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An Economic Analysis of Soilless Culture in Gerbera Production



The financial effectiveness of the soilless culture system (SCS) of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii Bol. ex Adlam.) production was compared with that of the soil culture system in heated greenhouses in northern Greece. Evaluation was based on budgeting procedures that assumed a project life of 9 years. The decision to accept or to reject the investment was based on the following criteria: 1) net present value analysis (U.S. $18,414), 2) benefit/cost ratio, and 3) risk exposure ratio. The soilless culture system, particularly the plastic bag system using perlite media, was more profitable. Application of sensitivity analysis illustrated the significance of product price and discount rate in determining the accrued benefits.
HORTSCIENCE, VOL. 35(2), APRIL 2000300
HORTSCIENCE 35(2):300–303. 2000.
Received for publication 20 Apr. 1998. Accepted
for publication 8 July 1999. We gratefully acknowl-
edge valuable comments and suggestions by three
anonymous journal reviewers and the editors. The
cost of publishing this paper was defrayed in part by
the payment of page charges. Under postal regula-
tions, this paper therefore must be hereby marked
advertisement solely to indicate this fact.
1PhD Candidate.
2Professor; to whom reprint requests should be ad-
dressed (e-mail:;
3Senior Researcher.
An Economic Analysis of Soilless
Culture in Gerbera Production
I. Grafiadellis1 and K. Mattas2
School of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Economics, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki, P.O. Box 225, 540 06 Thessaloniki, Greece
E. Maloupa3
Agricultural Research Center of Macedonia and Thrace, P.O. Box 312, 570 01
Thermi, Thessaloniki, Greece
I. Tzouramani4 and K. Galanopoulos4
Agricultural Economics and Social Research Institute, Kifissias 184C, 145 62
Kifissia, Greece
Additional index words. culture system, greenhouses, floriculture, Mediterranean, Greece,
Gerbera jamesonii
Abstract. The financial effectiveness of the soilless culture system (SCS) of gerbera
(Gerbera jamesonii Bol. ex Adlam.) production was compared with that of the soil culture
system in heated greenhouses in northern Greece. Evaluation was based on budgeting
procedures that assumed a project life of 9 years. The decision to accept or to reject the
investment was based on the following criteria: 1) net present value analysis (U.S. $18,414),
2) benefit/cost ratio, and 3) risk exposure ratio. The soilless culture system, particularly the
plastic bag system using perlite media, was more profitable. Application of sensitivity
analysis illustrated the significance of product price and discount rate in determining the
accrued benefits.
Over the last two decades, significant
changes have occurred in the cultivation of
high-value horticultural crops, as new produc-
tion techniques have been introduced and
evaluated. In principle, the enumeration and
description of the inherent technical and hor-
ticultural advantages of a new technique should
be accompanied by a thorough investigation
of its economic efficiency. This evaluation
procedure has evoked considerable attention,
mainly because worldwide market liberaliza-
tion has transformed the floriculture market
into a highly competitive one. Nevertheless,
few scientific analyses have been made of the
economic effectiveness of new horticultural
techniques. The introduction of the substrate
has brought radical changes in protected orna-
mental production and has given producers
the opportunity to achieve: 1) a high percent-
age of high-quality products, 2) uniform prod-
ucts, 3) total control of greenhouse produc-
tion, 4) reduction of negative effects on the
environment, and 5) significantly lower en-
ergy costs (Maloupa, 1993). Despite these
advantages, the high initial investment cost of
soilless culture and the need for extremely
tic tubes (Salem et al., 1993). The greenhouses
were covered with a thermal polyethylene
film. During winter (November to February),
the temperature at night was kept above 12 °C;
in summer, a black shading net was placed
over the greenhouses. Further, in the PSS
greenhouse the ground was covered with a
white, 20-mm-thick plastic film to improve
light reflection.
Planting occurred on 15 June in both treat-
ments. In the PSS greenhouse, perlite-filled
polyethylene bags 0.15 m in diameter and 2.9
m long were placed end-to-end in double rows
0.50 m apart. Plants (12 per bag) were then
planted in the medium at a spacing of 0.20 ×
0.25 m for a total of 6144 plants/0.1 ha. Four
cultivars of gerbera (‘Party’, ‘Fame’, ‘Regina’,
and ‘Ximena’) were used.
Each plant was irrigated by a dripper of
nominal discharge at 2 L·h–1. A control unit
regulated the delivery of nutrient solution on a
daily basis. Water was applied for 2 min 8 to 16
times per day depending upon need. The solu-
tion was collected from the bottom of the
medium and reused.
Traditional soil culture was used in the
second greenhouse. Plants were planted in
two-row beds separated by paths 0.40 m wide.
Within-row spacing was 0.25 m and between
row spacing 0.30 m, giving an approximate
density of six plants/m2 (6144 plants/0.1 ha).
A 9-year project life was assumed. During
this period, the investment would be produc-
tive without a major replacement. According
to Helfert (1991), economic life is the length
of time over which an investment yields eco-
nomic benefits. However, after the 9th year of
economic life, essential high-cost components
of the investment, such as heating system,
irrigation system, thermal polyethylene cover,
plastic bag system, substrate, plants, and plas-
tic mulch, would have to be replaced. Thus, a
9-year time span can provide an accurate picture
of the profits for the entire period of the project,
assuming no unforeseen outlays or changes.
The real discount rate was set at 10%,
reflecting the current Greek financial market
(Bank of Greece, 1995). Operating costs and
output prices were assumed to increase incre-
mentally at the same rate as inflation through-
out the entire 9 years. Costs and benefits were
estimated at 1995 prices. The currency unit
was the U.S. dollar (235 Greek drachmas = 1
U.S. dollar) (Bank of Greece, 1995).
Gross revenues and production for PSS
and TS were evaluated and compared in order
to determine the benefits provided by the adop-
tion of PSS. Three appraisal criteria were
used: 1) the net present value (NPV) (Levy and
Sarnat, 1994a), 2) the benefit/cost ratio (B/C)
(Gittinger, 1972), and 3) the risk-exposure
ratio (RE-Ratio) (Gitman, 1977). Addition-
ally, factors affecting the level of the income
benefits were investigated by performing sen-
sitivity analysis.
Economic assessment. Capital budgeting
procedures are being used in modern finance
theory to estimate yields on investments (Levy
and Sarnat, 1994b; Papadopoulos, 1986). When
evaluating alternative projects, expected costs
and revenues should be estimated, and spe-
skilled labor make producers reluctant to adopt
this procedure (Sarooshi, 1987). Hence, farm-
ers require a well-documented answer to the
question of whether the cost of adoption of
soilless cultivation in perlite exceeds the value
of the investment in the long run.
Protected cultivation is an economically
important enterprise in Greece, significantly
contributing both to the individual farmer’s
income and to the national trade balance
(Mattas et al., 1990). Horticultural and flori-
culture greenhouse production has increased
92.4% during the last 10 years (Tzouramani et
al., 1995). Various flower crops are cultivated
in greenhouses, but gerbera seems to be gain-
ing importance in the European market.
The primary objective of the present study
was to evaluate the economic feasibility of
gerbera cultivation in heated greenhouses in
northern Greece using the traditional soil cul-
ture system (TS) vs. the perlite soilless culture
system in plastic bags (PSS).
Materials and Methods
Procedure. The experiment was conducted
from June 1991 until May 1993 at the Agricul-
tural Research Center of northern Greece in
Thessaloniki, a semiarid Mediterranean re-
gion where the summer is hot and dry and the
winter is cold and rainy. Costs of heating
equipment and greenhouse construction were
based on estimates by Salem (1992) and
Tzouramani (1994).
The two systems were compared in two,
round arch, single-span type plastic green-
houses of 150 m2, with vertical side walls
(Tzouramani, 1994), which were heated by
circulation of warm water in corrugated plas-
301HORTSCIENCE, VOL. 35(2), APRIL 2000
cific selection criteria should then be em-
ployed (Horne and James, 1977). This ap-
proach, known as economic engineering, has
been employed in evaluating new agricultural
technologies (Feder et al., 1993; Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Na-
tions, 1995; Lambregts et al., 1993).
The principle of incremental cash flows
states that a project can be evaluated by con-
sidering all the incremental cash inflows and
outflows induced by the investment (Levy and
Sarnat, 1994c). This implies that costs and
benefits “with” and “without’’ the investment
must be compared to determine which alterna-
tive solution yields a higher return.
The net present value method (Levy and
Sarnat, 1994a) can be defined algebraically by
the following equation:
1+r I
where St = the expected net cash receipt at the
end of year t; I0 = the initial outlay; r = the
discount rate (the required minimum annual
rate of return of new investment); n = is ex-
pected life; and t = the project duration in
Furthermore, the use of multi-year NPV is
based on the economic life of the project. Its
sign can be positive or negative depending on
whether there is a discounted net inflow or
outflow over the economic life of the project
(Helfert, 1991).
The B/C ratio is the present value of the
benefits relative to the present value of the
costs (Gittinger, 1972). The decision rule is
the following: 1) if B/C ratio >1 or the NPV >0,
the project will be accepted and 2) if B/C ratio
<1 or the NPV <0, the project will be rejected
(Pagoulatos, 1992).
Gitman (1977) developed a new ratio, the
risk exposure-ratio (RE-Ratio), which, instead
of assessing variability or dispersion, mea-
sures the degree of risk exposure present in a
given capital expenditure alternative. The RE-
Ratio can be interpreted as representing the
reduction in annual cash inflows (expressed as
percentage of the net investment) that could be
experienced annually and allow the project to
remain acceptable. This ratio actually represents
a linear transformation of a benefit/cost ratio.
The specific form of RE-Ratio is given below:
RE Ratio = BCF
where B/C = benefit/cost ratio; and Fk, n = the
factor for the present value of an n-year annu-
ity discounted at k percent or:
Fkk k
12 1
The decision rule for RE-Ratio is to accept
all projects that exhibit positive RE-Ratios
and NPV. When alternative techniques
(projects) are assessed, projects with higher
RE-Ratios should be selected. Therefore, RE-
Ratio can be used to measure project worth,
and allows estimations of the degree of project
risk exposure to be made (Gitman, 1977).
Results and Discussion
Production and gross returns. Production
and gross returns of both the PSS and TS
systems were estimated and compared for the
experimental period of 24 months (Table 1).
No distinctions among cultivars were consid-
ered and quality was assumed to be the same
for both PSS and TS. Gross returns were
computed using actual gerbera price data ob-
tained from the local market.
Comparisons based on actual yield data
clearly demonstrate that the annual average
production of PSS exceeded the annual aver-
age production of TS by 5.1% (Table 1).
Moreover, gross returns of the PSS were greater
than those of TS by 6.6% (Table 1).
Production costs. Production costs were
estimated for the 24-month period of the ex-
periment, based on 0.1 ha. As was indicated
earlier, the use of perlite as a substrate led to a
differentiation in the operating cost between
the two systems considered ($42,132 and
$40,930 for PSS and TS, respectively) for an
area of 0.1 ha (Table 1). The irrigation systems
for the two cultivation systems differed sub-
stantially. The irrigation system was more
complicated and therefore more costly for
PSS, since the use of plastic bags required
establishing a recirculation system for the nu-
trient solution (Table 1).
The use of the horizontal plastic bag method
in PSS caused additional costs in comparison
with the TS, and harvesting expenses were
also greater in PSS because of higher produc-
tion (Table 1).
Financial analysis. As mentioned earlier,
three discounted measures (NPV, B/C Ratio,
and RE-Ratio) were estimated to assess the
economic efficiency of PSS vs. TS. Therefore,
monetary flows of the two systems were con-
sidered (Table 2) and discounted at 10%, within
a period of 9 years (Table 3).
The NPV was $18,414, and the B/C ratio
3.3 for PSS. Both criteria indicate that the
adoption of PSS increased income. In addi-
tion, the sufficiently large risk exposure-ratio
of 41.3% obtained indicates clearly that the
annual cash inflows may be reduced by 41.3%
and the project can still maintain its positive
Sensitivity analysis. Sensitivity analysis
offers both additional insights on the value of
the investment analysis and an indication of
how various factors can influence the derived
outcomes (Pagoulatos, 1992). Furthermore,
using sensitivity analysis a firm can best esti-
mate all revenues and costs involved in a
project by calculating the project’s NPV and
then checking the sensitivity of the NPV to
possible estimation errors of the gross rev-
enues and various cost items (Levy and Sarnat,
1994). In this study two important factors, the
discount rate and the product price, were in-
vestigated by changing the range of values. A
50% decrease in the discount rate increased
NPV by 38.2%. Conversely, a 50% increase in
the discount rate reduced NPV by 26.7% (Fig.
1). Hence, one can argue that any decline in the
discount rate cannot significantly affect the
outcome. Since the discount rate reflects the
macroeconomic conditions, it cannot be influ-
enced by producers; however, it can be intu-
itively argued that as the Greek economy is
steadily improving, some spectacular changes
can be expected.
Finally, NPV was very sensitive to product
price variations. A price reduction of 50%
reduced NPV 29.2%, whereas a 50% price
increase generated a 70.8% increase in NPV.
In other words, product price is a crucial factor
that can significantly affect the size of NPV.
This clearly implies that producers can in-
crease their income by implementing advanced
production and marketing strategies that yield
higher prices, such as early production or well-
planned timing of production, purchase con-
tracts, and better packaging.
The use of SCS in gerbera production can
substantially improve producers’ income.
However, financial analysis revealed that the
PSS is more profitable than TS. Producers
that adopted PSS earned an estimated net
income of $18,414 over 9 years. Sensitivity
analysis revealed that income benefits can be
further improved by even a minor increase in
the product’s price. High quality and better
marketing strategies that lead to higher prod-
uct price can also enhance investment ben-
The results of this investigation support
the conclusion that advances in technology
may provide new opportunities for improving
the overall efficiency of the greenhouse enter-
prise. However, further research on the effec-
tiveness of PSS is needed to establish more
concrete recommendations.
Table 1. Average annual production, costs, and gross returns for the traditional soil culture system (TS) vs.
the soilless culture system (PSS) for gerbera on 0.1 ha over 24 months.
System TS PSS Increase with PSS (%)
Production (no. flowers) 178,729 187,955 5.2
Returns ($U.S.) 59,631 63,564 6.6
Costs ($U.S.)
Harvesting 4,626 5,649 22.1
Operating 40,930 42,132 2.9
Capital 29,035 30,255 4.2
Other 851 1,277 50.1
Total 75,442 79,313 5.1
Cost per flower 12.27 12.90 5.1
HORTSCIENCE, VOL. 35(2), APRIL 2000302
Table 2. Estimated costs of and revenues from ($U.S.) the perlite soilless culture system (PSS) vs. the traditional soil culture system (TS) for gerbera on 0.1 ha for
selected years.
Year 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year 7 Year 9
Capital costs
Greenhouse structure 12,766 12,766 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Erection–glazing 1,277 1,277 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PE–cover 1,064 1,064 0 0 0 0 1,064 1,064 0 0
Heating system 6,383 6,383 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Irrigation system 1,163 2,383 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Little house and basin 6,383 6,383 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 29,035 30,255 0 0 0 0 1,064 1,064 0 0
Operating costs 0000
Plastic bags --- 404 --- 404 --- 404 --- 404 --- 0
Plants 7,843 7,843 7,843 7,843 7,843 7,843 7,843 7,843 0 0
Shading net 1,277 1,277 0 0 0 0 1,277 1,277 0 0
Double glazing with a plastic film 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213
Plastic mulch --- 851 --- 0 --- 0 --- 851 --- 0
Perlite --- 1,004 --- 1,004 --- 1,004 --- 1,004 --- 0
Fuel 7,447 7,298 12,766 12,511 12,766 12,511 12,766 12,511 5,319 5,213
Fertilizers 101 76 429 558 429 558 429 558 328 481
Disinfection/improvement of soil 851 --- 851 --- 851 --- 851 --- 0 ---
Pesticides/insecticides 869 869 1,489 1,489 1,489 1,489 1,489 1,489 621 621
Electricity 25 37 43 64 43 64 43 64 17 27
Water 22 20 38 34 38 34 38 34 16 14
Harvesting cost 383 289 1,622 2,109 1,622 2,109 1,622 2,109 1,239 1,820
Insurance 124 124 213 213 213 213 213 213 89 89
Other 248 372 426 638 426 638 426 638 177 266
Total 19,403 20,677 25,933 27,080 25,933 27,080 27,210 29,207 8,018 8,743
Total costs 48,439 50,932 25,933 27,080 25,933 27,080 28,273 30,271 8,018 8,743
Salvage value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,925 15,047
Gross revenues 16,693 12,917 64,625 73,572 64,625 73,572 64,625 73,572 47,932 60,655
Net benefits –31,745 –38,015 38,692 46,493 38,692 46,493 36,352 43,301 39,914 51,912
Table 3. Estimated cash flow ($U.S.) for the perlite soilless culture system (PSS) vs. the traditional soil culture system (TS), 0.1 ha.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total
Outflow 2494 653 1147 1504 1147 1181 1998 653 725 11,504
Inflow –3776 2852 8947 2852 8947 2852 8947 2852 12845 47,316
Flow -6270 2198 7799 1347 7799 1671 6948 2198 12120 35,812
Discount factorz0.909 0.826 0.751 0.683 0.621 0.564 0.513 0.467 0.424 5.759
Discounted cash outflow 2268 540 862 1028 712 667 1026 305 307 7,714
Discounted cash inflow –3433 2357 6722 1948 5555 1610 4591 1330 5447 26,128
Discounted cash flow –5700 1817 5860 920 4843 943 3566 1026 5140 18,414
zDiscount factor (D.F): The general form which was used in order to determine each year’s discount factor was the following:
qt,k k
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... The lifetime of each project was assumed as 15 years of pursuing the highest yield from the main investment capital component like greenhouse structure and irrigation system. As stated by (Grafiadellis, 2000) Economic life is the length of time over which an investment yields economic benefits. ...
... The principle of incremental cash flows, states that a project can be evaluated by considering all the incremental cash inflows and outflows induced by the investment. This implies that costs and benefits "with" and "without" the investment must be compared to determine which alternative solution yields a higher return (Grafiadellis 2000). ...
... When alternative techniques (projects) are assessed, projects with higher RE-Ratios should be selected. Therefore, RE Ratio can be used to measure project worth, and allows estimations of the degree of project risk exposure to be made (Grafiadellis, 2000). ...
Full-text available
The research aimed at evaluating of soilless greenhouse systems projects in comparison to traditional soil culture (TSC) greenhouse projects, for cucumber and strawberry. For cucumber the study examined soilless pots system (SPS) compared to (TSC) and strawberry by using pipes soilless system (PSS) compared to (TSC) also. Five evaluation criteria as discounted measures were used: 1) Internal rate of return (IRR), 2) Net present worth (NPW), 3) Benefit-cost (B/C) ratio, 4) Net benefit-investment (N/K) ratio, 5) Risk-exposure (RE) ratio, in addition to sensitivity analysis. For cucumber, the average of annual production of SPS exceeds the average of annual production of TSC by 25.3%. Cost per kilogram of cucumber in SPS and TSC were LE 1.42 and LE 2.11 respectively. For strawberry, the comparison criteria (IRR, NPW, N/K ratio and B/C ratio) for PSS were (235%, 208404, 8.15, 2.63) respectively, and these criteria achieved higher value than the same criteria for TSC. Sensitivity analysis indicated that; Price of the final product significantly changed NPW so producers must find ways to obtain high prices for their product. Decrease in discount rate enable projects best opportunity to achieve more income and more stability. [Elzaabalawy, M., Qotb, N., Reda, SH. Comparative Evaluation Between Soilless and Soil Greenhouses. Nat Sci 2018;16(6):9-16]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). 3.
... The NPV is the present value of future return and calculated as (Grafiadellis et al., 2000): ...
... The annual average price of lettuce in China was 4.00 RMB per kg ($0.58 per kg, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China, http:// The decision rule was: if NPV > 0 or BCR > 1, the project would be successful; otherwise, the project would be considered a failure (Grafiadellis et al., 2000). ...
... The total gross revenue in HPS was higher than that in SBS, due to the higher total yield of lettuce. The BCRs of the two culture systems were both higher than 1, indicating that both of the systems could be lucrative (Grafiadellis et al., 2000). The highest net return was obtained under hydroponic treatments, indicating that the HPS was more profitable compared with SBS. ...
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Introduction Due to the shortage of land and water resource, optimization of systems for production in commercial greenhouses is essential for sustainable vegetable supply. The performance of lettuce productivity and the economic benefit in greenhouses using a soil-based system (SBS) and a hydroponic production system (HPS) were compared in this study. Methods Experiments were conducted in two identical greenhouses over two growth cycles (G1 and G2). Three treatments of irrigation volumes (S1, S2, and S3) were evaluated for SBS while three treatments of nutrient solution concentration (H1, H2, and H3) were evaluated for HPS; the optimal levels from each system were then compared. Results and discussion HPS was more sensitive to the effects of environmental temperature than SBS because of higher soil buffer capacity. Compared with SBS, higher yield (more than 134%) and higher water productivity (more than 50%) were observed in HPS. We detected significant increases in ascorbic acid by 28.31% and 16.67% and in soluble sugar by 57.84% and 32.23% during G1 and G2, respectively, compared with SBS. However, nitrate accumulated in HPS-grown lettuce. When the nutrient solution was replaced with fresh water 3 days before harvest, the excess nitrate content of harvested lettuce in HPS was removed. The initial investment and total operating cost in HPS were 21.76 times and 47.09% higher than those in SBS, respectively. Consideration of agronomic, quality, and economic indicators showed an overall optimal performance of the H2 treatment. These findings indicated that, in spite of its higher initial investment and requirement of advanced technology and management, HPS was more profitable than SBS for commercial lettuce production.
... It has investigated the economic value of cultivating gerbera in soilless culture compared to soil cultivation under greenhouse condition (Grafiadellis et al., 2000). They found that soilless culture systems was more profitable compared to soil culture, particularly the plastic bag system using perlite media. ...
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To maximize Gerbera production and avoid the different problems of soil, water shortage and climate change impacts, substrate culture performed an efficient technique for producing Gerbera flowers sustainability under greenhouse conditions. The investigation was conducted at the Central Laboratory for Agriculture Climate (CLAC), Agriculture Research Center, Egypt under greenhouse conditions during two cultivated winter seasons of 2020/2021 and 2021/2022. The smart system used for monitoring the micro-climate and environmental conditions for providing smart farming management system. The study investigating the effect and potentiality of different substrates peat moss : perlite (P:P 1:1 v/v) in different system (bags (40 and 30 L, pots (10 and 7.5 L) and container) compared to coco peat bags (CP) and rock wool bags (RW) with two densities (70 and 100) on Gerbera production. Micro-climate records (air temperature, and relative humidity) and environmental detections (substrate moisture, and EC and level of nutrient solution tanks) were sensing by different sensors to provide smart monitoring and alarm system for different substrate types and systems. The vegetative characteristics and yield parameters as well as bio chemical and chemical analysis were recorded. The revealed results indicated that peat moss : perlite substrate had the highest significant values of vegetative characteristics and yield parameters of Gerbera compared to other substrates. Also, increasing the substrate volume or density led to an increase in the vegetative characteristics and yield parameters of Gerbera. Container P: P followed by bags P: P followed by Pots P: P 10 gave the highest significant results of the vegetative characteristics, yield parameters and bio chemical and chemical analysis of gerbera while the lowest values recorded by bags RW followed by bags CP. The economic impact assessment promoted strongly the implement of Pots P: P 10 followed by Container P: P which presented the highest net profit of Gerbera production that matched the study recommendation.
... Recently, there are observed trends that traditionally grown in-field crops, such as small fruit, fruit trees, and vegetables, are shifting to soilless production methods similar to that of floriculture and nursery crops (Fields, Owen, Lamm, et al., 2021). This shift will continue to occur due to producers striving to improve their sustainability (Barrett et al., 2016) with regard to resource inputs (i.e., water and mineral nutrient; Bayer et al., 2015) and profitability (Grafiadellis et al., 2000). Moreover, as arable land availability continues to decrease and urbanization increases, the need to combat food deserts and produce crops more locally will be important factors for the future of agricultural crop production (Blok et al., 2021). ...
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The specialty crop industry requires copious amounts of water to meet production needs; however, current substrates are highly porous to mitigate risks and are subsequently inefficient with regard to water use. Therefore, more sustainable soilless substrates are needed to ensure the future success/profitability of the horticultural industry, especially as finite fresh water sources become limiting. Substrate stratification (i.e., vertically layering unique substrates atop one another) provides opportunities to augment an existing system by maintaining substrate porosity, while strategically redistributing the air‐ and water‐filled pores, retaining more water when applied, and controlling vertical water distribution. The aim of this research was to further understand the complex stratified systems of hydraulics. Herein, the hydraulic properties of individual substrate components were measured and modeled using HYDRUS 1 d. Furthermore, matric tensions and volumetric water content (VWC) were measured continuously under two different irrigation schedules (single [1×] and cyclic applications [3×]) for 15 days with a fully established Dianthus barbatus ‘Amazon Neon Purple’ crop. The results showed that screened bark particles have more pore homogeneity assessed by steep declines in VWC with small changes in water potential. Moreover, HYDRUS 1 d modeling demonstrated that stratified substrates have more uniform hydraulic gradients (difference in moisture content from the top to the bottom of the substrate profile; 21%) present in the container profile when compared to non‐stratified systems (45%). Non‐stratified upper layers experienced greater diurnal tension fluctuations under single irrigation than in cyclic applications. Stratifying substrates resulted in a significant reduction in these fluctuations in the top layer when compared to non‐stratified systems. Additionally, when both substrate (stratifying) and irrigation (cyclic) management strategies are implemented, tension fluctuations can be even further reduced, and hydraulic gradients become more uniform due to improved moisture infiltration and distribution.
... These media are known as substrate, soilless medium, growth medium, or growing medium (hereafter, GM [8]). Compared with bareroot plant production, container cultivation using GM can be more cost-effective [9] and efficient depending on location and available resources. Container production shortens the production cycle, enhances plant quality, extends the outplanting period, and improves seedling field performance, especially under harsh site conditions [7,10]. ...
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Purpose of Review The demand for forest tree seedlings is increasing globally, and Sphagnum peat moss is widely used as a component of growing media for container plant production. However, peat extraction is environmentally unsustainable. The forest nursery sector needs to switch to more sustainable alternatives to peat. This review aims to identify potential substitutes for peat by reviewing the worldwide literature on alternative materials for growing media in forest nurseries. Recent Findings Most studies on alternative growing media focused on single plant species growing under local conditions, thereby limiting generalizations about the effectiveness of alternative materials for plant production. To our knowledge, no systematic reviews of scientific literature on the effectiveness of new, alternative-to-peat materials for enhancing plant growth and the associated growing media characteristics for the forest nursery sector are currently available. Summary Most of the analyzed case studies focused on angiosperms (73.1%), with the majority of studies coming from tropical seasonal forests/savannas (36.5%), followed by woodlands/shrublands (31.6%), and temperate forests (15.0%) biomes. Compost was the most studied material (19.5%), followed by bark, other organic materials, and manure (9.8, 9.7, and 8.0%, respectively). Green and municipal wastes were the principal sources of compost (> 60%), while agriculture and green wastes were the first sources of other materials (> 90%). Tested materials were dependent on the geographic region. Thus, manure was the most tested material in Africa and South America, tree bark in North America, and compost in Europe, Asia, and Oceania. Alternative materials effectively provided optimal physicochemical characteristics of growing media and enhanced seedling nursery growth when compared with peat-based growing media in more than 60% of the case studies. This review helps to identify research gaps and, most importantly, provides the basis for the future application of alternative growing media materials in forest nursery management worldwide.
... In recent years, the soilless growing media (without soil as a rooting medium) are used for raising the seedlings in trays or containers under protected environments (Savvas et al. 2013). Soilless growing media is a more cost-effective substitute compared with soil growing media (Grafiadellis et al. 2000). It also uses less water and nutrients, resulting in larger yields from fewer sections of the field (Van Os 1999). ...
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Soil organic growing media for mat-type paddy seedling cultivation is considered the best option in the country for its capacity to help proficient and concentrated paddy plant production rapidly and uniformly. The primary goal of this review is to describe an examination of the effects of soil organic growing media on paddy seedling growth, development, quality, and quantity in mat-type paddy nurseries. According to a review of the research, paddy yield is higher for plants grown in multiple growing media than for plants grown in soil alone. Until relatively recently, the fundamental intention in choosing the growing materials in the growing media depended on performance and monetary opinions. Expanding dread over the ecological effects to evaluate more environmentally seedling growth materials. It is critical to recognize emphatic and environmentally sustainable growing materials for paddy seedling growing media in order to ensure sustained growth and development of soil organic cultivation. In this review, we describe the factors that influence the selection of growing media and remark on the most often employed soil organic elements in relation to them. We explain some of the renewable, elementary, and waste materials that have been investigated thus far, emphasizing their benefits and defiance. We explain a confirmation-based logic for a more compatible perspective to characterizing growing media and for a refiner discerning the practical and economic tangibility of modern soil organic growing media cultivation system for mat-type paddy seedling nurseries in response to the need for researchers to recognize promising new growing materials.
Soilless cultivation largely supports specialty crop production systems, where field-grown fruit and vegetable crops continue to transition to containerized production techniques. These soilless systems mostly utilize porous soilless substrates to maintain an optimal balance of air and water, and retain mineral nutrients needed for crop production. Unlike in field production, where roots have the opportunity to explore the vast soil profile, 100% of the container-grown rhizosphere is restricted to the container volume. Therefore, containerized crop roots are subjected to different environmental conditions and growers employ different production management decisions, which are primarily designed to support yield (fruit, flowers, and vegetables) and foliage productivity. However, plant root health and quality can have direct influences on crop development, growth, and overall plant performance. Thus, root growth, while not always a priority, continues to be an important consideration in horticultural research. Growing scientific evidence continues to expand our understanding of how substrate characteristics impact root growth and development, particularly with container-grown roots. As soilless substrate science continues to evolve, it is important to identify not only optimal growing media for specialty crop production, but also substrate impact on root growth and development. Several soilless materials are used in these production systems to attain desired hydraulic and chemical characteristics, which can modify root growth and performance. Accordingly, this paper will serve as a review which explores root responses to soilless cultivation systems and substrate-root interactions.
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Antibiotic resistance in staphylococcal strains and its impact on public health and agriculture are global problems. The development of new anti-staphylococcal agents is an effective strategy for addressing the increasing incidence of bacterial resistance. In this study, ethanolic extracts of Cannabis sativa L. made from plant parts harvested during the whole vegetation cycle under various nutritional treatments were assessed for in vitro anti-staphylococcal effects. The results showed that all the cannabis extracts tested exhibited a certain degree of growth inhibition against bacterial strains of Staphylococcus aureus, including antibiotic-resistant and antibiotic-sensitive forms. The highest antibacterial activity of the extracts was observed from the 5th to the 13th week of plant growth across all the nutritional treatments tested, with minimum inhibitory concentrations ranging from 32 to 64 µg/mL. Using HPLC, Δ⁹-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) was identified as the most abundant cannabinoid in the ethanolic extracts. A homolog of THCA, tetrahydrocannabivarinic acid (THCVA), reduced bacterial growth by 74%. These findings suggest that the cannabis extracts tested in this study can be used for the development of new anti-staphylococcal compounds with improved efficacy.
This paper reviews the theoretical and empirical literature on the adoption of agricultural innovations during the last decade and the impact of policy interventions promoting technology adoption. The analysis of the final stage of the Green Revolution technology diffusion cycle reveals that the agroclimatic environment is the most significant determinant of locational differences in adoption rates. The linkage between micro-adoption and the aggregate diffusion process needs to be more firmly established to achieve a clearer understanding of diffusion patterns. Several studies showed that the impact of policy interventions to promote technology adoption depends on the type of technology, market structure, and the nature and duration of the policy intervention.
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Estimated Fig. 1. The effects of a change in discount rate and product price on net present value (NPV) of gerbera grown on 0.1 ha. costs and returns for catfish farms with recirculating ponds along the upper Texas coast
  • J A D Lambregts
  • W L Griffin
  • R D Lacewell
  • J T Davis
  • G M Clary
Lambregts, J.A.D., W.L. Griffin, R.D. Lacewell, J.T. Davis, and G.M. Clary. 1993. Estimated Fig. 1. The effects of a change in discount rate and product price on net present value (NPV) of gerbera grown on 0.1 ha. costs and returns for catfish farms with recirculating ponds along the upper Texas coast. J. Agr.