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The Neolithic demographic transition in the US Southwest

  • Washington State University & Santa Fe Institute & Crow Canyon Archaeological Center
  • Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (French National Centre for Scientific Research)

Abstract and Figures

Maize agriculture was practiced in the U.S. Southwest slightly before 2000 B. C, but had a negligible impact on population growth rates until the development or introduction of more productive landraces; the ability to successfully cultivate maize under a greater variety of conditions, with dry farming especially important; the addition of beans, squash, and eventually turkey to the diet; increased sedentism; and what we infer to be the remapping of exchange networks and the development of efficient exchange strategies in first-millenium-A.D. villages. Our estimates of birthrates and growth rates are derived from the proportions of immature individuals among human remains. These proportions are somewhat affected by warfare in our region, and perhaps also by climate. Nevertheless, there is a strong identifiable Neolithic Demographic Transition signal in the U.S. Southwest in about the mid-first-millennium A.D. in most subregions, visible a few hundred years after the introduction of well-fired ceramic containers, and more or less contemporaneous with the first appearance of villages. Independent genetic data derived from the mitochondrial genomes of present-day indigenous populations of the Southwest are also consistent with the hypothesis that a major demographic expansion occurred 1,500-2000 years ago in the Southwest.
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Despite the deep hominid evolutionary his-
tory of foraging,several independent zones
of agricultural invention appeared almost
simultaneously on the planet during the Holocene,
in a chronological window from 11–3.5 ka B.P.
These were located in the Near East (wheat and bar-
ley), East Asia (rice and millet),Sub-Saharan Africa
(including poorly dated plants of three major com-
plexes [Harlan 2006]),South America (where three
complexes of species emerged at differing eleva-
tions [Pearsall 2006]),Mesoamerica (maize,beans,
gourds and squash), and eastern North America
(squash, sunflower, and the other members of the
Eastern Agricultural Complex). When agricultural
crops or farmers from these primary zones appeared
in “secondary” neighboring regions, such as the
Timothy A. Kohler, Matt Pier Glaude, Jean-Pierre Bocquet-Appel, and Brian M. Kemp
Maize agriculture was practiced in the U.S. Southwest slightly before 2000 B.C., but had a negligible impact on population
growth rates until the development or introduction of more productive landraces; the ability to successfully cultivate maize
under a greater variety of conditions, with dry farming especially important; the addition of beans, squash, and eventually
turkey to the diet; increased sedentism; and what we infer to be the remapping of exchange networks and the development of
efficient exchange strategies in first-millenium-A.D. villages. Our estimates of birthrates and growth rates are derived from
the proportions of immature individuals among human remains. These proportions are somewhat affected by warfare in our
region, and perhaps also by climate. Nevertheless, there is a strong identifiable Neolithic Demographic Transition signal in
the U.S. Southwest in about the mid-first-millennium A.D. in most subregions, visible a few hundred years after the intro-
duction of well-fired ceramic containers, and more or less contemporaneous with the first appearance of villages. Indepen-
dent genetic data derived from the mitochondrial genomes of present-day indigenous populations of the Southwest are also
consistent with the hypothesis that a major demographic expansion occurred 1,500–2000 years ago in the Southwest.
La culture du maïs se pratiquait dans le sud-ouest des Etats-Unis avant 2000 B.C., mais eut un impact négligeable sur le taux
d’accroissement de la population jusqu’au développement ou l’introduction des variétés cultivées plus productifs; la capac-
ité de cultiver du maïs avec succès sous une grande variété de conditions, avec la culture sèche particulièrement importante;
l’addition de haricots, de courges, et éventuellement de dindes à la nourriture; l’accroissement de la sédentarité; et ce que
l’on infére relativement à la recomposition géographique des réseaux d’échanges et le développement de stratégies d’échange
efficientes dans les villages du 1er millénaire A.D. Nos estimations de taux de natalité et de taux d’accroissement dérivent des
proportions d’individus immatures dans les restes humains. Ces proportions sont quelque peu affectées par les guerres dans
notre région,et peut être aussi, par le climat. Néanmoins, il y a le signal fort d’une Transition démographique néolithique dans
le sud-ouest des Etats-Unis vers la première moitié du 1er millénaire A.D. dans la plupart des sous-régions, signal visible
quelques centaines d’années après l’introduction de containers en céramique cuite, et approximativement contemporaine avec
la première apparition de villages. Des données génétiques indépendantes provenant de génomes mitochondriaux de popula-
tions indigènes du sud-ouest aujourd’hui, sont aussi consistantes avec l’hypothèse qu’une expansion démographique majeure
se produisit là il y a 1500–2000 ans.
Timothy A. Kohler !Department of Anthropology, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-4910, Crow Canyon
Archaeological Center, and Santa Fe Institute (
Matt Pier Glaude !Department of Anthropology, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-4910
Jean-Pierre Bocquet-Appel !CNRS, EP 2147 44, rue de l Amiral Mouchez 75014 Paris, France
Brian M. Kemp !Department of Anthropology and School of Biological Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman,
WA 99164-4910 (
American Antiquity 73(4), 2008, pp. 645–669
Copyright ©2008 by the Society for American Archaeology
AQ 73(4) Kohler 10/10/08 10:56 AM Page 645
646 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 73, No. 4, 2008
North American Southwest,the processes by which
this transfer took place—and its consequences—
are always of great interest.
In this paper we concentrate on the demographic
consequences of the introduction of Neolithic
economies (more conventionally called Formative
economies in the New World; Willey and Phillips
1958) to the U.S. Southwest. Demographic
responses over time integrate effects from tech-
nology, economy, social relations, and cultural
norms,including narrowly demographic consider-
ations such as age at weaning, postpartum sexual
taboos,etc. These responses therefore provide raw
materials for inferences concerning health, carry-
ing capacity, and sociopolitical organization—in
short,the methods, and their socionatural contexts,
by which populations nourished additional mouths
and managed the social tensions and entrepre-
neurial activities arising in an increasingly numer-
ous population in intensifiable habitats (Clarke and
Blake 1994).
Our understanding of the demographic conse-
quences of shifting to an agricultural economy has
improved with two recent methodological innova-
tions. The first is the development of a noncon-
ventional demographic indicator for use on sets of
human remains, most directly as an estimator of
the birth rate, but secondarily, if death rates are
approximately constant, as an estimator for the
growth rate. The second is the development of a
nonstandard chronological frame that makes it pos-
sible to gather information that is dispersed over
time and space to highlight otherwise undetectable
demographic patterns underlying archaeological
data (Bocquet-Appel 2002). These techniques have
allowed Bocquet-Appel (2002) to detect a major
demographic shift in a paleoanthropological data-
base of Mesolithic and Neolithic sites in Europe
and North Africa. This shift has been named the
Neolithic Demographic Transition (NDT)
(Bocquet-Appel 2002; Bocquet-Appel and Paz de
Miguel Ibanez 2002). The indicator is calculated
as the proportion of juveniles (5–19 years of age)
among all human remains 5 years of age, abbre-
viated as 15p5, in each site, or in groups of proxi-
mate, penecontemporaneous sites. In a growing
population, the proportion of immature individu-
als (alive or dead) is high, while in a decreasing
population,it is low (Johansson and Horowitz 1986;
McCaa 2000; Sattenspiel and Harpending 1983).
This corresponds, respectively, to a population age
pyramid with a wide or narrow base, recording a
high or low birthrate respectively and, underlying
this, an increase or decrease in fertility and growth
The assumed cause of the unprecedented rise in
human fertility during the NDT is increased seden-
tism associated with the shift from a forager to a
producer economy and the subsequent chain of
effects that shortened the duration of the repro-
ductive cycle via a reduction in the relative meta-
bolic load for the mothers (Bocquet-Appel 2008;
Valeggia and Ellison 2004). This paleodemo-
graphic indicator provides direct evidence of the
demographic process that generated the relevant
archaeological remains. Since it was detected in
Europe and North Africa, an NDT signal has been
identified in several regions of North America
(Bandy et al. 2008; Bocquet-Appel and Naji 2006;
Warrick 2006), Mesoamerica and South America
(Bandy 2005) and the Levant (Guerrero et al. 2008).
This NDT initiated the demographic regime of
preindustrial populations, with their high birth and
mortality rates (Bocquet-Appel and Naji 2006),
and its biocultural consequences are only beginning
to be explored (Bandy 2005; Bocquet-Appel and
Bar Yosef 2008).
The purpose of this article is twofold. First, we
hope to make these methods more widely known
to American archaeologists by way of their appli-
cation to the U.S. Southwest. Furthermore,we hope
to resolve long-standing debates in this region—
not so much about the timing of the introduction
of maize, which finally seems to be well under-
stood, but about the impact of early maize agricul-
ture on the degree of sedentism achieved by these
societies, or at the very least,the demographic con-
sequences of this early agriculture. Quite some time
ago, in an article that is still widely cited, Cowgill
(1975:505) urged archaeologists not to assume that
“a pervasive and powerful factor in human history
has been the strong tendency of human popula-
tions to increase up to the point where serious short-
ages of important resources are in the offing. This
has often been read to imply that humans gener-
ally regulate their fertility efficiently, and indeed,
Cowgill himself (e.g., 1975:508) seems to doubt
the usual existence of rapid increases in population
growth following “important innovations in food
production or colonization by people with a more
AQ 73(4) Kohler 10/10/08 10:56 AM Page 646
intensive technology.” What are the facts of the
matter, so far as we can presently tell, for the U.S.
Early Maize in the U.S. Southwest
Following its domestication in southern Mexico
more than 6,300 years ago, maize arrived in the
southern portions of the U.S. Southwest slightly
before 2000 B.C.1(Diehl and Waters 2006; Huber
2005; L. Huckell 2006). The earliest presently
known maize sites in the American Southwest (Fig-
ure 1) do not form a strong south-to-north chrono-
logical gradient (Blake 2006; Huber 2005:Figure
36.11; Smiley 1994). For example, maize reached
northeastern Arizona by 1940 B.C. (Smiley 1994),
which is almost as early as the southern Arizona
dates. More lag can be seen in its subsequent east-
west spread—for example, it reached the Northern
Rio Grande in New Mexico by about 1200 B.C.
(Vierra and Ford 2006:505)—and in its later spread
into the northern reaches of the Colorado Plateau
in Utah,around A.D. 600 (Barlow 2006; Figure 2).
The pattern of diffusion in Figure 2 resembles the
so-called “leapfrog process” (Zvelebil 2000) from
one favorable locality to another, with dissemina-
tion occurring outwards from each location rather
than as a continuous front. While the core cultigens
of the Mesoamerican agricultural adaptation also
included beans and squash, their entrance into the
Figure 1. Location of study area and of selected sites used in the analysis.
AQ 73(4) Kohler 10/10/08 10:56 AM Page 647
Southwest is later and less distinct. Macrobotani-
cal evidence for these plants is much less abundant
than is evidence for maize throughout southwest-
ern prehistory, and first occurrences of each are
generally in the first millennium B.C. (Smith
So familiar is the concept of the Neolithic wave-
of-advance defined for Europe by Ammerman and
Cavalli-Sforza (1973) that archaeologists tend to
assume that this model will work elsewhere. This
model, which seeks to explain important cultural
and demographic change through the demic diffu-
sion of agriculturalists, has also been used to
explain the distribution of major language families
(Bellwood 2005; Bellwood and Renfrew 2002;
Renfrew 1987), and is consequently important to
understanding the genetic and linguistic prehistory
of the Southwest (Matson 2002). In Southwest Asia
it appears that a highly productive package of
domesticates, including animals and ceramic ves-
sels for cooking and storage,was “assembled early
and was then able to spread rapidly from east to
west into and through Europe within zones of rel-
atively similar climate and biota. By contrast, from
its probable homeland in the tropical deciduous
forests or thorn forests of the Balsas depression in
Mexico to the U.S. Southwest,the spread of maize
was largely from south to north, demanding selec-
tion for domesticates able to thrive under novel
combinations of heat units, day lengths, and pre-
cipitation regimes (Adams et al. 2006).
The spread of maize was accompanied and to
some extent made possible by development of new
cultivation strategies. Early maize husbandry in the
Southwest apparently emphasized water-table and
overbank flood farming, although irrigation sys-
tems are now recognized from both southern Ari-
zona and the southern Colorado Plateau by only
500–1,000 years after the earliest appearances of
maize in those areas (Damp et al. 2002; Doolittle
and Mabry 2006). Presumably irrigation reduced
the risk of crop failure (Huckell et al. 2002),allow-
ing for a more sustainable and reliable use of maize.
Dry farming—essential to opening up large and
highly productive mesa tops in the northern
Southwest—was added last of all, ca. A.D. 300
(Doolittle and Mabry 2006; Kohler 1993; Matson
Except in the northernmost portions of the
Southwest a considerable lag exists between the
first appearance of maize and the development of
well-fired ceramic vessels,which regionally varies
648 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 73, No. 4, 2008
Figure 2. Calibrated B.P. dates for earliest maize sites in the U.S. Southwest, interpolated using inverse-distance weighting.
AQ 73(4) Kohler 10/10/08 10:56 AM Page 648
between about A.D. 1 and 500. Moreover, South-
western domesticated animals (dog and turkey)
never rivaled in dietary contribution the ovicaprids,
cattle, and pigs that yielded so much protein to
European Neolithic diets. Turkey, which has the
greater dietary importance, is relatively unimpor-
tant in diets before the A.D. 1100s in many por-
tions of the Southwest.
Finally, recent research has helped to trace
changes in the nutritional value of maize,which has
important implications for its role in prehistoric
diets (Benz 2006; Iltis 2006).Although it is not cur-
rently possible to accurately assess the yield of
Early Agricultural period (roughly, the last two mil-
lennia B.C.) maize, it does not seem to have been
particularly productive. Morphological observa-
tions underscore its very small size,with cupule size
increasing very slowly through the 2,000-year Early
Agricultural period and then more rapidly in the
first millennium A.D. (Diehl 2005). Adams
(1994:Table 16.9; L. Huckell 2006) recounts the
prehistory of maize landraces in the Southwest as
it is currently understood,demonstrating important
additions to the maize repertoire at ca. 100 B.C.,
A.D. 500, and A.D. 1000.
In short, the inhabitants of the ancient U.S.
Southwest spent some 3,000 years assembling their
Neolithic package; it was not given to them at the
outset. Considering this history, it is highly uncer-
tain whether a specific threshold that resembles the
Neolithic Demographic Transition identified in
Europe by Bocquet-Appel (2002) and in the Lev-
ant (Guerrero et al. 2008) can be identified in the
human remains of the Southwest.
Indeed, as discussed by Wills (1988),the dietary
and social importance of earliest maize use in the
Southwest has been debated for decades. Those
debates have not been entirely resolved by discov-
eries at Early Agricultural sites in the Tucson Basin
such as Milagro (Huckell et al. 1995; ca. 1100–800
B.C.),Las Capas (Mabry 1999; ca. 800–400 B.C.),
and Santa Cruz Bend (Mabry 1998; ca. 800–100
BC) even though extensive excavation showed use
of irrigation canals at Las Capas and 730 features
covering a total over 1.2 ha of excavations at Santa
Cruz Bend, which is thought to represent only 15
percent of the total site (Bellwood 2005:172). These
sites are near streams and contain pit structures,
probable storage pits,and large quantities of maize.
The presence of multiseasonal residences is sug-
gested,as is a reliance on storage for winter months.
Nevertheless, the extent to which the use of
maize affected other aspects of those societies
adapting it during the Early Agricultural period
remains an open question. In part,this reflects a lack
of consensus as to how productive early maize was,
as well as how dependent early populations were
on agriculture. Some researchers (e.g., B. Huckell
1995:127–133) argue that such usage was rela-
tively intensive and precipitated significant
increases in sedentism. A program of fluoride dat-
ing on one of the latest of these sites, Los Pozos,
however, suggests that what looks like a large set-
tlement with many contemporaneous households,
from the perspective of the chronological resolu-
tion available from 14C dating, is more likely a
series of small settlements containing short-lived
structures occupying a favored locale over several
centuries (Schurr and Gregory 2002). Based on
decreases in diet breadth from ca. 1200 B.C. to the
local onset of the Early Ceramic period ca. A.D.
150 in southern Arizona, Diehl and Waters (2006)
have argued that floodplain agricultural intensified
markedly early in the first millennium A.D. with
the appearance of high-quality ceramic containers
that may have significantly reduced maize seed
storage losses.
Further north, on the Rainbow Plateau in north-
eastern Arizona and in Grand Gulch, Utah, Geib
and Spurr (2002) consider the earliest evidence of
intensive agriculture to date to approximately 300
B.C. Gumerman and Dean (1989:111) use ca. 600
B.C. as the date by which they consider use of
domesticates to be common on neighboring Black
Mesa, Arizona. Both of these dates lag the first
appearance of maize in northeastern Arizona by
well over a thousand years. Matson and Chisholm
(1991) used stable isotope analyses of Basketmaker
II human remains and analysis of pollen and macro-
fossil concentrations in rockshelter middens and
coprolites in SE Utah to suggest fairly intensive use
of maize by ca. A.D. 1. Coltrain et al. (2007) have
now pushed this date back to ca. 400 B.C. for adja-
cent portions of NE Arizona by a comprehensive
program of radio- and stable-isotope analysis of
Basketmaker II human remains. Some archaeolo-
gists, however, have worried that these stable iso-
tope determinations are affected by other sources
of C4 or CAM plants on the landscape (Wills
1992:159), and it is also possible that this apparent
AQ 73(4) Kohler 10/10/08 10:56 AM Page 649
intensive usage is somehow embedded in rather
mobile settlement strategies.
In overview, although we know much more now
than we did 25 years ago about the time of the
arrival of maize in most areas of the Southwest,
much about the importance and impact of prece-
ramic maize cultivation in the U.S. Southwest
remains contested. Researchers in various areas,
basing their interpretations on various combina-
tions of evidence from architecture,settlement pat-
terns,floral and faunal remains,ceramic materials,
and stable isotopes from human bone have drawn
differing conclusions as to the importance and con-
sequences of maize agriculture.
In this paper we use Bocquet-Appel’s (2002)
method for determining population growth rates
directly from age distributions of human skeletal
remains. This adds a new and fundamental per-
spective on the importance of agriculture, and
employs a single proxy that can be applied consis-
tently across sites and regions. We will contribute
to understanding the processes by which farming
became central to agriculturalists in the U.S. South-
west by answering the following questions:
Was there a Neolithic Demographic Transition
(NDT) in this region that can be recognized with
existing data?
If so, does it coincide with the earliest appear-
ance of Mesoamerican domesticates, or was it
triggered only by later, presumably more inten-
sive use—and if so, when?
If a regional NDT exists,does it differ from that
suggested for Europe by Bocquet-Appel
(2002)? In what ways, and why?
Investigating the NDT in the US Southwest
NDT theory predicts a relatively abrupt increase in
the proportions of immature individuals (ages
5–19) among all individuals aged 5 years old,for
some 500–700 years following the local onset of
the Neolithic. This paleodemographic indicator—
abbreviated as 15p5by demographers—is highly
correlated with both the crude birthrate (r2 .96)
and with the growth rate (r2 .875) (Bocquet-Appel
2002:643; Bocquet-Appel and Naji 2006:342) in a
sample of preindustrial populations under the sta-
ble demographic population model. Therefore,
increases in 15p5reflect increases in crude birth rate,
via a fertility increase, probably because of
decreased birth spacing accompanying sedentism
(Bocquet-Appel and Naji 2006:349), rather than a
decrease in mortality (see also Ammerman and
Cavalli-Sforza 1984:63–66). Eventually, though,
this increase in birth rates is offset by an increase
in mortality due, Bocquet-Appel and Naji
(2006:349) suggest, to the emergence of new
pathogens, especially zoonoses, with aggregation.
Data Collection and Methods
To determine whether an NDT exists in the U.S.
Southwest, we have compiled data from as many
relatively large, well-dated assemblages of human
remains as we could find. We began with compi-
lations by Kramer (2002) and Bocquet-Appel and
Naji (2006:349).2To these we added the other
assemblages in Tables 1 and 2. Our sample is not
comprehensive,though it is more complete for the
eastern Pueblo areas (central and northern New
Mexico and Southwest Colorado) than for the
remainder of the Southwest. We follow Bocquet-
Appel’s (2002; see especially on-line supplemen-
tal materials) methods for quantifying the
proportions of individuals aged 5–19 in these
assemblages. For example, these proportions are
calculated against a total that excludes individuals
below the age of 5. We excluded assemblages obvi-
ously affected by massacres or extreme perimortem
processing possibly indicating cannibalism. In
cases where counts of individuals had to be reap-
portioned from age categories that crosscut those
used here, we used rules from Boquet-Appel
(2002:on-line supplemental materials) or followed
advice from Stephan Naji (personal communica-
tion 2006).
Because it does not allow comparisons of asso-
ciations between farming and demographic events
occurring at different dates, the usual absolute (his-
torical) chronology has been abandoned.3Absolute
chronology masks temporally distant statistical reg-
ularities that need to be compared in attempting to
detect the signature of a global population process
that occurs according to a local time scale in dis-
parate locations. Consider, for example, the con-
temporary demographic transition, which began at
the end of the eighteenth century in regions as dis-
tant as New England in North America and Nor-
mandy in France,and spread from region to region,
at different times and speeds, reaching Southeast
Asia in the 1970s (Bocquet-Appel and Jakobi 1998;
650 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 73, No. 4, 2008
AQ 73(4) Kohler 10/10/08 10:56 AM Page 650
Bocquet-Appel et al. 2002). How can this transi-
tion, representing a transcultural demographic
process, be linked with data like those mentioned
above, to facilitate its recognition as a single demo-
graphic process highly dispersed over space and
time? As indicated,we replace the absolute chronol-
ogy with a chronology relative to the duration that
elapsed locally from the start of a major cultural
shift up to the date of the demographic indicator,
or the dates of other relevant cultural changes such
as, for example, the appearance of public spaces
(Bocquet-Appel and Dubouloz 2003, 2004), of a
social hierarchy,of a defined size of village unit,of
ceramic containers, etc. The change to a relative
chronology (in years dt) makes it possible to gather
information that is dispersed over space and time
and to position it within a common temporal frame.
This interpretation of the relative chronology has
been discussed elsewhere (Bocquet-Appel 2002,
2005; Bocquet-Appel and Dubouloz 2004;
Bocquet-Appel and Paz de Miguel Ibanez 2002).
Also following Bocquet-Appel, we use a
method of fitting the bivariate relationship between
15p5and years dt that is unfamiliar to most archae-
ologists. Because we expect the relationship
between these two variables to change across the
span of years dt, and because statistical inference
is less important to us than is characterizing that
relationship, we use loess fitting (local regression).
This nonparametric procedure fits parametric func-
tions “locally in the space of the predictors [here,
years dt] using weighted least squares in a moving
fashion similar to the way a time series is smoothed
by moving averages” (Cleveland and Grosse
1991:47). Our statistical procedure and sampling
did depart from Bocquet-Appel’s analysis routine
in one way. Because the assemblages we used
ranged greatly in size, from 5 to 551 individuals,
we weighted assemblages according to their sam-
ple sizes in the loess algorithm. This limits the influ-
ence of the sampling errors that are unavoidable in
small assemblages on the fits obtained. Practically
speaking, this also makes it unnecessary to aggre-
gate small samples that are close in space and time.
In producing the loess graphs discussed below,
except where otherwise noted, we allowed our fit-
ting routine4to determine the size of the window
used (Bocquet-Appel’s α), within a permissible
range of .3–.6, so as to minimize the AICcvalue
(Hurvich et al. 1998).
To examine the relationship of this paleodemo-
graphic indicator to the first arrival of maize, we
use the estimates for the first use of maize in each
site’s region or subregion, as reported in Table 1,
to set the zero point for the dt time scale. Figure 3
thus graphs, on its x-axis, the difference between
the midpoint date for each assemblage of human
remains and the date for the introduction of maize
to that subregion, against the proportion of indi-
viduals from each site aged 5–19 on the y-axis. The
horizontal dashed line represents an estimate for
the location of a growth rate (r) of zero, based on
simulations on 45 reference life tables as explained
by Bocquet-Appel (2002:639–640). The dt = 0
point marks the location of the time- and space-
transgressive first appearances of maize as presently
It is immediately apparent that we have no sites
with enough human remains to graph that are within
500 years of the first local introduction of maize.
Given the density of excavation in the U.S. South-
west, this seems to imply that for almost 500 years
following first local appearance of maize, popula-
tions remained low, and perhaps relatively mobile
(see also Coltrain et al. 2007; Diehl and Waters
2006; Simmons 1986). Figure 3 suggests that pop-
ulation growth rates began to increase some 1,500
years after the first appearance of maize, and that
growth rates peaked some two millennia after the
local introduction of maize, declined over the next
700 years, and then increased once more. Both the
first increase, and the decline, are interpretable in
terms of NDT theory, though this first increase
comes almost 1,500 years later than expected. The
second increase is somewhat unexpected, and we
return to it below.
Perhaps we would see a better fit between the
Southwestern data presented here and the NDT
graphs of Bocquet-Appel (2002) for Europe and
Bocquet-Appel and Naji (2006) for North Amer-
ica (where they include a few sites from the South-
west) if we examined the relationship between the
proportion of 5–19-year-olds and an estimate for
the earliest intensive use of maize. Bocquet-Appel
and Naji (2006, Table 1) use A.D. 200 as the date
for the introduction of maize throughout the South-
west except for Casas Grandes (Paquimé) where
they use a date of A.D. 700. These dates are much
more in line with the local appearance of ceramics
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652 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 73, No. 4, 2008
Area/Site (Abbreviation for figu res) Subregion
use of
dt Early
Maize n(5+) 5–19 19+ 15p5Sources
Hohokam Area
CienegaaTucson Basin -125 -2000 150 1875 -275 55.00 13.00 42.00 .236 Mabry 1998:Table 16.2
Las Capas (LasCapa) Tucson Basin -1000 -2000 150 1000 -1150 11.00 2.75 8.25 .250 McClelland in Diehl 2005
Matty Washa(MattyWa) Tucson Basin -443 -2000 150 1557 -593 15.00 2.00 13.00 .133 Huckell 1995:Table 3.5
SA Mission (SAMissi) Tucson Basin -38 5 -2000 150 1615 -535 12.00 1.80 10.20 .150 McClelland 2008
Pueblo Grande-Early Classic (PGEC) Phoenix Basin 1213 -2000 150 3213 1063 88.67 19.67 69.00 .222 Sheridan in Mitchell and Brunson-
Hadley 2001
Pueblo Grande-Late Classic (PGLC) Phoenix Basin 1363 -2000 150 3363 1213 61.33 13.33 48.00 .217 Sheridan in Mitchell and Brunson-
Hadley 2001
Roosevelt Platform Mound Study-
Roosevelt Phase (RPMS-RP) a
Tonto Basin 1300 -2000 150 3300 1150 102.50 18.50 84.00 .180 Ravesloot & Regan 2000:62
Schoolhouse Point Mound -Gila Phase
Tonto Basin 1400 -2000 150 3400 1250 61.00 13.00 48.00 .213 Ravesloot & Regan 2000:62
Mogollon Area
Casas Grandes (Paquimé) Chihuahua 1300 -2000 1 3300 1299 550.80 220.32 330.48 .400 Bocquet-Appel & Naji 2006:243
Galaz-Late Pithouse (Galaz LP) Mimbres 775 -2000 1 2775 774 64.75 24.42 40.34 .377 Anyon & Leblanc 1984
Galaz-Classic Mimbres (GalazCM) Mimbres 1075 -2000 1 3075 1074 540.75 161.69 379.06 .299 Anyon & Leblanc 1984
Grasshopper Pueblo (Gra ssho) Cib ecue 1338 -2000 1 3338 1 337 279.00 90.00 189 .00 .323 Bocquet-Appel & Naji 20 06:243
Point of Pines (Pointof) Black River 1275 -2000 1 3275 1274 333.00 37.00 296.00 .111 Bocquet-Appel & Naji 2006:243
SU Cibola 500 -2000 1 2500 499 27.00 3.00 24.00 .111 Buzon & Grauer 2002:Table
Pueblo Area
423-101 San Juan Basin 900 -980 300 1880 600 9.00 1.00 8.00 .111 Herrmann et al. 1993:12
Arroyo Hondoa (ArroyoH) Northern Rio Grande 1363 -1250 300 2613 1063 59.00 18.00 41.00 .305 Bocquet-Appel & Naji 2006:243
Black Mesa-Early Puebloa (BMEarly) Kayenta 925 -1900 60 0 2825 325 35.43 10.43 25.00 .294 Martin et a l. 1991:Table 2--1 1
Black Mesa-Late Puebloa (BMLate ) Kayenta 1100 -1900 600 3000 50 0 79.00 23.00 56.00 .291 Martin et al. 1991:Table 2--11
Darkmold-5LP4991 (Darkmo) La Plata 200 -400 500 600 -300 22.60 8.23 14.38 .363 Charles, ed. 200 0; Charles 2007
Dog Leg Site (DogLeg) San Juan Basin -290 -980 300 690 -590 10.50 4.85 5.65 .462 Kea rns et al. 1998
DurangoaLa Plata 750 -400 500 1150 25 0 5.00 .00 5.00 .000 Rowen III 1980 :Table 24
Duna Leyenda-42Sa8540 (DunaL) Northern San Juan 600 -400 300 1000 300 10.00 1.50 8.50 .150 Neily 1982:64--103
Gran Quivira-Early (Gran QuE) Northern Rio Grande 137 6 -1250 300 2626 1 076 22.00 3.00 19.00 .136 Hayes 19 81
Gran Quivira-Middle (Gran QuM) Northern Rio Grande 14 75 -1250 300 2725 1175 49 .33 13.00 36.33 .264 Ha yes 1981
Gran Quivira-Late (GranQuL) Northern Rio Gra nde 1611 -1 250 300 2861 1 311 60.33 10.00 50.33 .1 66 Haye s 1981
Hawikku LA37 Zuni 1563 -2000 300 3563 1263 147.00 44.00 103.00 .299 Bocquet-Appel & Naji 2006:243;
Stodder 1994
La Plata La Plata 1100 -4 00 500 1500 600 41.00 11.00 30.00 .268 Martin & Ak ins 2001
Marsh Passa (MarshPa) Kaye nta -233 -190 0 600 1667 -833 21.00 2.63 18.37 .125 Coltrain et al. 2007:Table 1
NRG - 1150aNorthern Rio Grande 1150 -1250 30 0 2400 85 0 17.96 2.19 15 .77 .122 Krame r 2002:Appendix D
NRG - 1250aNorthern Rio Grande 1250 -1250 300 2500 95 0 17.02 2.42 14 .60 .142 Krame r 2002:Appendix D
Table 1. Sites Used in Analysis of Southwestern Demographic Data.
AQ 73(4) Kohler 10/10/08 10:56 AM Page 652
NSJ - 850aNorthern San Juan 850 -400 300 1250 550 86.14 20.74 65.40 .241 Kramer 2002:Appendix D
NSJ - 950aNorthern San Juan 950 -400 300 1350 650 20.40 3.40 17.00 .167 Kramer 2002:Appendix D
NSJ - 1050a + Porter-5MT1 Northern San Juan 1050 -400 300 1450 750 43.28 9.26 34.02 .219 Kramer 2002:Appendix D &
Swedlund 1966
NSJ - 1150a + 5MT3Northern San Juan 1150 -400 300 1550 850 77.77 29.97 47.78 .385 Kramer 2002:Appendix D &
Swedlund 1966
NSJ - 1250aNorthern San Juan 1250 -400 300 1650 950 82.30 25.75 56.55 .313 Kramer 2002:Appendix D
Pecos Pueblo-Forked Light
Northern Rio Grande 1225 -1250 300 2475 925 99.33 19.33 80.00 .195 Mobley 1980
Pecos Pueblo-Glaze/B&W
Northern Rio Grande 1338 -1250 300 2588 1038 39.57 9.57 30.00 .242 Mobley 1980
Pecos Pueblo-Glaze I (PecosG1) Northern Rio Grande 1400 -1250 300 2650 1100 118.71 20.71 98.00 .174 Mobley 1980
Pecos Pueblo-Glaze II (PecosG2)Northern Rio Grande 1450 -1250 300 2700 1150 69.86 8.86 61.00 .127 Mobley 1980
Pecos Pueblo-Glaze III (PecosG3)Northern Rio Grande1513 -1250 300 2763 1213 122.71 19.71 103.00 .161 Mobley 1980
Peña Blanca-E. Devel
Northern Rio Grande 700 -1250 300 1950 400 12.25 3.25 9.00 .265 Akins 2008
Peña Blanca-L. Dev/Coal
Northern Rio Grande 1200 -1250 300 2450 900 8.25 3.25 5.00 .394 Akins 2008
San Cristóbal (SanCris) Northern Rio Grande 1503 -1250 300 2753 1203 203 .00 55.00 148.00 .271 Bocquet-Ap pel & Naji 2006:243
SJB - 700aSan Juan Basin 700 -980 300 1680 400 43.94 9.54 34.40 .217 Kramer 2002:Appendix D
SJB - 850aSan Juan Basin 850 -980 300 1830 550 42.76 9.51 33.25 .222 Kramer 2002:Appendix D
SJB - 945a (UpPuerc)San Juan Basin 945 -980 300 1925 645 32.17 9.17 23.00 .285 Herrmann et al. 1993:12–14
SJB - 950aSan Juan Basin 950 -980 300 1930 650 89.85 36.75 53.10 .409 Kramer 2002:Appendix D
SJB - 1050aSan Juan Basin 1050 -980 300 2030 750 139.74 38.69 101.05 .277 Kramer 2002:Appendix D
SJB - 1150aSan Juan Basin 1150 -980 300 2130 850 222.63 91.43 131.20 .411 Kramer 2002:Appendix D
SJB - 1250aSan Juan Basin 1250 -980 300 2230 950 26.76 12.04 14.72 .450 Kramer 2002:Appendix D
Stevenson-5MT1 (Stevens)Northern San Juan 660 -400 300 1060 360 5.00 .00 5.00 .00 Swedlund 1969
a Composite samples; see Table 2 for additional information.
AQ 73(4) Kohler 10/10/08 10:56 AM Page 653
654 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 73, No. 4, 2008
of sites n(5+) Sites Largest Contributing Site Co mment
Cienega 7 55.00 Coffee Camp (AZ AA:6:19),Wetlands (AZ AA:12:90), S. C ruz Bend (AZ
AA:12:746), Stone Pipe (AZ A A:12:745), Los Pozos (AZ AA:12:91 ),
Clearwater (AZ BB:13:6), Pan tano (AZ EE:2:5)
AZ AA:12:90 (Wetlands), n=21 Compilation of sites from sou th-central
Matty Wash 2 15.00 Donaldson Site, Los Ojitos Los Ojitos, n=10
Roosevelt Platform
Mound Study-
Roosevelt Phase
2 102.5 Sch oolhouse Point Mound (U:8:24) and U:8:4 50 Scho olhouse Point Mound Popu lations with dental traits suggesting
mixed Sinagua and western Anasazi
Black Mesa - Early
13 35.43 7:98, 7:134, 7:135, 7:262, 7:234, 7:707, 7:2103,11:2023, 11:2025, 11:2030,
11:2040,11:2062, 11 :2068
7:234 (n=8) Compilation of Black Mesa sites dating to
A.D. 800–1050
Black Mesa - Late
39 79.00 7:11, 7:12, 7:23, 7:27, 7:102, 7:109, 7:216, 7:716, 7:719, 7:220, 7:725, 7:2001,
7:2017, 11:3, 11:12, 11 :14, 11:97, 11:260, 11:265, 11:275, 11:289, 11:290,
11:300, 11:335,11:348, 11:352, 11:409, 11:425, 11:426, 11:500, 11:569, 11:666,
11:686, 11:687, 11:2013, 11:2048, 11:2068, 11:2108, 11:2155
11:500 (n=7), 11:300 (n=7) Compilation of Black Mesa sites dating to
A.D. 1050–1150
Durango 2 7.00 5LP110, 5LP11 1 5LP11 (n=3)
Marsh Pass 4 21.00 Say odneechee Cave, Kinboko Cyn Cave 1, White Dog Cave, Tsegi Canyon
Cave 3
Sayodneechee Cave, n=9 Compilation of e arly Kayenta sites
NRG - 1150 4 17.96 LA6 49, LA6865, LA11633, LA654 LA649 (Nogales Cliffho use),
Compilation of Gallina sites da ting to A.D.
NRG - 1250 9 17.02 LA1 1843, LA22866, LA22867, LA22868, LA22895, LA22902, LA23043,
LA11850, LA11841
Even distribution of bu rials Compilation of Gallina sites dating to A.D.
NSJ - 850 16 86.14 5MT2192, 5MT2848, 5MT2853, 5MT5107, 5MT2182, 5MT23, 5MT4671,
5MT4725, 5MT2320, 5MT4475, 5MT5108, 5MT4480, 5MT1604, 5MT8899,
5MT8937, 5MT3868
5MT5107 (Pueblo de las
Golondrinas), n=19
Compilation of region al sites dating to A.D.
NSJ - 950 5 20 .4 5MT4477, 5MT2525, 5MT8934 , 5MV1452, 5MV875 5MV1452 (Badge r House),
Compilation of region al sites dating to A.D.
NSJ - 1050 7 31.78 5 MT5501, 5MT5106, 5MT8827, 5MT2433, 5MV1452, 5MV866, 5MV1229 5MV1452 (Badger House),
Compilation of region al sites dating to A.D.
NSJ - 1150 10 65.77 5MT5498, 5MT2149, 5MT2235, 5MT948, 5MT2148, 5MT2544, 5MV1595,
5MV499, 5MT7723, 5MT10207
5MV1595, n=20 Compilation of re gional sites dating to A.D.
Table 2. Details on Composite Burial Assemblages.
AQ 73(4) Kohler 10/10/08 10:56 AM Page 654
NSJ - 1250 7 82.3 5MT9735, 5MV34, 5MV1452, 5MV1 200, 5MV1228, 5MV1229, 5MT10206 5 MV1200 (Long House), n=28 Co mpilation of regional sites dating to A.D.
SJB - 700 10 43 .94 LA45689, LA2507, LA8939 , LA16029, LA4195, LA8662, LA80407 , LA83505,
LA083506, LA83507
LA4195 (Sambrito Village ),
Compilation of region al sites dating to A.D.
SJB - 850 12 42 .76 LA3562, LA4487, LA3646, LA4363, LA4384, LA4151, LA4131 , LA4148,
LA4242, LA4198, LA80934, LA83507
LA4487, n=15 Compilation of region al sites dating to A.D.
SJB - 945 5 32.17 423-122, 423-124, 423-129, 423-130, 423-131 423-124, n=12.67 Upper Puerco River sites from A.D. 285–
1410, dates averaged
SJB - 950 16 89 .85 LA50337, LA4169, LA429 8, LA4380, LA4131, LA4053, LA4086, LA40 88,
LA2585, LA226, LA40 299, LA40626, LA40627, LA40935, LA41629,
LA4086 (Sanchez Site), n=27 Compilation of regional sites dating to A.D.
SJB - 1050 35 139.74 LA16660, LA104984, LA8846, LA80440, LA59497, LA2675, LA2699,
LA2701, LA2937, LA50 62, LA6383, LA6387, LA16254, LA8779, LA2585,
LA2592, LA80377, LA40395, LA226, LA838, LA841, LA2470, LA40394,
LA40396, LA40399, LA40597, LA40626, LA42385, LA83498, LA100627,
LA100628, LA100629, LA83500
LA40399 (Tom Mathew 's Dig),
Compilation of region al sites dating to A.D.
SJB - 1150 17 222 .63 LA45, LA8846, LA5057, LA22 6, LA2985, LA2987, LA2988, LA2470,
LA40394, LA40396, LA2 464, LA8978, LA40395, LA40397, LA4072 1,
LA2592, LA40399
LA226 (Pueblo Bonito ), n=62 Compilation of region al sites dating to A.D.
SJB - 1250 17 26.76 LA3292, LA45, LA8846, LA852 35, LA5596, LA2714, LA4485, LA6372 ,
LA6380, LA6400, LA35867, LA41947, LA2508, LA4050, LA403 99, LA40589,
LA45 (Aztec Ruin) Compilation of regional sites dating to A.D.
AQ 73(4) Kohler 10/10/08 10:56 AM Page 655
than they are with the first appearance of maize
(Table 1).
Crown and Wills (1995) and Diehl and Waters
(2006), drawing from both local reasons and
theory-based arguments, suspect that the earliest
well-fired ceramic containers coincide with increas-
ingly intensive use of cultivated plants and
markedly increased sedentism. On the other hand,
Coltrain et al. (2007) provide much new evidence
based on stable carbon isotopes that maize was a
staple for Basketmaker II populations in the Four
Corners area by 400 B.C., some 700 years before
the first local appearance of ceramic containers (see
also Chisholm and Matson 1994; Matson and
Chisholm 1991). These determinations may be
somehow affected by other sources of C4 plants on
the landscape, though, and in any case we do not
presently have enough samples of stable-carbon
isotopic data throughout the Southwest to draw
exclusively on that line of very direct evidence.
Finally, it is possible that this apparent intensive
usage was somehow embedded in rather mobile set-
tlement strategies. Therefore, in a second analysis
we use the local first appearance of well-fired
ceramic vessels as a surrogate for the first local
intensive use of maize among relatively sedentary
populations. Here we will set the value of dt = 0 as
the time of the local introduction or development
of efficient ceramic containers.
Figure 4 shows the relationship between
the earliest local intensive use of maize as proxied
from the appearance of ceramic containers. This
graph indeed resembles that produced by Bocquet-
Appel for Europe (2002:Figure 4) more than did
our Figure 3. Seven data points, all with relatively
small assemblages, predate the intensive use of
maize estimated in this way. Of these, five have low
15p5values relatively near the estimate for r= 0. As
656 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 73, No. 4, 2008
Figure 3. Proportions of immature individuals in sites and composite samples plotted against the difference between ear-
liest maize use in that site’s subregion, and midpoint date of site occupation. Relationship fitted using loess, a nonpara-
metric method for estimating local regression surfaces (α[smoothing parameter]=.56; AICC= .89; fit method = kd tree;
nfitting points = 17; nobservations = 51; npoints in local neighborhood = 28). See note 4 for inferential test.
AQ 73(4) Kohler 10/10/08 10:56 AM Page 656
a group the pre-dt = 0 proportions are quite vari-
able,which contributes to the wide 80 percent con-
fidence intervals. Some of this variability is
undoubtedly due to small sample sizes, but there
is also a suggestion in the data that, for some rea-
son, early maize agriculture was more successful
in the central portions and on the northeastern mar-
gins of the Colorado Plateau than it was further
south or west. Unlike the European case, however,
the 15p5values (and presumably the underlying
growth rates r) appear to begin to increase markedly
not around dt 0,but rather some 300 years after the
first local use of ceramic containers. Of course, the
dearth of data between about dt –300 and almost
300 weakens this suggestion considerably. If this
is correct, though, it would suggest that intensive
maize use (as proxied by first ceramic containers)
perhaps slightly increased population growth rates,
but that some other factor,generally occurring later,
was even more important. Comparison of Figures
3 and 4 suggests that birth rates increased—but
very slowly—following the first use of maize into
the period of intensive maize use, and then
increased rapidly in local sequences some 300 years
after intensive use is established.
Interestingly, the loess lines in both of our fig-
ures peak at a 15p5value slightly over .3, quite sim-
ilar to the maximum plotted by Bocquet-Appel
(2002:Figure 2) for the Near Eastern and European
Neolithic data. It is somewhat surprising to us that
growth rates as high as those seen in the Near East
and Europe,with their mixed farming that included
several domesticated animals, could be achieved in
the Southwest, with no significant domesticated
source of protein and fat during the period of max-
imum growth.
The decline in the 15p5values beginning about
dt 900 until about dt 1200 in Figure 4 seems to be
Figure 4. Proportions of immature individuals in sites and composite samples plotted against the difference between ear-
liest intensive maize use in that site’s subregion, as proxied from appearance of ceramic containers, and midpoint date
of site occupation. Relationship tted using loess, a nonparametric method for estimating local regression surfaces
(α=.52; AICC= .89; fit method = kd tree; nfitting points = 17; nobservations = 51; npoints in local neighborhood = 26).
See note 4 for inferential test.
AQ 73(4) Kohler 10/10/08 10:56 AM Page 657
associated with the period of the retrenchment of
population from the Northern San Juan and the San
Juan Basin into the Northern Rio Grande at sites
like Pecos, Gran Quivira, and into some portions
of the Mogollon area, for example Point of Pines.
There appears to have been great variability in 15p5
values in sites in these destination areas, though,
and some large, late assemblages with high 15p5
values—for example San Cristobal, Hawikku,and
Grasshopper—raise the fitted curve unexpectedly,
on the eve of the Spanish entrance to the South-
west in 1540.
In Figure 5 we experiment with applying dif-
ferent values for the smoothing parameter αto the
data graphed in Figure 4. The major features dis-
cussed above are also apparent in the other smooth-
ings, indicating that our interpretations are not
sensitive to the αparameter chosen. For compari-
son Bocquet-Appel (2002) used αvalues ranging
from .3 (Figure 4) to .5 (Figure 2).
The first marked increasein the 15p5values, begin-
ning around dt 400 (Figure 4),corresponds in a gen-
eral way to the first pulse of aggregation in the
Southwest, where it is perhaps most striking in the
Northern San Juan Pueblo I villages (Wilshusen
1999b; Wilshusen and Perry 2008; see Bandy 2008
for a global perpective). This coincidence could be
due to some advantages of economic efficiency
among early aggregates. Alternatively, or addi-
tionally, it could reflect growth induced through
competitive processes, including aggrandizement,
in these milieus, which provided increasingly
important arenas for social advancement. Of
course, these villages were also undergoing the
pithouse-to-pueblo transition, which ethnographi-
cally tends to mark a more permanent (across
years), less mobile (across seasons within a year)
settlement system (Gilman 1987). This rapid demo-
graphic expansion also generally corresponds to the
658 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 73, No. 4, 2008
Figure 5. Data as in Figure 4, using scatterplot smoothing parameters from .3 to .6 and fit method=direct.
AQ 73(4) Kohler 10/10/08 10:56 AM Page 658
first appearances of Maís Blando and Harinosa de
Ocho (Maís de Ocho) ca. A.D. 500–700 (Adams
1994), and follows shortly on both the opening of
a vast new agricultural niche with the development
of successful dry-farming strategies, and the intro-
duction of the bow and arrow. The growth rates
toward the top of the peak may also be underwrit-
ten by increased use of turkey for protein ca. A.D.
1100 (Cowan et al. 2006).
Warfare Inflates the 15p5Proportion
Of course, we expect the 15p5measure to be noisy
for a variety of reasons relating to the archaeolog-
ical and analytical contexts, including but not lim-
ited to: possible variability through time and space
in mortuary practices and preservation for children
and adolescents vs. adults, differences in analytic
standards for (and expertise in) determining ages
for human remains, changes through time in how
these decisions are made by bioarchaeologists,
sampling error,and so forth. To the extent that these
are random errors they will weaken, but not bias,
the fitted relationship between the 15p5value and
time relative to agricultural innovation.
Additionally,there are processes in the systemic
context that may tend to bias the signal, and these
are of somewhat greater importance. The first of
these is worthy of mention but possibly not of great
concern in itself, since while it may lead to local
anomalies in 15p5, these should be balanced out in
the regional datasets compiled in Table 1. This is
the recent argument by Kohler and Turner (2006;
Kramer 2002) that Chacoan centers, in at least the
eleventh and thirteenth centuries, seem to be
importing women from outlying regions, possibly
through raiding activities.
Although this effect per se might not bias our
results when these are averaged over large enough
spaces, the warfare that probably underlies these
patterns might cause biases. Warfare differentially
affects young adults, and could therefore, in prin-
ciple at least, raise the 15p5values in some of the
assemblages considered here by depressing the
denominators for these proportions.5
Kramer (2002) constructed life tables for many
of the composite samples reported in Table 1, and
compared the tables she constructed for each cen-
tury in each region with a composite table con-
structed from all the samples in that region,
aggregated through time. Specifically, she com-
pared the cumulative proportions of numbers of
individuals in each category, after smoothing as
outlined by Weiss (1973), between each tempo-
rally specific subsample and the entire population
from that region, including that subsample, using
a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. This approach is obvi-
ously conservative because the sample from each
century also contributes to the regional distribution
with which it is being compared, and also, to a
smaller extent, because of the smoothing before the
In the San Juan Basin region, only one century,
the 1200s, is anomalous on this measure, with sig-
nificantly more individuals in the 6–25-year-old age
groups than in the regional sample pooled by period,
and as a result,fewer individuals in the 36–55-year-
old age categories (Kramer 2002:67). Indeed, we
can see in Figures 3 and 4 that this sample (SJ1250)
has one of the highest 15p5values in our entire
dataset, although since the sample size is relatively
small its effect on the fitted line is not large.
A similar though slightly weaker effect is seen
in the contemporaneous assemblages from the
Northern San Juan region to the north. In the 1200s,
all age categories between 3- and 25-years-old are
overrepresented relative to the assemblage repre-
senting all other periods from that region (Kramer
2002:91). This effect is no longer statistically sig-
nificant,though, if the assemblages from the 1200s
are included in the composite assemblage with
which the 1200s are being compared. It is not sur-
prising,then, to see that the data point for this cen-
tury (NSJ1250) is slightly above the fitted line in
both Figures 3 and 4, though it is not among the
highest proportions in the dataset.
Taken together, we conclude that the 15p5pro-
portions are at least somewhat affected by warfare-
related processes in the Southwest, conflating as
they do high values for these proportions due to
depressed denominators reflecting high warfare-
induced mortality in young adults, with the high
values due to high numerators for the proportions
that the index is intended to measure.
Climate Plays a Role in
Limiting Southwest Growth Rates
Maize agriculture was surprisingly slow to reach
some of the higher, better-watered, northern por-
tions of the U.S. Southwest. In the Central Mesa
Verde region, for example, there are relatively few
AQ 73(4) Kohler 10/10/08 10:56 AM Page 659
Basketmaker II habitations, and Basketmaker III
sites become common only after A.D. 580 or 590
(Lipe 1999; Wilshusen 1999a). Because agriculture
in this area seems to have been highly productive
during most of the A.D. 600 to 1300 span, appar-
ently supporting considerable immigration to the
area (Varien et al. 2007), an earlier arrival of inten-
sive agriculture might have led to an earlier NDT
signal in our data.
However, this appears to have been impossible
given the prevailing climatic conditions in the first
half of the first millennium A.D. Recent well-dated
pollen cores from Beef Pasture in the La Plata
Mountains in southwestern Colorado, analyzed and
reported by Aaron Wright (2006), reveal a low-
frequency increase in the Ponderosa-pine-to-spruce
pollen ratios from historically low values ca. 100
B.C. through around A.D. 700, when they again
decline,only to increase again slightly before A.D.
1000. Wright argues that these ratios are sensitive
to annual temperature and to winter precipitation,
so that low values indicate cold and/or winter-dry
conditions. When interpreted in conjunction with
contemporaneous low-frequency trends in sedge-
to-Cheno-Am pollen ratios,in which increases are
believed to reflect increases in winter precipitation,
the period between A.D. 300 and almost 600
appears to be both cold and dry. These data strongly
suggest the prevalence of cold conditions in the
northern San Juan from at least 100 B.C. (when this
record begins) to almost A.D. 600—excepting a
short period with average conditions around A.D.
Charles and Cole (2006:167–216) have recently
tabulated all the known tree-ring and 14C dates for
Basketmaker II sites. Their tabulation reveals a dis-
tinct clustering of dates between about A.D. 100
and 300, except in the southernmost site groups
(Chuska/Lukachukai,in northeastern Arizona and
extreme northwestern New Mexico, and Black
Mesa, in northeastern Arizona), in which the cen-
tral tendencies for dates are somewhat earlier. This
suggests that short growing seasons limited farm-
ing expansion to productive northern uplands
throughout much of the first half of the first mil-
lennium A.D. This in turn may have slightly
retarded the expression of the NDT in the South-
It is also possible that the downturn in growth
rates that began about 850 years after the local
introduction of ceramic containers (Figure 4) is
influenced by deteriorating climates. In the Pueblo
area, this decline in 15p5values began around A.D.
1200 in absolute dates. Low-frequency declines in
winter temperature and precipitation began in the
mid-1100s and continued until the late 1300s (tem-
perature) and beyond 1400 for precipitation
(Wright 2006). Meanwhile, high-frequency maize
production conditions in southwestern Colorado,
reconstructed from tree rings (Kohler et al. 2008),
were unfavorable throughout nearly the entire
1200s. We suggest that these trends caused the
“closing of the frontier” for continued expansion
of the farming way of life in the northern South-
west well before its complete depopulation in the
late-A.D. 1200s, with predictable effects on
desired family sizes as excess population became
impossible to export. At the same time, less-
productive conditions throughout the 1200s may
have played an independent role in reducing fer-
tility, at least in those portions of the northern San
Juan where these climatic reconstructions are most
directly applicable.
Population Growth Patterns
Form the Southwestern Region
There appear to be other signals in Figures 3 and
4 of interest to regional specialists. We note, for
example,that the 15p5values tend to decline through
time at Pecos (at the far eastern edge of the Pueblo
world), and that the Gallina subregion of the North-
ern Rio Grande, which lies at the northeastern edge
of the Pueblo world,tends to also have low growth
rates (see the points for NRG950 and NRG1150,
which are composite samples from the Gallina sub-
region). Indeed, some of the highest growth rates,
as proxied by 15p5values, tend to be in regions that
lie toward the center of the Southwest,perhaps sug-
gesting that the reason they were at the center is
that they were able to export population in various
directions. Peripheral areas generally supported
lower growth rates, contributing to their peripher-
ality. This would seem to be almost too obvious to
mention, except that it has not, to our knowledge,
previously been demonstrated.
The second increase in the fitted line, in both
Figures 3 and 4, is not anticipated by the NDT
model itself, though it has a possible analog in the
second bump seen in Figure 4 of Bocquet-Appel
(2002:645) that appears to correspond, in general,
660 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 73, No. 4, 2008
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to Chalcolithic sites with a megalithic aspect, that
are often considered to reflect a more hierarchical
form of sociopolitical organization than present in
the earlier Neolithic sites. In our sample, follow-
ing the logic of the NDT model, the highly aggre-
gated nature of late sites such as Hawikku, San
Cristobal, Grasshopper, and Paquimé would lead
us to anticipate low values for the 15p5measure, but
in fact their values are generally high, and in con-
junction with their large samples, cause the second
increase in our fitted lines. We are not certain what
(if any) economic or social organizational factors
contribute to the apparently high growth rates in
such sites,6but this model throws them into relief
as worthy of explanation. It is also possible that high
rates of migration into these sites, in conjunction
with the process of aggregation and regional demo-
graphic shifts, swamp the signal that the 15p5mea-
sure is designed to measure. This could happen if,
for example, immigrant ages were biased toward
pre-adult years. Alternatively, if the female bias in
immigrant households that Lowell (2007) suggests
for Grasshopper is a general phenomenon related
to sex imbalance in immigrant populations due to
warfare, such biases could in turn soon generate
higher birth rates than would be expected in pop-
ulations of that size with an even sex distribution.
Independent Corroboration
for a late Southwestern NDT
Recently, Kemp (2006) characterized the mito-
chondrial DNA (mtDNA) of 897 individuals from
13 populations in Mesoamerica and the American
Southwest to test for an ancient migration of Uto-
Aztecan speakers from the former region to the lat-
ter, a prediction of the farming/language dispersal
hypothesis (Bellwood 2005; Hill 2001). Surpris-
ingly, few close genetic connections were found
between the two regions and, in particular, Uto-
Aztecan populations in each region were more
closely related to their respective linguistically
unrelated neighbors than they were to each other.
These data should not necessarily cause us to reject
the idea that the Uto-Aztecan language family and
maize agriculture spread northward together, as
suggested by Matson (2002) and Hill (2001), but
they do seem to imply that if this happened, it was
not a major population expansion. Moreover,recent
investigation of Y-chromosome variation exhibited
by some of these same populations—which directly
tracks male prehistory and movement—provides
no support for close genetic connections between
southwestern and Mesoamerican Uto-Aztecan pop-
ulations (Kemp et al. 2008).
Instead, Kemp detected a very clear signature
of an in situ population expansion (a “star-like”
phylogeny; see Kemp 2006:71) in the Southwest.
This expansion was seen specifically in mitochon-
drial haplogroup B, the most common mitochon-
drial haplogroup among present-day populations of
the region, with the highest frequencies occurring
in Pueblo-affiliated populations (“Anasazi” [Car-
lyle et al. 2000], n = 25, 60 percent B; Jemez, n =
71, 86 percent B; Zuni, n = 50, 76 percent B; but
by contrast,e.g.,Akimel O’odham,n = 146, 47 per-
cent B; Aztecs, n = 37, 16 percent B).
In particular, the expansion began from a form
of haplogroup B that exhibits two particular muta-
tions (transitions at positions 16111 and 16483 of
the mitochondrial genome) that today are only
found in the Southwestern populations, and are
conspicuously absent in Mesoamerican popula-
tions. The Cora and Huichol, who exhibit this form
of haplogroup B, are here considered part of the
“Greater Southwest” following Beals (1974). This
was truly a pan-Southwest expansion as all major
linguistic divisions sampled thus far in the region
(Uto-Aztecan, Yuman, Kiowa-Tanoan, and Zuni)
exhibit the expansion type at rather high frequen-
cies (on average 29 percent of all matrilines in the
Southwest are of this type). Kemp (2006) calcu-
lates that the expansion of this clade dates to 2105
BP (99.5 percent CI ± 1,273–3,773 B.P.).7This
confidence interval encompasses the mid-first-
millennium-A.D. date reported here for marked
increase in growth rates accompanying the NDT
in the Southwest.
Since this study by Kemp (2006) was com-
pleted, additional evidence of this expansion has
been detected in populations of Uto-Aztecans and
Yumans from southern California8(Johnson and
Lorenz 2006) as well as in additional Yuman-
speaking populations from the Southwest (Mon-
roe and Kemp 2008). Interestingly, this type is not
found in Yuman-speaking groups residing in Baja
California, suggesting that it occurred after the
major Yuman language families split approximately
1,750–2,500 years ago (Monroe and Kemp 2008),
a date also in accord with the NDT expansion
described here.
AQ 73(4) Kohler 10/10/08 10:56 AM Page 661
More traditional archaeological data also sug-
gest a late NDT. Dean, Doelle, and Orcutt
(1994:73–76) attempted to make pan-Southwestern
population estimates using data from the archaeo-
logical literature available in the early 1990s. These
measures ultimately depend on site counts and sizes
by phase,and not on ancient human remains or con-
temporary DNA. Their tabulation begins at A.D.
100 and ends at 1600. They reconstruct a rapid
population increase beginning around A.D. 550,
with population peaking around 1000, remaining
high until 1200,and then declining irregularly until
the end of the period they plot. The sharp mid-first
millennium A.D. increase, however, cannot be
taken completely at face value, since as they point
out it is influenced by the first availability of
Hohokam-region population estimates at A.D. 600.
If it were possible to control for that effect, they
suggest, the increase would be more gradual,ramp-
ing up more slowly in the first half of the first-
millennium A.D., but with, likely, a significant
increase remaining at that time.
A Neolithic Demographic Transition is visible in
the U.S. Southwest,but appears much later than the
regional debut of maize slightly before 2000 B.C.,
providing an independent piece of evidence that the
earliest maize supplemented a hunter-gatherer
lifestyle without fundamentally altering it. Some-
what more surprisingly, the NDT also lags the ear-
liest intensive use of maize, measured here by the
appearance of ceramic containers in this region at
ca. A.D. 300, though by a much shorter period.
The Neolithic Demographic Transition,when it
finally arrives, builds on the prior development of
ceramic containers, on the introduction of the bow
and arrow, on recently arrived (or newly devel-
oped) races of maize that help make it possible to
dry-farm many new areas,including extensive and
productive mesa tops in portions of the Northern
San Juan region, and on increasingly permanent
habitations that may facilitate, or reflect, reduc-
tions in interbirth spacing. But before the upland
dry-farming niche can be fully developed,given the
higher risk of dry farming relative to earlier forms
of water-managed maize production,a way of effi-
ciently storing and exchanging agricultural sur-
pluses must be found. The explosive growth in
places like the central Mesa Verde portions of the
Northern San Juan region (Varien et al. 2007) and
its accompanying Pueblo I villages (Wilshusen and
Perry 2008) are the most obvious result, though
less-obvious population growth in other portions
of the Southwest benefiting from dry farming is also
probable. That these early villages appear when
and where they do is logical if, as Kohler and Van
West (1996) argue, such villages make possible for
the first time durable patterns of efficient exchange
of relatively bulky goods such as maize among
Prior to the development of these villages, habi-
tation sites, usually referred to as hamlets, appear
to have been composed of a single kin group that
probably practiced internally a form of generalized
reciprocal exchange. Villages, on the other hand,
contain several hamlet-scale roomblock units. We
infer that exchange among households across
roomblocks was important in the success of these
villages,and that such exchanges would have been
structured through balanced reciprocity. This may
have greatly increased the role of such exchanges
in these societies,ultimately allowing more efficient
allocation of production among all households in
the village, but also providing new opportunities
for ambitious actors to create dependencies (Kohler
et al. 2000:204) and to construct social networks
in which they were quite literally well connected.
Agent-based modeling exercises on virtual land-
scapes resembling those used by these early villages
(Kobti et al. 2006; Kohler et al. 2007) are investi-
gating the effects of various exchange practices on
population size, aggregation, degree of settlement
permanence, storage accumulations, and network
Although the measure of the Neolithic Demo-
graphic Transition developed by Bocquet-Appel
for Europe is not without some problems, it gives
us a new and powerful way of looking directly at
the degree of reproductive success of populations
participating in the new Neolithic (or Formative)
way of life in the U.S. Southwest. This way of life
developed slowly over twenty-five hundred years,
rather than spreading dramatically at the expense
of foragers at its earliest appearance. This view has
been corroborated by the pattern of mitochondrial
variation found in populations of the Southwest
and Mesoamerican, one that provides no evidence
that Mesoamerican farmers came to dominate, at
662 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 73, No. 4, 2008
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least biologically, foragers in the Southwest (Kemp
Nevertheless, by midway through the first mil-
lennium A.D., a threshold was reached allowing
much more rapid growth. For the next 600 years or
so, southwestern societies explored new sociopo-
litical arrangements allowing them to cope with,
and exploit the competitive advantages of, the larger
group sizes resulting from this growth. A feature
of these periods, known in the Pueblo area as the
Pueblo I and Pueblo II periods, is that their inno-
vations focused more on competitive success of
social groups in this new sociopolitical environ-
ment,and on innovations in obtaining protein from
meat, than they did on innovations in getting more
calories from cultigens. These are, we believe,
among those rare periods in human history where
populations found themselves for a time at least
generally below the carrying capacities of their eco-
nomic systems in their natural environments.
Summary and Afterthoughts
The long dawn of the Formative in the U.S. South-
west reminds us that the line between foraging and
agriculture is not fine and clearly drawn but should
be conceptualized, especially here, as encompass-
ing a diverse set of societies practicing various
degrees of low-level food production or protoagri-
culture (Keeley 1995; Smith 2001b) in a variety of
settings,using different strategies. One usual bench-
mark for agricultural societies—domestication—
was passed very early in much of the Southwest.
As we saw in the first part of this article, though,
archaeologists have held conflicting ideas about
the importance and effects of domesticated plants
in societies predating the late prehistoric periods.
Some of this ambiguity can be resolved, as we
attempt to do here, by considering not just the “sup-
ply” side of the subsistence equation (e.g., domes-
ticated plants constitute n percentof the diet,which
is typically difficult to reconstruct), but also what
we might call the demand side: what are the birth
rates, and growth rates,of the populations in ques-
tion? Specifically,have they undergone a Neolithic
Demographic Transition,as observed in central and
western Europe,and in the Levant,and as predicted
for sedentary agriculturalists? Here we show how
that might be assessed.
Our results, as we interpret them, do not shed
much light on the demographic processes accom-
panying the earliest arrival of maize to the South-
west, though the current absence of populations
suitable for the techniques used here implies that
achieved growth rates were slow at best both prior
to and immediately after its arrival. Furthermore,
current mtDNA results suggest that the demic cor-
relates of this earliest expansion of maize cultiva-
tion were slight or have been blurred by the more
recent population expansion. In making these
observations we acknowledge the possibility that
more demographic and genetic data from popula-
tions predating the appearance of agriculture, and
during the Early Agricultural period, may eventu-
ally reveal modest increases in growth rates in con-
junction with the earliest appearance of maize. We
would be very surprised,however, if these were as
dramatic as the later increases we document here.
We also remind our readers that our samples are
larger in the northern (Puebloan) Southwest, pos-
sibly affecting our conclusions.
As we interpret our results,there is material here
to please and aggravate both the population-
pressure theorist, and the aggrandizer theorist, on
the “origins of agriculture question. The very slow
achieved growth rates for more than two thousand
years following the introduction of maize to South-
western economies suggest, to us, that populations
were generally near their economically governed
carrying capacities. We suspect that the initial adop-
tion and slowly increased dependence on domes-
ticated species emerged from nothing more
dramatic than people seeking the least-costly means
of meeting their subsistence needs in contexts of
changing climates, environments,and demographic
pressures. The changing environment includes the
genomic changes that domesticated species were
undergoing in response to the selective pressures
of domestication.
It seems probable to us, though, that the NDT
beginning around the mid-first-millennium A.D.
coincides with an increased salience for various
social and political interactions that may have the
effect of allowing or even provoking population
growth. We have suggested above what some of
those might be, but much still remains to be con-
vincingly unraveled. Is the burst of growth due only
to a completely achieved sedentism in these con-
texts, or is there more? And what specifically
allows, or provokes, that sedentism? Though we
AQ 73(4) Kohler 10/10/08 10:56 AM Page 663
have answered some questions here to our satis-
faction, others remain. We hope they can now be
more clearly poised.
Acknowledgments. An earlier version of this paper was
developed for an extremely stimulating and productive ses-
sion at the Harvard Center for the Environment in December
2006, organized by Jean-Pierre Bocquet-Appel and Ofer
Bar-Yosef. Kohler acknowledges the support of NSF (BCS-
0119981). Many people provided advice or unpublished data
while this paper was being written, including Nancy Akins,
Eric Blinman, Joan Coltrain, Andrew Duff, Patricia Gilman,
Ed Huber,Winston Hurst, Steven Leblanc, John McClelland,
Cara Monroe, Stephan Naji, Scott Ortman,Ann Lucy Weiner
Stodder, Alan Swedlund, Brad Vierra, Carla Van West, Chip
Wills, and Richard Wilshusen. Our apologies if we have for-
gotten anyone—and to anyone whose advice we followed
less than faithfully.
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1. All dates in this paper are either general dates, tree-
ring-based dates, or calibrated 14C ages.
2. We made chronological subdivisions within aggregated
assemblages reported by Bocquet-Appel and Naji (2006:349)
for Black Mesa and Pecos Pueblo, and we did not use their
data for Mesa Verde and Pueblo Bonito, since these were
included in more chronologically precise fashion in the data
compiled by Kramer.
3. Those who prefer an absolute chronology can see the
Pueblo sites (only) in this analysis graphed against their
absolute ages in Kohler and Varien (2009). As the areas con-
sidered become smaller, and the dates for earliest maize and
ceramics subject to less spatial lag, absolute chronologies
become more acceptable for our purposes.
4. SAS v. 9.1.3, PROC LOESS. Loess is fundamentally a
nonparametric method for fitting a regression relationship to
noisy data that frequently exhibit nonlinear relationships.
Nevertheless statistical inference is possible. Following pro-
cedures outlined in Cleveland and Grosse (1991), we can
compare the goodness-of-fit of the line in Figure 3, formed
using a smoothing parameter of 0.56, against the straight line
that would be fitted using all the points simultaneously (i.e., a
smoothing parameter of 1.0). This comparison yields an
F(2.4,45.2) = 3.36,p= .035, indicating that the loess line we dis-
play is a significantly better fit than the straight-line fit would
be. Using the same procedures for the loess line in Figure 4,
we calculate F(3.1,44) = 4.37, p= .0004, indicating that the
loess line we display is a significantly better fit than the
straight-line fit would be. Since the sample size is constant
across the analyses in these two figures, we have also
improved the fit relative to the loess line in Figure 3 by chang-
ing the calculation of the years dt.
5. This assumes that deaths due to warfare are slightly
more likely in the 20-year-old group, that individuals dying
from warfare were as likely to enter the excavated death
assemblages as were individuals dying from other causes, and
that individuals dying from warfare in each age category were
equally likely to enter the excavated death assemblages.
6. Though we have some suspicions. Kohler et al. (2004)
have pointed to the proto-market forces visible in Classic
period (mid-fourteenth- through early sixteenth-century)
towns in the Northern Rio Grande and suggested that this
vibrant new economic organization, which is accompanied by
novel forms of ceremonial organization, contributed signifi-
668 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 73, No. 4, 2008
AQ 73(4) Kohler 10/10/08 10:56 AM Page 668
cantly to the success of these large aggregates.
7. This range of dates would not go uncontested by some
molecular anthropologists. It is based on a mutation rate
derived from pedigree studies (Howell et al. 2003), which has
recently been argued by Kemp et al. (2007) to extend further
back in time than previously believed. The independent data
derived here from the archaeological record provide more
evidence that previous estimates of mtDNA evolution are too
slow (Kemp et al. 2007; Ho et al. 2005).
8. The Uto-Aztecan and Yuman populations of southern
California, argued here to exhibit a signature of the hap-
logroup B expansion, all exhibit a mutation at position 16111
of the mitochondrial genome, in common with those individ-
uals in the Southwest characterized by Kemp (2006).
However, the other position (i.e., 16483) found in the expan-
sion type of haplogroup B in the Southwest was unfortunately
not screened by Johnson and Lorenz (2006). It is very likely
that these individuals also exhibited a mutation at the 16483
Received May 31, 2007; Accepted December 12, 2007.
AQ 73(4) Kohler 10/10/08 10:56 AM Page 669
... Food Getting/Preparation Technologies. As food getting and food production or procurement intensifies, associated technologies change accordingly (see Kohler et al. 2008). These technologies are evident in the form of heat delivery, especially in hearth size, construction, and placement. ...
... Significantly, the development of ceramics to extend cooking times of grown food coincides with the first major occurrences of domesticates such as corn, replacing techniques used to cook wild plants. Projectile point size and design generally track the shift in body sizes of hunted game, as noted in many studies concerning the change from spearpoints to bow-andarrow (for example, Kohler et al. 2008;McBrinn and Vierra 2015;Railey 2010;Roth 2014). Taken together, changes in cooking and storage features, groundstone and projectile morphology, and new technology such as ceramics all coincides with the onset of food production and intensification (Kohler et al. 2008). ...
... Projectile point size and design generally track the shift in body sizes of hunted game, as noted in many studies concerning the change from spearpoints to bow-andarrow (for example, Kohler et al. 2008;McBrinn and Vierra 2015;Railey 2010;Roth 2014). Taken together, changes in cooking and storage features, groundstone and projectile morphology, and new technology such as ceramics all coincides with the onset of food production and intensification (Kohler et al. 2008). ...
This book is about transitional periods of cultural and environmental change as seen through the lenses of archaeology and ethnography. Incorporating data from across six continents and tracing the human experience from the Late Pleistocene to the present, this book offers a global comparative perspective on transitional states. Questions of causality are considered, as are hypotheses about the processes of cultural change. Archaeology on the Threshold focuses on major transitions such as the shift from foraging to agriculture, the adoption of new technologies, the emergence of large-scale societies, the transition from egalitarian to inegalitarian leadership, and changes that occur in socioeconomic and ideological systems as a result of climate change and disease. Theoretical approaches range from processual to postprocessual, humanistic, and interpretive. Methodologies include ethnoarchaeology, the use of ethnographic analogy, crosscultural comparisons and large-scale data approaches, oral history, the historical record, participant observation, and focus group discussions. Challenging archaeologists to query long-held assumptions and theoretical positions, this volume aims to refocus inquiry into change-causing and larger evolutionary processes to problematize notions of revolutionary, irrevocable change. These case studies examine and shed light on assumptions regarding the linearity and oscillations of adaptations, with intriguing implications for archaeological inferences.
... Willey and Phillips 1958) of the American Southwest. Maize was domesticated in southwestern Mexico about 9000 years ago (Matsuoka et al. 2002), however, the timing of the introduction of the maize into the American Southwest and its spread across the region has been a matter of debate for many years (Berry 1985;Kohler et al. 2008;Merrill et al. 2009;Vierra and Carvalho 2019). Also, the mechanism of maize dispersal and the transition from hunting and gathering to a mixed horticulture strategy in the Southwest has been dichotomized into two competing hypotheses, intrusive migration of foreign farmers (Berry 1982;McNeil and Shaul 2018) and group-togroup diffusion of maize horticulture (Merrill et al. 2009;Smith 2017). ...
... Spatially explicit temporal models of prehistoric domesticated crop dispersal were developed more than 50 years ago by European researchers Cavalli-Sforza 1971, 1984). Such temporal wave-of-advance models have also been applied to the geographic distribution of maize horticulture in the Western Hemisphere including the American Southwest (Kohler et al. 2008;van Etten and Hijmans 2010;Vierra and Carvalho 2019). These models are graphically depicted by isochrones on geographic maps. ...
... The earliest maize at the northern-most end of the Colorado Plateau is at Hoopes Shelter, dating to cal AD 370 and lying at 40 degrees north latitude. The distance between the Old Corn site on the southern end of the Colorado Plateau and Hoopes Shelter is about 655 km indicating that it took more than 2600 years for maize to spread north across the Colorado Plateau. Figure 1 contrasts with the isochrone maps presented by others (Kohler et al. 2008: Figure 2; Vierra and Carvalho 2019: Figure 3). These researchers do not see a south-to-north chronological gradient expansion of maize and dismiss a south-to-north time gradient based on the geographic distribution of radiocarbon dates in their respective analyses. ...
Full-text available
An isochrone map of early radiocarbon-dated maize specimens from across the American Southwest demonstrates that maize dispersed across the region via a wave-of-advance model between 3690 cal BC and about cal AD 370. Several explanations for the introduction and spread of maize across the region are considered. The Diffusion of Innovations paradigm is proposed as the explanation for the wave-of-advance pattern of the spread of maize across the American Southwest. In this model, innovators and early adopters of maize within local communities continually shared agricultural knowledge as well as improved varieties of maize with other local groups along the front of the wave-of-advance as maize spreads northward.
... With regard to the JI figures, previous studies generally arrayed samples in time according to years earlier or later than an agricultural sectioning point (1,13,41,(70)(71)(72)(73). Doing so accommodates varied cultural trajectories, allowing the inclusion of numerous geographically and culturally diverse samples. ...
... There are now enough JI analyses from different parts of the world to identify several long-term patterns in the human experience (1,13,41,(70)(71)(72)(73)(74). The JI curves for quasi-sedentary hunting-and-gathering societies-broadly considered a Mesolithic existence-are smoother compared to what is seen in later societies (1,13,41). ...
... However, data are relatively sparse, much like they are in Fig. 2. The appearance of the curves for these hunter-gatherer societies is likely an artifact of insufficient sampling. More interestingly, a low point in the JI is reached around the time of agriculture's emergence, as defined in various studies, to as much as a millennium earlier (1,41,70,71,73). That is consistent with the North American midcontinental samples, as long as agriculture's emergence is considered to be the widespread use of the EAC, not the initial appearance of native domesticates or the adoption of maize. ...
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Agriculture-specifically an intensification of the production of readily stored food and its distribution-has supported an increase in the global human population throughout the Holocene. Today, with greatly accelerated of growth during recent centuries, we have reached about 8 billion people. Human skeletal and archaeobotanical remains clarify what occurred over several millennia of profound societal and population change in small-scale societies once distributed across the North American midcontinent. Stepwise, not gradual, changes in the move toward an agriculturally based life, as indicated by plant remains, left a demographic signal reflecting age-independent ([Formula: see text]) mortality as estimated from skeletons. Designated the age-independent component of the Siler model, it is tracked through the juvenility index (JI), which is increasingly being used in studies of archaeological skeletons. Usually interpreted as a fertility indicator, the JI is more responsive to age-independent mortality in societies that dominated most of human existence. In the midcontinent, the JI increased as people transitioned to a more intensive form of food production that prominently featured maize. Several centuries later, the JI declined, along with a reversion to a somewhat more diverse diet and a reduction in overall population size. Changes in age-independent mortality coincided with previously recognized increases in intergroup conflict, group movement, and pathogen exposure. Similar rises and falls in JI values have been reported for other parts of the world during the emergence of agricultural systems.
... Food Getting/Preparation Technologies. As food getting and food production or procurement intensifies, associated technologies change accordingly (see Kohler et al. 2008). These technologies are evident in the form of heat delivery, especially in hearth size, construction, and placement. ...
... Significantly, the development of ceramics to extend cooking times of grown food coincides with the first major occurrences of domesticates such as corn, replacing techniques used to cook wild plants. Projectile point size and design generally track the shift in body sizes of hunted game, as noted in many studies concerning the change from spearpoints to bow-andarrow (for example, Kohler et al. 2008;McBrinn and Vierra 2015;Railey 2010;Roth 2014). Taken together, changes in cooking and storage features, groundstone and projectile morphology, and new technology such as ceramics all coincides with the onset of food production and intensification (Kohler et al. 2008). ...
... Projectile point size and design generally track the shift in body sizes of hunted game, as noted in many studies concerning the change from spearpoints to bow-andarrow (for example, Kohler et al. 2008;McBrinn and Vierra 2015;Railey 2010;Roth 2014). Taken together, changes in cooking and storage features, groundstone and projectile morphology, and new technology such as ceramics all coincides with the onset of food production and intensification (Kohler et al. 2008). ...
... Such V-shaped profiles exist in other parts of the world where they are called a 'peak and bust radiocarbon profile' or the 'Neolithic Demographic Transition' (NDT) and are not explained by epidemics. A rise in radiocarbon dates always seems to be followed by a decreasing number of assays amongst Neolithic communities, or a strong 'peak' is followed by a 'bust' (Guerrero et al. 2008;Kohler et al. 2008;Shennan et al. 2013;Lesure et al. 2014;Timpson et al. 2014;Porčić et al. 2016Porčić et al. , 2021. The development of such a new Neolithic subsistence strategy implies an increase in fertility. ...
... There is little doubt that the dramatic increase in human populations was linked to widespread adoption of agriculture and subsequent dependence of people on cultivated crops. Although maize was likely present in the Southwest over 4,000 years ago (Wills 1988, Merrill et al. 2009, Da Fonseca et al. 2015, agriculture did not reach ascendence until more productive cultivars and a perfected system of maize, squash, beans, and turkey production was developed (Wills 1988;Kohler et al. 2008Kohler et al. , 2014, which varied from around 1,800 years ago at higher latitudes and elevations (Chisholm & Matson 1994, Diehl 1996, Martin 1999, Schollmeyer & Turner 2004 to nearer 1,000 years ago in southern Arizona and New Mexico (Gilman 1995, Hard et al. 1996. ...
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For perhaps 30,000 years grizzly bears ranged throughout the mountains and riparian areas of what would eventually become the southwestern United States. But in a remarkably short 50-year period between 1860 and 1910 Anglo-Americans killed roughly 90% of the grizzly bears in 90% of the places they once lived. Most of the remaining grizzlies had been killed by the 1930s. This report provides a detailed account of natural history, relations with humans, and current and future prospects for grizzly bears of the Southwest, emphasizing the millennia prior to ascendance of Anglo-Americans. The report’s narrative is essentially chronological, starting with deep history spanning the late Pleistocene up through arrival of European colonists (Section 3.1); the period of Spanish and Mexican dominance (Section 3.2); and then the period of terminal grizzly bear extirpations that began with the political and military dominance of Anglo-Americans (Section 3.3). Section 4 examines current environmental conditions and related prospects for restoring grizzly bears to the Southwest. Section 5 completes the chronological arc by forecasting some of what the future might hold, with implications for both grizzly bears and humans. The background provided in Section 2 offers a synopsis of grizzly bear natural history as well as a summary of foods and habitats that were likely important to grizzlies. Throughout the Holocene there was a remarkable concentration of diverse high-quality bear foods in highlands of the Southwest, notably in an arc from the San Francisco Peaks of Arizona southeast along the Coconino Plateau and Mogollon Rim to a terminus in the White, Mogollon, and Black Range Mountains in New Mexico. Additional high-quality habitat existed in the Sacramento, San Juan, Jemez, and Sangre de Cristo Mountains of New Mexico and adjacent Colorado. Grizzlies in the Southwest survived remarkable extremes of climate and habitats for perhaps as long as 100,000 years. They also survived substantial variation in human-propagated impacts that culminated in the Crisis of 875-1425 C.E.—a period typified by episodic drought and the highest human population densities prior to recent times. In contrast to relatively benevolent attitudes among indigenous populations, there is little doubt that the terminal toll taken on grizzly bears by Anglo-Americans after 1850 C.E was driven largely by a uniquely lethal combination of intolerance and ecological dynamics entrained by the eradication or diminishment of native foods and the substitution of human foods, notably livestock, that catalyzed conflict. More positively, the analysis presented here of current habitat productivity, fragmentation, and remoteness—as well as regulations, laws, and human attitudes—reveals ample potential for restoration of grizzlies to the Southwest, including three candidate Restoration Area Complexes: the Mogollon, San Juan, and Sangre de Cristo, capable of supporting around 620, 425, and 280 grizzlies each. Major foreseeable challenges for those wishing to restore grizzly bears to these areas include sanitation of human facilities, management of livestock depredation, education of big game hunters, coordination of management, and fostering of accommodation among rural residents. Climate change promises to compound all of these challenges, although offset to an uncertain extent by prospective increases in human tolerance. But the evolutionary history of grizzly bears also provides grounds for optimism about prospective restoration. Grizzly bears have survived enormous environmental variation spanning hundreds of thousands of years, including many millennia in the Southwest. Grizzlies survived not only the inhospitable deeps of the Ice Ages in Asia and Beringia, but also the heat and drought of the Altithermal on this continent. It was only highly-lethal Anglo-Americans that drove them to extinction in the Southwest, which is why human attitudes—more than anything else—will likely determine prospects for restoring grizzly bears.
... I will only mention a couple here. Notably, Kholer and Glaude (Kohler and Glaude 2008) tested the NDT hypothesis in the US Southwest. They identified a strong signal in the mid-first-millennium AD in most subregions, following by a few hundred years the introduction of well-fired ceramic containers, more or less contemporaneous with the first appearance of villages. ...
The diffusion of the farming way-of-life into environments occupied by Mesolithic hunter-gatherers in Europe has been associated with two major demographic events: the migrations of farmers originating from the Near-East and an unprecedented population increase, the “Neolithic Demographic Transition” (NDT). The Mesolithic-Neolithic transformations in the Danube Gorges provide a context of particular importance for tackling issues of Neolithization, due to its location, temporal depth, and highly contextualized osteo-anthropological record. This chapter compares complementary palaeodemographic proxies and bioarchaeological markers in order to assess the demographic response of local foragers to the Neolithic expansion. Interpreted together, these lines of evidence confirm the predictions of the NDT, and shed light on the relationships between subsistence intensification, sedentism and population growth, between migrations, cultural transmission and adaptations, and between dietary strategies, fertility and morbidity – i.e. on some mechanisms, benefits and costs of the farming transition – in the Central Balkans.
... Therefore, our hypothesis for the observed patterns of difference in the average number of stress layers between the Mesolithic and Neolithic females is that they are predominantly (but not exclusively) caused by the difference in fertility. The research related to the theory of the Neolithic (Agricultural) Demographic transition suggests that there is strong empirical evidence for the increase in fertility of the Neolithic populations (Bocquet-Appel 2011; Bocquet-Appel and Bar-Yosef 2008;Kohler et al., 2008). This is what makes our hypothesis a priori likely. ...
This work is a reply to the comment by Edinborough et al. (2021) on our recently published paper (Penezić et al., 2020). In our original paper we presented the results based on the tooth cementum annulation analysis that show that the Neolithic females had higher levels of physiological stress than the Mesolithic females in the Central Balkans. We proposed the hypothesis that this was caused by differences in fertility. In their comment on our paper, Edinborough et al. (2021) question: 1) the accuracy and precision of the TCA analysis as the age estimation method 2) that pregnancies leave traces in the tooth cementum 3) our interpretation of the results. In this reply we argue: 1) that the TCA is a reliable method for age estimation 2) that the reflection of pregnancies in the tooth cementum was established by independent and previously published research and 3) we clarify that our interpretation - that the increased fertility in the Neolithic period may be the cause of the observed patterns - is a hypothesis that needs to be further tested rather than the final conclusion of our original paper.
Much of paleodemography, an interdisciplinary field with strong ties to archaeology, among other disciplines, is oriented toward clarifying the life experiences of past people and why they changed over time. We focus on how human skeletons contribute to our understanding of preindustrial demographic regimes, including when changes took place that led to the world as we know it today. Problems with existing paleodemographic practices are highlighted, as are promising directions for future work. The latter requires both better age estimates and innovative methods to handle data appropriately. Age-at-death estimates for adult skeletons are a particular problem, especially for adults over 50 years that undoubtedly are mistakenly underrepresented in published studies of archaeological skeletons. Better age estimates for the entirety of the lifespan are essential to generate realistic distributions of age at death. There are currently encouraging signs that after about a half-century of intensive, and sometimes contentious, research, paleodemography is poised to contribute much to understandings of evolutionary processes, the structure of past populations, and human-disease interaction, among other topics.
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Factionalism is an important force of social transformation, and this volume examines how factional competition in the kinship and political structures in ancient New World societies led to the development of chiefdoms, states and empires. The case studies, from a range of New World societies, represent all levels of non-egalitarian societies and a wide variety of ecological settings in the New World. They document the effects of factionalism on the structure of particular polities: for example, how it might have led to the growth of social inequality, or to changing patterns of chiefly authority, or to state formation and expansion, or institutional specialisation. The work is a creative and substantial contribution to our understanding of the political dynamics in early state society, and will interest archaeologists, anthropologists, political scientists and historians.
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A s signal of major demographic change was detected from a palaeoanthropologicaldatabase of 68 Meso-Neolithic cemeteries in Europe (reduced to 36 due to a sampling bias). The signal is characteriyed by a relatively abrupt change in the proportion of immature skeletons (aged 5-19 years), relative to all buried skeletons (5 years +). From the Meso to the Neolithic, the proportion rose from approximately 20% to 30%. This change reflects a noticeable increase in the birth rate over a duration of about 500-700 years, and is referred to as the Neolithic Demographic Transition (NDT). Another category of independent archaeological data, on enclosures (N =694), which are interpreted as a response to population growth within the social area, reveals a similar signal at the same tempo. If this is a true signal, we should expect it to be detected also in all the independent centresof agricultural invention worldwide. The NDT is at the historical root of the pre-industrial populations that would gradually spread across the Earthand which are now rapidly disappearing.
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Spatial data on sex ratios through time from archaeological sites in the late pre-Hispanic northern U.S. Southwest reveal significant regional and subregional departures from the expected values. In the eleventh century AD, Chaco Canyon and its subregion contain more women (or, possibly, fewer men) than expected, as does Aztec and its subregion in the thirteenth century AD. At Aztec the female bias is coupled with a contemporaneous male bias in the Mesa Verde subregion to the northwest. Consideration of possible explanations for these discrepancies suggests that there is strong evidence for raiding for women in the thirteenth-century northern Southwest. This is also a possible explanation for the eleventh-century Chacoan discrepancies, though in this case other explanations cannot be ruled out. © 2006 by The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. All rights reserved.
Between AD 760 and 880 villages of 70 to more than 400 people formed rapidly in the Mesa Verde region of the North American Southwest. The emergence of the earliest villages appears to be linked to rapid immigration of new populations into the region. Conflicts over patchily distributed, dense resources, and differing cultural identities, as well as the demands of specific economic intensifications, may have favored aggregation over the long term. Although these factors are substantiated in the archaeological record of the region, models incorporating our present data remain insufficient to explain the rapid emergence and relative instability of these earliest villages. Bocquet-Appel’s identification of a global Neolithic Demographic Transition, characterized by dramatic increases in fertility rates in early Formative societies, suggests that intrinsic population growth may have played more of a role in the expansion and instability of early villages than we have so far allowed. New burial and excavation data from a relatively short-lived, but densely populated, locale in the Mesa Verde region support the proposal that part of the unexplained instability in our models is associated with an extremely high growth rate and its effects.
Prehistoric health in the Southwestern United States and the effects of subsistence change are topics of continued research and debate. This study examines the patterns of health and disease in a population (n = 29) from the SU site in New Mexico, dated a.d. 450–;550, and uses paleopathological tools to determine the intensity of maize agriculture practiced at this site. Analysis of the frequency rates of porotic hyperostosis, caries, and enamel hypoplasia indicates this population endured a relatively high degree of physiological stress. Compared with other Southwestern sites, the individuals at the SU site display rates similar to those of agriculturalists. It is suggested that these observations indicate the SU site population had begun more intensive agricultural practices. RESUMEN La salud en el sur-oeste de los Estados Unidos y los efectos de cambios en subsistencia han sido sujetos de investigaciones y debates continuos. Este estudio examina los patrones de salud y enfermedad en una población (n = 29) del sitio SU en Nuevo México, el cual está fechado entre 450–;550 d.c. Usamos métodos paleopatológicos para determinar la intensidad de la agricultura de maíz. Análisis de la frequencia de hiperostósis porótica, hipoplasia del esmalte, y caries indica que esta población soportó un grado relativamente alto de estrés fisiológico. En comparación a otros sitios del sur-oeste, los individuos de SU muestran incidencias similar a los de agricultores. Es sugerido que estas observaciones indican que la población de SU habia empezado a practicar agricultura intensiva.
This study begins by establishing a database of 68 European Mesolithic and Neolithic cemeteries (reduced to 36 due to a sampling bias), representing a sample of the space-time distribution of an unconventional kind of demographic evidence: the proportion of subadults between 5 and 19 years old in the sample of skeletons aged 5 or over. Its analysis reveals a signal of important demographic change, between the Mesolithic and the Neolithic, called the "Neolithic demographic transition". The signal is characterized by a 70% increase in the mean proportion of subadults in cemeteries, which shifts from 16 to 27% between the Mesolithic and the Neolithic. In counter-intuitive manner, the rise in the proportion of subadults in cemeteries principally reflects the birth rate, and beyond this the rate of growth, through broadening of the base of the age pyramid of the living population. This Neolithic demographic transition is characterized by a clear break with the old, stationary hunter-gatherer regime, over a relatively short period of about 500 years. Using the technique of palaeodemographic estimators, the estimated growth rate varies from -0.3% to +1.3% (±1.07%) during the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition. This result is confronted with an independent category of archaeological data: Neolithic enclosures, considered as responses, through the organization of social space, to growth in population density. About 700 sites in central and western Europe, from N.H. Andersen's inventory (1997), are taken into consideration. Their distribution in time (calibrated C14) clearly shows the existence of two distinct phenomena, separated by a millennium: the first culminates in the first half of the 5th millennium and the second in the 4th. Yet analysis of the temporal distance of each site from the start of the "Neolithic" way of life in its region reveals that the sample of 700 sites varies quantitatively in a manner compatible with the demographic transition detected in cemeteries. The frequency of enclosures generally reaches a peak between 600 and 900 years after the beginnings of an agricultural way of life in a region. The rhythm and force of demographic pressure that can be envisaged from the anthropological data thus find a welcome echo in forms of settlement organization. The link between these two categories of biological and cultural evidence - the frequency of subadults in cemeteries and the enclosure systems - is population growth following the establishment of a farming way of life. Both provide the signal of a relatively abrupt demographic change and they also converge in the estimation of the speed at which this first demographic transition in Europe generally took place. The phenomenon reaches a peak about 500 years after "Neolithization" of a given region for the anthropological data, and about 600-900 years for the enclosure data. The demographic change which produced relatively important population growth thus occurred over quite a short time-span. Detection of the signal for this transition depends on the space-time evidence available; the demographic pattern obtained and the resulting estimates are thus a kind of average on a continental scale. This does not mean that the Neolithic demographic transition happened at the same speed everywhere, especially on the periphery of Europe. Geographical differentiation in the process must certainly be envisaged, depending on the regional speed and intensity of the establishment of the "Neolithic" way of life.
Archaeologists' perception of the character of Anasazi society has changed dramatically in the last five years. Oddly, this is not so much in response to new data, although there are a great deal of those, as it is to new ways of looking at the data. The 1960s and early 1970s in Anasazi archaeology were devoted to the development of local sequences. This was in large part a result of increasing knowledge about local variation. In addition, there was frustration over the inability to structure local developmental sequences into the Pecos Classification stages and the geographical divisions based on the major drainage systems, largely unchanged since Kidder's (1924, 1927) formulations. Traditional temporal and spatial categories have been deemed inadequate for years (Martin and Plog 1973; F. Plog 1981), and pleas have been made for schemes that permit the use of continuous rather than categorical measurements. Unfortunately, in very few localities is either the chronological control or the understanding of behavioral nuances and environmental perturbations sufficiently detailed to structure a continuous dynamic model. The result of the construction of local sequences was a tendency to view the Anasazi area as made up of discrete, relatively autonomous social and eco-nomic entities that changed periodically at what are considered phase boundaries. Somewhat in reaction to this discrete temporal and spatial packaging have been recent attempts to demonstrate that the Anasazi engaged in largescale social and economic interaction, which included economic interdependence and, in some cases, complex political organization and social ranking (Lightfoot and Feinman 1982; F. Plog 1983b; Upham, Lightfoot, and Feinman 1981; Upham 1982). While these scholars have addressed the excesses of past parochial views, we suggest they may be erring in the opposite direction. There was, as many chemicaL physical, and stylistic analyses indicate, much greater int~raction and information flow among localities than previously supposed; however, this was not necessarily accomplished through an elite class, a hierarchical social system, or even a formally organized network. We contend that (1) the Anasazi were for the most part egalitarian, except for short periods in certain areas; (2) minute social, technologicaL and demographic adjustments were made partly in respo.nse to spatial and temporal changes in the natural environment; (3) these adjustments, sometimes over a distance of only a few kilometers, produced variations on the Anasazi pattern that are much more localized and distinctive than previously realized; (4) interaction networks expanded and contracted, and cooperation and competition between localities increased and decreased depending, in part, on demography and on spatial and temporal patterning of the environment; (5) cooperation between social entities and relative absence of environmental circumscription hindered the development of more complex socially hierarchical forms; and (6) the generally egalitarian nature of Anasazi societies was partially responsible for the persistence of the culture for some two millennia. If these propositions are correct, the Anasazi concept should be reevaluated. The main thrust of this paper is that the basic behavioral mechanism of Anasazi adaptation is cooperation (Fig. 12). Cooperation is effected by the coordination of activities and the flow of information, sometimes restricted, sometimes faulty, which conditions decision making. This coordination can be accomplished through one of several levels of social organization: egalitarianism, ranking, or stratification, which may represent a continuum of variation rather than discrete categories. In addition, social interaction involving phenomena such as exchange, the development of cultural boundaries, and other kinds of information flow facilitates adaptation. This scheme provides a framework for understanding the connectivity and interaction of horizontally organized social entities. Change in the system results from changing relationships among behavioral, demographic, and environmental variables (Dean 1988; Deanetal. 1985). When change in any component of the system crosses a systemic boundary, it triggers major adaptive change in other components. These transformations make cenain information obsolete and may require changes in the intensity and form of cooperation and competition, in the nature of the social order, and in the rate, direction, and form of social interaction. © 2006 by The University of Alabama Press. All rights reserved.