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Parity-odd multipoles, magnetic charges, and chirality in hematite α-Fe_ {2} O_ {3}


Abstract and Figures

Collinear and canted magnetic motifs in hematite were investigated by J. Kokubun et al. [Phys. Rev. B 78 115112 (2008) using x-ray Bragg diffraction magnified at the iron K-edge, and analyses of observations led to various potentially interesting conclusions. We demonstrate that the reported analyses for both nonresonant and resonant magnetic diffraction at low energies near the absorption K-edge are not appropriate. In its place, we apply a radically different formulation, thoroughly tried and tested, that incorporates all magnetic contributions to resonant x-ray diffraction allowed by the established chemical and magnetic structures. Essential to a correct formulation of diffraction by a magnetic crystal with resonant ions at sites that are not centers of inversion symmetry are parity-odd atomic multipoles, time-even (polar) and time-odd (magneto-electric), that arise from enhancement by the electric-dipole (E1)–electric-quadrupole (E2) event. Analyses of azimuthal-angle scans on two space-group forbidden reflections, hexagonal (0,0,3)h and (0,0,9)h, collected by Kokubun et al. [Phys. Rev. B 78, 115112 (2008)] above and below the Morin temperature (TM=250 K), allow us to obtain good estimates of contributing polar and magnetoelectric multipoles, including the iron anapole. We show, beyond reasonable doubt, that available data are inconsistent with parity-even events only (E1-E1 and E2-E2). For future experiments, we show that chiral states of hematite couple to circular polarization and differentiate E1-E2 and E2-E2 events, while the collinear motif supports magnetic charges.
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Parity-odd multipoles, magnetic charges and chirality in haematite (α–Fe2O3)
S. W. Lovesey
ISIS Facility & Diamond Light Source Ltd, Oxfordshire OX11 0QX, United Kingdom
A. Rodríguez-Fernández and J. A. Blanco
Departamento de Física, Universidad de Oviedo, E–33007 Oviedo, Spain
(Dated: November 3, 2010)
Collinear and canted magnetic motifs in haematite were investigated by Kokubun et al .[Phys.
Rev. B 78, 115112(2008)]. using x-ray Bragg diffraction magnified at the iron K-edge, and analyses
of observations led to various potentially interesting conclusions. We demonstrate that the reported
analyses for both non-resonant and resonant magnetic diffraction at low energies near the absorption
K–edge are not appropriate. In its place, we apply a radically different formulation, thoroughly tried
and tested, that incorporates all magnetic contributions to resonant x-ray diffraction allowed by the
established chemical and magnetic structures. Essential to a correct formulation of diffraction by a
magnetic crystal with resonant ions at sites that are not centres of inversion symmetry are parity-odd
atomic multipoles, time-even (polar) and time-odd (magneto-electric), that arise from enhancement
by the electric-dipole (E1) - electric-quadrupole (E2) event. Analyses of azimuthal-angle scans on
two space-group forbidden reflections, hexagonal (0,0,3)hand (0,0,9)h, collected by Kokubun et al .
[Phys. Rev. B 78, 115112(2008)] above and below the Morin temperature (TM= 250 K), allow us
to obtain good estimates of contributing polar and magneto-electric multipoles, including the iron
anapole. We show, beyond reasonable doubt, that available data are inconsistent with parity-even
events only (E1-E1 and E2-E2). For future experiments, we show that chiral states of haematite
couple to circular polarization and differentiate E1-E2 and E2-E2 events, while the collinear motif
supports magnetic charges.
PACS numbers: 78.70.Ck, 78.20.Ek, 75.50.Ee, 75.47.Lx,
arXiv:1010.1686v3 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 2 Nov 2010
Enigmas about ichor-like haematite (α–Fe2O3) and famed lodestone, both real and concocted, have been worried
and written about from the time of Greek texts in 315 B.C., to William Gilbert of Colchester, the father of magnetism,
in the 16th. C., to Dzyaloshinsky in 1958 who gave a phenomenological theory of weak ferromagnetism. Haematite is
the iron sesquioxide that crystallizes into the corundum structure (centro-symmetric space-group ]167,R¯
3c) in which
ferric (F e3+,3d5) ions occupy sites 4(c) on the trigonal c-axis that are not centres of inversion symmetry. For an
extensive review of the history and properties of haematite see, for example, Morrish1and Catti et al .2
At room temperature, the motif of magnetic moments is canted antiferromagnetism with moments in a (basal) plane
normal to the c-axis. Weak ferromagnetism parallel to a diad axis of rotation symmetry, normal to a mirror plane
of symmetry that contains the c-axis, is created by a Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya antisymetric interaction D·(S1×S2)
between spins S1and S2and the vector Dis parallel to the c-axis, Dzyaloshinsky,3Moriya.4The Morin temperature
250 K, at which moments rotate out of the the basal plane to the c-axis, may be determined from the temperature
dependence of magnetic Bragg peaks observed by neutron diffraction. Rotation of the moments takes place in a range
of 10 Kin pure crystals but the interval can be much larger, 150 K, in mixed materials.5Ultimately, moments
align with the c-axis and create a fully compensating, collinear antiferromagnet with an iron magnetic moment = 4.9
µBat 77 K. We follow Dzyaloshinsky3and label collinear (low-temperature phase) and canted (room-temperature
phase) antiferromagnetism as phases I and II, respectively, see figure 1. In phase I haematite is not magneto-electric
unlike eskolaite (Cr2O3), which also possesses the corundum structure and collinear antiferromagnetism.
FIG. 1. Magnetic and chemical structure of haematite, space group R¯
3c. The red and the yellow dots represent oxygen and
iron sites, respectively. The left line denotes the magnetic motif along the c-axis below the Morin temperature (Phase I). The
right line denotes the motif above the Morin temperature, where iron moments are contained in the a-bplane (Phase II).
Finkelstein et al .6and Kokubun et al .7studied haematite by x-ray Bragg diffraction, with Bragg intensities enhanced
by tuning the energy of the primary x-rays to the iron K-absorption edge. In these experiments, attention is given to
Bragg reflections that are forbidden by extinction rules for the space-group. Often called Templeton and Templeton
reflections,8the reflections in question are relatively weak and arise from angular anisotropy of valence states that
accept the photo-ejected electron. Following rotation of the crystal about a Bragg wave-vector aligned with the c-axis,
Finkelstein et al.6observed a near six-fold periodicity of the intensity that is traced to a triad axis of rotation symmetry
that passes through sites occupied by resonant, ferric ions. In general by measuring intensities, collected at space-
forbidden reflections, we can obtain information of high-order multipoles existing in the materials such as magnetic
charge (or magnetic monopole),9electric dipole,10 anapole,11,12 quadropole,13 octupole14,15 and hexadecapole.16,17
Therefore, these weak reflections are extremely sensitive to charge, orbital and spin electron degrees of freedom and
haematite is no exception.18
We apply an atomic theory of resonant Bragg diffraction formulated for the corundum structure,19 to data gathered
by Kokubun et al.7at forbidden reflections (0,0, l )hwith l= 3(2n+ 1) and infer from available data relative values of
atomic multipoles of the resonant ion. A successful story emerges with scattering represented by a mixture of parity-
even and parity-odd (even or odd with respect to the inversion of space) multipoles at sites in the structure occupied
by resonant iron ions, which are not centres of inversion symmetry. Parity-odd multipoles arise in a resonant event
using the electric dipole (E1) and electric quadrupole (E2) - corresponding multipoles are labelled polar (time-even)
or magneto-electric (time-odd) - while parity-even multipoles arise from E1-E1 and E2-E2 events. A chiral state
of haematite is demonstrated by a predicted coupling of resonant intensity to circular polarization (helicity) in the
primary beam, and the effect also differentiates between E1-E2 and E2-E2 events. The two parity-odd multipoles
of rank zero correspond to chirality and magnetic charge20,21 and both pseudo-scalar monopoles are present in the
electric dipole-magnetic dipole (E1-M1) amplitude for resonant scattering by haematite in phase I.
Our communication is arranged as follows. Section 2 contains essential information and definitions. Unit-cell
structure factors for Bragg diffraction enhanced by E1-E1, E1-E2 and E2-E2 listed in an Appendix are exploited
in Sections 3 and 4, which report the successful analysis of Bragg diffraction data gathered on haematite at room
temperature and 150 K, well below the Morin transition. Thereafter, in Section 5, there are simulations of resonant
intensity induced by circular polarization in the primary x-ray beam which signals existence of a chiral state. Section
6 addresses magnetic charge found in the E1-M1 structure factor, and not visible in a dichroic signal. A discussion of
findings in Section 7 concludes the communication.
There are four contributions to the amplitude of photons scattered by electrons calculated in the first level of
approximation in the small quantity (E/mc2), where E is the energy of the primary photon, namely, Thomson
scattering, spin scattering and two contributions with virtual intermediate states, one of which may become large
when E coincides with an atomic resonance. Of particular interest with magnetic samples is a celebrated reduction
of the amplitude, derived by de Bergevin and Brunel,22 which occurs at large E. In this limit, all three contributions
excluding Thomson scattering add to give so-called magnetic, non-resonant scattering made up simply of spin and
orbital magnetic moments. De Bergevin and Brunel’s result is not valid at low energies, and certainly not below an
atomic resonance, as is at once obvious from steps in its derivation.23
In an analysis of x-ray Bragg diffraction data for haematite collected at space-group forbidden reflections we use
the spin and resonant contributions to the scattering amplitude. The spin contribution Gs=i(E/mc2)(e×e0)·Fs(k)
with k=qq0where eand q(e0and q0) are, respectively, the polarization vector and wave-vector of the primary
(secondary) photon, and the Bragg angle θthat appears in structure factors for resonant scattering is defined by
q·q0=q2cos(2θ). Fs(k)is the unit-cell structure factor for spin magnetic moments. The measured energy profiles of
reflections (0,0,3)hand (0,0,9)hshow a single resonance in the pre-edge region, devoid of secondary structure, which
is modelled by a single oscillator centred at an energy ∆=7.105 keV with a width Γ, to an excellent approximation.7
In this instance, the resonant contribution to scattering is represented by d(E)Fµ0νwhere d(E)=∆/[E∆ + iΓ] and
Fµ0νis a unit-cell structure factor for states of polarization µ0(secondary) and ν(primary). We follow the standard
convention for orthogonal polarization labels σand π;σnormal to the plane of scattering and, consequently, πin
the plane. Unit-cell structure factors listed in an Appendix are derived following steps for the corundum structure
found in Lovesey et al.19 The generic form of our Bragg scattering amplitude for haematite at a space-group forbidden
reflection (no Thomson scattering) is,
Gµ0ν(E) = Gs
µ0ν+ρ d(E)Fµ0ν,(1)
where ρis a collection of factors, which include radial integrals for particular resonance events, that are provided
in an Appendix.
Atomic multipoles hTK
Qiin parity-even structure factors, for E1-E1 and E2-E2 events, have the property that even
rank K are time-even (charge) and odd rank K are time-odd (magnetic). For enhancement at the K-absorption edge,
all parity-even atomic multipoles relate to orbital degrees of freedom in the valence shell - spin degrees of freedom are
absent Lovesey.24 Thus, for enhancement at the K-absorption edge, multipoles hTK
Qiwith odd K are zero if the ferric,
3d5(electron configuration 6S) of the iron ion is fully preserved in haematite. The measured iron magnetic moment
4.9µBat 77 Kindicates that the orbital magnetic moment is small and likely no more than 2% of the measured
We report first our analyses of data gathered by Kokubun et al .7on haematite at 150 K. With 100% incident
σ-polarization and no analysis of polarization in the secondary beam, the measured intensity of a Bragg reflection is
proportional to,
For a collinear antiferromagnet, in expression (1) for Gµ0ν(E) one has Gs
σ0σ= 0 and in the channel with rotated
π0σ= 4 sin(θ)sin(ϕl) (E/mc2)fs(k)hSzi,(3)
where ϕ=37.91 deg., the Bragg angle θ= 10.96 deg. (34.77 deg.)for a Miller index l= 3 (9),hSzi ≤ 5/2is
the spin moment and fs(k)is the spin form factor with fs(0) = 1. Note that |Gs
π0σ|2sin2(θ)above is not the
expression in equation (20) in Ref. (7), which is derived by use of an abridged scattering amplitude that is not valid
in the experiment.22
At resonance, the spin contribution Gs
π0σis suppressed compared to the resonant contribution by a factor Γ/
104and it may safely be neglected.
Confrontations between our theoretical expressions for the azimuthal-angle dependence of Bragg intensity with
corresponding experimental data reported in Ref. (7) reveal a 30 deg. mismatch of origins in the azimuthal angle.
Our origin ψ= 0 has the a-axis normal to the plane of scattering19 whereas Kokubun et al .7specify an origin such
that the a-axis is parallel to q+q0giving a nominal mismatch in the origin of ψ, between theory and experiment,
of 90 deg. The actual mismatch, 30 deg., revealed by our analysis of data is likely to arise in the experiments by
mistakenly using for reference a basal plane Bragg reflection off-set by 60 deg. In this and the following section we
reproduce data as a function of ψoff-set by 30 deg. compared to data reported in Figures 5and 10 in Ref. (7).
In light of the established negligible orbital magnetism in haematite, parity-even, time-odd atomic multipoles (K=
1 & 3) are set equal to zero. Looking in the Appendix one finds Fµ0ν(E1E1) = 0. Additionally, Fσ0σ(E2E2) = 0
and Fπ0σ(E2E2) produces Templeton - Templeton scattering proportional to [hT4
+3i0cos(3ψ)], where ψis the
azimuthal angle. Inspection of data for phase I reproduced in figure 2 shows that an E2-E2 event on its own is not an
adequate representation. The missing modulation is produced by the E1-E2 event that introduces a polar quadrupole
0iin phase with the parity-even hexadecapole.25 Figure 2 displays satisfactory fits of {| Fσ0σ|2+|Fπ0σ|2}, using
equal measures of E1-E2 and E2-E2 events, to data from azimuthal-angle scans performed at reflections (0,0, l)h
with l= 3 and 9. The influence of the polar quadrupole is very notable for l= 9 because for this Miller index the
hexadecapole is suppressed, with the ratio at l= 9 to l= 3 of tan(ϕl)equal to 0.15. Relative values of multipoles
inferred from fits to the low temperature data are gathered in table I. Values of hT4
+3i0and hU2
0iin phase I are found
to be of one sign and in the ratio 20 : 1, with near equal magnitudes of the polar quadrupole and magneto-electric
octupole, hG3
+3i0. If |ρ(E2E2)(E1E2) |≈ 1.0, as suggested by our estimate, magneto-electric multipoles are
5% of the dominant parity-even hexadecapole, hT4
Without polarization analysis, it does not seem possible from azimuthal-angle scans to distinguish between E1-E2
and E2-E2 events. However, as shown in Section 5, the two events can be distinguished with circularly polarized
The failure of pure parity-even structure factors E1-E1 plus E2-E2 to explain the data is most pronounced for l= 9.
To illustrate the extent of the failure, figure 3 displays a fit to intensity at l= 9 with an amplitude made of equal
amounts of E1-E1 and E2-E2 unit-cell structure factors, and the quality of the fit is clearly inferior to the one shown
in figure 2.
In this phase, above the Morin transition, iron magnetic moments lie in a plane normal to the c-axis. We choose
orthonormal principal-axes (x,y,z) with the x- and z-axes parallel to the crystal a- and c-axes, respectively. The
crystal a-axis is parallel to a diad axis of rotation symmetry, normal to the mirror plane that contains the trigonal
The spin contribution Gs
σ0σ= 0, while the corresponding π0σ-scattering amplitude can be different from zero and,
notably, it depends on azimuthal angle. We find,
Intensity (arb. units)
200150100500-50-100-150 Azimutal Angle (degree)
α−Fe2O3 (0,0,3)h E0=7.105 keV T=150 K
Intensity (arb. units)
Azimutal Angle (degree)
α−Fe2O3 (0,0,9)h E0=7.105 keV T=150 K
FIG. 2. Azimuthal-angle dependence of intensity of Bragg reflections (0,0, l)hwith l= 3 and l= 9 for phase I (150K).
Continuous curves are fits to structure factors for E1-E2 and E2-E2 events with magnetic (time-odd) parity-even multipoles
set to zero. Inferred relative atomic multipoles are listed in Table I. Experimental data is taken from Kokubun et al .7
TABLE I. Relative values of atomic multipoles for collinear antiferromagnetism in phase I (at 100 K below the Morin
transition) and canted antiferromagnetism in phase II (room temperature). The magnitude of the dominant hexadecapole,
+3i0, is set to +10.00. The estimate hU2
0i= +0.50 inferred by fits to data for phase I is also used in analysis of data for
phase II. Values for other multipoles are inferred by fitting to data equal measures of E1-E2 and E2-E2 structure factors listed
in an Appendix, with time-odd figures (magnetic) multipoles in E2-E2 set to zero. Fits are displayed in figures 2 and 4.
With our definition, real h...i’ and imaginary h...i parts of a multipole are defined through hGK
Qi00 with
Qi= (1)QhGK
Qi, and identical relations for the other two multipoles, hTK
Qiand hUK
Qi. All multipoles with projection Q
= 0 are purely real. Using radial integrals from an atomic code factors in equation (1) are in the ratio ρ(E2E2)(E1E2)
0.98, which is no more than a guide to the actual value in haematite. This ratio is not eliminated in listed values of multipoles.
Multipole Phase I Phase II
+1i00 − −0.38(3)
+3i00.41(2) 2.45(5)
π0σ= 4 cos(ψ)cos(θ)sin(ϕl) (E/mc2)fs(k)hSyi,(4)
and |Gs
π0σ|2cos2(θ)from eq. (4) is not the same as the corresponding result, equation (19) in Ref. (7) for
reasons spelled out in Section 3.
Away from a resonance, the result (4) predicts a two-fold periodicity of intensity as a function of azimuthal angle,
which is in accord with observations in Ref. (7). Spin moment in the mirror plane hSyiis close to 5/2while
spontaneous magnetization, directed along a diad axis, is 0.02% of the nominal value. From (3) and (4) we see that
the ratio of |Gs
π0σ|2for phases I and II depends on tan2(θ)which takes the value 0.04(0.48) for l= 3(l= 9). For
l= 3, Kokubun et al .7report intensity between 150 K (phase I) and 300 K (phase II). Starting from 210 K a large
Intensity (arb. units)
α−Fe2O3 (009)h E0=7.105 keV T=150 K
Intensity (arb. units)
200150100500-50-100-150 Azimutal Angle (degree)
α−Fe2O3 (0,0,9)h E0=7.105keV RT
FIG. 3. Azimuthal-angle dependence of intensity of the Bragg reflection (0,0,9)hfor phases I (150K)and II (room temperature).
Continuous curves are fits to parity-even structure factors E1-E1 and E2-E2 including all magnetic multipoles. Experimental
data taken from Kokubun et al.7appears also in figure 2 and 4.
increase of intensity is observed over an interval of 40 K. Rotation of magnetic moments from the c-axis to basal
plane, between phases I and II, takes place in a range of 10 K in pure crystals but the interval can be larger in mixed
materials as commented above.
Slightly away from the resonance, interference between the non-resonant, spin contribution (4) and d(E)Fπ0σmay
enhance intensity in a Bragg peak if (E∆)[Gs
π0σ/(Fπ0σ)0]i0. We find [Gs
π0σ/(Fπ0σ)0]is of one sign for l= 3 and l= 9
provided that fs(k), the spin form factor, is of one sign. At face value this finding is not at one with Kokubun et al .7
who discuss a sighting of slight enhancement of the intensity on the low-energy side of the resonance for l= 9 that is
apparently absent, or completely negligible, for l= 3.
Figure 4 shows fits of E1-E2 and E2-E2 structure factors to data gathered at l= 3 and l= 9 in phase II (room
temperature). As before, in our analysis of data gathered on phase I, parity-even multipoles with odd K are set to
zero. Time-even contributions to structure factors, determined by chemical structure, are taken to be the same in
phases I and II. Consistency with this assumption, about chemical structure, implies for phases I and II the same
values of hT4
+3i0and hU2
0i. Inferred relative values of time-odd atomic multipoles for phase II are listed in Table I,
with values of hT4
+3i0and hU2
0iin the ratio 20 : 1. Relative to the magnitude of hU2
0i, none of the magneto-electric
multipoles are negligible in phase II. Figure 3 contains a fit of pure parity-even structure factors, E1-E1 and E2-E2,
to data for the reflection l = 9, and the quality of the fit is clearly inferior to that reported in figure 4 with E1-E2
and E2-E2 structure factors.
A chiral, or handed, state of a material is permitted to couple to a probe with a like property, in our case circular
polarization (helicity) in the primary beam of x-rays. In our notation, the pseudo-scalar for helicity, P2, is one of
three purely real, time-even Stokes parameters. Intensity induced by helicity in the primary beam is,17
Ic=P2Im {G
Intensity (arb. units)
200150100500-50-100-150 Azimutal Angle (degree)
α−Fe2O3 (0,0,3)h E0=7.105 keV RT
Intensity (arb. units)
Azimutal Angle (degree)
α−Fe2O3 (0,0,9)h E0=7.105 keV RT
FIG. 4. Azimuthal-angle dependence of intensity of Bragg reflections (0,0, l)hwith l= 3 and l= 9 for phase II (room
temperature). Continuous curves are fits to structure factors for E1-E2 and E2-E2 events with magnetic (time-odd) parity-even
multipoles set to zero. Inferred relative atomic multipoles are listed in Table I. Experimental data is taken from Kokubun
et al .7
where the amplitudes Gµ0νare given by eq. (1) and * denotes complex conjugation. Icis zero for Thomson
scattering since it is proportional to (e·e0)and diagonal with respect to states of polarization.
Let us consider the fully compensating collinear antiferromagnet (phase I). For both E1-E1 and E1-M1 events there
are no contributions diagonal with respect to states of polarization and Icis zero. Using structure factors listed in
the Appendix for the E1-E2 and E2-E2 events we find,
Ic(E1E2) = P2(82
5)ρ2(E1E2) |d(E)|2sin(3ψ)cos3(θ) (1 + sin2(θ))cos2(ϕl)hG3
Ic(E2E2) = P24ρ2(E2E2) |d(E)|2sin(6ψ)sin(θ)cos6(θ)sin2(ϕl)hT3
+3i00 hT4
The predicted intensities are significantly different - notably in dependence on the azimuthal angle - and offer a
method by which to distinguish contributions from the two events. Intensities (6) and (7) depend on long-range
magnetic order, with Ic(E2E2) = 0 if the ferric ion is pure 6S. The polar quadrupole in (6) is a manifestation
of local chirality19,25 whereas the pseudoscalar hU0
0i, discussed in the next section, is a conventional measure of the
chirality of a material. While for phase II, we find that Ic is given by,
Ic(E1E2) = P2(82
5)ρ2(E1E2) |d(E)|2cos2(ϕl)cos2(θ)hU2
0i{ 1
3sin(ψ) [ 3
5(cos(3θ) + cos(θ)) hG1
+(cos(3θ)cos(θ)) hG2
+1i00 1
5(cos3(θ)+2cos(θ)) hG3
+1i0]sin(3ψ)cos(θ) (1 + sin2(θ))hG3
FIG. 5. Simulation of the azimuthal-angle dependence from eq. (6) for a circular polarized light of Bragg reflections (0,0, l)h
with l= 3 and l= 9 for Phase I. Continuous curves are simulations made with the values of the multipoles from the E1-E2
event gathered in Table I. For the E2-E2 event Icis zero because our magnetic (time-odd) parity-even multipoles are zero for
a ferric ion. Zero Icdoes not mean zero intensity for Ic is only the circular polarization contribution to intensity.17
Ic(E2E2) = P2(1
2)ρ2(E2E2) |d(E)|2sin2(ϕl)hT4
+3i0{4sin(ψ)cos4(θ) [ 1
5sin(θ) (8cos2(θ)5)hT1
1i00 +
+1i00 ]42sin(θ)cos6(θ)sin(6ψ)hT3
+3i00 },
The pseudo-scalar monopoles hG0
0iand hU0
0ihave particularly simple and interesting physical interpretations.
Both monopoles are allowed in haematite structure factors for the E1-M1 event, as we see by inspection of relevant
expressions in the Appendix. A conventional measure of the chirality of electrons in a molecule or extended media
is hS·pi/| hpi |, where Sand pare operators for spin and linear momentum, and, not unsurprisingly, hU0
proportional to hS·pi/|p|. It is well-known that, hU0
0icontributes to natural circular dichroism.26 On the other
hand, hG0
0i, a magnetic charge, does not contribute to dichroic signals but it can contribute in scattering. Such is
the case for gallium ferrate,27 and phase I of haematite. Magnetic charge, and the magneto-electric quadrupole, are
present in the amplitude for back-scattering with q=q0.
We report successful analyses of resonant Bragg diffraction data gathered by Kokubun et al.7on haematite in
the collinear (phase I) and canted (phase II) antiferromagnetic phases, with no analysis of diffraction according to
Intensity (arb.units)
α−Fe2O3 (0,0,3)h E0=7.105keV RT
Intensity (arb.units)
200150100500-50-100-150 Azimutal Angle (degree)
α−Fe2O3 (0,0,9)h E0=7.105keV RT
FIG. 6. Simulation of the azimuthal-angle dependence from eq. (8) for a circular polarized light of Bragg reflections (0,0, l)h
with l= 3 and l= 9 for Phase II (room temperature). Continuous curves are simulations made with the values of the multipoles
from the E1-E2 event gathered in Table I. For the E2-E2 event the Ic is equal to zero because our magnetic (time-odd) parity-
even are zero. Zero Icdoes not mean zero intensity since Icis only the circular polarization contribution.17
polarization of the x-rays. We infer good estimates of iron atomic multipoles, and find large amounts of parity-odd
multipoles. Of particular importance to a successful analysis is a polar quadrupole, a measure of local chirality,25
and, in phase II, magneto-electric multipoles that include the anapole. Slight departures between our theory and
experiment could be due to a less than ideal crystal, as witnessed in the extended interval of temperature for rotation
of magnetic moments between phases I and II.7
Future experiments might employ polarization analysis that will allow closer scrutiny of unit-cell structure factors
for haematite we list in an Appendix, which are derived from the established chemical and magnetic structures of
haematite. We predict for phase I that scattering enhanced by the E1-M1 event contains monopoles that represent
chirality and magnetic charge.
Our analyses of data are based on an atomic theory of x-ray Bragg diffraction19 with unit-cell structure factors that
are fundamentally different from corresponding structure factors employed by Kokubun et al.7One difference arises
in the treatment of non-resonant magnetic scattering. We use the exact expression, due solely to spin moments, while
Kokubun et al .7mistakenly - because it is not valid in the investigated interval of energy - use an abridged amplitude
by de Bergevin and Brunel22 that is a sum of the exact expression and the high-energy limit of two contributions to
scattering that involve intermediate states (one of the two is capable of showing a resonance).Treating the resonance
as a single oscillator, in accord with the reported energy profile, our structure factors for resonant diffraction are
completely determined with no arbitrary phase factors, unlike the analysis in Ref. (7). This difference in the analyses
is a likely explanation of our evidence that published data for azimuthal-angle scans are miss-set by 30 deg. Our
treatment of magnetic (time-odd) contributions to scattering is another major difference in the analyses. Whereas
Kokubun et al .7allow only the dipole in the E1-E1 event we consider all permitted time-odd contributions in both
parity-even and parity-odd events. Time-odd multipoles from parity-even events, hTK
Qiwith odd K, are related to
orbital magnetism when the intermediate state in resonance is an s-state, as is the case in the experiments in question
with absorption at the iron K-edge. The available evidence is that orbital magnetism of the ferric ion in haematite is
negligible, as expected for an s-state ion, and the same can be said of the parity-even, time-odd multipoles, including
the dipole which at resonance is the only source of magnetic scattering considered in Ref. (7). From our analysis,
we conclude that magnetic scattering at resonance is provided by magneto-electric multipoles in an E1-E2 event. We
demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt that, allowing magnetic hTK
Qidifferent from zero the available data are not
consistent with diffraction enhanced by purely parity-even events, E1-E1 and E2-E2.
In summary, we have derived information on the relative magnitude of multipoles for the antiferromagnetic phases
of haematite (above and below the Morin Temperature) These estimates are obtained from analyses of experimental
azimuthal dependence gathered in resonant x-ray Bragg diffraction at space-group forbidden reflections (0,0,3)hand
(0,0,9)h. A chiral electron state is proposed from a predicted coupling of resonant intensity to circular polarization
in the primary beam. This effect allows differentiating between contributions of the E1-E2 and E2-E2 events. In
addition, pseudo-scalar monopoles (chirality and magnetic charge) are present in the E1-M1 amplitude for resonant
scattering by haematite below the Morin temperature.
Professor Gerrit van der Laan provided values of atomic radial integrals for a ferric ion. We have benefited from
discussions with Dr. A. Bombardi and Professor S. P. Collins, and correspondence with Dr. F. de Bergevin. One
of us (SWL) is grateful to Professor E. Balcar for ongoing noetic support. Financial support has been received from
Spanish FEDER-MiCiNN Grant No. Mat2008-06542-C04-03. One of us A.R.F is grateful to Gobierno del Principado
de Asturias for the financial support from Plan de Ciencia, Tecnología e innovación (PTCI) de Asturias.
Appendix A: Unit-cell structure factors
Some factors in eq.(1) contain a dimensionless quantity =ma2
o/¯h2= 260.93 where aois the Bohr radius and
∆ = 7.105keV . Radial integrals for the E1 and E2 processes at the K-absorption edge are denoted by {R}sp and
{R2}sd. Estimates from an atomic code are {R}1s4p/ao=0.0035 and {R2}1s3d/a2
o= 0.00095, and it is interesting
that the magnitudes are smaller than hydrogenic values with Z= 26 by a factor of about three. More appropriate
values of the radial integrals will be influenced by ligand ions. The M1 process between stationary states of an isolated
non-relativistic ion is forbidden because the radial overlap of initial and final states in the process is zero, on account
of orthogonality. For an M1 process in a compound the radial integral, denoted here by {1}γγ , is an overlap of
two orbitals with common orbital angular momentum, Γ, which may be centred on different ions. The magnitude of
{1}γγ is essentially a measure of configuration interactions and bonding, or covalancy, of a cation and ligands. Factors
appearing in eq.(1) are,
ρ(E1E1) = [{R}sp/ao]2,(A1)
ρ(E1M1) = q{R}sp{1}γ γ ,(A2)
ρ(E1E2) = [q{R2}sdRsp /a2
ρ(E2E2) = [q{R2}sd/ao]2.(A4)
Haematite structure factors Fµ0νfor forbidden reflections (0,0, l)hwith l= 3(2n+ 1) and enhancements by E1-E1,
E1-M1, E1-E2 and E2-E2 events are listed below. In these expressions, the angle ϕ=πu, where u= 2z1/2=0.2104
for αF e2O3, the angle θis the Bragg angle, and hTK
Qiand hUK
Qiare the mean values of the atomic tensors
1. Collinear antiferromagnet, phase I
Fσ0σ(E1E1) = 0 (A5)
Fπ0σ(E1E1) = 22sin(ϕl)sin(θ)hT1
Fπ0π(E1E1) = 0 (A7)
Fσ0σ(E1M1) = 0 (A8)
Fπ0σ(E1M1) = 22
0i] + (2 + cos2(θ))hG2
0i} (A9)
Fπ0π(E1M1) = 0 (A10)
Fσ0σ(E1E2) = 42
Fπ0σ(E1E2) = 2
Fπ0π(E1E2) = 42
Fσ0σ(E2E2) = 2sin(3ψ)sin(ϕl)hT3
+3i00 (A14)
Fπ0σ(E2E2) = r2
0i − sin(θ)[3cos2(θ)2]hT3
0i −
4cos(3ψ)[[3cos(3θ) + cos(θ)]hT3
+3i00 i[cos(3θ)+3cos(θ)]hT4
Fπ0π(E2E2) = 1
+3i00 (A16)
2. Canted antiferromagnet, phase II
Time-even contributions to structure factors, determined by chemical structure, are the same in phases I and II.
Thus the structure factor with polar multipoles, Fµ0ν(u), for phase II is identical to the foregoing expression for phase
I. With the convenience of the reader in mind, structure factors for parity-even multipoles, Fµ0ν(t), are given in full
although contributions only with K = 1 and 3 differ from foregoing expressions.
Fσ0σ(E1E1) = 0 (A17)
Fπ0σ(E1E1) = 4cos(ψ)sin(ϕl)cos(θ)hT1
+1i00 (A18)
Fπ0π(E1E1) = 4sin(ψ)sin(ϕl)sin(2θ)hT1
+1i00 (A19)
Fσ0σ(E1M1) = 8sin(ψ)cos(ϕl)cos(θ[−hG1
+1i00 ](A20)
Fπ0σ(E1M1) = 4cos(ψ)cos(ϕl)sin(2θ)[hG1
Fπ0π(E1M1) = 8sin(ψ)cos(ϕl)cos(θ)[hG1
+1i00 ](A22)
Fσ0σ(E1E2) = 42
3sin(ψ)[ 3
+1i0− hG2
+1i00 +1
Fπ0σ(E1E2) = 2r2
+1i00 1
Fπ0π(E1E2) = 46
+1i00 ] + 1
Fσ0σ(E2E2) = sin(2θ)sin(ϕl){sin(ψ)[ 2
+1i00 r6
+1i00 ] + 2sin(3ψ)hT3
+3i00 }(A26)
Fπ0σ(E2E2) = sin(ϕl){cos(ψ)×[2
+1i00 +r6
5cos(θ)(1 + sin2(θ))hT3
+1i00 ] +
+3i00 ]}(A27)
Fπ0π(E2E2) = 1
+1i00 +r3
+1i00 ]sin(3ψ)hT3
+3i00 }(A28)
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... A rich variety of electronic phenomena have been revealed using scattering of x-rays at, or near, an absorption edge. These phenomena are of fundamental interest for the understanding of materials with unusual physical properties, such as GaFeO 3 [1], α-Fe 2 O 3 [2] or the well-known Mott gap compound, V 2 O 3 [3]. This technique has contributed towards the understanding of the multiferroic properties of BiFeO 3 , the only compound known to support coupling between ferromagnetic and ferroelectric behaviours at room temperature. ...
... The experimental technique used, Resonant Elastic X-ray Scattering, has advantages in the study of materials that show electronic magnetism and is able to obtain important information from the electronic properties (charge, spin and orbital degrees of freedom) of the materials, related to the angular anisotropy in the valence states, that is unobtainable by other neutron and X-ray probes [8,9]. In the case of intensities collected at space-group forbidden reflections we can access directly information about complex electronic structure which is manifest in atomic multipoles, including, magnetic charge, electric dipole, anapole, quadrupole, octupole and hexadecapole moments [2,3,10,11,12,13]The following sections of this contribution are devoted to the discussion of the theory that is used to model a chiral long period ordering in materials belonging to the R3c space group family and presenting the Dzyaloshinky-Moriya interaction. Section 2 presents this model while Section 3 is devoted to the application of this description to a compound that displays this behaviour, BiFeO 3 . ...
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Results that support a new chiral phase in the only multiferroic material known above room temperature have been obtained by a resonant x-ray Bragg diffraction experiment, with the incoming x-ray beam tuned near the Fe K-edge (7.1135 keV), performed in its ferroelectric phase. The R3c forbidden reflection (0,0,9)H was studied as a function of the rotation of the crystal about the Bragg wavector in both phases, paramagnetic (700 K) and antiferromagnetic (300 K). The data gathered is consistent with a chiral structure formed by a circular cycloid propagating along (1,1,0)H. Templeton and Templeton (T&T) scattering at 700 K is attributed in part to charge-like quadrupoles absent in a standard model of a cycloid in which a material vector generates all electronic states of the resonant ion. Extensive sets of azimuthal-angle data are used to infer values of three atomic multipoles in a satisfactory minimal model of the iron electronic structure, with a quadrupole (E1-E1 event) and a hexadecapole (E2-E2 event) contributing T&T scattering, plus a magnetic dipole (E1-E1).
... For completeness, dashed lines represent the intensities I π and I σ calculated from (5). factors (5). Expressions for intensities in terms of structure factors, including circular polarization in the primary beam, can be found in [40]. Equation (8) is a specific example. ...
... ; see, e.g., [40]. Using expressions in (5) for the four unit-cell structure factors, the total intensity in units of |A 1,0 | 2 is, melting of Mn chiral order driven by softening of the dipole component of the cycloid that is parallel to the b-axis. ...
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Resonant Bragg diffraction of soft, circularly polarized x-rays has been used to observe directly the temperature dependence of chiral-order melting in a motif of Mn ions in terbium manganate. The underlying mechanism uses the b-axis component of a cycloid, which vanishes outside the polar phase. Melting is witnessed by the first and second harmonics of a cycloid, and we explain why the observed temperature dependence differs in the two harmonics. Conclusions follow from an exact treatment of diffraction by using atomic multipoles in a circular cycloid, since a standard treatment of the diffraction, based on a single material-vector identified with the magnetic dipole, does not reproduce correctly observations at the second harmonic.
... +3 > ′ is the real part of the cobalt hexadecapole. Unrotated amplitudes (σ ′ σ) and (π ′ π) are absent in hexagonal symmetry, which is retrieved on choosing α = 180 • [33]. For this case, C 1 = −16, S 1 = S 2 = C 2 = 0, and the result (π ′ σ) ∝ cos(3Ψ) is direct evidence of the triad axis of rotation symmetry parallel to the reflection vector. ...
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Published magnetic data for LaCoO3 are successfully analyzed with coexisting 5D and low-spin (LS) cobalt states. Energy levels of the two states are derived in analytic forms. To this end, fictitious orbital angular momentum l of magnitude one defines the Gsmms5 (5D) state. Our Hamiltonian includes the spin-orbit interaction, and a cubic crystal field embellished by a trigonal distortion 9B20(lz2- 2⁄3) - 80B40(lz2- 9⁄10). A singlet ground state with an energy gap to the first excited doublet is realized for certain values of the parameters. The temperature-independent paramagnetic susceptibility (TIPS) of the 5D state has a finite value, which accords with the observation. Whereas, TIPS is symmetry forbidden in the LS state. A rigorous calculation is made of the excitation spectrum in the LS state. The elementary excitation is modeled as a creation of an electron-hole pair that results in an energy level scheme in which the first excited quartet lies above the singlet ground state. The electron spin resonance data are successfully equated with transitions within the excited quartet. Available magnetization data delineate parameters in the 5D Hamiltonian. The temperature dependence of the susceptibility of our coexisting model is qualitatively reasonable. To improve on a quantitative outcome, we are led to introduce a temperature dependent concentration for the 5D and LS states. Calculated Bragg diffraction patterns gathered with x-rays tuned to the Co K-edge reveal potential to refine the current crystal structure and to shed light on the origin of the coexisting states.
... Over the last decade, research efforts were focused on the development of a-Fe 2 O 3 -bearing materials with potential technological applications in catalysis (Fang et al. 2009), hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide gas sensors (e.g., Cornell and Schwertmann 2003), pigments (e.g., Ni et al. 2009), water treatment (e.g., Guo et al. 2011), rechargeable batteries ), adsorbents (Muruganandham et al. 2011), biomedicine (e.g., Liu et al. 2011), semiconductors (e.g., Bahgat et al. 2006), or optical and electromagnetic devices (e.g., Tsuzuki et al. 2011). Despite this plethora of research, some of the magnetic properties of synthetic a-Fe 2 O 3 are still not fully understood (Lovesey et al. 2011;Tadic et al. 2012). ...
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We report the physical properties of α-Fe2O3 (hematite), synthesized by dry-heating (350–1,000 °C) of a new, poorly ordered iron oxyhydroxide precursor compound that we name carbonated 2-line ferrihydrite. This precursor was characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, electron microscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis, whereas the α-Fe2O3 was studied with X-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and magnetic techniques. α-Fe2O3 synthesized at 350 °C consisted of single-nanocrystal particles (length × width 20 ± 6 nm (L) × 15 ± 4 nm (W)), which at room temperature exhibited very narrow hysteresis loops of low coercivities (2O3 synthesized at higher temperatures (1,000 °C) was composed of larger nanocrystalline particle aggregates (352 ± 109 nm (L) × 277 ± 103 nm (W)) that also showed wide-open hysteresis loops of high magnetic coercivities (~5 kOe). We suggest that these synthesis-temperature-dependent coercivity values are a consequence of the subparticle structure induced by the different particle and crystallite size growth rates at increasing annealing temperature.
Hematite (α-Fe2O3) is known to undergo conversion from weak ferromagnetic to antiferromagnetic as the temperature decreases below the Morin temperature (TM = 250 K) due to spin moment rotation occurring during the Morin transition (MT). Herein, we endowed hematite with mesostructured chirality to maintain weak ferromagnetism without MT. Chiral mesostructured hematite (CMH) nanoparticles were prepared by a hydrothermal method with glutamic acid (Glu) as the symmetry-breaking agent. The triangular bipyramidal CMH nanoparticles were composed of helically cleaved nanoflakes with twisted crystal lattice. Field-cooled (FC) magnetization measurements showed that the magnetic moments of CMH were stabilized without MT within the temperature range of 10–300 K. Hysteresis loop measurements confirmed the weak ferromagnetism of CMH. The enhanced Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction (DMI) was speculated to be responsible for the temperature-independent weak ferromagnetism, in which the spin configuration would be confined with canted antiferromagnetic coupling due to the mesostructured chirality of CMH.
Polar magnetism is compulsory when magnetic ions occupy sites that are not centers of inversion symmetry. Such magnetism is known to be visible in neutron diffraction, the technique of choice for magnetic structure determinations. Experiments in which the diffracted neutron polarization is analyzed are not a novelty. Symmetry-informed simulations of polarized neutron diffraction (PND) amplitudes for room-temperature hematite (α-Fe2O3) illustrate the wealth of information on offer in future experiments. Two magnetic motifs, distinguished by the orientation of their bulk ferromagnetism and delineated by magnetic space groups C2/c and C2′/c′, are current front-runners for room-temperature hematite. Both motifs are endowed with polar magnetism and iron Dirac (magnetoelectric) multipoles. The technique of resonant x-ray Bragg diffraction has previously been used to expose Dirac multipoles in room-temperature hematite. For unspecified reasons, the authors of a recent PND study of hamatite do not mention the compulsory polar magnetism, the published observation of Dirac multipoles, or the direct confirmation of neutron scattering by Dirac multipoles [H. Thoma et al., Phys. Rev. X 11, 011060 (2021) .]. The authors omission of polar magnetism in fits to their extensive neutron diffraction patterns calls for a reassessment of the claim to have determined the absolute direction of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction.
Rutile-type RuO2 likely supports a simple antiferromagnetic structure which can be verified by x-ray Bragg diffraction. Three magnetic motifs that do not break translation symmetry are explored in calculations of amplitudes suitable for diffraction enhanced by tuning the primary x-ray energy to a ruthenium atomic resonance. Coupling to x-ray helicity through a charge-magnetic interference is common to all motifs, together with magnetic and charge intensities in quadrature in the rotated channel of polarization. Necessary conditions for these diffraction phenomena are a centrosymmetric crystal structure, null magnetic propagation vector, and absence of a linear magnetoelectric effect. Published x-ray diffraction data for RuO2 were analyzed by the authors against a magnetic motif that does not satisfy the conditions. A polarized neutron study of antiferromagnetic domains can be achieved with a sample that meets the stated crystal and magnetic symmetries.
The 212 species of structural phase transitions which break macroscopic symmetry are analyzed with respect to the occurrence of time-reversal-invariant vector and bidirector order parameters. The possibility of discerning the orientational domain states of the low-symmetry phase by these “vectorlike” physical properties has been derived using a computer algorithm exploiting the concept of polar, axial, chiral, and neutral dipoles. It is argued that the presence of a pseudo-Lifshitz invariant of chiral bidirector symmetry in a Ginzburg-Landau functional of uniaxial ferroelectrics can induce electric Bloch skyrmions in the same way as the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction induces bulk magnetic Bloch skyrmions in chiral magnets. It is found that this is possible for three types of fully ferroelectric phase transitions with a chiral paraelectric phase.
The practice of replacing matrix elements in atomic calculations by those of convenient operators with strong physical appeal has a long history, and in condensed matter physics it is perhaps best known through use of operator equivalents in electron resonance by Elliott and Stevens. Likewise, electronic multipoles, created with irreducible spherical-tensors, to represent charge-like and magnetic-like quantities are widespread in modern physics. Examples in recent headlines include a magnetic charge (a monopole), an anapole (a dipole) and a triakontadipole (a magnetic-like atomic multipole of rank 5). In this communication, we aim to guide the reader through use of atomic, spherical multipoles in photon scattering, and resonant Bragg diffraction and dichroic signals in particular. Applications to copper oxide CuO and neptunium dioxide (NpO2) are described. In keeping with it being a simple guide, there is sparse use in the communication of algebra and expressions are gathered from the published literature and not derived, even when central to the exposition. An exception is a thorough grounding, contained in an Appendix, for an appropriate version of the photon scattering length based on quantum electrodynamics. A theme of the guide is application of symmetry in scattering, in particular constraints imposed on results by symmetry in crystals. To this end, a second Appendix catalogues constraints on multipoles imposed by symmetry in crystal point-groups.
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Chiral properties of the two phases—collinear motif (below Morin transition temperature, T_{M}≈250 K) and canted motif (above T_{M})—of magnetically ordered hematite (α-Fe_{2}O_{3}) have been identified in single-crystal resonant x-ray Bragg diffraction using circular polarized incident x rays tuned near the iron K edge. Magnetoelectric multipoles, including an anapole, fully characterize the high-temperature canted phase, whereas the low-temperature collinear phase supports both parity-odd and parity-even multipoles that are time odd. Orbital angular momentum accompanies the collinear motif, whereas it is conspicuously absent with the canted motif. Intensities have been successfully confronted with analytic expressions derived from an atomic model fully compliant with chemical and magnetic structures. Values of Fe atomic multipoles previously derived from independent experimental data are shown to be completely trustworthy.
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Antiferromagnetic rhombohedral alpha-Fe2O3 has been studied by calculations of the ground-state spin-polarized wave function and total energy, using the ab initio periodic unrestricted Hartree-Fock approach. All-electron basis sets of contracted Gaussian-type functions are employed to represent the O and Fe atoms (18 and 27 orbitals, respectively); Fe is alternatively described by a large-core pseudopotential plus 18 valence-shell orbitals. Computations have been performed for both the antiferromagnetic (AF) and ferromagnetic (FM) structures; the correct relative stability is reproduced, with DeltaE(AF-FM)=-0.0027 hartree per formula unit (including a correction for correlation energy). The dependence of DeltaE(AF-FM) on variations of the Fe-O bond lengths and Fe-O-Fe' angles involved in superexchange is analyzed, finding that for some configurations the FM structure becomes more stable than the AF one. The athermal equation of state, equilibrium crystal structure, elastic bulk modulus, and binding energy have been computed and compared to experimental quantities. An analysis of the density of electronic states show that the band gap is of p-d rather than d-d type, confirming the charge-transfer-insulator nature of hematite as inferred from photoelectron spectra. The overall shape of the valence band is also fully consistent with spectroscopic results. Mulliken electron population data indicate a charge back transfer of 0.29||e|| from O2- to the d shell of Fe3+, causing a partial spin pairing with a magnetic moment of 4.7muB.
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Direct evidence of the spatial ordering of Dy 4f quadrupole and hexadecapole moments in DyB2C2 is demonstrated by resonant x-ray diffraction enhanced by an electric quadrupole event (E2 resonance) at the Dy LIII absorption edge. The diffraction data show that the structural phase transition at TQ=24.7K is accompanied by a reduction in the symmetry of the Dy site to 2/m, from 4/m, and the spatial ordering of the time-even Dy multipoles with Ag character. Below TQ the crystal structure is described by the space group P42/mnm and Dy ions occupy sites (4c). The distortion at TQ involves the lattice occupied by B and C ions, and it amounts to a buckling of B-C planes that are normal to the two-fold rotation axis of 2/m. An immediately plausible model of low-energy Dy states correlates data on the specific heat, our x-ray diffraction signals, and magnetic ordering below 15.3 K which has been observed in magnetic neutron diffraction.
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We report the results of resonant x-ray scattering experiments performed at the Np M4;5 edges in NpO2. Below T0 � 25 K, the development of long-range order of Np electric quadrupoles is revealed by the growth of superlattice Bragg peaks. The polarization and azimuthal dependence of the intensity of the resonant peaks are well reproduced assuming anisotropic tensor susceptibility scattering from a triple- ~q longitudinal antiferroquadrupolar structure. Electric-quadrupole order in NpO2 could be driven by the ordering at T0 of magnetic octupoles of 5 symmetry, splitting the Np ground state quartet and leading to a singlet ground state with zero dipole-magnetic moment.
Dichroism is observed near the L~ and L 3 edges of uranium in X-ray absorption spectra of single-crystal rubidium uranyl nitrate, Rb.UO2.3NO 3, recorded with linearly polarized synchrotron radiation. The anomalous X-ray scattering terms f' and f" cal-culated from these spectra are anisotropic functions of polarization direction at these wavelengths, adding new complexity to diffraction optics. These terms are measured independently in diffraction experiments with sodium uranyl acetate at five wavelengths near L 3. The cubic symmetry permits the diffraction effects to be observed without the complications of macroscopic dichroism and birefringence. Both f' and f" change with polarization direction by as much as 2 electrons atom-l. These values agree with those derived from the absorption experiments.
Resonant x-ray diffraction from V2O3 which has been observed at charge-forbidden reflections (h + k + l odd) is here attributed to orbital moments of the vanadium ion. Furthermore, it is argued that the contribution to intensity as a function of x-ray energy seen in the experiment on the low energy side of the electric dipole (E1) resonance is due to an electric quadrupole (E2) resonance. The absence of the E1 resonance for h odd, and appearance of the E2 resonance at h odd and h even is accounted for in the calculated structure factor. For h odd the structure factor is proportional to the octupole moment of the vanadium ion, which is estimated to have a magnitude similar to that of the orbital angular momentum. In the case of E2 resonant x- ray Bragg diffraction from haematite the calculated structure factor contains three orbital moments, two of odd rank and one of even rank. The calculated polarization dependence and azimuthal-angle scans are in complete accord with experimental findings. The contribution of even and odd rank moments is shown to make scattering depend on circular polarization.
Both magnetic and nonmagnetic x-ray diffraction has been studied near the FeK -edge of hematite (α-Fe2O3) and the CrK -edge of eskolaite (Cr2O3) and compared to the symmetry-based calculations. These crystals have identical atomic structures but different magnetic orderings. The observed “forbidden” 111 and 333 reflections in both crystals show a resonant peak only in the pre-edge energy region. In eskolaite, the azimuthal angle dependence of the resonant 111 and 333 reflections exhibits threefold symmetry, which is in good agreement with the calculated curves based on electric dipole-quadrupole and quadrupole-quadrupole scattering channels. This threefold symmetry is the first reliable evidence for antisymmetric terms in dipole-quadrupole scattering and hence for local chirality of atoms in centrosymmetric crystals. In hematite, nonresonant and resonant scattering has been observed for the forbidden reflections. The azimuth dependence of the nonresonant intensity shows the twofold symmetry. From the azimuthal symmetry and temperature dependence of the nonresonant diffraction, it is revealed that the nonresonant intensity is due to magnetic scattering caused by the antiferromagnetic structure. The azimuth dependence of the 111 resonant peak in hematite shows almost threefold symmetry similar to eskolaite. On the other hand, the resonant 333 reflection in hematite shows complicated azimuth dependence, nearly mirror symmetry, at room temperature. As a result of least-squares analysis of the azimuth dependence and the low-temperature measurement, we conclude that the nonresonant magnetic scattering has a significant influence on the resonant electric scattering though its intensity is much smaller. Thus the interference between the magnetic and electric scatterings plays a very important role in hematite and opens new ways for studying additional details of the magnetic structure.
We report direct experimental evidence for long-range antiferro ordering of the electric-quadrupole moments on the U ions. Resonant x-ray scattering experiments at the uranium M4 absorption edge show a characteristic dependence in the integrated intensity upon rotation of the crystal around the scattering vector. Although quadrupolar order in uranium dioxide was advocated already in the 1960s, no experimental evidence for this phenomenon was provided until now. We conclude with a possible model to explain the phase diagram of the solid solutions of UO2 and NpO2 . We suggest that in the region 0.30
Two of the magnetic superlattice Bragg reflections of a single crystal of hematite (Fe 2O 3) have been measured by diffraction of X-rays produced from a conventional source, and compared to the intensities expected from the photon-spin scattering. Several orientations of the spins relative to the beams have been realized by rotating the crystal and by changing its temperature through the Morin (spin-flip) transition; in some of the measurements, the polarization produced by the monochromator was enhanced and this produced a visible asymmetry in the dependence of the intensities on the spin direction. The variations of the intensities during these changes of configuration are characteristic of magnetic scattering; the observed variations, as well as the absolute intensities, agree with the theory apart from some discrepancies. These may be due to intense multiple-scattering effects, and to some possible anomalies in the spin direction near the sample surface. As an application of this technique, changes of the direction of magnetization when a magnetic field is applied to the weakly ferromagnetic room-temperature phase have been investigated.
The creation of a circular polarization has been witnessed in resonant x-ray Bragg diffraction at the Cr K pre-edge (5.994 keV) of potassium chromate (K2CrO4). Interference between channels of diffraction and, specifically, the E1-E1, E2-E2, and E1-E2 channels provides an account of the observation. We report a theoretical analysis of polarization in the secondary beam for K2CrO4, with a variation of the primary linear polarization that successfully accounts for all aspects of the observations. An angular anisotropy of the local environment at Cr sites in this material is revealed in time-even quadrupoles, octupoles, and hexadecapoles that appear in scattering amplitudes for parity-even (E1-E1 and E2-E2) and parity-odd polar (E1-E2) channels. Our estimates of the multipoles derived from a fitting to the data for the secondary polarization are exploited in simulations of the diffracted intensity as a function of the azimuthal angle. There is a satisfactory agreement between simulations and the total intensity measured at space-group-forbidden (140) and (340) reflections.