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Usefulness of Nuclear Cardiology Techniques for Silent Ischemia Detection in Diabetics


Abstract and Figures

Cardiovascular disease is the main cause of death for diabetics, and in many cases its presence is silent due to cardiac autonomic neuropathy. Thus, early diagnosis of coronary disease is essential, permitting proper risk stratification and appropriate therapy. This paper examines the usefulness of several noninvasive imaging techniques to study cardiovascular diseases in individuals with diabetes mellitus, with emphasis on nuclear cardiology, and proposes a diagnostic algorithm for detection of silent ischemia. Keywords Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy, myocardial perfusion imaging, radionuclide imaging, diabetes mellitus, silent myocardial ischemia, Cuba.
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MEDICC Review, January 2013, Vol 15, No 1 Peer Reviewed
In 2000, global estimates indicated 171 million people had diabe-
tes mellitus (DM), projected to reach 366 million by 2030.[1] As
DM evolves, it produces endothelial dysfunction and changes in
energy metabolism that lead to atherosclerosis in medium- and
large-caliber arteries, creating lesions in coronary, cerebrovas-
cular and peripheral arteries. In diabetics, atherosclerotic plaque
tends to develop earlier, evolve more quickly and be more dif-
fuse. All these factors contribute to DM patients having two to four
times greater risk of a cardiovascular event than nondiabetics,
with cardiovascular disease (CVD) being the main cause of death
in these patients.[2] In 2008, WHO reported a combined mortality
rate from CVDs and DM of 245 per 100,000 population for adults
aged 30 to 70 years.[3]
Cardiac mortality for diabetics with no known coronary disease is
the same as that for non-diabetics with a history of acute myocar-
dial infarction, which is why clinical guidelines consider diabetics
at high risk for CVD.[2]
Presence of cardiac autonomic dysfunction, common in diabet-
ics,[4] is a factor that in uences the frequently silent appearance
of myocardial ischemia. Hence the importance of identifying
individuals with high risk for cardiovascular events, even prior to
symptom onset. DM also affects vascular endothelium, causing
endothelial dysfunction.[5] The American Diabetes Association[6]
therefore recommends performing stress tests on asymptomat-
ic diabetics who present a minimum of two additional risk fac-
tors (such as hypertension, dyslipidemia and smoking). This
approach, however, is still controversial.
How can silent ischemia be detected in diabetics? The rst
step in diagnosing silent ischemia in asymptomatic DM with two
or more additional risk factors is a stress test,[7] whether with a
treadmill or bicycle ergometer.
Ergometry provides valuable functional results—not only for
detecting ischemia, but also for assessing functional capac-
ity, as well as behavior of arterial pressure and arrhythmia on
exertion.[7] Its availability and utility make it the rst option for
patients without diabetic neuropathy who are able to do physical
In patients with low functional capacity, imaging techniques such
as echocardiography or myocardial perfusion scintigraphy (MPS)
are more helpful, since they have acceptable sensitivity and spec-
i city, and allow pharmacological stressors (dobutamine in echo-
cardiogram; dipyridamole or dobutamine in MPS) to substitute
for physical exercise.[8–12] An alternative for patients able to do
physical exercise would be a stress MPS, which combines data
from a stress ECG and functional capacity with that from an MPS.
MPS with single-photon emission-computed tomography
(SPECT) is a validated nuclear medicine technique for obtaining
functional information about the heart by demonstrating myocardi-
al ischemia. If images are synchronized with ECG (gated SPECT
or gSPECT), a single study can provide data on myocardial perfu-
sion as well as intraventricular synchronism and ventricular func-
tion (left ventricular ejection fraction and systolic wall thickening,
which permit assessment of segmental wall-motion abnormali-
ties).[10] gSPECT can be extremely useful in diagnosis and risk
strati cation in patients with CVD. Nuclear cardiology techniques
have been used in Cuba since the 1980s and are currently avail-
able free of cost to patients in several tertiary care centers.
Two other imaging techniques, although not used in the same
way as echocardiography and MPS to detect ischemia, provide
complementary data useful for diagnosis. The rst is the coro-
nary calcium score obtained through computed axial tomogra-
phy (CAT);[11,12] it quanti es calcium in coronary arteries and is
therefore an indicator of CVD, although since it provides structural
rather than functional information, it cannot detect ischemia. The
second method is measurement of endothelial function, which
can be assessed in the brachial artery by using ultrasound to
measure ow-mediated endothelium-dependent vasodilation, as
described by Celermajer.[13] Marcus[14] found that impairment
of endothelium-dependent vasodilation in coronary resistance
vessels (<450 μm in diameter) may be associated with perfusion
abnormalities in diabetics, even in the absence of stenotic lesions
in epicardial coronary arteries, suggesting the presence of micro-
vascular CVD. This test is more widely available, since it requires
only ultrasound equipment and an echocardiographer trained in
the technique.
There are several different algorithms for detection of silent isch-
emia in diabetic patients. The experience of our working group at
Cuba’s cardiology and endocrinology institutes is reviewed below.
All data have been published previously as cited.
As part of multicenter research coordinated with the International
Atomic Energy Agency, we studied a group of 59 diabetic patients,
Usefulness of Nuclear Cardiology Techniques
for Silent Ischemia Detection in Diabetics
Amalia Peix MD PhD DrSc
Cardiovascular disease is the main cause of death for diabetics,
and in many cases its presence is silent due to cardiac autonomic
neuropathy. Thus, early diagnosis of coronary disease is essen-
tial, permitting proper risk strati cation and appropriate therapy.
This paper examines the usefulness of several noninvasive imag-
ing techniques to study cardiovascular diseases in individuals
with diabetes mellitus, with emphasis on nuclear cardiology, and
proposes a diagnostic algorithm for detection of silent ischemia.
Keywords Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy, myocardial perfu-
sion imaging, radionuclide imaging, diabetes mellitus, silent myo-
cardial ischemia, Cuba
MEDICC Review, January 2013, Vol 15, No 1
comparing them with a control group of 42
participants (who were not diabetic but
had coronary risk factors) to detect silent
ischemia through MPS, coronary calcium
score and endothelial function assess-
We found that 69% of DM patients with
stress-induced ischemia in MPS had
impaired endothelium-mediated vaso-
dilation, which can be interpreted as a
manifestation of endothelial dysfunc-
tion. However, only 43% of nondiabetic
patients with other atherosclerotic risk
factors had involvement of endothelium-
mediated vasodilation.[15]
These results are supported by the ndings
of Papaioannu,[5] who used ultrasound
to measure endothelium-dependent and
independent vasodilation in the brachial
artery in a subgroup of 75 asymptomatic
diabetics in the Detection of Ischemia in
Asymptomatic Diabetics (DIAD) study; it
was determined that 8% endothelium-
dependent vasodilation had a negative
predictive value of 93% for CVD.
Perfusion abnormalities have been
detected in a relatively high percentage
(25%–50%) of asymptomatic diabetics in
different series.[16,17] Two studies have
been conducted in Cuba to date using
gSPECT: one by Peña,[18,19] which
included 220 patients and found ischemia
in 29.1%; and the second by Peix,[15] that
found 33% of patients with DM had isch-
emia versus 16% of those without (p = 0.04). Figure 1 presents
an example of a diabetic patient with silent myocardial ischemia
diagnosed by gSPECT.
To date, MPS has been used in only two other studies to exam-
ine prevalence of ischemia in asymptomatic diabetics: the DIAD
study[4] and that of Scholte,[20] which detected ischemia in
approximately 20% and 33% of cases, respectively, independent
of the number of risk factors. However, unlike the Peix study, nei-
ther of these used physical exercise as a stressor or had control
Presence of coronary calcium is associated with risk of cardiac
events, with 1–99 Agatston units indicating low risk; 100–400,
moderate risk; and >400, high risk.[21] A prospective study by
Anand[11] followed a two-stage strategy: a calcium score was
derived for all patients through multislice CAT scan, followed
by gSPECT for those who scored >100 Agatston units and for
a random sample of those with scores of 100. Some 32% of
MPS showed perfusion abnormalities corresponding to ischemia.
Scintigraphic abnormalities diagnostic of ischemia were present
in 23% of patients with Agatston scores of >100, 48% of those
with scores of >400 and 71% of those with scores of >1000. The
authors found that the more diffuse the ischemia the worse the
clinical evolution; that the calcium score was better than estab-
lished risk factors at predicting silent ischemia and cardiac events
in persons with DM; and that a coronary calcium score of 0 to
10 Agatston units was associated with normal scintigraphy and
excellent prognosis.[11]
In the Peix study, coronary calcium levels in diabetic patients aver-
aged 74 Agatston units compared to 5 in controls (p = 0.01).[15]
Eight diabetics had calcium scores of >100, which in only three
cases coincided with presence of perfusion abnormalities on MPS.
In two studies in Japan and Israel using CAT scans to compare
asymptomatic diabetic with nondiabetic patients,[22,23] prevalence
of coronary plaques was 80% to 93% in asymptomatic diabetics,
and signi cant coronary stenosis was more prevalent in diabetics
than in the control group. Scholte[24] found that 41% of plaques
were not calci ed, thus undetectable by calcium scoring, while
Raggi[12] found coronary artery calci cation in 40% of diabetics.
An appropriate approach for these patients could be the combina-
tion of both tests: coronary calcium score and myocardial perfusion
scintigraphy, thus providing important complementary data.
The two-stage strategy (calcium score followed by perfusion scin-
tigraphy for patients with scores of >100) combines both types of
data: structural (through coronary calcium) and functional (through
MPS-detected ischemia). However, even this should be viewed
with caution because, while more useful in cases of calci ed epi-
Figure 1: Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy with Tc-99m MIBI in a two-day protocol for
patient with type 2 diabetes and hypertension
No chest pain reported. Physical stress on treadmill applied: duration of exercise: 9 minutes; 7.7 METS (metabolic
equivalent of task); 90% maximum rate reached, without ECG alteration. The image shows slices along three dif-
ferent axes: short, long vertical and long horizontal. The rst four rows present the short axis (from heart apex to
base); the fth and sixth rows, long vertical; and the last two rows, long horizontal. In each pair of rows, the top
one presents a stress image and the lower one a rest image. In the vertical short and long axes, arrows indicate a
perfusion abnormality in the inferior segment of the myocardial wall on exertion, which disappears in repose (sign
of ischemia).
Source: Nuclear Medicine Department, Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Institute, Havana, Cuba
(Available in color online at The color scale appears at the right of the
image. The top of the scale represents 100% radiopharmacological uptake.)
Peer Reviewed
MEDICC Review, January 2013, Vol 15, No 1
Peer Reviewed
cardial coronary lesions, this approach could miss noncalci ed
soft plaques and microvascular angina. Microvascular angina is a
diagnosis of exclusion once ischemia is detected in a patient with
typical angina and normal epicardial coronary arteries. Missing
the presence of noncalci ed soft plaques, and so excluding MPS,
would be a drawback of this strategy. Presence of DM in addi-
tion to peripheral vascular diseases, carotid disease, peripheral
neuropathy, autonomic dysfunction, family history of CVD or renal
insuf ciency confers additional risk and reinforces the need for
testing to detect ischemia; we therefore recommend performing
MPS in such cases, even if the calcium score is less than 100.
Peña[18,19] found that alterations in lipids, fasting blood sugar,
hypertension, smoking and family history of heart disease
increased risk of a positive gSPECT two- to ve fold. An LDL level
of 100 mg/dL was the variable conferring greatest estimated
risk, while an HDL level of <44 mg/dL was the most important
standardized variable when several factors were present.
In the Peix series, DM was the only signi cant risk factor
associated with perfusion abnormalities (p = 0.03). How-
ever, coronary calcium of >100 Agatston units, abnormal
endothelium-dependent vasodilation (<5%) and a cholesterol/
HDL index of >4 were associated with perfusion abnormalities
in asymptomatic diabetics.[15]
Another interesting aspect that can be evaluated through nuclear
techniques is cardiac autonomic innervation, which is frequently
impaired in individuals with DM; such impairment constitutes an
independent marker of poor
prognosis, probably due
to increased rates of sud-
den death from malignant
ventricular arrhythmia. The
most common method is
SPECT scintigraphy with
a norepinephrine analogue,
labeled with iodine-123 (123I).
Patients with DM and car-
diac autonomic neuropathy
have reduced myocardial
uptake, which has been asso-
ciated with long-term adverse
cardiovascular events.[25]
After completion of the DIAD
study and publication of its
ve-year results,[4,26,27] al-
though screening did not have
an impact on adverse cardiac
events overall, it was use-
ful in classifying patients as
high risk (moderate-to-severe
abnormalities and ischemia
on stress ECG) and low risk
(small defects or normal per-
fusion). Hence it would be
preferable to test for ischemia
more selectively rather than
testing all diabetics.
We suggest that asymptomatic patients who have had DM
for at least five years and are able to do physical exercise
take an ergometric test every two years to detect silent
ischemia. For those with inconclusive ergometry and two
risk factors in addition to DM, we suggest including an
endothelium-dependent vasodilation test and coronary
calcium score prior to performing an imaging stress test
(either stress echocardiography or MPS).
In patients who are unable to do physical exercise, an alter-
native to consider is pharmacological stress with dobutamine
or dipyridamole (either echocardiography or MPS). Figure 2
presents an overview of this algorithm proposed for diagnos-
ing silent ischemia in diabetics.
Interestingly, in 79% of patients in the DIAD study with ischemia
on initial MPS, ischemia resolved in the third year.[26] This pat-
tern was associated with intensi ed treatment using aspirin,
statins and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. However,
the authors point out that since the study was not designed as a
treatment trial, this association cannot be considered evidence of
a causal relation.
Our working group is currently conducting a third-year assess-
ment of the diabetic group studied. To date, we have observed
resolution of ischemia in 71% of cases, also coinciding with inten-
si ed medical treatment and more aggressive control of coronary
risk factors (Peix A, Cabrera LO, Castillo I, Heres F, Rodríguez L,
Padrón K, Valiente J, Llanes R, Mendoza V, Licea M, Gárciga F,
Figure 2: Proposed algorithm for detecting silent ischemia in asymptomatic diabetic patients
DM 5 years
Ergometry every 2 years
Positive Inconclusiveb + 2 additional CRFs
Medical treatment and
CRF control
(10% of myocardium)
(<10% of myocardium)
CRF control
Able to perform physical exercisea
Agatston units
Coronary calcium
Agatston units
DM: diabetes mellitus CRF: coronary risk factors
MPS: myocardial perfusion scintigraphy
a If patients cannot perform exercise, pharmacological stress can be applied with dobutamine or dipyridamole
(with echocardiogram or MPS)
b When patient does not reach submaximal heart rate: 85% of maximum (220 minus age)
c Altered endothelium-dependent vasodilation provides information on endothelial function to better orient treatment
MEDICC Review, January 2013, Vol 15, No 1
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Amalia Peix (, cardio-
logist. Full professor and senior researcher,
Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Insti-
tute, Havana, Cuba.
Submitted: May 30, 2012
Approved for publication: December 27, 2012
Disclosures: None
Dondi M; unpublished data), similar to the DIAD results. This line
of inquiry requires more extensive prospective studies, empha-
sizing the need for early diagnosis of ischemia in these patients
through diagnostic techniques available in Cuba and described
above. Early detection of ischemia will support customized indi-
vidual treatment with both medications and appropriate manage-
ment of behavioral risk factors.
Noninvasive imaging techniques have been shown to be extreme-
ly useful in diagnostic and prognostic assessment of coronary dis-
ease in individuals with DM, but such techniques must always be
judiciously applied and in combination with clinical examination,
evaluating atherosclerotic risk factors and applying an appropri-
ate diagnostic algorithm.
Peer Reviewed
... c Altered endothelium-dependent vasodilation provides information on endothelial function to better orient treatment. Reprinted with permission from Peix [58]. CAC, coronary artery calcium; CAD, coronary artery disease; CRF, coronary risk factors; DM, diabetes mellitus; MPS, myocardial perfusion scintigraphy; Neg, negative; Pos, positive. ...
... Several algorithms have been proposed: Bax et al. [55] first developed an algorithm for MPI and suggested performing MPI in all moderate-risk and high-risk DM populations (Fig. 1a). Scholte et al. [56], Yerramasu et al. [57], and Peix [58] separately proposed more detailed algorithms recommending CAC scanning before MPI, and MPI only in those with CAC scores greater than 100 or with risk factors (Fig. 1b-d). The three proposed algorithms have the following consensus: first, the prevention strategy corresponding to risk stratification is consistent; second, screening methods are used as part of the risk evaluation loop to help in the reclassification of patients; third, MPI screening usually requires repeat testing after 2 years. ...
Full-text available
Diabetes mellitus is associated with greater risks for cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Multiple noninvasive screening tools for CVD including cardiac CT, carotid intima-media thickness test, myocardial perfusion imaging have been examined in those with diabetes, but the prognostic value of these tests vary and issues remain regarding their cost-benefit ratios, potential harms of radiation, and how they fit into screening algorithms for CVD. We discuss in this report the needs and criteria for screening tests and summarize the evidence from observational studies and clinical trials. We also explore whether there should be more sensitive screening modalities to better detect both short and long-term cardiovascular risk among asymptomatic patients with diabetes.
... El presente estudio confirmó la frecuente asociación con CI, HTA, dislipidemias y obesidad, y es mayor en los grupos con hiperglucemia, en particular, las dislipidemias y la obesidad. La microalbuminuria se ha relacionado con el grado de disfunción ventricular diastólica y con el riesgo de IC, y se considera un predictor de isquemia silente en personas con DM 2.28,[37][38][39] En los sujetos con DM con control regular o bueno (HbA1c < 7,1-7,8 %) e IC, el riesgo de mortalidad es menor, y valores > 7 % aumentan la mortalidad.40,41 Este estudio no dispuso de la determinación de HbA1c, y no se demostró que el PGDEH se asociara a una mayor mortalidad, aunque hubo una tendencia a esta asociación, lo que pudiera tener importancia desde el punto de vista clínico.La mortalidad, tras un infarto agudo de miocardio (IAM) en personas con DM, se debe fundamentalmente a la IC, y estos últimos tienen el doble de incidencia de IC, independientemente que tengan o no CI previa.42,43 ...
... Кроме того, для пациентов с нарушением толерант ности к глюкозе должна быть настороженность в раз витии поздних кардиальных событий, таких как безбо левая ишемия миокарда, инфаркт и т.д. [58]. Результаты перфузионной сцинтиграфии миокарда у таких боль ных могут повлиять на ведение данной категории па циентов, а так же на последующею лечебную тактику. ...
Full-text available
Purpose: To determine the role of nuclear medicine techniques in the early detection of angiopathy in patients with diabetes and to estimate their accuracy in comparison with routine diagnostic methods for evaluation of target organ damage. Material and methods: A literature review, selected from the Russian and international bibliographic databases (RSCI, Medline, Google Scholar), dedicated to diagnostic technologies for identification of angiopathy in patients with diabetes mellitus. Results: 193 sources dedicated to the diagnosis of micro- and macrovascular damage were analyzed, 66 of which were included in this study, 54 of them international and 12 domestic ones responding to the purpose of the study. The analysis revealed that the radionuclide methods of investigation reflecting the functional state of the tissues were evaluated in a small number of publications on early diagnosis angiopathy caused by diabetes mellitus type 2. Most often, high blood glucose concentration damages kidney tissue and myocardium. It is shown that the methods of dynamic nephroscintigraphy and ECG- gated myocardial perfusion SPECT allow to evaluate the progression of micro- and macrovascular disease before the manifestation of paraclinical signs according to other diagnostic methods. Key determined parameter in dynamic nephroscintigraphy is glomerular filtration rate, which declines on the early stages of the disease. Myocardial perfusion SPECT imaging provides a possibility to assess frequency and severity of ischemic myocardial injury. Conclusions: The use of nuclear medicine techniques in the diagnosis of angiopathy in diabetes allows verification of early damage to target organs. The most effective diagnostic methods for this purpose are dynamic nephroscintigraphy and myocardial perfusion SPECT which sensitivity is substantially higher than conventional diagnostic methods.
... Missing non-calcified soft plaques and microvascular angina, and thus excluding MPS, would be a drawback of this strategy. The presence of peripheral vascular disease, carotid disease, retinopathy, endothelial dysfunction, peripheral neuropathy, autonomic dysfunction, a family history of CAD, microalbuminuria or renal insufficiency confers additional risk and suggests the need for testing to detect ischemia, even if the calcium score is \100 [92][93][94][95]. However, no generally accepted algorithm has been established. ...
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Several studies, reporting that diabetes is associated with a marked increase in the risk of coronary artery disease (CAD), introduced the concept that diabetes is CAD equivalent, and thereby provided a rationale for treating cardiovascular risk factors in diabetic patients as aggressively as in non-diabetic subjects with prior myocardial infarction. However, the concept of CAD risk equivalence in diabetes has been challenged by other studies. The classification of individuals with diabetes as having a risk level equivalent to that of individuals without diabetes who survived a cardiovascular event is an approach that fails to account for the fact that cardiovascular risk is not uniformly distributed, but follows a gradient from the lowest to the highest risk. Prediction models, based on numbers of risk factors, have been proposed for patients with diabetes. Most cardiovascular prediction models have been developed in general populations, including diabetes as a predictor, while a smaller number of studies have endeavored to construct CAD risk scores primarily in diabetic patients. The detection of occult CAD is the objective of non-invasive of testing diabetic patients for risk stratification purposes. Among the non-invasive imaging modalities, stress myocardial perfusion single-photon emission computed tomography has been widely used in diabetic patients. This review discusses the importance of using clinical prediction models in the diabetic population and the different challenges of non-invasive imaging for risk stratification, considering that the questions of when, how, and which diabetic patients should be studied are still open ones.
Nuclear cardiac imaging refers to cardiac radiological diagnostic techniques performed with the aid of radiopharmaceuticals, which are perfused into the myocardium as markers. These imaging studies provide a wide range of information about the heart, including the contractility of the heart, the amount of blood supply to the heart and whether parts of the heart muscle are alive or dead. This is essential information for cardiologists, and nuclear imaging has become an increasingly important part of the cardiologist's armamentarium. Chapters in Nuclear Cardiac Imaging cover historical, technical and physiological considerations, diagnosis and prognosis, conditions other than Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), advanced cardiac imaging, and challenges and opportunities. New to the fifth edition are key point summaries at the start of each chapter, clinical cases with videos, and a question and answer chapter on practical issues. This title is ideal for nuclear cardiologists in training and nuclear clinicians alike who are searching for quick answers to important clinical and technical questions.
Objective: The aim of the study was to identify the possible association among myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) variables, coronary calcium score (CCS), and adverse events at medium term in type 2 asymptomatic diabetes mellitus patients. Materials and methods: Patients who participated in a first study that included a stress-rest MPI and a CCS assessment were asked to take part in this study. The present study protocol required a control single-photon emission computerized tomography after 3 years. Forty-one patients gave their informed consent. Results: Of the 41 patients, 13 (32%) showed perfusion defects at the initial MPI. Of them, at 3 years, five continued showing perfusion defects, whereas another two had new defects (incidence of ischemia of 17%). Thus, 61% of the initial positive MPIs were normal at 3 years (P=0.04). In these cases the therapy was modified between the two studies. Left ventricular ejection fraction at stress showed a slight increase at 3 years (P=NS). Ventricular volumes significantly decreased at 3 years (P<0.01). Three patients (7.3%) developed an event during the follow-up (FU): two noncardiac deaths and one non-ST elevation myocardial infarction. The only variables that showed a possible association with the occurrence of events at FU were a CCS higher than 100 and less than 5 metabolic equivalents (METS) reached during the stress test (P=0.01). Conclusion: A CCS higher than 100 and a low functional capacity (<5 METS), but not an abnormal MPI, can be associated with cardiac events at 3-year FU in asymptomatic type 2 diabetic patients.
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Background: Asymptomatic patients with severe coronary atherosclerosis may have a normal resting electrocardiogram and stress test. Aim: To assess the yield of Gated Single Photon Emission Computer Tomography (SPECT) for the screening of silent myocardial ischemia in type 2 diabetic patients. Material and methods: Electrocardiogram, stress test and gated-SPECT were performed on 102 type 2 diabetic patients aged 60 ± 8 years without cardiovascular symptoms. AH subjects were also subjected to a coronary angiography whose results were used as gold standard. Results: Gated-SPECT showed myocardial ischemia on 26.5% of studied patients. The sensibility, specifity accuracy, positive predictive value and negative predictive value were 92.3%, 96%, 95%, 88.8%, 97.3%, respectively. In four and six patients ischemia was detected on resting electrocardiogram and stress test, respectively. Eighty percent of patients with doubtful resting electrocardiogram results and 70% with a doubtful stress test had a silent myocardial ischemia detected by gated-SPECT There was a good agreement between the results of gated-SPECT and coronary angiography (k =0.873). Conclusions: Gated-SPECT was an useful tool for the screening of silent myocardial ischemia.
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Introduction: Silent myocardial ischemia is frequent in type 2 diabetics, therefore, symptoms cannot be relied upon for diagnosis and followup in these patients. Various studies relate blood lipid levels to cardiovascular diseases, and several authors describe certain lipoproteins as independent predictors of ischemia. Objective: Identify blood lipid levels that predict silent myocardial ischemia in a type 2 diabetic population in Havana. Methods: From May 2005 through May 2009, assessment was done of 220 asymptomatic type 2 diabetics in ten polyclinics in Havana using laboratory tests and Single-Photon Emission-Computed Tomography, synchronized with electrocardiogram, known as gated SPECT (gSPECT). Coronary angiography was used for confirmation when gSPECT detected ischemia. Patients were classified into two groups: gSPECT positive and gSPECT negative. Descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) were calculated for all variables and mean comparison tests were conducted. Classification trees were developed relating lipid values to gSPECT results, identifying optimal cutoff points for their use as indicators of silent myocardial ischemia in the total study population and for each sex separately. Results: GSPECT found silent myocardial ischemia in 29.1% of those examined, and 68.4% of angiograms found multivessel disease. gSPECT-positive diabetics had higher levels of total cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides (p < 0.05). HDL levels were lower in this group (p < 0.05). Classification trees showed optimal cutoff points, indicators for silent ischemia, for: HDL ≤44 mg/dL, LDL >119.9 mg/dL, and triglycerides >107.2 mg/d; 80.4% of diabetics with these HDL and triglyceride values had ischemia. HDL was the most important normalized variable when the entire population was analyzed. Analysis by sex showed a greater percentage of silent ischemia in men (33.3%) than in women (24.8%). The most important normalized variables were LDL of >100.8 mg/dL for men and HDL of ≤44 mg/dL for women. Conclusions: A considerable percentage of the study population had silent myocardial ischemia. Type 2 diabetics with ischemia had higher levels of total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides. HDL levels were significantly lower in these patients. The association of low HDL with high triglycerides was a strong indicator of myocardial ischemia in type 2 diabetics without clinical cardiovascular signs. KEYWORDS Lipids, type 2 diabetes, silent myocardial ischemia, decision trees, diagnostic imaging, Single-Photon Emission-Computed Tomography, cardiac-gated SPECT, early detection, Cuba.
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Coronary artery disease is a leading cause of death among diabetics, and silent ischemia is a major concern in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). To detect the prevalence of ischemia in diabetics by myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI), and compare it to a control group without DM but with coronary risk factors, as well as to explore the relationship between silent ischemia, endothelial dysfunction, and coronary calcium, 59 patients (Group I) and 42 controls (Group II) were included. All underwent clinical and laboratory evaluations, gated MPI, brachial artery vasodilation measured by ultrasonography, and coronary calcium score (CCS). Twenty diabetics showed perfusion defects, vs seven controls (P = .04). There was no significant difference between both groups regarding the brachial artery vasodilator responsiveness: 4.49% ± 4.26% (diabetics) vs 4.70% ± 4.98% (controls). Mean CCS was 74 in diabetics vs five in controls (P = .01). The only risk factor significantly associated with an abnormal MPI was the presence of diabetes (P = .03). In the whole population of patients and in diabetics, the abnormal endothelium-dependent vasodilation, the CCS >100, and the cholesterol/HDL ratio >4, showed an OR >1. CCS exhibited the higher OR among the whole population: OR 2.15 [95% CI 0.42-10.99]; while for diabetics it was the cholesterol/HDL ratio: OR 3.95 [95% CI 0.71-21.84]. Reversible perfusion defects and coronary calcium are more frequent in diabetics. CCS, abnormal endothelium-dependent vasodilation, and cholesterol/HDL ratio higher than 4, showed an association with perfusion abnormalities in asymptomatic diabetics.
Basic knowledge of active and passive transport mechanisms for concentrating monovalent cations in myocardial cells led to the investigation of the application of radioisotopes of potassium, thallium, rubidium, and ammonia to the in vivo noninvasive assessment of regional myocardial perfusion and viability utilizing gamma camera or positron emission tomographic (PET) imaging technology. Subsequently, technetium-99m (Tc-99m)-labeled isonitriles (sestamibi and tetrofosmin), which bind to mitochondrial membranes, emerged as superior imaging agents with single photon emission tomography (SPECT) imaging. When any of these imaging agents are injected intravenously during either exercise or pharmacologic stress, myocardial defects in tracer uptake represent either abnormal regional flow reserve or myocardial scar reflecting of coronary artery disease (CAD). The major clinical indications for stress SPECT or PET myocardial perfusion imaging are for detection of CAD as the cause of chest pain and risk stratification for prognostication. Patients with normal stress myocardial perfusion scans have an excellent prognosis with <1.0% annual rate future annual death or nonfatal infarction. The greater the extent and severity of ischemic perfusion defects (defects seen on stress images but improve on resting images), the greater the subsequent death or infarction rate during follow-up. Rest imaging alone is performed for determination of myocardial viability in patients with CAD and severe left ventricular dysfunction. Myocardial segments showing >50% uptake compared to normal uptake have a better long-term outcome with revascularization than with medical therapy with enhanced left ventricular function and improved survival. Other applications of SPECT imaging include the evaluation of cardiac sympathetic function, assessment of myocardial metabolism in health and disease, and molecular imaging of coronary atherosclerosis and myocardial stem cell therapy.