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Patient specific fluid–structure ventricular modelling for integrated cardiac care


Abstract and Figures

Cardiac diseases represent one of the primary causes of mortality and result in a substantial decrease in quality of life. Optimal surgical planning and long-term treatment are crucial for a successful and cost-effective patient care. Recently developed state-of-the-art imaging techniques supply a wealth of detailed data to support diagnosis. This provides the foundations for a novel approach to clinical planning based on personalisation, which can lead to more tailored treatment plans when compared to strategies based on standard population metrics. The goal of this study is to develop and apply a methodology for creating personalised ventricular models of blood and tissue mechanics to assess patient-specific metrics. Fluid-structure interaction simulations are performed to analyse the diastolic function in hypoplastic left heart patients, who underwent the first stage of a three-step surgical palliation and whose condition must be accurately evaluated to plan further intervention. The kinetic energy changes generated by the blood propagation in early diastole are found to reflect the intraventricular pressure gradient, giving indications on the filling efficiency. This suggests good agreement between the 3D model and the Euler equation, which provides a simplified relationship between pressure and kinetic energy and could, therefore, be applied in the clinical context.
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Patient specific fluid–structure ventricular modelling
for integrated cardiac care
A. de Vecchi D. A. Nordsletten
R. Razavi G. Greil N. P. Smith
Received: 26 April 2012 / Accepted: 30 December 2012
!International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering 2013
Abstract Cardiac diseases represent one of the primary
causes of mortality and result in a substantial decrease in
quality of life. Optimal surgical planning and long-term
treatment are crucial for a successful and cost-effective
patient care. Recently developed state-of-the-art imaging
techniques supply a wealth of detailed data to support
diagnosis. This provides the foundations for a novel
approach to clinical planning based on personalisation,
which can lead to more tailored treatment plans when
compared to strategies based on standard population met-
rics. The goal of this study is to develop and apply a
methodology for creating personalised ventricular models
of blood and tissue mechanics to assess patient-specific
metrics. Fluid–structure interaction simulations are per-
formed to analyse the diastolic function in hypoplastic left
heart patients, who underwent the first stage of a three-step
surgical palliation and whose condition must be accurately
evaluated to plan further intervention. The kinetic energy
changes generated by the blood propagation in early dias-
tole are found to reflect the intraventricular pressure gra-
dient, giving indications on the filling efficiency. This
suggests good agreement between the 3D model and the
Euler equation, which provides a simplified relationship
between pressure and kinetic energy and could, therefore,
be applied in the clinical context.
Keywords Computer modelling !Patient-specific !
Single ventricle !Fluid–structure interaction
HLHS Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
LV, RV Left ventricle/right ventricle
TDI Tissue Doppler imaging
MRI Magnetic resonance imaging
List of symbols
Fluid and solid domain
Fluid and solid reference domain
Fluid and solid Dirichlet boundary
Fluid and solid Neumann boundary
Fluid and solid density
Fluid and solid Jacobian
Fluid and solid stress tensor
Fluid and solid traction
Isotropic stress tensor
Fluid and solid pressure
vFluid velocity
wDomain velocity
uSolid displacement
xPhysical coordinate system
gReference coordinate system
FDeformation gradient tensor
TSecond Poila–Kirchhoff tensor
QOrthonormal rotation tensor
Green strain tensor
Costa Law coefficients
W Strain energy function
WDensity function
A. de Vecchi !D. A. Nordsletten !R. Razavi !G. Greil !
N. P. Smith (&)
Imaging Science and Biomedical Engineering Division,
St Thomas’ Hospital, King’s College London, London, UK
G. Greil
Evelina Children’s Hospital, St Thomas’ Hospital,
London SE1 7EH, UK
N. P. Smith
Computing Laboratory, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Med Biol Eng Comput
DOI 10.1007/s11517-012-1030-5
r(s) Trajectory along streamline s
Fluid velocity/pressure in the base region
Fluid velocity/pressure in the apical region
MMomentum change along a streamline
Kinetic energy
1 Introduction
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) is a congenital
heart defect, where the left heart is severely underdevel-
oped and not able to function as a pump: the single mor-
phologic right ventricle (RV) must, therefore, support both
the systemic and pulmonary circulation [2]. This condition
is fatal without surgical intervention within the first days of
life (Norwood procedures [26]). This is normally per-
formed in three stages and finally results in a systemic right
ventricle and a passive pulmonary circulation via a total
cavopulmonary connection. In the first stage, the aortic
arch is reconstructed and connected to the main pulmonary
artery to support the systemic circulation. A shunt is then
inserted between the subclavian and the pulmonary arteries
(or between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery) to
ensure the blood flow to the lungs. Due to the complexity
of the aortic reconstruction, this stage is the most chal-
lenging of the whole procedure and its outcome signifi-
cantly influences the effectiveness of the subsequent
interventions. The assessment of cardiac performance after
stage I is thus of decisive clinical importance and is, in
turn, strongly dependent on individual characteristics. A
central difficulty is that, given the critical condition of
these patients, this assessment must preferably rely on non-
invasive measurements [16,20]. However, current non-
invasive metrics for the evaluation of pump function tend
to be inaccurate for the systemic RV [7,9,29] as they are
generally based on the left ventricle (LV) or on the non-
systemic RV [21,27].
The causes of death in post-stage I patients are multiple
and complex [3]. Amongst these, chronic volume over-
loading, consequent hypertrophy of the right ventricle and
abnormal diastolic pressure are all identified as potential
factors leading to interstage mortality [2,14,15]. This
highlights the need for markers that reflect the filling
pressure behaviour in these cohorts and are based on non-
invasive measures.
This clinical context motivates the application of com-
puter simulations, where the boundary conditions and
physical parameters can be tailored within numerical
models of the single ventricle to capture individual patient
characteristics. The goal of this work is to apply this
approach to analyse the dynamics of diastolic filling in the
single ventricle. Our previous study on HLHS patients
showed that the increase in kinetic energy associated with
the early diastolic vortex formation reflects the behaviour
of the pressure gradient between base and apex [8]. A
relationship between this phenomenon and the filling
pressures has thus significant potential to provide insight
into the diastolic performance. In the current study, we
outline the detailed methodology underpinning this
approach and report on its application to analyse the dia-
stolic filling in personalised ventricular models of two
patients, who showed opposite prognosis after stage I and
were under consideration for stage II. A physical inter-
pretation of these differences is provided through the
application of the Bernoulli principle to ventricular flow.
Based on this fundamental physical mechanism, we apply
our methodology to propose and test potentially clinically
applicable metrics.
2 Methods
2.1 Problem formulation
A coupled fluid–solid algorithm [2325] was used to
perform the numerical simulations in this study. The fluid
mechanical part is based on the arbitrary Lagrangian–
Eulerian (ALE) form of the incompressible Navier–Stokes
equations, while the solid problem is modelled using the
quasi-static incompressible finite elasticity equations. The
two domains are coupled via the introduction of a
Lagrange multiplier on the interface between solid and
fluid. This allows the imposition of sensible constraints
ensuring kinematic and traction continuity between the
two domains. The equations of the system are then dis-
cretised and solved using the Galerkin finite element
method [24].
2.1.1 Blood flow model
In the ALE formulation, the conservation laws can be
defined on a static reference domain, K
, that is related to
the moving physical domain X
through a bijective map-
ping, F=r
x?I, where xand gare the coordinate
systems in X
and K
, respectively. On the reference
domain, the conservation of mass and momentum can be
written as:
where r
is the Cauchy stress tensor, which is a function of
the blood velocity v,J
is the determinant of F,wis the
velocity of the physical domain and q
is the blood density.
Med Biol Eng Comput
The following conditions are imposed on the Dirichlet
and Neumann components of the fluid boundary, C
, respectively:
v¼gfon CD
rf!n¼hfon CN
where g
and h
are known functions.
Blood is considered as an incompressible Newtonian
fluid with density 1,025 kg/m
and viscosity 0.0035 Pa s,
and the Navier–Poisson constitutive law is used to express
the Cauchy stress tensor r
2.1.2 Myocardial model
The solid reference domain K
is the undeformed state of
the heart. The mapping between this domain and the
physical space X
is provided by the displacement vector u.
The conservation laws on the reference domain K
The Jacobian J
u?I) describes the volume
change, and the tensor r
represents the Cauchy stress within
the solid, which can be decomposed into a hydrostatic and a
non-hydrostatic component, i.e. rs¼^
r&psI. For an
incompressible material, this is given by:
where Fis the deformation gradient tensor and Tis the
Second Piola–Kirchhoff stress tensor. The hydrostatic
myocardial pressure, p
, is used as a constraint on the
displacement vector to satisfy both mass and momentum
conservation. The boundary conditions can be expressed by
the known functions g
and h
on the Dirichlet and
Neumann boundaries C
and C
as follows:
u¼gson CD
rs!n¼hson CN
The passive myocardial behaviour strongly depends on
the fibre structure of the tissue. The present model relies on a
continuum approach where an additional coordinate system
aligned with the fibre, sheet and sheet normal directions
[f,s,n] is defined throughout the myocardium [24]. The
constitutive law is formulated in the fibre coordinate system,
denoted by the subscript F, and is based on the strain energy
function Wproposed by Costa et al. [6]:
aijðEFÞij ðEFÞji ð2:8Þ
In these equations, E
is the Green strain tensor, and C
and the coefficients a
of the symmetric tensor Gare real
and positive.
The non-hydrostatic component of the Cauchy stress in
the fibre frame, ^
rF, is given by:
The isotropic stress component ^
rFiso is used to
approximate the stress distribution near the singularity in
the apex, where the tissue is expected to behave in a more
isotropic fashion due to variations in the collagen density.
A density function W, which has a unit value at the apex
and decays exponentially away from it, is thus used to
transform the Cauchy stress tensor from isotropic to
orthotropic. The Cauchy stress tensor can, therefore, be
expressed as:
riso ð2:10Þ
where Q
= [f s n] is the orthonormal rotation tensor that
defines the mapping between reference and fibre coordinate
system and the other functions can be expressed as:
riso ¼1
2.1.3 Fluid–solid coupling
A set of constraints must be imposed on the coupling
interface to ensure that velocities and stresses are contin-
uous across the solid–fluid boundary, C
. These constraints
are upheld by imposing the following conditions on C
which translate, respectively, in equal but opposite fluid
and solid tractions (t
and t
) and no overlapping nor
detaching motions of the two domains at the interface.
The above constraints are imposed with the introduction
of a third variable (Lagrange multiplier) that naturally
arises from the integration by parts of the weak formulation
and can be considered as the traction force on the coupling
2.2 Boundary conditions
The boundary conditions for the coupled fluid–solid model
are summarised in Fig. 1and in Table 1, which outlines the
corresponding mathematical expressions. On the fluid
Med Biol Eng Comput
domain, a Dirichlet condition is imposed on the tricuspid
valve boundary: the valve plane orientation is based on the
MRI data and the inflow is prescribed perpendicular to this
plane, with a velocity magnitude derived from 2D echo-
cardiography data. The valve inlet has an elliptical shape,
with the minor axis varying in time to simulate the
progressive opening of the valve. The aortic valve was
considered closed during the whole filling process and no
flow was prescribed across its plane as outlet boundary
condition. The myocardium is fixed at the base plane: the
longitudinal valve plane velocities from the clinical data
are thus compared to the apical velocities of the model.
Equations (2.11) and (2.12) are prescribed on the coupling
interface nested into the endocardial wall. No additional
constraints are imposed on the endocardium, which is free
to move in response to the interface displacement.
2.3 Energy conservation and Euler equation
Full Navier–Stokes simulations can also be linked to a
simplified analysis based on the application of energy
conservation, which has the potential to be revealing
mechanistically and, because of its relative computational
simplicity, applicable in the clinical context. The mathe-
matical formulation of energy conservation given by the
Bernoulli principle for unsteady and incompressible flows
provides a direct relationship between the intraventricular
pressure difference and the kinetic energy, whose validity
in the application to ventricular blood flow has been pre-
viously demonstrated [13,32]. Under the assumptions of
negligible influence of viscosity and gravitational force, the
Navier–Stokes equations can be simplified to the Euler
¼ &rp;ð2:14Þ
where vis the fluid velocity vector and pthe fluid pressure.
Looking at the flow field at a specific instance in time and
defining a parametric coordinate along a streamline sfrom
the base to the apex, r(s), the fluid velocity can be
Fig. 1 Diagram of the
boundary conditions applied to
the single ventricle model. The
inflow velocity profiles through
the tricuspid valve (boundary ID
4) are also shown
Table 1 Boundary conditions imposed on the numerical model
ID Boundary surface Boundary
Mathematical form
1 Myocardial base
No slip u¼x&g
2 Endocardium Fluid/solid
3 Epicardium Neumann rðuÞ!nþpn¼0
4 Tricuspid valve Dirichlet v¼fðx;tÞ
5 Aortic valve No Slip v¼otx
u, solid displacement; v, fluid velocity; x, physical coordinate system;
g, reference coordinate system; t
, fluid traction; t
, solid traction;
n, normal direction; p, pressure
Med Biol Eng Comput
expressed as v=qr(s)/qs. The integral of (2.14) along the
trajectory rcan be written in terms of s:
By definition, the velocity vector vis always parallel to s
and, therefore, the convective term within the integral on
the left hand side is zero along a streamline. Note that
rp!qr/qs=qp/qs, Eq. (2.15) then becomes:
And finally:
apex &v2
¼ðpbase &papexÞð2:17Þ
This can be rearranged into:
where DM¼qRsotvdsrepresents the momentum change
along a streamline, DEk¼1
base &v2
the kinetic
energy change from base to apex and DP¼ðpbase &papexÞ
the intraventricular pressure gradient.
As the fluid particles move between two positions, the
consequent kinetic energy change reflects the pressure
difference that drives the flow. This provides the theoretical
foundations for using the kinetic energy as a non-invasive
marker to quantify the pressure gradient between these two
regions. This simple mechanism confirms the importance
of the flow propagation velocity to assess pressure anom-
alies and ventricular stiffness, as suggested by [33].
2.4 Patients data
This study conforms with the principles of the Declaration
of Helsinki and approval was granted by the local ethics
committees Pathophysiology of the Failing Systemic Right
Ventricle Guy’s Hospital (09/H0804/62), Advanced
Echocardiography in Congenital Heart Disease St Thomas’
(09/H0802/116) and Advanced imaging techniques in
congenital heart disease Guy’s (07/Q0704/3) after
informed consent was obtained from the patients parents.
Two post-stage I HLHS patients were imaged with MRI
and echocardiography under general anesthetic. Both cases
exhibited situs solitus, normal systemic and pulmonary
venous drainage, diminutive to rudimentary left ventricle
with negligible output and trivial tricuspid regurgitation.
Case 1 failed to progress after stage I and showed a reduced
ejection fraction of 35 %. Case 2 had a reasonable pump
function and was, therefore, considered suitable to go
through stage II. The deficient RV showed a similar cardiac
index (CI, cardiac output per unit time divided by body
surface area) to Case 2, but had a significantly larger end-
systolic volume with a dilated ventricular cavity. Further, it
exhibited a fused tricuspid inflow (FI) with a single
E-wave, while Case 2 had a normal bi-phasic velocity
profile (BP) with an E-wave followed by an A-wave of
smaller magnitude. Two additional simulations were per-
formed on the same patients. In Case 1 (BP), the heart rate
was slowed down to 100 bpm, i.e. the same value of the
original Case 2. A normal bi-phasic velocity profile was
also applied as the inlet boundary condition to simulate a
‘rest’ condition. Similarly, the heart rate in Case 2 (FI)
was raised to 140 bpm, and a fused inflow was prescribed
at the valve plane to model a ‘stress’ condition. All other
parameters, including cavity shape and ejection fraction,
were left unchanged. Table 2summarises the patients’
2.5 Anatomical model generation
The ventricular anatomy model is generated from the
manual segmentation of the myocardial contours from
Dual Phase MRI data, performed using the software
package ITK-Snap ( A template
mesh based of a half ellipsoid is then morphed onto the
segmented data using a fast binary image registration
technique and a mesh warping algorithm [19]. A persona-
lised volume mesh with 735 cubic hexahedra is thus
obtained (Fig. 2a). The ventricular cavity is then filled with
an unstructured tetrahedral mesh using the CUBIT software
Table 2 Patients characteristics
from MRI exams
EF, ejection fraction; ESV,
end-systolic volume; EDV,
end-diastolic volume; CI,
cardiac index; V
, E-wave
peak inflow velocity; V
A-wave peak inflow velocity;
HR, heart rate; FI, fused inflow;
BP, bi-phasic inflow
CI (l/min/
Case 1 35 24 37 5.7 82 140 FI
Case 2 58 11 26 5.6 79 36 100 BP
Case 1
35 24 37 5.7 77 67 100 BP
Case 2
58 11 26 5.6 100 140 FI
Med Biol Eng Comput
package ( Finally, an anisotropic
constitutive model based on the fibre coordinate system
[f,s,n] is embedded in the myocardium, as described in
Sect. 2.1.2 (Fig. 2b). The fibre structure was based on
methods and measurements from [12,22], with a variation
of the fibre angle from -80"to ?50"imposed on the
transmural sheet direction.
2.6 Parameter fitting and validation
The myocardial response to the blood filling is dictated by
the coefficients aij of the constitutive law in Eq. (2.8),
reported in Table 3. In the control case of the normal left
ventricle the material coefficients are based on the value
obtained by [24]. In the patient-specific cases, these
parameters are estimated using a three-step procedure
based on the inflation and deflation of the uncoupled solid
model. In the first stage, an inverse problem is solved on
the end-diastolic solid model to reach a reference state of
the ventricle at pressure P=0 mmHg. This is then inflated
to the pressure observed before the opening of the atrio-
ventricular valve. The final end-systolic state is obtained by
adding active tension to the myocardium. The resulting
cavity shape and volume are validated against data from
the Dual Phase MRI at end systole. Finally, fluid–structure
interaction simulations are performed and the tissue
behaviour of each coupled model is validated by
comparing the myocardial velocity and displacement pre-
dictions against Cine MRI and TDI data, as shown in
Table 4. This process is repeated iteratively, until a close
approximation of the solid behaviour is reached.
3 Results
3.1 Passive filling dynamics
The two baseline cases (Case 1 and Case 2) presented a
very different morphology and filling dynamics, which
were associated with opposite prognosis after stage I.
Figure 3shows the instantaneous streamlines of blood
flow at the peak of the E-wave in the systemic RV. A
simulation of the filling in the normal left ventricle is also
shown for comparison. The main vortex formation mech-
anism is significantly different in these two patients. In
Case 1, which exhibits poor ventricular function, the ring
vortex is generated symmetrically from the inflow shear
layers below the valve plane and forms a closer toroidal
shape in the base of the ventricle (Fig. 3a). In Case 2, the
Fig. 2 Hexahedral volume
mesh from the manual
segmentation of Dual Phase
MRI contours with reference
coordinate system g1;g2;g3
and physical coordinate system
](a). Anisotropic
fibre model incorporated in the
solid mesh with local fibre
frame [f,s,n](b)
Table 3 Costa Law coefficients
C(Pa) a11 a12 a13 a22 a23 a33 a0
Case 1 246.55 32.99 14.63 11.79 6.49 5.23 4.21 32.99
Case 2 206.55 31.60 13.88 10.35 6.12 4.55 3.40 31.60
EF, ejection fraction; ESV, end-systolic volume; EDV, end-diastolic
volume; CI, cardiac index; V
, E-wave peak inflow velocity;
, A-wave peak inflow velocity; HR, heart rate; FI, fused
inflow; BP, bi-phasic inflow
Table 4 Comparison between the simulated myocardial response
and the MRI data
Data Model Data Model
Apical longitudinal vel. (cm/s) 4.1 4.5 9.7 10.8
TMAD mid-point (%) 8.25 10.6 18.9 18.7
End-diastolic aspect ratio 1.23 1.26 1.51 1.55
End-systolic aspect ratio 1.31 1.35 1.89 1.85
Ejection fraction (%) 36 35 58 52
Stroke volume (ml) 13 12.7 15 13.6
TMAD =tissue mitral annular displacement relative to end-diastolic
long axis diameter
Med Biol Eng Comput
formation mechanism is asymmetric, similar to the one
observed in the normal LV: only one side of the shear
layers rolls up into a vortex, while the rest of the incoming
blood flows along the ventricular wall towards the apex
(Fig. 3b, c).
This asymmetry facilitates ventricular filling, as not all
the incoming flow is entrained by the forming vortex in the
base region. Figure 4a, b shows the evolution of the
average flow velocity during diastole at the ventricle base
and apex (v
and v
) in Case 1 and 2, respectively. The
asymmetric vortex formation results in higher apical flow
velocities and faster apical filling: in Case 2, the flow
velocity peaks occur simultaneously in the basal and apical
regions at 28 % of the total filling time, with
=12.3 cm/s. In Case 1, the peak flow velocity at the
apex is lower (v
=4.9 cm/s) and delayed to end dias-
tole, while at the base the maximum is reached much
earlier, at 60 % of the diastolic interval.
The flow propagation dynamics are related to the tissue
displacement and velocity, which reflect the release of the
potential energy stored in the myocardium. In the dilated
cavity of Case 1, the enhanced vortex formation leads to a
slow flow propagation towards the apex: therefore, the
early diastolic wall motion occurs mostly in the mid-ven-
tricle region, which expands radially. In contrast Case 2
and the normal LV, where the flow propagation from base
to apex is faster, expand predominantly in the longitudinal
direction with highest displacements in the apical region.
The apical tissue motion in Case 1 is also slower than in
Case 2 and in the normal LV. Figure 5shows that Case 1
has a lower longitudinal lengthening velocity (4.5 cm/s), as
opposed to the maximum values of 10.8 and 15.2 cm/s
observed in Case 2 and in the normal LV, respectively.
3.2 Intraventricular pressure gradients and flow
As outlined in Sect. 2.3, the flow velocity distribution
inside the ventricular chamber can be related to the early
diastolic intraventricular pressure gradient through the
Euler equation (2.18). The term DMrepresents the rate of
kinetic energy change along a streamline from the base to
the apex and is positive during the E-wave (Fig. 6a): this
term has a similar maximum value at the peak E-wave in
the cases with the analogous inflow profiles. For bi-phasic
inflows, DMpeaks at 21 and 29 % of the total time in Case
1 (BP) and Case 2 (BP), respectively. For fused inflows, the
maximum value of DMis reached at 45 and 44 % of the
diastolic interval in Case 1 (FI) and Case 2 (FI), respec-
tively. In all cases, these peaks occur when the pressure
Fig. 3 Instantaneous
streamlines of blood flow and
iso-contours of myocardial
displacement at the peak
E-wave of diastole in two
baseline HLHS patients
(a,b) and a normal left
ventricle (c)
Fig. 4 Flow velocity in base
and apex for Case 1 (a) and
Case 2 (b)
Med Biol Eng Comput
gradient term is zero. At this point, the kinetic energy
difference in the bi-phasic cases is close to its maximum
value, while in the fused inflow cases the peak occurs later.
When a bi-phasic inflow is imposed in Case 1, DEk;DP¼0
increases from 244 Pa to approximately 278 Pa. Similarly,
applying a fused inflow to Case 2 leads to a decrease in
DEk;DP¼0from 294 Pa to 221.5 Pa (Fig. 6b).
The difference in the kinetic energy of the flow in the
basal and apical region, DEk, is positive as v
most of the diastolic interval. The pressure difference
between the two regions, DP, is always positive during
early diastole due to the incoming flow from the atrio-
ventricular valve (Fig. 7).
Equation (2.18) shows that an increase in the maximum
kinetic energy difference DEkin this phase leads to a
reduction of the early diastolic pressure gradient. In Case 1
(FI), the E-wave generates a peak kinetic energy difference
of 359 Pa with a maximum intraventricular pressure gra-
dient equal to 63 Pa, while in Case 1 (BP), a decrease in
DEk;Max to 292 Pa corresponds to an improved DPMax ,
which reaches 92 Pa. Similarly in Case 2 a decrease in
DEk;Max from 293 to 276 Pa corresponds to an increase in
DPmax from 96 to 108 Pa. For reference, the lowest early
diastolic pressure gradient is observed in the failing RV of
the baseline Case 1 (63 Pa), while the normal LV exhibits a
significantly higher value of 144 Pa. Figure 7a, b also
shows that the Euler equation can provide a close
approximation of the early diastolic pressure gradient, with
a maximum discrepancy in the peak magnitude from the
full 3D data varying between 1.5 and 12 %.
4 Discussion
The results presented show that different vortex formation
dynamics can significantly influence the early diastolic
intraventricular pressure difference and the flow propaga-
tion speed between the base and the apex of the ventricle.
The formation of a vortical structure as the inflow velocity
reaches the first peak (E-wave) is a well-known diastolic
feature [5,24]. This vortex is initially formed as a ring
below the atrio-ventricular valve [11] and propagates
towards the apex of the heart at a later stage [18,28]. The
timing and formation process of this vortex has a key
influence on the early diastolic pressure distribution inside
the ventricle [17]. Flow patterns are associated with pres-
sure differences and, therefore, abnormalities in the early
diastolic pressure gradient must be related to deviations
from the optimal filling. Our results show that a higher
difference in the flow velocity between the base and the
apex (as observed in Case 1 with respect to Case 2) leads to
a less efficient diastolic process through reduced pressure
gradients, delayed apical filling and slower tissue veloci-
ties. This is related to a flow propagation dominated by a
symmetric, enhanced ring vortex formation and predomi-
nantly convective fluid motion. This hypothesis is also
supported by previous research that demonstrated that a
low and/or delayed early pressure gradient is related to
diastolic dysfunction [10,30,31]. Decreased pressure
Fig. 5 Apical tissue velocity of longitudinal lengthening
Fig. 6 Momentum (a) and
kinetic energy change (b) from
base to apex
Med Biol Eng Comput
differences are also found to correlate with dilated chamber
geometries and slow flow propagation [1,4,8,13]. The
model shows that this mechanism is facilitated in spherical
cavities, where the interaction between the forming vortex
and the ventricular wall is limited in the initial phase of
diastole, allowing the ring to expand in the circumferential
direction prior to propagating towards the apex of the
ventricle. In contrast, the elongated shape of the ventricle
promotes flow asymmetries that are beneficial to the filling
efficiency by enhancing the flow propagation speed in the
longitudinal direction. By substituting the fused tricuspid
inflow with a normal bi-phasic one at a lower heart rate in
the impaired RV (Case 1 BP), the early diastolic peak in
the pressure gradient occurred earlier and nearly simulta-
neously to DEk;max. Its value was also found to increase,
although it remained lower than the one observed in the
successful cases. In Case 2, due to the more elongated
cavity shape, the vortex formation remained asymmetric
with both inflow types and no significant differences in the
peak value of the early diastolic pressure gradient were
observed in both stress and rest conditions. However, in the
stress condition, this peak was reached significantly later in
To further validate the results of this study, a larger
number of patients would be required. However, given the
very young age and critical condition of these patients,
performing invasive exams poses numerous practical and
ethical difficulties. Consequently, only a small number of
cases amongst all the available ones had a sufficiently
extensive data set: among these, two cases with opposite
prognosis have been selected to test our method. Due to the
complex multi-scale phenomena that govern the cardiac
function, the present fluid–structure interaction framework
only provides a partial description of the ventricular
dynamics. The model relies on simplifying assumptions
including: the absence of pericardium and right atrium; a
fixed base plane and a free apex, opposed to the in vivo
heart; a fibre distribution derived from adult hearts, as no
information was available on infant hearts with congenital
defects, neither in vivo nor ex vivo. The same fibre struc-
ture was used for both patients as no experimental evidence
supports a more personalised strategy. Furthermore, as we
artificially imposed stress and rest boundary conditions on
the two cases to provide insight on the effect of different
inflow profiles and geometries, the corresponding models
(Case 1 BP and Case 2 FI) are not based on patient data.
However, the aim of the numerical model is to plausibly
reproduce specific clinical behaviours, compatibly with its
intrinsic limitations: the mathematical framework provides
a tool to complement the clinical analysis by identifying
basic physical mechanisms that can explain observed
phenomena, whereas a detailed characterisation of physi-
ological states lies beyond the scope of this study.
In conclusion, the full Navier–Stokes model provides an
explanation on how the ring vortex dynamics depends on
patient-specific anatomical and flow features, such as cavity
shape and inflow velocity profile. This phenomenon, in turn,
strongly influences the flow propagation velocity from base
to apex, the intraventricular pressure gradient and thus the
apical filling effectiveness. Pressures are, however, an
invasive measurement and can be challenging to obtain
clinically: our 3D model was, therefore, used as a test bed
for analysing the applicability of the Euler equation to
patient-specific ventricular anatomies. The results confirm
the direct relationship between the early diastolic vortex
formation and pressure gradient and the kinetic energy
change. This quantity can, therefore, provide a clinical
index based on the flow velocity to estimate non-invasively
the timing and the magnitude of the intraventricular pres-
sure gradient, in order to identify patients potentially at risk
of diastolic dysfunction onset between the stages of the
Norwood procedure. This is of high clinical importance in
this cohort, where unstable post-operative conditions
severely limit invasive data acquisition.
Fig. 7 Pressure difference
between base and apex from full
3D data (a) and from the
streamline approximation (b)
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Med Biol Eng Comput
... In a few exceptional cases, the fluid dynamics outflow is connected with a 1D model of the vessels [70,1,15,24]. FSI models that exclude electrophysiology, also find a large application field, but mainly related with diastolic filling pathologies [31] and devices [88,21]. ...
... While some authors solve the mechanical problem as a quasi-static approach [31,46,77,104], we solve a dynamical approach as independently proposed in [76,44]. Dynamically solved, cardiac tissue appears to be viscoelastic. ...
In this work we present a fully coupled fluid‐electro‐mechanical model of a 50th percentile human heart. The model is implemented on Alya, the BSC multi‐physics parallel code, capable of running efficiently in supercomputers. Blood in the cardiac cavities is modelled by the incompressible Navier‐Stokes equations and an Arbitrary Lagrangian‐Eulerian (ALE) scheme. Electrophysiology is modelled with a monodomain scheme and the O'Hara‐Rudy cell model. Solid mechanics is modelled with a total‐Lagrangian formulation for discrete strains using the Holzapfel‐Ogden cardiac tissue material model. The three problems are simultaneously and bidirectionally coupled through an electro‐mechanical feedback and a fluid‐structure interaction scheme. In this paper we present the scheme in detail and propose it as a computational cardiac workbench.
... Regarding numerical analysis, most existing studies of blood flow in the LV ignored the internal structures (Chnafa et al., 2016;Doost et al., 2016;Imanparast et al., 2016;Su et al., 2016;Song and Borazjani, 2015;Lai et al., 2015;de Vecchi et al., 2013;Nakamura et al., 2006b;Nakamura et al., 2006a;Taylor et al., 1994). Among these studies, Nakamura et al. (2006b) performed numerical analysis of the blood flow field in an LV with four opening modes of the mitral valve and demonstrated that these modes influence the flow dynamics during the diastole. ...
... Numerical approaches for performing blood flow simulation in an LV can be divided into two methods. One is the fluid structure interaction analysis method (Doost et al., 2016;Imanparast et al., 2016;Kulp et al., 2011;Lantz et al., 2016;Su et al., 2014;de Vecchi et al., 2013), and the other is the one-way coupling analysis method, in which the timedependent deformation of the LV wall is prescribed (Lai et al., 2015;Nakamura et al., 2006a;Song and Borazjani, 2015;Su et al., 2016). In the former method, it is difficult to specify the mechanical properties of the LV wall correctly, and comparison of the results with in vivo data has rarely been performed. ...
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Although the blood flow velocity in a left ventricle (LV) has been considered to be sufficiently fast to prevent thrombus formation, internal wall structures, such as trabeculae carneae (TC) and papillary muscle, recently received attention as possible causes of reduced near-wall blood flow. As a fundamental consideration of this problem, this study established a method for constructing an unsteady LV model from magnetic resonance (MR) images and investigated the effect of a few simplified TC structures on the blood flow in the model. The LV model at arbitrary time steps was constructed by deforming a computational mesh generated from MR images at a reference time step. The validity of the proposed construction scheme was confirmed by comparison with the configuration of an LV model extracted from MR images. Numerical analysis was performed for the unsteady blood flow in LV models with and without two simplified TC structures. The flow field in the model with the internal structure differed from that in the model without the internal structure near the wall, and flow separation caused by the internal structure decreased wall shear stress on the rear of the internal structure. The computational results provide fundamental information for the complex interaction between the internal structures and the blood flow in an LV.
... However, stress in the left ventricle (LV) cannot be measured directly [20]. Finite element (FE) method, in combination with advanced simulation tools and new cardiac imaging modalities can be used to analyse LV wall stress-strain distribution for providing a greater insight of the physiology of normal subjects and HF patients, and thereby, predict their responses to medical and surgical interventions [3,6,13,14,19,25,38,39,48,51]. In such models, it is essential to accurately use in vivo passive biomechanical properties of the human myocardium in order to mimic the cardiac mechanics properly. ...
... to(8), it is observed that the order of shear stiffness mode does not depend on the parameters a and b. The last six parameters are only responsible for maintaining the ordering as is evident from Eq. (3) to(6). The ordering can always be maintained if the ratios amongst a i (and b i ) are kept same (i.e. if a f : a s : a fs = constant and b f : b s : b fs = constant). ...
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Identification of in vivo passive biomechanical properties of healthy human myocardium from regular clinical data is essential for subject-specific modelling of left ventricle (LV). In this work, myocardium was defined by Holzapfel-Ogden constitutive law. Therefore, the objectives of the study were (a) to estimate the ranges of the constitutive parameters for healthy human myocardium using non-invasive routine clinical data, and (b) to investigate the effect of geometry, LV end-diastolic pressure (EDP) and fibre orientations on estimated values. In order to avoid invasive measurements and additional scans, LV cavity volume, measured from routine MRI, and empirical pressure-normalised-volume relation (Klotz-curve) were used as clinical data. Finite element modelling, response surface method and genetic algorithm were used to inversely estimate the constitutive parameters. Due to the ill-posed nature of the inverse optimisation problem, the myocardial properties was extracted by identifying the ranges of the parameters, instead of finding unique values. Additional sensitivity studies were carried out to identify the effect of LV EDP, fibre orientation and geometry on estimated parameters. Although uniqueness of the solution cannot be achieved, the normal ranges of the parameters produced similar mechanical responses within the physiological ranges. These information could be used in future computational studies for designing heart failure treatments. Graphical abstract
... To account for differences in constitutive behavior between the two phases, a non-conforming monolithic framework [360] was used to build patient-specific models able to simulate both active and passive mechanics [361]. Later adaptations of this model were used to study the effect of left ventricular assist devices [316,318,317] as well as diastolic function in hypoplastic left heart patients [89,486]. More recently, Gao et al. [143] demonstrated the feasibility of merging the LV and mitral valve into a monolithic anatomically accurate FSI model. ...
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The hierarchical construction of the myocardium plays a pivotal role in the biomechanics of the heart muscle and the resulting flow of blood. In disease, the construction of the heart remodels, altering the structure of the tissue from the subcellular level all the way to the whole organ. Elucidating the impact of these fundamental alterations on the biomechanics of the heart presents challenges to diagnosis, therapy planning and treatment. Computational modeling provides an innovative tool, enabling the simulation of complex biomechanics that capture the complexity of tissue, its growth and remodeling and the resulting blood flow. In this chapter, we review the key ways that computational models can address challenging biomechanical questions in the heart and how these tools can change the way treatment is approached across a range of heart diseases.
... In industry, we have examples such as the design of parachutes [1][2][3] and wind-turbines [4,5]. In cardiovascular research [6][7][8], the simulation of valves [9,10] and implanted devices [11][12][13][14] holds a great potential for better understanding and treatment of a number of pathologies such as valve stenosis, regurgitation, heart failure and outflow obstruction. Building such models, however, remains challenging due to the need to balance computational costs and solution accuracy. ...
For problems involving large deformations of thin structures, simulating fluid-structure interaction (FSI) remains a computationally expensive endeavour which continues to drive interest in the development of novel approaches. Overlapping domain techniques have been introduced as a way to combine the fluid-solid mesh conformity, seen in moving-mesh methods, without the need for mesh smoothing or re-meshing, which is a core characteristic of fixed mesh approaches. In this work, we introduce a novel overlapping domain method based on a partition of unity approach. Unified function spaces are defined as a weighted sum of fields given on two overlapping meshes. The method is shown to achieve optimal convergence rates and to be stable for steady-state Stokes, Navier-Stokes, and ALE Navier-Stokes problems. Finally, we present results for FSI in the case of 2D flow past an elastic beam simulation. These initial results point to the potential applicability of the method to a wide range of FSI applications, enabling boundary layer refinement and large deformations without the need for re-meshing or user-defined stabilization.
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Background Pulmonary vasodilator therapy in Fontan patients can improve exercise tolerance. We aimed to assess the potential for non-invasive testing of acute vasodilator response using four-dimensional (D) flow MRI during oxygen inhalation. Materials and Methods Six patients with well-functioning Fontan circulations were prospectively recruited and underwent cardiac MRI. Ventricular anatomical imaging and 4D Flow MRI were acquired at baseline and during inhalation of oxygen. Data were compared with six age-matched healthy volunteers with 4D Flow MRI scans acquired at baseline. Results All six patients tolerated the MRI scan well. The dominant ventricle had a left ventricular morphology in all cases. On 4D Flow MRI assessment, two patients (Patients 2 and 6) showed improved cardiac filling with improved preload during oxygen administration, increased mitral inflow, increased maximum E-wave kinetic energy, and decreased systolic peak kinetic energy. Patient 1 showed improved preload only. Patient 5 showed no change, and patient 3 had equivocal results. Patient 4, however, showed a decrease in preload and cardiac filling/function with oxygen. Discussion Using oxygen as a pulmonary vasodilator to assess increased pulmonary venous return as a marker for positive acute vasodilator response would provide pre-treatment assessment in a more physiological state – the awake patient. This proof-of-concept study showed that it is well tolerated and has shown changes in some stable patients with a Fontan circulation.
This PhD thesis is an interdisciplinary research that deals with applied biomechanical modeling of the cardiovascular system in patients with congenital heart diseases . The aim is to explore the potential of biomechanical modeling to assist in clinical decision-making.First, we explored the ability of a previously developed biomechanical model to augment the interpretation of clinical data for patients with tetralogy of Fallot after repair (rTOF) prior to and after pulmonary valve replacement (PVR). Patient-specific models of the right ventricle (RV) and pulmonary circulation were built for 20 subjects pre- and post-PVR using cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) and pressure catheter data. These models were subjected to the effects of pulmonary valve (PV) regurgitation and/or RV outflow tract (RVOT) obstruction. The models provided patient-specific indices of myocardial contractility pre- and post-PVR. The results showed a decrease of contractility in all patients post-PVR. Patients with predominantly RVOT obstruction experienced a higher level of contractility decrease whereas ceasing the regurgitation itself did not lead to a significant reduction in contractility. After this detailed study of pathophysiology of the overloaded RVs pre- and post-PVR, we explored the ability of the model to predict the response of ventricular mechanics when progressively decreasing the afterload of the RVs in patients with rTOF. Pre-PVR patient-specific models were used and cessation of PV regurgitation and progressive decrease of RVOT resistance were assumed. The resulting in silico relationships between the contractility and RVOT resistance post-PVR appeared to be linear, and consistent with that given by the patient-specific post-PVR models.For patients with single-ventricle hearts undergoing CMR combined with a pressure catheter (as part of planning for complex surgery), the model was used to synchronize in time the catheter-pressure data and the ventricular volumes obtained by CMR. This model-assisted time-synchronization produces high quality P-V loops that yield more accurate indices of myocardial energetics (maximum value of time-varying elastance (E_max) and stroke work) and hence could be used to ameliorate the clinical interpretation.Finally, we compared the indices of E_max and maximum time derivative of ventricular pressure, max(dP/dt), when obtained directly from the clinical measurements vs. model-derived contractility and max(dP/dt). All data- and model-derived indices showed a good agreement. In addition, a potential application of model-derived max⁡(dP/dt) as a model-based data filter was emphasized.Overall, this thesis demonstrated (1) an ability of biomechanical modeling to provide additional mechanical indices of ventricular function and their evolution under different loading conditions, which has the potential to contribute into the planning of optimal therapy; (2) an application of the model to provide robust clinical data processing of a variety of data acquisition protocols; and (3) a correspondence of model-derived indices with clinically accepted surrogate measures of contractility. In conclusion, this thesis showed that biomechanical modeling could be deployed in a clinical environment to address various types of problems towards the delivery of personalized healthcare solutions.
The staged surgical palliation of the hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) has revolutionised the treatment of this otherwise fetal congenital heart disease. One of the major barriers to a systematic risk assessment is the considerable variability in the approach to surgery that still exists between centres. This multiplicity of treatment choices is motivated by the complexity of the clinical manifestation of HLHS and by the high variability between patients, in both their anatomy and response to surgery. The multifactorial cause-effect relationships governing the HLHS pathophysiology and its treatment outcomes provide a fertile ground for personalised bioengineering applications. Numerous in vitro and in silico studies have focussed on simulating the individual response of the patient to each stage of palliation by modelling the patient-specific pathophysiology in controlled conditions. These techniques have had, and still continue to have, a profound impact to determine the best course of action pre-, peri- and post-operatively.
The objective of the current study was to propose a sensitivity analysis of a 3D left ventricle model in order to assess the influence of parameters on myocardial mechanical dispersion. A finite element model of LV electro-mechanical activity was proposed and a screening method was used to evaluate the sensitivity of model parameters on the standard deviation of time to peak strain. Results highlight the importance of propagation parameters associated with septal and lateral segments activation. Simulated curves were compared to myocardial strains, obtained from echocardiography of one healthy subject and one patient diagnosed with intraventricular dyssynchrony and coronary artery disease. Results show a close match between simulation and clinical strains and illustrate the model ability to reproduce myocardial strains in the context of intraventricular dyssynchrony.
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome is a complex congenital heart disease characterised by the underdevelopment of the left ventricle normally treated with a three-stage surgical repair. In this study, a multiscale closed-loop cardio-circulatory model is created to reproduce the pre-operative condition of a patient suffering from such pathology and virtual surgery is performed. Firstly, cardio-circulatory parameters are estimated using a fully closed-loop cardio-circulatory lumped parameter model. Secondly, a 3D standalone FEA model is build up to obtain active and passive ventricular characteristics and unloaded reference state. Lastly, the 3D model of the single ventricle is coupled to the lumped parameter model of the circulation obtaining a multiscale closed-loop pre-operative model. Lacking any information on the fibre orientation, two cases were simulated: (i) fibre distributed as in the physiological right ventricle and (ii) fibre as in the physiological left ventricle. Once the pre-operative condition is satisfactorily simulated for the two cases, virtual surgery is performed. The post-operative results in the two cases highlighted similar hemodynamic behaviour but different local mechanics. This finding suggests that the knowledge of the patient-specific fibre arrangement is important to correctly estimate the single ventricle's working condition and consequently can be valuable to support clinical decision.
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A numerical study of the three-dimensional fluid dynamics inside a model left ventricle during diastole is presented. The ventricle is modelled as a portion of a prolate spher-oid with a moving wall, whose dynamics is externally forced to agree with a simplified waveform of the entering flow. The flow equations are written in the meridian body-fitted system of coordinates, and expanded in the azimuthal direction using the Fourier representation. The harmonics of the dependent variables are normalized in such a way that they automatically satisfy the high-order regularity conditions of the solution at the singular axis of the system of coordinates. The resulting equations are solved numerically using a mixed spectral–finite differences technique. The flow dynamics is analysed by varying the governing parameters, in order to understand the main fluid phenomena in an expanding ventricle, and to obtain some insight into the physiological pattern commonly detected. The flow is characterized by a well-defined structure of vorticity that is found to be the same for all values of the parameters, until, at low values of the Strouhal number, the flow develops weak turbulence.
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This paper presents an efficient numerical solver for the finite element approximation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations within a moving three-dimensional domain. The moving domain is modeled using the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) formulation. Applying a finite element approximation leads to the solution of a large sparse system of equations. In this work we look at the application of the $Fp$ preconditioner within GMRES for efficiently solving such systems. Numerical results are presented for tetrahedral and hexahedral elements, and both structured and unstructured meshes. In all cases GMRES convergence rates are seen to be independent of mesh size. Finally, we show an application of this problem for modeling fluid flow within the heart.
Conference Paper
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Cubic Hermite meshes provide an efficient representation of anatomy, and are useful for simulating soft tissue mechanics. However, their personalization can be a complex, time consuming and labour-intensive process. This paper presents a method based on image registration and using an existing template for deriving a patient-specific cubic Hermite mesh. Its key contribution is a solution to customise a Hermite continuous description of a shape with the use of a discrete warping field. Fitting accuracy is first tested and quantified against an analytical ground truth solution. To then demonstrate its clinical utility, a generic cubic Hermite heart ventricular model is personalized to the anatomy of a patient, and its mechanical stability is successfully tested. The method achieves an easy, fast and accurate personalization of cubic Hermite meshes, constituting a crucial step for the clinical adoption of physiological simulations.
The formation of vortex rings generated through impulsively started jets is studied experimentally. Utilizing a piston/cylinder arrangement in a water tank, the velocity and vorticity fields of vortex rings are obtained using digital particle image velocimetry (DPIV) for a wide range of piston stroke to diameter (L/D) ratios. The results indicate that the flow field generated by large L/D consists of a leading vortex ring followed by a trailing jet. The vorticity field of the leading vortex ring formed is disconnected from that of the trailing jet. On the other hand, flow fields generated by small stroke ratios show only a single vortex ring. The transition between these two distinct states is observed to occur at a stroke ratio of approximately 4, which, in this paper, is referred to as the ‘formation number’. In all cases, the maximum circulation that a vortex ring can attain during its formation is reached at this non-dimensional time or formation number. The universality of this number was tested by generating vortex rings with different jet exit diameters and boundaries, as well as with various non-impulsive piston velocities. It is shown that the ‘formation number’ lies in the range of 3.6–4.5 for a broad range of flow conditions. An explanation is provided for the existence of the formation number based on the Kelvin–Benjamin variational principle for steady axis-touching vortex rings. It is shown that based on the measured impulse, circulation and energy of the observed vortex rings, the Kelvin–Benjamin principle correctly predicts the range of observed formation numbers.
The central problem in modelling the multi–dimensional mechanics of the heart is in identifying functional forms and parameter of the constitutive equations, which describe the material properties of the resting and active, normal and diseased myocardium. The constitutive properties of myocardium are three dimensional, anisotropic, nonlinear and time dependent. Formulating usefu constitutive laws requires a combination of multi–axial tissue testing in vitro, microstructural modelling based on quantitative morphology, statistical parameter estimation, and validation with measurement from intact hearts. Recent models capture some important properties of healthy and diseased myocardium including: the nonlinea interactions between the responses to different loading patterns; the influence of the laminar myofibre sheet architecture the effects of transverse stresses developed by the myocytes; and the relationship between collagen fibre architecture an mechanical properties in healing scar tissue after myocardial infarction.
Pediatric patients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome rely solely on the right ventricle, resulting in anatomic maladaptations that can significantly compromise diastolic efficiency and lead to heart failure. Clinical indices to evaluate diastole are generally derived from the adult left ventricle, limiting their relevance to patients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. We investigated the effect of the ventricular cavity shape and tricuspid inflow typology on the filling dynamics to provide new directions of investigation for assessing diastolic function in these patients. Magnetic resonance imaging data were used to generate personalized mathematic models of 4 patients with different prognoses after stage I of the Norwood procedures. Two of these patients were also modeled after stage II. Numeric simulations were performed to analyze the interaction between blood flow and the myocardium during diastole. The filling dynamics were characterized by the formation of an organized structure of swirling blood (vortex ring). This was strongly influenced by the ventricular shape and the timing of the E and A wave. Biphasic rather than fused inflows and more elliptical than spherical cavities were found to increase the intraventricular pressure gradients and the filling capacity by optimizing the energy transfer between blood flow and the myocardium. This resulted in a better flow propagation and higher tissue velocities and displacements. The variations in the kinetic energy associated with the blood motion reflected the base-to-apex pressure difference and can therefore be used to quantify the efficiency of filling, providing a potential new metric to assess diastolic function in these patients.
Understanding the underlying feedback mechanisms of fluid/solid coupling and the role it plays in heart function is crucial for characterizing normal heart function and its behavior in disease. To improve this understanding, an anatomically accurate computational model of fluid–solid mechanics in the left ventricle is presented which assesses both the passive diastolic and active systolic phases of the heart. Integrating multiple data which characterize the hemodynamical and tissue mechanical properties of the heart, a numerical approach was applied which allows non-conformity in an optimal finite element scheme (J. Comp. Phys., submitted; Fluid–solid coupling for the simulation of left ventricular mechanics, University of Oxford, 2009). This approach is applied to look specifically at left ventricular fluid/solid coupling, allowing quantitative assessment of blood flow through the left ventricle, pressure distributions, activation and the loss of mechanical energy due to viscous dissipation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
In this study, a Lagrange multiplier technique is developed to solve problems of coupled mechanics and is applied to the case of a Newtonian fluid coupled to a quasi-static hyperelastic solid. Based on theoretical developments in [57], an additional Lagrange multiplier is used to weakly impose displacement/velocity continuity as well as equal, but opposite, force. Through this approach, both mesh conformity and kinematic variable interpolation may be selected independently within each mechanical body, allowing for the selection of grid size and interpolation most appropriate for the underlying physics. In addition, the transfer of mechanical energy in the coupled system is proven to be conserved. The fidelity of the technique for coupled fluid–solid mechanics is demonstrated through a series of numerical experiments which examine the construction of the Lagrange multiplier space, stability of the scheme, and show optimal convergence rates. The benefits of non-conformity in multi-physics problems is also highlighted. Finally, the method is applied to a simplified elliptical model of the cardiac left ventricle.
Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) plays an important complementary role to echocardiography and conventional angiography in the evaluation of hypoplastic left heart syndrome. This imaging modality is particularly useful for assessing cardiovascular postsurgical changes, extracardiac vascular anatomy, ventricular and valvular function, and a variety of complications. The purpose of this article is to provide a contemporary review of the role of CMR in the management of untreated and surgically palliated hypoplastic left heart syndrome in children.