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Consequences of spontaneous reconnection at a two-dimensional non-force-free current layer


Abstract and Figures

Magnetic neutral points, where the magnitude of the magnetic field vanishes locally, are potential locations for energy conversion in the solar corona. The fact that the magnetic field is identically zero at these points suggests that for the study of current sheet formation and of any subsequent resistive dissipation phase, a finite beta plasma should be considered, rather than neglecting the plasma pressure as has often been the case in the past. The rapid dissipation of a finite current layer in non-force-free equilibrium is investigated numerically, after the sudden onset of an anomalous resistivity. The aim of this study is to determine how the energy is redistributed during the initial diffusion phase, and what is the nature of the outward transmission of information and energy. The resistivity rapidly diffuses the current at the null point. The presence of a plasma pressure allows the vast majority of the free energy to be transferred into internal energy. Most of the converted energy is used in direct heating of the surrounding plasma, and only about 3% is converted into kinetic energy, causing a perturbation in the magnetic field and the plasma which propagates away from the null at the local fast magnetoacoustic speed. The propagating pulses show a complex structure due to the highly non-uniform initial state. It is shown that this perturbation carries no net current as it propagates away from the null. The fact that, under the assumptions taken in this paper, most of the magnetic energy released in the reconnection converts internal energy of the plasma, may be highly important for the chromospheric and coronal heating problem.
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arXiv:1202.0161v1 [astro-ph.SR] 1 Feb 2012
Consequences of spontaneous reconnection at a two-dimensional non-force-free current layer
J. Fuentes-Fern´andez,C. E. Parnell, A. W. Hood, and E. R. Priest
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St Andrews,
North Haugh, St Andrews, KY16 9SS, United Kingdom
D. W. Longcope
Department of Physics, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana 59717, USA
Magnetic neutral points, where the magnitude of the magnetic field vanishes locally, are potential locations for
energy conversion in the solar corona. The fact that the magnetic field is identically zero at these points suggests
that for the study of current sheet formation and of any subsequent resistive dissipation phase, a finite beta
plasma should be considered, rather than neglecting the plasma pressure as has often been the case in the past.
The rapid dissipation of a finite current layer in non-force-free equilibrium is investigated numerically, after the
sudden onset of an anomalous resistivity. The aim of this study is to determine how the energy is redistributed
during the initial diusion phase, and what is the nature of the outward transmission of information and energy.
The resistivity rapidly diuses the current at the null point. The presence of a plasma pressure allows the vast
majority of the free energy to be transferred intointernal energy. Most of the converted energy is used in direct
heating of the surrounding plasma, and only about 3% is converted into kinetic energy, causing aperturbation in
the magnetic field and the plasma which propagates away from the null at the local fast magnetoacoustic speed.
The propagating pulses show a complex structure due to the highly non-uniform initial state. It is shown that
this perturbation carries no net current as it propagates away from the null. The fact that, under the assumptions
taken in this paper, most of the magnetic energy released in the reconnection converts internal energy of the
plasma, may be highly important for the chromospheric and coronal heating problem.
Magnetic reconnection is likely to play an important role in
the coronal heating problem, but the relative importance of re-
connection and wave heating models in the dierentregions of
the corona is still unclear1–3. Magnetic null points are impor-
tant locations for magnetic reconnection. Their relevance in
coronal studies has been stated by numerous authors4–6, and,
in two-dimensions, they are the only locations where recon-
nection can occur. Two big questions about magnetic recon-
nection at null points are: into what forms of energy is the
stored magnetic energy converted, and where does this energy
conversion take place. It is well known that magnetic energy
is transferred into internal, kinetic and fast particle energy, but
the question of the proportions in each is still unsettled.
At two-dimensional magnetic X-points in particular, the an-
swers to all these questions, as well as the source of the re-
quired magnetic energy for reconnection, have been a subject
of study for decades. In many situations in the solar corona,
the continuous slow photospheric motions of the magnetic
footpoints feed energy to the magnetic field. This energy may
be stored in the form of many current density layers7,8. Lo-
cally within these current layers, the properties of the plasma
may at some point reach some appropriate conditions for
which reconnection becomes important. For instance, current
layers may undergo current induced microinstabilities creat-
ing an anomalous resistivity9–11, which then permits the dissi-
pation of the current via reconnection. In this process, part of
the magnetic energy is transferred into kinetic and/or internal
energy of the plasma (plus particle acceleration in kinematic
models). This is likely to be the case in many examples of so-
lar flares12,13, and is a possible mechanism for coronal heating
via myriads of small-scale nano-flares14. The onset of these
instabilities, as well as the energy partitioning, are still not
well understood.
In this paper, we consider the case where a current layer has
been slowly formed in a non-force-free scenario, using a mag-
netohydrodynamic (MHD) model. We apply a local enhance-
ment in resistivity in the current layer to mimic the sudden on-
set of an anomalous resistivity causing spontaneous magnetic
reconnection (without the presence of any external flow15,16).
This approach fixes the amount of available magnetic energy
in the process, and is completely dierent to steady state re-
connection models such as the fast reconnection regimes17–19,
where the rate with which the reconnection is being driven is
the same as the actual rate with which the flux is reconnected.
A recent study which considered the source and nature of
the energy conversion associated with 2D spontaneous re-
connection has been carried out in Longcope and Priest 20
(from now on referred to in the paper as LP07). In this pa-
per, they make an analytical study of the fast magnetosonic
(FMS) wave launched by reconnection in a current sheet af-
ter a sudden increase in the resistivity. By conducting a one-
dimensional analysis in which they investigate the leading or-
der term only, which they assume to be m=0, they found
that a propagating sheath of current which travels out from
the null at the local Alfv´en speed, converting the magnetic en-
ergy into kinetic energy as it moves through the volume. They
start from an ideal Green’s current sheet21, where the field is
potential everywhere except in an infinitesimally thin, but fi-
nite length, current sheet with an infinite current density. The
dissipation of the current is then modelled by introducing a
uniform diusivity, η, everywhere in the domain, which is big
enough for their dynamics to be approximated by the linear re-
sistive MHD equations. An important assumption is that they
neglect the plasma pressure, and hence, treat the problem as
purely magnetic.
Their analytical solution has two distinct parts: the first is
described by a diusion equation and the second by a propa-
gating wave equation. As soon as the resistivity is enhanced,
diusion expands the current rapidly (at a rate much quicker
than any wave travel time), and the current expansion then
slows down to the point where the speed of expansion couples
to the local FMS mode. From that point on, a propagating fast
wave expands outwards from the edge of the diusion region,
carrying most of the energy converted in the diusion process.
The coupling between diusion and FMS waves after a sud-
den enhanced resistivity was first studied22 for an infinite cur-
rent sheet embedded in a uniform external field. The work of
LP07 is a generalization from the uniform magnetic field to a
more complex X-point scenario.
In their derivations, several assumptions are made, which
we summarise here:
1) their analytical study is conducted within a linear regime,
where the natural dissipation length scale (lηη1/2) is much
larger than the size of their current sheet;
2) they neglect the eects of plasma pressure, for simplicity;
3) they assume that the most significant changes in the mag-
netic field are in the m=0 term. Hence, the perturbation has
cylindrical symmetry, with a circular expanding sheath.
The overall results they find are:
1) after the initial diusive phase, the magnetic energy is con-
verted almost entirely into kinetic energy;
2) their outward propagating wave carries a net positive cur-
rent, due to the diminished current left behind by the recon-
3) a persistent peak of current density remains at the location
of the X-point, where a small amount of energy dissipation
continues, driven by a velocity inflow set oafter the out-
going FMS wave has past. Thus, within the diusion region
around the X-point, a steady flow consistent with reconnec-
tion is left behind: outwards parallel to the axis of the current
sheet and inwards perpendicular to it;
4) in addition to the outwards propagation of the wave, to the
right and left of the null the flow field encroaches slowly in-
wards as the pulse expands;
5) the m=0 component of the FMS wave is a concentric
sheath of current that propagates outwards and is narrow but
not infinitesimal. Its width is proportional to the radius, and it
carries a net current with it, so that, once the FMS wave has
passed by, the field inside the sheath has less current and is
much closer to potential.
In the present paper, we conduct numerical experiments to
consider the same questions as in the analytical treatment of
LP07. However, we cannot start our numerical experiments
from the same initial condition. The main reason for not us-
ing a Green-type initial current sheet in our numerical exper-
iments is that, with a finite grid (of any resolution) the width
of the current sheet becomes finite, and the current layer is no
longer in equilibrium. Also, inside the current sheet, where
the magnetic field reverses sign, the magnetic pressure varies
across the current sheet, creating an unbalanced magnetic
pressure force. To analyse the problem of spontaneous recon-
nection and the nature of any waves launched, it is essential
that our experiments start from a genuine non-force-free mag-
netohydrostatic (MHS) equilibrium, where the Lorentz forces
of the central current layer are entirely balanced by plasma
pressure gradients.
We use full 2D MHD numerical simulations, starting with
an initial equilibrium X-point that contains a main elongated
current layer at the location of the null, which has a high, but
not infinite peak. The current also extends faintly along the
four separatrices of the system, such that the current structures
are able to contain non-zero plasma pressure gradients. This
initial state is given by Fuentes-Fern´andez et al. 23 (which will
be referred to as FF11), as a numerical solution to the non-
resistive collapse of a squashed potential X-point, achieved by
viscous relaxation. This state is a “quasi-static” equilibrium in
which force balance is achieved throughout the domain, ex-
cept locally at the null and along the separatrices. At these
locations, a very slow asymptotic regime towards an infinite
time singularity remains and is numerically and physically un-
For further details of work done regarding current sheet for-
mation around 2D X-points for both force-free and non-force-
free solutions, see FF11. In the first paper of that series24,
the authors studied the role of plasma pressure eects in sim-
ple hydromagnetic scenarios. Starting from the non-force-free
“quasi-equilibrium” from FF11, we study the impulsive re-
connection due to an anomalous localised resistivity in a nar-
row diusion region at the location of the null. We aim to
compare our numerical results with the simplified analytical
study of LP07.
The paper is structured as follows. In Sec. II, we define
the equations governing the dynamical evolution. In Sec. III,
we present the initial equilibrium state to start our numerical
experiment, mentioning its properties, its relevance, and its
origin. The main results are shown in Sec. IV, followed by a
general discussion in Sec. V.
For the numerical experiments studied in this paper, we
have used Lare2D25, a staggered Lagrangian-remap code with
user controlled viscosity and resistivity, that solves the full
MHD equations. The numerical code uses the normalised
MHD equations, where the normalised magnetic field, den-
sity and lengths,
B, ρ =ρnˆρ ,
imply that the normalising constants for pressure, internal en-
ergy, current density and plasma velocity are,
µ, ǫn=B2
µLand vn=Bn
The subscripts nindicate the normalising constants, and the
hat quantities are the dimensionless variables with which the
code works. The expression for the plasma beta can be ob-
tained from this normalization as
β=2 ˆp
FIG. 1: Two-dimensional contour plots of (a) electriccurrent density and (b) plasma pressure for the initial equilibrium state. Solid white lines
are the magnetic field lines, drawn as contours of the flux function, Az, where Az<0 outside the cusp (top and bottom), Az>0 inside the
cusp (left and right) and Az=0 at the null and on the separatrices. This state is taken from the final equilibrium obtained after the dynamical
non-resistive relaxation of FF11.
In this paper, we will work with normalised quantities, but the
hat is removed from the equations for simplicity.
The (normalised) equations governing our MHD processes
where ηis the magnetic diusivity (which, in the normalised
equations, equals the resistivity), Fνand Hνare the terms for
the viscous force and viscous heating, and j2is the ohmic
dissipation. The internal energy, ǫ, is given by the ideal gas
law, p=ρǫ(γ1), with γ=5/3.
Finally, the time unit used in our numerical results is the
FMS crossing time, τF, i.e. the time for a FMS wave to travel
from the null (y=0) to the top (y=0.35) or bottom boundary.
This time is calculated as
where cF(y)=qv2
sis the local fast magnetosonic speed,
and it matches the time for the initial perturbation to reach the
top boundary.
The starting point for our numerical experiments is of ex-
treme importance. This state should ideally be in a perfect
non-force-free equilibrium, in order to be able to compare
our results with LP07. The form of such a non-force-free
state has been sought by some authors in the past26–29, but
a consistent analytical expression has still not been found.
The latest attempt has been made by FF11, through the vis-
cous, non-resistive, dynamical relaxation of a squashed po-
tential X-point (starting from a homogeneous current density
in the whole domain). The final state from this numerical re-
laxation is the starting point for the numerical experiments in
the present paper.
The initial state was achieved numerically after a MHD
evolution, consistent with energy transfer between magnetic,
kinetic and internal energies. The non-zero plasma pressure
makes it possible to achieve a realistic state in which the
current is not located at an ideal infinitesimally thin current
sheet, such as the family of solutions studied by Bungey and
Priest30 . Instead, the current accumulates in a finitely thick
layer which also extends along the four separatrices. The fact
that this state is not in a perfect equilibrium is unavoidable,
simply because of the infinite-time nature of the current sin-
gularity. Nevertheless, the time evolution of such an asymp-
totic regime does not cause any complications for the resistive
experiments that are studied in this paper, since its time-scale
is much slower than those of the processes discussed here.
The final state of the numerical relaxation found in FF11 is
described as a “quasi-static” equilibrium in which the Lorentz
and the pressure forces balance each other throughout the do-
main, save at the current layer. As a MHS equilibrium, this
state must obey the Grad-Shafranov equation, which, for 2D
symmetries, relates the plasma pressure, flux function and cur-
rent density, as follows
Equilibrium is achieved everywhere except locally at the
null and along the separatrices. After the viscous relaxation
has finished, the system enters a slow asymptotic regime to-
wards an infinite time singularity. For further details, see
FIG. 2: Current density surface within the initial diusion region, in
a close up of the null point. Magnetic field separatrices are shown as
black lines. Note, the current extended along the separatrices is only
just over jcrit =6.
FIG. 3: Cuts of current density in the x-direction (solid) and y-
direction (dashed) across the central current layer. The radial co-
ordinate rcorresponds to xfor the solid line, and yfor the dashed
line. The dotted horizontal line marks the level of jcrit .
Fig. 1 shows the final state from FF11 which is the start-
ing point for our numerical experiments. The current density
(Fig. 1a) is localised within a small region about the null and
faintly extends along the four separatrices. The plasma pres-
sure (Fig. 1b) has a positive gradient in the regions inside the
cusp (left and right), and a negative gradient outside the cusp
(top and bottom). The initial background values of the current
density and the plasma pressure for this particular experiment
are j0=1.04 and p0=0.375, and the viscosity is isotropic
and has a value of ν=0.0001. The resolution of the numerical
grid is 3072 ×3072, which uniformly covers the domain ex-
tending from 0.5 to 0.5 in the x-direction and 0.35 to 0.35
in the y-direction. Magnetic field lines are line-tied at the four
boundaries and all components of the velocity are set to zero
on the boundaries. The other quantities have their derivatives
perpendicular to each of the boundaries set to zero. Both to-
tal energy and total mass are conserved in the experiments, to
within numerical error.
Starting with the FF11 set-up (Fig. 1), we apply an anoma-
lous (non uniform) resistivity that vanishes below a critical
value of the current density, jcrit, and is constant above it,
η=(0 if jz<jcrit ,
η0if jzjcrit .(7)
This approach allows diusion only about the null, where the
current density is large. This is known to be a crucial parame-
ter for fast reconnection regimes and solar flares31–34, but also
for coronal heating from small-scale sources35,36. Here, we
have chosen jcrit =6 and η0=0.0008. The estimated numer-
ical diusivity, due to the finite grid resolution, is 0.0001. In
the absence of an enhanced diusivity, η0, the current layer
would keep evolving slowly in time becoming shorter and
thinner (as seen in Fig. 9 in FF11).
It is worth noting that the initial structure of the current den-
sity extends along the separatrices very faintly, as shown in
Fig. 2, but the main concentration of current is still at the cen-
tral current layer. In Fig. 3, we show horizontal and vertical
cuts through the null point, of the initial current density distri-
bution. Note, how the central current layer is elongated in the
x-direction, but is much thinner in the y-direction.
A. Diusive phase
Following the approach of LP07, we first look at the initial
phase where the current density peak is diused by the resis-
tive terms, to the point where it reaches the value of jcrit. This
diusive phase occurs within the first few time-steps of the
simulation and contains all the energy conversion due to the
ohmic dissipation itself.
In Fig. 4, we show the changes in magnetic, internal and
kinetic energies, normalised to the value of the initial internal
energy. The kinetic energy is zero in the initial state. From
these plots, we can see the sudden decrease of magnetic en-
ergy (Fig. 4a), due to the magnetic reconnection occurring at
the null, which is directly transferred into both internal (Fig.
4b), and kinetic energy (Fig. 4c). The relative changes of
energy are very small. This is due to the very narrow initial
diusion region (see Fig. 2 and 3), which only allows a small
amount of magnetic flux to be reconnected. The energies re-
main constant after the time t/tFshown in the plots.
In Fig. 5, we show the ohmic heating integrated over the
whole domain, together with the behaviour of the current den-
sity, jz, and the flux function, Az, at the location of the null.
The ohmic heating (Fig. 5a), which is proportional to the
absolute change of j2
z, is non-zero from the first moment,
at which reconnection starts occurring, and then decreases
rapidly. At a time of about t0.05τF, the ohmic heating van-
ishes, indicating that the current density is now below jcrit ev-
erywhere in the domain, and hence, reconnection has stopped.
The time evolution of the null current density (Fig. 5b)
shows a complicated pattern that is dicult to interpret. Ini-
FIG. 4: Time evolution of a) magnetic, b) internal and c) kinetic energy, integrated over the whole domain, for the first time-steps of the
simulation. The first two have been normalised to the relative change from their non-zero initial values. The initial values of the magnetic and
internal energies are, respectively, 0.09 and 0.40.
FIG. 5: Time evolution of a) the ohmic heating integrated over the domain, b) the current density at the location of the null (the dotted line
indicates the value of jcrit) and c) the flux function at the location of the null, for the same time interval as in Fig. 4.
tially, the current at the null decreases rapidly until jz<jcrit
(at t0.01τF). Note that, this occurs just before the kinetic
energy reaches its maximum, and just before the ohmic heat-
ing flattens. This current density overshoot (the current go-
ing well below the level of jcrit) may be a consequence of the
small scale advection, outwards from the null, within the ex-
panded diusion region, right after the sudden decrease of the
peak current density, which spreads out the current density
lowering it below jcrit. At time t0.03τF, the null current
density increases significantly (even above the value of jcrit)
and it then quickly goes back down. A possible cause for this
eect is discussed below. Soon after, it stabilises to a value of
jz4.5, at roughly the time when the ohmic heating stops.
In Fig. 5c, we show the time evolution of the flux function
at the null point (initially zero for convenience), normalised
to the value of Azat the middle (x=0) of the upper bound-
ary (i.e. to the range of Azavailable to reconnect, that is 0.5).
The change of the flux function is negative, because the recon-
nected field lines have a negative Az. The rate of change of Az
decreases at t0.03τF, in agreement with the null current
density rise, and then stops at the time when ohmic heating
ceases, so Azremains fixed here-after.
We now investigate further the time evolution of the ener-
gies of the system, to determine the nature of the energy into
which the majority of the transferred magnetic energy is con-
verted. Fig. 6 shows the ratio of the change in kinetic energy
to the change in internal energy. It is clear that the vast major-
ity of the converted magnetic energy during the reconnection
process goes directly into internal energy, while the energy
that is transferred into kinetic is minimal. This is the first
main result that diers dramatically from LP07. Our initial
state is not a potential equilibrium with a current sheet, but
is a non-force free state in which there exists a background
non-zero current density everywhere, together with a plasma
pressure gradient which is large compared to the magnitude of
the eects driven by the reconnection process. This contrasts
with the zero-beta treatment of LP07 which did not include
internal energy.
The consequences of this result are that the amplitude of
the propagating wave is extremely small. Changes in cur-
rent density and pressure are no more than about 106times
their initial values. Thus, for the analysis of the propagating
wave, we have had to consider the dierences of quantities
from their initial non-uniform distributions, rather than their
absolute magnitudes.
We now return to the plots of the time evolution of the
null current density (Fig. 5b). A possible cause for the cur-
rent density bump observed at t0.03τFis the following.
During the first 3 or 4 time-steps, the current density peak
is reduced following a diusive solution, until the null cur-
FIG. 6: Time evolution of the ratio of the change in kinetic energy to
the change in internal energy, for the same time interval as in Fig. 4.
rent density has been decreased to a level below jcrit (i.e. at
t0.03τF). During this period, a small amount of magnetic
energy is converted into internal energy via ohmic heating,
and a tiny amount of it is converted into kinetic energy, ac-
celerating the plasma within the diusion region. By the end
of this diusive phase, a fast magnetosonic wave is launched
from the edge of the diusion region. But instead of a sin-
gle pulse outwards from the null, as described in LP07, a pair
of FMS pulses of opposite sign, directed outwards from the
diusion region edge and inwards towards the null point, is
launched. The closest distance between the edge of the diu-
sion region and the null appears in a vertical cut through the
null point (see Fig. 2). This width is approximately 0.00055.
Also, the speed of the FMS wave in the region near the null
can be approximated as the sound speed of the plasma in that
region (since the magnitude of the magnetic field is negligible
near the null), which in our experiment is cs0.9. This gives
a time for a magnetosonic pulse to travel from the closest edge
of the diusion region to the null of t0.02τF. Added to the
time when the current density falls to the value of jcrit, gives a
value of t0.03τF, which is the time of the observed current
density bump.
In other words, if a pair of fast waves is launched from the
edge of the diusion region in opposite directions at the mo-
ment when the diusion stops, i.e. when jz<jcrit, then, one
of these pulses would reach the null, causing an increase in the
current density, and acting against reconnection for that short
period of time. This eect can be seen clearly in Fig. 5b and
causes a minor perturbation in the flux function at the null, as
seen in Fig. 5c. Of course, the same thing would happen from
the below edges of the diusion region, and hence, these two
pulses would travel through and follow the opposite partners
outwards from the null.
Now that the initial diusive phase has been described, we
analyse the subsequent phase where a FMS wave is launched
radially from the null point. The signature of this wave is
seen as a small perturbation to the current density, the plasma
pressure and the plasma flow velocity.
B. Wave initiation
Immediately after the short diusive phase in which the
current is reduced to below the level of jcrit , a FMS wave
is launched in all directions, in accordance with LP07. As
already discussed, due to the small amplitude of our pertur-
bation, from now on we show all quantities subtracted from
the initial distributions. Fig. 7 shows the current density and
plasma pressure perturbations, and the velocity vector field,
for a time shortly after the initiation of the wave (t=0.06τF).
An important fact to note is that the dominant mode in the
magnetic field perturbation is m=4, as seen from the current
density map (Fig. 7a). We first focus on the velocity vector
field (Fig. 7c) and the plasma pressure pulse (Fig. 7b).
The velocity field pattern (inflow above and below the null,
and outflow to the left and right) is caused by the passage of
the FMS wave communicating the occurrence of the sudden
reconnection that has occurred at the thin diusion region.
The plasma inflows leave a pressure deficit behind, while the
plasma outflows cause a pressure enhancement in front. This
explains the dierent signs of the plasma pressure perturba-
tion (Fig. 7b). A pair of positive semi-circular pulses travel
outwards from the left and right edges of the diusion region,
and a pair of negative planar pulses (remember we are deal-
ing with dierences here, not with absolute quantities) travel
above and below the null. The positive pressure pulses corre-
spond to plasma outflows, while the negative pressure pulses
are associated with plasma inflows. Also, the shapes of the
positive and negative pulses are defined by the initial shape
of the diusion region at the time where the FMS wave is
launched. This is about 5 times longer than wider, and its short
and faint extensions along the 4 separatrices are one order of
magnitude smaller than in the central region (see Fig. 2) and
so, their contribution may be completely neglected. Hence,
the negative plasma pressure pulse is initiated in a planar way,
while the positive pulses are initiated at the left and right edges
of the diusion region, showing a circular propagation cen-
tered at those vertices.
In order to understand the structure of the current density
pulse (Fig. 7a), we evaluate the forces that the FMS wave is
producing, and we compare them with the velocity flow pat-
tern. These forces are sketched in Fig. 8 for three dierent
zones: region (I), to the left and right, where both the pres-
sure pulse and the leading current pulse are positive; region
(II), top and bottom, where the pressure pulse is negative and
the leading current pulse is positive; and region (III), the di-
agonals, where the pressure pulse is positive but the leading
current pulse is negative. The pressure enhancements in re-
gions (I) and (III) create an outwards pressure force, Fp, while
the pressure deficit in region (II) creates an inwards pressure
force. These forces are consistent with reconnection. Also,
the cross product of the leading current density perturbation
and the background magnetic field, causes a dierent Lorentz
force, FL, in each region, which matches the motion of the
plasma due to the reconnection flows. In conclusion, the struc-
ture of both the plasma pressure and the current density prop-
agating pulses are such that they create the pertinent forces
consistent with the reconnection flows.
FIG. 7: Two-dimensional contour plots of (a) electric current density perturbation (b) plasma pressure perturbation and (c) magnitude of the
velocity field, for t=0.06τF. Solid black lines show the magnetic field lines withAz=0, i.e. the separatrices for the initial state (hence, a sign
for reconnection to have occurred). In (c), red arrows show the direction of the flow at each point.
FIG. 8: Sketch of the dierent forces that are carried by the mag-
netic and plasma perturbations, at any moment before the pulse has
left the diusion region well behind. The dashed thick line is the
propagating wave front. Here, we show the current density vector
corresponding to each of the pulses (positive current points outside
of the 2D plane), the direction of the background magnetic field vec-
tor, and the directions of the plasma and Lorentz forces, Fpand FL
C. Wave propagation
As the FMS wave escapes further from the central diusion
region, it leaves behind a region of magnetic field and plasma
that has returned to the initial equilibrium state. This is shown
in Fig. 9. Here, we see the current density and plasma pres-
sure perturbations, and the velocity vector field, for a time
when the propagating wave is far from the region close to the
null (t=0.49τF). The m=4 mode is again clearly seen
in the current density perturbation (Fig. 9a), and the same
structure described above remains during the propagation of
the wave. Note, the propagating current density pulse always
carries both a negative and a positive current.
As for the plasma pressure pulse (Fig. 9b), we can see the
propagation of two faint negative pulses travelling vertically
at the top and bottom, and the two curved positive fronts to
the right and left of the null. When the positive pulse leaves
the region about the null, a pressure deficit appears following
behind. By looking at the velocity vector field (Fig. 9c), we
see that this corresponds to a slow encroachment towards the
origin, and is the result of advection from the wave interacting
with diusion (see LP07 for more details).
The waves observed in the previous plots expand with the
local fast speed. However, due to the asymmetry of our
domain, the pulse is not perfectly concentric, but expands
slightly faster in the vertical direction.
The physical perturbation that the FMS wave causes in the
magnetic field and the plasma is sketched in Fig. 10, for the
same three regions as described in Fig. 8. In region (I), the
FMS wave compresses both the plasma and the magnetic field
(the following decompression of the plasma due to the flow
encroachment is not shown in the Figure for simplicity). In
region (II), it causes the opposite behaviour, expanding both
the plasma and the magnetic field. And in region (III), the
FMS wave bends the magnetic fields towards the direction of
the reconnection flow, and compresses the plasma.
Over all, what Figures 7 to 10 show is that the nature of the
wave propagation in each region is dierent, according to how
the forces act in each of them. What is more, the reconnection
does not produce one single pulse, but four (two quasi-planar
pulses at the top and bottom of the layer, and two semicircular
pulses at the right and left edges). Thus a dominating m=
0 radial mode for the magnetic field perturbation could not
exist, because the magnetic field is not radially symmetric,
and neither are the forces caused by the reconnection.
In order to have a closer look at the propagation of the wave,
we look at its profile in dierent cuts at various times dur-
ing the numerical simulation. Fig. 11 shows horizontal and
vertical cuts in the domain, from the null point to the bound-
aries, of both the current density and the plasma pressure, for
seven times throughout the numerical experiment, before the
pulse reaches the upper and lower boundary (t=τF). In the
horizontal cut of current density (Fig. 11a) we can see that
the pulse decreases in amplitude and broadens only slightly
in time. In contrast, the decrease in amplitude and broaden-
ing are very apparent in the vertical cut of the current density
(Fig. 11b). Besides, in the first steps of the vertical propaga-
tion, there are two pulses that finally become one after about
t=0.25τF. This secondary pulse that follows the first agrees
with the hypothesis that was proposed in the Sec. IV A to
FIG. 9: Two-dimensional contour plots of (a) electric current density perturbation (b) plasma pressure perturbation and (c) magnitude of the
velocity field, for t=0.49τF. Solid black lines are the magnetic field lines. In (c), red arrows show the direction of the flow at each point.
FIG. 10: Sketch of the magnetic field perturbation and the leading
pressure front perturbation for the three same regions as in Fig. 8.
The background plasma pressure gradient is indicated for each re-
explain the additional bump in Fig. 5b. According to our
hypothesis, after the diusive phase, a pair of FMS pulses is
launched from the edge of the diusion region in opposite di-
rections, outwards from and inwards to the null point. When
the inward pulses reach the null, they travel through it and fol-
low behind the opposite outwards propagating pulses, until the
second pulse catches up with the first and then they eventually
merge into one.
The same cuts are shown for the plasma pressure (Fig. 11c
and d). In the horizontal cut, we see the main positive pulse,
followed by a negative blob which accounts for the inward
encroachment of the flow. The pulse in the vertical cut shows
the same two-pulse merging observed in the current density.
To finish our analysis, the last question is, does the pulse
as a whole carry a net current with it? In order to evaluate
this, we define the quantity C(r,t) as the integrated perturbed
current inside a circle of radius rat a time t,
0jz(r, θ, t)rdrdθ , (8)
where jzrepresents the perturbation in current density, i.e.
after subtracting the initial state. This quantity is equivalent
to C(r,t) in LP07 except that here we integrate over the az-
imuthal direction instead of assuming one-dimensionality of
the problem, and we consider the perturbation, jz,as op-
posed to the absolute value, jz.
This function depends on one spatial coordinate and on
time. Fig. 12 shows plots of C(r) for the same seven times
as considered in Fig. 11. For a given time, the function C(r)
represents the total current contained in circles of increasing
radius r.
The most central regions are extremely negative. This is be-
cause we are dealing here with dierences in current density,
and this region corresponds to the initial high current density
peak. Then, there is a layer of positive current that broadens.
This corresponds to the 8-petal flower in Fig. 9a, where the
positive (red) petals dominate on the inside while the negative
(blue) petals dominate outside. However, C(r) vanishes after
this layer, and hence, the whole structure has no net current.
It can be seen from the plots that both before and after cross-
ing the propagating pulse, the value of C(r) is identically zero.
This shows that the propagating wave carries no net current.
The consequences of this result are very important, if we take
into account the following:
In a closed system where the boundaries are in an unper-
turbed equilibrium, the integrated current within the system
must remain constant, because
dtICB·dl =d
×B·ds =d
dtZSj·ds =0.(9)
Here, Crepresents the closed boundary of the system, whose
length element is dl, and Srepresents the domain enclosed by
C, whose surface element is ds. The first part of Eq. (9) is
zero because the boundaries of the system are in equilibrium.
Therefore, at least while the propagating wave has not reached
the boundaries, the integrated current within our domain must
remain constant (this has been verified numerically).
Hence, the fact that the travelling pulse does not carry any
net current with it, implies that the decrease in magnetic en-
ergy occurs purely through the redistribution of the central
current in the region about the null, rather than through a de-
crease in the total current.
FIG. 11: One-dimensional plots of current density (above) and
plasma pressure (below) in a horizontal (left) and vertical (right) cut
in the middle of the box, through the null, for seven dierent times
during the propagating wave phase. Curves are displaced in the y-
axis, and the dotted lines mark the zero for each of them. The times
for all cuts are given on (d).
FIG. 12: Plot of the quantity C(r), from Eq. (8), at the same times as
in Fig. 11, as a function of radius. Curves are displaced in the y-axis,
and the dotted lines mark the zero for each of them.
Many analytical models for potential and force-free two-
dimensional current sheets30 are available as starting points
for reconnection studies in the vicinity of a magnetic X-point.
Only in the last few years have a few authors attempted to
give a description of the non-force-free solution to the relax-
ation of magnetic environments under the eect of a plasma
pressure23,27–29, but none of these cases have studied the sub-
sequent current dissipation due to the sudden onset of mag-
netic reconnection in a finite diusion region, i.e. what hap-
pens when the reconnection is not driven but occurs sponta-
neously. The closest study was by LP07. They provide an an-
alytical, simplified model of the consequences of magnetic re-
connection at a potential Green’s current sheet in which pres-
sure eects are neglected.
The approach taken in this paper has been to start from
a genuine MHS numerical equilibrium, focusing on the re-
gion very near the null where the magnetic field is small, and
hence the eects of plasma pressure are important. Here, we
have studied numerically the consequences of spontaneous
magnetic reconnection in a non-force-free equilibrium cur-
rent layer (see FF11 for details), after a sudden onset of the
resistivity, localised in a region about the null. The initial cur-
rent density is greatly enhanced near the null, but also extends
along the four separatrices. The form of the resistivity is such
that it is only non-zero above a certain value of the current
density, namely jcrit. Hence, diusion will occur only until
the current density drops below that level. Due to the fact that
the initial diusion region (where jz>jcrit) is very small, the
perturbation in the field and the plasma caused by the recon-
nection is very small, compared to the initial distribution of
both the Lorentz forces and plasma pressure gradients.
The evolution of the system is divided into a diusive phase
and a propagating wave phase. During the first phase, the
maximum current (at the null) is rapidly decreased below the
level of jcrit. Within this short time, some magnetic energy
is converted into both internal and kinetic energy. The over-
all energetics of our numerical experiments are very dierent
from LP07. In their experiment, most of their magnetic energy
is directly converted into kinetic energy in the form of a prop-
agating FMS wave, since their model has vanishing plasma
beta. In the end the net current in the initial current sheet
is almost entirely redistributed by this process, and the free
magnetic energy drops by a significant fraction. According to
their model, later on in the evolution of the field, this FMS
wave would damp its energy far from the diusion region.
A new scenario is presented in which pairs of oppositely
directed planar pulses are launched from the top and bottom
edges of the expanded diusion region, towards the null and
outwards from the null. The pulses travelling towards the null
quickly pass through it and follow their opposite outward part-
ner until merging with it. At the same time, two semicircular
pulses are launched from the left and right vertices of the dif-
fusion region.
The reconnection velocity flow pattern, inwards above and
below the null and outwards to the left and right, defines the
structure of the plasma pressure and current density propa-
gating pulses. On the one hand, the plasma pressure pulse
propagates a pressure deficit in the regions above and be-
low the null (where there is an inward velocity flow) and a
pressure enhancement to the right and left of the null (where
there is an outward velocity flow). On the other hand, the
magnetic perturbation shows mainly a m=4 mode, whose
Lorentz forces match with the required reconnection flow pat-
tern. This diers from the LP07 model, in which the m=0
mode is assumed to dominate. This dierence arises naturally
for two main reasons. Firstly, in the LP07 calculations, the
initial current is concentrated at a single point, and in order
to make progress analytically, they assume radial symmetry
from the outset (even though the system is not actually radial).
In our numerical experiment, our current sheet is elongated
(although still short) and the obvious non-radial symmetry of
the X-type magnetic field comes into play. Secondly, in our
numerical experiments, we find four dierent pulses emanat-
ing from the diusion region and then expanding throughout
the non-homogeneous medium. This suggests that a domi-
nating m=0 radial mode for the magnetic field perturbation
could never exist, and rather we obtain a m=4 mode, which
arises naturally from the geometry of the magnetic field and
from the reconnection flow pattern.
Also, the current perturbation carries no net current with
it, which diers from LP07 due to our dierent assumptions
about the magnetic diusivity (namely, that it vanishes below
a critical current density). This result, added to the fact that,
while the perturbation does no reach the boundaries, the in-
tegrated current within the domain must remain constant, as
stated in Eq. (9), indicates that the decrease in magnetic en-
ergy occurs purely through a redistribution of the central cur-
rent in the region about the null, rather than through a decrease
in the total current.
An interesting feature of LP07 is that after the FMS wave
has escaped the central current sheet, a persistent X-point
electric field continues flux transfer, with little energy dissi-
pation. This feature is not present in our experiments, since
we switch reconnection owhen the current density is small.
For comparison, an experiment with uniform resistivity was
also run. The results from such an experiment are dierent
from both the main experiments in this paper and the analyt-
ical work of LP07, in two ways. Firtly, there is no clear and
(near to) concentric wave expansion, because of the additional
diusion of the enhanced current along the four separatrices
and the background current; Secondly, the system eventually
reaches the potential configuration, i.e. a simple hyperbolic
In the numerical experiments presented in this paper, the
amplitude of the initial current layer is small, and the diusion
region is short and thin. Hence, the amount of available mag-
netic energy is tiny. This fact makes the propagating pulses al-
most negligible. In a more realistic situation, we would expect
to see viscous damping of the perturbations, causing a further
heating of the plasma away from the diusion region. This
cannot be seen in our experiments because, both the ampli-
tude of the perturbations and the viscosity are tiny, the viscous
damping does not occur before the pulses reach the boundary
of our system.
In addition, the initial internal energy is about 4 times larger
than the initial magnetic energy, and the plasma beta in our do-
main is large. Therefore, the characteristic speeds of the slow
and fast modes are very similar. This feature has the disadvan-
tage of not allowing us to distinguish between fast and slow
modes, but has the advantage of making the propagation of
the pulses quasi-circular, facilitating calculations such as the
net propagation of current density.
In a further paper, we will investigate the same reconnec-
tion process in a low beta scenario where the initial current
density at the null is about two orders of magnitude larger,
and the initial current layer is thinner and longer. In these fur-
ther experiments, the fast and slow magnetosonic speeds will
be significantly dierent so we hope to be able to distinguish
between these two wave modes. Also, we will look for en-
ergy conversion far from the diusion region, due to viscous
damping of the waves, and we will evaluate if the portioning
of energies depends on the initial choice of plasma parame-
The consequences of the present study are of potential im-
portance for the chromospheric and coronal heating problem.
Under the assumptions taken in this paper, the spontaneous
reconnection of a current layer through the relaxation of mag-
netic fields driven, for example, by slow footpoint motions,
may act as a source for direct plasma heating in non-zero
beta environments. Similar experiments for three-dimensional
magnetic null point reconnection are to be carried out as a nat-
ural continuation of the present study.
The authors would like to thank Dr. I. De Moortel for useful
discussions. Computations were carried out on the UKMHD
consortium cluster funded by STFC and SRIF.
Electronic address:
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... In order to study the nature of the MHD waves generated from 2D X-point reconnection, Fuentes-Fernández et al. [2012a] used the approach of first forming a MHS equilibrium with a current layer about a 2D X-point, before studying the reconnection and associated waves at the null embedded in a high-beta plasma. In Fuentes-Fernández et al. [2012a], to trigger reconnection in the current layer, which may arise, for instance, as a result of micro-instabilities, an anomalous diffusivity was introduced. ...
... In order to study the nature of the MHD waves generated from 2D X-point reconnection, Fuentes-Fernández et al. [2012a] used the approach of first forming a MHS equilibrium with a current layer about a 2D X-point, before studying the reconnection and associated waves at the null embedded in a high-beta plasma. In Fuentes-Fernández et al. [2012a], to trigger reconnection in the current layer, which may arise, for instance, as a result of micro-instabilities, an anomalous diffusivity was introduced. The addition of an anomalous diffusivity term, which acts only where the current is greater than a set value, leads to the current layer (and not the enhanced current along the separatrices) being diffused rapidly. ...
... Waves, launched from the diffusion site at the fast and slow magnetoacoustic speeds, travel outwards leaving a stagnation flow pattern behind in their wake [Fuentes-Fernández et al., 2012a]. This flow is created because the system tries to restore the equilibrium that has been lost, as a result of the reconnection, by rebuilding the current layer, but this simply drives further reconnection. ...
Sudden destabilisations of the magnetic field, such as those caused by spontaneous reconnection, will produce waves and/or flows. Here, we investigate the nature of the plasma motions resulting from spontaneous reconnection at a 3D separator. In order to clearly see the perturbations generated by the reconnection, we start from a magnetohydrostatic equilibrium containing two oppositely-signed null points joined by a generic separator along which lies a twisted current layer. The nature of the magnetic reconnection initiated in this equilibrium as a result of an anomalous resistivity is discussed in detail in \cite{Stevenson15_jgra}. The resulting sudden loss of force balance inevitably generates waves that propagate away from the diffusion region carrying the dissipated current. In their wake a twisting stagnation-flow, in planes perpendicular to the separator, feeds flux back into the original diffusion site (the separator) in order to try to regain equilibrium. This flow drives a phase of slow weak impulsive-bursty reconnection that follows on after the initial fast-reconnection phase.
... [2012b] (low-beta) find that the reconnection process converted most of the magnetic energy (stored in the 2D null current layer configuration) directly into internal energy, via Ohmic dissipation, with only a little being converted initially into kinetic energy and then damped due to viscosity. Additionally, Fuentes-Fernández et al. [2012a] found that the value of the magnetic diffusivity affects not only the reconnection rate, but also the amount of magnetic energy converted into kinetic and internal energy. ...
... The existence of two distinct reconnection phases is not unexpected since the 2D spontaneous reconnection experiments of Fuentes-Fernández et al. [2012a] and Fuentes-Fernández et al. [2012b] found the same behaviour. Fuentes-Fernández et al. ...
Magnetic separators, which lie on the boundary between four topologically-distinct flux domains, are prime locations in three-dimensional magnetic fields for reconnection. Little is known about the details of separator reconnection and so the aim of this paper, which is the first of two, is to study the properties of magnetic reconnection at a single separator. Three-dimensional, resistive magnetohydrodynamic numerical experiments are run to study separator reconnection starting from a magnetohydrostatic equilibrium which contains a twisted current layer along a single separator linking a pair of opposite-polarity null points. The resulting reconnection occurs in two phases. The first is short involving rapid-reconnection in which the current at the separator is reduced by a factor of around 2.3. Most ($75\%$) of the magnetic energy is converted during this phase, via Ohmic dissipation, directly into internal energy, with just $0.1\%$ going into kinetic energy. During this phase the reconnection occurs along most of the separator away from its ends (the nulls), but in an asymmetric manner which changes both spatially and temporally over time.The second phase is much longer and involves slow impulsive-bursty reconnection. Again Ohmic heating dominates over viscous damping. Here the reconnection occurs in small localised bursts at random anywhere along the separator.
... In some reconnection models, e.g., Petschek (1964) it is believed that the majority of the heating comes from the shocks. Although , recent numerical experiments suggests ohmic heating dominates, in both the chromosphere and corona, for some reconnection scenarios (Fuentes Fernandez et al., 2012; Fuentes Fernandez & Parnell, 2012). Thus it is still an open question as to whether viscous or Ohmic heating mechanisms dominate and what the location of the energy deposition is relative to the reconnection site. ...
... In some reconnection models, e.g., Petschek (1964) it is believed that the majority of the heating comes from the shocks. Although , recent numerical experiments suggests ohmic heating dominates, in both the chromosphere and corona, for some reconnection scenarios (Fuentes Fernandez et al., 2012; Fuentes Fernandez & Parnell, 2012). Thus it is still an open question as to whether viscous or Ohmic heating mechanisms dominate and what the location of the energy deposition is relative to the reconnection site. ...
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Determining the heating mechanism (or mechanisms) that causes the outer atmosphere of the Sun, and many other stars, to reach temperatures orders of magnitude higher than their surface temperatures has long been a key problem. For decades, the problem has been known as the coronal heating problem, but it is now clear that 'coronal heating' cannot be treated or explained in isolation and that the heating of the whole solar atmosphere must be studied as a highly coupled system. The magnetic field of the star is known to play a key role, but, despite significant advancements in solar telescopes, computing power and much greater understanding of theoretical mechanisms, the question of which mechanism or mechanisms are the dominant supplier of energy to the chromosphere and corona is still open. Following substantial recent progress, we consider the most likely contenders and discuss the key factors that have made, and still make, determining the actual (coronal) heating mechanism (or mechanisms) so difficult.
... Such waves are of great interest just now as they may form the seeds for the switchbacks observed in abundance in the solar wind in the latest observations (Bale et al. 2019). Many other studies also describe propagating disturbances produced by dynamic reconnection events (Fuentes-Fernández et al. 2012;McLaughlin et al. 2012;Wyper & Pontin 2014;Stevenson & Parnell 2015;Thurgood et al. 2017). Each of these studies used approximate methods to characterize the waves in the system, relying on an analogy to the properties and speeds of simple, linear MHD wave modes. ...
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In this paper, we introduce a new method for exact decomposition of propagating, nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) disturbances into their component eigenenergies associated with the familiar slow, Alfvén, and fast wave eigenmodes, and the entropy and field-divergence pseudoeigenmodes. First, the mathematical formalism is introduced, where it is illustrated how the ideal-MHD eigensystem can be used to construct a decomposition of the time variation of the total energy density into contributions from the eigenmodes. The decomposition method is then demonstrated by applying it to the output of three separate nonlinear MHD simulations. The analysis of the simulations confirms that the component wave modes of a composite wavefield are uniquely identified by the method. The slow, Alfvén, and fast energy densities are shown to evolve in exactly the way expected from comparison with known linear solutions and nonlinear properties, including processes such as mode conversion. Along the way, some potential pitfalls for the numerical implementation of the decomposition method are identified and discussed. We conclude that the exact, nonlinear decomposition method introduced is a powerful and promising tool for understanding the nature of the decomposition of MHD waves as well as analyzing and interpreting the output of dynamic MHD simulations.
... The question of the conversion of the magnetic energy into heat is also challenging, because dissipation is predicted to occur on very small scales or large gradients in the corona by classical theory, although there are some indications of anomalously high dissipation coefficients (Martens et al., 1985;Nakariakov et al., 1999;Fuentes-Fernández et al., 2012). As reviewed by Klimchuk (2006), large gradients may be produced in various ways, involving either magnetic field patterns and their evolution, magnetic instabilities such as the kink instability, or velocity pattern, such as turbulence. ...
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Coronal loops are the building blocks of the X-ray bright solar corona. They owe their brightness to the dense confined plasma, and this review focuses on loops mostly as structures confining plasma. After a brief historical overview, the review is divided into two separate but not independent parts: the first illustrates the observational framework, the second reviews the theoretical knowledge. Quiescent loops and their confined plasma are considered and, therefore, topics such as loop oscillations and flaring loops (except for non-solar ones, which provide information on stellar loops) are not specifically addressed here. The observational section discusses the classification, populations, and the morphology of coronal loops, its relationship with the magnetic field, and the loop stranded structure. The section continues with the thermal properties and diagnostics of the loop plasma, according to the classification into hot, warm, and cool loops. Then, temporal analyses of loops and the observations of plasma dynamics, hot and cool flows, and waves are illustrated. In the modeling section, some basics of loop physics are provided, supplying fundamental scaling laws and timescales, a useful tool for consultation. The concept of loop modeling is introduced and models are divided into those treating loops as monolithic and static, and those resolving loops into thin and dynamic strands. More specific discussions address modeling the loop fine structure and the plasma flowing along the loops. Special attention is devoted to the question of loop heating, with separate discussion of wave (AC) and impulsive (DC) heating. Large-scale models including atmosphere boxes and the magnetic field are also discussed. Finally, a brief discussion about stellar coronal loops is followed by highlights and open questions.
... The energy partitioning of the magnetic energy released during reconnection is still a major unanswered question. As already mentioned, this question has been tackled from an MHD point of view to ascertain whether Ohmic or viscous heating dominates (Longcope & Priest, 2007;Birn et al., 2009;Fuentes-Fernández et al., 2012a;Longcope & Tarr, 2012;Fuentes-Fernández et al., 2012b;; there is currently no definitive answer to this question. Nonetheless, it is clear that waves can drive reconnection and reconnection can launch waves and, therefore, the discussion as to whether waves or reconnection is the key heating mechanism is difficult to disentangle, as these mechanisms are completely interlinked. ...
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Magnetic fields permeate the entire solar atmosphere weaving an extremely complex pattern on both local and global scales. In order to understand the nature of this tangled web of magnetic fields, its magnetic skeleton, which forms the boundaries between topologically distinct flux domains, may be determined. The magnetic skeleton consists of null points, separatrix surfaces, spines and separators. The skeleton is often used to clearly visualize key elements of the magnetic configuration, but parts of the skeleton are also locations where currents and waves may collect and dissipate. In this review, the nature of the magnetic skeleton on both global and local scales, over solar cycle time scales, is explained. The behaviour of wave pulses in the vicinity of both nulls and separators is discussed and so too is the formation of current layers and reconnection at the same features. Each of these processes leads to heating of the solar atmosphere, but collectively do they provide enough heat, spread over a wide enough area, to explain the energy losses throughout the solar atmosphere? Here, we consider this question for the three different solar regions: active regions, open-field regions and the quiet Sun. We find that the heating of active regions and open-field regions is highly unlikely to be due to reconnection or wave dissipation at topological features, but it is possible that these may play a role in the heating of the quiet Sun. In active regions, the absence of a complex topology may play an important role in allowing large energies to build up and then, subsequently, be explosively released in the form of a solar flare. Additionally, knowledge of the intricate boundaries of open-field regions (which the magnetic skeleton provides) could be very important in determining the main acceleration mechanism(s) of the solar wind. © 2015 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.
... Significant pressure can alter the nature of the equilibrium from which the energy must be released. A recent numerical solution found that only a tiny fraction (∼3 × 10 −9 ) of the magnetic energy in a pressure-dominated equilibrium was released by suddenly enhancing the resistivity (Fuentes-Ferandez et al. 2012). They found that resistive diffusion does redistribute the current, as in the β = 0 case, but that the new distribution of Lorentz forces is compensated by a new distribution of pressure. ...
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Using a simple two-dimensional, zero-beta model, we explore the manner by which reconnection at a current sheet releases and dissipates free magnetic energy. We find that only a small fraction (3%-11% depending on current sheet size) of the energy is stored close enough to the current sheet to be dissipated abruptly by the reconnection process. The remaining energy, stored in the larger-scale field, is converted to kinetic energy in a fast magnetosonic disturbance propagating away from the reconnection site, carrying the initial current and generating reconnection-associated flows (inflow and outflow). Some of this reflects from the lower boundary (the photosphere) and refracts back to the X-point reconnection site. Most of this inward wave energy is reflected back again, and continues to bounce between X-point and photosphere until it is gradually dissipated, over many transits. This phase of the energy dissipation process is thus global and lasts far longer than the initial purely local phase. In the process a significant fraction of the energy (25%-60%) remains as undissipated fast magnetosonic waves propagating away from the reconnection site, primarily upward. This flare-generated wave is initiated by unbalanced Lorentz forces in the reconnection-disrupted current sheet, rather than by dissipation-generated pressure, as some previous models have assumed. Depending on the orientation of the initial current sheet the wave front is either a rarefaction, with backward directed flow, or a compression, with forward directed flow.
Straightened cylindrical models of coronal loops have been standard for decades, and shown to support nanoflare-like heating, but the influence of geometric curvature in models upon the heating produced has not been discussed in depth. Heating, its spatiotemporal distributions, and the associated mechanisms responsible are discussed, and compared with those from straightened models of a coronal loop. Previously, magnetohydrodynamic avalanches have been generalized to curved loops, and shown to be viable. From that study, the associated heating is analysed and discussed in depth. Heating is seen to arise from processes originally instigated, yet not dominated, by magnetic reconnection, producing bursty, aperiodic nanoflares, dispersed evenly throughout the corona, but with a modest bias away from footpoints. One novelty arising is the simultaneous yet independent occurrence of nanoflare-like events at disjoint sites along individual strands, anticipating some features recently seen in ‘campfires’ by Solar Orbiter. With a view to future refinements in the model and to the inclusion of additional physical effects, the implications of this analysis are discussed.
Magnetohydrodynamics of the Sun is a completely new up-to-date rewrite from scratch of the 1982 book Solar Magnetohydrodynamics, taking account of enormous advances in understanding since that date. It describes the subtle and complex interaction between the Sun's plasma atmosphere and its magnetic field, which is responsible for many fascinating dynamic phenomena. Chapters cover the generation of the Sun's magnetic field by dynamo action, magnetoconvection and the nature of photospheric flux tubes such as sunspots, the heating of the outer atmosphere by waves or reconnection, the structure of prominences, the nature of eruptive instability and magnetic reconnection in solar flares and coronal mass ejections, and the acceleration of the solar wind by reconnection or wave-turbulence. It is essential reading for graduate students and researchers in solar physics and related fields of astronomy, plasma physics and fluid dynamics. Problem sets and other resources are available at
Electric currents are pervasive throughout the solar atmosphere. However, when intense localized concentrations of currents (current sheets or current layers) arise, the dynamic behavior of the magnetic field and plasma can completely change giving rise to significant releases of magnetic energy. As such, understanding how and where current layers form is essential to both understanding and predicting magnetic‐energy release events. In this review, the creation of current layers in two dimensions, both force‐free and magnetohydrostatic, will be discussed. Then the formation of three‐dimensional current layers will be discussed, including where and how they may form. Also the differences between current layers in low and high beta magnetohydrostatic equilibria will be discussed. Finally, I will briefly touch on the evolution of a current layer once magnetic reconnection is initiated.
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The Magnetic Reconnection Experiment (MRX) has been constructed to investigate the fundamental physics of magnetic reconnection in a well controlled laboratory setting. This device creates an environment satisfying the criteria for a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) plasma (S ⫠1, ρ{sub i} ⪠L). The boundary conditions can be controlled externally, and experiments with fully three-dimensional reconnection are now possible. In the initial experiments, the effects of the third vector component of reconnecting fields have been studied. Two distinctively different shapes of neutral sheet current layers, depending on the third component, are identified during driven magnetic reconnection. Without the third component (anti-parallel or null-helicity reconnection), a thin double-Y shaped diffusion region is identified. A neutral sheet current profile is measured accurately to be as narrow as order ion gyro-radius. In the presence of an appreciable third component (co-helicity reconnection), an O-shaped diffusion region appears and grows into a spheromak configuration.
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Three-dimensional (3D) dynamics of a large-scale magnetic loop is studied by precise magnetohydrodynamic simulations on the basis of the spontaneous fast reconnection model. Once a (current-driven) anomalous resistivity is ignited, the fast reconnection mechanism drastically evolves by the positive feedback between the (3D) global reconnection flow and the anomalous resistivity; on the nonlinear saturation phase, the global reconnection flow has grown so that the reconnection (diffusion) region shrinks to a small extent, and the fast reconnection mechanism involving a pair of standing slow shocks is established in the finite extent. When the 3D plasmoid, formed ahead of the fast reconnection jet, collides with the mirror plane boundary, the reconnected field lines are piled up, leading to formation of a large-scale 3D magnetic loop. Since the resulting 3D fast reconnection jet becomes supersonic, a definite fast shock builds up at the interface between the magnetic loop top and the fast reconnection jet. The 3D fast reconnection jet is limited in a narrow channel between the pair of slow shocks, so that the resulting fast shock is also limited to a small extent ahead of the magnetic loop top. On the other hand, for the uniform resistivity model the 3D fast reconnection mechanism cannot be realized without any vital positive feedback between the reconnection flow and the local magnetic diffusion; hence, such an effective resistivity that can be self-consistently enhanced locally at the X reconnection point by the global reconnection flow is essential for the fast reconnection mechanism to be realized in actual systems.
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Context. For the last thirty years, most of the studies on the relaxation of stressed magnetic fields in the solar environment have only considered the Lorentz force, neglecting plasma contributions, and therefore, limiting every equilibrium to that of a force-free field. Aims. Here we begin a study of the non-resistive evolution of finite beta plasmas and their relaxation to magnetohydrostatic states, where magnetic forces are balanced by plasma-pressure gradients, by using a simple 2D scenario involving a hydromagnetic disturbance to a uniform magnetic field. The final equilibrium state is predicted as a function of the initial disturbances, with aims to demonstrate what happens to the plasma during the relaxation process and to see what effects it has on the final equilibrium state. Methods. A set of numerical experiments are run using a full MHD code, with the relaxation driven by magnetoacoustic waves damped by viscous effects. The numerical results are compared with analytical calculations made within the linear regime, in which the whole process must remain adiabatic. Particular attention is paid to the thermodynamic behaviour of the plasma during the relaxation. Results. The analytical predictions for the final non force-free equilibrium depend only on the initial perturbations and the total pressure of the system. It is found that these predictions hold surprisingly well even for amplitudes of the perturbation far outside the linear regime. Conclusions. Including the effects of a finite plasma beta in relaxation experiments leads to significant differences from the force-free case.
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The aim of the present paper is to explore the role of anomalous resistivity on the dynamics of magnetic reconnection in a 2D environment of relevance to the solar transition region. We adopt an ad hoc but explicit form of the anomalous resistivity, motivated by a streaming instability, in which the resistivity jumps suddenly as the electron drift velocity exceeds some fraction of the mean electron thermal speed. Experiments have been conducted to investigate the impact of various critical speeds and arbitrary scaling constants of the resistivity level on the time-dependent evolution of the magnetic reconnection process. The specific threshold value is found to influence the dynamics of the reconnection, with higher values providing a localised on-off effect of patchy diffusion. For a given normalised value of the anomalous resistivity, the amount of Joule heating released scales inversely with the threshold value. The total energy release is found to be above the lower limit of ``quiet'' Sun nano-flares required to maintain a hot corona. The reconnection events discussed here may be important to the energy balance of the solar transition region and overlying corona, as already suggested in earlier work based on SUMER observations.
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A model is investigated describing the resistive dissipation of a finite, two-dimensional current sheet subject to suddenly enhanced resistivity. The resistivity rapidly diffuses the current to a distance where it couples to fast magnetosonic modes. The current then propagates away as a sheath moving at the local Alfvén speed. A current density peak remains at the X-point producing a steady electric field independent of the resistivity. This transfers flux across the separatrix at a rate consistent with the external wave propagation. The majority of the magnetic energy stored by the initial current sheet is converted into kinetic energy, far from the reconnection site, during the fast mode propagation.
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The formation of current singularities at line-tied two- and three-dimensional (2D and 3D, respectively) magnetic null points in a nonresistive magnetohydrodynamic environment is explored. It is shown that, despite the different separatrix structures of 2D and 3D null points, current singularities may be initiated in a formally equivalent manner. This is true no matter whether the collapse is triggered by flux imbalance within closed, line-tied null points or driven by externally imposed velocity fields in open, incompressible geometries. A Lagrangian numerical code is used to investigate the finite amplitude perturbations that lead to singular current sheets in collapsing 2D and 3D null points. The form of the singular current distribution is analyzed as a function of the spatial anisotropy of the null point, and the effects of finite gas pressure are quantified. It is pointed out that the pressure force, while never stopping the formation of the singularity, significantly alters the morphology of the current distribution as well as dramatically weakening its strength. The impact of these findings on 2D and 3D magnetic reconnection models is discussed.
The sudden enhancement of the effective electrical resistivity in the preflare current sheet arising from the onset of a plasma micro-instability is considered an important aspect of these sheets in the solar atmosphere. Numerical and analytical solutions to the isothermal MHD equations are presented describing the evolution of a current sheet subsequent to such an enhancement in the resistivity. The solutions show that, if the initial width of the current sheet is less than the acoustic-diffusion length obtained by dividing the resistivity by the sound speed, isomagnetic shocks are formed. The shocks propagate outward from the center of the current sheet and are transformed into fast-mode magneto-acoustic waves when they reach the edges of the current sheet.
In this paper an approach to multidimensional magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) which correctly handles shocks but does not use an approximate Riemann solver is proposed. This approach is simple and is based on control volume averaging with a staggered grid. The method builds on the older and often overlooked technique of on each step taking a fully 3-D Lagrangian step and then conservatively remapping onto the original grid. At the remap step gradient limiters are applied so that the scheme is monotonicity-preserving. For Euler's equations this technique, combined with an appropriately staggered grid and Wilkins artificial viscosity, can give results comparable to those from approximate Riemann solvers. We show how this can be extended to include a magnetic field, maintaining the divergence-free condition and pressure positivity and then present numerical test results. Where possible a comparison with other shock capturing techniques is presented and the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed scheme are clearly explained.
Physical conditions for the fast reconnection mechanism to be realized as an eventual solution of magnetohydrodynamic equations are examined by three-dimensional (3D) simulations for different resistivity models. Initiated by a small disturbance in a current sheet, all the phenomena grow by the self-consistent interaction between the 3D reconnection flow and the effective resistivity. For the classical resistivity η due to Coulomb collisions, where η∝T−3/2, no effective reconnection occurs, since the resistivity becomes reduced with the increase in temperature T as magnetic reconnection proceeds, which indicates the negative feedback between the reconnection flow and the resistivity. For the anomalous resistivity, where η increases with the current density when a threshold is exceeded, the positive feedback eventually leads to the fast reconnection mechanism as a nonlinear instability. In this case, the resistivity is distinctly enhanced at the slow shock layer attached to the diffusion region, so that the shock layer becomes thicker, and resistive tearing is more likely to take place in the diffusion region. For the anomalous resistivity, where η increases with the relative electron-ion drift velocity when a threshold is exceeded, the fast reconnection mechanism evolves most effectively as a nonlinear instability and is sustained steadily. It is concluded in general three-dimensional situations that the fast reconnection mechanism can be realized as an eventual solution for current-driven anomalous resistivities, whereas in usual circumstances with the classical resistivity no substantial magnetic reconnection takes place.