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Workaholism among management and workers in an Italian cooperative enterprise



The Workaholism construct — still little explored within Italian organizational contexts — was analyzed in a cooperative enterprise characterized by the workers’ great participation in the company governance and profits. The possible combinations (high-low) of the two workaholism dimensions (Work Excessively and Work Compulsively) confirmed, through cluster analysis, the presence of four worker profiles: Workaholic, Non-workaholic, Hard Worker, and Compulsive Worker. The relations between the workers’ different profiles, organizational variables, individual and demographic resources were also assessed. Generally, workaholics have a more critical profile, compared to the other three categories, on many of the variables examined, and in particular: workload, POS, organizational conflict (work-life, between groups, intra-role, and with superiors), psychological strain, burnout (emotional exhaustion and disaffection), and negative affectivity. As far as organizational citizenship behaviors and self-efficacy are concerned, on the contrary, results are less critical.
The Workaholism construct — still little explored within Italian organizational contexts — was
analyzed in a cooperative enterprise characterized by the workers’ great participation in the company
governance and profits. The possible combinations (high-low) of the two workaholism dimensions
(Work Excessively and Work Compulsively) confirmed, through cluster analysis, the presence of four
worker profiles: Workaholic, Non-workaholic, Hard Worker, and Compulsive Worker. The relations
between the workers’ different profiles, organizational variables, individual and demographic resources
were also assessed. Generally, workaholics have a more critical profile, compared to the other three
categories, on many of the variables examined, and in particular: workload, POS, organizational con-
flict (work-life, between groups, intra-role, and with superiors), psychological strain, burnout (emo-
tional exhaustion and disaffection), and negative affectivity. As far as organizational citizenship behav-
iors and self-efficacy are concerned, on the contrary, results are less critical.
Key words: Cooperative enterprise; Job stress; Management; Well-being; Workaholism.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to icola A. De Carlo, Dipartimento di Psicologia Appli-
cata, Università di Padova, Via Venezia 8, 35131 Padova (PD), Italy. E-mail:
The term Workaholism describes the uncontrollable desire to work that characterizes
some people (Oates, 1971). Interest in such construct has progressively grown, as the steady in-
crease in publications devoted to the study of work addiction proves. Though it is not easy to
reach a consensus on its definition, Scott, Moore, and Miceli (1997) highlighted a common
ground between the different definitions and theoretical models of workaholism, identifying three
core traits: 1) the large amount of time devoted to work; 2) the difficulty to disengage from work
and the persistent thinking about it even when engaged in other activities; 3) the commitment
well beyond organizational demands and one’s own financial needs.
As Shimazu and Schaufeli (2009) pointed out, these three features can be traced back to
two components constituting the central nucleus of workaholism: a behavioral dimension
cessive work
and a cognitive dimension
compulsive work. Accordingly, Schaufeli, Taris,
and Bakker (2008, p .204) defined workaholism as “the tendency to work excessively hard in a
compulsive way.” Schaufeli, Bakker, van der Heijden, and Prins (2009a), moreover, identified
TPM Vol. 17, No. 4, 2010 – 201-216 –
© 2010 Cises
TPM Vol. 17, No. 4, 2010
© 2010 Cises
Kravina, L., Falco, A., Girardi, D.,
& De Carlo, N. A.
Workaholism in a cooperative enterprise
four possible profiles on the basis of the scores achieved on the two dimensions, Work Exces-
sively (WE) and Work Compulsively (WC), only one of which, though, can be properly defined
Workaholic. Comparing the four profiles, Workaholics (high WE, high WC) achieve signifi-
cantly more critical mean scores, on their perceptions, compared to Non-workaholics (low WE,
low WC), Hard Workers (high WE, low WC), and Compulsive Workers (low WE, high WC) on
the dimensions assessing workload, perceived organizational support, and individual disease in
terms of burnout and psychological strain.
The objective of this study was to examine workaholism in an Italian organization, con-
sidering that in our country few scholarly publications are found on such construct and its rela-
tions with organizational well-being/disease, demographic, and personality variables. On some of
these relations, as we will see, agreement exists in the international literature. On others, further
study is needed because the results appear to be contradictory, and on yet others, no empirical
evidence has been found to date. Our study makes a specific contribution on the subject.
Besides, to the best of our knowledge, no international investigations have been con-
ducted on organizations characterized by the workers’ great participation in the governance and
business profits. The present study, hence, also intended to consider how workaholism can be re-
lated to such a variable, that we may define “highly participatory organization,” given that many
of the respondents are partners of the cooperative enterprise in which they work and the others
are strongly involved in it.
Correlates of Workaholism
The previously presented definition described workaholism as a construct characterized
by two factors: excessive work and a strong inner drive to work.
In line with such definition, a positive relation emerged between the number of work
hours and workaholism (Aziz & Zickar, 2006; Schaufeli et al., 2008). Accordingly, the continu-
ous commitment to work as well as constant thinking about it, and the difficulty to relax lead
workaholic individuals to high levels of psychological and physiological strain and, in general, to
problems of individual health, as evidenced by numerous studies (Buelens & Poelmans, 2004;
McMillan, O’Driscoll, & Burke, 2003; Ng, Sorensen, & Feldman, 2007; Schaufeli et al., 2008;
Shimazu & Schaufeli, 2009; Spence & Robbins, 1992; Taris, Schaufeli, & Verhoeven, 2005).
Together with the number of work hours, it is important to also consider other aspects of work
overload such as cognitive, time, and problem-solving demands, greatly felt by workaholics (Ka-
nai & Wakabayashi, 2001; Kanai, Wakabayashi, & Fling, 1996; Schaufeli et al., 2009a). The link
between workload and workaholism could be influenced, in our study, by the presence of a high
number of workers-partners in the organization and by the other employees being particularly in-
volved in it, with the consequent tendency to take on more work engagements, because all the
workers perceive they are working in their own interest.
Another widely-studied relation is that between workaholism and work-life conflict.
Workaholic individuals score higher on conflicts between work and private life (Aziz & Cun-
ningham, 2008; Aziz & Zickar, 2006; Bakker, Demerouti, & Burke, 2009; Bonebright, Clay, &
Ankenmann, 2000; Dewilde, Dewettinck, & De Vos, 2007; Killinger, 1991; Robinson, 1989;
Robinson, Flowers, & Carrol, 2001; Spence & Robbins, 1992; Taris et al., 2005). The workaholic
TPM Vol. 17, No. 4, 2010
© 2010 Cises
Kravina, L., Falco, A., Girardi, D.,
& De Carlo, N. A.
Workaholism in a cooperative enterprise
person works a great number of hours and is driven by internal motivations rather than financial
needs or extrinsic motivations (Spence & Robbins 1992); he/she wastes a great deal of energies
and time at work and is not able to maintain social relations outside the work environment (Ng et
al., 2007).
A typical trait of workaholics’ is also their perfectionism at work, their high standards
of performance, their being unable to delegate their work and to create a sound competitiveness
(Clark, Lelchook, & Taylor, 2010; Kanai & Wakabayashi, 2001; Ng et al., 2007; Porter, 1996,
2001). These traits can also lead workers to establish poorer and conflictual relations with col-
leagues because of the lack of trust in their work group (Porter, 2001). Besides, workaholic
workers experience higher levels of role conflict; in particular, Kanai and Wakabayashi (2001)
found a positive relation between compulsive work and role conflict. Schaufeli, Bakker, van
der Heijden, and Prins (2009b) in a study on a group of medical residents, pointed out that role
conflict mediates the relation between workaholism and job demands, burnout, and well-being
indicators. We are not aware of any studies focusing on the conflict with superiors, which is
addressed in our research.
With reference to the relation between workaholism and burnout, many publications ac-
knowledged a positive relation between the constructs (Andreassen, Ursin, & Eriksen, 2007;
Burke, Richardsen, & Mortinussen, 2004; Schaufeli et al., 2009b; Taris et al., 2005). In particu-
lar, one of the dimensions of burnout, emotional exhaustion, has a stronger positive relation to
workaholism. Schaufeli et al. (2009a) suggested that such relation is compatible with the fact that
working hard and for long hours doesn’t allow the necessary recovery and, consequently, causes
exhaustion of the worker’s mental and physical energies.
Concerning turnover, few studies in the literature demonstrated a relation between
workaholism and intention to leave the organization (Burke, 2001). This author found a negative
relation between these two variables, in line with what Scott et al. (1997) maintained on the low
turnover level in two of the workaholic behavior patterns they identified perfectionist and
achievement-oriented. In the organization we studied we considered it appropriate to verify turn-
over intentions, that were hypothesized as in general rather low.
As regards the relation between work satisfaction and workaholism, the results in the lit-
erature provide conflicting data deriving from the different theoretical models underlying worka-
holism; some authors highlighted a negative relation between workaholism and work satisfaction
(Aziz & Zickar, 2006), others, such as Machlowitz (1980), reported a positive relation between
workaholism and work satisfaction; others still, like Scott et al. (1997), noticed a positive or
negative relation based on the different behavioral patterns in which workaholics can be divided.
The negative relation between workaholism and work satisfaction can be accounted for through
the compulsive nature of workaholism.
Further, workaholism, seems to have a positive, though weak, relation with organiza-
tional commitment (Burke, 1999; Burke & Koskal, 2002; Burke et al., 2004).
A further variable that needs close examination is organizational citizenship. Schaufeli,
Taris, and Bakker (2006) identified a positive relation between workaholism and this extra-role
behavior, in accord with what was claimed by Scott et al. (1997) according to whom a peculiar
workaholic trait is to exceed organizational demands. Given that the literature has so far consid-
ered only the aspect of extra-role behaviors inherent in the organization in general, without dis-
TPM Vol. 17, No. 4, 2010
© 2010 Cises
Kravina, L., Falco, A., Girardi, D.,
& De Carlo, N. A.
Workaholism in a cooperative enterprise
tinguishing them from help behaviors toward specific people, in our study the theme of altruism
was also explored.
Just like many authors who consider workaholism as a stable individual variable
(McMillan et al., 2003; Robinson, 1998; Spence & Robbins 1992), Ng et al. (2007) hypothesized
that there is a higher chance of displaying workaholic behaviors when one’s perception of self-
efficacy relating to work is higher than that in other fields. Also, Burke and Matthiesen (2004)
found a positive relation between workaholism and negative affectivity. Such relation is ac-
counted for by relating overall negative emotions to the dimensions of cynicism, emotional ex-
haustion, and sense of inadequacy connected to the compulsive dimension (Burke & Matthiesen,
2004). We deemed it fitting to also include some individual variables in the study, because the
relation between workaholism and personal resources, such as negative affectivity, self-efficacy,
and resilience, have not been much investigated. Besides, such variables have been mainly stud-
ied using Spence and Robbins’ model (1992).
Finally, some demographic variables were analyzed to determine their effects on worka-
holism. The results reported in the literature are contradictory or don’t consider the effects of
such variables on the onset of workaholism. For instance, Harpaz and Snir (2003) noticed that
people working in the private sector, and in particular managers, are more prone to workaholic
behaviors. Besides, there seem to be gender differences, with men being more workaholic than
women; some studies, however (for instance, Burke, 1999; Burke et al., 2004), didn’t detect any
significant differences in this respect. Similarly, no significant differences were found in other
variables, among which age (Burke, 2001). In this study, we examined the role of the above-
mentioned demographic variables and also included others, such as being a partner or not in the
organization, and job seniority.
The present work aimed to test the following hypotheses.
1. To confirm the presence of four different worker profiles, as suggested by Schaufeli
et al. (2009a), considering the possible different combinations of the (high-low) scores on the two
dimensions — Work Excessively and Work Compulsively — that constitute workaholism (Hy-
pothesis 1).
2. To analyze the relation between the different profiles identified by cluster-analyses
and the workers’ demographic variables. In particular, we hypothesized the presence of more fre-
quent workaholic behaviors in partners of the cooperative enterprise, managers, and workers with
greater age and job seniority (Hypothesis 2).
3. To evaluate the relation between the different profiles and the variables correlated to
workaholism. Particularly, we expected that, compared to non-workaholics (or any other group
that might emerge from the previous cluster-analyses), workaholics would show more unfavor-
able scores on workload, job control, as well as different conflict dimensions, POS, psychological
strain and burnout, on negative affectivity and the various work satisfaction components. Con-
versely, less unfavorable scores should emerge on commitment, turnover intentions, organiza-
tional citizenship behaviors, resilience, and self-efficacy (Hypothesis 3).
TPM Vol. 17, No. 4, 2010
© 2010 Cises
Kravina, L., Falco, A., Girardi, D.,
& De Carlo, N. A.
Workaholism in a cooperative enterprise
All the members of the organization ( = 813) were administered the scales of the test for
the assessment of work-related stress risk in the organizational well-being perspective, Q
-Bo (De
Carlo, Falco, & Capozza, 2008), an instrument validated in the Italian context, made up of the
following scales, together with the (specifically adapted) DUWAS (Dutch Workaholism Scale;
(Schaufeli et al., 2006).
Antecedents of Organizational Disease/Well-being
Organizational Conflict (Rahim, 2001) was assessed through 24 items and divided into role
conflict (person-role conflict, work-life conflict, intra-role conflict) and organizational conflict
(conflict with superiors and colleagues). Perceived Organizational Support (Eisenberger, Hunting-
ton, Hutchinson, & Sowa, 1986) was measured through three items. Workload (Karasek et al.,
1998) was measured through 13 items and comprised three dimensions: cognitive load, time pres-
sure, and problem-solving. Job control (Karasek et al., 1998) was measured through six items.
The four above-mentioned constructs were rated on a 6-point Likert scale (1 = strongly
disagree; 6 = strongly agree).
Consequences and Effects
Burnout (Maslach & Leiter, 2000) was measured through nine items on a 6-point scale (1
= very rarely; 6 = very frequently) and includes three dimensions: emotional exhaustion, profes-
sional inefficacy, and work disaffection. Psychological Strain (Leiter 1993) was measured
through nine items on a 6-point scale (1 = very rarely; 6 = very frequently) and divided into three
dimensions: emotional instability, disengagement, and leisure. Work Satisfaction (Griffin &
Bateman, 1986) was measured through 15 items on a 6-point scale (1 = very unsatisfied; 6 = very
satisfied) and divided into five dimensions: satisfaction with work, pay, relations, processes, and
growth. Turnover (Hom, Caranikas-Walker, Prussia, & Griffeth, 1992) was measured through
two items on a 6-point scale (1 = strongly disagree; 6 = strongly agree). Altruism and Compli-
ance (Schnake, 1991) were measured on a 6-point scales (1 = strongly disagree; 6 = strongly
agree). Organizational Commitment (Meyer & Allen, 1991) was measured through nine items on
a 6-point scale (1 = strongly disagree; 6 = strongly agree) and divided into three dimensions: af-
fective, normative and continuance commitment.
Individual Resources
Self-efficacy (Bandura, 1997) was measured through three items. Resilience (Connor &
Davidson, 2003) was measured through four items. egative Affectivity (Fortunato & Stone-
Romero, 1999) was measured through eight items.
TPM Vol. 17, No. 4, 2010
© 2010 Cises
Kravina, L., Falco, A., Girardi, D.,
& De Carlo, N. A.
Workaholism in a cooperative enterprise
A 6-point scale (1 = strongly disagree; 6 = strongly agree) was used for the three con-
Finally, for workaholism (Schaufeli et al., 2006), the DUWAS was adopted, adapting the
items to the Italian context, reducing them to 14 and using a 6-point scale as in the Q
-Bo (1 =
strongly disagree; 6 = strongly agree). The resulting scale is composed of two dimensions: Work
Excessively (eight items) and Work Compulsively (six items).
Because, to the best of our knowledge, no scientific publications exist on the Italian vali-
dation of the DUWAS, the latter was submitted to confirmatory factor analysis, as described be-
The Organizational Context
The present study was conducted on the 733 workers of an Italian cooperative industry,
who answered all the DUWAS items. The participants’ characteristics in terms of demographic
variables (gender, age, position held in the organization, job seniority, type of relation to the
company) are reported in Table 1.
Participants’ characteristics
Valid % Missing
Gender 710 23
Women 158 22.3
Men 552 77.7
Age 708 25
Between 20 and 30 years 109 15.4
Between 31 and 45 years 376 53.1
Above 45 years 223 31.5
Position held in the organization 710 23
Executive 52 7.3
Clerk 309 57.6
Workman 249 35.1
Job seniority 712 21
Below 10 years 296 41.6
Between 11 and 20 years 191 26.8
Above 20 years 225 31.6
Relation to the cooperative enterprise 708 25
Partner 240 33.9
Non-partner 468 66.1
TPM Vol. 17, No. 4, 2010
© 2010 Cises
Kravina, L., Falco, A., Girardi, D.,
& De Carlo, N. A.
Workaholism in a cooperative enterprise
Predictive Validity of the DUWAS
The evaluation of the metric properties of the scale was done by using confirmatory fac-
tor analysis (LISREL 8; Jöreskog & Sörbom, 1993).
In order to check the goodness of fit of the model, the following indices — besides χ
were applied (see Hu & Bentler, 1999):
RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error of Approximation); values equal or below .08 indicate a
good fit;
CFI (Comparative Fit Index); values equal or greater than .95 indicate a good fit;
SRMR (Standardized Root Mean Square Residual); values equal or lower .08 indicate a good
Indices used did not show a goof fit: χ
= 746.76, p < .001; RMSEA = .11; CFI = .90;
SRMR = .09.
We, thus, proceeded to eliminate items 6, 8, 10, and 14, because exploratory factor
analysis, conducted with principal components, suggested that such items pertained to a not
easily definable third factor. The metric properties of the 10-item scale were then assessed once
The analysis of indices proved a good fit to data. Chi-square is significant but it must be
noted that χ
value strongly depends on the sample size. Moreover, confirmatory factor analysis
showed a high, but lower than 1 correlation between the Work Excessively and Work Compul-
sively dimensions, Φ
= .71, indicating that the two factors are distinct variables. Such results
agree with previous studies on workaholism two-factor structure, as described by the DUWAS,
analyzed in several work settings and countries (del Líbano et al., 2010; Schaufeli et al., 2006).
Loadings of the 10-item scale on the respective factor are shown in Table 2.
10-item scale; WE = Work Excessively; WC = Work Compulsively
Item λ
I keep working even when my colleagues have already left. WE .55
I am always in a hurry and I feel I am fighting against the clock. WE .69
I devote much more time to work than to my friends and spare time activities. WE .70
I commit to my work excessively, beyond my abilities. WE .62
When working, I set deadlines for myself to keep myself under pressure. WE .38
I find myself doing several things at the same time, such as answering the phone
and taking notes during lunch. WE .54
Commitment to my work is an obligation for me, even when I don’t like what
I’m doing. WC .47
I feel I have an inner drive to work hard: a feeling that I must do it, like it or not. WC .69
I feel there is something in me driving me to work hard. WC .73
I cannot refrain from always working with great commitment. WC .67
= 157.64, p < .001; RMSEA = .072; CFI = .97; SRMR = .044
TPM Vol. 17, No. 4, 2010
© 2010 Cises
Kravina, L., Falco, A., Girardi, D.,
& De Carlo, N. A.
Workaholism in a cooperative enterprise
Identification of Profiles
As previously mentioned, Schaufeli et al. (2009a) identified four different profiles based
on the combination of the scores on the Work Excessively and Work Compulsively dimensions.
To test their presence (Hypothesis 1), hierarchical and non-hierarchical cluster analysis was used.
In the first step, a hierarchical cluster analysis was performed using Ward’s method based
on squared Euclidean distances. The analysis of the dendrogram proved the soundness of the
four-cluster solution. In the second step, non-hierarchical (k-means) cluster analysis was per-
formed; findings are presented in Figure 1 (z scores).
Scores WE Scores WC
Representation of the four clusters, z scores.
These group differences are confirmed by an analysis of variance (ANOVA) with cluster
membership as independent variable. The ANOVA reveals a highly significant difference be-
tween clusters in levels of both Work Excessively and Work Compulsively. Each cluster differed
(p < .001), compared to the other three, on each of the two dependent variables: this finding con-
firmed the presence of four different profiles resulting from the high-low combinations of Work
Excessively and Work Compulsively dimensions.
In line with the labels originally assigned by Schaufeli et al. (2009a), and supported by
data we obtained, we can define the four individualized clusters as follows, thus confirming Hy-
pothesis 1.
on-workaholic: combination of low-low scores in the WE and WC dimensions, repre-
sented by the first cluster in Figure 1. Participants that can be defined non-workaholics are 158,
that is, 21.6% of the sample.
TPM Vol. 17, No. 4, 2010
© 2010 Cises
Kravina, L., Falco, A., Girardi, D.,
& De Carlo, N. A.
Workaholism in a cooperative enterprise
Workaholic: combination of high-high scores in the WE and WC dimensions, repre-
sented by the second cluster in Figure 1. Participants that can be labeled workaholics are 166,
corresponding to 22.6% of the sample.
Hard Worker: combination of high-low scores in the WE and WC dimensions, repre-
sented by the third cluster in Figure 1. Participants that can be defined Hard Workers are 25.1,
which equals 34.2% of the sample.
Compulsive Worker: combination of low-high scores in the WE and WC dimen-
sions, respectively, represented by the fourth cluster in Figure 1. Participants that can be
labeled Compulsive Workers are 158, that is, 21.6% of the sample.
Effects of Demographic Variables and Composition of the Four Profiles
Table 3 presents the composition of the four profiles according to the demographic fea-
tures: gender, age (between 20 and 30 years, between 31 and 45 years, above 45 years), position
held in the organization (executive/manager, clerk, workman), job seniority (below 10 years, be-
tween 11 and 20 years, above 20 years) and type of relation with the cooperative enterprise (part-
ner or non-partner). To find differences on such variables, the contingency tables and chi-square
were analyzed. Results of Table 3 show a significant difference on the “Role held in the organi-
zation” variable (p < .001): 42.3% of the 52 executives of the organization (n = 22) fall within the
workaholic profile, and 40.4% (n = 21) in the hard worker profile. The age variable was statisti-
cally significant as well (p < .03), with a slight prevalence of younger people in the compulsive
worker category. Therefore, in contrast with our hypothesis, being partner of the organization,
age, job seniority, and gender don’t favor workaholic behaviors. Hypothesis 2 was only partially
Differences between Groups
In order to test the presence of differences between groups, the analysis of variance
(ANOVA) was conducted using membership in the four previously identified clusters as inde-
pendent variable and the different indicators of organizational well-being/disease, as well as of
some individual resources, as dependent variables. Table 4 presents means, comparisons between
groups, F-values, and η
of the variables with at least one significant difference between the four
profiles. For a more analytical interpretation, see the discussion section.
Workaholics presented more critical scores than the other three groups on many of the
variables examined. The workload (time pressure and problem-solving), work-life conflict,
some dimensions of psychological strain (emotional instability and leisure) and emotional ex-
haustion variables showed higher η
> .10). Besides, though having lower η
< .10), workaholics displayed higher levels of intra-role conflict than the other three profiles,
of conflict between groups compared to non-workaholics, and of conflict with superiors com-
pared to non-workaholics and compulsive workers. Conversely, they showed higher levels of
job control in comparison to the other profiles. Also, workaholic individuals obtained higher
TPM Vol. 17, No. 4, 2010
© 2010 Cises
Kravina, L., Falco, A., Girardi, D.,
& De Carlo, N. A.
Workaholism in a cooperative enterprise
Chi-square, number, and percentage for the four profiles divided by demographic variables
Total Non-
workaholic Workaholic Hard
Worker χ
% % % % % p
Gender 710 100 155 100 158 100 243 100 154 100
Female 158 22.3 29 18.7 35 22.2 54 22.2 40 26.0 = .501
Male 552 77.7 126 81.3 123 77.8 189 77.8 114 74.0
Age 708 100 155 100 158 100 241 100 154 100
Between 20
and 30 years 109 15.4 21 13.5 18 11.4 35 14.5 35 22.7 < .03
Between 31
and 45 years 376 53.1 84 54.2 91 57.6 118 49.0 83 53.9
Above 45 years 223 31.5 50 32.3 49 31.0 88 36.5 36 23.4
Position held 710 100 154 100 161 100 242 100 153 100
Manager 52 7.3 3 1.9 22 13.7 21 8.7 6 3.9 < .001
Clerk 409 57.6 70 45.5 102 63.4 146 60.3 91 59.5
Workman 249 35.1 81 52.6 37 23.0 75 31.0 56 36.6
Job seniority 712 100 155 100 161 100 241 100 155 100
Below 10 years 296 41.6 55 35.5 70 43.5 96 39.8 75 48.4 = .114
Between 11
and 20 years 191 26.8 42 27.1 43 26.7 62 25.7 44 28.4
Above 20 years 225 31.6 58 37.4 48 29.8 83 34.4 36 23.2
Relation to the
708 100 152 100 160 100 240 100 156 100
Partner 240 33.9 51 33.6 60 37.5 81 33.7 48 30.8 = .655
Non-partner 468 66.1 101 66.4 100 62.5 159 66.3 108 69.2
scores on organizational citizenship components, with higher levels of compliance than all the
other profiles and of altruism compared to non-workaholics and hard workers. Finally, as for in-
dividual resources, workaholics displayed higher levels of negative affectivity than non-
workaholics as well as higher levels of self-efficacy than both non-workaholics and hard workers.
Non-workaholics, therefore, presented a better configuration in terms of well-being than
the other three profiles. In fact, they had the lowest levels on: two dimensions of workload (tem-
poral pressure and problem-solving) and some dimensions of organizational conflict (work-life,
between groups, and intra-role), especially when compared to hard working and workaholic indi-
viduals. Besides, non-workaholics also presented lower levels than workaholics on conflict with
Workaholics and hard workers obtained more critical scores than the other groups on
emotional exhaustion and disengagement (psychological strain); besides, workaholics got more
critical scores than the other three groups on emotional instability (psychological strain); this last
Mean scores for each cluster, as well as F-values, and η
Variable Non-workaholic
Hard Worker
Compulsive Worker
F-value η
Work Excessively 2.38
577.28*** .704
Work Compulsively 2.74
624.02*** .720
POS 3.48
3.41 3.47
3.98** .017
Cognitive Load 4.39
4.56 7.43*** .030
Time Pressure 3.33
54.50*** .186
Problem-solving 3.43
30.67*** .116
Job Control 4.10
20.39*** .079
Work-life Conflict 2.28
88.55*** .273
Conflict between
Groups 3.45
3.53 4.60** .021
Intra-role Conflict 2.38
14.69*** .059
Conflict with
Superiors 2.09
9.37*** .039
Work Satisfaction 4.04
4.27 4.12 4.34
3.78** .016
Disengagement 2.35
27.00*** .100
Emotional Instability 2.16
39.11*** .139
Leisure 5.05
34.29*** .124
Compliance 4.12
14.27*** .056
Altruism 4.80
7.19*** .030
to Continuity 4.60 4.44
4.26** .018
Emotional Exhaustion 1.86
30.10*** .111
Disaffection 1.56 1.61 1.70
4.00** .017
Negative Affectivity 3.60
3.75 7.66*** .035
Resilience 4.55 4.75
5.81** .024
Self-efficacy 4.95
21.42*** .082
ote. Each group is identified in the first line of the table by a number. In the cells, superscripts indicate the groups between which a significant difference (at least p ≤ .05) exists. POS = Per-
ceived Organizational Support.
n = 158 (21.6%);
n = 166 (22.6%);
n = 251 (34.2%);
n = 158 (21.6%); **p < .01; ***p < .001.
Vol. 17, No. 4, 2010
© 2010 Cises
Kravina, L., Falco, A., Girardi, D.,
& De Carlo, N. A.
Workaholism in a cooperative enterprise
TPM Vol. 17, No. 4, 2010
© 2010 Cises
Kravina, L., Falco, A., Girardi, D.,
& De Carlo, N. A.
Workaholism in a cooperative enterprise
variable was also critical for hard worker but only compared to the non-workaholic and the
Finally, when comparing hard working and compulsive working participants, more simi-
larities than differences emerged. Among differences, compulsive workers had a lower level of
conflict between work and private life compared to hard working individuals, and higher scores
on the self-efficacy and resilience variables. Finally, it can be noted that hard workers and com-
pulsive workers generally displayed a more negative configuration compared to non-workaholics
and a more positive one compared to workaholics.
Hypothesis 3 was therefore partially supported: workaholics had more unfavorable scores
on workload, POS, conflict (work-life, between groups, intra-role, and with superiors), psycho-
logical strain, burnout (emotional exhaustion and disaffection), and more favorable scores on
self-efficacy and organizational citizenship behaviors.
The first aim of this investigation was to verify the existence of the four different profiles
highlighted by Schaufeli et al. (2009a) in the workers’ group we studied. Cluster analysis con-
firmed the presence of four profiles: Non-workaholics (low WE, low WC), Workaholics (high
WE, high WC), Hard Workers (high WE, low WC), and Compulsive Workers (low WE, high
WC). Such subdivision was also useful in categorizing the different perceptions of antecedents
and effects of organizational well-being/disease.
The second aim was to analyze the effect of demographic variables. Results showed that
the position held inside the organization is discriminating in terms of being workaholic or not,
and in particular that executives/managers are more prone to work addiction. This result is in line
with what Harpaz and Snir (2003) had already noted: there is a preponderance of workaholics in
professions requiring high levels of responsibility.
Being a partner in the organization (or not) doesn’t seem to influence the onset of work
addiction, even if literature suggests that the self-employed (who, however, cannot be considered
like partners) are in general a category at risk for workaholism. Gender, age, and job seniority are
not predictive of being workaholic or not. As regards gender, results agree with some studies (see
Burke, 1999) and differ from others (among which Harpaz & Snir, 2003).
The third aim was to verify the relation between the different profiles and organizational
variables. In general, in line with the results obtained by Schaufeli et al. (2009a), workaholic
workers have a worse profile than the other three categories on many of the variables examined.
In particular, they have higher mean scores on workload (both cognitive and problem-solving),
work-life conflict, and psychological strain (leisure and emotional instability). Such results agree
with the theoretical background: it is plain that high WE scores correspond to the worker’s ten-
dency to take on a great deal of work, driven by the compulsive dimension of work addiction.
Consequently, it doesn’t surprise that such overload may affect the relation between work and
private life favoring the onset of psychological strain and exhaustion. Such factors may explain
the higher disengagement in workaholics, whose compulsive urge could justify the continual
feelings of inadequacy in their work.
TPM Vol. 17, No. 4, 2010
© 2010 Cises
Kravina, L., Falco, A., Girardi, D.,
& De Carlo, N. A.
Workaholism in a cooperative enterprise
Non-workaholics have the least negative profile of the four. At the same time, hard
workers and compulsive workers show more similar than differing aspects in terms of conse-
quences of organizational well-being/disease: these results confirm, hence, those previously ob-
tained by Schaufeli et al. (2009a). Comparing the results of the two research studies, differences
emerge in some of the variables studied, together with some novelties due to the introduction of
new variables. In our group, workaholics have higher scores on vertical conflict dimensions (con-
flict with superiors) than on horizontal dimensions (conflict with colleagues) as, instead, noted by
Schaufeli et al. (2009a). Such result could be explained also considering the data on the job con-
trol variable (again opposite to Schaufeli et al.’s findings, 2009a) and on perceived organizational
support. Workaholics’ high levels of control, probably deriving from their being workers-
partners, correspond to lower levels of perceived organizational support. This group perceives
high levels of job control, but the emergence of vertical conflicts could generate low levels of
perceived organizational support, because the workers, though partners of the organization, are
bound by directives and hierarchies. Besides, lower scores on perceived organizational support
agree with the declared conflict between work and private life: POS, indeed, refers to perceived
organization support in both work and extra-work settings.
As for work satisfaction, no significant differences emerge between workaholic and non-
workaholic participants. This doesn’t surprise because workaholics’ compulsive tendency to
work excessively engages them in the continuous effort to improve their working performance,
and leaves them no more satisfied than non-workaholics.
The dimensions of organizational commitment are not discriminating between workahol-
ics and non-workaholics, either. Such result can be interpreted in the light of the peculiarity of the
organization, where high levels of participation favor a greater sense of belonging.
With reference to organizational citizenship, workaholics score higher than non-workaholics
in the two dimensions underlying such construct: compliance and altruism. Higher scores on com-
pliance can be accounted for considering that workaholics, in their drive to work excessively,
have the tendency to help the organization, taking on commitments and activities not required by
the organization itself. Besides, such result is in accord with Ng et al.’s (2007) assertion that
companies typically don’t discourage workaholic behaviors, but rather favor them. The explana-
tion of workaholics’ tendency to score higher on altruism, that is on helping behaviors toward
specific people (for instance colleagues and superiors), may appear more complex. A possible
explanation, calling for further examination, is that workaholics perform helping behaviors to-
ward specific people because they are essentially driven by the compulsive tendency to work ex-
cessively. In other words, such altruistic behaviors not being fully intentional are, hence, some-
how egoistic, because induced by the compulsive need to work excessively also taking on other
people’s work.
Finally, as regards individual resources, significant differences emerge between workahol-
ics and non-workaholics in the self-efficacy and negative affectivity variables. On the former,
workaholics score higher than non-workaholics: such difference can be explained by the worka-
holic worker’s trust in his/her abilities to achieve work goals thanks to his/her tendency to work
excessively. Workaholics also score higher on the negative affectivity construct: it could be hy-
pothesized that high scores on both WE and WC dimensions may lead these workers to negative
emotional states because of the evident and sustained investment of energies and resources, as well
as of the compulsive drive provoking a general sense of inadequacy toward their own activity.
TPM Vol. 17, No. 4, 2010
© 2010 Cises
Kravina, L., Falco, A., Girardi, D.,
& De Carlo, N. A.
Workaholism in a cooperative enterprise
Concerning the possible practical fallouts of the present study, it must be remembered
that workaholism is often strengthened and even encouraged by companies, especially within the
management, and this has overall negative effects for the management itself, the workers and, in
the end, for the whole organization. Both in the company at issue, and in business contexts in
general, it would hence be useful to promote a greater awareness on the possible disadvantageous
effects of workaholism. In fact, it may at first seem to increase productivity, but can instead, in
the long run, be particularly detrimental to the person and the organization. In this connection, it
is advisable that companies implement proper and sustainable incentive systems (nevertheless
necessary) on the performance of the management and workers of all grades.
A few limitations of the present study should be acknowledged, as well as its future de-
velopments. Given that the measures used in the present study are self-report type, the relations
observed between the variables could be favoured by the common method variance. In the future,
it would be useful to also use objective indicators, such as, for instance, the number of work
hours, overtime, or workers’ health as certified by the competent physician. Moreover, informa-
tion on the organization colleagues’ and stakeholders’ involvement would be valuable as well.
A further limitation is that all the workers examined belong to the same organization;
therefore further investigations on Italian workaholism in different work areas will be necessary.
At the same time, and this is a new element, the characteristics of the organization considered are
very peculiar, and the percentage of workaholics in it is rather high (22.6%), probably favoured
by such peculiarities. On these grounds as well, a future extension of the investigation to other
organizational contexts is desirable.
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TPM Vol. 17, No. 4, 2010
© 2010 Cises
Kravina, L., Falco, A., Girardi, D.,
& De Carlo, N. A.
Workaholism in a cooperative enterprise
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... Workaholism, according to the JD-R model (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004), is therefore an individual risk factor that contributes to health-impairment processes (e.g., burnout) since it pushes people to put in more time and energy than they should in order to attain their goals. Many studies have connected workaholism and burnout, which is pertinent to the current research (e.g., Burke et al., 2004;Cheung et al., 2018;Kravina et al., 2010;Nonnis et al., 2018;Osmanovik et al., 2023;Sandrin et al., 2019). Thus, we propose the following hypothesis: ...
... Our first hypotheses examined the effects of workaholism on the psychological well-being (anxiety, burnout, & work engagement). These findings are in line with earlier studies (e.g., Andreassen et al., 2016;Bereznowski et al., 2021;Burke et al., 2004;Cheung et al., 2018;Hartman & Mathieu, 2017;Kasemi et al., 2020;Kravina et al., 2010;Nonnis et al., 2018;Osmanovik et al., 2023;Serrano-Fernández et al., 2021;Sandrin et al., 2019), which had shown that workaholism has a detrimental effect on the psychological wellbeing of employees. Moreover, workaholism impacted both positive and negative types of rumination (problem-solving pondering & affective rumination, respectively) in such way that effect sizes can be considered as large, especially on affective rumination. ...
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Introducción: El presente estudio examinó los efectos de la adicción al trabajo en el bienestar psicológico y el papel mediador de la rumiación. Estudios han estimado la prevalencia de la adicción al trabajo en un 14.1%, donde uno de cada siete personas empleadas pudiera padecer de esta condición. Más allá, una gran cantidad de investigaciones sugieren que la adicción al trabajo tiene un impacto negativo en la salud de las personas empleadas; sin embargo, no se ha examinado el papel mediador de la rumiación en estas relaciones. Método: Un total de 803 personas empleadas en diferentes organizaciones en Puerto Rico participaron en el presente estudio que tuvo un diseño transversal-correlacional. Se probaron las hipótesis utilizando el modelamiento de ecuaciones estructurales. Resultados: La adicción al trabajo se relacionó significativamente con ansiedad, burnout, engagement con el trabajo, rumiación afectiva y resolución de problemas. Ambas formas de rumiación mediaron la relación entre la adicción al trabajo y el bienestar psicológico. Discusión: Los resultados obtenidos en relación con los efectos directos de la adicción al trabajo en el bienestar psicológico son cónsonos con resultados de la literatura en los cuales se apoya que esta condición tiene un efecto nefasto en la salud de las personas empleadas. Además, los resultados sugieren que el efecto mediador de la rumiación, especialmente la rumiación afectiva, pudiera ser un mecanismo importante a través del cual la adicción al trabajo ejerce un efecto perjudicial en la salud de los trabajadores. Se discuten las implicaciones teóricas y prácticas. Palabras clave: Adicción al Trabajo, Ansiedad, Burnout, Engagement con el Trabajo, Rumiación, Mediación Abstract Introduction: The present study examined the effects of workaholism on psychological well-being and the mediating role of rumination. Studies have estimated the prevalence of work addiction at 14.1%, where one in seven employees could suffer from this condition. Furthermore, a large body of research suggests that workaholism has a negative impact on the health of employees; however, the mediating role of rumination in these relationships has not been examined. Method: A total of 803 employees from different organizations in Puerto Rico participated in the present cross-sectional design study. Hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling. Results: Workaholism was significantly related to anxiety, burnout, work engagement, affective rumination, and problem-solving pondering. Both forms of rumination mediated the relationship between workaholism and psychological well-being. Discussion: The results obtained in relation to the direct effects of workaholism on psychological well-being are consistent with results from the literature which support that this condition has a harmful effect on employees' health. Furthermore, the results suggest that the mediating effect of rumination, especially affective rumination, could be an important mechanism through which workaholism exerts a detrimental effect on workers' health. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
... Workaholism, according to the JD-R model (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004), is therefore an individual risk factor that contributes to healthimpairment processes (e.g., burnout) since it pushes people to put in more time and energy than they should in order to attain their goals. Many studies have connected workaholism and burnout, which is pertinent to the current research (e.g., Burke et al., 2004;Cheung et al., 2018;Kravina et al., 2010;Nonnis et al., 2018;Osmanovik et al., 2023;Sandrin et al., 2019). Thus, we propose the following hypothesis: ...
... Our first hypotheses examined the effects of workaholism on the psychological well-being (anxiety, burnout, & work engagement). These findings are in line with earlier studies (e.g., Andreassen et al., 2016;Bereznowski et al., 2021;Burke et al., 2004;Cheung et al., 2018;Hartman & Mathieu, 2017;Kasemi et al., 2020;Kravina et al., 2010;Nonnis et al., 2018;Osmanovik et al., 2023;Serrano-Fernández et al., 2021;Sandrin et al., 2019), which had shown that workaholism has a detrimental effect on the psychological well-being of employees. Moreover, workaholism impacted both positive and negative types of rumination (problem-solving pondering & affective rumination, respectively) in such way that effect sizes can be considered as large, especially on affective rumination. ...
Full-text available
Introduction: The present study examined the effects of workaholism on psychological well-being and the mediating role of rumination. Studies have estimated the prevalence of work addiction at 14.1%, where one in seven employees could suffer from this condition. Furthermore, a large body of research suggests that workaholism has a negative impact on the health of employees; however, the mediating role of rumination in these relationships has not been examined. Method: A total of 803 employees from different organizations in Puerto Rico participated in the present cross-sectional design study. Hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling. Results: Workaholism was significantly related to anxiety, burnout, work engagement, affective rumination, and problem-solving pondering. Both forms of rumination mediated the relationship between workaholism and psychological well-being. Discussion: The results obtained in relation to the direct effects of workaholism on psychological well-being are consistent with results from the literature which support that this condition has a harmful effect on employees' health. Furthermore, the results suggest that the mediating effect of rumination, especially affective rumination, could be an important mechanism through which workaholism exerts a detrimental effect on workers' health. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
... Person-centered research has started to look at how workaholism components combine within employees (e.g., Kravina et al., 2010;Salanova et al., 2014). Unfortunately, many of those studies relied on a combination of variables not limited to workaholism as profile indicators (work engagement: Innanen et al., 2014; work engagement and job satisfaction: Mäkikangas et al., 2015), making it impossible to isolate the unique effects of workaholism in the definition of the profiles. ...
This research relies on a combination of variable-and person-centered approaches to help improve our understanding of the dimensionality of the workaholism construct. Our results showed that employees' worka-holism ratings simultaneously reflected a global overarching construct co-existing with four specific dimensions (behavioral, motivational, emotional, and cognitive workaholism) among a sample of 432 workers who completed a questionnaire twice over a three-month period. We also examined the profiles taken by workaholism dimensions, and documented their stability over time as well as the associations between these profiles and theoretically-relevant predictors and outcomes. Furthermore, we examined whether these associations differ as a function of working remotely or onsite. Four profiles were identified and found to be highly stable over time: Unplugged, Plugged In, Moderately Unplugged with Externalized Workaholism, and Moderately Unplugged with Cognitive Workaholism. Personal life orientation, telepressure, and interpersonal norms regarding work-related messages were related to the likelihood of profile membership. Remote working also reinforced the positive effects of personal life orientation and the negative effects of interpersonal norms regarding work-related messages. Finally, employees’ work-to-family guilt, job satisfaction, family satisfaction, and life satisfaction also differed as a function of their profile.
... When analyzing the convergence between self and observer ratings of workaholism, Falco et al. [34] developed two additional versions of this scale: the DUWAS-OR (observer rating) and DUWAS-R (self-report). The earlier Italian adaptation of the original DUWAS (17 items) is described in Kravina et al. [48]. Additionally, Sharma and Sharma [39] used a three-construct version of the DUWAS scale ('working compulsively' with seven items, 'working excessively' with nine items and 'overwork' with four items). ...
Full-text available
Although extensively used in the academic literature, workaholism as a concept has been explained in different ways, which has influenced the development and use of some measurement tools. As such, this article aims to address the subject through a systematic study review focusing on articles where the main objective was to develop, adapt, or analyze the psychometric properties of a workaholism scale. The main purpose is to describe the state of the art concerning workaholism measurement tools, highlighting trends and research perspectives for further research. In essence, this study may serve as a summary and starting point for scholars interested in measuring workaholism. It was observed that the discrepancy concerning the definition of workaholism has resulted in scales that attempt to evaluate diverging conceptualizations. Moreover, each scale has been readapted when tested in different countries. For further investigations, it is important to converge the concept of workaholism and validate the scales across differing contexts, regarding the industry, culture, and country of the sample.
... Dutch Work Addiction Scale. The Italian adaptation [72] of the DUWAS [14,15] is composed of ten items designed to detect the two dimensions of WE (six items; e.g., "I seem to be in a hurry and racing against the clock") and WC (four items; e.g., "I feel that there's something inside me that drives me to work hard"). The six-point response scale ranged from 1 (strongly disagree) to 6 (strongly agree). ...
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This study contributes to the validation of the Bergen Work Addiction Scale (BWAS) in the Italian context, with a focus on measurement invariance across gender and managerial status. The BWAS is a consolidated measure of work addiction (WA) anchored in general addiction theory that comprises seven items representing the core addiction components. Participants were 8419 bank workers (37.7% women, 12.9% managers) who completed a self-report questionnaire including the Italian version of the BWAS (BWAS-I) and the Dutch Work Addiction Scale, as well as measures of work engagement, perfectionism, workload, psycho-physical symptoms, work–family conflict, and job satisfaction. Results confirmed the single-factor structure of the BWAS-I. Partial scalar invariance held across gender and managerial status, meaning that most—but not all—item intercepts were equivalent across different populations. Furthermore, the BWAS-I showed adequate convergent, discriminant, criterion-related, and incremental validity. This study showed that the BWAS-I is a valuable instrument that can be used by researchers and practitioners to assess WA in the Italian context.
... Unsurprisingly then, workaholism has largely been associated with negative personal outcomes like greater work-home conflict (Aziz and Cunningham, 2008;Del Libano et al., 2012), poor job satisfaction (Del Libano et al., 2012), and more generally, poor life satisfaction (Bonebright et al., 2000). Relevant to the present work is the abundance of research that has linked workaholism to the feeling of burnout (Burke et al., 2004;Kravina et al., 2010). Consequently, workaholism is associated with diminished sleep quality (Kubota et al., 2010), poor physical health (Shimazu and Schaufeli, 2009), and impaired psychological health (e.g. ...
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Purpose The purpose of this article is to investigate the mediating role of subjective well-being (SWB) in the relationship workaholism and workplace incivility with an emphasis on the moderating role of gender. Design/methodology/approach Using an online survey, the required data were collected from 401 employees in 41 public organizations in Iran. Findings By structural equation modeling, the results showed workaholism has a negative direct association with workplace incivility. Additionally, SWB mediates the relationships between workaholism and workplace incivility. Moreover, workaholic men and women are more likely to experience higher workplace incivility and lower SWB, respectively. Practical implications Managers should focus on reducing workaholism and developing SWB to decrease uncivil behaviors. Researchers need to assess the different instigators of incivility, considering the mediating or moderating role of other variables in private organizations. Social implications The stress of workaholism, coupled with the harsh conditions of economic sanctions in Iran, has exacerbated the occurrence of incivility behavior. This study helps to reduce and control such behaviors by examining the role of SWB and gender. Originality/value The study contributes to the research on incivility behavior by advancing the understanding of organizational and personal factors (workaholism and SWB) that can influence workplace incivility among employees. It also addresses the usefulness of examining SWB disposition in understanding the relationship between workaholism and workplace incivility.
... Workaholism was determined both at T1 and T2 by using the Italian adaptation (Kravina, Falco, Girardi, & De Carlo, 2010) of the Dutch Work Addiction Scale (DUWAS; Schaufeli et al., 2008). The scale is composed of ten items, designed to detect WE (six items; e.g., "I seem to be in a hurry and racing against the clock") and WC (four items; e.g., "I feel that there's something inside me that drives me to work hard"). ...
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The aim of this study is to examine, with a longitudinal design, the moderating role of workload in the relationship between perfectionism and workaholism. It was hypothesized that self-oriented perfectionism (SOP) and socially prescribed perfectionism (SPP) predict an increase in workaholism and that workload may exacerbate this association. Four hundred and thirty workers completed a self-report questionnaire at two different time points, and the hypothesized relationships were tested using structural equation modeling. Overall, SOP and SPP were not associated with workaholism over time. The interaction between SOP, but not SPP, and workload was significant. SOP predicted an increase in workaholism over time in workers facing high workload. Accordingly, SOP may be a risk factor for workaholism when workload is high.
... Workaholism was measured by using the Dutch work addiction scale (DUWAS) [20] in the Italian adaptation [58,59]. The scale was composed of ten items, designed to detect the two dimensions of WE (six items; e.g., "I seem to be in a hurry and racing against the clock") and WC (four items; e.g., "I feel that there's something inside me that drives me to work hard"). ...
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This study aimed to investigate the association between narcissism and two forms of heavy work investment, namely, workaholism and work engagement. More specifically, it was hypothesized that narcissism is positively associated with both workaholism and work engagement, with workload moderating these relationships, which are expected to be stronger when the workload is high. Overall, 217 workers completed a self-report questionnaire, and the hypothesized relationships were tested using moderated multiple regression. Results partially supported our predictions. Narcissism was positively associated with workaholism and its dimensions of working excessively and working compulsively only in individuals facing a high workload. Furthermore, narcissism was positively associated with work engagement and its dimensions of vigor and dedication (but no absorption) in employees with average levels of workload. Finally, the workload exacerbated the relationship between narcissism and work engagement and its dimensions so that these associations were stronger when the workload was high. Overall, our study suggested that in a work environment characterized by moderate levels of demand, individuals with strong narcissistic components might inherently feel energetic and dedicated (i.e., engaged) at work. Differently, in a demanding work environment, workers with high narcissism might experience higher work engagement, but they could also be at risk of workaholism.
... Workaholism was assessed using the Italian adaptation (Kravina, Falco, Girardi, & De Carlo, 2010) of the Dutch Work Addiction Scale (DUWAS; Schaufeli et al., 2008). The scale includes ten items aimed at determining the two dimensions of working excessively (six items) and working compulsively (four items). ...
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Abstract Background During the past three decades, research interest in work addiction has increased significantly. Most definitions concerning work addiction have specifically contained personality-related elements. However, the results of empirical studies concerning personality and work addiction are both few and mixed. The aim of the present study was to explore the role of personality in the background of work addiction. Methods The present study systematically reviewed and empirically carried out a meta-analysis on all the published studies examining the association between personality variables and work addiction (n = 28). Results The results of the meta-analysis indicated that perfectionism, global and performance-based self-esteem, and negative affect had the strongest and most robust associations as personality risk factors of work addiction. Among the Big Five traits, extraversion, conscientiousness, and intellect/imaginations showed positive relationships with work addiction. However, these associations were weak. Conclusions Based on the meta-analysis, personality appears to explain only a small amount of the variance of work addiction and further studies are needed to assess the interaction between individual and environmental factors.
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Although much has been written about “workaholism,” rigorous research and theoretical development on the topic is in its infancy. We integrate literature from multiple disciplines and offer a definition of workaholic behavior. We identify three types of workaholic behavior patterns: compulsive-dependent, perfectionist, and achievement-oriented workaholism. A preliminary model is proposed; it identifies potential linkages between each type of workaholism pattern and important outcomes such as performance, job and life satisfaction, and turnover. Specific propositions for future research are articulated. We conclude that, depending on the type of workaholic behavior pattern, workaholism can be good or bad, and its consequences may be experienced or evaluated differently by individuals, organizations, and society at large. Researchers and managers should avoid making judgments about the positive or negative effects of workaholism until more carefully controlled research has been published.
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The aims of the present study were to examine (1) psychometric properties of Spence and Robbins' measures of the components of workaholism and (2) relations between workaholism and health-related outcomes [job stress, burnout, work engagement, and subjective health complaints (SHC)]. Two hundred and thirty-five bank employees completed questionnaires measuring workaholism, job stress, burnout, work engagement, and SHC. Factor analyses suggested a two-factor model of workaholism, "Drive" and "Enjoyment of Work". There were significant relations between workaholism subscales and SHC, job stress, burnout, and work engagement. The "Drive" subscale correlated positively with job stress and SHC, and marginally with burnout and work engagement. The "Enjoyment of Work" subscale correlated negatively with job stress, burnout, and SHC. The results showed that a two-factor model of workaholism provided the best fit for Norwegian data, supported a differentiation of enthusiastic and nonenthusiastic workaholic features, and were related in predictable ways to SHC, burnout, and work engagement, as predicted from contemporary cognitive stress theory.
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The term ‘workaholism’ is widely used, but there is little consensus about its meaning, beyond that of its core element: a substantial investment in work. Following Snir and Zohar, workaholism was first defined in the present study as the individual’s steady and considerable allocation of time to work-related activities and thoughts, which does not derive from external necessities. Subsequently, it was measured as time invested in work, while controlling the financial needs for this investment. The relation between workaholism and possible attitudinal (meaning of work indices), demographic (gender, marital status), and situational (occupation type, employment sector) variables was examined through two representative samples of the Israeli labor force. The following predictor variables were significantly related to workaholism: work centrality, economic orientation, occupation type, employment sector and gender. From those variables, gender was found to be the strongest predictor - that is, men, in comparison with women, have a higher likelihood of being workaholics. Moreover, married women worked fewer hours per week than unmarried women, while married men worked more hours per week than unmarried men. The theoretical contribution of the above findings, and of the other study’s findings, to the understanding of workaholism is discussed.
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Evidence is presented that (a) employees in an organization form global beliefs concerning the extent to which the organization values their contributions and cares about their well-being, (b) such perceived organizational support reduces absenteeism, and (c) the relation between perceived organizational support and absenteeism is greater for employees with a strong exchange ideology than those with a weak exchange ideology. These findings support the social exchange view that employees’ commitment to the organization is strongly influenced by their perception of the organization’s commitment to them. Perceived organizational support is assumed to increase the employee’s affective attachment to the organization and his or her expectancy that greater effort toward meeting organizational goals will be rewarded. The extent to which these factors increase work effort would depend on the strength of the employee’s exchange ideology favoring the trade of work effort for material and symbolic benefits.
Although the concept of workaholism inorganizations has received considerable attention, ourunderstanding of it based on research evidence islimited. This results from the absence of both suitabledefinitions and measures of the concept. This study, usingmeasures developed by Spence and Robbins (1992),examines gender differences in a predominantly whitemanagerial sample-in three workaholism components and workaholic job behaviors among managers andprofessionals. Although females and males were found todiffer on many personal and situational demographiccharacters, they were similar on the three workaholism components: work involvement, feeling driven towork, and work enjoyment. Females reported higher levelsof particular workaholic job behaviors (e.g.,perfectionism, job stress) likely to be associated with lower levels of satisfaction andwell-being.