants (86 species of five orders), mostly phytophagous. The P. arenarium population might be endangered when fructophagous insect species (Tingis clavicorne, Copium teucrii, Graphosoma lineatum) enormously increase in number, as it reproduces exclusively in the generative way, by mericarps. Results of the first sketch may be used for Recovery Programme of P. arenarium in NNR Devinska Kobyla.
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Measurements of thermo- and hygropreference in Leiobunum roseum were carried out in the rocky-scree torrent gorge of Golobnica on the Trnovski gozd Karst Plateau in western Slovenia. This is one of the habitats of the endemic Slovenian Apiaceae plant Hladnikia pastinacifolia, and the southernmost habitat of L. roseum. This species has been confirmed to be thermophilous – it is polythermophilous, and it was found to be a mesohygrophilous harvestman. In the hottest portion of the day, the preferred temperature range was 25.2–25.5°C and air humidity 49.6–52.2%. Females were more abundant in the eastern part of the gorge, possibly because it is warmer, but other reasons could influence the unequal distribution. There was no special relation between L. roseum and Hladnikia. Distribution maps of L. roseum and the related L. limbatum in Slovenia are presented.
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In this work we searched for genetic similarities in twelve wild rye species and subspecies and a control (S. cereale ssp cereale. cv Walet). using RAPD and Ant) markers Ant, is useful for distinguishing homo- and heterozygotes but is not recommended for evaluation of codominant markers We assessed the usefulness of the applied methods for examining genetic similarity in rye RAPD yielded four groups of genetic similarity. with similarity values between 0 32 and 0 81 AFLP markers distinguished two groups of genetic similarity. ranging from 0 49 to 0 79
In this paper we demonstrate that, by investigating polyploid complexes inAsplenium, it is possible to locate the areas in Europe that are southern glacial refugia, and are likely to have been so since the beginning of the Pleistocene during the consecutive cold and warm periods in Europe. Identification and conservation of these specific areas that serve as safe havens for plants, and perhaps animals, is of paramount importance for the maintenance of European biodiversity because Man's activities are resulting in an ever-increasing loss of natural habitats and putting diversity at risk. The genusAspleniumin Europe comprises some 50 taxa: half of these are diploid while the other half are polyploids derived from the diploids. All aspleniums in Europe are (small) rock ferns with high substrate specificity. Today, most of mainland Europe, Scandinavia and the British Isles has been colonized by polyploidAspleniumspecies, while the diploids that gave rise to these polyploids are distributed around (and more or less confined to) the Mediterranean Basin. In the tetraploids genetic variation is partitioned mostly between sites, whereas diploids show a high degree of genetic variation both within and between sites. The tetraploid taxa seem capable of single spore colonization via intragametophytic selfing, but the diploid taxa appear to be predominantly outbreeding. For most diploids at least two gametophytes, produced by different spores, have to be present to achieve fertilization and subsequent sporophyte formation for the successful colonization of a new site. This results in a slower rate of colonization. The formation of auto- and allopolyploid taxa from diploid communities appears to have been a recurrent and common feature in Europe. Minority cytotype exclusion is likely to prevent the establishment of tetraploids within the diploid communities, but spores from tetraploids can establish populations outside the diploid communities. The differences between colonization abilities of tetraploid and ancestral diploid taxa, resulting from their different breeding systems, has prevented the merging and mingling of their ranges and led to the establishment of contact/hybrid zones. This has resulted in the restriction of diploid populations to ancient glacial refugia and the colonization of the rest of Europe by polyploids. Mapping the current distribution of these diploid communities and comparing the genetic diversity within and between outbreeding diploidAspleniumtaxa allows us to define the area, age and historical biogeography of these refugia and to assess their importance for present day genetic and species diversity in Europe.
1. A preliminary account has been given of the major types of rock habitats found in the Mediterranean region, for convenience distinguishing pavement, sloping, vertical and overhanging rock, the ledge and the step-crevice. The main factors of saxatile habitats have been annotated. 2. The plant communities that occupy these habitats in Palestine have been outlined. Each habitat is found to be characterized by distinct communities, often of a relict nature. Whereas vertical and overhanging rock support species that are almost exclusively chasmophytic, the step-crevice is occupied by many species derived from neighbouring maquis communities. 3. The following aspects of Mediterranean cliff communities have been discussed: (a) Life forms and their distribution in different communities. The predominance of the Chamaephyte (especially suffruticose) has been stressed, and reasons given for believing the woody habit so characteristic of chasmophytes to be most frequently a derived character. Longevity will be favoured by natural selection. (b) The distribution of chasmophytes in different groups of flowering plants. Saxatilism is considered an advanced and specialized character favoured by natural selection. (c) Seed dispersal. With the exception of many step-crevice plants disseminated by birds, wind-dispersal--often depending only on the lightness of the seed--was found to be predominant. (d) Discontinuous distribution caused by climatic and topographical changes. (e) Cliff communities as biologically closed communities, generally representing physiographic and/or edaphic climaxes. (f) The development of a saxatile habit in species not normally saxatile. This was found to occur at the edge of a species' range and/or under adverse conditions. Species of vertical and overhanging rock are believed to have the longest saxatile history; they show little morphological variation in any one locality. (g) Relicts; their recognition and significance. (h) Cliffs as refugia. They offer a refuge from unfavourable climatic change, competition with hillside communities, and grazing. In connexion with (d) and (h), Quaternary climatic changes in Palestine have been discussed. Rock communities suggest that the Mediterranean climate is drier than it has been during recent times. 4. An attempt has been made to outline the general evolution of Mediterranean chasmophytes. Geographical isolation, often resulting from the climatic and topographical changes of the Quaternary, has in most cases been a prerequisite of speciation. Ecological isolation has probably played a subsidiary role. The rarity of endemic chasmophytes, including both young and old types, is explained by the concept of genetic homogeneity; their ecological amplitude is exceedingly narrow. Unfavourable conditions during a chasmophyte's development have resulted in a reduction in the biotype supply. Following biotype-depletion, genetic drift has played a considerable part in speciation, particularly in the later stages of differentiation when the population is much reduced in size. Chasmophytes are in general a blind alley in the scheme of evolution: though they may differentiate in situ, they can rarely give rise to successful new forms. Due to high specialization, chasmophytes can often maintain themselves for a considerable period. But for many extinction seems inevitable.