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Gender, Race, and Nation: The Comparative Anatomy of "Hottentot" Women in Europe, 1815-1817

... A negociação estabelecida pela África do Sul para a retomada de seu corpo e de sua memória é um capítulo à parte dentro de uma profunda discussão colonial. Seu corpo negro africano -considerado excessivo em suas partes corporais e feminilidades "selvagens" -foi a antítese construída e reforçada do corpo branco europeu -preservado como o modelo a ser perseguido a partir de uma feminilidade civilizada, graciosa e doméstica (Mahomed & Dhai 2019;Fausto-Sterling 2000). ...
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Resumo Seguindo uma cena do atletismo nos Jogos Olímpicos de 2016, no Rio de Janeiro, iremos esmiuçar relações institucionais, científicas e morais que permeiam a regulação esportiva da elegibilidade feminina no alto rendimento, observando com atenção as imbricações multissituadas da categoria integridade. Nesse contexto analisado, o corpo sexuado aparece como lugar privilegiado de inscrição social, especialmente o corpo feminino que apresenta alguma variação de intersexualidade. Acompanharemos parte dessa experiência esportiva, que envolveu a vitória da sul-africana Caster Semenya nos 800 metros feminino, para refletir sobre um modo particular e efetivo de gestão dos corpos e das populações na vida contemporânea. Utilizando cada vez mais recursos técnicos e saberes hormonais, sem abandonar memórias e estratégias de um passado colonial, as entidades esportivas atuais legitimam ou debilitam atletas para proteger a categoria feminina. Com isso, tecem os próprios limites que esses corpos - sexuados e atléticos - conseguem pertencer ao movimento olímpico, materializar virilidade e visibilizar masculinidade feminina.
... Haritaworn (2015) argues that anthropocentrism, which places humans and their needs above those of animals, is a product of colonial discourse. Colonial modes of distinctionmaking, for instance, analogised races and species; in the colonial race sciences of the seventeenth to twentieth centuries, humanity was associated with Whiteness, while Blackness was linked to animality (Belcourt, 2015;Fausto-Sterling, 1995;Wiegman, 1995). Belcourt (2015) argues that speciesism in North America derives specifically from "settler colonialism and White supremacy as political machinations that require the simultaneous exploitation and/ or erasure of animal and Indigenous bodies" (p. 1). ...
... Em diálogo com as reflexões de Anne Fausto-Sterling (1995), examinamos a trajetória científica daqueles que se projetaram intelectualmente a partir do escrutínio do corpo de Bartmann. ...
... Em diálogo com as reflexões de Anne Fausto-Sterling (1995), examinamos a trajetória científica daqueles que se projetaram intelectualmente a partir do escrutínio do corpo de Bartmann. ...
Full-text available (E-BOOK) A Geografia é uma ciência social que, até pouco tempo, não discutia gênero e sexualidade, em descompasso com outras áreas das Humanidades. No Brasil, pesquisas sobre o papel da mulher na produção do espaço surgiram nos anos 1980, mas é apenas no início dos anos 2000 que podemos visualizar um campo de estudos sobre gênero se consolidando. Essa entrada tardia e ainda subvalorizada da categoria de gênero na Geografia expõe um limite epistemológico em uma ciência que passou recentemente por uma renovação, na segunda metade do século XX, reafirmando sua relevância para a análise social. Desse modo, nomes como o de Doreen Massey (2008) e Gillian Rose (1993), nos Estados Unidos, inauguraram um espaço para transformação na disciplina que considerasse a categoria gênero. A apropriação de geógrafas feministas estrangeiras por pesquisadoras brasileiras forneceu novos aspectos para uma profunda transformação ainda em curso na Geografia brasileira.
Situating itself in the crosshairs of critical whiteness studies, queer studies, and Black studies, this essay considers the literary production of the (poor) white trash subject in the intersection of two moments of racial upheaval—the civil rights era of the US South and the “focus on the family” during the culture wars of the 1980s and 1990s—in which whiteness was under siege. Taking its cue from Toni Morrison's articulation of the white imaginary and W. E. B. Du Bois's history of the (Black) and white working class, this article looks at representations of queerness in Dorothy Allison's Bastard Out of Carolina to (1) understand the ways in which poor whiteness solidifies through queer moments of “bad” sex; and (2) reveal the ways in which “bad sex” retards white subjectivity/progressivity.
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In recent years, online “involuntary celibate” or “incel” communities have been linked to various deadly attacks targeting women. Why do these men react to romantic rejection with not just disappointment, but murderous rage? Feminists have claimed this is because incels desire women as objects or, alternatively, because they feel entitled to women's attention. I argue that both of these explanatory models are insufficient. They fail to account for incels’ distinctive ambivalence toward women—for their oscillation between obsessive desire and violent hatred. I propose instead that what incels want is a Beauvoirian “Other.” For Beauvoir, when men conceive of women as Others, they represent them as simultaneously human subjects and embodiments of the natural world. Women function then as sui generis entities through which men can experience themselves as praiseworthy heroes, regardless of the quality of their actions. I go on to give an illustrative analysis of Elliot Rodger's autobiographical manifesto, “My Twisted World.” I show how this Beauvoirian model sheds light on Rodger's racist and classist attitudes and gives us a better understanding of his ambivalence toward women. It therefore constitutes a powerful and overlooked theoretical alternative to accounts centered on objectification and entitlement.
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Tezin giriş bölümünde kadının uzun süre sanat alanında yer almamasının sebepleri verilmiş ve bu alanda kadın hareketinin başlamasına olanak sağlayan teori ve görüşlere genel olarak değinilmiştir. İkinci bölümde öncelikle kadının ve kadın bedeninin sanatta temsili sorununu anlamlandırmak için cinsiyet, toplumsal cinsiyet ve feminizm kavramları açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Ardından "Kadın Bedeninin Bilimsel Temsili" ana başlığında, bilimsel disiplinlerde toplumsal cinsiyet temelli yapı ve yöntemleri ortaya çıkarmak adına dikkat çekici görülen çalışmaların ön yargıları ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Erkeklerin aksine kadınlar tarih boyunca kendilerini savunma mücadelesi vermişlerdir. Bu nedenle, kadınların tarihi bir mücadele tarihi olmuştur. Kadınların sanat tarihine katılımı da pek çok mücadeleyi içermektedir. "Kadınlar, Sanat ve Sanat Tarihi" ana başlığında sanat tarihinin oluşumunda etkili olan yaklaşımlar, kurumlar ve söylemler incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. İlerleyen kısımda "Sanat Tarihinde Kadının Görünürlüğü" alt başlığında kadınların eğitime erişimleri ve sanat tarihine katılım süreçlerine ilişkin ayrıntılar ve örnekler inceleme konusu olmuştur. Bu bağlamda "Sanatta Kadın Hareketi" alt başlığına yer verilmiş ve kadınların sanat alanında görünür olabilmek için ne tür mücadele yöntemleri geliştirdikleri incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Kadın sanatçıların sanatsal pratiklerinin de bu mücadele yöntemleri ve eylemleri doğrultusunda nasıl geliştiğine ve değiştiğine değinilmiştir. Son olarak tüm bu yaklaşımlarla birlikte "Kadın Sanatçılar ve Bedenin Temsili" bölümünde kadın sanatçıların beden temsillerinden ve deneyimlerinden örnekler verilerek sonuca ulaşmaya çalışılmıştır. In the introduction part of the thesis, the reasons why women did not take part in the field of art for a long time were given and the theories and views that allowed the women's movement to start in this field were mentioned in general. In the second part, firstly, the concepts of sex, gender and feminism were tried to be explained in order to make sense of the problem of representation of women and the female body in art. Then, in the main title of "Scientific Representation of the Female Body", the prejudices of the studies that are considered remarkable in order to reveal gender-based structures and methods in scientific disciplines are tried to be revealed. Unlike men, women have struggled to defend themselves throughout history. Therefore, the history of women has been a history of struggle. The participation of women in art history also includes many struggles. In the main title of "Women, Art and Art History", the approaches, institutions and discourses that were effective in the formation of art history were tried to be examined. In the following section, under the sub-title of "Women's Visibility in Art History", details and examples regarding women's access to education and participation in art history have been the subject of analysis. In this context, the sub-title of "Women's Movement in Art" has been included and it has been tried to examine what kind of struggle methods women have developed in order to be visible in the field of art. It has been mentioned how the artistic practices of women artists have developed and changed in line with these struggle methods and actions. Finally, with all these approaches, in the "Women Artists and Representation of the Body" section, examples of body representations and experiences of female artists were given and tried to reach a conclusion.
This article uses situational analysis to examine the history and current applications of Health at Every Size™ as a reform movement within public health, supported by fat political/social movements. Situational mapping highlights the vast and diverse worlds of public health broadly conceived, and how fat politics intersects with HAES. Drawing on personal and organizational accounts of how HAES emerged through pathways of existing fat political activism and health professional work, the author shows how HAES aligns closely with public health by centering health and is sometimes critiqued for ignoring fat acceptance. However, HAES generally uses a “both/and perspective”—both health and acceptance as key and inseparable pieces of HAES. HAES’s position as a reform movement within public health highlights tensions between a politics of reform and a politics of radical change within and between body activism movements.
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