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Mutation analysis of the EGFR gene and downstream signalling pathway in histologic samples of malignant pleural mesothelioma


Abstract and Figures

Background: As epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is involved in the pathogenesis of malignant pleural mesotheliomas (MPMs), the anti-EGFR drugs may be effective in treating MPM patients. Mutations of the EGFR gene or its downstream effectors may cause constitutive activation leading to cell proliferation, and the inhibition of apoptosis and metastases. Consequently, molecular profiling is essential for select patients with MPM who may respond to anti-EGFR therapies. Methods: After manual macrodissection, genomic DNA was extracted from 77 histological samples of MPM: 59 epithelioid, 10 biphasic, and 8 sarcomatoid. Epidermal growth factor receptor gene mutations were sought by means of real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and direct sequencing, KRAS gene mutations by mutant-enriched PCR, and PIK3CA and BRAF gene mutations by direct sequencing. Results: Gene mutations were identified in nine cases (12%): five KRAS, three BRAF, and one PI3KCA mutation; no EGFR gene mutations were detected. There was no difference in disease-specific survival between the patients with or without gene mutations (P=0.552). Conclusions: Mutations in EGFR downstream pathways are not rare in MPM. Although none of those found in this study seemed to be prognostically significant, they may support a more specific selection of patients for future trials.
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Mutation analysis of the EGFR gene and
downstream signalling pathway in histologic
samples of malignant pleural mesothelioma
R Mezzapelle
, U Miglio
, O Rena
, A Paganotti
, S Allegrini
, J Antona
, F Molinari
, M Frattini
, G Monga
O Alabiso
and R Boldorini*
Unit of Pathology, Department of Health Sciences, University of Eastern Piedmont ‘Amedeo Avogadro’, Via Solaroli 17, Novara
28100, Italy;
Division of Cancer Genomics, ‘Edo ed Elvo Tempia Valenta’ Foundation, Via Malta 2, Biella 13900, Italy;
Unit of
Thoracic Surgery and ‘Maggiore della Carita
´’ Hospital, Corso Mazzini 18, Novara 28100, Italy;
Unit of Pathology, ‘Maggiore della
´’ Hospital, Corso Mazzini 18, Novara 28100, Italy;
Institute of Pathology, Via Selva 24, Locarno 6600, Switzerland and
Unit of
Oncology, Department of Translational Medicine, University of Eastern Piedmont ’Amedeo Avogadro‘, Via Solaroli 17, Novara
28100, Italy
Background: As epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is involved in the pathogenesis of malignant pleural mesotheliomas
(MPMs), the anti-EGFR drugs may be effective in treating MPM patients. Mutations of the EGFR gene or its downstream effectors
may cause constitutive activation leading to cell proliferation, and the inhibition of apoptosis and metastases. Consequently,
molecular profiling is essential for select patients with MPM who may respond to anti-EGFR therapies.
Methods: After manual macrodissection, genomic DNA was extracted from 77 histological samples of MPM: 59 epithelioid, 10
biphasic, and 8 sarcomatoid. Epidermal growth factor receptor gene mutations were sought by means of real-time polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) and direct sequencing, KRAS gene mutations by mutant-enriched PCR, and PIK3CA and BRAF gene
mutations by direct sequencing.
Results: Gene mutations were identified in nine cases (12%): five KRAS, three BRAF, and one PI3KCA mutation; no EGFR gene
mutations were detected. There was no difference in disease-specific survival between the patients with or without gene
mutations (P¼0.552).
Conclusions: Mutations in EGFR downstream pathways are not rare in MPM. Although none of those found in this study seemed
to be prognostically significant, they may support a more specific selection of patients for future trials.
Malignant mesotheliomas are relatively rare, highly malignant
tumours that arise from the mesothelial cells lining the serosal
cavities of the body. The most frequent are malignant pleural
mesotheliomas (MPMs) (Boutin et al, 1998), whose estimated
annual incidence in Europe (15–33 cases per million inhabitants) is
expected to increase further over the next 20 years because of their
long period of latency (Peto et al, 1999). The main carcinogen
associated with MPMs is asbestos, and occupational exposure to it
has been considered the main risk factor (Wagner et al, 1960;
Lanphear and Buncher, 1992; Carbone et al, 2002); however, other
potential carcinogenic agents include infection by Simian Virus 40
and radiation exposure (Yang et al, 2008).
The median survival of patients with MPM is currently 12
months from the time of diagnosis despite treatment (Vogelzang
et al, 2003). The European Organisation for Research and
Treatment of Cancer has indicated that the main predictors of a
negative prognosis are a poor performance status (PS), high white
blood cell counts, male gender, a sarcomatoid subtype, anaemia,
*Correspondence: Professor R Boldorini; E-mail:
Received 1 February 2013; accepted 4 March 2013; published online 4 April 2013
&2013 Cancer Research UK. All rights reserved 0007 – 0920/13
Keywords: malignant mesothelioma; EGFR; mutation analysis; target therapy
British Journal of Cancer (2013) 108, 1743–1749 | doi: 10.1038/bjc.2013.130 | DOI:10.1038/bjc.2013.130 1743
and thrombocytosis (Curran et al, 1998), but it has been recently
suggested that short survival may also be related to a high nuclear
tumour grade, a high MIB-1 labelling index (Comin et al, 2000),
and high epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expression in
tumour cells (Rena et al, 2011).
There is no standard of care for MPM, but systemic
chemotherapy is the only possible treatment option for most
patients at the time of diagnosis. It has been found that pemetrexed
combined with cisplatin is more effective than platinum alone in
terms of overall survival (12.1 vs 9.3 months), time to progression
(5.7 vs 3.9 months), and objective responses (41.3% vs 16.7% of
tumour shrinkage) (Vogelzang et al, 2003), but, as most patients
progress during or shortly after these first-line treatments, there is
a clear need to develop more effective antitumour agents.
Epidermal growth factor receptor is a receptor tyrosine
kinase that is overexpressed in 60–70% of MPM tissue specimens
(mainly of the epithelial subtype), but not in the normal
mesothelium (Dazzi et al, 1990; Destro et al, 2006; Okuda et al,
2008). Exposure to asbestos fibres causes EGFR aggregation, and
the subsequent autophosphorylation and activation of EGFR
activates both the RAS/RAF/MAPK pathway (which induces cell
proliferation, metastasis, and invasion) (Pache et al, 1998) and the
PI3KCA/AKT/mTOR pathway, which leads to the inhibition of
apoptosis (Suzuki et al, 2009). Consequently, inhibiting EGFR
pathways should have an antitumoral effect. Two classes of EGFR
inhibitors have been developed for cancer therapy: tyrosine kinase
inhibitors (TKIs), which block EGFR autophosphorylation by
competing with ATP binding, and anti-EGFR monoclonal
antibodies (mABs), which compete with the ligand binding
the extracellular domain of EGFR. It has been reported that
mutation analysis of the EGFR gene and of some of its down-
stream signal-transduction proteins predicts the response of
lung adenocarcinomas to TKIs (Shepherd et al, 2005) and the
response of colorectal cancer to anti-EGFR mABs (cetuximab,
panitumumab) (Jonker et al, 2007).
Preclinical studies have shown that EGFR TKIs are highly
efficacious (Barbieri et al, 2011), but two phase II studies of
gefitinib and erlotinib used alone to treat malignant pleural and
peritoneal mesotheliomas failed to demonstrate their clinical
efficacy, although it needs to be pointed out that the patients in
both trials were not selected on the basis of any molecular criteria
(Govindan et al, 2005; Garland et al, 2007). One recent study has
shown that cetuximab effectively blocks the growth of MPM cells
in cell cultures and mouse models (Kurai et al, 2012) and, as in the
case of colorectal cancer and lung adenocarcinomas, the potential
efficacy of these TKIs in MPM may depend on the mutation status
of EGFR gene and its downstream effectors (Lie
`vre et al, 2006;
Pirker et al, 2011).
To the best of our knowledge, only a few low-powered studies
have investigated the presence and frequency of EGFR gene
mutations in MPM (Cortese et al, 2006; Enomoto et al, 2012), and
none has searched for mutations in the KRAS,BRAF, and PI3KCA
downstream effectors. We searched a large series of histological
MPM samples for mutations in EGFR gene and its main
downstream signalling effectors to evaluate their frequency and
possible prognostic significance, and their possible use as
predictors of the response of MPMs to targeted therapies.
Patients and samples. The study involved 77 consecutive MPM
patients admitted to the Thoracic Unit of the University Hospital
of Novara between January 2008 and December 2010, all of whom
were diagnosed as having MPM on the basis of multiple pleural
biopsies taken by means of video-assisted thoracoscopy. The
tumour samples were immediately fixed in formalin for 24 h,
embedded in paraffin, and routinely processed for histology and
immunohistochemistry, and the diagnosis of MPM was based on
standard histological and immunohistochemical criteria, including
positivity to calretinin, vimentin, and cytokeratins 5 and 6, and
negativity to carcinoembryonic antigen, thyroid transcription
factor 1, and Ber Epy 4. The MPMs were classified on the basis
of the WHO classification of pleural tumours (Travis et al, 2004),
and clinically and pathologically staged on the basis of the TNM
staging system (Sobin et al, 2009). The patients’ PS at the time of
diagnosis was graded using the Eastern Cooperative Oncology
Group (ECOG) scale (Oken et al, 1982), and the patients with a PS
of 0–2 underwent therapeutic protocols indicated by the referring
Haematoxylin/eosin-stained slides of the pleural biopsies and
corresponding formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded blocks were
reviewed by a pathologist (RB) to select the area with 450% of
tumour cells.
DNA extraction. The tumoral areas of the formalin-fixed,
paraffin-embedded sections were macrodissected manually, and
then five 5-mm-thick sections were prepared and collected in a
1.5 ml tube. Genomic DNA was extracted using EDTA-SDS/
proteinase K followed by phenol–chloroform, and resuspended
with 30 ml of DEPC-treated and RNAse-free water (Promega,
Madison, WI, USA).
Mutational analysis
Epidermal growth factor receptor gene. All of the samples were
analysed using the TheraScreen EGFR29 Mutation Kit (Qiagen,
Manchester, UK), which combines the two technologies of ARMS
and Scorpion chemistry to detect mutations in a real-time
polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This kit allows the detection of
in-frame deletions on exon 19, insertions on exon 20, and G719X,
S768I, T790M, L858R, and L861Q mutations against a background
of WT genomic DNA with a sensitivity of 1%. Starting from 2 mlof
genomic DNA, the analyses were made in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instruction using RotorGene Q (Qiagen), and the
results were interpreted following the datasheet.
To determine the presence of other less common mutations, the
samples underwent further PCRs to amplify the whole sequence of
exons 18–21 of the EGFR gene as described previously by Paez et al
(2004). Table 1 shows the primers and PCR conditions.
KRAS gene. The KRAS gene was analysed by means of a mutant-
enriched PCR (ME-PCR) to detect the hotspots in codons 12 and
13 of exon 2 that include more than 95% of the known gene
mutations. The ME-PCR consisted of two amplification steps
(seminested PCR) in which artificial restriction sites were
introduced into the wild-type amplicon using mismatched primers
(Table 1). The restriction sites (BstNI for codon 12 and BglI for
codon 13) introduced during the first PCR step were localised
immediately next to the KRAS codon in the analysis to distinguish
wild-type and mutant sequences. The wild-type amplicons were
then digested by BstNI or BglI restriction enzymes, and the mutant
products were enriched for a second round of amplification. The
ME-PCR and digestion conditions have been described previously
(Molinari et al, 2011). Mutant-enriched PCR has a sensitivity of up
to 0.01%. All of the samples underwent automated sequencing by
using an ABI PRISM 3130 (Applied Biosystems, Foster City; CA,
USA) and reverse primers.
BRAF gene. Exon 15 of the BRAF gene (which contains the
hotspot codon 600, where more than 90% of gene mutations occur)
was analysed by means of direct sequencing in accordance with
previously published protocols (Di Nicolantonio et al., 2008),
BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER Analysis of EGFR gene and pathway in malignant mesothelioma
1744 | DOI:10.1038/bjc.2013.130
starting from 50 ng of genomic DNA. The primers and PCR
conditions are shown in Table 1.
PI3KCA gene. The analysis of the PIK3CA gene was concentrated
on exons 9 and 20, which include all of the hotspot codons, using
previously published protocols (Sartore-Bianchi et al., 2009). The
primers and PCR conditions are shown in Table 1.
Sequence analysis. All of the PCR products and KRAS second
enzymatic digestions were analysed by means of 3% agarose gel
electrophoresis, and then purified using NucleoSpin Gel and the
PCR clean-up kit (Macherey-Nagel, Du¨ren, Germany). The
sequence of each gene was analysed using an ABIPrism 3130
Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems), and all of the mutated
cases were confirmed two times starting from independent PCR
Statistical analysis. This examined the correlations between the
presence of gene mutations and other demographic, clinical and
pathological variables. The associations between categorical vari-
ables were determined using the w
or Fisher’s exact test. The
statistical differences of the average values were tested using a
Student’s t-test and analysis of variance, followed by Bonferroni’s
The impact of the different variables on long-term outcomes
was analysed using the Kaplan–Meier method of analysing disease-
specific survival (DSS); the survival data were compared using the
log-rank test.
P-values of o0.05, with a 95% confidence interval, were
considered statistically significant.
In all, 57 patients were male (74%) and 20 were female (26%); their
average age at the time of diagnosis was 68 years (range 43–90,
median 64.5 years). Of these, 50 patients (64.9%) had previously
been exposed to asbestos at work. Histological examination showed
that 59 MPMs (77%) were epithelioid, 10 (13%) biphasic, and 8
(10.4%) sarcomatoid. In total, 41 patients had stage II tumours, 30
stage III tumours, and 6 stage IV tumours. Eastern Cooperative
Oncology Group PS was 0–2 in 68 patients, and 42 in nine
patients. In all, 41 patients were treated with platinum plus
pemetrexed and 22 with platinum alone; 14 received no treatment
because their PS was 42 or because they refused.
Follow-up data were collected from 74 patients (three were lost
to follow-up). In all, 15 patients were still alive at June 2012 with a
median follow-up of 24.5 months (range 14–39 months). The
median DSS of the cohort as a whole was 12.5 months (range 1–39
Mutation analysis. Mutations in the EGFR downstream pathway
were identified in nine patients (12%): five in the KRAS gene, three
in the BRAF gene, and one in the PIK3CA gene. No mutations were
detected in the EGFR gene by direct sequencing or the Scorpions-
ARMS assay, even though the latter has a sensitivity of 1% (vs the
10–20% of direct sequencing).
Table 1. Sequences of primers and PCR reaction protocol
Gene Primer
name Sequence Cycle Length
KRAS codon 12 (outer) 3F 50-ACTGAATATAAACTTGTGGTAGTTGGACCT–3095 1C10 min; (95 1C30 s, 501C1 min,
72 1C1 min) 20 cycles; 72 1C3min
KRAS codon 13 (outer) 9F 50-ACTGAATATAAACTTGTGGTAGTTGGCCCTGGT-3095 1C10 min; (95 1C30 s, 54 1C1 min,
72 1C1 min) 20 cycles; 72 1C3min
95 1C10 min; (95 1C30 s, 54 1C1 min,
72 1C1 min) 45 cycles; 72 1C3min
50 1C2 min; 95 1C10 min; (95 1C40 s,
58 1C40 s, 72 1C35 s) 40 cycles;
72 1C3min
BRAF exon 15 BRAF15F 50-TCATAATGCTTGCTCTGATAGGA-30951C10 min; (95 1C15 s, 52 1C30 s,
72 1C30 s) 45 cycles; 72 1C3min
95 1C10 min; (95 1C35 s,
56 1C30 s, 72 1C30 s) 40 cycles;
72 1C10 min
PIK3CA exon 20 PIK3CA20F
Analysis of EGFR gene and pathway in malignant mesothelioma BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER | DOI:10.1038/bjc.2013.130 1745
KRAS and BRAF gene mutational profiling. The KRAS gene was
successfully amplified in all of the samples, five of which showed
mutations: two patients had the GGT-GtT point mutation in
codon 12 leading to a glycine-to-valine amino-acid substitution
(G12V); two had the GGC-GaC point mutation in codon 13
leading to a glycine-to-aspartic acid substitution (G13D); and one
had the rare GGC-aGC mutation in codon 13 leading to a
glycine-to-serine substitution (G13S). As shown in Table 2, three of
the five mutations occurred in patients with epithelioid MPMs
(G12V, G13D, and G13S), one in a patient with a biphasic MPM
(G13D), and one in a patient with a sarcomatoid subtype (G12V).
All five patients with KRAS mutations reported previous occupa-
tional asbestos exposure.
The BRAF gene mutational analysis showed the classical valine-
to-glutamic amino-acid substitution in codon 600 (V600E) in three
patients: two with epithelioid MPMs and one with a biphasic
tumour (Table 2). None of them reported previous occupational
asbestos exposure.
PI3KCA gene mutational profiling. The DNA of exons 9 and 20
of the PIK3CA gene was successfully amplified from 75 of the 77
specimens. A point mutation was detected in only one case: it
occurred in exon 20, and led to a methionine-to-isoleucine
substitution in position 1040 (M1040I). The patient had a biphasic
mesothelioma and no previous occupational asbestos exposure
(Table 2).
Statistical analysis. The correlations between the presence/
absence of gene mutations and demographic, clinical, and
pathologic features (gender, age, occupational asbestos exposure,
history of previous cancer, histological type, ECOG PS, treatment)
were investigated, without finding any significant differences
(Table 3).
The Kaplan–Meier analysis of the influence of some variables
on long-term outcomes revealed no difference in DSS between
the patients with and without gene mutations (P¼0.552).
Moreover, separate evaluation of the patients with KRAS and
BRAF mutations did not indicate any advantage in terms of
DSS (P¼0.363 and 0.752) and, within the mutated group, no
mutation significantly correlated with DSS (KRAS,P¼0.363;
Interestingly, the patients with KRAS gene mutations reported
occupational asbestos exposure, whereas those with BRAF and
PI3KCA gene mutations did not. When the DSS of the patients
with reported asbestos exposure was considered, the five KRAS
gene-mutated patients had a worse prognosis than those with wild-
type KRAS (n¼42), although the difference was not statistically
significant (mean survival, 9.20±6.91 vs 15.6±10.39 months;
P¼0.188) (Figure 1A). On the contrary, the DSS of the patients
without reported occupational asbestos exposure was better in the
BRAF gene-mutated patients (n¼3) than in those without BRAF
mutations (n¼22), although, once again, the difference was not
statistically significant (mean survival, 20.33±12.06 vs 12.1±8.37
months; P¼0.140) (Figure 1B).
As EGFR is involved in the carcinogenesis of MPM, it is possible
that EGFR-targeted therapies may be efficacious in MPM patients
(Barbieri et al, 2011). Epidermal growth factor receptor TKI
inhibitors, such as gefitinib and erlotinib, inhibit MPM cell
migration and proliferation, enhance the response to radiation of
human MPM cell lines, and reduce motility and invasion in MPM
Table 2. Characteristics of patients with gene mutations
Patient Gene Amino-acid
substitution Gender Age Histotype Asbestos
exposure DSS
1KRAS G12V Male 81 Sarcomatoid Yes 4
2 G12V Male 55 Epithelioid Yes 14
3 G13D Male 82 Epithelioid Yes 4
4 G13S Male 60 Epithelioid Yes 5
5 G13D Male 77 Biphasic Yes 19
6BRAF V600E Female 51 Epithelioid None 9
7 V600E Male 57 Biphasic None 19
8 V600E Male 73 Epithelioid None 33
9PIK3CA M1040I Male 68 Biphasic None 7
Abbreviation: DSS ¼disease-specific survival.
Table 3. Statistical correlation between demographic, clinical,
pathological data, and gene mutations
Wild type
(n¼9) P-value
Age, mean±s.d. (years) 66±21 67±12 0.89
Gender (male proportion) 49/68 8/9 0.491
Previous cancer 5/68 2/9 0.385
Asbestos exposure 44/68 6/9 0.799
Histological subtype
Epithelial 54/68 5/9 0.241
Biphasic 7/68 3/9 0.135
Sarcomatoid 7/68 1/9 0.623
ECOG score
0–2 60/68 8/9 0.892
42 8/68 1/9 0.617
Clinical stage
II 37/68 4/9 0.689
III–IV 31/68 5/9 0.576
Treatment type
None 13/68 1/9 0.623
Platinum 19/68 3/9 0.876
Platinum þpemetrexed 36/68 5/9 0.776
Abbreviations: ECOG ¼Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; s.d. ¼standard deviation.
BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER Analysis of EGFR gene and pathway in malignant mesothelioma
1746 | DOI:10.1038/bjc.2013.130
cell lines (Kurai et al, 2012). However, the promising results
obtained in in vitro studies were not reproduced in two phase II
trials involving patients with pleural and peritoneal mesotheliomas,
although it should be noted that neither study evaluated the
mutation status of the EGFR gene and its downstream signalling
transduction pathway (Govindan et al, 2005; Garland et al, 2007).
As in the case of colorectal cancer and lung adenocarcinoma,
this lack of molecular selection could explain the therapeutic
The few studies that have sought mutations in the tyrosine
kinase domain of the EGFR gene in patients with malignant
mesotheliomas involved small populations and used a relatively
insensitive method (the direct sequencing of exons 18–21) (Cortese
et al, 2006; Velcheti et al, 2009; Enomoto et al, 2012). The primary
objective of our study was to look for EGFR gene mutations in a
larger series of patients (n¼77) using two molecular methods: all
of the cases were first screened using Scorpion-ARMS technology,
which is capable of detecting 1% of mutated cells against a 99%
background of wild-type cells, followed by direct sequencing to
find rarer mutations or mutations that cannot be detected using
the first method. However, despite this, we did not find any
mutations in the TK domain of EGFR: in addition to confirming
previous findings (Cortese et al, 2006; Velcheti et al, 2009), this
also indicates that, unlike in the case of lung adenocarcinomas,
mutations cannot be detected even when real-time PCR is used to
increase sensitivity (Allegrini et al, 2012).
On the contrary, Enomoto et al (2012) have recently studied 38
patients and found EGFR missense mutations in exons 18 (n¼1),
20 (n¼3), and 21 (n¼1) in six (16%) patients with pleural (n¼3)
or peritoneal mesotheliomas (n¼3). Epidermal growth factor
receptor gene mutations have been previously found in peritoneal
mesotheliomas (Foster et al, 2009, 2010), but this is the only
published report of EGFR gene mutations in MPM. However, the
study involved Japanese patients, who are characterised by more
frequent EGFR gene mutations in lung adenocarcinoma than
Western patients (Endo et al, 2005). Furthermore, some of the
detected mutations had never been reported before, and their
biological and clinical significance is still unknown.
An alternative method of blocking EGFR is to use mABs, which
may be extremely useful as it has been demonstrated that MPM
patients show EGFR gene amplification (Dazzi et al, 1990; Destro
et al, 2006; Okuda et al, 2008). No published studies have assessed
the in vivo effects of anti-EGFR mAbs on MPMs, although one
recent study has found that cetuximab is highly efficacious in
cultured MPM cell lines (Kurai et al, 2012). It has been
demonstrated that mutations in EGFR downstream pathways can
affect the efficacy of EGFR mABs in other tumours such as
colorectal adenocarcinoma (Jonker et al, 2007), and we found nine
patients (11.7%) with missense mutations involving the KRAS
(n¼5), BRAF (n¼3), and PIK3CA genes (n¼1). Few other
studies have separately investigated the presence of mutations in
KRAS,BRAF, and PIK3CA genes in MPM samples and
mesothelioma cell lines without success (see review by Agarwal
et al, 2011), but, to the best of our knowledge, ours is the first to
investigate these alterations systematically in a large series of MPM
Various reasons may explain these discrepant results. We
screened a large number of samples (n¼77), whereas the other
studies were based on smaller series and may have underestimated
the real frequency of such mutations. Furthermore, we analysed
KRAS gene mutations using an ME-PCR technology whose
sensitivity is 0.1% (Molinari et al, 2011), and so it is possible that
the percentage of KRAS gene-mutated cells is very low in MPM
and that more widely used sequencing methods are unable to
detect small clones.
Our findings show that, although infrequent, mutations in
EGFR downstream pathways can be found in MPMs, thus
supporting the hypothesis that EGFR mABs may be clinically
effective in the majority of patients. On the other hand, patients
with a molecular profile indicating putative resistance to EGFR
mABs (because of the presence of KRAS or BRAF or PIK3CA
mutations) may be directed towards new targeted therapies. One
recent study has shown that vemurafenib is promising not only in
patients with metastatic melanoma but also in patients with non-
small-cell lung cancer carrying a BRAF mutation (Gautschi et al,
2012), and selumetinib and BYL-719, which target KRAS and
PIK3CA mutations, are currently being evaluated in several clinical
trials ( Our data therefore underline the
importance of the molecular characterisation of patients with
The clinical implications of the gene mutations detected in our
study are not clear. DSS was no different in the patients with or
without gene mutations (whether analysed together or separately).
Interestingly, all of the patients with KRAS gene mutations
reported occupational asbestos exposure, but none of those with
BRAF or PIK3CA gene mutations. Comparison of mean DSS in the
KRAS and BRAF gene-mutated patients vs wild-type patients
previously exposed to asbestos or not, showed that the KRAS gene-
mutated patients (n¼5) tended to have a worse prognosis than the
wild-type patients (9.20±6.91 vs 15.6±10.39 months), and the
BRAF gene-mutated patients (n¼3) tended to have a better
KRAS mutation
Wild-type KRAS
Mutated KRAS
Wild-type BRAF
Mutated BRAF
Log-rank test, P = 0.188
BRAF mutation
Log-rank test, P = 0.140
Disease-specific survival (proportion)
Disease-specific survival (proportion)
30 36 42
06 121824
30 36 42
Figure 1. Kaplan–Meier DSS curves for MPM patients with KRAS
mutation vs wild-type (A) and with BRAF mutation vs wild-type (B).
Analysis of EGFR gene and pathway in malignant mesothelioma BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER | DOI:10.1038/bjc.2013.130 1747
prognosis (20.33±12.06 vs 12.1±8.37 months). However, the
differences were not statistically significant and our findings need
to be confirmed in larger series of MPM patients.
In conclusion, our extensive molecular characterisation of EGFR
pathways may explain the failure of TKI administration and may
open up the possibility of developing new targeted therapies.
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Analysis of EGFR gene and pathway in malignant mesothelioma BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER | DOI:10.1038/bjc.2013.130 1749
... The disease progresses relentlessly despite contemporary combination therapies, with a median survival of mere 9-18 months (Zalcman et al, 2016;Yap et al, 2017;Scherpereel et al, 2018;Courtiol et al, 2019). The clinicopathologic manifestation of MPM at diagnosis impacts patient survival, with advanced stage, sarcomatoid histologic subtype, poor physical performance status, elevated numbers of peripheral blood leucocytes, male sex, uncontrolled pleural effusion, and other factors portending dismal prognosis (Fennell et al, 2005;Tsao et al, 2009;Pass et al, 2016;Rusch et Multiple comprehensive analyses of MPM genomes identified a mosaic mutational landscape characterized by widespread loss-offunction of tumor suppressor genes (BAP1, NF2, CDKN2A, TP53, TSC1, etc), sporadic gain-of-function of proto-oncogenes (PIK3CA, EGFR, KRAS, NRAS, HRAS, BRAF, etc), and inconclusive addiction/ exclusion patterns thereof (Bott et al, 2011;Enomoto et al, 2012;Mezzapelle et al, 2013;Shukuya et al;Guo et al, 2015;Lo Iacono et al, 2015;Bueno et al, 2016;De Rienzo et al, 2016;Kato et al, 2016;Hmeljak et al, 2018). Interestingly, KRAS protooncogene GTPase (KRAS) alterations were detected more frequently using targeted compared with massive parallel sequencing approaches by the studies above. ...
... In MPM from the catalogue of somatic mutations in cancer (COSMIC; Forbes et al, 2015), KRAS and TP53 mutation frequencies of 1-3% and 10-20%, respectively, were evident ( Fig 1A; dataset available at &ss=all&hn=mesothelioma&sh=&in=t&src=tissue&all_data=n). KRAS and TP53 mutations comprised, respectively, 2 and 18% of all mutated genes in a dataset composed of 10 large MPM studies (Bott et al, 2011;Enomoto et al, 2012;Mezzapelle et al, 2013;Shukuya et al, 2014;Guo et al, 2015;Lo Iacono et al, 2015;Bueno et al, 2016;De Rienzo et al, 2016;Kato et al, 2016;Hmeljak et al, 2018) ( Fig 1B). The aforementioned analysis consisted of manual curation of the main and supplementary data, while the latter study, the cancer genome atlas (TCGA) pan-cancer MPM dataset (n = 86 patients; Hmeljak et al, 2018) available at ...
... generated by manual curation of COSMIC data ( wgs=off&sn=pleura&ss=all&hn=mesothelioma&sh=&in=t&src= tissue&all_data=n). The dataset for Fig 1B was generated by manual curation of the main text and supplementary data of publications(Bott et al, 2011;Enomoto et al, 2012;Mezzapelle et al, 2013;Shukuya et al;Guo et al, 2015;Lo Iacono et al, 2015;Bueno et al, 2016;De Rienzo et al, 2016;Kato et al, 2016;Hmeljak et al, 2018). Raw data from 86 human TCGA MPM patients were retrieved from the cBioPortal for Cancer Genomics (www. ...
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Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) arises from mesothelial cells lining the pleural cavity of asbestos-exposed individuals and rapidly leads to death. MPM harbors loss-of-function mutations in BAP1, NF2, CDKN2A, and TP53, but isolated deletion of these genes alone in mice does not cause MPM and mouse models of the disease are sparse. Here, we show that a proportion of human MPM harbor point mutations, copy number alterations, and over-expression of KRAS with or without TP53 changes. These are likely pathogenic, since ectopic expression of mutant KRAS G12D in the pleural mesothelium of conditional mice causes epithelioid MPM and cooperates with TP53 deletion to drive a more aggressive disease form with biphasic features and pleural effusions. Murine MPM cell lines derived from these tumors carry the initiating KRAS G12D lesions, secondary Bap1 alterations, and human MPM-like gene expression profiles. Moreover, they are transplantable and actionable by KRAS inhibition. Our results indicate that KRAS alterations alone or in accomplice with TP53 alterations likely play an important and underestimated role in a proportion of patients with MPM, which warrants further exploration.
... Ligand-dependent EGFR activation transduces multiple signaling pathways, including the RAS/MAPK pathway, the PI3K/AKT pathway, and the phospholipase C (PLC)/protein kinase C (PKC) signaling cascade, leading to cell proliferation, angiogenesis and inhibition of apoptosis [39]. ...
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Simple Summary Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is an aggressive tumor with implacable prognosis. It commonly harbors loss-of-function mutations in BAP1, NF2, CDKN2A and TP53, although their pathogenetic role is still uncertain since these genetic alterations, if isolated, do not cause MPM in mice models. The aim of our study was to describe the mutational landscape in a cohort of 29 patients with MPM and, eventually, correlate mutation profile with MPM phenotypic traits and prognosis. We report herein a correlation between the presence of KRAS mutations and prognosis of the epithelioid MPM and, moreover, the number of mutations correlated with shortened survival. Conversely, improved overall survival was associated with the presence of SNP p.V297I of the KDR gene. With the limitation of a relatively small series, these results contribute to the characterization of the mutation profile of MPM and its impact on prognosis. Abstract Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is an aggressive malignancy of the pleural surface that includes three major histologic subtypes, epitheliod, sarcomatoid and biphasic. Epithelioid mesothelioma is usually associated with better prognosis. The genetic mechanisms driving MPM, the possible target mutations and the correlation with overall survival remain largely unsettled. We performed target exome sequencing in 29 cases of MPM aimed at identifying somatic mutations and, eventually, their correlation with phenotypic traits and prognostic significance. We found that KRAS mutations, occurring in 13.7% of cases, were associated with shortened median survival (7.6 versus 32.6 months in KRAS wild-type; p = 0.005), as it was the occurrence of any ≥3 mutations (7.6 versus 37.6 months; p = 0.049). Conversely, the presence of KDR single nucleotide polymorphism p.V297I (rs2305948) resulted in a favorable variable for survival (NR versus 23.4 months; p = 0.026). With the intrinsic limitations of a small number of cases and patient heterogeneity, results of this study contribute to the characterization of the mutation profile of MPM and the impact of selected somatic mutations, and possibly KDR polymorphism, on prognosis.
... They were able to report KRAS (5/77), BRAF (3/77), and PIK3CA mutations (1/77), but no cases of EGFR mutation. The authors saw no difference in patient survival, but concluded that the mutation of downstream effectors of EGFR was not rare, with an incidence of 12% in their study [16]. In a broader approach, Bott et al. analyzed copy number alterations to identify altered genes, which were then subjected to Sanger sequencing. ...
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Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare, incurable cancer of the mesothelial cells lining the lungs and the chest wall that is mainly caused by asbestos inhalation. The molecular mechanisms of mesothelial carcinogenesis are still unclear despite comprehensive studies of the mutational landscape of MPM, and the most frequently mutated genes BAP1, NF2, CDKN2A, TP53, and TSC1 cannot cause MPM in mice in a standalone fashion. Although KRAS pathway alterations were sporadically detected in older studies employing targeted sequencing, they have been largely undetected by next generation sequencing. We recently identified KRAS mutations and copy number alterations in a significant proportion of MPM patients. Here, we review and analyze multiple human datasets and the published literature to show that, in addition to KRAS, multiple other genes of the KRAS pathway are perturbed in a significant proportion of patients with MPM.
... The in-silico analysis revealed that several targets triggered by miRNA-181a-5p and 193a-5p were involved in mesothelioma development. In particular, we found proteins involved in the regulation of pathways aberrantly activated in mesothelioma, such as MAPK, PI3K-Akt and mTOR signalling pathways [4,11,12], as well as the EGFR [13], Hippo [14,15], epithelial to mesenchymal transition [16] and NF-kappa B signalling pathways [17,18]. While miRNA-181-5p exerts an inhibitor regulation on those pathways, thereby eliciting a tumor-suppressor effect, miRNA 193-5p had an inverse role. ...
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Background Malignant pleural mesothelioma is a highly aggressive tumor associated with asbestos exposure. There are few effective treatment options for mesothelioma, and patients have a very poor prognosis. Mesothelioma has the potential to represent an appropriate disease to prevent because of its strong association with asbestos exposure and the long latency from exposure to the disease on-set. Methods In the present study, we tested biological activity and toxicity of an artichoke freeze-dried extract (AWPC) as potential complementary preventive/early stage treatment agent for mesothelioma. This phase II clinical study then was conducted in 18 male-patients with evidence of radiographic characteristics related to asbestos exposure such as asbestosis or benign pleural disease as surrogate disease for mesothelioma clinical model. Results We investigate AWPC biological activity assessing its effect on mesothelin serum level, a glycoprotein with low expression in normal mesothelial cells and high expression in mesothelioma and asbestos related diseases. We also assess the AWPC effect on circulating miRNAs, as novel biomarkers of both cancer risk and response to therapeutic targets. While we found a small and not significant effect of AWPC on mesothelin serum levels, we observed that AWPC intake modulated 11 serum miRNAs related to gene-pathways connected to mesothelioma etiology and development. In terms of toxicity, we also did not observe any severe adverse effects associated to AWPC treatment, only gastro-intestinal symptoms were reported by five study participants. Conclusions We observed an interesting AWPC effect on miRNAs which targets modulate mesothelioma development. New and much larger clinical studies based on follow-up of workers exposed to asbestos are needed to corroborate the role of AWPC in prevention and early treatment of mesothelioma. Trial registration, NCT02076672 . Registered 03/03/2014.
... The functional significance of these mutations is still uncertain, and some of them could rather be sequencing artifacts of the paraffin-embedded samples or just constitute a "passenger" event. The most commonly identified event is a PIK3CA mutation, the consequences of which on mesothelial cancer cells are still unknown [59,[90][91][92]. ...
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Malignant pleural mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive neoplasm, which has primarily been attributed to the exposure to asbestos fibers (83% of cases); yet, despite a ban of using asbestos in many countries, the incidence of malignant pleural mesothelioma failed to decline worldwide. While little progress has been made in malignant pleural mesothelioma diagnosis, bevacizumab at first, then followed by double immunotherapy (nivolumab plus ipilumumab), were all shown to improve survival in large phase III randomized trials. The morphological analysis of the histological subtyping remains the primary indicator for therapeutic decision making at an advanced disease stage, while a platinum-based chemotherapy regimen combined with pemetrexed, either with or without bevacizumab, is still the main treatment option. Consequently, malignant pleural mesothelioma still represents a significant health concern owing to poor median survival (12-18 months). Given this context, both diagnosis and therapy improvements require better knowledge of the molecular mechanisms underlying malignant pleural mesothelioma's carcinogenesis and progression. Hence, the Hippo pathway in malignant pleural mesothelioma initiation and progression has recently received increasing attention, as the aberrant expression of its core components may be closely related to patient prognosis. The purpose of this review was to provide a critical analysis of our current knowledge on these topics, the main focus being on the available evidence concerning the role of each Hippo pathway's member as a promising biomarker, enabling detection of the disease at earlier stages and thus improving prognosis.
... The insilico analysis revealed that several targets triggered by miRNA-181a-5p and 193a-5p were involved in mesothelioma development. In particular, we found proteins involved in the regulation of pathways aberrantly activated in mesothelioma, such as MAPK, PI3K-Akt and mTOR signalling pathways [4,11,12], as well as the EGFR [13], Hippo [14,15], epithelial to mesenchymal transition [16] and NF-kappa B signalling pathways [17,18].While miRNA-181-5p exerts an inhibitor regulation on those pathways, thereby eliciting a tumor-suppressor effect, miRNA 193-5p had an inverse role. To corroborate this evidence, we observed in the TCGA database that miRNA-181-5p is signi cantly and inversely related to mesothelioma stages of severity (higher expression for lower stages), while miRNA 193-5p had again the opposite, although not signi cant, relation (supplementary Fig. 1B and C). ...
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Background Malignant pleural mesothelioma is a highly aggressive tumor associated with asbestos exposure. There are few effective treatment options for mesothelioma, and patients have a very poor prognosis. Mesothelioma has the potential to represent an appropriate disease to prevent because of its strong association with asbestos exposure and the long latency from exposure to the disease on-set. Methods In the present study, we tested biological activity and toxicity of an artichoke freeze-dried extract (AWPC) as potential complementary preventive/early stage treatment agent for mesothelioma. This phase II clinical study then was conducted in 18 male-patients with evidence of radiographic characteristics related to asbestos exposure such as asbestosis or benign pleural disease as surrogate disease for mesothelioma clinical model. Results We investigate AWPC biological activity assessing its effect on mesothelin serum level, a glycoprotein with low expression in normal mesothelial cells and high expression in mesothelioma and asbestos related diseases. We also assess the AWPC effect on circulating miRNAs, as novel biomarkers of both cancer risk and response to therapeutic targets. While we found a small and not significant effect of AWPC on mesothelin serum levels, we observed that AWPC intake modulated 11 serum miRNAs related to gene-pathways connected to mesothelioma etiology and development. In terms of toxicity, we also did not observe any severe adverse effects associated to AWPC treatment, only gastro-intestinal symptoms were reported by five study participants. Conclusions We observed an interesting AWPC effect on miRNAs which targets modulate mesothelioma development. New and much larger clinical studies based on follow-up of workers exposed to asbestos are needed to corroborate the role of AWPC in prevention and early treatment of mesothelioma. Trial registration, NCT02076672. Registered 03/03/2014.
... To date, several molecular pathways related to MPM have been identified, including growth factor signaling (especially the EGFR signaling), angiogenesis, cell cycle regulation, apoptosis, and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) pathways. [7][8][9][10] Unfortunately, a large number of clinical trials of drugs specifically targeting these pathways have proved that current targeted therapies have very limited efficacy on MPM patients. [11][12][13][14][15] Thus, it is extremely important to discover new treatments or develop a new classification method of MPM that can distinguish patients with different treatment responses. ...
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Background: Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is one of the most aggressive tumors with few effective treatments worldwide. It has been suggested that alternative splicing at the transcriptome level plays an indispensable role in MPM. Methods: We analyzed the splicing profile of 84 MPM patients from the TCGA cohort by using seven typical splicing types. We classified MPM patients based on their splicing status and conducted a comprehensive analysis of the correlation between the splicing classification and clinical characteristics, genetic variation, pathway changes, immune heterogeneity, and potential therapeutic targets. Results: The expression of the alternative splicing regulator SRPK1 is significantly higher in MPM tissues than in normal tissues, and correlates with poor survival. SRPK1 deficiency promotes MPM cell apoptosis and inhibits cell migration in vitro. We divided the MPM patients into four clusters based on their splicing profile and identified two clusters associated with the shortest (cluster 3) and longest (cluster 4) survival time. We present the different gene signatures of each cluster that are related to survival and splicing. Comprehensive analysis of data from the GDSC and TCGA databases revealed that cluster 3 MPM patients could respond well to the small-molecule inhibitor CHIR-99021, a small-molecule inhibitor of GSK-3. Conclusion: We performed unsupervised clustering of alternative splicing data from 84 MPM patients from the TCGA database and identified a cluster associated with the worst prognosis that was sensitive to a GSK-3 inhibitor.
Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare but invasive cancer, which mainly arises from mesothelial tissues of pleura, peritoneum and pericardium. Despite significant advances in treatments, the prognosis of MPM patients remains poor, and the 5-year survival rate is less than 10%. Therefore, it is urgent to explore novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of MPM. Growing evidence has indicated that long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) potentially could be promising therapeutic targets for numerous cancers. In this regard, lncRNAs might also potentially therapeutic targets for MPM. Recent advances have been made to investigate the molecular basis of MPM. This review first provides a comprehensive overview of roles of lncRNAs in MPM and then discusses the relationship between molecular basis of MPM and MPM-related lncRNAs to implement them as promising therapeutic targets for MPM.
Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM), an aggressive cancer of the mesothelial cells lining the pleural cavity, lacks effective treatments. Multiple somatic mutations and copy number losses in tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) BAP1, CDKN2A/B , and NF2 are associated with MPM. The impact of single versus multiple losses of TSG on MPM biology, the immune tumor microenvironment, clinical outcomes, and treatment responses are unknown. Tumors with alterations in BAP1 alone were associated with a longer overall patient survival rate compared to tumors with CDKN2A/B and/or NF2 alterations with or without BAP1 and formed a distinct immunogenic subtype with altered transcription factor and pathway activity patterns. CDKN2A/B loss consistently contributed to an adverse clinical outcome. Since the loss of only BAP1 was associated with the PD-1 therapy response signature and higher LAG3 and VISTA gene expression, it is a candidate for immune checkpoint blockade therapy. Our results on the impact of TSG genotypes on MPM and the correlations between TSG alterations and molecular pathways provide a foundation for developing MPM therapies.
PURPOSE Identification of prognostic factors in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma based on prospectively collected international data. PATIENTS AND METHODS From October 1984 to October 1993, 204 eligible adult patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma were entered into five consecutive prospective European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) phase II clinical trials designed to assess the efficacy of various anticancer drugs (mitoxantrone, epidoxorubicin, etoposide, and paclitaxel). The Cox model was used to assess 13 factors related to biology and disease history with respect to survival. RESULTS The median survival duration was 12.6 months from diagnosis and 8.4 months from trial entry. In the multivariate analysis, poor prognosis was associated with a poor performance status, a high WBC count, a probable/possible histologic diagnosis of mesothelioma, male gender, and having sarcomatous tissue as the histologic subtype. Taking these five factors into consideration, patients were classified into two groups: a good-prognosis group (1-year survival rate, 40%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 30% to 50%) and a poor-prognosis group (1-year survival, 12%; 95% CI, 4% to 20%). CONCLUSION These results may help to design new clinical trials in pleural mesothelioma by selecting more homogenous groups of patients.
INTRODUCTION: Activating somatic mutations of the tyrosine kinase domain of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) have recently been characterized in a subset of patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Patients harboring these mutations in their tumors show excellent response to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (EGFR-TKIs). The EGFR-TKI gefitinib has been approved in Europe for the treatment of adult patients with locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC with activating mutations of the EGFR TK. Because EGFR mutation testing is not yet well established across Europe, biomarker-directed therapy only slowly emerges for the subset of NSCLC patients most likely to benefit: those with EGFR mutations. METHODS: The "EGFR testing in NSCLC: from biology to clinical practice" International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer-European Thoracic Oncology Platform multidisciplinary workshop aimed at facilitating the implementation of EGFR mutation testing. Recommendations for high-quality EGFR mutation testing were formulated based on the opinion of the workshop expert group. RESULTS: Co-operation and communication flow between the various disciplines was considered to be of most importance. Participants agreed that the decision to request EGFR mutation testing should be made by the treating physician, and results should be available within 7 working days. There was agreement on the importance of appropriate sampling techniques and the necessity for the standardization of tumor specimen handling including fixation. Although there was no consensus on which laboratory test should be preferred for clinical decision making, all stressed the importance of standardization and validation of these tests. CONCLUSION: The recommendations of the workshop will help implement EGFR mutation testing in Europe and, thereby, optimize the use of EGFR-TKIs in clinical practice.
The purpose of this study was to establish whether the cell proliferation index assessed by the monoclonal antibody MIB-1 would correlate with survival in pleural malignant mesothelioma. We studied a series of seven long-term survivors with pleural malignant mesothelioma and a group of control cases with short-term survival. All cases showed MIB-1 positive cells, and labelling indices were expressed as percentage of cells with positive nuclear immunostaining by randomly counting 1000 tumour cells. A statistically significant difference was found between MIB-1 values in the long-term survival group and the control cases with short-term survival. Our results indicate that the differences in biological behaviour of malignant mesothelioma in long-term and short-term survivors may be explained in part by differences in tumour growth fraction and that proliferation index could represent an important prognostic parameter for this tumour.
STANDARD CRITERIA FOR TOXICITY and for response to treatment are important prerequisites to the conduct of cancer trials. The Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group criteria for toxicity and response are presented to facilitate future reference and to encourage further standardization among those conducting clinical trials. (C) Lippincott-Raven Publishers.