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Communication Barriers in Distance Education.

Zehra Altinay
Zehra Altinay
Zehra Altinay


Communication is a key concept as being the major tool for people in order to satisfy their needs. It is an activity which refers as process and effective communication requires qualified communication with the elimination of communication barriers. As it is known, distance education is a new trend by following contemporary facilities and tools about teaching-learning process by embracing the technological improvements. Besides getting effective communication with traditional context, online courses become new options in order to catch flexibility. It is important that establishing the effective communication process depends on elimination obstacles during communication process. Therefore, being aware about communication barriers on distance education makes people to be more productive at their roles.
The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – TOJET October 2003 ISSN: 1303-6521 volume 2 Issue 4 Article 2
Communication Barriers in Distance Education
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aytekin İŞMAN - Eastern Mediterranean University
Senior Instructor Fahme DABAJ - Eastern Mediterranean University
Research Assistant Fahriye ALTINAY - Eastern Mediterranean University
Research Assistant Zehra ALTINAY - Eastern Mediterranean University
Communication is a key concept as being the major tool for people in order to satisfy their needs. It is
an activity which refers as process and effective communication requires qualified communication with the
elimination of communication barriers. As it is known, distance education is a new trend by following
contemporary facilities and tools about teaching-learning process by embracing the technological improvements.
Besides getting effective communication with traditional context, online courses become new options in order to
catch flexibility. It is important that establishing the effective communication process depends on elimination
obstacles during communication process. Therefore, being aware about communication barriers on distance
education makes people to be more productive at their roles.
In order to understand the meaning of the communication in education and distance-learning, we should
define the brief history of distance education which is quite popular of the new education trends in all
contemporary countries or education system. Within the education communication and understanding each
other’s of participants are very necessary. Also the communication between teacher and student is a vital element
of successful distance education as well. For a successful learning and understanding of the students or
instructors, there should be no barriers between sender, receiver and in a message. Therefore, all strategies of
learning, teaching during the instruction should not reflect the barriers limitations (Nasseh, 1997).
Creating effective communication among people and establishing contacts are the survival needs of
human being. People cannot live without communicating. Therefore communication makes connections for
creating effective understanding, knowing information and expressing feelings. As Myers mentioned that as
toothpaste and mouthwash is really not the key to social success, people should get the skills of communication
by being aware of effective form of communication and its media. Sending and receiving feedback require
effective communication. On the other hand, communication affects the people’s personal, social and economic
needs. Communication is an activity, which can be learned, and media is a key factor that provides bridge
between the communicator and receiver as being technology (Dimbleby, et al., 1992). In order to improve
quality of communication, we should clarify meaning of communication and its effects on people’s lives and
also education that is major concept on the basis of structured society. As it is known, communication is a
process that includes three dimensions as linear, interactive and transactional views in different perspectives.
Linear view refers one-way communication, as being process that people could not get feedback. On the other
hand, interactive view includes two-way communication by emphasizing nonverbal communication also. But it
does not include simultaneously sending-receiving feedback that transactional view underlines. Three of the
views contribute people to communicate under the communication process. All of them also realize the
communication barriers that are obstacles to create effective communication (Adler, et al., 1993). Creating
mutual understanding, while doing communication depends on eliminating physical, psychological and semantic
Communication is vital action at all areas of people’s life. Organization, schools should handle way
handle way of effective communication in order to increase productivity at their works. Especially in education
that is a tool for welfare of society in order to make people socialized, communication is needed to make people
as doing desired behaviors. Because of these reasons, more clarified field of experience between sender and
receiver is necessary which means preventing the barriers in communicating. People should find common points
by analyzing our encoding, decoding stages and channel with eliminating our prejudice about backgrounds in
order to create meaningful understanding. It is inevitable that there is no perfect communication; creating
qualified communication process is needed to create permanent understanding especially in teaching-learning
process and establishing reasonable communication improve meaningful learning of the students.
Today with the effect of technology, traditional teaching styles gave their roles to technology-based
teaching as known e-learning or distance education. Distance education is new trend in education that facilitates
to everyone in order to get educated and gives options to learn better under the constructivist approach.
Technological equipments become a major necessity for distance education like; audiocassette, telephone,
compact disc, etc. It gives a light of flexibility but on the other hand it is a dimension of loss of motivation due to
The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – TOJET October 2003 ISSN: 1303-6521 volume 2 Issue 4 Article 2
lack of face-to-face contact with teachers. Therefore, it does not mean that people can communicate without
facing any barriers on distance education. There are many barriers on distance education at its teaching learning
process (Galusha, 2001). Basic barriers are occupied with being unaware of roles as teachers and students. While
analyzing the roles of educators understanding the diversity before acting to students is necessary and realizing
the contextual environment rather than tradition. Reports realized that there are distinct categories under the
barriers of distance education which are; cost, motivators, feedback and teacher contact, student support and
services, alienation, lack of experience and training. On the other hand there are faculty and organizational
barriers due to have lack of information about their roles on distance education. In addition to this, courses
content should be updated on distance education as being another barrier too (Galusha, 2001). Main
consideration is to be evaluated that eliminating communication barriers should be handled in order to create
effective and qualified distance education and it is basic step to define communication barriers as being survival
needs of students and teachers like interpersonal communication process.
It is obvious that there are some differences among the communication in all distance learning from
classroom-based learning. First of students and teachers can have psychological problems by having anxiety
while they are engaging distance education. On the other hand, students and teachers can have technical barriers
during communicating by having lack of experiences about technology and they can have semantic barriers in
their communication by misunderstanding announcements (Perreault, et al., 2002). Therefore eliminating
communication barriers is most vital and first step in order to get qualified and effective distance education.
Aim of the Research
Communication is vital activity that takes major place on people’s life. While analyzing the forms of
communication which is a way of communicating such as speaking or writing, on the other hand at the medium
side of communication which is a means of communicating which combines different forms (Dimbleby, et al.,
1992). As it is known, major goal of human being is to live to reach out to others, which means establishing
communication process in order to get another self as acting in relationships. Communication as being human
being’s nature demand provides all people to satisfy their personal, social and other needs. Communication
among people is a process in which everyone receives, sends, interprets and infers all at the same time and there
is no beginning and no end (Johnson, 1993). Effective communication can be established with providing
effective communication process, which includes diminishing communicational barriers. These barriers are
semantic which starts in language problems, psychological barriers that refer backgrounds of students and some
stereotyped culture which are the basic of miscommunication and physical barriers which emphasis
technological facilities during communication process (Dimbleby, et al., 1992). Effective communication is vital
at interpersonal communication, intercommunication and mass communication in order to create effective
understanding among society by the elimination of communicational barriers. In addition to this, communication
takes a great role in education especially on distance education because of improving understanding among
participants. Distance education is a new picture in education by emphasizing the combination of new
technological improvements and contemporary learning styles in education. It is a trend of overcoming great
distances as being major barriers on people’s psychology by giving opportunities for everyone get educated
(Asirvatham, 2000). Distance Education gets collaborative effort between student and teacher and it offers real
time internet courses rather than using pencil as traditional method. Teachers and students get different roles on
distance education and distance education also facilitate learning with combination of audiovisual media. It is a
sense of off-campus but normal communication takes place without having face-to-face communication. On the
other hand, mass communication that includes media based instruction. Therefore, being aware of
communication barriers besides other barriers makes people to get strategies as a pretest about program to
overcome all difficulties. Clarifying all barriers makes people to improve mutual understanding and create an
environment to increase productivity of all duties while they are engaging on distance education.
Importance of the Research
Clarifying communicational barriers on distance education is major step to overcome all difficulties and
it is necessary to get effective and meaningful communication for revamping the structure and affectivity of
distance education. Because it is new action at universities and it is normal to have some kinds of barriers
especially communicational barriers. Because of this reason, defining the communication barriers on distance
education is the great statements as problem sentence of this research study. Communication barriers create
negative dimensions to the communication process which limit the effectiveness of communication process.
Therefore, communication barriers decrease the productivity of all facilities and opportunities. Up to today’s, we
should realize how much effective communication is required by analyzing the degrees of communicational
barriers by the results of the concrete and approval literature reviews. In addition to this, the literature reviews
and study based on articles was designed to get perspectives about distance education program system. At
Europe, most of the distance education programs serve to the people who have no options to get educated
The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – TOJET October 2003 ISSN: 1303-6521 volume 2 Issue 4 Article 2
because of working and in developing countries; distance education is used for also to create diversity among
marginalized people. Therefore, we should analyze what kind of communication barriers are in distance
Related Researches
There are some related researches on communication barriers in distance education, some of them are
summarized as below:
Galusha (2001) pointed out that distance education is an excellent method of reaching the adult learner.
Adult learners desire a high degree of flexibility. The structure of distance learning gives adult greatest possible
control over the time, place and pace of education; however it is not without problems. Loss of student
motivation due to the lack of face to face communication, potentially prohibitive start up costs and lack of
faculty support are all barriers to create successful distance learning.
Heidi, et al. (2002) examined that distance education offers the ideal combination of self paced learning
and interactivity. This style of learning requires online discussions, email support collaboration and interactive
presentation for students. On the other hand, there should be health communication between participants and
design groups for overcoming barriers to successful delivery of distance learning courses.
Asirvatham (2000) pointed out that all companies, industries struggle to produce educated work force.
Everyone couldn’t participate the classroom oriented learning atmosphere. Distance education is powerful
advantage to overcome great distances among the access of the education and people. Alternative ways of
technology provide to complement the place of healthy communication and interactions through the technical or
groups performance. Whatever the some kinds of problems like lack of interaction, course technology occur,
distance education is opportunity to compete with traditional classroom format.
Eisinger (2000) examined that the education evolution from the writing blackboard to the distance
online learning activities. The study defines adult education and importance of understanding learner autonomy
as being instructors. In addition to this, there are some problematic aspects like lack of non-verbal cues which
creates misunderstanding through the global interaction. Also, every learning environment has different needs
and expectations that create also challenges on distance education.
Cambre (1996) examined that the challenge of distance education from the cause of communicational
problems. The article indicated that teachers and school administration, interaction between student and teacher,
applicable technology for distance education affect the structure and fluency of distance education programs in
some sense of communicational barriers. The lack of using ability of technology and not defining concrete role
of students carry participants to unexpected problems.
Berge (2001) pointed out that organization or administration requires some problematic applications
toward use of distance education from different barriers. The study searched out if there is any unknown barrier
on distance education which is different from technical, interaction problems. The search study focused on
designers or organization of distance education and their reflective action on distance education.
Kinross (2000) reflected that technology breaks down all barriers by facilitating easier use of
knowledge and creating commonplace for everyone. It is also reflected that technology become representative
which creates home schooling rather than unique learning under the dimension of flexibility. The research study
suggests some kind of educational strategies under the idea of technology-based instruction.
Therefore, the above research papers pointed out that there are some communication barriers in distance
education. To design effective distance education, the communication barriers should be solved, or at least
Findings and Results
By the light of related researches and a lot of reflections about distance education, it is obvious that
communication is key concept as being needed factors of human being especially education. In order to get
effective teaching-learning process at education system mostly at distance education that is contemporary option
for everyone to get educated, establishing and maintaining effective communication is needed by eliminating
barriers in communication. Distance education is a new trend that creates alternatives about online courses to all
students which is done technology based teaching by giving different roles to students and teachers under the
combination of perspective of constructivist and behaviorist. In addition to this, presenting importance to the
media in order to provide effective teaching learning with creating efficient communication has changed
The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – TOJET October 2003 ISSN: 1303-6521 volume 2 Issue 4 Article 2
teaching equipments. Minimizing barriers in distance education is needed to create effective distance education
system. Especially communication between teacher and student is vital element of successful distance education
for providing to all participants to satisfy their needs. Communication process takes place between receiver and
sender whom are students and teachers at distance education, which face-to-face communication is difficult to
take place.
Distance education provides participants flexibility by enhancing productivity of learning and teaching.
Besides of these issues, there are many barriers at distance education which barriers can be areas of
communication between participants as being major factor to enhance distance education.
Capability of students and teachers are needed to get effective distance education. The reason of
learning that may be undertaken either individually or in groups creates physical absences of teachers and also
requires qualified teachers in order to create efficient learning.
There is another issue that is adaptability of students and teachers to the new trend as a being a change
from traditional context to contemporary education system.
There are four types of interactive problem areas that are:
1. Personal contact between primary instructor which students have no direct and ongoing contact with
their instructors.
2. Having instructor-limited time creates some problems.
3. Personal contact between the on-site instructor and the student and
4. Boundaries between the on-site role and the needs of the students and creating individualistic
atmosphere in distance education (Abrahamson, 1998).
As it is known that is distance education is anew education structure by being high degree of flexibility
and provides options of controlling over the time, place and pace of education to the students. But it does not
mean that it is not without problems. Loss of students motivation due to the lack of face to face contact with
teachers and peers, cost, lack of faculty support are the required barriers that effect successful distance learning
and education. First barrier is related with participants’ factors that people try to adapt and understand
individuals’ contextual situation and also distance learning becomes students centered learning by having
potential barriers not giving guarantee to satisfy all needs of participants and match program to their
On the other hand, lack of feedback or contact with participants and not having face-to-face contacts
create difficulty about evaluating participants to each other. In addition to this, technological barriers under the
communication barriers also require difficulty to contribute effective distance education program. Therefore,
having support and services such as tutors, academic planners, and technical assistance also cause some part of
barriers at distance education. Basic and vital barrier that effect ongoing success of this education is the feelings
of alienation and isolation at distance education. Because individualistic perspective causes being away from the
community. All these aspects are the basic of personal sources that cause obstacles in distance education. In
addition to this, there is also faculty barrier by not giving support and not providing any qualified teachers whose
have no basic skills about distance education, not presenting human resources to the participants. On the other
hand, teacher’s acceptance to distance learning programs is another barrier (Galusha, 2001).
All these reflections represent faculty and participants barriers through distance education. As it is
required that, all problems can be occurred under the basis of ineffective communication barriers. It is obvious
sources of all these barriers are communicational barriers and using ineffective communication process. In order
to get effective communication, we should get nonverbal and verbal reactions together and gain all actions in a
simultaneously. Therefore, getting effective distance education system depends on eliminating communicational
barriers. These barriers are technological, physical, semantic and psychological.
In order to remove these barriers and getting effective distance education making students aware of and
comfortable with patterns, learning about students’ backgrounds and experiences, being sensitive to different
communication styles and varying cultures are the options of enhancing distance education system by
eliminating communicational barriers. In addition to this, remembering that students must take an active role in
distance education, assisting students in becoming familiar and comfortable with delivery, preparing students to
resolve the technical problems, being aware of students’ needs and using effective interactions and feedback
strategies, integrating variety of delivery system for interaction and feedback, contacting each side, making
The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – TOJET October 2003 ISSN: 1303-6521 volume 2 Issue 4 Article 2
detailed comments and developing strategies for students reinforcement, reviews, repetition and personalizing
instructor involvement are the statements to enhance the quality of distance education on behalf of eliminating
any kind of barriers.
Adler, Ronald. (1993). “Looking out/Looking in: Interpersonal Communication”. Holt, Rinehart and Winston,
Inc in United States of America.
Asirvatham, Sandy. (2000). Beyond the distance barrier. Journal of Property Management v. 65 no5, p. 42-8.
Berge, Zane L. et al. (2001). Obstacles faced at various stages of capability regarding distance education in
institutions of higher education. TechTrends v.45 no4, p. 40-5.
Cambre, Marjorie et al. (1996). The Challenge of Distance Education. Journal of Staff Development v.17, p. 38-
Dimbleby, Richard et al. (1992) “More than words: An Introduction to Communication”. Routledge in Newyork.
Eisinger, Jane. (2000). Education Evolution. Association Management v.52 no13, p. 52-9.
Frost, Charles H. (Spring 1998). Distance Education for Developing Countries. International Education v. 27
no2, p.56-67.
Galusha, M. Jill. (2001). Barriers to Learning in Distance Education.
Johnson, W. David. (1993). “Reaching out: Interpersonal Effectiveness and Self-actualization”. A Division of
Simon & Schuster, Inc. in United States of America.
Kader, Shereen Abdel et al. (2002). Problems and recommendations: enhancing communication with culturally
and linguistically diverse students. Reading Improvement v.39 no1, p. 43-51.
Kinross, Louise. (2000). Technology breaks down barriers. The Exceptional Parent v.30 no6, p. 56-60.
Mielke, Dan. (2001). Effective Teaching in Distance Education.
Nasseh, Bizhan. (1997 ). “A Brief History of Distance Education”.
Perreault, Heidi et al. (2002). Overcoming Barriers to Successful Delivery of Distance Courses. Journal of
Education for Business v. 77 no6, p. 313-1.
Willis, Barry. (1992). “Strategies for Teaching Distance.”
... ICSs can be categorized as either one-way or two-way communication styles, each associated with benefits and detriments [5]. For instance, one-way communication may hinder personal and professional growth, because it lacks an interactional component [6], whereas two-way or interactive communication allows for both the sender and the receiver to ask questions and clarify issues [6]. ...
... ICSs can be categorized as either one-way or two-way communication styles, each associated with benefits and detriments [5]. For instance, one-way communication may hinder personal and professional growth, because it lacks an interactional component [6], whereas two-way or interactive communication allows for both the sender and the receiver to ask questions and clarify issues [6]. ...
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This study explored the association of interpersonal communication style (ICS) with personal and professional growth among Saudi Arabians in the context of the work environment. It was hypothesized that different ICSs are differently associated with personal and professional growth. The participants were 143 Saudi Arabian adults, including members of both genders, who were employed, with varying incomes, and who had different education levels. The participants completed a self-report survey, assessing their ICS and their personal and professional growth in an employment context. Consistent with the hypothesis, the results indicated that different ICSs are differently associated with personal and professional growth. The controlling ICS had the strongest relationship to professional and personal growth, whereas the dynamic ICS had the weakest relationship to professional and personal growth. In the Discussion, we address the limitations of the study and identify several directions for future research, with specific reference to the Saudi Arabian cultural context.
... To detect barriers in distance communication is essential to know the experience and opinions of those involved in the communication process [22]. In this section, the participants agree that communication through a virtual medium becomes an obstacle since it hinders decision-making and collaborative work among those who participate in the simulation, especially among students. ...
... The fact that all participants have been affected and that it is detrimental to making decisions and appropriate collaborative work demonstrates the need to find solutions to this problem. One of the ways to solve the problem of communication, active participation, and collaborative work is to train participants in the use of the platform and encourage students to assign roles to distribute the tasks they propose [22]. During the debriefer performance, we find that the professors' and students' perceptions contrast when evaluating the debriefing quality. ...
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Introduction Telesimulation is one of the different methodologies for distance learning to promote competency in medical trainees. This methodology needs to have professors, students, and standardized patients in one session to perform a teleconsultation. Telesimulation could lead to multiple implementation barriers. This study aims to describe the implementation barriers through the perspective of the professors, students, and standardized patients in a telesimulation scenario in undergraduate medical education. Method We designed and applied a telesimulation scenario in undergraduate medical students. Then we conducted an online questionnaire with the critical incidents technique. The study sample was 18 professors, 26 standardized patients, and 407 students Results We describe a taxonomy with five categories and each one with different subcategories: knowledge (clinical simulation, theoretical over the clinical case, and use of simulators), facilities (access, time of use, and functionality), financing (payment to staff and purchase of equipment), attitude (acceptance and emotion), and participants (communication, collaborative work, and debriefing). Conclusion The description of the implementation barriers through multiple perspectives generates a taxonomy that could improve the quality of the telesimulation. This taxonomy is a proposal to consider the design, implementation, and evaluation when a telesimulation is implemented. The taxonomy could generate a structured plan when the educators implement the telesimulations at their own institutions considering all the barriers proposed.
... Difficulties impeding effective communication can be caused by technical failures. However, along with access problems and technical difficulties, there are perception problems, as students often report feelings of confusion, anxiety, or frustration and want to get faster feedback from the teacher regarding the course content [9,15,23]. Difficulties in communicating in online classes may arise due to a lack of a sense of emotional connection with each other or a lack of real-time feedback in traditional learning [16]. The literature on distance education emphasizes that there is currently a "degradation" of interaction between students and teachers, on the one hand, and in student groups, on the other. ...
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The question of the existence of specific language features for the manifestation of communicative aggression in online distance learning is considered. The relevance of the research is due to the fact that in addition to its significance for pragmalinguistics and communication theory, the research can contribute to understanding the problems of modern digital education in the context of increasing its competitiveness in the general education system. A review of a wide range of empirical studies on communicative conflicts and the manifestation of speech aggression in the online environment is carried out. Special attention is paid to the specifics of building the educational process online and communication between the teacher and the student within the distance format. The results of the analysis of examples from the recording of various online lessons are presented, on the basis of which the authors determine the existence of syntactic, lexical, morphological, stylistic, and non-verbal tools for the manifestation of communicative aggression in the online educational process. It is proved that there is a specific set of verbal and nonverbal means of manifestation of online communicative aggression, used by both teachers and students for the purpose of emotionally negative impact and destabilization of the communication process during online lessons. The scientific novelty of this kind of research is determined by the focus on identifying communicative and pragmatic tools for the manifestation of communicative aggression, taking into account linguistic and pragmalinguistic factors. The application of the communicative-pragmatic approach provides an opportunity to take a fresh look at the specifics of building the educational process in a distance format.
Distance education has been lately very popular abroad. It is necessary to look through somespecial aspects of lessons construction in blended learning abroad. Many discussions took place abroad about different barriers in distant education. A low degree of communication is part of most barriers to distance education. Communication improvement in distance education greatly depends on capability to manage strategically one’s learning and other people’s learning. Teachers use more and more new information and communication technologies joined with computer supported collaborative learning. Some foreign researchers in their work use the terms “self-regulated learning”, “socially shared regulation of learning”, “computer supported collaborative learning”, which illustrate technological activity in the process of distant learning. Because of such education, students form vitally important skills based in such key competencies as critical thinking, problem solving, teamwork, communication, collaboration, creativity, analytical and inter-cultural skills.
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Sebagai komunitas pegiat literasi digital di Indonesia, Japelidi tergerak melakukan kampanye lawan hoaks COVID-19 pada pertengahan Maret hingga Oktober 2020 dalam tiga gelombang kampanye. Kampanye ini merupakan upaya Japelidi untuk berkontribusi menekan disinfodemi. Puluhan konten digital dihasilkan dalam kampanye tersebut. Salah satunya bahkan diproduksi dalam 45 bahasa, bahasa Indonesia, bahasa Mandarin dan 43 bahasa daerah. Kampanye ini mendapatkan banyak dukungan dari berbagai pemangku kepentingan termasuk masyarakat luas di berbagai daerah di Indonesia baik secara daring dan luring. Buku berjudul Kolaborasi Lawan (Hoaks) COVID-19: Kampanye, Riset dan Pengalaman Japelidi di Tengah Pandemi pada awalnya dirancang untuk mendokumentasikan proses kampanye tersebut. Namun demikian, 33 bab akhirnya ditulis tak hanya tentang kampanye lawan disinfodemi, tapi juga beragam riset terkini tentang komunikasi dan pandemi serta bervariasi refleksi pengalaman berhadapan secara langsung dengan virus baru yang mematikan itu.
This study aimed to determine family communication based on satisfaction with the uses of new media technology by millennial mothers and teachers in children studying from home during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research was conducted qualitatively through online interviews at the beginning of school from home during pandemic Covid-19. It was conducted from May until June 2020 with 30 millennial mothers born in the 1980s to 1999 in Indonesia. Millennial mothers experienced positive feelings (confidence, satisfaction, happiness) and negative feelings (burden, shock, frustration, stress, and depression). The child experienced positive feelings (happiness, satisfaction, enjoyment) and negative feelings (missing school, tiredness, stress, and sadness). The study results show that negative feelings are determined by negative thoughts caused by mothers’ communication when accompanying their children studying online. Therefore, mothers need to improve how they communicate with their children in school and at home to deal with negative emotions.
Introduction: Teacher-student relationship is very important element in education to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning process. There are multiple factors affecting this relation. If we analyze these factors and take measures to improve these, there will be better relation; and teaching learning will be improved. Materials & Methods: This descriptive type of cross-sectional study was carried out in obstetrics and gynaecology department of selected medical colleges of Bangladesh. Five government & three non-government medical colleges were selected purposively situated both in Dhaka and outside during the period of July 2017 to June 2018. Total 170 students and 30 teachers were responded through self-administered semi-structured questionnaire with five points Likert scale. 20 teachers were responded through in-depth interview schedule. Quantitative data analyzed by SPSS version 19. Qualitative data analyzed manually. Results: Study revealed that multiple factors were related to the relation among medical teachers and students. Mutual respect, empathy, Good listening skill, mutual respect, sharing expectation, self-disclosure, awareness about own role are the most important influencing factors in this relation (mean score >4). Use of drugs/tobacco, speech difficulty, love affair of students, negatively affect communication. Study also revealed barriers of relation fear and shyness, language barrier and discrimination of students by the teachers. Friendly relationship, open minded behavior, student- teachers cooperation, open discussion, morality and religious practice, motivation of by teachers, understanding each other’s, avoidance of student’s politics, responsibility of students & teachers, teachers training with reduced workload have great impact on removing these barriers. Conclusion: Addressing these issues at all possible levels, proper measures should be taken to improve relation among teachers and students; so that teaching learning process can be enhanced and ultimate goal of medical education can be achieved. Medicine Today 2021 Vol.33(2): 165-168
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Background: Communication is a functional element of life. It transmits information, ideas, feelings and mutual understanding among people. Everyone has different capabilities to interact with others. There are specific barriers that restrict people's expression. The key objectives of this study were to elaborate on the communication barriers in distance education and their effects on the learning achievement of distance learners. Methods: Stratified random sampling technique was used for 380 M.Ed Students from the five central regions of AIOU. The Academia in the Faculty of Education, Allama Iqbal Open University and all the Regional Heads were included in the study while 300 tutors of M.Ed program were also included in the sample. Four different set of questionnaires were used for data collection based on a five-point Likert scale. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistical techniques, mean score and standard deviation. Findings: Cultural barriers and psychological barriers showed no effect on academic achievement of distance learner. However, findings depicted that social barriers, cultural barriers, temporal barriers, technical barriers, psychological barriers, contextual barriers and collaborative barriers showed effect on academic achievement. It is clear from findings that communication gap had showed effect on academic achievement of distance learners. Results: It was concluded that distance learners faced challenges in communication that effect the achievements of distance learners. Conclusion: By providing better communication facilitates the distance learners through digital support services, immediate and timely feedback can enhance the teaching-learning process.
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Faculty compensation concerns and the lack of development and maintenance time are the greatest barriers to distance education across all organizational stages of capabilities. It may be that certain factors such as legal issues and evaluation, both of which show a steady increase from Stage 1 organizations to Stage 5 organizations, are the last to be tackled because other obstacles are more important in the earlier stages of maturity. The evidence from the responses to this survey indicates that there is a relationship between an organization’s level of capability in distance education and the barriers to distance education reported by respondents for some but not all barriers. Separately, we found evidence to support Moore’s assertions that barriers associated with
For this study, the authors collected data from 81 business professors who taught distance-learning courses at 61 U.S. business schools accredited by the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Findings indicate that the professors (a) primarily used self-training for the design and delivery of on-line courses, (b) believed that the technology was not sufficiently reliable, (c) believed that the greatest benefit of distance learning was flexibility for students, and (d) perceived a student-centered teaching approach as necessary for successful distance-education courses.
Looking out/Looking in: Interpersonal Communication
  • Ronald Adler
  • Holt
  • Winston Rinehart
Adler, Ronald. (1993). "Looking out/Looking in: Interpersonal Communication". Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc in United States of America.
Beyond the distance barrier
  • Sandy Asirvatham
Asirvatham, Sandy. (2000). Beyond the distance barrier. Journal of Property Management v. 65 no5, p. 42-8.
The Challenge of Distance Education
  • Marjorie Cambre
Cambre, Marjorie et al. (1996). The Challenge of Distance Education. Journal of Staff Development v.17, p. 38-41.
Education Evolution. Association Management v.52 no13
  • Richard Dimbleby
Dimbleby, Richard et al. (1992) "More than words: An Introduction to Communication". Routledge in Newyork. Eisinger, Jane. (2000). Education Evolution. Association Management v.52 no13, p. 52-9.
Distance Education for Developing Countries. International Education v
  • Charles H Frost
Frost, Charles H. (Spring 1998). Distance Education for Developing Countries. International Education v. 27 no2, p.56-67.
Reaching out: Interpersonal Effectiveness and Self-actualization". A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc. in United States of America
  • W Johnson
  • David
Johnson, W. David. (1993). "Reaching out: Interpersonal Effectiveness and Self-actualization". A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc. in United States of America.
Problems and recommendations: enhancing communication with culturally and linguistically diverse students. Reading Improvement v.39 no1
  • Shereen Kader
  • Abdel
Kader, Shereen Abdel et al. (2002). Problems and recommendations: enhancing communication with culturally and linguistically diverse students. Reading Improvement v.39 no1, p. 43-51.