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Treœae: Przedstawiono g³ówne etapy wczesnopaleozoicznej ewolucji perygondwañskich p³yt litosfe-rycznych w nawi¹zaniu do historii superkontynentu Rodinia, a zw³aszcza efektu neoproterozoicznego ryftowania, które doprowadzi³o do izolacji Gondwany, Laurencji, Syberii i Ba³tyki. Wskazano z kolei na wczesnopaleozoiczne (póŸny kambr – wczesny ordowik) ryftowanie terranów awaloñskich, które objê³o pó³nocno-zachodni¹ i po³udniow¹ Polskê. Na tym tle zobrazowano równie¿ wczesnopale-ozoiczne wydarzenia geotektoniczne w dalekowschodniej Azji.
GEOLOGIA 2009 Tom 35 Zeszyt 2/1 339343
Wczesnopaleozoiczna ewolucja perygondwañskich p³yt litosfery
, Zbigniew PAUL
& Andriej KHUDOLEY
AGH University of Science and Technology,
Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection,
Department of General Geology, Environmental Protection and Geotourism;
al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland;
Polish Geological Institute;
ul. Rakowiecka 4, 00-975 Warsaw, Poland;
Polish Geological Institute, Carpathian Branch;
ul. Skrzatów 1, 31-560 Krakow, Poland;
St. Petersburg State University;
University Nab. 7/9, St. Petersburg 199034, Russia;
Treæ: Przedstawiono g³ówne etapy wczesnopaleozoicznej ewolucji perygondwañskich yt litosfe-
rycznych w nawi¹zaniu do historii superkontynentu Rodinia, a zw³aszcza efektu neoproterozoicznego
wania, które doprowadzo do izolacji Gondwany, Laurencji, Syberii i Ba³tyki. Wskazano z kolei
na wczesnopaleozoiczne (póny kambr
wczesny ordowik) ryftowanie terranów awaloñskich, które
objê³o pó³nocno-zachodni¹ i po³udniow¹ Polskê. Na tym tle zobrazowano równie¿ wczesnopale-
ozoiczne wydarzenia geotektoniczne w dalekowschodniej Azji.
S³owa kluczowe: Pery
gondwana, Rodinia, Awalonia, wczesny paleozoik
Key words: Peri-Gondwana, Rodinia, Avalonia, Early Paleozoic
The Proterozoic history of the supercontinent is defined by two major orogenies. The Grenvil-
lian orogeny around 1100 Ma is related to the formation of supercontinen
t Rodinia (Dalziel
1991, Hoffman 1991). The Cadomian/Pan-African orogeny is related to the assembly of the su-
percontinent Pannotia (Dalziel et al. 1994, Dalziel 1997, Golonka 2000, Golonka et al. 2006a, b)
340 J. Golonka, M. Krobicki, P. Poprawa, Z. Paul & A. Khudoley
around the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary. More than 500 hundred million years between
these two events allows assuming two full Wilson orogenic cycles during this time. It allows
also many different,
speculative paleogeographic approaches, causing lively discussion.
The Cadomian orogeny caused the deformation and magmatic events of terranes from
Iberia through Armorica. The Baltica
(Eastern Europe) might have collided with the Cado-
mian part of Gondwana during the Vendian time causing deformation in the Timan area and
proto-Uralian area. The Pechora-Timan b
elt (Roberts & Siedlecka 2002) and fragments of
Ural, Novaya Zemlya and Taimyr are related to the Cadomian belt (Golonka 2000, 2002). At
the same time rifting occurred along the other Baltica b
order, related perhaps to the opening of
the Iapetus Ocean (Poprawa 2006). Laurentia rifted away from Pannotia along future Iapetus
Ocean during Vendian time and along the Ouachita Ocean during Cambrian
time (Golonka et
al. 2006c). Pannotia supercontinent is not so badly constrained, however, it was short lived. Its
history resembled somewhat the history of Pangea, which assembled finally during Early
urassic and broke-up during Middle Jurassic time. One of the possible, speculative recon-
structions is linking Central Asian Orogenic Belt terranes (Tuva?) with the Cadomian orogeny
in Eur
ope (Golonka et al. 2006b).
Both Gondwana and Baltica were included in the Pannotia supercontinent (Golonka et
al. 2006a, b). The continents forming the core of Gondwana include South America, A
Madagascar, India, Antarctica and Australia. The location of numerous smaller continental
blocks that bordered Gondwana is less certain. These smaller blocks were assembled during
the E
arly Paleozoic time to Gondwana, forming the so-called Peri-Gondwanian zone. The
following were adjacent to Gondwana at some time during the Paleozoic: Yucatan, Florida,
Avalonia, central European (Cadomian) terranes between th
e Armorica and Bohemian Mas-
sif, Moesia, Iberia, Apulia and the smaller, southern European terranes, central Asian terranes
(Karakum and others), China (several separate blocks), and the Cimmerian terranes of T
Iran, Afghanistan, Tibet and Southeast Asia.
The south-dipping subduction developed along the central margin of Gondwana in Late Cam-
brian  Early Ordovician time. It caused the onset of rifting of the Avalonian terranes. Tradi-
tionally, the contin
ent of Avalonia consists of northwestern and possibly southern Poland,
some accreted terranes in the basement of East Carpathians and their foredeep, terranes in
northern Germany, the Ardennes of
Belgium and northern France, England, Wal es, southe-
astern Ireland, the Avalon Peninsula of eastern Newfoundland, much of Nova Scotia, southern
New Brunswick, and some coastal parts of Ne
w England. Brunovistulicum and Mopolska
massives, parts of the Scythian platform, Dzurilla massif of Caucasus, terranes in Tian-Shan
and adjacent parts of Kazakhstan and Southern Mongolia terrane could have
constitute of the
eastern extension of the Avalonia (Paul et al. 2003, Golonka et al. 2006b). The Avalonian
plates probably started to rift from Gondwana and move towards Baltica in the Late Tremado-
cian and were in
a drift stage by the Llanvirnian. This subduction caused also the formation of
the vast Rheic Ocean. The Turkmen and Solonker oceans in Asia could constitute the eastern
parts of this Rhe
ic Ocean. The plates drifted northward toward the nucleus of Asia (Fig. 1).
Early Paleozoic evolution of the Peri-Gondwana plates 341
Fig. 1. Plate tectonic map of the Middle Ordovician (plates position as of 472 Ma): 1 oceanic spre-
ading center and transform faults, 2 subduction zone, 3 thrust fault, 4 normal faul
t, 5 transform
Fig. 1. Mapa tektoniki p³yt rodkowego ordowiku (pozycja p³yt 472 milionów lat temu): 1 centrum
spredingu oceanicznego i uskok transformuj¹cy, 2 strefa subdukcji, 3
nasuniêcie, 4 uskok normal-
ny, 5 uskok przesuwczy
The sedimentary sequences in the Gobi desert area in Mongolia as well as in the Chinese Inner
Mongolia record the plate tectonic development of Central Asia. Collision between micro
tinents (Salairian orogeny) during Late Cambrian  Early Ordovician time in the Mongolia-
Tuva area marked the onset of the formation of the Amuria (Mongolia) microcontinent. Rela-
ship of eastern peri-Gondwana terranes and Avalonia plates remain unknown and
speculative. It is not impossible that South China and Indochina plates also were rifted
from Gondwana in the Ordovician. The uplift and volcani
sm support such a possibility. Ac-
cording to Shouxin & Yongyi (1991), the Ordovician conformably overlies the Cambrian over
most of the South China plate. The northern part of the plate (Yangzi
Platform) was covered
with carbonates and mixed carbonate/clastic facies. The southern part of the plate is partially
uplifted and partially covered by deep water synorogenic
clastic deposits more than 4000 m
of weakly metamorphosed flysch, sandstones and graptolitic shales. Similar rocks formed on
the margins of Indochina plate. They are known as Pa Ham formation
Late Silurian was the time of the major development of the Caledonian orogeny and
final closure of the Iapetus (Fig. 2). The collision between Baltica and Greenland con
marked by nappes in Norway and Greenland. After the complete closure of the Iapetus Ocean,
the continents of Baltic, Avalonia, and Laurentia formed the continent of Laurussia
1989). This Caledonian orogeny and transpressional collision of Gondwana and Laurentia
342 J. Golonka, M. Krobicki, P. Poprawa, Z. Paul & A. Khudoley
was related to the formation of the enigmatic large supercontinent Oldredia, which existed
during Early Devonian times, and included all major plates (Golonka 2000, Golonka et al.
Fig. 2. Plate tectonic map of the Late Silurian (plates position as of 425 Ma): 1 oceanic spreading
center and transform faults, 2 subduction zone, 3 thrust fault, 4 normal fault, 5
transform fault
Fig. 2. Mapa tektoniki yt pónego syluru (pozycja yt 425 milionów lat temu): 1 centrum spredin-
gu oceanicznego i uskok transformuj¹cy, 2 strefa subdukcji, 3 nasuniêcie, 4
uskok normalny, 5
uskok przesuwczy
The above mentioned events indicate possible connection of Asiatic plates with Oldre-
dia. During Middle Devonian times, rifting of continental margins of Oldredia led to disas-
sembly of
the supercontinent (Golonka 2000, 2006b). The collision of the North China plate
and closure of Solonker ocean engör & Natalin 1996) in Permian time concluded the oroge-
nic process.
research has been in part financially supported by the AGH University of Science
and Technology in Kraków, grant No.
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Thirty-two maps have been constructed which depict the plate tectonic configuration, paleogeography and selected lithofacies for Phanerozoic time intervals from the earliest Cambrian through the Neogene. The plate tectonic maps illustrate geodynamic evolution of the Earth from the disassembly of Rodinia-Pannotia during Sauk time through closure, assembly, reorganization and formation of Pangean supercontinent during Tippecanoe, Kaskaskia and Early Absaroka times, rifting, spreading and disassembly during Late Absaroka and Zuni times, and new closure during Tejas time. The Earth’s climate reflects the plate tectonic phases of continental breakup and assembly. The climate changed from a greenhouse with short icehouse interlude through icehouse with warming interludes, and another greenhouse, to the present day icehouse.
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Twelve time-interval maps have been presented that depict the plate-tectonic configuration, paleogeography, and lithofacies for the circum-Carpathian area from the Late Carboniferous through Neogene and for the circum-Ouachita region from the Late Cambrian through Early Permian. The following geodynamic evolution stages can be distinguished in these two orogens:-stage I: rifting of terranes off the major continent, forming oceanic basins, Triassic– Early Cretaceous in the Carpathian region, Cambrian – Devonian in the Ouachita basin; stage II: formation of subduction zones along the active margin, partial closing of the oceanic basin, development of flysch basin associated with this rifting on the platform (passive margin) with the attenuated crust, Late Cretaceous – Paleocene in the Carpathian region, Early Carbonif-erous in the Ouachitas; stage III: collision, perhaps terrane-continent, with the accompanying convergence of two large continents, development of accretionary prisms, the Eocene – early Miocene in the Carpathian region, Late Carboniferous in the Ouachitas; stage IV: postcol-lisional, Miocene – present – future(?) in the Carpathians, Permian – Triassic in the Ouachitas. Both Carpathians and Ouachitas are an accretionary prism formed in response to terrane-continent and continent-continent collision. The paleogeographic approach we have taken shows how these mountain belts were constructed through the orogenic cycle, which reflects complex plate-tectonic processes. The Carpathians and Ouachitas record complete and ho-mologous Wilson cycles.
During the Neoproterozoic, rift zones developed along the western slope of the East European Craton (EEC), most probably related to break-up of the Precambrian supercontinent Rodinia/Pannotia. Rifting along the SW margin of the EEC was roughly coeval with rifting along its Norwegian margin, as well as along the Orsha-Volyn Aulacogen, resulting in development of the triple junctions. Subsequently, during Cambrian to Middle Ordovician time, the passive continental margins developed along the western slope of newly formed Baltica. In Ediacaran time, the Brunovistulicum terrane was separated from Baltica. Collision of the Małopolska block with Baltica caused the late Cambrian flexural subsidence in the Łysogóry unit of the Holy Cross Mountains and in the Narol zone, as well as tectonic uplift and erosion in the Baltic Basin and the Lublin-Podlasie Basin. The Lower to Middle Cambrian sedimentary basins, developed in the SE part of Brunovistulicum, are tentatively interpreted as a flexural basin formed in a foreland of a suspected Cambrian collision zone.
Plate reconstructions underlying our analysis of the evolution of Laurussia are tentative and subject to revision as new palaeomagnetic and palaeoclimatological data become available.
Evidence supports the hypothesis that the Laurentian and East Antarctic-Australian cratons were continuous in the late Precambrian and that their Pacific margins formed as a conjugate rift pair. A geometrically acceptable computer-generated reconstruction for the latest Precambrian juxtaposes and aligns the Grenville front that is truncated at the Pacific margin of Laurentia and a closely comparable tectonic boundary in East Antarctica that is truncated along the Weddell Sea margin. Geologic and paleomagnetic evidence also suggests that the Atlantic margin of Laurentia rifted from the proto-Andean margin of South America in earliest Cambrian time. -from Author
Laurentia, the rift-bounded Precambrian nucleus of North America, may have broken out from a Neoproterozoic supercontinent between East and West Gondwana. Several lines of evidence suggest that the Appalachian margin of Laurentia subsequently collided with the proto-Andean margin of the amalgamated Gondwana supercontinent in different relative positions during early and mid-Paleozoic time, in route to final docking against northwest Africa to complete the assembly of Pangea. Hence the Appalachian and Andean orogens may have originated as a single mountain system. The overall hypothesis retains the same paleomagnetic and paleobiogeographic controls as previous global reconstructions for the Paleozoic Era. Laurentia-Gondwana collisions may help to explain contemporaneous unconformities in the Paleozoic sedimentary cover of the Laurentian, Gondwanan, and Baltic cratons.