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Thermal alteration of Earth's oldest fossils

  • Institute of Paleobiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
in diamond. It also characterizes the degree
of crystalline order in solids. However, it
does not provide a list of elemental compo-
nents or even ratios of carbon, hydrogen
and oxygen, which might help to establish
the biogenicity of a compound.
Most pertinent to the analysis of putative
microfossils is the fact that the Raman spec-
trum of carbonaceous (that is, carbon-dom-
inated) materials is sensitive to the degree of
ordering of the carbon they contain (distin-
guishing, for example, between amorphous
carbon, poorly ordered graphitic material
and highly crystalline graphite)3–10. The
Raman spectra of Schopf et al.1confirm that
their samples consist of highly disordered
carbonaceous material and are consistent
with the spectra of kerogens3,4. However,
their spectra are indistinguishable from
those of many other types of structurally
disordered carbonaceous matter generated
from a wide range of starting materials by a
wide variety of processes. Those processes
(including high-temperature heating of
organic or inorganic compounds4–7, inor-
ganic deposition from high-temperature
synthetic fluids3–5 and geological deposition
from hydrothermal solutions8) and materi-
als (for example, ion-bombarded graphite9
and graphite-intercalation compounds10)
may be strictly non-biogenic. There are no
distinctive features in the spectra shown by
Schopf et al.1that directly and unambigu-
ously link them to kerogens.
Raman microprobe spectroscopy is useful
for investigating the molecular structure of
micrometre-sized features, such as putative
microfossils, in rock. Showing that fossil-
like objects consist of highly disordered
carbonaceous material by Raman spec-
troscopy provides necessary, but not suffi-
cient, evidence that the objects are biogenic.
Although the microscopic objects analysed
by Schopf et al.1may indeed be biogenic, we
see nothing in their spectra that indicates
the origin of their disordered carbonaceous
material. The basic question remains unans-
wered: which measurable chemical and/or
physical properties of a fossilized and/or
altered material will unambiguously identify
it as biological in origin?
Jill Dill Pasteris, Brigitte Wopenka
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences,
Washington University, St Louis,
Missouri 63130-4899, USA
1. Schopf, J.W., Kudryavtsev, A. B., Agresti, D. G., Wdowiak, T. J.
& Czaja, A. D. Nature 416, 73–76 (2002).
2. Brasier, M. D. et al. Nature 416, 76–81 (2002).
3. Wopenka, B. & Pasteris, J. D. Am. Mineral. 78, 533–557 (1993).
4. Beny-Bassez, C. & Rouzaud, J. N. Scan. Electr. Microsc.
119–132 (1985).
5. Vidano, R. & Fischbach, D. B. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 61,
13–17 (1978).
6. Sato, Y., Kamo, M. & Setaka, N. Carbon 16, 279–280 (1978).
7. Lespade, P., Al-Jishi, R. & Dresselhaus, M. S. Carbon 20,
427–431 (1982).
8. Pasteris, J. D. in Applications of Microanalytical Techniques to
Understanding Mineralizing Processes (eds McKibben, M. A.,
Shanks, W. C. & Ridley, W. I.) 233–250 (Soc. Econ. Geol.,
Littleton, Colorado, 1998).
9. Elman, B. S., Shayegan, M., Dresselhaus, M. S., Mazurek, H. &
Dresselhaus, G. Phys. Rev. B 25, 4142–4156 (1982).
10.Dresselhaus, M. S. & Dresselhaus, G. in Light Scattering in Solids
III 2–57 (Springer, New York, 1982).
Schopf et al. reply — The criticism by
Pasteris and Wopenka of our use of
laser–Raman imagery to investigate the
carbonaceous make-up of extremely
ancient fossils1focuses only on their Raman
signature; however, our interpretation that
the carbonaceous matter that makes up
these specimens is biogenic is based on
several lines of evidence, of which Raman
spectroscopy is only one.
We did not state, nor did we imply, that
Raman spectroscopic analysis can by itself
be used to establish the biological origin of
geochemically highly altered carbonaceous
matter present in ancient sediments. We
believe that the biogenicity of such matter,
whether in fossil-like objects or sapropel-like
detritus, should be demonstrated by a com-
bination of data drawn from independent
but mutually reinforcing lines of evidence.
For fossils in each of the four geological
units we analysed1— including those of
the roughly 3,375-million-year (Myr)-old
Kromberg Formation and 3,465-Myr-old
Apex Chert, which are among the oldest fos-
sils known — three lines of evidence are most
compelling. These are their cellular mor-
phology2,3, their carbonaceous molecular-
structural make-up1–4, and the carbon isotope
composition of such fossils5and/or of
co-existing particulate kerogen6,7, which have
been shown by replicate analyses5–7 to be well
within the range established for Precambrian
biological organic matter on the basis of over
1,200 measurements from hundreds of fossil-
bearing units7.
Our study1, which focuses on the first
two of these lines of evidence, is centred
on the use of laser–Raman imagery (rather
than on more conventional single-point
measurements), a technique new to palaeo-
biology1,4. We showed that there is a one-
to-one correlation of cellular morphology
and carbonaceous make-up in individual
microscopic fossils from each of the four
units investigated. Our claim is that such
an analysis based on a combination of
morphology and chemistry together provides
a powerful new means to investigate the
biogenicity of putative fossil-like objects, a
problem that for many decades has plagued
the search for evidence of early life8.
J. William Schopf*, Anatoliy B. Kudryavtsev†,
David G. Agresti‡, Thomas J. Wdowiak‡,
Andrew D. Czaja*
*Department of Earth & Space Sciences, and
Institute of Geophysics & Planetary Physics,
University of California, Los Angeles,
California 90095-1567, USA
brief communications
VOL 420
| 477
Department of Physics, and Astro and Solar
System Physics Program, Department of Physics,
University of Alabama, Birmingham,
Alabama 35294-1170, USA
1. Schopf, J. W., Kudryavtsev, A. B., Agresti, D. G., Wdowiak, T. J.
& Czaja, A. D. Nature 416, 73–76 (2002).
2. Schopf, J. W. in The Proterozoic Biosphere, a Multidisciplinary
Study (eds Schopf, J. W. & Klein, C.) 25–39, 1055–1117
(Cambridge Univ. Press, New York, 1992).
3. Schopf, J. W. Science 260, 640–646 (1993).
4. Kudryavtsev, A. B., Schopf, J. W., Agresti, D. G. & Wdowiak, T. J.
Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 416, 73–76 (2002).
5. House, C. H. et al. Geology 28, 707–710 (2000).
6. Strauss, H. & Moore, T. B. in The Proterozoic Biosphere, a
Multidisciplinary Study (eds Schopf, J. W. & Klein, C.) 709–798
(Cambridge Univ. Press, New York, 1992).
7. Strauss, H., Des Marais, D. J., Hayes, J. M. & Summons, R. E.
in The Proterozoic Biosphere, a Multidisciplinary Study
(eds Schopf, J. W. & Klein, C.) 117–127 (Cambridge Univ.
Press, New York, 1992).
8. Schopf, J. W. & Walter, M. R. in Earth’s Earliest Biosphere, its
Origin and Evolution (ed. Schopf, J. W.) 214–239 (Princeton
Univ. Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1983).
Thermal alteration of
the Earth’s oldest fossils
Microscopic carbonaceous structures
found in ancient rocks could
provide clues to early life on Earth if
they turn out to be genuine fossil micro-
organisms. Here we show that thermal
alteration of microbial remains embedded
in a mineral matrix may significantly change
their original morphology and produce
structures that resemble those of what are
claimed to be the Earth’s oldest fossils1.
These observations may shed light on the
controversy2,3 that surrounds these micro-
fossils from the 3,465-Myr-old Apex Chert
of the early Archaean Warrawoona Group
in northwestern Australia.
The biogenicity of these fossils has been
called into question3on the basis of
suggestions that the Apex Chert structures
were formed from amorphous graphite
within multiple generations of metalliferous
hydrothermal-vein chert and volcanic glass,
and that the carbonaceous composition and
characteristically biological carbon-isotope
make-up of the carbonaceous filaments
could have been products of non-biological
(Fischer–Tropsch) organic synthesis3.
We have investigated structures that are
present in silicified (chertified) cyano-
bacterial mats from the Bardo Mountains
danów locality4) in southwestern Poland,
which date to the early Silurian period
(about 440 million years ago). The fossil
mats occur in black, laminated radiolarian
cherts, which have been interpreted as
sediments that formed at moderate depths
within the photic zone5. The mats are
composed of cyanobacteria that are closely
related to representatives of modern
colonial chroococcaleans (particularly the
© 2002 Nature Publishing Group
families Entophysalidaceae and Xenococ-
caceae6). Living colonies of these cyanobac-
teria are composed of globular subcolonies
surrounded by thick mucous envelopes
(Fig. 1a). The subcolonies are composed of
minute cells (which in some species are less
than 2 m in diameter).
Post mortem degradation processes in
modern mats composed of coccoid
cyanobacteria7indicate that the components
that are most resistant to decay are the thicker
outer mucous envelopes that surround
groups of cells, subcolonies and entire
colonies. After burial, these partially bio-
degraded envelopes often remain preserved
as a cobweb-like polysaccharide material.
With time and progressive diagenesis, this
material may undergo kerogenization and
be transformed from a more-or-less struc-
tured biological material into amorphous
organic matter.
The early-Silurian cyanobacterial mats
we describe represent a kerogenized stage
in which the outlines of the subcolonies and
of even smaller groups of densely packed,
minute cells are still recognizable in the
chert matrix (Fig. 1e). Owing to com-
paction, the circular outlines of the
subcolonies are best seen in petrographic
thin sections made parallel to the bedding.
The subcolonies reach 60–90 m in
diameter and occur as blackish, cobweb-like
structures (Fig. 1b; and see Fig. 1c in supple-
mentary information) or as yellow–brown
circular or semicircular areas, which are
bordered by blackish, continuous or discon-
tinuous, irregularly segmented or porous
zones (Fig. 1c, d; and see Fig. 1a, b in
supplementary information).
The densely packed masses of small bod-
ies that fill the interiors of many subcolonies
(Fig. 1e) are likely to be remnants of cells
that created the original colonies. In vertical
thin sections, the blackish material is usually
present as slightly curved or undulated,
often segmented, filamentous structures
(Fig. 1f) which are locally branched (see Fig.
2 in supplementary information).
All of these features make the blackish
structures almost identical in appearance to
the filamentous structures described from
the Apex Chert. This similarity is particu-
larly striking when the shapes of Archaean
structures are compared to the porous and
irregularly segmented structures from the
peripheries of the Silurian cell aggregates.
Their quasi-circular, C- and J-shaped out-
lines fit almost perfectly the morphologies
described for the Apex structures1,3. The
same is true for the size classes of both
groups of structures.
The blackish, pseudo-filamentous Silu-
rian structures probably represent thermally
altered, kerogenized remains of coccoid
cyanobacterial mats. The Silurian deposits
in the Bardo Mountains were influenced by
Caledonian and/or Variscic thermal events8,
as evidenced by generations of microcracks
filled with hydrothermally precipitated
microcrystalline chalcedony and quartz.
The cyanobacterial remains distributed in
the vicinity of these cracks have been
markedly altered, but still preserve traces of
their primary biological structure.
Thermal alteration was apparently more
advanced in the Apex Chert samples,
leaving only isolated fragments in the
chert background of much-changed
(‘carbonized’) kerogen, and preserved
pseudo-filamentous ghosts of the original
biostructures. The generation of gaseous
and bituminous hydrocarbons associated
with thermal maturation and the conver-
sion of kerogenous materials9could have
been responsible for the apparent reduction
in volume and partial relocation of the
cyanobacterial material.
Several inferences can be drawn from
our observations of chertified and slightly
thermally altered early-Silurian cyano-
bacterial mats. First, the early Archaean
Apex Chert filaments may have originated
through late diagenetic (thermal or thermo-
baric) in situ alteration of kerogenized
remnants of mucilage sheaths, capsules
and extracellular polymer substances that
originally enveloped groups of coccoid cells.
Second, the Apex Chert microfossil-like
filamentous structures could therefore be
biogenic but may represent diagenetic
ghosts of benthic mats composed of colonial
microorganisms resembling some modern
chroococcalean cyanobacteria. Third, what
have been described from the Apex Chert as
11 filamentous microbial taxa1may rather
represent remnants of a homogeneous (and
most probably monospecific) microbial
community, similar to modern benthic coc-
coid cyanobacteria, that is also known from
later Precambrian and Phanerozoic strata.
Józef Ka´zmierczak, Barbara Kremer
Institute of Paleobiology, Polish Academy of
Sciences, 00818 Warszawa, Poland
1. Schopf, J. W. Science 260, 640–646 (1993).
2. Dalton, R. Nature 417, 782–784 (2002).
3. Brasier, M. D. et al. Nature 416, 76–81 (2002).
4. Wyz
ga, B. Geologia Sudetica 22, 119–145 (1987).
5. Kremer, B. in Early Palaeozoic Palaeogeographies and
Biogeographies of Western Europe and North Africa (eds Alvaro,
J. J. & Servais, T.) 36 (Univ. Sci. Technol., Lille, 2001).
6. Komárek, J. & Anagnostidis, K. Arch. Hydrobiol./Algolog. Stud.
43, 157–226 (1986).
7. Horodyski, R. J. & Vonder Haar, S. J. Sedim. Petrol. 45,
894–906 (1975).
8. Aleksandrowski, P., Kryza, R., Mazur S., Pin, C. & Zalasiewicz,
J. A. Trans. R. Soc. Edinb. 90, 127–146 (2000).
9. Tissot, B. P., Pelet, R. & Ungerer, Ph. Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol.
Bull. 71, 1445–1466 (1987).
Supplementary information accompanies this communication on
Nature’s website.
brief communications
VOL 420
Figure 1 Light micrographs of mats of modern and early Silurian coccoid cyanobacteria. a, Modern mat of benthic coccoid cyanobacteria
from Sulejów Dam, central Poland; the mat is composed of globular colonies surrounded by thick mucous envelopes (arrow).
b–f, Examples of variously thermally altered colonies of Silurian coccoid cyanobacteria from Z
danów in the Bardo Mountains, Poland;
these were originally composed of minute cells (magnified in e). Note the quasi-regular, segmented, blackish structures of thermal origin,
which are strikingly similar to the purported Archaean Apex Chert microfossils. Scale bars: a, 50 m; b–d, f, 20 m; e, 5 m.
© 2002 Nature Publishing Group
... It was suggested that the preserved morphological variation indicates biological behavior and fulfills the requirements for microfossil recognition (Buick 1990), although some lack of assessment of geological context of the Apex microfossil assemblage together with biological, diagenetic, and metamorphic degradation may cast doubts on the applied taxonomy (Altermann 2005). Thermal alteration may have caused taphonomic changes in cyanobacterial microfossils, resulting in the present form of microfossil preservation in the Apex Chert (Kazmierczak and Kremer 2002). Claims of branching of the filaments or of incomplete, selective photomontages of the microstructures, mimicking a biological appearance (Brasier et al. 2002(Brasier et al. , 2004 resulted from misinterpretation of auto-montages of photographs taken at different depths of focus and superimposed on each other (Altermann 2005 and Fig. 2). ...
... Whether the carbonaceous filaments of J. William Schopf are genuine ancient, fossilized prokaryotes (Schopf 1993;Kazmierczak and Kremer 2002;Altermann 2005), later biological contamination (Buick 1984;Pinti et al. 2009), or abiotic products (Brasier et al. 2002, 2004, this rock is still one of the most fascinating challenges in Archean paleobiology and astrobiology. Each time Schopf reinforced his arguments for microfossils, introducing new data and new investigation techniques he was again challenged by his opponents (e.g., Kudryavtsev 2012, 2013;Schopf et al. 2018;Pinti et al. 2013;De Gregorio and Sharp 2006;Sforna et al. 2014, Wacey et al. 2016, 2019Lepot 2020). ...
... It was suggested that the preserved morphological variation indicates biological behavior and fulfills the requirements for microfossil recognition (Buick 1990), although some lack of assessment of geological context of the Apex microfossil assemblage together with biological, diagenetic, and metamorphic degradation may cast doubts on the applied taxonomy (Altermann 2005). Thermal alteration may have caused taphonomic changes in cyanobacterial microfossils, resulting in the present form of microfossil preservation in the Apex Chert (Kazmierczak and Kremer 2002). Claims of branching of the filaments or of incomplete, selective photomontages of the microstructures, mimicking a biological appearance (Brasier et al. 2002(Brasier et al. , 2004 resulted from misinterpretation of auto-montages of photographs taken at different depths of focus and superimposed on each other (Altermann 2005 and Fig. 2). ...
... Whether the carbonaceous filaments of J. William Schopf are genuine ancient, fossilized prokaryotes (Schopf 1993;Kazmierczak and Kremer 2002;Altermann 2005), later biological contamination (Buick 1984;Pinti et al. 2009), or abiotic products (Brasier et al. 2002(Brasier et al. , 2004, this rock is still one of the most fascinating challenges in Archean paleobiology and astrobiology. Each time Schopf reinforced his arguments for microfossils, introducing new data and new investigation techniques he was again challenged by his opponents (e.g., Kudryavtsev 2012, 2013;Schopf et al. 2018;Pinti et al. 2013;De Gregorio and Sharp 2006, Sforna et al. 2014, Wacey et al. 2016, 2019¸Lepot 2020. ...
Apex Chert, Microfossils Wladyslaw Altermann and Daniele L. Pinti Keywords Apex Chert · Apex Basalt · Biomarkers · Cyanobacteria · Microfossils, World’s oldest fossils, Pseudofossils Synonyms Apex Chert, Apex Basalt Formation, Schopf locality, Earth’s oldest microfossils Definition The Apex Chert is a lenticular and bedded, laminated, microcrystalline silica (SiO2) deposit interlayered with and crosscutting submarine lavas of the Apex Basalt Formation, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia. The Apex Basalt Formation, Salgash Subgroup of theWarrawoona Group dates at 3465–3458 Ma. The origin of the chert is disputed. The rivalling interpretations: diagenetic silicification (chertification) of clastic or carbonate sedimentary and volcano-sedimentary rocks versus primary silica deposition on the ocean floor or hydrothermal chert intrusion and replacement, do not necessarily contradict each other. Varying chert generations may coexist where black chert dikes and lenses crosscut dark gray and whitish stratiform cherts and interlayered volcanics of the Apex Formation (Marshall et al. 2012). Carbonaceous filaments found in the Apex Chert beds, Chinaman Creek near Marble Bar, were interpreted as world’s oldest fossils and as evidence for the antiquity of life on Earth (Schopf 1993). The name “Schopf locality” was given to this outcrop after J. William (Bill) Schopf, an American paleontologist and paleobiologist of the University of California, Los Angeles, who found and described these microfossils......
... Correlation of natural muscovite exfoliation with interlayer and solvation forces. RSC Advances 7, 1082-1088.Kazmiercak, J.,Kremer, B., 2002. Thermal alteration of the Earth's oldest fossils.Nature 420, 477-478. ...
Full-text available
Filamentous microfossils belonging to Cephalophytarion from the 850 Ma Bitter Springs Group have previously been used as key analogues in support of a biological interpretation for filamentous objects from the 3460 Ma Apex chert. Here we provide a new perspective on this interpretation by combining Raman data with correlative electron microscopy data from both Cephalophytarion and Apex specimens. We show that, when analysed at high spatial resolution, the Apex filaments bear no morphological resemblance to the younger Bitter Springs microfossils. Cephalophytarion filaments are shown to be cylindrical, comprising chains of box-like cells of approximately constant dimensions with lateral kerogenous walls and transverse kerogenous septa. They exhibit taphonomic shrinkage and folding, possess fine cylindrical sheaths and are permineralized by sub-micrometric quartz grains. They fulfil all established biogenicity criteria for trichomic microfossils. In contrast, Apex filaments do not possess lateral cell walls, are not cylindrical in nature, and vary considerably in diameter along their length. Their kerogenous carbon does not have a cell-like distribution and their chemistry is consistent with an origin as exfoliated phyllosilicate grains. This work demonstrates the importance of high-resolution data when interpreting the microstructure, and origins, of putative Precambrian microfossils.
... At reexamination, the Apex Chert, however, was found to contain cellular-preserved kerogenous microfossil remains, revealing advanced biostratonomic to metamorphic, taphonomic changes. It was suggested that thermal alteration is the cause of taphonomic changes in cyanobacterial microfossils, resulting in the present form of microfossil preservation in the Apex Chert (Kazmierczak and Kremer 2002). The preserved morphological variation indicates biological behavior and fulfills the requirements for microfossil recognition (Buick 1990). ...
... The existence of cyanobacteria in the earlier Archean was supported primarily by morphological indicators (Walsh, 1992;Schopf, 1993;Altermann and Schopf, 1995;Altermann, 2007a), but it was widely assumed that cyanobacterial metabolism was far too advanced for such early stages in the evolution of life, and simple morphological criteria for taxonomy were criticized as unreliable because of post mortem alterations. Others, however, have held to Schopf's (1993) original interpretation of cyanobacteria, with some restrictions because of diagenetic and thermal alteration (Kazmierczak and Kremer, 2002;Altermann, 2005Altermann, , 2007b. More recent morphological and biomarker studies support the rare, though excellent, preservation of complex microbial morphologies by 3.2e3.0 ...
... It is also possible that this included both photosynthetic and chemosynthetic means of carbon fixation, but the carbon isotope values cannot differentiate between the two metabolic pathways [95]. The oldest morphological microfossils are about 3.5 Ga in age [80,96,97]; searches for fossils older than these have so far been unsuccessful. ...
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The possible role of Ca2+ as a promoter of the major steps in the evolution of early life is reviewed. The existing biological knowledge about the role of calcium in living systems is summarized and compared with the major bio-evolutionary events that occurred during the first three billion years of Earth's history. It is proposed that secular changes in Ca2+ concentration in the marine realm during the Precambrian were the crucial driving force behind major innovations in the evolution of early life, such as photosynthesis, eukaryogenesis, multicellularity, origin of metazoans, biocalcification and skeletogenesis.
... The existence of cyanobacteria in the earlier Archean was supported primarily by morphological indicators (Walsh, 1992;Schopf, 1993;Altermann and Schopf, 1995;Altermann, 2007a), but it was widely assumed that cyanobacterial metabolism was far too advanced for such early stages in the evolution of life, and simple morphological criteria for taxonomy were criticized as unreliable because of post mortem alterations. Others, however, have held to Schopf's (1993) original interpretation of cyanobacteria, with some restrictions because of diagenetic and thermal alteration (Kazmierczak and Kremer, 2002;Altermann, 2005Altermann, , 2007b. More recent morphological and biomarker studies support the rare, though excellent, preservation of complex microbial morphologies by 3.2e3.0 ...
... Hence, Early Archaean palaeontological records are always viewed with scepticism (Brasier et al. 2002; Dalton 2002; Van Zuilen et al. 2002). Even those recorded from the Warrawoona Group of Western Australia have been challenged for their antiquity and biogenicity (Awramik et al. 1983; Buick 1984; Kaźmierczak and Barbara 2002). Known Archaean fossil forms can be grouped into isolated single cells, paired probably dividing cells, ensheathed colonies of coccoidal cells, and cylindrical and cylindrical septate-fi laments. ...
... In paleogeographic reconstructions the Bardzkie Mountains are placed between Gondwana and Armorica on the Rheic Ocean (e.g. Kaźmierczak and Kremer, 2002;Mazur et al., 2010). It is believed that the sediments were deposited on the ocean floor in trench and volcanic arc settings (Porębska and Sawłowicz, 1997;Wajsprych, 1997). ...
Fossil record of earliest Earth’s life is scant and restricted to simple kerogenous filaments and spheres, which origin and taxonomic affiliation are still ambiguous. Here we report clusters of cell-like bodies found in massive and weakly laminated black cherts of the ∼3.4 Ga Kromberg Formation (Onverwacht Group, Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa), known earlier for benthic microbial mats and microfossils. Morphological traits and mineralization of the Kromberg microfossils match those known from modern and fossil cyanobacteria. Micro-Raman and SEM/EDS analyses showed that the cell-like bodies fossilized mostly due to early mineralization with Al-silicates enclosing dispersed carbonaceous (kerogenous) matter derived from their thermally altered cell remains. Although in widespread opinion the early Archean life is predominantly represented by benthic microbial mats, the random (non-laminated) distribution of the studied cyanobacteria-like microfossils in the Kromberg cherts is suggestive for probably benthic-planktonic life cycle of these microbiota. The paper also discusses how the morphological similarity of the Kromberg Fm cell-like microfossils to geologically much younger and extant coccoidal cyanobacteria may influence the debate concerning the time of origin of Earth’s oxic atmosphere.
Full-text available
Structures resembling remarkably preserved bacterial and cyanobacterial microfossils from about 3,465-million-year-old Apex cherts of the Warrawoona Group in Western Australia currently provide the oldest morphological evidence for life on Earth and have been taken to support an early beginning for oxygen-producing photosynthesis. Eleven species of filamentous prokaryote, distinguished by shape and geometry, have been put forward as meeting the criteria required of authentic Archaean microfossils, and contrast with other microfossils dismissed as either unreliable or unreproducible. These structures are nearly a billion years older than putative cyanobacterial biomarkers, genomic arguments for cyanobacteria, an oxygenic atmosphere and any comparably diverse suite of microfossils. Here we report new research on the type and re-collected material, involving mapping, optical and electron microscopy, digital image analysis, micro-Raman spectroscopy and other geochemical techniques. We reinterpret the purported microfossil-like structure as secondary artefacts formed from amorphous graphite within multiple generations of metalliferous hydrothermal vein chert and volcanic glass. Although there is no support for primary biological morphology, a Fischer--Tropsch-type synthesis of carbon compounds and carbon isotopic fractionation is inferred for one of the oldest known hydrothermal systems on Earth.
Ion microprobe measurements of carbon isotope ratios were made in 30 specimens representing six fossil genera of microorganisms petrified in stromatolitic chert from the approximately 850 Ma Bitter Springs Formation, Australia, and the approximately 2100 Ma Gunflint Formation, Canada. The delta 13C(PDB) values from individual microfossils of the Bitter Springs Formation ranged from -21.3 +/- 1.7% to -31.9 +/- 1.2% and the delta 13C(PDB) values from microfossils of the Gunflint Formation ranged from -32.4 +/- 0.7% to -45.4 +/- 1.2%. With the exception of two highly 13C-depleted Gunflint microfossils, the results generally yield values consistent with carbon fixation via either the Calvin cycle or the acetyl-CoA pathway. However, the isotopic results are not consistent with the degree of fractionation expected from either the 3-hydroxypropionate cycle or the reductive tricarboxylic acid cycle, suggesting that the microfossils studied did not use either of these pathways for carbon fixation. The morphologies of the microfossils suggest an affinity to the cyanobacteria, and our carbon isotopic data are consistent with this assignment.
Unlike the familiar Phanerozoic history of life, evolution during the earlier and much longer Precambrian segment of geological time centred on prokaryotic microbes. Because such microorganisms are minute, are preserved incompletely in geological materials, and have simple morphologies that can be mimicked by nonbiological mineral microstructures, discriminating between true microbial fossils and microscopic pseudofossil 'lookalikes' can be difficult. Thus, valid identification of fossil microbes, which is essential to understanding the prokaryote-dominated, Precambrian 85% of life's history, can require more than traditional palaeontology that is focused on morphology. By combining optically discernible morphology with analyses of chemical composition, laser--Raman spectroscopic imagery of individual microscopic fossils provides a means by which to address this need. Here we apply this technique to exceptionally ancient fossil microbe-like objects, including the oldest such specimens reported from the geological record, and show that the results obtained substantiate the biological origin of the earliest cellular fossils known.
The textbooks say that oxygen-producing microorganisms evolved some 3.5 billion years ago. But as that claim and its author come under attack, the history of life on Earth may have to be rewritten. Rex Dalton investigates.
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