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Density of Saguinus inustus (Schwartz 1951) in the interfluvium of the Caquetá-Apaporis Rivers, Colombian Amazonia

  • Conservation International Colombia


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Neotropical Primates 14(3), December 2007
Schneider, E. C., Hunter, L. F. and Horwich, R. H. 1999.
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tistics for the Behavioral Sciences. McGraw-Hill, Boston.
Silver, S. C., Ostro, L. E. T., Yeager, C. P. and Horwich,
R. 1998. Feeding ecology of the black howler monkey
(Alouatta pigra) in northern Belize. Am. J. Primatol. 45:
Stevenson, P. R., Quinones, M. J. and Ahumada, J. A.
1998. Effects of fruit patch availability on feeding sub-
group size and spacing patterns in four primate species
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Strier, K. B. 1994. Brotherhoods among Atelins: Kinship,
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Strier, K. B. 1999. Why is female kin bonding so rare?
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Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Strier, K. B., Dib, L. T. and Figueira, J. E. C. 2002. Social
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D  sa g u i n u s i n u s t u s (S,
1951)   I   C–
A R, C A
Claudia Idaly Castillo-Ayala
Erwin Palacios
e Amazon bioregion is considered one of the highest bio-
diversity areas in the world. Primates are important com-
ponents of this biodiversity, and with 15 genera, 81 species
and 134 taxa, they are the most emblematic faunal group
of Amazonia (Mittermeier et al., 2002). Saguinus is per-
haps the most diverse of Neotropical primate genera, with
13–15 species and 33 recognized forms (Hershkovitz,
1977; Rylands et al., 2000). Defler (2003a) recognizes the
presence of six species of Saguinus in Colombia (40–46%
of the total species in the genus), three of them exclusively
distributed in the Colombian Amazon: S. fuscicollis (Spix,
1823), S. nigricollis (Spix, 1823), and S. inustus (Schwartz,
1951). Saguinus inustus, the mottled-face tamarin, is dis-
tributed in southeastern Colombia, west of the Andes,
between the Guayabero-Guaviare rivers and the Caquetá
River, and between the Mesay River and the border with
Brazil; however, accurate eastern and western boundar-
ies of its geographical range within the country are still
unknown (Defler, 2003a). e species is also present in
western Brazil, between the Rio Negro and the Colombian
Saguinus inustus is one of the least-studied species of
Neotropical primates; preliminary information on its ecol-
ogy (ranging and diet) comes from only two short studies
carried out near La Pedrera, at Comeyafú Indigenous Re-
serve, an interfluvial area between the Caquetá and Apapo-
ris rivers (Palacios et al., 2004; Defler, unpublished data),
and from occasional observations of foraging groups in
the Amanã Sustainable Development Reserve in Brazil (de
Souza et al., 2004). Here we present the first data on the
density of S. inustus. We collected this information during
a primate survey in the lower Caquetá River as part of a
larger effort started six years ago to document and monitor
the densities of primates and 15 other large vertebrate spe-
cies in eastern Colombian Amazonia (Palacios et al., 2003;
Palacios and Peres, 2005; Peres and Palacios, 2007).
Study area
Censuses were carried out in the interfluvial area between
the lower Caquetá and Apaporis Rivers, Amazonas, near
Loma Linda indigenous community (01°16'S, 69°44'W,
101 m a.s.l.; Fig. 1), Córdoba Indigenous Reserve. Prima-
ry terra firme and várzea forests represented the majority
of the forested matrix in the study site. An area of second-
ary terra firme forest (locally called rastrojo) located around
the indigenous settlement comprised a small proportion
of such matrix. ere were also patches of what is locally
known as savanna forest or varillal, which corresponds to
primary forest with a mean height of 17–18 m, and a very
sparse understory growing on rocky outcrops and white
sands; and another savanna type known as sabana capo-
tuda, with a mean canopy height of 8 m, deep soil litter
and a very dense understory with intermingled vines and
Linear transects
We used the line transect method (Burnham et al., 1980)
to estimate S. inustus densities. From a zero point lo-
cated ca. 100 m away from the community secondary
forest area, two transects (4.6 and 4.9 km long, oriented
40° NW and 40° NE respectively) were cut; they were
Neotropical Primates 14(3), December 2007 135
marked with flagging tape every 50 m to facilitate ac-
curate location of sightings. Transects were cut a month
before we started the censuses, so at the time of the study,
local fauna were already habituated to the transect paths.
e shortest transect crossed nearly 2 km of rastrojo,
1.1 km of varillal, and 1.5 km of primary terra firme ter-
race forest. e second transect crossed hilly primary
terra firme forest with sandy soils in the first half of its
length and clay soils in the second, as well as patches of
sabana capotuda.
Censuses were carried out during 10 days each month
between October 2005 and February 2006. Independent
observers walked the transects during days without rain at
a mean speed of 1.2 km/h, between 0630 and 1130 hrs.
Community members previously trained and able to accu-
rately detect and identify local primate species participated
in the surveys. Every time we encountered groups of S. in-
ustus, we recorded the date, time, number of individuals,
perpendicular distance from the transect, distance walked,
height and type of forest. After each encounter, a maxi-
mum of 15 minutes were spent to obtain accurate counts
of groups. Data were analyzed using DISTANCE 5.0 Beta
5 software (omas et al., 2005).
Results and Discussion
A total census effort of 380 km was achieved, during
which groups of S. inustus were sighted 33 times. Six ad-
ditional primate species are sympatric with S. inustus in
the lower Caquetá and Apaporis interfluvial area: Alouatta
seniculus, Aotus cf. vociferans, Callicebus torquatus, Cebus
albifrons, Cebus apella, and Saimiri sciureus. Although the
study site is included in the distribution range of Lago-
thrix lagothricha, this species was not recorded during the
survey period. People from Loma Linda said they have
never seen woolly monkeys in that area, and this is likely
to be a consequence of a long history of human settlement
and subsistence hunting in the region. L. lagothricha has
not been recorded recently in the lower interfluvium of
the Caquetá and Apaporis Rivers, east of the mouth of the
Mirití River (Palacios, pers. obs.), and the species is likely
to be locally extinct.
We estimated a S. inustus density of 3.8 groups / km²
and 19.6 individuals / km². Mean group size was 5.2 in-
dividuals (sd = 1.87). e mottled-face tamarin was one
of the primate species most frequently encountered after
C. torquatus and S. sciureus (Castillo-Ayala, in prep.).
Figure 1. e lower Caquetá region in Eastern Colombian Amazonia. Black square shows the area where censuses were carried out.
Neotropical Primates 14(3), December 2007
Mottled-faced tamarin density at Loma Linda is in the
range of that reported for other Saguinus species in nine
different localities in western Amazonia (Soini, 1981;
Freese et al., 1982; Pook and Pook, 1982; Terborgh, 1983;
Peres, 1997), but high compared with those reported for
S. fuscicollis at some sites in eastern Colombian Amazonia
(3.4–16.9 individuals / km²: Palacios et al., 2003; Palacios
y Peres, 2005; Palacios, unpublished data). In contrast,
S. fuscicollis densities in three other sites in eastern Co-
lombian Amazonia (Caño Arapa and Caño Esperanza,
Puré National Park, and Caño Curare) were much higher
(21.5, 26.5, and 30.3 individuals /km² respectively; Pala-
cios, unpubl. data) than those found for S. inustus at Loma
Linda. Mean group size is in the range recorded for other
species of Amazonian Saguinus; for example, S. fuscicol-
lis showed a group size range of two to eight individuals
(Freese, 1975; Soini, 1981; Janson and Terborgh, 1985).
During the first month of censuses, 75% of the S. inustus
sightings were in secondary forest, while in the second and
third months the situation reversed, with 70% and 62.5%
of the sightings in primary terra firme forest. During the
last month of surveys the proportion of sightings of the
species was similar for both types of forest (53.8% pri-
mary vs. 46.2% secondary). e preference for secondary
forest during the first month of surveys may be a result
of higher fruit availability of various species of Inga in the
rastrojos. e sweet arils of Inga have been noted as one of
the most consumed resources by the mottled-face tamarin
(Palacios et al., 2004). S. inustus may show resource use
patterns similar to other species of Saguinus; for example,
S. fuscicollis usually forages on one or a few species of plants
during consecutive days until no more fruits are available
(Defler, 2003a). is may be the case with Inga fruits; other
primates such as red howlers also concentrate their forag-
ing efforts in particular Inga fruit patches until crops are
depleted (Palacios, unpublished data).
Based on occasional observations, Defler (2003a) suggest-
ed the possibility that S. inustus could be more abundant
in secondary forests near indigenous settlements than in
primary forests. Snowdon and Soini (1988) reported that
some species of Saguinus, among them S. nigricollis, attain
higher densities in secondary forests. Palacios et al. (2004)
observed the presence of S. inustus in both types of forests;
Defler (2003a) believes that S. geoffroyi may have the same
habitat preferences, and that S. fuscicollis seems to be the spe-
cies of Saguinus with the more diverse habitat use, as this
species uses primary forests as well as highly disturbed ones.
S. inustus at the Caquetá–Apaporis interfluvium used an
approximately equal proportion of primary and secondary
forest (51.16% and 48.8% respectively). Fourteen percent of
the sightings of S. inustus in primary forest corresponded to
sabana capotuda habitat with characteristics that this species
usually prefers; in a different study related to the ecology of
the species, S. inustus regularly used portions of forest with
dense understory (Castillo-Ayala, unpublished data). Fur-
thermore, 85.7% of the encounters with groups of S. inustus
in secondary forest corresponded to rastrojo alto with a very
dense understory. ese preferences have been reported for
other species of Saguinus; for example, Emmons and Feer
(1999) mention that S. fuscicollis, S. nigricollis and S. bicolor
often can be seen in habitats with high densities of lianas.
is first density estimate of S. inustus provides important
data, but supplemental information from other areas of
the Caquetá–Apaporis interfluvium will be necessary in
order to assess the conservation status of the species in this
region. e forests around the community of Loma Linda
still offer appropriate habitats for the conservation of the
species, including secondary forests at different succes-
sional stages, and a large proportion of primary forest. e
forest matrix in the lower Caquetá and Apaporis interflu-
vium corresponds mainly to indigenous reserves (Palacios
et al., 2004), which support a large indigenous population
that is increasing due to high birth and immigration rates.
As a consequence, the need for new housing and croplands
will continue to increase, transforming significant areas of
primary forest. New surveys and ongoing studies on the
ecology of the mottled-face tamarin will contribute to a
better knowledge of its density in the Caquetá–Apaporis
interfluvium, and will provide more data to help determine
their forest type preferences, how they cope with habitat
transformation, and the conservation strategies that need
to be implemented with local communities to preserve this
interesting primate.
anks to Conservation International Colombia and the
Margot Marsh Biodiversity Foundation for funding the
field work. We also thank Angel Yucuna, chief of Loma
Linda indigenous community for facilitating logistical sup-
port. Nolberto Neira, Oscar Yucuna “Turí”, José Angel
Rodríguez Macuna, Jarviz Rodríguez, Elisban Rodríguez,
Benedicto Neira and Enesilda Yucuna helped in conduct-
ing the censuses.
Claudia Idaly Castillo-Ayala, Conservation International
Colombia, Cra. 13 No. 71 - 41, Bogotá, Colombia, e-mail:
<> and Erwin Palacios, Conservation
International – Colombia and Estación Biológica Caparú,
e-mail: <>.
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N O R  E
E   R  Ca l l i C e b u s
C i n e r a s C e n s (P, P)
Maurício de Almeida Noronha
Wilson Roberto Spironello
Dayse Campista Ferreira
Spix (1823) first described the ashy black titi monkey
(Callicebus cinerascens) from a male specimen assumed to
have been collected along the Rio Iça near the border with
Peru, in the state of Amazonas, Brazil. Van Roosmalen
and colleagues (2002) questioned the origin of this speci-
men, maintaining that as all subsequent records were for
the right bank of the Rio Madeira (Rylands, 1982; Her-
shkovitz, 1990; van Roosmalen et al., 2002), the type lo-
cality must be incorrect. During his taxonomic revision
of the genus Callicebus, Hershkovitz (1990) added three
valid localities for C. cinerascens, one on the right bank of
the Rio Aripuanã, and two on the right bank of the Rio
Roosevelt. Rylands (1982) observed the species along the
Full-text available
"Monogamy" and pair bonding have long been of interest to anthropologists and primatologists. Their study contributes to our knowledge of human evolutionary biology and social evolution without the cultural trappings associated with studying human societies directly. Here, we first provide an overview of theoretical considerations, followed by an evaluation of recent comparative studies of the evolution of "social monogamy"; we are left with serious doubts about the conclusions of these studies that stem from the often poor quality of the data used and an overreliance on secondary sources without vetting the data therein. We then describe our field research program on four "monogamous" platyrrhines (owl monkeys, titis, sakis, and tamarins), evaluate how well our data support various hypotheses proposed to explain "monogamy," and compare our data to those reported on the same genera in comparative studies. Overall, we found a distressing lack of agreement between the data used in comparative studies and data from the literature for the taxa that we work with. In the final section, we propose areas of research that deserve more attention. We stress the need for more high-quality natural history data, and we urge researchers to be cautious about the uncritical use of variables of uncertain internal validity. Overall, it is imperative that biological anthropologists establish and follow clear criteria for comparing and combining results from published studies and that researchers, reviewers, and editors alike comply with these standards to improve the transparency, reproducibility, and interpretability of causal inferences made in comparative studies.
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An understanding of the full diversity of the primates is vital for priority-setting for conservation purposes, both for captive breeding and in situ conservation measures. Here we provide a full, annotated listing of the Neotropical primate species and subspecies resulting from a workshop, “Primate Taxonomy for the New Millennium”, which brought together experts in primate taxonomy and biogeography, morphologists and geneticists. It was organized by the IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group (PSG) and held at the Disney Institute, Orlando, Florida, in February 2000. The list separates the Platyrrhini into five families (Callitrichidae, Cebidae, Aotidae, Pitheciidae and Atelidae), 18 genera (Cebuella, Mico, Callithrix, Saguinus, Leontopithecus, Callimico, Saimiri, Cebus, Aotus, Callicebus, Pithecia, Chiropotes, Cacajao, Alouatta, Ateles, Lagothrix, Oreonax and Brachyteles), 110 species, and 205 species and subspecies.
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This paper presents data from a standardized series of line-transect censuses on the species and subspecies composition, population density, and crude biomass of western Amazonian primate communities occurring at eight flooded (= vázea) and 12 unflooded (= terra firme) forests. These were located primarily along one of the largest white-water tributaries of the Amazon (= Solimōes), the Juruá river. On average, terra firme forests contained twice as many primate species, lower population densities, and less than half of the total community biomass than did adjacent várzea forests. There was a clear habitat-dependent positive association among primate species, particularly within várzea forests, as well as marked shifts in guild structure between forest types. Species turnover between these two forest types involved primarily understorey insectivores (e.g. Saguinus sp.), which do not occur in seasonally inundated forest. These were consistently replaced by squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sp.), which are extremely abundant in annually flooded várzea forests. Similarly, large-bodied folivores such as red howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus) were uncommon or rare in terra firme forests, but very abundant in várzea forests, even though they are hunted less intensively in the former than in the latter. This can be largely explained by the nutrient-rich alluvial soils of young floodplains, compared to the heavily weathered terra firme soils occurring even within short distances of major white-water rivers. This study clearly shows a reversed diversity/density pattern resulting from the lower species richness, but high overall community biomass of seasonally flooded Amazonian forests, which can now be generalized for a wide range of terrestrial vertebrate taxa, including amphibians, birds, and several other orders of mammals.
Hunting patterns and Vertebrate densities from indigenouns villages in southeastern Colombia
This paper examines differences in male affiliative associations and dominance relationships in atelin primates. Despite the occurrence of male philopatry in all three genera, male social relations varied considerably. The strength of male affiliations was attributed to differences in between group competition for access to groups of females, while the type of male dominance relationships was attributed to differences in within group competition for access to individual females. Female grouping patterns and the socionomic sex ratio appeared to be more important than group size in predicting the strength of between group competition and male affiliations. Male dominance over females appeared to be more important than estrus synchrony in predicting the type of within group competition and the presence of hierarchical or egalitarian relationships among males.