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Improve quality of care with remote activity and fall detection using ultrasonic sensors


Abstract and Figures

In this paper a fall detection system is presented that automatically detects the fall of a person and their location using an array of ultrasonic wave transducers connected to a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) processor. Experimental results are provided on a prototype deployment installed at an assisted living community. The system can provide a cost-effective and intelligent method to help caregivers detect a fall quickly so that patients are treated in a timely manner. In addition to room monitoring and local alert functions, the system incorporates a personal computer and wireless connection to enable remote monitoring of patient's activity and health status.
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Improve Quality of Care with Remote Activity and Fall Detection Using
Ultrasonic Sensors
Yirui Huang and Kimberly Newman, Senior Member, IEEE
Abstr act- In this paper a fall detection system is
presented that automatically detects the fall of a person
and their location using an array of ultrasonic wave
transducers connected to a field-pr ogr ammable gate
array (FPGA) processor. Experimental results are
provided on a prototype deployment installed at an
assisted living community. The system can pr ovide a
cost-effective and intelligent method to help caregivers
detect a fall quickly so that patients ar e treated in a
timely manner. In addition to room monitoring and local
aler t functions, the system incorporates a per sonal
computer and wir eless connection to enable r emote
monitoring of patient’s activity and health status.
Falls are the leading cause of external injury the elderly.
In the US there are annually 1,800 falls directly resulting in
death [1] and approximately 9,500 deaths are associated with
falls each year [2]. The frequency of falls increases once
individuals have the first occurrence. This leads to a fear of
falling in many individuals that increases self-restriction of
activities [3]. In order to provide increased security and
comfort in the elderly population, automated systems with
timely reporting of fall events are critical to enable healthy
aging in place as well as limit the damage caused by injuries
during falls [4].
An intelligent yet cost-effective system that can detect a
fall in areas where they would not necessarily be wearing
clothing or desire to be monitored by a camera is the focus
for the evaluation of this system. The setting for this test case
is a bathroom in an assisted living community. The
bathroom and the resident rooms are identified as locations
where there is a high incidence of falls [5]. Identification of
the specific individual can be tied to the residential apartment
for clinical use and analysis. Currently, there are two popular
methods are used to detect a fall: machine vision and
Vision tracking uses cameras at various locations and employ
either manual or automated image processing [6][7]. The
disadvantage of a vision based system is the cost of the
specialized cameras as well as the need to add privacy filters
in locations like the bathroom and bedroom. Deployment can
also be complex and costly since several devices are needed
to monitor the entire house.
Research supported by The Palisades at Broadmoor Park.
Yirui Huang is with the Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering
Department, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309 USA (e-mail:
Kimberly Newman is with the Electrical, Computer, and Energy
Engineering Department, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309 USA
Another popular method for fall detection uses
accelerometer measurements. A fall can be defined as a
change in body orientation from upright to lying that occurs
immediately after a large negative acceleration [8]. The main
limitation of accelerometers is the inability to perform
localization and tracking of a person. Accelerometers detect
body orientation but do not have the ability to collect high-
level, context aware activity recognition based intelligence.
Another drawback for the detection of falls in a bathroom is
the need to wear the fall monitoring device. Many elderly
individuals at risk of falls do not remember to wear the
devices so their falls go undetected. In an assisted living
community, they might have to drag themselves to the pull
cord or alerting device to request help.
In this paper, a novel system is proposed using ultrasonic
waves to detect a fall. The initial pilot deployment is
described and initial measurements from a single subject are
reported. Installation is performed in the ceiling of the room
so wearable components are not required and privacy is
maintained without additional signal processing.
Preliminary measurements of the sensing mode are described
in detail by Shah,, [9]. Sensing is based on the range
finder property of the ultrasonic wave which enables
determination of the latitude distribution of a certain area. A
Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based processor
collects the sensor data and a mobile computer implements
an inexpensive and non-invasive monitoring system. The
Altera DE2 used in this prototype can be purchased for under
$500 and the DE0 board can be substituted for under $200.
The computer can be purchased for $250, sensors for $28.00
each unit, and the remainder of the system components are an
A/D converter and Ethernet cables for the wiring. Total cost
for deployment of 8 monitoring devices in a bathroom,
excluding labor, is possible for approximately $750. The
components of this system are shown in fig. 1.
The system is divided into two main components: the
hardware, which is responsible for collection and processing
sensor data, and the software, which is responsible for
sending out alerts and notifications.
The hardware is an array of ultrasonic sensors used to
measure distance between the sensor and an object within
the shape of the ultrasonic wave up to maximum distance of
254 inches. The beam width changes with this distance as
demonstrated previously [9]. Sensors are installed on a flat
surface so the ping has a known trajectory without
interference in the path. Only one transmitter is active at a
time to prevent overlapping of signals so that reflections can
be isolated. When an object is detected in the field of the
active sensor it can locate the distance within one inch of
34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS
San Diego, California USA, 28 August - 1 September, 2012
5854978-1-4577-1787-1/12/$26.00 ©2012 IEEE
resolution. This approach enables a plot of the latitude
distribution for the plane facing the sensor surface.
Figure 1: Fall Monitoring Components
Abnormal activity is detected by comparison with the
default scenario in the room as well as the actions of the
previous set of measurements. The dimensions of the room
constrain the speed at which each position is checked,
however, sensors can be triggered at a rate of 50ms so for a
deployment in a 10 foot by 10 foot room with ceiling height
of 10 feet, the density of sensors would be 4 and the
maximum amount of time between polling of an individual
sensor would be 50 ms. As shown in fig. 2, the default
value for a room is on the left assuming furniture is not
present. Furniture is mapped as part of the initialization
process and is included as a background measurement. If
the furniture is moved during system operation, the software
can detect this background change but it is difficult in the
current version of the deployment to differentiate between
individuals and objects. Methods to improve this sensitivity
are discussed in the results section of the paper.
When a person walks under the beam, the return reading
is compared to the default and assumptions are made as to
the pose of the individual. The range of expected height
values for walking are calibrated to the resident during
installation. Additional determination of the seated height is
performed during installation. Falls are detected by a rapid
transition from the standing or seated position to the ground.
The software shown in the upper right of fig. 1, transmits
the sensor responses returned by the FPGA to a netbook
using an R232 cable. A Java program continuously reads the
sensor responses from the serial port and sends out
notifications every 3 minutes based on the sensor response
status (“OK” or “EMR”). If an emergency (EMR) is
detected, the EMR signal is sent out immediately to the
email of individuals registered in the setup. Testing of these
alerts can also be triggered manually to ensure the system is
Figure 2: Pose recognition
The algorithm includes two parts: initialization and
decision-making. The initialization procedure aims to
establish an idle condition of the measured plane. The flow
chart of the operation of this algorithm is provided in fig. 3.
An idle condition is assumed if a sensor has a constant
reading for 60 seconds. There are four functions used for the
initialization procedure. The input function reads the
ultrasonic sensors measured result. The save function places
the value from the sensor into the base value variable. A five
second delay between sensor readings is implemented with
the delay function. This is a rather crude averaging filter
similar to mechanical switch debouncing to reduce the noise
in the input. The compare function is used after a second
input reading is taken to see if the initial value and the final
value match so that false readings are avoided.
Figure 3: Initialization Procedure
After the initialization routine is performed to gain a
baseline measurement of the room, a second algorithm is
used for regular monitoring of the sensor values as shown in
fig. 4. The decision-making procedure is able to detect the
sign of a fall. This algorithm compares the sensor’s present
result with the base value from the initialization routine with
two time parameters. The first time parameter counts the
time elapsed after an abnormal activity. A second time
parameter is used to eliminate the pseudo-sign of fall. There
is a looping function used for the decision-making
procedure. The system sequentially reads each sensor and
uses a compare function to detect the sign of fall. The
compare function checks whether the present reading from a
sensor is consistent with the saved base reading. The system
will recheck the same sensor to eliminate the pseudo-sign of
fall after a five second delay in case of an inconsistent result
returned by the compare function. Further, the system will
issue an emergency signal if a different reading at a sensor
lasts for more than one minute.
Figure 4: Decision-Making Procedure
IV. Eldercare Monitoring Deployment
After characterization of the system in the controlled
environment of a lab, an IRB-approved informed consent
study was initiated at the Palisades assisted living
community in Colorado Springs. A subject in the assisted
care wing was recruited and the system was installed in the
bathroom. For the initial trial, only 8 ultrasonic sensors are
used and the complete installation limited to the bathroom
an area in which elderly people commonly fall. Three
sensors are placed in the shower and the five remaining
sensors are placed around the rest of the bathroom to provide
sufficient fall coverage. The installation is shown in the
images of fig 5.
Installation of the system required a significant amount
of time and testing but this was expected for the pilot
version. Sensors are mounted on the ceiling as shown in
5(a) and the cables are run to the FPGA and netbook which
is placed on the shelf as shown in 5(b). Proper placement
and leveling of the sensors as well as calibration for the user
was the majority of the time commitment.
Several site visits were also required during the first
three months for the fine tuning of the system to allow
remote access and tweak the fall detection algorithms to
avoid false positives. Additionally, a user manual was
created to provide training to the staff on the use of the
system. A screen shot of the user interface is shown in fig. 6.
This interaction is still in progress but the system operated
for several weeks at a time for the remainder of the six
month trial. Late night IT maintenance caused some
problems with stability and required resetting of the Twitter
interface remotely. There was also the need for
reinstallation of one of the sensors on the ceiling of the
bathroom since it became unattached due to the humidity in
the environment.
(a) Sensor Installation
(b) Netbook Placement
Figure 5: Bathroom Installation at Palisades
Figure 6: Health Monitor User Interface
Currently, the system sends out automated notifications
using both Twitter and email, allowing alerts through
different channels of communication, quickly, and to
multiple recipients. Data logging is not currently performed
so the height and specific location of the falls are not
reported. There are plans are to incorporate this into the data
transfer but the first step is to stabilize the system in the field
and ensure the Java and Twitter interfaces are capable of
reporting activity.
The system updates the status of the subject to a
specified Twitter account which is available to all
caregivers. This data is composed of OK pings every five
minutes. When the EMR occurs, an email is generated
immediately as shown in fig. 7.
Figure 7: Twitter and Email Sample of the System
Verification of the detection of the fall is collected by
direct phone contact with the Palisades to determine if the
system is operating properly or if it is sending a false alarm.
Over the course of the trial, there was a weekend where the
system sent out several alarms. Three alarms were sent out
over the course of an evening and then the system was reset
using the logmein tool. Emergency messages continued that
weekend around noon the next day and also late in the
evening in the month of August. It was discovered there
was a glitch in the software interface between the Java code
and the twitter account that was causing these false alarms
when the internet connection is lost. Modifications were
made to account for the evening IT maintenance so that
signals could be buffered and the system would reset after
the maintenance was performed. In December there was
another long interruption to the system over a weekend and,
an actual fall was missed. After the event in December, the
system was reset and the monitoring was in operation
through January. No falls were detected during this time
frame and the system remained operational.
After a six month trial in the Palisades Assisted Living
community, the system demonstrated the capability to detect
falls. This length of time was required for the first
deployment to fine tune the software and remove the
occurrence of false positives. In the future, deployments in
additional rooms are possible and should require less time
for operational stability based on the knowledge gained in
this pilot trial.
The system is capable of monitoring and recording the
activity of a person using ultrasonic range finding. The
system is able to collect the data of a person’s daily activity
and develop his (or her) activity pattern using a sophisticated
algorithm and the signal processing capability provided by
an FPGA processor. Daily activity patterns can be stored in
future versions of this system to help physicians and
caregivers determine activities that lead to a fall and detect
the fall in a timely manner to reduce risk of further injury.
There are additional refinements required before the
system is ready to expand into additional rooms. The ability
to store data is beneficial so that activity patterns can be
detected and locations of falls can be identified. The
implementation of the sensors on the ceiling could be
improved by incorporating a wireless interface to eliminate
the use of the Ethernet cables currently connecting the
sensors to the FPGA. Additionally, the portability of the
remote monitoring software could be enhanced by creating
an interactive web based interface. The new interface would
free the users from their ordinary workspaces and give more
flexibility on choice of terminal devices. Users can
download the stored data from the system directly from the
Another issue that was not expected or factored into the
pilot deployment was the use of a walker by the resident.
Readings of the height of the walker made it difficult to
distinguish where the person was in relation to this device
since it was moving in the space. For example, if the person
fell near the walker, would the height change be detected
with this in the field. In addition to the sensors placed on the
ceiling, sensors could be placed on the walls so that
measurements can be made in the horizontal and vertical
plane to isolate a person from a walker. Other single-point
sensing modes could be employed that do not violate privacy
of the resident. A combination temperature and humidity
sensor could distinguish the heat signature of a person and
from a device.
Ultrasonic technology offers promising potential in the
field of activity monitoring. This project hopes to provide
additional insight into the use of ultrasonic activity monitors
and establish a solid foundation on which future
developments can be made. With further improvements and
additional research, ultrasonic activity monitoring systems
have the potential to work both effectively and practically in
reducing the number of hospitalizations and deaths caused
by elderly falls. In time, such systems should be capable of
being not only reliable and accurate in detecting falls, but
also affordable and user friendly.
We would like to thank Maulik Kapuria, Niket Shah,
Seyitriza Tigrek, Tim Ikenouye, Willie Long and Saurabh
Goel for their efforts on the creation of the initial prototypes
of this system. We are also grateful to Professor Frank
Barnes, Karen Siegel, and Professor Sara Qualls for their
expertise and critique of this manuscript.
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[2] M.A. Forciea, R. Lavizzo- Mourey. E.P. Schwab,
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[3] G. F. Fuller, “Falls in the Elderly,” American Family
Physician, vol. 61, no. 7, 2000, pp. 2159-2168
[4] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National
Center for Injury Prevention and Control.
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[5] K. Rapp, C. Becker, I.D. Cameron, H.H. Konig, G.
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[6] W. Hu, T. Tan, L. Wang, S. Maybank, “A Survey on
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[7] G. Diraco, A. Leone, P. Siciliano, “An Active Vision
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... On change in the distance, the system reports it as a fall. Huang et al. [40] introduced an automatic FADEB system using an array of ultrasonic wave transducers connected to a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) processor. Eight monitoring devices are installed on the wall during experimentation to monitor a person's activity inside a bathroom. ...
... Wong et al. [25] [40] measures the distance between the sensor and an object within the range of an ultrasonic wave. When an object is detected in the field of active sensor, it locates the distance within one inch of resolution for the activity recognition. ...
... Wong et al. [25] have utilized the complex rules from the height and width of the person to classify the activity. Similarly, Huang et al. [40] also utilize the change in the height and clock time as a rule to classify the images. Sixsmith et al. [29], another rule-based classification mechanism classifies the activity based on the pressure exerted in a 16x16 pyroelectric array. ...
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The share of the aged population over and above 65 years increased from 6% in 1990 to 9% in 2019. The percentage of the aged population might increase further to 16% by 2050. Due to socio-demographic changes and nuclear family setups, elder people live alone and encounter many issues at home, especially falls, while doing their daily activities. The probability of a fall inside the bathroom is higher than a fall inside the living place due to specific hazards. Various research works have been proposed to monitor people from falls (fall detection systems -FADE) inside the home environment. However, those systems do not concentrate much on fall detection inside the bathrooms (FADEB). Alternatively, we witness certain smart gadgets for the safety of the elders inside the bathroom, which prevents them from a fall by assisting. However, these gadgets are not designed in a way to report the fall. To overview the FADEB systems, electronic databases such as PubMed, Web of Science (WoS), Scopus, Google Scholar, and DBLP were used to fetch the research works published from 2007 to 2023. The FADEB papers are filtered out and critically reviewed in terms of implementation details concerning data collection, feature extraction, and classification. The specific challenges related to FADEB are quoted that need to be addressed in the near future to monitor the falls inside the bathroom.
... Proximity sensing can be achieved through several different physical principles, including infrared [14], electric field [15], and ultrasonic [16]. Among those principles, the one using an electric field, specifically capacitive sensing, would be the most suitable choice for the integration, as the electrostatic actuator already possesses electrodes in its stator for generating electric fields around it. ...
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A built-in capacitive proximity sensing method for a charge-induction electrostatic film actuator is proposed. This actuator consists of two thin sheets that function as a stator and a slider. A stator is an insulating sheet with many strips of electrodes in it, whereas a slider is a dielectric sheet that has slight conductivity on its surface. By applying actuation voltage on stator electrodes, the slider that is placed on the stator is driven by electrostatic force. This research realized the simultaneous actuation and proximity sensing using the same electrodes by integrating a resonance-based capacitance measurement circuit into a driving circuit. The study investigated the impact of having a slider on sensing performance, confirming the feasibility of simultaneous sensing and driving. The implemented system achieved an interactive actuation that changed driving velocity according to the proximity distance of the human hand.
... In the domain of HARS, these sensors have been used for detecting single-person activities [28] and postural changes [29], group [30] and collective activities [31], as well as for tracking [32], towards indoor localization. Other domains of usage include healthcare, where works like [33] aim to monitor elderly patients prone to falling. A very different field also utilizes this family of sensors for monitoring the health of structures and their degradation over time [34]. ...
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The Internet of Things (IoT) has been massively revolutionizing human lives for the last few decades. The powerful and steady advancements in the field of science and technology have aided this process immensely. As a result, almost all aspects of our lives have grown smarter. Nowadays, life is almost unthinkable in the absence of IoT-enabled smart devices, such as smart televisions, smart computers, smart-phones, smart fitness trackers, etc. Needless to say, all these devices enjoy ever-growing popularity in this era of smart technology. This development is propelled by the existing digital communication backbone – the Internet. The very Internet, over which human communication started just a few decades back, is now being used by each and everything in our surroundings, be it natural or man-made. The advent and inclusion of IoT in recent times have highlighted how trees, crops, fruits, chairs and tables, electrical appliances, and all other objects around us can interact with each other. They are capable of communicating as freely as humans, and based on such communications, these things’ can even behave smartly, individually, and in unison, by making informed decisions in real-time! Given that these things do not possess the gift of life naturally, their ability to express themselves comes from the use of numerous types of sensing devices, also called sensors. The intelligent manufacturing and easy availability of these miniature, cost-effective sensing devices have given a new shape to almost all aspects of our lives. The data regarding the behavior of things, as captured by sensors, is essentially what the things express, and it carries meaning in the particular setting. This data may then be processed and analyzed at the source, transmitted over the internet and processed in a cloud or remote machine. While in some day-to-day applications, the data is used directly for decision-making (for example, in smart electric appliances), in more critical problems, the data needs ample processing and analysis (healthcare, activity recognition, etc.). In the latter case, different mathematical model-based machine learning algorithms are utilized to learn hidden patterns or features in acquired data and extracted features. With the use of a trained learning algorithm called a classifier, the new data is then used for decision-making purposes. The choice of such algorithms is often dependent on the type of sensor data being used and the corresponding application area. Thus, it is seen that IoT-based systems find application in various domains, starting with research and development up to industry, agriculture, defense, etc. In reality, the progress of researchers in different domains leads to smart products that, in turn, make human lives easier. Research in several popular verticals, such as Human Activity Recognition, Remote Healthcare, Remote Monitoring, Smart Automation, Smart Agriculture, etc., has yielded many such products. This chapter focuses on the deep-seated relationship between IoT and sensors from the perspective of state-of-the-art research. It offers discussions on the usage of various types of sensing devices, associated data, and their contribution towards solving specific research problems in the respective IoT-based applications. This includes the Video Camera, Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) Sensors, Ultrasonic Sensors, Electrocardiogram (ECG) Sensors, Passive Infra-Red (PIR) Sensors, Electromyogram (EMG) Sensors, and some commonly used sensing devices for Environmental and Agricultural Smart system development. A pertinent case study is also included to demonstrate the role of sensors in the development of IoT-based systems. This study also highlights how little effort it takes to implement an IoT-based data acquisition system. The different popular application areas are discussed thereafter in terms of some broad categories. This is followed by the description of some of the standard metrics used for evaluation and benchmarking the performance of smart sensing systems. The future of sensing devices has been discussed, followed by the pertinent challenges faced by IoT-enabled smart systems in implementation. Finally, the concluding remarks are offered. The chapter aims to serve as a wholesome source of knowledge, and relevant information to researchers and practitioners who wish to indulge in the development of smart IoT enables sensing systems.
... H. Yirui et al. [28] presented an automatic detection of a falling person using an array of ultrasonic waves connected to a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) processor. X. Zhuang et al. [29] developed a system that detected falls in a home environment by using an audio signal from a single far-field microphone. A. Sixsmith et al. [30] developed an intelligent fall detector based on a low-cost array of infrared detectors called SIMBAD (Smart Inactivity Monitor using Array-Based Detectors) to enhance the functionality and effectiveness of existing monitoring systems. ...
Conference Paper
As the number of elderly living alone is increasing every year, some seemingly common daily activities can potentially raise the risk of serious injuries and fatal accidents for these elderly. While falls can occur anywhere, they most often occur at home, this is especially true among the elderly. Without timely notification to medical personnel and assistance, the resulting injuries could be life-threatening. As falls are caused by many different risk factors, it is necessary to identify potential incidents and make needed changes accordingly in order to reduce the risk and prevent falls. Therefore, we propose a system using surveillance cameras to detect daily activities (e.g., bending down, sitting, standing, and walking) that potentially increase the risk of falling. Moreover, we recognize high risk factors of falls such as ones that involve using the phone while performing an activity, not paying attention to obstacles, and not holding the handrails while going upstairs or downstairs. Convolutional neural network is applied for activity classification in this work. This warning system is utilized for detecting risk factors of falls that commonly occur among the elderly, which could then be used to trigger a message and/or audible alert to designated persons such as a doctor, a caregiver, or family members for timely assistance and care.
... However, there were some problems met from their usage. These mainframes were very few, expensive, large in size and consumed a lot of electrical power and as a result, they had to be shared by several hospitals since independent ownership wasn't feasible an idea to be considered at all (Huang & Newman, 2012). ...
Falling is a serious health issue among the elderly population; it can result in critical injuries like hip fractures. Immobilization caused by injury or unconsciousness means that the victim cannot summon help themselves. With elderly who live alone, not being found for hours after a fall is quite common and drastically increases the significance of fall-induced injuries. With an aging Baby Boomer population, the incidence of falls will only rise in the next few decades. The objective of this paper is to design and create a fall detection system. The system consists of a monitoring device that links wirelessly with a laptop. The device is able to accurately distinguish between fall and non-fall.
... Tis method worked, especially in vertical falling applications, but might not be suitable for some complicated cases of diagonal falling, which is a limitation. Yirui Huang et al. [67] suggested a method to detect falls and remote activity using ultrasonic sensors. Tis work focused on a cost-efective and intelligent hardware design for individual ultrasonic sensors. ...
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To reduce the risk of elderly people falling in a private room without relying on a closed-circuit television system that results in serious privacy and trust concerns, a fall monitoring system that protects the privacy and does not monitor a person’s activities is needed. An ultrasonic-based sensor system for elderly fall monitoring in a smart room is proposed in this study. An array of ultrasonic sensors, whose ranges are designed to cover the room space, are initially installed on a wall of the room, and the sensors are rotated to transmit and receive ultrasonic signals to measure the distances to a moving object while preventing ultrasonic signal interference. Distance changes measured by ultrasonic sensors are used as time-independent patterns to recognize when an elderly person falls. To evaluate the performance of the proposed system, a sensor system prototype using long short-term memory was constructed, and experiments with 25 participants were performed. An accuracy of approximately 98% was achieved in this experiment using the proposed method, which was a slight improvement over that of the conventional method.
... Wearable devices include, but are not limited to Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) [7] or accelrometers [8]. Non-wearable devices that were used include, but are not limited to cameras [9][10],ultrasonic sensors [11], IR array sensors [3] and sensor fusion [12]. These approaches, have each their advantages and shortcomings: wearable devices are usually less user-friendly and require the person being monitored to pay attention to them, keep them charged and correctly installed. ...
Conference Paper
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Monitoring elderly people living alone is of the utmost importance given the amount of risk they are exposed to. Being aware of the activities of the elderly person in real time could help prevent/detect dangerous event that might occur such as falling. In this paper, we propose a method for activity detection using a 2D LIght Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) and deep learning. Unlike conventional work, where an activity refers to moving from one position to another, we use the term “activity” to refer to a set of movements including walking, standing, falling and sitting. Not only does our approach detect these activities, but it also identifies a given person from his gait, and identifies unsteady gait (i.e., when he is about to fall or feeling dizzy). Throughout our experiments, we show that the proposed approach could reach an accuracy equal to 92.3% and 91.3% in activity and unsteady gait detection, respectively. It is also capable of identifying up to 3 people’s gait with an accuracy equal to 92.4% using 10 seconds of walking data.
Falling is a major challenge faced by elderly and disabled people who live alone. They therefore need reliable surveillance so they can be assisted in the event of a fall. An effective fall detection system is needed to provide good care to such people as it will allow for communication with caregivers. Such a system will not only reduce the medical costs related to falls but also lower the death rate among elderly and disabled people due to falls. This review paper presents a survey of different fall detection techniques and algorithms used for fall detection. Various fall detection approaches including wearable, vision, ambience, and multimodal systems are analyzed and compared and recommendations are presented.
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The paper presents an active vision system for the automatic detection of falls and the recognition of several postures for elderly homecare applications. A wall-mounted Time-Of-Flight camera provides accurate measurements of the acquired scene in all illumination conditions, allowing the reliable detection of critical events. Preliminarily, an off-line calibration procedure estimates the external camera parameters automatically without landmarks, calibration patterns or user intervention. The calibration procedure searches for different planes in the scene selecting the one that accomplishes the floor plane constraints. Subsequently, the moving regions are detected in real-time by applying a Bayesian segmentation to the whole 3D points cloud. The distance of the 3D human centroid from the floor plane is evaluated by using the previously defined calibration parameters and the corresponding trend is used as feature in a thresholding-based clustering for fall detection. The fall detection shows high performances in terms of efficiency and reliability on a large real dataset in which almost one half of events are falls acquired in different conditions. The posture recognition is carried out by using both the 3D human centroid distance from the floor plane and the orientation of the body spine estimated by applying a topological approach to the range images. Experimental results on synthetic data validate the correctness of the proposed posture recognition approach.
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The design of a smart sensor to detect falls and monitor activity is discussed in terms of its integration within an intelligent telecare system. The proposed device measures the impacts associated with a fall and monitors the status of the faller to identify whether assistance is required. The device thus distinguishes between a fall-event (faller gets up of their own accord) and a fall-alarm (faller remains down) and transmits an appropriate message to a local intelligence unit (LIU) which is connected to a response network. Fall-event codes provide essential input data for algorithms to determine fall prediction indices (FPI), whilst fall-alarm codes instruct the LIU to automatically notify an appropriate care provider. The device also provides a measure of activity which may be utilised in the automatic calculation of the activities of daily living (ADL), for use by social workers and occupational therapists for continuously determining a person's ability to live independently in the community. It is hoped that such a device will promote an integrated approach to the management of falls by the elderly in the community
Falls and fall-related injuries are leading problems in residential aged care facilities. The objective of this study was to provide descriptive data about falls in nursing homes. Prospective recording of all falls over 1 year covering all residents from 528 nursing homes in Bavaria, Germany. Falls were reported on a standardized form that included a facility identification code, date, time of the day, sex, age, degree of care need, location of the fall, and activity leading to the fall. Data detailing homes' bed capacities and occupancy levels were used to estimate total person-years under exposure and to calculate fall rates. All analyses were stratified by residents' degree of care need. More than 70,000 falls were recorded during 42,843 person-years. The fall rate was higher in men than in women (2.18 and 1.49 falls per person-year, respectively). Fall risk differed by degree of care need with lower fall risks both in the least and highest care categories. About 75% of all falls occurred in the residents' rooms or in the bathrooms and only 22% were reported within the common areas. Transfers and walking were responsible for 41% and 36% of all falls respectively. Fall risk varied during the day. Most falls were observed between 10 am and midday and between 2 pm and 8 pm. The differing fall risk patterns in specific subgroups may help to target preventive measures.
Falls are the leading cause of injury-related visits to emergency departments in the United States and the primary etiology of accidental deaths in persons over the age of 65 years. The mortality rate for falls increases dramatically with age in both sexes and in all racial and ethnic groups, with falls accounting for 70 percent of accidental deaths in persons 75 years of age and older. Falls can be markers of poor health and declining function, and they are often associated with significant morbidity. More than 90 percent of hip fractures occur as a result of falls, with most of these fractures occurring in persons over 70 years of age. One third of community-dwelling elderly persons and 60 percent of nursing home residents fall each year. Risk factors for falls in the elderly include increasing age, medication use, cognitive impairment and sensory deficits. Outpatient evaluation of a patient who has fallen includes a focused history with an emphasis on medications, a directed physical examination and simple tests of postural control and overall physical function. Treatment is directed at the underlying cause of the fall and can return the patient to baseline function.
Visual surveillance in dynamic scenes, especially for humans and vehicles, is currently one of the most active research topics in computer vision. It has a wide spectrum of promising applications, including access control in special areas, human identification at a distance, crowd flux statistics and congestion analysis, detection of anomalous behaviors, and interactive surveillance using multiple cameras, etc. In general, the processing framework of visual surveillance in dynamic scenes includes the following stages: modeling of environments, detection of motion, classification of moving objects, tracking, understanding and description of behaviors, human identification, and fusion of data from multiple cameras. We review recent developments and general strategies of all these stages. Finally, we analyze possible research directions, e.g., occlusion handling, a combination of twoand three-dimensional tracking, a combination of motion analysis and biometrics, anomaly detection and behavior prediction, content-based retrieval of surveillance videos, behavior understanding and natural language description, fusion of information from multiple sensors, and remote surveillance.
Chapter 13: Embedded Activity Monitoring Methods Activity Recognition in Pervasive Intelligent Environments
  • Newman
Newman, Chapter 13: Embedded Activity Monitoring Methods, Activity Recognition in Pervasive Intelligent Environments, Atlantis Ambient and Pervasive Intelligence, vol. 4, 2011, pp. 291-311.
  • N Bradley
  • M Shah
  • K E Kapuria
  • Newman
Bradley, "A smartfall and activity monitor for telecare applications," Proc. 20 th Annual Int. Conf of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, vol.3, 1998, pp.1151-1154. [9] N. Shah, M. Kapuria, K.E. Newman, Chapter 13: Embedded Activity Monitoring Methods, Activity Recognition in Pervasive Intelligent Environments, Atlantis Ambient and Pervasive Intelligence, vol. 4, 2011, pp. 291-311.
Embedded activity monitoring methods, activity recognition in pervasive intelligent environments
  • N Shah
  • M Kapuria
  • K E Newman
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS) [online]. Accessed
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS) [online]. Accessed November 30, 2010.