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Fatigue and Circadian Activity Rhythms in Breast Cancer Patients Before and After Chemotherapy: A Controlled Study

  • Duke University, Mid-Atlantic MIRECC, Durham, NC


BACKGROUND: Breast cancer (BC) patients often experience cancer-related fatigue (CRF) before, during, and after their chemotherapy. Circadian rhythms are 24-hour cycles of behavior and physiology that are generated by internal pacemakers and entrained by zeitgebers (e.g., light). A few studies have suggested a relationship between fatigue and circadian rhythms in some clinical populations. METHODS: One hundred and forty-eight women diagnosed with stage I-III breast cancer and scheduled to receive at least four cycles of adjuvant or neoadjuvant chemotherapy, and 61 controls (cancer-free healthy women) participated in this study. Data were collected before (Baseline) and after four cycles of chemotherapy (Cycle-4). Fatigue was assessed with the Short Form of Multidimensional Fatigue Symptom Inventory (MFSI-SF); circadian activity rhythm (CAR) was recorded with wrist actigraphy (six parameters included: amplitude, acrophase, mesor, up-mesor, down-mesor and F-statistic). A mixed model analysis was used to examine changes in fatigue and CAR parameters compared to controls, and to examine the longitudinal relationship between fatigue and CAR parameters in BC patients. RESULTS: More severe CRF (total and subscale scores) and disrupted CAR (amplitude, mesor and F-statistic) were observed in BC patients compared to controls at both Baseline and Cycle-4 (all p's<0.05); BC patients also experienced more fatigue and decreased amplitude and mesor, as well as delayed up-mesor time at Cycle-4 compared to Baseline (all p's<0.05). The increased total MFSI-SF scores were significantly associated with decreased amplitude, mesor and F-statistic (all p's<0.006). CONCLUSION: CRF exists and CAR is disrupted even before the start of chemotherapy. The significant relationship between CRF and CAR indicate possible underlying connections. Re-entraining the disturbed CAR using effective interventions such as bright light therapy might also improve CRF.
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Fatigue and circadian activity rhythms
in breast cancer patients before and
after chemotherapy: a controlled study
Lianqi Liu a , Michelle Rissling a b , Ariel Neikrug a b , Lavinia
Fiorentino a c , Loki Natarajan c d , Michelle Faierman a , Georgia
Robins Sadler c e , Joel E. Dimsdale a b c , Paul J. Mills a b c ,
Barbara A. Parker c f & Sonia Ancoli-Israel a b c
a Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego, La
Jolla, CA, USA
b SDSU/UCSD Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology, San
Diego, CA, USA
c UCSD Moores Cancer Center, La Jolla, CA, USA
d Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, University of
California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA
e Department of Surgery, University of California, San Diego, La
Jolla, CA, USA
f Department of Medicine, University of California, San Diego, La
Jolla, CA, USA
To cite this article: Lianqi Liu , Michelle Rissling , Ariel Neikrug , Lavinia Fiorentino , Loki
Natarajan , Michelle Faierman , Georgia Robins Sadler , Joel E. Dimsdale , Paul J. Mills , Barbara A.
Parker & Sonia Ancoli-Israel (2013): Fatigue and circadian activity rhythms in breast cancer patients
before and after chemotherapy: a controlled study, Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior, 1:1-2,
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Downloaded by [Ms Sonia Ancoli-Israel] at 12:41 24 January 2013
Fatigue and circadian activity rhythms in breast cancer patients
before and after chemotherapy: a controlled study
Lianqi Liu
, Michelle Rissling
, Ariel Neikrug
, Lavinia Fiorentino
Loki Natarajan
, Michelle Faierman
, Georgia Robins Sadler
, Joel
E. Dimsdale
, Paul J. Mills
, Barbara A. Parker
and Sonia Ancoli-Israel
Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA;
UCSD Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology, San Diego, CA, USA;
UCSD Moores
Cancer Center, La Jolla, CA, USA;
Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, University
of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA;
Department of Surgery, University of California,
San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA;
Department of Medicine, University of California, San Diego,
La Jolla, CA, USA
(Received 5 August 2012; nal version received 17 October 2012)
Background: Breast cancer (BC) patients often experience cancer-related fatigue
(CRF) before, during, and after their chemotherapy. Circadian rhythms are
24-hour cycles of behavior and physiology that are generated by internal
pacemakers and entrained by zeitgebers (e.g., light). A few studies have
suggested a relationship between fatigue and circadian rhythms in some clinical
populations. Methods: One hundred and forty-eight women diagnosed with
stage IIII breast cancer and scheduled to receive at least four cycles of adjuvant
or neoadjuvant chemotherapy, and 61 controls (cancer-free healthy women)
participated in this study. Data were collected before (Baseline) and after four
cycles of chemotherapy (Cycle-4). Fatigue was assessed with the Short Form of
Multidimensional Fatigue Symptom Inventory (MFSISF); circadian activity
rhythm (CAR) was recorded with wrist actigraphy (six parameters included:
amplitude, acrophase, mesor, up-mesor, down-mesor and F-statistic). A mixed
model analysis was used to examine changes in fatigue and CAR parameters
compared to controls, and to examine the longitudinal relationship between
fatigue and CAR parameters in BC patients. Results: More severe CRF (total
and subscale scores) and disrupted CAR (amplitude, mesor and F-statistic) were
observed in BC patients compared to controls at both Baseline and Cycle-4 (all
ps < 0.05); BC patients also experienced more fatigue and decreased amplitude
and mesor, as well as delayed up-mesor time at Cycle-4 compared to Baseline
(all ps < 0.05). The increased total MFSISF scores were signicantly associated
with decreased amplitude, mesor and F-statistic (all ps < 0.006). Conclusion:
CRF exists and CAR is disrupted even before the start of chemotherapy. The
signicant relationship between CRF and CAR indicate possible underlying
connections. Re-entraining the disturbed CAR using effective interventions such
as bright light therapy might also improve CRF.
Keywords: breast cancer; fatigue; circadian activity rhythm; chemotherapy
© 2013 IACFS/ME
*Corresponding author. Email:
Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior, 2013
Vol. 1, Nos. 12, 1226,
Downloaded by [Ms Sonia Ancoli-Israel] at 12:41 24 January 2013
Studies show that breast cancer (BC) patients often experience fatigue before, during,
and after their chemotherapy.[16] Cancer-related fatigue (CRF) interferes with
patientsdaily life and impacts their quality of life,[710] and is often an important
cause of discontinuation of their treatment.[11] CRF is also associated with signicant
disability and increased utilization of health care resources.[12] The causes of CRF are
not clear but are believed to be multifactorial, as CRF is highly correlated to physiologi-
cal factors (e.g., pain, anemia, neuroendocrine changes, altered energy metabolism,
inammation), psychological factors (e.g., stress, depression, anxiety), socio-cultural
factors (e.g., education, cognitive and behavioral response), and chronobiological
factors (e.g., sleep and circadian rhythms).[6,12,1315] Ancoli-Israel et al. hypoth-
esized that in BC patients, CRF might be associated with decreased exposure to
bright light and desynchronized activity-related circadian rhythms.[13] Our data, col-
lected in BC patients, indeed found a signicant correlation with more fatigue associ-
ated with less bright light exposure.[16]
Circadian rhythms are 24-hour cycles of behavior and physiology that are generated
by one or more internal pacemakers and exist in all mammals. In humans, the supra-
chiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in the hypothalamus serves as the central neural pacemaker.
Humans possess a circadian rhythm of approximately 24 hours. Examples of circadian
rhythms include alternations of hormone secretion, body temperature, and sleepwake
cycles. The 24-hour circadian rhythms are entrained by a number of environmental
stimuli (zeitgebers), such as the timing of activity, exercise, social interaction, and
the sleepwake schedule, etc., but the predominant entraining agent is light, including
daylight and articial light.[17,18]
A few studies have suggested a relationship between fatigue and circadian rhythms
in different types of clinical populations, while some other studies failed to identify a
relationship. Attarian et al. [19] found a signicant correlation between fatigue and dis-
rupted sleep cycles in multiple sclerosis patients. Shibui et al. published a case report on
periodic fatigue due to desynchronization in a patient with non-24-hour sleepwake
syndrome.[20] In cancer patients, CRF has been associated with a few circadian activity
rhythm (CAR) parameters, such as mesor (a circadian rhythm-adjusted mean of the
daily activity), acrophase (timing of the peak of the activity rhythm), amplitude
(peak of the activity), and disruptions of the 24-hour autocorrelation coefcient
during chemotherapy and radiotherapy.[2123] Bower et al. [24] found that in BC sur-
vivors those with persistent fatigue showed a signicantly more attered cortisol slope
than those without. In two studies [25,26] focusing on the correlation between CAR and
quality of life in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer, the desynchronized rest
activity rhythms prior to chemotherapy were associated with more fatigue, poor
quality of life and shorter survival; however, the relationships were only examined
cross-sectionally. On the other hand, two other studies found no association between
fatigue and the 24-hour autocorrelation coefcient in either BC survivors or other
cancer patients.[27,28]
Most of these reports explored the relationship between fatigue and circadian
rhythms during therapy or in cancer survivors and none were compared to non-
cancer controls in longitudinal studies. Therefore, in this study, utilizing a group of
innovative actigraphy-based CAR parameters,[29] we examined both CRF and CAR
before and after four cycles of chemotherapy in a group of women with BC, and com-
pared their results with those of cancer-free women. We hypothesized that women with
Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior 13
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BC would experience more fatigue and disrupted CAR than controls, and that there
would be a relationship between CRF and CAR.
One hundred and forty-eight women with newly diagnosed stage IIII BC receiving at
least four cycles of adjuvant or neoadjuvant chemotherapy participated in this study.
BC patients came from two studies which had identical protocols and data collection
began before the start of chemotherapy and spanned at least four cycles of treatment:
the rst study focused on fatigue, sleep, and circadian rhythms (Study 1; N= 79),
and the second focused on chemotherapy-related cognitive impairments (Study 2;
N= 69). Sixty-one cancer-free women who were age- and socio-economic status
matched to BC patients in Study 2 also participated in this study as healthy controls
(see Figure 1 for the screening and enrollment processes).
Pregnant women, those undergoing bone marrow transplants, and those with meta-
static breast cancer, with confounding underlying medical illnesses, with signicant
pre-existing anemia or with other physical or psychological impairments, were
excluded from both studies. The University of California Committee on Protection
of Human Subjects and the UCSD Moores Cancer Centers Protocol Review and
Monitoring Committee approved both studies, and an informed consent was obtained
from each woman at the beginning of her participation.
Figure 1. Screening and enrollment owchart.
14 L. Liu et al.
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Fatigue was assessed using the Short Form of Multidimensional Fatigue Symptom
Inventory (MFSISF).[30] The MFSISF is a 30-item questionnaire, which is com-
prised of ve subscales: General Fatigue, Physical Fatigue, Emotional Fatigue,
Mental Fatigue, and Vigor. Each subscale includes six items and each item is rated
on a ve-point scale indicating how true the statement was during the last week
(0 = not at all, 4 = extremely). The sum of the General, Physical, Emotional, and
Mental subscale scores minus the Vigor subscale score generates a total score. The
range of possible scores for each subscale is 024, and the range for total score is
from 24 to 96, with higher scores indicating severer fatigue, except for the Vigor sub-
scale, where larger scores indicate less fatigue. The MFSISF has been validated and is
a reliable tool for assessing the full spectrum of cancer-related fatigue symptoms in both
clinical and research applications.[31]
Circadian activity rhythm (CAR)
CAR was analyzed by tting each subjects activity data to a ve-parameter extended
cosine model.[29] The activity data were measured with two types of actigraphs: the
Actillume-II (Ambulatory Monitoring, Inc., Ardsley, New York) for Study 1 and Acti-
watch-Light (Philips Respironics Mini Mitter, Bend, OR) for Study 2. The Actillume-II
contains a microprocessor, 32K RAM memory, and associated circuitry, and uses a
piezoelectric linear accelerometer (sensitivity <0.003 g-force) with a sampling rate of
20 Hz to measure and record wrist movement. The Actiwatch-Light is similar in size
to a watch (37 × 29 × 9 mm; weight 17 grams). It uses a piezoelectric linear acceler-
ometer (sensitivity <0.01 g-force) with a sampling rate of 32 Hz to measure and
record wrist movement. A one-minute epoch setting was used for both actigraphy
devices. The epoch-by-epoch activity data were downloaded to a desktop computer
for the further CAR analysis. To establish equivalency between the two devices, a vali-
dation study in eight volunteers was conducted with both devices worn concurrently on
the same wrist for 72-hours. The Actillume-II-derived SUMACT (summary activity)
count and the Actiwatch-Light-derived activity count data were highly correlated
(both r>0.85), and therefore deemed equivalent for the purpose of this study.
This ve-parameter extended cosine model is an anti-logistic transformation of the
standard cosine curve, and it allows for estimation of parameters describing the shape of
the 24-hour rest/activity rhythm.[29] The following six CAR parameters were gener-
ated from the model in this study: the amplitude (peak or maximum of the curve,
with a lower amplitude suggesting a less rhythmic rhythm); the acrophase (time of
day of the peak activity, with a later time suggesting more phase-delay); the mesor
(half-way between minimum and maximum of the curve, a circadian rhythm-adjusted
mean of the daily activity); the time of day that the subject switched from low activity to
high activity (i.e., the time of day that activity increased from below the mesor to above
the mesor, called up-mesor,a later time suggesting that the subject became active
later in the day); the time of day where the subject switched from high activity to
low activity (i.e., the time of day that activity decreased from above the mesor to
below the mesor, called down-mesor,a later time suggesting that the subject
settled down later in the evening); and the F-statistic (the goodness of tof the
tted function with a larger value indicating more robust rhythms). In brief, datasets
Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior 15
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that were most rhythmic or had the strongest rhythms yielded the largest F-statistic and
the smallest standard error.
Participants were referred by oncologists in the San Diego area, and were mainly from
the UCSD Moores Cancer Center. After consent forms were signed, medical records
were abstracted for medical history and current medication use. Data reported in this
study were collected after diagnosis but before the start of chemotherapy (Baseline),
and at the end of the fourth cycle of treatment (Cycle-4).
At both data collection time points, women completed a set of questionnaires,
including MFSISF, wore an actigraphy for three consecutive 24-hour periods (i.e.,
72 hours), and completed a sleep log used for editing actigraphy data. For each
woman, actigraphy was recorded on the same days of the week at each time point.
The day chosen was based on the day of the chemotherapy administration. While the
ideal recording time for an actigraph is generally one week, due to potential subject
burden, the minimum of three days suggested by the AASM practice parameters for
actigraphy [32] was used in both studies.
Cancer-free controls were age and education matched to the cancer patients in
Study 2. Potential cancer-free controls were friends referred by the cancer patient or
were recruited independently by study personnel. Once consented, controls were given
the same questionnaires and wore actigraphs at the same two time points as the patients.
Data analysis
Descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation and standard errors) were calculated for
all outcomes at both time points. T-test and Chi-square test were used to examine the
differences between the two samples of BC patients in terms of demographic and
disease/treatment characteristics. Analysis of covariance (ANOVA) was performed
between the patients and controls groups in fatigue and CAR measurements while con-
trolling for BMI and Study (1 or 2).
A mixed model analysis [33] was used to examine changes in fatigue and CAR par-
ameters from Baseline to Cycle-4 in BC patients comparing with controls, and to
examine the longitudinal relationship between fatigue and CAR parameters for BC
patients only. This modeling approach accounts for correlations in repeated measures
within a subject, and also allows for partially missing data (i.e., subjects with
missing data at some, but not all, time-points can be included in the model). A
random intercept was included in each mixed model to account for subject-specic
effects. In the mixed models examining the changes of fatigue or CAR over time,
the chemotherapy week (time), case-control status (group), and the time*group inter-
action were modeled as xed effects. Since a few CAR parameters (amplitude,
mesor, and F-statistic) were signicantly different between the two studies, the Study
(1 or 2) variable was also adjusted in these mixed models.
In those mixed models examining the longitudinal relationship between fatigue
(response) and CAR parameters (predictor), total MFSISF scores were the dependent
variable, and CAR parameters (amplitude, acrophase, mesor, up-mesor, down-mesor,
or F-statistic) were the independent variable. In addition to a random intercept, the coef-
cient of the CAR variable was included as a random effect, thereby allowing for
subject-specic slope terms for CAR parameter in the model. These mixed models
16 L. Liu et al.
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were adjusted for BMI, chemotherapy week (time) and Study (1 or 2). Adjusted
regression coefcients (ß-value) with standard errors and associated p-values are
All analyses were performed using version 9.2 of SAS (SAS Institute Inc. 2008).
Given that there were seven outcomes of interest (total MFSISF score and six CAR
variables; the analyses of the ve subscales of MFSISF were secondary), a Bonferroni
correction would yield p< 0.0071 as statistically signicant. However, we present all
p-values in Table 2 and note which tests meet a Bonferroni adjustment.
Study 1 data were collected between 2000 and 2005, and as was recommended at that
time, women in Study 1 all received three-week chemotherapy cycles. Study 2 data
were collected between 2005 and 2010, at which point the recommended treatment
regimen started to change to a two-week cycle; therefore 37 (63%) women in Study
2 received a two-week cycle regimen and 22 (37%) received a three-week cycle
regimen of chemotherapy. Since there were no signicant differences between those
with two-week and those with three-week regimens in any measurements (demo-
graphics, disease/treatment, questionnaires, and CAR parameters) (all ps > 0.05), the
different length of treatment cycles was not considered as a confounder in this study.
There were no signicant differences between the two samples of BC patients in
terms of age, race, body mass index (BMI), education level, marital status, annual
household income, baseline menopausal status, cancer stage, surgery type, chemother-
apy regimen, and fatigue (all ps > 0.05); the two samples were therefore merged
together in this study. There were also no signicant differences between the merged
BC patients group and control group in age, race, education, marital status, income,
or baseline menopausal status; however, as BC patientsBMI was signicantly
higher than that in controls (p= 0.04), BMI was then adjusted when comparing the
two groups. Detailed demographic and disease characteristics of all women are listed
in Table 1.
BC Patients experienced more fatigue than controls at both time points as well as more
fatigue at Cycle-4 than at Baseline. As shown in Figure 2, for BC patients, total MFSI
SF scores increased signicantly from Baseline to Cycle-4 (p< 0.0001), as well as the
scores of General (p< 0.0001), Physical (p= 0.0004), and Mental (p< 0.0001) sub-
scales; meanwhile, the Vigor subscale score decreased signicantly from Baseline to
Cycle-4 (p= 0.03), but there were no signicant changes for the Emotional subscale
scores (p= 0.2). For controls, there were no signicant changes from Baseline to
Cycle-4 in any scores of MFSISF (all ps > 0.1).
Compared to controls, at Baseline, BC patients reported signicantly more total (p
= 0.001), Emotional (p< 0.0001), and Mental (p= 0.006) fatigue, and less Vigor (p=
0.05), but there were no signicant differences in the General (p= 0.1) and Physical (p
= 0.07) subscales scores. At Cycle-4, BC patients reported signicantly higher total and
General, Physical, Emotional, and Mental subscale scores and less Vigor subscale
scores of MFSISF (all ps < 0.006).
When comparing the changes over time, there was a signicant time*group inter-
action in MFSISF total (p= 0.0002), General (p< 0.0001), Physical (p= 0.02),
Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior 17
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Mental (p= 0.0002), and Vigor (p= 0.04) scores, indicating more increases of fatigue
in BC patient than in controls.
Circadian activity rhythm (CAR)
BC Patients experienced more disrupted rhythms compared to controls at both time
points and had more disruption at Cycle-4 than at Baseline. The changes of the six
CAR parameters for BC patients vs. controls are shown in Figure 3. For BC patients,
Table 1. Demographic, disease and treatment characteristics of the participants (n= 148).
Variable Study 1 (n= 79) Study 2 (n= 69) Controls (n= 61)
Age (years)
Mean (SD) 50.7 (9.8) 51.3 (9.0) 52 (9.4)
Range 3479 3176 2981
BMI (kg/m
Mean (SD) 28.8 (6.9) 27.5 (7.4) 26.0 (7.0)
Range 17.451.8 19.361.9 19.156.7
Race [n(%)]
Caucasian 60 (76.0) 61 (88.4) 52 (85.3)
Non-Caucasian 19 (24.0) 8 (11.6) 9 (14.7)
Education [n(%)]
Some college and below 40 (50.6) 32 (46.4) 22 (36.1)
Completed college and above 39 (46.4) 37 (53.6) 39 (63.9)
Marital status [n(%)]
Never married 8 (10.1) 3 (4.4) 7 (11.5)
Divorced/separated/widowed 15 (19.0) 19 (27.5) 12 (19.7)
Married 56 (70.9) 47 (68.1) 42 (68.8)
Household annual income [n(%)]
$30,000 11 (13.9) 11 (15.9) 2 (3.3)
> $30,000 58 (73.4) 49 (71.0) 50 (82.0)
Refused to answer 10 (12.7) 9 (13.1) 9 (14.7)
Baseline menopausal status [n(%)]
Pre-menopause 32 (42.7) 28 (40.6) 21 (35.0)
Peri-menopause 7 (9.3) 9 (13.0) 8 (13.3)
Post-menopause 21 (28.0) 27 (39.1) 22 (36.7)
Hysterectomy 4 (20.0) 5 (7.3) 9 (15.0)
Not available 4 0 1
Cancer stage [n(%)]
Stage I 22 (30.6) 15 (25.9)
Stage II 36 (50.0) 24 (41.4)
Stage III 14 (19.4) 19 (32.8)
Not available 7 11
Surgery type
Lumpectomy 27 (37.5) 24 (41.4)
Mastectomy 32 (44.4) 28 (48.3)
Double mastectomy 4 (5.6) 3 (5.2)
No surgery before Chemotherapy 9 (12.5) 3 (5.2)
Not available 7 11
Chemotherapy regimen [n(%)]
AC based 62 (86.1) 47 (78.3)
Others 10 (13.9) 13 (21.7)
Not available 7 9
Note: AC = Doxorubicin + Cyclophosphamide.
18 L. Liu et al.
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Figure 2. Comparisons of total and subscale (General, Physical, Mental, Emotional, and
Vigor) scores of the Multidimensional Fatigue Symptom InventoryShort Form (MFSISF)
between BC patients and controls over time (mean + SE).
Notes: Higher scores indicate more fatigue, except Vigor subscale, where a higher score
indicates less fatigue. Baseline = before the start of chemotherapy, Cycle-4 = at the end of
cycle 4 of chemotherapy. Compared to controls at the same time point: *p< 0.05, **p< 0.01,
***p< 0.0001; compared to Baseline for the same group:
p< 0.05,
p< 0.01,
p< 0.0001.
Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior 19
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from Baseline to Cycle-4, the amplitude (p= 0.005), mesor (p= 0.005), and F-statistic
(p= 0.03) decreased signicantly, and the up-mesor time delayed signicantly ( p=
0.04); for controls, there were no signicant changes between the two time points in
any of the six parameters (all ps > 0.3).
Compared to controls, BC patients showed signicantly lower amplitude and
smaller F-statistic at Baseline (both p= 0.01), and lower amplitude (p= 0.0004),
lower mesor (p= 0.02), and smaller F-statistic ( p< 0.0001) at Cycle-4, suggesting dis-
rupted CAR. There were no signicant differences between the two groups in acro-
phase, up-mesor, or down-mesor.
When comparing the changes over time, there was a signicant time*group inter-
action in the amplitude (p= 0.05) and mesor (p= 0.03), indicating more disruptions
in CAR in BC patients than in controls.
Associations between fatigue and CAR in BC patients
For BC patients only, using total MFSISF score as the dependent variable and CAR
parameters as the independent variable, after adjusting for time and Study, mixed model
analyses revealed that the changes of total MFSISF scores were signicantly associ-
ated with the changes of amplitude, mesor, and F-statistic (all ps < 0.01). Specically,
women with lower amplitude, smaller mesor, and smaller F-statistics experienced more
fatigue, suggesting that more fatigue was associated with more disrupted CAR (see
Table 2).
This study conrmed that BC patients not only reported signicantly more CRF than
cancer-free controls, both before the start of and after four cycles of chemotherapy,
but they also reported signicantly more fatigue after compared to prior to treatment.
BC patientsCAR showed the same pattern as fatigue, with disrupted CAR present
prior to the start of chemotherapy and becoming worse after treatment. Furthermore,
increased fatigue was signicantly associated with disrupted CAR.
Compared to cancer-free controls, BC patients reported signicantly worse scores
in total and all ve subscale scores of the MFSISF, both before and after chemother-
apy, except for the General and Physical scores at Baseline, where the difference
between the two groups was not signicant. These results indicate that, before che-
motherapy, BC patients were already mentally and emotionally fatigued and experi-
enced lack of energy. Since the General subscale includes six questions asking about
the general feeling of fatigue, such as I feel tired,”“I feel fatigued,and Iam
pooped,which do not refer to any cancer-specied eld of fatigue, this subscale
cannot discriminate BC patients from controls before the start of chemotherapy. As
the other scales distinguished the two groups, asking questions about general fatigue
in cancer patients may not be enough to identify CRF in this population. After four
cycles of chemotherapy, BC patients experienced more CRF in all ve domains of
fatigue compared to controls, as well as experiencing more fatigue than at Baseline,
suggesting that chemotherapy is a signicant contributor to fatigue in cancer patients.
When CAR was examined, BC patients demonstrated signicantly lower amplitude
and smaller F-statistic than controls at both time points. BC patientsamplitude also
signicantly decreased after four cycles of chemotherapy. In addition, BC patients
up-mesor time was signicantly delayed after chemotherapy. Lower amplitude
20 L. Liu et al.
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Figure 3. Comparisons of circadian activity rhythm measures (amplitude, acrophase, mesor,
up-mesor, down-mesor, and F-statistic) between BC patients and controls over time (mean +
Notes: Smaller values of amplitude and F-statistic indicate disrupted circadian activity rhythm;
later times of acrophase, up-mesor, and down-mesor indicate delayed circadian activity rhythms.
Baseline = before the start of chemotherapy, Cycle-4 = at the end of cycle 4 of chemotherapy.
Compared to controls at the same time point: * p< 0.05, ** p< 0.01, *** p< 0.0001; compared
to Baseline for the same group:
p< 0.05,
p< 0.01,
p< 0.0001.
Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior 21
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generally indicates less movement during the day and/or more movement during the
night. Delayed up-mesor time plus stable down-mesor time suggest BC patients
active time during the day decreased after chemotherapy. Together with the decreased
F-statistic, these data indicate that BC patients experienced disrupted CAR before the
start of chemotherapy, and this disrupted CAR became more disrupted after four cycles
of chemotherapy. These results conrm our previously reported ndings which were
based on data from Study 1.[34]
Mixed model analysis revealed that BC patients experienced more increases of CRF
(total and four out of ve subscale scores on MFSISF) and more disruptions of CAR
(amplitude, mesor) from Baseline to after four cycles of chemotherapy than controls,
and the increased CRF was signicantly associated with disrupted CAR, i.e., the
increased fatigue was signicantly associated with decreases in amplitude, mesor,
and F-statistic. This relationship suggests that more fatigue was predicted by more dis-
rupted CAR in women with BC undergoing chemotherapy, or vice versa. Although a
few studies have identied a relationship between fatigue and CAR before [21,25,26]
or during/after cancer treatments,[2224] the current study is the rst to report ndings
of increased CRF and disturbed CAR in women with BC compared to cancer-free
women, and a signicant relationship between CRF and CAR both before and after
Another strength of this study is that a group of innovative CAR parameters was
used. This group of CAR parameters was derived from an extended cosine model;
[29] the curve generated by this model has a more rectangular-like wave shape than
the regular cosine curve, and thus has a better t to the pattern of daily activity
rhythm recorded by actigraphy, i.e., nearly attened and steady activity levels during
both the day and night. These CAR parameters have been utilized in other studies of
BC which showed that CAR gets progressively more desynchronized during che-
motherapy [34] and that bright light treatment improved CAR.[35,36]
The current study, along with previous ndings, suggests that there is a signicant
relationship between CRF and circadian rhythms, especially CAR. CRF and circadian
rhythms may share some common potential mechanisms, or a cause-and-effect relation-
ship may exist. Sleep problems are common among cancer patients [37] and these sleep
Table 2. Mixed model results for BC patients with fatigue as the dependent variable and
circadian activity rhythm parameters as the independent variable.
Mixed model results
Fatigue Circadian activity rhythms Adj. ß-value Standard error p-value
Total MFSISF score Amplitude 11.834 3.033 0.0002
Acrophase 0.476 0.887 0.6
Mesor 14.257 5.244 0.006
Up-mesor 0.307 0.738 0.7
Down-mesor 0.308 0.696 0.7
F-statistic 0.00652 0.00225 0.005
Notes: Adjusted for BMI, time and Study. MFSISF = Multidimensional Fatigue Symptom InventoryShort Form,
higher scores indicate more fatigue. The p-values in bold meet the Bonferroni adjustment of p< 0.0071. Amplitude
was the maximum activity of the day, acrophase was the time of the peak activity of the day, mesor was the mean
activity, up-mesor or down-mesor was the time when the activity rose from below the average to above the average,
or from above the average to below the average, and F-statistic measured the overall rhythmicity of circadian
activity a smaller F-statistic indicates less robust or disrupted circadian activity rhythm.
22 L. Liu et al.
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problems are associated and may also share some underlining mechanisms with fatigue.
[38] Our current and previously published data conrm that, in addition to disturbed
sleep both before and during chemotherapy in BC patients,[1,39,40] CAR is disrupted
before the start of chemotherapy and becomes more disrupted during treatment.[34]
The disruptions in circadian rhythms can affect sleep quality and thus disrupt a
variety of physiological mechanisms pertaining to fatigue.[13] It is possible therefore
that the circadian rhythms disruption plays a role in the psychological experience of
fatigue.[41] However, on the other hand, both CRF and CAR could be consequences
of cancer treatment. Chemotherapy has been reported to be a major cause of CRF,
and chemotherapy-induced side effects (nausea, dizziness, dyspnea, etc.), or changes
of daily routine of activity, might also contributed to alternations of CAR. Therefore,
as concluded in a recent review by Payne,[42] few studies have focused on the relation-
ship between fatigue and circadian rhythms, and the exact interacting mechanisms,
including possible mediators and neurotransmitter mechanisms, still remain
unknown. Further studies are needed to answer these questions.
Light therapy has been shown to be effective for the treatment of circadian-rhythms-
related disorders such as delayed and advanced sleep phase syndromes, jet lag syn-
drome, shift work syndrome, even fatigue symptoms, by synchronizing circadian
rhythms.[4345] Preliminary data from our laboratory also showed that bright light
prevented fatigue and CAR from deteriorating in women with BC undergoing che-
motherapy.[36,46] Since light is the predominant entraining agent for circadian
rhythms, these ndings support the possible cause-and-effect relationship between
circadian rhythms and fatigue, although studies with larger sample sizes and among
other clinical populations are needed to conrm the effect of light therapy on fatigue.
This study had some limitations. The data were collected only in women with stage
I to stage III BC, so conclusions cannot be extended to patients with other stages of BC
or with other types of cancer. Patients and controls were all volunteers and were not
randomly selected; thus there might have been some sample selection bias which
could limit the generalizability of the study.
Only Study 2 had one year post-chemotherapy follow-up data (not reported here),
so the long-term relationship between fatigue and CAR after completing the treatment
could not be determined by this study. Circadian rhythms were only measured using
actigraphy; other measurements of circadian rhythms, such as salivary melatonin and
core body temperature, also need to be studied regarding the relationships between
fatigue and circadian rhythms in cancer patients.
In summary, BC patients experienced more fatigue and disrupted CAR than
cancer-free controls both before and after four cycles of chemotherapy; this fatigue
and disruption of CAR became worse after four cycles compared to pre-chemotherapy
in BC patients. In addition, the increase of fatigue was signicantly associated with
disruption in CAR. Fatigue may be caused by disturbed circadian rhythms, or vice
versa. Additional studies examining the effect of light therapy on fatigue among
cancer patients through the possible mechanism of re-entraining circadian rhythms
are warranted.
Supported by NCI CA112035, UL1RR031980 (CTRI), the UCSD Stein Institute for Research
on Aging and the Department of Veterans Affairs Center of Excellence for Stress and Mental
Health (CESAMH).
Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior 23
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Notes on contributors
Lianqi Liu, M.D., is an Associate Project Scientist in the Department of Psychiatry, University
of California, San Diego.
Michelle Rissling is Postdoctoral Fellow Sierra-Pacic MIRECC, VA Palo Alto Health Care
System, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University School of
Ariel Neikrug, M.A., is a graduate student in the SDSU/UCSD Joint Doctoral Program in
Clinical Psychology, San Diego, Ca.
Lavinia Fiorentino, Ph.D., is an Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry,
University of California, San Diego and the UCSD Moores Cancer Center, La Jolla, California.
Loki Natarajan, Ph.D., is a Professor in the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine,
University of California, San Diego.
Michelle Faierman is a medical student at Ohio State University College of Medicine.
Georgia Robins Sadler, Ph.D., is a Professor in the Department of Surgery, University of
California, San Diego.
Joel E. Dimsdale, M.D. is Professor Emeritus at the Department of Psychiatry, University of
California, San Diego.
Paul J. Mills, Ph.D., is a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, University of California,
San Diego.
Barbara A. Parker, M.D., is a Clinical Professor in the Department of Medicine, University of
California, San Diego.
Sonia Ancoli-Israel, Ph.D., is a Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Medicine, University of
California, San Diego.
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26 L. Liu et al.
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... Other studies have performed longitudinal protocols before, during, and/or after chemotherapy [39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46], of which only two included a control group without a history of cancer [42,43]. Their results showed longer total sleep time and nap time during chemotherapy compared to before treatment [39,40,44] and controls [42,43]. ...
... Other studies have performed longitudinal protocols before, during, and/or after chemotherapy [39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46], of which only two included a control group without a history of cancer [42,43]. Their results showed longer total sleep time and nap time during chemotherapy compared to before treatment [39,40,44] and controls [42,43]. Conversely, Li et al. showed that chemotherapy initiation was associated with less sleep time, more arousal, and lower sleep quality compared with pretreatment and at the end of chemotherapy [46]. ...
... In a longitudinal study, Liu et al. found alterations in rest-activity rhythm in patients with BC compared with control subjects before and during chemotherapy [40]. Before and after chemotherapy, the patients' rhythm showed reduced amplitude, mean activity, and robustness compared to controls. ...
Full-text available
Insomnia symptoms are common among patients with breast cancer (BC; 20–70%) and are predictors of cancer progression and quality of life. Studies have highlighted sleep structure modifications, including increased awakenings and reduced sleep efficiency and total sleep time. Such modifications may result from circadian rhythm alterations consistently reported in this pathology and known as carcinogenic factors, including lower melatonin levels, a flattened diurnal cortisol pattern, and lower rest-activity rhythm amplitude and robustness. Cognitive behavioral therapy and physical activity are the most commonly used non-pharmacological interventions to counter insomnia difficulties in patients with BC. However, their effects on sleep structure remain unclear. Moreover, such approaches may be difficult to implement shortly after chemotherapy. Innovatively, vestibular stimulation would be particularly suited to tackling insomnia symptoms. Indeed, recent reports have shown that vestibular stimulation could resynchronize circadian rhythms and improve deep sleep in healthy volunteers. Moreover, vestibular dysfunction has been reported following chemotherapy. This perspective paper aims to support the evidence of using galvanic vestibular stimulation to resynchronize circadian rhythms and reduce insomnia symptoms in patients with BC, with beneficial effects on quality of life and, potentially, survival.
... RAR disruption analyses reflect a sensitive, though indirect, measure of circadian rhythms salient to cancer, integrating sleep disturbances at night and low activity during the day [22,23]. RAR disruption has been widely investigated in BC following chemotherapy [5,13,22,[24][25][26][27]. Lower amplitude (difference between the maximum and minimum activity levels, with a lower amplitude suggesting a less marked rhythm), lower mesor (circadian rhythm-adjusted mean of daily activity) [28] and delayed RAR (a delayed rhythm in time) [26] have been observed in BC women before the initiation of treatments and have worsened from chemotherapy-related toxicity [28,29], along with decreased sleep quality [29]. Low amplitude and mesor may also persist several years after the conclusion of chemotherapy in BC survivors [13,27]. ...
... RAR disruption analyses reflect a sensitive, though indirect, measure of circadian rhythms salient to cancer, integrating sleep disturbances at night and low activity during the day [22,23]. RAR disruption has been widely investigated in BC following chemotherapy [5,13,22,[24][25][26][27]. Lower amplitude (difference between the maximum and minimum activity levels, with a lower amplitude suggesting a less marked rhythm), lower mesor (circadian rhythm-adjusted mean of daily activity) [28] and delayed RAR (a delayed rhythm in time) [26] have been observed in BC women before the initiation of treatments and have worsened from chemotherapy-related toxicity [28,29], along with decreased sleep quality [29]. Low amplitude and mesor may also persist several years after the conclusion of chemotherapy in BC survivors [13,27]. ...
... This method revealed that amplitude of the RAR was decreased in both ET+ and ET− groups, and mesor was decreased in ET+ and tended to decrease in ET− patients. This result confirms the findings of previous BC studies using a parametric (Cosinor) approach, that RAR changes in cancer are mainly observed in amplitude and mesor from the beginning of cancer, throughout treatment [23,28], following surgery [59], and up to 5 years after chemotherapy [13]. Moreover, it confirms that lower amplitude and mesor values are suitable parameters to describe RAR disruption in BC patients [13,27]. ...
Rest-activity rhythm (RAR) disruptions are frequently associated with chemotherapy in breast cancer (BC), but they are less known in BC with endocrine therapy (ET). The aim of this ancillary study was to characterize the RAR and estimated sleep characteristics from actigraphy in BC patients either treated (ET+) or untreated with ET (ET-), compared to healthy controls (HC) and using a cross-sectional design. Eighteen ET+, 18 ET-, and 16 HC completed questionnaires and wore wrist actigraphs at home for 2 weeks. Parametric and nonparametric RAR, sleep parameters, and quality of life were compared between groups (p < .05). BC groups presented lower daytime activity than HC according to RAR analysis (mesor and M10 parameters). Compared to HC, ET- had lower inter-daily stability and ET+ had greater sleep complaints. Compared to ET-, ET+ had lower sleep efficiency, more time awake, and higher activity levels at night, as assessed with actigraphy. Our results suggest an effect of cancer independent of treatment on RAR in BC, highlighting the need for further investigation of this topic. In contrast, sleep as assessed with actigraphy seems modified only during ET which matches with patients' sleep complaints. Further longitudinal studies would aid in confirming the latter hypothesis
... It provides a convenient way to approximate rest versus wake states continuously for 24-hours a day for days, weeks, or even longer (82). A number of circadian parameters can be derived from rest-wake spans including mesor, amplitude, acrophase, rhythm quotient, circadian quotient, peak activity, R-squared, Fstatistics, circadian quotient, interdaily stability, intradaily variability, 24-h autocorrelation (r24), and a dichotomy index (I<O, which is the percentage of activity in-bed that is less than the median activity out-of-bed) (44,120,122). See section 4.5 for further details. ...
... Many studies have examined circadian activity rhythms and CTRS during cancer treatment (14,122,183,185,188,190,193,198,201,208). An early study by Roscoe and colleagues (207) directly examined and found significant temporal associations between increases in circadian activity disruption across cycles of chemotherapy and increases in depression and fatigue among breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. ...
... Another study focused on depression, this time in lung cancer patients, found associations between disrupted sleep-activity rhythms and worse depression among outpatients prior to chemotherapy, but not among inpatients during chemotherapy (201). A subsequent study by Liu and colleagues of 148 Stage I-III breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, also found that more disrupted circadian activity rhythms were significantly associated with increases in fatigue (122). Other cross-sectional studies have had similar findings (188,191). ...
Full-text available
Cancer patients experience a number of co-occurring side- and late-effects due to cancer and its treatment including fatigue, sleep difficulties, depressive symptoms, and cognitive impairment. These symptoms can impair quality of life and may persist long after treatment completion. Furthermore, they may exacerbate each other’s intensity and development over time. The co-occurrence and interdependent nature of these symptoms suggests a possible shared underlying mechanism. Thus far, hypothesized mechanisms that have been purported to underlie these symptoms include disruptions to the immune and endocrine systems. Recently circadian rhythm disruption has emerged as a related pathophysiological mechanism underlying cancer- and cancer-treatment related symptoms. Circadian rhythms are endogenous biobehavioral cycles lasting approximately 24 hours in humans and generated by the circadian master clock – the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus. The suprachiasmatic nucleus orchestrates rhythmicity in a wide range of bodily functions including hormone levels, body temperature, immune response, and rest-activity behaviors. In this review, we describe four common approaches to the measurement of circadian rhythms, highlight key research findings on the presence of circadian disruption in cancer patients, and provide a review of the literature on associations between circadian rhythm disruption and cancer- and treatment-related symptoms. Implications for future research and interventions will be discussed.
... In these patients, lower values for most of these parameters were observed compared to non-cancer adults, indicating a more disrupted RAR [15][16][17]. In turn, a more disrupted RAR has been associated with more fatigue, a lower physical and emotional well-being, and a lower quality of life in patients with breast cancer [15,18,19] and metastatic CRC [14,20,21]. However, longitudinal research on RAR in relation to patient-reported health outcomes among survivors of CRC is scarce. ...
... Furthermore, we showed that also higher scores for other RAR parameters including mesor, amplitude, and circadian quotient were associated with lower fatigue and a better HRQoL. As far as we know, we are the first to report these associations in survivors of CRC up to 5 years post-treatment, although similar associations of mesor, amplitude, and circadian quotient with fatigue and HRQoL have been reported in breast cancer patients [15,18,19]. Our findings with regards to insomnia are in line with cross-sectional studies conducted in patients with breast and lung cancer, showing that a higher mesor, dichotomy index, and 24-h autocorrelation were associated with a better sleep quality, albeit not statistically significant in our study [39,40]. ...
Full-text available
Background There is a growing population of survivors of colorectal cancer (CRC). Fatigue and insomnia are common symptoms after CRC, negatively influencing health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Besides increasing physical activity and decreasing sedentary behavior, the timing and patterns of physical activity and rest over the 24-h day (i.e. diurnal rest-activity rhythms) could also play a role in alleviating these symptoms and improving HRQoL. We investigated longitudinal associations of the diurnal rest-activity rhythm (RAR) with fatigue, insomnia, and HRQoL in survivors of CRC. Methods In a prospective cohort study among survivors of stage I-III CRC, 5 repeated measurements were performed from 6 weeks up to 5 years post-treatment. Parameters of RAR, including mesor, amplitude, acrophase, circadian quotient, dichotomy index, and 24-h autocorrelation coefficient, were assessed by a custom MATLAB program using data from tri-axial accelerometers worn on the upper thigh for 7 consecutive days. Fatigue, insomnia, and HRQoL were measured by validated questionnaires. Confounder-adjusted linear mixed models were applied to analyze longitudinal associations of RAR with fatigue, insomnia, and HRQoL from 6 weeks until 5 years post-treatment. Additionally, intra-individual and inter-individual associations over time were separated. Results Data were available from 289 survivors of CRC. All RAR parameters except for 24-h autocorrelation increased from 6 weeks to 6 months post-treatment, after which they remained relatively stable. A higher mesor, amplitude, circadian quotient, dichotomy index, and 24-h autocorrelation were statistically significantly associated with less fatigue and better HRQoL over time. A higher amplitude and circadian quotient were associated with lower insomnia. Most of these associations appeared driven by both within-person changes over time and between-person differences in RAR parameters. No significant associations were observed for acrophase. Conclusions In the first five years after CRC treatment, adhering to a generally more active (mesor) and consistent (24-h autocorrelation) RAR, with a pronounced peak activity (amplitude) and a marked difference between daytime and nighttime activity (dichotomy index) was found to be associated with lower fatigue, lower insomnia, and a better HRQoL. Future intervention studies are needed to investigate if restoring RAR among survivors of CRC could help to alleviate symptoms of fatigue and insomnia while enhancing their HRQoL. Trial registration EnCoRe study NL6904 (
... Cortisol is the primary product of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis [25], and previous reports have shown flattened diurnal cortisol patterns in BC patients following chemotherapy [26,27]. Moreover, previous studies have shown dysregulation of the rest-activity rhythm using actigraphy in BC patients treated with chemotherapy [28][29][30]. The results of these studies have shown a lower amplitude of activity levels (difference between the maximum and minimum of the best fitting curve) as well as a lower mesor (the rhythm-adjusted mean of the best fitting curve). ...
Full-text available
Background Many patients treated for breast cancer (BC) complain about cognitive difficulties affecting their daily lives. Recently, sleep disturbances and circadian rhythm disruptions have been brought to the fore as potential contributors to cognitive difficulties in patients with BC. Yet, studies on these factors as well as their neural correlates are scarce. The purpose of the ICANSLEEP-1 (Impact of SLEEP disturbances in CANcer) study is to characterize sleep using polysomnography and its relationship with the evolution of cognitive functioning at both the behavioral and the neuroanatomical levels across treatment in BC patients treated or not with adjuvant chemotherapy. Methods ICANSLEEP-1 is a longitudinal study including BC patients treated with adjuvant chemotherapy (n = 25) or not treated with adjuvant chemotherapy (n = 25) and healthy controls with no history of BC (n = 25) matched for age (45–65 years old) and education level. The evaluations will take place within 6 weeks after inclusion, before the initiation of chemotherapy (for BC patients who are candidates for chemotherapy) or before the first fraction of radiotherapy (for BC patients with no indication for chemotherapy) and 6 months later (corresponding to 2 weeks after the end of chemotherapy). Episodic memory, executive functions, psychological factors, and quality of life will be assessed with validated neuropsychological tests and self-questionnaires. Sleep quantity and quality will be assessed with polysomnography and circadian rhythms with both actigraphy and saliva cortisol. Grey and white matter volumes, as well as white matter microstructural integrity, will be compared across time between patients and controls and will serve to further investigate the relationship between sleep disturbances and cognitive decline. Discussion Our results will help patients and clinicians to better understand sleep disturbances in BC and their relationship with cognitive functioning across treatment. This will aid the identification of more appropriate sleep therapeutic approaches adapted to BC patients. Improving sleep in BC would eventually help limit cognitive deficits and thus improve quality of life during and after treatments. Trial registration NCT05414357, registered June 10, 2022. Protocol version Version 1.2 dated March 23, 2022.
... Circadian rhythm disruption has been associated with some cancer-related symptoms and recently emerged as a potential mechanism underlying some cancer-and treatment-related symptoms, e.g., fatigue, sleep disturbance, and depressive mood [7][8][9]. Cancer patients suffering greater circadian disruption experienced more disrupted nighttime sleep, more daytime fatigue, greater depression, and worsening life quality [8,10,11]. Mounting evidence supports bright light's effect on circadian regulations [12][13][14][15][16][17]. Bright light therapy has successfully treated circadian rhythm sleep disorders, e.g., shift work and jet lag, and alleviated fatigue, depression, and insomnia in non-cancerous conditions, e.g., seasonal affective disorder [15,[18][19][20][21][22]. ...
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Purpose Bright light therapy holds promise for reducing common symptoms, e.g., fatigue, experienced by individuals with cancer. This study aimed to examine the effects of a chronotype-tailored bright light intervention on sleep disturbance, fatigue, depressive mood, cognitive dysfunction, and quality of life among post-treatment breast cancer survivors. Methods In this two-group randomized controlled trial (NCT03304587), participants were randomized to receive 30-min daily bright blue-green light (12,000 lx) or dim red light (5 lx) either between 19:00 and 20:00 h or within 30 min of waking in the morning. Self-reported outcomes and in-lab overnight polysomnography sleep study were assessed before (pre-test) and after the 14-day light intervention (post-test). Results The sample included 30 women 1–3 years post-completion of chemotherapy and/or radiation for stage I to III breast cancer (mean age = 52.5 ± 8.4 years). There were no significant between-group differences in any of the symptoms or quality of life (all p > 0.05). However, within each group, self-reported sleep disturbance, fatigue, depressive mood, cognitive dysfunction, and quality of life-related functioning showed significant improvements over time (all p < 0.05); the extent of improvement for fatigue and depressive mood was clinically relevant. Polysomnography sleep findings showed that a number of awakenings significantly decreased (p = 0.011) among participants who received bright light, while stage 2 sleep significantly increased (p = 0.015) among participants who received dim-red light. Conclusion The findings support using light therapy to manage post-treatment symptoms in breast cancer survivors. The unexpected symptom improvements among dim-red light controls remain unexplained and require further investigation. Trial registration Identifier: NCT03304587, October 19, 2017.
... There will be one or more forms of treatment for each cancer patient, such as chemotherapy, surgery, radiation, and others. Cancer patients feel exhaustion with cancer: before, during, and after chemotherapy [6]. Nearly 30-99% of people with cancer experience extreme fatigue [7]. ...
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Background: To identify the effect of physical exercise on depression, anxiety, and fatigue in cervical cancer patients. Methods: A quasi-experimental study ith a pretest-posttest with control group design was used. 30 respondents were selected using purposive sampling. The data were gathered by a focus group discussion. The Piper Fatigue Scale (PFS) was used to measure fatigue levels. Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) were used to measure anxiety and depression level. Paired t-test was used for data analysis. Results: There was a significant difference between depression level after physical exercise with t=3.552 (p<0.05). There was a significant difference between anxiety level after physical exercise with t=11.297 (p<0.05). There was a significant difference between fatigue level after physical exercise with t=17.457 (p<0.05). Conclusion: Physical exercise reduces anxiety, depression, and fatigue in patients with cervical cancer that will improve the quality of life of patients.
... years after the initial diagnosis [11,12]. Even before chemotherapy, BC patients have an impaired circadian rest/activity rhythm [13,14], and each cycle leads to further limitations in this rhythm [14,15]. Similarly, even before adjuvant treatment, BC patients show a reduced daily activity and an increased frequency of nighttime waking events [16]. ...
Introduction: Breast cancer patients with cancer-related fatigue (BC-CRF) often have lower physical activity. To investigate how this could be improved we evaluated a multimodal treatment (MT) and a combination of MT with aerobic training (CT) were and compared these with aerobic training (AT) regarding rest/activity rhythm and state autonomic regulation (State aR). Methods: In this pragmatic comprehensive cohort design study the explorative analysis focused on actigraphy and State aR including the rest/activity regulation subscale (State aR-R/A) which were assessed at baseline (T0), after ten weeks of intervention (T1) and State aR additionally six months later (T2). Statistics: General linear modelling including propensity scores. Results: 65 BC-CRF were randomised and 61 allocated by preference to the treatment arms. 105 patients started the intervention. At T1 State aR-R/A improved the most in MT (+3.49, CI [2.42; 4.55]) compared to AT (+1.59, CI [0.13; 3.06] and CT (+1.68, CI [0.83; 2.52]) showing superiority of MT to AT (p=0.048). At T2 MT was sustainably superior to AT regarding State aR-R/A (+3.61, CI [2.38; 4.83] p<0.01) and State aR also showed superiority of MT to AT (p=0.006). AT T1 24-hour activity was higher in MT compared to AT (p=0.029). Conclusions: MT was superior to AT regarding State aR total score after six months, State aR-R/A after 10 weeks and after six months. Actigraphically measured total activity also improved after 10 weeks.
Background: The effects of aging on circadian patterns of behavior are insufficiently described. To address this, we characterized age-specific features of rest-activity rhythms (RAR) in community dwelling older adults both overall, and in relation, to sociodemographic characteristics. Methods: We examined cross-sectional associations between RAR and age, sex, race, education, multimorbidity burden, financial, work, martial, health, and smoking status using assessments of older adults with wrist-worn free-living actigraphy data (N=820, Age=76.4 yrs, 58.2% women) participating in the Study of Muscle, Mobility and Aging (SOMMA). RAR parameters were determined by mapping an extension to the traditional cosine curve to activity data. Functional principal component analysis determined variables accounting for variance. Results: Age was associated with several metrics of dampened RAR; women had stronger and more robust RAR vs. men (all P < 0.05). Total activity (56%) and time of activity (20%) accounted for most the RAR variance. Compared to the latest decile of acrophase, those in the earliest decile had higher average amplitude (P <0.001). Compared to the latest decile of acrophase, those in the earliest and midrange categories had more total activity (P=0.02). Being in a married-like relationship and a more stable financial situation were associated with stronger rhythms; higher education was associated with less rhythm strength (all P < 0.05). Conclusions: Older age was associated with dampened circadian behavior; behaviors were sexually dimorphic. Some sociodemographic characteristics were associated with circadian behavior. We identified a behavioral phenotype characterized by early time-of-day of peak activity, high rhythmic amplitude, and more total activity.
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Purpose Bright light therapy holds promise for reducing common symptoms, e.g., fatigue, experienced by individuals with cancer. This study aimed to examine the effects of a chronotype-tailored bright light intervention on sleep disturbance, fatigue, depressive mood, cognitive dysfunction, and quality of life among post-treatment breast cancer survivors. Methods In this two-group randomized controlled trial (NCT03304587), participants were randomized to receive 30-min daily bright blue-green light (12,000 lux) or dim red light (5 lux) either between 19:00–20:00 h or within 30 min of waking in the morning. Self-reported outcomes and in-lab overnight polysomnography sleep study were assessed before (pre-test) and after the 14-day light intervention (post-test). Results The sample included 30 women 1–3 years post-completion of chemotherapy and/or radiation for stage I to III breast cancer (mean age = 52.5 ± 8.4 years). There were no significant between-group differences in any of the symptoms or quality of life (all p > 0.05). However, within each group, self-reported sleep disturbance, fatigue, and depressive mood, and quality of life-related functioning showed significant improvements over time (all p < 0.01); the extent of improvement for fatigue and depressive mood was clinically relevant. Polysomnography sleep findings showed that number of awakenings significantly decreased (p = 0.011) among participants received bright light, while stage 2 sleep significantly increased (p = 0.015) among participants received dim-red light. Conclusion The findings provide some evidence to support using chronotype-tailored light therapy to manage sleep disturbance, fatigue, depressive mood in post-treatment breast cancer survivors. The unexpected symptom improvements among dim-red light controls remain unexplained and requires further investigation. Identifier: NCT03304587 Study was registered on October 19, 2017.
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Circadian rhythms (CRs) are commonly disrupted in women undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer (BC). Bright light improves and strengthens CRs in other populations. This randomized controlled study examined the effect of morning administration of bright light therapy on CRs in women undergoing chemotherapy for BC. It was hypothesized that women receiving bright light therapy would exhibit more robust rhythms than women exposed to dim light. Thirty-nine women newly diagnosed with BC and scheduled for chemotherapy were randomized into 2 groups: bright white light (BWL) or dim red light (DRL). Women were instructed to use the light box every morning for 30 min during their first 4 cycles of chemotherapy. Wrist actigraphy was recorded at 5 time points: prior to chemotherapy (baseline), Cycle-1 treatment week (C1TW), Cycle-1 recovery week (C1RW), Cycle-4 treatment week (C4TW), and Cycle-4 recovery week (C4RW). There was a Group × Time interaction at C4TW compared to baseline such that the DRL group showed significant deterioration in the mean of the activity rhythm (mesor) and amplitude, whereas the BWL group exhibited a significant increase in both mesor and amplitude. The DRL group also exhibited significant deterioration in overall rhythm robustness at C1TW, C4TW, and C4RW. Women in the BWL group also showed significant decreases in overall rhythm robustness at C1TW and C4TW, but returned to baseline levels at both recovery weeks. The results suggest that morning administration of bright light may protect women from experiencing CR deterioration during chemotherapy.
Purpose: To describe the occurrence of fatigue in a large sample of breast cancer survivors relative to general population norms and to identify demographic, medical, and psychosocial characteristics of fatigued survivors. Patients and methods: Breast cancer survivors in two large metropolitan areas completed standardized questionnaires as part of a survey study, including the RAND 36-item Health Survey, Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale, Breast Cancer Prevention Trial Symptom Checklist, Medical Outcomes Study Sleep Scale, and demographic and treatment-related measures. Results: On average, the level of fatigue reported by the breast cancer survivors surveyed (N = 1,957) was comparable to that of age-matched women in the general population, although the breast cancer survivors were somewhat more fatigued than a more demographically similar reference group. Approximately one third of the breast cancer survivors assessed reported more severe fatigue, which was associated with significantly higher levels of depression, pain, and sleep disturbance. In addition, fatigued women were more bothered by menopausal symptoms and were somewhat more likely to have received chemotherapy (with or without radiation therapy) than nonfatigued women. In multivariate analyses, depression and pain emerged as the strongest predictors of fatigue. Conclusion: Although the majority of breast cancer survivors in this large and diverse sample did not experience heightened levels of fatigue relative to women in the general population, there was a subgroup of survivors who did report more severe and persistent fatigue. We identified characteristics of these women that may be helpful in elucidating the mechanisms underlying fatigue in this population, as well as directing intervention efforts.
A growing body of evidence is documenting the multidimensional nature of cancer-related fatigue. Although several multidimensional measures of fatigue have been developed, further validation of these scales is needed. To this end, the current study sought to evaluate the factorial and construct validity of the 30-item Multidimensional Fatigue Symptom Inventory-Short Farm (MFSI-SF). A heterogeneous sample of 304 cancer patients (mean age 55 years) completed the MFSI-SF, along with several other measures of psychosocial functioning including the MOS-SF-36 and Fatigue Symptom Inventory, following the fourth cycle of chemotherapy treatment. The results of a confirmatory factor analysis indicated the 5-factor model provided a good fit to the data as evidenced by commonly used goodness of fit indices (CFI 0.90 and IFI 0.90). Additional evidence for the validity of the MFSI-SF was provided via correlations with other relevant instruments (range -0.21 to 0.82). In sum, the current study provides support for the MFSI-SF as a valuable tool for the multidimensional assessment of cancer-relaled fatigue. J Pain Symptom Manage 2004;27:14-23.
Prolonged and disabling fatigue is prevalent after cancer treatment, but the early natural history of cancer-related fatigue (CRF) has not been systematically examined to document consistent presence of symptoms. Hence, relationships to cancer, surgery, and adjuvant therapy are unclear. A prospective cohort study of women receiving adjuvant treatment for early-stage breast cancer was conducted. Women (n = 218) were enrolled after surgery and observed at end treatment and at 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months as well as 5 years. Structured interviews and self-report questionnaires were used to record physical and psychologic health as well as disability and health care utilization. Patients with CRF persisting for 6 months were assessed to exclude alternative medical and psychiatric causes of fatigue. Predictors of persistent fatigue, mood disturbance, and health care utilization were sought by logistic regression. The case rate for CRF was 24% (n = 51) postsurgery and 31% (n = 69) at end of treatment; it became persistent in 11% (n = 24) at 6 months and 6% (n = 12) at 12 months. At each time point, approximately one third of the patients had comorbid mood disturbance. Persistent CRF was predicted by tumor size but not demographic, psychologic, surgical, or hematologic parameters. CRF was associated with significant disability and health care utilization. CRF is common but generally runs a self-limiting course. Much of the previously reported high rates of persistent CRF may be attributable to factors unrelated to the cancer or its treatment.
Cancer-related fatigue (CRF) has been documented as 1 of the most distressing symptoms reported by breast cancer survivors. CRF affects functioning and impacts quality of life. Possible causal factors include physical conditions, affective and cognitive states, proinflammatory cytokines, and metabolic factors. Several common problems are associated with CRF in women with breast cancer, including treatment side effects, obesity, arm/upper quadrant symptoms, sleep disturbances, psychological effects, and comorbid conditions. In this article, the authors review the state of the knowledge regarding these issues and nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic interventions for CRF. Physical activity and psychosocial interventions are recommended for practice. Numerous limitations of past studies need to be considered in the design of future studies. CRF is prevalent in preoperative, postoperative, and ongoing surveillance phases. Throughout the continuum of care for women with breast cancer, clinicians must screen, further assess as indicated, and treat CRF, because it is associated with emotional distress and limits function and willingness to exercise.