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A Large Accumulation of Avian Eggs from the Late Cretaceous of Patagonia (Argentina) Reveals a Novel Nesting Strategy in Mesozoic Birds

  • Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas, Bariloche, Río Negro, Argentina
  • Centro Regional de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia Tecnológica de Anillaco (CRILAR - CONICET)

Abstract and Figures

WE REPORT THE FIRST EVIDENCE FOR A NESTING COLONY OF MESOZOIC BIRDS ON GONDWANA: a fossil accumulation in Late Cretaceous rocks mapped and collected from within the campus of the National University of Comahue, Neuquén City, Patagonia (Argentina). Here, Cretaceous ornithothoracine birds, almost certainly Enanthiornithes, nested in an arid, shallow basinal environment among sand dunes close to an ephemeral water-course. We mapped and collected 65 complete, near-complete, and broken eggs across an area of more than 55 m(2). These eggs were laid either singly, or occasionally in pairs, onto a sandy substrate. All eggs were found apparently in, or close to, their original nest site; they all occur within the same bedding plane and may represent the product of a single nesting season or a short series of nesting attempts. Although there is no evidence for nesting structures, all but one of the Comahue eggs were half-buried upright in the sand with their pointed end downwards, a position that would have exposed the pole containing the air cell and precluded egg turning. This egg position is not seen in living birds, with the exception of the basal galliform megapodes who place their eggs within mounds of vegetation or burrows. This accumulation reveals a novel nesting behaviour in Mesozoic Aves that was perhaps shared with the non-avian and phylogenetically more basal troodontid theropods.
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A Large Accumulation of Avian Eggs from the Late
Cretaceous of Patagonia (Argentina) Reveals a Novel
Nesting Strategy in Mesozoic Birds
Mariela S. Ferna
, Rodolfo A. Garcı
, Lucas Fiorelli
, Alejandro Scolaro
, Rodrigo B. Salvador
Carlos N. Cotaro
, Gary W. Kaiser
, Gareth J. Dyke
1 Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente, INIBIOMA - CONICET, San Carlos de Bariloche,
o Negro, Argentina , 2 Instituto de Investigacio
a y Geologı
a, Museo ‘‘Carlos Ameghino’’, Universidad Nacional d e
o Negro, Cipolletti,
o Negro, Argentina, 3 Centro Regional de Investigaciones Cientı
y Transferencia Tecnolo
gica, CRILAR-CONICET, Anillaco, La Rioja, Argentina, 4 Ca
tedra de Ecologı
a, Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco y CENPAT-
CONICET, Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina, 5 Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de Sa
o Paulo, Sa
o Paulo, Sa
o Paulo, Brazil, 6 Caracterizacio
n de Materiales, Centro
mico Bariloche, San Carlos de Bariloche,
o Negro, Argentina, 7 Natural History, Royal British Columbia Museum, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 8 Ocean and Earth
Science, National Oceanography Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom
We report the first evidence for a nesting colony of Mesozoic birds on Gondwana: a fossil accumulation in Late Cretaceous
rocks mapped and collected from within the campus of the National University of Comahue, Neuque
n City, Patagonia
(Argentina). Here, Cretaceous ornithothoracine birds, almost certainly Enanthiornithes, nested in an arid, shallow basinal
environment among sand dunes close to an ephemeral water-course. We mapped and collected 65 complete, near-
complete, and broken eggs across an area of more than 55 m
. These eggs were laid either singly, or occasionally in pairs,
onto a sandy substrate. All eggs were found apparently in, or close to, their original nest site; they all occur within the same
bedding plane and may represent the product of a single nesting season or a short series of nesting attempts. Although
there is no evidence for nesting structures, all but one of the Comahue eggs were half-buried upright in the sand with their
pointed end downwards, a position that would have exposed the pole containing the air cell and precluded egg turning.
This egg position is not seen in living birds, with the exception of the basal galliform megapodes who place their eggs
within mounds of vegetation or burrows. This accumulation reveals a novel nesting behaviour in Mesozoic Aves that was
perhaps shared with the non-avian and phylogenetically more basal troodontid theropods.
Citation: Ferna
ndez MS, Garcı
a RA, Fiorelli L, Scolaro A, Salvador RB, et al. (2013) A Large Accumulation of Avian Eggs from the Late Cretaceous of Patagonia
(Argentina) Reveals a Novel Nesting Strategy in Mesozoic Birds. PLoS ONE 8(4): e61030. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0061030
Editor: Andrew A. Farke, Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology, United States of America
Received October 18, 2012; Accepted March 5, 2013; Published April 17, 2013
Copyright: ß 2013 Ferna
ndez et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: Funding was provided by the Jurassic Foundation (to RAG), the Secreta
a de Gobierno de La Rioja and the Consejo Federal de Ciencia y Tecnologı
(COFECYT) (SCTIP Nu1198/06 Proyecto LR02/06). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* E-mail:
In the 1980s a team from the National University of Comahue
(Patagonia: Argentina) collected a large number of eggshell
fragments along with some intact whole eggs from the late
Cretaceous Bajo de la Carpa Formation in Neuque´n City,
Patagonia (Figure 1). Part of this fossil collection was later
described by Schweitzer et al. [1] who reported that some of the
eggs contained embryonic bone fragments (MUCPv 284, 305,
306) and one an articulated embryo (MUCPv 284). Schweitzer et
al. [1] assigned these fossil remains to basal birds, showing, on the
basis of preserved embryonic anatomy, that they were certainly
ornithothoracines, and most likely enantiornithines. This report
[1] was the first to associate the anatomy of a Cretaceous bird with
preserved eggshell morphology and was soon followed by others
[2,3]. Later, Grellet-Tinner et al. [4] studied eggs from this
collection and interpreted the loss of the polar and immediately
adjacent regions as evidence of hatching and thereby a specific
hatching strategy typical of modern birds. Most recently, Dyke et
al. [5] described a fossil association of jumbled eggshell, adult and
juvenile bones and complete eggs (lacking embryonic remains)
from the Late Cretaceous of Transylvania (Romania) that they
interpreted as the remains of a nesting colony.
Here, we significantly augment the known fossil record of
Cretaceous birds by presenting the first known concentration of
contemporaneous and complete avian eggs preserved in their laid
positions. Unlike the jumbled and broken accumulation reported
by Dyke et al. [5], the positions of these Argentine fossil eggs allow
collection of spatial information bearing on nesting and hatching
behaviour. Further, many of these eggs contain isolated broken
bones, some partially ossified. Estimates of shell water vapour
conductance (G
) enable us to establish palaeoecological
context and infer the likely palaeobiology of this Argentine
Cretaceous bird breeding colony.
Materials and Methods
Institutional Abbreviations
CRILAR, Centro Regional de Investigaciones Cientı
ficas y
Transferencia Tecnolo´gica La Rioja, La Rioja Province,
PLOS ONE | 1 April 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 4 | e61030
Patagonian Cretaceous Bird Eggs and Nesting
PLOS ONE | 2 April 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 4 | e61030
Argentina; MUCP, Museo de Geologı
a y Paleontologı
a, Uni-
versidad Nacional del Comahue, Neuque´n, Argentina.
In Situ Eggs and Eggshells
We mapped 65 eggs within the campus of the Universidad
Nacional del Comahue, North of Neuque´n city, Argentina
(Figure 1) and obtained permission from the MUCP to access
their collections and to research this fossil material. No permits
were required for this research. Among the eggs we collected,
many contain embryonic remains (MUCPv 1354 to 1358) while
some are almost complete but lack bony remains (MUCPv 37,
189, 235, 238, 283/1, 283/2, 285, 286, 307, 1239, 1240). Other
eggs are partially preserved (MUCPv 36, 236/1, 236/2, 237/1,
237/2, 260, 1241–1249, 1251–1257, 1271) and some are just large
shell pieces (MUCPv 1258–1270, 1272, 1359–1366). In addition,
some eggs lack complete shells so are preserved only as endocasts
(MUCPv 235, 286). We made thin section preparations of
MUCPv 1258, 1259 and 1260 and used SEM to reveal the
ultrastructure in some broken egg pieces and complete eggs
(MUCPv 1258, 1259 and 1260). Schweitzer et al. [1] studied
MUCPv 305, 306, 350–355 and the embryo MUCPv 284.
For comparisons, we also include one well-preserved and two
poorly preserved eggs collected in 2006 from the eastern Comahue
campus and loaned to one of us (LEF) by Dr. L. Salgado. These
specimens are housed in the CRILAR collections (CRILAR-Pv
410a, 410b and 410c).
To map this fossil accumulation we placed a 0.25-m
grid over
an area of 45.25 m
(Figure 2), an accurate approach because
bedding in this area is horizontal with little or no dip (see
Geological Setting). Eggs present in each grid square were counted
and their distribution analyzed using a x
test in SigmaStar 3.5.
modelling the eggs using a Poisson distribution. We were able to
determine whether their distribution on the ground was random,
continuous or uniform [6] and calculated x
for two degrees of
freedom. We examined the microscopic details of the shells using
SEM and prepared thin sections of eggshell using standard
methods [7].
To calculate egg volume we made a silicone mold of one
complete egg (MUCPv 1240) and calculated its displaced volume.
We then verified this estimate mathematically using the volumetric
formula for ellipsoids: V = 4/3 p.a.b.c (a: length/2;b: width/2; c:
Water Vapour Conductance
The structural and functional properties of eggshell are
paramount determinants of the incubation and hatching success
of reptile and bird embryos [8]. One of the main physiological
properties of an egg is shell permeability, or conductance to both
respiratory gases and water vapour. Gas diffusion through the
eggshell pores can be quantified as water vapour conductance
). This measure is commonly obtained experimentally for
modern bird and reptile eggs [9], but has rarely been estimated for
fossils. From fossil eggs, however, G
can be determined by
simple equations and thus represents a valuable proxy for assessing
moisture content in archosaurian nesting environments and
potentially can provide additional information on parental nesting
strategies [10,11]. G
estimates for a number of dinosaur eggs
have been published [11–13] but this parameter has never been
computed for a Cretaceous fossil bird egg other than the
enantiornithine Gobipteryx [11,14].
In order to obtain G
estimates for the Comahue fossil eggs,
we used a well-established equation for extant birds [15]. Two
oological parameters are required for this calculation, egg density
and egg radius (Table 1), and we approximated the shape of the
fossil eggs as ellipsoids (prolate spheroids). Thus, there are two
radii: Equatorial radius (a) and polar radius (b). Egg density was
inferred from extant bird eggs following Paganelli et al. [16]; for
comparative purposes we have also tabulated predicted G
values for bird and non-avian theropod eggs from other published
sources, including the Mongolian Gobipteryx minuta (Table 2). Note
that these G
estimates were calculated from eggshell thin
sections, not the equation-based approach we use here (see
Geological Setting
This accumulation of fossil bird eggs was found on exposed beds
that have been referred to the Bajo de la Carpa Formation (Rı
Colorado Subgroup, Neuque´n Group; Middle-Upper Santonian)
[17–19] (Figure 3). The Bajo de la Carpa Formation rests
conformably on the Plottier Formation and is capped by deposits
of the Anacleto Formation (Figure 3) [19]. Unlike other regions of
the Neuque´n Basin, the Santonian rocks of this formation were
deposited by fluvial and aeolian systems [20] as well as extensive
flood plains [18,19] (Figure 3).
The yellow quartz-rich sandstone of the Bajo de la Carpa
Formation contains poorly sorted, subangular-to-subrounded
grains of low sphericity; these generally monocrystalline quartz
grains range between 0.1 to 0.5 mm in diameter, producing a fine-
to-medium sandstone that does not contain feldspars, mica
fragments or any associated lithics (see [19,20]). It has a clay
matrix and calcareous cement a microspar– that is ferric and
light in colour. The isopachous carbonate cement is secondary
(diagenetic) [19,20], formed in a waterlogged environment [18].
Regionally, this system formed in an arid and dry continental
climate via aeolian deposition [18,19]; there is clear variation from
fluvial systems to distal floodplains across the sequence with
increasing participation of aeolian sediments [19]. The palaeoeon-
viroment inferred for the university campus area consists of
aeolian deposition that created large dunes and inter-dune lagoon
basins skirted by fluvial deposits, criss-crossed by streams and
seasonal or ephemeral water bodies [18,21].
Aeolian deposits offer little resistance to the movement of
groundwater. As a result they are subject to sudden changes in the
water table when distant rains raise the level of local streams or
raise the level of the local ground water. In a relatively flat area,
such as Comahue, relatively small quantities of water at the surface
could cover a large area.
Palaeontological Context
The Comahue eggs come from the same stratigraphic level as
some parts of a rich, associated paleofauna (fossils collected from
beds throughout the Bajo de la Carpa Formation), dominated by
crocodyliforms [18,22,23] (Figures 2, 3). Indeed, the Bajo de la
Carpa crocodilian fauna is well-known and includes the
plesiomorphic crocodyliform Neuquensuchus universitas [24,25],
notosuchians Notosuchus terrestris [26] and Comahuesuchus brachybucca-
lis [22], baurusuchids Cynodontosuchus rothi [26] and Wargosuchus
Figure 1. Site location. Counter-clockwise from top right: map of Argentina and the Comahue region (Neuque
n and
o Negro Provinces); map of
n Province; map of Neuque
n City; close up of Neuque
n City to show the University of Comahue (UNC) campus, and the location of the fossil
bird nesting colony (shaded box).
Patagonian Cretaceous Bird Eggs and Nesting
PLOS ONE | 3 April 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 4 | e61030
Figure 2. Close-up of site location and
in situ
egg map. Top: overview of the Universitary campus showing the location of several paleofaunal
elements and the grid corresponding to the nesting colony (shaded purple box). Bottom: grid showing the location of each mapped egg; circles
represent upright eggs, ovals represent eggs slightly inclined vertically and the oval that lies with its long axis parallel to the substrate represents an
egg found in that position.
Patagonian Cretaceous Bird Eggs and Nesting
PLOS ONE | 4 April 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 4 | e61030
australis [27], as well as a peirosaurid crocodyliform of uncertain
phylogenetic position [18]. The remainder of the fauna includes
skeletal material referred to the basal snake Dinilysia patagonica
[28,29], the abelisauroid theropod Velocisaurus unicus [22,30], the
alvarezsaurid theropod Alvarezsaurus calvoi [22], and the enantior-
nithine and basal ornithuromorph birds Neuquenornis volans [31]
and Patagopteryx deferrariisi [32] (Figure 2).
Egg Mo rphology and Contents
Although a small number of the fossil eggs from the Comahue
campus have been reported before [1,4], previous work focused on
isolated specimens examined outside the context of this remark-
able accumulation of in situ eggs (Figures 2, 4). Indeed, based on
preserved microstructure and embryonic anatomy, we concur with
previous workers that the Comahue eggs were laid by ornithothor-
acine birds. Embryonic bones inside the eggs include strut-like
coracoids and wide ulnae associated with small, narrow radii [1],
synapomorphies of Ornithothoraces [33–35]. As noted above,
adult fossil remains of two ornithothoracine birds, the enantior-
nithine Neuquenornis [31] and the more basal Patagopteryx [32] are
known from the same area.
Many of the partial eggs in the collection (n = 22) appear to lack
their larger pole, suggesting that they had hatched prior to any
flooding event [4]. However, the peculiar vertical posture of these
eggs (Figure 4) would also have exposed the large ends to a greater
risk of damage from accident or small predators and scavengers.
We mapped and collected all but one of the most complete eggs
from this site. These specimens (n = 46) are between 41 and
47 mm (60.01) in length and have equatorial diameters that range
between 26 and 29 mm (Figures 4, 5, 6). External eggshell surfaces
are smooth and cream-coloured and complete eggs are ellipsoid
with only one axis of symmetry (Figures 4, 5, 6). Like the eggs of
most modern birds the specimens lack surface ornamentation (as
noted previously by Schweitzer et al. [1] and Grellet-Tinner et al.
[4] (Figure 6). Many exhibit diagenetic surface textures as a result
of abrasion, corrosion and dissolution. Average shell thickness is
Table 1. Summary of all parameters, units, equations and results for the Comahue eggs (N = 65).
Parameters Unit Formula/Method
N. volans
a Equatorial radius cm data from observation 1.35
b Polar diameter cm data from observation 2.25
e Angular eccentricity of elipse - e = arccos (a/b) 0.93
As Egg surface area cm
As = 2 p+[a
+(abe/sin (e))] 33.57
V Egg volume Cm
V = (4/3)?pa
b 17.18
r Egg density g/cm
Assumed from avian egg data 1.08
m Egg mass g m = r?V 19.96
Water vapor conductance mg
/day?Torr G
= 0.384?m
Calculations in this table use formulae from [15].
Table 2. Predicted G
values (in mgH20/day?Torr) for the Comahue eggs (based on Table 1 and formulae in [15]) alongside
those for other taxa from previous studies (i.e., G
values estimated using pore counts from egg shell thin sections).
Source Locality Egg G
This study Neuque
n, Argentina Neuquenornis volans (enantiornithine bird) 4.39
Sabath (1991) Gobi Desert, Mongolia Gobipteryx minuta (enantiornithine bird) 2.7
Deeming (2006) Portugal Lourinhanosaurus antunesi (theropod) 541
Deeming (2006) China Macroelognatoolithus xixianensis ( theropod) 600
Deeming (2006) Canada Prismatoolithus levis (troodontid theropod) 39
Deeming (2006) Gobi Desert, Mongolia Gobipteryx minuta (enantiornithine bird) 2.5
Ar et al. (1974) Africa Struthio camelus (ostrich) 105
Ar et al. (1974) Australia Dromiceius novaehollandiae (emu) 51.8
Ar et al. (1974) Holartic Larus argentatus (herring gull) 16.5
Ar et al. (1974) Cosmopolitan Gallus gallus (domestic chiken) 14.4
Ar et al. (1974) Asia Phasianus colchicus (ring-necked phaesant) 6.6
Ar et al. (1974) East Asia Coturnix coturnix (Japanese quail) 3.1
Ar et al. (1974) North America Quisculus quiscula (common grackle) 2.3
Ar et al. (1974) Cosmopolitan Passer domesticus (house sparrow) 0.9
Note that: (1) because different approaches were used to predict G
values (regressions versus pore counts from thin sections) they may not be comparable; and (2)
value shown for G. minuta is that predicted when compared to an avian egg of similar size, not G
, which has been estimated to range from 63.9 [11] to 22.4 [14]. See
[11] for further discussion.
Patagonian Cretaceous Bird Eggs and Nesting
PLOS ONE | 5 April 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 4 | e61030
180 mm(62,5 mm); volume was estimated for complete eggs
MUCPv 1240, MUC-Pv 307 and CRILAR-Pv 410a as 19.5,
18.77, and 17.18 cm
, respectively. These estimates are similar to
data for living plovers (e.g. Vanellus chilensis (18.37 cm
), Arenaria
interpes (19.36 cm
) and other Charadriiformes [36,37]. There is
only a weak correlation between egg size and body size. V. chilensis
is slightly larger (35–37 cm total body length) but very much
heavier (327 g) than A. interpes (21–25 cm and 136 g) [36–38].
Nonetheless, the egg volumes suggest an association between the
Comahue eggs and the enantiornithine Neuquenornis in agreement
with Schweitzer et al. [1]. This enantiornithine was much smaller
than examples of Patagopteryx from the same locality [32,33].
Spatial Distribution of Eggs
We mapped 65 complete and partial eggs in situ (Figure 2).
Almost all are separated by just over their own length from their
neighbour as is typical of exceptionally dense avian colonies [39].
We found only a single pair of eggs and one group of three
(Figure 2). All eggs occur in a broad band that is oriented north-
south and that certainly extended further to the north than we are
now able to explore (Figure 2).
Once mapped in two dimensions (Figure 2), all eggs (apart from
one) were collected. The majority were buried vertically in the
sediment with their polar region pointing downwards (Figure 4a–
c); only in a few rare cases were eggs found lying horizontally on
the ground (Figure 4d), presumably because of disturbance after
burial. A chi-squared test (x
= 348; N = 182; P,0.001) shows that
this egg concentration (Figure 2) is non-random in distribution and
Figure 3. Stratigraphic profile. Bajo de la Carpa Formation, Neuque
n Group [17,31] to illustrate the diverse biota spread through the horizons
within this sequence. Layer containing the eggs discussed in this paper is indicated. Abbreviations: An, Anacleto Formation; Pl, Plottier Formation.
Patagonian Cretaceous Bird Eggs and Nesting
PLOS ONE | 6 April 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 4 | e61030
strongly suggests that birds congregated in this area to breed. Our
interpretation of a nesting colony is supported by the fact that the
embryonic remains identified inside several eggs are all in a similar
state of fairly advanced development, have hatched [4] or are
broken and lack bones completely. This mixture of hatched and
developing eggs is a characteristic of modern avian nesting
colonies [39–41].
Water Vapour Conductance
We calculated an average G
of 4.14 mg
/day?Torr for
the Comahue eggs (Table 1) which lies well within the lower end of
the known distribution for modern bird eggs [9] (Table 2). Such a
low G
value indicates relatively little water vapour loss from
the Comahue eggs and implies an ability to use a dry nesting area
with low relative humidity, such as the paleoenvironment inferred
for the Bajo de la Carpa Formation [18–20].
Descriptions and our map of the Comahue eggs (Figure 2)
strongly support interpretation of this fossil accumulation as the
remains of a Cretaceous bird nesting colony. The in situ
preservation of eggs, in combination with well-preserved surface
textures (Figures 4, 5, 6) demonstrate minimal (if any) taphonomic
disturbance prior to burial [42]. Field observations are consistent
with a high degree of synchronicity [42], typical of other amniote
egg and nest fossils interpreted as representing colonies from the
Cretaceous of Romania [5], Asia (Gobi Desert) [14] and from the
Sanagasta neosauropod nesting site in La Rioja, Argentina [43].
Egg and nest associations will be quickly disturbed and disartic-
ulated by post-burial processes, even in inferred low energy
environments (enantiornithine eggs and nests, for example, from
Romania [5]). Low degrees of taphonomic disturbance are also
characteristic of the other fossil vertebrates from the Universitary
Campus area [18]. Indeed, we argue that the fossils from this area
comprise a ‘‘census assemblage’’ (Model I) (sensu [18]): A very high
proportion of articulated remains often with surfaces in pristine
condition and some –if not most–in their positions at the moment
of death [44,45]. Moreover, because the concentration of the
Comahue eggs is ‘‘intrinsic’’ (sensu [46]), this association could only
have been produced by the gregarious behaviour of colonial
organisms [45].
The ellipsoidal shape of the eggs at Comahue is typical of
modern eggs laid in a clutches of 3 to 8 and may be related to
incubation efficiency [47]. Except in special situations such as the
placement of nest sites on cliff edges, nearly spherical eggs are the
most efficient shape for single-egg clutches. In this case, the vertical
posture allows the egg to comply with the prediction of Barta and
Sze´kely [47] by exposing a spherical surface to the incubating
If the partial eggs at Comahue share internal morphology with
modern birds, their missing poles would have held the air cell [48]
while the disappearance of the shell from that part of the partial
eggs implies that enantionithine birds had already adopted a
hatching behaviour favoured by modern neornithine birds [4].
However, the vertical placement of solitary eggs in an open nest is
unknown among modern birds. Only the megapode, a basal
galliform, deposits its eggs vertically but then only in clutches
Figure 4. Several
complete and fragmentary eggs from the Comahue campus nesting colony. These eggs demonstrate spatial
arrangement in vertical (a and c), subvertical (d) and horizontal (b) positions.
Patagonian Cretaceous Bird Eggs and Nesting
PLOS ONE | 7 April 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 4 | e61030
buried in a heap of decomposing vegetation, tree roots or burrows.
Its eggs are not asymmetrical and numerous small air cells are
scattered around the embryo [49]. The Comahue eggs resemble
those of some troodontids that placed their eggs vertically and
appear to have hatched by breaking out through the upper pole
[50]. The north-south linear arrangement of this accumulation is
also significant; such linearity is often characteristic of extant bird
colonies established along the edge of a stream or cliff [39,41].
Among extant neornithine birds, the most similar nesting
strategy is use of a simple ‘‘scrape’’ [49]. A scrape is typically just a
shallow depression with enough of a rim to keep eggs from rolling
away [49]. At Comahue, a nest structures appears to be just
sufficient to prevent the eggs toppling over. Use of these simple
scrapes is seen in several paleognaths [51] and many neognaths,
including members of the Galloanserinae, Charadriiformes,
Falconiformes, Caprimulgiformes, Otidae, and Pteroclidae [37].
Some charadriiforms, in particular terns (Sternidae), breed in
colonies broadly comparable to the Comahue accumulation, often
on a sandbar or a beach where their scrapes are situated on barren
or sparsely vegetated areas near water [52].
Our low prediction for the water vapour conductance (G
the Comahue eggs (Table 1) is consistent with geological
observations. An arid and dry environment for the site, also
inferred by calculated G
values, is corroborated by the local
sedimentology [18,20]. Further, the absence of any nesting
structures and the fact that the Comahue eggs were all half-
buried in situ suggests that the upper portion of these eggs were
exposed on the surface after laying and would thus require an
attending brooding parent [11]. A similar strategy has been
implied for the enantiornithine Gobypterix minuta [53] for which we
Figure 5.
In situ
eggs within the Comahue campus. In situ association in bedding plane (a), inset of single egg in position (b), egg half-buried in
sediment (typical for almost all eggs collected) (c), close up lateral view of same egg showing degree of asymmetry (d).
Patagonian Cretaceous Bird Eggs and Nesting
PLOS ONE | 8 April 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 4 | e61030
predict an even lower G
value, 2.5–2.7 mg
(Table 2).
Corresponding with observations on living birds [11,15], these
relatively low values of G
may have allowed the Comahue
birds to exploit drier patches of habitat. Indeed, generally much
higher G
values that have been predicted for the phylogenet-
ically more basal non-avian theropods [11] (Table 2) (egg size
notwithstanding) are an order of magnitude greater than for any
living birds and may suggest that these taxa required more humid
nesting environments or had more elaborate nests [11,13].
Comparisons of similar-sized eggs (once found and collected from
the fossil record) between birds and non-avian theropods will,
however, be required to corroborate our speculation. Nevertheless,
predicted G
values are significantly lower for some small, non-
avian theropods that are considered phylogenetically close to
birds, including troodontids [11,54]. These fall well within the
extant avian range yet are still higher than those predicted for
Cretaceous fossil birds (Table 2): low values are consistent with the
suggestion that nests of the North American Troodon formosus were
attended by a brooding parent [54]. Parental care has also already
been well-established in the closely-related oviraptorid Oviraptor
philoceratops [55].
We conclude that the Comahue fossil bird eggs present an
interesting mixture of primitive and advanced traits. On the one
hand, it appears likely that embryos were ventilated by a single,
large air chamber and used a strategy considered distinctively
avian for exiting the egg [1,4] (although this has also been
proposed to have been the case for troodontids [11,54]), while on
the other eggs were laid vertically and could not have been turned
by the parent. Egg turning is widespread in extant birds and has
been intensively studied in galliforms for the poultry industry [56].
This behaviour is believed to place the embryo in an opportune
position and allow effective functioning of the connections between
the embryo and the yolk sac: the unturned eggs of domestic fowl
have a much higher mortality rate (85 percent) and take seven
hours longer to hatch [56]. The incubation period for vertically-
placed megapode eggs (that are buried and cannot be turned) is
four or five times that of domestic fowl [57]. We speculate that the
vertical nesting strategy evidenced by the Comahue eggs was
abandoned by later lineages because it was not competitive with
the greater incubation success and reduced incubation time of
turned eggs. Among modern birds, even basal-most lineages
(including some palaeognaths) contain at least some species that
turn their eggs [58,59,60].
We thank the Centro Ato´mico Bariloche for access to SEM FEG, the staff
of the Departamento de Geologı
a, Universidad Nacional de San Luis for
help with preparing thin sections, Mauro Cocco (Instituto Balseiro) for help
with egg volume calculations and Sergio de la Vega (CRILAR, Argentina),
Gerald Grellet-Tinner (Journey Museum, USA) and Leonardo Salgado
(INIBIOMA-CONICET, Argentina) for loaning fossils and for comments
on the manuscript. We are very grateful to Frankie Jackson and a second
anonymous reviewer for their valuable comments on the manuscript as
well as to Andrew Farke for his editorial assistance and patience.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: MSF RAG LF AS RBS CNC
GWK GJD. Performed the experiments: MSF RAG LF AS RBS CNC
GWK GJD. Analyzed the data: MSF RAG LF AS RBS CNC GWK GJD.
Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: MSF RAG LF AS RBS
GJD. Found, collected, prepared and imaged the fossils: MSF RAG LF AS
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Patagonian Cretaceous Bird Eggs and Nesting
PLOS ONE | 9 April 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 4 | e61030
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Patagonian Cretaceous Bird Eggs and Nesting
PLOS ONE | 10 April 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 4 | e61030
... The Bajo de la Carpa Formation has yielded fossils that collectively represent a diverse and important paleobiota [30,32,[36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55]. Vertebrate remains are abundant and often well-preserved, and include those of snakes (Dinilysia patagonica), lizards (Paleochelco occultato), turtles (Lomalatachelys neuquina), crocodyliforms (Notosuchus terrestris, Comahuesuchus brachybuccalis, Fig. 1 Type locality of Diuqin lechiguanae gen. ...
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Unenlagiine paravians are among the most relevant Gondwanan theropod dinosaur clades for understanding the origin of birds, yet their fossil record remains incomplete, with most taxa being represented by fragmentary material and/or separated by lengthy temporal gaps, frustrating attempts to characterize unenlagiine evolution. Here we describe Diuqin lechiguanae gen. et sp. nov., a new unenlagiine taxon from the Upper Cretaceous (Santonian) Bajo de la Carpa Formation of the Neuquén Basin of Neuquén Province in northern Patagonia, Argentina that fills a substantial stratigraphic gap in the fossil record of these theropods. Although known only from a very incomplete postcranial skeleton, the preserved bones of Diuqin differ from corresponding elements in other unenlagiines, justifying the erection of the new taxon. Moreover, in several morphological aspects, the humerus of Diuqin appears intermediate between those of geologically older unenlagiines from the Neuquén Basin (e.g., Unenlagia spp. from the Turonian–Coniacian Portezuelo Formation) and that of the stratigraphically younger, larger-bodied Austroraptor cabazai from the Campanian–Maastrichtian Allen Formation. Consequently, the morphology of the new taxon appears to indicate a transitional stage in unenlagiine evolution. Phylogenetic analysis recovers Diuqin as a paravian with multiple plausible systematic positions, but the strongest affinity is with Unenlagiinae. The humerus of the new form exhibits subcircular punctures near its distal end that are interpreted as feeding traces most likely left by a conical-toothed crocodyliform, mammal, or theropod, the latter potentially corresponding to a megaraptorid or another unenlagiine individual. Thus, in addition to filling important morphological and temporal gaps in unenlagiine evolutionary history, the new taxon also offers information relating to the paleoecology of these theropods.
... First, fossils from Argentina show that enantiornithine birds nested among sand dunes, close to an ephemeral water course in an arid landscape, and the eggs were laid either singly or sometimes in pairs and were half-buried in sand with their sharp end pointing downwards which is hypothesized to have precluded egg turning (figure 2, [55]). Mongolian specimens also show eggs placed on their end within substrates either singly as in Argentina or in clutches, with two nests preserved with poorly intact adults atop [33,50]. ...
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The evolution of nest site use and nest architecture in the non-avian ancestors of birds remains poorly understood because nest structures do not preserve well as fossils. Nevertheless, the evidence suggests that the earliest dinosaurs probably buried eggs below ground and covered them with soil so that heat from the substrate fuelled embryo development, while some later dinosaurs laid partially exposed clutches where adults incubated them and protected them from predators and parasites. The nests of euornithine birds—the precursors to modern birds—were probably partially open and the neornithine birds—or modern birds—were probably the first to build fully exposed nests. The shift towards smaller, open cup nests has been accompanied by shifts in reproductive traits, with female birds having one functioning ovary in contrast to the two ovaries of crocodilians and many non-avian dinosaurs. The evolutionary trend among extant birds and their ancestors has been toward the evolution of greater cognitive abilities to construct in a wider diversity of sites and providing more care for significantly fewer, increasingly altricial, offspring. The highly derived passerines reflect this pattern with many species building small, architecturally complex nests in open sites and investing significant care into altricial young. This article is part of the theme issue ‘The evolutionary ecology of nests: a cross-taxon approach’.
... Upright eggs implanted within substrates also occur among the Enantiornithes, the dominant bird clade of the Cretaceous. In Argentina and Mongolia, some egg types occur singly with the acute end downwards and blunt face upwards, suggesting that these eggs may have simply been buried in substrates and left [38,39], an incubation mode similar to that of some burrow-nesting megapodes (e.g. maleo, Polynesian scrubfowl and Moluccan megapode) that provide no parental care for their eggs [40,41]. ...
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For most dinosaurs, clutches consisted of a single layer of spherical to sub-spherical, highly porous eggs that were probably fully buried. Both eggs and clutch form change drastically with pennaraptoran theropods, the clade that includes birds. Here, far less porous, more elongate eggs are arranged with additional complexity, and only partially buried. While partial egg burial seems to be effective for an extremely small group of modern birds, the behaviour's overall rarity complicates our understanding of Mesozoic analogies. Recent experimental examination of pennaraptoran nesting thermodynamics suggests that partial egg burial, combined with contact incubation, may be more efficacious than has been presumed. We propose that nest guarding behaviour by endothermic archosaurs may have led to an indirect form of contact incubation using metabolic energy to affect temperature change in a buried clutch through a barrier of sediment, which in turn may have selected for shallower clutch burial to increasingly benefit from adult-generated energy until partial egg exposure. Once partially exposed, continued selection pressure may have aided a transition to fully subaerial eggs. This hypothesis connects the presence of partially buried dinosaurian clutches with the transition from basal, crocodile-like nesting (buried clutches guarded by adults) to the dominant avian habit of contact incubating fully exposed eggs. This article is part of the theme issue ‘The evolutionary ecology of nests: a cross-taxon approach’.
... Several taxa have been named, consisting of a few elements or less (e.g., Enantiornis, Elbretornis, and Yungavolucris) (Chiappe, 1993;Walker and Dyke, 2010). The partial skeletons of the avisaurid enantiornithine Neuquenornis (Chiappe and Calvo, 1994) and the early-diverging ornithuromorph Patagopteryx (Alvarenga and Bonaparte, 1992) were found soon after in the Santonian Bajo de la Carpa Formation of central Argentina, which has also yielded nests with embryonic remains (Schweitzer et al., 2002;Fernández et al., 2013). Fragmentary enantiornithines have been reported in the Campanian Las Curtiembres Formation of northwestern Argentina (Intiornis) (Novas et al., 2010) and the Upper Cretaceous La Colonia Formation of southern Argentina (Lawver et al., 2011). ...
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An unabated surge of new and important discoveries continues to transform knowledge of pen-naraptoran biology and evolution amassed over the last 150+ years. This chapter summarizes progress made thus far in sampling the pennaraptoran fossil record of the Mesozoic and Paleocene and proposes priority areas of attention moving forward. Oviraptorosaurians are bizarre, nonparavian pennaraptorans first discovered in North America and Mongolia within Late Cretaceous rocks in the early 20th century. We now know that oviraptorosaurians also occupied the Early Cretaceous and their unquestionable fossil record is currently limited to Laurasia. Early Cretaceous material from China preserves feathers and other soft tissues and ingested remains including gastroliths and other stomach contents, while brooding specimens and age-structured, single-species accumulations from China and Mongolia provide spectacular behavioral insights. Less specialized early oviraptorosaurians like Incisivosaurus and Microvenator remain rare, and ancestral forms expected in the Late Jurassic are yet to be discovered, although some authors have suggested Epidexipteryx and possibly other scansoriopterygids may represent early-diverging oviraptorosaurians. Long-armed scansoriopterygids from the Middle-Late Jurassic of Laurasia are either early-diverging oviraptorosaurians or paravians, and some have considered them to be early-diverging avialans. Known from five (or possibly six) feathered specimens from China, only two mature individuals exist, representing these taxa. These taxa, Yi and Ambopteryx, preserve stylopod-supported wing membranes that are the only known alternative to the feathered, muscular wings that had been exclusively associated with dinosaurian flight. Thus, scansoriopterygid specimens-particularly those preserving soft tissue-remain a key priority for future specimen collection. Dromaeosaurids and troodontids were first discovered in North America and Mongolia in Late Cretaceous rocks. More recent discoveries show that these animals originated in the Late Jurassic, were strikingly feathered, lived across diverse climes and environments, and at least in the case of dromaeosaurids, attained a global distribution and the potential for aerial locomotion at small size.
... On the other hand, Mesozoic bird eggs also present an elongate shape with an acute and a blunt end. Fernández et al. (2013) described a large accumulation of avian eggs from the Late Cretaceous of Patagonia and discussed possible air cells in their blunt end without providing further evidence. In conclusion, to date, an air cell has not been confirmed for any non-avian dinosaur egg, and its presence can only be inferred phylogenetically in fossil Neornithes eggs. ...
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Among all of the dinosaurs, the Late Cretaceous oviraptorosaurs, in addition to troodontid dinosaurs, boast the best fossil records ranging from numerous eggs and embryos, seven clutch–adult associations, highly organized egg clutches, two gravid adults and possible colonial nesting grounds, to plenty of species described from skeletons from East Asia. These well-preserved fossils provided insights into the reproductive biology, ecology, behaviour and developmental biology of oviraptorid dinosaurs, contributing to several groundbreaking palaeontological discoveries in the last decade. Some of them received further support, while the others remain controversial, indicating that a comprehensive, rigorous re-examination using all available evidence is required. In a recent review, oviraptorosaurs were considered as an intermediate stage in moving towards the modern avian reproduction, whose reproductive biology can be inferred based on the avian model. With the new insights generated from the shell histology of several embryo-containing eggs and evidence from previous studies, this study offers a synthetic view of the reproductive biology of the Late Cretaceous oviraptorosaurs, illuminating the peculiar reproductive biology of oviraptorosaurs. In conclusion, oviraptorosaurs had an essentially unique reproductive biology lacking modern analogies. Thus, simply applying either avian or reptilian models to infer the biology of extinct animals appears inappropriate in the case of oviraptorosaurs.
... Prof. Juan A. Olsacher" de Zapala. (Schweitzer et al., 2002;Fernández et al., 2013). ...
The Neuquén Basin, located at the foothills of the Central Andes of Argentina, with superb and extended exposures is a natural laboratory. It is important not only for its continuous sedimentary record and superb palaeontological biota but also for its significant economic hydrocarbon resources. This synthesis is intended to provide an update only on the Cretaceous timespan in the basin development. It is characterized by a succession of sedimentary rocks that were deposited in different environments over time, interspersed with volcanic rocks associated with an active volcanic arc. High-precision geochronology dating on the tuffs establishes robust chronological ages to constrain the different stages. As this brief review only shows a fragment of the information presently available, an effort has been made to compile a comprehensive and up-to-date bibliography to compensate for the brevity of the text.
Archaeopteryx lived about 155 million years ago and was a descendent of a long line of dinosaur and theropod ancestors. In this chapter, I review current ideas about the evolution of birds and discuss in detail how dinosaurs eventually gave rise to birds and why birds are considered to be dinosaurs. Over millions of years of dinosaur and theropod evolution, body sizes declined and limb lengths changed and theropods became more bird-like. Factors that likely contributed to such changes are described in detail. How and why, during the evolution of birds, natural selection might have favored changes in digestive systems, including the loss of teeth, and reproductive systems is also explained. Information about the first birds, including Archaeopteryx, jeholornithids, confuciusornithids, sapeornithids, enantiornithids, and ornithuromorphs, is provided. Possible reasons why the ancestors of present-day birds survived the end-Cretaceous extinction event are also provided. Finally, I describe how birds quickly diversified after that extinction event and ultimately gave rise to the thousands of species of present-day birds.
With few exceptions, birds lay their eggs in nests and the young of many species spend variable amounts of time in nests before fledging. After discussing the evolution of nests, the various potential functions of nests are explained, including structural support, protection, providing suitable microclimates, and serving as phenotypic signals. Relationships between the characteristics of nest sites and nest predation are also discussed. The different types of nests constructed by birds are described, including scrape nests, open-cup nests, adherent nests, and cavity nests among others. The materials used by birds in nest construction are explained as is the extent to which nest building is an innate behavior, learned behavior, or both. The roles of females and males in nest construction vary among species and factors contributing to such differences are discussed. The costs of nest construction, both in terms of time and energy, are also described. Given those costs, the extent to which cavity-nesting species construct new cavities or reuse cavities is discussed. A wide variety of arthropods and other organisms can be found in nests and their potential effects on adults and young are discussed.
Enantiornithes were the dominant avialan clade in the Mesozoic. However, their record for the Upper Cretaceous is scarce. In this study, we present and describe Yatenavis ieujensis gen. et sp. nov., one of the youngest occurrence of an enantiornithine bird. The specimen, the distal half of a right humerus, was found in Chorrillo Formation, southern Santa Cruz Province of Argentina, making it also the australmost enantiornithine specimen recorded to date. Yatenavis is unique among enantiornithines for its combination of characters, including a crest on the medial side of the shaft which bears a muscular scar cranially; the presence of a dorsal supracondylar process proximal to the dorsal epicondyle; equally distally projected dorsal and ventral condyles; and a rod-like caudal extension of the ventral condyle bearing a distal sulcus scapulotricipitalis. Several of these features are shared with an unnamed enantiornithine recovered from Upper Cretaceous beds in another fossil site in Patagonia.
This is the first scientific review of all factors affecting incubation in avian nests. These range from nest construction, egg characteristics and patterns of embryonic development. There is an extensive section describing incubation behaviour of parents and embryos, and there are chapters reviewing brood patch physiology and the various factors determining the incubation environment, including nest microbiology. Another section provides chapters giving detailed descriptions of examples of unusual aspects of avian incubation, whilst the final section provides consideration of the ecological, energetic and fitness cost of incubation. Written by authorities in their respective fields from around the world, this provides a comprehensive review of this critical aspect of avian reproduction. Much of the data included has not been previously published, and so Avian Incubation is not only an extensive reference text but is also a valuable contribution to our basic understanding of incubation.
The book covers the evolution, biology and natural history of the group of flightless birds that includes ostriches, emus, cassowaries and kiwis - the Ratites and their relatives, the Tinamous. It reviews the scientific studies that have been made of their ecology, behaviour, physiology, husbandary, evolution, mythology and conservation. Each of the 55 species is described in detail, with maps of the present known distribution, accounts their food and nesting habits, calls, field identification, habitat and relationship with humans, including farming. It is the first such comprehensive account of the groups since 1877, and the first to bring together comprehensive information about the tinamous, little known birds of the America. It reviews the long debated subject of the evolution of these groups, highlighting new evidence that has turned many old theories on their head. Both the interested amateur and the professional should find it rewarding to read.
Virtually all paleontologic and historical geologic interpretations require information on the time resolution of individual samples. For relatively broad segments of the record such as facies tracts and entire basins, a variety of approaches can be used to determine the relative and absolute duration of a “sample”. For finer subdivisions, however, such as individual beds and assemblages that are within the error-bars of radiometric dates or within the span of a biostratigraphic zone, estimating elapsed time per unit becomes far more difficult. Assessing time at this scale is important, however, because this is the usual sampling interval for autecologic, synecologic, morphometric, and species-level biostratigraphic and evolutionary studies.
The conductance of water vapor and respiratory gases by diffusion through the eggshells of Upper Cretaceous dinosaurs has been estimated from measurements of shell and pore geometry in fossil specimens. When compared to recent reptile and bird eggs for which nest environments are known, the highly porous eggshells of three dinosaur species indicate that the dinosaur nests were high in humidity and probably low in oxygen and high in carbon dioxide. Such conditions most likely occurred underground or within an incubation mound. By isolating the eggs from the atmosphere, however, some large sauropods may have been forced to limit their clutch size to numbers small enough to prevent depletion of oxygen and elevation of carbon dioxide to intolerable levels in the nest. Fossil evidence supports this and suggests that one sauropod actually divided her large eggs into several clutches. Each small clutch probably had a metabolic rate similar to those of clutches produced by recent reptiles and mound nesting birds.