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Elements of sustainable agriculture


Abstract and Figures

A nearly infinite number of dimensions must be considered if productivity of an agroecosystem is to be sustained indefinitely. In many cases, the most limiting element may determine the future sustainability of the system and set the context in which management decisions, including those involving nematodes, must be made. Some examples of critical elements that may change over time include human population size, water, fossil fuel energy, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, salinity, economics, and amount of cropland. The implications of these factors in future nematode management strategies are discussed briefly. The multiple dimensions affecting the sustainability of an agroecosystem parallel the dimensions of the ecological niches of the organisms involved, but include a number of human-imposed dimensions (political, social, economic, and management practices) as well. A variety of complex problems, some with conflicting solutions, must be addressed in the planning and design of agroecosystems sustainable for future generations.
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R. McSorley, and D. L. Porazinska
Department of Entomology and Nematology, P.O. Box 110620, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
32611-0620 and Natural Resource Ecology Lab, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO 80523,
McSorley, R., and D. L. Porazinska. 2001. Elements of sustainable agriculture. Nematropica 31:1-9.
A nearly infinite number of dimensions must be considered if productivity of an agroecosystem is
to be sustained indefinitely. In many cases, the most limiting element may determine the future sus-
tainability of the system and set the context in which management decisions, including those involv-
ing nematodes, must be made. Some examples of critical elements that may change over time include
human population size, water, fossil fuel energy, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, salinity, economics, and
amount of cropland. The implications of these factors in future nematode management strategies are
discussed briefly. The multiple dimensions affecting the sustainability of an agroecosystem parallel
the dimensions of the ecological niches of the organisms involved, but include a number of human-
imposed dimensions (political, social, economic, and management practices) as well. A variety of
complex problems, some with conflicting solutions, must be addressed in the planning and design of
agroecosystems sustainable for future generations.
Key words
: agroecosystem, ecological niche, nematode, nematode management, sustainability, sus-
tainable agriculture.
McSorley, R., and D. L. Porazinska. 2001. Elementos de la agricultura sustentable. Nematrópica 31:1-9.
Un número casi infinito de medidas deben ser consideradas para que la productividad de un
agroecosistema se sostenga idefinidamente. En muchos casos, el elemento más limitante puede de-
terminar la futura sustentabilidad del sistema y establecer el contexto en el cual se deben tomar de-
cisiones sobre manejo incluyedo aquellas relacionadas con nematodos. Entre algunos ejemplos de
elementos criticos que pudieran cambiar a través del tiempo se encuentran: población humana,
agua, energia procedente de combustible fósil, nitrógeno, dioxido de carbono, salinidad, economía
y cantidad de tierra agrícola. Las implicaciones de estos factores en el futuro de las estrategias para
el control de nematodos se discuten brevemente. Las multiples dimensiones que afectan la sustenta-
bilidad de un agroecosistema van paralelas a las dimensiones de los nichos ecológicos de los organis-
mos que forman parte de él, también incluyen un número de medidas impuestas por el hombre
(politica, social, económica, y practicas de manejo). Una variedad de problemas complejos, algunos
con soluciones conflictivas que deben ser considerados en la planificación y diseño de agroecosiste-
mas sustentables para las generaciones futuras.
Palabras claves
: Agricultura sustentable, agroecosistema, manejo de nematodo, nicho ecológico, ne-
matodo, sustentabilidad.
Florida Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series No. R-07677. Symposium presented at XXXII Annual
Meeting of ONTA, Auburn, AL, April 16-20, 2000.
2 NEMATROPICA Vol. 31, No. 1, 2001
Although much emphasis has been
given to sustainable agriculture over the last
decade, the term has been variously defined
(Benbrook, 1990; 1991; Crews
et al.
, 1991;
Parr, 1991; Powers and McSorley, 2000).
Most current definitions emphasize mainte-
nance of ecosystem productivity and an ade-
quate food supply for all people,
preservation of environmental quality, and
conservation of nonrenewable resources
and biological diversity. Food safety, eco-
nomic, and social components are often
included. A time element is fundamental to
the concept of sustainability, due to the
dynamic nature of agroecosystems, and the
most credible systems are those which are
intergenerational or maintained for an even
longer time period (Christensen
et al.
, 1996;
Ellis and Wang, 1997). Systems cease to be
sustainable when a resource is depleted,
when unacceptable levels of pollution or
other environmental problems occur, or
when practices to maintain them are no
longer economically or socially acceptable.
While a sustainable agroecosystem is a
desirable goal, achieving this ideal can be
difficult, since so many elements affect the
function and integrity of agroecosystems. A
few of the more critical elements with
potential to affect many agroecosystems are
discussed below. Central to all sustainable
systems is the issue of time. Sustainability is
not a one-year, two-year, or short-term goal;
success is measured over generations or
even centuries. However, even within the
next few decades, several critical elements
may show important changes that may have
possible implications in agriculture and
therefore in nematode management.
World Population
. The human popula-
tion has been growing at an exponential
pace, passing 4 billion in the mid-1970s
and 6 billion in 1999. Various forecasts
project a population size of about 8.5 bil-
lion in 2025 (Powers and McSorley, 2000;
Spedding, 1996; World Resources Insti-
tute, 1994). A population size of 8 billion
represents an increase of 33% over the 6
billion present in 1999, and therefore
should demand a corresponding 33%
increase in food supply over current levels.
Note that sustainability does not imply
maintenance of present-day production lev-
els. For food supply per capita to remain
level, projected population increases over
the next two decades require that agricul-
tural production must increase greatly or
distribution of food must greatly improve.
One method of increasing production
is by limiting losses to nematodes, insects,
weeds, and plant pathogens. A world sur-
vey (Sasser and Freckman, 1987) estimated
annual losses of 10.7% to nematodes on 20
life-sustaining crops. Recent estimates
(Koenning et al., 1999) of losses to nema-
todes in the United States are somewhat
lower (<5% on most crops) but still repre-
sent a substantial amount of production.
and Temperature
. The annual
increases in atmospheric CO
tions have been well documented since the
late 1950s (Keeling and Whorf, 1994).
Trends in temperature increases antici-
pated from global warming are less clear,
with an increase of 0.5
C reported during
the 30 years prior to 1993 (Wilson and
Hansen, 1994). The warmest years of the
20th century occurred during its last two
decades (Brown, 1997).
Temperature increases of 1.0
C or
C would have predictable effects in
shortening the life cycles of nematodes
such as
Meloidogyne incognita
(Table 1).
Under these scenarios, a temperature
increase of 2.75
C would reduce the gener-
ation time by 15% (assuming 25
C initial
temperature) to 22% (assuming 20
C ini-
Elements of sustainable agriculture: McSorley, Porazinska 3
tial temperature). Such changes would
result in more generations per year as well
as more rapid development to reproduc-
tive stages. Increases in mean tempera-
tures could also be expected to result in
changes in the geographic ranges of some
plant-parasitic nematodes and their hosts.
In the Northern Hemisphere, the ranges
of species like
M. incognita
may expand northward, while
ranges of nematodes preferring cooler cli-
mates (e.g.,
M. hapla, Globodera pallida
might contract. Based on proposed distri-
bution maps for root-knot nematodes
(Taylor and Sasser, 1978), an increase of
C would be predicted to result in a
northward shift of about 150 km for
M. incognita
M. javanica
in the eastern
United States. In addition to the increased
potential for nematode damage resulting
from range changes or more rapid genera-
tion times, higher temperatures may
reduce the expression of nematode resis-
tance in some crops (Dropkin, 1969;
et al.
, 1997). Increased potential
for nematode damage may be partially off-
set by increased plant growth rates and
increased activity of nematode antagonists.
A major concern is that climate change
may lead to disruption of weather and tem-
perature patterns, leading to problems in
crop production as well (Brown, 1997).
In addition, temperature change may
alter activity rates of nematodes and other
organisms involved in the decomposition
process, increasing decomposition rates
and the availability of nutrients from
organic sources. Carbon sequestration is
proposed as a strategy for moving some of
the atmospheric CO
into crop biomass
and soil organic matter (Lal
et al.
, 1999). If
this strategy is pursued, the increased soil
organic matter could be expected to stimu-
late soil food webs. Because of such trends,
future changes in soil organic matter and
soil food webs are difficult to anticipate;
organic matter may increase from carbon
sequestration, but its removal may be
accelerated by increased decomposition
The amount of land under irriga-
tion has increased greatly during the sec-
ond half of the 20th century (Brown,
1997). Agricultural demands for irrigation
water have resulted in lowering of water
tables, reduction in flow of rivers, reduc-
tion of size in lakes and ponds, and other
supply problems (Brown, 1997; Powers
and McSorley, 2000). Conservation of the
freshwater supply is essential for a sustain-
able agricultural system, and will likely
require a variety of practices such as recy-
cling of water, efficient irrigation practices,
optimum timing of irrigation, mulches,
conservation tillage, and optimum man-
agement of watersheds and recharge areas.
Nematodes, particularly those infecting
roots, can further increase water stress on
plants (Wilcox-Lee and Loria, 1987). On
the other hand, use of mulches or other
practices that retain soil moisture may help
improve crop tolerance to nematodes
(McSorley and Gallaher, 1995). Conserva-
tion tillage, while important for erosion
Table 1. Time required for
Meloidogyne incognita
reach second generation
under various temperature
change scenarios, based on initial temperatures of
C or 25
Time (days)
C initial
C initial
C 50.0
C 45.4 31.2
C 39.2 28.2
Second-stage juvenile to second-stage juvenile.
Assume 500 degree days (above 10
C base) for com-
plete generation, based on data from Sydenham
et al.
(1997) for
M. incognita
on ‘Black Valentine’ bean.
4 NEMATROPICA Vol. 31, No. 1, 2001
and water management, does not appear
to impact plant-parasitic nematodes in a
consistent manner (McSorley, 1998; Minton,
1986). Conservation tillage and other prac-
tices that conserve or add soil organic mat-
ter may stimulate certain groups of nema-
todes involved in decomposition (Fu
et al.
Fossil Fuels
. Petroleum, coal, and natu-
ral gas are finite resources subject to deple-
tion. Although petroleum consumption
has escalated in recent decades, new dis-
coveries have kept reserves constant at a
40-50 year supply (World Resources Insti-
tute, 1996). However, assuming that a 33%
increase in world population corresponds
to a 33% increase in petroleum consump-
tion, a 50-year petroleum reserve would
become a 37.5-year reserve. An increase in
the per capita consumption of petroleum
or a failure in the ability of new discoveries
to keep pace with consumption would lead
to a more rapid depletion of known
reserves. Limitations in availability of
petroleum and other fossil fuels would
increase cost or limit many nematicides,
insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or fer-
tilizers that are derived from fossil fuels or
require energy from fossil fuels for their
production or for their application.
. Currently, much of the energy
input to agricultural systems is derived from
fossil fuels. The production of many sys-
tems increases with the amount of energy
supplied (Pimentel and Dazhong, 1990;
Powers and McSorley, 2000; Tivy, 1992).
However, the efficiency of agricultural pro-
duction tends to decrease as energy inputs
increase. For instance, corn yield in the
United States in 1980 was nearly 3.5 times
that in 1920, when energy input was only
12.5% of the 1980 level (Pimentel and
Dazhong, 1990). While there was a great
increase in overall production during that
60-year period, it was accompanied by a
decrease in the efficiency of energy use.
One of the greatest challenges in establish-
ing sustainable systems is to maintain cur-
rent high production levels while increasing
energy use efficiency and using less energy
or renewable energy sources.
. In many agricultural systems,
the greatest single energy input is for syn-
thetic nitrogen fertilizers (Pimentel and
Burgess, 1980). The high energy required
for manufacture of synthetic fertilizers is
currently obtained from fossil fuels, so any
future limitations in fossil fuels would
affect synthetic fertilizers as well. Under
such scenarios, nitrogen conservation is
essential, with increased emphasis on recy-
cling of nitrogen and reduction of losses,
and on the use of organic amendments
and nitrogen fixation by legumes and
green manures as primary nitrogen sources.
Overall, the effect of organic amend-
ments on plant-parasitic nematodes is vari-
able and inconsistent, but some materials
may have potential in this area (McSorley,
1998; McSorley and Duncan, 1995; Muller
and Gooch, 1982; Rodriguez-Kabana, 1986;
Stirling, 1991). Many of them help to
improve plant performance, regardless of
their effects on nematodes. Widespread
planting and use of legumes may be
required to meet future nitrogen demands.
However, research is needed to maximize
the efficiency of previous legume cover
crops or legume hays in meeting nitrogen
needs of subsequent crops in cropping sys-
tems (Giller and Wilson, 1991; Peoples
et al.
1995; Power 1990; Powers and McSorley,
2000). Whether or not the inclusion of more
legumes in cropping systems would increase
nematode problems depends on the nema-
todes and cropping systems involved. In the
southeastern United States,
often build up more readily on legumes
than on non-legume cover crops, and so
nematode-resistant legumes may be particu-
larly desirable for such systems (McSorley,
1999; Weaver
et al.
, 1993, 1998).
Elements of sustainable agriculture: McSorley, Porazinska 5
. For a practice to be sustain-
able, it must be adopted and used by grow-
ers. Economics often provides the incent-
ive for adoption. In some cases, economic
goals may conflict with other elements of
sustainability, as for example, if a practice
useful for conservation of water or nutri-
ents is not profitable for a farmer (Porazin-
et al.
, 1998). Availability of inexpensive
synthetic nitrogen fertilizers is the main
reason that they are currently preferred
over organic fertilizers, and their use is
actually increasing for this reason (Robert-
son, 1997). This is in direct conflict with
the nitrogen and energy conservation
issues mentioned in previous sections, but
illustrates the overriding importance of eco-
nomics as a component of sustainability.
For a number of years, it has been rec-
ognized that the use of methyl bromide for
nematode management is not sustainable
due to environmental concerns and regula-
tion (McSorley
et al.
, 1985; Noling and
Becker, 1994). Yet in many systems, nemati-
cides derived from fossil fuels are preferred
over non-chemical alternatives because of
their efficacy and profitability. Non-chemi-
cal alternatives will be acceptable if effective
and profitable (Chellemi
et al.
, 1997), and
so an important challenge is to improve the
efficacy and profitability of sustainable
methods for nematode management.
Pollutants and Contaminants
. Systems
are not sustainable if hazardous materials
are produced or accumulated over time.
These may include objectionable concen-
trations of heavy metals, pesticide residues
or other toxic chemicals, fertilizer elements,
or other materials applied in excess,
although historically salts have probably
been the most destructive contaminants of
agricultural land. Salinization, a problem
since ancient times, continues to render
land unsuitable for production at a rate of
about 1.5-2.5 million ha per year, largely a
result of poor irrigation practices (Gard-
ner, 1997). Effects of salt and other con-
taminants on nematodes vary. For
example, salinity decreased population
densities of
Rotylenchulus reniformis
and Heilman, 1971) but stimulated
chulus semipenetrans
under some conditions
et al.
, 1992).
. If the world supply of crop-
land remained constant, the 0.25 ha per
person available to the 6 billion people
today would decline to 0.19 ha per person
with a population of 8 billion (Powers and
McSorley, 2000). Globally, cropland is ex-
panding slightly, with losses from erosion,
urbanization, and salinization more than
offset by conversion of forests, other natu-
ral areas, and grasslands (World Resources
Institute, 1996). Habitat destruction is the
main reason for loss of biodiversity (Collins
and Qualset, 1999), and negative effects
apply to soil ecosystems as well (Neher and
Barbercheck, 1999). However, fewer prob-
lems with plant-parasitic nematodes may
be expected on new land than on land
cropped continuously to food crops. Like-
wise, if pasture land is converted to food
crops, problems with some plant-parasitic
nematodes may be limited if the pasture
grass was a poor host. For example, it is
known that some pasture grasses, such as
bahiagrass (
Paspalum notatum
), are favor-
able rotation crops for managing
spp. and
Heterodera glycines
, 1998).
An agroecosystem requires many differ-
ent resource inputs that may result in many
potential environmental impacts. When
present in excessive or insufficient
amounts, any of these inputs or outputs has
the potential to render a system unsustain-
able. There is a useful parallel between the
components of agricultural sustainability
6 NEMATROPICA Vol. 31, No. 1, 2001
and those included in the concept of the
ecological niche. In a most general sense,
the ecological niche refers to all of those
factors that affect the occurrence of an
organism in a particular place (Begon
et al.
1990; Odum, 1983). Because these factors
are so numerous, the
-dimensional nature
approaches infinity) of the niche
was recognized (Hutchinson, 1957).
Similarly, the components of agricul-
tural sustainability have
These include physical resources such as
water, light, land, or various nutrients,
which must be maintained at sufficient lev-
els to sustain a system. As with physical
niche dimensions in ecology (Begon
et al.
1990; Hutchinson, 1957), inadequate or
excessive levels of these elements would
limit the sustainability of a system (Fig. 1).
Excessive levels of pollutants may be partic-
ularly limiting. But the
dimensions of
agricultural sustainability encompass much
more than these physical factors. Some
dimensions of sustainable agriculture are
biological, such as population levels of a
non-target species (e.g., a beneficial insect,
free-living nematodes), or numbers of spe-
cies (biodiversity) in a region. Economic,
political, and social dimensions may be
included as well. Regardless of the magni-
tude of
, the great number of potential
interactions among so many factors limits
our ability to predict an outcome based
on information about individual factors
obtained under controlled conditions.
In ecological niche theory, the niche
dimension that is most limiting will dictate
the occurrence of an organism in a partic-
ular habitat. A similar law of the minimum
applies to the sustainability of agroecosys-
tems. Even if most dimensions are suffi-
cient, an agroecosystem may become
unsustainable if any one resource runs out
or if the level of some negative dimension
is reached or exceeded. Thus, defining sus-
tainability is a difficult goal because all ele-
ments (
dimensions) must be considered,
or the definition is limited! Operationally,
it may be convenient and necessary to limit
the definition, and therefore some of the
more critical elements were emphasized
here. But there is a possibility that some
unmeasured dimension or interaction may
eventually lead to an unsustainable system.
Due to the multitude of elements
involved and potential conflicts among
them, developing, or even defining, a sus-
tainable agroecosystem is not a simple task.
Much detailed specific information is
needed for the planning of sustainable sys-
tems. All agroecosystems are different, so
further clarification of objectives and defi-
nition of measurable tolerance limits are
needed to define a specific sustainable sys-
tem. Clear answers to the following ques-
tions are required:
What is to be sustained?
(People, endan-
gered species, specific resources, a spe-
cific level of production, a particular
lifestyle, or all of these?)
Fig. 1. Relationship between ecosystem health and nu
trient concentration, for a nutrient showing a relative
ly normal distribution. An optimum nutrien
concentration exists for which sustainability of the sys
tem is possible. If the nutrient level is inadequate, pro
duction will be insufficient to sustain the system, while
if the level is excessive, pollution may affect ecosystem
Elements of sustainable agriculture: McSorley, Porazinska 7
At what level?
(Population size, desired
resource level, how many species?)
For how long?
(One season, five years, a gen-
eration, 100 years?)
What is the size and location of the system?
single field, a farm, a region, a country,
the world?)
What are the limits of each dimension?
able levels of each dimension, measur-
able definitions of pollution?)
How does the system fit into the landscape?
(Interactions with other ecosystems,
fate of inputs and outputs?)
Much research will be needed to define
the limits of the various dimensions and to
develop practices that maintain them. In
addition, the dynamic nature of the agro-
ecosystem and changes in dimensions over
a long time scale must always be consid-
ered. Economic factors and social trends
are particularly subject to market and tem-
poral fluctuations, and there is some ques-
tion about whether those should be
included as components of sustainability
et al.
, 1991). When economic
dimensions are included, it is critical that
they reflect real and long-term values, not
short-term profits resulting from legisla-
tion, subsidies, or temporary oversupply
(Duncan and Noling, 1998). Even though
environmental sustainability is a prerequi-
site for social and economic sustainability
(Goodland and Daly, 1996), realistic and
accurate economic and social dimensions
should be included in agricultural sustain-
ability because exclusion of these factors
may result in an unrealistic system that will
not be adopted or sustained.
Definition and design of sustainable
agroecosystems are difficult issues because
of the many elements or dimensions
involved. Also, no agroecosystem by itself is
100% sustainable since some harvested
product is usually removed from the agroec-
osystem. Therefore, the sustainability of any
agroecosystem is interdependent with that
of urban and natural systems, and so true
sustainability may not be possible except in
a sustainable biosphere or universe. How-
ever, the recognition and definitions of the
elements of sustainable agriculture can pro-
vide goals to aspire to or approach in devel-
oping “more sustainable” systems.
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Received: Accepted for publication:
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... Sulfur may severely limit crop yield and impair the quality of agricultural products. However, increasing freight and spreading costs have focused attention on fertilizer manufacturers to produce products with high nutrient density (Till 2010). ...
... The major S-fertilizer sources are ammonium sulfate (AS, 24% S), gypsum (18% S), single superphosphate (SSP, 12% S) and elemental sulfur (ES, 100% S) (Till 2010;Tisdale 1993). Most S containing fertilizers have plant-available sulfates incorporated during the manufacturing processes (Khurana et al. 2008). ...
As single superphosphate availability decreases due to closure of aging manufacturing plants increasing attention is being paid to alternative phosphorus (P) and sulfur (S) sources. This glasshouse study, conducted under non-leaching conditions was undertaken to evaluate the S supplying capacity of gypsum, S bentonite, elemental S (ES) and a range of P containing fertilizers and those where ES was added as a coating or incorporated. The magnitude of crop response in terms of shoot biomass to applied S fertilizer sources followed the order of sulfates > powdered ES > coated/incorporated ES > S/bentonite. These results indicate that fertilizers containing a mixture of sulfate and micronized ES (<75 µm), either incorporated within the granule or coated onto the fertilizer are agronomically effective. The results also suggest that local S coating of finished fertilizers is a feasible alternative to S incorporation undertaken at a central fertilizer plant.
... Per exemple, el gen Mi de resistència en tomàquet és actiu envers les espècies tropicals de Meloidogyne reduint significativament la taxa d'infecció i multiplicació del nematode (Sorribas et al., 2005;Tavalera et al., 2009), encara que el seu ús continuat facilita la selecció de poblacions virulentes capaces de superar o inhibir els mecanismes de defensa de la planta (Expósito et al., 2019;Giné i Sorribas, 2017;Verdejo-Lucas et al., 2009). Actualment, esta augmentant l'interès per l'ús de la biofumigació (Djian-Caporalino, 2019) i l'ús de cultius de cobertura durant o entre els cicles de cultiu comercials com a estratègies de control sostenible (Barker i Koenning, 1998;McSorley i Porazinska, 2001). S'han identificat una sèrie de cultius de cobertura per controlar les poblacions de nematodes alhora que ofereixen altres beneficis com ara: (i) millora l'estructura i la fertilitat del sòl, i en conseqüència augmenta la tolerància de la planta respecte el nematode, (ii) contribueix a una major diversitat microbiana del sòl, per tant, augmenten les possibilitats d'aparicions d'organismes antagonistes exercint el control biològic, (iii) alguns tenen potencial biofumigant, quan s'incorpora al sòl al final del seu cicle per desinfestar i controlar insectes, fongs, nematodes i males herbes (Morra i Kirkegaard, 2002), (iv) es poden usar com a cultius trampa, que permeten la infecció del nematode però dificulten el seu desenvolupament per compostos de la pròpia planta o per la eliminació del cultiu abans no es reprodueixi el nematode (Waisen et al., 2020) (Figura III). ...
Phytoparasitic nematodes cause high economic losses in crop production. Specifically, the genus Meloidogyne, the root-knot nematode (RKN), is the most damaging in the world. There is currently an urgent need to develop and implement new control methods that are effective and have a low impact on the environment and human and animal health. Faced with this problem, efficient and viable strategies to control them have been researched in recent years. This project presents as a possible control alternative the implementation of cover crops with biofumigant potential in order to determine which species and / or cultivars are most suitable to reduce the reproduction of Meloidogyne spp. To achieve this goal, the response of Sudanese Sorghum cv. Piper, the cultivars Moncayo and Nectar of Sorghum bicolor, Sorghum bicolor x Sorghum sudanense cv. Bovital, Brassica juncea cv. Scala, Brassica carinata cv. Eleven, Sinapis alba cv. Venice, and the Cordoba and Valencia cultivars of Raphanus sativus was assessed against a mixed population of M. arenaria, M. incognita and M. javanica, identified by PCR using SCAR markers. Four trials were performed, 3 on 200 cm3-pot capacity using a sterile mixture of sand and soil (3:1), and one on growth pouches. The pot trials consisted of inoculating 400 eggs or second-stage juveniles just after sowing or three weeks after sowing, respectively. For testing in growth pouches, the seeds were germinated in a petri dish and transferred to the growth pouche when the length of the root was approximately 2 cm. Plant were inoculated with 600 juveniles per plant when they grew up 5-6 cm. In all trials, the plants were kept in a growth chamber at 25ºC and 16: 8 h photoperiod for 6 or 9 weeks. In parallel with the growth pouches experiment, a histopathological study of each germplasm was performed 15 days after inoculating the plants with confocal laser microscopy and light sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) to determine if the nematode had induced the formation of giant cells and its appearance. The results indicated that, the nematode reproduced more in sorghum species and cultivars than in Brassica carinata, Brassica juncea and Raphanus sativus cultivars. Histopathological studies corroborated this information, showing the presence of giant cells in the most suitable hosts and the presence of second-stage juveniles without infecting the roots in the less suitable species.
... The results suggest that UA planners, practitioners, and policymakers should prioritize these common conditions while implementing policies and practices. The conditions include sustainable agriculture elements, mirroring the findings by McSorley and Porazinska (2001). ...
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Urban agriculture (UA) has been adopted as a strategy for food security in urban areas. This study identified the conditions for development of UA through a systematic review of UA case studies. It classified the enabling and constraining conditions within the three compositional elements of UA – necessity, ability, and opportunity – and determined the primary and secondary conditions for UA design by the country income group. The following conditions are required for both high-income and low/ middle-income countries: Motivation/public awareness; labour/human resources; policy and institutional infrastructure; social capital; and arable land and resources for farming. Agricultural education/training and research and technical development are needed for low and middle-income countries as the key secondary conditions. In high-income countries, a lack of farmers’ knowledge and urban development are the main challenges to UA implementation. Therefore, the research findings could be meaningful evidence for making decisions and designing UA policies for sustainable food production.
... There is increasing interest in the use of cover crops grown within or between cash crop cycles to improve sustainable agricultural systems in PPN management strategies (Barker and Koenning 1998;McSorley and Porazinska 2001). They are used as trap crops or through a biofumigation effect (Djian-Caporalino et al. 2005). ...
... There is increasing interest in the use of cover crops grown within or between cash crop cycles to improve sustainable agricultural systems in PPN management strategies (Barker and Koenning 1998;McSorley and Porazinska 2001). They are used as trap crops or through a biofumigation effect (Djian-Caporalino et al. 2005). ...
Plant-parasitic nematodes (PPNs) represent an important constraint for plant production worldwide. They are widely distributed around the world and are able to parasitize every plant species. Furthermore, the current restrictions on the use of chemical nematicides have increased the problems caused by PPNs, irrespective of the production system. Intensive vegetable production under protected cultivation is the system most vulnerable to PPN, especially to root-knot nematodes. Despite the high frequency of occurrence of root-knot nematodes, other PPN species occur in nematode communities, whose structure and composition are influenced by the plant species, the environmental conditions, the agronomical practices and the level of specificity of the control methods used to manage them. Integrated nematode management strategies must therefore be designed using a holistic approach that considers all the interactions between PPN species in the nematode communities, plant species and biotic and abiotic environmental conditions. The use of specific management tactics against a key PPN species only leads to changes of this species for others without solving the problem. Long-term studies that consider all of these complex relationships are therefore needed to manage the pathogenicity of the whole PPN community.
... The need for alternatives to nematicides has stimulated research focusing on sustainable tactics for management of plant parasitic nematodes (McSorley & Poranzinska, 2001). The addition of organic amendments, including animal wastes and leaf extracts, has been shown to have a suppressive effect on plant parasitic nematodes (Widner & Abawi, 2002;Salgado & Campos, 2003;Sundararaju & Kumar, 2003;Abubakar et al., 2004;Walker, 2004;Orisajo & Dongo, 2005;Orisajo & Fademi, 2005;Orisajo et al., 2007). ...
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This investigation was conducted to evaluate the effects of four organic soil amendments (cow dung, cocoa pod husk, poultry manure and wood ash) and carbofuran treatments on Meloidogyne incognita inducing root-knot disease of cacao seedlings. All soil treatments reduced the nematode population in soil and root of cacao seedlings compared to the control. Poultry manure, cow dung and cocoa pod husk accounted for a significant (p=0.05) increase in shoot-biomass production, plant height, stem girth and dry root weight, as compared to carbofuran treated plants and control, thereby exhibiting the most pronounced effect on plant growth and performance. The significance of these findings is discussed in relation to the use of organic amendments as a nematode disease control measures on cacao seedlings. Keywords : Organic amendments, Meloidogyne incognita , cacao seedlings, carbofuran IJOTAFS Vol. 1 (1) 2007: pp. 13-17
... The need for alternatives to nematicides has stimulated research focusing on sustainable tactics for management of plant parasitic nematodes (McSorley & Poranzinska, 2001). The addition of organic amendments, including animal wastes and leaf extracts, has been shown to have a suppressive effect on plant parasitic nematodes (Widner & Abawi, 2002;Salgado & Campos, 2003;Sundararaju & Kumar, 2003;Abubakar et al., 2004;Walker, 2004;Orisajo & Dongo, 2005;Orisajo & Fademi, 2005;Orisajo et al., 2007). ...
This chapter conducts empirical research aimed at determining the specifics of agriculture in developing countries. A unique sample of developing countries from different geographical regions of the world—i.e., countries with vivid and strong cultural differences—is formed. For different geographical regions of the world, the authors determine the vectors of sustainable development of agriculture. For this, based on the method of correlation analysis is used to determine the contribution of various potential vectors (digitalization of knowledge, digitalization of technologies, digitalization of economic practices based on IMD “World Digital Competitiveness Ranking 2020”, 2021) to the achievement of agriculture's sustainability in each designated geographical region of the world. As a result, the applied recommendations to increase agriculture's sustainability for each region of the world are suggested. A systemic view of the current problems of agriculture's sustainability in developing countries and the current level of this sustainability is formed.KeywordsAgricultureDeveloping countriesCultural differencesVectors of sustainable developmentDigitalizationInternational experienceJEL CodesO14O32Q01Q13Q17Q18
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The purpose of this paper is to measure and assess, in a comparative way, the efficiency of the Turkish agricultural sector with the OECD countries in the context of sustainability for the 1990-2005 periods. An empirical method is used to make the comparison, and hence, data envelopment analysis (DEA) is applied for 23 OECD countries including Turkey. The study shows that a limited number of OECD countries like Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Slovakia succeeded in making agricultural production efficiently from 1990 to 2005. Therefore, it can be proposed that the production structures of these countries are environment friendly thus allowing sustainability in their agricultural sectors with respect to other OECD countries. However, the picture does not seem so optimistic for Japan, Poland and Turkey since their efficiency performance decelerated recently. Therefore, in order to reach agricultural sustainability, Japan, Poland and Turkey should improve the efficiency level of their production process. Moreover, Turkey can be ranked within the worst performers among the 23 OECD countries in the context of sustainable agriculture. What is more alarming is the deterioration in the efficiency performance of the country from 1995 onwards. To reverse the ongoing trend, Turkey should radically change the current structure of its agricultural production. In this context, the heavy use of both labour and machinery should be reduced to minimum. Alternatively, the country may concentrate on the supply side of the economy without ignoring further declines in the greenhouse gas emissions.
The effect of tillage on parasitism of Heterodera glycines second-stage juvenile (J2) by the nematophagous fungi Hirsutella rhossiliensis and/or Hirsutella minnesotensis and on J2 population density was investigated at four sites in soybean-corn rotation and one site in soybean monoculture in Minnesota. Soil samples were taken at planting, in midseason, and at harvest in 2002, at planting, 1 and 2 months after planting, and at harvest in 2003, and 2 weeks and 2 months after planting, and at harvest in 2004. Heterodera glycines J2 were extracted, and the number and percentage of J2 parasitized by Hirsutella were determined. No significant differences in die percentages of parasitized J2 were observed between conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage (NT) at all sampling dates, except that the percentage of J2 parasitized in NT was significantly higher than in CT during the soybean-growing season in 2003 at one site in the soybean-corn annual rotation. The percentage of J2 parasitized by Hirsutella was higher in soybean fields than in corn fields, and the percentage of J2 parasitized in midseason was generally higher than that at planting and harvest. Growing a resistant soybean cultivar in the preceding year reduced the percentage of J2 parasitized by Hirsutella in the following season. Conventional tillage increased the mid-season J2 population density during 2002-2004 soybean-growing seasons as compared with NT at two of the five sites.
Energy is equally important to land, water, and human resources in U.S. crop production. In addition to human energy, sunlight and fossil energy are the primary energy resources utilized in agricultural production. Because all technologies employed in agriculture require energy resources, the measure of energy flow in crop production provides a good indicator of the technological changes that have taken place in this sector. Energy values (kilocalories) for various resources and activities remain constant, and this is a major advantage in assessing technological change in agriculture, in contrast to economic values that are continually changing depending on the relative supply and demand of various resources and services. Another advantage of using energy as a measure of change in agricultural technology is that it can help assess the substitution of different forms of energy for various practices, as well as the substitution of land, water, and labor resources for energy.
griculture, Ecosystems & Environment Volume 61, Issues 2-3 , February 1997, Pages 177-193 This Document Abstract Abstract + References ·Full Size Images PDF (1502 K) Actions Cited By Save as Citation Alert E-mail Article Export Citation Abstract Traditional agriculture in China's Tai Lake Region sustained high productivity for more than nine centuries. This article examines the ecological basis for this high long-term productivity in a historical context, with a focus on the role of nutrient limitation. From 1000 AD to the 1950s, agricultural technology remained basically unchanged, as did the yields of rice, wheat and other crops. Still, total grain production and net farm income increased over time, as a result of increased multiple cropping, expanded mulberry/silk production, and the intensified use of organic fertilizers. Without degrading soil resources, continuous intensive farm management supported the nutritional and other needs of the rural population, which grew to nearly ten people per hectare of cultivated land by the 1930s. Ecological limitations to human carrying capacity that seem apparent in the mid 1800s appear to have been overcome since the 1960s by chemical nitrogen subsidy of agroecosystems. Human populations are now nearly twice their traditional maximum, and the region remains one of the world's most productive agricultural regions thanks in part to heavy fertilizer applications that have changed nitrogen from a limiting nutrient to a potential source of pollution. Whether these high inputs and/or other agricultural technologies will continue to sustain food self-sufficiency for the region's farmers remains to be seen. The high long-term productivity of Tai Lake Region agroecosystems make them ideal for study of the ecological basis for sustainable agriculture. Author Keywords: Sustainable agriculture; Traditional agriculture; Wetland rice; Agriculture history; Nutrient cycling; Nitrogen limitation
In nature, any particular habitat contains animal and plant species which exist together in both time and space. Many of these species will interact with each other, for example when one species feeds on another or when two species compete for the same food or other resource. A group of species having a high degree of spatial and temporal concordance, and in which member species mutually interact to a greater or lesser extent, constitute a community (Askew and Shaw, 1986). The size and complexity of a community will depend upon how broadly that community is defined. For example, we could consider as a community the organisms which interact with each other within a particular area of woodland, the herbivore species which compete for a particular food plant or the complex of natural enemies associated with a particular prey or host species. Here, we are especially interested in communities of natural enemies, which are often surprisingly species-rich (Carroll and Risch, 1990; Hoffmeister and Vidal, 1994; Settle et al., 1996; Sunderland et al., 1997; Memmott et al., 2000).
After deploring the mystification of term "sustainability" and tendencies to conflate it with society's desiderata, we desegregate three types of sustainability: social, economic, and environmental. After clarifying these three linked and overlapping concepts, and construing them with "sustainable development," we distinguish quantitative throughput growth from qualitative development, and mention intergenerational equity and scarcity of natural capital that together lead to the definition "environmental sustainability" by the output/input rule i.e., keep wastes within assimilative capacities; harvest within regenerate capacities of renewable resources; deplete non-renewables at the rate at which renewable substitutes are developed. After distinguishing development from sustainability and from growth, the paper describes the concept of natural capital and uses the concept to present four alternative definitions of environmental sustainability. Next, the paper presents criteria for analyzing environmental sustainability and uses the Ehrlich-Holdren framework in which "Population," "Affluence" and "Technology" are examined separately. The paper then nuances the I = PAT identity and starts to disaggregate the components of sustainability into more dynamic formulations. The final section describes how one large development agency, the World Bank, is endeavoring to incorporate these new principles into its operations.