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Evaluation of safety profile of black shilajit after 91 days repeated administration in rats

  • PGP College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research Institute
  • Central Council for Research in Siddha

Abstract and Figures

To evaluate the safety of shilajit by 91 days repeated administration in different dose levels in rats. In this study the albino rats were divided into four groups. Group I received vehicle and group II, III and IV received 500, 2 500 and 5 000 mg/kg of shilajit, respectively. Finally animals were sacrificed and subjected to histopathology and iron was estimated by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy and graphite furnace. The result showed that there were no significant changes in iron level of treated groups when compared with control except liver (5 000 mg/kg) and histological slides of all organs revealed normal except negligible changes in liver and intestine with the highest dose of shilajit. The weight of all organs was normal when compared with control. The result suggests that black shilajit, an Ayurvedic formulation, is safe for long term use as a dietary supplement for a number of disorders like iron deficiency anaemia.
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Document heading
Evaluation of safety profile of black shilajit after 91 days repeated
administration in rats
Velmurugan C
, Vivek B
, Wilson E
, Bharathi T
, Sundaram T
Department of Pharmacology, Sri Krishna Chaithanya College of Pharmacy, Nimnapalli Road, Madanapalle, Andhra Pradesh
Department of Pharmacology, Sri K.V College of Pharmacy, M.G Road, Chickballapur, Karnataka
SRF, National Institute of Indian Medical Heritage, Hyderabad, India
Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Sri Krishna Chaithanya College of Pharmacy, Nimnapalli Road, Madanapalle, Andhra Pradesh
Department of Pharmaceutics, Sri Krishna Chaithanya College of pharmacy, Nimmanapalli Road, Madanapalle, Andhra Pradesh
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)210-214
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine
*Corresponding author: Velmurugan C, Assistant Professor, Department of
Pharmacology, Sri Krishna Chaithanya College of Pharmacy, Nimmanapalle Road,
Gangannagaripalle, Madanapalee-517325, Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Foundation Project: This work was financially supported by Shanmugha Arts, Science,
Technology and Research Academy University (grant No. 23/SASTRA/IAEC/RPP).
1. Introduction
Shilajit is considered as one of the wonder medicines
Ayurveda. Neither a plant nor animal substance, it is a
mineral pitch that oozes from the rocks of the
as they become warm in the summer months.
(asphaltum) is widely used in the preparation of Ayurvedic
medicines and is regarded as one of the most important
ingredients in
Ayurvedic system of medicine. It is used as
n adaptogen
. Shilajit, also known as shilajit, mumijo,
and momia, is used in the
Ayurveda, the traditional Indian
system of medicine
. The complement system is involved
in many disease syndromes that have been traditionally
treated with extracts of shilajit and other humic substances
containing high levels of
Fe (e.g., arthritis and asthma)
and they are also used for anti-oxidant, hypoglycemic
iron deficiency anemia
. In the Charak Samhita,
shilajit is described as a product of four minerals i.e. gold,
silver, copper and iron, whereas in the
Susruta Samhita
it included two more minerals, i.e. lead and zinc in its
. Iron has long been considered important
for the body. Lauha bhasma
(calcined iron) has been used
in ancient
Indian medicine. Iron was used for weakness,
which is common in anaemi
a. In 1713 iron was shown to be
present in blood
. The most obvious clinical result of iron
deficiency is anaemia, and the only indication for therapy
with iron is to provide material for haemoglobin synthesis
The bioavailability of iron in the colon was increased by
prebiotic and synbiotic diets
, it is mainly stored in liver
and spleen in the form of ferritin which is used to meet
the daily re
quirements not provided by the diet. Nearly all
cells contain ferritin.
The ferritin will release the Fe
circulating blood to meet their deficiency, and aggregated
ferritin was referred to as haemosiderin
. Iron deficiency
is the most common cause of anemia, or a low red blood
cell count.
Lack of iron slows production of the iron-
containing hemoglobin, which limits the rate of red blood
production. Similarly, iron deficiency causes a reduced
concentration of myoglobin in the muscles, commonly
leading to weakness and poor physical endurance.
Article history:
Received 19 August 2011
Received in revised form 10 September 2011
Accepted 2 October 2011
Available online 28 March 2012
Graphite furnace
Flame atomic absorption spectroscopy
To evaluate the safety of shilajit by 91 days repeated administration in different
dose levels in rats.
In this study the albino rats were divided into four groups.
Group I received vehicle and group II, III and IV received 500, 2 500 and 5 000 mg/kg of shilajit,
Finally animals were sacrificed and subjected to histopathology and iron was
estimated by flame atomic absorption spect
roscopy and graphite furnace.
The result
showed that there were no significant changes in iron level of treated groups when compared
with control except liver
(5 000 mg/kg) and histological slides of all organs revealed normal except
negligible changes in liver and intestine with the highest dose of shilajit.
The weight of all organs
was normal when compared with control.
The result suggests that black shilajit, an
Ayurvedic formulation, is safe for long term use as a dietary supplement for a number of disorders
like iron deficiency anaemia.
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Velmurugan C et al./Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)210-214
reduced oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood that occurs
with iron-deficiency anemia further aggravates myoglobin
deficiency-related symptoms
. The decrease of iron leads
to Trypanosoma cruzi infection in host
, causes defects in
the cognition and learning processes in humans
, produces
significant alterations in the metabolism of dopamine
and other neurotransmitter in brain
and reduces
-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamic acid content of the
On rehabilitation with the iron-supplemented diet for
1 week, these decreased enzyme activities in brain attained
the corresponding control values
. The iron preparation
used for disorders in an over dose can cause toxicity to some
vital organs.
The Astanga Hrdayam reported that there are
six types of shilajit but it is found that the shilajit coming
of iron is the best
and also there was no scientific
proof for long term safety of black shilajit.
So the present
study was aimed to evaluate the safety of shilajit by
91 days
repeated administration in different dose levels.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Acute toxicity
Twenty four (12 male and 12 female) albino mice, weighing
(18-25 g) were used for the study. The acute
toxicity study was carried out as per guidelines for
Siddha drugs. Healthy mice of either sex were selected
and grouped into four comprising six animals in each group.
The animals were fasted for four hours prior to the study
with free access to water.
The test drug was suspended in
the suitable medium
(reverse osmosis water) and given in
graded doses up to maximum dose level.
One group received
vehicle only, which served as untreated
control. The animals
were observed for any toxic manifestations and mortality for
72 hours. Thereafter, animals were observed for 14 days.
2.2. Chronic toxicity study/ 91 days study
The Wistar rats of 4-6 weeks were selected for the present
Body weights of the rats for chronic toxicity study
were taken after the initial stabilization period.
They were
ranging between
(130-140 g) for males and (120-130 g) for
A total of twenty four Wistar rats (12 males
) were randomized and equally divided into four
groups comprising six animals in each group.
The animals
in all the groups were provided with pellet diet depending
upon the body weights and their food consumption profile.
The animals of group II, III and IV were administered with
shilajit at the respective doses of
500, 2 500 and 5 000 mg/kg
once dail
y for 91 days, whereas animals in group I received
(reverse osmosis water). After 91 days administration,
blood was collected from retro orbital and serum was
Finally animals were sacrificed, and different
organs were isolated and weighed.
The isolated organs
were subjected to histopathology studies and the iron was
estimated by flame atomic absorption spectrometry
and the
serum iron by graphite furnace. The experimental
protocol was reviewed and approved by
Institutional Animal
Ethical Committee (No: 23/SASTRA/IAEC/RPP).
2.3. Metal analysis
2.3.1. Sample collection
The samples were cleaned and dried under shade. The
dried samples were then grinded and powdered in an agate
pestle and mortar.
Samples were labeled and stored in pre-
cleaned polyethylene bottles for further analysis.
2.3.2. Reagents and apparatus
All the reagents such as HNO
, and H
were purchased
MERCK. Millipore water was used for all analytical
work and all the digestion vessel, polyethylene bottles
(sample container), micro pipette tips and others were
washed with
HCl, rinsed with de-ionized water before
preparing standards, reagents and samples.
2.3.3. Digestion of samples (sample preparation)
A Multiwave 3000 micro oven system (from Anton paar,
USA) with 16 position teflon vessels with capping was
being used for digestion process.
The digestion vessels
were provided with a controlled pressure, temperature and
release valve.
Before using, all teflon vessels were soaked
. The system was initially programmed by
giving gradual rise of
, 40
, and 50
power for 5, 15 and
20 minutes, respectively for the due warming up. The powder
samples were used without any further tr
eatment for sample
0.25 g of sample was weighed into the teflon
vessels followed by digestion mixture of
, and H
the ratio of
3:1, according to the nature of samples which
were being applied.
The resulting solution after microwave digestion was
filtered through
Whatman No. 40 filter paper (if necessary)
and diluted to
25 mL with Millipore water. A sample blank
only acid mixture was prepared at the same time.
The method of standard addition was generally adapted to
calibrate the instrument before going for the observation of
the samples.
2.3.4. Calibration of instruments
More than three working standard solution of elements to
be determined were prepared, covering the concentration
range as recommended by the manufacturer of the
instrument for the elements to be determined.
Before the
analysis of samples, the instruments were calibrated with
prepared working standard solution.
The calibration curves
were obtained for concentration and absorbance data were
statistically analyzed.
Calibration of the instrument was
repeated periodically during operations and blanks were
carried with each set of
10 samples or aspirating any one of
the prepared working standard for every
10 samples to check
the instrument drift and to validate analytical procedures
and performance.
Reagent blank readings were taken and
necessary correction was made during the calculation of
concentration of various elements.
Standard Certified Reference (SRM) of National Institute of
Standard and Technology (NIST) was used for day-to-day for
the evaluation of methods of analysis or test and for long-
quality assurance of measurements.
Velmurugan C et al./Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)210-214
2.3.5. Fe analysis by flame AAS/graphite furnace
After calibrating the instrument with prepared working
standard, the digests liquid samples solution was subjected
to analysis of
Fe in organs by flame AAS and Fe in serum
by graphite furnace with specific instrumental conditions
as given by instruments manufacturer.
The solution was
introduced into flame, and the reading was recored,
using the mean of the three reading and the quantified
centration of the metals in the given samples against the
standard calibration curve obtained from concentration vs.
absorbance of the prepared known concentration on the day
of the analysis.
2.4. Statistical analysis
The statistical analysis was performed by one-way
analysis of variance
(ANOVA) by Dunnetts test. A different
level at P<
0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.
3. Results
3.1. Acute toxicity
The test drug and vehicle were administered to mice as
per the guidelines, under close observation for
4 hours and
followed by daily observation for
14 days. There was neither
behavioral changes nor mortality and morbidity in all the
groups of animals.
So, the test drug was proved suitable for
further evaluation.
Figure 1.
Photomicrograph of heart (control).
Figure 2.
Photomicrograph of lungs (control).
Figure 3.
Photomicrograph of liver (control).
3.2. Cage side observation
There was no abnormality in the feces color, consistency
and amount, hair coat, respiration character and rate
convulsions, biting, static limb position, abnormal gait,
ataxic gait, head position and rearing activity during the
experimental period.
3.3. Metal estimation
The estimation of metal concentration was given in Table 1,
which showed no significant difference of iron
content in all
Table 1
Estimated iron content of shilajit in various organs and serum (mean
SEM) (n=6).
Groups Heart Liver Spleen Kidney Serum
Group I 5.660.32 8.360.29 6.230.29 5.580.32 256.604.17
Group II 6.790.69 9.080.46 5.860.95 5.410.23 327.178.65
Group III 5.890.34 9.440.38 6.100.40 5.660.32 342.356.33
Group IV 6.210.55 9.870.17* 6.940.39 6.260.25 367.703.45
*: P<0.05 comparing with the control group.
Table 2
Effect of shilajit on organ weights (g) in rats (mean
SEM) (n=6).
Groups Heart Lungs Liver Kidney Spleen Stomach Intestine Testes Ovaries
Group I 0.500.04
Group II 0.650.08
Group III 0.770.10
Group IV 0.870.13
Means bearing same superscripts do not differ significantly (P<0.05).
Velmurugan C et al./Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)210-214
groups of animals, and in all the organs except liver. Metal
(iron) values of rats treated with shilajit (group IV)
showed significant difference in liver when compared with
I, but no significant changes were observed in group II
and group
Figure 4.
Photomicrograph of liver-treated with shilajit (the highest
dose) showing congestion and degeneration of hepatocytes.
Figure 5.
Photomicrograph of spleen (control).
3.4. Organ weights
There was no adverse effect of shilajit on any vital organs
of the rats, which received the drug for
91 days. There was
no indication of atrophy or hypertrophy of any organ of rats
in all treated groups.
It was represented in Table 2.
Figure 6.
Photomicrograph of stomach (control).
3.5. Histopathological studies
Figure 7.
Photomicrograph of intestine (control).
Figure 8.
Photomicrograph of intestine-treated with shilagit (the
highest dose) showing fusion of villi.
Figure 9.
Photomcrograph of kidney (control).
Figure 10.
Photomicrograph of testis (control).
Velmurugan C et al./Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)210-214
The histological changes in the main organs were shown
Figure 1-11. On histological studies, the highest dose
of test drug caused changes in liver and intestine showing
congestion and degeneration of hepotocytes, and fusion of
(Figure 4, 8) and all other organs revealed normal. In
I, group II and group III, all the organs were normal
and no specific abnormalities were seen.
When compared
with control, the highest dose showed microscopic changes.
Figure 11.
Photomicrograph of ovary (control).
4. Discussion
The overload iron can cause undesirable side effect or
The excess iron is distributed throughout the body
and slowly accumulates in several organs, including heart,
liver, spleen, and skin.
Ferritin is a unique iron storage
protein containing
24 storage proteins. When excess dietary
iron is absorbed, the body produces more ferritin.
is gr
eatly abundant in the heart and liver, therefore there
is a large amount in these organs, and iron rushes to these
organs for storage
. Iron storage is the most common
cause of death among patients with hemochromatosis, sickle
cell disease, thalassemia, and heart disease
The shilajit contains iron and other minerals, and is widely
used for various disorders in long term therapy like anaemia
d diabetes. So it may cause toxicity, but the present study
data suggest that long term use of shilajit did not show any
toxicity and the iron content of shilajit almost has the same
level in all the dose level and histopathological studies show
the normal histology of all the organs except the intestine
and liver, which did not have significant change in the
histological architecture.
Hence, it can be considered being
Again the organ weight shows no significant in all
organs when compared to control and there was no mortality
observed in all treated groups up to the end of study, which
will further support that the shilajit was safe for long term
Conflict of interest statement
We declare that we have no conflict of interest.
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... The studies carried out by Ghosal et al. showed that these acids inhibit lipid peroxidation and possess the ability to recycle ascorbic acid and thereby exhibiting significant antioxidant activity 7,11,[13][14][15] . Mumio is also a rich source of amino acids, especially exogenous, such as methionine, leucine and threonine, and also endogenous such as histidine, proline, glycine, tyrosine, arginine and aspartic acid 9,10 . ...
... They showed that daily Mumio administration for 91 days caused only minor changes in the liver of those animals that received the highest concentration of Mumio. These changes correlated with an excess amount of iron in the liver showing potential mechanism of liver changes development 9 . ...
... Due to these considerations, we suggest to further investigate intravesical application together with long term oral administration of Mumio for bladder cancer treatment. Moreover, long term administration of Mumio was found to be save in an animal model and clinical studies did not show significant adverse events after Mumio administration 9,18 . However, it is important to consider the depletion of insoluble mineral salts in order to limit the risk of bladder stones and irritation of bladder wall, which could create a niche for implantation of tumour derived cancer cells. ...
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Mumio (Shilajit) is a traditional medicinal drug known and used for hundreds of years. Bladder cancer is one of the most common cancer types and better treatments are needed. This study analysed the in vitro effect of Mumio on urinary bladder cancer cells (T24 and 5637) in comparison to normal uroepithelial cells (SV-HUC1). Cytotoxicity of Mumio was analysed in these cell lines via MTT and real-time cell growth assays as well via the assessment of the cytoskeleton, apoptosis, and cell cycle. Mumio affected the viability of both cell types in a time and concentration dependent manner. We observed a selectivity of Mumio against cancer cells. Cell cycle and apoptosis analysis showed that Mumio inhibited G0/G1 or S phase cell cycle, which in turn induced apoptosis. Our results showed that Mumio was significantly more cytotoxic to urinary bladder cancer cells than to normal cells. These results are promising and indicate Mumio as a great candidate for urinary bladder cancer treatment and further investigations should be performed.
... Bitumen was frequently cited as a safe curative agent in TPM sources; however evidence of its medicinal properties is scarce. Although various studies showed safely use of bitumen as a beneficial herbal medicine (8), probable fungal contamination producing lethal mycotoxins necessitates the importance of isolation of its active constituents and formulation of bitumen for widespread use (9). Herein, authors aimed to review literature and TPM main sources to open a new window for interested researchers tailoring well-designed clinical trials to confirm safety and efficacy of bitumen in treatment of claimed issues in TPM. ...
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Aim: Bitumen is a natural substance effusing from rocks’ notches in some highland areas; it has been known as an effective remedy for treating some illnesses. Considering pain relieving properties of bitumen in traditional Persian medicine (TPM) sources, this study aims to review the viewpoints of TPM sages regarding bitumen in the context of traditional Persian medicine. It also provides applicable information for interested researchers to conduct well-designed clinical trials and evaluate therapeutic effects of bitumen claimed in TPM sources. Material and method: Various databases including Embase, SID, IRANDOC, IranMedex, Scopus and PubMed were searched with keywords “bitumen” and “Shilajit”. Furthermore, main traditional Persian medicine sources including Avicenna’s “Canon of medicine”, “Continens Liber” by Razes, “The storehouse of medicaments” by Aghili, “Gift for the faithful” by Momen Tonekaboni and “Measure for medicine” written by Muhammad Akbar Shah Arzani were reviewed with Persian keywords “Moomiaii” and “Mumnaei”. Results: According to TPM sources, bitumen was used by Iranian’s physicians to treat a wide range of diseases. It was known especially as an effective remedy to improve gastrointestinal digestive problems. Conclusion: Bitumen is cited in traditional Persian medicine sources as an effective remedy for treatment of a wide range of diseases, especially GI disorders and bone pain. Recent studies showed the beneficial effects of bitumen in treatment of wound healing, however using it in medical practice for other health dilemma should be confirmed by conducting well-designed clinical studies in the future.
... However, HAs represent a large heterogeneous group of structures, the specific properties of which may vary slightly depending e.g., on the origin, natural occurrence, or extraction procedure. Complex weight-of-evidence toxicological evaluation of HAs and FAs preparation derived from lignite showed a lack of genotoxic potential and no organ or general toxicity in 90 days oral administration to rats [36]. ...
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Citation: Vašková, J.; Stupák, M.; Vidová Ugurbaş, M.; Žatko, D.; Vaško, L. Therapeutic Efficiency of Humic Acids in Intoxications. Life 2023, 13, 971. 10.3390/life13040971 Academic Editor: Ewa M. Urbańska Abstract: Humins, humic and fulvic acids represent molecules with complex structures. These compounds comprising humic substances (HS) exist naturally in soil, brown coal, peat, and water. They are formed during the decomposition and transformation of organic matter (animal and plant remains) and their formation explains several theories. Within their chemical structures, there are numerous phenolic and carboxyl groups and their derivatives that affect their different properties, such as their solubility in water or their absorption of cations or mycotoxins. The manifold chemical structure of HS alters their polyelectrolyte character and thus their chelating efficiency. For many years, HS have been studied due to their detoxification, anti-, and pro-inflammatory or anticancer and antiviral ability. This article summarizes the antioxidant and adsorption properties of humic acids, highlighting their usefulness in intoxications.
... According to Velmurugan et al. (2012), HA have no side effects, even after prolonged use (91 days). However, there are indications that acute selenium deficiency, which is likely to be complexed and leached from the body by HA, appears to occur with prolonged use (over 42 days) (Vaskova et al. 2018). ...
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The most common mycotoxin found in European foodstuffs, especially unprocessed grains, is deoxynivalenol (DON), which inhibits proteosynthesis and induces oxidative stress. The sorption properties of humic acids (HA) indicate a promising potential in the reduction of mycotoxin intoxication. In an experimental biomodel lasting 35 days, we investigated the effect of a dietary supplement containing HA on the antioxidant status in the liver, heart and kidney mitochondria and in the blood plasma of rats exposed to the stress factor of orally administered DON. DON was administered at doses of 100 and 200% above the maximum tolerable daily intake (1.0 μg/kg body weight/day). We evaluated the activities of the following enzymes: superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, glutathione-S-transferase and tripeptide glutathione. Administration of DON has been shown to induce oxidative stress, the intensity of which appears to be directly dependent on the concentration of mycotoxin. Supplementation with 1% HA (10 g/kg of feed) resulted in alleviation of this stress, in which the preventive effect of HA may have been implicated partly by affecting the adsorption of DON through the GIT and limiting its bioavailability. There were also signs that it can act by actively interfering with ROS inhibition to help achieve redox homeostasis. However, there is another aspect that deserves attention, namely, the metabolism of HA. The results presented in our work suggest that the mechanism of possible metabolism occurs predominantly in the liver, including an oxidative increase in polarity and subsequent conjugation reactions mediated by the GST-GSH system.
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Shilajit is a phyto-mineral diffusion and semi-solid matter used as traditional medicine with extraordinary health benefits. This study provides a comprehensive data on Shilajit with emphasis on heavy metal profile, associated toxicities, and metal detoxification mechanisms by humic substances present in Shilajit. Data was searched across papers and traditional books using Google Scholar, PubMed, Science Direct, Medline, SciELO, Web of Science, and Scopus as key scientific databases. Findings showed that Shilajit is distributed in almost 20 regions of the world with uses against 20 health problems as traditional medicine. With various humic substances, almost 11 biological activities were reported in Shilajit. This phyto-mineral diffusion possesses around 65 heavy metals including the toxic heavy metals like Cu, Al, Pb, As, Cd, and Hg. However, humic substances in Shilajit actively detoxify around 12 heavy metals. The recommended levels of heavy metals by WHO and FDA in herbal drugs is 0.20 and 0.30 ppm for Cd, 1 ppm for Hg, 10.00 ppm for As and Pb, 20 ppm for Cu, and 50 ppm for Zn. The levels of reported metals in Shilajit were found to be lower than the permissible limits set by WHO and FDA, except in few studies where exceeded levels were reported. Shilajit consumption without knowing permissible levels of metals is not safe and could pose serious health problems. Although the humic substances and few metals in Shilajit are beneficial in terms of chelating toxic heavy metals, the data on metal detoxification still needs to be clarified.
Currently, more than 46 million adults in the United States suffer from some form of arthritis. Arthritis is also prevalent in other species, including canine and equine. Among all forms of arthritis, osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form, afflicting nearly 27 million adults. The other common form of arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis. Among animal species, canine and equine are more prone to arthritis than other species. A large number of factors, such as aging, excessive exercise, obesity, genetic predisposition, immune disorders, poor nutrition, injury, and infection, can lead to OA. Presently, the use of nutraceuticals appears to be a good option to treat or manage OA, because they are taken orally, well-tolerated, and safe. However, some nutraceuticals exert adverse effects. This chapter describes, in brief, the characteristics of OA, pathophysiology of OA, and efficacy, safety, and toxicity of some commonly used nutraceuticals.
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Currently, in the United States, every fifth adult dog or horse suffers from arthritis. The two most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). OA occurs with greater frequency than RA. OA is an inflammatory heterogeneous chronic degenerative joint disease (DJD) characterized by chronic and progressive degradation of the articular cartilage, osteophyte formation, thickening and sclerosis of the subchondral bone, bone marrow lesions, hypertrophy of bone at the margin, synovitis, synovial fluid effusion, and fibrosis. Common clinical signs and symptoms associated with OA in dogs and horses include limping, immobility, stiffness of joints, crepitus, periarticular swelling, palpable effusion, and pain upon manipulation of the joint and limb. The pathophysiology of OA is very complex because there are multiple etiologies for this disease, and as a result, treatment is complicated. Pain and inflammation associated with OA are often managed by pharmacological suppression or surgery among a few other modalities. NSAIDs are known to have severe side effects, and surgery is very expensive, so the use of nutraceuticals appears to be a viable alternative for prevention and treatment of OA. This chapter describes various nutraceuticals that have the potential to exert antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive, and chondroprotective effects in osteoarthritis.
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Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of shilajit on new bone formation following rapid maxillary expansion (RME) in a rat study model using biochemical, histological, and immunohistochemical techniques.Material and Method: The rats (12-week-old, 24 male Wistar albino) were randomly divided into the following 3 groups (n=8 each): no expansion (NE), only expansion (OE), expansion plus shilajit (Shilajit). Shilajit was given to the rats during the 5 day expansion and 12 day retention period. After sacrificing the animals, biochemical, histological, and immunohistochemical examinations were performed.Results: Superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase levels in the shilajit group were statistically higher than the OE group (p<0.05). Bone alkaline phosphatase and C-telopeptide of type I collagen levels demonstrated statistically significant differences between the groups (p<0.001). The immunohistochemical findings revealed that OE group had significantly more IL-1 and TNF-α H scores than the shilajit group (p<0.05). When the groups were compared for inflammatory cell infiltration, new bone formation, and capillary intensity, considerable differences were found between the groups (p<0.05). Conclusion: Systemic use of shilajit may hasten new bone formation in the midpalatal suture, which may be useful to prevent of relapse and shorten the retention period after the RME treatment.
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The effect of functional ingredients-supplemented diets on iron bioavailability and the section of the large intestine involved with this effect was investigated in rats. The diets consisted of seven powder follow-up infant formulas containing probiotics (Bifidobacterium bifidum and Bifidobacterium longum), prebiotics (galactooligosaccharides (4�-GOS) at 1.2, 5 and 10%) or synbiotics (bifidobacteria and 4�- GOS at 1.2, 5 and 10%) that were administered to weanling rats over 30 days. Iron balancing (mineral apparent absorption and retention ratios) was carried out in three periods of 72 h each. Results showed that the administration of any of the test diets increased the apparent iron absorption or retention in any of the periods, however only 10% prebiotic and synbiotic diets significantly (P�0.05) increased apparent iron absorption and retention during the three periods of mineral balancing when compared to the control group. A linear regression study demonstrated that the stimulation of iron absorption took place mainly in the colon portion of the gut, since the parameters iron absorption, crypt depth of proximal colon and pH colon content showed a multiple linear relationship (R2�0.56). We concluded that 10% prebiotic and synbiotic diets were the diets most prone to improving iron bioavailability in the colons of rats.
Iron deficiency is ever-present among all populations throughout the world irrespective of race, culture, or ethnic background. Even with the latest advances in medicine, improved nutrition, and the ready availability of cheap oral iron, there is still no satisfactory explanation for the widespread occurrence of iron deficiency or for the absence of an effective treatment. Iron Deficiency and Overload: From Biology to Clinical Medicine is an important new text that provides a timely review of the latest science concerning iron metabolism as well as practical, data-driven options to manage at-risk populations with the best accepted therapeutic nutritional interventions. This volume contains the latest data on the importance of iron in the development of the brain and optimal cognitive function. Chapter topics reflect the excitement in current theoretical development and laboratory activity in this area. The distinguished authors address their presentations to professionals and graduate students who need to be better informed about the concepts, methodologies, and current status of the field. Iron Deficiency and Overload: From Biology to Clinical Medicine is an essential text that presents a sampling of the major issues in iron research, from the most basic research level to human applications.
Help your students develop an understanding of exercise physiology concepts and their application athletic performance and well-being with Exercise Physiology, 2e. Using an engaging evidence-based approach that combines research and theory with practical discussions of nutrition and training, the authors help students understand how the human body works and responds to exercise. The Second Edition includes new video clips, a fresh new design, and enhanced online teaching and learning resources to save you time and help your students succeed. Instructor Resources: • A pre-created PowerPoint Presentation speeds lecture preparation. • A Test bank of chapter-specific questions saves you time in building quizzes and exams • A complete image bank enhances lecture and exam preparation. • LMS cartridges allow you to connect to your preferred course management system with ease. • Answers to Review Questions speed student assessment. Student Resources: • Animations demonstrate complex concepts in a dynamic, memorable way. • Video Clips from experts demonstrate fascinating, real-life applications in a variety of exercise science careers. • Quiz bank provides online practice to help ensure content mastery.
IntroductionBioavailablity of MicronutrientsSocial Acceptability of Biofortified CropsDevelopment and Distribution of the New VarietiesSelected Examples of Biofortified Crops Targeted by Harvestplus in Collaboration with a Consortium of International PartnersSelenium-Fortified PhytoproductsSources of Selenium in Human DietSelenium (Se) and Silica (Si) Management in Soils by Fly Ash AmendmentChromium for Fortification Diabetes ManagementSilica Management in Rice—Beneficial FunctionsConclusions Acknowledgments and DisclaimerReferences
IntroductionIron ImportanceIron ToxicityInteractions with Other MetalsIron Acquisition by PlantsTranslocation of Iron in PlantsIron Deficiency in HumansAmelioration of Iron DeficienciesFerritinFerritin StructureMineral Core FormationFerritin Gene Family and RegulationDevelopmental RegulationRole of FerritinMetal Sequestration by Ferritin: Health ImplicationsOverexpression of FerritinAcknowledgmentsReferences
IntroductionOxygen Loading and TransportNO Reactivity with HbHb OxidationNitrite Reactivity with HbAmino-acid Determinants of Hb Reactivity: Natural and Engineered HbsConclusion AcknowledgmentsReferences
Fulvic acids (FA) and 4′-methoxy-6-carbomethoxybiphenyl (MCB, 1), two major organic compounds isolated from Shilajit (a humus product), were screened for anti-ulcerogenic activity in albino rats. Both FA and MCB showed significant anti-ulerogenic effects in the battery of tests accepted for this purpose. The mechanism of anti-ulcerogenic action was studied with MCB on the basis of its effects on mucin content (gastric juice carbohydrates and carbohydrate/protein ratio) and on the concentration of DNA and protein in the gastric juice. The MCB-induced changes in the mucosa provided resistance against the effect of ulcerogens and also against shedding of mucosal cells. A preliminary acute toxicity study indicated that both FA and MCB had a low order of toxicity.