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Nowe stanowiska Clathrus archeri (Berk.) Dring (Basidiomycota, Phallales) na Dolnym Śląsku



Diese Arbeit enthält eine Beschreibung von 14 neuen Stellen vom Tintenfischpilz Clathrus archeri (Berk.) Dring in Niederschlesien, zusammen mit der biologisch-ökologischen Charakteristik der Art. Man fasste zusammen und verifizierte die verfügbaren Angaben über seine Verteilung, und verwies auf den Eingang in die natürliche pflanzengesellschaften einschließlich in die sauren Eichen-Gebirgswälder Luzulo Quercetum luzuloidis petraeae Hilitzer 1932.
Nowe stanowiska Clathrus archeri (Be r k .) Dr i n g
(Basidiomycota, Phallales) na Dolnym Śląsku
Clathrus archeri (be r k .) Dr i n G ,-
Lysurus archeri erkeley -
     Anthurus
ka l c h b r . & ma c ow a n -
Clathrusmi c h e l i : pe r S .r i n G 
  
  
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  
r o r a
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u d n i c k A -Je z i e r S k a
Clathrus archeri    
  reitenbachränzlin 
    
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h l e b i c k i o-
J e w o D a 
  
Clathrus archeri
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pa r e n t a th o e n a  pa r e n t a  
 kr i e G l S t e i n e r a 
Clathrus archeri  
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Clathrus archeri
Opis gatunku
Clathrus archeri 
   -
   
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    -
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    -
          
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  
   
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  Clathrus archeri 
 Clathrus archeri
   -
  
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reitenbachränzlin 
u d n i c k A -Je z i e r S k a 
Clathrus archeri  -
 
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   
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  
Znane i nowe stanowiska gatunku
Clathrus archeri   
Ja k u b S k a 
  
tu ł y 
Ja k u b c a ku J a w y ku J a w y
Gierczyka  
  
     
zaJąc   
  C. archeri na
   
  -
  
  -
   
   
 
  
    
   -
 -
   -
  -
   
  
    
 
  
  
  
 
 
   -
   -
    -
 
  
   -
   -
    -
  
   -
  -
   
    -
  
Luzulo luzuloidis-Quercetum
petraeae hi l i t z e r 1932,  -
  2  -
  
Quercus petraea 4
Corylus avellana +
Clathrus archeri 1, Anemone nemorosa +, Astragalus
glycyphyllos +, Calamagrostis arundinacea 3, Carpinus
betulus 1, Cephalanthera longifolia +, Clinopodium
vulgare +, Corylus avellana +, Digitalis grandiflora +,
Festuca rubra +, Frangula alnus r, Galium rotundifo-
lium +, Galium schultesii +, Hieracium murorum +,
Hieracium sabaudum +, Hieracium vulgatum r, Impa-
tiens parviflora r, Lathyrus niger +, Luzula luzuloides
1, Melampyrum pratense + , Melica uniflora 1, Poa
nemoralis +, Quercus petraea 2, Rosa canina r, Rubus
idaeus r, Sanicula europaea +, Senecio fuchsii r, Sorbus
aucuparia +, Tilia cordata +, Vaccinium myrtillus r,
Viola riviniana +.
  Clathrus archeri
   
   Clathrus
   
   
Clathrus archeri
Clathrus archeri
Nr Stanowisko Data
obserwacji Mezoregion
o n D r a c k i 2000) Źródło
  
 
 h l e b i c k i a k u b i e c
2   u d n i c k A -Je z i e r S k a
3   h l e b i c k i 
    h l e b i c k i 
   u ł a 
6   z c z e p a ń S k a 
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 2002  
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    u k A s i k 
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    
15 
 2005 
 
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 
 
   o ł o D y ń S k a 
Ku J a w a i e r c z y k 
    n o n i m 2006)
   
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20 
 2006 
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22    
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26 
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   n o n i m   
Ja k u b c a 
  
  
C. archeri na
Autorzy artykułu serdecznie dziękują panu
dr. hab. Markowi Wanatowi za przekazanie owoc-
ników Clathrus archeri, poświęcony czas i udziele-
nie cennych informacji. Autorzy składają równi
serdeczne podziękowania pani dr Weronice
Madryas-Kowalczyk, dr. Eugeniuszowi Pankowi,
dr. inż. Włodzimierzowi Kicie, dr. Witoldowi
Berdowskiemu, dr Ewie Szczęśniak, dr. inż.
Andrzejowi Wuczyńskiemu, dr. Zygmuntowi Daj-
dokowi, mgr. Czesławowi Narkiewiczowi oraz prof.
dr. hab. Wiesławowi Fałtynowiczowi za udzie-
lenie dodatkowych informacji, umożliwiających
jednoznaczną weryfikację stanowisk Clathrus
archeri w Masywie Ślęży oraz uzupełniających
naszą wiedzę odnośnie rozmieszczenia dyskuto-
wanego gatunku na obszarze Dolnego Śląska.
n o n i m   -
   -
r n o l D S .J.M. v a n m m e r i n G .
   -
     
r o r a . u r k ..Clathrus archeri
bi a ł a S i k -
  
  
e r k e l e y M.J.
     
r e i t e n b a c h J.r ä n z l i n .
2. Heterobasidiomycetes Aphyllopho-
ralesGasteromycetes 
h l e b i c k i .
Verpa bohemica  Clathrus
archeri   Calvatia gigantea
    
u n n i n G h A m ..Gasteromycetes
r i n G .M.    
  Clathraceae  
y o S h e v a M.a k i r o v a .e n c h e v .
   macromycetes 
Ja k u b i e c ., Ko n i e c z n y K.u c z y ń S k i .-
  Clathrus archeri
 
JA k u b s k A .    -
Clathrus archeri
Ko ł o D y ń S k a .   -
Ko n D r a c k i .-
kr i e G l S t e i n e r G. J.     
    
Ku J a w a .
  
Clathrus archeri
Ku J a w a .i e r c z y k .
u k A s i k .  
  
Ma D r y a S .-
pa r e n t G.h., th o e n D.
Clathrus archeri
Anthurus archeri     
     
a r e n t G.h., th o e n D., ca l o n G e F.D.
     Clathrus archeri 
  
udnickA-JezierSka .       
Mycota  Lycoperdales
Tulostomatales Nidulariales
Phallales  Podaxales).
SnowarSki M. 2002. Clathrus archeri 
St e n G l -e J t h a r .o J e w o D a .  
 Clathrus archeri Gastero-
  
Sz c z e p a ń S k a K.Clathrus archeri
Basidiomycetes, Phallales
u ł a K.  Clathrus archeri).
o J e w o D a .Basidiomy-
cetes .
za J ą c a.-
  
Neue Stellen von Clathrus archeri (Be r k .) Dr i n g (Basidiomycota,
Phallales) in Niederschlesien
archeri (be r k .) Dr i n G -
  
 Luzulo Quercetum luzuloidis petraeae hi l i t z e r 
Nové nálezy květnatce Archerova Clathrus archeri (Be r k .) Dr i n g
(Basidiomycota, Phallales) na Dolním Slezsku
Clathrus archeri (be r k .)
dr i n G 
Luzulo luzuloidis-Quercetum
petraeae hi l i t z e r 
Adresy autorów:
Muzeum Przyrodnicze Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
ul. Sienkiewicza 21, 50-335 Wrocław;
* Zakład Bioróżnorodności i Ochrony Szaty Roślinnej UWr.
ul. Kanonia 6/8, 50-328 Wrocław
... Its basidiomata have been recorded almost 90 times since then, mostly in the southern part of the country. However, all reports on the distribution of C. archeri in Poland are embedded in the gray literature [15][16][17], and are therefore not easily available to a wider audience. ...
... The distribution of C. archeri in Poland was compiled on the basis of an intensive search of Polish mycological data, published in the non-English literature. Four sources with a broad overview of records [15][16][17]21] were used to prepare a C. archeri distribution map. The map was updated with recent records by non-professional mycologists saved in the Database of Protected and Endangered Mushroom Species ( ...
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Clathrus archeri is a saprotrophic fungus native to Australia and New Zealand and known in Europe since the beginning of the 20th century. In Poland, C. archeri was recorded for the first time in 1973 and since then basidiomata of this fungus have been recorded almost 90 times, mostly in the southern part of the country. In the present study, we update the distribution of C. archeri in Poland and include the latest records from Central Poland. We show a significant increase in the number of C. archeri observations in recent years (R-2 = 0.400, p<0.001). Our research shows that precipitation should be regarded as an important factor in the spread of C. archeri. Additionally, intraspecific genetic variability of nrRNA of C. archeri from different localities in Poland has been determined. Obtained results indicate zero to low levels of diversity in the nrITS and nrLSU sequences obtained from 16 C. archeri basidiomata from different localities in Poland (evolutionary divergence between sequences up to 0.002 and 0.001 for nrITS and nrLSU, respectively). Finally we identify some limitations in this research and make suggestions for future studies of pathways of the distribution of this fungus in the new area.
... In the Ukraine it was found in the Ukrainian Carpathians in deciduous forests situated on areas with large quantities of organic matter (Zykova, 2007). In Poland, this species is commonly recorded in oak forests and meadows adjoining forests (Halama et al., 2010;Szczepkowski and Obidziński, 2012). Also, Clathrus archeri is established in different man-made habitats such as cemeteries, parks, recreational forests that are close to cities, etc. ...
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Although Clathrus archeri is a widely spread species in the Western Europe, in Romania it is considered a rare species, identified from only eight sites. In July 2013, it was found in two new sites from Gurghiu and Bârgău Mountains, in the Romanian Eastern Carpathians. This paper presents a detailed description of the new recorded specimens and of the habitat where this fungus was found. Plant communities where Clathrus archeri was recorded belong to the “mountain hay meadows” habitat type (Festuco rubrae - Agrostietum capillaris community). Taking into consideration the previous published data, the comparison with other habitats types in which this species occurs suggests that Clathrus archeri has no special preferences for certain environmental conditions.
... Since it was first recorded from France in 1914, the fungus has spread widely across western and central Europe (Michael et al. 1986, Pegler et al. 1995, Hansen & Knudsen 1997, Bîrsan et al. 2014. The records of C. archeri closest to Lithuania are from Poland, mostly from the southern part where it has a status of a spreading species, although the reports from northern Poland are few and at the present time confined to the coastal areas with a milder climate (Miądlikowska 1995, Halama et al. 2010, Szczepkowski & Obidziński 2012. In Lithuania, the fungus was found in the west, also characterized by a milder climate influenced by the Baltic Sea. ...
First records from Lithuania of the ascomycete Ophiostoma novo-ulmi and basidiomycetes Clathrus archeri, Leucocoprinus cepistipes, and Stropharia rugosoannulata are presented. All four species are alien to Europe and two, C. archeri and S. rugosoannulata, have never been recorded in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea region before. Also, a reassessment of the status in Lithuania of the alien pathogen Hymenoscyphus fraxineus and its close relative, the non-pathogenic H. albidus indigenous to Europe, indicates that only H. fraxineus occurs in Lithuania. Descriptions of the examined fungi are presented, and remarks on their habitats and distribution are provided.
... In the Ukraine it was found in the Ukrainian Carpathians in deciduous forests situated on areas with large quantities of organic matter (Zykova, 2007). In Poland, this species is commonly recorded in oak forests and meadows adjoining forests (Halama et al., 2010;Szczepkowski and Obidziński, 2012). Also, Clathrus archeri is established in different man-made habitats such as cemeteries, parks, recreational forests that are close to cities, etc. ...
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Although Clathrus archeri is a widely spread species in the Western Europe, in Romania it is considered a rare species, identified from only eight sites. In July 2013, it was found in two new sites from Gurghiu and Bârgău Mountains, in the Romanian Eastern Carpathians. This paper presents a detailed description of the new recorded specimens and of the habitat where this fungus was found. Plant communities where Clathrus archeri was recorded belong to the “mountain hay meadows” habitat type (Festuco rubrae - Agrostietum capillaris community). Taking into consideration the previous published data, the comparison with other habitats types in which this species occurs suggests that Clathrus archeri has no special preferences for certain environmental conditions.
Clathrus archeri is one of several alien species for the Polish mycobiota. It has been brought over to Europe from Australia and New Zealand and was recorded for the first time in Poland in the 70s of the 20th century. Since then, records of this species have steadily increased, with their majority located in the southern part of Poland. This paper presents a new locality of C. archeri in the Karkonosze National Park, in ATPOL square AE89 (50°46′04.4″N, 15°42′10.6″E), elevation: 1100 m a.s.l. (Fig. 1). To date, this is the highest known locality of C. archeri in the Karkonosze National Park and the Sudetes.
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The article summarises the results of our mycological observations from the Sudetes and their foothills (except Pieńska Valley of the Nysa). Nineteen new records of 13 rare and interesting macroscopic fungi are provided: 3 representatives of sac fungi (Bulgaria inquinans, Tolypocladium ophioglossoides, Verpa bohemica) and 10 species of basidium fungi (Clathrus archeri, Fistulina hepatica, Geastrum saccatum, Lycoperdon echinatum, Porphyrellus porphyrosporus, Ramaria botrytis, Sparassis brevipes, Strobilomyces strobilaceus, Suillus cavipes, Xerocomus rubellus). For forest habitats, phytosociological documentation which provides new information on the habitats of individual species is given.
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Diese Arbeit enthält eine Beschreibung von 14 neuen Stellen vom Tintenfischpilz Clathrus archeri (Berk.) Dring in Niederschlesien, zusammen mit der biologisch-ökologischen Charakteristik der Art. Man fasste zusammen und verifizierte die verfügbaren Angaben über seine Verteilung, und verwies auf den Eingang in die natürliche Pflanzengesellschaften einschließlich in die sauren Eichen-Gebirgswälder Luzulo Quercetum luzuloidis petraeae Hilitzer 1932. Práce přináší popis 14 nových lokalit houby květnatce Archerova Clathrus archeri (Berk.) Dring na území Dolního Slezska a také biologicko-ekologickou charakteristiku druhu. Byly shromážděny a ověřeny údaje o jeho výskytu a pozornost věnována vstupu druhu do přírodních rostlinných společenstev včetně podhorských bikových doubrav (Luzulo luzuloidis-Quercetum petraeae Hilitzer 1932).
The tropical-subtropical fungus Clathrus archeri introduced and naturalized in Europe is discussed.-from English summary
D. M. Dring's almost completed monograph of the Clathraceae is presented, edited for publication by R. W. G. Dennis.
Nowe stanowiska smardzówki czeskiej Verpa bohemica, okratka australijskiego Clathrus archeri i czasznicy olbrzymiej Calvatia gigantea na Dolnym Śląsku
  • A Chlebicki
Chlebicki A. 1997. Nowe stanowiska smardzówki czeskiej Verpa bohemica, okratka australijskiego Clathrus archeri i czasznicy olbrzymiej Calvatia gigantea na Dolnym Śląsku. Chrońmy Przyrodę Ojczystą, 53(1):.104-110
Clathrus archeri, a Stinkhorn new to North America Gatunki chronione i rzadkie na Wzgó- rzach Bielawskich. Praca magisterska wykonana w Zakładzie Bioróżnorodności i Ochrony Szaty Roślinnej UWr
  • D Arora
  • W R Burk
Arora D., Burk W.R. 1982. Clathrus archeri, a Stinkhorn new to North America. Mycologia, 74: 501-504. białaSik B. 2006. Gatunki chronione i rzadkie na Wzgó- rzach Bielawskich. Praca magisterska wykonana w Zakładzie Bioróżnorodności i Ochrony Szaty Roślinnej UWr, mscr
Okratek australijski (Clathrus archeri) Przyroda Polska
  • K Tuła
Tuła K. 1995. Okratek australijski (Clathrus archeri). Przyroda Polska, Rocznik 1995(11): 11.
Checklist of Polish larger Basidiomycetes Biodiversity of Poland Założenia metodyczne do Atlasu rozmieszczenia roślin naczyniowych Polski
  • W Wojewoda
WoJewoDa W. 2003. Checklist of Polish larger Basidiomycetes. [W:] Mirek Z., (red.). Biodiversity of Poland. Vol. 7. W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, ss. 812. zaJąc a., 1978. Założenia metodyczne do " Atlasu rozmieszczenia roślin naczyniowych Polski ". Wiad. Bot. 22(3): 144-155.