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Population Differences in Pre- and Post-fertilization Offspring Provisioning in the Least Killifish, Heterandria formosa



We used data from a long-term field study of two populations of the Least Killifish, Heterandria formosa, to examine whether genetically based population differences in offspring size at birth are mainly due to differences in pre-fertilization offspring provisioning (i.e., differences in egg mass) or differences in post-fertilization offspring provisioning (i.e., the degree of matrotrophy). We found differences between populations in pre-fertilization offspring provisioning and larger differences in post-fertilization provisioning. These results establish population variation in H. formosa as a potential model for studying the costs and benefits that could modulate the evolution of matrotrophy. In addition, our results illuminate some of the costs and benefits associated with matrotrophy and offer insight into how matrotrophy influences the expression of other life history relationships, including that between female size and fecundity, the trade-off between offspring number and size, and the population-specific responses of offspring number and size to variation in population density. © 2005 by the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists.
2005 by the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists
Copeia, 2005(3), pp. 649–656
Population Differences in Pre- and Post-fertilization Offspring
Provisioning in the Least Killifish, Heterandria formosa
We used data from a long-term field study of two populations of the Least Killi-
fish, Heterandria formosa, to examine whether genetically based population differ-
ences in offspring size at birth are mainly due to differences in pre-fertilization
offspring provisioning (i.e., differences in egg mass) or differences in post-fertiliza-
tion offspring provisioning (i.e., the degree of matrotrophy). We found differences
between populations in pre-fertilization offspring provisioning and larger differenc-
es in post-fertilization provisioning. These results establish population variation in
H. formosa as a potential model for studying the costs and benefits that could mod-
ulate the evolution of matrotrophy. In addition, our results illuminate some of the
costs and benefits associated with matrotrophy and offer insight into how matrotro-
phy influences the expression of other life history relationships, including that be-
tween female size and fecundity, the trade-off between offspring number and size,
and the population-specific responses of offspring number and size to variation in
population density.
ARENTAL care can be defined as any activ-
ity of a parent that is likely to benefit the
offspring of that parent (Clutton-Brock, 1991).
In its broadest sense, this definition includes
several parental behaviors including nest build-
ing and defense, parental investment in eggs,
and the provisioning of offspring before and af-
ter birth (Clutton-Brock, 1991; Roff, 2002). Ma-
trotrophy, the provisioning of offspring between
fertilization and birth via a maternal-embryo
connection such as a placenta, is a complex
mechanism of parental care. The evolution of
matrotrophy as a form of parental care presents
a number of challenges. First, matrotrophy rep-
resents a major life history transition because it
requires a shift in the timing of maternal re-
source allocation to reproduction from pre- to
post-fertilization. The evolution of matrotrophy
also requires changes in traits that influence,
among other things, the transfer of nutrients
between the mother and the embryo, gas ex-
change, the disposal of waste products, and the
suppression of immunological interactions be-
tween the mother and the embryo (Haig, 1993;
Lombardi, 1996). Nevertheless, matrotrophy is
a widespread process found in several taxa (e.g.,
some fish, amphibians, reptiles, and nearly all
mammals) and has evolved independently sev-
eral times within at least one genus of fish (ge-
nus Poeciliopsis, Reznick et al., 2002).
There has been much interest in the ecology
and evolution of matrotrophy as a component
of parental care (Thibault and Schultz, 1978;
Lombardi, 1996; Trexler and DeAngelis, 2003)
and as a model system for studying the evolu-
tion of novel, complex adaptations (Reznick et
al., 2002). However, biologists have only recent-
ly begun to investigate the costs and benefits of
this type of parental care. Several potential costs
have been proposed. For example, compared to
lecithotrophy (embryo nourishment by yolk de-
posited in the egg prior to fertilization), matro-
trophy increases the duration of maternal-em-
bryonic nutrient transfer from a period of a few
days to a period of several weeks (Thibault and
Schultz, 1978; Lombardi, 1996). In addition,
matrotrophy is likely to be energetically costly
and may enhance predation risk on the mother,
especially as large embryos approach the end of
gestation (Trexler et al., 1994). Matrotrophy is
also likely to increase prenatal competition be-
tween siblings for resources (Mock and Parker,
1997). Finally, Reznick et al. (1996) have sug-
gested that obligate matrotrophy is a constraint
on the subsequent evolution of certain life his-
tory traits; in particular matrotrophy may pre-
vent females from adaptively adjusting offspring
size when resources fluctuate.
Conversely, there are several potential bene-
fits of matrotrophy. First, compared to lecitho-
trophy and release of undeveloped eggs, matro-
trophy may increase offspring survivorship
through the earliest developmental stages (ex-
tending Shine’s 1995 discussion of embryo re-
tention and viviparity). Second, matrotrophy,
like other forms of post-fertilization care (e.g.,
post-natal parental care; Burley, 1986, 1988; Ko-
tiaho et al., 2003), may allow females to invest
more efficiently in offspring and modify their
investments as a function of paternal genotype.
Third, Trexler (1997) and Trexler and De-
Angelis (2003) have proposed that matrotrophy
650 COPEIA, 2005, NO. 3
allows a female to circumvent the trade-off be-
tween offspring size and number, facilitating in-
creased fecundity for a given reproductive ef-
fort. Finally, compared to lecithotrophy, matro-
trophy allows a greater regulation of resource
allocation throughout embryonic development,
a form of maternal control that is accentuated
in species with clutch overlap (superfetation)
(Travis et al., 1987). Lecithotrophic species are
not capable of such refined control (Meffe and
Vrijenhoek, 1981). In fact, in viviparous poeci-
liids, superfetation is largely restricted to matro-
trophic species (Turner, 1937; Scrimshaw, 1944,
1945), although there are exceptions (e.g., Thi-
bault and Schultz, 1978; Reznick and Miles,
1989; Arias and Reznick, 2000).
It is unclear which costs are most critical and
which benefits are most important for setting
the value of matrotrophy. Nor is it clear how
matrotrophy affects the relationships among
other facets of the life history. Almost all of our
current understanding of matrotrophy is based
on broad comparisons between lecithotrophic
and matrotrophic species (Thibault and
Schultz, 1978; Reznick and Miles, 1989). These
comparisons indicate the circumstances in
which matrotrophy has been favored but not
why or how it has evolved. Poeciliid fishes are
well suited for studying the cost-benefit equa-
tions that surround hypotheses about matrotro-
phy. Phylogenetic relationships among poeciliid
taxa are becoming clearer (Reznick et al.,
2002). This group exhibits ample interspecific
variation in offspring provisioning (from pure
lecithotrophy to mixed provisioning to pure ma-
trotrophy) (Thibault and Schultz, 1978; Reznick
and Miles, 1989; Reznick et al., 2002), and there
is considerable knowledge of the anatomical
and physiological bases of offspring provision-
ing (Grove and Wourms, 1991, 1994; Marsh-
Matthews et al., 2001). What is lacking is a thor-
ough scrutiny of intraspecific variation in ma-
trotrophy and the selective agents that maintain
that variation through specific costs and bene-
fits. Intraspecific variation in matrotrophy has
been described in Sailfin Mollies (Poecilia lati-
pinna), a species with mixed provisioning (Trex-
ler, 1985). However, the mechanism by which
female mollies provision their young after fer-
tilization is unknown. Nothing is known about
variation in matrotrophy in any of the species
that rely upon it as the primary mechanism of
offspring provisioning.
The Least Killifish, Heterandria formosa,isan
excellent candidate for testing hypotheses about
the evolution of matrotrophy and for under-
standing the consequences of matrotrophy for
overall life history evolution. Among poeciliids,
H. formosa has one of the highest levels of ma-
trotrophy, displaying up to a 30-fold increase in
embryo mass between fertilization and parturi-
tion (Reznick and Miles, 1989). In addition, H.
formosa exhibits a high level of superfetation,
with females simultaneously carr ying up to six
broods of young at different stages of develop-
ment (Travis et al., 1987). These fish inhabit a
variety of habitats with different physical, chem-
ical, and biotic conditions, which include long-
standing differences in population densities
(Leips and Travis, 1999; Soucy and Travis,
2003). In addition, populations in northern
Florida exhibit substantial variation in life his-
tories, including variation in female sizes, levels
of superfetation, brood sizes, and offspring sizes
at birth (Leips and Travis, 1999). Life history
differences between two of the most divergent
populations, Trout Pond and Wacissa River,
have been shown to have a genetic basis (Leips
et al., 2000).
The variation in offspring size among popu-
lations of H. formosa could represent variation
in the level of matrotrophy, variation in pre-fer-
tilization offspring provisioning (i.e., ovum size)
that is propagated throughout development, or
the combined effects of variation in matrotro-
phy and ovum size. If the variation in offspring
size is purely a function of pre-fertilization off-
spring provisioning, then differences among
populations should appear prior to fertilization
and embryonic gains in mass between consec-
utive stages of development should be compa-
rable in magnitude in different populations. If
the variation in offspring size is attributable to
different levels of matrotrophy, then there
should be no differences among populations in
ovum size, and variation in embryo size should
appear later in development and embryonic
gains in mass between at least some pairs of con-
secutive stages will be larger in one population
than the other. In this study we show that the
well-documented differences in offspring size
between two populations of H. formosa are in
part the result of differences in the sizes of ma-
ture ova and, in larger part, differences in ma-
trotrophy during the late stages of develop-
ment. In addition, we show that understanding
these differences in pre- and post-fertilization
offspring provisioning illuminates other life his-
tory relationships, including different norms of
reactions of life history traits to variation in pop-
ulation density.
Study populations.—Trout Pond is a small (5 ha)
lake located in the Apalachicola National For-
est, Leon County, Florida. The Wacissa River is
a spring-fed river located in Jefferson County,
Florida. The two study sites are separated by ap-
proximately 50 km, and data from allozymes
and microsatellites suggest there is little or no
gene flow between these two populations (Baer,
1998; Soucy and Travis, 2003). Trout Pond and
the Wacissa River differ in several abiotic and
biotic conditions. These differences are de-
scribed in detail by Leips and Travis (1999);
however, we will summarize some of the major
differences here. Trout Pond has consistently
lower pH and lower conductivity than the Wac-
issa River. In addition, water temperature is
more variable throughout the year in Trout
Pond (range 14–38 C) than in the Wacissa River
(17–28 C). Densities of H. formosa are consis-
tently lower in Trout Pond than in the Wacissa
River, and it appears that per capita predation
pressure is greater in Trout Pond.
Sample collection.—Up to 20 haphazardly chosen
adult females were collected from Trout Pond
and the Wacissa River during each month of the
breeding season (March–September) between
September 1999 and September 2003 and dur-
ing April and May 2004. These fish were eutha-
nized with an overdose of anesthetic (ms222)
and preserved in 10% formaldehyde. All fe-
males were dissected to determine the number
of embryos in each developmental stage. Em-
bryos were scored for their developmental stage
using a classification scheme modified from
Reznick (1981). In this study, stages 2, 3, 4, and
5 correspond to Reznick’s (1981) early-eyed,
mid-eyed, late-eyed, and very late-eyed stages,
Pre-fertilization offspring provisioning.—We tested
for population differences in pre-fertilization
offspring provisioning by comparing the num-
ber and mean mass of mature ova carried by
females in each population. Mature ova were
removed from each female collected in April
and May 2004 and counted. The entire mass of
a female’s mature ova was then freeze-dried for
24 hours and weighed to the nearest 0.001 mg
on a Cahn C-31 microbalance. For each female,
we calculated her mean ovum mass by dividing
the dry-mass of all of her mature ova by the
number of ova in the brood. For each popula-
tion, we tested for significant correlations be-
tween mean ovum mass and ovum number, fe-
male standard length and mean ovum mass,
and female standard length and ovum number
using Pearson correlations. We then tested for
population differences in mean ovum mass and
ovum number using ANOVA.
Post-fertilization offspring provisioning.—We tested
for population differences in post-fertilization
offspring provisioning by comparing the varia-
tion in embryo mass as a function of develop-
mental stage for both populations. The most de-
veloped brood from each female collected be-
tween September 1999 and August 2003 was re-
tained, freeze-dried for 24 hours, and weighed
to the nearest 0.001 mg on a Cahn C-31 micro-
balance. The average mass of embryos in each
brood was determined by dividing the dry-mass
of the entire brood by the number of embryos
in the brood. Our sampling protocol between
September 1999 and August 2003 left us with a
small sample size for stage 2 embryos. To in-
crease our sample size for early stage embryos,
we retained, dried, and weighed stage 2 embry-
os from additional females collected in April
and May 2004. No other embryos from these
females were included in the analysis of post-
fertilization offspring provisioning. In the fol-
lowing analyses, each female is represented by
a single datum (for females collected prior to
April 2004, the average mass of an embryo in
her most developed brood; for females collect-
ed in April and May 2004, the average mass of
her stage 2 embryos). Consequently, the data
are independent.
We tested whether population differences in
offspring size at birth are due to differences in
matrotrophy using a series of two-way ANOVAs,
with embryo mass as the dependent variable
and population and stage of development as the
factors. Each individual ANOVA examined the
effects of population and stage of development
on embryo mass for two consecutive stages of
development. In these analyses, a significant
population by stage interaction indicates that
the populations differ in the amount of mass
that embryos gain between two consecutive stag-
es of development. Differences between popu-
lations in the amount of mass that embryos gain
between consecutive developmental stages can
be interpreted as population level differences in
the degree or duration of matrotrophy.
We employed this approach instead of an
analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) approach
(e.g., Trexler, 1985; Reznick et al., 2002) for two
reasons. First, the analysis of covariance requires
that the covariate (here developmental stage)
be either a continuous, metric, or meristic var-
iable (Snedecor and Cochran, 1980). Develop-
mental stage as used here is an ordinal variable–
the values (e.g., ‘‘2,’’ ‘3’’) are arbitrary desig-
nations and ANCOVA is inappropriate. We
cannot convert developmental stage to ‘‘devel-
opmental age,’’ which would be an appropriate
covariate, because we do not know the relation-
652 COPEIA, 2005, NO. 3
Fig. 1. The relationship between the number of
mature ova in a female and her standard length
(mm) for the Trout Pond population (triangles) and
the Wacissa River population (squares). The dashed
and solid lines indicate the linear least squares re-
gression lines for the Trout Pond and Wacissa River
populations, respectively.
ships between embryo age and developmental
stage. The second reason we chose not to use
ANCOVA is that it requires a linear relationship
between predictor (developmental stage) and
response (embryo mass) that is uniform
throughout the range of both variables and, if
not linear, capable of being made linear
through transformation. Differential matrotro-
phy would be manifested as a change in the re-
lationship between stage of development and
mass at some point in development. Such a
change could create patterns that do not match
the assumptions of ANCOVA. We believe that
our method is more suitable for detecting the
level of variation that might be expected in in-
traspecific comparisons and is more robust
when fewer developmental stages are being rec-
ognized. An additional advantage to using a se-
ries of two-way ANOVAs is that it gives us the
ability to estimate when during development
(i.e., between what developmental stages) dif-
ferences in matrotrophy arise, if they exist. One
drawback of using a series of two-way ANOVAs
to test for interpopulation differences in matro-
trophy is that this approach increases our prob-
ability of making a Type-1 error. This problem
arises because the amount of mass gained be-
tween two consecutive stages of development
(e.g., between stages 2 and 3) is not indepen-
dent of the amount of mass gained between the
next two stages of development (e.g., stages 3
and 4) because the data in the middle stage
(stage 3) are common to both of the two-way
ANOVAs. In order to reduce our probability of
committing a Type-1 error, we used an experi-
mentwise error rate (
) of 0.006, where
a9 5
(Sokal and Rohlf, 1995) for k
significance tests (three two-way ANOVAs with
three significance tests per ANOVA).
Pre-fertilization offspring provisioning.—Females
from the different populations differed substan-
tially in the relationship between the number of
mature ova and female body size but differed
only slightly in the average mass of those mature
ova and the relationship of ova mass to female
body size. Trout Pond females carried signifi-
cantly more mature ova than Wacissa River fe-
males (Trout Pond: mean
11.94, SE
29; Wacissa River: mean
4.37, SE
30; F
(1, 57)
48.64, P
0.0001). The num-
ber of ova increased with female standard
length in both populations; however, ovum
number increased more rapidly with female size
in the Trout Pond population (slope
0.91, SE
0.25) than in Wacissa River population (slope
0.42, SE
0.10; Fig. 1). This slope difference
was not statistically significant (ANCOVA, pop-
ulation by standard length interaction, F
(1, 53)
3.62, P
0.062), however we had low power
(0.46) to detect an interaction of this magni-
tude or lower, and we believe that our failure to
achieve significance here is an issue of sample
size. Given that Trout Pond females were larger
on average than Wacissa River females (in this
study and in prior work; Leips and Travis,
1999), it is not surprising that Trout Pond fe-
males had substantially higher average ovum
The average mass of a female’s mature ova
was not correlated with her number of mature
ova in either population (Trout Pond, r
0.067, P
0.73, n
29; Wacissa River, r
0.24, P
0.20, n
30). In addition, there was
no correlation between the average mass of a
female’s mature ova and her standard length in
either population (Trout Pond: r
0.093, P
0.63, n
29; Wacissa River: r
0.28, P
30). The ova of Wacissa River females were,
on average, 20% heavier than the ova of Trout
Pond females (Trout Pond: mean
0.015 mg,
0.0013, n
29; Wacissa River: mean
0.018 mg, SE
0.0011, n
30). This difference
was not statistically significant (F
(1, 57)
3.30, P
0.075), however we had lower power (0.43)
to detect an effect of this magnitude.
Post-fertilization offspring provisioning.—Wacissa
River embryos were significantly heavier than
Trout Pond embryos at all stages of develop-
ment (63% heavier at stage 2, 29% at stage 3,
Fig. 2. Mean (
SE) dry mass of embr yos (mg),
from the Wacissa River and Trout Pond, in stages 2
through 5. Upper numbers indicate Wacissa River
sample sizes; lower numbers indicate Trout Pond sam-
ple sizes. Lines connecting means are shown to illus-
trate differences between the two populations in the
amount of mass gained between consecutive stages of
1. T
H. formosa E
. The table shows Fand Pvalues from three separate two-way ANOVAs. For each two-
way ANOVA, the dependent variable was embryo mass and the factors were population (Trout Pond or Wacissa
River) and stage of development where the two levels were consecutive stages of development (e.g., 2, 3).
Asterisks indicate significance at
a9 5
Stages 2, 3
df FP
Stages 3, 4
df FP
Stages 4, 5
df FP
Population 1 8.52 0.004* 1 50.02
0.0001* 1 87.45
Stage 1 108.6
0.001* 1 306.25
0.0001* 1 88.40
stage 1 1.74 0.189 1 1.22 0.271 1 10.99 0.0010*
22% at stage 4, and 38% at stage 5; Fig. 2, Table
1). The increases in average dry mass between
successive stages were comparable across popu-
lations and stages between stages 2 and 4 (i.e.,
there were no significant population by stage
interactions, Table 1). However, the populations
differed dramatically in the increase in average
dry mass between stages 4 and 5 (Fig. 2). The
increases in dry mass between stages 2 and 3
were about 0.19 mg in both populations and the
increases between stages 3 and 4 were about
0.24 mg in both populations. The increase in
dry mass between stages 4 and 5 was compara-
ble to the preceding increases in Wacissa River
embryos (approximately 0.24 mg), but Trout
Pond embryos exhibited a dramatically smaller
gain in dry mass between stages 4 and 5 (ap-
proximately 0.11 mg). These numbers repre-
sent about a 33% gain in average dry mass be-
tween stages 4 and 5 in Wacissa River embryos
but only a 17% gain in Trout Pond embryos.
Our results suggest that consistent, genetical-
ly based differences in offspring size between
the Wacissa River and Trout Pond populations
are due to differences in both pre-fertilization
(ovum size) and post-fertilization (matrotro-
phy) provisioning. Although the population dif-
ference in ovum mass was not significant (P
0.075), we had low power to detect an effect of
the magnitude suggested by our data. We be-
lieve that the early differences in embryonic size
are best explained as a result of differences in
pre-fertilization offspring provisioning. The sub-
stantial differences between the two populations
in the amount of mass that embryos gained be-
tween stages 4 and 5 can only be explained by
differential matrotrophy, although the mecha-
nism through which this occurs is unclear (see
Our results suggest a mechanism for the pop-
ulation-specific responses of offspring number
and size to population density reported in ear-
lier work. Leips et al. (2000) showed that the
Wacissa River and Trout Pond populations dis-
played different reaction norms to population
density. In that study, higher population density
led to a larger decrease in offspring number in
Trout Pond stock than in Wacissa River stock
and a larger decrease in offspring size in Wac-
issa River stock than Trout Pond stock. We
found that the slope of the relationship be-
tween ovum number and female standard
length was steeper in the Trout Pond popula-
tion than in the Wacissa River population (Fig.
1). This suggests that changes in female size will
have a greater effect on offspring number
(number of mature ova) in Trout Pond females
than in Wacissa River females. Field and meso-
cosm studies have shown repeatedly that female
654 COPEIA, 2005, NO. 3
body size decreases substantially as population
density increases, regardless of population or
genetic stock (Leips and Travis, 1999; Leips et
al., 2000). Together, these results suggest that
the effects of density on female body size will
exert a stronger indirect effect on offspring
number in Trout Pond fish because of their
steeper relationship of offspring number and
body size.
Female size is not likely to mediate the pop-
ulation-specific reaction of average offspring
mass to density because we found no correla-
tion between female size and offspring mass
and prior studies have not found consistent cor-
relations either (Travis et al., 1987; Leips and
Travis, 1999). We suggest that the different lev-
els of matrotrophy in the two populations ex-
plain this result. In obligate matrotrophs such
as H. formosa, embryo mass is directly affected
by the female’s access to food (Reznick et al.,
1996; Rodd and Richardson, unpubl. data). The
differences in matrotrophy that we detected,
along with Leips et al.’s (2000) confirmation of
the genetic basis of offspring size differences,
suggest that Wacissa River females divert more
of their immediate food intake to developing
embryos than Trout Pond females. If this is the
case, then changes in food level will have a
greater impact on the mass of Wacissa River em-
bryos than on the mass of Trout Pond embryos.
This prediction is eminently testable with feed-
ing experiments similar to those of Reznick et
al. (1996).
There are two ways that the interpopulation
differences in matrotrophy that we observed
could arise. First, assuming that gestation time
is the same in both populations, the differences
in matrotrophy may be due to differences in the
rate of maternal investment to late-stage embry-
os. Alternatively, assuming that the rate of ma-
ternal investment to late-stage embryos is the
same in both populations, the differences in
matrotrophy may be due to differences in ges-
tation time. Our data do not allow us to distin-
guish between these two possibilities; however,
transfer rates of labeled tracers (e.g., Marsh-
Matthews et al., 2001) could be used to deter-
mine whether females from Trout Pond and the
Wacissa River differ in the proportion of their
food intake that is passed to their embryos. In
addition, it might be possible to estimate the
entire length of the gestation period using the
otoliths of newborn fish, or late stage embryos
(e.g., Schultz, 1990).
It is possible that the differences in matrotro-
phy that we observed in these field samples are
due to differences between the environments
experienced by mothers; however, it is likely
that the difference in matrotrophy is genetically
based. The mean sizes of stage 5 embryos in this
study are similar to estimates of offspring size at
birth found in prior studies of these populations
(Trout Pond means: 0.48–0.55 mg, Travis, un-
publ. data; Schrader, unpubl. data; Wacissa Riv-
er means: 0.79–1.17 mg, Cheong et al., 1984;
Henrich and Travis, 1988). In addition, the
mean sizes of stage 4 embryos in this study are
consistent with previous studies (Trout Pond
means: 0.43–0.53 mg, Wacissa River means:
0.58–0.67 mg, Leips and Travis, 1999; Leips et
al., 2000) and are known to have a genetic basis
(Leips et al., 2000). Regardless of whether or
not the different patterns of offspring provision-
ing have a genetic basis, it is interesting that the
differences in matrotrophy are only present in
the late stages of development. This suggests
that offspring provisioning in the later stages of
development is either more plastic or more evo-
lutionarily labile than offspring provisioning
during the early stages of development. The
higher lability of size later in development con-
forms to predictions offered by Leips and Travis
(1994) in their verbal model for resource allo-
cation during amphibian development. This
model suggests that most resources during the
early stages of development are allocated to de-
velopmental processes, with a gradual increase
in the allocation to growth as development ad-
vances and the formation of key structures is
completed. Such an allocation pattern creates
apparently greater plasticity in offspring size in
later stages of development (e.g., Twombley,
Another possible explanation for the appear-
ance of differential matrotrophy late in devel-
opment is a decline in the importance of ma-
ternal effects and an increase in the importance
of offspring genome expression. Maternal ef-
fects on offspring traits are generally thought to
be strongest early in development (Bernardo,
1996a), and studies of lecithotrophic fish (e.g.,
Chinook Salmon, Heath et al., 1999; Brook
Charr, Perry et al., 2004) have shown that the
importance of maternal effects on offspring size
declines throughout development. These stud-
ies also suggest that major transitions during de-
velopment (e.g., the resorption of the yolk sac
and the initiation of exogenous feeding) mark
major changes in the genetic architecture of off-
spring size. It is possible that the differences in
matrotrophy that we observed late in develop-
ment are due to the waning of maternal effects
and an increase in offspring gene expression,
and that there may be a developmental transi-
tion around the late-eyed stage (i.e., stage 4)
that marks this change in embryonic growth.
Maternal effects are thought to be extremely
important in viviparous, matrotrophic species
because of the nature and duration of the ma-
ternal-embryo relationship (Bernardo, 1996b).
However, it is possible that paternal alleles allow
offspring to exploit mothers more or less effi-
ciently, thereby increasing the potential for off-
spring to control their prenatal growth rate.
The importance of the maternal and offspring
genome to prenatal growth rates in H. formosa
is currently unknown. However, it may be pos-
sible to estimate relative importance of mater-
nal and paternal alleles to prenatal growth us-
ing interpopulation crosses between the Wacissa
River and Trout Pond populations.
We thank M. Aresco, M. Gunzburger, and ev-
eryone else who helped in the field and the lab.
J. Hereford, K. McGhee, M. Pires, D. Reznick,
and A. Winn provided helpful comments on a
previous version of this manuscript. This work
was performed under Florida State University’s
ACUC Protocol 9321. Fish were collected under
USFWS permit number 0007. This study was
supported by a National Science Foundation
grant to JT (DEB 99–03925).
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32306–1100. E-mail:
Send reprint requests to MS. Submitted: 18
Aug. 2004. Accepted: 24 Jan. 2005. Section
editor: C. M. Taylor.
... However, a laboratory study in which H. formosa from both locations were reared either in water from TP or spring water found no evidence that the two populations differ in their responses to water chemistry (Hale & Travis, 2015 Not<del author="Anja Felmy" command="Delete" timestamp="1617025334808" title="Deleted by Anja Felmy on 29.3.2021, 14:42:14" class="reU3" id="edit4">e</del>: References: 1 (Leips & Travis, 1999, 2 (MacRae & Travis, 2014), 3 (Richardson et al., 2006), 4 (Hale & Travis, 2015), 5 (Leips et al., 2009), 6 (Leips et al., 2000, 7 (Schrader & Travis, 2005), 8 (Schrader & Travis, 2008), 9 (Schrader & Travis, 2012, 10 (Landy & Travis, 2018), 11 (Leips et al., 2013). ...
... In this case study, we therefore tested the hypothesis that fish from WR were indeed better at surviving to maturity and maintaining somatic growth in the face of food scarcity than fish from TP, as expected if WR fish were adapted to lower per-capita food availability. Furthermore, both correlational field studies (Leips & Travis, 1999;Schrader & Travis, 2005 and laboratory experiments (Hale & Travis, 2015;Leips et al., 2000Leips et al., , 2009Schrader & Travis, 2008) have identified offspring size at birth as a key trait with regard to density variation. We therefore tested whether a larger size at birth was associated with higher survival, larger size at maturity, and earlier maturation, and, where possible, how these relationships depended on food levels. ...
... Male standard length (SL, the distance from the tip of the snout to the hypural plate in the tail) varies, typically, from 10 mm to 25 mm and female SL from 9 to 15 mm. Reproduction is placental and matrotrophic; females provide almost all nourishment for their embryos after fertilization (Schrader & Travis, 2005). Females carry several temporally overlapping broods, a phenomenon called superfetation (Travis et al., 1987). ...
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Populations with different densities often show genetically based differences in life histories. The divergent life histories could be driven by several agents of selection, one of which is variation in per‐capita food levels. Its relationship with population density is complex, as it depends on overall food availability, individual metabolic demand, and food‐independent factors potentially affecting density, such as predation intensity. Here, we present a case study of two populations of a small live‐bearing freshwater fish, one characterized by high density, low predation risk, low overall food availability, and presumably low per‐capita food levels, and the other by low density, high predation risk, high overall food availability, and presumably high per‐capita food levels. Using a laboratory experiment, we examined whether fish from these populations respond differently to food limitation, and whether size at birth, a key trait with respect to density variation in this species, is associated with any such differential responses. While at the lower food level growth was slower, body size smaller, maturation delayed, and survival reduced in both populations, these fitness costs were smaller in fish from the high‐density population. At low food, only 15% of high‐density fish died, compared to 75% of low‐density fish. This difference was much smaller at high food (0% vs. 15% mortality). The increased survival of high‐density fish may, at least partly, be due to their larger size at birth. Moreover, being larger at birth enabled fish to mature relatively early even at the lower food level. We demonstrate that sensitivities to food limitation differ between study populations, consistent with selection for a greater ability to tolerate low per‐capita food availability in the high‐density population. While we cannot preclude other agents of selection from operating in these populations simultaneously, our results suggest that variation in per‐capita food levels is one of those agents.
... Consequently, the reduction of the size of mature ova increases the available space for more broods (Olivera-Tlahuel, Ossip-Klein, Espinosa-Pérez, & Zúñiga-Vega, 2015;Pires, Banet, Pollux, & Reznick, 2011;Thibault & Schultz, 1978). For example, in the least killifish, Heterandria formosa (Agassiz, 1855), which forms microlecithal eggs (Uribe & Grier, 2011) and develops extensive matrotrophy, larger females may carry more broods and more embryos (Leips & Travis, 1999;Schrader & Travis, 2005). ...
... This species, as all poeciliids, has intrafollicular fertilization and gestation (Uribe & Grier, 2011). Moreover, among poeciliids, H. formosa is of special interest because of unique reproductive characteristics: (a) the smallest diameter of mature oocyte (400 μm) described in viviparous fish species (Grier, Uribe, & Patiño, 2009;Uribe & Grier, 2011); (b) consequently, high and obligate level of matrotrophy, with the development of a complex follicular placenta inside ovarian follicles during embryogenesis (Grove & Wourms, 1991, 1994Olivera-Tlahuel, Moreno-Mendoza, Villagrán-Santa Cruz, & Zúñiga-Vega, 2018;Uribe, Grier, De la Rosa Cruz, & García-Alarcón, 2009), (c) high capacity of storage of spermatozoa in folds of the ovary, which are close to the oocytes (Olivera-Tlahuel et al., 2018;Uribe & Grier, 2011); and, (d) continuous production of embryos during the breeding season, from March to October (Schrader & Travis, 2005;Travis, Farr, Henrich, & Cheong, 1987;Uribe & Grier, 2018). Several studies here mentioned that H. formosa can carry from six to nine broods at different developmental stages simultaneously (Haynes, 1995;Reznick, Furness, Meredith, & Springer, 2017;Reznick & Miles, 1989;Scrimshaw, 1944b;Seal, 1911;Thibault & Schultz, 1978;Turner, 1937Turner, , 1940b. ...
... Embryonic development occurs within the ovarian follicle, a condition known as intrafollicular gestation (Wourms, Grove, & Lombardi, 1988). As embryonic development proceeds, the follicular diameter increases approximately by 536% due to embryonic growth and the expansion of the pericardial sac to attain a diameter of 2 mm in the mature embryo (Fraser & Renton, 1940 For the populations of H. formosa from Florida, the breeding season includes the months from March to October (Schrader & Travis, 2005;Travis et al., 1987;Uribe & Grier, 2018). During the reproductive season, females of H. formosa increase the frequency of births which can occur to intervals of 3 days (Turner, 1937). ...
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Heterandria formosa is a viviparous poeciliid native of the southeastern of United States of America. H. formosa exhibits unique reproductive features as: (a) production of extremely small eggs with scarce quantity of yolk (microlecithal eggs), (b) consequently, a high level of matrotrophy and development of a complex follicular placenta, (c) ovarian sperm storage that allows the continuous fertilization of oocytes and production of offspring and (d) development of high degree of superfetation. The degree of superfetation refers to the number of broods in different simultaneous stages of gestation. Morphological evidence of the degree of superfetation in H. formosa has not been documented. Therefore, and because of the general interest in the complex process of superfetation, the goal of this study is to morphologically define the degree of superfetation of H. formosa through two procedures: (a) histological analysis of entire ovaries in gestation and (b) dissection of visible embryos and the histological analysis of the remaining ovarian tissue. Results indicate that H. formosa can gestate up to seven broods at the same time. Superfetation degree in Heterandria formosa. (a) Five broods of embryos obtained by dissection with dissecting microscope were identified, in stages from optic cup (S6) to very‐late eyed embryo (S10). (b, c) Two histological sections of the remaining ovarian tissue with embryos in stages of blastodisc (S4) and shield/primitive streak (S5), both broods not visible by dissection. Bar = a: 1 mm, b: 200 μm, c: 200 μm.
... Matrotrophy could create the potential for added flexibility in how mothers allocate resources to young, such as through adjustments of litter size and offspring size in response to fluctuating resource availability (Trexler & DeAngelis, 2003;Crespi & Semeniuk, 2004;Pollux & Reznick, 2011). In addition, this shift in the timing of resource allocation also creates the potential for intergenomic conflict because most maternal provisioning occurs while the genome of the embryo, which includes the paternal haploid contribution, is expressed (Trivers, 1974;Haig, 1993;Crespi & Semeniuk, 2004;Schrader & Travis, 2005;Ala-Honkola et al., 2011). ...
... Other well-described matrotrophic poeciliid species -H. formosa (Turner, 1937;Scrimshaw, 1944a, b;Schrader & Travis, 2005), Xenodexia and Poecilia (Micropoecilia) spp. -also have superfetation. ...
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We describe the occurence of extensive post-fertilization maternal provisioning (matrotrophy) in fish species in the subgenus Pamphorichthys (genus Poecilia: family Poeciliidae) that represents one of two independent origins of this adaptation in this genus. Matrotrophy is accompanied by a reduction in yolk in eggs at fertilization, a thickened follicle throughout development, and externalization and anterior extension of the embryonic pericardial membrane. These features resemble the anatomical adaptations for placentotrophy described in other members of this family and accompany a substantial increase in dry mass of the embryo during development. Species mean values for the increase in embryo mass range from a low of less than two-fold (Pamphorichthys minor) to greater than 50-fold (Pamphorichthys hasemani). Different populations of Pamphorichthys araguaiensis show a range from less than a two-fold to greater than 16-fold increase in dry mass during development. Such substantial differences in matrotrophy among closely related species and within species make Pamphorichthys a promising group with which to study the adaptive value and the genetic basis of matrotrophy.
... Density has a strong effect on maternal fitness (Leatherbury & Travis, 2019;Leips et al., 2009) and females from different populations have different norms of reaction of offspring number and size to variation in density (Leips et al., 2009). These differences are facilitated by the matrotrophic reproduction of H. formosa: Mothers provide almost all nutrition to the embryo through a placenta-like ovary, which allows chemical communication between mother and embryo (Schrader & Travis, 2005, 2012b. Females also exhibit superfetation, which means they carry multiple broods of offspring at different developmental stages simultaneously. ...
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Environmental parental effects, also known as transgenerational plasticity, are widespread in plants and animals. Less well known is whether those effects contribute to maternal fitness in the same manner in different populations. We carried out a multigenerational laboratory experiment with females drawn from two populations of the least killifish, Heterandria formosa, to assess transgenerational plasticity in reproductive traits in response to differences in social density and its effects on maternal fitness. In the first and second generations, increased density decreased reproductive rate and increased offspring size in females from both populations. There were complicated patterns of transgenerational plasticity on maternal fitness that differed between females from different populations. Females from a population with historically low densities whose mothers experienced lower density had higher fitness than females whose mothers experienced higher density, regardless of their own density. The opposite pattern emerged in females from the population with historically high densities: Females whose mothers experienced higher density had higher fitness than females whose mothers experienced lower density. This transgenerational plasticity is not anticipatory but might be considered adaptive in both populations if providing those "silver spoons" enhances offspring fitness in all environments.
... (c) Predicted decline in escape performance with an increase in abdominal distention: both lines have equal slopes and intercepts and differ only in the range of body thickness (x-axis). For heuristic purposes the temporal patterns in (b) and (c) are depicted as linear, because the exact relationships between body shape and time, and body shape and performance, respectively, are not known [18]. ...
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Superfetation, the ability to simultaneously carry multiple litters of different developmental stages in utero, is a reproductive strategy that evolved repeatedly in viviparous animal lineages. The evolution of superfetation is hypothesized to reduce the reproductive burden and, consequently, improve the locomotor performance of the female during pregnancy. Here, we apply new computer-vision-based techniques to study changes in body shape and three-dimensional fast-start escape performance during pregnancy in three live-bearing fishes (family Poeciliidae) that exhibit different levels of superfetation. We found that superfetation correlates with a reduced abdominal distension and a more slender female body shape just before parturition. We further found that body slenderness positively correlates with maximal speeds, curvature amplitude and curvature rate, implying that superfetation improves the fast-start escape performance. Collectively, our study suggests that superfetation may have evolved in performance-demanding (e.g. high flow or high predation) environments to reduce the locomotor cost of pregnancy.
The viviparity-driven conflict hypothesis postulates that the evolution of matrotrophy (postfertilization maternal provisioning) will result in a shift from a pre- to postcopulatory mate choice and thus accelerate the evolution of postcopulatory reproductive isolation. Here, we perform artificial insemination experiments on Heterandria formosa, a matrotrophic poeciliid fish, to probe for evidence of postcopulatory female choice. We established laboratory populations from Wacissa River (WR) and Lake Jackson (LJ). The WR females normally produce larger offspring than the LJ females. We artificially inseminated females with sperm from each population or from both populations simultaneously. When LJ females were inseminated with sperm from WR and LJ males, they allocated fewer resources to WR-sired offspring than when they were inseminated with WR sperm alone. The LJ females carrying developing offspring sired by males from different populations were thus able to discriminate against non-resident males when allocating resources to developing young. The WR females, which normally produce larger offspring than LJ females, did not discriminate among males from different localities. These findings provide insights into the ability of females from one population to exercise a form of postcopulatory mate selection.
How and why complex organs evolve is generally lost to history. The mammalian placenta, for example, was derived from a single common ancestor that lived over 100 million years ago.1, 2, 3 Therefore, the selective factors favoring this complex trait remain obscure. Species in the live-bearing fish family Poeciliidae have independently evolved placentas numerous times while retaining closely related non-placental sister species.4, 5, 6, 7 This provides the raw material to test alternative hypotheses for the evolution of the placenta. We assemble an extensive species-level dataset on reproductive mode, life histories, and habitat, and then implement phylogenetic comparative methods to test adaptive hypotheses for the evolution of the placenta. We find no consistent family-wide associations between placentation and habitat. However, placental species exhibit significantly reduced reproductive allotment and have a higher likelihood of exhibiting superfetation (the ability to gestate multiple broods at different developmental stages). Both features potentially increase body streamlining and enhance locomotor performance during pregnancy, possibly providing selective advantage in performance-demanding environments such as those with high predation or fast water flow. Furthermore, we found significant interactions between body size and placentation for offspring size and fecundity. Relative to non-placental species, placentation is associated with higher fecundity and smaller offspring size in small-bodied species and lower fecundity and larger offspring size in large-bodied species. This pattern suggests that there may be two phenotypic adaptive peaks, corresponding to two selective optima, associated with placentation: one represented by small-bodied species that have fast life histories, and the second by large-bodied species with slow life histories.
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In populations with contrasting densities of conspecifics, we often see genetically-based differences in life histories. The divergent life histories could be driven by several distinct agents of selection, including, amongst other factors, variation in per-capita food levels, the intensity of crowding-induced stress, rates of pathogen transmission, mate encounter rates, and the rates with which waste products accumulate. Understanding which selective agents act in a particular population is important as the type of agents can affect both population dynamics and evolutionary responses to density-dependent selection. Here we used a full-factorial laboratory experiment to examine whether two populations of a small live-bearing freshwater fish, characterised by high-density/low-predation or low-density/high-predation conditions, are adapted to different per-capita food levels. As expected, fish from the higher density regime handled food limitation better than those from the lower density regime. Although the lower food level resulted in slower growth, smaller body size, delayed maturation and reduced survival in both populations, especially survival to maturity showed a highly significant population x food-level interaction. At low food, 75% of fish from the low-density population died, compared to only 15% of fish from the high-density population. This difference was much smaller at high food (15% vs. 0% mortality), and was mediated, at least partly, through a larger size at birth of fish from the high-density regime. While we cannot preclude other agents of selection from operating differently in the study populations, we demonstrate that selection at higher density confers a greater ability to cope with low per-capita food availability.
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The placenta is a complex life‐history trait that is ubiquitous across the tree of life. Theory proposes that the placenta evolves in response to high performance‐demanding conditions by shifting maternal investment from pre‐ to post‐fertilisation, thereby reducing a female’s reproductive burden during pregnancy. We test this hypothesis by studying populations of the fish species Poeciliopsis retropinna in Costa Rica. We found substantial variation in the degree of placentation among natural populations associated with predation risk: females from high predation populations had significantly higher degrees of placentation compared to low predation females, while number, size and quality of offspring at birth remained unaffected. Moreover, a higher degree of placentation correlated with a lower reproductive burden and hence likely an improved swimming performance during pregnancy. Our study advances an adaptive explanation for why the placenta evolves by arguing that an increased degree of placentation offers a selective advantage in high predation environments. The degree of placentation (i.e. Matrotrophy Index) in the placental live‐bearing fish species Poeciliopsis retropinna is associated with predation risk. Specifically, females from high predation localities exhibit a significantly higher degree of placentation, compared to females from low predation populations.
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We investigated how changes in food availability during development affected the timing of and body size at metamorphosis in two closely related species of tree frogs that use different larval habitats. We raised tadpoles of Hyla gratiosa (a temporary-pond breeder) and Hyla cinerea (a permanent-pond breeder) at two different temperatures on either constant resources or a regime in which we altered food levels at one of three different times during development. For both species, larval period was affected only by early changes in food level; early increases shortened larval period, and decreases lengthened it. The timing of metamorphosis of Hyla gratiosa showed greater plasticity than that of Hyla cinerea, because of its greater overall response to any food-level change and not because of any difference between species in the duration of the sensitive period. The two species showed comparable levels of plasticity in body size at metamorphosis; increases in food level produced larger body sizes, and decreases produced smaller sizes. However, in contrast to the pattern seen in larval period, later changes in food level had the greatest effect on body size. These results force a reexamination of current ideas about the adaptive significance of plasticity in the timing of metamorphosis in response to food availability in larval anurans. We offer a model of dynamic allocation that accommodates the extant data on this tissue.
Used the poeciliid fish Heterandria formosa to examine possible mechanisms that have driven the evolution of superfetation (simultaneous provision of maternal care to sets of dependent offspring in diverse stages of development). Increased food levels increased the number of broods that a female produced by increasing the level of superfetation. Brood sizes were determined by female body size and were unaffected by food level. Offspring size was unaffected by food level but varied with female age. Brood size and offspring size were not correlated, even when female size was held apart. The level of superfetation increased with the total number of embryos, even when female size was held apart. Larger, older females displayed high levels of superfetation than smaller, younger females. Superfetation appeared to increase offspring production rate without compromising brood size or individual offspring size. Heterandria exhibited a demographic regime characterized by overlapping generations but high adult mortality rates relative to juvenile mortality. Results support the hypothesis that clutch overlap is an adaptation to maximize offspring production rates in the face of limited maternal effort.-from Authors
There is a greater than two-fold difference in offspring weight between populations of the mosquito fish Gambusia affinis, an ovoviviparous poeciliid. This study determined if these differences have a genetic basis. The hybridization of virgin F1 offspring from two localities revealed a large maternal, but no paternal, contribution to offspring size. However, the backcross of virgin F2 females to wildcaught males demonstrated a significant "grandfather effect." An F1 male from a locality that produces relatively large offspring caused an increase in the size of F3 offspring. These results imply that the weight of an offspring is determined by the maternal genotype, rather than its own genotype. The paternal (F1) genetic contribution is therefore not seen in F2 offspring, but, because he contributes to the genotype of F2 females, is seen in the size of F3 offspring. The proposed underlying mechanism for a similar case of delayed inheritance, the direction of shell coiling in the snail Limnaea peregra, provides a clue to why Gambusia display this pattern. The direction of shell coiling appears to be determined by the plane of the first cleavage, prior to the expression of the paternal genome. Similarly, offspring weight appears to be determined prior to fertilization in these Gambusia. In the four populations surveyed, embryo weight is greatest in the earliest stages of development, and declines by an average of 36.3% over the course of development. This result implies that the ova are fully provisioned prior to fertilization, with little or no input by the female after fertilization. The paternal genome thus has little opportunity to have an impact on offspring weight at birth. It is argued that delayed inheritance for offspring size should be the rule in all egg laying and ovoviviparous organisms. Because many aspects of life histories are correlated with offspring weight, establishing a genetic basis for these variables may require two generation experiments.
Many crustaceans have complex life cycles characterized by a metamorphosis, yet variation in metamorphic traits, and the causes and consequences of this variation, have rarely been examined. Food concentrations were changed during specific larval stages of the freshwater copepod Mesocyclops edax Forbes (Copepoda: Cyclopoida) to examine whether age and size at metamorphosis remain flexible or become fixed during the larval period. Results were compared to predictions of both flexible (the Wilbur-Collins model) and fixed (Leips-Travis model) rate models for the timing of amphibian metamorphosis. Age and size at metamorphosis were variable in all treatments, and age was always more variable than size. Changes in food concentration early in larval development resulted in significant differences in age at metamorphosis among treatments, but changes initiated when 60% of the larval period had passed had no effect on age at metamorphosis. Development appeared to become fixed later in the larval period, before the ultimate larval stage was reached. These results support predictions of the Leips-Travis model. Early changes in food concentrations had significant effects on size at metamorphosis, but changes initiated during the penultimate larval stage (50-60% of larval development) had no effect on metamorph size. Size at metamorphosis in M. edax also appeared to be fixed before the ultimate larval stage was reached. Fixation of size at metamorphosis during development is not predicted by either model and may be unique to organisms with rigid exoskeletons that constrain growth within any stage. Patterns of covariation between age and size at metamorphosis suggest that food conditions early in larval development exert a large effect on metamorphic traits, in contrast to patterns observed in several amphibian species. The Wilbur-Collins model places a fitness premium on delaying metamorphosis to achieve a maximum size, when growth conditions are favorable; it thus may not apply to crustaceans. Selection pressures on the timing of metamorphosis in crustaceans may differ substantially from those identified for amphibians and other organisms. Because of these differences, incorporating crustaceans into studies of metamorphosis will help to clarify the factors affecting this life cycle transition.