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The Amoebozoa


Abstract and Figures

The model organism Dictyostelium discoideum is a member of the Amoebozoa, one of the six major -divisions of eukaryotes. Amoebozoa comprise a wide variety of amoeboid and flagellate organisms with single cells measuring from 5 μm to several meters across. They have adopted many different life styles and sexual behaviors and can live in all but the most extreme environments. This chapter provides an overview of Amoebozoan diversity and compares roads towards multicellularity within the Amoebozoa with inventions of multicellularity in other protist divisions. The chapter closes with a scenario for the evolution of Dictyostelid multicellularity from an Amoebozoan stress response.
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Ludwig Eichinger and Francisco Rivero (eds.), Dictyostelium discoideum Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology 983,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-62703-302-2_1, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2013
Chapter 1
The Amoebozoa
Christina Schilde and Pauline Schaap
The model organism Dictyostelium discoideum is a member of the Amoebozoa, one of the six major
divisions of eukaryotes. Amoebozoa comprise a wide variety of amoeboid and agellate organisms with
single cells measuring from 5 μ m to several meters across. They have adopted many different life styles and
sexual behaviors and can live in all but the most extreme environments. This chapter provides an overview
of Amoebozoan diversity and compares roads towards multicellularity within the Amoebozoa with inven-
tions of multicellularity in other protist divisions. The chapter closes with a scenario for the evolution of
Dictyostelid multicellularity from an Amoebozoan stress response.
Key words Amoebozoa , Protista , Aggregative multicellularity , Encystation , Sporulation ,
Morphogenesis , Cyclic AMP signaling , Phylogeny
The Dictyostelids have fascinated biologists for over 150 years with
their ability to assemble up to a million amoebas into a tactile
migrating organism, which, after seeking out a site for spore dis-
persal, transforms into a well-balanced fruiting structure. The
development of a range of molecular genetic and cell biological
procedures for the species Dictyostelium discoideum over the past
30 years has established this species as an important model organ-
ism for the study of fundamental cell biological and developmental
processes (
1 ) . More recently, the evolution of social behavior and
the study of genes associated with human diseases and bacterial
infections have been added to the repertoire of research questions
that can be addressed in Dictyostelia (
2 ) .
With putative applications of research in mind, ndings obtained
in D . discoideum are usually extrapolated to and compared with
research in higher vertebrates. However, we should not lose sight of
the fact that D . discoideum is evolutionary very distant from Metazoa,
including vertebrates, and represents an independent invention of
1 Introduction
2 Christina Schilde and Pauline Schaap
multicellularity in an entirely different eukaryotic lineage ( 3 ) . To
understand and recognize the core components of any process under
study and to separate these components from species- or clade-
speci c adaptations, comparisons with more related organisms are
much more informative. Until recently, such comparative studies
were hampered by the fact that beyond morphological descriptions
very little was known about any or just a few of the closer cousins of
D . discoideum . A number of advances are changing this state of
affairs. DNA- or protein sequence-based phylogenetic analyses have
clari ed relationships between the major divisions of eukaryotes and
groups within these divisions. Dictyostelia are now robustly placed
within Amoebozoa, a deeply rooted diverse group of mostly unicel-
lular organisms. Genome sequencing projects, particularly the recent
advent of high throughput genome sequencing, have revealed the
protein coding potential of protists that are representative of major
groups and divisions. Development of gene manipulation strategies
has made more protists amenable for studies into the molecular
mechanisms that control their physiology and life cycle transitions.
In this chapter, we rstly discuss the classi cation of Amoebozoa,
their position in the tree of life and the morphologies and life styles
that de ne the major groups. We next discuss roads to multicellu-
larity in all eukaryote divisions and nally zoom in on the
Dictyostelia and summarize recent insights into the evolution of
multicellularity in this group.
The morphology-based ve kingdom classi cation of all living
organisms (bacteria, protists, animals, plants, and fungi) has in the
past 20 years been thoroughly uprooted by molecular sequence
data. Instead, now three domains of life are recognized—eubacteria,
archaea, and eukaryotes— (
4 ) and eukaryotes are now partitioned
into six kingdoms or divisions— Excavata , Rhizaria , Chromalveolata ,
Plantae , Opisthokonta, and Amoebozoa (
3, 5, 6 ) . There is further-
more reasonable molecular and morphological support for a basic
dichotomy of the eukaryotes into two superclades, unikonts and
bikonts. Unikonts comprise the Amoebozoa and Opisthokonta , a
clade that contains the Metazoa, Fungi, and associated unicellular
relatives, while bikonts comprise the remaining divisions (Fig.
1a ).
Unikonts usually have only one cilium or agellum with an associ-
ated centriole, whereas bikonts ancestrally harbor two centrioles
and cilia. Bikonts undergo ciliary transformation by converting a
younger anterior cilium into a modi ed older posterior cilium.
Unikonts may have two or more cilia or agella, but in such cases
the anterior one never transforms into a posterior one. Several
groups within the bikonts have acquired photosynthetic endosym-
bionts or chloroplasts, but this is not the case for unikonts (
7– 9 ) .
2 Classi fi cation of Amoebozoa
2.1 Position in the
Tree of Life and
General Morphology
However, the novel classi cations which are mostly based on
sequences of just one gene (small subunit ribosomal RNA) are still
in a state of ux, and phylogenies based on more molecular mark-
ers are badly needed.
Amoebozoa characteristically have no de ned shape and are
constantly changing form by extending protrusions known as pseu-
dopodia. However, this property is not unique to Amoebozoa or
even to unikonts; other amoeboid groups, such as the Heterolobosea
and Filosea, are actually members of the bikont divisions Excavata
and Rhizaria (
10, 11 ) . Many Amoebozoa alternate a unicellular
trophozoite stage with one or several different life cycle transitions.
The most common transition is the formation of a dormant cyst in
response to environmental stress. The protostelid amoebas can
additionally form a stalked spore. Sexual fusion of myxogastrid
amoebas followed by nuclear division results in a large syncytial cell
Fig. 1 Phylogenetic relationships between major eukaryote divisions and
Amoebozoa. ( a ) Schematic representation of the eukaryote tree of life. The
eukaryotes are currently subdivided into the six major divisions of Excavata,
Rhizaria, Chromalveolata, Plantae, Opisthokonta, and Amoebozoa, with the latter
two considered to form a larger unikont clade, while the remaining divisions
group together as bikonts ( 3, 5, 6 ) . ( b ) Relationships between major groups of
Amoebozoa. The current consensus phylogeny of Amoebozoa is based mainly on
SSU rRNA sequences and morphological features ( 18, 28, 31 ) . The positions of
the polyphyletic protostelids are indicated by arrows . Triangles indicate relative
species richness of groups, but are not exactly to scale
4 Christina Schilde and Pauline Schaap
that continues to feed and eventually forms spore-bearing structures
in response to environmental cues (
12 ) . Sexual fusion of Dictyostelid
amoebas followed by cannibalistic engulfment of other amoebas
leads to production of a dormant macrocyst (
13 ) , while colonial
assembly of amoebas to form spore-bearing structures is common
to both Dictyostelid and Copromyxid amoebas (
14 ) . Amoebas can
range in size from a tiny 3–5 μ m for the aptly named Parvamoeba
15 ) up to 5 mm for Pelomyxa palustris ( 16 ) . The stalks of the
Dictyostelid D . giganteum can reach over 7 cm (
17 ) , and the plas-
modia of Myxogastrids can cover areas of up to several square
meters, making them the largest unicellular organisms (
12 ) .
Amoebozoa can be further divided into the phyla Conosa , which
either have cilia or a agellum or have secondarily lost them; Lobosa ,
which never have cilia or agella; and the free-living, anaerobic,
agellated Breviatea (Fig.
1b ) ( 18, 19 ) . Breviata anathema is a
marine amoebo agellate with irregular, pointed, and sometimes
branched pseudopodia. Cells are sometimes multinucleate and
Breviata can form cysts. Although it lacks mitochondria, Breviata
contains nuclear mitochondrial genes, indicating that mitochondria
were lost during its adaptation to an anaerobic habitat (
19, 20 ) .
The phylum Lobosa can be divided into the well-supported
Tubulinea and the less well-de ned Discosea . Tubulinea have a
more or less cylindrical shape and show typical amoeboid movement
through pseudopod extension and cortical contraction. Tubulinea
comprise the naked amoeba genera Amoeba , Chaos , Copromyxa ,
Hartmanella , Leptomyxa , Gephyramoeba , and Echinamoeba and
the testate amoebas or Arcellinida (
5, 18 ) . Testate amoebas pos-
sess an outer shell with a single opening, which consists either
entirely of secreted proteins as in Arcella , a mixture of secreted and
captured organic material as in Dif ugia , or secreted anorganic
material as in Quadrulella . All testate amoebas are free living in soil
and freshwater and can encyst inside the shell under unfavorable
conditions. Within Discosea , amoebas with variable, often attened
shapes are combined, and they do not necessarily form a natural
group (
18, 21 ) . Typical examples of Discosea are Acanthamoeba ,
Vanella , Dermamoeba , and Thecamoeba . Cyst formation occurs in
Acanthamoeba and some other Discosea , but the life cycles of most
Discosea are unknown.
The phylum Conosa comprises the Variosea , Archamoebae , and
Mycetozoa (
18, 22 ) . Flagellated species of Conosa are characterized
by a cone of microtubules that connects the mostly single basal
body to the nucleus, forming a so-called karyomastigont. Variosea
contain dissimilar species, such as the agellate Phalansterium (
22 )
and the multiciliated amoeba Multicilia marina (
23 ) , in which,
respectively, the agellum or cilia each have an apposed basal body.
Phalansterium solitarium is a solitary species that can form cysts,
while Phalansterium digitatum forms colonies in which cells are
2.2 Phylogenetic
Relationships and
embedded in a globular organic matrix ( 22, 24 ) . The Varipodida
are also grouped with Variosea and contain species with thin and
sometimes branched pseudopods like Acramoeba , Grellamoeba ,
Filamoeba, and Flamella (
22 ) .
The Archamoebae , which have secondarily lost their mitochon-
dria (
25 ) , contain the anaerobic Mastigamoebida , comprising
Mastigamoeba , Endamoeba , and Endolimax , and the Pelobiontida ,
comprising Pelomyxa , Entamoeba , and Mastigina . In Mastigamoeba
the nucleus is physically attached to the basal body of a forward fac-
ing agellum and can be protracted. It can both encyst and form
multinucleate cells. Endamoeba and Endolimax are found in the
guts of animals and spread as cysts. Pelomyxa palustris is a multi-
nucleate amoeba, containing up to several thousand nuclei (
26 ) .
Pelomyxa lives in anaerobic freshwater sediments, where it indis-
criminately takes up material and digests usable constituents. Besides
inclusions like sand and diatom shells, the cytoplasm harbors several
bacterial endosymbionts, some of which are methanogen. Its life
cycle is complex with binucleate cells being derived by plasmotomy
from larger cells or hatched from cysts and cysts with four nuclei.
Most Entamoeba species are harmless commensals residing in the
large intestine of animals. Lacking mitochondria, they can only sur-
vive outside the body as dormant cysts. E . histolytica is an important
human pathogen in developing countries, which causes amoebic
dysentery and often lethal liver abscess (
27 ) .
The Mycetozoa , characterized by spore-bearing fruiting bodies,
are the most diverse group within the Amoebozoa and comprise
some protostelids, the Myxogastria and the Dictyostelia. The pro-
tostelids are however a larger polyphyletic assemblage and fall into
different lineages within the Amoebozoa (Fig.
1b ) ( 28 ) . Most pro-
tostelids form a single spore on top of a thin hollow stalk that is
secreted by the same cell, but species like Protosporangium (
29 ) can
have up to four spores. Many species also form cysts and in some
species, amoeba fuse to form small multinucleate plasmodia. The
Myxogastria group into two clades containing either the dark-
spored Physarida and Stemonitida or the bright-spored Liceida and
Trichiida (
30, 31 ) . Myxogastrids are amoebo agellates and hatch
from spores either as amoebas or bi agellated cells. These forms can
also interconvert, with wet conditions favoring the agellate form.
Upon nutrient depletion either cell type encysts to form a dormant
microcyst. In addition, both amoebas and agellates can fuse to
form a zygote when compatible mating types are present. The
zygote then goes through multiple synchronous nuclear divisions
without cytokinesis and continues to feed, thus causing large to
enormous single-celled plasmodia to form. Under dry and/or cold
conditions, the plasmodium converts into irregular hardened masses
of dormant macrocysts, called sclerotia. Other environmental stim-
uli, such as light, induce cleavage of the plasmodium into segments
with single nuclei that mature into haploid spores, after going
6 Christina Schilde and Pauline Schaap
through one round of meiosis. The remainder of the protoplasm
forms often quite intricate structures to elevate the spore mass
above the substratum (
12, 32 ) .
The Dictyostelia form multicellular fruiting bodies by aggrega-
tion of amoebas and are commonly found in forest soils. They have
been isolated from the Arctic to the tropics (
33 ) , but there are no
marine species and as yet only one description of a pathogenic
D . polycephalum isolate (
34 ) . The amoebas phagocytose bacteria
and small yeasts, although one species, D . caveatum , can also eat
other amoebas by nibbling (
35, 36 ) . Upon starvation, amoebas
secrete a chemoattractant, which can be cAMP, glorin, folate, a
pterin, or an as yet unidenti ed compound, and form an aggregate
consisting from around ten to a million cells (
1, 37 ) . Some species
form an intermediate pseudoplasmodium or “slug” that moves
towards warmth and light to nd a suitable spot for fruiting body
formation. Once aggregated, the amoebas initiate differentiation
into condensed encapsulated spores and highly vacuolated stalk
cells. Stalk cells are encased by a cellulose wall and are collectively
shaped into a rigid column by a cellulose stalk tube, which carries the
spore mass above the substratum (
38 ) . Ancillary structures, called
upper and lower cups, which support the spore mass, and a basal
disk to anchor the stalk to the substratum can also be present (
39 ) .
The spores are hydrophilic and are most likely dispersed by rain
and melting snow, but small soil invertebrates and even birds and
bats may also aid in spore dispersal (
40, 41 ) .
Many Dictyostelid species can also encapsulate individually as
microcysts or engage in sexual fusion and form macrocysts, a pro-
cess in which the zygote attracts and ingests other amoebas before
surrounding itself with a thick wall. After a long period of dor-
mancy, the macrocyst undergoes meiosis and multiple mitoses and
eventually hatches to yield several haploid amoebas (
13, 42 ) .
Population genetics of wild isolates indicates that mating occurs
frequently in nature (
43 ) . Speci c environmental conditions trigger
entry into the alternative pathways of fructi cation, microcyst-,
or macrocyst formation. Fructi cation requires an air-water interface
and is stimulated by light. Microcysts are formed under dark,
humid, or submerged conditions with high solute or ammonia levels
as additional stimuli (
44 ) . Macrocyst formation usually requires
the presence of a compatible mating type and is stimulated by eth-
ylene, darkness, and submersion (
45 ) .
Traditionally, the Dictyostelia have been divided into the gen-
era Acytostelium , with a secreted acellular stalk, Dictyostelium with
unbranched or irregularly branched sorocarps, and Polysphondylium
with regular whorls of side branches (
44 ) . However, molecular
phylogenetic analysis revealed that Dictyostelia can be subdivided
into four major groups, called groups 1–4, with Dictyostelids
being present in each group and multiple independent origins
for Polysphondylid-like species (
46 ) . Extension of taxon sampling
indicated that a few group-intermediate species, such as P . violaceum ,
D . polycarpum , and D . polycephalum , may represent additional
minor clades (
47 ) .
In summary, the Amoebozoa are a division of amoeboid or
amoebo agellate organisms that most commonly alternate a tro-
phozoite feeding stage with a dormant cyst stage. Sexual fusion is
also common, leading either to formation of dormant zygotic cysts
or to multinucleate cells of varying sizes. Several subdivisions have
evolved forms that elevate one or a few spores above the substra-
tum, but only Copromyxa and Dictyostelia construct fruiting struc-
tures from more than ten cells.
Multicellularity arose several times independently during evolution
but is commonly perceived to be only present in plants, animals,
and fungi. However, most eukaryotic divisions and phyla show
independent inventions of multicellularity. In the bikonts, multi-
cellular photosynthetic organisms evolved independently from uni-
cellular green algae (all land and many marine plants), brown algae
(kelps and stramenopiles), and red algae (many seaweeds). Not
only Dictyostelia and Copromyxa in Amoebozoa but also unrelated
amoebas like Acrasis and Pocheina in Excavata (
48 ) and Fonticula
alba in Opisthokonta (
49 ) form fruiting bodies from hundreds to
up to a million cells. The Opisthokonta on the unikont side is par-
ticularly prone to multicellularity with colonial forms in the
choano agellates (
50 ) , both unicellular and multicellular species in
Fungi and unconditional multicellularity in Metazoa . Both Metazoa
and vascular green plants generate the multicellular form from a
zygote through cell division and cell differentiation. In Fungi ,
mycelia of interconnected cells can develop by cell division from
either a zygote, a spore, or asexual propagates. On the other hand,
aggregative multicellularity does not necessarily depend on cell
divisions and almost always results in formation of a spore- or cyst-
bearing structure. In the following paragraphs, we describe organ-
isms with aggregative multicellularity in more detail.
The Chromalveolate ciliate species Sorogena stoianovitchae feeds
on the smaller ciliate Colpoda . When starved at high cell density,
Sorogena ciliates aggregate by cell adhesion to form a mound
encased in a mucous sheath (Fig.
2a ). This sheath then contracts
and elongates to form an acellular stalk that lifts the cell mass above
the water surface, followed by encystation of the ciliate cells (
51, 52 ) .
Some heterolobose amoeba genera in the Excavates , such as Acrasis
spp . and the related Pocheina rosea , either encyst individually or
amoebas aggregate to form a mound that is lifted above the sub-
stratum by virtue of cells encysting at the base of the structure.
Acrasis fruiting bodies are mostly tree-shaped with the mature
spores forming branched chains (Fig.
2b ), while Pocheina forms a
stalk with a globose spore mass. Both stalk and spore cells are viable
and only marginally differ from each other. They are also very similar
2.3 Many Roads
to Multicellularity
8 Christina Schilde and Pauline Schaap
Fig. 2 Fruiting body formation in various organisms with aggregative multicellu-
larity. ( a ) The ciliate S . stoianovitchiae aggregates by adhesion and forms a
sheath that contracts to form a stalk, while the cells encyst. ( b ) Acrasis amoebas
aggregate and form a stalk by encysting at the base of the structure, while more
apical cells rearrange themselves into chains and then encyst. ( c ) F . alba amoe-
bas aggregate and deposit a cone-shaped matrix around the cell mass. Amoebas
differentiate into spores and are expulsed through the apex. ( d ) Copromyxa
amoebas are attracted to a few encysted founder cells. Once aggregated, cells
crawl on top of existing cysts and then encyst themselves
to cysts but additionally have plinth-like connecting structures,
called hila (
5, 48, 53, 54 ) .
Amoebas of the amoeboid Opisthokont Fonticula alba collect
into aggregates and secrete an extracellular matrix that forms a
volcano-shaped enclosure around the cells (Fig.
2c ). When the
amoebas mature into spores, the apex opens eruptively and depos-
its the spores as a droplet on top of the structure, leaving some
undifferentiated amoebas behind at the base (
49, 55 ) . The
Amoebozoan Copromyxa protea feeds on bacteria in dung and,
similar to Dictyostelia, can enter upon three alternative survival
strategies when starved. Amoebas can differentiate into round or
“puzzle-piece”-shaped (micro)cysts or fusion of two amoebas
results in the formation of dormant double-walled spherocysts.
Alternatively, some amoebas encyst rst and then become founder
cells, which attract other amoebas to form an aggregate (Fig.
2d ).
The amoeba in the aggregate form a branched fruiting structure by
crawling on top of each other and in turn forming so-called soro-
cysts that are morphologically identical to microcysts (
14, 56 )
Evidently, the formation of fruiting bodies by aggregation has
evolved several times independently. Despite occurring in very
diverse genetic lineages, these forms of multicellularity all resemble
Dictyostelia in the fact that they are a response to starvation and
generate a structure that elevates dormant spores or cysts above an
air/water interface. Most aggregating amoebas or ciliates use
fructi cation as an alternative strategy to encystation of individual
cells in situ. However, Dictyostelia are unlike all aggregating amoe-
bas by differentiating into at least two morphologically distinct cell
types and by the sophistication of their aggregation process and
morphogenetic program.
Outwith Dictyostelia, aggregating species usually collect into
mounds by cell adhesion or by moving towards each other indi-
vidually. While the latter mode is also observed for some of the
smaller species of Dictyostelia, most Dictyostelids aggregate as
interconnecting streams of amoebas. Studies in the model organ-
ism D . discoideum revealed that this mode of aggregation results
from relay of chemoattractant waves, in this case cAMP, through
the starving population (
57 ) . A biochemical network, consisting
of the cAMP receptor, cAR1, the adenylate cyclase, ACA, the
extracellular phosphodiesterase PdsA, and intracellular proteins,
including PKA and RegA, generates pulses of cAMP in a few
starving cells (
58, 59 ) . In surrounding cells these pulses elicit
cAMP-induced cAMP secretion (cAMP relay), which results in
propagation of the cAMP pulse throughout the cell population
and chemotactic movement of cells towards the cAMP source.
Once aggregated, the tips of multicellular structures continue to
emit cAMP pulses, which guide and shape the organism during
slug migration and fruiting body formation by coordinating the
2.4 Evolution
of Morphogenesis
in Dictyostelia
10 Christina Schilde and Pauline Schaap
movement of its component cells ( 60 ) . Secreted cAMP not only
coordinates morphogenesis but also regulates stage- and cell-
type-speci c gene expression. Nanomolar cAMP pulses accelerate
the expression of aggregation genes (
61 ) , while micromolar
cAMP concentrations induce the expression of prespore genes
and inhibit stalk gene expression (
62, 63 ) .
In addition to these roles for secreted cAMP, intracellular
cAMP acting on PKA also crucially regulates many developmental
transitions. Together with secreted cAMP, intracellular cAMP is
required for prespore differentiation (
64 ) . Furthermore, active
PKA crucially triggers spore and stalk maturation and maintenance
of spore dormancy in the fruiting body (
64– 66 ) . For stalk and
spore maturation, cAMP is produced by adenylate cyclase R (ACR)
and for induction of prespore differentiation and control of spore
germination by adenylate cyclase G (ACG) (
66– 68 ) . ACG harbors
an intramolecular osmosensor and is activated by high ambient
osmolarity, a condition that keeps spores dormant in the spore
head (
69, 70 ) . The cAMP phosphodiesterase RegA also plays a
crucial role in regulating intracellular cAMP levels (
71 ) .
Recent comparative studies into conservation and change in
genes involved in synthesis and detection of cAMP throughout the
Dictyostelid phylogeny provided insight into the evolutionary origin
of cAMP signaling. Osmolyte-activated ACG is functionally con-
served throughout the Dictyostelid phylogeny (
72 ) . Many early
diverging Dictyostelid species have retained the ancestral mechanism
of encystation (
46 ) . Similar to spore germination, cyst germination is
also inhibited by high osmolarity, but unlike spore formation, encys-
tation can be directly induced by high osmolarity. For soil amoebas,
high osmolarity is probably a signal of approaching drought, which
increases the concentration of soil minerals. Osmolyte-induced encys-
tation is mediated by cAMP production and PKA activation (
72 ) ,
suggesting that the roles of intracellular cAMP and PKA in spore dif-
ferentiation and germination are evolutionary derived from a similar
role in the encystation of solitary amoebas.
Genes encoding cAR1 and therefore extracellular cAMP sig-
naling are also functionally conserved throughout the Dictyostelid
phylogeny. In group 4 species, such as D . discoideum and
D . rosarium , cAR1 is expressed from a proximal promoter during
postaggregative development and from a distal promoter during
aggregation (
73, 74 ) . In these species, inhibition of cAR function
blocks both aggregation and subsequent development. Remarkably,
in groups 1 and 2, cAR1 orthologs are only expressed after aggre-
gation (
74 ) , and in either group 1, 2, or 3, abrogation of cAR
function disrupts slug and fruiting body formation, but not aggre-
gation (
75 ) . The latter effect was not unexpected, since group 1–3
species use other attractants than cAMP to aggregate, with glorin
being most prevalent (
76 ) . However, the fact that postaggregative
morphogenesis is blocked by loss of cAR function suggests that all
Dictyostelia use oscillatory cAMP signaling to coordinate cell
movement during slug and fruiting body formation. This hypoth-
esis was further substantiated by recent observations that loss of
the PdsA gene from a group 2 species also resulted in disruption of
postaggregative morphogenesis, while aggregation remained nor-
mal. Strikingly, the af nity of PdsA for cAMP in groups 1–3 was
low but increased 200-fold in group 4 species. This probably
re ects an adaptation from hydrolyzing relatively high extracellular
cAMP concentrations within an aggregate to hydrolyzing much
lower concentrations in a dispersed eld of starving cells (
77 ) .
Taken together, the data indicate that oscillatory cAMP signaling
evolved rst to coordinate morphogenesis and that its additional
role in mediating aggregation appeared more recently in group 4.
cAR gene disruption in the group 2 species P . pallidum yielded
stunted fruiting structures that contained cysts instead of spores in
the spore head. This was due to the fact that the cAR null mutant
no longer expressed prespore genes in response to cAMP stimula-
tion (
75 ) . As discussed above, sporulation and encystation both
require intracellular cAMP acting on PKA, but sporulation addi-
tionally requires extracellular cAMP acting on cARs. With the lat-
ter pathway ablated, the cAR null cells reverted to the ancestral
strategy of encystation.
Together, these results suggest that cAMP signaling in Dictyostelia
evolved from a “classical” second messenger role for cAMP in stress-
induced encystation (Fig.
3 ). Dictyostelia secrete most of the cAMP
that they produce but can only accumulate the micromolar concen-
trations that are required for prespore differentiation, once they have
aggregated. In early Dictyostelids, accumulation of secreted cAMP
Fig. 3 The evolution of morphogenetic cAMP signaling in Dictyostelia. Putative scenario for the evolution
of developmental cAMP signaling in Dictyostelia from a second messenger function in Amoebozoan encystation.
LCA last common ancestor
12 Christina Schilde and Pauline Schaap
may therefore have acted as a signal for the aggregated state and
have prompted cells to form spores and not cysts. Oscillatory cAMP
secretion, which requires cAR-mediated positive and negative feed-
backs on cAMP synthesis by ACA evolved next and enabled the cells
to form architecturally sophisticated fruiting bodies. cAMP-mediated
aggregation was the most recent innovation and only occurred in
group 4 (Fig.
3 ).
While at rst sight the multitudinous roles of cAMP in
D . discoideum in aggregation, morphogenesis, and gene regulation
may seem perplexing, evolutionary reconstruction of these roles
allows us to separate core ancestral processes from more recent
adaptations. In essence, evolutionary reconstruction reveals the
underlying logic of convoluted interrelated processes. Comparative
analysis and evolutionary reconstruction are therefore powerful
tools to unravel complex biological processes.
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... primer set, 42.9% (6/14) of the water samples and 19.0% (4/21) of the biofilm samples were FL-positive. [44] 14.3% (6/42) 11.8% (4/34) From the 76 samples sequenced, FLA (n = 50) were identified in only 33 of the samples. In addition, 37.0% (20/54) of Vermamoeba spp. ...
... The 43 samples without positive FLA results either contained slime moulds or could not be amplified after repeated PCR attempts. The slime moulds belong to the group Mycetozoa that form part of the super-group Amoebozoa and comprise numerous amoebae [44] that can harbour bacteria [45]. ...
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This study investigated the co-existence of potential human pathogenic bacteria and free-living amoebae in samples collected from stored water in rural households in South Africa using borehole water as a primary water source. Over a period of 5 months, a total of 398 stored water and 392 biofilm samples were collected and assessed. Free-living amoebae were identified microscopically in 92.0% of the water samples and 89.8% of the biofilm samples. A further molecular identification using 18S rRNA sequencing identified Vermamoeba vermiformis, Entamoeba spp., Stenamoeba spp., Flamella spp., and Acanthamoeba spp. including Acanthamoeba genotype T4, which is known to be potentially harmful to humans. Targeted potential pathogenic bacteria were isolated from the water samples using standard culture methods and identified using 16S rRNA sequencing. Mycobacterium spp., Pseudomonas spp., Enterobacter spp., and other emerging opportunistic pathogens such as Stenotrophomonas maltophilia were identified. The results showed the importance of further studies to assess the health risk of free-living amoebae and potential human pathogenic bacteria to people living in rural communities who have no other option than to store water in their homes due to water shortages.
... We first analysed the phylogenetic distributions of a set of conserved protein families (Source Data Fig. 1) involved in structural changes of the NE, chromosomes and spindle during mitosis ( Fig. 1b and Extended Data Fig. 1). We identified putative orthologues and inferred gene trees of these key regulators across a set of representative opisthokonts, centred on the two main lineages of Ichthyosporea, the Ichthyophonida and Dermocystida, and using the Amoebozoa as a neighbouring outgroup which includes the model slime moulds Dictyostelium and Physarum 25 (Fig. 1b and Extended Data Fig. 1). Our results highlight features shared by all Ichthyosporea, such as the kinetochore-localized Dam complex also present in most fungi 26 , as well as features restricted to specific ichthyosporean lineages. ...
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Eukaryotes have evolved towards one of two extremes along a spectrum of strategies for remodelling the nuclear envelope during cell division: disassembling the nuclear envelope in an open mitosis or constructing an intranuclear spindle in a closed mitosis1,2. Both classes of mitotic remodelling involve key differences in the core division machinery but the evolutionary reasons for adopting a specific mechanism are unclear. Here we use an integrated comparative genomics and ultrastructural imaging approach to investigate mitotic strategies in Ichthyosporea, close relatives of animals and fungi. We show that species in this clade have diverged towards either a fungal-like closed mitosis or an animal-like open mitosis, probably to support distinct multinucleated or uninucleated states. Our results indicate that multinucleated life cycles favour the evolution of closed mitosis.
... The Dictyostelids belong to the phylum Amoebozoa, which consists of eukaryotes with amoeboid or amoeboflagellate cellular morphology [40,41]. Amoebozoa is in turn a member of the phylogenetic supergroup Amorphea, together with Holozoa (Metazoans + unicellular relatives) and Fungi [42] (Figure 2). ...
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Multicellularity evolved repeatedly in the history of life, but how it unfolded varies greatly between different lineages. Dictyostelid social amoebas offer a good system to study the evolution of multicellular complexity, with a well-resolved phylogeny and molecular genetic tools being available. We compare the life cycles of the Dictyostelids with closely related amoebozoans to show that complex life cycles were already present in the unicellular common ancestor of Dictyostelids. We propose frost resistance as an early driver of multicellular evolution in Dictyostelids and show that the cell signalling pathways for differentiating spore and stalk cells evolved from that for encystation. The stalk cell differentiation program was further modified, possibly through gene duplication, to evolve a new cell type, cup cells, in Group 4 Dictyostelids. Studies in various multicellular organisms, including Dictyostelids, volvocine algae, and metazoans, suggest as a common principle in the evolution of multicellular complexity that unicellular regulatory programs for adapting to environmental change serve as “proto-cell types” for subsequent evolution of multicellular organisms. Later, new cell types could further evolve by duplicating and diversifying the “proto-cell type” gene regulatory networks.
Fungi and Metazoa (animals) are two major multicellular kingdoms of life and both are positioned in the eukaryotic Opisthokonta. Within the supergroup Fungi and Metazoa fall into either side of the opisthokont root, in the major sub-groups Holomycota and Holozoa. In this chapter, we cover recent advances in the understanding of opisthokont biology, in particular looking at their diversity and where opisthokonts fall in the eukaryotic tree. Although much uncertainty remains over how different eukaryotic supergroups are related to each other, the closest relatives of Opisthokonta are now widely recognised.The composition of Opisthokonta has been revised due to the discovery of new species, as well as the reassignment of taxa on the basis of phylogenetic analyses. We consider common traits and characteristics found in opisthokonts. The explosion of genomic and transcriptomic sequencing since the turn of the century has allowed the identification of genes involved in multicellularity in both Metazoa and Fungi; molecular phylogenies show multicellularity has independently evolved in multiple lineages across the opisthokonts. Annotated gene complements from species spanning the group highlight that gene loss and gain is a dynamic process in the opisthokonts.KeywordsHolomycotaHolozoaMulticellularityOpisthokontaTaxonomy
Since 1970, there has been an overall decline in wildlife populations in the order of 52%. Freshwater species populations have declined by 76%; species populations in Central and South America have declined by 83%; and in the Indo-Pacific by 67%. These are often not complete extinctions, but large declines in the numbers of animals in each species, as well as habitat loss. This presents us with a tremendous opportunity, before it is too late to rescue many species. This book documents the present state of wildlife on a global scale, using a taxonomic approach, and serving as a one stop place for people involved in conservation to be able to find out what is in decline, and the success stories that have occurred to bring back species from the brink of extinction - primarily due to conservation management techniques - as models for what we might achieve in the future.
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The identification of novel platform organisms for the production and discovery of small molecules is of high interest for the pharmaceutical industry. In particular, the structural complexity of most natural products with therapeutic potential restricts an industrial production since chemical syntheses often require complex multistep routes. The amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum can be easily cultivated in bioreactors due to its planktonic growth behavior and contains numerous polyketide and terpene synthase genes with only a few compounds being already elucidated. Hence, the amoeba both bears a wealth of hidden natural products and allows for the development of new bioprocesses for existing pharmaceuticals. In this mini review, we present D. discoideum as a novel platform for the production of complex secondary metabolites and discuss its suitability for industrial processes. We also provide initial insights into future bioprocesses, both involving bacterial coculture setups and for the production of plant-based pharmaceuticals.
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The slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum's life cycle includes different unicellular and multicellular stages that provide a convenient model for research concerning intracellular and intercellular mechanisms influencing mitochondria's structure and function. We aim to determine the differences between the mitochondria isolated from the slime mold regarding its early developmental stages induced by starvation, namely the unicellular (U), aggregation (A) and streams (S) stages, at the bioenergetic and proteome levels. We measured the oxygen consumption of intact cells using the Clarke electrode and observed a distinct decrease in mitochondrial coupling capacity for stage S cells and a decrease in mitochondrial coupling efficiency for stage A and S cells. We also found changes in spare respiratory capacity. We performed a wide comparative proteomic study. During the transition from the unicellular stage to the multicellular stage, important proteomic differences occurred in stages A and S relating to the proteins of the main mitochondrial functional groups, showing characteristic tendencies that could be associated with their ongoing adaptation to starvation following cell reprogramming during the switch to gluconeogenesis. We suggest that the main mitochondrial processes are downregulated during the early developmental stages, although this needs to be verified by extending analogous studies to the next slime mold life cycle stages.
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Free-living amoebae (FLA) are ubiquitous in nature, whereas amoeba-resistant bacteria (ARB) have evolved virulent mechanisms that allow them to resist FLA digestion mechanisms and survive inside the amoeba during hostile environmental conditions. This study assessed the prevalence of FLA and ARB species in borehole water before and after a ceramic point-of-use intervention in rural households. A total of 529 water samples were collected over a five-month period from 82 households. All water samples were subjected to amoebal enrichment, bacterial isolation on selective media, and molecular identification using 16S PCR/sequencing to determine ARB species and 18S rRNA PCR/sequencing to determine FLA species present in the water samples before and after the ceramic pot intervention. Several FLA species including Acanthamoeba spp. and Mycobacterium spp. were isolated. The ceramic pot filter removed many of these microorganisms from the borehole water. However, design flaws could have been responsible for some FLA and ARB detected in the filtered water. FLA and their associated ARB are ubiquitous in borehole water, and some of these species might be potentially harmful and a health risk to vulnerable individuals. There is a need to do more investigations into the health risk of these organisms after point-of-use treatment.
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Background The plant microbiome plays a vital role in determining host health and productivity. However, we lack real-world comparative understanding of the factors which shape assembly of its diverse biota, and crucially relationships between microbiota composition and plant health. Here we investigated landscape scale rhizosphere microbial assembly processes in oilseed rape (OSR), the UK’s third most cultivated crop by area and the world's third largest source of vegetable oil, which suffers from yield decline associated with the frequency it is grown in rotations. By including 37 conventional farmers’ fields with varying OSR rotation frequencies, we present an innovative approach to identify microbial signatures characteristic of microbiomes which are beneficial and harmful to the host. Results We show that OSR yield decline is linked to rotation frequency in real-world agricultural systems. We demonstrate fundamental differences in the environmental and agronomic drivers of protist, bacterial and fungal communities between root, rhizosphere soil and bulk soil compartments. We further discovered that the assembly of fungi, but neither bacteria nor protists, was influenced by OSR rotation frequency. However, there were individual abundant bacterial OTUs that correlated with either yield or rotation frequency. A variety of fungal and protist pathogens were detected in roots and rhizosphere soil of OSR, and several increased relative abundance in root or rhizosphere compartments as OSR rotation frequency increased. Importantly, the relative abundance of the fungal pathogen Olpidium brassicae both increased with short rotations and was significantly associated with low yield. In contrast, the root endophyte Tetracladium spp. showed the reverse associations with both rotation frequency and yield to O. brassicae, suggesting that they are signatures of a microbiome which benefits the host. We also identified a variety of novel protist and fungal clades which are highly connected within the microbiome and could play a role in determining microbiome composition. Conclusions We show that at the landscape scale, OSR crop yield is governed by interplay between complex communities of both pathogens and beneficial biota which is modulated by rotation frequency. Our comprehensive study has identified signatures of dysbiosis within the OSR microbiome, grown in real-world agricultural systems, which could be used in strategies to promote crop yield. 9LHMp6srYAP4ntBATPUdWaVideo abstract
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Cytokinins (CKs) are a diverse group of evolutionarily significant growth-regulating molecules. While the CK biosynthesis and signal transduction pathways are the most well-understood in plant systems, these molecules have been identified in all kingdoms of life. This review follows the recent discovery of an expanded CK profile in the social amoeba, Dictyostelium discoideum. A comprehensive review on the present knowledge of CK biosynthesis, signal transduction, and CK-small molecule interactions within members of Dictyostelia will be summarized. In doing so, the utility of social amoebae will be highlighted as a model system for studying the evolution of these hormone-like signaling agents, which will set the stage for future research in this area.
Conference Paper
Eukaryotes and archaebacteria form the clade neomura and are sisters, as shown decisively by genes fragmented only in archaebacteria and by many sequence trees. This sisterhood refutes all theories that eukaryotes originated by merging an archaebacterium and an alpha-proteobacterium, which also fall to account for numerous features shared specifically by eukaryotes and actinobacteria. I revise the phagotrophy theory of eukaryote origins by arguing that the essentially autogenous origins of most eukaryotic cell properties (phagotrophy, endomembrane system including peroxisomes, cytoskeleton, nucleus, mitosis and sex) partially overlapped and were synergistic with the symbiogenetic origin of mitochondria from an alpha-proteobacterium. These radical innovations occurred in a derivative of the neomuran common ancestor, which itself had evolved immediately prior to the divergence of eukaryotes and archaebacteria by drastic alterations to its eubacterial ancestor, an actinobacterial posibacterium able to make sterols, by replacing murein peptidoglycan by Minked glycoproteins and a multitude of other shared neomuran novelties. The conversion of the rigid neomuran wall into a flexible surface coat and the associated origin of phagotrophy were instrumental in the evolution of the endomembrane system, cytoskeleton, nuclear organization and division and sexual life-cycles. Cilia evolved not by symbiogenesis but by autogenous specialization of the cytoskeleton. I argue that the ancestral eukaryote was unicilliate with a single centriole (unikont) and a simple centrosomal cone of microtubules, as in the aerobic amoebozoan zooflagellate Phalansterium. I infer the root of the eukaryote tree at the divergence between opisthokonts (animals, Choanozoa, fungi) with a single posterior cilium and all other eukaryotes, designated 'anterokonts' because of the ancestral presence of an anterior cilium. Anterokonts comprise the Amoebozoa, which may be ancestrally unikont, and a vast ancestrally biciliate clade, named 'bikonts'. The apparently conflicting rRNA and protein trees can be reconciled with each other and this ultrastructural interpretation if long-branch distortions, some mechanistically explicable, are allowed for. Bikonts comprise two groups: corticoflagellates, with a younger anterior cilium, no centrosomal cone and ancestrally a semi-rigid cell cortex with a microtubular band on either side of the posterior mature centriole; and Rhizaria [a new infrakingdom comprising Cercozoa (now including Ascetosporea classis nov.), Retaria phylum nov., Heliozoa and Apusozoa phylum nov.], having a centrosomal cone or radiating microtubules and two microtubular roots and a soft surface, frequently with reticulopodia. Corticoflagellates comprise photokaryotes (Plantae and chromalveolates, both ancestrally with cortical alveoli) and Excavata (a new protozoan infrakingdom comprising Loukozoa, Discicristata and Archezoa, ancestrally with three microtubular roots). All basal eukaryotic radiations were of mitochondrial aerobes; hydrogenosomes evolved polyphyletically from mitochondria long afterwards, the persistence of their double envelope long after their genomes disappeared being a striking instance of membrane heredity. I discuss the relationship between the 13 protozoan phyla recognized here and revise higher protozoan classification by updating as subkingdoms Lankester's 1878 division of Protozoa into Corticata (Excavata, Alveolata; with prominent cortical microtubules and ancestrally localized cytostome - the Parabasalia probably secondarily internalized the cytoskeleton) and Gymnomyxa [infrakingdoms Sarcomastigota (Choanozoa, Amoebozoa) and Rhizaria; both ancestrally with a non-cortical cytoskeleton of radiating singlet microtubules and a relatively soft cell surface with diffused feeding]. As the eukaryote root almost certainly lies within Gymnomyxa, probably among the Sarcomastigota, Corticata are derived. Following the single symbiogenetic origin of chloroplasts in a corticoflagellate host with cortical alveoli, this ancestral plant radiated rapidly into glaucophytes, green plants and red algae. Secondary symbiogeneses subsequently transferred plastids laterally into different hosts, making yet more complex cell chimaeras - probably only thrice: from a red alga to the corticoflagellate ancestor of chromalveolates (Chromista plus Alveolata), from green algae to a secondarily uniciliate cercozoan to form chlorarachneans and independently to a biciliate excavate to yield photosynthetic euglenoids. Tertiary symbiogenesis involving eukaryotic algal symbionts replaced peridinin-containing plastids in two or three dinoflagellatelineages, but yielded no major novel groups. The origin and well-resolved primary bifurcation of eukaryotes probably occurred in the Cryogenian Period, about 850 million years ago, much more recently than suggested by unwarranted backward extrapolations of molecular 'clocks' or dubious interpretations as 'eukaryotic, of earlier large microbial fossils or still more ancient steranes. The origin of chloroplasts and the symbiogenetic incorporation of a red alga into a corticoflagellate to create chromalveolates may both have occurred in a big bang after the Varangerian snowball Earth melted about 580 million years ago, thereby stimulating the ensuing Cambrian explosion of animals and protists in the form of simultaneous, poorly resolved opisthokont and anterokont radiations.
1. Sorocarps, or fruiting structures, in Dictyostelium are formed by the orderly differentiation of large numbers of separate but clearly coordinated amoeboid cells, or myxamoebae. 2. The sorophore, or stalk, consists of an outer sheath of cellulose surrounding a column of closely compacted, strongly vacuolated, pith-like cells. The sheath appears in advance of obvious cell differentiation and is formed by the extracellular deposition of cellulose in a critical circular zone, the dimensions of which are proportional to the mass of cooperating myxamoebae. 3. The principal force responsible for lifting the sorogen, or sporogenous mass, into the air results from the swelling of stalk cells entrapped in the elongating sorophore sheath; a second and progressively diminishing force results from the coordinated pseudopodial movements of the myxamoebae that comprise the sorogen. Tests which indicate that the sorophore sheath (of extracellular origin) is cellulosic in character include: staining reactions, solubilities, birefringence in polarized light, X-ray diffracton pattern, paper chromatography of hydrolysis products, and decomposition by cellulose- destroying bacteria.
Fonticula alba fits no presently recognized genus of the Acrasiomycetes. The slime mold grows and fruits well at 25-28 C with Klebsiella pneumoniae upon weakly buffered nutrient agar. The myxamoebae are small, variable in form and dimensions, uninucleate or less commonly binucleate and with nucleoli indistinct. Myxamoebae form no streams but aggregate along definite paths to form low rounded mounds. From these mounds narrow tapering columns of cells develop vertically, up to 1.0 mm, each bounded by a thin, tube-like covering that is closed above and extends downward over a broader basal reservoir of cells. Later the covering ruptures apically and the cells within ascend, as if projected under pressure, and collect into a spherical droplet to differentiate as spores. When mature, the naked sorus thus formed may rest upon the emptied hyaline tube for several da before the structure collapses. In no other cellular slime mold are sorocarps known to be formed in a similar manner. Myxamoebae that fail to aggregate differentiate individually as microcysts.
Preface 1. A brief introduction to Dictyostelium discoideum and its relatives 2. A history of research on Dictyostelium discoideum 3. The evolutionary biology of Dictyostelium 4. The genome and genetics 5. Membranes and organelles of Dictyostelium 6. Cell motility and the cytoskeleton 7. The transition from growth to development: from starvation to self sustaining cAMP signal relay 8. Chemotaxis and aggregation 9. Differentiation and adhesion in the aggregate 10. Behavior of cells in the slug 11. Culmination 12. Formation and germination of spores 13. Resources References Index.