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The rise and decline of the Early Bronze Age settlement Fidvár near Vráble, Slovakia

KIEL archaeology
Collapse or Continuity ?
Environment and Development
of Bronze Age Human Landscapes
edited by
Jutta Kneisel, Wiebke Kirleis, Marta Dal Corso,
Nicole Taylor and Verena Tiedtke
J B, A B, J G, M I, K R,
P T and K W
The Rise and Decline of the Early Bronze Age Settlement
Fidvár near Vráble, Slovakia
zur prähistorischen Archäologie
Band 205
Aus der Graduiertenschule
“Human Development in Landscapes”
der Universität Kiel
Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, Bonn
Collapse or Continuity ?
Environment and Development
of Bronze Age Human Landscapes
Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, Bonn
Proceedings of the International Workshop
“Socio-Environmental Dynamics over the Last 12,000 Years:
The Creation of Landscapes II (14
March 2011)” in Kiel
Volume 1
edited by
Jutta Kneisel, Wiebke Kirleis, Marta Dal Corso,
Nicole Taylor and Verena Tiedtke
Gedruckt mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
ISBN 978-3-7749-3763-5
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie.
Detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über <> abrufbar.
Umschlagfoto: Jutta Kneisel, Bruszczewo
Umschlaggestaltung: Holger Dieterich, Kiel
Layout und Satz:
2012 Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, Bonn
Redaktion: Joachim von Freeden, Frankfurt a. M.
Englisches Korrektorat: Giles Shephard, Berlin
9 Preface
10 The Kiel Graduate School “Human Development in Landscapes”
13 Foreword
17 
Palaeoprecipitation Trends and Cultural Changes in Syrian Protohisto-
C in Ancient and Modern Vege -
35 
Bronze Age Landscape and Resilience: 4,000 Years of Tradition?
55 and
Resistances to the 12
Century  Crisis in the Veneto Region: the Case
Studies of Fondo Paviani and Montebello Vicentino
71 and
Environmental Changes and Human Impact during the Bronze Age in
Northern Italy: On-site Palynological Investigation at Fondo Paviani, Ve-
85 
When the Going Gets Tough…? Climatic or Cultural Influences for the
LBA Abandonment of Circum-Alpine Lake-Dwellings
103 
Ore Exploitation and Settlement Dynamics during the Late Bronze Age in
Central Bosnia
111 -
The Rise and Decline of the Early Bronze Age Settlement Fidvár near
Vráble, Slovakia
133 and
The Bronze Age Settlement Chamber on the Hill Heeseberg, Lower
Urn Culture
153 
Hoard Find Places in the Context of Climatic and Environmental Changes
171 
Final Neolithic to Early Iron Age Settlement Stratigraphy at Altgaul,
Brandenburg. A Preliminary Report
185 
Burnt Village Buried under Blown Sand at the Beginning of Urn Field Pe-
riod in Potsdam, Brandenburg
197 and
The Chief and his Poor Ancestors – Middle Bronze Age Burials under an
Early Younger Bronze Age Grave Mound at Brieselang, Brandenburg
201 
To Be Continued – a Long Term Cemetery in Müllrose, Brandenburg
209 
The Problem of the Middle Bronze Age Inception in Northeast Europe –
235 and
The Tumulus Culture Burial Mounds in Southwestern Poland. Construc-
tion of the Barrows and their Place in the Landscape
257 
267  and 
  
Development of Bronze Age Human Landscapes
111J. Bátora et al., The Rise and Decline of the Early Bronze Age Settlement Fidvár near Vráble
The Rise and Decline of the Early Bronze Age Settlement
Fidvár near Vráble, Slovakia
Jozef Bátora, Anja Behrens, Julia Gresky, Mariya Ivanova, Knut Rassmann,
Peter Tóth and Kay Winkelmann
In 2007 a Slovakian-German research project under
the leadership of the Archaeological Institute of the
Slovak Academy of Sciences started field work on
the fortified settlement of Fidvár near Vráble in the
southwestern part of Slovakia. The interdisciplinary
project is focusing on the genesis of the fortified set-
tlement in the context of its surrounding archaeo-
logical landscape. Key questions are the role of early
metallurgy, the impact of this proto-urban centre on
the environment and the reasons for its formation
and decline.
The first data of the archaeological fieldwork, in-
cluding large-scale geomagnetic prospections, sys-
tematic field surveys, soil drilling and chemical anal-
ysis, and test trenches allow us to outline the genesis
of the settlement. In the first stage at the beginning
of the Early Bronze Age a small settlement was forti-
fied by bank and ditch. In the following stage in the
largest settlements in the Pannonian Basin. Later in
took place and marks the final stage.
hillfort near Rybník is situated in the Gran valley
(2008). Our archaeological field-
work at this site revealed clear differences to Fidvár
concerning the size of settlement, spatial organisa-
tion, life cycle and function. Above all it hints at the
diversity of fortified settlements in the Early Bronze
Age, an aspect which should receive more consid-
eration than previously thought.
Placement and location
The fortified settlement is situated in the Fidvár
fields near Vráble in southwestern Slovakia. The
surrounding landscape features large areas with
fertile loess soil and the neighbouring mountains
are rich in copper, gold and tin deposits (
et al. in print). Fidvár is part of a chain of fortified
settlements surrounding the southern border of the
between central and southeastern Europe in differ-
        
Bronze Age. The fortified settlement of Vráble is situ-
        
In: J. Kneisel / W. Kirleis / M. Dal Corso / N. Taylor / V. Tiedtke, Collapse or Continuity? Envi-
ronment and Development of Bronze Age Human Landscapes [Proceedings of the Interna-
tional Workshop “Socio‐Environmental Dynamics over the Last 12,000 Years: The Creation
of Landscapes II (14
– 18
March 2011)” in Kiel] (Bonn 2012) 111 130.
112 
ent periods in prehistoric and medieval times (
   
form a border zone while in contrast to this the Dan-
        
State of research
cal Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, car-
ried out first excavations in Fidvár (1986). A
tlement yielded a rich sample of archaeological finds
         
Early Bronze Age settlement as well as the young-
by I. Kuzma by aerial photography ten years ago
ering only the inner ditch (B). Regarding this prere-
quisite he underestimated the real size and classified
Fidvár as a medium-sized settlement.
In 2007 archaeological fieldwork lead by J. Bá-
tora started. Large-scale geomagnetic prospections
gie GmbH with a vehicle-towed multi-channel sys-
tem delivered groundbreaking results. Behind the
ditches the prospections revealed settlement areas
detailed house and settlement structures. The excel-
lent results stimulated an interdisciplinary project
with geographers from the University of Heidel-
    
     -
mission of the German Archaeological Institute and
the Bergbaumuseum Bochum to explore the changes
in the settlement Fidvár and the surrounding land-
lurgy for sociocultural changes in the Early Bronze
    
meters magnetometer array mounted on a vehi-
cle-drawn cart. The sensors were set at a spacing
          
Trench 22
Trench 24
Trench 23
Trench 20
Trench 4
Trench 11
Trench 21
Tocik 1967
5344500m 5345000m
Ditch A
Area A
Area B
Area C
Ditch B
Ditch C
Area D
34299500m 34300000m
J. Bátora et al., The Rise and Decline of the Early Bronze Age Settlement Fidvár near Vráble
 
J. Bátora et al., The Rise and Decline of the Early Bronze Age Settlement Fidvár near Vráble
a sample rate of 20 readings a second. An integral
RTK-DGPS system provided real-time locational
data. In 2009 and 2010 the prospections were contin-
ued with a 16-channel array. Both systems enable us
to prospect the settlement and its surroundings. The
AMOS multi-channel time-domain electro-magnetic
pulse induction (metal detector) system.
       
anomalies within the survey area. Highly visible are
a series of anomalies of the Early Bronze Age set-
merous rectangular anomalies with a size of around
ment area is dotted with circular anomalies. In the
southeastern part of the settlement are clusters of
anomalies which could be interpreted as storage pits
remains of an Early Bonze Age cemetery were re-
vealed. The anomalies indicate shafts of grave rob-
Despite the fact that the geomagnetic prospection
revealed easily identifiable structures, there still re-
main numerous objects which it has not been pos-
sible to classify. It should also be kept in mind that
and the anomalies are not contemporary but instead
represent different phases of the settlement.
116 
The geomagnetic prospection revealed further
earthworks of the Linear Pottery culture with nu-
merous traces of houses and extended ditches of
two Roman march camps probably dating from the
Surface survey and auger drillings
Surface finds, mainly sherds, are distributed over
the whole settlement area. After a large-scale sur-
vey in 2007 (   
2010) three house areas were examined in smaller
prospections. The surface finds were collected in
of ceramics shows a higher density outside the hous-
vation results on other tell settlements (
spite the intensive agriculture in this area in the last
decades, the distribution of surface finds correlates
clearly with archaeological features in the ground,
and demonstrates the high potential of surface finds
can use these data to localise workshop areas as well
as those for metal working by mapping surface find-
ings of tuyères (clay nozzles), cushion stones or other
tools for metal working.
The investigation of a large settlement with more
tional excavation programs. Geomagnetic prospec-
tion and surface collection are efficient methods of
revealing fundamental structures of a settlement,
like the fortification system, house areas and burial
sites, but there are limitations in their spatial, chron-
ological and functional resolution. What is needed is
cal analysis of soil samples, especially concerning
phosphor concentrations, deliver important insights
and have been used for some decades, but are limit-
ed by the high costs of extensive analysis programs.
      
opens the way to analyse a large number of samples
in a cost-efficient workflow and creates new oppor-
tunities for large-scale settlement investigations. To
evaluate the potential of this method and the poten-
the prospection area 1 in 2010 with an auger pro-
gram to obtain a representative soil sample set. On
set for the interpolation of a phosphor profile. In the
remaining area, soil samples were taken from differ-
117J. Bátora et al., The Rise and Decline of the Early Bronze Age Settlement Fidvár near Vráble
auger cores were lost in the drilling process.
The accuracy was examined by standards and
with more than 100 comparative laboratory analy-
ses. This research by Roland Gauss has been a clear
confirmation of the high accuracy of phosphorus
The interpolation of phosphorus in the area indi-
cates an accumulation outside the houses, a tendency
similar to the ceramic distribution. This pattern can
be explained by the disposal of garbage and faeces in
trates the potential of these non-destructive methods
to deliver robust data.
Settlement excavations
Excavations in the settlement area A
At the beginning of the fieldwork in 2008 the course
of ditch A was unclear, as was the question whether
some wall and settlement traces on the edge of the
terrace had been preserved. Since vegetation cover
and terrain did not allow for geomagnetic map-
ping, drillings were carried out to fix a trench posi-
in steps since the aim was to document a complete
and meaningful profile in a proper workable way.
analysed with a special focus on the ceramic finds
within the framework of a diploma thesis (
The following features could be documented
Holocene occupation layer follows a dark brown-
      -
sponds to the  
        
trench three settlement layers lie upon each other,
which lay open only in a small part and did not
contain any finds for cultural classification. These
features are overlaid by two inclining layers of yel-
lowish colour containing little find material. The lay-
ers represent residues of the destroyed rampart of
fortification A, which was erected at the beginning
of the Early Bronze Age. Above that was a thin, grey
       
strongly mixed colluvial layers with predominant
In summary, it is possible to correlate the docu-
   1986). The detection of the
rampart from the fortification A is the main result of
this excavation area.
        
southeast and also at the edge of the slope (extent:
fortification system A next to the wall, which had not
possibility of preserved layers from the inner settle-
presumably a colluvium, was a layer containing
grey ash. According to rich ceramic finds it can be
contacts to the southern Danube region.
Underneath follow more ash-containing strata of
different thickness, which lay inclining from west
to east. They generate the filling material of ditch
the ditch a comprehensive number of finds was re-
trieved, representing mainly ceramics from the Hat-
        -
count that these filling layers represent a phase of
settlement activities in which fortification A was no
longer in use. These objects can be used as a termi-
nus ante quem for the fortification A. With the south-
ern profile two postholes were cut, which give hints
about the construction. Posthole A marks the front
and by this the transition to ditch A. The sandy ho-
mogeneous rampart layers at the bottom of the ditch
imply the destruction of the fortification.
To interpret the documented features the follow-
ing results can be quoted. Ditch A was already rec-
able to record the outer part, the newest excavation
recognised the inner one, so a reconstruction of the
whole bank is given. Altogether it shows that for-
tification A comprises a simple ditch-rampart con-
struction such as commonly known from the Hatvan
  2008). But until recently clear
       
remained open. The ceramics with typological fea-
the lowest layers of ditch A, indicate an enlargement
of the settlement and filling of the ditch in the time
    -
118 
construct the course of the rampart and ditch. The
examinations showed that the inner settlement
area was for the most part destroyed by erosion.
But assuming that the shape of this oldest settle-
ment part was at least semicircular, which seems
logical by comparing it with other Hatvan sites,
   
Excavations in the settlement area B and D
B in the central part of the site in order to investigate
a conspicuous circular and relatively strong positive
geomagnetic anomaly and to obtain stratigraphic
observations from the inner part of the settlement.
North Pannonian Culture
Mad’arovce Culture
Únětice Culture
Hatvan Culture
Kosihy-Čaka Culture
119J. Bátora et al., The Rise and Decline of the Early Bronze Age Settlement Fidvár near Vráble
Ùnetice CultureHatvan Culture
Kosihy-Čaka Culture
Mad´arovce Culture
Únětice Culture
120 
The earliest stratigraphic feature in this trench was
At the bottom of the pit was deposited a layer of
burned material including the fired fragments of a
clay structure, pottery sherds, large animal bones
and a loom weight. This burned material corre-
sponds exactly to the above mentioned geomag-
netic anomaly. The upper part of this pit was filled
with dark brown soil containing pottery sherds,
large pieces of charcoal, fragments of burned daub,
ashes and animal bones. The ceramic material from
brown soil with finds from the same chronological
period was superimposed over the pit. The next ma-
jor stratigraphic unit was a thin grey layer disturbed
by a large and deep cut. The cut was filled with a
loose stratum of clay, pottery and animal bones. A
black layer of soot, charred grains and wood was
deposited above the filled cut and covered by a ho-
mogeneous yellow-grey stratum devoid of finds,
which possibly represents a house floor. Finds from
the latter three features belong to the Hatvan period.
The youngest stratigraphic unit in this trench was
a very large pit filled with house debris and rub-
      
The stratigraphic sequence in trench 20 corresponds
well with the results of the excavations in 1967 in
the north periphery of the site. Above the bedrock,
       -
ture. The absence of a substantial stratum with finds
of the Mad’arovce period in trench 20 suggests that
this part of the site was affected by erosion. But ac-
thickness has to be assumed, which indicates that
this area represents the youngest phase of the settle-
Interpretation of geomagnetic anomalies
in area D
   
with groups or clusters of oval pit-like features. One
trench 21. The excavations uncovered a large pit
bones and, in its lowest part, charred cereal grains.
Pits with a bell-shaped cross-section are common
at Early Bronze Age fortified sites in southern central
Europe and are usually interpreted as storage facili-
ties. The amount of find material in the upper part of
the feature implies a final use as a rubbish pit. This
excavation result indicates that the numerous oval
features in the geomagnetic map can be interpreted
as storage pits, which cluster near groups of houses.
It shows a common use of storage economy in so-
ceramic finds date the pit to the late Hatvan period.
Excavations in the cemetery area
In the southern periphery of the settlement, numer-
ous circular, weakly positive anomalies show up in
the geomagnetic map. Although similar in shape
to the geomagnetic anomalies of storage pits (see
above), the amplitude of these features was ob-
served to be much weaker. In 2009 and 2010 three
trenches were excavated and uncovered two graves
with shafts of Early Bronze Age grave robbers.
Trench 22 contained the grave of an adult male in-
dividual (B), which was severely damaged by a rob-
bra and the lower limbs were found displaced and
Trench 20, west profile.
121J. Bátora et al., The Rise and Decline of the Early Bronze Age Settlement Fidvár near Vráble
122 
J. Bátora et al., The Rise and Decline of the Early Bronze Age Settlement Fidvár near Vráble
disjointed. This observation suggests that the grave
place and that the robbers aimed at the upper part
of the body of the deceased, where objects of value
were most likely to be found. A soil layer with a high
content of humus in the lower part of the robber’s
pit shows that the damaged grave remained open
for an extended period of time. After this episode of
natural deposition of soil, human bones lying on the
surface near the grave were collected and deposited
into the pit. Together with skeletal parts of the male
individual buried in the grave, bones of another
adult, a female, came into the fill (individual A).
Anthropological examinations on the skeletal re-
mains of individual B by Julia Gresky (DAI) iden-
old adult
on the left teeth of the lower jaw where two molars
were already fallen out. High abrasion indicates
a great strain of the masticatory apparatus due to
special composition of the food or possibly due to
work with teeth or malposition of the jaw. Since
the upper jaw is missing a further interpretation is
the lower extremities,
strains of the Achilles’ tendon as well as the ten-
dons of the upper ankle joint, the metatarsal bones
and toes can be determined. Additionally, arthrosis
of the metatarsal bones and phalanges was visible.
It provides evidence that individual B strained his
feet excessively, probably by walking a lot. He also
had strong shoulder and arm muscles, which were
more pronounced on the right side and show signs
of overloading. Altogether, during his lifetime in-
dividual B was physically active, but had no really
severe damages of his skeleton, only the “everyday
life” problems like strain of tendons, fracture of a
rib and slight Arthrosis. Except for a short period of
malnutrition from his third to fifth year of age, the
dental chart of individual B indicates a good diet. As
in most archaeological skeletons, the cause of death
cannot be reconstructed.
       
After the removal of the topsoil two intersecting
robber’s shafts became visible. The upper parts of
both pits contained small fragments of human bone
(adult and Infans I), while the lower layers of the pit
fills were sterile. The earlier shaft damaged the pel-
vis and the lower limbs -
ably female skeleton. Since the bottom of this shaft
contained displaced but anatomically jointed bones
it must have been dug shortly after the burial. The
second and later pit destroyed the upper part of the
skeleton. On its bottom lay numerous mixed human
bones. The fill contained only a few scattered frag-
 
Sector CH 1Sector CH 2Sector CH 3
34299807 809 811 813 815 817 819 821 34299823
< 2000
Ap horizon
Phosphorus concentration in ditch C and the area behind it
Prole of ditch B (T
OČIK 1986).
Reconstruction of ditch A (T
OČIK 1986 and BEHRENS 2010).
Žitava slope
Žitava slope
Žitava slope
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
approx. 0,3 ha
approx. 3,6 ha
(inner settlement)
approx. 10,6 ha
(including outer
settlement area)
approx. 1 ha
0.3 ha
3.6 ha
10.6 ha
J. Bátora et al., The Rise and Decline of the Early Bronze Age Settlement Fidvár near Vráble
ments of human bones and, in its upper part, a frag-
ment of a bronze spiral ring and several uncharacter-
istic pottery sherds.
the Bronze Age graves at Vráble were filled with
compact strata of sterile yellow loess. Grave fill
and surrounding sediments are virtually identical.
Therefore, burial pits cannot account for the weakly
positive, circular anomalies identified during the
geomagnetic survey. The robbers’ pits, however,
contained mainly dark layers of topsoil and were
apparently filled in the process of natural sedimen-
tation. The contrast between the compact loess fill
of the original grave and the loose soil strata in the
later robbers’ shafts provides an explanation for
the clearly visible features on the geomagnetic im-
age. The results of the test excavations in trenches
the geomagnetic anomalies south of the settlement
site and support the hypothesis that the Bronze Age
settlement at Vráble was associated with an exten-
sive cemetery. The robbing of the graves took place
approximately up to 20 years after the burial, prob-
ably at a time when the settlement was already aban-
doned (cf. 1999).
The chronology of Fidvár near Vráble
The small-scale excavations of the last years in com-
extensive prospections with non-destructive meth-
ods provide information for outlining the genesis of
Before occupation in the Early Bronze Age started,
the site at Fidvár was already populated during the
period, the settlement seemed to be restricted to a
small area in the centre. At the beginning of the Early
Bronze Age the settlement was established and the
inner fortification A, a ditch-rampart construction,
was built. The fortified area covered approximately
most cultural layers have been destroyed.
In the second settlement phase an enlargement
of the settlement took place and a rampart with the
The excavations in trench 11 imply that during the
second settlement phase the rampart declined and
ditch A was refilled, as layers with ceramics of the
by drilling programs and soil chemistry. There are
with settlement garbage. Thanks to geomagnetic
prospections an expansion of the settlement beyond
clear if a further fortification existed to protect this
area. In the outer part of the settlement some ceram-
ment in this time.
In the third phase the settlement decreased and
was enclosed by a strong fortification (ditch B). Ar-
guments for dating this phase to the end of the Early
Bronze Age are the concentration of ceramics of the
trench 20.
revealed, ditch B yields a small amount of settlement
finds and was very likely gradually refilled naturally
by erosion. There are indications that the decline of
rampart B and the refilling of ditch B happened after
the abandonment of the settlement in the time of the
There are some indications that the changes on the
settlement at Fidvár correlate with different settle-
ment patterns in the surrounding landscape. The
by a dispersed, non-hierarchical settlement pattern.
In this period the settlement in Fidvár was relatively
ment was enlarged to its maximum. Remarkably,
other settlements are unknown in this period in the
This pattern contrasts with the landscape at the
end of the Early Bronze Age, where again a dis-
persed settlement pattern can be observed. During
The concentration of population on one site, the
development of a large settlement and its decline at
the end of the Early Bronze Age accompanied by a
dispersed settlement pattern can be observed in oth-
er regions in Mošorin in the Vojvodina, in eastern
Hungary and in the Bento valleys in western Hun-
       
valley indicate a common phenomenon with similar
causes in these four regions (-
126 
Our fieldwork on the fortified settlements at Fid-
vár near Vrable in the southwestern part of Slova-
kia gives initial insights into the rise and decline of
an Early Bronze Age settlement. The first results of
the prospection and the small-scale excavations al-
low the settlement changes to be outlined. The re-
sults illustrate the potential of the site Fidvár and the
and cultural change in Early Bronze Age societies,
the role of bronze metallurgy and the human impact.
The ongoing research is embedded in an interdisci-
plinary project, funded since 2010 by the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and the VEGA
On the agenda for upcoming research are excava-
tions of different house areas in the settlement and
       
and in the mountains to detect traces of mining fea-
tures and extended pedeological and palaeobotani-
cal investigations.
127J. Bátora et al., The Rise and Decline of the Early Bronze Age Settlement Fidvár near Vráble
    
Vráble is situated in southwestern Slovakia. The
surrounding landscape is rich in resources and has
large areas with fertile loess soil as well as copper,
gold and tin deposits in the neighbouring moun-
tains. Fidvár is part of a chain of fortified settlements
surrounding the southern border of the northwest-
      -
terface between central and southeastern Europe in
different periods in prehistoric and medieval times.
Since 2007 the settlement has been the subject of re-
search by a common project of the Slovak Academy
     
Archaeological Institute of the University of Hei-
     
    -
seum Bochum. The interdisciplinary project is focus-
ing on the genesis of the fortified settlement in the
context of its surrounding archaeological landscape.
Key questions are the role of early metallurgy, the
impact of this proto-urban centre on the environ-
ment and the reasons for its formation and decline.
Large-scale geophysical prospection, field survey-
ing, auger programs, chemical analysis of soils, and
test trenches enable us to outline the genesis of the
settlement. In the first stage at the beginning of the
Early Bronze Age a small settlement was fortified by
bank and ditch. In the following stage in the period
est settlements in the Pannonian Basin. Later in the
      
took place and marks the final stage. The first re-
sults illustrate the potential of the site Fidvár and the
and cultural change in Early Bronze Age societies,
the role of bronze metallurgy and the human impact.
The ongoing research is embedded in an interdisci-
plinary project, funded since 2010 by the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and the VEGA
  
umgebende Landschaft ist reich an Ressourcen wie
fruchtbare Böden und bedeutende Kupfer-, Gold-
Fidvár ist Teil einer Kette von befestigten Siedlun-
markieren. Die Region um Fidvár ist in der Vor- und
die Siedlung im Rahmen eines Forschungsvorha-
schen Akademie der Wissenschaften, die Römisch-
Germanische Kommission, das Geographische
das Bergbaumuseum Bochum untersucht. Im Zen-
  -
Aufbauend auf den bisherigen Untersuchungen wie
ausgedehnte geophysikalische Untersuchungen,
  -
chemische Untersuchungen und Testausgrabungen
können wir die Geschichte der Siedlung umreißen.
Den Anfang markiert eine kleine befestigte Siedlung
Hatvan-Aunjetitzer Kultur zu einer der größten be-
festigten Siedlungen im Karpatenbecken wandelt. In
Kultur ist wiederum eine Verkleinerung der Sied-
lung zu beobachten, die zugleich das Endstadium
bildet. Die ersten Ergebnisse illustrieren das Poten-
      
die Erforschung des sozio-ökonomischen und kul-
    -
Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen. Das Vorhaben wird
seit 2010 durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemein-
schaft (DFG) und die VEGA Scientific Grant Agency
128 
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I.       
    
     
(Horn 1999).
, 
povrchovných zberov a prieskumov na lokalite Vráble-
     
Bratislave 2010).
   
 1986
 2000
     
     -
 
, Spišsky Štvrtok, opvnene osada otomanskej
      -
Jozef Bátora
Peter Tóth
Archaeological Institute SAS
Akademická 2
Anja Behrens
Mariya Ivanova
Knut Rassmann
of the German Archaeological Institute
Julia Gresky
Scientific Department
of the German Archaeological Institute
Kay Winkelmann
 
... Fig. 107: Area of geophysical survey in Ivanovce on data from ALS. zisko zachované v oveľa väčšom rozsahu. Archeologický výskum tu potvrdil, že namerané objekty sú obydliami a že sú naozaj radené vedľa seba, pričom medzi nimi sa nachádzali uličky a komunikačné línie (Bátora et al. 2012). Rovnaké usporiadanie sa na základe získaných údajov z magnetometrie ukazuje aj na Skale v Ivanovciach, teda by mohlo ísť o podobnú zástavbu. ...
... 183) špecifikum z hľadiska typu samotného náleziska, ale aj kvôli primárne použitej metóde georadaru. Opátstvo Preblahoslavenej Panny Márie v Spišskom Štiavniku je jedným z dvoch doložených cistercitských kláštorov na Slovensku (druhý je ženský kláštor v Bratislave) (Slivka 1991;Tirpák 1993;Kopták 2011;2012;2014;Pomfyová 2015). Cieľom geofyzikálnych meraní bolo zachytiť celkovú dispozíciu kláštorného komplexu a jeho hospodárskeho zázemia. ...
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Title: The Archaeology of the Invisible: Cases of Non-Destructive Research in Archaeology *The book is in Slovak with English localized figures and summary The title of publication – Archaeology of the Invisible – refers to the fact that many archaeological sites are hidden under the surface and they are invisible for common sight. The sites – usually looking like fields or hills, are in fact important sites from Prehistory, Protohistory or Middle Ages. However, using the appropriate methods, it is possible to obtain new data and to show archaeological features and situations in a whole extent. Therefore, the subtitle of the monograph is Case Studies of Non-destructive Research in Archaeology referring to geophysical survey and long distance survey (Aerial Laser Scanning, orthophoto and other maps) as the main methods used for work. Results from the surveys are important for further scientific work and for cultural heritage management. Purpose of the publication is to share our data with other researchers (also in electronic form if requested). The monograph consists of an introduction, definition of methods (geophysisc and ALS) followed by case studies of individual sites. The survey was conducted on various sites including tumuli, fortified settlements and hillforts or a monastery. They were situated in different geographic conditions reaching from Suchohrad in the western part of Slovakia to Spišský Štiavnik as the easternmost site that was geophysically measured. Brief research history, scientific questions and interpretation of acquired data are involved in text to every single site as well as graphic data – maps, ALS visualisations, magnetograms, GPR results and profiles from geophysical measurements. Conclusive part of data processing represents its interpretation. Survey results can be used to guide excavation and to give archaeologists insight into the patterning of non-excavated parts of the site. Unlike other archaeological methods, geophysical survey is neither invasive nor destructive. For this reason, it is often used where preservation is the main goal. It is most useful when it is used in a well-integrated research design where interpretations can be tested and refined. Various sites of different scale, type and geographic area involved in the publication are evidence that geophysics is a very useful tool for research of archaeological sites.
... Reference is being made here to research projects conducted in the Žitava Valley(Bátora et al. 2012; Müller-Scheeßelet al. 2016), the Benta Valley(Sørensen, Vicze 2013;Earle et al. 2014;Klehm, Nyíri 2016), the Hernád Valley(Fischl et al. 2015b), the Titel Plateau(Falkenstein 1998;Falkenstein et al. 2016), the Körös Valley(Duffy 2014;Duffy et al. 2019), the Kakucs area( Jaeger, Kulcsár 2013;Jaeger et al. 2018), the Borsod RegionKienlin et al. 2018;, the Ier ValleyMolnár, Nagy 2013;Kienlin, Găvan 2021) and in the Lower Mureș Basin and the Crișul Repede catchment systemGogâltan et al. 2020;Kienlin, Găvan 2021). ...
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In this paper we present a new research project dedicated to the interdisciplinary investigation of the complex Bronze Age site in Toboliu (Bihor County, Romania). Using a multidisciplinary approach, the project aims to reveal the interplay of factors that contributed to the development and subsequent decline of this site. To this end, the planned investigations feature both archaeological fieldwork and comprehensive scientific analyses; the main disciplines involved here are geoarchaeology, archaeozoology, arcaheobotany and molecular archaeology. Hence, this project contains two closely integrated parts (archaeology and natural sciences), which in cooperation will hopefully provide a broad spectrum of new information about a Bronze Age tell in terms of the chronological and spatial development of the entire site structure, as well as subsistence practices and social and economic developments.
... Certain hypotheses can be definitely rejected -such as the interpretation of the grave openings as part of burial customs -but the evidence is contradictory and does not permit any immediately plausible or one-dimensional interpretations. In view of the uneven results pointing into different directions, it seems time to step back and view the cemetery of Vráble in the context of the development of the contemporary settlement (Bátora et al. 2012). ...
... and elsewhere). And whereaplan is known primarilyfrom geophysical survey, as for instance at Vráble-Fidvár in Slovakia (Bátora et al. 2008;Skorna et al. 2018;Bátora et al. 2012), we do not know that all the houses werecontemporaneous. Onlydetailed examination through excavation is likelyt os ettle that point. ...
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Tracing the patterns of wealth consumption within and between burial communities can reveal different aspects of the sociopolitical and economic abilities of and relations between individuals, groups, and whole communities. For a cross-cultural comparison, burial communities of the cultural groups of the Hungarian Middle Bronze Age Vatya and Füzesabony pottery styles in the Carpathian Basin were chosen. Special emphasis is put on the development of the wealth consumption during the late phase of the Middle Bronze Age. It could be shown that Vatya and Füzesabony communities exhibit very similar patterns of wealth consumption and seemingly sociopolitical organization. In the cemetery of Dunaújváros-Duna-dűlő, a dynamic competition and cooperation between different social segments can be witnessed, representing an arena in which signaling the individual’s and groups’ ability to participate in sociopolitical organization of the burial community took place. The wealth consumption over the whole considered geographical space, and beyond, changes during the late Middle Bronze Age. It can be assumed that during the times of change, cultural convergence increases, as changes in burial rites and wealth consumption suggest. This development is possible because Vatya and Füzesabony shared a very similar sociopolitical organization as well as the perception of wealth and how it should be consumed.
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High-resolution Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) scanners provide detailed information on terrain surfaces, thus enabling the detection of the topographic signatures of historical anthropogenic landforms overgrown by trees or covered by the soil surface. This study aimed to examine the potential of incoming nationwide LiDAR data for detecting the cultural landscape features in Slovakia. We derived a detailed digital elevation model from LiDAR points and adopted upgraded visualisation techniques based on the combination of local relief models, sky view factor, slope steepness, and colour blending. We visually identified examples of different anthropogenic landforms and confirmed our findings with existing literature. In addition, we provide examples of previously unknown historical anthropogenic landforms discovered from LiDAR images. Finally, we discuss the potential and limits of LiDAR data in exploring and protecting different groups of historic anthropogenic landforms as remnants of past cultural landscapes in Slovakia.
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The goal of this study is to introduce selected methods of spatial analysis and their contribution to evaluation of fieldwalking data. Spatial analysis encompasses various methods suitable for identification, objective evaluation and visualization of spatial patterns which are present in obtained data. This article primarily deals with sampled data, collected during a 2007 fieldwalking campaign. The dataset consisting of potsherds was spatially autocorrelated, using the global and local Moran’s I coefficient, which was used to identify clusters of finds. Spatial pattern of the settlement was visualised by geostatistical interpolation method – kriging.
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The Kakucs-Turján multi-layered settlement was investigated by a Polish-Hungarian-German team of researchers. This volume contains the comprehensive results of the ceramic analysis, focusing on the diachronic investigation of pottery production, consumption and deposition in relations to the changing form of settlement occupation. The study highlights the continuity of social practices between the Early and Middle Bronze Age and the dynamics involved in the site formation.
This volume challenges previous views of social organization focused on elites by offering innovative perspectives on 'power from below.' Using a variety of archaeological, anthropological, and historical data to question traditional narratives of complexity as inextricably linked to top-down power structures, it exemplifies how commoners have developed strategies to sustain non-hierarchical networks and contest the rise of inequalities. Through case studies from around the world – ranging from Europe to New Guinea, and from Mesoamerica to China – an international team of contributors explore the diverse and dynamic nature of power relations in premodern societies. The theoretical models discussed throughout the volume include a reassessment of key concepts such as heterarchy, collective action, and resistance. Thus, the book adds considerable nuance to our understanding of power in the past, and also opens new avenues of reflection that can help inform discussions about our collective present and future.
This article shows that the cultures in the Middle Danube/Carpathian territory were not just peripheral cultures of the developed Aegean-West Asian cultures, but also the western periphery of the Eurasian steppe region. From this aspect, the cultural-historical development in this area was influenced and associated with the cultural-historical development in the Caucasian and Northern Pontic regions as well. This is confirmed by several artifacts of the Caucasian character in the territory of Central Europe. First of all, we can mention single-edged copper axes, whose oldest exemplars in Europe come from the North Caucasus (the Maykop and Novosvobodnaya cultures). With the arrival of the Yamnaya culture, technology of their production emerged in the Northern Balkans and Central Europe along the Danube, through the Northern Pontic region. Their oldest exemplars in this territory are the Baniabic type axes. There are also weapons or tools; and jewellery which is represented by earrings of the so-called of Transylvania type associated mainly with the Únětice, Košťany and Otomani cultures in the Carpathian-middle Danube region. Their prototypes can be found in the North Pontic region — Yamnaya culture. The remaining cultural contacts between Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Bronze Age are confirmed by the dagger of the Srubnaya type from Sklabiňa in Central Slovakia. The existence of contacts between the Caucasian region and the territory of Central Europe as late as the final Bronze Age is proved by the finds of Cimmerian character. As a pars pro toto example, a dagger of the Kabardino-Pyatigorsk type from Malý Cetín in southwest Slovakia can be mentioned.
Siedeln in der Tiefebene Das Problem der bronzezeitlichen Nutzung der Überschwemmungsgebiete an der Theiß
  • T Kovacz
Kovacz 1998 T. Kovacz, Siedeln in der Tiefebene. Das Problem der bronzezeitlichen Nutzung der Überschwemmungsgebiete an der Theiß. In: B. Hänsel (ed.), Mensch und Umwelt in der Bronzezeit Europas (Kiel 1998) 481 – 492.
  • N Boroffka
  • Bronzezeitliche Wagenmodelle Im Karpatenbecken
Boroffka 2004 N. Boroffka, Bronzezeitliche Wagenmodelle im Karpatenbecken. In: F. Fansa / S. Buhrmeister (eds.), Rad und Wagen. Der Ursprung einer Innovation. Wagen im vorderen Orient und Europa. Arch. Mitt. Nordwestdeutschland, Beih. 40 (Mainz 2004) 347 – 354.
Sedimentologisch­geoarchäologische Untersuchungen zur Rekonstruktion der Lanschaftsentwicklung im Umfeld einer Frühbronzezeitlichen Siedlung in Vráble / Slowakei
  • A Koch
  • Koch
Koch 2008 A. Koch, Sedimentologisch­geoarchäologische Untersuchungen zur Rekonstruktion der Lanschaftsentwicklung im Umfeld einer Frühbronzezeitlichen Siedlung in Vráble / Slowakei. Diplomarbeit. Geographisches Institut, Ruprechts­Karl­Universität (Heidelberg 2008).
  • J Bátora
J. Bátora, Prieskum so sondážou na lokalitách zo staršej doby bronzovej na Slovensku. Arch. výskumy a nálezy na Slovensku v roku 1985 (Nitra 1986) 49 – 50. Bátora 1995 J. Bátora, Nové nálezy z hradiska zo staršej doby bronzovej v Rybníku. Arch. výskumy a nálezy na Slovensku v roku 1993 (Nitra 1995) 28. Bátora 2000 J. Bátora, Das Gräberfeld von Jelšovce / Slowakei. Ein Beitrag zur Frühbronzezeit im nordwestlichen Karpa­ tenbecken. Prähist. Arch. Südosteuropa 16 (Kiel 2000).
  • Bátora
Bátora et al. 2008 J. Bátora / B. Eitel / F. Falkenstein / K. Rassmann, Fidvár bei Vráble – eine befestigte Zentralsiedlung der Frühbronzezeit in der Slowakei. In: Czebreszuk et al. 2008, 97 – 107.
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Czebreszuk et al. 2008 J. Czebreszuk / S. Kadrow / J. Müller (eds.), Defensive structures from Central Europe to the Aegean in the 3rd and 2nd millenia BC. Stud. Arch. Ostmitteleuropa 5 (Bonn 2008).
The Rise and Decline of the Early Bronze Age Settlement Fidvár near Vráble Hofmann et al Siedlungsarchäologische Studien zum zentralbosnischen Spätneolithikum
  • J Bátora
J. Bátora et al., The Rise and Decline of the Early Bronze Age Settlement Fidvár near Vráble Hofmann et al. 2007 R. Hofmann / Z. Kujundzic­Vejzagić / J. Müller / N. Müller­Scheessel / R. Knut / R. Hofmann / Z. Kujundzic­Vejzagic / J. Müller / N. Müller­Scheessel / K. Rassmann, Prospektionen und Ausgrabungen in Okoliste (Bosnien­Herzegowina). Siedlungsarchäologische Studien zum zentralbosnischen Spätneolithikum. Ber. RGK 87, 2007, 43 – 212.
Coring results at Százhalombatta­Földvár. In: I. Poroszlai / M. Vicze, Százhalombatta Archaeological Expedition. Annual Report 1 – Field Season
  • A Varga
  • Varga
Varga 2000 A. Varga, Coring results at Százhalombatta­Földvár. In: I. Poroszlai / M. Vicze, Százhalombatta Archaeological Expedition. Annual Report 1 – Field Season 1998 (Százhalombatta 2000) 75 – 81.