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Life-history of the parthenogenetic oonopid spider, Triaeris stenaspis (Araneae: Oonopidae)


Abstract and Figures

Selected life-history traits of an oonopid spider, Triaeris stenaspis Simon, which has been introduced into greenhouses in Europe, were investigated. Spiders were reared in the laboratory under constant physical and dietary conditions, and followed from egg to death. The spiders passed through 3 juvenile instars, each lasting approximately a month. The adult stage lasted on average 6 months, which is 54% of the entire life cycle. The mortality in each juvenile instar was similar. Five morphological characters were recorded for each instar, which provided a reliable means of identifying the developmental stages. All spiders developed into females and although kept isolated they laid fertile eggs, which indicates thelytokous parthenogenesis. Eggs were always enclosed in a disc-shaped egg-sac, each containing 2 eggs. Total fecundity was on average 27 eggs and rate of laying eggs decreased with age. Fecundity was positively correlated with adult longevity. Fertility was rather low, approximately 59%. It was negatively correlated with fecundity but not related to longevity. Low fertility appears to be the only cost of parthenogenetic reproduction. There was considerable genotypic variation in all traits studied compared to that in sexually reproducing spiders. There were no apparent maternal effects on all the traits studied. Using molecular methods proved that parthenogenesis in T. stenaspis is not induced by the endosymbiotic bacteria, Wolbachia sp. or Cardinium sp.
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Parthenogenesis is a rare phenomenon in the animal
kingdom. It has been frequently studied in insects (Suo-
malainen, 1962), but rarely in arachnids. Except for
mites, where it is rather common (Helle et al., 1980), it is
reported only for a few scorpions (Lourenço, 2002,
2008), harvestmen (Tsurusaki, 1986), schizomids (Red-
dell & Cokendolpher, 1995) and amblypygids (Weygoldt,
2007), but there is little reliable information. Of the more
than 40 000 species of spiders in the world (Platnick,
2008) only a few are parthenogenetic (Lake, 1986;
Deeleman-Reinhold, 1986; Gruber, 1990; Shimojana &
Nishihira, 2000; Edwards et al., 2003).
Parthenogenetic reproduction has long been considered
to be evolutionary short-lived (White, 1973). It is claimed
that the major disadvantage of asexual clones is their
inability to adapt to changes in the environment and resist
infections (Groot et al., 2005). There is a number of
asexual species that are, however, very successful. For
example, acaridid mites not only adapt to new hosts but
also develop resistence to acaricides (Campos & Omoto,
2002). Two alternative hypotheses are proposed to
explain how asexual populations can adapt to different
niches. The General Purpose Genotype model suggests
the existence of generalist clones that are ecologically tol-
erant throughout the entire species range (Lynch, 1984).
The Frozen Niche Variation model postulates that the
asexual species consists of many specialist clones, each
adapted to a particular niche (Vrijenhoek, 1979).
A species can benefit from parthenogenesis. Partheno-
genetic species are considered superior colonizers as they
are able to establish a new population in isolation and
away from their bisexual progenitors (Cuellar, 1977;
Lourenço, 2008). Parthenogenetic animals do not waste
eggs producing male progeny, have no mating costs and
possess a higher reproductive potential (White, 1973). All
of this can give rise to successful species expansion. For
example, recently a parthenogentic scorpion Tityus serru-
latus Lutz & Mello was introduced into Brazil, which dis-
placed a related bisexual species, Tityus fasciolatus
(Pessõa) (Lourenço, 2002).
There are several ways in which parthenogenesis can
evolve. Cytologically parthenogenesis can be apomictic
(ameiotic), automictic (meiotic) or generative (haploid)
(Suomalainen, 1962). Recently, it was discovered that the
latter type can be induced by maternally inherited endo-
symbiotic bacteria, such as Wolbachia and Cardinium.
These bacteria have been detected in many insects and
shown to affect their mode of reproduction (Weeks et al.,
2002; Zchori-Fein & Perlman, 2004). Very recently these
endosymbiotic bacteria have been detected in a number of
spider species (Goodacre et al., 2006), but their effect on
spider reproduction is unknown.
This study focused on an oonopid spider, Triaeris
stenaspis Simon, which was introduced into greenhouses
in central and western Europe (Korenko et al., 2007).
Oonopid spiders are rare in Europe, occuring mostly in
the tropics (Platnick, 2008). Little is known about the
natural history of these species (Burger et al., 2006) as
Eur. J. Entomol. 106: 217–223, 2009
ISSN 1210-5759 (print), 1802-8829 (online)
Life-history of the parthenogenetic oonopid spider, Triaeris stenaspis
(Araneae: Oonopidae)
Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Sciences, Masaryk University, KotláĜská 2, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic
Key words. Araneae, Oonopidae, Triaeris stenaspis, ontogeny, life cycle, development, fecundity, parthenogenesis, endosymbionts,
Abstract. Selected life-history traits of an oonopid spider, Triaeris stenaspis Simon, which has been introduced into greenhouses in
Europe, were investigated. Spiders were reared in the laboratory under constant physical and dietary conditions, and followed from
egg to death. The spiders passed through 3 juvenile instars, each lasting approximately a month. The adult stage lasted on average 6
months, which is 54% of the entire life cycle. The mortality in each juvenile instar was similar. Five morphological characters were
recorded for each instar, which provided a reliable means of identifying the developmental stages. All spiders developed into
females and although kept isolated they laid fertile eggs, which indicates thelytokous parthenogenesis. Eggs were always enclosed in
a disc-shaped egg-sac, each containing 2 eggs. Total fecundity was on average 27 eggs and rate of laying eggs decreased with age.
Fecundity was positively correlated with adult longevity. Fertility was rather low, approximately 59%. It was negatively correlated
with fecundity but not related to longevity. Low fertility appears to be the only cost of parthenogenetic reproduction. There was con-
siderable genotypic variation in all traits studied compared to that in sexually reproducing spiders. There were no apparent maternal
effects on all the traits studied. Using molecular methods proved that parthenogenesis in T. stenaspis is not induced by the endosym-
biotic bacteria, Wolbachia sp. or Cardinium sp.
* Corresponding author:
none of them has been subjected to a detailed study. T.
stenaspis was first described from the Caribbean island of
St. Vincent (Simon, 1891) and according to Platnick
(2008) is distributed from USA to Venezuela, including
the West Indies. Only females of this species are known
and Koponen (1997) suggested that it is parthenogenetic.
The aim of this study was to (1) investigate in detail the
life-history of T. stenaspis, (2) determine its mode of
reproduction, (3) reveal how its life-history traits are
affected by parthenogenesis, and (4) determine whether
parthenogenesis is caused by bacterial endosymbionts.
Development and reproduction
Adult females (N = 3) of T. stenaspis were collected from a
greenhouse in the Botanical Garden of the Masaryk University,
Brno, Czech Republic. These females laid several eggs from
which 68 spiderlings hatched. These were used in this study,
which lasted for 10 months. Spiderlings were placed singly in
cylindrical containers (diameter 35 mm, height 40 mm) with a
layer of plaster of Paris at the bottom. They were kept at room
temperature, 22 ± 3.5°C. The plaster was moistened every 10-
days. Spiders were fed a surplus of springtails (Sintela sp. and
Sinella curviseta Brook) every 5 days.
Our observations focused on the development after emer-
gence from the egg-sac, i.e. beginning with the first free instar.
Each spider was monitored until it died. For each individual the
number of moults, duration of individual instars and mortality
were recorded by checking the spiders at 1–5 day intervals. For
adults their longevity, time to oviposition, production of eggs
and their time to hatching were recorded. Fecundity was
expressed as the total number of eggs produced during a
female’s life and fertility as the proportion of eggs that hatched.
Morphological characters
For each instar the following parameters were measured: (1)
length of prosoma (along longest axis), (2) outer width of ante-
rior eye region, (3) length of tibia I, (4) number of ventral spines
on patella I, (5) number of ventral spines on tibia I and (6) the
number of abdominal scuta. All these parameters were assumed
to be stage specific. The number of spines is, for example, an
important character used in the identification of oonopid spiders
(Chickering, 1969). In addition the size of eggs and egg-sacs
(longest axis) were measured. All measurements were done
under a stereomicroscope, Olympus SZX9.
Statistical analyses were conducted within R environment (R
Development Team, 2007). The confidence intervals for predic-
tion of future measurements of prosoma length, anterior eye
region width and tibia length were estimated from a linear
model based on a normal distribution of the measurements. Sur-
vival was estimated by means of the Kaplan-Meier method
implemented within the survival package (Therneau & Lumley,
2007). Mortality for particular instars was compared using a
3-sample test for equality of proportions. As the variance of the
data was homogeneous the relationships between selected traits
were studied using linear regression (LM) with normal errors.
The temporal change in the rate of egg laying, production of
empty sacs and fertility was modelled using Generalised Least
Squares (GLS) in the nlme package (Pinheiro et al., 2006) in
order to test for autocorrelation in the data. If there was no auto-
correlation of the AR1 process, LM or Generalised Linear
Models with binomial errors (GLM) were used. For each trait a
coefficient of variation (CV) was used to estimate the
variability. CV was computed according to the standard formula
for the coefficient of variation multiplied by 100%. Maternal
effects were analysed either using ANOVA for continuous
measurements (e.g., duration of instars) or GLM with binomial
errors for proportions (fertility).
Ten individuals were screened for the presence of two endo-
symbionts using PCR with species-specific primers for Wolba-
chia and Cardinium. Spider DNA was extracted using the
Promega Wizard Genomic DNA Purification Kit according to
the manufacturer’s instruction. DNA was extracted from legs to
exclude the possibility of false-positive samples resulting from
ingested prey and decrease redundant inhibitors of PCR from
abdomen. The DNA quality was tested by amplification of
eukaryotic 18S rRNA gene using the universal primers NSF4/18
and NSF399/19 (Hendriks et al., 1989, 1991). Cardinium infec-
tions were detected using ChF (Zchori-Fein & Perlman, 2004)
and CLO-r1 (Gotoh et al., 2007) primers, and Wolbachia infec-
tions by 16Swolb76-99f and 16Swolb1012-994r primers
(O’Neill et al., 1992). The 20 µl PCR mix consisted of 30–50 ng
DNA, 1× PCR buffer, 1.5 U Taq DNA polymerase, 2.4 mM
MgCl2, 100 µM dNTP and 250 nM of each primer. Thermal
conditions for amplification of all PCRs were 94°C for 2 min
and 35 cycles of 94°C for 30 s, 54°C for 30 s and 72°C for 1
min, followed finally by 72°C for 5 min.
After leaving the egg-sac the spiderlings required 3
moults to reach maturity. The first instar lasted on
average 31.5 days (SD = 9.8, N = 51, CV = 31.1%), the
second 29.8 days (SD = 6.9, N = 37, CV = 23.2%) and
the third 24.5 days (SD = 5.3, N = 31, CV = 21.6%).
Thus the duration of juvenile instars decreased with age.
Average longevity of adults was 101 days (SD = 46.4, N
= 31, CV = 45.9%), with a maximum of 201 days. Lon-
gevity was not related to the duration of juvenile develop-
ment (LM, F1,29 = 0.01, P = 0.9). The total life-span (from
Fig. 1. Survival (—) of T. stenaspis (N = 69) from hatching to
adulthood. Dashed lines are the 95% confidence intervals. Ver-
tical dotted lines indicate the means of the times of moulting.
hatching to death) lasted on average 182 days (SD = 46.4,
N = 31) and generation time (from hatching to
egg-laying) was on average 97.5 days (SD = 9.4, N = 31).
For none of these traits was there a significant maternal
effect (ANOVA, P > 0.1).
Survival was similar in all juvenile stages (Proportion
test, F22 = 1.5, P = 0.48), ranging between 74 and 84%
(Fig. 1), and independent of the mother (Proportion test,
F22 = 0.6, P = 0.74).
Morphological characters
The size of the prosoma, tibia I and anterior eye region
increased with the stage (Table 1). The 95% CI for pre-
dictions of length of tibia do not overlap between subse-
quent instars. The number of spines differed between
stages. In the first instar there were 2 pairs of ventral
spines on patella I and 3 pairs on tibia I, in later instars
there were 3 and 5 pairs of spines, respectively (Table 1).
All juvenile instars were pale in colour and their colora-
tion depended on the food. Red-yellowish coloration with
three reddish-brown scuta (dorsal, epigastric and ventral)
on opisthosoma was only present at maturity.
All the spiders developed into females (N = 31).
Despite being kept isolated during their entire life they all
began to lay fertile eggs on average 14.1 days (SD = 5.6,
N = 31, CV = 39.7%) after the last moult. The eggs were
enclosed in disc-shaped pinkish silken sacs. Each egg-sac
contained 2 eggs. The spiders laid on average 0.306 eggs
per day (SD = 0.108, N = 31), which decreased with age
(LM, F1,26 = 27.6, P < 0.0001, Fig. 2). The total fecundity
was on average 27.4 eggs (SD = 13.1, N = 31, CV =
47.8%), with two eggs in each egg-sac. There was a posi-
tive linear relationship between fecundity and longevity
(LM, F1,29 = 51.2, P < 0.0001, Fig. 3).
Fertility was negatively related to fecundity (LM, F1,29 =
7, P = 0.012, Fig. 4) and was on average 0.59 (N = 31).
Fertility was not related to longevity (LM, F1,29 = 0.25, P
= 0.62). Fertility declined slightly with successive egg-
(0.368, 0.399)
(0.163, 0.182)
(0.675, 0.743)
(0.304, 0.335)
(0.139, 0.159)
(0.609, 677)
3rd instar
(0.223, 0.254)
(0.113, 0.133)
(0.493, 0.561)
2nd instar
(0.174, 0.205)
(0.096, 0.115)
(0.448, 0.516)
1st instar
ScutaPtTiTi (mm)AER (mm)
TABLE 1. The means and 95% CI (for predicting measure-
ments) of five parameters: length of prosoma (Prosoma), width
of anterior eye region (AER), length of tibia I (Ti), number o
pairs of ventral spines on tibia I (Ti), number of pairs of ventral
spines on patella I (Pt) and number of abdominal scuta (Scuta).
N = 10 for all parameters.
Fig. 2. Temporal changes in the rate of egg laying, expressed
as the average number of eggs produced by a female per day
during its life (N = 31). Linear model is presented.
Fig. 3. Relationship between fecundity (total number of eggs
laid) and adult longevity. Linear model is presented.
Fig. 4. Relationship between fertility (proportion of eggs that
hatched) and fecundity (total number of eggs laid). Linear
model is presented.
clutches, but not significant so (GLS, F1,418 = 3.5, P =
0.06, Fig. 5). In fact, the fertility of the last egg clutches
of the few individuals that produced many egg clutches
was high. Fecundity, time to production of first egg-sac
and fertility were independent of the mother (ANOVA or
GLM, P > 0.14).
The average egg-sac was 1.45 mm (SD = 0.1, N = 10)
long. Eggs were on average 0.47 mm (SD = 0.01, N = 10)
in diameter. Incubation time of eggs was on average 32.7
days (SD = 5.4, N = 22, CV = 16.5%). In addition to pro-
ducing egg-sacs they also produced empty sacs, i.e. only
the basal disc. The production of empty sacs increased
with age (GLM, F21 = 38.4, P < 0.0001, Fig. 6).
The fragment of eukaryotic 18S rDNA gene from all
samples was amplified, which indicated satisfactory DNA
quality. Neither Wolbachia nor Cardinium were detected
in the tissue samples.
At present few species of spider are thought to be par-
thenogenetic and only for two of them is there laboratory
evidence. Suggestive evidence is available for two other
species. A single juvenile female of a sparassid, Holconia
insignis (Thorell), kept in isolation after its final moult
laid a single egg-sac from which spiderlings hatched
(Lake, 1986). Another instance is the troglobiontic
amaurobiid, Coelotes troglocaecus Shimojana & Nishi-
hira, which is found in limestone caves on Okinawa
Island (Japan) and the populations of which consist only
of females. That this spider lives in a isolated habitat in
caves, at low population densities, in the absence of males
and has degenerate reproductive organs (spermathecae
and spermathecal ducts) strongly suggest reproduction by
thelytokous parthenogenesis (Shimojana & Nishihira,
2000). There is laboratory evidence of parthenogenesis,
based on experimental rearing of individuals in isolation,
for only two species of spider. Machado (1964) was the
first to suggest parthenogenesis in the orychoceratid
Theotima minutissima (Petrunkevitch), which was only
recently experimentally confirmed by Edwards et al.
(2003). Deeleman-Reinhold (1986) suggested that a local
parthenogenetic population of Dysdera hungarica Kulc-
zyĔski existed in Europe. Sexual populations occur only
in the eastern part of its range, in the Transylvanian
mountains and northern Bulgaria. Parthenogenesis was
experimentally confirmed in this species by Gruber
It is unknown whether T. stenaspis is also parthenoge-
netic in its native area, the Carribic, as the male of this
species has not yet been found (Platnick, 2008). Unlike C.
troglocaecus, but similar to D. hungarica, females of T.
stenaspis possess fully developed copulatory organs
(Korenko et al., 2007). This suggests that reproduction by
parthenogenesis might only occur in geographically iso-
lated populations.
We thought that parthenogenesis might be induced in
these allopatric populations as a result of infection by
some endosymbiotic bacteria (Weeks et al., 2002). How-
ever, neither Wolbachia or Cardinium were detected in T.
stenaspis tissues. Preliminary results indicate automictic
parthenogenesis as meiosis still occurs. The diploid
number of holocentric chromosomes (2n) is 8 and the
likely sex determination system XX (J. Král & J. Musi-
lová, pers. comm.).
To determine the effect of parthenogenesis on the life
history a sexual population of the same species needs to
be studied. As males are not known in T. stenaspis a
closely related species could be used. However, there is
not a single study on the life-history of any other oonopid
spider. Therefore, observed traits had to be compared
with those of an unrelated species of spider.
The number of instars depends mainly on spider size
(Schaefer, 1987). T. stenaspis is on average 2 mm long.
Fig. 5. Temporal changes in the average proportion of eggs
that hatched in the successive egg-sacs produced by 31 females.
Fig. 6. Temporal changes in the proportion of empty sacs pro-
duced by females (N = 17). The logit model, where p is the pro-
portion of sacs and x is time, is presented.
Three juvenile instars is the number recorded for other
tiny species of spider (e.g., Schaefer, 1987; Rybak, 2007).
But T. minutissima has at least 5 juvenile instars, though
it is only 0.9 mm long (Edwards et al., 2003). The number
of instars often depends on environmental conditions
(e.g., Higgins & Rankin, 1996). We did not record any
variation in the number of instars, which suggests that
this trait might be canalised in T. stenaspis. The intermolt
interval, however, was very variable suggesting it is plas-
tic. A similar developmental trajectory, with both plastic
and canalised traits, is reported for a few other spiders
(Higgins & Rankin, 1996). As all the T. stenaspis were
reared under similar physical conditions (temperature and
humidity) this variation must be mainly due to genotypic
variation. All individuals were provided with a surplus of
springtails, which are presumably the main prey of this
Survival is affected by both intrinsic (e.g., nutrition,
hunger) and extrinsic (predation, disease, competition,
temperature, moisture) factors. Studies of survival of spi-
ders under natural conditions reveal survivorship curves
of type II and III (Tanaka, 1992; Boulton & Polis, 1999).
For T. stenaspis a survivorship curve of type I was
recorded. This is typical for species in which mortality is
concentrated towards the end of their life. This is obvi-
ously because T. stenaspis was reared under constant
laboratory conditions, which filtered out the effects of
many extrinsic and intrinsic variables.
Like the rate of development, fecundity is influenced by
physical conditions (e.g., Downes, 1988), prey quality
and quantity (Mayntz et al., 2005). Females of T.
stenaspis laid egg clutches composed only of two eggs,
but produced many egg clutches. Other similar small
sized species of spider have a different reproductive strat-
egy: they produce few egg-sacs each containg several
eggs. For example, the linyphiid Bathyphantes simillimus
(L. Koch) produces 6 egg-sacs each containing an
average of 11 eggs (Rybak, 2007). Edwards et al. (2003)
record that the parthenogenetic females of the tiny T.
minutissima produce 1–2 egg-sacs each containing an
average of 5 eggs.
Several models of the relationship between reproduc-
tive parameters, such as fecundity, egg size, number of
egg-sacs and body size or body mass of females have
been proposed. The model proposed by Marshall & Git-
tleman (1994) for the relationship between fecundity and
the mass of females predicts fewer egg-sacs for T.
stenaspis than were recorded. That of Simpson (1995)
predicts a smaller total fecundity and larger eggs than
recorded. The low number of eggs per egg clutch and
their small size in T. stenaspis is presumably a result of an
interaction between the size of the eggs and morpho-
logical constraints of the abdomen. The abdomen of
females has three scuta, which might restrain enlargement
of the abdomen during egg development. Iteroparous
reproduction (multiple egg-sac production) could have
helped this species to spread so successfully.
The rate at which spiders lay eggs decreases with adult
age (e.g., Miyashita 1988; Fischer & Vasconcellos-Neto,
2005b). A similar pattern was observed in T. stenaspis,
but in terms of the frequency of egg-sac production as the
number of eggs in a sac remained constant (2).
At warmer latitudes spiders tend to be more long-lived,
unlike in the temperate zone where many spiders have
very short adult lives (Schaefer, 1987). Data for species
from warmer climates indicates that the adult stage makes
up more than 50% of the life span. For example, in the
sexually reproducing sicariid Loxosceles intermedia
Mello-Leitão the adult life span is about 60% of the total
lifespan (Fischer & Vasconcellos-Neto, 2005a); in T.
stenaspis it was 54% and in T. minutissima it is 50%
(Edwards et al., 2003). It is suggested that rapid growth
occurs at the expense of longevity. This is not supported
by our data.
Fertility, or hatching success, is usually very high,
especially of laboratory reared spiders. For example, the
fertility recorded for a clubionid (Austin, 1984) and
zodariid spider (Pekár et al., 2005) is more than 90%. In
general, in sexual species of spiders fertility correlates
positively with the duration of mating (Fischer &
Vasconcellos-Neto, 2005b). In L. intermedia the fertility
of the eggs in the first egg-sac is higher than 80% but is
significantly less for those in successive egg clutches
(Fischer & Vasconcellos-Neto, 2005b). In sexually repro-
ducing species this might be due to sperm depletion. In T.
stenaspis this decrease in the fertility of the eggs in suc-
cessive egg clutches was recorded only in females that
had a short or moderate life-span. The fertility of the
females with a long life-span remained constant.
The continuous production of the basal discs of egg-
sacs is interesting. The production of empty egg-sacs is
known to occur in sexually reproducing linyphiid spiders
kept under laboratory conditions (S. Toft, pers. comm.).
Why females of T. stenaspis abandon basal discs is not
clear. External factors, such as insufficient food and dis-
turbance by prey are an unlikely cause as the spiders were
provided with a surplus of prey and the sacs were placed
on the side of the container, an area inaccessible to the
prey. The production of such a large number of egg-sacs
is presumably far beyond their ability so there has never
been a selection for maintaining reproductive capacity for
so long (S. Toft, pers. comm.).
Parthenogenetic reproduction is assumed to produce
genetically homogeneous clones that vary little (pheno-
typically or genetically) in their traits. But Asher (1970)
showed that even parthenogenesis can sustain genetic
plasticity under certain conditions. In this study all indi-
viduals were reared under similar conditions, yet there
was remarkable variation, ranging between 17 and 48%.
We assume this variation is largely genotypic because of
the standardised rearing conditions. This range in varia-
tion is similar to that recorded for the sexually repro-
ducing L. intermedia (Fischer & Vasconcellos-Neto,
2005b). Interestingly, the variation between spiderlings
from a single mother was as large (or larger) as that
between those from different mothers. Thus no maternal
effects on traits were recorded.
The results show that T. stenaspis is a parthenogenetic
eurychronous, iteroparous species with about 3 genera-
tions per year. The maintenance of plasticity in partheno-
genetic populations is thought to be costly (Asher, 1970).
We identified one cost, low fertility. This cost seems to
be negligible compared with the benefits as this species
has established viable populations in many greenhouses
in Europe (Korenko et al., 2007). Of the 18 species in the
genus Triaeris only this one has colonized Europe pre-
sumably because of its parthenogenetic mode of repro-
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. We would like to thank S. Toft for
very useful comments on the manuscript. We are greatly
indebted to T. Bilde and J.P. Maelfait for the collembola cul-
tures, P. Weygoldt and N.I. Platnick for providing us with
copies of some rare papers. This study was supported by grants
no. 0021622416 and LC06073 from the Ministry of Education,
Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. SK was supported by
grant no. 526/09/H025 from the Czech Science Foundation.
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... The breeding experiments on T. stenaspis conducted in the laboratory by Korenko et al. (2009) showed that the studied population from the Czech Republic was parthenogenetic. In Brasil, Brescovit (2019) conducted an extensive field survey on T. stenaspis in the wild, without finding any males among the sampled females. ...
... Thus, Brescovit et al. (2019) concluded that parthenogenesis might actually be true for all known populations of this species. Korenko et al. (2009) showed that under laboratory conditions T. stenaspis is a parthenogenetic, eurychronous, iteroparous species with about 3 generations per year. Its parthenogenetic nature is also suggested to be the reason why T. stenaspis can easily maintain populations in greenhouses (Korenko et al. 2009, Bloem & Noordijk 2021. ...
... Korenko et al. (2009) showed that under laboratory conditions T. stenaspis is a parthenogenetic, eurychronous, iteroparous species with about 3 generations per year. Its parthenogenetic nature is also suggested to be the reason why T. stenaspis can easily maintain populations in greenhouses (Korenko et al. 2009, Bloem & Noordijk 2021. It is probably the only introduced spider in Europe reproducing itself exclusively by parthenogenesis (Korenko et al. 2009). ...
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The pholcid spider Spermophora kerinci Huber, 2005 and the oonopid / goblin spider Triaeris stenaspis Simon 1892 are recorded from Austria for the first time. Both species were each collected with a single female specimen in tropical greenhouses in Vienna. Spermophora kerinci was found in a flower pot in the tropical house of the Haus des Meeres and Triaeris stenaspis was found in the butterfly house which is part of the palm house of the Hofburg (imperial residence). The specimens were sampled, stored in alcohol and identified in the laboratory. Both species are not native to Europe. Spermophora kerinci is of Indonesian / Asian origin and the pantropical Triaeris stenaspis is of African origin. Since in Europe both species are only known from greenhouses they must be regarded as introduced but not invasive alien species. Triaeris stenaspis is a spider species that reproduces through parthenogenesis, since no males have been found to date, neither in breeding experiments in the laboratory nor through extensive field surveys in the wild. Zusammenfassung Erstfunde von Spermophora kerinci Huber, 2005 und Triaeris stenaspis Simon, 1892 (Arachnida: Araneae: Pholcidae, Oonopidae) in Glashäusern in Österreich. Die Pholcide Spermophora kerinci Huber, 2005 und die Oonopide Triaeris stenaspis Simon 1892 werden erstmals für Österreich nachgewiesen. Beide Arten wurden mit jeweils einem weibli-chen Exemplar in Tropengewächshäusern in Wien gesammelt. Spermophora kerinci wurde in einem Blumentopf im Tropenhaus des Haus des Meeres und Triaeris stenaspis im Schmetterlingshaus, das Teil des Palmenhauses der Hof-burg ist, gefunden. Die Tiere wurden entnommen, in Alkohol gelagert und im Labor identifiziert. Beide Arten sind nicht in Europa beheimatet. Spermophora kerinci ist indonesischen / asiatischen und die pantropische Triaeris stenaspis afrikanischen Ursprungs. Da beide Arten in Europa nur aus Gewächshäusern bekannt sind, müssen sie als einge-schleppte, aber nicht invasive gebietsfremde Arten angesehen werden. Triaeris stenaspis ist eine Spinnenart, die sich offenbar ausschließlich durch Parthenogenese fortpflanzt, da bisher weder in Zuchtexperimenten im Labor noch durch ausgedehnte Feldstudien in freier Wildbahn Männchen gefunden wurden.
... All spiders, except for a few parthenogenetic species (Korenko et al. 2009), have separate sexes. Upon reaching adulthood, the male spider develops a unique palpal organ that is used to transfer the sperm to the female. ...
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Spiders (Araneae) are the largest order of Arachnida and the sixth most speciose order of Animalia, comprising more than 50,000 extant species as well as over 1,400 species known from fossils. Despite this immense diversity that has been estimated to comprise 120,000–200,000 species, our knowledge of their systematics and distribution remains rather incipient. While attempts to evaluate the diversity and distribution patterns of spiders have been made for the Neotropical and a few other faunas, most other regions remain historically neglected. The aim of this dissertation is to explore the systematics, diversity and distribution of spiders of Iran, a highly interesting region from a zoological and biogeographical point of view that unfortunately has been poorly investigated regarding its invertebrate fauna. For this purpose, I examined more than 9,000 specimens that were either collected during expeditions to numerous regions and ecosystems across the country or deposited in several natural history collections from around the world. As a result of these efforts, which were initiated in 2013 and mostly carried out in collaboration with researchers from various countries, a total of 11 genera and 147 species of Iranian spiders were described as new to science, and 419 taxa (i.e., 13 families, 87 genera and 319 species) were recorded in Iran for the first time. The total number of newly described and recorded species (i.e., 466 species) constitutes almost half (i.e., 49.83%) of the currently known Iranian species diversity of this group (i.e., 935 species). Amongst 147 species described, 137 are known only from Iran, representing 63.72% of all species currently considered endemic to this country (i.e., 215 species). These results were published in a total of 87 publications, 38 of which were published after the beginning of my doctoral studies at UTU in 2019. This dissertation, however, is primarily based on only nine taxonomic articles (i.e., I–IX), all published after 2019 and highlighting some of the more important findings. Because of the newly obtained taxonomic information and an extensive database of all published records, it was possible to conduct a comprehensive review of spatial variation in the diversity patterns of spiders in Iran. This was the main objective of publication X, which also included an evaluation of the effect of sampling bias on the current understanding of the distribution of Iranian spiders. The analyses showed that the diversity of Iranian spiders remains inadequately studied and is heavily affected by the Linnean shortfall (i.e., gaps in taxonomic knowledge), despite a remarkable improvement in taxonomic research on this fauna since the beginning of the 21st century. There are 935 spider species in the 1,648,195 km2 of Iran. Comparing the number of species per area of 171 countries and other political regions indicated that Iran was in position 132, whereas many considerably smaller and less ecologically diverse countries were in lower positions. It was also found that this fauna clearly suffers from a severe Wallacean shortfall (i.e., lack of knowledge of species distributions), as approximately 85% of Iran lacks a single record of spiders. There is a highly uneven distribution of records throughout the country and its provinces and ecoregions, with most of the records situated near large cities. A high correlation was found between the number of records of spiders and the number of records of plants and other animals in Iran, indicating that the noted shortfalls are indeed corroborated by other taxa. Finally, it is suggested that to gain a more complete picture of the diversity of Iranian spiders, future collecting efforts should be primarily in the form of extensive systematic surveys instead of opportunistic sampling, and ideally targeting lesser sampled areas and ecoregions. Once a satisfactory amount of information regarding the taxonomy and distribution of species becomes available, it will be possible to properly assess the conservation status and risk factors that affect these species and to identify areas of higher conservation and management priority.
... Roberts (1995) gibt für die Art in Großbritannien und Nordeuropa hauptsächlich natürliche Biotope an, während die Art in Mitteleuropa überwiegend synanthrop aufzutreten scheint (Thaler 1981 (Nentwig et al. 2022aj). Die Art pflanzt sich parthenogenetisch fort, Männchen sind bislang unbekannt (Korenko et al. 2009). ...
Technical Report
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Es wird für Deutschland die erste konsequent kriterienbasierte Bewertung der naturschutzfachlichen Invasivität von gebietsfremden terrestrischen Wirbellosen Arten (alle Gruppen außer Insekten) vorgelegt. Zusätzlich werden kommentierte Gesamtartenlisten aller in Deutschland wild lebend nachgewiesenen gebietsfremden terrestrischen Arten (Archäozoa und Neozoa) der bearbeiteten Gruppen präsentiert. --------------- This volume presents an assessment of the invasiveness of selected as well as a checklist of all wild living nonnative terrestrial invertebrate species (Non-Insecta) in Germany [in German].
... Parthenogenesis is a type of asexual reproduction in which genetically identical offspring is produced through unfertilised eggs and is relatively rare compared the sexual reproduction (Lynch 1984;Lourenço 2008;Ross 2010). In Arachnida, parthenogenesis is reported for Amblypygi (Armas 2005;Weygoldt 2005Weygoldt , 2007, Araneae (Camacho 1994;Edwards et al. 2003;Korenko et al. 2009), Scorpiones (Lourenço et al. 2007;Francke 2008;Souza et al. 2016), Opiliones (Burns et al. 2018), Acariformes, and Parasitiformes (Oliver 1971;Freitas et al. 2002;Domes et al. 2007;Heethoff et al. 2011;Maraun et al. 2019). In Amblypygi, 99% of the species reproduce sexually, with males depositing a spermatophore containing a sperm sac that is picked up and stored by the female gonopod. ...
Parthenogenesis is documented in a few species of Amblypygi, but it is unknown how widespread in the order this reproductive behaviour is, and little has been researched regarding aspects of embryonic and post-embryonic development in the group. Here, we studied the parthenogenetic capacity of an Amazonian whip spider (Charinus guto) evaluating the time of egg and embryonic development and inter-moult period. We also provide a review on embryonic and post-embryonic development in Amblypygi, compiling and analysing data from 43 species in three families. Fifty-two females and 42 juveniles of C. guto were collected in fragments of a secondary forest in Belém (Brazil); specimens were kept in captivity and observed weekly from 2018 to 2020. Nineteen specimens were collected with and 32 without egg sacs. Fourteen of the nonovigerous females developed eggs in captivity, six of them moulted (i.e. lost stored sperm from previous contacts with males) before developing an egg sac, proving to be parthenogenetic. The mean time between the first day in captivity and moult was 96 days. In both adults and juveniles, a mean of 147 days passed between first day in captivity and first moult, and 125 days for a second moult. After moulting, a mean of 113 days passed for the females to develop an egg sac; the embryonic development took a mean of 59 days. Juveniles left the mother’s abdomen after 10 days of hatching from the egg and the mean number of live free-living protonymphs was five. Other amblypygids, especially charinids, have similar embryonic development and post-embryonic growth and a detailed discussion with all known information for whip spiders is presented. We also demonstrate a positive correlation between clutch size and female size across Amblypygi, in which larger females carry more eggs and have larger offspring regardless of climate and habitat.
... Nentwig et al. (2019). Triaeris stenaspis, easily recognizable by the characteristic shape of its large dorsal scutum and the relatively small ventral scutum on the opisthosoma, is a parthenogenetic species (Korenko et al. 2009). The current arachnid survey marks the first time that specimens of T. stenaspis were collected from the Netherlands. ...
Life table data of the green pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) reared on four different resistant alfalfa varieties, i.e., 5S43, TG4 CW044026 (abbreviated as TG4), TG7 CW2883 (abbreviated as TG7), and Aurora were analyzed using the age-stage, two-sex life table. A higher proportion of alate adults were observed on 5S43, TG7, and Aurora; while a higher proportion of apterous adults occurred on TG4. The contributions of alate aphids to the finite rate of increase (λ), intrinsic rate of increase (r), and net reproductive rate (R0) were higher than apterous aphids on 5S43, TG7, and Aurora, while apterous aphids contributed more to λ, r, and R0 on TG4. The highest population parameters were observed on TG4 (r = 0.208 d−1, λ = 1.231 d−1, and R0 = 18.8 offspring/individual), while the lowest values were on TG7 (r = 0.129 d−1, λ = 1.138 d−1, and R0 = 9.9 offspring/individual). Because the age-stage, two-sex life table is capable of describing the stage differentiation, it enables the calculation of the stable stage distribution (SSD). A higher proportion of adult A. pisum was observed in SSD than in fourth instar nymphs. Population simulation showed the stage structure will approach SSD. Because the R0 and the mean generation time (T) values do not reflect the population growth rate, their use as population fitness parameters should be avoided. These findings can be utilized in helping to select resistant alfalfa varieties to effectively manage the pea aphid.
Parthenogenesis and sex-ratio bias may lead to erroneous assumptions concerning the natural history of some arachnids. To help address this issue, this study provides new data on the sex ratio and geographic distribution of sexual populations of the scorpion Tityus stigmurus (Thorell, 1876). Ultraviolet light lanterns were used to detect specimens during nocturnal searches performed in both urban and non-urban environments scattered thorough northeastern Brazil. Males of T. stigmurus were reported for 10 new localities, and although we did not find males in urban environments, non-urban populations presented near symmetrical sex ratios. Such results suggest that reproductive strategies in this species may be modulated by environmental conditions. Also, the general tendency of less biased sex ratios in non-urban environments reported here is in accordance with previous studies that indicated the occurrence of geographical parthenogenesis in this species. Thereby, we propose that sexual populations of T. stigmurus are less rare than previously reported.
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The design of any artificial intelligence is an interdisciplinary pursuit that requires keeping within perspective, the various properties of matter and life in the known universe, while remaining cautious of biases and misconceptions that arise from the limitations of prior learning, available tools and sensory capabilities. This paper curates a vast collection of human knowledge gathered during the process of exploring and questioning the fundamentals of why the mechanisms that constitute life were built in specific ways, and re-questioning those facts using anomalies that sometimes contradict or expose errors in human assumptions of life and intelligence. A meta-analysis of such knowledge at a single glance also helps identify interesting patterns in various phenomena that can in-time, spur creative solutions, alter the direction of research, assist with intelligent inferences and hopefully result in the identification and creation of artificial intelligence.<br
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This paper curates a vast collection of human knowledge, gathered during the process of investigating the fundamentals of intelligence. It is an effort that hopes to provide students and researchers a quick overview of the complexities that constitute intelligence, so that anybody setting out to design an artificial intelligence or investigate intelligence would be able to perform a meta-analysis based on the facts presented and either delve into further research and/or re-think and re-design artificial intelligence without being biased by contemporary knowledge.<br
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1. After controlling for phylogenetic correlation, clutch size in spiders (suborder Araneomorphae) increases with body mass. 2. Clutch mass scales isometrically with adult female body mass while individual egg mass scales with negative allometry. Clutch size therefore is a result of scaling constraints on egg size and total clutch mass. 3. There is no empirical evidence for a size-number trade-off in allocation of resources within clutches. Theory predicts that spiders are selected to maximize clutch size, with no cost of decreased egg size. Spiders are constrained from achieving an optimal clutch size.
The developmental cycle of spiders concerns many aspects of morphology, physiology and ecology: embryogenesis and postembryonic growth, life cycle patterns, adaptation to seasonally occurring adverse environments, forms of dormancy, population dynamics and the contribution of life cycle patterns to the structuring of animal communities. In this short chapter I do not intend to give an exhaustive review of the extensive literature on life histories of spiders. Instead, I will concentrate on the following questions: Which types of life cycles occur? How are spider life cycles adjusted to seasonal climates? How are life cycles controlled? What is the adaptive significance of specific life cycles?
Up to now the small ribosomal subunit RNA sequences of about 50 different eukaryotes have been published, of which only three belong to the fungi. We determined the complete srRNA sequence of the imperfect yeast Candida albicans. The sequence is 1788 nucleotides long and was determined at the DNA level using the dideoxy method with a set of primers specific for conserved sequences of small ribosomal subunit RNA. An evolutionary tree, comprising 58 organisms including C. albicans, was constructed. This tree shows a number of early diverging lineages such as a diplomonad, a microsporidian, an amoeba, slime molds, an euglenoid, kinetoplastids and sporozoans. Next within a relatively short time interval there is a radiation into a number of clusters composed of ciliates, metazoa, fungi and green plants.
To investigate the consequences of canalization and plasticity in arthropod developmental pathways, we developed a model that predicts eight possible combinations among three larval developmental parameters. From the descriptions of insect and spider postembryonic development, it is apparent that not all aspects of juvenile development are plastic and that species differ in which traits are plastic. Most strikingly, only four of the possible eight combinations of canalized and plastic parameters have been found in nature. Using this model, we show that the identity of the canalized developmental parameters and the degree of genetic variation in the value at which a given parameter is fixed have important implications for the ecology and evolution of complex life cycles.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of body size, foraging mode, and parental care on the relationship between clutch size and egg size in spiders. Specifically, covariation of egg size and clutch size with body size was investigated, using data from the literature, in 156 species of North American spiders from 22 families. Variance in clutch size and egg size was found to be mainly attributed to differences among genera. I therefore conducted a comparative analysis at the generic level. Results indicated that clutch and egg size were influenced by body size. Spiders from genera with larger body sizes produced larger offspring and more offspring per reproductive event than spiders from genera with smaller sized species. Relative egg number was inversely related to size of eggs produced, indicating a reproductive trade-off. Web building spiders produced more and smaller eggs than cursorial hunting spiders of a similar body size. Furthermore, cursorial spiders that guard and carry their young produced more young than those that only guard the eggs before hatching or do not guard. However, residual clutch size or residual egg size (residuals from regressions of clutch size and egg size, respectively, against female body size) did not differ among parental care groups. This study suggests that the method of food acquisition and type of parental care contributed to the offspring are associated with clutch size and egg size in spiders.