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Storms, Floods, and the Science of Atmospheric Rivers



Imagine a stream of water thousands of kilometers long and as wide as the distance between New York City and Washington, D. C., flowing toward you at 30 miles per hour. No, this is not some hypothetical physics problem—it is a real river, carrying more water than 7-15 Mississippi Rivers combined. But it is not on land. It's a river of water vapor in the atmosphere. Atmospheric rivers (ARs) are narrow corridors of water vapor transport in the lower atmosphere that traverse long swaths of the Earth's surface as they bind together the atmospheric water cycle (Figure 1). The characteristic (indeed defining) dimensions of these ARs are (1) integrated water vapor (IWV) concentrations such that if all the vapor in the atmospheric column were condensed into liquid water, the result would be a layer 2 or more centimeters thick; (2) wind speeds of greater than 12.5 meters per second in the lowest 2 kilometers; and (3) a shape that is long and narrow, no more than 400-500 kilometers wide, and extending for thousands of kilometers, sometimes across entire ocean basins.
9 AUGUST 2011
PAGES 265–272
EOS, TranSacTiOnS, amErican GEOphySical UniOn
Eos, Vol. 92, No. 32, 9 August 2011
Imagine a stream of water thousands of
kilometers long and as wide as the distance
between New York City and Washington,
D.C., flowing toward you at 30miles per
hour. No, this is not some hypothetical phys-
ics problem—it is a real river, car rying more
water than 7–15Mississippi Rivers combined.
But it is not on land. It’s a river of water
vapor in the atmosphere.
Atmospheric rivers (ARs) are narrow cor-
ridors of water vapor transport in the lower
atmosphere that traverse long swaths of the
Earth’s surface as they bind together the
atmospheric water cycle (Figure1). The char-
acteristic (indeed defining) dimensions of
these ARs are (1)integrated water vapor
(IWV) concentrations such that if all the
vapor in the atmospheric column were con-
densed into liquid water, the result would be
a layer 2 or more centimeters thick; (2)wind
speeds of greater than 12.5 meters per second
in the lowest 2kilometers; and (3)a shape
that is long and narrow, no more than 400–
500 kilometers wide, and extending for thou-
sands of kilometers, sometimes across entire
ocean basins.
Research during the past decade ha s doc-
umented the importance of ARs to the over-
all workings of the midlatitude global water
cycle. Moreover, their presence and charac-
teristics are at the root of the most extreme
precipitation and flooding in areas where
these features encounter mountains. At the
same time, ARs make important contribu-
tions to how much snow and water will be
available in these regions. Thus, understand-
ing their behavior may be the key to deter-
mining how changing climate patterns influ-
ence extreme precipitation and floods. Over-
all, the need to understand ARs opens up a
new set of grand challenges for water cycle,
water supply, and flood prediction science.
Observations of Atmospheric Rivers
Zhu and Newell [1998] helped coin
the term “atmospheric river” based on its
narrow ness and importance to the water
cycle. They found that at any given time, an
average of more than 90% of the total pole-
ward atmospheric water vapor transport
through the middle latitudes is concentrated
in four to five narrow regions that total less
than 10% of the circumference of the Earth
at that latitude. These features are gener-
ally located in the warm sectors of midlati-
tude cyclones, ahead of cold fronts. They
continually form, move, and evolve with
storms in the midlatitude storm tracks, some-
times drawing tropical water vapor and heat
directly into the middle latitudes [e.g., Stohl
etal., 2008; Ralph etal., 2011].
Since the seminal work of Zhu and Newell
[1998], the prevalence and role of ARs in the
water cycle and in continental weather have
become ever more clear, partly because of
the advent of microwave remote sensing
from polar- orbiting satellites, especially the
Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I),
which provides frequent global measure -
ments of IWV over the Earth’s oceans, mea-
surements that previously were available
above only the relatively few sites where
weather balloons and related instruments
were deployed. The imager works very well
over oceans and, since its spatiotemporal
coverage became adequate in about 1998,
has focused growing attention on ARs (see
Figure1a) in ways that previous water vapor
data could not.
In the years since then, a growing number
of field experiments and related studies have
PAGES 265–266
Storms, Floods, and the Science
of Atmospheric Rivers
Fig. 1. Analysis of an atmospheric river (AR) that hit California on 13–14October 2009. (a)A
Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) satellite image from 13–14October showing the AR
hitting the California coast; color bar shows, in centimeters, the amount of water vapor present
throughout the air column at any given point if all the water vapor were condensed into one
layer of liquid (vertically integrated water vapor). (b)Rain gage data for 12:00 UTC on 14Octo-
ber 2009 showing the total amount of precipitation (in inches) that occurred over the previous
24hours. (c)Discharge for Nacimiento River (site indicated by red triangles in other panels);
data are from U.S. Geological Survey stream gage 11148900. (d)Statewide streamflow historical
ranking of 14October 2009, compared to discharges on the same day of the year recorded by
gages with more than 30years of data.
Eos, Vol. 92, No. 32, 9 August 2011
explored the physical characteristics and
effects of ARs, focused mostly over the east-
ern Pacific Ocean and western North Amer-
ica (a bibliography of AR- related research
papers and many additional resources on
ARs are available at http:// www .esrl .noaa
.gov/ psd/ atmrivers/). Research aircraft obser-
vations in two ARs above the eastern North
Pacific in the winter s of 1998 and 2005 [Ralph
etal., 2005, 2011] showed that they trans-
ported water vapor at about 13–26cubic
kilometers per day, a rate equivalent to 7.5–
15times the average daily discharge of the
Mississippi River into the Gulf of Mexico.
A Closer Look at Rainfall
From Atmospheric Rivers
Because ARs transport so much water
vapor, they represent a significant source of
precipitation to coastal regions. For exam-
ple, a recent numerical model study [Smith
etal., 2010] estimated that roughly 20 –40%
of the water vapor transported a shore by
an AR crossing over northern California
was rained out there. This rainout happens
because when ARs make landfall on the
West Coast of North America (as well as on
other continents [e.g., Stohl etal., 2008]),
they are forced up and over coastal moun-
tains, where they cool and condense large
part s of their heavy burden of vapor [e.g.,
Neiman etal., 2008; Leung and Qian, 2009].
In a recent example, an AR event pro-
duced more than 410 millimeters (16.5
inches) of rainfall at one site in coa stal Cal-
ifornia on 14–15October 2009 (Figure 1).
This particular AR had a very long fetch,
spanning most of the North Pacific (Fig-
ure1a), and upon making landfall depos-
ited more than 200 millimeters of rain along
a swath of coastal California several hun-
dred kilometers wide (Figure1b). Significant
streamflow resulted, including a 5- meter rise
in water level on the Nacimiento River over
12hours (Figure1c), with the flows crest-
ing at 525 cubic meters per second (18,600
cubic feet per second). Record- high daily
streamflows (for that date of year) were also
observed at many other stations in central
and northern California (Figure 1d).
It should be noted that this peak flow of
the Nacimiento River exceeded the annual
peak flow in 28 of the past 40years and did
so in spite of the very dry conditions preced-
ing this storm. This event exhibits key attri-
butes found in other extreme ARs [e.g., Nei-
man etal., 2008; Ralph etal., 2011], including
very large IWV values, indications of entrain-
ment of tropical water vapor (from the west-
ern Pacific in this case, incorporating rem-
nants of a western Pacific typhoon), and the
fact that it stalled over parts of the West Coast
in ways that amplified the storm’s impacts.
Historically, AR storms have been the
sources of many (and, in some areas, most)
floods in the Pacific coast states. For exam-
ple, all storms that resulted in declared
flood conditions on the Russian River of cen-
tral California from 1998 to 2005 arose from
landfalling ARs [Ralph etal., 2006]; similar
relations appear to exist between ARs and
major flooding in most rivers from Califor-
nia to Washington State. In addition to their
roles as producers of extreme storms and
flood hazards, it is important to mention that
ARs also are major contributors to western
(especially California) water supplies [Det-
tinger etal., 2011; Guan etal., 2010]. Indeed,
the half dozen or so ARs per year that make
landfall in California have contributed an
average of one third to one half of all the
state’s precipitation, with a single typical AR
storm yielding perhaps 2.5 –5 cubic kilome-
ters of precipitation, or roughly 10% of the
annual average runoff of the entire Sacra-
mento River basin.
Studies of Atmospheric Rivers
From the West Coast
The dual roles of ARs as hazards and
water resources in many coastal regions may
become a more pressing issue under anthro-
pogenic climate change, which may alter
both hazardous and productive aspects of
these storms [Dettinger, 2011]. For example, in
view of the havoc that these storms wreak on
the Pacific coast states, understanding and
predicting them on time scales from days to
decades, and at spatial scales from mountain
ranges like the Sierra Nevadas and Cascades
to indiv idual river basins, present major chal-
lenges for West Coast meteorologists, clima-
tologists, and hydrologists. Although research
to address the roles of ARs elsewhere is
mostly just beginning, AR research has been
vigorous and productive on the West Coast
for more than a decade.
Over the past decade several studies led by
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin-
istration (NOAA) (see http:// hmt .noaa .gov/)
have explored the inner workings of ARs and
the effects they produce, through intense field
campaigns and the use of new meteorologi-
cal and hydrometeorological sensors includ-
ing radar and sounding assets, research air-
craft, and other remote sensing tools as well
as numerical models. As understanding of the
scales and impacts of ARs has grown, scien-
tific efforts have expanded to include other
agencies on federal, state, and local levels,
including the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS),
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, NASA, Cali-
fornia’s Department of Water Resources and
the California Energy Commission, and local
agencies around San Francisco Bay and in
fire- scarred areas of southern California. By
now, a wide- ranging collection of studies are
currently under way on the West Coast to elu-
cidate various aspects of AR phenomena and
their impacts on the West Coast.
One study is the Hydrometeorolog y
Test bed - West (HMT- West), led by the Phys-
ical Sciences Division of NOAA’s Earth
System Research L aboratory. HMT- West
includes long- term geographically focused
field research, as well as innovative moni-
toring and modeling to improve scientific
understanding and short- term prediction
of extreme precipitation events and flood-
ing associated with ARs. Efforts have been
focused around the Russian and American
river basins of central California.
Another is the Enhanced Flood Response
and Emergency Preparednes s (EFREP)
program led by California’s Department of
Wate r Re sour ces, NOA A, and Scripps Inst itu-
tion of Oceanography. EFREP seeks to fos-
ter development and deployment of state-
wide monitoring, modeling, and decision
support programs that make key findings
from HMT- West ope rati onal, for better dete c-
tion, monitoring, and prediction of ARs and
their impact s. A key component is a “picket
fence” of four evenly spaced coa stal obser-
vatories to monitor ARs, statewide observa-
tional networks of soil moisture and IWV,
and 10snow- level radars, all with associated
decision support capabilities.
The CalWater project, led by the Califor-
nia Energy Commission, NOAA, and Scripps,
completed a major field campaign last win-
ter that is providing data for research initia-
tives to address details of the interactions of
ARs with topography, aerosols, and air pollu-
tion. Another goal is to critically assess ARs
in climate models to quantify several key
uncertainties in climate projections of pre-
cipitation for California [Dettinger, 2011].
A major project led by the USGS Multi-
Hazards Demonstration Project, called
ARkStorm, has developed a storm emergency
scenario being used in hazards assessments
and activities aimed at improving emergency
preparedness and public awareness of the
potential for catastrophic AR storms in Cali-
fornia. Their scenario, based on the most
recent AR science, rivals the largest storms
and floods in California’s history and allows
researchers to explore possible responses to
historic levels of flooding, landslides, wind
damage, water pollution, and attendant infra-
structure and economic disruptions.
Outside of California, in 2009 a major
storm damaged an Army Corps of Engi-
neers dam near Seattle that protects a heav-
ily developed area from flooding. After that,
dam operators could not use the full flood
storage capacity of the reservoir (although
repairs have now restored much of this
capacity). To mitigate the risk of flood dam-
ages from 2009 to 2011, NOAA and the
Corps applied concepts and tools for bet-
ter monitoring of ARs that had been devel-
oped in California. AR-related obser vations
were deployed to Washington State to pro -
vide actionable information on AR storms
approaching the area above the dam.
Finally, the Winter Storms and Pacific
Atmospheric Rivers (WISPAR) project, jointly
led by NOAA, NASA, and Nor throp Grum-
man, performed field experiments in early
2011 using a high- altitude, long- endurance
drone aircraft, the Global Hawk, to make off-
shore observations of several ARs over the
Pacific Ocean. The field campaign included
deploying a newly developed dropsonde s ys-
tem to document in detail the structure of
water vapor transport in ARs.
Eos, Vol. 92, No. 32, 9 August 2011
Details of these and other investigations
are available at http:// www .esrl .noaa .gov/
psd/ atmrivers/.
A Scientific Challenge
As is illustrated here, and as was high-
lighted in a special session on ARs at the
2010 AGU Fall Meeting (see http:// hmt .noaa
.gov/ news/ 2011/ 012511 .html), ARs have
become a focus of research and devel-
opment aimed at better physical under-
standing, monitoring, short- term forecasts
and warnings, and climate projections.
Recognizing ARs is key to forecasting
extreme precipitation and flooding in the
Pacific coast states and is now included
in forecaster training by NOA A and other
Because of the vast amounts of water that
they transport and deliver, ARs are proba-
bly just as important in many other regions
of the globe where they have been less stud-
ied. For example, recent flood catastrophes
in Nashville, Tenn. (May 2010), and North and
South Carolina (October 2010) were associ-
ated with ARs making landfall from over the
Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic. The central role
of ARs in water cycle dynamics outside the
tropics, increasing pressure on limited water
resources, and changing exposures to flood
risks due to development and climate changes
all demand improved scientific understanding
and forecasts of ARs. Providing those improve-
ments makes ARs a grand challenge for water
cycle science, with important implications for
flooding and water supply.
Dettinger, M. (2011), Climate change, atmospheric
rivers, and floods in California—A multimodel
analysi s of storm frequency and magnitude
changes, J.Am. Water Resour. Assoc., 47(3),
514–523, doi:10.1111/ j.1752-1688 .2011 .00546.x.
Dettinger, M. D., F. M. Ralph, T. Das, P.J. Neiman,
and D. R. Cayan (2011), Atmospheric r ivers,
floods and the water resources of California,
Water, 3(2), 445–478, doi:10.3390/ w3020445.
Guan, B., N. P. Molotch, D. E. Waliser, E.J. Fetzer,
and P. J. Neiman (2010), Extreme snowfall
events linked to atmo spher ic rivers and surface
air temperature via satellite mea surements,
Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L20401, doi:10.1029/
Leung, L. R., and Y. Qian (2009), Atmospheric riv-
ers induced heav y precipitation and flooding in
the wester n U.S. simulated by the WRF regional
climate model, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L03820,
doi:10.1029/ 2008GL036445.
Neiman, P. J., F. M. Ralph, G. A . Wick, J.Lundquist,
and M.D. Dettinger (2008), Meteorological char-
acterist ics and overland precipitation impacts
of atmospher ic rivers affecting the West Coast
of North America based on eight years of SSM/I
satellite observat ions, J. Hydrometeorol., 9(1),
22–47, doi:10.1175/ 2007JHM855.1.
Ralph, F. M., P. J. Neiman, and R. Rotunno (2005),
Dropsonde observations in low-level jets over the
northeastern Pacific Ocean from CALJET-1998
and PACJET-2001: Mean vertical- profile and
atmospher ic- r iver character istic s, Mon. Weather
Rev., 133(4), 889–910, doi:10.1175/ MWR2896.1.
Ralp h, F. M., P. J. Neim an, G. A . Wick, S .I.
Gutm an, M.D. D ett inger, D.R. Cay an, and
A.B. White (2006), Flooding on Califor-
nia’s Ru ssian R iver : Role of atmo spheric
rivers, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L13801,
Ralph, F. M., P. J. Neiman, G. N. Kiladis, K.Weick-
mann, and D. W. Reynolds (2011), Amulti-
sca le ob ser vationa l case study of a Pac ific
atmospheric river exhibiting tropical- extra-
tropical connect ions and a me soscale frontal
wave, Mon. Weather Rev., 139(4), 1169–1189,
doi:10.1175/ 2010MWR3596.1.
Smith, B. L., S. E. Yuter, P. J. Neiman, and D.E.
Kingsmill (2010), Water vapor fluxes and oro-
graphic precipitation over northern California
associated with a land- falling atmospheric
river, Mon. Weather Rev., 138(1), 74–100,
doi:10.1175/2009MWR 2939.1.
Stohl, A., C. Forster, and H. Sodemann (2008),
Remotes source s of water vapor for ming pre-
cipitation on the Norwegian west coas t at 60°N:
A tale of hurr icanes and an atmospheric river,
J. Geophys. Res., 113, D05102, doi:10.1029/
Zhu, Y., and R. E . Newell (19 98), A proposed
algorit hm for moist ure fluxes f rom atmo spheric
rivers, Mon. Weather Rev., 126(3), 725 –735,
doi:10.1175/ 1520 - 0493(1998)126<0725:APAFMF
>2.0.CO;2 .
Author Information
F. M. Ralph, Physical Sciences Division, Earth Sys-
tem Research Laboratory, NOAA, Boulder, Colo.;
E- mail: marty.ralph@ noaa .gov; and M.D. Dettinger,
USGS and Scripps Institution of Oceanography,
LaJolla, Calif.
A scientist works late to finish up yet
another proposal for research funding. Time is
short—the proposal is due in only a week. The
research description is well in hand, compel-
ling and at the forefront of the field. But the sci-
entist is less confident of what to propose for
a “broader impacts” component that will actu-
ally be meaningful. What does it mean to have
a broader impact? What can be proposed that
will make a difference but will not divert too
much time from conducting research, search-
ing for funding, or writing papers?
For many scientists, particularly those
who rely on soft money for research fund-
ing, the above scenario is a familiar story.
These days, re search solicitations from
funding agencies consistently require that
in addition to proposing innovative and
cutting-edge research, scientists must also
include elements in their proposals that pro-
vide meaningful broader impacts to their
research programs—in essence, they must
show how their research will benefit society
and spread knowledge.
To help scientists, research programs,
and organizations tackle this part of their
grant proposals, the National Earth Science
Tea che rs A ss oc iat ion ( NESTA ; htt p:// www
. nestanet .org) is offering a number of oppor-
tunities that can help bring new research to
teachers, students, and the public. Through
these opportunities, new and dynamic sci-
ence can reach a broad population without
forcing researchers to build outreach pro-
grams from scratch.
Maximizing Outreach Efforts
Through NESTA
Grant requirements vary in the types of
activities that qualify for outreach elements,
and they can range from providing under-
graduate research opportunities to working
with K–12 teachers or reaching out to the
community through informal educational
organizations or events. The challenge for
many scientists seeking to undertake K–12
or public outreach activities is finding a way
to provide meaningful broader impacts that
actually reach significant numbers of people.
While developing a new Web site to share sci-
ence can be creative and enjoyable, expe-
rience proves that it is very difficult to draw
attention to Web-based resources in the vast
maze that is the Internet today unless the
resources are linked to or made available on
a Web site already heavily used by the audi-
ence the scientist is trying to reach. Likewise,
while visiting a classroom in a local primary
or secondary school can be very rewarding
for all involved, many scientists would like to
have opportunities to have an effect on larger
numbers of teachers and students.
Scientists naturally have limited amounts
of time they can devote to outreach ele-
ments while also pursuing their demanding
research and other professional responsi-
bilities. Reaching a large audience, though,
requires substantial effort, and the scientist
does not want to wa ste his or her time. Con-
sidering the small amount of funding from
grants that scientist s can typically apply
to these activities, coupled with the criti-
cal importance of science to society, it is
imperative that scientists find effective and
efficient approaches for public outreach
through research projects that magnify the
effects of their efforts.
Through NESTA, scientists do not have to
look far to maximize their outreach efforts. As
a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt professional society,
founded in 1983 with a mission to facilitate
and advance excellence in Earth and space
science education, NESTA directly serves the
K–12 Earth and space science educator com-
munity nationally as well as through affiliate
organizations working at the state level.
NESTA recently became the host of Win-
dows to the Universe (W2U; http:// www
. windows2universe .org), an Earth and space
New Education and Outreach Opportunities
for Scientists
PAGES 266–267
... Области с ИВА > 20 мм, более 2000 км в длину и менее 1000 км в ширину, согласно методике [6], определяются как атмосферные реки. В качестве исходных для критериальной оценки АР можно использовать данные реанализа и/или модельные оценки [7]. ...
... Четвертый подход связан с выявлением гидрологических экстремумов, например, экстремальных осадков, наводнений [5][6][7]14] или оползней [4]. После выделения экстремумов производится оценка состояния атмосферы с использованием, например, параметров ИВА или IVT, или удельной влажности в сочетании с данными о скорости и направлении ветра, чтобы установить возможное наличие атмосферной реки в исследуемой области [7]. ...
... Четвертый подход связан с выявлением гидрологических экстремумов, например, экстремальных осадков, наводнений [5][6][7]14] или оползней [4]. После выделения экстремумов производится оценка состояния атмосферы с использованием, например, параметров ИВА или IVT, или удельной влажности в сочетании с данными о скорости и направлении ветра, чтобы установить возможное наличие атмосферной реки в исследуемой области [7]. Так, в работе [14] проводится анализ возможных будущих стихийных катаклизмов в регионе Сан-Франциско в условиях глобального климатического потепления, в частности, исследуется одновременное возникновение атмосферных рек и внетропических циклонов. ...
... Since the pioneering work by Zhu and Newell in the late 1990s [1], atmospheric rivers (ARs) have been identified as a key component of the Earth's water cycle [2][3][4]. These transient, narrow, and elongated bands transport water vapor and heat poleward from the tropics, feeding the warm conveyor belt of extratropical cyclones and frontal precipitation [5,6]. ...
Full-text available
The extratropical west coast of South America has one of the largest frequencies of landfalling atmospheric rivers (ARs), with dozens of events per season that account for ~50% of the annual precipitation and can produce extreme rainfall events in south-central Chile. Most ARs form an acute angle with the Andes, but, in some cases, the moist stream impinges nearly perpendicular to the mountains, referred to as zonal atmospheric rivers (ZARs). Enhanced surface-based and upper-air measurements in Concepcion (36.8° S), as well as numerical simulations, were used to characterize a ZAR and a meridionally oriented AR in July 2022. They represent extremes of the broad distribution of winter storms in this region and exhibit key features that were found in a composite analysis based on larger samples of ZARs and tilted ARs. The latter is associated with an upper-level trough, broad-scale ascent, extratropical cyclone, and cold front reaching southern Chile. Instead, ZARs are associated with tropospheric-deep, strong zonal flow and a stationary front across the South Pacific, with ascent restricted upstream of the Andes. Consequently, ZARs have minimum precipitation offshore but a marked orographic precipitation enhancement and exhibit relatively warm temperatures, thus resulting in an augmented risk of hydrometeorological extreme events.
... In California, nearly all major floods in the twentieth century are attributed to winter season atmospheric river (AR) storms (Dettinger 2011;Dettinger et al. 2011;Ralph and Dettinger 2011;Konrad and Dettinger 2017;Corringham et al. 2019). These narrow, moisture-rich plumes transport enormous quantities of water vapor from the tropics and subtropics into the mid-latitudes . ...
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In California, severe precipitation events (SPEs) are often associated with winter season atmospheric rivers. These SPEs can generate hurricane-scale precipitation, creating a variety of natural hazards such as floods and landslides. For California, the most complete SPE-flood record yet generated is a 9000-year paleoflood reconstruction from the Santa Barbara Basin (Du et al. in Mar Geol 397:29–42, 2018). Finding terrestrial counterparts to compare to the Santa Barbara Basin is a challenge in Southern California where lake basins are rare and the terrestrial spatiotemporal signature of SPE floods remains largely unconstrained. Here, we present five 1–2 m sediment cores from a sag pond along the San Andreas Fault in the southern Carrizo Plain. The most complete record (core CLPC21-4) was selected for a variety of chronological, sedimentological, and biological analyses. Principal Component Analysis on these data reveals two end member sediment unit types: event versus ambient sedimentation. We focus on the two thickest sediment units likely generated by SPEs. These two units (EU 1 and EU 2) are especially distinct within CLPC21-4, characterized by erosive bases, above average sand content, normal grading, low magnetic susceptibility, and low total organic matter. Moreover, they are visually apparent across all five cores within the sag pond and thin from source to sink. Age control for the two units is constrained by AMS ¹⁴C dates on discrete organic materials and supported by the identification of Erodium’s first appearance ca. 1750–1765 CE in the Santa Barbara region. Using these age constraints, we infer the maximum limiting age range for Event Unit 1 from 1470 to 1640 CE and Event Unit 2 from 1740 to 1800 CE. Within the limits of dating, site-specific proxy sensitivities, and inherent meteorological heterogeneity, we propose a probable correlation to Santa Barbara Basin flood events at 1525 CE and 1760 CE. Our results suggest that sag ponds may represent a viable and untapped paleoclimatic archive for California. Future work will focus on a latitudinal series of sag ponds to determine the spatiotemporal sequence and correlativity of SPEs in the sediment record.
... Atmospheric Rivers (ARs) are relatively stable and intense conveyance of water vapor in the lower troposphere, possessing water volumes 7-15 times that of the Mississippi River and comparable to that of the Amazon River (Newell et al., 1992;Ralph & Dettinger, 2011). The American Meteorological Society (2022) defines AR as a long, narrow, and transient corridor of strong horizontal water vapor transport typically associated with a lowlevel jet stream ahead of the cold front of an extratropical cyclone. ...
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The atmospheric river (AR) is a long, narrow, and transient corridor of strong horizontal water vapor transport. Various AR detection methods have been proposed, which have introduced significant uncertainty to the identified AR characteristics. This study has designed a data fusion algorithm to merge 12 data sets of different global and regional AR identification algorithms published by the Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP) covering the period from 1980 to 2016. It aims to conduct frequency statistics to further research the global distribution, interannual variation, the trends in poleward shifting, and the impacted factors of AR occurrence. The quantitative results indicate an overall increasing trend in interannual variation, with a more pronounced growth trend observed in the oceanic region between 40 and 60ºS. Additionally, the study identifies a poleward shift in the peak latitude of AR occurrence frequency, with speeds of 0.589° and 0.769° per decade in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, respectively. This shift may be associated with the tropical poleward expansion. Upon examining the relationship between AR frequency and sea surface temperature (SST) as well as zonal wind, the study finds that distinct dominant factors influence AR in different regions. AR events near the 30°N/S ocean are influenced more significantly by zonal wind than by SST. These findings shed light on the global characteristics of AR occurrences and provide insights into the factors governing their variability across different areas.
... In order to compare the AR dry intrusion contribution directly to the total STT O 3 flux in the NH, we would need to track all ARs in the NH simultaneously-a specific task that we reserve for future work. We give a rough approximation by considering that 4-5 ARs occur simultaneously around the globe (Ralph & Dettinger, 2011). If half of these are active in the Northern Hemisphere, we approximate that the total STT O 3 flux due to dry intrusions following ARs is 3.6-4. ...
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As a result of their important role in weather and the global hydrological cycle, understanding atmospheric rivers' (ARs) connection to synoptic‐scale climate patterns and atmospheric dynamics has become increasingly important. In addition to case studies of two extreme AR events, we produce a December climatology of the three‐dimensional structure of water vapor and O3 (ozone) distributions associated with ARs in the northeastern Pacific from 2004 to 2014 using MERRA‐2 reanalysis products. Results show that positive O3 anomalies reside in dry intrusions of stratospheric air due to stratosphere‐to‐troposphere transport (STT) behind the intense water vapor transport of the AR. In composites, we find increased excesses of O3 concentration, as well as in the total O3 flux within the dry intrusions, with increased AR strength. We find that STT O3 flux associated with ARs over the NE Pacific accounts for up to 13% of total Northern Hemisphere STT O3 flux in December, and extrapolation indicates that AR‐associated dry intrusions may account for as much as 32% of total NH STT O3 flux. This study quantifies STT of O3 in connection with ARs for the first time and improves estimates of tropospheric ozone concentration due to STT in the identification of this correlation. In light of predictions that ARs will become more intense and/or frequent with climate change, quantifying AR‐related STT O3 flux is especially valuable for future radiative forcing calculations.
The study of ARs has been facilitated by various datasets, including satellite-based observations, in situ observations, and reanalysis data, and thus resulted in several AR identification techniques across the globe. Observing the impact of ARs and the interest of climate communities across the globe, an international collaborative program Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP) has been launched to develop a holistic framework to assess the impact of various AR identification methods on climatology, hydrology, and extreme events, quantifying disparities and advancing understanding of future AR changes and associated impacts. Global and regional perspectives reveal the diverse and far-reaching influence of ARs, with notable examples including ARs along the North American West Coast, over the Western United States, Southeastern United States, Europe, Southern South America, and Polar Regions. The relationship between ARs and LSCOs (ENSO, MJO, PDO, etc.) can provide valuable insights into the predictability and variability of AR events. The impacts of ARs are multifaceted, encompassing both beneficial and detrimental effects, such as flooding, drought, and extreme precipitation events. As climate change continues to alter the global landscape, the study of ARs will remain a critical component in predicting and mitigating the effects of extreme weather events.
Atmospheric rivers (ARs), often referred to as “rivers in the sky,” are long, narrow, and intense water vapor transport features that play a significant role in climate extremes. The chapter provides a comprehensive overview of ARs, their historical background, formation mechanisms, and characterization in the atmosphere. Tracing the historical evolution of AR research, from foundational studies on “tropospheric rivers” to contemporary satellite-based advancements, it unveils pivotal moments and technological strides. The “seeder-feeder” mechanism emerges as a key player in elucidating heavy precipitation episodes associated with ARs. Meticulous case studies from diverse regions, including Kerala (August 2018), Quebec (May 2017), and Mumbai (July 2005), underscore the real-world consequences of AR-associated floods, emphasizing the importance of robust algorithms and early warning systems. The synthesis of AR impacts, climatology, and interdisciplinary collaborations offers a holistic understanding of their role in triggering extreme weather events. Through compelling narratives and empirical evidence, the chapter unravels the devastating impacts of ARs, providing valuable insights for assessing vulnerabilities, managing risks, and fostering resilience.
Atmospheric rivers (ARs) are significant features of Earth’s atmospheric circulation, acting as concentrated conduits of moisture transport that influence regional precipitation patterns. This study explores the spatial and temporal distribution of AR events, their impacts on hydrological cycles, and their association with various atmospheric and oceanic processes. Regions prone to AR influence, like the West Coast of North America and parts of Europe, experience high AR frequencies during specific seasons conducive to their formation. While ARs contribute substantially to annual precipitation totals, they also pose challenges such as flooding due to intense rainfall. The intensity of AR events, measured by integrated moisture transport, plays a critical role in determining the severity of associated impacts, particularly in regions vulnerable to heavy rainfall and flooding. Understanding the characteristics and landfall patterns of ARs is essential for effective flood risk assessment, water resource management, and disaster preparedness planning. Integrating meteorological data, hydrological models, and risk assessment frameworks is crucial for developing proactive strategies to mitigate AR-induced flooding impacts and enhance community resilience. Further research is needed to advance our understanding of AR behavior and improve forecasting capabilities for extreme weather events associated with these atmospheric phenomena.
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Rainfall strongly affects landslide triggering; however, understanding how storm characteristics relate to the severity of landslides at the regional scale has thus far remained unclear, despite the societal benefits that would result from defining this relationship. As mapped landslide inventories typically cover a small region relative to a storm system, here we develop a proxy for landslide-inducing rainfall, A*, based on extremes of modelled soil water relative to its local climatology. We calibrate A* using four landslide inventories, comprising over 11,000 individual landslides over four unique storm events, and find that a common threshold can be applied to estimate regional shallow landslide triggering potential across diverse climatic regimes in California (USA). We then use the spatial distribution of A*, along with topography, to calculate the landslide potential area (LPA) for nine landslide-inducing storm events over the past twenty years, and test whether atmospheric metrics describing the strength of landfalling storms, such as integrated water vapor transport, correlate with the magnitude of hazardous landslide-inducing rainfall. We find that although the events with the largest LPA do occur during exceptional atmospheric river (AR) storms, the strength of landfalling atmospheric rivers does not scale neatly with landslide potential area, and even exceptionally strong ARs may yield minimal landslide impacts. Other factors, such as antecedent soil moisture driven by storm frequency, and mesoscale precipitation features within storms, are instead more likely to dictate the patterns of landslide-generating rainfall throughout the state.
Many atmospheric river detectors (ARDTs) have been developed over the past few decades to capture atmospheric rivers (ARs). However, different ARDTs have been observed to capture different frequencies, shapes and sizes of ARs. Due to this, many questions including investigating the underlying phenomena for ARs in the ARDTs have been posed. In this paper, we assess four different ARDTs and investigate the underlying meteorological phenomena during landfalling ARs. We find that during landfalling ARs events, there exists a prevalent low-pressure and high-pressure confluence that enhances moisture influx toward the landfalling site. The strength of the pressure gradient in the confluence region enhances the influx of the integrated vapor transport. The four ARDTs predominantly capture similar atmospheric processes, nonetheless, they have statistically different magnitudes.
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A case study is presented of an atmospheric river (AR) that produced heavy precipitation in the U.S. Pacific Northwest during March 2005. The study documents several key ingredients from the planetary scale to the mesoscale that contributed to the extreme nature of this event. The multiscale analysis uses unique experimental data collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) P-3 aircraft operated from Hawaii, coastal wind profiler and global positioning system (GPS) meteorological stations in Oregon, and satellite and global reanalysis data. Moving from larger scales to smaller scales, the primary findings of this study are as follow: 1) phasing of several major planetary-scale phenomena influenced by tropical-extratropical interactions led to the direct entrainment of tropical water vapor into the AR near Hawaii, 2) dropsonde observations documented the northward advection of tropical water vapor into the subtropical extension of the midlatitude AR, and 3) a mesoscale frontal wave increased the duration of AR conditions at landfall in the Pacific Northwest.
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Dropsonde observations are used to document the mean vertical profiles of kinematic and thermodynamic conditions in the pre-cold-frontal low-level-jet (LLJ) region of extratropical cyclones over the eastern Pacific Ocean. This is the region within storms that is responsible not only for the majority of heavy rainfall induced by orography when such storms strike the coast, but also for almost all meridional water vapor transport at midlatitudes. The data were collected from NOAA’s P-3 aircraft in 10 storms during the California Land-falling Jets Experiment (CALJET) of 1998 and in 7 storms during the Pacific Land-falling Jets Experiment (PACJET) of 2001. The mean position of the dropsondes was 500 km offshore, well upstream of orographic influences. The availability of data from two winters that were characterized by very different synoptic regimes and by differing phases of ENSO—that is, El Niño in 1998 and La Niña in 2001—allowed examination of interannual variability. The composite pre-cold-frontal profiles reveal a well-defined LLJ at 1.0-km altitude with a wind speed of 23.4 m s ⁻¹ and a wind direction of 216.7°, as well as vertical shear characteristic of warm advection. The composite thermodynamic conditions were also documented, with special attention given to moist static stability due to the nearly saturated conditions that were prevalent. Although the dry static stability indicated very stable conditions (4.5 K km ⁻¹ ), the moist static stability was approximately zero up to 2.8-km altitude. Although the composite winds, temperatures, and water vapor mixing ratios in 2001 differed markedly from 1998, the moist static stability remained near zero from the surface up to 2.8–3.0-km altitude for both seasons. Hence, orographic precipitation enhancement is favored in this sector of the storm, regardless of the phase of ENSO. The dropsonde data were also used to characterize the depth and strength of atmospheric rivers, which are responsible for most of the meridional water vapor transport at midlatitudes. The vertically integrated along-river water vapor fluxes averaged 525 × 10 ⁵ kg s ⁻¹ (assuming a 100-km-wide swath), while the meridional and zonal components were 387 × 10 ⁵ kg s ⁻¹ and 302 × 10 ⁵ kg s ⁻¹ , respectively. Although the composite meridional transport in 2001 was less than half that in 1998 (230 × 10 ⁵ kg s ⁻¹ versus 497 × 10 ⁵ kg s ⁻¹ ), the characteristic scale height of the meridional water vapor transport remained constant; that is, 75% of the transport occurred below 2.25-km altitude.
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The pre-cold-frontal low-level jet within oceanic extratropical cyclones represents the lower-tropospheric component of a deeper corridor of concentrated water vapor transport in the cyclone warm sector. These corridors are referred to as atmospheric rivers (ARs) because they are narrow relative to their length scale and are responsible for most of the poleward water vapor transport at midlatitudes. This paper investigates landfalling ARs along adjacent north- and south-coast regions of western North America. Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/ I) satellite observations of long, narrow plumes of enhanced integrated water vapor (IWV) were used to detect ARs just offshore over the eastern Pacific from 1997 to 2005. The north coast experienced 301 AR days, while the south coast had only 115. Most ARs occurred during the warm season in the north and cool season in the south, despite the fact that the cool season is climatologically wettest for both regions. Composite SSM/I IWV analyses showed landfalling wintertime ARs extending northeastward from the tropical eastern Pacific, whereas the summertime composites were zonally oriented and, thus, did not originate from this region of the tropics. Companion SSM/I composites of daily rainfall showed significant orographic enhancement during the landfall of winter (but not summer) ARs. The NCEP-NCAR global reanalysis dataset and regional precipitation networks were used to assess composite synoptic characteristics and overland impacts of landfalling ARs. The ARs possess strong vertically integrated horizontal water vapor fluxes that, on average, impinge on the West Coast in the pre-cold-frontal environment in winter and post-cold-frontal environment in summer. Even though the IWV in the ARs is greater in summer, the vapor flux is stronger in winter due to much stronger flows associated with more intense storms. The landfall of ARs in winter and north-coast summer coincides with anomalous warmth, a trough offshore, and ridging over the Intermountain West, whereas the south-coast summer ARs coincide with relatively cold conditions and a near-coast trough. ARs have a much more profound impact on near-coast precipitation in winter than summer, because the terrain-normal vapor flux is stronger and the air more nearly saturated in winter. During winter, ARs produce roughly twice as much precipitation as all storms. In addition, wintertime ARs with the largest SSM/I IWV are tied to more intense storms with stronger flows and vapor fluxes, and more precipitation. ARs generally increase snow water equivalent (SWE) in autumn/winter and decrease SWE in spring. On average, wintertime SWE exhibits normal gains during north-coast AR storms and above-normal gains during the south-coast AR storms. The north-coast sites are mostly lower in altitude, where warmer-than-normal conditions more frequently yield rain. During those events when heavy rain from a warm AR storm falls on a preexisting snowpack, flooding is more likely to occur.
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Experimental observations collected during meteorological field studies conducted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration near the Russian River of coastal northern California are combined with SSM/I satellite observations offshore to examine the role of landfalling atmospheric rivers in the creation of flooding. While recent studies have documented the characteristics and importance of narrow regions of strong meridional water vapor transport over the eastern Pacific Ocean (recently referred to as atmospheric rivers), this study describes their impact when they strike the U.S. West Coast. A detailed case study is presented, along with an assessment of all 7 floods on the Russian River since the experimental data were first available in October 1997. In all 7 floods, atmospheric river conditions were present and caused heavy rainfall through orographic precipitation. Not only do atmospheric rivers play a crucial role in the global water budget, they can also lead to heavy coastal rainfall and flooding, and thus represent a key phenomenon linking weather and climate.
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Atmospheric rivers accompanying Pacific storm systems play an important role in supplying moisture to the West Coast. Heavy precipitation associated with these systems falls not only along the west-facing slopes of the Coastal Range but also along the windward slopes of the interior Sierra Mountains. Simulations of the 29-31 December 2005 storm in northern California using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model were able to realistically resolve the structure and strength of the water vapor fluxes over ocean and land. The cross-barrier, southwesterly water vapor fluxes, peaking near 700 kg m(-1) s(-1) at the coast, dominated the airmass transformation over the northern California mountain complex. However, there was also significant northward water vapor flux along the base of the Sierras. The combination of a narrow, short-lived water vapor source from the atmospheric river, the gap in terrain facilitating flow around the coastal mountains, and the occurrence of a strong barrier jet at the base of the Sierras all contributed to the northward along-barrier water vapor fluxes within the storm. The coincident timing of the maximum water vapor flux into the central valley with the period when the barrier jet was well developed yielded up valley fluxes >300 kg m(-1) s(-1) for several hours. For the 29-31 December 2005 Pacific storm, the flow around the coastal terrain and up valley replenished about a quarter of the depleted water vapor lost over the coastal mountains.
Narrow bands of strong atmospheric water vapor transport, referred to as ``atmospheric rivers'' (ARs), are responsible for the majority of wintertime extreme precipitation events with important contributions to the seasonal water balance. We investigate relationships between snow water equivalent (SWE), precipitation, and surface air temperature (SAT) across the Sierra Nevada for 45 wintertime AR events. Analysis of assimilated and in situ data for water years 2004-2010 indicates that ARs on average generate ˜4 times daily SWE accumulation of non-AR storms. In addition, AR events contributed ˜30-40% of total seasonal SWE accumulation in most years, with the contribution dominated by just 1-2 extreme events in some cases. In situ and remotely sensed observations show that SWE changes associated with ARs are closely related to SAT. These results reveal the previously unexplored significance of ARs with regard to the snowpack and associated sensitivities of AR precipitation to SAT.
A 20-year regional climate simulated by the Weather Research and Forecasting model has been analyzed to study the influence of the atmospheric rivers and land surface conditions on heavy precipitation and flooding in the western U.S. The simulation realistically captured the mean and extreme precipitation, and the precipitation/temperature anomalies of all the atmospheric river events between 1980-1999. Contrasting the 1986 President Day and 1997 New Year Day events, differences in atmospheric stability have an influence on the spatial distribution of precipitation. Although both cases yielded similar precipitation, the 1997 case produced more runoff. Antecedent soil moisture, rainfall versus snowfall, and existing snowpack all seem to play a role, leading to a higher runoff to precipitation ratio for the 1997 case. This study underscores the importance of the atmospheric rivers and land surface conditions for predicting heavy precipitation and floods in the current and future climate of the western U.S.
A new algorithm is applied to study water vapor fluxes in the troposphere using wind and moisture data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts. The fluxes are divided into filamentary structures known as tropospheric rivers and what are termed here broad fields. The results show that the tropospheric rivers may carry essentially the total meridional transport observed in the extratropical atmosphere but may occupy only about 10% of the total longitudinal length at a given latitude. The transient fluxes in traditional studies do not catch the filamentary structures completely and may therefore underestimate the fraction of transport assigned to moving systems, as well as omitting the geographical concentration. The mean flow and eddy fluxes evaluated by the new algorithm are considered to be more physically realistic.
Dettinger, Michael, 2011. Climate Change, Atmospheric Rivers, and Floods in California – A Multimodel Analysis of Storm Frequency and Magnitude Changes. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 47(3):514-523. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2011.00546.x Abstract: Recent studies have documented the important role that “atmospheric rivers” (ARs) of concentrated near-surface water vapor above the Pacific Ocean play in the storms and floods in California, Oregon, and Washington. By delivering large masses of warm, moist air (sometimes directly from the Tropics), ARs establish conditions for the kinds of high snowlines and copious orographic rainfall that have caused the largest historical storms. In many California rivers, essentially all major historical floods have been associated with AR storms. As an example of the kinds of storm changes that may influence future flood frequencies, the occurrence of such storms in historical observations and in a 7-model ensemble of historical-climate and projected future climate simulations is evaluated. Under an A2 greenhouse-gas emissions scenario (with emissions accelerating throughout the 21st Century), average AR statistics do not change much in most climate models; however, extremes change notably. Years with many AR episodes increase, ARs with higher-than-historical water-vapor transport rates increase, and AR storm-temperatures increase. Furthermore, the peak season within which most ARs occur is commonly projected to lengthen, extending the flood-hazard season. All of these tendencies could increase opportunities for both more frequent and more severe floods in California under projected climate changes.
In September 2005, an extreme precipitation event occurred on the Norwegian southwest coast, which produced flooding and landslides and caused considerable infrastructure damage and loss of human life. We found that this event was triggered by the transport of tropical and subtropical moisture associated with two former hurricanes, Maria and Nate, which both underwent transition into extratropical cyclones. The two former hurricanes generated a large stream of (sub)tropical air which extended over more than 40° of latitude and across the North Atlantic Ocean and carried a large amount of moisture originally associated with hurricane Nate; a so-called atmospheric river or moisture conveyor belt. The mountains along the Norwegian coast caused a strong orographic enhancement of the precipitation associated with the moist air. A Lagrangian moisture tracking algorithm was employed to show that the evaporative source of the precipitation falling over Norway was distributed over large parts of the North Atlantic Ocean, and indeed included large contribution from the subtropics and smaller ones from the tropics. The moisture tracking algorithm was also applied over a 5-year period. It was found that (sub)tropical sources can contribute substantially to the precipitation falling in southwestern Norway throughout the year. Thus other transport mechanisms than hurricanes are important, too, for moving (sub)tropical moisture so far north. The (sub)tropical moisture source is relatively more important during the positive phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation, as well as for stronger precipitation events.