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An obstacle detection system for blind people


Abstract and Figures

Blind people face several problems in their life, one of these problems that is the most important one is detection the obstacles when they are walking. In this research, we suggested a system with two cameras placed on blind person's glasses that their duty is taking images from different sides. By comparing these two images, we will be able to find the obstacles. In this method, first we investigate the probability of existence an object by use of special points that then we will call them "Equivalent points", then we utilize binary method, standardize and normalized cross-correlation for verifying this probability. This system was tested under three different conditions and the estimated error is in acceptable range.
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AbstractBlind people face several problems in their life,
one of these problems that is the most important one is
detection the obstacles when they are walking. In this
research, we suggested a system with two cameras placed on
blind person's glasses that their duty is taking images from
different sides. By comparing these two images, we will be
able to find the obstacles. In this method, first we investigate
the probability of existence an object by use of special points
that then we will call them "Equivalent points", then we
utilize binary method, standardize and normalized cross-
correlation for verifying this probability. This system was
tested under three different conditions and the estimated
error is in acceptable range.
Index Terms Obstacle detection, Blind people,
Equivalent points.
YES play a vital role in our life. All of us have seen the
blind people and know the problems that they face in
their life. In order to detection the obstacles blind people
use stick when they are walking but this instrument just can
help them find objects on the ground. Obstacle detection is
a field of effort that has led to vast progress in primary
safety systems and in primary–secondary safety systems
interaction. To detect obstacles at a medium to long
distance, either static or mobile, different technologies have
been used, like laser scanners Solutions based on the
sensory fusion of lasers canner, radar and computer vision
have been used with the purpose of obtaining additional
information for a better interpretation of the environment,
as well as for mitigating the deficiencies of each sensor [1-
Our suggested system uses two cameras placed on blind
person's glasses that take online images and within image
processing detection the obstacles, and finally notifies blind
person. In this system there is no need to recognize all the
obstacles but we just require those that are in a specific
distance from the cameras. As shown in figure (1) we have
considered a virtual plane with specific dimensions, any
kind of objects that enter this plane must be recognized by
Nazli Mohajeri is with the Electrical Engineering Faculty, Sahand
University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran (e-mail:
Roozbeh Raste is with the Electrical Engineering Faculty, Sahand
University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran (e-mail:
Sabalan Daneshvar is with the Electrical Engineering Faculty, Sahand
University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran (corresponding author to provide
phone: +98912-2258523; fax: +98412-3459342; e-mail:
system. Figure (2) shows the thorough algorithm of the
Fig.1 Position of the camera 1(right), 2 (left) and the virtual plane
Fig.2 The thorough algorithm
A. Equivalent Points
In this research, there is an object 70 cm far from the
cameras, this object will specify a particular place for itself
in the pictures taken by cameras (Fig.3). We call these
places (two points in pictures) "Equivalent Points". These
points are unique (i.e. those pixels that are equivalent for
70 Cm distance are not equivalent for 75Cm), additionally
computing these points are completely parametric and you
can change the initial conditions (initializing depends on
field of vision of cameras).
As initializing, 50 points on x axis and 40 points on y
axis (one point per cm) have been considered (i.e. 2000 pair
of equivalent points), all of these points will be probed on
virtual plane (Fig.4). Exploring the points is from the top of
the plane to bottom and from right to left (Fig.5 right). The
place of our points is expressed in centimeter and we need
to transform them into pixels. As shown in figure (5 left)
we use simple calculations for transforming. For an
example, if we multiple the division of dby (the height of
recent point) and day (the whole height of taken picture), to
An Obstacle Detection System for Blind People
Nazli Mohajeri, Roozbeh Raste, Sabalan Daneshvar*, member, IAENG
yr/2 (half of the height of picture) and subtract the result of
that from yr/2, we will obtain the height of the expressed
point in pixel.
Fig.3 Simulation of a point in vision of camera 1(right) and 2(left)
Fig.4 All equivalent points in picture of camera 1(right) and 2(left)
Where, day= and Za is vertical field of vision of
cameras. After calculations of height, all 50 points in this
height must be explored; in this stage we define three
regions (Fig.6 right) and behave in same way (Fig.6 left).
By using this method the equivalent pixels will be detected.
If gray scale of 2 equivalent pixels has differences less than
5 in value, being an object in that place will be probable.
There must be no difference between two pixels if they are
from same object but because of existing shadows, we apply
this tolerance, if this probability is verified by the system,
more difficult decisions will be made for later sections, if
not the system will ensure that the taken pictures are from
different objects and there is no object in that distance and
will calculate other points.
B. Obstacle detection
This section is the step of making more difficult
decisions for detection obstacle. For excel describing, we
show processing on one of the pictures step by step (Fig.7).
First we convert our pictures to binary mode by changing
the value of pixels to 0 and 1, if they are in range of
equivalent pixels will get 1 if not will be 0, (Fig.8). Then
we separate the regions that involve equivalent points and
blacken the rest of the image (Fig.9).
Fig.5 Height of points in Cm and pixel mode (left) and method of exploring
the points (right)
Fig .6 Widths of points in cm and pixel mode (left) and regions on virtual
plane (right)
Fig.7 Pictures taken by camera 1(right) and 2(left)
Fig.8 Binary pictures
Fig.9 Separated regions
Fig.10 Regions that are not in vision of each camera
In order to find out whether or not these obtained regions
refer to one object, we draw a bonding box around them.
Since taken images by each camera include some regions
that are not exist in second one, we must cut these regions
out (Fig.10), this should carry out specially when a part of
object is in vision of one of the cameras and not in vision of
other one. Now the center of two separated regions must be
calculated so we should change the pixels to Cm, for
avoiding having error we accept 3 cm tolerance and ignore
regions that are less than 10 pixels.
When an object is in front of a camera, it looks bigger in
vision of that camera than another one, for solving this
problem we have performed a method that stretches the
picture of objects and makes them standardized and
comparable. Fig.11 shows this method.
Fig.11 Width of object in picture and its real width
Fig.12 Standardized pictures of camera 1(right) and 2(left)
Where, CO is center of object and HW is half of the
width of region. f is distance between the center of object
and center of camera, y is the real width of object and za is
horizontal field of vision of camera.
By means of these calculations, we defined a coefficient
that can express the real size of object in picture versus its
distance from the center of camera. This coefficient can
help to make two images comparable and stretching them
by a "projective transformation" (Fig.12).
We employed normalized cross-correlation for
discovering the similarity of images, if the value of cross-
correlation of images is more than 0.9, we will consider
them similar (Fig.13). In ideal form the value must be 1 but
considering it 0.9 doesn’t make mistake, on the other hand
since we have employed lots of sections for finding object,
it looks impossible that this insignificant difference could
make error.
Fig.13 Result of normalized cross-correlation
After this step the existence of obstacle is confirmed and
the place of that will be determined by its position in that
three regions. Finally the system will notify the user as
these sentences "there is an object in front of you" for
region number 2," there is an object on your right" for
region number 1 and " there is an object on your left" for
region number 3.
This system was tested under three conditions and for
three objects. For taking images we used CANON SX120
IS, 0.3 mega pixels, without using any automatic forms.
The program was processed by DELL Inspiron 1545
notebook with processor: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU @ 2.20
GHz and installed memory (RAM) 2.00 GB.
First we tested the system for a circle object under lamp
light and the camera was fixed 55cm height from ground
level (Fig.14-a). In Figure (14-b) square object was 70 cm
far from camera but circle one was nearer, we observe that
system could not detect the circle object. In next one square
object was in same place and circle object was farer from
camera, system could not detect the circle one like the
former picture (Fig.14-c). Figure (14-d) describes the result
of our experiment under sunlight for a black object and
camera was fixed 70 cm height from ground level. In figure
(14-e), object was in same place but camera was in 81cm
height with 20 degrees of depression angle. Duration of
processing was 33.7969 seconds.
In this research, our purpose is detection of those
obstacles that their distance from cameras is 70Cm.
Undoubtedly system has error, for estimating this error we
tested the system for 4 distances 70 cm, 71 cm, 72 cm and
69 cm, the results show that system detected an obstacle for
70 and 71 cm (Fig. 14-f and 14-g) but not for 72 and 69
cm, thus the error of system is: (72-70 , 69-70) => ( 2 , -1 )
Our suggested system has high sensitivity for the height of
cameras and distance between them. In this research, we
designed a system with two cameras placed on blind
person's glasses that their duty is taking images from
different sides. By comparing these two images, we could
be able to find the obstacles. In the proposed method, first
we investigated the probability of existence an object by use
of special points that then we called them "Equivalent
points", then we utilized binary method, standardized and
normalized cross-correlation for verifying this probability.
This system was tested under three different conditions and
the estimated error is in acceptable range.
Fig.14 Results of tested system
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... Further, many existing studies have applied an image processing technique to address obstacle detection and avoidance [4]- [6] using cameras. However, some research has combined both sensors and cameras to detect obstacles [7], [8], such as the Microsoft Kinect sensor [9]. ...
... In (Nazli Mohajeri et al, 2011) the authors suggested a two-camera system to capture photos from several points of view to help blind people detect obstacles while moving via comparing the two photos. However, the proposed system was only tested under three conditions and for three objects. ...
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Blind assistance is promoting a widely challenge in computer vision such as navigation and path finding. In this paper, two cameras placed on blind person's glasses, GPS free service, and ultra-sonic sensor are employed to provide the necessary information about the surrounding environment. A dataset of objects gathered from daily scenes is created to apply the required recognition. Objects detection is used to find objects in the real world from an image of the world such as faces, bicycles, chairs, doors, or tables that are common in the scenes of a blind. The two cameras are necessary to generate the depth by creating the disparity map of the scene, GPS service is used to create groups of objects based on their locations, and the sensor is used to detect any obstacle at a medium to long distance. The descriptor of the Speeded-Up Robust Features method is optimized to perform the recognition. The proposed method for the blind aims at expanding possibilities to people with vision loss to achieve their full potential. The experimental results reveal the performance of the proposed work in about real time system.
... Incorporation of ultrasonic sensors, infrared sensors and laser telemetry, a cane system was developed to detect the obstacle by having an angle of incidence which covers 20º and the distance with an approximation of 50 cm. The obstacle is indicated through the earphones producing the individual's desired song which is already being recorded[1].The other system developed is a guide cane which detects the presence of an obstacle through mobile robot avoidance sensor and is indicated by a steering effect which has a stepper motor fitted inside to induce the specified effect[2]A system is developed to indicate the presence of an obstacle by obtaining an image through a camera being fitted on the corner of the glass and thereby applying a mathematical method consisting of standardized and normalized cross correlation method and binary method to the values being noted from the image obtained, the obstacle is indicated[3]. A wearable system using Ultrasonic sensor for the detection of an obstacle is developed. ...
Mobility is one of the most important problems for totally and partially disabled people in daily life. Disabled people need some assistive stick or device to avoid obstacles before an accident. This research work proposes to assist disabled people in their daily routines without human guidance. There are four main sections in this paper. Firstly, in the obstacle detection system, five ultrasonic sensors sense the obstacles in the front side, left side, and right side of the user's way on the ground and another ultrasonic sensor senses the overhanging obstacles near the user's head level. Secondly, in an obstacle avoidance system, the servo steering motor is equipped with the front wheel of the stick's base. The wheel with servo motor will turn easily to the left direction or right direction depending on the detecting or sensing of the ultrasonic sensors. Thirdly, in the voice-guided system, there are six recorded human voice messages in the Myanmar language for disabled users in the author's country, Myanmar.
There are 285 million visually impaired people (VIP) worldwide, among whom 39 million are blind (WHO 2014).
Currently, many researches has been carried to devise the navigation for blind people. Here, we propose an efficient system to aid the visually impaired in their navigation. User will be indicated about the nearing obustruction with closer ambiance. The basic concept behind this system is to detect the nearest hindarence through a stereoscopic sonar system and sends back vibro-tactile feedback to inform the user about its localization through a beep sound provided with voice indication for a differentiation between three sensors imbibed. The proposed system aims in increasing the mobility for visually impaired by offering various sensing abilities. The device is light, portable, but range limited to its own size.
This work presents an intelligent system which allows the detection of obstacles on railways. The sensory system is based on one barrier of infrared emitters and another of receivers, placed on opposing sides of the railway. Obstacle detection is achieved by a lack of reception in the detectors. The efficiency of the system is improved with the geometrical distribution of the sensory system and the encoding used at the emitting and receiving stages. Additionally optimal estimation techniques have been proposed to avoid false alarms, based on Kalman and H∞ filtering. Furthermore, Principal Component Analysis is applied to validate the obstacle detection, and to improve the efficiency of the system. A high reliability under adverse conditions is obtained with the barrier, it now being possible to detect the presence of obstacles, and to report on their position.
Advanced driver assistance systems represent considerable progress for improving the safety of vehicles on the road. One group of these systems is based on the detection of obstacles. If positive results are to be achieved these systems must be capable of taking a coherent decision as to which situations involve hazard, in order to avoid false alarms that lead to actions that are not only wrong but disturbing to other road users and cause the driver to lose faith in the system. This paper presents some algorithms to improve those already existing for detecting, identifying and characterising obstacles by means of a laserscanner. The major innovations are: (1) fusing the information from the laserscanner with a positioning system while taking account of the quality of the latter; (2) the criteria for locating obstacles (segmentation process), overcoming the limitations of other approaches that ignore the influence of the obstacle’s orientation; (3) the method of defining the characteristic axes of the obstacles, without resorting to tolerance values that are difficult to adjust or reducing the influence of distance measurement errors of the laserscanner. The algorithms were tested with on-track tests using a Sick LRS 1000 long-range laserscanner with satisfactory results being attained that were an improvement on those provided by other methods.Research highlights► Novel algorithms for detecting obstacles by means of a laserscanner are proposed. ► A positioning system is used to focus the laserscanner information. ► Novel criteria for locating obstacles improve other approaches. ► The algorithm defines the characteristic axes of the obstacles.
This paper presents the design of a comprehensive Multi-layer Architecture for Trajectory Replanning and Intelligent eXecution (MATRIX) system and its evaluation through high-fidelity simulations of the R-50 heli-copter in the Real-time Interactive Prototype Technology Integration/Development Environment (RIPTIDE). The main feature of the MATRIX system is that it assures effective real-time obstacle detection & avoidance in a cluttered environment. Specifically, this paper discusses the (i) Design of the MATRIX System; (ii) Design, implementation & testing of individual modules; (iii) Integration & implementation under RIPTIDE; and (iv) Study of the features and limitations of the proposed architecture and algorithms. The MATRIX system con-sists of several subsystems including: Path Planner based on Rapidly-exploring Random Trees (RRT), shortest path algorithm for pruning of redundant waypoints, a safety corridor for preventing collisions with obstacles, 4D trajectory generator, nonlinear adaptive outer-loop controller, representation of obstacles using Quadtrees, and obstacle detection using a scanning laser and Interacting Multiple Model Kalman Filters (IMM-KF). These subsystems were developed and integrated within RIPTIDE, and extensive testing was carried out using R-50 helicopter dynamics. It was found that the MATRIX system rapidly generates new paths and trajectories to avoid unknown obstacles, is highly robust, and achieves excellent overall performance.
Obstacle detection is a crucial issue for driver assistance systems as well as for autonomous vehicle guidance function and it has to be performed with high reliability to avoid any potential collision with the front vehicle. The vision-based obstacle detection systems are regarded promising for this purpose because they require little infrastructure on a highway. However, the feasibility of these systems in passenger car requires accurate and robust sensing performance. In this paper, an obstacle detection system using stereo vision sensors is developed. This system utilizes feature matching, epipoplar constraint and feature aggregation in order to robustly detect the initial corresponding pairs. After the initial detection, the system executes the tracking algorithm for the obstacles. The proposed system can detect a front obstacle, a leading vehicle and a vehicle cutting into the lane. Then, the position parameters of the obstacles and leading vehicles can be obtained. The proposed obstacle detection system is implemented on a passenger car and its performance is verified experimentally.
This paper presents a new vision-based obstacle detection method for mobile robots. Each individual image pixel is classified as belonging either to an obstacle or the ground based on its color appearance. The method uses a single passive color camera, performs in real-time, and provides a binary obstacle image at high resolution. The system is easily trained by simply driving the robot through its environment. In the adaptive mode, the system keeps learning the appearance of the ground during operation. The system has been tested successfully in a variety of environments, indoors as well as outdoors. 1. Introduction Obstacle detection is an important task for many mobile robot applications. Most mobile robots rely on range data for obstacle detection. Popular sensors for range-based obstacle detection systems include ultrasonic sensors, laser rangefinders, radar, stereo vision, optical flow, and depth from focus. Because these sensors measure the distances from obstacles t...
A Real-time Obstacle Detection and Reactive Path Planning System for Autonomous SmallScale Helicopters
  • Joshua Redding
  • Jayesh N Amin
  • Jovan D Boskovic
  • Yeonsik Kang
  • Karl Hedrick
  • Jason Howlett
  • Scott Poll
Joshua Redding, Jayesh N. Amin, Jovan D. Boskovic, Yeonsik Kang, Karl Hedrick, Jason Howlett, Scott Poll, "A Real-time Obstacle Detection and Reactive Path Planning System for Autonomous SmallScale Helicopters", AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Carolina, USA, Aug. 2007.