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The assembly of Gondwana 800-550 Ma



The formation of the supercontinent Gondwana heralded the beginning of the Phanerozoic following a complex series of collisional events after the break-up of earlier supercontinental assemblages. Paleomagnetic data are used to help distinguish between these events and it appears that there are three critical periods of mountain building during Gondwana assembly. The first major orogenic event took place between 800 and 650 Ma and has been termed the East Africa Orogeny. This tectonic episode formed the Mozambique Belt and likely resulted from the collision of India, Madagascar and Sri Lanka with East Africa. The second and third orogenic periods during Gondwana assembly partially overlap in time. The Brasiliano orogeny (600–530 Ma) resulted in the amalgamation of the South American nuclei and Africa. The Kuunga Orogeny was proposed, in part, because of the recent collection of geochronologic data indicating a 550 Ma granulite forming event in East Gondwana and the observation that the apparent polar wander path for Gondwana does not form a spatially and temporally coherent pattern until roughly the same time. The Kuunga orogeny may have resulted from the collision between Australia and Antarctica with the rest of Gondwana.
Pergamon J. Geodymxmics Vol. 23, No. 314, 223-235. 1997 pp.
8 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd
All rights reserved. Printed in Great Britain
PII: so26&3707(%)ooo464 0264-3707/97 $17.C0+0.CK1
Indiana State University, Department of Geography and Geology, Terre Haute, IN 47809, U.S.A. and
2 University of Michigan, Department of Geological Sciences, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, U.S.A.
(Accepted in revised form 25 July 19%)
Abstract-The formation of the supercontinent Gondwana heralded the beginning of the
Phanerozoic following a complex series of collisional events after the break-up of earlier
supercontinental assemblages. Paleomagnetic data are used to help distinguish between these
events and it appears that there are three critical periods of mountain building during Gondwana
assembly. The first major erogenic event took place between 800 and 650 Ma and has been
termed the East Africa Orogeny. This tectonic episode formed the Mozambique Belt and likely
resulted from the collision of India, Madagascar and Sri Lanka with East Africa. The second and
third erogenic periods during Gondwana assembly partially overlap in time. The Brasiliano
orogeny (600-530 Ma) resulted in the amalgamation of the South American nuclei and Africa.
The Kuunga Orogeny was proposed, in part, because of the recent collection of geochronologic
data indicating a 550 Ma granulite forming event in East Gondwana and the observation that the
apparent polar wander path for Gondwana does not form a spatially and temporally coherent
pattern until roughly the same time. The Kuunga orogeny may have resulted from the collision
between Australia and Antarctica with the rest of Gondwana. 0 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd
The remarkable fit between the east coast of South America and the west coast of Africa led
directly to the first postulates of continental drift (Wegener, 1912). These two continents were
considered part of a larger landmass that was composed of most of the present-day southern
continents and given the name Gondwana (literally “Land of the Gonds”; Fig. 1). Much is
known about the Mesozoic break-up of Gondwana, but the Paleozoic and Neoproterozoic
tectonic history of Gondwana is obscured, in part, by a lack of paleomagnetic data to help
constrain continental motion. In particular, the sequence of tectonic events that led to the
assembly of Gondwana have, until recently, been lumped under the name “Pan-African
erogenic cycle”. Recent hypotheses linked the formation of Gondwana to the break-up of a
larger supercontinent called Rodinia about which the fragments of Gondwana were distributed
(Fig. 2; McMenamin and McMenamin, 1990; Dalziel, 1991, 1992; Hoffman, 1991). One of the
key tectonic elements of Gondwana is the Mozambique Belt in East Africa (Fig. 1). This
800-650 Ma erogenic belt was originally interpreted as the suture between East (India,
Madagascar, Antarctica, Australia) and West (Africa, South America) Gondwana, formed during
part of the larger Pan-African erogenic cycle (Burke and Dewey, 1972). Recent geochronologic,
paleomagnetic and geologic investigations in Gondwana have led to the recognition of at least
224 J. G. Meert and R. Van der Voo
three distinctive episodes during the formation of Gondwana (Kroner, 1993; Castaing er al.,
1994; Villeneuve and Comee, 1994: Stem, 1994 and references therein; Meert er al., 1995;
Meet? and Van der Voo, 1996). These orogenies are referred to as the East African Orogeny
(650-800 Ma; Stem, 1994), the Brasiliano Orogeny (660-530 Ma; Villenueve, 1994) and the
Kuunga Orogeny (=550 Ma; Meert er al., 1995). The Brasiliano belts record the collisions
between the south American cratonic nuclei and the African nuclei (Rogers et al., 1995;
Castaing et al., 1994; Villenueve et al.. 1994; Unrug, 1992) and the East African and Kuunga
belts resulted from collisions between the East Gondwana blocks and Africa (Stem, 1994; Meert
et al., 1995; Meert and Van der Voo, 1996). Detailed investigation of these orogenies reveals a
more complex spatial and temporal pattern of events yet each is clearly related to the final
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Fig. 1. The supercontinent Gondwana in African coordinates using the euler rotation poles of de Wit et al.
(1988). The location of the Mozambique erogenic belt long known as an important tectonic feature related
to the assembly of Gondwana is shown. West Gondwana is outlined using solid lines and East Gondwana
is depicted using dashed lines.
The assembly of Gondwana 800-550 Ma 225
formation of the Gondwana continent. Of particular interest are the numerous 550 Ma ages
reported from southern India, southern Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Mozambique and parts of East
Antarctica associated with granulite formation (Shiriashi et al., 1994; Unnikrishnan-Warrier et
al., 1995; Windiey et al., 1994; Kroner, 1993; Kroner et al., 1996). This granulite-facies
metamorphism is clearly younger than collisional events in East Africa and the Arabian-Nubian
shield which are dated to between 650 and 800 Ma (Maboko et al., 1985, 1990, 1995; Stem,
1994 and references therein). Assuming these younger (~550 Ma) ages to be related also to the
continent-continent collision between that region and East Gondwana, then what do the two age
groups indicate about the sequence of orogenies in this part of Gondwana? Do they suggest that
there were two distinct continent-continent collisions in this region of Gondwana, or are the
younger ages merely the result of the extensional collapse of the Mozambique Belt? The
Fig. 2. The supercontinent Rodinia reconstructed to its paleographic position at 750 Ma according to the
euler rotation poles of Dalziel(l992).
226 J. G. Meert and R. Van der Voo
suggestion is made here that the available geochronologic and paleomagnetic data can be
interpreted to support the formation of this part of Gondwana during two distinct orogenies. The
terminology of Stem (1994) is followed by referring to the earlier erogenic episode
(650-800 Ma) as the East Africa Orogeny while using the previously suggested name of
Kuunga Orogeny for the younger erogenic episode (550-530 Ma; Meert et al., 1995).
The formation of the supercontinent Rodinia in the Neoproterozoic (= 1100 Ma) predates the
formation of Gondwana and, if the configuration of Dalziel (1992) is correct, it provides
important geometric and geochronologic constraints on the formation of Gondwana. Powell et
al. (1993) and Torsvik et al. (1996) both used the available paleomagnetic data from Laurentia
and East Gondwana to suggest that the rifting of Australia/Antarctica from (present-day)
western Laurentia began at about 720 Ma despite a gap in the paleomagnetic data (Fig. 3; Table
1) from both continents between 720 and 600 Ma. The timing of this rifting broadly coincides
0 060 120
Fig. 3. The apparent polar wander paths for Laurentia, Baltica and East Gondwana rotated to a Rodinia
configuration (Baltica coordinates; after Torsvik et al., 1996). The fit of Baltica is slightly modified from
the Dalziel configuration and uses a rotation pole at 72”N. 43”E, - 50”. The paths for Baltica and Laurentia
are cubic sphne fits to the data listed in Table 1 and the East Gondwana path is taken from Powell et al.
(1993) and rotated to Bahica coordinates. The apparent polar wander paths are consistent with two phase
rifting of Rodinia (see text).
Table 1. Listing of paleomagnetic poles from 8 1 O-505 Ma
Pole Age (Ma)* Pole Pole A95 or Rotated to Rotated to
Q-value error latitude longitude &X Dalziel 1992 Gondwana Reference
I. Gagwe lavas
2. Mbozi complex
3. Sinyai dolerite
4. Ntonya ring
5. La Tinta fm
6. Hamhalli dikes
7. Malani rhyolites
8. Bhander and rewa S.S.
9. Purple sandstone
10. Jutana fm-Pakistan
11. Salt pseudomorph’s
12. Sor Rondane intrusions
13. Mean pole
14. Mean pole
15. Mean pole
16. Mahe granite
17. Mean pole
18. Mean pole
19. Mean pole
20. Mean pole
21. Mean pole
6 550* 15
6 530* 15
6 510+ 15
810+25 25”s
743*30 46”N
522k 13 29”s
709+24 80”s
729k 10
530* 15
530* 12
a-515 28”s
683& 16 54”N
750+ 15
650~ 15
580~ 15
565* 15
553+ 15
09” 38”N. 003”E Fixed Meert et al., 1995
4O”S, 325”E Fixed Meet? et al., 1995
05” NR
02” NR
05” 14”N, 254”E 5 1 “S, 063”E
02”N. 03 1 “E 06”N, 036”E
16”S, 342”E 42”N, 099”E
NR 23”S, 333”E
NR 05”s. 348”E
NR 14”S, 005”E
NR 06”s. 350”E
3” NR
13” NR
18” NR
18” NR
23’N. 336”E 64”N. 063”E
16’S, 325”E NR
28”N, 010”E NR
57”N, 072”E NR
42”N, 097”E NR
34”N, 101”E NR
Fixed Meert and Van der Voo, 1996
Fixed Btiden et al., 1993
12”N. 013”E Zijderveld, 1968
12”s. 343”E Meert and Van der Voo, 1995
02”N, 35 1 “E Meert and Van der Voo, 1995
17’N, 0Ol”E Meert and Van der Voo, 1995
Valencio et al., 1980
Dawson and Hargraves, 1994
Klootwijk, 1975
McEIhinny et al., 1978
McElhinny, 1970
Klootwijk et al., 1986
Wensink, 1972
Suwa et al., 1994
Torsvik et al., 1996
Torsvik et al., 1996
Torsvik et al., 19%
Torsvik et al., 1996
Torsvik et al., 1996
Table 1. Continued
Pole Age (Ma)& Pole Pole A95 or Rotated to Rotated to
Q-value error latitude longitude a95 Dalziel 1992 Gondwana Reference
22. Mean pole 4
23. Mean pole 6
24. Mean pole 6
25. Mean pole 6
26. Mean pole 4
27. Mean pole 6
810*40 25”N
780*05 02”N
725i15 06”s
580*20 45”N
550+ I5 l3”N
505i I5 03”s
328”E 15”
319”E 06”
336”E 15”
305”E 8”
345”E 15”
344”E 12”
NR Torsvik et al., 1996
NR Torsvik et al., 1996
NR Torsvik et al., 1996
28”s. 356”E Torsvik et al., 1996
NR Torsvik et al., 1996
NR Torsvik et al., 1996
Notes: Euler poles for Rodinia (Dalziel, 1992; Torsvik et al., 1996): Congo 2.8”N, 41.3”W. - 167.6”; Rio Plata 1.9”N, 22.3”W.
- 97.7”; India 53.l”N. 145.1”E, + 167.9”; Australia 28.9”N, 126.1°E, + 132.1”; Baltica 72”N, 043”E, - 50”; Seychelles 33”N,
126”E. + 169.9” (Laurentia fixed); India 29.6”N, 36.l”E. - 56.8”; Australia 24.6”s. 60.4”W, +49.9”; Rio Plata 45.5”N. 32.2”W,
+57.5”; Antarctica 2.4”S, 327.3”E. +55.4”: Seychelles l4”N. 80”E, +2l”.
The assembly of Gondwana 800-550 Ma 229
with collisional events in the East African Orogen and suggests that either (a) the collision of
the Congo craton and Arabian-Nubian shield with East Gondwana was contemporaneous with
(caused?) rifting between East Gondwana and Laurentia or (b) that something else (fragments
of East Gondwana other than Australia/Antarctica) collided with East Africa to form the
Mozambique Belt. By all accounts, at any rate, Gondwana assembly appears to have been
complete by 0550 Ma, as discussed below.
Torsvik et al. (1996) included the data from Baltica to show that rifting of Rodinia along the
(present-day) eastern margin of Laurentia began before 580 Ma (Fig. 3). Dalziel (1992) has
suggested that the rifting in eastern Laurentia culminated in continent-continent separation
during the 550-530 Ma interval. Given that Gondwana was already assembled by then, a second
supercontinent may have existed fleetingly near the Precambrian/Cambrian boundary. Powell
(1995) has suggested the name Pannotia for the supercontinent that consisted of Laurentia
juxtaposed against a united Gondwana (Fig. 4). The available paleomagnetic data (Table 1) are
not sensitive enough to rigorously test this hypothesis although an immediate juxtaposition
between Laurentia and Gondwana near the Precambrian/Cambrian boundary has been argued
against on fauna1 grounds (Torsvik et al., 1996) and a tectonic model for the formation of the
northern Damara Belt (Hoffman, 1996). We simply note here that the existence of Pannotia is
an open question that may ultimately be resolved by more paleomagnetic, geochronologic and
geologic data from both Gondwana and Laurentia.
Table 1 lists the available paleomagnetic data for Laurentia, Baltica and Gondwana from
815-515 Ma that meet the criteria set forth in Meert et al. (1995). These data were used by
Torsvik et al. (1996) to test the timing of Rodinia breakup (summarized in Fig. 3). The poles are
rotated into the Gondwana configuration of de Wit ef al. (1988) in order to gain some possible
insights into the timing of Gondwana assembly (Fig. 5). Although there is a paucity of data from
the Gondwana continents for the interval from 815-600 Ma, the available poles do not form a
coherent swathe until 550 Ma suggesting that 550Ma is the earliest age of Gondwana
formation. While a 550 Ma collision is tenable for Gondwana assembly it leaves the significance
of the 800-650 Ma East African origin unresolved. A recent paleomagnetic result from the
Mahe granites (Seychelles; Suwa et al., 1994) provides a possible link between paleomagnetic
results from East Africa and India as shown in Fig. 5. The Congo path can be traced from the
810 Ma Gagwe lavas pole to the 743 Ma Mbozi complex pole and then perhaps to the Mahe
granites pole. The Indian path tracks from the 814 Ma Harohalli pole (Dawson and Hargraves,
1994) to the Malani rhyolites pole (729 Ma; Klootwijk, 1975) and then to the 683 Ma Mahe
granites pole of Suwa et al. (1994). A tentative conclusion is that the 683 Ma Mahe pole may
represent the paleomagnetic link between India, Madagascar (and Seychelles) and Sri Lanka
with East Africa corresponding to the age of formation of the Mozambique Belt. The timing of
this event corresponds to the ages of peak metamorphism as documented by Stem er al. (1994)
for East Africa and is consistent with the petrographic and chemical characteristics of the
granites in the Seychelles (Suwa et al., 1994). The Mahe granites are dated at 683* 16 (Rb-Sr;
Yanagi et al., 1983) and exhibit incompatible trace element chemical characteristics that fall
between volcanic arc granites and within-plate granites (I-type and A-type; Suwa et al., 1994).
There are older granites in the Seychelles that exhibit I-type chemical characteristics (713 Ma)
and younger granites (570 Ma) that are strictly within-plate. Therefore it appears that the
intrusive history of the Seychelles granites is consistent with the idea that terminal continent-
230 J. G. Meert and R. Van der Voo
continent collision occurred around 683 Ma.
As previously noted the paleomagnetic data from Gondwana show a coherent swathe of poles
beginning at 550 Ma. If the breakup between the South American cratons and Laurentia in the
Rodinia continent did not take place until sometime post-580 Ma as implied by the stratigraphic
data of Williams and Hiscott (1987), then we can use the Laurentian paleomagnetic poles as a
proxy for the Amazonian and Rio Plata cratons at 580 Ma. The 580 Ma mean pole for Laurentia
is rotated to Rio Plata coordinates and is shown (pole 25) with its A95 circle dashed in Fig. 5.
While the pole falls close to the Gondwana path it is equally valid to consider that it represents
a mid-point along the path between the 709 Ma La Tinta pole (Valencio et al., 1980) and the
550-530 Ma old segment of the Gondwana path. The 547 Ma Sinyai metadolerite pole (Fig. 5;
Fig. 4. The supercontinent Pannotia. This supercontinent may have existed for a geologically brief
moment near the Precambrian/Cambrian boundary and is predicated on the belief that Gondwana assembly
was completed prior to the rift-drift transition between eastern Laurentia and the cratonic nuclei of South
America (see Dalziel, 1992 and Powell, 1995).
The assembly of Condwana 800-550 Ma 231
Meert and Van der Voo, 1996) also provides an important tie-point to the Australian poles and
is consistent with the idea of a younger collision in East Gondwana at 550 Ma. This younger
collision is represented by 550 Ma granulite formation in southern India (Unakrishan-Warrier et
al., 1995), southern Madagascar (Andriamarofahatra, 1990; Paquette et al., 1994; Kroner et al.,
1996), Sri Lanka (Kroner and Williams, 1993) and Enderby Land (Antarctica; Shiriashi et al.,
1994). There is certainly debate as to the significance of these 550 Ma ages and there have been
suggestions that they merely reflect extensional collapse of the East Africa Orogen (Windley er
al., 1994); however, combined with the observations from the paleomagnetic data it is also
reasonable to suggest that they reflect a younger continent-continent collision in that region of
Gondwana. Meert et al. (1995) suggested the name Kuunga Orogeny for this younger 550 Ma
/ f f
f I
I 2 I
f I
Gondwana Poles 8 10-5 10 Ma I
240E 270 E 300E 330 E 0 30E 60E 90E 120E
Fig. 5. Paleomagnetic poles for Gondwana for the interval 810-510 Ma rotated to Africa coordinates
using the euler poles of de Wit et al. (1988). The poles are numbered according to their listing in Table 1.
A polarity choice was made for the older poles to demonstrate the possibility that the East Africa Orogen
took place at around 680 Ma. The mean 580 Ma pole for Laurentia (#25, Table 1) has been rotated to
Gondwana coordinates using an euler pole at 17.9”N, 35 l”E, + 142.9” to serve as a proxy for the South
American cratonic nuclei. The path begins to show a spatial and temporal coherence for all the Gondwana
paleopoles beginning at 550 Ma (pole #3) corresponding to the timing of the latter phases of the Brasiliano
Orogeny and the Kuunga Orogeny.
232 J. G. Meert and R. Van der Voo
collision and indicated that it likely resulted from the collision of Australo-Antarctica with the
combined tectonic elements assembled earlier during the older East Africa orogeny.
Figure 6 summarizes the tectonic events associated with the assembly of Gondwana.
Gondwana was not fully assembled until around 530 Ma following the East African
(800-650 Ma), Brasiliano (600-530 Ma) and Kuunga (~550 Ma) orogenies. Figure 6(a) shows
the closure of the Mozambique Ocean between East Africa and elements of East Gondwana that
culminated in continent-continent collision by 650 Ma. This collision partially overlaps in time
with the rifting events in western Laurentia (Rodinia). Figure 6(b) shows the hypothesized
sequence of events taking place during the Brasiliano and Kuunga orogenies. The elements of
South America (Rio Plata and Amazonia) and Laurentia close the Adamastor Ocean and may
have resulted in the formation of the very short-lived supercontinent Pannotia. Collision of
Australo-Antarctica with the rest of Gondwana occurs at about 550 Ma and it is likely that
6(a) 800-650 Ma: East Africa Orogeny
6(b) 600-530: Brasiliano & Kuunga Orogenies
6(c) Cladogram of Gondwana Assembly
Fig. 6. (a) Plate cartoon showing the hypothesized geometric relationships during the closure of the
Mozambique Ocean just prior to the 680 Ma culmination of the East African Orogeny; (b) plate cartoon
showing the hypothesized geometric relationships during the final stages of Gondwana assembly
(Brasiliano and Kuunga Orogenies) 600-530 Ma; and (c) generalized cladogram of tectonic events leading
to the formation of the Gondwana supercontinent.
The assembly of Gondwana 800-550 Ma 233
Gondwana was fully assembled by 530 Ma. The model proposed here is consistent with the
available paleomagnetic and geochronologic data; however, the lack of a robust database
precludes a more detailed analysis of Gondwana assembly particularly during the 700-600 Ma
interval. The ultimate story of Gondwana assembly must await more complete paleomagnetic,
geochronologic and geologic information.
AcknowledgementsThe author wishes to thank Nick Rast for organizing a special session on supercontinental
assembly and breakup at the 1995 Southeastern section of the Geological Society of America meeting in Knoxville, TN
and subsequent organization of this special volume. The author also thanks Prodip Dutta for reviewing an early draft
of this manuscript. This work was supported by the Division of Earth Sciences National Science Foundation grants EAR
92-05 I58 and EAR95-21571.
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... The dispersed crustal fragments agglomerated to form the Gondwanaland (800-550 Ma;Hoffman 1991;Stern 1994;Meert and Voo 1997;Li et al. 2008). The breakup of the Rodinia Supercontinent is manifested by global-scale riftrelated sedimentation and magmatism driven by continental doming at the head of ascending super-plume (Li et al. 1999), impedance to heat escape from the Earth's interior (Anderson 1994) and gravitational instability in the wholemantle convection system (Zhong et al. 2007). ...
... The Precambrian crystalline basement of India is a mosaic of several Archean cratons separated by multiple Proterozoic to early Phanerozoic collisional orogens and contractional shear zones that extend for hundreds of kilometres (Radhakrishna and Naqvi 1986;Leelanandam et al. 2006). However, barring the Phulad Shear Zone (Chatterjee et al. 2020), the deformation kinematics, the age and the tectonic relevance of the mid-Neoproterozoic shear zones have received sparing attention compared to the younger late-Neoproterozoic (550-500 Ma;Nasipuri et al. 2018;Praharaj et al. 2021 and references therein), and early-Neoproterozoic (1000-900 Ma;Chattopadhyay and Khashdeo 2011;Chattopadhyay et al. 2017;Banerjee et al. 2021;Banerjee et al. 2022a, b) shear zones and older collision zones that are examined in greater detail. Also, mid-Neoproterozoic ages are reported in several crustal domains in the Indian Precambrian terranes, but the tectonic significance of these ages are not coherently addressed. ...
... The Precambrian crystalline basement of India is a mosaic of several Archean cratons separated by multiple Proterozoic to early Phanerozoic collisional orogens and contractional shear zones that extend for hundreds of kilometres (Radhakrishna and Naqvi 1986;Leelanandam et al. 2006). However, barring the Phulad Shear Zone (Chatterjee et al. 2020), the deformation kinematics, the age and the tectonic relevance of the mid-Neoproterozoic shear zones have received sparing attention compared to the younger late-Neoproterozoic (550-500 Ma;Nasipuri et al. 2018;Praharaj et al. 2021 and references therein), and early-Neoproterozoic (1000-900 Ma;Chattopadhyay and Khashdeo 2011;Chattopadhyay et al. 2017;Banerjee et al. 2021;Banerjee et al. 2022a, b) shear zones and older collision zones that are examined in greater detail. Also, mid-Neoproterozoic ages are reported in several crustal domains in the Indian Precambrian terranes, but the tectonic significance of these ages are not coherently addressed. ...
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The South Indian Granulite Terrane is traversed by several crustal scale shear zones, however the tectonic significance of the shear zones are poorly understood. The tectonic relevance of the Bavali Shear Zone (BSZ) ‒ in the WNW extremity of the Moyar Shear Zone ‒ at the interface between the Paleoarchean to Neoarchean Western Dharwar Craton (WDC) in the north and the late Neoarchean Nilgiri block in the south is poorly constrained. The most conspicuous feature in the WDC is a set of N-striking gently-plunging upright folds and N-striking dextral shear zones (deformation D4). These D4 structures are superposed on a shallowly-dipping D3 recumbent folds and gently-dipping mylonite fabrics in a suite of anatectic gneisses, lower-grade supracrustal rocks and foliated granitoids. In regional scale, the D3 fold axes curve into the WNW-striking BSZ (D5 deformation), a steep-dipping transpressional shear zone with dextral kinematics. The BSZ is characterized by steeply-plunging stretching lineations sub-parallel to the hinges of reclined folds on the pre-shearing fabrics in the lithologies of the adjacent cratons. Syn-D5 charnockite veins suggest the BSZ formed at T > 850 °C. Existing U–Pb (zircon) dates and monazite chemical dates (this study), indicate that the deformation-metamorphism-magmatism in the WDC and the Nilgiri block occurred between 3400 and 2500 Ma; by contrast the high-T D5 oblique crustal shortening in the BSZ contemporaneous with multiple felsic emplacements was active between 830 and 720 Ma. The BSZ collision orogeny possibly preceded the eventual integration of the Greater India landmass with the Gondwanaland during the early-Palaeozoic.
... However, unveiling the stories encrypted within these rocks, particularly concerning their provenance and age, is no straightforward task. The Paleozoic Era witnessed North Africa's role as an integral segment of Gondwana (Fig. 1a, b), post its assembly after the Pan-African orogeny (Powell et al. 1993;Burke and Lytwyn 1993;Meert and Van Der Voo 1997;Gürsu and Göncüoglu 2006;Ghienne et al. 2007b;Murphy et al. 2014;Ouabid et al. 2021;Gao et al. 2023). The sedimentary rocks from this epoch not only hold clues about past geodynamics but also have current implications, especially along the Gulf of Suez (Fig. 1c, d). ...
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The depositional ages and provenance of the Paleozoic Araba and Naqus Formations along the northern Gondwanan margin in Egypt have remained uncertain due to a lack of index fossils. Resolving this issue is crucial for understanding regional geology during deposition and subsequent tectonic development. We integrate detailed facies analysis, anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS), paleomagnetism, and mineralogical data to elucidate the genesis and depositional ages of the Araba and Naqus Formations. Petrographic analyses identified seven distinct facies types, providing insights into sedimentary textures, maturity, and sources, with contributions from igneous and metamorphic sources indicated by heavy minerals. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis identified accessory minerals such as quartz, goethite, kaolinite, hematite, and anatase. Paleomagnetism isolated two magnetic components ( C A and C N ) providing the first robust paleo pole positions at Lat. = 70.8° N, Long. = 308.2° E and Lat. = 37.8° N, Long. = 233.1° E, indicating Cambrian and Carboniferous ages for the Araba and Naqus formations, respectively. Thermal demagnetization constrained these dates using established polarity timescales. Mineralogical data indicated that the Araba Formation originated from an igneous source, while the Naqus Formation had a mixed metamorphic-igneous provenance. The integrated AMS and paleomagnetic data reveal evidence of post-depositional deformation. Specifically, the clustering of maximum AMS axes in the NW–SE direction for both formations, suggests the initial presence of a primary depositional fabric. However, prevalent tectonic activity during the Cenozoic appears to have overprinted and modified this fabric through deformation related to rifting of the Gulf of Suez region. Through this novel multi-proxy approach, we have resolved long-standing uncertainties regarding the formations' depositional ages. Our study thereby provides the first chronostratigraphic framework for these strategically important sedimentary units, significantly advancing understanding of regional Paleozoic geology. Graphical abstract
... The East African Orogeny played a significant role in Gondwana assembly through polyphase accretion of cratonic blocks during the Neoproterozoic time (800-550 Ma; Stern, 1994;Collins et al., 2001;Meert and van der Voo, 1997). Its East African Orogen comprises mainly juvenile Neoproterozoic crust of the Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS) on the north of this orogenic belt (Stern, 2002;Fritz et al., 2013). ...
... Re-Os isotopic plots reflect the role of ancient depleted SCLM and the large variations in ɣ Os values attest to involvement of both SCLM and depleted MORB component thereby contributing to pronounced Os isotopic heterogeneities in the upper mantle that in turn manifest inputs of discrete depleted and enriched mantle components during opening and closure of ocean basins synchronized with assembly and dispersal of continental blocks (Tsuru et al., 2000). The 720 to 549 Ma melt extraction ages for the studied samples correspond to multiple melt extraction and mantle depletion events preceding the opening of Neo-Tethyan seaway and SCLM delamination concurrent with subduction driven ocean basin closure and amalgamation of Gondwana Supercontinent (Fig. 9a) (Meert and Van der Voo, 1997;Rogers and Santosh, 2003;Meert, 2003). The model ages 1142 Ma and 466-250 Ma possibly indicate some melt extraction in the sub-continental lithospheric mantle of Rodinia and Pangea supercontinent respectively. ...
... As was previously indicated, the slight mantle melts are likely what provided the extra heat for crustal anatexis in the peraluminous granites from the Nansa area, which were produced mostly from partial melting of old metasedimentary rocks. Many tectonic scenarios have been presented, including East Gondwana's final assembly (Meert and Voo 1997), crustal extension in a non-arc environment (Miller et al. 2001;Collins et al. 2014), and an Andean-type orogeny ). The Nb vs. Y and Rb vs. Y ? ...
Geochemistry, zircon U–Pb geochronology, and Hf isotope data for the Early Paleozoic granites in the Baoshan Block reveal the Early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Proto-Tethys. The samples are high-K, calc-alkaline, strongly peraluminous rocks with A/CNK values of 1.37–1.46, are enriched in SiO2, K2O, and Rb, and are depleted in Nb, P, Ti, Eu, and heavy rare earth elements, which indicates the crystallization fractionation of the granitic magma. Zircon U–Pb dating indicates that they formed in ca. 480 Ma. The Nansa granites have εHf(t) values ranging from − 16.04 to 4.36 with corresponding TCDM ages of 2.10–0.81 Ga, which suggests the magmas derived from the partial melting of ancient metasedimentary with minor involvement of mantle-derived components. A synthesis of data for the Early Paleozoic igneous rocks in the Baoshan block and adjacent (Tengchong, Qiangtang, Sibumasu, Himalaya, etc.) blocks indicates that these blocks were all aligned along the proto-Tethyan margin of East Gondwana in the Early Paleozoic. The Early Paleozoic S-type granites from Nansa were generated in a high-temperature and low-pressure (HTLP) extensional tectonic setting, which resulted from Andean-type orogeny instead of the final assembly of Gondwana or crustal extension in a non-arc environment. In certain places, an expanding environment may exist in opposition to the tectonic backdrop of the lithosphere's thickening and shortening, leading the crust to melt and decompress, mantle-derived materials to mix, and a small quantity of peraluminous granite to emerge.
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Deep geology of ancient continental crust can be difficult to access, with direct observation restricted to limited exposures. The age and composition of hidden geology can be gleaned from indirect isotopic modelling or via detrital minerals within overlying basins. Here we present an alternative, where direct grain sampling of ancient components within the South West Terrane, Yilgarn Craton, by a Proterozoic dyke evidences deep intact, or detritus from, Paleoarchean crust. U–Pb geochronology on this dyke reveals c. 3440 Ma zircon inclusions within titanite. This zircon was protected from overprinting fluids that obliterated unshielded crystals. Similar ancient zircon is present within recent sediment from the Swan-Avon river, which drains the terrane. The most parsimonious interpretation is that the dyke is 1390 Ma. Sequential overprinting is also recorded, with titanite preserving primary crystallization and c. 1000 Ma Pinjarra Orogeny-related overprinting. In contrast, apatite preserves c. 210 Ma ages, correlated with denudation of sedimentary cover.
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As a tectonic window into the Lesser Himachal Himalaya, India, a group of metasediments and gneissic rocks, known as the Jutogh Group and Wangtu Gneissic Complex (WGC), occurs near the Jhakri thrust to the west and Wangtu to the east. In the Jutogh Group, chlorite-mica schist, garnet-staurolite schist and sillimanite-schist develop successively. The formation of chemically zoned garnet, which destabilized low-temperature assemblages, is predicted to be at 550–650 °C and 0.8–0.9 GPa by phase equilibria modelling. The retrograde segment consists of exhumation and cooling, yielding a tight clockwise P–T path. Moreover, textural observations and in-situ U-Th-Pb chemical dating indicate that metasedimentary rocks contain Cambrian monazites. These monazites have ages that cluster around 500 Ma. The ƐNd[1.8Ga] of Jutogh rocks ranges from − 1.0 to -8.1, with depleted mantle-model ages between 3.07 and 2.25 Ga. The garnet core and its leachates yield an Sm-Nd isochron age of 472 Ma. Another Sm-Nd isochron age of 454 Ma is obtained from biotite, garnet rim, and garnet rim leachate. According to phase equilibrium modelling, Sm-Nd dating, and monazite geochronology, the Jutogh Group experienced metamorphism along the northeast margin of Gondwana during the Cambro-Ordovician accretion.
In this classic series-generating paleontology/geology book published by Columbia University Press, Mark and Dianna McMenamin explore the evolutionary and paleoecological questions associated with the Cambrian Explosion. This book both names and maps the initial paleogeographic reconstruction of the billion year old supercontinent Rodinia. The observations and interpretations in this book, particularly as regards the timing of the Cambrian Explosion, have stood the test of time. The issues identified herein as most important for understanding the Proterozoic-Cambrian transition, remain so today.
The Precambrian of Madagascar is divided into two sectors by the north-west trending sinistral Ranotsara shear zone, which continues in the Mozambique belt, probably as the Surma shear zone, and in Southern India as the Achankovil shear zone. South of Ranotsara six north-south trending tectonic belts are recognized that consist largely of granulite and high amphibolite facies paragneisses, phlogopite diopsidites, concordant granites and granulites. North of Ranotsara the central-northern segment is traversed by a north-trending axial 100-150 km wide dextral shear zone of probable Pan-African age, which was metamorphosed under granulite and high amphibolite facies conditions and which has reworked older basement. This shear zone continues across southern India as the Palghat-Cauvery shear zone. Major stratiform basic -ultrabasic complexes occur in the axial zone and in the basement to the west. Well preserved low grade continental margin-type sediments (quartzites, mica schists and stromatolitic marbles) of Kibaran age are present in western Madagascar. Two partly greenschist grade sedimentary groups lie unconformably on high grade basement in north-east Madagascar. Isotopic age data suggest the presence in Madagascar of Archaean, Early and Mid-Proterozoic crustal material that was extensively reworked in Pan-African times.
Palaeomagnetic properties from a series of mainly rhyolitic lava flows from the Malani volcanic suite in Rajasthan-India, dated at 745 ± 10 my, were studied by means of alternating fields and thermal demagnetization methods. The mean direction of the characteristic magnetization component, of both normal and reversed polarity: D = 354.5̊, I = +53.5̊, a95 = 8̊, N = 10, (Pole: 80.5̊ N, 43.5̊ E, dp = 8̊, dm = 11.5̊) is in good agreement with earlier results obtained by Athavale et al. (1963). The fold test gives a positive result and the above mentioned mean direction from the Malani rhyolites is in agreement with other Precambrian data from the Indian subcontinent. Therefore, this mean direction is interpreted to represent the primary magnetization direction. The position and orientation of the Indian subcontinent about 745 my ago was more or less alike its present-day orientation, however, at the time India was situated at a slightly higher latitude.
Evidence supports the hypothesis that the Laurentian and East Antarctic-Australian cratons were continuous in the late Precambrian and that their Pacific margins formed as a conjugate rift pair. A geometrically acceptable computer-generated reconstruction for the latest Precambrian juxtaposes and aligns the Grenville front that is truncated at the Pacific margin of Laurentia and a closely comparable tectonic boundary in East Antarctica that is truncated along the Weddell Sea margin. Geologic and paleomagnetic evidence also suggests that the Atlantic margin of Laurentia rifted from the proto-Andean margin of South America in earliest Cambrian time. -from Author
Laurentia, the Precambrian core of the North American Continent, is surrounded by late Precambrian rift systems. Within the supercontinent of Pangea, North America therefore constitutes a "suspect terrane' because its origin as a discrete continent and geographic location prior to the late Paleozoic are uncertain. A geometric and geologic fit can be achieved between the Atlantic margin of Laurentia and the Pacific margin of the Gondwana craton. In the reconstruction, the ca. 1.0 Ga Grenville belt continues beneath the ensialic Andes of the present day to join up with the 1.3-1.0 Ga San Ignacio and Sonsas-Aguapei orogens of the Transamazonian craton. The fit supports and refines suggestions that Laurentia broke out from between East Antarctica-Australia and embryonic South America during the Neoproterozoic, prior to the opening of the Pacific Ocean basin and amalgamation of the Gondwana supercontinent. This implies that there may have been two supercontinents during the Neoproterozoic, before and after opening of the Pacific Ocean. -from Author
Remarkably similar deposits representing two Neoproterozoic glaciations are present on the west and east sides of Laurentia. Although now located near the margins of Laurentia, these glaciogenic successions were formed within supercontinents. The older glaciogenic succession (Rapitan-Sturtian, ˜700 Ma) is preserved in a series of pull-apart basins formed when the supercontinent Kanatia fragmented to produce the proto Pacific ocean. The younger Varangerian glaciogenic rocks (˜600 Ma) are now scattered throughout the North Atlantic region, but formed in basins that reflect the demise of a second Neoproterozoic supercontinent (Rodinia) and heralded the formation of the Iapetus ocean.